Gwens First Taste
- 2 years ago
- 33
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Chapter 1- Reminders
Gwen woke up with a start. The last thing she remembered wasleaving the company gym and heading toward her car. What she didn?t rememberwas ever reaching it. As she laid in the bed, she feltstrange-this didn?t feel like her bed. She reached up toward the headboard andfound that her hands were cuffed together.
??????????? As Gwenbegan to panic, she tried to open her eyes and found that she could seenothing. Her breathing quickened as she took a mental stock of hersurroundings. She was blindfolded and her wrists bound. She could also feelthat she was naked under the sheet covering her and her ankles were boundtogether. As she started to struggle, she could hear someone opening a door.She went rigidly still, hoping they would not notice she was awake.
??????????? ?You mustbe wondering where you are by now,? said a distorted, deep voice. It soundedlike it came through some kind of speaker, maybe even a voice-changer. Gwencontinued to lie still, hoping the voice would go away. ?That?s okay, I don?t needyou to talk, just listen. Your days of freedom are over. From now on you?llserve me and do what you?re told. I?ve missed you.? He let that sink in for amoment. ?Any questions??
??????????? Gwenhesitated. Clearly this man already knew she was awake, but she was stillscared to say anything. Her heart pounded in her ears as she began to speak.?But who are you??
??????????? The voiceentered the room and brought her racing mind to a halt. The distortion was goneand the voice was all too clear now. ?It?s been too long, Gwen. It?s going tobe nice to have you back.? Gwen began to shake as she realized who belonged tothat haunting voice: her former boyfriend and Master, Saul.
??????????? Gwen hadn?theard that voice in over ten years. He was the only Master she had ever trulyhad. He had ruled her every move when he wanted to and she had welcomed hisauthority. She had often missed those days, but she had moved on long ago afterthey had broken up. She had left Saul for a new love interest that she wasstill with now. What Gwen couldn?t understand was why Saul was doing this. Whynow? What made him want to kidnap her and bring her here, wherever here mightbe? ?Saul?? Gwen?s voice quavered as she started her question. ?Why??
??????????? Saulanswered her with a smack across her blindfolded face. ?It?s bad enough thatyou can?t figure it out on your own. Now you?re forgetting the rules, too. No speaking without permission, slave.? With that, he rippedher blindfold off with a jerk.
??????????? Gwen triedto open her eyes, but the lights were so bright they hurt. She squinted andtried to look around the room and get her bearings. Another smack greeted hercheck. ?On your knees, slut! Assume the position. Ipresume you can at least remember thatmuch.?
Gwen scrambled to get down off thebed and onto the floor. Disentangling herself from the sheet was a challengewith her hands and ankles bound, but she moved as fast as she was able. Hercheek still stung as she frantically tried to get down on her knees, head onthe floor at his feet and ass in the air. If there was anything Gwen didremember it was her former boyfriend?s fondness for punishment. The last thingshe wanted to do was incur his wrath for moving too slow.
?Better. I expect to see that kindof enthusiasm in everything you do here, Gwen. The next time you hesitate,there will be painful consequences.? A sharp slap to her ass reminded her ofanother of his rules.
?Yes, Sir,? she replied quickly,but weakly. Gwen?s thoughts were still swirling around in her head. Shecouldn?t understand how she came to be here. What was Saul playing at? Sure, hewas her master before, but it was a part time game they played, nothing likewhat he was trying to enforce here.
?I can?t hear you, slave. Where isthat enthusiasm?? Saul punctuated his response with another, stinging slap toher ass.
?Yes, Sir,? she replied louder. Hervoice still shook, but she hoped she made up for it with volume and soundedenthusiastic.
?Getting better,? replied herMaster. ?Unfortunately, it sounds like you are still a little confused. Let melay it out clear for you, dear. I?ve decided to formalize our relationship atlong last. You are mine now. Don?t worry about your old life-it?sover now. Your boyfriend has received your Dear John letter, your bossterminated you by letter after finding child pornography on your computer, andyour family and friends believes you are on an extended vacation in South America. So, as you can see, no one will be lookingfor you any time soon.?
Gwen was in a daze. How could thesethings be? She hadn?t done any of those things, but clearly he had. ?Still withme?? his voice interrupted her thoughts. ?Good. Let?s keep going then. What wehad before was only a taste of what you are going to experience now. You are myslave. You will do as you are told at all times. You will speak only whenspoken to. You will keep your eyes down at all times and will not dare to lookme or any of your masters in the eye. You are a slave. You will wear clothingonly if expressly told to do so. Otherwise, you will be naked at all times. Youwill be bound at all times until I believe you can be trusted not to try andrun away. Running away will get you nowhere. Trust me when I say this-there isnowhere to go. You will service me sexually and anyone else I designate and youwill do it with enthusiasm. If you displease me, you will be punished severely.To make sure you understand this, you will begin your service here with yourfirst punishment. Let?s go.?
Saul grasped her upper arm roughlyand hauled her to her feet. ?Come on, Slave. It?s time for your initiation.?
Chapter 1- Reminders
Gwen woke up with a start. The last thing she remembered wasleaving the company gym and heading toward her car. What she didn?t rememberwas ever reaching it. As she laid in the bed, she feltstrange-this didn?t feel like her bed. She reached up toward the headboard andfound that her hands were cuffed together.
??????????? As Gwenbegan to panic, she tried to open her eyes and found that she could seenothing. Her breathing quickened as she took a mental stock of hersurroundings. She was blindfolded and her wrists bound. She could also feelthat she was naked under the sheet covering her and her ankles were boundtogether. As she started to struggle, she could hear someone opening a door.She went rigidly still, hoping they would not notice she was awake.
??????????? ?You mustbe wondering where you are by now,? said a distorted, deep voice. It soundedlike it came through some kind of speaker, maybe even a voice-changer. Gwencontinued to lie still, hoping the voice would go away. ?That?s okay, I don?t needyou to talk, just listen. Your days of freedom are over. From now on you?llserve me and do what you?re told. I?ve missed you.? He let that sink in for amoment. ?Any questions??
??????????? Gwenhesitated. Clearly this man already knew she was awake, but she was stillscared to say anything. Her heart pounded in her ears as she began to speak.?But who are you??
??????????? The voiceentered the room and brought her racing mind to a halt. The distortion was goneand the voice was all too clear now. ?It?s been too long, Gwen. It?s going tobe nice to have you back.? Gwen began to shake as she realized who belonged tothat haunting voice: her former boyfriend and Master, Saul.
??????????? Gwen hadn?theard that voice in over ten years. He was the only Master she had ever trulyhad. He had ruled her every move when he wanted to and she had welcomed hisauthority. She had often missed those days, but she had moved on long ago afterthey had broken up. She had left Saul for a new love interest that she wasstill with now. What Gwen couldn?t understand was why Saul was doing this. Whynow? What made him want to kidnap her and bring her here, wherever here mightbe? ?Saul?? Gwen?s voice quavered as she started her question. ?Why??
??????????? Saulanswered her with a smack across her blindfolded face. ?It?s bad enough thatyou can?t figure it out on your own. Now you?re forgetting the rules, too.
??????????? Gwen triedto open her eyes, but the lights were so bright they hurt. She squinted andtried to look around the room and get her bearings. Another smack greeted hercheck. ?On your knees, slut! Assume the position. Ipresume you can at least remember thatmuch.?
Gwen scrambled to get down off thebed and onto the floor. Disentangling herself from the sheet was a challengewith her hands and ankles bound, but she moved as fast as she was able. Hercheek still stung as she frantically tried to get down on her knees, head onthe floor at his feet and ass in the air. If there was anything Gwen didremember it was her former boyfriend?s fondness for punishment. The last thingshe wanted to do was incur his wrath for moving too slow.
?Better. I expect to see that kindof enthusiasm in everything you do here, Gwen. The next time you hesitate,there will be painful consequences.? A sharp slap to her ass reminded her ofanother of his rules.
?Yes, Sir,? she replied quickly,but weakly. Gwen?s thoughts were still swirling around in her head. Shecouldn?t understand how she came to be here. What was Saul playing at? Sure, hewas her master before, but it was a part time game they played, nothing likewhat he was trying to enforce here.
?I can?t hear you, slave. Where isthat enthusiasm?? Saul punctuated his response with another, stinging slap toher ass.
?Yes, Sir,? she replied louder. Hervoice still shook, but she hoped she made up for it with volume and soundedenthusiastic.
?Getting better,? replied herMaster. ?Unfortunately, it sounds like you are still a little confused. Let melay it out clear for you, dear. I?ve decided to formalize our relationship atlong last. You are mine now. Don?t worry about your old life-it?sover now. Your boyfriend has received your Dear John letter, your bossterminated you by letter after finding child pornography on your computer, andyour family and friends believes you are on an extended vacation in
Gwen was in a daze. How could thesethings be? She hadn?t done any of those things, but clearly he had. ?Still withme?? his voice interrupted her thoughts. ?Good. Let?s keep going then. What wehad before was only a taste of what you are going to experience now. You are myslave. You will do as you are told at all times. You will speak only whenspoken to. You will keep your eyes down at all times and will not dare to lookme or any of your masters in the eye. You are a slave. You will wear clothingonly if expressly told to do so. Otherwise, you will be naked at all times. Youwill be bound at all times until I believe you can be trusted not to try andrun away. Running away will get you nowhere. Trust me when I say this-there isnowhere to go. You will service me sexually and anyone else I designate and youwill do it with enthusiasm. If you displease me, you will be punished severely.To make sure you understand this, you will begin your service here with yourfirst punishment. Let?s go.?
Saul grasped her upper arm roughlyand hauled her to her feet. ?Come on, Slave. It?s time for your initiation.?
It was now several months since Gwen Mitchell's husband Tom has passed away and the fifty-eight-year-old Gwen was now having a couple of drinks in the pub with her longtime friend Mavis Tompkins. They had had a couple of drinks when Gwen said, "Do you know what I miss most with Tom gone?""Getting shagged?" asked Mavis."No, I do miss that but mostly I miss getting spanked," announced Gwen."I never knew Tom spanked you, Gwen," said Mavis who was very surprised at that admission."Often, but I...
SpankingAlthough when she first said it Gwen Mitchell did not really mean that perhaps Alan Mills would spank and fuck her and Mavis Tompkins on the same occasion the more that she and Mavis thought about it the better the idea seemed.With Mavis's husband Mike due to be away all the following week for work Mavis was going to contact Alan to visit her for her semi-regular spanking and sex session and now that Alan had given Gwen her first, very memorable, session Gwen was keen for a second meeting.The...
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It had been almost 2 years, and at my age I was worried. Previously this site for affairs had produced 3 year long periods of fun. All 3 had chosen after a year to end it, two going back to their husbands, the other finding a single man to marry. Now I get a message from an Asian woman of 42 years, who lives within 15 minutes’ distance. The message was private to me and included 3 pictures. She was beautiful, with long hair to the middle of her back and what seemed to be much more than the...
Gwen and I met in college. The meeting was not an auspicious one and anyone seeing it would never in a million years have suspected that one day we would be man and wife. It was in the college bookstore at the beginning of the spring term. The last item on my list was the Managerial Economics text. There was only one copy left on the shelf and as I was reaching for it some one else saw that it was the last copy and they lunged forward and tried to beat me to it. The person bumped into me and...
A social whirl enveloped Gwen after her coming out party. Several times a week she was invited to visit one neighbor or another. She sometimes accompanied her parents, and other times she and her brother went together. Still other times she went alone. Always, though, she returned home with her slit well lubricated and her sexual fires quieted for a few hours. Gwen and Thad were popular socially, for between them they could satisfy the most lascivious and rampant desires of men or women....
Gwen Anderson had lived in the same house now for over 60 years. She'd been there 25 years by herself, after her husband Chris had passed away after a massive heart attack. There were no children, as Gwen was unable to get pregnant and neither one of them wanted to adopt any children. They figured is Gwen was unable to get pregnant then they were meant to be childless. They had a good life, getting married just after Gwen turned 19. Chris was already 20 and they'd been dating, with their...
Gwen and Marcie Thaxter had been best friends for as long as the girls could remember. They were nearly the same age — Marcie was five months older — and they lived just a few miles apart on the same lane. For years, they'd explored each other's bodies in childish ways. Pushing, probing, tickling and once even kissing each other's developing breasts. But they'd been too shy to go any further. It was a Tuesday, and Gwen was visiting Marcie for the first time since returning from Gracely...
So Gwen and I were were back up hiking in the Hills..A beautiful gay it was, After a couple of hours climbing I said to Gwen, " lets have a break and something to eat. She said that sounds great, " I need a rest "Then she said " let's go down this way, off the path " So we head down the hill a bit, then come across some large rocks, " Perfect says Gwen " Next thing she is taking her clothes off.. And starts to strip me naked. Then she gets on her knees and takes my cock in that beautiful slut...
100% fiction! I was eighteen, in my first year at college, my sister, Gwen was nineteen, in her second year. We were from the Midwest but Gwen went to a west coast school and mine was on the east coast, we both took summer courses, so I hadn’t seen her in almost two years. Last summer Mother’s parents organized a big family reunion for their anniversary and begged us to come home. Relatives came from all over the country, more than our house could hold, so me and Gwen shared a room at a local...
IncestLet me tell you about Gwen... I married her mom when she was 12. She was a sweet little blond girl, a little chubby with baby fat, just starting to develop boobs. She also had a beautiful smile. Her mom had been divorced from her dad since she was 2, and her dad was emotionally distant, and basically he did not know how to deal with little girls. He was a real redneck cowboy and just didn't get it, that she was sweet and sensitive.. There was an older brother in the picture, but he was...
For the next few days Gwen and I only had a couple of opportunities for mischief, mostly just a few minutes of cuddling, kissing and touching. When her mother was up and around in the house, we behaved as we should have, normal dad/daughter type exchanges. I did catch her one time, on a Saturday morning, downstairs in the basement, leaning over the washing machine, her hair still wet from the shower. I put my hands on her hips and ran both hands up under her t-shirt to play with her boobs,...
My husband and I are golfers and we got friendly with this new couple at our course who owned a condo in Florida, which they invited us to when they went there for a week. It was in a complex that had two golf courses, no waiting and the third day we were there, the weather was miserable. Gwen and I both did not want to play in the nasty weather, so our husbands went without us, leaving just the two of us for about five hours or so. They were no sooner out the door when Gwen took her robe off,...
LesbianWe left the shoe store and started wandering down the mall. We did some window shopping finding an outfit in a store window that she liked.. a red plaid jumper (short skirt of course) with high white stockings/socks that came up over the knee and a little white shirt. I couldn't say no to her. So instead of going in with her, I hust handed her my card and said, just that outfit, I am starving. She giggled and disappeared into the store. a few minutes later she came back out wearing the...
Gwen couldn?t remember how she had gotten into this situation Gwen couldn?t remember how she had gotten into this situation. The last thing she recalls was having a drink with her co-workers at the bar celebrating the new girl?s birthday. Now she was in total darkness. As she came to, she realized that she was seated in a wooden chair. Her feet were ties to the legs of the chair while her arms were bound straight out to her sides, attached to a post of some sort. Around her waist was a...
Hi, my name is Gwen, and I'm writing this story more for my own sanity than for any entertainment value you the reader may get from it. My doctor tells me that by writing, some of my anger and frustrations will be vented, which will hopefully calm the rage within me. There was a time, not so very long ago, when I went by another name - Greg, Greg Prewitt. There was a time when I could bench press twice my own weight with ease, a time when I worked in construction, and a time when I...
Gwen allowed the towel to drop to the floor as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Not to bad for my forthy birthday, she thought. Sure there was a few pounds and rolls and her breast were beginning to lost their battle with gravity but they were still firm. How long had it been since a man had cupped them in his hands and kissed them? Damn, it was two years since her bastard of a husband had ran off with that little tramp that was just two years older then their daughter. When the...
Neville was my first and only love. He was three years older than me which worried my mum. He did have a proper apprenticeship though, which pleased both my mum and my dad. Boys of my own age only wanted to kick a ball around or 'hang around and boast'. Neville didn't want any of that. He wanted to be with me, preferably on the back seat of his Ford 100E Pop, which is exactly what I wanted. Within a few weeks of us meeting he had taken my cherry but only with his fingers. I still loved it...
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"Wake up ... wake up..." Four year old Karen woke. A voice. A voice had been in her head. A person, too. She had never heard the voice, but knew the person. Had never met the person, but still knew and loved her. Loved her unquestioningly the way all little girls love. So, naturally, she had to do what she said. Karen slid her feet over off the bed, dropping them down onto the rug. It was dark out, still, but her My Little Pony nightlight was more than bright enough to keep her safe. Her...
Haley laid there on her side in the dark in bed nursing her sore inside. She felt the fuck he had given her with his fist and cock that night. Falling off to sleep, she slept until morning. Waking, she stumbled in the dark trying to walk properly around the bed out of their room to another where she sat waiting for the coffee to brew. The feeling of him was still there. It made her smile, thinking of his hard-on the night before. She laughed to herself. It had just been since he finally found...
Love StoriesHello all! This is my first ever submission so be kind to me!! I was inspired to write it after reading the legend of Sir Guy. It is supposedly about a young knight like the hero of my story, who takes shelter during a storm at Dumbarton Castle. But alas makes the wrong choice (you’ll understand when you read the story!) and is forever doomed to haunt the ruins of the castle still searching for the lady he lost (you can find out more on the internet!). But hopefully my hero and heroine will...
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Oh, what a week it had been for me. After getting a severe spanking for thinking contrary to Master John and Mistress Julia’s wishes [as if this girl knew what went on in the mind of a Dom/Domme!] Mistress Denise spent a long time talking with my Master John. They came to an agreement which was not to my liking: I had to spend more time being trained, or retrained, or whatever they wanted to call it. Bottom line: I was being uprooted, leaving my home of the last seven months, and...
BDSMWith his feet dangling in the cool water of the pool, Paul was reflecting on the wild sex that had taken place the day before, and this mornings repeat of pissing and fucking into his sister's mouth. It seemed that the more sex he had the more that he wanted and enjoyed it. Even with all the all of the pussy at his disposal, Paul was wondering which of his cousins were into incest. He remembered that his mother had told him that not all of them decided to join in the family fun, which...
She is what you might consider a full figured woman standing at only five foot five. Her round face has a cute button nose, lips the color of roses, and seductive green eyes hidden behind glasses. Framing her face is shoulder length sassy red hair. This only adds to her sensuality. Kandy is new to the world of swinging and although straight, considers her bi-curious. She wants to experience women as well as men. Adding that her hubby does not go anywhere without her and vice-versa. She...
The next week was so busy I hardly came up for air, but in my few spare momentsI daydreamed of my adventurous night with Ruth and Charley. Three things keptpopping into my thoughts: Ruth's gloriously fine big ass with my dick in it asshe sucked Charley's giant prick; the feel of his big dick sliding in and outof my mouth; and the incredible sensation of anonymous sex having my dick sucked at my 1st glory hole. I beat my meat 3 or 4 times that week standing upin my dressing room, cumming in...
All day I couldn't concentrate on work, the thought of what awaited me at Ron and Henry's tonight distracted me beyond belief, watching the clock, 5 o'clock I'm out the door. On the train I couldn't sit still, then up the elevator turn right and knock on number 39, Ron opens the door and welcomes me in, Henry hands me a beer. Chatting for a bit then a knock at the door, a guy with longish blonde hair walks in, I guess he is about ten years younger than me maybe early thirties, "Tom this is...
Ariele shopped for weeks looking for the perfect outfit. Heels of black leather boots that rose above her knees almost to her thigh, clicked rhythmically on the light oak floor under her feet, as she made cat liked strides towards Alex. She swings the riding crop up in the air before she stops dead in front of his handsome face.. Looking down at him she says sternly. "Are you ready to serve your Mistress, in the manner to which she deserves? " "Yes My Goddess," he says to her respectfully....
FetishI’m so excited that I cannot resist myself from jerking off. A little bit strange. My wife downstairs in the living room, my sister in law in the bathroom next to my bedroom. I always tell my wife that I do not jerk off, but in fact I do know, she does not believe me. Sometimes I am wondering if she knows about my collection close-up pussy pics? Does she smell, when I have jerked off while she was not at home? I also start to wonder if she suspects my horny feelings about her sister? We have...
I was at third base side and close. What I saw shocked me. It was barbaric yet compelling. At the edge of the field was a small stand. It was large enough for eight or ten people and had an X frame at the back with a naked human being tied in place. Not surprising, the victim was a woman. I had binoculars and could see her clearly though she was faced away from me. I suspected that she was one of our citizens captured by the Southlanders. I passed the lenses to each of the other members of...
Alice told me what really happened, and it quickly became apparent to me that we needed more firepower for people who had to leave the safety of the cave. There was a practical limit, around 6, to the number of atlatl spears one person could carry, so I had to come up with something more portable. It looked like our best bet was the crossbow. One person could carry 20-25 bolts, which seemed to be the number of arrows carried by the enemy archers. We could use either flint or bronze points...
She was Pissed Off At Her Father Wendy was sixteen years old and ‘hot.’ All of my friends went gaa-gaa over her. She had always lived next door to me and we played together every day of our lives. We were the best of friends and we could tell each other anything. Likewise we could ask each other anything. One day Wendy told me that she was pissed off at her father. I tried to comfort her but that wasn’t what she wanted. Her father had accused her of fucking around. It really pissed...
Lusty Adventures of a Horny Trophy Wife – 8 Don Abdul ©2010 Lynda’s had drifted off into a blissful post coital sleep right on her suites living room couch, and Abdul’s soft knocks on the door had taken a few moments to get through to her subconscious. As she suddenly remembered the pleasure that he would be bearing upon his return to her bed, she sat bolt upright, instantly awake with her heart pounding. The anticipation drove every synapse in her body to firing up an electrical storm, her...
Hello ISS readers. I am Meet, I am from Chandigarh. Main iss apr apni pehli story likha raha hu. Agar aap logo ko pasand aaye to comment jarur karna. Girls, bhabhiya can email me on Main 25 saal ka hu. Height 5.9″ hai. Main Chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Any girl, bhabhi and aunty can contact me on Main apni story par aata hu. Maine Haryana ke ek engineering college se ki degree ki hai. Ye aaj se 6 saal pehle ki baat hai jab maine college me admission liya tha. Meri dosti Priya(name...
By : Neethu Das During my two last years in college I was in a relation with my elder cousin’s husband. He was one of those guys who had a raw charm about him. A no nonsense charm, with a no bullshit attitude. My cousin was real cute lady, plump, firm round breasts, nice shapely bottoms and a cute little pussy (Saw it a few times when we girls were having an all nights during her college days, she preferred sleeping naked with just a bed sheet pulled over her). I knew she too had many...
This is a true story. Something i have experienced when i was about 30yo. I still jerk off thinking about it because it was one of the most intense sexual experiences i've had.It was summer and i was horny. I had a previous experience with a daddy type men before but i was looking for more.I met this guy on Craig's List when i posted an add titled 'young boy looking for mature men (50+)'. He was gay and in a relationship but he wanted more experiences. He even thought about inviting me with his...
She woke up that morning with a sinking feeling in her stomach. The night before had not been a very good night for her and Sir, oh it started wonderfully.. but it ended horribly bad. He was so angry at her behavior that when he dropped her off at home he left without saying a word. This is not going to be good, surely there is a lesson to be taught and when he's this upset that point will be sharp, that goes without saying. The evening earlier, she was so excited getting dressed to go out...
Life was getting boring. All I do was go to college and get back. Watch lot of porn and masturbate. I was tired of porn. I wanted real action. Unfortunately, I had no girl friend and was too scared to approach prostitutes. At 6’1”, I was pretty tall and had decent built, though I was fast approaching 20, I never had a girl friend. I lacked in communication skills and was an introvert. So I can’t blame anyone else that I never had a girl friend. But on my 20th birthday, my life changed...
My name is Eva and I am twenty-five years old. I have long brown hair, hazel eyes and I weigh about one-hundred twenty pounds. Standing at about five-foot-tall, I have a very ample ass and perky C cup breasts. My biggest passion in life is dancing. I have done it since the age of five. My mother observed me dancing like a ballerina in the mirror one day, and decided to sign me up for ballet; I thank her for that decision everyday. My life has not been perfect since then, nor could I have ever...
Straight SexJennifer then asked them... "Have you thought of the way to get that stuff to the island without everyone, including Mr. Hartwell, finding out? Besides, Cookie is much too close to his kitchen for him not to notice the missing food. Your plan is not too bad, as far as it goes, but you did not think it through. From now on, you two do as I say. Lisa, tomorrow, you and I will be going out on errands. While you're gone, delegate Samantha as straw boss. She is to report to Pete for any...