- 4 years ago
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B.A.M. by Patricia51
"Is this thing set up properly?" I demanded. "Are you sure it will catch everything?"
"Yes, Helen," Paul tried to reassure me, a combination sympathetic smile and eager grin on his face. Well, who could blame him? We were setting up the video camera so it could catch every moment of what was about to transpire between him and me. I was about to get some unexpected but well-deserved payback for the activities that Paul had brought to my attention.
I had met my husband George at the company where we both worked. I was a computer technician and he was a salesman. We first met when he brought his lap-top in to be repaired. He had such a woe-be-gone look on his face as he described what was wrong that I nearly burst out laughing. By the time he finished telling me what the problem was I had fixed it. He rushed out of the office hugging the laptop like it was his child. I laughed, shook my head and proceeded to immediately forget about him.
Two days later he called me.
"Ahh, Helen, this is George."
"Who?" My mind was a blank.
"George Thomas." When I remained silent he added "I brought my laptop in the other day. You solved the problem while I was still trying to tell you what the problem was."
"Oh, right, now I remember. You didn't give me your name."
"I know and I went storming out of there without doing the most important thing. I didn't say 'Thank You'. All I can offer in my defense is that I had two weeks worth of orders on that laptop and I needed to get them submitted. I know that hardly excuses bad manners though."
I was just about shocked. Most of the people who brought their equipment in to me spent the whole time bitching as though it was my fault. "Is this going to take long?" or "What do you mean you'll have to order a part?" and "Is there anyone here who knows what the F*** they're doing?" were what I was used to. Not "Thank you."
"Wow, well, you're welcome."
He hesitated and cleared his throat twice before stammering, "Helen, I'd, ah, that is, I was wondering if you would, errr, let me make it up to you by, what I mean is..."
"I'd love to go out with you, George." Okay, I know that makes me sound like some pushy broad, but really I'm not. I just was afraid that if I waited for him to finish I would be too old to get dressed without the assistance of a nurse. Besides, immersed as I tended to be in whatever was in front of me, my last date had been 6 months previous and to qualify it as a "disaster" was to actually report it as better than it had been.
There was another hesitation on the phone, just enough to let me think "Brilliant, Helen. That was NOT was he was trying to say. Practice making a fool of yourself much?" Fortunately for my shreds of self-esteem, the silence was broken by a warm laugh.
"Great! How about Friday night? Dinner some place nice but not too fancy and then we'll see where we go from there?"
I gave him my address. "I'll be ready by seven."
Friday night I was examining myself in the mirror for the umpteenth time when the doorbell rang. I had on the good old basic black dress, cut a bit above the knees, combined with low heels and pantyhose. I really wasn't much of a dress wearer and definitely did not take to heels. The boots I had worn in my early twenties before I went to technical college and running shoes were more my style. Not that I'm butch, you understand. I just prefer comfort.
George looked very handsome when he picked me up. We went to a nice restaurant in the center of the city and had a good meal. After that, we went for a stroll through the little shops and boutiques of the restored downtown area, just window shopping.
We seemed to fumble for conversation. We talked mostly about work, not getting into personal issues much. I really don't know why. I could feel that there was a tenuous connection between us but somehow neither of us could seem to catch the thread and reel the other in.
We finally decided to call it a night. On the way home, George's car slowed for a moment as we passed the local athletic park complex. I glance at him and followed his gaze. He was looking at the marquee announcing that the first game of the local Class A minor league baseball team was tomorrow afternoon.
Being a gentleman, George walked me to my front door. There was an awkward moment of silence. Then George wished me goodnight and started down the walkway.
"George, wait!" I called after him. He stopped and turned around. I swallowed and walked up to him.
"This didn't go very well tonight George and I don't know why. Let's try it again. Instead of dressing up and a restaurant, how about jeans and hotdogs and that ballgame tomorrow afternoon?"
He grinned and his face lit up. "First pitch at 3:15. Pick you up at 2 so we can watch batting practice?"
"Its a deal." I kissed him and scampered for the door, a grin on my face that was as big as the one on his.
The morning passed slowly. The afternoon, well, from the first crack of a bat, I started falling in love. We had the promised hotdogs, smothered in mustard and ketchup and relish. We had beer in overflowing soggy paper cups and cheese fries and popcorn. Every bit of it went straight to my hips and butt and I loved it all.
George had to dress up in order to look as a salesman was expected to on the road, but he turned out to be a jeans and sport shirt guy when it was his choice. We swapped our life stories and were astounded at the similarities of our high schools, the three years we each spent between then and college, and what we considered important in life.
We did a lot of screaming and bouncing up and down. Our seats were right by first base and the ball game was slam-bam right down to the ninth inning when the home team broke the tie score to win. Arms wrapped around one another, we jumped into the others' arms. Some time during that hug our first kiss started. We didn't break it up until the cries of "Get a room!" became exceptionally loud.
The drive back to my place flew by. We kissed all the way up the walk, through the door that George managed to kick shut behind us and all the way down the hall to my bedroom. Shoes, jeans and shirts littered our trail. George threw my bra to the winds as we fell onto the bed. My hand was inside his boxers, my fingers trailing over his erection.
I managed to hook a leg between his and roll him over. I pulled his shorts down and admired his cock standing straight up from his body. That admiration lasted for just a moment before I engulfed it with my mouth. I cupped his balls, gently squeezing them in the same rhythm that my lips slid up and down his hard shaft. I paused at the top of the first upstroke and released him long enough to lick the head clean of its first secretions. Then I showed no mercy.
Down my head plunged until I had him fully in my mouth, my nose buried against his groin. I began to suck him as my head bobbed up and down, the head battering at the entrance to my throat. Faster and faster I went, never releasing the suction of my mouth. His groans and cries of pleasure were delightful music to my ears. Then he gave one deep moan and filled my mouth with hot, salty cum, which I greedily swallowed.
I had no sooner raised my head in triumph when he grunted, "Your turn now BAM." He caught me under my arms and pulled me up his body until my pussy rested over his face. Then his tongue burrowed inside my slit and was stroking inside me as fast and as furious as my mouth had been on him. His hands slipped up my body to capture my breasts.
I felt his head tip back far enough for his searching tongue to find my clit. He danced around it, then brushed over it, then settled firmly on it to rock it back and forth. I rewarded him as he had me, with yells of pleasure and my own flood of juices on his face.
I was kneeling over him, my hands on the top of the headboard, leaning slightly against it. Therefore I was in a perfect position when he blew on my still throbbing clit, slid out for under me, grabbed my hips to pull me into position and then impaled me from behind in one powerful thrust of his hips.
"Oh God, honey! Oh damn, so good." He suddenly froze. Before I could demand he start again, he managed to croak, "Are you protected?"
Thank God I was. Why I had kept using my birth control pills through the long drought of celibacy I don't know, but it paid off. "Yes," I managed to gasp. Then my voice regained itself. "Now George, fuck me!" And he did.
When it was over I laid in the crock of his arm, my eyes idly watching the spinning ceiling fan. "Nice shot," I commented. He just grinned at the sight of my bra draped over one of the blades.
"Expert shot, you know."
Two months later we moved in together. Six months after that we were married. On our honeymoon we visited South and North Carolina, spending time enjoying the places we had unknowingly shared in our younger days. When we returned we found a place to be "ours" and settled into a happy domestic routine of work and home.
The only fly in the ointment was all the travel George needed to do. But he was making excellent money and enjoyed it as much I did my own job. Both of us were naturally thrifty, so we were able to save a good bit of money each month. Soon we would be able to afford a down payment on a house and we were discussing the exciting possibility that I would be able to stop work eventually and have our child.
Under George's more outgoing personality I had started participating more in the company's social activities. I played softball on the mixed team the company sponsored. Unfortunately, George missed a lot of games due to his responsibilities. But he always came when he was home to cheer for me as "the sexiest first baseman I ever saw".
Paul Weincamp was the director of Corporate Relations and also the pitcher on the softball team. A tall, well-built single guy, he was the object of a lot of leering by the single females, and more than one of the married ones I was sure. Who all he was dating was none of my business or interest.
One day he collapsed on the bench after a well played game. He pulled two bottles of water from the ice chest and offered me one. I gratefully accepted.
"Where's George?"
"I think he's in Saint Louis today."
Paul shook his head. "George is a real go-getter but I bet you wish he didn't spend so much time on the road. If you were my wife, I wouldn't let you out of my sight. Well, I know what its like out there." A look of sadness crossed his face, "My ex-wife was in sales and gone all the time. Then I found out she wasn't spending those nights on the road alone." He heaved a sigh. "You never expect it to happen to you." With that he rose and wandered off towards the parking lot.
Well, that was unexpected. I dismissed the thought that George was capable of being anything less than 100 percent faithful. I was surprised however about Paul's ex-wife. After all, he was quite good-looking and made an excellent salary I was sure. Why would someone cheat on a catch like that?
The weeks went by and I seemed to run into Paul more and more often. He stopped by my office occasionally and several times I was requested specifically to install upgrades in the computers at Corporate Relations. Of course we saw each other every ball game. He never failed to ask about George, and yet his words always seemed to be tinged with a bit of suspicion. While given his own history I could understand his thoughts, surely George was behaving himself on the road.
More than once I started to expound on that, but Paul always seemed to sense what I was feeling and change the subject, usually to me. He often complimented me on my ball playing skills, as well as my over all attractiveness. With assurances he meant nothing untoward by it, he made a point of making some slight but flattering reference to my looks. More than once I returned home to inspect myself in the mirror. Apparently he was seeing something that I wasn't.
I rather enjoyed Paul's attention. We grew to be, if not friends, at least close colleagues. He told me it felt good to have someone to confide in about the failure of his marriage.
One day he asked me, "Helen, may I ask you a question?"
"Well, you can ASK Paul," I replied.
He chuckled with appreciation at my wit. "Why does George call you 'Bam'?"
"Its a nickname. It has to do with something we discovered about each other when we first started to date." I laughed. "Its sort of one of those things that makes perfect sense when you share the same experiences but otherwise is meaningless."
Paul didn't push the issue.
About a month later the company held its big Fourth of July party. I had been looking forward eagerly to it was going to be a 3 day weekend for all of us. Unfortunately, George had to call from Dallas the night before and tell me he wasn't going to be able to get home on time. I assured him it was alright, that I would miss him and I loved him.
The party coincided with the league championship game. Paul asked where George was, of course, and I explained. He didn't say anything much, just grunted. He had a very peculiar look on his face, half in sadness and yet with a touch of anticipation of some sort.
Two weeks later when George was back on the road again Paul called me to his office. For once he shut the door. He waved me to the couch and sat beside me.
"Helen," a pained expression crossed his face and he hesitated. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but I think as a friend and as a co-worker you have a right to know this." The night of the company party that George missed, the one he unexpectedly didn't come home to attend, I'm afraid that," he stopped and I could have sworn he muffled a sob, "I'm afraid that I have proof that George is having an affair."
"That's impossible!" I all but shouted.
"I know, I can't believe it either, but," he clicked on the TV in the corner of his office, then started the VCR, "But there is this. Please don't ask me how I obtained it."
It was a sex movie. A man, who looked like George, from the back anyway, was engaged in passionate sex with a blonde woman with a set of boobs, either one of which would have been a match for both of mine and to spare. I inched forward on the couch, listening and watching unbelievably.
The sound flowed from the TV. The blonde was screaming, "Yes George, YES, fuck me, fuck me like you always do." The man rolled sideways and his face appeared on the screen. The picture flickered and blurred for a moment but it was unmistakably George's face.
Paul turned off the TV and put his arm around me. "I'm sorry, Helen. I know that was a terrible shock."
"I can't believe it. I just can't believe that anyone could stoop so low as that."
"I know, Helen. I didn't believe it when my wife betrayed me. But it was true then, as true as this is."
I was very calm. "What do you suggest Paul? I don't believe in revenge, but some one who acts like this needs to get what's coming to them."
I could have sworn a look of anticipation came into his eyes. "You're absolutely right. And I know just how to do it."
I listened to his suggestion and agreed. So three days later I met him at a suite in a well known hotel. He had already set up the video equipment to tape the two of us having sex together.
"I hate to do this to George," Paul said sadly. "But you need to teach him a lesson."
"I agree." I smiled at Paul. "I'm glad you're here. Without you here, the whole thing would be impossible."
I took a deep breath as Paul turned on the video camera. He panned it across the room, over the queen-sized bed and the champagne bucket beside it. He focused on the foot of the bed. At a nod from him I walked into the picture at the same time he did.
I put my arm around Paul and smiled into the camera. "George, Paul here has been telling me some VERY nasty things about you. He's been telling me all about your little honey you have on the side. He's been kind enough to give me his explanation about your trips out of town and tell me all about the boasting you do at the office. I tried to extend the benefit of the doubt about the whole situation, but the final straw, my love, was the tape he showed me. Cavorting with a blonde, and a bleached one at that! I couldn't take it"
"Trust. Its all about trust. George, you and I have talked about it enough that you know its what we built our relationship on. Its such a watchword with us that it extends to our friends and our co-workers. How someone could act like all this without the slightest concern for the effect it could have on another person, persons in fact is beyond me."
I turned to face Paul and wound my arms around his neck. "Paul, would you care to say anything to George before we start?"
A shit-eating grin crept over Paul's face as he looked in the camera. "Gee, George, old buddy, I'm really sorry to do this to you but its for your own good. After this, maybe just maybe, Helen can get past what you did to her."
He continued to smile wickedly as I began to run my fingers through his hair. He moved closer to me and I felt the bulge of his cock pressed against my thigh. I stood on tip-toe and whispered in his ear, loud enough for the camera's mike to pick it up.
"I want to share a secret with you, Paul. Its George's nickname for me. Bam, is actually an acronym. Its 'B', 'A', 'M'. It means 'Broad Assed Marine." I stepped back slightly and let fly.
Paul suddenly turned white and slowly began to double over as I continued. "Its not politically correct, of course, but its a term used by male Marines to refer to female Marines. Its half in jest and half mocking." I watched Paul collapse to his knees, his hands cradling his equipment. "My DI was right," I remarked thoughtfully, "There's nothing like a good kick in the balls to get someone's attention."
"I don't recall this being covered in Hand-to-Hand Combat but I have a feeling its going to make me feel very good." With that I drew back one foot and kicked Paul in the ass. "You stupid bastard! Did you really think I was dumb enough to fall for this? To turn on my husband over nothing more than rumors and innuendoes that I'm sure you thought were very clever? I LOVE him, you idiot."
I was in full rant mood now and I followed him as he crawled towards the door, pausing only to make sure the camera was still on us. "I've known you were pulling something ever since you first started this scheme. Maybe its been successful before, but not with a couple that communicates. I knew about that hotel room that same night. He was too tired to drive home after an eighteen hour day. You don't think he called me from the room and told me? And that so-called video. My god, I'M the computer nerd. That attempt to graft George's face onto whoever you had fucking that bimbo was laughable. I spotted it in two seconds."
Paul managed to reach up and open the door. I reached down and caught his belt. "I'm not done yet, you little weasel. I can't believe your gall at trying to make me think George was having an affair, or even why you wanted to sleep with me. It was for the thrill of the conquest, I guess. Well, you picked the wrong girl and the wrong guy. 'Always Faithful' isn't a motto I take lightly."
I released his belt and put my foot on his ass and shoved. He sprawled in the corridor and I proceeded to throw his keys after him. "Speaking of trust, George trusted me to let me handle this myself." Paul's eyes widened in shock. "However, as soon as I call him he'll probably be looking for you. He's a former Marine too, if you haven't realized it yet, and I don't think you want to be in the same city with both of us pissed at you. Why don't you move to Bumfuck, Egypt before we catch you. Take all the time you want, but I'd suggest being gone in 24 hours." I took one more swipe at Paul's ass but missed as he managed to scurry down the hallway.
Two hours later George and I were snuggled in the hotel room bed. The remnants of the mini-bar contents lay scattered over the floor. I rested my head on my husband's chest.
"God, these prices." I looked up as George tipped his head back and poured the contents of a little bag of nuts into his mouth.
"Yes, well, it was VERY nice of Paul to put the room on his credit card. We'll have to thank him properly if we ever see him again."
"Speaking of seeing him again." I knelt on the bed, fiddling with the equipment we had pulled to the edge of the mattress. "Want to watch him one more time?"
The bed shifted as George knelt behind me. His hands began to roam over my butt. "If you want to honey. But as long as I have my BAM's broad ass right here in front of me I think I'll concentrate on you. What do you think?"
I settled down onto my hands and looked over my shoulder as I felt his cock slip up inside my already well used pussy. "Again, sweetheart? Well, Semper Fi, Marine."
We never saw Paul again. By the time we got to the office two days later he had resigned and taken off for parts unknown. No one seemed sad to see him go, especially when it came out that I wasn not the only married woman he had hit on. Apparently he had a thing for seducing happily married women, I imagine to "get back" at all of us because of what his ex-wife had done.
I was certainly grateful about one thing though. 9 months and 3 days after our self-granted 48 hour pass I gave birth to our daughter. It was purely whimsical on our part to name her Helen Paula Thomas. She was our first, but not the last. We still embarrass all of them at any ball game we all attend.
(The End)
(Hey now! Did I fool you? Did you think I had written a completely different kind of story? Did you? My thanks and love to my wonderful editor Marian.)
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“Lia Caster”. In the year 2098, Lia Caster was a householdname. When people hear the term “household name”, they think about celebrities, politicians, and the like. However, Lia Caster was not a celebrity per se, and she didn’t give one damn about politics. Lia Caster was a mega-mind, a self-made woman who dominated every industry. There was a law, long ago, that said that being the distributor of pretty much every product was illegal. However, that law had, for reasons “unknown”, been repealed...
Reluctance"Alexandria."He was sitting by the fire in a red leather arm chair. He looked handsome, other worldly, like something out of the eighteen hundreds. "Come here." I approached him and looked at him defiantly. "Have you settled in?" I nodded. It had been a few hours. He had prepared me a nice room. It was big and everything was purple, blue and silver. "Is everything to your liking?" I forced another nod. "The reason I've called you here is to deal with your punishment." "You already spanked...
SpankingBianca sat on the beach, lounging in a folding chair and enjoying the shade of an umbrella. She owned a beach house right on the oceanfront, and had the whole section of beach all to herself. She wore a neon pink top that barely contained her rather large breasts, and a pink thong that did little to contain her futa cock. From the side of her bathing suit bottom, her thick, long girl cock d****d across her upper thigh and onto the beach chair, glistening lightly with sweat. Her pussy was just...
Ren reached up and clicked the button on his earbuds. “Hello, Ren speaking,” he said. “Hi sweetheart, it’s just me.” “Hey, Mom, what’s up?” “Your friend Brittany called a little while ago and said that you didn’t make it home last night.” “Ah, I see. She sent me something earlier but I got caught up in some work I’m doing for a new client and never answered her. I’ll shoot her a text in a few minutes.” “Those people have you working on a Sunday?” his mother asked. The disdain in her...
The city is a good place to start looking for a new bitch. I walk across the street and look around, I’m not in the mood for a young girl, right now I’m looking for something a bit more exotic, off course I could just write it in the book and she or he would appear but that’s not how I want things to work. I want someone to break, someone who might be defiant and have flaws and those people are easy to find. I walk passed a woman and I know she’s the one. She’s tall, black hair, nice tits not...
Have you ever been so desperate for a job you just start applying random places? That was me about a week ago when my landlord started threatening to throw me out for missing rent. I just applied anywhere that had an application submission online. Listen I had tried the whole application and wait for a reply thing before, the issue is I never heard back. I had graduated with a degree in graphic design a year ago. It wasn't that I was bad, or even that there weren't any places hiring, it was...
FantasyShe sat watching him. Her eyes traveling from him to the tall buxom woman that sat at his side. It was a party and there were loads of people there. Mutual friends, his family, her family, her friends, the list was always populating it seemed. She let her eyes roam to the television that played music and watched the videos the corresponded with the tunes. It seemed mundane and useless and even though her heart sank, she managed a smile. She stood up. Her lean, average form moved to the bar. She...
Hi friends, im a greatest fan on iss i like this site to much me aksar iss ki kahan read karta hu or mujhe padhkar kafi kuch sikhne or karne ka mauka mila khair chodo ab me story par ata hu mera nam afzal hai or me mumbai se belong karta hu hieght 5″5 body average looks fair or me ek abhi buisenesman hu ye kahani aj se kuch waqt ki hai samjho abhi hal hiki hai ye kahani meri or meri cousine shama ki hai shama ki hieght 5 or body to qayamat figure la jawab fair look brown aankhen breast kadak or...
Rion King arrives at a home with a box in hand. He knocks but no one answers. He has a key to the place, which he uses and walks in. As he explores the house, he discovers Dana DeArmond in a room, naked, covered in NURU gel and practicing NURU techniques alone. She doesn’t notice him and he watches, getting turned on. Dana is mortified when she discovers Rion watching. Dana’s daughter Jenny (Rion’s girlfriend) asked him to drop off some massage supplies for Dana, but Jenny got...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Hello and thank you for coming by to read. Once again, this story is completely fictional. I have never nor do I know anyone who has ever experienced anything like this. This is purely a fantasy based story. There are sensitive subjects such as slavery, sexual abuse, and rape in this story. If youre uncomfortable with that, please turn back now. Hope you enjoy! Early that morning, Kurt woke up to his alarm. He took a long hot shower, then enjoyed a croissant and some fruit for...
It was a typical hot summer day and I had been really busy trying to get to many things done at once. I hadn't really thought to slow down to get something to drink or to release what I'd already drunk! I saw a Dollar General coming up on the right and felt even though this was kind of a shady area mother nature was really beginning to call. I walked in and quickly found the bathroom, where had a sign on the door to see the clerk. I hardly made it up front got the key headed back again to find...
I lost my virginity, to a boy, at sixteen. It wasn’t a particularly memorable occasion. I didn’t have an orgasm, I didn’t have any pain, the earth most certainly did not move for me, and I didn’t get caught or pregnant. He wasn’t bad, but it was only his second or third time, too, and he wasn’t particularly competent at what he was doing. It was such an unremarkable experience that I’m not going to bother to write about it. My first time with a girl, on the other hand, was out of...
My best friend’s wife is heavily pregnant, but very sexy. I know from talking to him that he hasn’t touched her since she began to show. He says it puts him off.I’ve always had a good relationship with her, we chat about most things, and one night, when he had passed out on the couch, we were chatting in the kitchen. We were both very drunk, and the conversation somehow got around to sex. It started with our weirdest places we’ve ever had sex but we soon got onto our favourite positions. ...
I stood there, looking over the crowd. Looking for a target. Every strip club has its regulars that come in often and most have a particular girl that they like to be entertained by. I had three but I didn't see them anywhere. Sen girls have sugar daddy's that they see outside the club. They have things bought for them. One girl has her own apartment and car, paid by her sugar daddy. I hate to think what all she has to do to keep the money coming. I don't think I would want to be "owned" as we...
On Wednesday, Tyler turned up just like he was instructed to do. Knocking on the door, he heard a voice from inside. “Come on in, it’s open, Tyler,” Jane yelled. Tyler went into the house and shut the door. “Tyler, make sure you lock the door, I will be out in just a minute. I hope you like what I picked out for you today,” Jane explained from the bedroom. “I’m sure I will Jane, you could put on anything and be sexy,” said Tyler. “You are so sweet, thank you for that compliment.” Tyler...
CheatingIt’s so damn hard to maintain the business meeting, especially when you are distracted and horny like Lauren Phillips is today. Video conference doesn’t stop this American MILF to penetrate her red-hairy pussy with a glassy dildo. Lauren also prepared an oral presentation for her business partners. Two dicks were on her menu today, and she has devoured them both. After she deepthroated them, guys drilled her asshole as deep as they could, but one cock inside is not enough for a...
xmoviesforyouThe Rolls limousine came to a smooth and silent stop at Maxim’s. When the doorman opened the door, Maria jumped out, gave the doorman a warm smile in acknowledgment of his greeting and went inside. As she had hoped, the maître d’hotel was at his stand. Seeing her, he excused himself from a man who had been speaking with him to rush over and greet her. “Mademoiselle la Duchesse!” he exclaimed, “Bienvenue à chèz Maxim!” With that he made a perfect bow and kissed her fingertips. For Maria,...
Our encounter with Lynnette and Steve did a lot for both Talia and myself in feeling relaxed being nude on the beach. We sit on our blanket and eat our lunch and minute by minute begin feeling more and more natural being naked. It feels wonderfully free and liberating. Even though she never mentions it, Talia notices that my penis is remaining semi-hard the whole time we are eating. I occasionally catch her looking at it, but she only gives me a sly smile. She can be such a minx sometimes. At...
NovelsArlene slipped back into her room carefully and closed the door soundlessly behind her. She had been listening all night for the return of the various members of the family, and it was some surprise to her to look out of her window and see a taxi pulling up to the side entrance. To her wonderment, she saw Sylvie hurriedly getting out of the cab and run into the house. She was all by herself! Arlene got a good look at her younger cousin as she was climbing the stairs and saw that she was in a...
Tess's Transformations: Life of the Party By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "So, do you have your costume picked out yet for the boss's costume party, Jack?" asked Chris Washington, a tall muscular man with short black hair. He was thirty-two and was the department head for thirty employees at Chambers Industries. "It's still a week away," replied Jack Easton as he turned around in his chair to look at his supervisor who had just entered his cubicle. Jack was...
Maddy had fallen in love with him when he was a brilliant student and they had married after graduation and just before the discovery of his degenerative condition. They had explored their physical attraction alongside the periods of paralysis which developed. Maddy had not conceived and the periods when he could not achieve or sustain an erection, as his body failed him meant that they had shared emotional love and been excited physically when this was mutually possible. He had encouraged her...
It was four days later, on the Friday, that the funeral took place for Sarah's Father. The weather was surprisingly good. The sun shone brightly, although the wind that day was bitterly cold. The family was pleasantly pleased at the number of people who had turned up to pay their last respects, Tony noted that it was a direct contrast from the funeral of Anne-Maries husband a few days before. Sarah's brother escorted her Mother to the funeral service and Tony as the only other male escort,...
“That was utterly spectacular!” Marion declared. “Except, Kathy Carlson, I know damned well you did it just to make me feel badly. Why are you Yanks still trying to get even for some unpleasantness from 200 years ago? I mean ... Really!” They had just finished an utterly magnificent dinner Kathy had prepared. Now they were sipping cognac and coffee, while savoring fine cigars. Kathy idly studied the ash at the tip of her panatella and then replied, “What’s your problem, Marion? I mean in...
The Mask of Nahoodah By Mister Double-U The three explorers cautiously made their way through the winding, twisting caverns beneath Luminous Cove. The three were treasure hunters, working for a very wealthy museum. They had been in this line of work for close to five years; each one an expert in their specific field. Rob Piterra was a historian. His specialty was the 18th century. He usually went along when the museum found old pirate maps and such. Thomas Lubin was a scientist of...
I never knew his name; our hosts never told us. Neither did I know where they found him. He wasn’t the first young man who the posse of imperious dominants had provided for the entertainment and he wouldn’t be the last.The submissive character and accommodating nature of the sluts who brightened these parties always entranced me. They loved to serve; they lived to satisfy others. I adored that sentiment.They blindfolded him; a tight shiny black Latex top and matching glossy stockings covered...
Gay Male(this part may bore you but I need to tell you since it was important to me)The next morning I awoke with a new lease on life, everything had changed, the only question was; would Tim be my guardian angel or stop me from becoming. I came down to the breakfast table in my nighty where Tim was already sitting and drinking his coffee, "Good Morning Danny", I thought good, were ok for now. Then he looked at me and asked "Uhm would you like me to call you Danny?" He was serious and it occurred to me...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. ‘Ah… Yes… Yes… Oh… Yeah… Oh my god…’ she breathed. Thick ropes of cum were splatted upon her flushed neck and breasts. Hot and viscous, they slid down her breasts, stickily puddling in hollows and gleaming pearly in the dappled sunlight. ‘Oh, baby, yes,’ she moaned. ‘All over, that’s right, please. Give me all you’ve got. Mmmm…’ He slumped back on the bench, his cock softening as his body relaxed....
Author's Note I've chosen "I Love You Because" that Willie Nelson, among others, sang. Thanks for reading this fictional story, and know that I appreciate all your votes, comments and feedback. Trying was useless, and Wade understood that. As a young boy, he'd tried to behave only to have his mama whip him so bad the bruises stayed for a month. By twelve, his attempts to stay away from trouble resulted in broken arms and ribs. Before he was nineteen, he had given up all efforts. It...
For the next 2 hours, my wife took all the guys in the room and half of the women who chose to wear strap-ons. The other women either finger-fucked her or licked the cum from her holes. Connie stood beside me the entire time and gauged my reactions. “I want you to fuck her last” Connie said, as she leaned over and into my ear, “Right after Big Rod has his fuck. He is the finally…. But I want you to experience her stretched-out whore pussy last.”The stage thinned out as everyone slowly moved off...
‘Please Cleo. It’s just one blowjob. What harm could be done?’ I sighed loudly. Luke had always enjoyed public sex, today was no different. Willing to take a risk for him, I let him pull me wherever the hell he was going. He took my hand in his and began walking. Luke stopped outside a church, outside of his church. I shot him a dirty look but he simply smiled seductively. Christ, his smiles always got me. He marched into the church and I followed, amused with his boldness. Luke and I walked...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom P. Fogg: A MEMOIRPart 11Copyright© 2004 by Paris Waterman
Using de Chateau's back door we entered Togiwara and headed for the main datastore. Once there we blended in using a Masking program and pulled up the Main Master list to see if we could find what we were looking for. Using the same key words we did in Aztech we found much larger files this time. Again we made a copy of the Main Master listing as well. From there we peeked into the R&D section to see if we could get inside using the information we had garnered from de Chateau. This was...
“Does my Pet like it?” “Uh-Uh (To the rhythm of my pounding) Yes…you know – Uh – I do..” “You like it when I hold and pound you, don’t you?” “MMph---Oh..I do…PLEASE Don’t stop…” Alexis had her head turned now and was looking back at me. Her mouth was hanging open as she panted, as she lay there taking it. I slowed just a bit, and shifted my weight to my forearms, then elbows. Sliding my hands under her, I grasped a breast in each hand and squeezed as I thrust in, tugging the nipple as I...
Many of the stories are real although some of them are just fantasies. Whatever it is since they involve around sex, for me in my age gives lot of opportunities to learn new things. I am Ronit, aged 21 years and with handsome features. They say I am of film star material. My problem is that I am the only male youngster in the whole block to handle 6 to 8 girls/women of my age or around my age. They all like me and wait for an opportunity to talk to me or mingle with me. But I am scared of them....
Frankie And The Aliens by Carol Collins Frank lay down a heavy beat as the lights flashed on the stage. His bass guitar seemed to have a life of its own as the band played another song for their appreciative fans. They were in the largest night club in New Jersey and it was packed with people of all types who had come to dance and to hear them perform. And, they were getting their money's worth. Frank began to sing as his eyes were once again drawn to the...