Gwen And Her Mother In Law free porn video

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Gwen and I met in college. The meeting was not an auspicious one and anyone seeing it would never in a million years have suspected that one day we would be man and wife. It was in the college bookstore at the beginning of the spring term. The last item on my list was the Managerial Economics text. There was only one copy left on the shelf and as I was reaching for it some one else saw that it was the last copy and they lunged forward and tried to beat me to it. The person bumped into me and bounced off (at 6'4' and 220 I can be a bit immovable) and into a stack of textbooks. The person fell to the floor and the stack of books fell on top of the person.

I looked down and saw an extremely good-looking redhead looking up at me and shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I took the book off the shelf, dropped it into my cart and then I offered the girl my hand. She swatted it away and said, "Stupid clumsy oaf" as she picked herself up off the floor. That torqued me off since it was her own behavior that had caused the problem in the first place so I responded with, "Dumb ignorant bitch" and then I headed for the check out stand.

Two days later the Managerial Economics class met for the first time and three or four minutes into the class someone rushed in, mumbled "Sorry I'm late" and headed for the only empty seat in the room which just happened to be right next to me. I looked over and saw that it was the redhead and she saw and recognized me at the same time. Her eyes flashed and she mouthed "Stupid oaf" and I mouthed "Dumb bitch" right back at her and then we proceeded to ignore each other.

Life being the perverse thing that it is the redhead (her name turned out to be Gwen) and I, along with two others, were assigned to work together on a class project. That meant time together after class or before class as the four of us worked on the project. By the fourth week of class Gwen and I were being civil to each other and by mid-term we were dating. By finals we were sharing a bed. Gwen went home over summer break and I stayed in Ann Arbor and worked for Jiffy Lube.

Three weeks after Gwen went home for the summer she called me and gave me the good news.

"I'm pregnant Brian. What are we going to do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Oh no Brian, you can't just dump this on me."

"Sure I can. It is your body and you get to make the decisions where it is concerned. You have options. You can keep it, you can have it and put it up for adoption, or you can go the abortion route. It is your choice not mine. I, on the other hand, have no choice. I fathered the child so it is my responsibility. I need to marry you and give the child a name, but even there you have a choice. You can choose to marry me or not. All I can tell you is that you are not in this alone — I'm here for you whatever you decide."

In the end Gwen decided to keep the baby and I flew to Racine and we were married in a civil ceremony. A month later Gwen had a miscarriage and somehow, even though we stayed married nothing ever seemed right between us after that. You couldn't put a finger on it, we seemed to be a happily married couple, but there just seemed to be something that just wasn't right.

We both finished college and got on with life. I ended up in sales and Gwen went into advertising. Gwen and her family were estranged. They were religious people and Gwen getting pregnant before marriage drove them nuts so she didn't object when I said I wanted to settle in Michigan close to my family. We worked hard, saved our money, bought a house and lived the so-called middle class dream.

In a way it was good for Gwen because she hit it off with the women in my family and they got Gwen involved in all the family functions that seemed to delight the female side of my family. The women in my family had the market cornered on so-called 'suburban sales.' My mother sold lingerie and adult novelties and between my sisters and aunts they sold everything else. Amway, Avon, Tupperware, Mary Kaye; you name it and one of the women in my family sold it. In addition to selling Avon my sister Anne held wine-tasting parties and pushed a wine of the month club. My sister Mary had a tie with some clothing company and sold their line and my sister Joyce sold Tupperware.

Between all of them there was always a party or a demonstration going on and Gwen got drug along to most of them. I didn't much give it a second thought because I had been exposed to it since I was a little kid. It seemed like I was always being sent to bed early because mom or one of her sisters was throwing an Avon party or some such. In addition to all of that there were other family functions going on all the time as cousins, nieces and the like were having bridal showers, baby showers, bachelorette parties and birthday parties. Again, I thought nothing of it because that stuff had always been part of my life. It was like background noise that always had been there so you learned to tune it out.

One day my mother called me and asked me to meet her for lunch. We ordered and then she asked, "Is everything all right with you and Gwen?"

"I guess so. I don't have any reason to think otherwise. Why?"

"I'm just wondering if I'm going to be seeing grandbabies any time soon."

"I don't know. It isn't anything that we've talked about. She was pretty down in the dumps after she lost the last one. She might not be ready to try again or for that matter she may not even want to try again."

"What about you, aren't you interested?"

"No, not really. If Gwen wants kids we will have kids and if she doesn't, we won't."

"You do know that your father is concerned about carrying on the family name don't you? Your sisters can give us plenty of grandbabies, but only you can produce a male heir."

"All I can say is that it is Gwen's body, not mine, and if she chooses not to use it to make babies that is her choice. Besides, even if she decides to have children there is no guarantee that she'll have a boy."

"Well, that may be, but for your father's piece of mind would you at least discuss it with Gwen?"

I did discuss it with Gwen and she told me that she was not ready to have another pregnancy and she didn't know when, or even if, she would ever want one. "How do you feel about it? Are you hot for a male heir?"

"No honey, my position hasn't changed. It is your body, not mine. Babies or no babies is strictly up to you."

"Well I don't want them now."

"Fine honey, no problem."

For the next three years every couple of months my mom would ask me if Gwen was ready to be a mother yet and all I could tell her was that I didn't know.

"Well damn it Brian, she's your wife and you should have some say in the matter."

"I do have a say in it mother and what I say is that it is her body, not mine. If she does not want to have children it is her choice."

One night at my Uncle Al's birthday party I had enough to drink to give me the 'dutch courage' I needed to talk to my father about the male heir situation.

"I don't give a rat's ass if the name gets carried on or not. It isn't like we are the offspring of kings. God knows there are already enough Smiths in the world. It is your mother who is all hot and bothered about carrying on the family name although for the life of me I can't figure out why. Granted, we have been here since the Revolutionary War, but so have a lot of other people. Your Uncle Wendell tried to do a family tree once and as near as he was able to determine your great great great great, well never mind that. I forget how many greats is there, but what he found is the beginning of our line was either born out of wedlock to an indentured servant girl or out of wedlock to a girl who worked in a Baltimore brothel and there hasn't been anyone of note in the line since then.

Then things started going bad between Gwen and me. My fault mostly because I couldn't, or wouldn't, tell my mother to leave Gwen the hell alone as far as babies were concerned. Gwen would come home and tell me about how my mother was hounding her to have babies and I didn't do anything about it; I just let it go in one ear and out the other. One night I finally got pissed, but at the wrong person and I yelled at Gwen instead of going after my mother.

"Just tell her you don't want any god damned babies for Christ's sake. Just fucking tell her that it your body not hers and that if she wants a male heir so fucking bad to have it her self. If you don't want to do that then just stop going to places where she will be. Just stay away from her."

Gwen did not take kindly to that and things got a bit frosty around our house for a couple of weeks.

Another six months went by and then one night Gwen came home and told me to sit down, that she had something to tell me. I just knew that it was going to be something about my mother again so I already had a scowl on my face when I sat down.

"I went to the doctor today. I'm pregnant."

"Oh honey, that's great news."

"No, it isn't, it is the worst news I could possibly get."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because the baby isn't yours Brian. Not only isn't it yours, it is probably going to be black."

For a minute I just sat there and stared at her and then I said, "Should I bother asking for an explanation or should I just throw your ass out?"

She got up and said, "I know you well enough Brian to know that you won't believe what I say so I'm not going to waste my time" and she started to walk out of the room.

"Damn it Gwen, you can't tell me what you just told me and then get up and walk away."

She turned back to me, "Okay Brian. Here it is. Your mother drugged me, got me gangbanged so I'd get pregnant, only she didn't stick around to see the total outcome. She left before one of the guys called a buddy and the buddy showed up with five black guys."

"You expect me to believe that shit?"

"No Brian, I already told you that I knew you wouldn't believe it. And since I'm on a roll now I'll tell you a few more things about your family that you won't believe. Things that should have been said long ago, but that I couldn't say because you wouldn't have believed me then either and all it would have done would have been to make our relationship even worse than it has been.

"Did you know that three out of every four lingerie and adult novelty parties that your mother has are held at stag parties and bachelor parties? Did you know that your mother and all your sisters model that sexy and mostly see-thru lingerie? And yes, before you ask I did it too. I let your mother talk me into it. Here is the real shocker Brian; did you know that lingerie isn't the only thing that your mother and sisters sell at those parties? I didn't even find out about that part until a couple of months ago and when I did find out I told your mother that I wasn't going to do any more lingerie parties with her and your sisters.

"Your mother panicked; she was afraid I'd blow the whistle on what they were doing and so she got the bright idea of getting me gang fucked. She figured that I'd keep quiet to keep you from finding out. She even set me up to get pregnant thinking that I would let you think it was yours if it happened. Well, she was half-right. I never would have told you about the gangbang but no way I'm going to stick you with a kid that isn't yours."

"Back up there Gwen. What did you mean when you said that lingerie wasn't all that was sold at those parties?"

"You really want to know?"

"Damned right I do. If you are going to accuse members of my family of shit I want to hear you say what they did."

"Okay Brian, you got it. Joyce gives blow jobs for a hundred bucks a pop. Mary gets a hundred for a straight fuck and two fifty for a double penetration. Your mother's specialty is anal sex, but I don't know how much she gets for it."

"Have you lost your mind Gwen. You think that giving the women in my family a black eye will detract attention from your cheating ass?"

"Obviously it won't detract you Brian, but then I said at the start that you wouldn't believe me."

She turned and left the room and I just sat there shaking my head and thinking just how stupid did she think I was. I got my answer real quick — stupid enough not to know that she was fucking around on me behind my back. Then I had a thought and I got up and followed Gwen to our bedroom. She was cleaning out drawers and piling stuff on the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting my stuff out so I can pack."

"Why? We need to talk about this Gwen."

"I did, but according to you I'm a liar."

"One question. How can you be sure that it isn't my kid?"

"Because I always wear my diaphragm when we make love. I still hadn't made up my mind as to whether or not I wanted to have children. I suppose that the baby could be yours because diaphragms aren't one hundred percent guaranteed any more than condoms are, but what are the odds Brian? The doctor set the time of conception give or take a couple of days and I didn't make love to you for a week after the gangbang. So, what are the odds that the diaphragm that worked just fine for the last two years would fail in the few days prior to the gangbang? A million to one? I wasn't wearing my diaphragm that night when it happened."

"Why not?"

"Ask your mother and your sister Joyce."

"Why should I ask them?"

"Just go away Brian. I'll be out of here before the sun sets tomorrow. Until then just go away and leave me alone."

"I still don't understand why you are packing. We haven't talked this out yet."

"What are you Brian, fucking brain dead? I'm knocked up with a kid that isn't yours and you don't believe me when I tell you what happened. I will not live with a man who thinks I lie and who just knows in his heart that I cheated on him. I won't live with a man who doesn't trust me. Just think about this. I could have kept my mouth shut until the baby was born and if it was white I could have stuck you with it, but I didn't. Now get out of here and leave me alone."

True to her word she was gone the next day when I got home from work. She never said where she was going or what she was going to do, she just left.

"Good riddance is all I can say" was my mother's response to Gwen's leaving. "I never liked her. I knew she was cheating on you and that was the real reason she wouldn't give you a baby. She was afraid that it wouldn't look anything like you."

"You knew she was cheating on me? And you never told me?"

"What would have been the point? You loved her so you probably wouldn't have believed me anyway and all it would have done was to mess up our relationship. I mean I knew, but I didn't have any proof."

"How could you have known and not have proof?"

"It's a woman thing dear. We just know about things like that."

Five months after Gwen left I was served with divorce papers. I tossed them in the trash and didn't bother to contest it. Two weeks later I came home from work and found a package waiting for me. I opened it and found videotape with a note taped to it. The note said:

"I've known you for years and never realized you were a shit head. You did not do right by your wife and you let her get away. I've been out of the country for six months or I would have given this to you sooner. You aren't going to like what you see and for more reasons than just one. I swiped this tape from the guy who made it and made a copy before putting it back. They laced that poor girls drinks with a mixture of Super K and Ecstasy. She never had a chance. I'm not signing this because I don't want a piece of paper like this around with my name on it."

The tape was most definitely an eye opener, at least where my family was concerned. It started out innocently enough with my mother, sisters and Gwen modeling lingerie for maybe twenty guys. There was a lot of whistling and shouts of "take it off, take it off" but all the women did, at least for the first twenty minutes or so was model the lingerie. I saw men handing the women drinks. Twice near the beginning of the six-hour tape I saw Gwen dump hers out.

Then it got raunchy. Joyce was in the middle of the room modeling a bra, panty and teddy set and some guy hollered at her and she stuck out her hand. He got up and went to her and handed her a bill. She tucked the bill in her waistband and then took off the teddy and the bra. That opened the floodgates and money was being handed out and clothes were coming off and soon all the women were naked — except for Gwen. Guys kept pushing money at her and she kept shaking her head no. She did take the drinks that they kept handing her.

You want a shock to your system? Watch your forty-eight year old mother give lap dances while wearing only a pair of high heels. And then watch your sisters do the same dressed the same way. Joyce was the first to give it up. I saw a guy hand her some money and she took it, walked him over to a chair, sat him down, knelt down in front of him and started to suck his cock. Annie was next. Two guys picked her up and laid her down on a table and started fucking her. The camera panned the room and I saw Mary on her knees on a table while one guy fucked her from behind and another fed cock into her mouth. My mother was on her knees with her head on a rolled up towel and her ass stuck up in the air for the guy who was fucking it and a line was forming behind him of guys waiting their turn.

The camera kept panning the action and several times it picked up Gwen, dressed in her street clothes, holding a drink and looking nervous. I watched my mother and sisters perform sexual acts that I'd never even thought about and I would be lying if I said that I didn't get turned on. I actually had my cock in my hand and was stroking it as I watched Anne take on three guys at once. I wondered if her husband knew what she did. For that matter, did Mary's husband and Joyce's fiancée know? And what about my dad. Did he have any idea what my mother was doing?

Suddenly the camera broke away from a shot of Mary taking a cock in her ass while she sucked on another one and moved to show three men walking Gwen to a table. She was obviously out of it. Two men held her up while the third undressed her and then they pushed her back on the table and the guys started lining up on her. The camera stayed on her while four guys took a turn. She just laid there like a blow up sex doll and the camera finally moved away from Gwen and panned over to Joyce. She was taking on three men, one in each hole. Then it moved to my mother who was being worked over by two.

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 2 How

Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...

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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

4 years ago
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Jerking off with the mother of my brotherinlaw

Last Monday I've had one of my most interesting sexual experience to date.My wife called me in the morning and asked me if I can go to her sister's and her housband's house (my brother-in-law owns the house) to take the drilling machine for some later use at the house of my mother-in-law.As I've finished retouching some pictures for the magazine I work, I decided that I have enough time to go by my brother-in-law house to get the drill and come back to finish my work at the office.I've jumped...

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In The Warm Embrace Of My Motherinlaw

Hi, this is writing the story of a warm relationship between a son-in-law and his mother-in-law. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. I am Hari and I and my wife are IT professionals who work in US. Our marriage happened some 2 years back in India and soon we left for US. It was my father who expedited my marriage at my age of 29 as he wanted me to get married before reaching 30. At the time of my alliance seeking, I was in the US city of Ohio. I met my wife in skype and our marriage was...

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Annette my hot motherinlaw

Since approx. 1 year I live again in a firm relationship and since short time also with my girlfriend under a roof. We live in a very nice little village on the idyllic Lower Rhine. What meant a certain change for me as a city person for many years, this hectic city life somehow did not take place here at all, everything was quite comfortable, slow and very quiet. My girlfriend and I live in a very nice 2-family house. In the lower floor lives the grandmother of my girlfriend and the upper area...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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Blackmailing my old mother in law

Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had...

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Blackmailing the mother in law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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With My MotherInLaw

My name is arshu from bangaluru (mailid:).I will tell this story in kannada language.Nan mother-in-law(atte) name shantha, avala vayassu 45 yrs size 36-32-38 nan attege(mother-in-law) ge 3 jana maklu adaralli 2 hudgi(daughters),1 huduga(son) and both daughters are very sexy adaralli 2nd magalu(daughter) avala hesaru priya anta avalu andre nange tumbane ista love madta idini.. Nan atte body thumba sexy ide avalige nanu andre tumba ista mattu preethi.Chikka vayassindalu nange avalu andre tumba...

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Anal Mother In Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 74-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

2 years ago
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fun with mother in law

visit on to see top rated stories like theseMy wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime....

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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My Mother InLaw

I will start out by saying this if you are thinking this is about my mother in-law and me having sex your wrong. But it is about how my mother in-law improved my sex with my wife.My wife and I have been married for almost 30 years now, not always a great marriage and some lack of sex here and there. But when we have had sex it has always been good to great sex. But for the last year and half we have been struggling in life all together. This has caused us to struggle in our sex life as well. We...

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My Sexy MotherInLaw

My name is Mahesh and I am about 25 years old. I got married with a girl who is 2 years older than me. I and my wife were working in same Call Centre. I and she started liking each other when I was working in the same shift. Her mother is a widower. Her husband died when my wife was only 2 years. She did not married again because of my wife as she was scared that if she married again, it might be possible that her new husband may not like to adopt her daughter in real sense. I and my wife both...

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Mother in law

Introduction: First time with my Mother in law It had been a beautiful week and the weekend was looking to be even more beautiful. My wife and myself were at my mother in laws house for dinner on a Thursday evening. My wife was talking to her sister about the annual weekend away they do with their dad. They were both not pleased that it was on one of the hottest weekends wed had for most of the summer. As my wife and her sister talked, my mother in law asked me what my plans for my weekend on...

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Fucking the motherinlaw

Any who have read any of my past stories know my wife and I have an open to somewhat open relationship. You also know we have slowed down a little bit on that as well. In fact though it is still an open marriage we have not had sex with others for sometime now. We have had sex with each other of course.Well for me having sex with other women has recently changed. I have recently had the awesome pleasure of fucking my 78 year old mother in law. Here is the back story leading up to it and present...

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Disabled Mother In Law

Disabled Mother-In-Law After my mother-in-law had a stroke two years ago my father-in-law died. She had been great to me over the years. She was sort of a prude through so it really took me by surprise when my wife asked me if I would have sex with her mother. At first I was shocked. I had never looked at my mother-in-law as a sex object before. However over the years my wife had grown to resemble her mother in a lot of ways so in essence it would just be like having sex with my...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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my wife and mother in law

My name is darrin and im 36 years old and ive been married to my wife alison who is 26 for 3 years but we have been together for 8 years. We have been swingers for most of our relationship. There's not alot of people or places i can share this story so i figured this was as good a place as any. For some time ive been wanting to fuck my mother in law. Not that she's a stunner by any means but mostly because i find it quite hot to have had both my wife and her mom. Even though my wife is into the...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 1

Ms. Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMContact Author, Email : [email protected] 1The Beginning – Dry Humping My Teacher’s Ass!Starring : South Indian Actress Nandhini aka Kausalya as Nandhini TeacherSchool days, they are the most colorful days of our life, so they say. I don’t know about others but in my case it’s completely true! My school days are the best because I am living the dream of every school boy in the world, yes the ultimate dream every boy wants to happen in...

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Caught masturbating by my Motherinlaw

Several years ago during the holidays my in-laws were spending some time at our home. That particular evening before coming home from work, my wife called me and told me that she, the k**s and my in-laws were going to the mall shopping, having dinner and visiting Santa and that I would be on my own. After a particularly frustrating work day and an even more nasty commute from work, I decided to jump in the shower before finding myself some supper. Our master bedroom suite had a large shower...

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Aleema 8211 My Innocent Hot Mother In Law

Hiii guys, I am going to narrate a real incident in my life. This happened one year after my marriage. My name is Salim ali, working as a lab technician in a private hospital, aged 28 and I am living in kannur, kerala. I married a beautiful girl named asna. She is fair in complexion and with average boobs and nice white pussy. She has flat tummy and her buttocks are not so big but she is in good shape. Now coming to the story, this is about my hot mother in law who is very innocent and...

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Randy And Sherri Ch 02

Sherri waited on the computer the following evening at the time she and Randy normally chatted. She wondered if he would show up tonight. The time of their regular meeting came and went, but no Randy. Sherri did her best not to be too disappointed. After all, he was married and there could have been many reasons he was not able to show up. Sherri waited another 30 minutes, then turned off the computer and slowly went to bed. She did not sleep well that night. There were too many thoughts going...

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Randy And Sherri Ch 01

We were both nervous as we got ready for our first meeting. We had been chatting for several weeks now, both wanting to meet, but then again trying to be discreet and cautious. You were looking for someone that could be romantic and gentle and someone that could make love to you, not just have sex. I was looking for someone to be romantic with. Someone that would enjoy and encourage my romantic nature. Someone that might enjoy reading my erotic stories. We had met each other on the internet....

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Creamfilled Motherinlaw

“Uh, that was the cream-filled you wanted, right Carole?” “Yes. Thanks, Spencer,” the attractive middle-aged woman said from the backseat. She reached forward and took the offered donut from her son-in-law. “And here’s you cruller, babe.” Spencer handed another donut to his wife as he climbed into the car, brushing the accumulation of snow off his shoulders. “Jesus, this snow is pretty bad. We better get going before it gets worse.” “Here’s your coffee, Mom.” Peri turned in the seat and...

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Randy And Sherri Ch 03

Sherri watched Randy pull away from the hotel and give her a wave as he drove by. She knew he couldn’t see the tears on her cheeks, so she waved back at him. Just to make sure Randy didn’t suspect anything, Sherri started her car and pulled out of the parking lot. She saw Randy turn onto the highway and head toward his home. Sherri drove home slowly, her emotions all mixed up. She was so glad that no one was waiting for her at home. She really wanted to be alone and try to sort all her...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

5 years ago
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CreamFilled MotherinLaw

The soft knock on my bedroom door woke me up and started my heart pounding."Come in," I called. I sat up in my bed and turned, dropping my legs over the side, so I was facing the door.The door opened and my Mother-in-Law walked into my room, looking incredibly nervous. She was wearing a long, worn bathrobe that, before hundreds of washings, was a pink plaid belted around her waist.Her fingers clutched the neck of the robe, holding that shut, as if she wanted to be sure nothing showed. Her...

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My name is Meredith and I have always been a self-centered woman. I am in love with myself. Well, actually I am in love with my body. How can I help it? Any mother who has a full set of DD tits and a 22 inch waist even at the age of 42 would feel the same. And yes, I am a mother. But at the end of this story anyone reading this will know that I am the furthest from that. Since my body developed in high school I have used it to get me everything and anyone I wanted. I have never even had a job....

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Sexy MotherinLaw

Melanie was not your typical 42 year old married woman. Yes, she had a husband of over 20 years and she had three grown c***dren. But Melanie was something else that very few people realized or observed out in public -- Melanie was a very attractive and very sexy woman, and she had a very active and nearly insatiable desire for sex and sexual attenion from men. It didn't matter whether it was her husband who was attending to her needs; Melanie craved the sexual pleasures that men could give her...

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