The Backyard View
- 4 years ago
- 23
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The drive home seemed interminable. My father, my uncle, and my cousin had maintained an inane chatter right from the time we departed Chambersburg. All I wanted was to get home as fast as possible. Probably because of that very desire, we stopped twice for something to eat, two separate times for drinks, and three times for bathroom breaks! A drive that should have been completed in four fours was taking seven.
I had eagerly agreed to the golf/fishing trip with my dad, Uncle Steve, and his son Jim, several months prior. At the time, it seemed like it would be a great trip that would not only be very enjoyable, but have the added bonus of bringing me closer to dad, his brother, and his nephew. Now it appeared it may have created the opportunity for the ruination of my family. How did it come to this? I mulled that over as I waited for the world's three smallest bladders to once again be voided at a service station in Hazleton.
Did it all start a few months ago at Jeff Burrows' funeral? I hadn't seen Jeff or his wife, Janice, more than a few times in the last several years. The Burrows had been my parents' best friends since long before I was born. When I was growing up, they seemed more like my family than most of my blood relatives. Then Debbie and I married and moved thirty miles to Damascus. We soon had two kids to raise, and it always seemed like there was never enough time to keep up with old friends and acquaintances.
There was another reason I didn't spend a lot of time with the Burrows ... I had pretty much stopped worrying about it many years ago, but the funeral brought all my fears rushing back. At the reception held after the funeral, off in a corner, Debbie was deep in conversation with my mother and Janice Burrows. Their voices were too low for me to hear what was being said, but it caused me more than slight concern.
Maybe my problem actually began the summer after I had turned 18 and graduated from high school. My mother had wrangled a brief job for me. It involved planting a bunch of pine trees for the Burrows, who lived a couple miles from my parents' home. Digging into the hard northern Pennsylvania ground was difficult work, but the job should have easily been completed in two days. It took me a full week. I had a very good reason for taking so long.
Jeff Burrows had to attend some sort of teacher's convention in Harrisburg that week. The three Burrows children were all grown and living in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Dallas, Texas. Their nest was empty. Janice Burrows was completely alone for the week.
The first morning's work was going fairly well when I stopped digging to eat the lunch Janice Burrows had prepared for me. Incredibly, I spent that afternoon in bed with Janice! Somehow, I had managed to seduce an older woman, one that had been my parent's friend for longer than I had been alive? Janice was in her mid-forties and the sexiest woman I had ever seen up to that point.
My first time with her was actually my first with a woman, and I came just as soon as she began gently caressing my cock. I was ashamed and embarrassed. I wanted to grab my clothes and run home, but Janice soothed my ego and convinced me to stay and perhaps try again, when I was ready. At eighteen, I was reloaded almost before she finished the sentence.
I still remember how I had climbed between Janice's legs and pointed my harder than steel cock at her center. That was when she stopped me! She explained how happy she was that I found her so desirable, but there were a few things I should always consider before plunging my dick into a lady.
That was the beginning of a weeklong tutorial on the art of making love to a woman. She was a wonderful teacher, and I was a very eager student. Every morning I worked on planting the trees. Every afternoon, Janice taught me the many ways to please a woman, as well as the rewards of doing it properly. I learned about a woman's cycle, birth control and using condoms, female anatomy and pleasure points, as well as their fears, desires and needs. She even had me shave her pussy, and then spend hours learning the proper way to eat it. By the end of the week, I understood that I would never know exactly what a woman might be thinking, or why. I also learned that was okay, as long as I listened to them, always did my very best to respect them, and put their needs and desires before my own. Those lessons had served me very well in my marriage to Debbie, and I was eternally grateful to Janice.
That said, I had always been nervous when Janice and Debbie were at the same function. I never mentioned my tryst with Janice to my wife, out of respect for Janice, as well as fear of how Debbie would react. It had been a wonderful, almost magical, time in my life. I never even came close to repeating it. Janice explained to me that Friday afternoon so many years ago, that her husband, Jeff, was her love and her life. My final lesson that week was to end our brief affair and never speak of it with anyone. I had promised her, and I had kept that promise. I never thought to ask the same of Janice. Why would a young man just beginning his life's journey require secrecy from a paramour? It never crossed my mind; at least not until I fell totally and madly in love with Debbie.
Of course Janice and Debbie saw each other often when we were dating. I brought Janice to my parent's home quite frequently and it wasn't unusual for the Burrows to drop in. Janice never so much as even hinted anything to Debbie about our relationship, nor to anyone else as far as I knew. Gradually, my fear lessened. Looking back, I realize it never completely died.
From her first meeting with my parents, Debbie expressed tremendous respect for the obvious love and devotion my parents enjoyed, and she often said the same about the Burrows.
That caused me some shame. I knew the truth. I had seduced a married woman and placed her marriage at risk. I was not proud of that fact. I always went out of my way to be pleasant and respectful to Jeff Burrows. He obviously never suspected my illicit affair with his wife. He was kind and generous to me, and my respect for him steadily increased, even as the fear of discovery hung over my head.
Our fishing/golf group was about ten miles shy of my home when my cell phone rang. I looked at the screen and saw the call was from my mother. Reluctantly, I answered. The conversation my father and uncle had been engaged in stopped abruptly. It couldn't have been any more obvious that they were intent on hearing what I said.
"Bill, your father says you have been very quiet the whole trip. Are you feeling okay, Son?" Mom asked solicitously.
"Not the time, Mom!" I quickly replied as I closed the phone and turned it off as the silence in the car droned on.
I pressed my remote to open my garage door as we pulled into my driveway. My dad and cousin quickly dug out my golf clubs and fishing equipment from the back of the Expedition. I grabbed my small suitcase. Everything was somewhat hastily placed on the garage floor. Then they hurried off. As I walked through the garage toward the kitchen door, I thought back to all the signs I had missed throughout my life. Would it have been better if I were still clueless?
I recalled how my mother had called me over to her side late in the afternoon of Jeff Burrows' funeral. At the same time she summoned a lanky kid I had seen earlier in the day, sitting with Janice at the service.
"Bill, this is Janice's grandson, Jeff Emerson. He's just finished high school and will be going to Penn State this fall. Jeff, this is my son, and Debbie's husband, Bill Mason."
We exchanged handshakes and soon I was chatting with the kid about his future plans and if the Nittany Lions would get to a bowl game this year. He was polite, if a bit shy. But then, so was I at that age. Our short conversation ended when my dad insisted I meet an old neighbor I hadn't seen in twenty years. At that point, I was still oblivious.
Now, as I reached out to open the kitchen door, I considered the unusual route my father had taken to get to Route 81 on our way to Chambersburg. For some unknown reason we went through the small village of Beach Lake. Gazing out the car window as we passed through the village, I saw a scene I had long ago forgotten. Towering pines lined a long drive winding up a hill to an old Victorian home. As we slowly drove by, I remembered the day I rode with my grandparents down the same country road.
"See those beautiful trees, Bill?" my grandmother had asked at the time. "Your Dad planted them for the Andersons back in 1962. It was the year he graduated from high school and was doing odd jobs before reporting for the Marines. He was a fine looking young man, much like you will be in another ten years."
Being a kid, I was amazed that something my dad had planted could have grown so tall. As my dad drove past the same trees earlier this week, I thought back to the trees I had planted for Janice Burrows twenty-some years prior. I smiled to myself. If Dad only knew just how rewarding planting trees could be! Again, no warning lights went off in my head!
I shook off my reverie, opened the door and stepped into our house. Debbie sat at the kitchen table, facing me. She wore the old Notre Dame shirt and sweats she so often donned in the evening. As my emotions began to climb above a simmer, I thought back to less than a week ago, the day my world completely crumbled.
I considered the long forgotten trees that we had just driven past. As I laughed inwardly wondering if my father had as much pleasure planting them as I had enjoyed with Janice Burrows, another thought struck me. My son had stayed with my parents for a week right after graduating high school six years ago. At the time, my mother told me that they had gotten him a handyman job with some neighbors down the road. My son returned home the following week. I was working double shifts that week and was exhausted by the time I dragged my ass home every evening. I vaguely remembered Debbie asking my son what sort of work he had done that week. Hadn't he replied something about gardening and planting trees? Finally, sirens began sounding my head!
My son had recently married a wonderful young woman and they seemed to be very happy. He always treated his wife with respect and love, much the way I was toward Debbie. As I pondered these events while riding in the back seat of my dad's SUV, I began connecting the dots. Was it possible that both my dad and my son had experiences similar to my own? If so, it wouldn't it have to be some sort of a conspiracy or something? If so, who could be responsible?
What did I actually know? My father had planted trees for family friends shortly after turning eighteen. My son, Jason, and I both did the same thing right after high school graduation. My mom seemed to be the moving force in getting the job for me, as well as for my son, Jason. Was my mother a member of a cult or something?
I didn't know if Dad or Jason, or both, got laid while doing their plantings, but suddenly it seemed possible. I only slightly knew the family for whom Jason had worked. They had two sons that were both in the Navy that summer. The wife, Nancy Fullmer, was a tad heavy but was still very attractive. She was a kind, friendly woman with a rather big set of tits. My mind suddenly conjured up visions of my son tackling those beauties! It occurred to me that I was apparently losing my grip.
Why would mature, attractive, married women seduce the young men in my family? Did my mother have some sort of hold over them? Was it blackmail? Was it for money? It seemed unlikely. What else could it be ... some sort of trade?
Bingo! Then it hit me. After I had moved from my parents' home into my own apartment, I was busy at work and didn't get back to visit my folks for a few weeks. As I drove up their driveway one afternoon, I noticed my dad had lined the pavement with hard maple saplings. They didn't look all that good at the time, but they were now over twenty feet tall and looked great. I never actually asked if my dad had personally planted the trees! I had assumed he did.
Could my mother have taken a young man into her bed and taught him the ways of love and sex? My own mom? I always thought she was attractive, for a mom, but the whole idea seemed too farfetched. My mom wouldn't be unfaithful to my dad. She was my mom, and practically a saint! Why use the same cover of planting trees? That made no sense. It would be the same as putting up a sign in the front yard saying: Mature Housewife Tutoring Young Stud In Sex. Do Not Disturb!
But if that were somehow the case, then my father would have known what was going on when the trees were planted at his property. He'd never stand for that from my mom! Then I thought of Jeff Burrows? Could he have known I was doing more planting inside his house than out! He had always been so good to me; he couldn't have known, could he?
These thoughts tumbled around in my mind the rest of the trip to Chambersburg. I wondered if I should I ask my Dad if he was a cuckold? That could open a real can of worms! Suppose he had no idea about any of the shenanigans mom had been up to, or what if my guesses were way off the mark? Then he would know that I had slept with Janice those many years ago! That would be breaking my word, as well as letting the cat out of the bag. I could see no upside to that.
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I make the drive home in the usual 20 minutes. Pulling into the driveway, the house is dark. I hope everyone is asleep. I check in the rear view and try to straighten out my hair and finally decide to just put it in a ponytail. Entering the house I head straight for the laundry to locate a pair of panties to replace the ones torn from my body earlier. The thought alone floods my pussy. He was so commanding but in an almost unspoken way. The look in his eyes when he tore them effortlessly from...
Mera naam raj sharma hai.Pichhli story mein bikaner ki aunty ko train mein choda tha… Kareeb 6 mahine baad 30 december ko mera paper tha.Main aunty ko phone kiya.Wo boli aap 29 ko subah 9 bje se sham 5 bje k beech aa jao.Mujhe time hai.Raat ko hamare dusre ghar mein rahne ki bhi jagah hai.Main 29 ko subah 10 bje bikaner pahunch gya.Aunty ko phone kiya to wo boli main tumhe lene aayee hun.Tum gate k paas aa jao.Main gate pr gya to aunty tyar khadi thi.Wo mujhe dekhte hi khush ho gai.Us din thand...
Everyone loves a good creampie! This shit sounds like the introduction to some TV cooking show hosted by a slightly chubby housewife with an exquisite talent for egg whisking. What I wanted to say is that creampies are appealing to both women and men. Men dig the idea because they are too lazy and horny to pull it out before the grand finale, and chicks dig it because they just do. I guess it has something to do with impregnation, merging two bodies into one soul shit. It's some chick spiritual...
Premium Creampie Porn SitesA Feminine Family (Sequel to "Flipping the Frat") @2005 by Karen Elizabeth L. May not be distributed or posted on a pay site. It's been some time since I took my revenge on the old officers of the Sigma Tau fraternity. They used my brother Joey's desire to become a member to lead him into doing things so filthy and perverted that no decent person would stomach them. Joey was blind in his drive to join the frat. He had been willing to put up with dressing as a girl, attending...
About a year and a half ago, my parents had decided that they needed a weekend away with no kids. It had been so much fun that they made a regular thing of it. Now, the second weekend of every other month was their designated 'alone time'. That meant that my sister and I had to find a place to spend the weekend. I usually stayed with my best friend, Sara. She lived four houses down from me with her mom, Angie, and older brother, Bobby. Sara's dad was long gone and her mom let us...
ANTICIPATION When Kelly heard from Mary about the trip to Central City gloryhole, she jumped. Literally. . “TAKE ME THERE!! Talk about Heaven!” “Oh, Kelly, can you imagine two hotties like us walking in there and asking for one of those rooms? We’d start a riot!” “Maybe we should go real trampy, you know, dress like sluts.” “Do you think a girl could drown in come?” giggled Mary. “We could ask Puttana. Well, you know I have a big...
I am Kevin at 5'4 with black medium size hair and dark brown eyes which gives the feeling up limitless when people stare at me. My plans involved partying, sex and drinking. Unfortunately my dad had to drop a bomb shell that he was traveling to DC for some important matters and that I was going to be staying at a caretaker house. Pretty much at this point I was pissed and left the house for several hours doing shit. I got home at around 10:45pm before curfew to see my dad cab and my...
We drove for hours, following the open road, almost devoid of traffic, passing through forest and field, not knowing what our destination might look like. Would we try to find a resistance homestead? How would be know where to look? They would be hidden from ADVENT, and they may just fire on us if they saw an ADVENT troop carrier approaching their gates. Contact XCOM? How? They would surely shoot Vi on sight even if I had a way to contact them, which I didn’t, and I couldn’t stand the thought...
Chapter 18: Driving to the limit I left soon after the family meeting. We had arranged for Rory’s dad to drive us to the racetrack, since Mom and Dad were tied up with the grandparents. When I got to Rory’s, I had a surprise waiting for me. Rory was leaning against his mom’s economy car and he was holding something in his hand. “Guess what.” He yelled out as I got closer. “Yo dude, you did it didn’t you, you passed.” I called back. He had a grin from ear to ear holding up his driver’s...
I still sometimes dream of the sight, my mom being railed by two strangers in our own house. The sounds she made and the faces she showed them, begging to take it inside of her speak a whole different story. I am new here and this is just me trying to recall the events that happened and writing a biased story from my perspective. Do tell me if there’s any feedback on my writing style! Thanks. I was brought up in an extremely conservative middle-class family with just my mom and dad. When I say...
Kayley Gunner and Jasmine Wilde are ready for an afternoon of passion. Their caresses are soft and sweet as they relearn each other’s bodies with the palms of their hands. Between kisses, they gradually undress one another from their lingerie bras and thongs. It’s not long before Jasmine has her mouth on Kayley’s generous breasts while Kayley presses her palm to the heart of Jasmine’s sexual pleasure. Stripping Kayley out of her thong entirely, Jasmine gets to work...
xmoviesforyouHi ladies and girls and guys, I am one of the regular readers of this website. I am Yuvan age 25 working as a computer engineer in Chennai with height 5’11 weight 76 kg and 7 inches thick rod with looks of a smart navy officer(because that was my last job). This is about an encounter between myself and my cousin Nisha who is 20 doing arts in one of the three famous women’s college in Chennai. Let me describe her, Nisha has the cheeks of actress Samantha in vtv movie with a rosy lips that i ate...
IncestLost Life By Byron My name is Peter Billings and this is the story of how I lost my life. Don't worry though, I found another one. I've never been one to believe in magic, no potion was going to make my life perfect and no spell was going to give me everything I wanted. I knew a person had to work for what they wanted, and be happy with what they have without wasting time on fantasies that could never be possible. Then my buddy John asked me if I wanted to swap lives with...
Chapter Three: Johana's Taboo Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Johana Jordan's Week, Friday Since Tuesday—when I had witnessed my mother masturbate as Samantha Herbert took my cherry and fucked me with her futa-cock—my life had been in turmoil. My mother taught at my college where I was selected to attend the week naked. This was my last day of being in the Program, then I could go back to being clothed and put this disorienting week behind me. I could forget about my...
Carol and I lay spooned together in a sort of post-fuck catnap when I felt our blanket pulled up and Russ climbed in beside me. He pulled himself close up behind and ran his hand down my side and rested it on my hip. He drew himself close in so that I his semi-hard cock push up against my ass. My cock started to get hard and Carol stirred looking over at us and said “Ooooh what’s this? Are you going to have us both?” She turned on her side so that I was in the middle and they were on either of...
There is nothing better on a warm summers evening than to wander down to the local watering hole and sit in the garden watching the world go by with a cold pint. It was only a 2-minute walk, usually 5 to stagger home and not the best place in town but it was convenient and somehow managed to attract some pretty fit barmaids.The evening started out slow, not many people in so I got my pint and sat outside enjoying the warm evening air, I didn’t even pay attention to the new barmaid.So I am now...
Dark RoomI was fresh out of art school, proud of my 2.1 hons degree in fine art / graphic design, and working in my first job as a 'Trainee Commercial Artist' (read messenger boy / gopher) in a busy and apparently quite trendy graphic design studio in Oxford street London. Top three floors. Over a shoe shop. I won't name it because A) they don't deserve a name check, B) they probably don't exist anymore, and C) I nicked a whole bunch of really expensive graphic design materials from them during...
Introduction: A newly-lesbian mad scientist tests an experimental toy on a kinky subject… HIGH VOLTAGE MITTENS Nina: Sam, should we do a recap at the start of the second book? Samantha: Yes, little rabbit. Nina: Ooh. Keep calling me little rabbit. Samantha: No. Nina: Aw, come on. Nina: Be my predator? Samantha: Do the recap, and maybe. Nina: Okay. Nina: Dear reader! Nina: We decided to post this second part of Mittens for free on all the free-porn-story sites, as well as on Amazon – and we...
A little back history of myself is probably a good place to start. I grew up in a small Ohio town near Cleveland. I was the only child of my parents, Robert and Stacy Williams. I was the junior Robert, but I was nothing like my father. He was 6' tall and very athletic, having played baseball in college until he blew out his knee. I, on the other hand, was blessed with my mother's genes. I was small and not athletic. Needless to say, I was not the apple of my father's eye. My father...