Ax396 free porn video

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ax396 is waiting for me in the classroom.? Clark has fastened him onto the display stand in the usual way:? the kid kneels on the frame, his knees and ankles strapped down and held impossibly far apart - the smooth bulk of his thighs straining.? His arms are manacled and held at wrist and elbow by spreader bars, then pulled far behind him and fastened down, forcing him to lean right back, pushing his chest and groin forwards.? Meanwhile, his plump, hairless balls are stretched tight - pink and shiny in a vicious cocoon of rawhide - pulled hard away from his groin and clipped to a ratcheted wheel between his knees.? I smirk at this straining sculpture of living flesh.? That Clarky is a bastard.? The frame is totally the wrong size for 396 - built to hold slaves at least 6' tall - not 5'6".? Instead of a humiliating and uncomfortable display position, 396 is wracked with agony; and judging by the heaving, sweating chest, the childish whimpering and the tears running down the side of the boy's face, has been for some time.


396 is one of my favorites among the stock here at the Academy.? Barely nineteen, he has already been with us for four years.? Idly, I pinch one swollen angry-looking nipple - so different from the flat little nubs he arrived with - and watch him squirm as the sharp pain radiated from his chest.? The minute I touch his semi-hard cock it springs into a painful erection, curving back toward his abs despite the pull on his nuts and twitching with every beat of his heart.? It's a beautiful piece of meat - not excessively long but gorgeously, meatily thick - sturdy but vulnerable; steel wrapped in baby-soft easily bruised satin.? I ratchet his balls even tighter, until they are at least four inches from his body.? Cupping them in my left hand, I bring my other fist down hard, several times in quick succession, knuckles first into the taut nuts.? There is an instant of horrible silence, as if he can't believe the pain I just filled him with, before the shrieks come and he begins to cry.? His rigid cock bobs with the sickening blows, but never wavers.? I grind his nuts together, making him twitch his whole body.


"Take it like a man, pussy-boy, you've got hours with me yet."


He tries to contain his snivelling, biting his soft, full lips - cocksucking lips, too voluptuous for a boy.? They look best stretched round the base of a big, demanding shaft.? I give him one more hard punch to the balls and while he recovers, I start to leaf idly through his file, which had been left on the stand between his legs.


An interesting of the reasons I find him so irresistable.? Most of the Academy stock are criminals, serving a sentence or on probation.? Chosen for the their looks, generally they are offered our 'programme' as a way of reducing their sentence - not realising that Academy stock is prized around the world.? Very few stock boys ever gain their freedom - or remember the possibility exists when we're finished with them.? Others are rent boys, street whores or homeless picked up by our agents in? the police.? Occasionally men are sold to us by criminal organisations to pay off debts (usually gambling) or sent to us as part of their endless internecine feuding.? We don't really like to become involved in this frankly, but we do get some beautiful American boys this way - blond, stupid farmboys from Iowa who got lost at the roulette table or dark hairy Botticelli satyrs with street smarts, foul mouths and Brooklyn accents from rival families.? Their last memory is some casino in Vegas or New York, and the next thing they know, they're naked, hog-tied and being unpacked in a remote mediaeval castle on the moors of Cumbria.? Most rarely of all, a volunteer makes it through our vetting process.


Young ax396, though, is unique in my many years here.? His name was Jamie, though I doubt he's been called that very often in the last four years. He's from an excellent, upper middle class family - rich, educated and pampered.? His father died when he was very young, but his mother soon remarried, a powerful businessman - wealthy, well-connected and leading a double life.? Mr de Hainault is one of our most respected and deeply sadistic associates here at the Academy.? I think he did love Jamie's mother, but he also would spend occasional weekends at our venues here, on the continent or on our cruise ship - helping with classes and putting our stock boys through their paces in legendary, marathon torture sessions.? It was, in fact, during one of these that his wife died, drunkenly driving her Merc convertible back from a lunch with girlfriends.? Jamie was eight years old, a bright blond doing well at prep school.


Knowing de Hainault as I do, and having watched the man's merciless work on some of our older stock boys (He likes them over 30 - he loves to break men not boys) I would not have believed that he consciously set out to mould Jamie, his step-son, into a slave.? But I don't know how else to explain the extremely peculiar things that were done which have helped made the boy so wonderful to work with.? de Hainault withdrew the boy from school, and began having him educated at home.? His only contact with youngsters his own age was at the local rugby club pitch, and he was never allowed to socialise much with them and never without adult supervision.? His (elderly male) tutor was strictly instucted not only to omit sex education from the curriculum, but also to excise where possible any sexual references from literature.? It is clear from confessions wrung out of him in the first few days of his residence here and subsequently cross-checked in further interrogation and punishment sessions, that when he came to us a week or so after his fifteenth birthday, his ideas about sex were hazy at best, though his fantasy life had been resolutely heterosexual.


He was instructed to ignore the changes in his body as puberty took him totally by surprise.? Fortunately, in my opinion, he was at least able to see the other boys in the changing rooms, and so realise he was not ill.? But by 14 he still hadn't worked out how to masturbate, despite frequent and embarrassing erections.? He started to have wet dreams, for which he was beaten and humilated by having to wear plastic pants to bed.


In the file there are pictures of him taken just before he arrived at the Academy.?? Grinning and dirty on the rugby pitch - already a young man - not tall but barrel-chested, with heavily muscled thighs.? His longish blond hair, short at the back and sides, flops appealingly over his innocent eyes.? Another is of him skateboarding in his baggy low-slung jeans. The third is a formal shot: scrubbed clean and clear-eyed he gazes happily at the camera - all clean good looks and untouched purity.


So different from the writhing, tortured muscleboy beside me.? With his head flung back he is barely human looking.? The removal of his body hair was a serious blow to jamie - he only has eyebrows and his short blond buzz cut left now.? I take his balls in my fist again, grinding them together.? He whines like a scared puppy, but his cock starts to leak slightly.? He won't cum;? the drugs in his feed prevent him, whilst at the same time making him uncontrollably horny.? Not that he needs much help at his age, but the additional drugs turn our younger stock into lust crazed animals.? They can be kept on the brink of orgasm unconscionably long without release.? Plus jamie hasn't cum for 187 days according to his file, so without the drugs he'd probably cum just from my nutcracker impression.? I smirk at his quivering cock.? Ah, to be a teenager!? I grip harder.? His sounds of protest are delightfully musical - I can tell he is struggling not to beg for mercy.? After last time, he knows what happens to stock who beg for mercy.


He is breathtakingly beautiful, stretched and tormented - his writhing, glistening body catching the afternoon sun.? As he starts to cry again, the deeper notes of his man's voice are replaced by naked, fearful, boy-like sobbing.? His nude skin gleams with health - pale gold and flushed red.


His torture is all the sweeter knowing that he had barely started to explore the pleasures of his flesh before they were denied him forever.? He has not touched his own cock for just over fours years, and it was only four months or so before his slavery began that a snatched conversation with a teammate opened the world of masturbation to him.? For only four months he enjoyed his body - pleasured himself - held his own cock in gentle hands and dreamed of girls.? Four months before the thrilling touch of his hands became the sturdier caress of the cane, the tawse and the clamp.? Four months of pleasure - four years of pain; I love that thought, especially when I'm bringing the cane whistling down onto his cock.


It was de Hainault that brought him here.? He set him up and trapped him, organised a young whore to seduce him on his 15th birthday.? de Hainault walked in on his stepson's first ever sexual encounter.? Walked in loudly as she started to fight and scream "Rape!" Still laughs in the clubhouse today about the look of horror and confusion on the boy's cherubic face, about his blushes as he tried to cover his erection from his stepfather while he stammered his explanation.? Laughs about the fact the boy never got the chance to cum - generally when smoking a fat cigar at the bar, the exhausted boy cruelly bound at his feet, nursing his stepfather's cock, his body sizzling with welts and marks from 48 hours of being worked over by dad.


Naturally, de Hainault had the boy arrested, arraigned and tried for rape within a fortnight.? The boy was so naive, he had no inkling that all the men there - judge, jurors, clerks, prosecution and defence, not to mention his loving step-father, who testified against him - were all Academy associates.? (Well, no inkling until that first gang-rape, where they all helped de Hainault break the boy in.)? They told the sobbing boy after the guilty verdict, that as it was his first offence, they could allow him a choice.? Either take the full sentence and get thrown into gaol, where being so young he would almost certainly spend all his time being sexually violated by the prisoners.? When the boy's terrified begging subsided, the judge suggested that he agreed to the second option - a special "work-camp" and half the sentenced time.? The boy protested his innocence, but a hard slap from his lawyer and then one from his step-father soon calmed him down.? While he picked himself up off the floor, they accepted the second option.


Imagine the boy's horror when he was sentenced to forty years as a stock boy with the Academy.? Imagine his despair when he was told that this was half the sentence.? In shock, he let the guards strip him right there in the court, and it was only as they hogtied him brutally that he started to struggle, crying his innocence and begging his step-fther to intervene, until a heavy duty cattle prod applied to buttock and scrotum reduced him to incoherent shrieks and sobs as he was carried bound, naked and utterly alone to his new life.


I run my hand over the silky undulations of his back swept torso, feeling the rise and fall of his laboured breathing.? I push his iron-hard cock away from his belly, twisting it and his balls down towards the table, watching him shift and struggle to relieve the pressure.? When I release it, it snaps right back and slaps his abdomen.


But all this musing is not getting him ready for class.? Today's subject will be cock beatings, so I need to get him sorted out.? I release his bound arms from the stand and help him kneel upright.?


"Stay still."


His balls are still winched away from his body, and his eyes, downcast, are still teary.? I unclip his ankles and knees and last of all unclip the ratchet on his nuts, which immediately spring back.? He gasps and blushes, his golden skin reddening and glistening with new sweat.? His yelp of surprise becomes a howl of genuine anguish as I quickly unwind the rawhide, pulling on it so that his reddening balls pinwheel to freedom.? The sac is soft and hairless, looking pinched and sore.? I give it a few open handed slaps to help the circulation and lift him down onto his shaking legs, which give out from underneath him.


He surprises me by immediately heaving himself towards me and, with an odd half gasping, half sobbing noise, pressing his his open mouth on my boot, kissing and kicking the smooth leather with such passion that I can feel his tongue on my heel.? He shifts his balance, spreading his legs far apart and arching his back.? The perfect, solid globes of his arse gleam and part so I can almost glimpse the tender hole they are so rarely allowed to protect.? I bend at the waist and run a gloved hand over his flank and over one firm buttock.? He moans and pushed his flesh into my hand.? My own desire for him amazes me - he is no more than a stock boy - and I grab a handful of damp hair and drag him from me.


I catch his face in my hand.? "Look at me, boy!"


Our eyes lock in a frozen, magical instant.? His eyes are dazzling - cornflower blue glazed with lust - awash with fear and hope and a desperation I cannot place for a moment.? He looks at me as if I were an angel, his childhood hero, a feared, domineering father and his own personal god made hard, thrusting, insatiable flesh.


I realise suddenly that he is desperate to belong, desperate to please, desperate to be owned - desperate to be loved.? In all his time here, I realise - all the pain, the beatings, the degradation, the sexual humiliation and abuse - when have any of us rewarded him with affection or praise? ?I've watched him scream, weep, beg, grovel, sob; I've seen him cry himself to sleep, chained face up on his bunk, his tears of frustration leaving his pulsing, twitching unloved cock no nearer the release he so desperately desires; I've watched him writhe and howl under every form of torment - as the whip arced over his bound flesh, as the cane sliced into his exposed, raw arse-lips, as the club landed another hammer blow to his bound nuts - but never seen him enjoy a gentle caress.? His whole existence revolves around us - pleasing us, satisfying our demands, making us proud, straining for our approval.? And we have demanded, threatened, bullied, terrified, tormented, teased, denied, tortured and broken him.? And now, now he gazes up to me and silently begs me to own him, to be his Master.


I run one gloved finger over his lips and watch his tongue flick out to caress it.? I smile at him and watch him blush.? His rigid cock seems to expand and darken, now ticking urgently with his rapid heartbeat.? His mouth sucks fiercely at my finger and he raises his body toward me, offering his sore tits and swollen balls.? He teeters moaning on the brink of orgasm, quivering like a bird with a broken wing, just because I smiled at him.


I pull my finger free.? "Well, well." I am amused "How interesting. But first, boy, I have a class to teach."? He bows his head.? I could cum just looking at him.


By the time the class arrives though, he is sitting astride a narrow whipping horse.? His arms are once again bound behind him, and I've also roped his ankles up behind him and connected them to his wrists, bending his knees.? His whole weight, therefore, is balanced on the small space between his legs.? Unfortunately for him, his tightly bound balls are pulled back hard and tied off to his wrists and ankles, so that his weight pivots on the screaming, tender eggs and any struggling will grind them down into the hard, padded surface.? Naturally, I don't want him to fall, so I've also tied his knees down to bolts in the floor, which sadly crushes his balls still harder.? Finally, I've looped rawhide tight round his rock hard cock, pulling it out full length along the unyielding surface of the horse, ready to be beaten.


396 - jamie - is once again in a lot of pain.? He tries hard to keep still, but he's trapped in a cycle of action and reaction - movement and agony.? His muscles strain and twitch, and the sweat is starting to run down the chiselled muscle of his flanks again.? I could not be harder.? I decide to try an experiment.


I place my hand gently on the side of his face.? He immediately kisses the palm of the glove with almost religious fervour.


"Look at me, boy."? I am dazzled by that brilliant blue, as he looks fearfully up at me; so young, so helpless, so afraid.? I am suddenly aware that I am twice his age, that I tower over him at 6'4", of the thick dark hair that covers my hugely muscled arms, slab-like pecs and firm, round belly.? I am not delicately featured or finely chiselled, but raw, rough and half-savage - big and overpowering.? My hand covers the whole side of his face.? I feel protective, paternal, almost affectionate.? I want to hear him weep from pain and know that his suffering was for me. I want to untie him right there and fuck him, raping him over and over until he screamed for me, screamed for mercy, screamed for more.? Somehow I am caught in his eyes, his pleading, puppy-dog, tear-reddened eyes.? I clear my throat.


"This is going to be hard on you boy, very hard." I manage to make my voice a low rumble. "You are going to suffer today.? All the men who come here are going to beat you - again and again - because that is what you are for.? You will scream and cry, but your body will continue to be tortured, as it should be - as it must."? His eyes flicker and fill with terror, but he still presses his face into my touch and licks imploringly.? I lean closer.? "I want you to take it all for my sake.? I want to know that you are suffering for my pleasure.? Can you do that?? Can you give me your pain?? Will you be a good boy?"? He nods frantically as I talk, but at the magic words "good boy" his eyes widen.? He sobs audibly and almost speaks, but I silence him with one finger over his lips, shaking my head gently.? I give him a? small smile, and like the sun breaking through the clouds after weeks of rain, trembling and uncertain, like a foal standing for the first time, he starts to smile back.? I go back over to the toy rack before my will breaks and I eat him alive.? Before I kiss him.


I turn back to see he has closed his eyes and calmed his breathing.? I watch with awe at his beauty as he prepares to give himself to me.? My cock is stiff and heavy as iron.? Quietly I approach him and as his eyes flicker open and that damned adorable smile starts to reappear, I gag him hard and fast with a huge leather wedge gag which forces his jaw wide open.? I hide those eyes behind a blindfold and attach nipple clamps to his chest - not too severe, but they will get gradually worse, and I intend them to be in place for some time.? I run my hand down his pecs and over his stomach,? making his breathing speed up through the tube in the gag.? He wriggles gently in his bonds, straining for my touch, grinding his balls into the horse, whimpering with pain and desire.


Finally, I give him a quick shot of a substitute Valium/Viagra mix, and sit back to wait for my students as his skin flushes with arousal.? The class of junior Masters arrives, falling silent as they drink in the sight of jamie - nude, blind, glistening, straining, gagged, drugged, hurting and helpless. The boy moans gently to himself.? I pick up a short, straight, heavy cane and step to the front of the class.


He is golden in the afternoon sun, like a tormented statue of amber.? The classs tumbles to their seats as the air becomes thick with lust.? jamie's breathing becomes laboured as he hears them and knows it will begin soon.? His cock twitches against its bonds and with a slight whimper he pushes his groin forward and thrusts out his smooth, meaty pecs, as it offering himself to an unseen hand.? The room is frozen, silent but for the hot breath of thirty rock hard men and one agonised boy.? Time seems to pause.? A single drop of sweat hangs briefly from the clamp at jamie's right nipple, sparkling momentarily in the warm light, and then falls, splashing on the floor.


*?????????? *?????????? *


jamie is crying again.? He has been crying fairly continuously now for several hours, but this is different.? The class was extraordinary, several of the students came just watching him.? Others took their cocks out and came over his flawless skin.? It is their seed that he has sucked so enthusiastically from the fingers which I have stuffed into his mouth, while my cock basked in the clutching heat of his arse.


I have already fucked him twice, but I just won't go soft.? After the students left, I took his gag out and let him stretch his aching jaw, untied the rope connecting his knees to the floor, released his balls from underneath him, and his cock from in front.? Then I straddled the horse behind him and bodily lifted him, still bound and blind, onto my cock, holding him up, while his guts adjusted round my fat, unforgiving shaft.? Then I fucked him by lifting him up and down, still helpless, sliding his tight hole up and down my hungry cock.? Dropping him brutally onto me until I impaled him totally.? He wept and bucked, but all the time I could feel him struggling to flex his arse muscles around me, straining to please me through the pain.


When I came the first time, I let him sit, whimpering, on me. I scooped up some of the cum from his thigh and fed him my dripping fingers, and reached round for his cock, which made him shriek.? The class had been thorough, with a controlled brutality which made me proud of my students....and the boy.? His cock was immensely swollen, red and purple and almost black in places; deep bruising from clubs and fists, vicious welts from the lash and the crop, burning his shaft, and even the vulnerable head of his cock, with his protecting foreskin pulled back.? Then the clubs again, landing hard on the head, the shock ripping through him even with the 'skin in place.? And finally, the canes, light and heavy, striping his shaft and foreskin with savage heat.? Again and again the blows had fallen, to the sweet music of his gagged screams.? Again and again he had thrust forward, given himself.? Given himself to me.


He can only have been hoping I would leave it alone, but instead, for a long time, I masturbated him hard, taking him way past the point he would have cum if he'd been able.? His grunts and yelps of pain soon became a continuous wail of frustration, as his bound balls slammed up and down into my fist and the horse.? Cruelly, I backhanded the bruised shaft, harder and harder, in a frenzy of lust. I had to hear him scream.? I had to fuck him again.? I flung him down on his belly on the narrow surface, and standing behind him began to hammer my cock in to him, in a rage of desire for him. I was on fire, alive, complete, home.? My orgasm tore through me in a way I cannot remember experiencing ever before, like a forest ablaze, a hurricane that blew down the last of my walls, my defences, my stupidity.? I roared like a beast, like a wildman.? I roared to stop myself from crying with joy.


I fell, almost fainting, onto him afterwards, dizzy and spent, but still unbelievably hard, and held him.? Only then did I hear his feverish murmuring "i'll be a good boy Sir. i'll be a good boy Sir." I lifted him up, back onto my cock, and held him to my soaking chest, felt him press his back into my embrace.? I slowly released his ankles, so he could finally put his feet down, fed him my fingers again and started to masturbate his brutalised cock again.? This time he begged openly and brokenly "Please Sir! Please, please Sir!" until the long wail of desperation grew again, and became almost a scream, til I muffled it with my fingers again.


After a long time - a hour? two? twenty minutes? five? - I put my lips to his ear and growl "So, boy, how would you like to belong to me?"? The wail stops like water turned off at the tap.? His whole body tenses in disbelief, in hope.? "Do you want to be my boy? My own boy?"? I lift him off my cock, untie his wrists and dismount from the horse, walking round to sit astride it again in front of him.? He gasps.? I lift the blindfold and am caught again.


"It won't be easy.? You'll suffer and scream for me.? You'll suffer a lot.? I love hurting you.? Your pain will give me great pleasure.? But you will belong to me.? I may never ask you what you want again - I may never care.? But I'm asking you now, boy, do you want to be mine?"?


Like a dam bursting "Please, please Sir! i'll be your boy! i'll be a good boy for you! Please Sir! Make me your boy! Please Sir! I love you, Sir, I love you!" over and over, on and on.? And he weeps, as he has been doing for hours, but this is different.


I have to fuck him again.? I want to hurt him so badly. I want to watch him break, and hear him beg me for more.? But I can only think of one way to silence him now.


I kiss him.


I think it might be his first kiss.


It feels like mine.? He feels like mine.

ax396 is waiting for me in the classroom.? Clark has fastened him onto the display stand in the usual way:? the kid kneels on the frame, his knees and ankles strapped down and held impossibly far apart - the smooth bulk of his thighs straining.? His arms are manacled and held at wrist and elbow by spreader bars, then pulled far behind him and fastened down, forcing him to lean right back, pushing his chest and groin forwards.? Meanwhile, his plump, hairless balls are stretched tight - pink and shiny in a vicious cocoon of rawhide - pulled hard away from his groin and clipped to a ratcheted wheel between his knees.? I smirk at this straining sculpture of living flesh.? That Clarky is a bastard.? The frame is totally the wrong size for 396 - built to hold slaves at least 6' tall - not 5'6".? Instead of a humiliating and uncomfortable display position, 396 is wracked with agony; and judging by the heaving, sweating chest, the childish whimpering and the tears running down the side of the boy's face, has been for some time.


396 is one of my favorites among the stock here at the Academy.? Barely nineteen, he has already been with us for four years.? Idly, I pinch one swollen angry-looking nipple - so different from the flat little nubs he arrived with - and watch him squirm as the sharp pain radiated from his chest.? The minute I touch his semi-hard cock it springs into a painful erection, curving back toward his abs despite the pull on his nuts and twitching with every beat of his heart.? It's a beautiful piece of meat - not excessively long but gorgeously, meatily thick - sturdy but vulnerable; steel wrapped in baby-soft easily bruised satin.? I ratchet his balls even tighter, until they are at least four inches from his body.? Cupping them in my left hand, I bring my other fist down hard, several times in quick succession, knuckles first into the taut nuts.? There is an instant of horrible silence, as if he can't believe the pain I just filled him with, before the shrieks come and he begins to cry.? His rigid cock bobs with the sickening blows, but never wavers.? I grind his nuts together, making him twitch his whole body.


"Take it like a man, pussy-boy, you've got hours with me yet."


He tries to contain his snivelling, biting his soft, full lips - cocksucking lips, too voluptuous for a boy.? They look best stretched round the base of a big, demanding shaft.? I give him one more hard punch to the balls and while he recovers, I start to leaf idly through his file, which had been left on the stand between his legs.


An interesting of the reasons I find him so irresistable.? Most of the Academy stock are criminals, serving a sentence or on probation.? Chosen for the their looks, generally they are offered our 'programme' as a way of reducing their sentence - not realising that Academy stock is prized around the world.? Very few stock boys ever gain their freedom - or remember the possibility exists when we're finished with them.? Others are rent boys, street whores or homeless picked up by our agents in? the police.? Occasionally men are sold to us by criminal organisations to pay off debts (usually gambling) or sent to us as part of their endless internecine feuding.? We don't really like to become involved in this frankly, but we do get some beautiful American boys this way - blond, stupid farmboys from Iowa who got lost at the roulette table or dark hairy Botticelli satyrs with street smarts, foul mouths and Brooklyn accents from rival families.? Their last memory is some casino in Vegas or New York, and the next thing they know, they're naked, hog-tied and being unpacked in a remote mediaeval castle on the moors of Cumbria.? Most rarely of all, a volunteer makes it through our vetting process.


Young ax396, though, is unique in my many years here.? His name was Jamie, though I doubt he's been called that very often in the last four years. He's from an excellent, upper middle class family - rich, educated and pampered.? His father died when he was very young, but his mother soon remarried, a powerful businessman - wealthy, well-connected and leading a double life.? Mr de Hainault is one of our most respected and deeply sadistic associates here at the Academy.? I think he did love Jamie's mother, but he also would spend occasional weekends at our venues here, on the continent or on our cruise ship - helping with classes and putting our stock boys through their paces in legendary, marathon torture sessions.? It was, in fact, during one of these that his wife died, drunkenly driving her Merc convertible back from a lunch with girlfriends.? Jamie was eight years old, a bright blond doing well at prep school.


Knowing de Hainault as I do, and having watched the man's merciless work on some of our older stock boys (He likes them over 30 - he loves to break men not boys) I would not have believed that he consciously set out to mould Jamie, his step-son, into a slave.? But I don't know how else to explain the extremely peculiar things that were done which have helped made the boy so wonderful to work with.? de Hainault withdrew the boy from school, and began having him educated at home.? His only contact with youngsters his own age was at the local rugby club pitch, and he was never allowed to socialise much with them and never without adult supervision.? His (elderly male) tutor was strictly instucted not only to omit sex education from the curriculum, but also to excise where possible any sexual references from literature.? It is clear from confessions wrung out of him in the first few days of his residence here and subsequently cross-checked in further interrogation and punishment sessions, that when he came to us a week or so after his fifteenth birthday, his ideas about sex were hazy at best, though his fantasy life had been resolutely heterosexual.


He was instructed to ignore the changes in his body as puberty took him totally by surprise.? Fortunately, in my opinion, he was at least able to see the other boys in the changing rooms, and so realise he was not ill.? But by 14 he still hadn't worked out how to masturbate, despite frequent and embarrassing erections.? He started to have wet dreams, for which he was beaten and humilated by having to wear plastic pants to bed.


In the file there are pictures of him taken just before he arrived at the Academy.?? Grinning and dirty on the rugby pitch - already a young man - not tall but barrel-chested, with heavily muscled thighs.? His longish blond hair, short at the back and sides, flops appealingly over his innocent eyes.? Another is of him skateboarding in his baggy low-slung jeans. The third is a formal shot: scrubbed clean and clear-eyed he gazes happily at the camera - all clean good looks and untouched purity.


So different from the writhing, tortured muscleboy beside me.? With his head flung back he is barely human looking.? The removal of his body hair was a serious blow to jamie - he only has eyebrows and his short blond buzz cut left now.? I take his balls in my fist again, grinding them together.? He whines like a scared puppy, but his cock starts to leak slightly.? He won't cum;? the drugs in his feed prevent him, whilst at the same time making him uncontrollably horny.? Not that he needs much help at his age, but the additional drugs turn our younger stock into lust crazed animals.? They can be kept on the brink of orgasm unconscionably long without release.? Plus jamie hasn't cum for 187 days according to his file, so without the drugs he'd probably cum just from my nutcracker impression.? I smirk at his quivering cock.? Ah, to be a teenager!? I grip harder.? His sounds of protest are delightfully musical - I can tell he is struggling not to beg for mercy.? After last time, he knows what happens to stock who beg for mercy.


He is breathtakingly beautiful, stretched and tormented - his writhing, glistening body catching the afternoon sun.? As he starts to cry again, the deeper notes of his man's voice are replaced by naked, fearful, boy-like sobbing.? His nude skin gleams with health - pale gold and flushed red.


His torture is all the sweeter knowing that he had barely started to explore the pleasures of his flesh before they were denied him forever.? He has not touched his own cock for just over fours years, and it was only four months or so before his slavery began that a snatched conversation with a teammate opened the world of masturbation to him.? For only four months he enjoyed his body - pleasured himself - held his own cock in gentle hands and dreamed of girls.? Four months before the thrilling touch of his hands became the sturdier caress of the cane, the tawse and the clamp.? Four months of pleasure - four years of pain; I love that thought, especially when I'm bringing the cane whistling down onto his cock.


It was de Hainault that brought him here.? He set him up and trapped him, organised a young whore to seduce him on his 15th birthday.? de Hainault walked in on his stepson's first ever sexual encounter.? Walked in loudly as she started to fight and scream "Rape!" Still laughs in the clubhouse today about the look of horror and confusion on the boy's cherubic face, about his blushes as he tried to cover his erection from his stepfather while he stammered his explanation.? Laughs about the fact the boy never got the chance to cum - generally when smoking a fat cigar at the bar, the exhausted boy cruelly bound at his feet, nursing his stepfather's cock, his body sizzling with welts and marks from 48 hours of being worked over by dad.


Naturally, de Hainault had the boy arrested, arraigned and tried for rape within a fortnight.? The boy was so naive, he had no inkling that all the men there - judge, jurors, clerks, prosecution and defence, not to mention his loving step-father, who testified against him - were all Academy associates.? (Well, no inkling until that first gang-rape, where they all helped de Hainault break the boy in.)? They told the sobbing boy after the guilty verdict, that as it was his first offence, they could allow him a choice.? Either take the full sentence and get thrown into gaol, where being so young he would almost certainly spend all his time being sexually violated by the prisoners.? When the boy's terrified begging subsided, the judge suggested that he agreed to the second option - a special "work-camp" and half the sentenced time.? The boy protested his innocence, but a hard slap from his lawyer and then one from his step-father soon calmed him down.? While he picked himself up off the floor, they accepted the second option.


Imagine the boy's horror when he was sentenced to forty years as a stock boy with the Academy.? Imagine his despair when he was told that this was half the sentence.? In shock, he let the guards strip him right there in the court, and it was only as they hogtied him brutally that he started to struggle, crying his innocence and begging his step-fther to intervene, until a heavy duty cattle prod applied to buttock and scrotum reduced him to incoherent shrieks and sobs as he was carried bound, naked and utterly alone to his new life.


I run my hand over the silky undulations of his back swept torso, feeling the rise and fall of his laboured breathing.? I push his iron-hard cock away from his belly, twisting it and his balls down towards the table, watching him shift and struggle to relieve the pressure.? When I release it, it snaps right back and slaps his abdomen.


But all this musing is not getting him ready for class.? Today's subject will be cock beatings, so I need to get him sorted out.? I release his bound arms from the stand and help him kneel upright.?


"Stay still."


His balls are still winched away from his body, and his eyes, downcast, are still teary.? I unclip his ankles and knees and last of all unclip the ratchet on his nuts, which immediately spring back.? He gasps and blushes, his golden skin reddening and glistening with new sweat.? His yelp of surprise becomes a howl of genuine anguish as I quickly unwind the rawhide, pulling on it so that his reddening balls pinwheel to freedom.? The sac is soft and hairless, looking pinched and sore.? I give it a few open handed slaps to help the circulation and lift him down onto his shaking legs, which give out from underneath him.


He surprises me by immediately heaving himself towards me and, with an odd half gasping, half sobbing noise, pressing his his open mouth on my boot, kissing and kicking the smooth leather with such passion that I can feel his tongue on my heel.? He shifts his balance, spreading his legs far apart and arching his back.? The perfect, solid globes of his arse gleam and part so I can almost glimpse the tender hole they are so rarely allowed to protect.? I bend at the waist and run a gloved hand over his flank and over one firm buttock.? He moans and pushed his flesh into my hand.? My own desire for him amazes me - he is no more than a stock boy - and I grab a handful of damp hair and drag him from me.


I catch his face in my hand.? "Look at me, boy!"


Our eyes lock in a frozen, magical instant.? His eyes are dazzling - cornflower blue glazed with lust - awash with fear and hope and a desperation I cannot place for a moment.? He looks at me as if I were an angel, his childhood hero, a feared, domineering father and his own personal god made hard, thrusting, insatiable flesh.


I realise suddenly that he is desperate to belong, desperate to please, desperate to be owned - desperate to be loved.? In all his time here, I realise - all the pain, the beatings, the degradation, the sexual humiliation and abuse - when have any of us rewarded him with affection or praise? ?I've watched him scream, weep, beg, grovel, sob; I've seen him cry himself to sleep, chained face up on his bunk, his tears of frustration leaving his pulsing, twitching unloved cock no nearer the release he so desperately desires; I've watched him writhe and howl under every form of torment - as the whip arced over his bound flesh, as the cane sliced into his exposed, raw arse-lips, as the club landed another hammer blow to his bound nuts - but never seen him enjoy a gentle caress.? His whole existence revolves around us - pleasing us, satisfying our demands, making us proud, straining for our approval.? And we have demanded, threatened, bullied, terrified, tormented, teased, denied, tortured and broken him.? And now, now he gazes up to me and silently begs me to own him, to be his Master.


I run one gloved finger over his lips and watch his tongue flick out to caress it.? I smile at him and watch him blush.? His rigid cock seems to expand and darken, now ticking urgently with his rapid heartbeat.? His mouth sucks fiercely at my finger and he raises his body toward me, offering his sore tits and swollen balls.? He teeters moaning on the brink of orgasm, quivering like a bird with a broken wing, just because I smiled at him.


I pull my finger free.? "Well, well." I am amused "How interesting. But first, boy, I have a class to teach."? He bows his head.? I could cum just looking at him.


By the time the class arrives though, he is sitting astride a narrow whipping horse.? His arms are once again bound behind him, and I've also roped his ankles up behind him and connected them to his wrists, bending his knees.? His whole weight, therefore, is balanced on the small space between his legs.? Unfortunately for him, his tightly bound balls are pulled back hard and tied off to his wrists and ankles, so that his weight pivots on the screaming, tender eggs and any struggling will grind them down into the hard, padded surface.? Naturally, I don't want him to fall, so I've also tied his knees down to bolts in the floor, which sadly crushes his balls still harder.? Finally, I've looped rawhide tight round his rock hard cock, pulling it out full length along the unyielding surface of the horse, ready to be beaten.


396 - jamie - is once again in a lot of pain.? He tries hard to keep still, but he's trapped in a cycle of action and reaction - movement and agony.? His muscles strain and twitch, and the sweat is starting to run down the chiselled muscle of his flanks again.? I could not be harder.? I decide to try an experiment.


I place my hand gently on the side of his face.? He immediately kisses the palm of the glove with almost religious fervour.


"Look at me, boy."? I am dazzled by that brilliant blue, as he looks fearfully up at me; so young, so helpless, so afraid.? I am suddenly aware that I am twice his age, that I tower over him at 6'4", of the thick dark hair that covers my hugely muscled arms, slab-like pecs and firm, round belly.? I am not delicately featured or finely chiselled, but raw, rough and half-savage - big and overpowering.? My hand covers the whole side of his face.? I feel protective, paternal, almost affectionate.? I want to hear him weep from pain and know that his suffering was for me. I want to untie him right there and fuck him, raping him over and over until he screamed for me, screamed for mercy, screamed for more.? Somehow I am caught in his eyes, his pleading, puppy-dog, tear-reddened eyes.? I clear my throat.


"This is going to be hard on you boy, very hard." I manage to make my voice a low rumble. "You are going to suffer today.? All the men who come here are going to beat you - again and again - because that is what you are for.? You will scream and cry, but your body will continue to be tortured, as it should be - as it must."? His eyes flicker and fill with terror, but he still presses his face into my touch and licks imploringly.? I lean closer.? "I want you to take it all for my sake.? I want to know that you are suffering for my pleasure.? Can you do that?? Can you give me your pain?? Will you be a good boy?"? He nods frantically as I talk, but at the magic words "good boy" his eyes widen.? He sobs audibly and almost speaks, but I silence him with one finger over his lips, shaking my head gently.? I give him a? small smile, and like the sun breaking through the clouds after weeks of rain, trembling and uncertain, like a foal standing for the first time, he starts to smile back.? I go back over to the toy rack before my will breaks and I eat him alive.? Before I kiss him.


I turn back to see he has closed his eyes and calmed his breathing.? I watch with awe at his beauty as he prepares to give himself to me.? My cock is stiff and heavy as iron.? Quietly I approach him and as his eyes flicker open and that damned adorable smile starts to reappear, I gag him hard and fast with a huge leather wedge gag which forces his jaw wide open.? I hide those eyes behind a blindfold and attach nipple clamps to his chest - not too severe, but they will get gradually worse, and I intend them to be in place for some time.? I run my hand down his pecs and over his stomach,? making his breathing speed up through the tube in the gag.? He wriggles gently in his bonds, straining for my touch, grinding his balls into the horse, whimpering with pain and desire.


Finally, I give him a quick shot of a substitute Valium/Viagra mix, and sit back to wait for my students as his skin flushes with arousal.? The class of junior Masters arrives, falling silent as they drink in the sight of jamie - nude, blind, glistening, straining, gagged, drugged, hurting and helpless. The boy moans gently to himself.? I pick up a short, straight, heavy cane and step to the front of the class.


He is golden in the afternoon sun, like a tormented statue of amber.? The classs tumbles to their seats as the air becomes thick with lust.? jamie's breathing becomes laboured as he hears them and knows it will begin soon.? His cock twitches against its bonds and with a slight whimper he pushes his groin forward and thrusts out his smooth, meaty pecs, as it offering himself to an unseen hand.? The room is frozen, silent but for the hot breath of thirty rock hard men and one agonised boy.? Time seems to pause.? A single drop of sweat hangs briefly from the clamp at jamie's right nipple, sparkling momentarily in the warm light, and then falls, splashing on the floor.


*?????????? *?????????? *


jamie is crying again.? He has been crying fairly continuously now for several hours, but this is different.? The class was extraordinary, several of the students came just watching him.? Others took their cocks out and came over his flawless skin.? It is their seed that he has sucked so enthusiastically from the fingers which I have stuffed into his mouth, while my cock basked in the clutching heat of his arse.


I have already fucked him twice, but I just won't go soft.? After the students left, I took his gag out and let him stretch his aching jaw, untied the rope connecting his knees to the floor, released his balls from underneath him, and his cock from in front.? Then I straddled the horse behind him and bodily lifted him, still bound and blind, onto my cock, holding him up, while his guts adjusted round my fat, unforgiving shaft.? Then I fucked him by lifting him up and down, still helpless, sliding his tight hole up and down my hungry cock.? Dropping him brutally onto me until I impaled him totally.? He wept and bucked, but all the time I could feel him struggling to flex his arse muscles around me, straining to please me through the pain.


When I came the first time, I let him sit, whimpering, on me. I scooped up some of the cum from his thigh and fed him my dripping fingers, and reached round for his cock, which made him shriek.? The class had been thorough, with a controlled brutality which made me proud of my students....and the boy.? His cock was immensely swollen, red and purple and almost black in places; deep bruising from clubs and fists, vicious welts from the lash and the crop, burning his shaft, and even the vulnerable head of his cock, with his protecting foreskin pulled back.? Then the clubs again, landing hard on the head, the shock ripping through him even with the 'skin in place.? And finally, the canes, light and heavy, striping his shaft and foreskin with savage heat.? Again and again the blows had fallen, to the sweet music of his gagged screams.? Again and again he had thrust forward, given himself.? Given himself to me.


He can only have been hoping I would leave it alone, but instead, for a long time, I masturbated him hard, taking him way past the point he would have cum if he'd been able.? His grunts and yelps of pain soon became a continuous wail of frustration, as his bound balls slammed up and down into my fist and the horse.? Cruelly, I backhanded the bruised shaft, harder and harder, in a frenzy of lust. I had to hear him scream.? I had to fuck him again.? I flung him down on his belly on the narrow surface, and standing behind him began to hammer my cock in to him, in a rage of desire for him. I was on fire, alive, complete, home.? My orgasm tore through me in a way I cannot remember experiencing ever before, like a forest ablaze, a hurricane that blew down the last of my walls, my defences, my stupidity.? I roared like a beast, like a wildman.? I roared to stop myself from crying with joy.


I fell, almost fainting, onto him afterwards, dizzy and spent, but still unbelievably hard, and held him.? Only then did I hear his feverish murmuring "i'll be a good boy Sir. i'll be a good boy Sir." I lifted him up, back onto my cock, and held him to my soaking chest, felt him press his back into my embrace.? I slowly released his ankles, so he could finally put his feet down, fed him my fingers again and started to masturbate his brutalised cock again.? This time he begged openly and brokenly "Please Sir! Please, please Sir!" until the long wail of desperation grew again, and became almost a scream, til I muffled it with my fingers again.


After a long time - a hour? two? twenty minutes? five? - I put my lips to his ear and growl "So, boy, how would you like to belong to me?"? The wail stops like water turned off at the tap.? His whole body tenses in disbelief, in hope.? "Do you want to be my boy? My own boy?"? I lift him off my cock, untie his wrists and dismount from the horse, walking round to sit astride it again in front of him.? He gasps.? I lift the blindfold and am caught again.


"It won't be easy.? You'll suffer and scream for me.? You'll suffer a lot.? I love hurting you.? Your pain will give me great pleasure.? But you will belong to me.? I may never ask you what you want again - I may never care.? But I'm asking you now, boy, do you want to be mine?"?


Like a dam bursting "Please, please Sir! i'll be your boy! i'll be a good boy for you! Please Sir! Make me your boy! Please Sir! I love you, Sir, I love you!" over and over, on and on.? And he weeps, as he has been doing for hours, but this is different.


I have to fuck him again.? I want to hurt him so badly. I want to watch him break, and hear him beg me for more.? But I can only think of one way to silence him now.


I kiss him.


I think it might be his first kiss.


It feels like mine.? He feels like mine.


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Forced Lactation Ch4

After Jennifer has showered and put on fresh lingerie and hose, she went with Alicia and Myrna to what they called the Great Hall...They passed an open door just down the passageway from the room where Jennifer had her session and looking in she saw the woman Linda sitting on the bed cradling an older man's head at her breast...He looked to be in his sixties, was naked, and his rampant sex gave testament to his own arousal...Alicia and Myrna had stopped with her and were watching...

1 year ago
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Donna was sitting in a cafe sipping her usual coffee at her favourite shop daydreaming about what would happen tonight at the dreaded ten year school reunion. donna had gone to west high and left the town as soon as she turned 18. her best friend jude had broken her heart a million times without ever knowing. donna and jude had been best friends since they were 10 and had gone through school together. donna had been crazy about her since pretty much day one, but jude always had her admirers....

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Erotic Week With Masseur 8211 Part 2 8211 Sushi Meal And Tantra

Introduction Hi guys and girls. My name is Shahid.I basically from Bangalore recently completed my graduation in health and wellness with specialised in massages which is a science and art. I have learnt the art to relax any girl / women and to give her ultimate pleasure. I also even travel to major cities to give massages to my clients in cities like Pune,delhi,chennai,mumbai and all cities of Karnataka.(subject to conditions) I am a specialised masseur my job is to give the ultimate...

3 years ago
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The Masters Project 2 Todd And LizzieChapter 3

It didn't happen that night. The rest of that night was spent in Rachel learning how to do this fascinating thing her mother had done with her mouth and hands. She practiced on both her father and me, announcing that Daddy tasted better, but she liked how my penis felt in her mouth more. She added, fluttering her eyelashes at her father, that she only liked it a very tiny bit more. She watched avidly as her father mounted her mother, crawling up behind Todd as he rutted into his wife, and...

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JoJo Levesque

MY FIANCE and I been dating for all of three months before we decided to get engaged, and with the big day slowly approaching we decided to finally visit her folks over the holidays and announce the big news. I was nervous to say the least considering it would be my first time meeting the family, and also because our relationship was not what you would consider conventional, in the sense that she was almost five years my senior. Nevertheless, I agreed to accompany her back to her hometown where...

2 years ago
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Shooting Blanks Plentyofcupid

I sat on the toilet, trying to get his cum out of me. How could I let this happen? I was going to get pregnant! A couple of months previous... I finished my profile on PlentyOfCupid and reviewed it: Female, 35 years old, of average build, brunette, no kids, doesn't smoke, looking for a short- or long-term relationship with a 30-40 year old male. Hobbies: camping, card games, movies. God, I hated trying to sum myself up with a page of words. It was like writing up a resume to apply...

3 years ago
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Waking Wilds

In the land of Eddonia the various tribes all worship the mother Jiah, goddess of the land. They pray to her and her children, sacred guardians who watch over the forests, rivers, and such and see to the health and prosperity of nature and the people. In order to appease these guardians, an offering is made of a member of the tribe to serve as a caretaker of sorts to the guardian. He/she (mostly she) is bound by magic in a ritual to the guardian to serve his/her life out to ensure the...

4 years ago
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The Sex Doll

Alice gave a ‘I’m going’ in a way it would be just a call into the wind, she knew her husband would ignore her, it was just a sort of recognization agreement, that really had no meaning for she knew as no doubt her husband did as well that the marriage just existed, there was no intimate connection, they were like two but separate individuals living in the same abode. She closed the door and clicked the ‘on’ command for her vehicle. Her mobile gave a signal for a text, a quick examination told...

1 year ago
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Jaq And The Waiter

We were on holiday in Jamaica, and we had become friendly with Jim, the waiter after a couple of days. Jaq as ever had been keen to have a gang bang with some Jamaican guys. Jim had arranged this for us in the local town, and Jaq wanted to thank him.We found out that Jim had his evening off on Friday. Jaq had invited him to our room for drinks. On the Thursday evening, we were in the restaurant with Jaq looking her usual sexy self. Jaq was taking every opportunity to flash her titties at Jim as...

2 years ago
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EPlague Inc

A plague of eroticism has been unleashed on mankind! Choose and evolve a plague type to consume humanity as a carnal wave, a discreet converter, an unstoppable hive mind, or something else entirely...

3 years ago
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My 65th birthday

The party my wife had for me was over and our few close friends had left when my wife led me to the bed room. She handed me a Viagra pill telling me she had a couple of gifts coming and that I would sure to need the pill.I was rather surprised when she stripped me and pushed me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. She was still partially dressed grinding herself on my cock as she took her top off . She had an evil grin on her face as she pulled a pair of hand cuffs from under the...

3 years ago
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Naughty Fun

And thus I am now lying naked, basically, on a fold out massage table in my own living room as this wonderful woman uses her incredible hands to knead and massage all the tension out of my body. At first I was a bit apprehensive about letting a stranger see me naked. I don't have a bad body for a woman in her mid-thirties. I'm a bit on the shorter side, standing at five foot, three inches. I keep my weight around the 130 mark. My husband likes my curves as I have a nice bubble butt and very...

3 years ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 7

Cal stood at the door, watching his Dad's green, 1965 Jeep Two Door Station Wagon... (The one with the just finished and reinstalled Corvette, .30 over bore, small journal, 283 with four speed and four wheel drive... The one with the Brand New Gel Battery... The one with Brand New Pirelli P1 Tires on Brand New Kelsey Hayes 15 inch Wire knockoff hub wheels... The one with Formula One brakes, calipers and titanium brake lines... The one he'd paid 3500.00 to have reupholstered... The one...

1 year ago
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A Yummy Mummy

please feel free to comment and suggest ways I can improve. Thank you and enjoy I still weigh little more than I did when I was in my twenties, as I try to either cycle or run six days every week, and I am often told that I could pass for ten years younger than I am. Consequently I still catch the attention of women not only of my age, but also on occasions of women much younger, which I naturally enjoy, and on rare occasions, I indulge my desires when I feel a mutual attraction.So it was that...

2 years ago
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The New Life Prologue

If you want to check out some of my other stories, they can all be found on my profile. Thanks for reading! The New Life (Prologue) Chapter One Mikael, a 35 year old man, witnessed his wife lose her fight with cancer last week. She had been battling it for the better half of a year. Those 8 months were the worst of Mikael’s life. The worst part was having to explain to his 8 year old daughter that her mom was never going...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Scarlett Sage Kenzie Taylor Where Is The Key

Kenzie Taylor is doing some housework and stops by her step-daughter Scarlett Sage’s room to see if she has any laundry. Cleaning the clothes off of Scarlett’s bed, Kenzie finds something she thought she’d never find: lube! Hmmm, what exactly is her daughter doing in here when she’s alone? Kenzie remembers what she was doing alone in her room when she was Scarlett’s age (and it probably wasn’t playing solitaire!). Continuing to sort through Scarlett’s...

2 years ago
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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter V

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter V“Young and Wild”, with Darko (OC) and Odette (from ‘Odette’, Foxer)(Odette: )“Here, miss”, Darko said after entering into his bedroom turning to someone. That someone was a young blonde girl, with pigtails and curly hair and a small French accent on her voice.“Thanks, you are so gentle…”, the blonde girl, named Odette, said to the black man, as both were inside his lavish bedroom. “Wow, your bedroom looks like a king’s one!”“I just like the good things of...

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Night visit

Making each step as silent as possible, he edged his way across the room to her bed where he knelt down. He was shaking terribly from the combination of excitement and fear. Slowly and cautiously he leaned forward, moving his face closer to hers and closing the gap between their mouths inch by steady inch. Their lips made contact. Just the tiniest touch. He froze. His eyes were wide and straining in the darkness to try and make sure that she was still fast asleep. A long moment passed and...

4 years ago
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The Taboo Temptation Island ch1

PREMISE: this story is going to be kinda slower and less action packed than the next one, please be patient, also I'm more into building the setting than describing the actual sex, that's how I like to write.The show almost got cancelled last year, it was a disaster, it was supposed to be the erotic version on Temptation Island, but turns out nobody really wanted to cheat on their boyfriend on live TV, out of 12 couples only 3 cheated, and when that happened the public didn't even care that...

4 years ago
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April Fools Diary My Birthday

7 May 2021My name is April Fool and this is my diary. Today was my sixteenth birthday. What a bizarre and strange day it's been. I'm totally weirded out by the whole thing even if it has been the bestest day ever. Last night when I went to sleep mine was a normal life. A single child with loving parents, my mind filled with everyday teenage concerns: Is that a spot or blemish on my chin? What's the best concealer? Why is my skin so oily? Is that foundation too dark? Which is the best lipstick...

1 year ago
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Wash Away the Blues

“So, where are you? How soon will you be home?” his wife asked with bubbly anticipation. Brad’s features tightened into a wince. No matter how little he had wanted to hear the news, it was far more difficult to deliver it. “Baby, the office called.” Cathy groaned and all the joy left her voice. “You’ve already been gone a week. They can’t be sending you someplace else.” “They need someone in Chicago tomorrow, and I’m the only one close enough to get there by car. The weather is delaying flights...

2 years ago
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River RatChapter 30

They had a couple days after Christmas to finalize arrangements for the upcoming trip and have a little fun. On Sunday, several of them, including Jon, Tanisha, and Myleigh headed out to the ski hill again. Scooter would have thought that Jon and Tanisha would have about had their fill with it after one day, but for some reason they decided that they liked it and wanted to get better at it. Myleigh had hung around with Crystal and her ski hill expeditions for four years at Northern Michigan...

1 year ago
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Seduction of Fred

Fred was the husband of a nursing colleague named Sheila. They were much older; I was still about 17 or 18. They and had two children for whom I sometimes baby-sat. Sheila was a flirt, loved men's company and was always trying to fix me up with someone. On one occasion she arranged for me to meet Fred's brother, who was very quiet and shy, definitely not my type. Fed was also quiet, but I liked his company and felt sorry for him. Sheila would leave him with me saying, "You two amuse each...

4 years ago
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No Reply

The drive home seemed interminable. My father, my uncle, and my cousin had maintained an inane chatter right from the time we departed Chambersburg. All I wanted was to get home as fast as possible. Probably because of that very desire, we stopped twice for something to eat, two separate times for drinks, and three times for bathroom breaks! A drive that should have been completed in four fours was taking seven. I had eagerly agreed to the golf/fishing trip with my dad, Uncle Steve, and his...

2 years ago
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an unusual proposition

This story is entirely fictitious although the cove exists and the story was the result of a daydream.hope you like it. all names are made up.The alarm sounded in my ear that morning last July.The weather where I live in South Devon had been hot for a few days and the forecast for the coming day was good too. I planned to spend it at a favourite cove of mine, which offers a secluded place to be both naked and as a bonus is plentiful in bounty from the sea such as fish and the odd edible crab....

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Back Home from The Farm

My sister Beth and I grew up on a farm in Indiana. Living out in the country was pretty much a dull and restricted sort of life for teenagers. Since we had to ride the school bus, we had no opportunity to participate in extracurricular school activities--it was off to school in the morning and back home right school was out. This schedule cut down on our opportunities for dating, too, since it gave neither of us much chance to develop any kind of serious friendships or romantic relations with...

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The Night

It was the summer of 1962, early june. I was 14 years old that spring. Hadn’t yet had a serious girlfriend or my first real kiss. That was about to change. My father travelled a lot and was gone a lot during the week for 3 or 4 days at a time. me and Mom spent a lot of time together during those days and were really close. At 35 Mom was a beautiful woman with dark black hair and green eyes and the same cheerleader body she had in school. But we were a very conservative family and the most I had...

1 year ago
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The Phrase

I woke up this morning a little groggy from last night. What happened last night? Nothing really. I was online under my sissy screen name and chatting away with guys I hadn't met yet, until 3 am. They were so descriptive in what they wanted to do I became aroused several times. Although I didn't actually release myself I did have pre-cum all over the new panties I bought earlier in the day. Oh, let me tell you a little about myself. I am a middle aged (40s) average guy. I have...

3 years ago
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My Darling Jijaji 3

Then glancing over, I saw that most of his weight was resting on his arms as he held me against my body with his rock hard penis plugging my woman hood. As we lay in each other’s arms, Jijaji snuggled his face down into the crook of my neck and lovingly nuzzled me, kissing me softly. Neither of us spoke for the longest time as we lay sexually locked together in the post coital bliss of our forbidden marriage. The room was now full of the heavenly smell of our fornication. I was in a bliss of...

4 years ago
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Jan Story 1

Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should wirte. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....

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