my young sexperiences
- 2 years ago
- 58
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Asha was newly married to rajesh sinha, a young businessman, who had
His own auto-parts making factory in the outskirts of delhi. They
Lived in a big bungalow with rajesh’s parents. They had just returned
From their honeymoon. Asha a voluptuous women had been a virgin
Before marriage, although she had indulged in heavy petting with a
Few boys and her house servant. Luckily before she could go any
Further her marriage was fixed. She was a lusty young woman with a
Big body, heavy breasts and a tight arse. She had throughly enjoyed
Her honeymoon and was fucked by her new hubby almost 3-4 times a day.
Now after coming to her new house she was slowly trying to adjust to
Her new role as a housewife.
Being an extremely sexed and sexy person she was the target of all
The male friends relatives n servants in her new environment. Some
Women lusted after her too. Asha loved the attention she was getting
And had sex on her mind a lot. Her husband rajesh had to look after
His business and was away all day long n returned late at night very
Tired. Asha’s father-in-law felt rejuvenated on seeing such a
Voluptuous n sexy woman in the house n would waste no opportunity to
Be near her and fantasize about seeing her naked body. He longed to
Fuck her and his prick was always in a state of readiness on seeing
Her go about the household chores. He loved seeing her in her nighty
In the morning serving breakfast to the family as she bade farewell
To her husband for the day. Such ripe and heavy breasts on a slim n
Fair body was a heavenly sight for the old man.
Oh he thought, how much i can teach this woman to feel pleasure if
Only i had the opportunity. His mind started working to find ways to
Create an opportunity for him to fuck her.
Asha was not oblivious to the intentions of her father-in-law. In
Fact she loved the attention showered on her. Even rajesh’s young
Cousins would drop in during the day to see her with lustful
Intentions. One of them called sushil was a tall handsome fellow
Employed in the indian army n was on leave for 3 weeks. He was a
Rogue, in that, he had fucked many girls n seduced many housewives.
He was a bachelor about 35 years in age n older than asha, who was
Just 23. He lived his life to the hilt n had not thought of
Marriage, especially having opportunities to fuck many woman as it
Is. He would come over to meet asha very often . He had a motorcycle
N would offer asha a ride. So far asha had refused on some pretext or
The other, but sushil was quite persistent, having mastered the art
Of seduction, he bided his time. With so much male attention asha
Would be very horny by the time rajesh returned home in the night .
Rajesh on the other hand would be quite tired , but seeing asha’s
Obvious horniness would fuck her before sleeping. However the
Tiredness would prevail n at times he would just ejaculate inside her
Very fast leaving her unsatisfied. This started happening often and
Asha having a strong sex-drive started masturbating to control her
Desire. She would take long baths in the morning masturbating in her
Her thoughts would drift to her earlier boyfriends,her house servant
(who nearly fucked her),her father-in-law, sushil, her driver and
Even the maid servant. Asha being highly sexed would fantasize and
Masturbate to fulfil her need. Sex played so much on her mind that
She was attracted to women also and felt randy on seeing sexy woman
In magazines or in real life. One of her favourite fantasy while
Masturbating was about her house servant raju. He was employed in her
Parents house as a chokra ( a cheap servant) to clean the house n do
Market purchases.
He was a boy of 17 years and had been attracted to asha when she was
Unmarried. He used to serve her morning tea in her room and used to
See her in various poses while sleeping. At times he saw her panties
And at times got glimpses of the big breasts. This used to disturb
Him deeply and he was dying to fuck her, at the same time afraid of
Losing his job. He controlled his desire the best that he could by
Visiting prostitutes and fucking the neighbours maid. He also knew
That asha’s marriage was fixed and the thought of not seeing her near
Nude body every morning saddened him greatly.
One morning , when he went to serve her bed-tea, he found asha
Sprawled on the bed with her legs apart. She was sleeping on her back
And the bed sheet had slipped of her body. Her nightie had risen up n
Her panties and pubic hair could be clearly seen. Her creamy thighs
And the dark curly cunt hair was too much for raju. He immediately
Got a massive hard-on and was at his wits end about what to do. He
Quickly freed his prick from his shorts and started rubbing it while
Looking at asha’s dark bush. Suddenly he saw that asha was getting
Up n he tried to put his prick back inside his shorts. Asha awoke to
A sight of a large pole in raju’s hand instead of the customary tea-
Cup. It took a moment for realization to dawn on her that it was a
Prick, that too a massive one. Asha was transfixed at the sight of
Raju’s prick and her hormones started acting-up. Although she had
Seen pricks in magazines she had never seen a real one and that also
So near.
Raju a short chokra (ignorable servant) possessing such a massive
Tool, this sight transfixed her. On seeing her reaction or rather a lack of reaction,
Raju grew bolder and stepped nearer her. He caught her hand and
Placed it on his prick. Asha felt a current shoot-up her body on
Touching a hot throbbing prick. She felt her juices flowing and her
Panties getting wet. This was not lost on raju and he grew bolder by
Grabbing her hair and bringing her face near his prick. He started
Rubbing his prick on asha’s face. Asha was in a trance, her face was
Burning, her whole body was burning with desire. Sensing this raju
Brought the head of the prick near her lips and started rubbing the
Head on her lips. Asha’s mouth opened by itself and she started
Sucking on the head. Raju started pushing his prick in further. Asha
Felt the hot throbbing prick in her mouth, it smelled and tasted
Tangy n salty. Raju meanwhile pushed further, however the taste n
Smell was too much for asha n she started choking. Raju quickly
Brought his prick out smeared with asha’s saliva, started rubbing on
Her face. Slowly he brought it to her lips again and again asha
Opened her mouth. He kept doing this routine of taking his prick out
And then putting it in and asha got used to the feeling n sucking of
His prick. Raju heard his name being called out by asha’s mother
From downstairs. He quickly pulled his prick out of her mouth and
Started rubbing it on her face. He was too near ejaculation to stop
And soon ejaculated all over her face and mouth by holding her hair.
Having finished he put his prick in and rushed downstairs. Asha had
Her first taste of semen just a day prior to her marriage to rajesh.
She often masturbated while thinking of raju’s prick and about
Having that prick inside her aching cunt. Even after being married
Now for nearly two months, she often thought about raju’s massive
Prick. Her husband was satisfactory in bed but the pleasure she had
Received by sucking, holding, feeling raju’s massive prick was not
There. She had always thought the tall men have large pricks but now
She knew better.
Asha was getting sexually frustrated. Her husband rajesh used to
Ejaculate too fast and go of to sleep leaving her frustrated. The sex
Act finished almost before it started, so it seemed to asha. She
Resolved her frustrations by masturbating in the tub in the mornings.
She fantasized about her father-in-law, raju, sushil and even her
Maid servant. Although she was fucked by them in her fantasises ,
Asha had resolved to remain faithful to her husband. However, she saw
No harm in flirting, since it gave her pleasure and added excitement
To her fantasises while masturbating.
She now resorted to wearing flimsy nighties and purposely kept the
Buttons of her nightgown open. She would bend low while serving her
Father-in-law and rajesh breakfast and also raise her arms in the
Pretext of arranging her hair ever so often. Thus, her father-in-law
Was treated to a sexy sight daily, so too were the servants of the
Household. She would often call her father-in-law to play cards with
Her in her room before having a bath. She would purposely touch his
Hand, arm while playing and give him glimpses of her breasts thru the
Flimsy nighty and also her creamy, milky white thighs. Her father-in-
Law, poor chap would be desperately trying to hide his erection and
Would often use her toilet to masturbate to release his frustration.
This seemed to excite asha very much, seeing the power of her
Sexuality over this old man. At times she carelessly left her bra or
Panty lying around in the bathroom, so that the old man could get a
Sniff or two. Her father-in-law was helpless since he did not have
The courage to make a move on her. He was dying to fuck her and
Waiting for an opportunity to present itself. Ooh he could teach this
Teasing bitch a thing or two with his experienced prick.
Sushil on the other hand was a different kettle of fish altogether.
He had stopped coming so often to their house, knowing that asha was
Revelling in teasing him and nothing more. He was getting sex from
Women and knew that eventually an opportunity would open for him to
Fuck asha. One day sushil came over and invited rajesh and asha to a
Dinner at his house the following weekend. His leave would soon be
Getting over and thus he was throwing a party for friends. When asha
And rajesh arrived at his apartment for the party they saw a lot of
Young couples enjoying themselves. Sushil was mainly occupied with a
Sexy looking girl who was a famous delhi model. On asking rajesh, she
Got to know that her name was mini and she was sushil’s current
Girlfriend and around 27 years of age. Mini was the attention of most
Males at the party. She was wearing a thin-strap black dress, which
Could hardly hold her huge breasts and the dress was so short that,
Asha thought that mini was wearing no panties. The sight of her heavy
Proud breasts almost spilling out of the dress transfixed asha. She
Was staring at mini with her lips slightly parted and asha could feel
Herself getting wet. Suddenly mini looked in her direction and asha
Was embarrassed at being caught looking unabashedly at this sexy
The next thing asha saw was mini standing next to her with sushil .
She gently took hold of asha’s hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Asha took in her perfume as mini’s breasts pressed her own while she
Was kissing her cheek. “rajesh is lucky to have such a pretty wife”
She laughingly told asha . She had not left asha’s hand and kept
Squeezing it sensually. The nearness of this woman and her scent
Intoxicated asha. Also the sight of her huge breasts each winking the
Other way was enough to start asha’s juices flowing. Asha thought her
Own breasts were a handful, but mini’s were huge and seemed to have
A life of their own, proudly thrusting thru the fabric to gain
Freedom. After exchanging a few more pleasantries with asha and
Rajesh, sushil and mini excused themselves. Before leaving, mini, who
Had not let go playing with asha’s hand brought her face near asha’s
Ear. Brushing her breasts against her arm and pretending to whisper
Something, she took a playful nibble and lick at asha’s ear. Asha
Immediately blushed on knowing the mini was attracted to her. This
Was not lost on sushil who mischievously smiled at asha’s
Predicament. Asha was really all hot and bothered. She stole a number
Of glances at mini and sushil during the party and her stares were
Noticed by them.
On returning home that night, asha felt very horny and quickly
Removed her clothes and pounced on her husband. Rajesh could not keep
Up the sexual ardour of his wife and as usual ejaculated too fast and
Went off to sleep. Asha was sexually unsatisfied and kept tossing and
Turning thinking about mini and sushil . In the morning she asked
Rajesh why sushil was not married as yet. Rajesh laughed and said
That sushil did not feel the need especially when he was bedding many
Women. He also added that sushil was a rogue and that she should stay
Away from him. Asha felt scared of sushil but at the same time, the
Thought of getting fucked by him set her juices flowing. That day she
Masturbated thinking of mini and sushil . However, asha thought
Seriously of what her husband had said and resolved to let sushil
Fuck her in her dreams only.
A few days later, asha hit upon an idea of buying sexy lingerie to
Spice up her sex-life with rajesh. She had often seen women in
Magazines wearing sexy lingerie and decided to surprise rajesh that
Night. She wanted to but a satin teddy and so she went to a shop
Dealing in imported undergarments. She found what she wanted and was
Holding it up for size, when she heard her name being called. She
Turned to see mini, who once again proceeded to peck her on the check
And this time give her a big hug. Seeing what was in asha’s hand,
Mini squealed ” that will look real sexy on you asha”. Asha smiled
And asked the salesgirl to show her a larger size. ” asha dear, i
Bought the same size for myself last week and it fitted me fine,
After all it is meant to show your boobs not hide them”. Asha blushed
At the mention of breasts. Mini continued ” asha you have such a sexy
Figure and a horny face too, you should definitely take up
Modelling”. Mini had a very unsettling effect on her. She was so
Sexy and today she was wearing a tight t-shirt and tight pants. Her
Breasts seemed to proudly thrust out. Having paid asha started to
Leave but was stopped by mini. ” lets have lunch together “she said.
Asha seemed to hesitate, but mini would not have no for an answer and
Grabbed her by her arm. Once out of the shop, mini said the sushil
Was going to pick her up from here, but she would call him to meet
Them directly at the coffee-shop. Before asha could protest, mini
Walked away and dialled sushil on her cell phone. Asha felt
Apprehensive, but at the same time excited at the prospect of
Spending time with sushil and mini.
What would she tell rajesh, he had specifically told her to stay
Away from sushil. All these thoughts entered asha’s mind. Her body
Was excited being near this couple and after all a lunch would be
Harmless. She was jolted out of her thoughts by mini pressing her
Hand and saying,” we have to pickup sushil, he has returned his bike
Since he is leaving tomorrow”, come dear lets go. Mini sat in the car
And asha drove them to sushil’s apartment. All through the journey
The vivacious mini kept touching asha on her arm, shoulder hair or
Stroking her face while chattering 19 to a dozen. Asha was not fully
Aware of her talk but was definitely aware of her touch. On reaching
Sushil’s apartment, mini excused herself to go to the toilet while
Asha was left alone with sushil. He immediately caught her hand and
Kissed her on her cheek, saying ” asha you are looking really sexy in
A sari”. While saying this he was deliberately staring at her
Breasts and her peeking navel. He pulled her down on the sofa and
Made her sit close to him. Asha took in his masculine body odour and
Felt excited being near him and blushed. Encouraged by her blushing
Sushil put his arm around her and was stroking her hair and bare
Arms. His touch was not gentle but firm and demanding. He exuded so
Much confidence and masculinity that, asha was feeling intoxicated in
His presence and was unable to stop him from taking such liberties
With her. She was afraid and excited at the same time. Looking
Directly into asha’s eyes and stroking her face sushil said ” you
Have a sexy face asha, you should seriously think about modelling”.
He brought his face nearer and asha involuntarily opened her lips
Expecting to be kissed by him. Mini walked into the room and asha
Jerked herself away from sushil. She looked at mini who had obviously
Seen what was going on. Asha smiled sheepishly at mini and excused
Herself to go to the toilet. Once inside she washed her hot n burning
Face with cold water and tried to gather her thoughts. She was angry
At sushil, how could he treat her like a putty in his hand. The
Nerve of the man to go about touching and feeling her with his hands
And eyes ,knowing fully well that she was married. He had almost
Kissed her and she felt unable to resist his advances. Had mini not
Come what would have happened. The thought of kissing and being
Fucked by such a masculine man as sushil greatly excited her. She
Could feel her panties getting wet, and try as she did, to splash
Water on her face, her face remained flushed. She resolved to have
Firmer control over her body but boy was she feeling horny. Coming
Out of the toilet asha was taken aback by the sight that greeted her.
Mini was in sushil’s arms and was being tongue-kissed by sushil. His
Hands were kneading her buttocks and he was grinding his obvious
Bulge against her flat stomach. On seeing asha, mini immediately
Broke away and grinningly said ” sushil is going away tomorrow, so
Today is our last day together for a long time” as if to explain
Their amorous actions. Asha felt jealous and responded, “i think i
Should leave you lovebirds alone”. “no”, said both sushil and mini in
Unison. ” he has promised me that he won’t let me get any sleep
Tonight” said mini, giggling mischievously. Asha immediately reddened
At the thought of sushil fucking mini all night. Her husband rajesh
Finished their love-making faster than it took to brush one’s teeth,
And once was enough for him, for two to three days. Mini came up to
Asha and whispered in her ear ” sushil is feeling horny seeing you
Here”. Mini laughed at the rush of colour on asha’s face. Now holding
Her face in her hand she again whispered, ” asha you make me horny
Too, i want to taste you”. Saying this mini turned asha’s face
Towards her and brushed her lips lightly against asha’s. Sensing no
Resistance she kissed asha fully with her open mouth. Asha could
Taste sushil’s masculinity in mini’s kiss. Mini drew away smiling
Mischievously at asha’s obvious discomfort. She took asha by the arm
And they all proceeded to a nearby coffee-shop for lunch.
On reaching the coffee-shop, asha noticed at the way male attention
Focused on their table. Mini had a tight t-shirt on and her heavy
Breasts demanded the attention, since they seemed to be wanting their
Freedom from the tight fabric. Asha herself wanted to feel and see
Them in all their glory. She was very much taken up by mini. Mini
Knew the effect she had on asha and was dying to taste her cunt
Juices. She sat close to asha and kept touching her at the slightest
Pretext, thereby heightening the sexual tension between them. Sushil
On the other hand was quiet. He was thinking that today is the
Opportunity to fuck this teasing bitch. He was encouraged by the fact
That asha was attracted to mini. This would work to his advantage. He
Had a perpetual smile of a cat who ate the cream, knowing fully well
That he was going to fuck asha all afternoon. The main discussion all
Through the meal centred around asha. Both mini and sushil were very
Insistent that asha take-up modelling. They kept complimenting on her
Figure and sexy face and fair unblemished skin. Mini took all this
Opportunity to feel her skin, her face and generally indulge in light
Foreplay with asha. Asha was taken-up by their compliments and she
Had no resistance against mini taking liberties with her. She was so
Sexually charged that she had wet her panties and was dying to get
Fucked silly. They told her that she should have her portfolio taken
And each one recommended various photographers. After the meal when
Sushil was paying the check, asha realized that she had left her
Purse in sushil’s apartment.
On reaching sushil’s apartment, asha picked up her purse and started
To leave, however sushil insisted on taking a few snaps and went into
The bedroom to fetch a camera. Mini pulled asha beside her on the
Sofa and started talking and touching her. She told asha that she
Would very much like to meet her again and take her to some good
Photographers. Meanwhile sushil got his camera and asked them to pose
For a few snaps. Immediately mini started hugging asha in the pretext
Of posing. So much body contact with this huge busted model was too
Much for asha. She too got bolder and started feeling mini. This was
All the encouragement mini needed and soon she was tongue-kissing
Asha. Asha was whimpering with passion. She had never been kissed by
A woman before and was savouring her softness. Mini was now taking
Small bites on asha’s ear, face neck, asha was on fire. Sushil had
Captured all this on film and had got very excited on seeing these
Two sexy women go for each other. He quickly removed his clothing and
Stroked his fat thick prick. He separated the two women, lest he miss
In on the action. On seeing sushil naked, his muscle tone and the
Thickness of his shaft, asha felt afraid. Her mind was forcing her to
Say ” nooo sushil, please don’t fuck me , i am married”, instead the
Words that came out were ” oooooh my gawd, itsss so beeeeg,
Sushhheeeeel”. Don’t worry asha darling, said sushil, just hold it,
It won’t bite. He brought his prick near her and placed her hand on
It. Asha felt the throbbing prick and was creaming in her panties.
Her eyes were wide open but her throat was dry. Mini sensing asha’s
Predicament, quickly brought her lips to suck sushil’s prick. But
Sushil only wanted asha and firmly pushed mini aside motioning to her
To take the camera. Now sushil caught asha by the back of her neck
And brought his prick near her face. Asha could smell his prick now
And involuntarily opened her mouth to suck it. Sushil felt overjoyed,
Seeing asha was a willing participant, he slowly pushed his prick
Further in her mouth. This was the second time asha was tasting ,
Sucking a prick. First raju and now sushil. Her husband rajesh was
Not adventurous in bed. Sushil expertly filled her throat with his
Prick and when he thought she was gagging removed it and rubbed her
Face with it. Asha took to the task with earnest now. She could taste
Sushil’s masculinity and could feel the power of his prick thru its
Throbbing. Meanwhile, mini was busy clicking photographs. Asha’s sexy
Face filled with sushil’s thick prick was too much for mini, she was
In the throes of an orgasm herself. The sight of such a sexy face
Licking sushil’s hairy balls and her hands all over sushil’s tight
Buns was awesome. Asha loved the feel of sushil’s buttocks and
Feeling their strength could well visualise the fucking she was going
To get. Sushil too was very excited and about to explode. He
Controlled himself by stopping and asking asha if she liked sucking
His prick. Asha could only moan a gurgle in reply. He was delighted
In seeing this newly married woman offering no resistance at all. In
Fact she was hot and sucking, licking his prick profusely. Sushil
Then held the back of her head and started fucking her mouth, first
With slow long thrusts and then with short fast jabs. As he exploded
He filled her mouth with semen. Removed his prick from her mouth,
Lest she choke and came all over her sexy face, hair, shoulders,
Saree. Asha tried to swallow as much as she could. Suddenly mini left
The camera and started sucking asha’s mouth, face, to taste sushil’s
Cum. This was the second time asha had tasted semen and she was
Loving every goblet, droplet of it. Asha’s panties were thoroughly
Soaked and her thighs too were wet. She responded to mini’s kisses
With gay abandon, whimpering and moaning loudly. She ripped mini’s t-
Shirt over her head and pushed the pink lacy bra from the top and
Fastened her mouth on one swollen nipple. Mini felt discomforted,
Feeling the tightness of the bra strap on her back. She roughly
Pushed asha aside and removed her bra. The sight of her huge breasts
With swollen nipples gaining freedom was too much for asha. She lost
Control and with a loud moan latched on to them with her hands and
Mouth. Mini yanked asha’ socked panties and sucked its saltiness and she
Then removed her soiled panties and thrust into asha’s mouth. “suck my
Panties, bitch, i will suck yours , don’t forget to give me your asshole
Dear honey i want to suck your anal cherry. I will make you die sucking
Your asshole, you fat woman you have a good anal cherry”, mini said. Mini
Spread asha’s asscheeks as wide as possible and she found her asshole
Muscles contracting in anticipation for her eager tongue, the asshole
Opening was black compared to milky white body. She inserted one finger
Into it and began to ream her asshole using her tongue. She was getting the
Smell of shit but it was ambrosia for her. Mini had seduced so many girls
But she never tasted such a creamy pussy and musky asshole. She supported
Asha in her hands and asha was grabbing the pillows for her balance as she
Was placed like hanging down from a tree. Mini parted her legs and
Crisscrossed her legs between asha’s wide opened legs making a perfect x
And began to insert her engorged clit having size of almost an inch and
Inserted into asha’s asshole opening. But sushil was getting impatient, he
Could not wait till these bitches satisfy each other, he was afraid his
Penis would explode if he saw the lesbian lovemaking anymore.
Sushil seeing the women, and especially asha’s horniness, couldn’t
Wait to fuck her. He roughly pulled the women apart and carried asha
In his arms to his bedroom, where the air conditioner was on. Sushil
Ripped asha’s blouse off, and mini helped him in removing asha’s
Clothes. On seeing her soaking lace panties, sushil could not be
Bothered in removing them, he just yanked and ripped them. He saw
Asha’s cunt lips fully engorged with the blood pumping in them, her
Clitoris was fully erect. Her black cunt hair was neatly trimmed and
The sight of black hair, creamy white thighs and pink cunt lips was
Too much for sushil. He knew that asha too was wanting him to fuck
Her. He laid asha on her back and raised both her legs over his
Shoulder. He placed his prick near her flowing cunt juices and
Pierced the bulbous head of his prick into her cunt. Asha’s cunt had
Never experienced such a thick, fat prick and although sushil had
Only put the head in, her outer cunt lips where fully stretched. Asha
Screamed in pain. “ooohhhh gaawd iii caannnt, pleease nnnnoooooo
Susheeeeeel,”, she cried. There was cold sweat all over her forehead
And face. Asha was really scared and got completely dry inside. ”
Oooouui mmmaaa yoou are teeeaarrinnngg meee aaaiiieeeeee”.
Although asha had been married for a little over two months, her
Cunt had never been so stretched. She started begging sushil to
Please spare her. Sushil felt as if he was deflowering a virgin. This
Excited him no end and his proud thick prick throbbed even more. Mini
Came by asha’s side. Asha begged mini to make sushil stop. Asha
Expected sushil to ram his prick fully in regardless of her dryness
And fear. Sushil meanwhile removed the head slowly, putting some
Spit on it sank it again in her cunt. After repeating this a few
Times her cunt was able to accommodate his thick prick head. He now
Started inserting his prick bit by bit, thrusting and withdrawing. He
Got a slow rhythm going and sensed that asha was now lifting her
Buttocks to meet his thrusts. Her juices were flowing freely and she
Could feel an orgasm approaching. Asha now clawed on sushil’s back
Egging him to go faster. Mini asked her how she was liking it. Asha
Managed a whimpering sound ” oohh aaargg hhhees ffucking mee sooo
Niccely, it feelss ssoo good”. Sushil now started thrusting and
Withdrawing faster and faster pounding asha’s tight cunt. His heavy
Balls were slapping against asha’s raised buttocks thwap, twap,
Thwap with each of sushil’s powerful strokes. Their bodies were
Glistening with sweat and the only sound in the room as sushil
Increased his thrusts were of asha’s loud moaning and thwap, thwap,
Thwap, thwap of his ball slapping her raised buttocks. Sushil felt as
If he had deflowered a virgin. Asha was thrilled at the power of his
Thrusts and for the first time in her life felt fulfilled , literally
And mentally. Sushil kept on going thwap thwap thwap and asha could
Feel her orgasm imminent. Sensing this sushil stopped pumping
Abruptly. Asha wailed ” yoou bassstarrd dooont sttoop pleeeasee iimm
Unngg ccomming.”. ” fuck me” you’ve always been waiting for this youu
Unnghh urggh aaiiiee ouiii mmaaaa”, sushil started thrusting hard
And asha came and came. ” oouuii mmaa uurrnngh oohhrrggd “.
Sushil could not hold back any longer and exploded inside asha,
Filling her cunt with his semen. He then collapsed on the bed beside
Mini had been rubbing her clitoris bringing herself to orgasm ,
While asha had been getting fucked. She longed to taste asha’s cunt
Juices and quickly started sucking her swollen cunt lips. She darted
Her tongue inside asha’s cunt and tasted sushil’s semen again. She
Also started teasing asha’s bud clit making her moan and writhe. Asha
Had never experienced anybody sucking her let alone a sexy woman.
Mini needed gratification too and spread her legs over asha’s face
And started grinding her soaked cunt on asha’s face. Asha was a quick
Learner and soon the two sexy women were having orgasms 69ing each
Other. The sight of these two sexy women doing each other excited
Sushil and he developed a hard-on again. He pulled asha away from
Mini. Taking her by the shoulders he brought her near a rocking chair
And he sat down. Then he motioned for her to sit on him. Asha stared
At his thick prick and slowly sat on him taking in his prick inch by
Inch. When sushil had his prick fully inside he remained absolutely
Still and concentrated on fondling, sucking, biting asha’s fair
Breasts. He asked her ” asha, does this feel nice”. Asha was fully
Plugged up and although sushil was only gently rocking, the fullness
Of his prick was bringing her close to another orgasm. ” aaah yyouu
Rogue yoovee uumm uummmn uurggghh ooohhh yooouurr ccoockk iittss
Fffiilleed mmee uunnggh uunnnghh uuunnnnggh oooo aaaaaahhh” wailed
Asha feeling his fullness inside her had another orgasm, but sushil
Kept his prick absolutely still. Then he motioned mini to hold asha’s
Shoulders from the back and he clasped her buttocks tightly. He stood
Up with his prick fully inside her and clasping her buttocks tightly.
Mini had the weight of asha’s shoulders on her. Sushil slowly started
Pumping his prick in and out of asha’s cunt. Asha was in midair and
Was receiving sushil’s powerful thrusts. Sushil increased the pace as
Did asha’s moaning which turned into a continuous wailing sound
Aaaaahhnn aaahhnn aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhn aaaaaaaaaaannn
Uuuuuggggggnnnnhhh, as she neared another orgasm. Asha was in throes
Of orgasm and her wailing was completely incoherent. Sushil then,
Withdrew his still hard and erect prick and they laid asha on the bed.
Asha continued to whimper and moan, having never experienced such a
Thorough fucking in her life. Sushil meanwhile straddled mini’s flat
Stomach and propped two pillows under her neck. He the clasped both
Her huge tits with his penis tightly clenched by her breasts and
Began to breast-fuck mini. He was really rough with mini and would
Thrust his prick thru her breasts and into her mouth. Asha had not
Seen such a thing before and the sight of mini’s huge breasts being
Treated so roughly brought her to another wave of orgasm. Asha had no
Control over her cunt which kept throbbing for more. Sensing this
Sushil stopped breast-fucking mini and made asha and mini lie side by
Side. He raised asha’s left leg and mini’s right leg. He quickly
Propped pillows under their buttocks so that their cunts were raised
And nicely positioned. Then he thrust his prick into asha’s gaping,
Throbbing cunt and gave long hard strokes. He then withdrew and did
The same to mini’s cunt , holding one leg each together. Both asha
And mini drew double the pleasure from this, since while one was
Being fucked, the other too was moving in the same rhythm. Sushil
Kept alternating and fucking them. He went on and on, both asha and
Mini continued to moan and wail as orgasm after orgasm swept thru
Their bodies. When sushil could feel he was about to explode he
Withdrew his prick and let go of their legs. He straddled asha’s
Breasts and put his prick into her mouth. He loved to see such a
Pretty fair horny face sucking his prick. This is what he wanted to
Do to asha since he first saw her sexy face. He exploded inside her
Mouth and this time roughly forced her to take-in all his semen. Asha
Gurgled and gagged but his semen kept coming in. Finally sushil
Withdrew his fat prick from her mouth and rubbed his prick all over
Her sexy face and hair. He then collapsed on the bed along with them
And continued to bite and nibble at whatever part of skin came in
Contact with his mouth.
Asha finally got up and went to the toilet to pee. Semen was still
Coming out of her cunt lips. She washed her face in the mirror and
Saw dried semen all over her body and hair. Her hair was all knotted
With dry semen and try as she did she could not untangle them. Her
Hair, bastard had really done her in, how was she going to go home in
This manner. Asha had always been particular of her hair, a lot of
Care and time went into taking care of it. Now this mess was
Unbearable for her. Also there were heckles on her neck, cheeks,
Breasts and her lips just as her cunt lips were swollen. She
Thought, “my god, i better stay away from rajesh till these
Disappear”. Thinking of rajesh she saw the time was 5.35pm and she
Needed to get back, bathe before he came in at around .
They had been fucking away for more than 3 hours. Asha came out of
The toilet to search for her clothes. Sushil saw her bending down and
Quickly got up and started slapping her huge buttocks. ” sali (sister
Elder) teri badi gannd ko chodne ka chance he nahi mila”, (i didn’t get a
Chance to fuck on your big fat asshole) said sushil while
Slapping her buttocks. Asha saw that sushil had got a hard-on again.
Asha was turned on by sushil’s using vulgar hindi and by his slapping
And kneading her bums. She replied ” noo sushiil, rajesh will be
Getting back, please let me go, another time you can fuck me, i
Promise, please let me go now”. Saying this asha hurriedly started
Picking her clothes. When asha saw the semen stains on her saree and
Torn blouse and panty she began to cry. Her saree was beyond repair,
All crumpled and ripped in certain places. Mini came to her rescue by
Offering to give her clothes, but she did not have a saree, only the
Sexy black dress she had worn on the party night.. So asha had no
Choice but to wear that dress without panties. Her swollen nipples
Could clearly be seen and the dress was very tight around the arse ,
She had to hike it higher, whereby the dried cum on her cunt hairs
And inner thighs could be clearly seen.
Crying, asha left sushil’s apartment. She had difficult walking in
The dress and when she sat down to drive her car, the dress rode up
And her swollen cunt-lips and semen matted cunt hair could clearly be
Seen. She put some paper napkins to cover her cunt and thighs from bus
View and drove home. At stoplights asha noticed that the vendors and
Beggars were having a field day staring at her almost naked body. On
Reaching home she prayed that nobody should see her and almost ran
Into her room, locking it. But lo behold her maid was doing her room
And she came face to face with her. Asha lowered her eyes and asked
Her to get out of the room. The maid saw the dishevelled state asha
Was in and quickly realized that her memsaab (lady boss) had been thoroughly
Fucked that day. She would use this knowledge to her advantage very
Soon. Smiling and staring up and down at asha, the maid left the
Room. Unknown to asha, her father-in-law too had seen her coming in,
Peeking from his bedroom. He was always spying on her. He knew that
She had worn a saree and comeback in somebody else’s clothes looking
Thoroughly fucked. He now saw an opportunity to have her the way he
Wanted. Furthermore, unknown to asha there were photographs taken of
Her cock-sucking and fucking, which too could be used against her
Asha had been successful in hiding the love bites she had received
During her fuck-session with mini and sushil.
Other part of this to continue depending on response of this
Hope u all iss readers will love this one . Give your feedback on
Kink and BDSM porns had always intrigued me. I had been so much curious about them that I got a few toys at home. I never got the chance to try them though since most women freaked out at the idea. I eventually stopped telling my dates about the fantasy and my kinky sexcapades. I am a dom, you see. I wanted to meet the perfect submissive who can appreciate my lifestyle. I never imagined it will eventually come true after the array of failed dates. Jennifer- the calm, sweet face deceived nothing...
BDSMHi, ISS reader This is my first story. I am in gujarat. Ye us samay ki bat he jab me 19 saal ka tha. Me samane hamare hi jati ke log rahete the. Unaki nayi nayi shadi hui thi. Unaka nam Virendra tha aur unaki wife ka nam Neeta tha. Vo bahot hi sexi aur hot thi. Neeta ko me pyar se bhabhi jaan kahakar bulatatha aur vo bhi mujese acchi bate karti thi. Magar vo kabhi mera naam nahi bolati thi, jese me usaka pati hu vese muje Aap, Lijie vese shabdo se bulati thi. Vo bahot hi sexi lagati thi. Unaka...
Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...
Here are a few true to life experiences that my partner and myself have enjoyed over the years, starting from basic sex and transpiring into oral sex, further culminating in anal penetration. Thereafter sex toys and gadgets enhanced the experience and as time went on, swinging became a part of the fun. If this was not enough than more partners were brought into the equation and desires and fantasies culminated in introducing males with "Monster cocks" (for my partner). Finally, things like...
Naangal ippozhuthu thaan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugirom, en vagupil priya ennum kaamamaana pen irunthaal aval parka azhagaga iurkamaatal aanal parka sumaraga irupaal. Priyavirku mulai perithaaga sexyaaga irukum athu matum ilamal ivalin udambu sexyaaga irukum, pothuvaagave kaamam meethu aarvam athigamaaga irukum pengal yaaraiyaavathu naam paarthu vidalam. Priya pasangalai sight adipaal kaama paarvaiyil paarpaal, enaku veru pasangal avaludan kaamam seivathai vida naan munthi kondu kaamam...
Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...
Hi ISS Readers, I am Anubhav and I have recently got to know about this website. Since the day I came to know about this ISS site, I have been following it daily with the updates and I really feel glad to see people over here who take out time to share their experiences. Today, I am here to share about one such experience I had during this lockdown. Since it’s my first time writing over here, if there are any mistakes then do excuse me. So, let’s start. It’s the lock downtime and the last week...
Two early sexual experiencesTwo short stories based on some voyeur experiences I had while in my teens.We used to live in a very quiet place in the UK – but with quite enclosed gardens. Our next door neighbours had two great looking daughters – one around 16 and the other a few years older. Both were attractive – not stunning – but as a young guy of 14 (at the time) enough to make me take notice.The older one, Beverly, was quite tall, long chestnut-coloured hair, shapely and liked to look after...
Naangal siru vayathile kaamathai patri therinthu kondavargal, naangal anaivarum ondraaga thaan irupom pinbu enai vida avall en veetil athiga neram irupaal. Naangal siru vayathil irunthu ondraagave irunthathaal 19 vayathu aagiyum angalai ethum ketkaamal irunthaargal. Naan aval veetirku seluven aval en veetirku varugaal ithu pondru eppozhuthum ondraagave irupom. Naangal engaluku naduvil yaaraiyum vidamal irunthom appozhuthu thaan virisal varathu endru. Veru nanbargalidamum pazhaguvom aanal...
Judy: From the Beauty Salon to Prom Girl and Bridal Experiences By Janis Elizabeth Prologue The old year that has past was filled with all kinds of different experiences, some expected and eagerly awaited and some only dreamed of and hoped for. Memories created from the old year become the foundation of the hopes and expectations for the new. With the beginning of the New Year, there is always the promise of new and exciting times, the potential for...
J'ai rencontré cette sexy girl à l'époque ou je surfais sur quelques sites de rencontres et autres bien connus. Quelle tuerie cette brunette orientale, un visage et une bouche humm... Je bande rien qu'en y repensant, mais bref... donc, Une grosse touffe ondulée, un corps pulpeux et ferme a la fois, des seins monstrueusement perfect en forme de pommes, ronds comme jamais, tétons rosés, juteux et attractifs, trop même !Une ravissante Chatte épilée douce et sucrée, je peux dire que j'en ai vu un...
Coming to the story our family living in a factionists area .In my village Half of the members will be in jail due to group politics. Always rivalry between two political groups in my village. Coming to my family Me, father, Mother, brother My Father work under a political leader. My brother was doing agriculture and my mother also helped him in agriculture . I am going to school near by town. But I have more sexual feelings from childhood onwards because I’m watching village beauties and their...
IncestHi, guys, this is Nayeem again and I am with my third story now! :) Those who know me can skip this part and for those who don’t know me! I’m Nayeem! I have a 7′ dick and am handsome(not kidding) :P and I maintain good fitness as I workout! Any girls/aunties/divorced want to have secret fun with me can mail me anytime!(anywhere in India! ;)) My mail id is: I guarantee you Full privacy and you must also guarantee me the same! Guess what!! This story is about a reader who emailed me after the...
IncestHmm, SextingForum? Of course, I prefer the actual act, fucking and all that, but sexting can also be fun foreplay. Who knew that there is a forum chat designed just for that, and if you ever liked sexting, now is your chance to explore a wonderful world you might have never known existed. It is called, and while it mostly revolves around Snapchat sexting, it involves other types of that shit as well.I was honestly surprised to see that this forum site was more or less quite...
Porn ForumsCorvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...
==================================SHOE STORE SEXPERIENCE(s)The Rack It was a hot muggy cloudy Tuesday afternoon at the end of July. My Uncle was off golfing and the store was dead. Maybe 10 customers all day and here it was 3:00 O'clock and there had been no shoppers since lunch. Then "The Rack" walked in! She was a real cutie, about 10 years older than me but what stood out about her the most were her incredible boobs. They were firm and huge, but not so huge as to be droopy and ridiculous....
Hai my dear issreaders, this is ur madan, the continue of my sexperience with a guy in a bus is now i tell u ””””On that night after getting sucked my 8″ dick by a gentleman in the bus, we went to his house and I was on lungee without drawer and banian, after dinner a while I along with that man slept on the bed on floor, after 15 mints his wife also came and sat on floor bed, she aws in a white saree and blouse without bra, petty coat, so that her beatiful baloon boobs with their erotic...
LesbianNaan oru engineer, oru katidathil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu en sontha uurai vitu vitu thali vanthu irukiren aanal naan en kanaal paartha sexyaaga kaama anubavathai ungalidam pagira vanthu irukiren. Naan pothuvaaga kaama kathaigal niraiya padipen athanaal enaku en vaazhvil nadantha sila suvarasiyamaana anubavangalai ungalidam pagira pogiren. Naan velai paarkum idathil athigamaana aatkal velai parka maatargal 10 perku kuraivaagave velai paarpaargal. Athanaal naan eppozhuthum avargal...
Hello Friends, I am enjoying this wonder site since many years and read hundreds of the stories. Today I want to share my real life experiences to repay the excitement enjoyed from many fantastic authors. I’m 35 and well settled in life. Married to a very shy and conservative wife since 11 years Being a high energy and tireless person there was always lack of sexual satisfaction for me. I have discussed with her many times on this but she said she doesn’t have capacity to meet my needs but she...
It had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...
by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Okay, so I’m an Essex girl. I may be blonde and reasonable looking but I like to think that I’m not your stereo-type Essex girl. I’m slim, and have small breasts and I have a degree in Forensic Accounting. My name is Millie and after I left university I was lucky enough to get a good job with a big bank. It was in my home town, Loughton, as well; but after living in a hall of residence, then a shared house, I decided that I wasn’t going to move back in with my...
'I baptize thee Virginia', and my best friend was adopted into the church, but as we grew-up, we became 'Hell's Angels', not the biker kind, the sexy kind.'Did you know my name Virginia, means Virgin', and she laughed, we both did, that meaning flew out the door on a nudist beach down south, with the sand, hot Sun, and dirty voyeuristic old men put paid to that theory, mind you, I suppose thirteen years is not bad.'Mum told me once, he used to get an erection, every time my name was mentioned',...
Lo que les voy a relatar es 100% real y me ocurrio hace algunos años. Lo conocí en el Messenger de MSN, ya que él me agregó a sus contactos por un anuncio que puse aquí mismo, en Club Erótico. Fue el miércoles 11 de abril cuando coincidimos en línea y el lunes anterior, me había escrito por correo electrónico para ver a qué hora podíamos conectarnos para conocernos. Total que el miércoles coincidimos como a eso de la 9 p. m. y empezamos a platicar sobre nuestros gustos en la intimidad, así que...
Hi friends, I am Abhishek and i am back with another bisexual story after my story- My Bisexual Orgy.I am 29 & from Gurgaon often travel Lucknow . So any couples from these NCR & Lucknow who have a bisexual dream can ping me for real encounters.Single teen girls,aunties and bhabhis are most welcome.Kindly you guys can leave your comments on This story is shared by my reader Sarita and she has asked me to share the story as it is.I met her through ISS. She is an avid reader of sex stories on...
This morning, somebody sent me a link and told me it was a good place to find Brazilian transsexuals. I guess my head was still a little bit fuzzy from last night’s binge on Viagra and hookers, so I immediately wanted to know, “How many is a Brazilian?” I understood my mistake as soon as I loaded up the front page of the aptly named Brazilian-Transsexuals. Oh, right! A Brazilian!So, how many is a Brazilian? Well, the digits at the top of the landing page at puts the...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesLet me start out by saying that I haven’t written in a while. I’ve had plenty of sex, but not many experiences worth sharing. I felt it necessary to share this one because this was my first “trans” experience. I’m not gay. This short story is about my coworker who I’m going to name “SEAN” for the purpose of this story. The person’s real name is obviously not Sean, but I don’t want to give away any real identities. Basically SEAN is a transsexual. I know we call transsexual men who change to...
Hi I am Ronit Ahuja from udaipur. I am 28 years old. I look handsome & fair. I m too expert in sex. I like real as well as virtual sex. So you can all add me on my fb id-Ronit Sexchat search krna mil jayega…Salman ki profile pic lagi h. Id me naam Rahul Saxena h jo ki fake h. Lets come to story now. Ye ek real story h jo mere or meri ek reader k bich ki h. Unka naam Sunita(changed name) h. Wo ek housewife h jinki age around 35 hogi. Figure around 36-32-38 hoga. Wo bhot hi khubsurat h or sex k...
---I don’t know if I have followers here interested in some personal stories and experiences but I will try now also this approach since this blog is being made some time ago and maybe it is of someone’s interest.As you can see from the videos that I share, I like naughty women who are open to dirty sex. Not as a form of degradation but just as an expression of my own preferences and desires. Mostly I like the connection with the woman on more than just sexual level, so being just kinky is not...
Sexing It Up By Cal Y. Pygia What catches your eye when you're viewing sample pornographic video clips on the Internet? When it comes to sex, my own tastes are eclectic, although I find myself watching videos involving anal sex, bisexual threesomes, cum shots, gay males, lesbians, oral sex, public nudity, shemales, and spanking the most, with occasional forays into vaginal intercourse, tit fucking, and interracial sex. With rare exceptions, I rule out films in which the actors...
It was a Friday morning when all the cogs and wheels appeared to be falling into place after nearly two years of talking about fulfilling this fantasy. Louise walked around her local supermarket assembling a collection of groceries, some staple, others for a special dinner with her partner. Tonight wouldn't be a triumphant demonstration of her culinary skills, but more a case of a simple and healthy dinner which would allow them the better part of the evening for relaxing and seduction,...
It had been quite a few months since Michelle Dean had returned back to Essex, England from Ibiza. Everything looked the same way she left it back in June 24th, 2005, eight years ago. Michelle returned to live with her Mum in Essex who 'd found a new lodger, a strikingly good looking doorman down at the club called David Watts. One dull Thursday morning Michelle came down the stairs in just a slinky pink nightie and went through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The front door opened and...
Straight SexLe Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. "Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...
Straight SexWe sat on the sofa as we talked about the day. Liz told us about the troublesome customers she had at the store. Linds told us about events around the house. Then I told them about the training and the events after. I described Crystal and our sexual activities in the motel. By the time I finished both Liz and Linds were obviously excited. They had their hands on me as I kissed each of them in turn. Liz rubbed my nipples through my shirt as Linds opened my pants and fished out my...
Le Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. ‘Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...
I had been dating around for a while in a way my friends describe was “healthyâ€. But all I wanted was some bed-breaking sex with a complete stranger. I never had much appetite for a relationship and romantic stuffs. Men has been more like playthings for me. If you get horny, pick one, have fun and forget- that has been my way of seeing the dating world. And one of them was so quick that we had car sex the next day of our first meet itself. After trying to fit in the conventional dating scenario...
Real HookupGayle and I were relaxing naked on her bed. She was having a drink and smoking a cigarette while I was just enjoying the buzz that I had from having consumed nearly two full glasses of Jack after having had anal sex for the first time. The next thing that I know, the doorbell rang and Gayle scurried off the bed putting on her nightgown. In walks Vinnie with this good looking broad. Normally, I would have been embarrassed that I was naked in front of a woman, especially a good looking woman...
This is intended to be a collection of Threads that represent real life experiences whilst on the swinging scene. Once approved the threads added will be the individual experiences to date.
OK je avais 19 ans et je voudrais donc à peu près ne importe quoi et baiser tout ce qui femelle avec une impulsion.Ma famille ne était pas à court d'argent, mais le compromis est que je ai perdu mon père, la plupart du temps par des engagements de travail. Et quand maman en avait assez de lui je lui ai perdu trop. Elle a fait ses valises et est parti.Je ne me plains pas, beaucoup d'argent a elle bénéficie, mais ils ne remplacent pas une famille et on devient égoïste. Je suppose que son singe...
Hi people. My name is Akshara, my age is 35, living in Bangalore and working in an MNC and also married. I am a huge fan of Indian sex stories and I wanted to share my story for all those women like me, she are shy outside but wild inside. I am married to a guy since 8 years, but my sex life was very dull. After having a child, my husband also lost the interest in sex life. But, my urge to have sex was increasing day by day. Hence, at one stage I taught of crossing the line because I did not...
I gave birth to my son Daniel when I was 16, I know what that makes you think of me, it’s not true, at all. I was a horribly shy girl, still am. My son has been a bright light in my life but that is getting ahead of myself. This just explains how I ended up sexting with my son.I was an extremely shy introverted girl in school, my parents were very strict and overly religious. They did not make me shy, but they didn’t help much either. My looks didn’t help me much either. My hair is snow white...
My stories are going to be different. Its going to be based on my different fantasies and experiences I had so far. Its only sexting no real sex. I am a 22 year old guy from Kolkata, just like any other but am filled with the constant desire of sex. I had my desires one being sexting. I tried sexting with an Indian girl but she did not know much about sex either. Well I got the idea of introducing her to the world of sex. She was innocent and straight forward enough to answers all my questions...
Hello, my dear readers. Nothing compares to the love you people give! Never thought, even in my wildest dreams, this series will bring me so much appreciation. I have found some really wonderful friends among my lovely readers, and I feel honored. Let me just get straight into the story. This is a pretty loud episode – one that has the potential to question the very existence of the entire plot. In the beginning, I did say that I would be taken certain liberties with this series, and I have...
IncestNaanum en thozhiyum ondraaga padithu varigirom enathu peyar Kamali, naangal senjiyil padithu varugirom. En thozhiyin peyar Sanjana, avaluku ennai vida oru vayathu athgam 20 aagiyathu, enaku vayathu 19 aagi irunthathu. Naangal iruvarum pegal kalluriyil padithu vanthom, engal veetil aangaludan padika vaithaal naangal oothu viduvom endru bayanthu ippadi seithu vitargal. Enaku aangal meethu kola aasai, avargalin sunniyai paarthu konde irupen. En thozhiyidam aangalin sunni valainthu irukum, alathu...
Hi all, I am raj from bengaluru,im self empolyed and im a normal looking guy who dress decently in mid forty and naughty ;) .Though I am bit reserved from childhood as I grew up I developed good rapo with girl/women I met in my life.To be frank I am lucky as far as romancing is concerned coz I happened to have fun with pretty few nos of partners from past 25 years.I love ,like and respect women that is y I am blessed with a beautiful wife and 2 lovely daughters . Well coming to this...
Hi dear readers, here your madan, after a little gap….i want to share with you my recent sexperience with a mail- friend, which you can enjoy an send your feelings and views…..ok?………on that day i was usually checking my mails and i found a mail from a girl sweety, that she read one of my story and she was impressed. I sent reply as usual with thanx and asking her how she felt. Sweety has replied that while she read she was so hot that her panty was wet and sweet enjoyment she had. ….later in...
Hi my name is jaiprakash 25 yrs from hyderabad.This is my first story in iss,im regular reader of iss,my school friend told me to write my 1st sexperience bcoz privacy is maintained here.when i was in 10 th class after my exams i wanted to go pune to my aunt’s place,bcoz my mom was busy she could not accompany me so my dad asked my cousin brother and his wife to accompany me,as they were going to bombay for some work i dint knew that one of my cousin sister(my uncle’s daughter) is also coming...
IncestHai my dear ISS readers here ur madan with another episode of my sexperience with a stranger in a bus leads to fuck his wife on that night. One day I was on a journey to Karimnagar on duty. I was sitting on window side of deluxe bus, after a while a person ,a gntlman came and sat besides me. In the bus TV was playing, in a sex scene of the running film the exposure of the dancer made me hot and my dick in my pant arousen and its shape was clearly visible I pressed my shaft , this was seen by my...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil thirumanam aagi kama aripu thangamal enmeethu aasai pata nanbanin manaiviyai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar prabu vayathu 25 aagugirathu. En nanbanin nanban peryar ganesh vayathu 31, avaruku sameebamaaga thaan thirumanam nadanthathu. Avar en udan konjam nerukamaaga pazhaga aarambithaar, enaku avarai migavum pidithu irunthathu. Aanal ganeshku thirumanam avatharku munathaagave avan en udan nerukamaaga pazhaga aarambithaar. Naan...
It had been quite a few months since Michelle Dean had returned back to Essex, England from Ibiza. Everything looked the same way she left it back in June 24th, 2005, eight years ago. Michelle returned to live with her Mum in Essex who ‘d found a new lodger, a strikingly good looking doorman down at the club called David Watts. One dull Thursday morning Michelle came down the stairs in just a slinky pink nightie and went through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The front door opened...
Hi, guys, this is nayeem and this is my first story in ISS So please forgive me if I am wrong anywhere. This story is about me and a girl who had a real good sexting. My first sexting experience was good I can remember hesitating for a few moments, then obliging, my heart galloping along. I arranged myself on the thick carpet in my bedroom, took a photo with my webcam, and sent it. Why? Why not? I was clothed, but it was definitely meant to be provocative, flirtatious. I couldn’t fathom any...
Violentus Gothica SexoA Very Dark and Taboo Erotic Psalm of Hard Bondage John, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”www.eroticpsalms.comI am the Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic palmist,And I convey this message to you indeed without delay:We all think about it with extreme pleasure.We all contemplate on it with utter delight.Nobody is exempt from dreaming of hard bondage,Nor excused from the desires of erotic goth sex.I call her an exquisite bitch...
I was home from college and I decided to go for a walk. I was bored and needed fresh air. I went down to the nearby park and there were a few kids kicking a football. I watched them and the ball came in my direction and I kicked it back.“Thanks mister,” a couple of the boys yelled at me and I walked on.My mind was all over the place. I had broken up with my girl and was missing her and the things we did together. We had been lovers for nine months and I loved the time we spent in bed naked and...
Gay MaleHello folks! It’s been a long time since my last story here. Thank you all for the love and encouragement. I received quite a few lovely comments from the horny bunch. To quickly recap, in my previous story I had narrated how I came to know Salma and instantly fell for the voluptuous vixen. After the rather awkward first day, I slowly began to settle into my job. Anu turned out to be a total slut. She was brazenly seductive with her clothing and always dressed for the kill. Her usual attire was...
To all you sexy,amorous women and men. This is Shannon,(an alias)single and always ready to mingle in and around Pune. Well i am no Gods gift to women but must say have a pleasing personality,athletic body with a lot of hair oops how can i forget the main instrument of pleasure my boneless piece of meat well around 6 inches,come on gals it only takes around4/5 inches and thats the length to satisfy,another good attribute is my sexy voice with which i bet could make you cum, jokes apart....
I’m back with more real incident from my SEX filled life. I was a virgin till 19 and after my first fuck I have to wait for 3 years to get another pussy but suddenly thanks to internet life is full of wet pussiesJ. I’m narrating my three different 3some experiences and what happened when I met each couple for the very first time. All the names are real J First 3some Experience – I met Ravi (42) / Reena (38) through internet, the couple is experienced in swapping and now wanted a young guy for...
A Step In Transition Part 3 - Nikki has some womanly experiences Nikki was absolutely stunned when she saw the Cheerleaders uniform lying on the bed. It was the same type of uniform she had always seen the girls wear. The skirt was a very short, pleated skirt that left a lot of room for the kicks and jumps needed for their routines. The top sweater came down to the bottom of the breasts so that there was a bare midriff. Nikki was thinking to herself that she was thankful the diet she...
New Experiences By Lisa Elizabeth After having a makeover, in December of 2002, I reflected on the meaning of bringing 'Lisa' to life. Most of you reading this will understand. There is something very powerful about completely dressing as the 'girl' inside. I wrote a story about that experience, titled 'My Makeover', so I will not go into details of that experience here. I will, however, continue from the point where I finished that story up to now. I spent a lot of time looking at...
Les amants pervers 4 : notre esclave sexuelle au Cap d’Agde (10ème partie et fin)Sous le regard du public je gravis la scène, comme une diva ou une bête de foire, à vous de choisir.Une fois que je suis assise sur le fauteuil, la première à venir me voir est Audrey. Elle porte un ensemble blanc, corsage, bas et porte-jarretelles. Le contraste entre sa chevelure rouge et la pâleur de son teint, en accord avec ses sous-vêtements est du plus bel effet. Je lui dis :- Inutile d’insister, tu es hors...