My Esxperience free porn video

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Hi friendz, i’m a frequent surfer of this site and most of my days in the last few years never ended without entering this site and reading all these stories. Despite being a good narrator, i should have been sharing my experiences here quite some time back, but i didn’t have that patience to sit and write own stories while balancing my personal and professional life. Not to keep you bored anymore, here i go with one of the glorious hits in my so far beautiful sex life!!

Before i go… a quick boast about myself!! Ha..ha. I’m a cool, freeky dude, average built & bubbly, jus completed my sweet16 a decade ago. So,u can guess my age. I can claim myself ‘a good looking’ because that’s been confirmed by many gal friendz in my life. Was a cricketer during my school & college days…and that adds a feather to my cap being in a co-education school.

It was in a stadium in chennai, when we played aussies during a test match, myself and my friend were present from day one of the game. It’s my usual routine to go and watch live cricket matches, as i get sponsored tickets from my coach whenever the match is played. I used to get 2 or 3 tickets sometime as i maintained a very good relationhip with my coach and sponsorers. Luckily, this time i got 2 empty seats next to a beautiful looking gal who came along with her friends. I jus breathed heavily looking at her assets, because the very sight of her proved she is from a well to do family and me being from a middleclass dude thought that i’m blessed to sit atleast next to her. Surprisingly, she greeted me with a simple smile when i took my seats. I thanked my coach for offering me such an expensive gallery ticket to atleast inhale her perfume fragrance. The day was well dominated by the hosts, because everytime when a boundary was hit, i could see this doll jumping in joy besides me with all her assets getting tired because of the shake.

Quickly about her, i still go speechless if i recollect that moment. A black stripped tshirt, and a grey jeans. A perfect fit to god’s beautiful imagination. Whitish pink in colour, beautifully carved ass, a perfect sized boobs etc., you can imagine when most of the eyes in that gallery was on her when she jumps in excitement.

One of the best thing i did on that day was i carried my binoculars. So i enjoyed watching the moments of the match closely. When our little master came to play, she turned and humbly scratched me asking for my binoculars to see the players. My goodness, she spoke to me and without saying a word, i grabbed my binoculars from my friend and gave it to her and gave a weird smile to my friend. Whack !!!

This continued to 2 or 3 times and we started sharing the binoculars at regular breaks. And its lunch time now inbetween the game, she went somewhere and came with some snacks. Me and my friend were idle there busy discussing the most important topic of the world. ‘gals’.

She hesitantly scratched me again inbetween our discussion and offered some snacks. I said ‘no thanx’. But, she felt sad and insisted again also mentioned ‘’i wont touch your binoculars again’’. I said ok and picked some lays from her packet. She offered a small pack to my friend and said we’ll share in her pack itself. Now, she asked about me and we got introduced to each other. She told her name was nisha and doing her fashions in one of the best colleges in chennai. I praised her that she is a perfect fit for fashion, but she started talking endlessly about this topic, saying, fashion is not what we dress, this that and so on… i was jus enjoying seeing her lips bursting out of words and that smiles inbetween.., gorgeous!!! We also gotto know we both are mallu’s.

She was happy to know that i’m a cricket player and playing for the league team in chennai. She is very friendly and because of the similar age group and her fashion studies, in minutes we were talking as if we are well known friends. She doubted that i’m lying to her when i told about my cricketing life. I told her that, if someone else has raised this doubt, its needless for me to prove, but you became my friend now and i’ll prove it to you. I asked her to wait till the end of the day.

Meanwhile, play resumed, and we enjoyed sharing our views, comments about the shot played and not to forget with the binoculars, but now with somemore closeness. ‘closeness’ means, i can inhale her fragrance more closely now… nothing else!! (you naughty minds). So, during tea break, i offered her some snacks and further play continued… now comes the twist in the tale, she by mistake dropped my binocular onto the floor and one of the lens cracked. She felt really sorry and i could see her in that face turning more pinkish bcoz of this shock. At that moment, i cursed god, y u did this to her, bcoz her complete mood was spoiled. I tried my level best to convince her, but she said that i’ve to bear with her till a day or two till she rectifies or buy me a new binoculars. After a biggg half an hour negotiation, i accepted to her deal and now she gave her mobile number to me and also saved mine. The day has come to a close and now its time for me to prove my words, so i requested her to follow me,and i took her to the pavilion where my coach was watching the game along with other familiar faces which is known to me. I took her and introduced her as my cousin, for which she is surprised. She took some autographs from players and goddamn… she grabbed my hands while coming back and thanked for the opportunity which she never expected. I took some pics in her camera mobile along with few players. She felt really sorry for doubting me, but she mentioned it has benefitted her. We both reached where her friends waited for her and its time for both of us to part, but we ensured our meeting place and time for the 2nd day of the match. Lucky binocular is on her shoulders now.. Ooops!! My friend was starring at me after all these… you all know how it is?

That night passed with the important part of my body squeezed to the maximum thinking about her. End of the day, boys are always boyz!! Isn’td? Next day morning, she called me and said she is not coming to the match for 2 reasons, one is she will find a solution to my binocular, second is she is not keen in watching australia batting. So she said she’ll meet me possibly on the third day. Its important for me to mention that only because of her, i stayed there for the whole day on the first day. So i sat in front of the tv and during the end of the 2nd day my coach asked me to come to the stadium for a chit chat. 3rd day i called her and told that i’m not coming because of my unavoidable personal work. She then said, none of her friends are coming, so she was ready only because i could accompany her and new binoculars are ready with her. I said, i can join her after 2pm, but she told we’ll meet on the 4th day. It all happens, as if 2 well known friends planning to watch the game… i was surprised with her answers and also tapping myself for my luck.

4th day – i was alone and she was with a cousin. She introduced her as swathi. She was also like a bombshell.., but, to me, nisha looked more beautiful than any other gal in the stadium on that day, so i jus continued, never showing any desperation. I mastered a little bit of gals behaviour bcoz of my school friends.., now we were talking in a much improved language about my school life, my hobbies, my leisure time activities etc..etcc.. This time, when our homeside was batting, it performed very badly, bcoz this gal was not jumping up and down, and was spending more time with me..

5th day also, same kind of conversation continued, bcoz we were mallu’s, we were talking about our families. During the last break, i bought a choclate and gifted her. I requested her to safely keep the wrapper in remebarance of the waste expense on my binoculars. She laughed and promised that she will stay in touch in the coming days… i seriously had a hard heart when we parted on that day. From that night, my hands were frequently going to the contacts of my mobile phone to dial her, but i’ll stop at the last minute, jus not to loose my impression with her…

Slowly but steadily, our relationship continued for almost for 2 years, with many friendly conversations, meeting at public joints, me going to her college and ofcourse some more matches in the stadium.. We soon realized that we are likeminded pals in many things, weather its likes or dislikes, interests, timepass, food etc..etc.. This helped us a lot and in this last one year we shared many many coversations and it developed even with general sex talks as well because of her fashion course. Infact i remember, we started this kind of a conversation bcoz of ftv and it rooted from there. We both are in the heat, but no one willing to break it up… once, she infact expressed her intrest of having some beer, but she mentioned she is really scared to do it along with her friends being a woman. How all this ended up at this stage is still a miracle?

So finally, on that day, we decided to meet in the stadium for a daynight match. Fortunately, the match was delayed. Using this chance, she invited me to her house as her papa was on a business trip for which her mom also accompanied. This is the first time she invited me home, that too when her parents are not there. Her brother was working abroad. I hestitantly asked weather she likes to fulfill her wish of having a little beer using the situation. After a long debate, she agreed she’ll have half a glass and possibly watch the match at her home.

Soon, i got into her car and on the way i bought some beer and snacks, and we proceeded to her posh flat. On entering her flat, i took some minutes to regain senses after looking at the lifestyle she lives in. I’d no courage to ever try any nonsense bcoz of her richness. Infact i shud mention you that being rich, she never showed off that kind of a lifestyle to me ever and she has played a major role in the last two years to help remove my ‘’complex nature’’ in being a friend of her. This has helped us for a close knitted relationship. Several times during these years, i had mentioned her that she is very beautiful and one should be very lucky to marry her. Both of us stood very close to our family members and firmly believed that we cannot be life partners because of the lifestyle we followed. She also knows very well it’s very secure to have any kind of conversations with me, bcoz never i misused her relationship in any ways, nor i boasted my relationship with any of her friends when many tried to do it with me. I always had my head on my shoulders which she liked vey much.

It was 5 pm, when we sat infront of the tv, where the match was about to start. She changed herself to one of the beautiful silky night outfit. The lighting in her residence was awesome. She wore a strawberry color outfit and i knew it was her favorite color. She asked’’ how is it?’’. I wincked my eyes and mentioned that the dress should be lucky to be on her beautiful body. She smiled and pinched my cheeks saying ‘you’re naughty dude’ and left to kitchen to take glasses. She came back with one glass and told that she will not have today, as she is really scared. I told even i’m not keen in drinking a beer without a company and said that will carry it back home. She was a bit upset and brought another glass, soon we said ‘cheers’ to each other. She was taking promises that she will have only one glass and not to be compeled further. I agreed and we started.

She sipped and commented it is very soar and how you people drink this? But, soon i saw multiple small sips from her glass and she winked at me when she saw i was noticing her. Using this opportunity, i jus probed her, asking how she is comfortable having a beer with me being a opposite sex, that too when nobody at home? Is that the reason for her scariness initially?’ she jus smiled as usual, and mentioned ‘’i know u very well and also i’m a new age gal’’. I then asked,’’ what if i indulge in some nonsense having some beer?’’, she said, ‘’ wat max, as i know the worse, but do u have anything in ur mind?’’. I said ‘‘’’ and continued watching the match. After a while, she she came and sat near me and poured the second glass for herself and asked me ‘’why did you ask that question now?’’. I said, chumma, ‘’jus felt like asking and when it’s you i’d no hesitation to ask, my cuty?’’. She suddenly pulled my collars and brought me close and whispered ‘’when its u, i’m also ready for the worse?’’. Blood was running in high speed around my body when i heard tat. But, i’d a hint of doubt weather she was testing me with that answer. So i said,’’no nisha, wat r u talking? I was jus asking casually, don’t take it seriously…’’ . By that time i could finish my sentence, she again pulled my collars and upclose was her beautiful pink soft lips, waiting for a kiss of mine, with her eyes closed. My god! What a creature she is? I never had nisha as close as this where i hear her hot breath. I jus rolled my hands on her silky soft u cut hair and kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and smiled and took my right hand and placed it on her round tits and said, ‘’i’m all yours, tonite, my sweetboy ’’. I pulled her upclose and started enjoying her lips and tongue which i admired all these years within myself. Patience paying off with splendid returns, she aroused and was kissing passionately and she now was sitting over me on that sofa.

With her on my lap, i called to my mom and told her that i may be held up for the day becasue of my work and lied i couldn’t go to watch the match. She was not of the complaining nature and she knew about my work and that i used to be away for some days. I observed that nisha was quick in finishing her 2nd glass.

I started fondling on her nipples over the silky outfit, while conituing kissing her all over the face. She asked me change over to her brothers boxers, but i asked ‘why boxers now? She fondled my hair and said, ‘’naughty, naughty, this is wat i like in you?’’’. Within five minutes i lifted her to one of the finest cots i’ve ever seen in my life with a shining red quilt on it. She switched on the ac and lit off some aroma oil, which had a fragrance exactly matching to the situation. I still can’t believe that in moments, i’ll see her nude. She came back charging after closing the doors.

I remarked to nisha that she is about to have a long day. She laughed in that fascinating atmosphere. To my surprise, she was really fast than i anticipated and said, ‘’i’m always hungry when i’ve a delicious recipe which i like the most on my table’’.

Part3:she said that she will adjust and i need not to bother about anything. While talking, i was running my hands to all her precious assests one by one.

Nisha, for sure is in a romantic mood, and i was thinking of my luck to sleep with one of the gorgeous girl in her bed when many others waiting for such an oppurtunity.

I stole all her outfits one by one, and had a glance at nisha, who was a slim, sexiest girl, with erect boobs and her cream coloured nipple was already erect after my foreplays. Nisha was no less; she untied all my wears and was stunningly watching my missile for sometime. She jumped out of the bed, walked as if in a fashion show, and asked ‘’how am i?’’. The easiest question i ever faced since my school life, i wincked my eyes and said ‘’not bad’’. She came like killing me and in a crying tone asked ‘’only, not bad?’’. I once again started kissing her lips, but she released me again and asked ‘’wat?’’.’’ my gorgeous! I’ve told u several times, u r too good and sexy, and what to comment particularly when i’m enjoying my lucky day?’’ she was too very beautiful,her boobs were very prominent with 36 cups and cream coloured nipples. Her pussy was the best so far i’ve seen in my life, shaven to the closest, with a costly imported cream, which does not blacken the skin. Her pussy was damn rose in color with a smooth shaven finish. Not even a hint of pubic hairs being there?

Effect of beer having faded with her stunning nude appearance, i got up and never wasted any time. I very eager to begin at the pink pussy, so i started smelling her aroma, which i never came across with anyone till now, started sucking and making it wet in closed conditions. She started rolling her hands on my hairs and slowly started to spread her legs apart. I could see the fresh meat, more pink in color, opening up, and i started sucking her clit, like a baby sucks its thumb finger. I was so gentle with her and was writing alphabets on her clit with my tongue. I then opened her love hole wide and peeped to the max where it started tasting salty. By now, she was pushing my head deeper and kept on moaning, ‘ honey, don’t stop, i’m on my heavens now… something happening in my body when u do this…plz don’t stop till i tell u, i enjoy it!’’.

She was making me wild, wilder with her soft tones like this, i started rolling her pink pussy lips like a bubble gum in my mouth and started fingering her. She released loads of cum with a shiver and i said, i want more and thus not stopping, she was beating me gently on my head and said she too needs a suck. I then took her in 69, and her beautiful lips on my dick.. A beautiful gal being so horny, all these days with me, i wondered what am i doing all these days? Cool lips started exploring my pink portion on my dick. I never imagined nisha so deliberate and needy for sex. She was ruthless from that moment.

After a while, she told me to enter her and also told she is safe as she jus completed her periods. Her body was wonderful with a flat stomach. Nisha also had nice boobs. I asked her weather she had any sexual experience before or ??? She said shyly that she is a v*** and requested to carefully handle her, as i was doing till now. I thought i need to struggle initially to enter. She was noiticing my erect cock and asked how much pain she’ll undergo. I said i’ll try and handle her like a flower, so don’t worry. I lifted her legs and laid her on the cot and opened up her thighs and her cleanshaven oozing cunt was revealed once again. I bowed down and licked her cunt greedily and her grunt and moan was loud.

After sometime, i went to her dressing table, applied some vaseline on my cock and had some in my hands and applied into her pussy. Nisha was terribly horny and hence nomore foreplay was required. I plunged my cock into the cunt of nisha and it went in with some difficulty after a few gentle pushes. In six or seven jerks the whole thing went inside. Nisha was watching it entering fully with little tears flowing down her eyelids.

I fucked her first softly and then gained more speed with long strokes. I was sucking the nipples of nisha, when i performed. Nisha reached her orgasm and her moans ultimately turned into shouts. I reconfirmed with her to unload, she was shaking her heads like a hungry devil, and i cummed inside fully and withdrew.

Wiping my cock on the silky outfit of nisha, i asked her to suck me to bring back hardness to the cock. She sucked me after having a few cups of water and within no time my cock was hard and came back to original position. She was very hot and having admiring this beauty for many previous nights by squeezing my tool. Now my tool is taking a revenge on her in a real life fucking.

Nisha opened her legs and showed her neatly shaven pussy once again. I opened her cunt lips with my fingers and rubbed my cock tip on the clitoris. Nisha was moaning and i inserted my cock inside the cunt. Even this time, it took more time to penetrate and finally when it entered her cunt fully, nisha was moaning loudly. I fucked her softly and slowly and gradually increased my speed and finally banged her with all force with long and hard strokes. This time, nisha was pushing her cunt back in rhythm while my cock was moving in & out. I held her butts for support. She had clinched the pillow tightly while her face was pressing into the quilt. I continued stroking her cunt. The lava inside my balls was building up. Nisha was in ecstacy. Finally, both cummed simultateously. When we finished, we were shocked to see some blood drops on the quilt, but doesn’t really matter because the quilt was red in colour. We used her heater to dry it up.

I thanked my stars for getting a beautiful girl to my fold and for having to fuck her in the same bed where she sleeps every night. We nude slept in the bed hugging each other. She thanked me for this night and said ‘’ i wish ur binoculars have fallen on that day for a reason? Isnt’d honey?’’. I continued my surprise and asked nisha, ‘’ i never expected this, but nisha, why me? When you’d so many lads in ur college and was chasing u for the same.’’ she said, ‘’ they are never like u, hungry dogs, cant trust them?, you are the only guy i can trust for a private relationship? And i took my time to judge you, u naughty’’

It was an important learning for me, on how to handle relationships particularly when it matters with safe sex in this country. We continued our intimate friendship and had five more chances in her house to enjoy within a span of 3 months. We tried various positions and methodologies with choclate cream on her body, ice cubes in her pussy etc.etc.. Even after going to us post her marriage with a rich guy, she still shows that gratitude for all the enjoyment she had with me, during her visits to india. Happy to hear a comment from her,’i’m her first choice, when it matters to lie on bed’’.

Ok friendz, basis her request to post my first experience with her in this forum, i’m closing this with my sweet memories which we had during our early 20’s. Those days wont be so wonderful without you in my life ,nisha. I take this opportunity to thank you for the same, which i never did ‘bcoz we’re freindz’.

Thanx guys and gals, for your time. See you soon with another experience of mine.

Comments plz

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Autumn set in, a mix of wonderful crisp dry days when Cardiff's University buildings looked great in the sunshine, and miserable wet days and nights when the rain drove in from the Atlantic and defeated our so-called 'showerproof' anoraks. On those nights of steady drizzle, we stayed at home. As Julie and I now lived (and loved) in what had been the sitting room, we spent much of our social time in the kitchen. It was also one of the easiest rooms to keep warm, once we had rigged some...

1 year ago
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What kind of porn site is SexTu? Is it the type of porn site where you learn the ‘Art of War’ while beating off to sexy models? No you dumb mother fucker! It’s just a name!What you can expect from a site like SexTu though is an assortment of sexy as fuck videos from some of the hottest porn stars, brands, and series that you’ve seen in the AAA pornographic sphere. When you want yet another porn site to jerk off to with the type of content that you know will make you cum your fucking brains out,...

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2 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 1 All in a Days Work

Caleb Connor wondered how a day could start so well, and go downhill so far. Another bullet ricocheted off a nearby tree, and whined into the distance. "Mr. Bennett," Caleb yelled in frustration. "We are going to arrest you. The charges against you, right now, are relatively minor. Fleeing arrest, and shooting at Officers of the Law, are still not too serious. The way the courts are working right now, you'll probably only get probation. If you keep shooting at us, eventually you're...

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The Blindfold Game

“Have you ever had any… kinky fantasies?” I asked my boyfriend one day. We were lying in bed together one Sunday morning, still breathing hard from our last orgasms. The rain was coming down outside, and it was a perfect day to spend wrestling in the sheets, and enjoying the inherent laziness of the day.  Marc, my boyfriend of the past three years, rose up on one elbow. “Well, that depends. What do you mean by kinky?” I grinned and rolled over to face him. “You know… something you’ve always...

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That Questioning Look Ch 2

Author’s Note: This story takes place following “That Questioning Look” and is meant to be read in sequence. Any comments would be welcome and very much appreciated. Special thanks to RTNorth, author… and editor… extraordinaire… though he doesn’t call himself one! You rock, brother. That Questioning Look – Chapter 2 I’m back on the road again, ostensibly for work, but my mind is going somewhere else entirely. Six months ago, I went away on a conference, and came away with far more than just a...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 6: THE BORSIN“Master?” They were riding the borsin and were half a day from the city containing Santini’s compound. Cat thought it was safe to ask the question. “While I was occupied with Santini’s advisors and leaders, what did you learn the man wanted from you?”The answer came as a single word and Cat felt the tension in giving it, “Bartle.”“You said that before, Master, but what about Bartle? And, wasn’t he the one who gave you your freedom before you could be marked?” He grunted....

2 years ago
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Betting the wives

Introduction:Mark and Amy, a TV news anchor, along with Thomas and his gorgeous moroccan girlfriend Marcy are joined by Tim and his shy wife Lisa at the poker game with their boss Ron and his wife Wendy.Amy sat on the patio with the other wives and girlfriends. It was a warm clean summer night. She leaned back in the mesh patio chair and admired the well manicured yard. She allowed herself to imagine for just a moment a possible, a hopeful, future with her husband in a house like this one. He...

4 years ago
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Auntie Mabel Ch 29

Author’s Note. Apologises to my readers especially the ones in China, for the delay in writing this chapter. I have been having a lot of trouble getting my other Novel, ‘Dr. Snip’ (Erotic SF) through the site editors lately due to the controversial nature of the story. However things are now back on track. If you like Mabel, then I know you will love Gloria ‘Queen of Sex’. I certainly do. Regards Dr. Snip. ————————— Alison was a bit pissed off at John, he was the fucking father of her baby...

2 years ago
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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 11

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual material, this story is not for you. There will be some scenes included, but they will be evocative rather than aggressive, and not just for the sake of sex itself. I hope you will join me on this journey, until it reaches its inevitable end. P_D10 ...

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Classmate Ki Chudayi

Hi friends, ye meri pahli kahani hai.. Mera naam Raj hai. Baat aj se 4 saal pahle ki hai jab mai college me tha. Meri class me ek ladki padhti thi uska naam shruti tha. Suru me to mai shruti me jyada dhyan nahi diya karta tha. Par ek din ghar jate samay mai shruti ke paas hi baitha tha. Usne mujhse normal baat ki padhayi kaisi chal rahi hai.Fir usne mujhse kaha ki chal apan friends ban jate hai close friends, maine bola theek hai. Fir us din ke baad hamari kai ghanto tak baat hone lagi. Kuchh...

2 years ago
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Mom has me join her and her two friends

Introduction: When I got caught watching my mom with two guys, she has me come in and join them. I had gone to bed at nine thirty as usual but after a while I woke up. I guessed that it was because I had to go pee. I looked at the clock and it was a little before one am. From down the hall I could hear moaning sounds. I recognized them as sex sounds as I had often heard them after Mom and Dad went to bed and I had peeked a couple of times and saw Dad on top of Mom and the blanket going up and...

1 year ago
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I had a second partner in my life which gave me spark for sex

My marriage was a peaceful one, devoid of stressors and shouting matches. But sexually, I wasn’t too satisfied. I was looking for something, wanting something more and this actually showed in my acts. Once, I was fucking my wife and although her pussy was squeezing me in the right ways, I wasn’t feeling excited enough. So much so that in the middle, my cock suddenly went limp. It was then that I thought that maybe I needed a second partner in my life to make more excited. That night I went down...

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The summer at Grandpa and Grandmas housepart I

Part I My mother had remarried (again) when I was 18. One summer she wanted to travel with her new husband to Europe. He suggested that I stay with his parent on their farm house. This sounded terribly boring becuase I was a city girl nd loved to shop and hang out anf the local malls. I was a fahsionalable girl, always wearing miniskirt, high heels, and small revealing top. I had a gift for making men and boys drool. I had sex with many boys my age and even with some older men I had met online...

2 years ago
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Mountain trip Interrupted

I hope You still enjoy the narrative! The story took place on my home island a beautiful spring day some years ago. The sky was blue and the sun would come out later for a quick visit. It was still a bit nippy, the morning temperature at 12 deg C (54 deg F) and the day temperature not exceeding 16 deg C (61 deg F). I would not let such an appealing day go amiss and had planned my trip to the mountain the previous evening. I had prepared a small backpack suitable for a day's walk on...

2 years ago
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Star Trek Plague

Trapped in the body of Janice Lester, his real body destroyed, the Jim Kirk of the mirror universe has travelled to the universe of the Federation intending to steal the body of their Jim Kirk. Only now there's a third Jim Kirk.... STAR TREK: PLAGUE by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'Mirror Universe Turnabout' and 'Infiltration' All characters...

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Late Night Movies chapter 13

I woke up with my lil peter hard and throbbing. I had to pee sooo bad. The sun was already high and I knew I had slept in to at least ten. The smell of bacon and pancakes wafted through my nose and my mouth filled with saliva. I made a beeline to the bathroom and relieved myself before heading out to the living room still rubbing my eyes. “I was JUST gonna wake you” mommy said, “Good timing!” as she laid the fourth plate onto the table. She was completely naked and I blushed seeing her casually...

1 year ago
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Porn Chil! The porn industry is in constant flux. There are always new genres, actresses, websites, and studios pushing the limits and breathing fresh life into the art form. That was always the case, but the internet increased the rate of change exponentially. I’ve been in the business a long time and have seen more than my fair share of development in that period.It can be hard to keep up with all the new happenings. Besides things moving so fast, many people just get caught up visiting the...

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4 years ago
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The Senior Center Concert

The Senior Center Concert It was hot. It was always hot in those places. They had the air conditioning on, but because old people are always cold, it wasn’t set low enough. It felt like it was set at about eighty five. I was sweating as I set up my stand, and unpacked my bari sax. I fingered a few notes without playing, just to be certain all the keys were still functioning properly. They weren’t. There was a broken spring on the B flat side key. Great, I thought. That’s just ducky. I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Across The Street The Conclusion

Mike left his telescope at the window even though it wasn't used any longer; his laptop was the new tool of choice. Every night around midnight he would receive a chat request and a second later Leann's beautiful face would fill his screen. There was the usual small talk about their day as Mike stared at her pretty face.They didn't have to talk about sex. Between her looks, dress and voice Mike always got hard. Leann seemed to be able to sense when he was ready and would start her music and...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonEpilogue

When I had been told by Phaltina that I was going to my paradise, I did not think that she would mean being sent back to life. I awoke to find myself naked on a rocky crag not that far from the village. Just after I appeared there, Aphronia, of all people, found me. She had heard of my death, so she was shocked to find me there. She had a blanket in her pack and gave me that to allow for some semblance of modesty on our trek back to Int’samba. I asked if Janet and the others had come and gone...

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Kamma widow and myself

I am an educated Tamil lady of Madurai in tamilnadu. We are from poor community and we were living on the mercy of rich families. My husband was a khalasi in south central railway and was posted to Guntur Juntion for employment and I also accompanied him to Guntur in Andhra. We are provided class 4 housing quarters in railway colony. I am a sexy woman and my husband cannot satisfy me in bed. I always need extra sex. One day one telungu lady came to my husband and said that there is a very rich...

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Heather part 2

Introduction: After settling in with her new family, Heather and Aaron become a bit more aquainted Angie really hadnt been lying when she told Heather her new stepfather was handsome, kind, and rich. If anything, she was underselling just how wonderful he was. He swept them up on a whirlwind of shopping sprees, eager to fulfill any need they had. Angie was enthusiastic about this, but Heather felt a bit strange having someone shed just met spend so much on her, so George simply bought anything...

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Snippets Susan or Virginity Lost

Susan technically took my virginity. I had done quite a lot with other girls by then, but never the deed. I'd rather not say my actual age, because it's a trifle embarrassing, but I was a bit older than I should have been. It was a plan, really. I asked Susan if she would like to go for a ride (I had a motorcycle) and after a few scheduling problems we finally found ourselves setting out one fine summer Saturday morning. I picked Susan up at her apartment. I had carried passengers before,...

3 years ago
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My fat X girfriend

HI am back, :P am Vijay writing 3rd story of mine over here, am of 23 years and 5″11 in height, fair handsome good looking a bit nice built ;) well this story is about a long term X girlfriend of mine and me, this all had started a way back when i was in my 12th, i got this girlfriend who was growing fatty day by day, i proposed her when she was the most beautiful but then she kept on going fat on daily basis, i could not take it any longer as being with her became shameful for me (only i...

4 years ago
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Two Worlds Collide Part 3

Note: This installment doesn’t contain sex, it is a buildup of the two characters, so you know more about them. There will be some in the next part though… and I will most likely be writing 1 more part, maybe another 2 parts, I will see where it goes… It has been a month since the first weekend Amber and Hanna spent in each others arms. The past month has been the happiest of either of their lives, and they were finally happy. Every date they went on seemed like it was the first. The spark that...

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A meeting part two

Sarah was breathing heavily, panting after cumming and I was gently stroking her pussy and rubbing her ass while she calmed down but put a hard slap into her ass with the ruler just to make sure she was awake and with it! Then I started to slide it up and down her slit watching her squirm as the sharp edge grazed her clit “what do you want now?” I asked and a quiet voice answered “your cock please” and as I was nicely warmed up I decided she should have it now so told her to stand as I sat back...

2 years ago
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Bucket List Milking

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list. We take turns to choose from our lists Fantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them. If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night! If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No. No involvement of other people without mutual...

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Girls Having More Fun

This believe it or not is a true story. I had been teasing my girlfriend Rachel for weeks about her self confessed attraction to girls. We have always had an erotically charged relationship and from almost day one, had teased and excited each other with erotic stories from our pasts and fantasies. I had confessed to a couple of ménage à trois experiences at college and she had told me of a wild period in her teens when she had discovered sex and gone through a dozen boys in as...

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Ashleys Needs

My reflection in the mirror was not impressive. Balding, small nose, square glasses and a beer belly looked back at me. I used a small scissor to cut the hair sticking out of my nose and then stepped back. My cock came into view in the mirror and I sighed at the size of it. I couldn’t even see it due to my belly, and it was the mix of a small cock and a big belly that prevented it.The bathroom door opened and I saw my wife’s reflection in the mirror. Tall, flowing dark brown hair, round firm...

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My horny teacher

Well hi again to all ISS lovers, this is Vijay again from the previous story of “sex in Goa bus with another tourist”, well this time i am disclosing my email id: , girls, ladies, till age 40 can mail me ;)Here goes the Story…Well, this story had started to evolve just after I went to Goa and wrote u the story “sex in Goa bus with another tourist”, but this current story took a lot of time to happen, so this happened a few days ago…I was late to join my Eng. College by almost a month, and I had...

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My Best Friend Pt2

When I woke up Saturday morning I was alone in bed. I briefly wondered if yesterday had all been a dream, but the tenderness of my ass told me it was real. I crawled out of bad and briefly considered putting on a robe but then thought why bother. I walked downstairs to the kitchen where I found Paul making coffee. I walked up behind him, put my arms around him and kissed his neck. He turned his head and kissed me back. “I hope you don’t mind me helping myself to breakfast” he said. “After last...

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EvilAngel Brooklyn Gray Hot Oil Anal Fuck Doll

Brunette baddie Brooklyn Gray looks hot as fuck in a tiny bikini, aviator sunglasses and clear stripper heels. The short-haired vixen pours hot oil over her body as she stares into the camera, teasing and stripping. Once Brooklyn is fully heated up for big cock, Zac Wild fulfills her needs. He greets her with a kiss as she strokes his stiff rod. Brooklyn chokes on his dick through a drooling blowjob and thorough throat fucking. April soon spreads her legs as Zac stuffs his meat into her slit....

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Amber and the Professor

Amber was late for her appointment with Professor Crimson. He was kind enough to let her come by his home for her oral dissertation. Unfortunately, Amber got stuck in college traffic and arrived a half hour late. She rang the bell but got no response. Hearing voices coming from the back, she crept quietly around the corner of the house and hid in the bushes. The Professor led his wife by the hand to a chair in the center of a screened porch. He used his stern teacher voice.."what did we agree...

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My first experience

Ever since I first told him I wanted to try bondage, I knew he was dying to try it. He was shocked that I wanted to try something like that, since he was convinced that I was innocent. It wasn’t that our sex life was boring, because it was far from that, but this was something new that neither of us had ever done, so it was exciting for both of us. He surprised me one day by buying handcuffs and testing them out on me while we were making out in my car. He cuffed me to the steering wheel and...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 57

Compliments of c0ffee‎ A chap was in the pub enjoying a pint, and went to the vending machine to buy some cigarettes. As he put his coins in, the cigarette machine said: ‘Look at the state of you. That shirt is hideous, your haircut is terrible, and those shoes make you look like a clown.’ Stunned, the man presses the reject button and gets his money back. He goes back to the bar, mulling over what happened, and takes a handful of peanuts from the bowl on the bar. The bowl pipes...

1 year ago
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With the wifes help

Last night I finally lived a long time dream of mine. My wife Melody of three years came home from work around 7pm and told me to follow her upstairs. Once we arrived in the bedroom, she laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide for me. She was dressed in a long white light cotton dress with a floral print and a belt cinched at the waist. The dress fell long enough to conceal most of her knee high black shiny leather boots. As I looked down at her beautiful shaven pussy, I saw first that...

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Double Trouble For Dimple Madam

Hey friends mera naam dev hai or mein Indian sex Stories mein regular apni stories upload karta rheta hun or aaj mein ek or nayi story narrate karne jaa rha hun is story mein 3 jane involve hai ek mein or ek mera friend rohan or third or sab se main humari tuition teacher Miss Dimple . Ab mein aap ko mere bare mein batata hun mein delhi mein rheta hun vasant vihar area mein or 12th standard mein study karta hun or mein dikhne me bhi average looking boy hun mera skin tone kafi fair hai . Mere...

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MommysGirl India Summer Vanna Bardot No Sex For A Week

India Summer and her step-daughter, Vanna Bardot, have a VERY special relationship… Ever since Vanna turned 18, they’ve been unable to keep their hands off each other. It’s gotten so bad, in fact, that India’s having trouble keeping up with chores and Vanna’s grades are slipping. In order to stop the spiraling, India puts her foot down and declares that they can’t have sex for a week! If they’re good and get all of their chores done, including studying,...

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My Real Slave Life The 7 Humiliations

Before we go into that though, let's address a few questions about me to give a little context. I've always been attracted to confident guys. Not all of them were into bdsm mind you, but when I say confident I really mean that there's certain dominance about them. For you guys out there heed my words when I tell you that confidence is like catnip to girls like me. I love when a guy doesn't ask me what I want because he took the time to get to know me, therefore he doesn't have to ask. He...

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