A Step in Transition Part 2 Enjoying becoming Nikki
- 4 years ago
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As soon as I was in the door I fixed a Margarita and replayed the evening's events in my head. I had finally gotten to fuck that big-titted barmaid Dusty, giving it to her hard in all three holes before depositing a huge load of cum in her slutty mouth. I smiled, recalling the lustful expression in her eyes as she swallowed my gooey gift. Deflowering her virgin ass ranked up there with my most exciting sexual experiences ever—at least with a woman. It was much farther down the list if I...
Slippery Susie - part 8 (Nikki & friends) FMMM by wile_e_coyote_mn1 Nikki admired a lot about her mom, but it was her easy going attitudeand obvious lust for life that she thought were her mother’s bestattributes. Having just turned 18, Nikki felt bad for her friends thatdid not have the same close relationship with their parents as Nikki didwith hers. She had always felt she could share anything with herparents, even if it was something she had done wrong. Yes they could getupset...
Nikki and I reached an understanding that night. She could buy all the nice clothes she wanted with her newfound wealth as long as she salted twenty percent away in a college fund. And she could wear her new wardrobe whenever she was working or when we went out together, but she had to start dressing appropriately for school. No more miniskirts cut up to the crotch, no more gaudy make-up. Just regular schoolgirl attire. Business was brisk after that first night. Nikki's john gave her his...
"Aiiiieeee!" I shriek as I'm suddenly startled by several loud bangs, and my vision is dazzled by multiple flashes of light. For a moment I'm so dazed I almost forget where I am, before my vision and hearing return to normal and I stare, slack-jawed at the scene in front of me. "Happy birthday!" Jamie squeaks, giving me a tight hug before leading me into the crowded main room of Charlotte's house, where I'm greeted by yet more hugs, more bangs from party poppers (which cover my hair...
"Three cheers for the college girls!" Charlotte announces. "Hip hip-" "Hooray!" the modest number of partygoers cheer. "Hip hip-" Charlotte repeats. "Hooray!" the partygoers again reply. "Hip hip-" Charlotte yells at the top of her voice. "Hooray!" the party goers again cheer as Sarah, Katie and Lauren stand at the front of the room, their cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Oh my god, thank you all so much," Sarah laughs as I look on with pride, clutching a glass of...
"Smile!" The cameraman urges me. Naturally, I obey, curling my scarlet lips upward while maintaining my trademark model's pout. "Show us the side stitching." Again, I obey, lifting my arm above my head to show off the stitching on the side panel of the tight under bust corset I'm wearing. "Beautiful, Nikki," the cameraman says. "Okay, just one more to go, then you can finally go home!" "Okay," I say, my pout turning back into a sweet smile as I head back to the dressing room and...
"Miss Thomas?" I hear a voice call as my brain struggles against the darkness in which it's found itself. "Miss Thomas? Can you hear me?" "Nikki?" another voice - a familiar voice - asks. "Mmph," I groan as sensation begins to return to my body, bringing with it a feeling of tiredness in my joints, fatigue in my muscles... And pain. Lots and lots of pain, centred mainly on my groin... "Nikki?" Another voice asks, making my heart beat faster as I instantly identify the owner of the...
I gently lower myself into one of the sofas in Charlotte's vast 'main room', taking the weight off my aching feet before slipping off my stiletto heels and massaging the soles of my feet. "Don't let Hannah ever catch you doing that," Viks giggles as she sits down next to me. "Unless you plan on going on Strictly yourself next year..." "If they'll have me," I say, making Viks giggle. "Why are you over here, anyway, and not with Sarah?" Viks asks. "Still falling out over what you...
I straighten my short black pencil skirt and my clingy, translucent tights as I jump in the back of the pink London cab. I slip my stiletto heels off and stretch my tired toes, satisfied that a hard day's work is complete. "Don't let those toes get too comfortable," Viks teases as she gets in the driver's seat. "Aren't they going to be supporting your entire bodyweight later tonight?" "Ugh, don't remind me," I mock-groan. "I mean, it's not that I DON'T like ballet, it's just-...
"I, Nicola Christine Thomas," I whisper as tears start to trickle from my eyes. "Take you, Sarah Jennifer Phillips..." "Beep," the minister says, derailing my train of thought. "Beep, beep, beep, beep...." I let out a long sigh as the pristine white veil of my wedding dress is replaced by the dark brown veil of my hair, which had flopped down in front of my face whilst I was sleeping. "Morning," I whisper to the beautiful girl whose face is the first thing I see every morning when I...
Kimmy lived with me Mondays through Fridays after that. To avoid a repeat of our first day's game of Russian roulette, I arranged through a doctor friend for her to go on the Pill. Over the next few weeks the kid transformed from a shy innocent teenager into an insatiable sex machine. Her little fist was always wrapped around my cock, and we fucked four or five times a day, every day—when we woke up in the morning, a second time after breakfast, a third when we came home at night, and at...
"Ugh," I moan as my alarm clock wakes me at 7am for what feels like the millionth consecutive day. "Morning babe," Sarah tiredly moans, wrapping her arms around my naked body and giving me a slow, soft kiss on my neck. "Hey," I reply, blinking the tiredness out of my eyes. "Looking forward to today?" "Been looking forward to it since I left in June," Sarah giggles. "Just wish you were coming with me..." "I know," I sigh. "Kinda wish I was coming too..." "No you don't," Sarah...
"Don't see why you're moaning," dad laughs as I pass him yet another handful of pink and silver streamers. "You're the one who insists on hanging out with these celebrities, attending their parties... There's no ducking out of it now just because it's your turn to organise one!" "Give me a break," I sigh. "I've been at work every day this week..." "Ooh, poor you, having to work for a living," Beverly laughs, making me sigh. "Thanks for helping out today, Chris." "My pleasure," dad...
I take several deep breaths to clear my head as the smartly-dressed man looks at me with serious eyes. In all my life, I don't think I've ever been as terrified as I am now... "It'll be okay," dad whispers, squeezing my hand for support. I wish I shared your optimism, dad... "Nicola Christine Thomas," the man says, making me shiver with nerves. "You officially charged with one account of assault and battery. All relevant information is provided on the charge sheet I've given you,...
Whichever way you look at it and in the absence of any titties Nikki does have one of the best tasting pussy’s that I have ever tasted and her arse is so rounded and fleshy even that ranks as one of the best, an absolutely super girl to have as my part time cleaner, not that much cleaning needs doing or in fact gets done, she is truly a sweetheart.I pulled my tatty old silky shorts back up as I knelt behind her and watched as she readjusted her panties and we were both pleased that we had...
"Come on, hurry up!" Katie urges Sarah, Lauren and myself as we stand in front of her long mirror, fixing our make-up. "Oh relax," Sarah laughs. "It's not like the night's going anywhere..." "Says the woman who's been eighteen for six months!" Lauren retorts as she applies yet another layer of dark eye shadow. "Some of us have some catching up to do!" I laugh at my three friends as I enhance my own make-up with my thickest, heaviest false eyelashes and deepest red lipstick, smiling...
"Seventeen!" the assembled guests yell. "Sixteen! Fifteen! Fourteen!" I stare over at Sarah, who is smiling happily, much to my relief. "Thirteen!" the guests continue. "Twelve! Eleven! Ten!" I look to my left at Katie and Lauren, who are both excitedly bouncing up and down in chairs. "Nine!" the crowd yells, working itself into a near frenzy. "Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" Dannii- the most excited person of any in the packed restaurant- takes a deep breath and, in...
"Come on, smile!" Katie urges me. Despite the cold, I beam a wide, toothy grin as Katie snaps photograph after photograph of me in my warm, snuggly outfit. I'm wearing a pair of tight, skinny jeans that show off my increasingly feminine curves, on top of which I have a pair of long, knee-high boots with a chunky 3" platform heel. My warm pink coat covers a tight red wool sweater, and my long brown hair is covered by a light grey woollen hat. "Please tell me we're done?" I beg as I try...
I had never considered myself a lucky guy by a tweet, but somehow, my luck would change for the better!I was hired to run a Minor League Baseball team’s Twitter account when one Mid-July event would see me tweet, “Come out to the ballpark this weekend for WWE night on Saturday, meet WWE Superstars, then on Sunday, the WWE Superstars play softball for Charity!”. On Friday, I had to get a few suite boxes ready for the weekend’s events while the game was ongoing and discussing which Superstars...
"Ahh," I sigh as I climb into the back of the black London taxi. After being on my feet for almost three hours- especially feet that are contained with platform stiletto heels- the feeling of being able to sit down is almost orgasmic. "Do you want some time alone with your seat?" Sarah giggles as she slides onto the seat next to me. "Maybe if the seat was a washing machine," I whisper to Sarah, making her almost double over in a fit of giggles. "God, Jamie wasn't kidding," Sarah...
I brush my shoulder-length hair out of my eyes and tuck it behind my ears as I listen to the middle-aged woman talk as she makes notes on the whiteboard. I fidget a little in my seat- I've been wearing my school uniform all day and even though three months from now I'll have worn it for the very last time, I'd pay anything to go home and slip into something more comfortable... Like a cute skirt and a pair of warm tights, as opposed to my itchy cotton shorts and polyester...
"God, this should not be this hard," I complain as I sit in front of my dresser, staring at my anxious (but impeccably made-up) reflection. "You've taken bigger steps that this before, much bigger steps," Sarah reminds me, wrapping her arms around my shaking body. And she's right- I have. Ever since coming out to my parents two weeks ago I've been practically shouting my new gender from the rooftops. My Facebook profile page has been suitably altered with photos of Nikki taking pride...
I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and wring my hands together to stop them from shaking. "Remember," the studio researcher says, placing a calming hand on my hands. "Just stay calm, answer each question you're asked clearly. Everyone out there WILL be on your side. And don't forget to smile!" I nod and take another deep breath, returning the young woman's comforting smile. I take one final second to prepare myself before hearing the words that tell me that preparation time is...
Hello guys sorry for the delay… after the day I fucked Nikki at her place we both had become more bolder and wanted to try each and everything in our minds…. So we decided to fullfil each others fantasies and enjoy every minute we spend together… as her husbands business trip was going to on on for more 20 days and I was not getting any action from my wife we decided that we must make the most of our time. So I popped the question to Nikki ” so my sexy honey bunny what’s on your mind” she said...
As Nikki was licking and sucking our juices off my cock I started to talk to her about Gary. I wondered how he would react if he knew what a slut his wife-to-be was. Gary is a really nice guy but a person more suited to being an accountant you will never meet. He's not actually an accountant but he is very steady and sometimes comes accross as a bit dull and boring. Nikki told me that he knew that she had not always been faithfull to him. Obviously I was a little surprised at this and...
"Should anyone here present know of any reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony," the vicar says with a warm, happy smile, "speak now, or forever hold your peace." Sarah and I- both dressed in identical, beautiful wedding dresses, our hair tied into elaborate matching hairdos and our make-up immaculately applied, stare at each other and smile, but almost immediately, the silence in the church is broken. "She loves me!!" a voice calls from the back of the church....
"Happy birthday!" everybody in the packed ballroom yells at the top of their lungs. I can't help but giggle at some of the bizarre costumes being worn by some of the party attendees, myself included- there are very few places you could get away with wearing a skin-tight green thong leotard, a pair of brown booty shorts and combat boots, but a videogame-themed birthday party is one of those occasions. "Hey Miss Croft," Sarah giggles as she gives me a tight cuddle. "Want to go and 'raid'...
"Stop being so nervous!" Dad admonishes me as I nearly hyperventilate on the back seat of his car. "This is something you want to do, it's something you know you'll be good at, so the sooner you relax and start enjoying it, the better." "I know, I know," I breathe, fanning myself with my hands. "It's just- it's just all so new!" "Well get used to it, because that's life for you," dad states bluntly. "I know," I moan again as the car pulls up outside the large building. Outside,...
"I shall see you on Tuesday!" Hannah giggles as she drops me off outside my former college. "Give my love to the rest of the 'Teen Angels'. Oh- and enjoy your long, loooong weekend!" "Will do!" I laugh, straightening my short skirt and opaque black tights as I step out of the car and stride into the dining hall of the large building. I breathe a sigh of relief that my work is over for another week- not that I don't still enjoy it, of course, but it IS hard work, and I'm REALLY looking...
My palms are clammy and my breathing is erratic. I'm a bundle of nerves, but that's okay- most of the other people in this room are as well. I'm currently sat in a large hall with 200 other 16 year olds sitting my final GCSE exam- maths, a subject I'm not terrible at but not exactly great at either. However, that's not why I'm nervous. I promised myself over two months ago that today would be the day on which I stop being a boy. Today would be the day I finally tell my parents that...
"Come onnnnnnn..." Sarah pleads with me, grabbing my free hand and trying to distract me from the task at hand. "Nope," I say with a smile as I look at the increasingly-beautiful girl in the mirror in front of me. Smiling, I dip Sarah's mascara brush back into its tube and apply more of the wonderful make-up to my eyelashes, increasing their volume with every single stroke. "It's my make-up, I get to apply it on you!" Sarah orders, pouting in my direction. "Come onnnnnnn, I haven't...
Nikki runs out of luck Sorry if the spelling is not always the best, english is not my native language. I hope you will enjoy reading this story Some people believe in luck, others don’t, yet everyone agrees when luck runs out, bad stuff starts popping up all over someone’s life. For most people, in an average country, this " bad stuff " includes, business, financial, marital or health related problems. This is bad enough, we cant deny that. But there are obscure...
FOREVER NIKKI by Monika Ikon Nikki would always remember the night the long white limousine pulled up to the curb and changed his life forever. He had been picked up by guys in limousines before. Usually, they were rich customers from the hills cruising for a little rough trade. They were far more perverse than the run of the mill johns just looking for a little extramarital spice. But they paid well and the more money Nikki brought back to his pimp at the end of the night the...
This is a mini sequel to Retribution 1 If you haven't read that story yet then don't bother reading this one, because you won't understand this one if you don't. But if you don't want to read a long story, if you just don't care, or if you're just looking for a good TG story to read, continue. Her Name Is Nikki By Po February 2003: Somewhere in New York... 'Man!' thought one of the watchers, who had a raging hard on in his pants. 'I can't believe her! She has got to be the...
My sister got Nichole, Nikki, as her handle, I am Dalton. At least we didn't get stuck with some cutesy twin names like Nick and Nikki. As you would expect Nikki and I grew up as one, twin-linked more in mind than body, but still close, almost inseparable. For the first years of our lives, we shared a room then our step-dad bought us a house with separate bedrooms that had an adjoining bathroom. In those early years, when we shared a room, we spent many nights in the same bed, sleeping...
CHAPTER 24: KENNEL GUEST ROOMJoe came home from work a week later and heard moaning from the family room. There he found Nikki on her back, knees raised and spread with Butch between them licking her pussy very thoroughly. Well, he found the source and cause of the moaning. He asked, “Should I leave you two?”“No, he is just cleaning me.”“After fucking you? I thought you cleaned them.”“I did, both of them. But I was lying here with my eyes closed thinking about getting up to finish dinner when...
CHAPTER 26: VIDEO 2: ‘A K-9 HOUSEWIFE’S DAY’The night before Nikki had gotten agreement from Joe that it would be fun and interesting for a companion video to the instructional one just filmed. The idea was that the same two camerawomen who filmed the K9-sex instructional video would follow Nikki around for her day. The filming would try to capture the events and activities of a day in Nikki’s life around the house and yard. That K9-sex enthusiasts had regular lives, too. Although the dogs...
My cousin, Nicole and I have always had a special relationship. I mean when we were between the ages of 6 and 10, we used to go into her bedroom and have what we thought was sex, my touching each other all over. We stopped this when we were about 10 through fear of being caught. I really do wish we knew what we were doing back then because we would have without doubt at least masturbated each other on many occasions I am now 16 and she is now 15, but we first slept with each other when I was 14...
IncestMrs Denver sat in her study when Charlotte pressed the intercom. “Nikki Pearson is here to see you, Mrs Denver.” “Send her in,“Mrs Denver replied. Charlotte watched the 23-year-old walk towards the study door as much in wonder as thinking about the pain Nikki was about to endure. Charlotte had seen so many students go in to the study with trepidation and come back out with tear-stained faces, rubbing their bottoms. She wondered what it was like to be caned and wondered whether she would ever...
SpankingCHAPTER 3: EXPLORING NEEDSFor the rest of that year Joe gently pushed their boundaries and comfort zone. Especially, Nikki’s. A month after the restaurant experience Joe announced that he was taking her to shop for some special clothes at a boutique that was recommended. Joe wanted her dressed in a skirt, blouse, bra, panties and heels. She was for some reason getting used to Joe expressing how he like her to dress and she found herself never sure what might come as a result, but nothing to the...
CHAPTER 25: AN INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOBob, the breeder, heard about the kennel guest addition completed by Nikki and Joe and decided this was the time to pursue an idea he had been work on for some time. He had held off bringing it up since Nikki’s attack, wanting to give her plenty of time for recovery and getting back into the swing on her own terms. That time appeared to have come based on the information he was getting from mutual acquaintances.Bob contacted Nikki with his idea. He explained to...
Nikki had acted out of character and had been deliberately naughty in order to get the cane. She was one of the good girls and always worked hard and passed all of her tests and exams. She even got the place she wanted at University. The only thing she had never experienced was being disciplined at school. As she stood with her nose pressed against the wall she told herself she hadn’t even been that naughty. She had just answered back a teacher. Not even that rudely. It was really just replying...
SpankingCHAPTER 29: TRAINING FOR JULI’S FRIENDHarry thought only momentarily about Juli’s comment to join them in the shower to hear about their day. “Ladies, there is no way that getting into the shower with you two is only going to take only a half hour. So can we take care of the horses quick so we aren’t rushed? And I am just guessing but I would bet that after you’ve been riding after your fun that the saddles will need some cleaning, too. But if we just wipe them off now, I can use saddle soap on...
CHAPTER 17: QUIET WEEKEND WITH HARRY AND JULIWhat a week. That was the only way Nikki could express it. She had become so busy with helping Bob with the “kennel service” side of helping woman interested in learning the ins and outs (so to speak) of dog-sex. What had started out as a lark for Bob and something Nikki thought would be a rare, if ever, activity for her had turned into something of a lucrative sideline for Bob and had lately kept Nikki hopping from one woman to the next. Who would...
DO NOT READ THIS UNLESS YOU ARE AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE Copyright c 1998 By Dana Girard ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit. This story may be freely distributed for personal use with this notice attached. WARNING: DO NOT READ THIS STORY UNLESS YOU'RE INTO SOME, IF NOT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: CHEATING WIVES, DOMINANT WOMEN, SLEAZY WOMEN, HUMILAITION, FORCED EMASCULATION, HEAVY MAKE-UP, TIGHT CLOTHES, AND LONG FINGERNAILS....
This is the story of how I ended up having a very naughty time with two people that I have known for many years. Gary and Nikki were getting married and I had been asked to give Nikki away as her father had died five years previously. Rather oddly, as neither of them has any Scottish ancestry, the men in the wedding party had been asked to wear formal Scottish wear, i.e. kilts etc. I had been surprised when Nikki told me she was marrying Gary as she had always sworn that she "wouldn't be...
CHAPTER 16: TRAINING A CUSTOMERAfter the pig experience, and mess, Nikki was ready to just leave that as an experience worth trying but happy to remain in her past.She got a message from Bob that he had a customer who had previously bought a dog from him and now wanted the dog ‘trained’ and would like to discuss the opportunity with her. When they got together, Bob provided more details. The woman had a male German Shepard and indicated that she was being referred by an active member of their...
I pout my deep red-coloured lips for the camera as I take shot after shot of me in various poses. My dark brown hair has been styled into a feminine bob, framing my immaculately made-up face. My dress is unique- truly one of a kind. Made up of three layers of multicoloured organza, it is simultaneously elegant and modern, sleek yet fun. The wide shoulder straps cover my padded bra, and the asymmetrical skirts cover the top half of my hairless legs, encased in thin black tights. On my...
CHAPTER 20: NIKKI AND JULI TRY THE HORSESNikki was very grateful for Juli in her life. She loved the sex she was getting and was devoted to Joe and Butch and Sam were wonderful. She could easily get as much fucking as she needed. Well, maybe nearly. She was always amazed at the appetite she apparently had for sex. But, she also realized that her enjoyment of sex was within a range of experiences. She loved men but restricted that to Joe and Harry. She didn’t feel the need or even interest in...
CHAPTER 28: A DAY WITH JULIWhat a weekend! Nikki loved those weekends alone with Joe, especially when he got intent on making it memorable and very special for them both when they have been distracted over something. And Joe was great at that. He had a devious mind that could put Nikki into any number of sexually charged situations that they would both love. And that is what Joe accomplished over the past weekend. After several days of being taken over by a small film crew commissioned to video...
NICK/NIKKI BY JANICE Nick and I had been friends since I moved to this town about a year ago. I was, and still am, a sort of a loner. Nick was the first kid I met that first day at school. I am sixteen and he is fifteen but because of my wild ways I was left back a year, we were in the same class. We got along fine, considering we were so different. I, as I said, am a bit wild while he, Nick, is very quiet and...
CHAPTER 22: THE ASSAULT RECOVERYTrue to his promise to Nikki, after two days Joe approached her with a plan he hoped would allow her to fully come back to him and their lifestyle. He said the plans were set, the reservations made, Juli would be taking care of the dogs in their absence, and she had two days to get ready for a four-day get-away to an island resort. What he didn’t tell her was that they were headed for the exact same resort that Michele and Tim had gone to for their honeymoon....
Early 2009 was a strangely frustrating time for Nikki Sanderson as she was feeling really pissed off with her life even though she was quite busy and making good money. Her numerous boyfriends had so far never seemed to quite gel with her and she had struggled to really enjoy her time with them as much as she had hoped it might being a true romantic. She couldn’t put her finger on the problem which made her so irritated but something was missing. At the time she couldn’t even share these issues...
The Secret Cheerleader Vote - #7 On Monday morning, Zane let Stephanie know that he was going to tell the others she was now in on the Secret Vote plot. She had to agree to the same conditions, anything Zane said, she had to go along with, and she had to do anything she could to encourage any girl on the squad to sleep with him. He in turn promised to still keep Stephanie’s secret, even from the seniors. Before school started, Zane found Carly and very quickly filled her in. Stephanie had...
This story is meant as an erotic fiction, not real life. Nikki loved Christmas. She loved everything about it. She loved the music, the presents, the food and of course, she loved Santa. It was Friday, 2 weeks before Christmas and Nikki was home alone at night. He parents, Leslie and Trish, were at Leslie’s office party. Per Trish’s request, Leslie went dressed as Santa. Trish has always had a strange Santa Clause fetish and loved her husband dressing like the mythical Father...
Dirty 18, the best years of a girl’s life. Nikki loved the outdoors; she loved swimming and most of all she loved the attention she got from either side of the Gender line when it came to stares she got when she paraded in her skimpy shorts on Friday Afternoons on her way to Soft Ball League. She was well built, sporty, tanned, her ass was firm and her breasts were supple and larger than other girls her age. This was something she used to her advantage. Her deceased mother always use...
CHAPTER 30: THE VIDEOS … AND …It had been much longer for the videos to be completed and Juli and Harry were beginning to think they were never going to be invited over to Nikki and Joe’s for the first ever, private viewing. Truth was that Nikki and Joe had decided to make changes in the final edited version of the videos. Things were about to change for them and they were rethinking some aspects of this video thing. They had also been out of town several times over the past two weeks and the...
“I never like it.” Drake said and Nikki laughed nodding for him to continue. Drake moved himself within Nikki and he held her close. They went to bed in Drake’s room in nothing but underwear. Drake put an arm around Nikki’s chest and she whimpered. “Are you alright?” Drake asked. “Yeah,” Nikki said. “Just sensitive.” “I’m sorry,” “It’s alright. Drake?” “Hm?” “You know this has to end right?” “What?” “When they get back we can’t be like this. I’ll have to go back to my basement and...