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I bought a packet of condoms from the Pakis shop in Great Western Road , the one across the road, from Winterskills, near the other pub. I didn't get embarrassed. I felt it was cosmopolitan to be buying rolls, bread and milk and suddenly fling in, ‘oh, yes and a packet of condoms’, in my best west of Clydebank accent. I almost hoped that there were others in the shop so that they could see and appreciate what kind of guy I was. This was not a Sean Connery- James Bond, but me. The condoms were not to prevent Fran getting pregnant. They were to make sure that I got my hole.

I usually left it up to her. I mean, I didn’t want to force her. We had done we shouldn't be doing this kind of thing dance many times before. We were friends. I always waited, got a little bit drunk, before I called.   She'd ask where I was, but she’d know that if I phoned that I'd be somewhere close by, maybe the Halt Bar. Part of me didn't want her to come, but the other 99.9999% did. It was childish. I knew it was. Maybe that was just me being paranoid.   I could almost hear the click of her brain on the phone making the calculations.

‘I'll be about 15 minutes’ she would say, in that husky tone. Sometimes she would call me sweetie. ‘I’ll be there in about 15 minutes, sweetie’. It was all a carry on, a bit of banter, but she would be there in about 10. She didn't take long when she had made her mind up. Sometimes I was with a few of the boys, other drinkers, like me.   Part of her attraction was that she didn’t know that she was beautiful. She bent her back a bit to make herself shorter and more inconspicuous. Her hair was never girly perfect. She had it cut so that from the back she looked like a boy with her shorn black, almost cobalt blue, hair. She accentuated this by wearing baggy shirts and a sometimes her old Wrangler denim jacket, but always with denim trousers. I’d never seen her wear a dress, although she did have the kind of figure that could carry it.     My bit on the side, that wasn’t my bit on the side one eye brown one blue, God's perfect judgement on me. But we were just friends.

At the end of the night we would walk down Great Western Road in that traditional boy meets girl, arm in arm, kind of way, bypassing the Hyundi motor bike showroom.   We always kissed at the bus stop for some reason. At first it was a friendly kiss, an adieu kind of kiss, one which you would give to your great aunt, but on the lips instead of the cheek.   But this was always a kind of tester, a shot at being grown up and responsible.     That soon changed.   I would taste the tobacco on her tongue, for the first time that night, grabbing her behind the head pushing my tongue into her mouth, tying myself up with getting more. Then we would break apart, red faced and excited, breathing heavily. Slightly embarrassed.   Just friends.

  I would always need a pee in the tenement close, just as she fiddled for what seemed like a life time with her keys and locks on the door. The flat was hers, now her flat mate had left. I liked that. It made it feel more mine. My mind jumped from one thing to another. I'd need to phone a taxi soon get up the road. Home. She had a phone in the house. It was much better, phoning from there, than hanging about pathetically waving your arms about   and worse than that getting ignored by taxi drivers, looking at how drenched you are and driving on with no one in their cabs. You could almost hear the bastards laughing.

I'd have my second tobacco fix in the kitchen. She would be making us toast and tea. She knew I was there, but she would let me sneak up and put my around her. I had to be careful with my hands. I wanted to feel at her soft big tits, grab at them, ruffle them up like pillows, even if it was through her jumpers. But I couldn't do that. I had to stand behind her like a stranger and wait until the time was right and gently touch her shoulders. It was like one of those trust games. She would lean back into me and let her weight gradually fall against me. I’d tilt her towards me like a fruit machine. I'd kiss her neck, with butterfly kisses, stitching together all the things I wanted to do. She liked that. And because she liked it I liked it. But we had to be sensible the toast was getting cold. I had one simple rule. I'd never lie to her, unless it was completely necessary.

  We were friends. That was it. She'd make a bed up for me in her flatmates old room, which was now the living room, pulling down cushions from the settee, hunting out bits of blankets and quilts and putting them together like something resembling a child's idea of a bed, all jumbled heaps with no hospital corners and the smell of spilt Kestrel lager.

I stripped of down to my Ys,, like a child getting ready for bed, a little self conscious, but showing off in equal measure.   I needed another pee. She could see that I had a hard on, but she chose not to see it, tilting her head away, watching something, watching nothing.   I always had a hard on when I was with her. She couldn’t mistake the feel of it poking against her as we got into clinches.   My whole body was waiting, primed, sensitive to her touch and slightly musky smell.

She was watching something on the TV when I got back, something funny, because she laughed. I didn't know where to sit. The settee was spread out on the ground like a jumble sale and there was only one chair. She had her feet up on it, curled under her. There was something catlike about her, in the way she sat, the way she was so at ease in her own company, in her own terrritory. She moved her feet, so that I could sit beside her. Her big toes stuck out of her woolly socks. They were painted red. I laughed at that, one of those false laughs that said look at me laughing. She laughed with me.

'emm,'   I said as if I she had said something. She kept watching the tv while I tried to angle myself into a non space and kiss her neck while she smoked. I felt her relaxing into my body, moving her head from side to side so that I could nip and bite and lick another part of her neck. I got my second shot of tobacco, our tongues locking in combat, pushing and pulling for dominance. One hand pushed at her head, forcing her forward to feed me and keep her preoccupied. The other tried to force its way from the bare flesh at her back up and under her bra to her tits. She nipped her fag in the ashtray and just leaned back in the chair so that my hand was jammed like a life between floors.   So I tried pushing down my fingers underneath her Levi denims and up over and into her hole. But her denims were too tight. However much I pushed and shoved I couldn't get past her panties. I felt a bit of give in the denim and pushed harder until my hand almost cramped up, but it was on bare flesh, bare bum. I thought I was going to pop out of my pants and come on the cushions without anyone touching my cock. I was too excited to be embarrassed. But I couldn't get any further. I pushed and pushed and felt carefully for her small hole and gently eased my big finger in.

She jolted away from me, almost breaking it.

'What the fuck you doing?'

I didn't know what to do or say. She expected some answer. I had none. I wanted time to be reversed for a minute, or even half a minute, to make everything all right.

'Put the telly off and the light, when you go to bed, or when you go.' She was cold and angry, her voice cutting, as hard as flint.

That was it. She was away. I thought the best idea would be to get a taxi up the road, but even the thought of that tired me out. I realized how drunk I was and how much easier it would be just to go to bed and wake up. Everything would still be shite, but better. At least it would be morning. But first I would have to tell her I was sorry. I wasn't sure what I was going to say or how I was going to say it, but I knew I had to do that much.

Her door was open slightly. There was no light. She had big blackout curtains on the window that kept out both light and noise so that it was like being in a cave. I didn't know what to do. I stood there waiting, my mind ticking over the options as audibly as a grandfather clock. I thought I heard her crying. I didn't know what to do. I was in default mode, so I went for a pish and came back shivering at the door, like some nocturnal creature.

I heard her shifting, sitting up in the bed. I couldn’t see her I tracked her with the movements that she made. I build up a picture of her feeling for her fags and matches on the table beside her bed. She coughed, as if to make her lungs ready for her next smoke. I felt like coughing too, to show that I wasn't some kind of ghost or Peeping Tom. I didn't have time to retreat. She saw me standing there when she lit the match.

I saw her too. She didn't do that lets pull up the blankets thing that women do.   She knew I was there, but this was just confirming how pathetic I was. She had no bra on. Her tits were big, bigger than I thought. I turned away quickly and a floorboard moved, in the way they do in old tenements and I almost tripped myself up in my hurry to get away.

'Fran', I said, 'I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me'. I could see the red glow of her fag and knew she was listening, but I didn't know what to say next. I'd run out of excuses and things to say my mind emptying out like an upturned bottle on a draining board.

I heard her patting the bed beside her. I raced across, like a dog, summoned by its master that needed to be petted and forgiven. I stumbled on something soft like a toy and stumbled onto the bed. She turned the bedside light on, her body framed like a question mark. I felt caught out in the light. Unmanned. But she laughed. For the first time I felt that everything would be all right. She turned the light off and lay with her back to me. There was a gap of inches between us, but it felt like miles. I willed myself to sleep, but couldn’t.   I could feel the heat from her body almost taste it, but couldn’t touch her. She turned around and I could see her watching me, watching her.

‘Go to sleep,’ she said.

‘I can’t sleep’.

‘Why not?’ she asked.

But I’d no ready answer other than: ‘I’m too warm’.

‘Poor baby’ she said turning the light on and pulling back the sheets. She put on a housecoat, careless now with the whitenss of her tits and the brown nubs of her nipples as if I was some kind of fluffy toy as she clattered down the hall to the toilet.

            I pulled the blankets up tight over my cock, to try and disguise my hard on and wondered if I had time to have a quick wank before she came back and caught me, but I didn’t have any hankies and didn’t want to make a mess. I heard the toilet flushing and turned over and feigned sleep.

            I watched her through what I thought were appropriately sleepy looking eyes, take her house coat off and carefully place it on the chair. She’d a yellowish plastic bottle with her that looked like washing up liquid, which she placed on the bedside table beside her fags. I’d another good look at her tits. There were two or three handfuls in each, her aureoles were brown, almost a rough red colour, with nipples like a new born’s finger. She’d always kept them firmly strapped down, covered with bras and shirts and thick, woolly, baggy ski jumpers, so that they seemed to stand out even more. I finally realized that she was proud of them, that she was showing them off. She carefully stepped out of her white pants. I had a quick glimpse of what we used to call a hairy beaver, before she threw back the sheets, washing away all pretence of sleep.           

            We lay beside each other in starched linen, like two corpses in a sarcophagus, a sword’s width separating us, frightened to touch, frightened to move, taking only shallow breaths, but the heat between us was flammable. I was sweating so much that a pool of water ran like rain into the sheets and soaked into them making me cold and uneasy as if I had pissed the bed. I was shaking. I tried to stop, to will myself to stop, but I couldn’t.   I eased my hand across, a centimetre, then waited and moved it another, like a spider playing dead and rolling into a dot, when it thought that someone was watching.   She coughed. I could feel her moving   away to the other side of the bed and my whole world tilted with her. My hand darted across and tried to translate what part of her it had touched.

            ‘Don’t’ she said. It had the note of command, but there was no anger in her voice. She was chastising a child.

            She had two pillows. I had only one and was looking up at her.   My eyes had grown accustomed to the dark so that I could see that she was lying on her stomach, as if she was on the beach, trying to get some dark sun on her bare back, showing nothing but a hint of bare breast. Her arms were an extra pillow for her head. She was lying on them making a cross of her body. I couldn’t see if she was awake or sleeping and I couldn’t tell by her breathing. I meant to playfully touch her on the small of her back, to try and re-establish some kind of physical contact. She moved away. I touched her round about her bum again. This time it was a mistake. But I didn’t apologise.

            I could smell different parts of her, give them different chemical weightings. One part fag to one part booze to one part toothpaste. One part sweat to ten parts pussy juice. I’d dutifully licked my wife their, of course, before lying on top of her, but I’d never actually thought of it having a musk primeval smell. I wanted my wife. I wanted to plunge into her hard and fuck her prim little hole, whether she wanted to or not.

            My hand darted across again with the same result.

            ‘Don’t’, she said again resignedly, as my hand lingered, brushing and gliding, one side of my hand and then the other, across her skin, feeling the whiteness of its softness.

            I grew bolder, moving my hand from the cheeks of her bum up back as if I was giving her a massage with the outside of my hand.

            I tried to kiss her, but she laughed and turned her face away.

            I kissed her again and again peppering her hair and cheeks and face with my love, until I found her lips and it was the first real kiss, as her hand clamped on my cock, wanking at it up and down furiously as our tongues clashed. I spunked inside my Y’s and on her hand almost immediately, but she just kept wanking as if nothing had happened, until my flaccid cock grew hard again. Then she stopped as suddenly as she had started. Her tongue no longer probed mine. I felt her withdrawing and moving away from me, to her side of the bed.

            That’s how I thought of it now that I’d come. My bed and hers. Her side of the bed and mine. It was ownership, pure and simple. I no longer sweated or shook or felt uptight.

            ‘It’s not your problem’ she said, ‘it’s mine’.

            I wasn’t really sure what she meant by that. I didn’t really care. I was just tired and wanted to get some sleep.

                ‘Uhu.’ I said in the most convincing voice that I could muster.

            ‘You know, of course, that I was abused. ’

            She’d told me that before. It was a big secret between us. She had told me that she had been abused one drunken night when there was only me and her in the world. It was closing time and nobody really gave a fuck, except for me and that was because I wanted to fuck her. It was one of those things. Everybody was abused in one way or another, but we didn’t make such a big deal about daddy shouting at us or mummy buying us the wrong type of jumper so that other kids laughed at us. We just go on with it. Grew up.        

            I turned around, lying on my side, with my face towards the door.

’Yeh,’ I said, ‘That’s a shame’. ‘A real shame’.

She caught me a good one right in the back, between the frame of the rib cage. That absorbed most of the blow, but it jolted me forward. Instinctively, I grabbed for her arms as she tried to punch into my face, dig her nails into my eyes. I dragged her on top of me. She tried to knee me in the balls, but caught the top of my leg. I didn’t know what to do with her. She was a fucking psycho.

I felt all the fight go out of her. It was like turning off a current, all that energy dissipated. There was just me and her. I didn’t believe in those kinds of things, but I felt as if a devil had gone. She was like a small girl, lying on top of me, wanting to be treasured and held.

‘I need a fag,’ she said.

‘It’s ok.’ I stroked her hair, gently patting her head and ‘shyyyyyyinnnngg’ her as if she was some kind of animal that needed consoled.

‘I’m ok,’ she said.

‘I know’, I replied continuing to stroke her hair and face.

She moved a bit closer, shifting her weight. I could see one of her breasts hanging down like an earring. I pushed my head down to it and licked at it like a dog on heat.

She watched me feeding on the nipple and tit. She fed me one, then the other and then I tried pushing both tits together so that I could get both nipples in my mouth at once. She put one nipple in her own mouth and let it plop down to my hungry tongue.

‘Is this what you want?’ she said, her face subtly changing, her eyes dilating, the angry girl, back once more.

‘Yes.’ I said, knowing that I had won. But I edged forward cautiously, lifting myself up into a press up position, ready to protect myself by slumping down.   I waited. She held the softness of her tits together and I pushed up. My cock was as eager as a young puppy to get between them. We changed positions a few times until we got it right. I was lying on top of them and her, riding them, getting a diddy ride, as she watched, I knew the gap between us was lengthening with each stroke.

‘I’m going to come’, I said trying to re-establish some rapport, my breath quickening.

‘What do you want me to do?’

I meant did she want me to come on her tits of did she want to get a hanky to catch the spunky mess.

‘What do you want to do first?’ she said, ‘Do you want to come on my tits and nipples and rub it in and make me lick it off, or do you want to come on my lips and nose and cheeks, or do you just want me to suck you off and come in my mouth?’.

It was too late. Every word was like an aphrodisiac, like one of these things you read about, but just can’t believe in. She said ‘first’, but I’d already come on her tits and neck by the time she had got to the second suggestion. My wife wouldn’t even put my cock in her mouth, because she didn’t like the fucking taste.

‘Yeh’, I said, ‘Rub it in to your nipples and put them in your mouth’.

Like this she said, taking a strand of spunk and stretching and weaving it into a kind of glue and putting it in her mouth as I watched.  

I licked her lips, rather than kissing her, tasting myself and her. I wanted more. But my cock had begun its long retreat back into its little shell, shrivelling up and dying. Even as we spoke I felt myself nodding off. I’d fuck her in the morning or get her to suck me off or something. Those big tits that I had sweated over and wanked over and imagined in my fantasies were now just two fat white dead bits of flesh. I’d have quite happily gone up the road then and there to my wife. Fran just bored me now with her clingy, whinny voice and needs.

It irritated me that she sat up, taking heat and some blankets away, creating a cold valley in the bed whilst she lit a fag. I moved over to my side of the bed. It was still cold and clammy, but was heating up.

‘What was the bottle for?’ I was almost sleeping, but felt I had to make some kind of conversation.

She paused and had another drag on her fag. ‘That’s lube,’ she said, ‘it’s too sore if you don’t use it there.’

I could almost see her pointing down with her head. She didn’t like words like cunt or cock.

‘Where?’ I said exasperated.

‘My bum’. She said it primly, as if she was going to upset us both by using such a word, almost biting her lip and crying

‘You don’t need to’.   I said, but my cock was already at half mast. I’d only ever screwed my wife and never there. She hardly even let me fuck her cunt.  

‘I know’, she said, ‘but if I don’t use it you’ll need to be real careful and just inch your cock up a wee bit at a time. When its all in you can screw me harder and unload in me, if you want’.

She didn’t like that word, but she had said it and was not going to say any more. She turned around as if she was going to sleep on her side, with her bum pushed out, towards me.

It was cold, but I didn’t care. I pulled down all of the sheets, leaving her body exposed and isolated. She still had her night gown on.

‘Take that off,’ I said.

I started kissing her back, just above the hips, working my way down to the gap between the tailbone and her bum. I plunged my mouth in, licking and kissing all the way down the cleft. Her bum cheeks were a ghostly white. My tongue found the nub of her little hole. As it began rooting about I plunged one finger then another up her other hole as she writhed about seemingly trying to escape my grasp, as she made little animal noises. I didn’t know where to start or finish. My whole body was a massive hard on.


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November 2011 While handsome in every respect of physique and striking in appearance - they were not very bright, although in contradiction, they were skilled artisans in stone working and also in creating exceptionally detailed glazed story tiles and murals. Not having much intelligence beyond a nine-year old human child gave them signal minded focus upon the immediate task on hand, allowing creation of incredible works of art in stone, tiles and murals. Centaurs also were very aggressive...

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DeepLush Alexia Anders Creampie Me

Alexia Anders and I meet for our first scene after much anticipation of shooting together. She starts with sitting on my lap as we kiss and make out. I lick her cute pussy and asshole before bending her over and sliding deep inside of her. We fuck all over the bed as she has mutliple orgasms while I use a hitachi on her clit. She gives me a really sensual blowjob and licks my asshole. There’s POV shot while she rides me and sucks my cock. We finish while fucking in missionary as she tells...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 98

It took some time for our visitors to get used to my infirmity. At my insistence, Liz took a photo of my battered arm on her phone. I had used the logic that it was it a “before” photo that I could use for inspiration in my therapy. It was a blatant falsehood. As soon as we returned down the stairs – and after Sondra had departed for home – I pulled my friends aside and showed it to them. “It’s still there and still attached,” I said, making sure to look hard at each of them. Not...

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Fate: Noun"The Development of events outside a person's control, regarded as determined by a Supernatural power." The last few months had not been going well for Sam, he lost his job and his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. After bouncing around from job to job he landed in a garage. A massive step down from his last job but thanks to a love of Cars given to him by his Father he was happy. He quickly found a kindred spirit in Owen, a fellow Mechanic and car buff, the two became...

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That Mirror AdamNCourtneyB Part 2 Body Swap

That Mirror: AdamNCourtneyB Part 2 Body SwapWe are going on three months now, time continues to fly by. My wife and I haven't stayed in our own bodies for more then a few hours. Just long enough to goto work complete the day and rush home. We have hardly left the house, I dont think either of us wanted to spend a moment away from each others company.That is until this week, my wife has a old friend and her husband going to stay with us, It had been planned for nearly a year. Its a annual event,...

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Hawaiin Cruis CVhaper III

HAWIIAN CRUISE CHAPTER III CRUISING AROUND THE HAWIIAN ISLANDS Our cruise around the Hawaiian islands began that Sunday Morning at our first Port of Call, Honolulu, Island of Oahu. Our itinerary took us island hopping to Port Lihue Kauai (The Garden Isle), Port Lahaina Maui, Port Hilo Hawaii (The Big Island), next around to Hilo, Hawaii, then back to Ohau. We then flew out of Honolulu international Airport., back to Los Angeles. SUNDAY Honolulu, Island of Oahu We all had to...

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A Story of a Mother6

Hi Readers, I am Nayanatara writing the continuation of the story “A story of a mother-5”. I got a huge response for my part-5 and so I am writing the continuation. I never thought I will be so happy in my life with a loving and caring husband son and our newly born son whom we love the most. Even I am at age 44 I never thought I am old because of my honey (I call my son who is my husband as honey). As I am always with him I too feel that I am also at the age of 24. I am very happy playing with...

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Dry Dock VI

Dry Dock VI I stepped out of the cramped Japanese shower a nervous 19 year old scrawny boy, Beth took one look at me and rolled her eyes. They were Pretty eyes, heavy with dark eye shadow. I hoped she could make me look that way. "My bad gabby. The razors and the Nair in the bag were for your arms and legs. Get back in there." So for the first time I shaved my body. My chest had no hair and my legs and arms had light fuzz like hair. I read the instructions on the Nair and...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 4

It was night. There were no clouds and no moon. Jamie leaned back against the Quonset hut and looked at his watch. He sighed. There were still two hours left before his relief showed up. From his present position, he could see along the entire length of the northern fence. Whoever was stealing their supplies wasn't going to get in this way – not without his knowing it. There was a slight sound that alerted him. It came from behind, inside the Quonset hut. He pressed the red button on his...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 4B Saturday January 22 Part Two

Two hours later we were walking out of the casino with ten thousand dollars to split thanks to my brother's unfailing ability to read upcoming cards. It seemed that every time the voice told me to relay a message to bet high Tracey seemed to get a blackjack or an unbeatable twenty or twenty-one. During our stay I'd made a point of making several unnecessary and one necessary visit to the men's room at my brother's request so I could return halfway through a shoe and even 'take over'...

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Cop Town Girl Chapter One

Cop Town By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Penelope Penelope Bishop gripped the steering wheel so hard that her hands were beginning to cramp. She stared intently at the tunnel of light made by the headlights; the road was sealed but unmarked except for the reflectors nailed to the white posts spaced sporadically along the side of the road. The night was pitch-black and the road was dangerous; besides the soft shoulders and the many potholes, wildlife was often attracted to the...

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How My Midlife Crisis Ended Being A Disaster For Me

My wife and I are in our late forties and have been married for more than twenty years. For the most part our marriage had been extremely solid, but over the last year or so I began to feel very different about it. You can say I was going through a mid-life crisis or something very close to it. I despise the thought of getting any older so I began to fantasize more about being with a younger women. I am sure most men go through this exact same scenario at some time in their lives, but I was...

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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 16 Bobs Story and more deepening of relationships

Month -4: Dolores had met Bob in the most mundane of ways: at the supermarket. Even as a non-rejuvenated grandmother, she could still get male attention, and they often sat down for coffee in the market's cafe. After she was rejuvenated, though, she did call him and said that much had changed. In their talks, she had learned about his earlier life on Wall Street, his loss of his wife, and his finding life in working with children. She met with him casually, and applied the neuralizer to...

3 years ago
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How Not To Babysit part 21

PART TWENTY-ONE: PLAYED "No Jenny," I say to her, but my eyes are on Stewart. I don't like guys. I'm pretty sure of that. I *love* the way he's looking at me. I don't get that. "You promised to play house!" Jenny complains. Stewart raises an eyebrow. "In a bit," I placate her. "And you promised to be the baby girl!" she reminds me. Stewart's eyebrow moves towards the ceiling. "Baby?" he asks. "Yeah," Jenny answers as she joins us. I'm dumbfounded. "Katie wears...

3 years ago
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Photo Shoot 1

Part 1 - The LionessDave and Sandy are very much in love – they have a great sex life and a rich fantasy life. Occasionally they spice it up with a bit of role play and tonight they are adding a bit more zest to the recipe – they have invited their friend Bill to be present and take photos. They have discussed the broad terms of the role play but will, of course, follow their instincts as the action unfolds.Bill arrives with an armful of equipment to get the best possible photographs as a...

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Our Family Secret

I began feeling horny as the plane I was on brought me closer to home. I'd been gone four weeks and that was a long time to be away from my beautiful, sexy, sixteen-year-old sister Tina. Thinking about her had turned my prick into a bar of solid steel that pushed the front of my pants way out in front. The cute young stewardess noticed it and gave me an admiring smile. I knew the sight of my bulge had caused her pussy to start steaming and she wanted me to make a date with her, so she could...

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Found out my wifes true fetish

I spent a week joking to my wife about having a stranger fuck her while she was tied up and blindfolded which she constantly yelled about when I joked about or when I sent pics and videos of the subject. After i knew she had enough of me joking about it I stopped talking about it for about a week. One night when coming back from the gym I stopped at the toy store and picked up a "thickster" which was a lifelike soft toy that you put over your cock that made it substantially thicker and added...

2 years ago
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A Week In A Dungeon Day 3

~~~~Day 3~~~~ Ashley lies in her cage. The black sheet sits over it, reducing her light and visibility. The cold dish that once held her dinner, lies next to her. So much has gone through Ashley's head today. How much she has started to crave the affection and warmth of Miss Rose. Any kindness to her, feeling like a deep, sensual warm hug. She thinks about the money she will be making after this week is over. She would have the freedom to look for her dream job for a year, with no pressure,...

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Chris and Kim pt 02

Friday: When Kim got up it was already late, but his head was pounding, and as much as he wanted to get back to sleep, he had to deal with that first. Throwing on a silk robe he headed out to the kitchen to get some juice. It wasn't until he got to the kitchen that he remembered that Chris had passed out on the couch the night before. He quickly belted up his robe to hide his nudity. "Hey is that you? I'm dead, don't mind me" Chris croaked from the living room. Giggling and pouring a glass...

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The Lottery

At South Bay University tuition is free. It is a haven for low income students and families who otherwise might not be able to send their children to a 4 year school. The reason they can afford this is their lottery. The lottery is a drawing where one student’s name is picked and for the remainder of their schooling they are to remain completely naked even when on weekends or break. The university thoroughly documents the naked student’s life and studies through both picture and video and...

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Aged to Perfection

I guess we all walk around with a lot of preconceived notions about things and, I suppose, for most of them, we carry them with us throughout our life. But there are a few that, in living our lives, we run dead up against an exception to these firmly-implanted ideas and they have to change. That happened to me last year when Olivia and I were looking for a house to buy. Olivia is my girlfriend, we’d been together nearly five years and felt really good with each other and had decided to do what...

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Mississippi Queen Louisiana Man

When she finally decided to accept the invitation of her co-workers to join them for an overnight trip to New Orleans, Melanie Hayes never dreamed that she’d fall in love that weekend, much less to a man she literally met on the street. But love has a funny way of striking at the oddest times when you least expect it. Truthfully, even though she was still young at age 38, Melanie had thought her capacity to love another man had died the night six years earlier when her husband had been...

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Corporate FavorsChapter 14

That afternoon when Ron came home from the office, Jennifer tried once again to entice him into bed, but he gently pulled her arms from around his neck. "Sorry, honey, but I'm bushed and I've got a seminar tonight." Jennifer's eyes widened but she tried to act nonchalant. "Oh?" "Yeah, I forgot to tell you. Tremper wants all the junior execs there. Probably be the usual boring stuff." "Well, Cindy and I thought we might go out tonight." "Good idea! Have a good time," he...

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Change of life weekend

This story is not to be copied or move to another web site   Change of life weekend Duke 1933 To start off I am Bi and could be gay if I got hooked up with a good hot fucking cocksucker. But that is not the story I will tell you here, keep in mind this was a long time ago. I had just turned 19 and Joe a buddy I should say a fuck/suck buddy, his birthday was in the same year and month as mine we spent a lot of time with each other and it was just natural that we started to jack off together and...

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A Step mothers sin Chapter 3 Reluctantly

Maybe it was the combination ofmy long overdue sexual release coupled with the enormity of my sin,but suddenly an emotional wave of guilt and panic came over me. I honestly could not believe I hadjust done what I had done. I had just had the most intense, powerful and longest orgasm of my life,and I had it with my stepson’s fist inside me and his lips and tongue on my clitoris. I could not believeI had allowed this to happen.“Oh, baby, I am so, so very sorry,” I sobbed, as tears began to flow...

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gangrape I

Sorry m apna naam nahi bta sakti. Meri Umar 27 saal Ki hn aur 2 mahine phele hi meri shaadi hui thi. Mera sasural shuru m tow muje bohot acha laga par kucch time baad muje yaha rehna bilkul pasand nahi aya. M apne pati se bohot Kush thi lekin mere pati aksar office k kaam se bahar hate rehte the. Ese hi ek din jab mere pati Kanpur ja rakhe the ye kahani us din Ki hn. M us din bohot der se uthi thi. Achanak garh Ki ghanti baji aur mene door khola . Mere padosi aye the. Unhone mujse dudh manga ....

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This story was written especially for The Kristen Illustrated ArchivesI couldn't fucking believe my wife. Here was this proud outspoken black woman screwing and blowing a bunch of white guys for money. It was just fucking amazing to see.Carlota crawled over to another one of my white bosses and dipped her face down over his crotch, I looked wide eyed as another one of the naked company executives snugged up to her raised rear-end and fumbled with his stiff dick, trying to shove it into her.I...

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Halloween Costume

The halloween after having my bathing pulled off by the water while knee boarding in front of family. This is what happened. My family wanted to have more fun with me and since I didn't have a costume picked out yet and I had to wear it out i public. After the boating trip last time they had fun with me I knew I would be excited this time. Halloween night came around and they told me my costume is in my room upstairs. I went up to my room and hanging on my door was a girl's naughty school...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 165 Rembrances 1Hitokiri

The first year of Genji (1864), Kyoto. (Three samurai, Ishiji, Shigekura, and Kyosato, are walking home late at night.) Kyosato: It's getting late. We should hurry a little. Lately there have been more of those Hitokiri-- Ishiji: Like that so-called Hitokiri Battousai? Whether he exists or not, we'll crush the rebellion soon. Shigekura: Now, now, let's not talk shop when we've got reason to celebrate. Kyosato, you're going to be married next month, aren't you? Kyosato (who is...

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Women are as bad as men

First please pop along to my photos as I have just uploaded some from summer and some from last night.The reason I suggest you do, will give you an image as to what transpired that day. I have more photos of the man in question, and his actions.I sailed out to one of the many small islands in the Baltic and was left there to be picked-up later that evening.The small islands are a great retreat if you like to be alone as there are thousands to land on, sometimes you have one to yourself.However...

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Dog LoversChapter 3

Carol wasn't hungry. She fed Sultan and made herself another drink, her third... or was it her fourth? It hardly mattered, she decided, the liquor's effects causing a warm, buoyant feeling to glow inside her, a pleasurable diversion she had almost forgotten existed. It had been a very eventful day, she thought, reviewing individually once more all the things that had happened, as she sipped her gin and tonic. For a change, there'd been a few happy things! She smiled down at the big German...

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The Demons Harem Maras Story Part Three

Mara woke to the sound of rattling chains. She had been taken down duning the night and placed in a small wire cage in the corner of the room. Her holes were still plugged, the leather strap holding them in was painfully wound around her hips and legs. She was lying on her side, her belly protruding out in front of her. She tried to move to sit up but her muscles were so weak from being suspended and the weight of her stomach was unfamiliar to her. One of the threshers walked up to her cage,...

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DevilsFilm Adira Allure Neighborhood Swingers

Adira Allure finishes styling her hair and poses in front of the mirror, wearing stockings and a short dress. Her husband, Alex Mack, tells her that she looks amazing… Which means she’s all set for some special fun, because she’s going to have sex with their neighbor, John Strong, while Alex has sex with another neighbor’s wife! Adira and Alex exchange loving kisses, and wish each other a good time. John then arrives, so Alex and Adira meet him outside. Alex encourages...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 81

When the package arrived two hours later, it was filled with walk around picture and a breakdown of everything on board. It included the description of a very powerful and reliable two cylinder four stroke Honda gasoline engine. The engine is also used in very large pumps and generators. According to the mechanic, it can be removed very easily. It could be taken into an engine shop for overhaul, or replaced completely. The pictures showed a yellow lightweight airplane just as the mechanic...

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A night of many firsts

I was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...

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Private Alika Penagos Tastes The IceCream Man

After a summer fooling around on the beach with the ice-cream man, Potro, Alika Penagos has finally decided that it’s time to take action… and there’s something else that this horny Latina now wants to taste! That’s right, Alika no longer wants dairy, she wants cum, and that’s exactly what this saucy brunette gets in Private Specials, Hot Girls at the Beach as she seduces Potro into coming home with her for a spectacular deepthroat blowjob and an equally spectacular fuck that has her riding,...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 36 Metalton

As Smithy had predicted the snowfall wasn’t that bad. It was a very chipper crowd that greeted Trixi and me at the fire the next morning. We did get a few head shakes after the night before, and I did blush. You see I tried something new. Trixi was exhausted after four days of helping me recharge and the magic she had used that day. My girls had indicated to me in the past that it wasn’t so much the sex but me channelling the magic through them when I came. I was going to try to be the...

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Cum Into My Office Part 1

7:45 am. Driving into work.It's early, only 7:48 am, and I receive a text, "Good morning. Excited to see you today!"I reply, "Goodmorning! Dying to see you too, been hard all night... now I am getting hard again just driving into work! It's a bit embarrassing how hard you make me!"She sends another text, "Nothing embarrassing about that big sexy cock of yours. Show me how hard it is!"At the next light, I snap a pic of my hard cock bulging through my pants. I hold the pants around my shaft,...

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MommysGirl Cherie Deville Emma Hix Missing Her Daughter Dearly

Cherie DeVille is having a video call with her 18-year old step-daughter, Emma Hix, who has gone away to study abroad. The call starts innocently enough as Cherie asks her daughter how school’s going, is she eating well…typical ‘concerned parent’ questions. Emma dutifully answers each question, and insists she’s being good – mostly. When talk turns to Emma’s social life, Cherie coyly tries to find out if Emma is dating anyone – eventually Emma...


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