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I bought a packet of condoms from the Pakis shop in Great Western Road , the one across the road, from Winterskills, near the other pub. I didn't get embarrassed. I felt it was cosmopolitan to be buying rolls, bread and milk and suddenly fling in, ‘oh, yes and a packet of condoms’, in my best west of Clydebank accent. I almost hoped that there were others in the shop so that they could see and appreciate what kind of guy I was. This was not a Sean Connery- James Bond, but me. The condoms were not to prevent Fran getting pregnant. They were to make sure that I got my hole.

I usually left it up to her. I mean, I didn’t want to force her. We had done we shouldn't be doing this kind of thing dance many times before. We were friends. I always waited, got a little bit drunk, before I called.   She'd ask where I was, but she’d know that if I phoned that I'd be somewhere close by, maybe the Halt Bar. Part of me didn't want her to come, but the other 99.9999% did. It was childish. I knew it was. Maybe that was just me being paranoid.   I could almost hear the click of her brain on the phone making the calculations.

‘I'll be about 15 minutes’ she would say, in that husky tone. Sometimes she would call me sweetie. ‘I’ll be there in about 15 minutes, sweetie’. It was all a carry on, a bit of banter, but she would be there in about 10. She didn't take long when she had made her mind up. Sometimes I was with a few of the boys, other drinkers, like me.   Part of her attraction was that she didn’t know that she was beautiful. She bent her back a bit to make herself shorter and more inconspicuous. Her hair was never girly perfect. She had it cut so that from the back she looked like a boy with her shorn black, almost cobalt blue, hair. She accentuated this by wearing baggy shirts and a sometimes her old Wrangler denim jacket, but always with denim trousers. I’d never seen her wear a dress, although she did have the kind of figure that could carry it.     My bit on the side, that wasn’t my bit on the side one eye brown one blue, God's perfect judgement on me. But we were just friends.

At the end of the night we would walk down Great Western Road in that traditional boy meets girl, arm in arm, kind of way, bypassing the Hyundi motor bike showroom.   We always kissed at the bus stop for some reason. At first it was a friendly kiss, an adieu kind of kiss, one which you would give to your great aunt, but on the lips instead of the cheek.   But this was always a kind of tester, a shot at being grown up and responsible.     That soon changed.   I would taste the tobacco on her tongue, for the first time that night, grabbing her behind the head pushing my tongue into her mouth, tying myself up with getting more. Then we would break apart, red faced and excited, breathing heavily. Slightly embarrassed.   Just friends.

  I would always need a pee in the tenement close, just as she fiddled for what seemed like a life time with her keys and locks on the door. The flat was hers, now her flat mate had left. I liked that. It made it feel more mine. My mind jumped from one thing to another. I'd need to phone a taxi soon get up the road. Home. She had a phone in the house. It was much better, phoning from there, than hanging about pathetically waving your arms about   and worse than that getting ignored by taxi drivers, looking at how drenched you are and driving on with no one in their cabs. You could almost hear the bastards laughing.

I'd have my second tobacco fix in the kitchen. She would be making us toast and tea. She knew I was there, but she would let me sneak up and put my around her. I had to be careful with my hands. I wanted to feel at her soft big tits, grab at them, ruffle them up like pillows, even if it was through her jumpers. But I couldn't do that. I had to stand behind her like a stranger and wait until the time was right and gently touch her shoulders. It was like one of those trust games. She would lean back into me and let her weight gradually fall against me. I’d tilt her towards me like a fruit machine. I'd kiss her neck, with butterfly kisses, stitching together all the things I wanted to do. She liked that. And because she liked it I liked it. But we had to be sensible the toast was getting cold. I had one simple rule. I'd never lie to her, unless it was completely necessary.

  We were friends. That was it. She'd make a bed up for me in her flatmates old room, which was now the living room, pulling down cushions from the settee, hunting out bits of blankets and quilts and putting them together like something resembling a child's idea of a bed, all jumbled heaps with no hospital corners and the smell of spilt Kestrel lager.

I stripped of down to my Ys,, like a child getting ready for bed, a little self conscious, but showing off in equal measure.   I needed another pee. She could see that I had a hard on, but she chose not to see it, tilting her head away, watching something, watching nothing.   I always had a hard on when I was with her. She couldn’t mistake the feel of it poking against her as we got into clinches.   My whole body was waiting, primed, sensitive to her touch and slightly musky smell.

She was watching something on the TV when I got back, something funny, because she laughed. I didn't know where to sit. The settee was spread out on the ground like a jumble sale and there was only one chair. She had her feet up on it, curled under her. There was something catlike about her, in the way she sat, the way she was so at ease in her own company, in her own terrritory. She moved her feet, so that I could sit beside her. Her big toes stuck out of her woolly socks. They were painted red. I laughed at that, one of those false laughs that said look at me laughing. She laughed with me.

'emm,'   I said as if I she had said something. She kept watching the tv while I tried to angle myself into a non space and kiss her neck while she smoked. I felt her relaxing into my body, moving her head from side to side so that I could nip and bite and lick another part of her neck. I got my second shot of tobacco, our tongues locking in combat, pushing and pulling for dominance. One hand pushed at her head, forcing her forward to feed me and keep her preoccupied. The other tried to force its way from the bare flesh at her back up and under her bra to her tits. She nipped her fag in the ashtray and just leaned back in the chair so that my hand was jammed like a life between floors.   So I tried pushing down my fingers underneath her Levi denims and up over and into her hole. But her denims were too tight. However much I pushed and shoved I couldn't get past her panties. I felt a bit of give in the denim and pushed harder until my hand almost cramped up, but it was on bare flesh, bare bum. I thought I was going to pop out of my pants and come on the cushions without anyone touching my cock. I was too excited to be embarrassed. But I couldn't get any further. I pushed and pushed and felt carefully for her small hole and gently eased my big finger in.

She jolted away from me, almost breaking it.

'What the fuck you doing?'

I didn't know what to do or say. She expected some answer. I had none. I wanted time to be reversed for a minute, or even half a minute, to make everything all right.

'Put the telly off and the light, when you go to bed, or when you go.' She was cold and angry, her voice cutting, as hard as flint.

That was it. She was away. I thought the best idea would be to get a taxi up the road, but even the thought of that tired me out. I realized how drunk I was and how much easier it would be just to go to bed and wake up. Everything would still be shite, but better. At least it would be morning. But first I would have to tell her I was sorry. I wasn't sure what I was going to say or how I was going to say it, but I knew I had to do that much.

Her door was open slightly. There was no light. She had big blackout curtains on the window that kept out both light and noise so that it was like being in a cave. I didn't know what to do. I stood there waiting, my mind ticking over the options as audibly as a grandfather clock. I thought I heard her crying. I didn't know what to do. I was in default mode, so I went for a pish and came back shivering at the door, like some nocturnal creature.

I heard her shifting, sitting up in the bed. I couldn’t see her I tracked her with the movements that she made. I build up a picture of her feeling for her fags and matches on the table beside her bed. She coughed, as if to make her lungs ready for her next smoke. I felt like coughing too, to show that I wasn't some kind of ghost or Peeping Tom. I didn't have time to retreat. She saw me standing there when she lit the match.

I saw her too. She didn't do that lets pull up the blankets thing that women do.   She knew I was there, but this was just confirming how pathetic I was. She had no bra on. Her tits were big, bigger than I thought. I turned away quickly and a floorboard moved, in the way they do in old tenements and I almost tripped myself up in my hurry to get away.

'Fran', I said, 'I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me'. I could see the red glow of her fag and knew she was listening, but I didn't know what to say next. I'd run out of excuses and things to say my mind emptying out like an upturned bottle on a draining board.

I heard her patting the bed beside her. I raced across, like a dog, summoned by its master that needed to be petted and forgiven. I stumbled on something soft like a toy and stumbled onto the bed. She turned the bedside light on, her body framed like a question mark. I felt caught out in the light. Unmanned. But she laughed. For the first time I felt that everything would be all right. She turned the light off and lay with her back to me. There was a gap of inches between us, but it felt like miles. I willed myself to sleep, but couldn’t.   I could feel the heat from her body almost taste it, but couldn’t touch her. She turned around and I could see her watching me, watching her.

‘Go to sleep,’ she said.

‘I can’t sleep’.

‘Why not?’ she asked.

But I’d no ready answer other than: ‘I’m too warm’.

‘Poor baby’ she said turning the light on and pulling back the sheets. She put on a housecoat, careless now with the whitenss of her tits and the brown nubs of her nipples as if I was some kind of fluffy toy as she clattered down the hall to the toilet.

            I pulled the blankets up tight over my cock, to try and disguise my hard on and wondered if I had time to have a quick wank before she came back and caught me, but I didn’t have any hankies and didn’t want to make a mess. I heard the toilet flushing and turned over and feigned sleep.

            I watched her through what I thought were appropriately sleepy looking eyes, take her house coat off and carefully place it on the chair. She’d a yellowish plastic bottle with her that looked like washing up liquid, which she placed on the bedside table beside her fags. I’d another good look at her tits. There were two or three handfuls in each, her aureoles were brown, almost a rough red colour, with nipples like a new born’s finger. She’d always kept them firmly strapped down, covered with bras and shirts and thick, woolly, baggy ski jumpers, so that they seemed to stand out even more. I finally realized that she was proud of them, that she was showing them off. She carefully stepped out of her white pants. I had a quick glimpse of what we used to call a hairy beaver, before she threw back the sheets, washing away all pretence of sleep.           

            We lay beside each other in starched linen, like two corpses in a sarcophagus, a sword’s width separating us, frightened to touch, frightened to move, taking only shallow breaths, but the heat between us was flammable. I was sweating so much that a pool of water ran like rain into the sheets and soaked into them making me cold and uneasy as if I had pissed the bed. I was shaking. I tried to stop, to will myself to stop, but I couldn’t.   I eased my hand across, a centimetre, then waited and moved it another, like a spider playing dead and rolling into a dot, when it thought that someone was watching.   She coughed. I could feel her moving   away to the other side of the bed and my whole world tilted with her. My hand darted across and tried to translate what part of her it had touched.

            ‘Don’t’ she said. It had the note of command, but there was no anger in her voice. She was chastising a child.

            She had two pillows. I had only one and was looking up at her.   My eyes had grown accustomed to the dark so that I could see that she was lying on her stomach, as if she was on the beach, trying to get some dark sun on her bare back, showing nothing but a hint of bare breast. Her arms were an extra pillow for her head. She was lying on them making a cross of her body. I couldn’t see if she was awake or sleeping and I couldn’t tell by her breathing. I meant to playfully touch her on the small of her back, to try and re-establish some kind of physical contact. She moved away. I touched her round about her bum again. This time it was a mistake. But I didn’t apologise.

            I could smell different parts of her, give them different chemical weightings. One part fag to one part booze to one part toothpaste. One part sweat to ten parts pussy juice. I’d dutifully licked my wife their, of course, before lying on top of her, but I’d never actually thought of it having a musk primeval smell. I wanted my wife. I wanted to plunge into her hard and fuck her prim little hole, whether she wanted to or not.

            My hand darted across again with the same result.

            ‘Don’t’, she said again resignedly, as my hand lingered, brushing and gliding, one side of my hand and then the other, across her skin, feeling the whiteness of its softness.

            I grew bolder, moving my hand from the cheeks of her bum up back as if I was giving her a massage with the outside of my hand.

            I tried to kiss her, but she laughed and turned her face away.

            I kissed her again and again peppering her hair and cheeks and face with my love, until I found her lips and it was the first real kiss, as her hand clamped on my cock, wanking at it up and down furiously as our tongues clashed. I spunked inside my Y’s and on her hand almost immediately, but she just kept wanking as if nothing had happened, until my flaccid cock grew hard again. Then she stopped as suddenly as she had started. Her tongue no longer probed mine. I felt her withdrawing and moving away from me, to her side of the bed.

            That’s how I thought of it now that I’d come. My bed and hers. Her side of the bed and mine. It was ownership, pure and simple. I no longer sweated or shook or felt uptight.

            ‘It’s not your problem’ she said, ‘it’s mine’.

            I wasn’t really sure what she meant by that. I didn’t really care. I was just tired and wanted to get some sleep.

                ‘Uhu.’ I said in the most convincing voice that I could muster.

            ‘You know, of course, that I was abused. ’

            She’d told me that before. It was a big secret between us. She had told me that she had been abused one drunken night when there was only me and her in the world. It was closing time and nobody really gave a fuck, except for me and that was because I wanted to fuck her. It was one of those things. Everybody was abused in one way or another, but we didn’t make such a big deal about daddy shouting at us or mummy buying us the wrong type of jumper so that other kids laughed at us. We just go on with it. Grew up.        

            I turned around, lying on my side, with my face towards the door.

’Yeh,’ I said, ‘That’s a shame’. ‘A real shame’.

She caught me a good one right in the back, between the frame of the rib cage. That absorbed most of the blow, but it jolted me forward. Instinctively, I grabbed for her arms as she tried to punch into my face, dig her nails into my eyes. I dragged her on top of me. She tried to knee me in the balls, but caught the top of my leg. I didn’t know what to do with her. She was a fucking psycho.

I felt all the fight go out of her. It was like turning off a current, all that energy dissipated. There was just me and her. I didn’t believe in those kinds of things, but I felt as if a devil had gone. She was like a small girl, lying on top of me, wanting to be treasured and held.

‘I need a fag,’ she said.

‘It’s ok.’ I stroked her hair, gently patting her head and ‘shyyyyyyinnnngg’ her as if she was some kind of animal that needed consoled.

‘I’m ok,’ she said.

‘I know’, I replied continuing to stroke her hair and face.

She moved a bit closer, shifting her weight. I could see one of her breasts hanging down like an earring. I pushed my head down to it and licked at it like a dog on heat.

She watched me feeding on the nipple and tit. She fed me one, then the other and then I tried pushing both tits together so that I could get both nipples in my mouth at once. She put one nipple in her own mouth and let it plop down to my hungry tongue.

‘Is this what you want?’ she said, her face subtly changing, her eyes dilating, the angry girl, back once more.

‘Yes.’ I said, knowing that I had won. But I edged forward cautiously, lifting myself up into a press up position, ready to protect myself by slumping down.   I waited. She held the softness of her tits together and I pushed up. My cock was as eager as a young puppy to get between them. We changed positions a few times until we got it right. I was lying on top of them and her, riding them, getting a diddy ride, as she watched, I knew the gap between us was lengthening with each stroke.

‘I’m going to come’, I said trying to re-establish some rapport, my breath quickening.

‘What do you want me to do?’

I meant did she want me to come on her tits of did she want to get a hanky to catch the spunky mess.

‘What do you want to do first?’ she said, ‘Do you want to come on my tits and nipples and rub it in and make me lick it off, or do you want to come on my lips and nose and cheeks, or do you just want me to suck you off and come in my mouth?’.

It was too late. Every word was like an aphrodisiac, like one of these things you read about, but just can’t believe in. She said ‘first’, but I’d already come on her tits and neck by the time she had got to the second suggestion. My wife wouldn’t even put my cock in her mouth, because she didn’t like the fucking taste.

‘Yeh’, I said, ‘Rub it in to your nipples and put them in your mouth’.

Like this she said, taking a strand of spunk and stretching and weaving it into a kind of glue and putting it in her mouth as I watched.  

I licked her lips, rather than kissing her, tasting myself and her. I wanted more. But my cock had begun its long retreat back into its little shell, shrivelling up and dying. Even as we spoke I felt myself nodding off. I’d fuck her in the morning or get her to suck me off or something. Those big tits that I had sweated over and wanked over and imagined in my fantasies were now just two fat white dead bits of flesh. I’d have quite happily gone up the road then and there to my wife. Fran just bored me now with her clingy, whinny voice and needs.

It irritated me that she sat up, taking heat and some blankets away, creating a cold valley in the bed whilst she lit a fag. I moved over to my side of the bed. It was still cold and clammy, but was heating up.

‘What was the bottle for?’ I was almost sleeping, but felt I had to make some kind of conversation.

She paused and had another drag on her fag. ‘That’s lube,’ she said, ‘it’s too sore if you don’t use it there.’

I could almost see her pointing down with her head. She didn’t like words like cunt or cock.

‘Where?’ I said exasperated.

‘My bum’. She said it primly, as if she was going to upset us both by using such a word, almost biting her lip and crying

‘You don’t need to’.   I said, but my cock was already at half mast. I’d only ever screwed my wife and never there. She hardly even let me fuck her cunt.  

‘I know’, she said, ‘but if I don’t use it you’ll need to be real careful and just inch your cock up a wee bit at a time. When its all in you can screw me harder and unload in me, if you want’.

She didn’t like that word, but she had said it and was not going to say any more. She turned around as if she was going to sleep on her side, with her bum pushed out, towards me.

It was cold, but I didn’t care. I pulled down all of the sheets, leaving her body exposed and isolated. She still had her night gown on.

‘Take that off,’ I said.

I started kissing her back, just above the hips, working my way down to the gap between the tailbone and her bum. I plunged my mouth in, licking and kissing all the way down the cleft. Her bum cheeks were a ghostly white. My tongue found the nub of her little hole. As it began rooting about I plunged one finger then another up her other hole as she writhed about seemingly trying to escape my grasp, as she made little animal noises. I didn’t know where to start or finish. My whole body was a massive hard on.


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The nights here in England are long. In winter, the sun comes up late only to go down early in the afternoon. This means that we inevitably spend most of our lives here in the dark. Mind you, I don’t much mind the dark. The dark is a place where you can hide from your secrets, where your innermost fantasies can become reality and where life itself can be fulfilled without anyone knowing or interfering. I myself carry a dark secret, of fantasies fulfilled and a life that’s enjoyment was taken to...

4 years ago
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Escape For Passion Part 5

Chapter 5A Meanwhile, Sid was hot and horny and wanted to get his rocks off with Judy. While Kim Lin was astride Judy’s face, he got on top of Judy’s legs and straddled her crotch. His raging hardon was jammed against the furry juncture of her legs and his aroused manhood was very hard. Opening her pussy lips with one hand, he rubbed his cock head all around the opening and over Judy's clit. She arched her back to get away from the intensity of the feelings coming from this clitty and...

4 years ago
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My sweet little brother

Let me first describe myself. I am 29. I have black hair to my shoulders with long, loose curls, which I sometimes wear up or tied back. I am 5’3″ tall. I have a normal look. But I measure 34D-24-36. I am slim and my breasts are very firm and nicely shaped and appear very large on my slim frame. I have nicely shaped, long, thin legs, a nice flat tummy and a tight round bum. And above all I have big eyes and my skin is milk white. My first experience was with my husband. Ya, I was a virgin...

2 years ago
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The Work Place Naughty

Without repeating, Judy and I met at a national training session and something sexually appeared to come in almost every private conversation we had. The meeting ended and she went back to Ohio and me 900 miles east not knowing when we would see each other again. As luck would have it I was given an assignment to do more training all over the Northeast – yes!! This now gave me an opportunity to see Judy. The manager in the area scheduled the meeting in a ski resort in western...

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The Best Beginning With Cousin Sister Irene

Hi guys, I am Ronnie from Kerala.. For the past two years I have read a lot of stories from ISS and Desitales. Now i think am mature enough to share my sex life with others. This is a real incident which took place 4 years before, nothing is fictional and its my first attempt in writing, please forgive my mistakes. I am 18 years now.. I maintain a good slim, fit body since childhood. I have noticed most of the girls in my class staring at me. I was really a good boy in their eyes. My father’s...

2 years ago
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Do you ever find yourself rubbing your junk, anticipating jerking off to hot and sexy porn videos? Well, you are not the only one with such cravings. Hell, I created ThePornDude for precisely that kind of shit! And speaking of, let’s take a look at yet another tube site ripe for your masturbatory purposes!Hib6 is a website with a plethora of videos that you can explore. It’s a decent assortment of content that will have you pumping your fist the first time you see how much content is available...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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The Long Con Magnificent Mandy part 3

like jacking off. Now that I had shared intimacy with Mandy, I didn't want anything to do with her mother. I tell you, the next four weeks were insufferable. Jolene wanted it to be like when we first dated and I was so horny watching my girlfriend's jaw dropping daughter, I would fuck her every chance I got. But now I only wanted the real thing. I also knew now that I was essentially getting what I wanted and on the road to more, I had to be extra careful. Things could still...

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Meenu The Girl Of My Dreams

Hello, everyone. Warm greetings to all the followers of Indian Sex Stories. I have been an avid reader of Indian sex stories for the past 7 years. About me, I am Rahul, 26 years old, Engineer from Vellore, currently staying at Chennai. The heroine of the sex story is Meenu whom I met through some social event. I checked her out through out the function and got to know her name from my friend. I just pinged her randomly one evening. I never thought I would get a reply from her but she did after...

3 years ago
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To Fuck My Own Daughter

I had never actually known my daughter, Eden. A quick explanation: The last time I had seen her was right after she popped out of her mother at the hospital. After that, her mother and I had a bad dispute and she packed her bags and left with the baby. It was only just after Eden had turned eighteen that she had come to live with me. It was more of a cry for help really, as her mother had gotten into some bad issues involving drugs and all that mess, and Eden wasn't financially stable enough...

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My openminded aunt

When I heard aunt Mary’s voice again that evening it had been years since I’d seen her. The last time had been at her husband’s funeral. That was now, what, six years ago? Seven? We talked a bit about trivial things until aunt Mary asked if I would like to come and visit her. I hadn’t expected that, but I agreed. When I thought about it, I decided that it would be nice to see her again and reminisce about the past with her. I was in between girlfriends at the time, so to speak, so I had plenty...

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 2 And Awaaay We Go

“Daddy?” “Yes.” “Are you ok?” “No. Not if Taylor is dead.” “She is.” “Why?” “Because she loved you.” “Why?” “Because you are our Daddy.” Taylor Erin O’Dell. My first child with Erin. My favorite. MY little girl. The one who was the leader of the Herd. Dead. I felt myself coming out of a fog. My head was throbbing. My face was wet. My body was shaking. I was crying. Hard. “Paul!” A soft hand on my shoulder. “Taylor? Erin?” “I’m here Sweetie.” Erin answered...

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MyFamilyPies Emma Starletto Harlow West Fathers Day Daughter Swap

Emma Starletto and Harlow West have been friends for so long that their dads have also developed a friendship. They sometimes get together so the girls can hang out while the dads work out. Emma’s dad, Charles Dera, and Harlow’s dad, Dick Chibbles, are lifting weights as the girls quietly discuss how hot they find the workout session. Harlow claims she’d totally fuck Emma’s dad, and Emma is on the same page about Harlow’s dad. The girls decide to at least tease...

4 years ago
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A Little Afternoon Fun

Drying the last droplets of water from my skin, I discarded the towel and donned a simple cotton robe. I switched off the light and made my way to the small living room and sat down on the couch, basking in the light of the early afternoon sun. Reaching across the coffee table for my cigarettes, I lit one as I crossed my legs. The warmth of the shower began to seep from my body and my still damp hair chilled the nape of my neck, making me shiver. I stubbed out my cigarette and leaned back...

Straight Sex
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SandcastlesChapter 15

My only thought as we made our way to the last shop was, 'How am I going to last 10 days to Thursday of next week and Dr. Wang?' Thank God the girls' reservoirs took a week or so to fill up. The last shop of the day was intended as a safety measure just in case either of the two prior shops had bombed. I guided the energetically bouncing cockteasers into the discreet, but very expensive, jewelry store that was just down the street from where we had left my car. The fittings here in this...

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Idius Halfhwit and the Aegis of Probability

All characters in this story are at least 18 years old I was seated on the Hogwarts Express. My wand busy at work drawing and planning. It was going to be an exciting year. The first three I was young, inexperienced, and quite frankly, foolish. This year was going to be different. The train's horn sounded, it was a final warning before it took off. I heard the shuffling of feet outside the cabin. The door to my cabin opened slightly, and two eyes peeked in. Cho Chang stared at me for a moment,...

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Morning wake up

It's Sunday morning. I woke up early, and I am now rubbing my dick.Next to me, Angela is still sleeping, on her side. I look at her nice, white ass, that is tilted towards me. I can see her pussy and ass hairs, between her thighs and ass cheeks. I can smell her scent, an amazing mixture of her erotic sweat and the smell of her pussy, full of my semen... I have fed her well , all night long ...I put my finger in my mouth, to make it wet, and I put it on her asshole. I press it softly and very...

5 years ago
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Matt Part 1

Hi, I’m Matt. I’m 16, white, about 5’ 11” and fairly toned. I’m not Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I have enough definition to feel good about my body. My cock’s about 7 inches long, and a little thicker than average. I’m also a virgin. Generally a regular 16-year-old guy. Apart from I have a little secret. I’m bi. I’ve been looking at porn since I was around 13. A few months later, I came across a gay video, and since then have been very interested in gay sex. I’ve developed a few fetishes...

3 years ago
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Lust Pleasure And Passionate 8211 Part III

Thanks for yur replies and asking me to write more of our love makings, me and Roma had good time we both fucked each other in passionate way. Well you’ll know I am from Goa and Roma is catholic is married lady with one child about her she gorgeous and have extremely hot figure and also know that she is now in UK. You’ll had asked me to write about fuck in car, outdoor sex, anal sex, bathtub sex etc.. I will write the most memorable fuck which we both talked many times when we were in bed after...

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The PFC Goes to a Party

The lights came on and voices screamed "Off it and on it" as Sgt. Morales went down the aisle kicking bunks. Teresa rolled off the upper bunk and looked at her watch. Four forty-five; god damn you George Bush, this is just too damned early to get put of bed. "Get your shit together people and clean up this pig sty" Sgt. Morales yelled, "I want you back from the mess hall by 0600. It's a two-hour march to the range and I intend to have your asses there by 0800. Now move it!" The day was...

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Catteni HeatChapter 3

The next day started about the same as the others. Waking up, going to the galley to eat. Give the galley a good cleaning, then back to my room. There I cleaned the room, undressed wrapped a blanket around myself and waited for the first of the three guys for the day. The first arrived. He knocked on the door. I got up and let him in. It was the young man that had fallen asleep in the cargo bay after his first encounter with me. I had him come in. For a Catteni he was shy. He told me his...

1 year ago
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Dad and Daughter

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had decided to take a weekend off to drive over to see my daughter who had moved to another town a few months earlier to take a new job. I had missed not seeing her come over on a regualar basis. During the summer months she would spend alot of time at my house so she could use the pool. I loved having her here not only for the company but admittedly I also loved seeing her walking around in her little bikini. She had long gotten my attention with...

3 years ago
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Kaamwali Ke Sath Sex

Hello doston mera naam hai Nimku. Main Bihar se hun aur mere lund ka size hai 7- inch. Toh iss story ki heroine hai Sangeeta jo meri kaamwali hai. Hai toh 2 bachchon ki maa lekin figure ekdum mast. 38-32-38. Height jyada nahi hai iss liye chuche aur gand bohut mast lagte hai kam height mein. Kisi ka bhi lund khada kar de aisi hai. Chuche bade lagte kyuki meri mom ki rejected bra pehenti thi. Mere hisab se mom ka size 40b hai par maid ko fit aata bra ekdum. Toh main apni kaamwali ko kafi time se...

3 years ago
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Long Haul

Alice was so beautiful she took my breath away every time I saw her. I asked her out a couple of times and she turned me down on both occasions. The second time was just after she split with Dougie Laughery and I thought I had a real chance this time. Dougie was an asshole, I had been competing with him toe-to-toe since junior high. I couldn’t see what Alice saw in him even before he had been caught with his pants down in company with Sissy Hollins, whose reputation went before her almost as...

2 years ago
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Iron ManChapter 7 Running the Wasteland

Midnight took me to an isolated stretch of desert somewhere south of the New Mexico/Texas border; east of El Paso and west of Odessa. It was Midnight who took me, not Serenity. She was in full dress as her superhero alter ego, and we maintained our personae the entire time we were outside of the Fortress. "Its important to develop a public persona and to use it religiously whenever you're in public wearing the suit," she told me. "It is helpful that the suit completely disguises your...

4 years ago
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Corporate slave How far would you go Part 1

Rick and Chrissy are about as average as you can get. both in their mid thirties, married with k**s. Chrissy is a lady of leisure whilst husband Rick works as an analyst for a large d**gs company.This story highlights the lengths people will go to for material gain.Rick was fairly new in his job, but had clearly done something right as he was in good favour with the boss Ian. Ian was a very successful and wealthy man, feared by anyone that worked for him. He did not tolerate fools well!Things...

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First time with hotel boy

Hello all!!! This one is the narration of my first experience in the gay world. This incident ways back to December 2006. After my graduation I was determined to take admission in management. I was to appear for counselling and second round of selection. I reached secundrabad round 10 in the morning but to my horror i found all the hotels booked and as it was difficult for me to get a room in secundrabad my auto driver suggested me to check in a hotel known to him near nampally (hyderabad)...

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It was winter break of my sophomore year of college and I wasn’t exactly eager to be spending the next few weeks at home. Sure, I missed my family and my neighborhood friends but college had changed me. I had filled out both physically and mentally and wasn’t ready to suddenly fall back in line with my parent’s rules. Long hours at the gym and long nights under Kayla, a horny sorority girl who lived in the same dorm, made sure of that. Going home would be fun at first but I knew all too well...

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A New Style of Education Part 27

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 27 The four members of staff were bombarded with questions as they walked through the door. "Calm down," bristled Mr Hobson, positioning some seats at the front of the room. "We can't answer questions if we get them all at once. Let's deal with some fundamentals first and then we'll take it from there. Emma, you look like you're about to explode if you don't ask first, so ask away." "Are we never able to see our families again? I...

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Forbidden Love MJ Part 3

(CONTINUED) The Next Day... "Malik," whispered a voice from behind my locker door. "Hey!" I rolled my eyes, and closed the locker, immediately knowing who it was. "What the fuck do you want?" "Whoa!" he chuckled, leaning against the locker with a smile. "What's wrong with YOU, babe?" "You don't get it, do you?" I said, walking away, with him on my tail. "No, not really," he joked. "What's wrong, babe?" "Stop fuckin' calling me that!" I blurted out....

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HobyBuchanon Emma Hix Nikole Nash Have A Threesome

Emma Hix and Nikole Nash stopped by to get their faces fucked and pussy’s pounded in the 1st ever 3-way in site history!!! I start fucking both of their faces and switch to POV. I have them push each others heads down on my cock and hold their noses. I fuck their pretty faces more and have them undress and play with each others pussies. I begin to fuck Emma from behind while Nikole eats my ass and hers. I fuck Nikole hard doggy style and put my cock down Emma’s throat in between...

4 years ago
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Race day with my firends mom

Race day with my firends mom...My friend and I always go to motorcycle races. You simply have to love that mean machines and hot girls that come with it.So I came the other day to my friends house for a beer and we talked about going to next race. Then his mom came. She was at hairdresser, wearing black track suit which perfectly fit her body, showing her curves...and awesome hair, of course.As we were talking she said that she would also like to go to race because she never went on one before,...

2 years ago
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DickDrainers Mia Kay Mia Learns Not To Hook Up With Strangers Online

Mia Kay is sooooo excited! A couple of weeks ago, Mia downloaded an app to talk to cute local boys. Her parents DO NOT know about this and would absolutely flip if they found out! They don’t think Mia is old enough to talk to boys. But Mia thinks she’s old enough for anything. She just started driving, college applications are around the corner…she’s a big girl now. She can handle talking to boys. In fact, she’s been talking to this one guy for the longest. His...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 63 A Gentleman Of Leisure

“Me too!” I reached out and tugged her towards me. “Sit down and rest.” I pulled her closer and my wife twisted around and sank down onto my lap in the recliner. I idly rubbed her back, but when my fingers rubbed against her bra buckle, something not quite so restful came to mind. I began moving my fingers around her bra straps and buckle under her t-shirt. “You know, I’m pretty much a gentleman of leisure these days. I would think that the woman I was married to would understand that sort of...

4 years ago
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Help From Star CityChapter 11 the Beginning

Professor Whirter had called Dragon Queen to tell her of their appointment in two days at Wade Manor. She had gone into a tantrum at the delay in breeding her pets. "Who is this person to give orders to me?" she yelled. "This Max Roberts was killed and so there is a need for a forceful woman like myself to take his place. With the heroines as my breeding herd of sluts for my pets, no one can stand in my way. I am going to Wade Manor, with or without you, as soon as everything is in...

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Tree Rippen Peaches

When Brody left the house after they loaded the pickup with produce, his daddy was already wiping the sweat from his face. "You got the cooler, Brody Boy? This here's an 80-80 mornin' a'ready." "'s on the porch, Pa. I'm jist fixin' to get 'er in the truck." The old man nodded and continued wiping his face, idly waving his broad-brimmed hat with his other hand to cool down the already darkened sweat band. Brody climbed the porch steps to retrieve the cooler and glanced at the fancy...

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My lady and I had spent several years together and had really enjoyed each other in most every way. We traveled together, did adventures together and finally lived together. Although not married, we may as well have been. I was in my early 40's and she is in her late 30's. I am 5'8” about 170 lbs in fair shape and she is 5'4” about 120 lbs. Her shape is quite attractive, thank you. Not large but very well formed breasts, her waist is not tiny but emphsized her absolutely gorgeous ass! I find...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 4

It was still early so I made my first call to ESPN. I was transferred from one person to another until I finally got to someone that would listen and could decide on what I was asking for. Mr. Archer asked what he could do to help me and I laid out my ideas. “Mr. Archer, I am sure that you have heard of Sport Support and that is who I work for. We’re putting together a last-minute volleyball tournament that will take place over five weekends, along the west coast of Florida. I want to hire a...

1 year ago
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Life of Sachu with mom

100% fiction! 18yo Sachu woke up that morning in a happy mood as his vacation is on and he is going to mom. He do not forget what john had said about his vacation. He said he is going to impregnate his mom this vacation. Sachu also wants to do the same with his mom too. His mom is a lady at 42 with huge melons in front and back. Sachu when thought about his mom's grey black lips and red tongue got an erection. Here is the bus had given a sudden break to wake him from his dream. Sachu got off at...

4 years ago
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Sex Education Chapter 2 The Rest Of The First Week

On day two of Sex Ed, you woke up to reveille. A bugle played over a loudspeaker, and you had to hurry to shower and dress for breakfast, then off to class. Today, in the first minute of instruction, you were told to strip, then to lie down with your feet in the stirrups. Today the cadets would learn about pussy. The instructor insisted on calling it that.You, in your mind, thought of it as your cunt. You knew that you wanted it stuffed full of cock, that would fuck your brains out, and it was...

2 years ago
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On the first night of my visit a gang of old friends went out drinking and got ourselves really pissed. At the end of the night, friends dropped Andy and I off at the house and I was to sleep on the big couch in the living room. As we got to his home Andy initially went to his room to get me a pillow and blanket but when he came back, Carlo followed him out to the living room and immediately wanted to play. Andy asked me if I wanted to put Carlo in the garage for the night but I said, “No” and...

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