Downward Spiral
- 3 years ago
- 21
- 0
Sarah wasworking on her Weekend routine. Ever since she went to college and had to sharea room with that black girl Liza she had to think of ways to satisfy herselfsecretly. Not that it would have been any different from the time she lived athome but somehow she hoped it would be easier once she got a couple of hundredmiles between her and her parents. But luckily Liza left off every Friday likeclockwork to go back to her own family so she got the time from Fridayafternoon till Sunday afternoon for her own special amusement.
After Liza left with her car, Sarah locked the door totheir room and shut the blinds. She took off all her clothes and knelt in frontof her bed to take out her bag of goodies. A butt plug, a vibrator (the thirdone she had to buy ever since she went to College), a pair of handcuffs withthe keys attached to it with a string of wool, a small box filled with metalclamps like the ones they use on batteries in physics class in high school,small rubber panties, two pieces of rope (one a simple loop, the other lookedlike a hemp g-string) and a heavy metal hook. The last bit she took out likesacred relics: a black leather hood that only had three holes in it, one to lether long reddish blond hair dangle out in a pony tail, the two others for hernostrils. For her eyes or mouth there were no holes provided, only a leatherstrap under the chin that would be tightened to keep her jaws shut tight.
Herroommate (and most other people) might have wondered why Sarah woulddeliberately cause herself so much pain, hurting her small, almost fragile,milky white body every week like that. But then again she didn't get along withher roommate that well anyway and this was what she was looking forward toevery week beginning on Monday morning.
Sarah started off by driving the butt plug slowly upher ass. A sight came from her lips as it finally rested inside her. Next wasthe vibrator. Sarah drove it in her pussy all the way with her left hand andreached out for two of the clamps. She bit her lip as she always did when sheclamped her inner pussy lips together to keep the vibrator in. Her pussy wasalready as throbbing mix of pain and pleasure with the vibrator turned on andthe clamps on her lips but Sarah wanted to go all the way. She put two moreclamps an each of her outer pussy lips and last but certainly notleast she took a deep breath and put one more an her clit. The pain almostcaused her to faint but she was determined to carry on. She imagined rubbingherself to an orgasm straight away and call the restoff but she kept in mind the rewarding satisfaction every time she performedcompletely what she was waiting for, longing for. For a moment she looked ather pussy, amazed how beautifully the metal clamps and the already aching anddeeply red flesh of her pussy went together. To her it was always like this washow it was meant to be: a wonderful sight and pain and lust both reward andpunishment. Sarah stood up and struggled to put on the rubber panties. It wasn't easybecause they were considerably small even for her tiny hips. When she finallyput them an they hardly covered her plugged ass andher clamped pussy but they served as what they were supposed to: they put more pressureon her pussy, forcing the clamps to bite even deeper in her tender flesh. Todistract herself for the pain she squeezed her nipples as hard as she could andput a clamp an each of them. Then she put her self-made g-string on. It wasn't quiteas tight as the panties, but it wasn't supposed to.
Sarah walked slowly to the radiator opposite her bedand tied the second rope to it and taking the loose end back to her bedside.She sat down on the floor and felt the plug push against her asshole and theclamps moving slightly inside her panties. At first she tried to pause a minuteto avoid any premature orgasm but sitting an the floorwaiting for herself to calm down only increased her hunger. She quickly knottedthe lose end of the rope around her ankles. That way she wouldn't be able topush herself up and release the pain a little that was to come. She put thehook through the back of her hemp-string and solemnly put the mask an that she spent the best hours of her entire week in. Witha few quick movements she put it on and had to do the rest in darkness of herheadlock, blind, mute and deaf, she wouldn't need those senses in the next twodays anyway. Sarah put on the handcuffs behind her back and took a deep breathas she lifted her body with her cuffed hands off the ground and let the hookfit in the steel frame of her bed and groaning with relief and pain andpleasure she let her hands go. Now she was dangling from her bed by herg-string, every ounce of her weight pressing the ropes against her aching pussy.If it hadn't been for the hood she would have screamed, screamed out the painand an orgasm that would last through the upcoming week alone. But she wasdetermined to stay right were she was all Friday and not to get off the hookuntil she was almost unconscious. Then she would take off everything, crawlunder her blankets and hold her aching pussy (and maybe making herself cum twoor three times) and finally fall asleep only to do everything all over again onSaturday. But this time her pussy would be raw even before she started theceremony and with the promise of an even more excruciating day she drifted intoanother orgasm.
Sarah came back to her senses in an unpleasant way shehadn't planned. She felt a sharp pain in her nipples as someone twisted theclamps. In panic she pulled on the string attached to the cuffs only to findthat the keys were gone. She shook her head violently until she felt stronghands grabbing her head. She froze. Someone had entered the room and could seeher. Sarah tried to shake her head as the mask was pulled off her head, but shewas in no position to defend herself anyway. Brightlight flooded her eyes and made her go blind for a couple of seconds. Thisdistraction was enough for someone to gag her again with some duct tape. Whenshe was finally able to see who was around she blushed. Her roommate Liza andher best friend Michiko were looking at her, both grinning at her. Sarah triedto speak through her gag but Liza approached her quickly.
- Shhh. We don't want you to speak. What we want to know, youcan answer nodding. Get it?
Sarah wasstill paralyzed as Liza grabbed her hair and made her head nod yes.
- Good girl. You do appreciate us staying, don't you?
Tears welledin Sarah's eyes as she was forced to nod again.
- Mic and I were watching you enjoying yourself andwe're kinda pissed because you're keeping all the funto yourself.
Sarahlooked at Liza begging with her eyes to let her go.
- Now: you do this often, right?
Still Sarah couldn't answer.
- Thinking 'bout the answer, huh?Take your time, we got all weekend.
Liza grabbed one of the clampsand twisted mercilessly. Sarah hurried to nod yes and Liza released the clamp,a little.
- Every Weekend?
- Okay slut, I'm gonna takeoff the tape for a moment and I want you to tell me what else besides theclamps on your titties you did to yourself to havefun. Now, if I hear anything other than that your little private amusementwon't be so private anymore.
Liza tookSarah's head and twisted it to the left so she could see the video camerafacing her. Sarah trembled.
- We got a couple of hoursworth of you jerking off on this scenario. If you scream or don't answer ourquestions correctly, that means to our satisfaction, a copy of this will go outvia e-mail to all the students, the professors and of course to your parents.Got it?
Defeated Sarah nodded yes and Liza ripped off thetape.
- Now.What else did you do? -????
- I .,I..
Liza twisted her nipple again toget her attention and Sarah had to concentrate not to shout out.
- I put a plug up my asshole, a vibrator in my pussy andsome clamps an my pussy lips and an my clit.
Michiko gave Liza a Look. Liza giggled, then returned to Sarah.
- So you really like pair, huh?
- Yes
- Your cunt inpain?
- Yes.
- Your tits aswell? Yes
- You like having your holes filled?
- Yes.
- Being tied?
- Yes.
- Being whipped?
A picturecrossed Sarah's mind. Some time ago she tried to whip herself but it didn'treally work. But one or two strikes were eventually pretty hard.
- Yes
- And of course you like to behumiliated?
The fact thatLiza was applying pressure on her nipple again told Sarah that there was onlyone correct answer.
- Yes
- And there's nothing you enjoymore then having all of this while you eat us out, ???? right?
Liza twisted her nipple just to make sure she got theright answer.
- Yes
- Well then, lucky you, your wishis coming true.
FinallyMichiko walked up to Sarah and sat beside her. Now Sarah was the in a sandwichshe never dreamed of. Her big black roommate and the tiny Chinese girl thatmade even Sarah look huge, each dreamily twisting one clamp on her nipples.Sarah died of shame and desperation and still she could feel her pussy gettinghot and wet and all three of them knew it. While Sarah closed her eyes uncertainwhether to cry, call for help or thank them, Liza and Michiko each started toturn and twist their clamps. After what seemed to Sarah like hours Liza turnedto her asian friend.
- Seems like this slut is gettingall the fun.
Michiko noddedand Liza got up in front of Sarah. She dropped her pants and panties and benther knees so Sarah could get a close look at Liza's pussy and the thick bush ofpubic pair that was already soaking wet.
- You know what to do, cunt.
With this Lizastraddled Sarah's face. Sarah could smell the strong scent of a pussy thatwasn't washed for at least two days. She licked along Liza's pussy lips, lether tongue dive deep into her pussy and, giving in to what she wanted and whatshe was, she sucked her roommates clit and let her face get wet with her pussyjuice.
Meanwhile Michiko released the knot that tied Sarah'sfeet to the radiator. She picked up Sarah's tied feet and started to pull atthem rhythmically so that the tope between Sarah's legs would cut deeper into herpussy. The pain was intense and Sarah avoided the urge to scream by suckingeven harder an the clit. Liza turned around to Michikosmiling
- You must try this. That cunt eats pussy very good ifher own fuckhole is in pain.
Michiko smiled back at her andlet go of Sarah's legs as Liza closed her eyes and climaxed. After a while Lizastepped back a little to Look at Sarah's face all smeared with her juice.
-That is a good slut. You enjoyed this, huh? Sarah panted.
- Yes.
Liza grabbed one of the clamps with her toes andtwisted it.
- What do you say?
- Thank you.
- Good slut. Now, before it is Mic's turn, there's one more thing and don't spill a drop
Sarah knew what was coming so sheclosed her eyes and opened her mouth waiting for her roommate to pee in hermouth.
It took allFriday evening. Liza and Mic obviously didn't get tired of having their pussieslicked while they took turns to let Sarah "ride the rope". Finallythey had enough and untied Sarah?s, ankles: They let her off the hook and madeher stand up. As Mic pulled her panties down Liza began to laugh in amazement.Sarah's pussy was angry red and so swollen that they could hardly see theclamps. Mic knew straight away what to do.
-Kneel bitch
Sarah obeyed and Mic took thehood. Liza told her to wait while she approached Sarah.
- Now bitch, some rules. Actually it is only one: youwill do what we want. No begging, no disobedience and don't let us wait.Everything else you will learn. You have already learned by now not to talkunless we want you to. Since you like that hood so mach you're gonna wear it all the time you're here. And if you don'tcause any discontent we let you continue your studies and nobody but the threeof us will know. Got it?
Sarah nodded as Mic pulled the hood over her headleaving her in darkness. Liza and Mic mercilessly pulled the clamps off Sarah'sbody ignoring her shaking and twisting. Mic made her spread her legs and pulledthe vibrator out of her sore pussy. They agreed that the butt plug would stayin and the cuffs would stay on. Mic stroked Sarah's pussy causing her to moanunder her hood, and then she looked at Liza with an evil grin. She grabbedSarah by her ponytail and slapped her pussy hard with her hand a couple oftimes. When she let her go Sarah collapsed on the floor.
- Let's get some rest; we have a lot to do.
Liza agreed as she turned off the lights and lay downbeside Michiko. They kissed a while and started making of plans with Sarah.Muffled sobs came out of the hood of their new toy.
Sarah woke up lying on her stomach as Liza and Michikostarted whipping her ass. At first she instinctively tried to avoid the blowswhen she felt one of the girls' heavy boots on her neck. Sarah immediatelystopped moving and counted the strokes as they came down on her ass. She wasstill handcuffed and still wore her hood. While she guessed just how long shehad been asleep Sarah lost count of the strokes somewhere beyond thirty. Afterwhat seemed like an eternity it stopped and Sarah's legs were spread apart andheld with strong hands. As a special treat Sarah received ten sharp blows withwhatever they used to whip her on her cunt. Each stroke would have been enoughto make her jump if the girls wouldn't have held her down. Finally the beatingstopped and the pressure on Sarah's neck and feet was released. She sobbedand moaned in her gag because of the stinging pain in her pussy (not tomention her ass), somehow still considering the pros and cons of her newsituation: on the one hand she didn't really had the choice to actually selectany partner to make her fantasies come true beyond her self-punishment and shedidn't really like neither Liza nor her friend Michiko. On the other hand shefinally got plenty of what she wanted. In the end Sarah accepted her fate whichto her meant being a slave to two women that obviously showed little mercy.'This is what you wanted and this is what you are now' she thought.
Her new mistresses dragged her to her knees and tookoff the hood. Sarah looked in two faces that had the same evil grin on them.Liza put one foot on her left shoulder.
- ?Well, good morning slut. We decided it wasabout time to wake you, lazy bones. We got a lot of things to do.
Sarah nodded while Michiko put one foot on her rightshoulder.
- White you were sleeping, we did some shopping for the weekend.We used your credit card of course. After all you're the one that benefits fromall this, right slut?
- Yes, Mistress.
Liza's andMichiko's grin got even wider.
- Did you hear that? `Mistress'. So you wart to be our slave.
- Yes, Mistress.
Both girlssmiled at each other, then pushed Sarah on her back with their feet. Lizasquatted down and sat on Sarah's chest, her pussy under soiled cotton pantiesonly inches from Sarah's mouth.
- So, do you wanna see whatyou spent money on?
- Yes, Mistress.
- You already got to know your new riding crops. Did youlike them?
- Yes, Mistress.
- Good, because you will experience those on a daily basis.
Michiko walked up to her head andstarted to empty a big rucksack by lowering every item towards Sarah's face whileLiza talked.
- We thought,your idea with that hood was pretty good, but we don't want to take it offevery time we just want your mouth. So we got this one. Quite like the one youknow, but with a ring gag and a mouthpiece. That way you can keep on the hoodall the time and we don't have to wait to get our pussies licked. Or ever go tothe toilet again, ever. You know what fit means.
- Yes, Mistress.
Of course she did. It meant thatpussy juice and pee weren't the only things she was going to swallow from nowon. White she thought about fit Liza farted.
- Consider it an appetizer. And you will hear us. Noneed to do everything ourselves when you can take orders. Next we have someclothes pins.
Michikotook out two large bags of fifty pins each.
- And we intent to use them all.
- Wait there's more to come.
- A lot more handcuffs.
- More rope.
- A bigger vibrator. This one can actually be pluggedinto a usual outlet. And it has two years warranty.
- Matching strap-ons for herand her
- A lot of candles.
- And while Liza spent some time getting herself a cupof coffee, I bought some extras.
Michiko tookout a plain brown box.
-This contains needles like they use for acupuncture. The woman behind the countercouldn't believe that I needed so many of them. Typically they are used to easepain but you know.
She shruggedas she got the next bit: a small self-defence shocker woman carry around atnight to feel safer. Michiko held it up to Sarah's now sweating face and turnedit on so Sarah got a close look at the blue lightning that was originallydesigned to keep off stronger men. She shivered at the thought of what Michikohad in mind with it.
Next Michikotook out a small spray can. Sarah could see that it contained pepper spray.Michiko saw the look an her face
- I know what you're thinking.Why buy pepper spray when you're wearing the hood anyway? Well bitch, this isnot for your eyes, this works an any sensitive,vulnerable area of your body.
With thesewords Michiko slowly started stroking Sarah's pussy and Sarah's eyed gotbigger.
- And finally this.
Michiko pulled out a small thing that looked like aplastic revolver.
This is called a stun gun. Policeuses it to stop people without killing them. It's kindalike a zapper but they say the pain is nothing like it.
Mic smiled at her.
There is one more thing in thatbag, but that is a surprise for you.
Liza got up,pulled down her panties and threw them on Sarah's face so that they covered hereyes and her nose.
- Enough about you. Now it is ourturn.
She squattedagain, this time on Sarah's mouth. Sarah began licking Liza's pussy immediatelytasting her dirty cunt and, breathing through her nose. Liza talked to herwhile she let Sarah eat her out.
- These are acouple more things: Ever since you don't need much space in here Michiko willmore or less move in. She will keep her things in her room because you'removing into your closet. You will stay there whenever you are of no use. Wealready made some changes to your new home to make you feel 'comfortable'.During the day you will study as before, only some minor changes there. Youwill keep your butt plug in all the time and on weekdays you will be allowed topiss and shit only once during your lunch hour. Disobedience will result inpunishment, that means you might spend your seminars with your pussy clamped oranything else we think of. Any other way, if you are a good slut, you can keepup your academic life like you did before. As far as your social life isconcerned, well, this is your social life. You appreciate that, don't you?
Sarah grunteda 'yes' with a mouthful of pussy.
- Good. On weekdays the both ofus will take care of you. In fact I will most of the time since Mic is gettingready to get her final exams to become a doctor, a gynaecologist actually, andtake over her father's office. On Weekends I will return home as planned andMic will provide distraction for you. Is that okay with you?
Grunt 'yes'.
Liza looked overher shoulder and watched Michiko playing with her fingernails on Sarah's redand still swollen pussy.
- Is her cunt raw?
- Not worth mentioning it.
Michiko twisted Sarah's clit withthe tip of her fingers, which caused Sarah to moan. Liza looked at Sarah.
- You can take more than that, right.
Sarah gruntedyes.
- Good. Now goon with a little more enthusiasm, I'm getting bored.
- I?ll help her.
With that Michiko put on some rubber gloves, spreadSarah's pussy lips apart and sprayed them thoroughly with pepper spray. Sarahstarted to writhe. Tears welled in her eyes and she licked for all that she wasworth, while her pussy was on fire from the pain. Liza smiled as she approachedan orgasm.
Oh yeah, now it's a wild ride.
It didn't takelong for Liza to come and she quickly changed places with Michiko. While Sarahlicked Mic Liza took some time arranging props for the rest of the day andstarted to put her new hood on Sarah even while Mic rode her face.
Sarah spentthe rest of the day suffering for her mistresses' amusement. They whipped her bodymethodically neck to toe, spending extra time an hernipples, the crack of her ass, her inner thighs, her pussy of course and thesoles of her feet. Throughout the day they took turns time and again fucking herass and pussy with strap-ons, having their pussieslicked and their pee sipped. Even if Sarah would have protested they wouldn'thave reacted. While Liza was away to get some pizza Mic zapped her pussy overand over again and while she shook her head frantically and bit in the gagSarah was surfing on the same endless wave of arousal she was an sinceyesterday. After Liza returned they decided to use Sarah's tits as their table.White they ate and chatted, Sarah lay between them andsquirmed as hot oil dripped of the pizza on her sore nipples. After theyfinished their meal both girls sucked the spills off her breasts and bit hernipples as a dessert.
Evening entertainment meantdripping hot wax on Sarah's most tender parts and whipping it off again to putclothes pins on her. And of course it meant eating pussy and drinking pee. Finally, as the evening was coming to a close, Liza and Mic bothshitted in Sarah's mouth. They agreed that Sarah should eat shit only ifneither of them wanted their pussies eaten. Sarah, still ring-gagged andtherefore unable to dose her mouth gulped down the turds.
They gagged her and looked at each other. At last,Liza nodded towards Mic, who reached for the stun gun, pointed at Sarah's pussyand shot. Two little hooks connected to wires pierced in Sarah's cunt and atthe same time a shock of electricity flooded Sarah's body causing her to moveuncontrollably in her bonds while Mic and Liza laughed at her. After Sarahfinally calmed down they put clamps on her again, untied her from the bed andled her to the closet. Sarah had to lie on her back while her arms were tied tothe bar where she hung her clothes on not two days ago. Liza pushed the newvibrator deep in her cunt, connected it to an outlet and let it work fullforce. Mic meanwhile got her special treat from her bag. She put on rubbergloves, then took out a plastic bottle and poured some of the powder that wasin it an Sarah's cunt. She massaged it well on herclamped lips, clit and the entrance of her cuntholeand while Sarah climaxed again, she explained to Liza.
- This is some sort of itchingpowder. She won't feel anything for a while but the itching will increaseduring the night. That way she won't get bored. It won't wearoff, you actually have to wash it off, so don't touch her cunt tomorrow beforewe had her shower.
After she finished applying the powder Liza cuffedSarah's ankles together and tied her feet to the bar as well. Sarah looked likea shot animal being hung by its paws and her hooded head and the grunts thatcame out underneath certainly added up to the impression. Liza closed andlocked the closet door leaving Sarah for the night to come.
Sarah spent most of the Semester pleasuring Liza andMichiko. Ort weekdays Liza took care of her roommate/ slave whipping her an adaily basis, fucking her clamped pussy with a strap-on, having her armpits,pussy, asshole and toes licked regularly and humiliating Sarah by verballyabusing her and physically using her as table or a footstool, her face as a seatand of course her mouth as a toilet. Sarah experienced these days in a constantdaze, paralyzed from pleasure and pain. Her weekends were more challenging.Michiko loved to torture her with electricity and needles, used her cunt andasshole as an ashtray and exercised her medical skills to stretch her holes andtie her tits. She particularly enjoyed filling Sarah's pussy with two or morevibrators and then sewing it shut with medical needles. She then tied her downand waited for the batteries to die down while she fucked Sarah's asshole withher feet. Never once did Liza or Mic ask Sarah about her wishes, neither didSarah anything to avoid what was now her life. Even at the brink of faintingfrom excruciating pain Sarah never even considered that her life should be anydifferent. Months passed and while Sarah spent her time in her usual way (hood,in a hogtie, her holes filled to the brim and hernipples, cuntlips and clit severely clamped) Mic andLiza negotiated about the time to come. Mics fatherpassed away leaving her not only his office but also a considerable heritage aswell as a seven figure life insurance. So Mic planned to retire at the age of22, moving to her recently bought penthouse and living extremely well on themoney of her heritage for the next 120 years. Part of her plan was to takeSarah with her and so she would take leave Liza 50 grandsas compensation. Sarah however had to agree. After the arrangement was settledthey untied Sarah, took out all the vibrators and ripped off all the clamps.Sarah stood naked before them, for the first time since their first encounternot used as a slave. Michiko walked up to Sarah.
- So, bitch. Did you enjoy the last months?
Sarah nodded
- This could be your last act out of free will. Yourchoice is this: You can either stay with Liza until she finishes College andmoves away with her husband to be leaving you behind. Or I will take you withme, but that would mean that you will become my property, a 24/7-slave with nowill of your own. You know that I won't spare you any pain or humiliation and eversince I don't have to work I can work an you all thetime. Now make your choice and if you have kneel down and kiss the toes of theone you want to stay with as an answer. Once your lips touch toes there's noreconsidering. Got it?
Sarah nodded. Her heart pounded. In her mind shedidn't have to consider. Liza was fun to live with but the end of this wasalready in sight. Sarah spent a lot of time recently tied in the closet while Lizaspent time with her boyfriend. Michiko on the other hand was constantly pushingthe limits, reassuring Sarah what a worthless painslutshe was every day. She got on her knees and with a sigh of thankfulness anddeeply submissive love she passionately sucked Michiko's toes.
The changes in Sarah's life wereconsiderable. She now spent her days in a heavily soundproof room without windows.Michiko furnished the room as her torture chamber: Chains and spreader barsdangled from the ceiling, crosses, cages and other means of restraint filledthe room as well as a gyno chair. Michiko spent aconsiderable amount of money to have Sarah tied in any possible way, but also onhardware, as she liked to call it. Whips and canes, butt plugs and vibratorswere only part of her collection of toys. Sarah wore her hood and cuffs now allday every day and even if she hadn't lost track of the days that passed shecouldn't remember the last time she wasn't naked and in pain. She didn't thinkof it as a bad thing, in fact she didn't think a whole lot at all these days.Michiko did everything to keep her mind from wandering. She bought herself asecond slave, Helen, a busty 22-year-old, who lived quite freely in her ownroom within Mic?s penthouse and served her as asubmissive slave. Helen didn't have to take a whole lot of pain, not byMichiko's standards anyway, so apart from being whipped neck to toe she livedto pleasure Mic with her mouth. She also hired a maid, Sina, a formerSM-hooker well acquainted with both sides, active and passive. Sinas job was to walk around with nothing but high heelsand a maid's apron on, take care of the penthouse and most of all take care ofSarah. While Helen was allowed to move freely Mic kept her promise to enslaveSarah completely. Sina fed her, led her to the bathroom, hosed her down,brushed her teeth and once a week removed Sarah's hood to wash her face. ButMic made it clear to Sina that this shouldn't be leisure time for Sarah, soSina and Helen were ordered and encouraged to use and even more abuse Sarah.The last words Sarah got to hear months ago was Mic introducing her fellow slave'light' and the maid and explaining to her that every other slave Mic mightpurchase in the future was allowed and cheered to treat Sarah as their slave.Every blow, every humiliation or punishment they might receive they should letSarah pay for, every fantasy that was to extreme for themselves they shouldlive through Sarah and of course her duties as a toilet were extended to, welljust about everybody. Mic made it clear to her that she was the bottom of thefood chain, born to suffer and living to live up to it.
Mic used Sarah in the evenings, during the day sheadvertised `open-cunt-events'. On every weekday different people came to Mic?s penthouse to use Sarah for free just to keep herbusy. They had to make her suffer though; simply fucking her for free was notthe task. Sina was there to supervise the events, greet the guests and make sureSarah got plenty. There were special days for couples, students, housewives andso on. The couples usually tried out every practice a little and ended uphaving sex while Sarah licked their assholes, pussies, dicks or sucked themen?s balls. Cleaning up by licking up any juices was of course part of thedeal. Typically Mic watched those encounters irregularly but she surely stayedthrough housewives' day. Wives of businessmen came in every ten minutes, angryat their husbands and their slutty secretaries that spent late hours in the officecheating on them. Those wives made Sarah pay for it, torturing her for hours ingroups of up to ten women. Most of them were particularly interested inpunishing her pussy: her lips and clit were whipped, stretched, clamped, burnedwith cigarettes, waxed, electrocuted, pinned; her pussy got fucked very roughlywith everything big around. One time a woman stretched her lips apart withmetal clamps, clamped the hood of her clit so the bud was showing and thenshocked Sarah for half an hour. Every time Sarah fainted the woman stopped tobring her back to her senses and then continued. When she was finally done she spatin Sarah's ring-gagged mouth and sprayed her cunt heavily with pepper spray.The housewives made her suffer in a way that even Michiko considered stoppingit once or twice but in the end Sarah survived so it was okay.
Sarah wasworking on her Weekend routine. Ever since she went to college and had to sharea room with that black girl Liza she had to think of ways to satisfy herselfsecretly. Not that it would have been any different from the time she lived athome but somehow she hoped it would be easier once she got a couple of hundredmiles between her and her parents. But luckily Liza left off every Friday likeclockwork to go back to her own family so she got the time from Fridayafternoon till Sunday afternoon for her own special amusement.
After Liza left with her car, Sarah locked the door totheir room and shut the blinds. She took off all her clothes and knelt in frontof her bed to take out her bag of goodies. A butt plug, a vibrator (the thirdone she had to buy ever since she went to College), a pair of handcuffs withthe keys attached to it with a string of wool, a small box filled with metalclamps like the ones they use on batteries in physics class in high school,small rubber panties, two pieces of rope (one a simple loop, the other lookedlike a hemp g-string) and a heavy metal hook. The last bit she took out likesacred relics: a black leather hood that only had three holes in it, one to lether long reddish blond hair dangle out in a pony tail, the two others for hernostrils. For her eyes or mouth there were no holes provided, only a leatherstrap under the chin that would be tightened to keep her jaws shut
Sarah started off by driving the butt plug slowly upher ass. A sight came from her lips as it finally rested inside her. Next wasthe vibrator. Sarah drove it in her pussy all the way with her left hand andreached out for two of the clamps. She bit her lip as she always did when sheclamped her inner pussy lips together to keep the vibrator in. Her pussy wasalready as throbbing mix of pain and pleasure with the vibrator turned on andthe clamps on her lips but Sarah wanted to go all the way. She put two moreclamps an each of her outer pussy lips and last but certainly notleast she took a deep breath and put one more an her clit. The pain almostcaused her to faint but she was determined to carry on. She imagined rubbingherself to an orgasm straight away and call the restoff but she kept in mind the rewarding satisfaction every time she performedcompletely what she was waiting for, longing for. For a moment she looked ather pussy, amazed how beautifully the metal clamps and the already aching anddeeply red flesh of her pussy went together. To her it was always like this washow it was meant to be: a wonderful sight and pain and lust both reward andpunishment. Sarah stood up and struggled to put on the rubber
Sarah walked slowly to the radiator opposite her bedand tied the second rope to it and taking the loose end back to her bedside.She sat down on the floor and felt the plug push against her asshole and theclamps moving slightly inside her panties. At first she tried to pause a minuteto avoid any premature orgasm but sitting an the floorwaiting for herself to calm down only increased her hunger. She quickly knottedthe lose end of the rope around her ankles. That way she wouldn't be able topush herself up and release the pain a little that was to come. She put thehook through the back of her hemp-string and solemnly put the mask
Sarah came back to her senses in an unpleasant way shehadn't planned. She felt a sharp pain in her nipples as someone twisted theclamps. In panic she pulled on the string attached to the cuffs only to findthat the keys were gone. She shook her head violently until she felt stronghands grabbing her head. She froze. Someone had entered the room and could seeher. Sarah tried to shake her head as the mask was pulled off her head, but shewas in no position to defend herself anyway. Brightlight flooded her eyes and made her go blind for a couple of seconds. Thisdistraction was enough for someone to gag her again with some duct tape. Whenshe was finally able to see who was around she blushed. Her roommate Liza andher best friend Michiko were looking at her, both grinning at her. Sarah triedto speak through her gag but Liza approached her quickly.
Sarah wasstill paralyzed as Liza grabbed her hair and made her head nod yes.
Tears welledin Sarah's eyes as she was forced to nod again.
Still Sarah couldn't answer.
- Thinking 'bout the answer, huh?Take your time, we got all weekend.
Liza grabbed one of the clampsand twisted mercilessly. Sarah hurried to nod yes and Liza released the clamp,a little.
- Every Weekend?
Liza tookSarah's head and twisted it to the left so she could see the video camerafacing her. Sarah trembled.
Defeated Sarah nodded yes and Liza ripped off thetape.
Liza twisted her nipple again toget her attention and Sarah had to concentrate not to shout out.
Michiko gave Liza a Look. Liza giggled,
- So you really like pair, huh?
- Yes
- Your cunt inpain?
- Yes.
- Your tits aswell? Yes
- You like having your holes filled?
- Yes.
- Being tied?
- Yes.
- Being whipped?
A picturecrossed Sarah's mind. Some time ago she tried to whip herself but it didn'treally work. But one or two strikes were eventually pretty hard.
- Yes
- And of course you like to behumiliated?
The fact thatLiza was applying pressure on her nipple again told Sarah that there was onlyone correct answer.
- Yes
- And there's nothing you enjoymore then having all of this while you eat us out, ???? right?
Liza twisted her nipple just to make sure she got theright answer.
- Yes
- Well then, lucky you, your wishis coming true.
FinallyMichiko walked up to Sarah and sat beside her. Now Sarah was the in a sandwichshe never dreamed of. Her big black roommate and the tiny Chinese girl thatmade even Sarah look huge, each dreamily twisting one clamp on her nipples.Sarah died of shame and desperation and still she could feel her pussy gettinghot and wet and all three of them knew it. While Sarah closed her eyes uncertainwhether to cry, call for help or thank them, Liza and Michiko each started toturn and twist their clamps. After what seemed to Sarah like hours Liza turnedto her asian friend.
- Seems like this slut is gettingall the fun.
Michiko noddedand Liza got up in front of Sarah. She dropped her pants and panties and benther knees so Sarah could get a close look at Liza's pussy and the thick bush ofpubic pair that was already soaking wet.
- You know what to do, cunt.
With this Lizastraddled Sarah's face. Sarah could smell the strong scent of a pussy thatwasn't washed for at least two days. She licked along Liza's pussy lips, lether tongue dive deep into her pussy and, giving in to what she wanted and whatshe was, she sucked her roommates clit and let her face get wet with her pussyjuice.
Meanwhile Michiko released the knot that tied Sarah'sfeet to the radiator. She picked up Sarah's tied feet and started to pull atthem rhythmically so that the tope between Sarah's legs would cut deeper into herpussy. The pain was intense and Sarah avoided the urge to scream by suckingeven harder an the clit. Liza turned around to Michikosmiling
Michiko smiled back at her andlet go of Sarah's legs as Liza closed her eyes and climaxed. After a while Lizastepped back a little to Look at Sarah's face all smeared with her juice.
- Yes.
Liza grabbed one of the clamps with her toes andtwisted it.
- What do you say?
- Thank you.
- Good slut. Now, before it is
Sarah knew what was coming so sheclosed her eyes and opened her mouth waiting for her roommate to pee in hermouth.
It took allFriday evening. Liza and Mic obviously didn't get tired of having their pussieslicked while they took turns to let Sarah "ride the rope". Finallythey had enough and untied Sarah?s, ankles: They let her off the hook and madeher stand up. As Mic pulled her panties down Liza began to laugh in amazement.Sarah's pussy was angry red and so swollen that they could hardly see theclamps. Mic knew straight away what to do.
Sarah obeyed and Mic took thehood. Liza told her to wait while she approached Sarah.
Sarah nodded as Mic pulled the hood over her headleaving her in darkness. Liza and Mic mercilessly pulled the clamps off Sarah'sbody ignoring her shaking and twisting. Mic made her spread her legs and pulledthe vibrator out of her sore pussy. They agreed that the butt plug would stayin and the cuffs would stay on. Mic stroked Sarah's pussy causing her to moanunder her hood, and then she looked at Liza with an evil grin. She grabbedSarah by her ponytail and slapped her pussy hard with her hand a couple oftimes. When she let her go Sarah collapsed on the floor.
Liza agreed as she turned off the lights and lay downbeside Michiko. They kissed a while and started making of plans with Sarah.Muffled sobs came out of the hood of their new toy.
Sarah woke up lying on her stomach as Liza and Michikostarted whipping her ass. At first she instinctively tried to avoid the blowswhen she felt one of the girls' heavy boots on her neck. Sarah immediatelystopped moving and counted the strokes as they came down on her ass. She wasstill handcuffed and still wore her hood. While she guessed just how long shehad been asleep Sarah lost count of the strokes somewhere beyond thirty. Afterwhat seemed like an eternity it stopped and Sarah's legs were spread apart andheld with strong hands. As a special treat Sarah received ten sharp blows withwhatever they used to whip her on her cunt. Each stroke would have been enoughto make her jump if the girls wouldn't have held her down. Finally the beatingstopped and the pressure on Sarah's neck and feet was released. She sobbedand moaned in her gag because of the stinging pain in her pussy (not tomention her ass), somehow still considering the pros and cons of her newsituation: on the one hand she didn't really had the choice to actually selectany partner to make her fantasies come true beyond her self-punishment and shedidn't really like neither Liza nor her friend Michiko. On the other hand shefinally got plenty of what she wanted. In the end Sarah accepted her fate whichto her meant being a slave to two women that obviously showed little mercy.'This is what you wanted and this is what you are now' she thought.
Her new mistresses dragged her to her knees and tookoff the hood. Sarah looked in two faces that had the same evil grin on them.Liza put one foot on her left shoulder.
Sarah nodded while Michiko put one foot on her rightshoulder.
Liza's andMichiko's grin got even wider.
- Did you hear that?
- Yes, Mistress.
Both girlssmiled at each other, then pushed Sarah on her back with their feet. Lizasquatted down and sat on Sarah's chest, her pussy under soiled cotton pantiesonly inches from Sarah's mouth.
Michiko walked up to her head andstarted to empty a big rucksack by lowering every item towards Sarah's face whileLiza talked.
- We thought,your idea with that hood was pretty good, but we don't want to take it offevery time we just want your mouth. So we got this one. Quite like the one youknow, but with a ring gag and a mouthpiece. That way you can keep on the hoodall the time and we don't have to wait to get our pussies licked. Or ever go tothe toilet again, ever. You know what fit means.
- Yes, Mistress.
Of course she
Michiko tookout a plain brown box.
She shruggedas she got the next bit: a small self-defence shocker woman carry around atnight to feel safer. Michiko held it up to Sarah's now sweating face and turnedit on so Sarah got a close look at the blue lightning that was originallydesigned to keep off stronger men. She shivered at the thought of what Michikohad in mind with it.
Next Michikotook out a small spray can. Sarah could see that it contained pepper spray.Michiko saw the look an her face
- I know what you're thinking.Why buy pepper spray when you're wearing the hood anyway? Well bitch, this isnot for your eyes, this works an any sensitive,vulnerable area of your body.
With thesewords Michiko slowly started stroking Sarah's pussy and Sarah's eyed gotbigger.
Michiko pulled out a small thing that looked like aplastic revolver.
This is called a stun gun. Policeuses it to stop people without killing them. It's kindalike a zapper but they say the pain is nothing like it.
Mic smiled at her.
There is one more thing in thatbag, but that is a surprise for you.
Liza got up,pulled down her panties and threw them on Sarah's face so that they covered hereyes and her nose.
- Enough about you. Now it is ourturn.
She squattedagain, this time on Sarah's mouth. Sarah began licking Liza's pussy immediatelytasting her dirty cunt and, breathing through her nose. Liza talked to herwhile she let Sarah eat her out.
- These are acouple more things: Ever since you don't need much space in here Michiko willmore or less move in. She will keep her things in her room because you'removing into your closet. You will stay there whenever you are of no use. Wealready made some changes to your new home to make you feel 'comfortable'.During the day you will study as before, only some minor changes there. Youwill keep your butt plug in all the time and on weekdays you will be allowed topiss and shit only once during your lunch hour. Disobedience will result inpunishment, that means you might spend your seminars with your pussy clamped oranything else we think of. Any other way, if you are a good slut, you can keepup your academic life like you did before. As far as your social life isconcerned, well, this is your social life. You appreciate that, don't you?
Sarah grunteda 'yes' with a mouthful of pussy.
- Good. On weekdays the both ofus will take care of you. In fact I will most of the time since Mic is gettingready to get her final exams to become a doctor, a gynaecologist actually, andtake over her father's office. On Weekends I will return home as planned andMic will provide distraction for you. Is that okay with you?
Grunt 'yes'.
Liza looked overher shoulder and watched Michiko playing with her fingernails on Sarah's redand still swollen pussy.
- Is her cunt raw?
- Not worth mentioning it.
Michiko twisted Sarah's clit withthe tip of her fingers, which caused Sarah to moan. Liza looked at Sarah.
Sarah gruntedyes.
- Good. Now goon with a little more enthusiasm, I'm getting bored.
- I?ll help her.
With that Michiko put on some rubber gloves, spreadSarah's pussy lips apart and sprayed them thoroughly with pepper spray. Sarahstarted to writhe. Tears welled in her eyes and she licked for all that she wasworth, while her pussy was on fire from the pain. Liza smiled as she approachedan orgasm.
Oh yeah, now it's a wild ride.
It didn't takelong for Liza to come and she quickly changed places with Michiko. While Sarahlicked Mic Liza took some time arranging props for the rest of the day andstarted to put her new hood on Sarah even while Mic rode her face.
Sarah spentthe rest of the day suffering for her mistresses' amusement. They whipped her bodymethodically neck to toe, spending extra time an hernipples, the crack of her ass, her inner thighs, her pussy of course and thesoles of her feet. Throughout the day they took turns time and again fucking herass and pussy with strap-ons, having their pussieslicked and their pee sipped. Even if Sarah would have protested they wouldn'thave reacted. While Liza was away to get some pizza Mic zapped her pussy overand over again and while she shook her head frantically and bit in the gagSarah was surfing on the same endless wave of arousal she was an sinceyesterday. After Liza returned they decided to use Sarah's tits as their table.White they ate and chatted, Sarah lay between them andsquirmed as hot oil dripped of the pizza on her sore nipples. After theyfinished their meal both girls sucked the spills off her breasts and bit hernipples as a dessert.
Evening entertainment meantdripping hot wax on Sarah's most tender parts and whipping it off again to putclothes pins on her. And of course it meant eating pussy and drinking pee.
They gagged her and looked at each other. At last,Liza nodded towards Mic, who reached for the stun gun, pointed at Sarah's pussyand shot. Two little hooks connected to wires pierced in Sarah's cunt and atthe same time a shock of electricity flooded Sarah's body causing her to moveuncontrollably in her bonds while Mic and Liza laughed at her. After Sarahfinally calmed down they put clamps on her again, untied her from the bed andled her to the closet. Sarah had to lie on her back while her arms were tied tothe bar where she hung her clothes on not two days ago. Liza pushed the newvibrator deep in her cunt, connected it to an outlet and let it work fullforce. Mic meanwhile got her special treat from her bag. She put on rubbergloves, then took out a plastic bottle and poured some of the powder that wasin it an Sarah's cunt. She massaged it well on herclamped lips, clit and the entrance of her cuntholeand while Sarah climaxed again, she explained to Liza.
- This is some sort of itchingpowder. She won't feel anything for a while but the itching will increaseduring the night. That way she won't get bored. It won't wearoff, you actually have to wash it off, so don't touch her cunt tomorrow beforewe had her shower.
After she finished applying the powder Liza cuffedSarah's ankles together and tied her feet to the bar as well. Sarah looked likea shot animal being hung by its paws and her hooded head and the grunts thatcame out underneath certainly added up to the impression. Liza closed andlocked the closet door leaving Sarah for the night to come.
Sarah spent most of the Semester pleasuring Liza andMichiko. Ort weekdays Liza took care of her roommate/ slave whipping her an adaily basis, fucking her clamped pussy with a strap-on, having her armpits,pussy, asshole and toes licked regularly and humiliating Sarah by verballyabusing her and physically using her as table or a footstool, her face as a seatand of course her mouth as a toilet. Sarah experienced these days in a constantdaze, paralyzed from pleasure and pain. Her weekends were more challenging.Michiko loved to torture her with electricity and needles, used her cunt andasshole as an ashtray and exercised her medical skills to stretch her holes andtie her tits. She particularly enjoyed filling Sarah's pussy with two or morevibrators and then sewing it shut with medical needles. She then tied her downand waited for the batteries to die down while she fucked Sarah's asshole withher feet. Never once did Liza or Mic ask Sarah about her wishes, neither didSarah anything to avoid what was now her life. Even at the brink of faintingfrom excruciating pain Sarah never even considered that her life should be anydifferent. Months passed and while Sarah spent her time in her usual way (hood,in a hogtie, her holes filled to the brim and hernipples, cuntlips and clit severely clamped) Mic andLiza negotiated about the time to come. Mics fatherpassed away leaving her not only his office but also a considerable heritage aswell as a seven figure life insurance. So Mic planned to retire at the age of22, moving to her recently bought penthouse and living extremely well on themoney of her heritage for the next 120 years. Part of her plan was to takeSarah with her and so she would take leave Liza 50 grandsas compensation. Sarah however had to agree. After the arrangement was settledthey untied Sarah, took out all the vibrators and ripped off all the clamps.Sarah stood naked before them, for the first time since their first encounternot used as a slave. Michiko walked up to Sarah.
Sarah nodded
Sarah nodded. Her heart pounded. In her mind shedidn't have to consider. Liza was fun to live with but the end of this wasalready in sight. Sarah spent a lot of time recently tied in the closet while Lizaspent time with her boyfriend. Michiko on the other hand was constantly pushingthe limits, reassuring Sarah what a worthless painslutshe was every day. She got on her knees and with a sigh of thankfulness anddeeply submissive love she passionately sucked Michiko's toes.
The changes in Sarah's life wereconsiderable. She now spent her days in a heavily soundproof room without windows.Michiko furnished the room as her torture chamber: Chains and spreader barsdangled from the ceiling, crosses, cages and other means of restraint filledthe room as well as a gyno chair. Michiko spent aconsiderable amount of money to have Sarah tied in any possible way, but also onhardware, as she liked to call it. Whips and canes, butt plugs and vibratorswere only part of her collection of toys. Sarah wore her hood and cuffs now allday every day and even if she hadn't lost track of the days that passed shecouldn't remember the last time she wasn't naked and in pain. She didn't thinkof it as a bad thing, in fact she didn't think a whole lot at all these days.Michiko did everything to keep her mind from wandering. She bought herself asecond slave, Helen, a busty 22-year-old, who lived quite freely in her ownroom within Mic?s penthouse and served her as asubmissive slave. Helen didn't have to take a whole lot of pain, not byMichiko's standards anyway, so apart from being whipped neck to toe she livedto pleasure Mic with her mouth. She also hired a maid, Sina, a formerSM-hooker well acquainted with both sides, active and passive.
Mic used Sarah in the evenings, during the day sheadvertised `open-cunt-events'. On every weekday different people came to
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I had a regular jerk buddy I had found online. We would always do it at his place, different times of the day whenever we both were free. We looked forward to it for sure as we both loved watching gay porn and cumming together. We couldn't have gotten along any better. Things would escalate one day though as i was sitting next to him on his couch. Gay porn playing in front of us as we both jerked our cocks together. Both of us sitting with all our clothes off as we held on to our hard cocks....
Neither of them even acknowledged me and went into Sarah's office a minute later. I sighed and tried to get my work done. "I swear every time I see them just going at it like that, they infect me, so I can't get shit done, but that floozy whines to me that I'm running behind. WTF, really? Is it a joke, or just a ploy to get me to freak out so she can fire me? I mean, tell me, so at least the mystery will go away." They gave me a few distraction-free minutes, but then they came back out...
Looking for a place to watch hentai without any fuss? Anime ID Hentai has your back. is a hentai stream site that features all the latest releases as well as classics. Most of the videos here are Japanese raws or English subs, but you’ll find some Spanish and other language subs also.What really sets AnimeIDhentai apart is how little bullshit it has. All the streams are fast and reliable, and you won’t get fucked up the ass with nonstop pop-ups and bullshit ads either. It’s...
Hentai Streaming SitesI dragged myself into my apartment deadbeat tired after the most nerve-racking day of my short life. Doing network installs as an employee was no big deal, but when it was my own company, my name and reputation on the line, it was an whole new ballgame. The network install went well as everyone else including me expected, but I'm pretty sure that the fear which permeated the armpit sweat stains offended even the hardnosed, late night bus denizens. The green glow of bedside clock read 1:00 AM...
Una calurosa ma?ana de verano, John se levanta con el mismo prop?sito de los ?ltimos dos a?os, encontrar el trabajo apropiado para el. John tiene 24 a?os, mide 1,70 y es bastante delgado. Despu?s de una ducha y con un caf? en mano se dispone a hacer la misma tarea in?til que lleva haciendo los ?ltimos 2 a?os, sumergirse en la red en busca de un trabajo decente para el. Despu?s de varias horas de b?squeda infructuosa encuentra un anuncio de trabajo que le llama la atenci?n: TRABAJA EN EL LUGAR MAS FELIZ DE L...
Hello iss readers kaise hai aap sab…? Aap sabke saath 1 baar fir se haajir hai aapki chaheti writer aarzoomujhe bahut saare mail karne ka thanxxxxx aur haan meri last story sapna ka badla part 1 aur 2 ko aap logon ne bahut pasand kiya ab aage ki kahaani aapko bata rahi hoon par pahle aap logon k lund aur choot ki khidmat me 1 joke arz hai bataaiyega kaisa tha Santa suhaagraat ko apni biwi ki choot me 1 ungli daalta hai to biwi boli Biwi– aji 1 ungli aur daalo na………. Santa– kyon bahan ki laudi...
The apartment was looking presentable, Allison thought. It was five to eight. He was almost due. She looked at the bottles standing on the sideboard. For a moment she thought a drink would be a good idea. She dismissed the thought, though. The conversation with Lionel was going to need all her attention. She’d decided that a rather formal, business-like look was probably the best for their initial meeting so she’d put on an outfit that she might well have worn to the office. The white...
Victoria knocked on Mark's door promptly at ten o'clock on a beautiful sunny, summer morning. "Good morning, Victoria," he said. "Thank you for being so punctual." "I didn't want to waste a minute of this glorious day," she replied soberly and then grinned. "Are your bones feeling apologetic?" Mark laughed. "Yes," he said. "Very! I'm sorry, Victoria, but your father and I couldn't resist it." She smiled back. "Typical Daddy and, if I'd thought, I would have expected it...
eIt was a summer job, something to get a little extra money for school in the fall. We worked in the city park doing mostly cleanup. I was always teamed with another guy named Dave. He was my age and we got along good together. Being the youngest and newest workers, we usually got the dirtiest jobs. It didn’t really bother us. We were young and didn’t know any better. That day we had to clean up the ampitheater. They had a show the day before lasting until nearly midnight. A lot of the audience...
As the trail widened up again, we all started walking side by side; but every once in a while, Aaron’s hand would “accidentally” brush against my ass, or my side, a few times even my pussy. I was getting all turned on, and by the look of his shorts, so was he. We just had to hope that Mom and Dad wouldn’t suddenly look down! We all walked about a mile before Dad said he was too old for all this walking, and he was going to walk back. Mom decided to walk back with him, and asked if we wanted...
Two days after the funeral; Gina approached the office block and entered the grand foyer; pausing the marble reception desk she asked for Sam. She was told he only saw people by appointment but she asked to use the phone to call to make an appointment. The receptionist passed the phone over and gave her the number to dial; by chance she got Sam and not his personal secretary who was out of the office at that moment; she mentioned her name and instantly he remembered her. She was told to pass...
Her thigh was rubbing my pussy as she was pressing her pussy hard on my thigh. I obediently co-operated and reciprocated each of rub by rubbing her pussy with my thigh. Her arms cuddled me and she kissed me all over my face and licked wherever possible. I could sense her breath was hot and steamy.Our breasts were pressed hard against each other and I could feel our nipples were already hardened. In a moment she lowered her head and started sucking one of my nipples. It was too sensual that...
Then. A Rustic Village Does everyone remember their first crush with such clarity? Forgetting his is impossible, and if Greg Bartels were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that Amelia Collins is the standard by which every other woman that he will admire or date is judged, a standard against which he will find all those others lacking. He knew that he was not the only one who fell in love with her in these glory days of high school, and he also knew that he would look nostalgically...
Alaina stared in horror at the pen sticking up in the breast pocket of Mom’s lab coat. “If it had been anyone else with her,” Mom continued, resting her head on the door, “I mean anyone else, Laura would be dead. She was serious; with the force she used, the pen would have gone straight to her brain, killing her instantly.” So when she wanted my keys... She began to shiver uncontrollably, wrapping her arms around herself in a feeble attempt to warm her too-cold body. “We don’t...” Mom...
Jack showered off the toil of the gym, the twice weekly ritual of weights and machines with a Sunday swim in the pool had toned his body well. Athletic and broad-shouldered, he was content with the boost it gave him in his self-esteem, something he needed at this time. Changing back into his work clothes, he thought he’d check out the lounge and bar, he wasn’t ready to go home just yet. The house would be empty, silent, he hated the sound of silence now and nothing seemed to fill the air or...
We had just moved to another part of town ,and was getting settled in our new home . When I had a accident at work that put me in hospital for 3 months.My wife Kim had her hands full trying to look after me and the kids and, work full time aswell. Kim is a very attractive woman even now she can turn heads ,she had long curly hair down to her shoulders ,a great body and is very pretty. When I got out of hospital i was still on crutches and wasn't' very well at the time I had a back injury...
Chapter 20 - Yolanda By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Mary Sue stood in the doorway of the library's special archives, hands on her hips. Before her stood the rows of shelves that had been in the basement when she had arrived. One of the first things she had done after taking over as the temporary librarian was to get a group of teenaged boys in to move the boxes stored in the basement up to where they would be better protected. She had then spent several...
HistoricalSome names have been changed * Several years ago, I decided to finally have the sleeve on my right arm completed. I went to my favorite shop to make an appointment with Erika, the woman who had inked all my tattoos for the past three years. Essentially, she’d used my arm and my back as a blank canvas. Yes, I trust her tattooing skills that much. Rather than tattooing something I picked off the wall or out of a notebook, Erika asked questions about my life, my likes, and other things which...
It all started like it did every day and it never seemed to end. Angela had been a perfect sister and daughter according to mom. Angela turned 13 and just went crazy. It all went downhill as Angela found new friends and started using drugs and our lives went from one crisis to another. Tonight it was the worst ever and Angela hit mom, I stepped in and separated them, then put Angela in her room. Mom said "Robert you're responsible for your older sister now and I want you to control her." Mom...
by Vegan Brie (Prologue) To whom it may concern, I embrace constructive criticism. I’m writing a great adventure, both sexually awakening, emotional expressive, and captivating. It is a sex story yes but there will actually be substance to the story, so there might be some slow spots at first, i suggest drinking lots of liquids this is a marathon not a sprint. Beginning of Act (1) Chapter {One} Roller-Coasters of Emotion It was a bright crisp day in May, and the clocks were...
This is an email I received today from my husband - please do not copy or steal, it is original:We have a weekend arranged without k**s for our anniversary and agree that it's time for us to do something special...We get dressed up in our fanciest clothes, me suited and booted - looking immaculate and muscular after my recent gym workouts. You're all made up, looking beautiful and sexy in a revealing black dress that shows your amazing curves and more cleavage than you're usually comfortable...
We have been living together for four years now and, step by step, i Found out that my husband really loves to dominate me and once in a while He comes with new ideas to increase the pleasures of our home life. Besides the fact that he never, but never, pisses outside my mouth when We are together, sometimes he “saves” all his afternoon piss to me when He is at work. He comes home running, takes his dick out, i go down on my Knees and open my mouth for his use. I must say that i am very...
Hi all iss reader mera naam Sneha hai aur mein baroda me rehti bussiness ke silsile pura desh ghmti rehti hu isliye mera sex karne ka bahot man hota hai par majbur hu.agar aap ko mujse dosti karni ho to pls call me on 09825358299. Now i started my story When I got married my husband was in perfect shape and we had an awesome sex life. Now we’ve been together for three years and he gained a lot of weight – over eighty pounds and it’s a huge turn off for me. His energy levels are very low...
OK……lets teach you all how to have GREAT ANAL. So read on, print off and take these tips to the bedroom....or wherever takes your fancy.1) Get yourself clean before getting dirty: Use a douche if you have one and that obviously will get you really clean. It makes for the best Anal too.2) Get really horny: Lots of foreplay works well so she is really hot.3) Be relaxed: If you or your partner is uptight it isn’t going to go well and may ruin it. Also if it doesn’t go well the first time...
As I swallowed your precious semen I didn’t stop liking your dick I didn’t want to stop o loved the noise you made but I knew that there was nothing more. So I got up once again kissing every inch of your body. Up to you nipples given that was as high as I could go and you passed you hand through me neck and made me look up. I will never forget that satisfaction look you had I had accomplished what I was looking for. I have just given you the best dick like you had ever had. You put your...
Straight SexIt had been a few weeks since I had had my first man on man, “Gay” experience. It had happened outside a club, in a drunken haze. I had met him there and although there were lots of girls, we had both struck out. On thing lead to another and before to long, I was sucking his cock. It just sort of happened.On thing I knew for sure afterwards though, is I was gay for cock. I mean, cock crazy. I found myself searching out gay porn online and quickly admitted to my self, I was totally into men. I...
Nicola had a young builder guy working on her house. She admired his physique through the window appreciatively. She took him a cup of tea."Thank you Ma'am." he said.That's good Nicola thought, a young man with some respect. She brushed against him and ferltg him tense up. That's good too she thought, he's interested. She touched his upper arm, her delicate slim perfectly manicured fingers spanning his bulging bicep."My," she purred at him, "you are a well developed lad, aren't you?"He blushed...
I felt Mel stir and then the two of us needed to go to the bathroom. I followed her in and watched her perch on the toilet cutely, peeing forcefully into the bowl while I waited my turn. She wiped, and then got up, lifting the seat out of courtesy. That impressed me. Most women I’d known wouldn’t have thought of that. She moved to the sink and washed her hands while I pissed. I took a bit of toilet paper and wiped the last drop from the head before I flushed our combined urine and went to...
Flashback – Ben – Beslan Sitting in the tree wasn't getting me anywhere. In fact, it was just getting me pissed off! Since the terrorists had smashed the windows, I could hear the turmoil inside. The terrorists had moved all the hostages into the gym and had wired the building with explosives. I was just getting ready to leave the tree, when ... What the fuck! I heard two ballistic cracks but NO report from the rifle – somewhere there was a sniper with a suppressed weapon. I listened...
It was a crummy day outside, almost no one was at the Gym, which was fine with me, I hated having to wait to use the equipment like when it was busy. There was one guy there who seemed as focused on his workout as I was. To say he was buff is an understatement and I had to admire his dedication to what he was doing. I went to one of the mirrors and checked my own progress, I have to admit it was almost laughable, I was beginning to think that I was simply destined to be that scrawny 90 pound...
(Author unknown)Simon laid on the bed, carefully washed clean with all the mud removed by the nurses in the casualty department who dressed him in the open backed gown. He was lying on top of the bed clothes, covered by a white cellular blanket with his left leg splinted on both sides with wooden splints and bandaged together firmly. He'd been given a rather painful intramuscular injection into his right thigh, to help with the pain, which left him feeling sleepy and with a rather pleasant...