Changes In Donna free porn video

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I guess you could say it started innocently enough

I guess you could say it started innocently enough.? I was trying to get my wife to let go of her inhibitions a little, that?s all.? I suppose I?d better explain.?


Donna is a conservative lover.? She was raised in the belief that sex is between married people trying to make babies, not just for the sheer fun of it.? So she?d spread her legs and let me in, almost as often as I wanted.? She?d lie there if I was on top or she?d climb on top of me and let me enjoy the way her boobs bounce and sway if that?s what I wanted.? She?s also let me take her doggie style for a change.? But she?d almost never initiate sex and explained that her lack of imagination was the reason she refused to tell me ?how? we were going to screw when we?d mess around.? If she didn?t occasionally shake her butt at me by way of invitation, I?d think that she was frigid and putting out only because she knew I expected it.? She hardly ever used coarse language either. She?d tell me to ?put it in her? and if really pressed on the matter, I could occasionally get her to say the words, ?just fuck me?, although cunt, pussy and cock were taboo and therefore not part of her vocabulary.? Once in a while she?d groan while I was fucking her, but I never really knew if that was because she was enjoying it or whether I was hurting her.? Otherwise she was the quietest woman I?d ever known in bed, almost totally silent.? Oral sex meant talking about sex. And as for anal sex, well that?s the last sex act I?d ever do while my dick was connected to my body, she?d say.



These days it?s like she?s trying to get the neighbors attention, judging by the volume of her squeals, cries and verbal encouragement.? She knows I love to hear her talk dirty and she says things to me like, ?Stretch my cunt as wide as a 10 cent whore?s? or, ?Cant you get your cock deeper into my sluttish pussy??? I haven?t even mentioned the skill she?s acquired at the art of oral sex, sex in public places, and the way she can tease me just by her clothing choices.? You?ve never heard anything as erotic as your wife telling you that the telephone repairman?s cock doesn?t make her pussy feel nearly as full as yours.? I?ve never come in such quantity, either.? In the past, it was a little squirt inside her vagina and it was all over.? A few times lately I?ve been straddling her while she sucks my cock and despite the fact that she now eagerly finishes the job with her mouth, which is still a novelty for me, I?ve had to pull out and spray her boobs, just so I can watch her spread the mess around like a quality body lotion.


So what in the world could affect such a change?? You?re right to think it?s like I?m talking about two different women, because in a way, I am.? ?Old? Donna was insecure, always ill and feeling her age.? ?New? Donna is as young as she feels, loves to please her man in any way she can and has a ?fuck you? attitude towards the people who frown on her when she breezes through the supermarket in one of her ?I?m 55 and I love to fuck? outfits.? The wonderful thing is that she hasn?t changed her basic principles.? She still believes in God, loves animals and is a reliable friend.? The changes I?ve described are all due to an ad she saw while surfing the Internet.


Donna spends a lot of time on the net since she?s home all day anyway.? She enjoys getting what she calls her, ?freebies? and the ad that changed her life was one of those things.? She may have mentioned it when she first filled out the website?s application.? I simply don?t remember.? I do remember the day the information arrived in the mail.? Donna was having one of her, ?meds aren?t working? days.? When I got home, I checked the mail and saw the big packet, about the size of a bag of chips and in fact made of foil, just like a chip packet.? I took the mail inside like I usually do and was interested in the packet as it was so unusual.? Donna couldn?t be bothered opening it, so I did.? There was a little package inside the bigger one containing two pills and a letter from a company calling itself, B.A.B.Y. or ?Be a Better you? as I found out from reading the enclosure.? They made claims like any company attempting to drum up business, but this one peaked my interest.? It advertised that they guaranteed you could be, ?The best spouse ever,? for an application fee of $50.00, payable on acceptance of the application, with no additional or hidden charges later.? There were two forms in the packet, labeled ?participant and spouse? for each partner to individually complete and seal in the pouches provided.? I looked at the ?spouse? form and was surprised at some of the intimate details they were requesting from me, like ?How often do you masturbate,? and check-boxes so I could select the length and girth of my penis.? They also asked other pretty weird questions that, at the time, I couldn?t imagine them needing the answers to either, such as, ?Would you divorce an unfaithful spouse?? and, ?What?s your favorite sexual act??? There was a warning on the form too.? I?ll never forget what it said.? ?If you?re completely happy with your spouse and don?t want them to be released from their inhibitions, go no further.? Do not complete or return this form.?? So it was going to be up to me?? It wasn?t me the program was going to be for!? But if there was ever a form that I wanted to complete more, just because of the nature of the questions, I?d never seen it. I had to take a peek at the form Donna was being asked to complete and saw that there were disclaimers and authorizations to be signed without divulging the reasons for them, along with the same sort of personal questions, a few sexual in nature.? The one question that stood out like a neon light to me was, ?Will you do anything for your spouse? (Yes/No).?? There was no gray area.? No ?Yes/No/Maybe/When-I-feel-like-it or When-Hell-Freezes-Over,? options.? I put the forms aside and continued to read the advertising they?d sent.? They claimed that the participant would look better and feel better than they had ever felt about themselves before, guaranteed!? To my way of thinking, a guarantee is a thing that promises something will do what it claims, or you get your money back.? If all they could do for Donna was to make her feel better than ever before, it was worth $50.00!? I kept reading and found the catch, if that?s what it could be called.? If she were selected, Donna would be required to spend two weeks away from home, participating in a program at their facility in Louisiana.? They would provide accommodation but the participants would need to furnish their own meals, as there would be no stores available on-site.? They promised that a shopping list of items they?d need would be provided upon acceptance.


By this time, Donna had been listening to me muttering to myself for quite a few minutes as I?d flipped through the pages they?d sent and she?d worked up a little curiosity.? I passed the packet to her with the comment that this had to be the cheapest vacation ever, and with a guarantee too!? I asked her to take a look at it and if she was still interested, I thought it?d be worth the money.


The long and short of it was that she agreed to apply, so we sat down and completed each of our questionnaires.? Once that was done and they were safely sealed up, I returned to the pills, which were the ?freebie? part of the package.? The instructions on the package advertised them as Omega3 supplements. With all the meds Donna was taking, I was concerned enough about medication conflicts to read further. The packaging said they were all-natural and had no known side effects, but would give the body at least a 14% increase in energy for a period of 24 hours, to be taken weekly.? Under the heading, ?Participants please read,? were instructions to hold onto the pills and take one as soon as she received a call from B.A.B.Y. acknowledging receipt of our application and the other exactly 7 days later.? Donna wanted to take the first one immediately, but I disagreed, suggesting that there must be a reason the first had to be taken when they said.


The next day I returned the completed package and it was only 3 days later that the call came and Donna was able to take her pill.? They were right, according to Donna.? I suppose I ought to have been concerned that she was taking some kind of speed, but for some reason I didn?t believe that the company would give away something that could get them into legal trouble.? Whatever was in that pill though, certainly did have one side effect.? It was probably only 2 hours after she?d taken it that she did the butt-wiggling thing?


Six days after she?d taken the first pill, Donna was ready to take the second.? She would have, even though the instructions specified 7 days, except that she got another call from B.A.B.Y. She?d been selected and would leave in 7 days, so she?d have to take the second pill on schedule.? I went online and sent them the money and Donna took her second pill, on schedule the next day.


A week later, I was bidding Donna farewell and good luck.


The next two weeks went really slowly for me as I awaited Donna?s return.? There were no phone calls allowed, except in case of emergency, so in a way I was glad she didn?t call, which meant there were no emergencies.? I kept myself busy with work, taking care of the animals and fixing the place up as best as I was able, so it?d be nice when she got back.? Mostly, I spent the time wondering what she was doing.


When she returned, she was a different person.? I was waiting in the driveway when she pulled in and as soon as she opened the car door I could see it.? She was grinning from ear to ear and that was something I hadn?t seen in a long time!? My cock was soon at attention too.? This woman was not Donna, or at least not the Donna I knew.? I?m familiar with practically everything in ?my? Donna?s wardrobe and although she was wearing clothing I vaguely recognized, it was as far removed from the last time I?d seen any of it on her as the Earth from the moon.? She was braless, which was obvious under a button-down top, with the top buttons undone to display plenty of cleavage and she wore short-shorts which she?d fashioned herself.? I could practically see her sex peeking out at the crotch!? Then her first words staggered me further.? She told me she?d really missed me, ?And my cock,? and asked if I was ready for some ?Hot fucking.??


Needless to say it wasn?t 2 minutes later that we were in the house, kissing all over each other.? When she finally let me up for air, she told me that I?d been a very naughty husband and had caused her to have to do all sorts of extra homework before she?d been allowed to, ?graduate?.? I really did mean to ask her what she meant by that, but found my mouth unwilling to cooperate with my brain because she?d started to strip.? Not a matter of taking off her clothes in preparation for sex, but a full striptease, with emphasis on the ?tease?. She?d even made adjustments to the plain underwear she favored.? Imagine a pair of regular, high-cut panties with most of the front vee cut away and all of the back vee removed, turning them into a sort of fantasy thong. The next thing I knew, she was naked on her knees in front of me, unzipping my jeans.? I remember thinking to myself that if I didn?t know any better I would think I was about to get a blowjob from this goddess.? And that is exactly what happened!? Not just a matter of accepting my dick in her mouth, but a fervent attempt to get me to cum there.? I had to practically wrestle her mouth off me before I completely lost it.? I eventually pulled her to her feet and began running my hands over her body.? Lots of ?Ooooh? and ?Aaaah? and ?that feels so good? sounds came from her and when my fingers found her sex, I was delighted to find her practically dripping on the carpet.


?Bend me over the bed and ram that baseball bat of yours into me from behind.? I wanna feel it fill me up while you play with my tits, you motherfucker.?


I didn?t come on the spot but it was a close thing.? After I wrenched my own clothes off I finally got my mouth in gear and managed to ask as I slipped into her, ?What the fuck happened and where?s my Donna?? And don?t ever let that Donna come back!? I laughed.


?They said you?d want to know, so, to put it bluntly, I got fucked over pretty good while I was there, both mentally and physically.? They said you?d be pleased with the result, and from the feel of it, you are!?


?You had sex while you were there?? I asked, my quickening strokes reflecting the excitement I felt.


?Cumming? cumming now,? she screamed, before panting that she?d fucked the whole staff at one time or another.


It was altogether too much for me.? I spasmed and began jerking as if I was having an epileptic fit, filling her with more sperm than I thought my body could ever produce.


?You are sooo going to have to give me details,? I whispered as I came down from my climax.


?I?ll tell you over dinner, but for right now, let?s get you cleaned up,? she said.?


Instead of getting a cloth or anything, she simply scooted down the bed and took my wet, slippery, still fairly stiff member into her mouth, causing me to nearly pass out in ecstasy


I couldn?t help it.? I was ready again.? She just kept on sucking, as much of it as she could swallow, until I came, right in her mouth!? She cleaned me up then took off for the bathroom not realizing that I would have done for her what she?d just done for me, cummy pussy and all.


Poking her head around the master bath door, she said, ?Dinner?s going to be in about half an hour.? Think you can get your tired old bones up to the carryout and pick us up a bottle of wine?? Get something red, okay??


Wine? Donna?? Wow, what a change! I thought as I struggled into my clothes.


Donna?s always been a good cook, but that night I couldn?t say whether the food was good or not.? My full attention was on my wife; what she was wearing and what she was saying.


Chapter II


?I was mad, I can tell you, when I got there.? I had to park a mile from the complex and tote my suitcase all by myself.? There were others arriving at the same time as me and they were having the same issues as me.? Eventually a guy offered to help me.? He had a lot less to carry than I did.?


?There were guys there too?? I asked, trying to look at her face and not her boobs, which were straining, braless, against a too small, cut-off tee shirt.? Her nipples were poking at me and I knew she knew she was having an effect on me.? I also knew she was playing it cool and was refusing to notice me looking at her as I was.


?Sure.? There was nothing in the ad that suggested it was a women-only thing was there??


?I guess not,? I said, my mind turning circles as I tried to figure out if this information counted as a valid piece of the puzzle.? I love figuring out how a story is going to unfold.


?Anyway, there were 15 of us there all together, and we had to wait in the foyer for ages before anyone showed up.? But when she did, you could hear a collective gasp from all of us.? She was really pretty, sure, but it was what she was wearing that caused this reaction.? It was something like a Cat woman suit, only without the mask or tail.? She had these stiletto heels on and of course the molded bodysuit.? She wore her dark hair in a severe ponytail and quite heavy makeup. When she smiled at us though, it was like someone had increased the lighting.? I?ll never forget her smile.? It made us all forget for a moment that we had just been made to walk a mile.? She told us she was sure we?d be tired from our walk but that there had been a reason for it, although she didn?t say what the reason was at the time.? She just asked us to take our stuff and head through the doors marked ?his? and ?hers?.? I was already wondering what I?d gotten myself into, or rather what ?you? had gotten me into, as I went through the doorway, but after that, I was sure ?you? had made a mistake, sending me here.? I was a white room with bleachers and large lockers.? A woman in a tight white tee shirt and shorts greeted us.? Oh, by the way, there were 12 of us including me.? She had us open our bags and remove the grocery items we?d brought.? Everything else went back into the suitcases and bags.? Then she told us all to remove our shoes and outer clothing and put them in our bags too.? A few of the women didn?t seem to mind.? They just began undressing.? A few of us older ones were more self-conscious about it.? I know I didn?t really want anyone seeing the scrappy old bra I was wearing!? One of the others asked if it was necessary and was told in no uncertain terms that it was indeed necessary.? Eventually everyone else was in their underwear or less, since a few of the women hadn?t bothered with bras and it just seemed to be the right thing to do to strip down too.


The woman in white produced a clipboard and had everyone sign yet another disclaimer before being directed through the rear doorway and around a corner.?


?What was on the disclaimer,? I asked.


?I had no idea at the time.? I just saw the word ?disclaimer? and signed it.? So did everyone else.?


?Oh?, I said.


?So I signed it and went round the corner.? Another woman in white shirt and shorts pointed towards a door at the end of a corridor.? The woman who?d signed the disclaimer before me was just going through that door. I wandered down this corridor, and it felt really strange, being inside what could have been an office block, just wandering down a corridor in only bra and panties.


Anyway, I find myself in another room, where a third woman, this time a stacked, mid-twenties redhead, in what I began to think of as a tennis outfit, was issuing each woman with a numbered tag on a necklace.


Once all twelve of us are in this room, we?re instructed to remove our undergarments, put them in the cubbies against the wall that match the numbers on our tags, then follow her into the showers.? Without even waiting for a response, this woman then pulls the tee shirt over her head and steps out of her shorts, placing them in an un-numbered cubby.? She?s not even wearing panties, let alone a bra, so she?s standing there naked, with these huge tits that I?m thinking must be silicone, and a little red bush on display, her hands on her hips as if posing, waiting for us to get naked too.? Well eventually we do, and she herds us through another door into the shower room, where the showers are already running and the steam is thick.? Well there?s soap and shampoo already there, so we begin to shower ? have you ever had to shower with a bunch of other women?? Well, I guess in your case it?d be men!? But have you?? It?s a little weird at first.? But the weirdest thing is when the redhead comes up behind me and begins soaping my back, right down to between the cheeks of my ass, ignoring my comments that I could do it myself.? She was practically finger fucking me!? Then she casually moved on to the next woman.


I don?t know exactly when it was, but suddenly one of the women let out a shriek and yelled, ?there?s a MAN in here!?? Well, it turns out that there were three men in there; the three men who were in the program.? They were as naked as we were and seemed to be about as embarrassed as we were.? Another trainer, well, we found out later that that?s what her title was, just told us all to calm down and accept that modesty would be out for 2 weeks, per the disclaimer we?d signed.? One of the women refused to accept that and eventually, the redhead led her out.?


?What happened to her??


?Patience my little man!? Let me tell the story my way.?


?So anyway, here we were, a bunch of naked women of all ages, some fat, some skinny and some pretty darned hot, even if I do say so, in this big ol? shower room with three, cute, naked young guys.? Then they all started getting hard!? I felt sorry for them at first, thinking how embarrassing it must have been for them.? Until the other trainer, this one a cute little Asian girl, just grabbed a bar of soap, lathered up her hands, and started jacking off two of the guys!? One with each hand!? While she jacked them off, she apologized and said Tina, that was the redhead, would usually have been there to help.? Then she did something even more incredible.? She actually asked for a volunteer to help with the other guy.? I can tell you now, that at the time I was thinking that if I weren?t married and didn?t care what the others thought, I?d have volunteered to do it myself.? But you know how I was? He was a real honey though!? One of the younger girls volunteered, although she was so nervous, she was a little clumsy and dropped the soap twice before lathering her hands up.? It was sort of surrealistic.? Everyone watched as Stephanie, that was the Asian girl?s name, and Carol, who was the young one, jacked off these three guys right in front of us until they all came. One of them came so hard he got spunk on Carol?s boobs, even though he was standing a foot away from her. It was quite amazing really.? We all went from being freaked out about men seeing us naked to being pretty cool about it really quickly.? I guess Stephanie?s method of breaking the ice really works? not that I can imagine wanking a guy off in preference to shaking his hand as an icebreaker? although? that could be fun! Hehehe,?


?So what happened next? I asked.


?Well, I remember that the girls all began talking at once and then somehow, we all sorta got relaxed and began acting as if it was nothing to be naked.? That is until later, when everyone, especially me, got all embarrassed again.? You see, we were given towels to dry off, but then the towels were taken away again and this time, we were all led down a corridor similar to the first, but this time as a group, and this time completely nude.? We were taken to another room and lined up against a wall.? We had to stand there while our measurements were all taken.? I mean ALL too.? You know what?? They even measured my areolas!? But get this.? There were just as many male trainers in the room as female ones!

I was so embarrassed I just about fainted when this handsome young guy in his early 20?s came up to me and told me what he was going to do.? He was all business, but still? in short order, he was on his knees in front of me, telling me to spread my legs so he could open my cunt up and take measurements of my gear down below.? Of course he didn?t use the word ?cunt?.? He was very polite.? It was more like, Ma?am; I need to need to take measurements of your inner lips and overall vulva dimensions.? Please spread your legs and I?ll get this done as quickly as I can.? Two of the women flatly refused and like the woman in the shower room, were led away.? One of those three guys I was telling you about caused a bit of trouble, because he got another erection and it was a male trainer who was taking his measurements.? Steve, that was the trainer?s name, wanted to go ahead and jack him off again, so his dick could be measured in its flaccid state, but Tony, that was the guy?s name, didn?t want him to.? He was so embarrassed and so apologetic, yet every time Steve grabbed his dick, Tony would automatically pull away.? Eventually Tina, a female trainer in her mid forties, just came over, dropped to her knees in front of him, slipped a condom over his shaft and gobbled him up.? Just to give you an idea of how good she was, Tony came within 60 seconds.? She didn?t make any sort of production out of it either.? He came, she stripped off the condom and cleaned him up, then got to her feet and went back to the girl she was working on so Steve could finish his job.? As I said, it was all done in a very business-like fashion.


Next was the medical exam.? There?s not much to tell about that, except that I?ve never had a room full of people around me while the doctor had me in the stirrups before.? I?ve never seen a guy get checked for venereal disease before either.? I didn?t know they took a swab just like with women.


Our last stop of the day was to be dinner, but before that, we were all led back down the hall to another room, which turned out to be a costume room.? We were given free reign to select any of the pre-matched outfits we wanted, but we weren?t allowed to mix and match and we only had a couple of minutes to choose.? There were about 4 different types of outfits in all sizes.? You?ll like this, Hon, because all they were offering was outfits along the line of what you?d always tried to get me to wear.? You know, short skirts, halter tops, wraparound dresses that show a lot of leg??


?Let me guess,? I said.? You chose a miniskirt and some sort of revealing top?? I asked.


?On the first day? No way!? But you would have been pleased, I think.? I was thinking of you while I was putting it on, you know.? Of course we didn?t get our underwear back right away, so I was nude under it.? It was a sundress that fell to just above the knee and really gaped in front so that when I bent over, my tits were on full view to anyone standing in front of me.? I was a little surprised at the time that many of the younger women actually chose the miniskirt combo.? I mean the skirts were really short and just covered their pussies and asses and didn?t even do that, if they moved too quickly.? The tops were made in two styles; that stretchy material that squashes your tits and makes it easy to see your nipples, then another type that?s sleeveless and has an extra big neckline so it would gape all over the place.? Most of the women selected the tight tops, but a few went with the other one.? The guys didn?t get a choice.? They were issued with undershirts and loose sweatpants.? I thought it was funny when I saw them dressed, because I couldn?t decide if the pants hid, or emphasized everything they had, because of the way the guys? equipment would swing and jiggle when they moved.


So we got dressed and went to the dining room, where everything was ready for us.? We took our seats and the three girls that had protested earlier, including the one from the shower, came marching out with trays of food.? I said marching, but I guess I ought to have said mincing, coz each wore heels but was otherwise naked? if you didn?t count the fact that each of them had a tail.?


?What do you mean by ?A tail?,? I asked, dumfounded.


?Well, it turns out that these guys encouraged us by embarrassing us, among other things, if we didn?t do what we were told when we were told to do it.? So imagine this.? Take Amada for example.? She was the girl from the shower.? Not only was she naked in front of the guys she was complaining about in the shower, but she also had to walk around serving food to everyone with a butt plug stuck up her ass. The tail was connected to the butt plug so no one would miss it.? I can tell you, it?s fucking uncomfortable to wear with heels!?


?You, tried it?!?


?It wasn?t by choice at the time, I can tell you!? But that?s what one of those disclaimers was all about.? Basically it said that we?d do everything we were told or we?d submit to corrective action.? Or we?d be fined $1,000? And that was enough incentive for me!?


?Wow, a grand!? We don?t have any new bills we didn?t have before you left I hope?? But I?m more interested in trying to visualize you with anything stuck up your virgin ass,? I said thoughtfully.


?Not virgin anymore, but let me continue.? Oh, and no, we don?t.? Have any extra bills, I mean.?


?Tell me about your rearward experiences!?


?All in good time!? I?ll get to that.? But anyway, after dinner, we went to our quarters for the night.? It was only like 7:30, but the day had taken its toll.? You know, mental stress and all that.??? So we?re in this big room with cots around an open area.? The guys were all assigned cots in a row, with the girls taking any of the rest of the cots that suited them.? A couple of the girls had been hanging with the guys, well, more like hanging all over Tony than the two others, and they had a little dispute over who got the cot next to Tony.? Anyway, Stephanie stepped in and reminded the girls that the guys had partners at home and all that good stuff.? Well the girls decided they didn?t care about that, so Stephanie suggested that the one that was best at sex would get the cot next to his.?


?They had sex with him right there??


?Well no, but I think they probably would have.? These are two very competitive girls, who, I must add, have become the best of friends, by the way.? So Stephanie tells them that if they really want to compete to sleep next to him, they can do it by competing in a sex competition.? What they had to do was to race each other to bring off the two other guys using just their hands.? Whoever could make their guy cum first was the winner.?


?And they agreed??


?Eventually.? I thought one of them was going to chicken out, but neither did.? So they had their little competition and one of them won, getting a big glob of cum on her cheek for her trouble.? The other one would have stopped jacking her guy off, if Stephanie hadn?t insisted that she finish what she started.


We all had to sleep nude since the trainers didn?t want us to wrinkle our outfits, and even though we?d all been around each other naked for a number of hours I was still a little shy, so I was in bed pretty quickly.? Some of the others didn?t mind and were sitting around chatting with their newfound friends, right up until lights-out, which is to say lights-down, since they didn?t really turn the lights off at all.? The part that took some getting used to was that the bathroom only had one stall and both girls and guys had to use it, so there was a bit of a line for the early hours of the night.? And it was a line of naked girls and guys, since all our outfits had been put up for the night.? I held on as long as I could, hoping to get out of bed and run right in, but I could only hold it so long before I was in line, waiting impatiently for my turn.


The next day, we got up, got dressed and had to do a workout before we could even have breakfast.? It was quite a sight seeing all these people working out with body parts popping out of outfits all over the place.? The guys had to do their whole workout with their dicks obviously hard in their pants. Julie, that?s the girl who?d lost the competition the night before, asked Tony, right in front of everyone, if he?d like her to suck his dick. Emily, one of the trainers, nixed that idea saying that it?d only make it better for him if he had to wait.?


?Wait for what?? I asked.


?I?m gonna get a bit ahead of myself if I tell you, but suffice to say that the test results hadn?t come back so no one had been declared ?safe?.? Anyway, after breakfast, we all got another shower and this time some of the girls spent most of their time teasing the guys instead of being self-conscious about their own nudity.? This one girl called Natalie, a chubby little thing with huge tits, was really trying to embarrass the guys by soaping herself up real good and suggesting that they could rinse her off if they wanted to.? None of them did but I could see that Tim was getting up the courage to do it before they shut off the water on us.


After our shower, went back to the costume room and we had to select a different outfit.? I wanted to get another dress, but we were told it had to be something different to what we?d worn the day before.? So I ended up with a beach sarong that only hid everything if I stood still, and I quickly found that there wasn?t going to be a whole lot of standing still!? So we met in the training room and that?s when the fun really started, although I didn?t think so at the time.? Our first lesson was called, ?Whack the Back?, or something stupid like that.? Basically it involved pairing up and complimenting each other.? Sounds easy huh??


?And that?s all you have to do??


?Well it sounds easy, but it gets hard pretty quickly.? I made a great start complimenting my partner, but try it sometime.? You?ll run out of compliments pretty quickly.? In the end, I had to start complimenting the way her legs looked as she sat, cross-legged on the floor in front of me and how nice her nipples looked straining against the fabric of her blouse.? If we didn?t think our partner?s compliment was genuine, we could have the trainer adjudicate.? I would have been happy to accept anything my partner said except that she called the trainer on me first and I had to return the favor.?


?What did you say to her??


?It was silly.? I said something like; ?I like the way you look at Tony sometimes.?? She got all upset and called Steve over and told him what I?d said.? Well the penalty for a bad compliment is a smack on the ass, and that?s just what he did.? Oh, by the way, if you call the trainer over and it turns out that they agree with the compliment, you get a whack for being a poor sport.? I got one when my partner commented on how soft my pubic hair looked.? Okay, I complained because she embarrassed me!? But I got her back.? I surprised myself by complimenting her on how cute her clit looked, peeping out between her pussy lips while she sat there. She got embarrassed and a spanking.? I guess it was all done in good fun though.? She?d say stuff to embarrass me and I?d say stuff to embarrass her.? We both got our share of whacks by the trainer before the round was over though!? We probably played ten rounds, each pairing up with someone else, until it got easy to flips off a compliment with hardly a thought.? I was proud of myself the first time I complimented Gary on the cute curve his erection obtained when it got hard. Can you even imagine me thinking such a thing much less saying it before I went there??


?Ahhh? no, not at all!? I responded.


?When the game was over, the trainers announced lunch and told us that we?d all passed our physicals, which meant we?d be able to do some touchy-feely training in the afternoon.? I was definitely worried about that at first!? I have to admit that this was when I learned about how it felt to wear a butt plug.? To make a long story short, our afternoon class revolved around oral sex and I refused to be a part of it.? I stupidly felt that it was bad enough having to take your cock in my mouth much less someone who was almost a stranger!? I was crying by the time they took me out of the room and almost in hysterics by the time they?d finished helping me understand what the disclaimer I?d signed was all about.? Eventually I calmed down and I did what they wanted.? I spent a couple of hours sucking on a rubber dildo and after I?d served dinner naked with the butt plug in my ass, I was made to enthusiastically volunteer my services to every male there and let at least one of them cum in my mouth.? Before that, I didn?t know that cocks actually have a taste, and yours tastes better than some babe!?


?Well thank you!? I laughed.


?So what else did you learn??


?So you?re getting bored with my story now?? she asked.


?It?s not that!? I protested.? ?It?s just that it seems you?ve gone from prissy to slut in two weeks and that?s great!? But what did they get out of it??


?Didn?t I tell you already?? They got to film the whole personality change for a reality TV-type movie, sex and all.? There were video cameras in the showers, the training rooms, the exercise area and even the dining room.? Every time we practiced having sex or learned a new thing, the camera would be watching.?


?But didn?t that just make you more embarrassed??


?At first, but it?s easy to forget after a while.? And they didn?t even tell us at first anyway.? In fact we didn?t find out until after lunch that second day.? I got to see myself on film just before graduation too, taking Tony?s cock up my ass for the first time after wetting him up with my pussy.? He was hung like a pony and you could see it on my face as I sat on his cock.? But it was worth it.? Fuck he was a good screw,? she said in a dreamy voice, her mind obviously thinking back to it. ?Would you mind rubbing my pussy a little while I continue?? This story-telling business is making me horny!?


Without even waiting for me to agree she snuggled up closer to me on the couch and simply hiked her miniskirt up to her waist exposing her naked pelvis.? She placed my hand where she wanted it and helped lead it in the motions she wanted me to make.


?Ahh, that?s better!? she exclaimed.? Anyway, where was I?? Oh yes.? I thought I?d hate to see myself on video, but even though my tits and my tummy sag, I was giving him a good time and I was very proud that I can still make a cock hard for me.? I think they?re gonna keep that part on the finished movie too,? she said proudly.? ?You may even get to see the part where I actually sucked on a pussy while taking Tom in my cunt and Steve?s smaller cock up my ass at the same time.? A girl?s never the same after she?s had two cocks in her at once.? We?re going to get a copy once the editing?s finished.?


?I never even thought about it when you said you?d fucked the whole staff, but that means you even had sex with women, too!?


?Well it?s not my idea of a great fuck, since I do like to have a cock in me, but women sure do know how to eat pussy!?


?You used to be repulsed by the idea of dykes and stuff!?


?Yeah well it wasn?t all sex that happened there, you know.? We did all sorts of other self-help stuff, including getting to know others and ourselves, so that we can better understand how things interact.? But the hard part was letting go of my fear that people would treat me differently if I acted differently.? You know I was brought up in a home that treated sex as a sin and it was a little hard to let go of that, let alone come to grips with the idea that same sex fun is okay too.? It was just as hard for Tony.? He eventually got it, just as I did, but it took longer for us.? But that was okay, coz they put the two of us together a lot to catch up with everyone else?s training, so I got to practice a lot of stuff on the biggest guy there!?


?What did they say that made such a big difference though??


?Oh the biggest thing was the relaxation and hypnotism sessions.? The first one was the hardest, because they brought me out of my first trance just as I was about to cum.?




?Well they hypnotized me, then had me masturbate for the class.? It was sort of funny.? I really didn?t know how to do it, even hypnotized!? But eventually I figured out what felt good and I was away.? While I was masturbating myself, they were suggesting a whole bunch of things for me to subconsciously think about.? Then they simply brought me out of the trance they had me in.? I never came so hard in my life, but it sure was embarrassing!? I think they did it that way to reinforce the ideas they were suggesting.?


?So they brainwashed you??


?No, they simply put forward a whole bunch of ideas I wouldn?t usually have listened to, much less considered, then associated those ideas with the action and result of a couple of them.? You know, they suggested how much fun sex is then allowed me to lose my inhibitions enough to frig off in front of others.? They weren?t trying to reprogram me but they were definitely trying to erase the bad programming so I could enjoy re-learning about sex!? Actually having to choose which woman I was going to practice oral sex on was another tough one, but by then, I?d kinda gotten used to being pretty close to Brie.? Did I tell you about her??


I shook my head.? That was a new name to me.


?Brie?s nice.? She?s 21 and she?s a little ball of fire.? She was always having fun but she suffered a little from depression.? Well that?s fixed now, anyway!? She?s a little plump, but she?s really pretty, with big titties that she was real self-conscious about at first.? She?s only about 4? 10? tall, so next to me, she?s practically a midget!? I?ve got her number, so I?m going to have her over to stay sometime.? Maybe she?d even like to show you what we learned!?


?I thought you said you weren?t into girl on girl stuff??


?I said I prefer to have a cock inside me.? But if Brie?s here to give us some additional attention, that?d be great!? Anyway, I?d like to know how her reunion with her man went.? She was always a little vague about him.? I mean she told us his name and why she was there, but I got the feeling there was a lot more than what she said.?


?Some deep, dark secret?? I wondered out loud.


?I hope so!? I do love secrets!? And that was another thing they showed us, which is why if Brie has a secret it must be a doozie.?


?What do you mean??


I suppose I?d better give you a quick overview of the treatment program.? But I think you?re making me too worked up with that evil hand of yours.? Are you ready to put your Cadillac in my garage yet, lover?? In fact, I?d like you to use the servant?s entrance around the back, if you?re up for it?? I haven?t had a cock in my ass in days.? It?ll shrink if I don?t get something big in there soon,? she grinned, before reaching for my straining zipper and simultaneously leaning forward so her face was just inches from my crotch.?


She got me out of my jeans like a por and was quickly feasting on my manhood.? She sucked until it was slick with her spittle, then stood up, turned around and waggled her but at me.


?I?m tight, but I?m ready.? Just ease it in slowly at first, okay??


Like I needed any prompting!? And she was right.? She was tight!? Once she got past the pressure-groans and I was faithfully pumping into her at a stead pace, she finally found her voice and continued her story.


?I already told you how they make their money, or at least part of it,? she panted.? ?The second part is that I?m going to have to make a regular porno for them, sometime in the next 12 months.? No biggie after what I?ve done so far, but I thought you should know that your wife is going to be a famous porn star, just in case you have a problem with that,? she squealed as I thrust into her particularly deeply.


?Well of course not!? Another fantasy come true!? I exclaimed, looking down at my member disappearing into her ass.


?Well it seems that those little pills we got in the mail, the ones that came in the freebie sample pack, naturally increase the libido, then their effect combined with the herbs mixed into our meals, make that Viagra stuff guys take look like aspirin compared with Excedrin.? It?s a super-stimulant that actually enhances awareness instead of the other way around.? And totally legal too. They?ve patented the product but aren?t releasing it to the general public.? We?re the lucky ones who can get it directly from them.? It just takes a little while to build up in the system, that?s all.? So we have sex.? Lots of sex.? We have classes in social interaction, politics and psychology too.? The psychology ones were the best, because as you take them, you find that they?re stripping away the layers of social conditioning and explaining exactly what they?re doing.? In just a couple of weeks, I learned enough about myself and those around me that I guarantee you I could walk into any company and get them to hire me, one way or another.? Just because I can figure out what they?re looking for before they even know it.? Oh fuck your cock?s long.? Oh fuck, oh fuck, I?m cummingggggg?.?


I guess you could say it started innocently enough.? I was trying to get my wife to let go of her inhibitions a little, that?s all.? I suppose I?d better explain.?


Donna is a conservative lover.? She was raised in the belief that sex is between married people trying to make babies, not just for the sheer fun of it.? So she?d spread her legs and let me in, almost as often as I wanted.? She?d lie there if I was on top or she?d climb on top of me and let me enjoy the way her boobs bounce and sway if that?s what I wanted.? She?s also let me take her doggie style for a change.? But she?d almost never initiate sex and explained that her lack of imagination was the reason she refused to tell me ?how? we were going to screw when we?d mess around.? If she didn?t occasionally shake her butt at me by way of invitation, I?d think that she was frigid and putting out only because she knew I expected it.? She hardly ever used coarse language either. She?d tell me to ?put it in her? and if really pressed on the matter, I could occasionally get her to say the words, ?just fuck me?, although cunt, pussy and cock were taboo and therefore not part of her vocabulary.? Once in a while she?d groan while I was fucking her, but I never really knew if that was because she was enjoying it or whether I was hurting her.? Otherwise she was the quietest woman I?d ever known in bed, almost totally silent.? Oral sex meant talking about sex. And as for anal sex, well that?s the last sex act I?d ever do while my dick was connected to my body, she?d say.



These days it?s like she?s trying to get the neighbors attention, judging by the volume of her squeals, cries and verbal encouragement.? She knows I love to hear her talk dirty and she says things to me like, ?Stretch my cunt as wide as a 10 cent whore?s? or, ?Cant you get your cock deeper into my sluttish pussy??? I haven?t even mentioned the skill she?s acquired at the art of oral sex, sex in public places, and the way she can tease me just by her clothing choices.? You?ve never heard anything as erotic as your wife telling you that the telephone repairman?s cock doesn?t make her pussy feel nearly as full as yours.? I?ve never come in such quantity, either.? In the past, it was a little squirt inside her vagina and it was all over.? A few times lately I?ve been straddling her while she sucks my cock and despite the fact that she now eagerly finishes the job with her mouth, which is still a novelty for me, I?ve had to pull out and spray her boobs, just so I can watch her spread the mess around like a quality body lotion.


So what in the world could affect such a change?? You?re right to think it?s like I?m talking about two different women, because in a way, I am.? ?Old? Donna was insecure, always ill and feeling her age.? ?New? Donna is as young as she feels, loves to please her man in any way she can and has a ?fuck you? attitude towards the people who frown on her when she breezes through the supermarket in one of her ?I?m 55 and I love to fuck? outfits.? The wonderful thing is that she hasn?t changed her basic principles.? She still believes in God, loves animals and is a reliable friend.? The changes I?ve described are all due to an ad she saw while surfing the Internet.


Donna spends a lot of time on the net since she?s home all day anyway.? She enjoys getting what she calls her, ?freebies? and the ad that changed her life was one of those things.? She may have mentioned it when she first filled out the website?s application.? I simply don?t remember.? I do remember the day the information arrived in the mail.? Donna was having one of her, ?meds aren?t working? days.? When I got home, I checked the mail and saw the big packet, about the size of a bag of chips and in fact made of foil, just like a chip packet.? I took the mail inside like I usually do and was interested in the packet as it was so unusual.? Donna couldn?t be bothered opening it, so I did.? There was a little package inside the bigger one containing two pills and a letter from a company calling itself, B.A.B.Y. or ?Be a Better you? as I found out from reading the enclosure.? They made claims like any company attempting to drum up business, but this one peaked my interest.? It advertised that they guaranteed you could be, ?The best spouse ever,? for an application fee of $50.00, payable on acceptance of the application, with no additional or hidden charges later.? There were two forms in the packet, labeled ?participant and spouse? for each partner to individually complete and seal in the pouches provided.? I looked at the ?spouse? form and was surprised at some of the intimate details they were requesting from me, like ?How often do you masturbate,? and check-boxes so I could select the length and girth of my penis.? They also asked other pretty weird questions that, at the time, I couldn?t imagine them needing the answers to either, such as, ?Would you divorce an unfaithful spouse?? and, ?What?s your favorite sexual act??? There was a warning on the form too.? I?ll never forget what it said.? ?If you?re completely happy with your spouse and don?t want them to be released from their inhibitions, go no further.? Do not complete or return this form.?? So it was going to be up to me?? It wasn?t me the program was going to be for!? But if there was ever a form that I wanted to complete more, just because of the nature of the questions, I?d never seen it. I had to take a peek at the form Donna was being asked to complete and saw that there were disclaimers and authorizations to be signed without divulging the reasons for them, along with the same sort of personal questions, a few sexual in nature.? The one question that stood out like a neon light to me was, ?Will you do anything for your spouse? (Yes/No).?? There was no gray area.? No ?Yes/No/Maybe/When-I-feel-like-it or When-Hell-Freezes-Over,? options.? I put the forms aside and continued to read the advertising they?d sent.? They claimed that the participant would look better and feel better than they had ever felt about themselves before, guaranteed!? To my way of thinking, a guarantee is a thing that promises something will do what it claims, or you get your money back.? If all they could do for Donna was to make her feel better than ever before, it was worth $50.00!? I kept reading and found the catch, if that?s what it could be called.? If she were selected, Donna would be required to spend two weeks away from home, participating in a program at their facility in Louisiana.? They would provide accommodation but the participants would need to furnish their own meals, as there would be no stores available on-site.? They promised that a shopping list of items they?d need would be provided upon acceptance.


By this time, Donna had been listening to me muttering to myself for quite a few minutes as I?d flipped through the pages they?d sent and she?d worked up a little curiosity.? I passed the packet to her with the comment that this had to be the cheapest vacation ever, and with a guarantee too!? I asked her to take a look at it and if she was still interested, I thought it?d be worth the money.


The long and short of it was that she agreed to apply, so we sat down and completed each of our questionnaires.? Once that was done and they were safely sealed up, I returned to the pills, which were the ?freebie? part of the package.? The instructions on the package advertised them as Omega3 supplements. With all the meds Donna was taking, I was concerned enough about medication conflicts to read further. The packaging said they were all-natural and had no known side effects, but would give the body at least a 14% increase in energy for a period of 24 hours, to be taken weekly.? Under the heading, ?Participants please read,? were instructions to hold onto the pills and take one as soon as she received a call from B.A.B.Y. acknowledging receipt of our application and the other exactly 7 days later.? Donna wanted to take the first one immediately, but I disagreed, suggesting that there must be a reason the first had to be taken when they said.


The next day I returned the completed package and it was only 3 days later that the call came and Donna was able to take her pill.? They were right, according to Donna.? I suppose I ought to have been concerned that she was taking some kind of speed, but for some reason I didn?t believe that the company would give away something that could get them into legal trouble.? Whatever was in that pill though, certainly did have one side effect.? It was probably only 2 hours after she?d taken it that she did the butt-wiggling thing?


Six days after she?d taken the first pill, Donna was ready to take the second.? She would have, even though the instructions specified 7 days, except that she got another call from B.A.B.Y. She?d been selected and would leave in 7 days, so she?d have to take the second pill on schedule.? I went online and sent them the money and Donna took her second pill, on schedule the next day.


A week later, I was bidding Donna farewell and good luck.


The next two weeks went really slowly for me as I awaited Donna?s return.? There were no phone calls allowed, except in case of emergency, so in a way I was glad she didn?t call, which meant there were no emergencies.? I kept myself busy with work, taking care of the animals and fixing the place up as best as I was able, so it?d be nice when she got back.? Mostly, I spent the time wondering what she was doing.


When she returned, she was a different person.? I was waiting in the driveway when she pulled in and as soon as she opened the car door I could see it.? She was grinning from ear to ear and that was something I hadn?t seen in a long time!? My cock was soon at attention too.? This woman was not Donna, or at least not the Donna I knew.? I?m familiar with practically everything in ?my? Donna?s wardrobe and although she was wearing clothing I vaguely recognized, it was as far removed from the last time I?d seen any of it on her as the Earth from the moon.? She was braless, which was obvious under a button-down top, with the top buttons undone to display plenty of cleavage and she wore short-shorts which she?d fashioned herself.? I could practically see her sex peeking out at the crotch!? Then her first words staggered me further.? She told me she?d really missed me, ?And my cock,? and asked if I was ready for some ?Hot fucking.??


Needless to say it wasn?t 2 minutes later that we were in the house, kissing all over each other.? When she finally let me up for air, she told me that I?d been a very naughty husband and had caused her to have to do all sorts of extra homework before she?d been allowed to, ?graduate?.? I really did mean to ask her what she meant by that, but found my mouth unwilling to cooperate with my brain because she?d started to strip.? Not a matter of taking off her clothes in preparation for sex, but a full striptease, with emphasis on the ?tease?. She?d even made adjustments to the plain underwear she favored.? Imagine a pair of regular, high-cut panties with most of the front vee cut away and all of the back vee removed, turning them into a sort of fantasy thong. The next thing I knew, she was naked on her knees in front of me, unzipping my jeans.? I remember thinking to myself that if I didn?t know any better I would think I was about to get a blowjob from this goddess.? And that is exactly what happened!? Not just a matter of accepting my dick in her mouth, but a fervent attempt to get me to cum there.? I had to practically wrestle her mouth off me before I completely lost it.? I eventually pulled her to her feet and began running my hands over her body.? Lots of ?Ooooh? and ?Aaaah? and ?that feels so good? sounds came from her and when my fingers found her sex, I was delighted to find her practically dripping on the carpet.


?Bend me over the bed and ram that baseball bat of yours into me from behind.? I wanna feel it fill me up while you play with my tits, you motherfucker.?


I didn?t come on the spot but it was a close thing.? After I wrenched my own clothes off I finally got my mouth in gear and managed to ask as I slipped into her, ?What the fuck happened and where?s my Donna?? And don?t ever let that Donna come back!? I laughed.


?They said you?d want to know, so, to put it bluntly, I got fucked over pretty good while I was there, both mentally and physically.? They said you?d be pleased with the result, and from the feel of it, you are!?


?You had sex while you were there?? I asked, my quickening strokes reflecting the excitement I felt.


?Cumming? cumming now,? she screamed, before panting that she?d fucked the whole staff at one time or another.


It was altogether too much for me.? I spasmed and began jerking as if I was having an epileptic fit, filling her with more sperm than I thought my body could ever produce.


?You are sooo going to have to give me details,? I whispered as I came down from my climax.


?I?ll tell you over dinner, but for right now, let?s get you cleaned up,? she said.?


Instead of getting a cloth or anything, she simply scooted down the bed and took my wet, slippery, still fairly stiff member into her mouth, causing me to nearly pass out in ecstasy


I couldn?t help it.? I was ready again.? She just kept on sucking, as much of it as she could swallow, until I came, right in her mouth!? She cleaned me up then took off for the bathroom not realizing that I would have done for her what she?d just done for me, cummy pussy and all.


Poking her head around the master bath door, she said, ?Dinner?s going to be in about half an hour.? Think you can get your tired old bones up to the carryout and pick us up a bottle of wine?? Get something red, okay??


Wine? Donna?? Wow, what a change! I thought as I struggled into my clothes.


Donna?s always been a good cook, but that night I couldn?t say whether the food was good or not.? My full attention was on my wife; what she was wearing and what she was saying.


Chapter II


?I was mad, I can tell you, when I got there.? I had to park a mile from the complex and tote my suitcase all by myself.? There were others arriving at the same time as me and they were having the same issues as me.? Eventually a guy offered to help me.? He had a lot less to carry than I did.?


?There were guys there too?? I asked, trying to look at her face and not her boobs, which were straining, braless, against a too small, cut-off tee shirt.? Her nipples were poking at me and I knew she knew she was having an effect on me.? I also knew she was playing it cool and was refusing to notice me looking at her as I was.


?Sure.? There was nothing in the ad that suggested it was a women-only thing was there??


?I guess not,? I said, my mind turning circles as I tried to figure out if this information counted as a valid piece of the puzzle.? I love figuring out how a story is going to unfold.


?Anyway, there were 15 of us there all together, and we had to wait in the foyer for ages before anyone showed up.? But when she did, you could hear a collective gasp from all of us.? She was really pretty, sure, but it was what she was wearing that caused this reaction.? It was something like a Cat woman suit, only without the mask or tail.? She had these stiletto heels on and of course the molded bodysuit.? She wore her dark hair in a severe ponytail and quite heavy makeup. When she smiled at us though, it was like someone had increased the lighting.? I?ll never forget her smile.? It made us all forget for a moment that we had just been made to walk a mile.? She told us she was sure we?d be tired from our walk but that there had been a reason for it, although she didn?t say what the reason was at the time.? She just asked us to take our stuff and head through the doors marked ?his? and ?hers?.? I was already wondering what I?d gotten myself into, or rather what ?you? had gotten me into, as I went through the doorway, but after that, I was sure ?you? had made a mistake, sending me here.? I was a white room with bleachers and large lockers.? A woman in a tight white tee shirt and shorts greeted us.? Oh, by the way, there were 12 of us including me.? She had us open our bags and remove the grocery items we?d brought.? Everything else went back into the suitcases and bags.? Then she told us all to remove our shoes and outer clothing and put them in our bags too.? A few of the women didn?t seem to mind.? They just began undressing.? A few of us older ones were more self-conscious about it.? I know I didn?t really want anyone seeing the scrappy old bra I was wearing!? One of the others asked if it was necessary and was told in no uncertain terms that it was indeed necessary.? Eventually everyone else was in their underwear or less, since a few of the women hadn?t bothered with bras and it just seemed to be the right thing to do to strip down too.


The woman in white produced a clipboard and had everyone sign yet another disclaimer before being directed through the rear doorway and around a corner.?


?What was on the disclaimer,? I asked.


?I had no idea at the time.? I just saw the word ?disclaimer? and signed it.? So did everyone else.?


?Oh?, I said.


?So I signed it and went round the corner.? Another woman in white shirt and shorts pointed towards a door at the end of a corridor.? The woman who?d signed the disclaimer before me was just going through that door. I wandered down this corridor, and it felt really strange, being inside what could have been an office block, just wandering down a corridor in only bra and panties.


Anyway, I find myself in another room, where a third woman, this time a stacked, mid-twenties redhead, in what I began to think of as a tennis outfit, was issuing each woman with a numbered tag on a necklace.


Once all twelve of us are in this room, we?re instructed to remove our undergarments, put them in the cubbies against the wall that match the numbers on our tags, then follow her into the showers.? Without even waiting for a response, this woman then pulls the tee shirt over her head and steps out of her shorts, placing them in an un-numbered cubby.? She?s not even wearing panties, let alone a bra, so she?s standing there naked, with these huge tits that I?m thinking must be silicone, and a little red bush on display, her hands on her hips as if posing, waiting for us to get naked too.? Well eventually we do, and she herds us through another door into the shower room, where the showers are already running and the steam is thick.? Well there?s soap and shampoo already there, so we begin to shower ? have you ever had to shower with a bunch of other women?? Well, I guess in your case it?d be men!? But have you?? It?s a little weird at first.? But the weirdest thing is when the redhead comes up behind me and begins soaping my back, right down to between the cheeks of my ass, ignoring my comments that I could do it myself.? She was practically finger fucking me!? Then she casually moved on to the next woman.


I don?t know exactly when it was, but suddenly one of the women let out a shriek and yelled, ?there?s a MAN in here!?? Well, it turns out that there were three men in there; the three men who were in the program.? They were as naked as we were and seemed to be about as embarrassed as we were.? Another trainer, well, we found out later that that?s what her title was, just told us all to calm down and accept that modesty would be out for 2 weeks, per the disclaimer we?d signed.? One of the women refused to accept that and eventually, the redhead led her out.?


?What happened to her??


?Patience my little man!? Let me tell the story my way.?


?So anyway, here we were, a bunch of naked women of all ages, some fat, some skinny and some pretty darned hot, even if I do say so, in this big ol? shower room with three, cute, naked young guys.? Then they all started getting hard!? I felt sorry for them at first, thinking how embarrassing it must have been for them.? Until the other trainer, this one a cute little Asian girl, just grabbed a bar of soap, lathered up her hands, and started jacking off two of the guys!? One with each hand!? While she jacked them off, she apologized and said Tina, that was the redhead, would usually have been there to help.? Then she did something even more incredible.? She actually asked for a volunteer to help with the other guy.? I can tell you now, that at the time I was thinking that if I weren?t married and didn?t care what the others thought, I?d have volunteered to do it myself.? But you know how I was? He was a real honey though!? One of the younger girls volunteered, although she was so nervous, she was a little clumsy and dropped the soap twice before lathering her hands up.? It was sort of surrealistic.? Everyone watched as Stephanie, that was the Asian girl?s name, and Carol, who was the young one, jacked off these three guys right in front of us until they all came. One of them came so hard he got spunk on Carol?s boobs, even though he was standing a foot away from her. It was quite amazing really.? We all went from being freaked out about men seeing us naked to being pretty cool about it really quickly.? I guess Stephanie?s method of breaking the ice really works? not that I can imagine wanking a guy off in preference to shaking his hand as an icebreaker? although? that could be fun! Hehehe,?


?So what happened next? I asked.


?Well, I remember that the girls all began talking at once and then somehow, we all sorta got relaxed and began acting as if it was nothing to be naked.? That is until later, when everyone, especially me, got all embarrassed again.? You see, we were given towels to dry off, but then the towels were taken away again and this time, we were all led down a corridor similar to the first, but this time as a group, and this time completely nude.? We were taken to another room and lined up against a wall.? We had to stand there while our measurements were all taken.? I mean ALL too.? You know what?? They even measured my areolas!? But get this.? There were just as many male trainers in the room as female ones!

I was so embarrassed I just about fainted when this handsome young guy in his early 20?s came up to me and told me what he was going to do.? He was all business, but still? in short order, he was on his knees in front of me, telling me to spread my legs so he could open my cunt up and take measurements of my gear down below.? Of course he didn?t use the word ?cunt?.? He was very polite.? It was more like, Ma?am; I need to need to take measurements of your inner lips and overall vulva dimensions.? Please spread your legs and I?ll get this done as quickly as I can.? Two of the women flatly refused and like the woman in the shower room, were led away.? One of those three guys I was telling you about caused a bit of trouble, because he got another erection and it was a male trainer who was taking his measurements.? Steve, that was the trainer?s name, wanted to go ahead and jack him off again, so his dick could be measured in its flaccid state, but Tony, that was the guy?s name, didn?t want him to.? He was so embarrassed and so apologetic, yet every time Steve grabbed his dick, Tony would automatically pull away.? Eventually Tina, a female trainer in her mid forties, just came over, dropped to her knees in front of him, slipped a condom over his shaft and gobbled him up.? Just to give you an idea of how good she was, Tony came within 60 seconds.? She didn?t make any sort of production out of it either.? He came, she stripped off the condom and cleaned him up, then got to her feet and went back to the girl she was working on so Steve could finish his job.? As I said, it was all done in a very business-like fashion.


Next was the medical exam.? There?s not much to tell about that, except that I?ve never had a room full of people around me while the doctor had me in the stirrups before.? I?ve never seen a guy get checked for venereal disease before either.? I didn?t know they took a swab just like with women.


Our last stop of the day was to be dinner, but before that, we were all led back down the hall to another room, which turned out to be a costume room.? We were given free reign to select any of the pre-matched outfits we wanted, but we weren?t allowed to mix and match and we only had a couple of minutes to choose.? There were about 4 different types of outfits in all sizes.? You?ll like this, Hon, because all they were offering was outfits along the line of what you?d always tried to get me to wear.? You know, short skirts, halter tops, wraparound dresses that show a lot of leg??


?Let me guess,? I said.? You chose a miniskirt and some sort of revealing top?? I asked.


?On the first day? No way!? But you would have been pleased, I think.? I was thinking of you while I was putting it on, you know.? Of course we didn?t get our underwear back right away, so I was nude under it.? It was a sundress that fell to just above the knee and really gaped in front so that when I bent over, my tits were on full view to anyone standing in front of me.? I was a little surprised at the time that many of the younger women actually chose the miniskirt combo.? I mean the skirts were really short and just covered their pussies and asses and didn?t even do that, if they moved too quickly.? The tops were made in two styles; that stretchy material that squashes your tits and makes it easy to see your nipples, then another type that?s sleeveless and has an extra big neckline so it would gape all over the place.? Most of the women selected the tight tops, but a few went with the other one.? The guys didn?t get a choice.? They were issued with undershirts and loose sweatpants.? I thought it was funny when I saw them dressed, because I couldn?t decide if the pants hid, or emphasized everything they had, because of the way the guys? equipment would swing and jiggle when they moved.


So we got dressed and went to the dining room, where everything was ready for us.? We took our seats and the three girls that had protested earlier, including the one from the shower, came marching out with trays of food.? I said marching, but I guess I ought to have said mincing, coz each wore heels but was otherwise naked? if you didn?t count the fact that each of them had a tail.?


?What do you mean by ?A tail?,? I asked, dumfounded.


?Well, it turns out that these guys encouraged us by embarrassing us, among other things, if we didn?t do what we were told when we were told to do it.? So imagine this.? Take Amada for example.? She was the girl from the shower.? Not only was she naked in front of the guys she was complaining about in the shower, but she also had to walk around serving food to everyone with a butt plug stuck up her ass. The tail was connected to the butt plug so no one would miss it.? I can tell you, it?s fucking uncomfortable to wear with heels!?


?You, tried it?!?


?It wasn?t by choice at the time, I can tell you!? But that?s what one of those disclaimers was all about.? Basically it said that we?d do everything we were told or we?d submit to corrective action.? Or we?d be fined $1,000? And that was enough incentive for me!?


?Wow, a grand!? We don?t have any new bills we didn?t have before you left I hope?? But I?m more interested in trying to visualize you with anything stuck up your virgin ass,? I said thoughtfully.


?Not virgin anymore, but let me continue.? Oh, and no, we don?t.? Have any extra bills, I mean.?


?Tell me about your rearward experiences!?


?All in good time!? I?ll get to that.? But anyway, after dinner, we went to our quarters for the night.? It was only like 7:30, but the day had taken its toll.? You know, mental stress and all that.??? So we?re in this big room with cots around an open area.? The guys were all assigned cots in a row, with the girls taking any of the rest of the cots that suited them.? A couple of the girls had been hanging with the guys, well, more like hanging all over Tony than the two others, and they had a little dispute over who got the cot next to Tony.? Anyway, Stephanie stepped in and reminded the girls that the guys had partners at home and all that good stuff.? Well the girls decided they didn?t care about that, so Stephanie suggested that the one that was best at sex would get the cot next to his.?


?They had sex with him right there??


?Well no, but I think they probably would have.? These are two very competitive girls, who, I must add, have become the best of friends, by the way.? So Stephanie tells them that if they really want to compete to sleep next to him, they can do it by competing in a sex competition.? What they had to do was to race each other to bring off the two other guys using just their hands.? Whoever could make their guy cum first was the winner.?


?And they agreed??


?Eventually.? I thought one of them was going to chicken out, but neither did.? So they had their little competition and one of them won, getting a big glob of cum on her cheek for her trouble.? The other one would have stopped jacking her guy off, if Stephanie hadn?t insisted that she finish what she started.


We all had to sleep nude since the trainers didn?t want us to wrinkle our outfits, and even though we?d all been around each other naked for a number of hours I was still a little shy, so I was in bed pretty quickly.? Some of the others didn?t mind and were sitting around chatting with their newfound friends, right up until lights-out, which is to say lights-down, since they didn?t really turn the lights off at all.? The part that took some getting used to was that the bathroom only had one stall and both girls and guys had to use it, so there was a bit of a line for the early hours of the night.? And it was a line of naked girls and guys, since all our outfits had been put up for the night.? I held on as long as I could, hoping to get out of bed and run right in, but I could only hold it so long before I was in line, waiting impatiently for my turn.


The next day, we got up, got dressed and had to do a workout before we could even have breakfast.? It was quite a sight seeing all these people working out with body parts popping out of outfits all over the place.? The guys had to do their whole workout with their dicks obviously hard in their pants. Julie, that?s the girl who?d lost the competition the night before, asked Tony, right in front of everyone, if he?d like her to suck his dick. Emily, one of the trainers, nixed that idea saying that it?d only make it better for him if he had to wait.?


?Wait for what?? I asked.


?I?m gonna get a bit ahead of myself if I tell you, but suffice to say that the test results hadn?t come back so no one had been declared ?safe?.? Anyway, after breakfast, we all got another shower and this time some of the girls spent most of their time teasing the guys instead of being self-conscious about their own nudity.? This one girl called Natalie, a chubby little thing with huge tits, was really trying to embarrass the guys by soaping herself up real good and suggesting that they could rinse her off if they wanted to.? None of them did but I could see that Tim was getting up the courage to do it before they shut off the water on us.


After our shower, went back to the costume room and we had to select a different outfit.? I wanted to get another dress, but we were told it had to be something different to what we?d worn the day before.? So I ended up with a beach sarong that only hid everything if I stood still, and I quickly found that there wasn?t going to be a whole lot of standing still!? So we met in the training room and that?s when the fun really started, although I didn?t think so at the time.? Our first lesson was called, ?Whack the Back?, or something stupid like that.? Basically it involved pairing up and complimenting each other.? Sounds easy huh??


?And that?s all you have to do??


?Well it sounds easy, but it gets hard pretty quickly.? I made a great start complimenting my partner, but try it sometime.? You?ll run out of compliments pretty quickly.? In the end, I had to start complimenting the way her legs looked as she sat, cross-legged on the floor in front of me and how nice her nipples looked straining against the fabric of her blouse.? If we didn?t think our partner?s compliment was genuine, we could have the trainer adjudicate.? I would have been happy to accept anything my partner said except that she called the trainer on me first and I had to return the favor.?


?What did you say to her??


?It was silly.? I said something like; ?I like the way you look at Tony sometimes.?? She got all upset and called Steve over and told him what I?d said.? Well the penalty for a bad compliment is a smack on the ass, and that?s just what he did.? Oh, by the way, if you call the trainer over and it turns out that they agree with the compliment, you get a whack for being a poor sport.? I got one when my partner commented on how soft my pubic hair looked.? Okay, I complained because she embarrassed me!? But I got her back.? I surprised myself by complimenting her on how cute her clit looked, peeping out between her pussy lips while she sat there. She got embarrassed and a spanking.? I guess it was all done in good fun though.? She?d say stuff to embarrass me and I?d say stuff to embarrass her.? We both got our share of whacks by the trainer before the round was over though!? We probably played ten rounds, each pairing up with someone else, until it got easy to flips off a compliment with hardly a thought.? I was proud of myself the first time I complimented Gary on the cute curve his erection obtained when it got hard. Can you even imagine me thinking such a thing much less saying it before I went there??


?Ahhh? no, not at all!? I responded.


?When the game was over, the trainers announced lunch and told us that we?d all passed our physicals, which meant we?d be able to do some touchy-feely training in the afternoon.? I was definitely worried about that at first!? I have to admit that this was when I learned about how it felt to wear a butt plug.? To make a long story short, our afternoon class revolved around oral sex and I refused to be a part of it.? I stupidly felt that it was bad enough having to take your cock in my mouth much less someone who was almost a stranger!? I was crying by the time they took me out of the room and almost in hysterics by the time they?d finished helping me understand what the disclaimer I?d signed was all about.? Eventually I calmed down and I did what they wanted.? I spent a couple of hours sucking on a rubber dildo and after I?d served dinner naked with the butt plug in my ass, I was made to enthusiastically volunteer my services to every male there and let at least one of them cum in my mouth.? Before that, I didn?t know that cocks actually have a taste, and yours tastes better than some babe!?


?Well thank you!? I laughed.


?So what else did you learn??


?So you?re getting bored with my story now?? she asked.


?It?s not that!? I protested.? ?It?s just that it seems you?ve gone from prissy to slut in two weeks and that?s great!? But what did they get out of it??


?Didn?t I tell you already?? They got to film the whole personality change for a reality TV-type movie, sex and all.? There were video cameras in the showers, the training rooms, the exercise area and even the dining room.? Every time we practiced having sex or learned a new thing, the camera would be watching.?


?But didn?t that just make you more embarrassed??


?At first, but it?s easy to forget after a while.? And they didn?t even tell us at first anyway.? In fact we didn?t find out until after lunch that second day.? I got to see myself on film just before graduation too, taking Tony?s cock up my ass for the first time after wetting him up with my pussy.? He was hung like a pony and you could see it on my face as I sat on his cock.? But it was worth it.? Fuck he was a good screw,? she said in a dreamy voice, her mind obviously thinking back to it. ?Would you mind rubbing my pussy a little while I continue?? This story-telling business is making me horny!?


Without even waiting for me to agree she snuggled up closer to me on the couch and simply hiked her miniskirt up to her waist exposing her naked pelvis.? She placed my hand where she wanted it and helped lead it in the motions she wanted me to make.


?Ahh, that?s better!? she exclaimed.? Anyway, where was I?? Oh yes.? I thought I?d hate to see myself on video, but even though my tits and my tummy sag, I was giving him a good time and I was very proud that I can still make a cock hard for me.? I think they?re gonna keep that part on the finished movie too,? she said proudly.? ?You may even get to see the part where I actually sucked on a pussy while taking Tom in my cunt and Steve?s smaller cock up my ass at the same time.? A girl?s never the same after she?s had two cocks in her at once.? We?re going to get a copy once the editing?s finished.?


?I never even thought about it when you said you?d fucked the whole staff, but that means you even had sex with women, too!?


?Well it?s not my idea of a great fuck, since I do like to have a cock in me, but women sure do know how to eat pussy!?


?You used to be repulsed by the idea of dykes and stuff!?


?Yeah well it wasn?t all sex that happened there, you know.? We did all sorts of other self-help stuff, including getting to know others and ourselves, so that we can better understand how things interact.? But the hard part was letting go of my fear that people would treat me differently if I acted differently.? You know I was brought up in a home that treated sex as a sin and it was a little hard to let go of that, let alone come to grips with the idea that same sex fun is okay too.? It was just as hard for Tony.? He eventually got it, just as I did, but it took longer for us.? But that was okay, coz they put the two of us together a lot to catch up with everyone else?s training, so I got to practice a lot of stuff on the biggest guy there!?


?What did they say that made such a big difference though??


?Oh the biggest thing was the relaxation and hypnotism sessions.? The first one was the hardest, because they brought me out of my first trance just as I was about to cum.?




?Well they hypnotized me, then had me masturbate for the class.? It was sort of funny.? I really didn?t know how to do it, even hypnotized!? But eventually I figured out what felt good and I was away.? While I was masturbating myself, they were suggesting a whole bunch of things for me to subconsciously think about.? Then they simply brought me out of the trance they had me in.? I never came so hard in my life, but it sure was embarrassing!? I think they did it that way to reinforce the ideas they were suggesting.?


?So they brainwashed you??


?No, they simply put forward a whole bunch of ideas I wouldn?t usually have listened to, much less considered, then associated those ideas with the action and result of a couple of them.? You know, they suggested how much fun sex is then allowed me to lose my inhibitions enough to frig off in front of others.? They weren?t trying to reprogram me but they were definitely trying to erase the bad programming so I could enjoy re-learning about sex!? Actually having to choose which woman I was going to practice oral sex on was another tough one, but by then, I?d kinda gotten used to being pretty close to Brie.? Did I tell you about her??


I shook my head.? That was a new name to me.


?Brie?s nice.? She?s 21 and she?s a little ball of fire.? She was always having fun but she suffered a little from depression.? Well that?s fixed now, anyway!? She?s a little plump, but she?s really pretty, with big titties that she was real self-conscious about at first.? She?s only about 4? 10? tall, so next to me, she?s practically a midget!? I?ve got her number, so I?m going to have her over to stay sometime.? Maybe she?d even like to show you what we learned!?


?I thought you said you weren?t into girl on girl stuff??


?I said I prefer to have a cock inside me.? But if Brie?s here to give us some additional attention, that?d be great!? Anyway, I?d like to know how her reunion with her man went.? She was always a little vague about him.? I mean she told us his name and why she was there, but I got the feeling there was a lot more than what she said.?


?Some deep, dark secret?? I wondered out loud.


?I hope so!? I do love secrets!? And that was another thing they showed us, which is why if Brie has a secret it must be a doozie.?


?What do you mean??


I suppose I?d better give you a quick overview of the treatment program.? But I think you?re making me too worked up with that evil hand of yours.? Are you ready to put your Cadillac in my garage yet, lover?? In fact, I?d like you to use the servant?s entrance around the back, if you?re up for it?? I haven?t had a cock in my ass in days.? It?ll shrink if I don?t get something big in there soon,? she grinned, before reaching for my straining zipper and simultaneously leaning forward so her face was just inches from my crotch.?


She got me out of my jeans like a por and was quickly feasting on my manhood.? She sucked until it was slick with her spittle, then stood up, turned around and waggled her but at me.


?I?m tight, but I?m ready.? Just ease it in slowly at first, okay??


Like I needed any prompting!? And she was right.? She was tight!? Once she got past the pressure-groans and I was faithfully pumping into her at a stead pace, she finally found her voice and continued her story.


?I already told you how they make their money, or at least part of it,? she panted.? ?The second part is that I?m going to have to make a regular porno for them, sometime in the next 12 months.? No biggie after what I?ve done so far, but I thought you should know that your wife is going to be a famous porn star, just in case you have a problem with that,? she squealed as I thrust into her particularly deeply.


?Well of course not!? Another fantasy come true!? I exclaimed, looking down at my member disappearing into her ass.


?Well it seems that those little pills we got in the mail, the ones that came in the freebie sample pack, naturally increase the libido, then their effect combined with the herbs mixed into our meals, make that Viagra stuff guys take look like aspirin compared with Excedrin.? It?s a super-stimulant that actually enhances awareness instead of the other way around.? And totally legal too. They?ve patented the product but aren?t releasing it to the general public.? We?re the lucky ones who can get it directly from them.? It just takes a little while to build up in the system, that?s all.? So we have sex.? Lots of sex.? We have classes in social interaction, politics and psychology too.? The psychology ones were the best, because as you take them, you find that they?re stripping away the layers of social conditioning and explaining exactly what they?re doing.? In just a couple of weeks, I learned enough about myself and those around me that I guarantee you I could walk into any company and get them to hire me, one way or another.? Just because I can figure out what they?re looking for before they even know it.? Oh fuck your cock?s long.? Oh fuck, oh fuck, I?m cummingggggg?.?



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Mom friend Donna

I was at my moms friends helping her. after we finished what we were doing she said she would give me a ride home after her shower so I said ok. donna went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. she closed the door but left it open a crack so I can see in the bathroom. I kept looking threw the crack in the door as she got undressed. I got so hard donna is a tall skinny women with short blonde hair and blue eyes.i kept lookin at her as she got in the shower donna had nice perky small tits...

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My name is Donna and I reside in a wonderful, albeit, small town. I am considered a proper Lady in my circle of friends and certainly in my church. I am marries to a wonderful man and have two very nice teenage son's. Up until a week ago no one and I mean no one was aware that, to satisfy certain urges I surfed the internet for stories, pictures, videos and even film clips of an erotic and frequently pornographic nature. If my friends had known or even suspected this they would have been...

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Top Ten PantsSpunks ndash Miss Donna

I saw Her ad in the Sport – ‘model 42-28-36’ – and knew I had to go along. At that time I was used to Worship Sessions so it was less intimidating than it would have been at other times. Besides, once I was through the front door there was no going back.The receptionist would have known straightaway that I was a perv – dirty mac, baggy wank-trousers, flat cap, goggle-eye glasses, obviously a big wanker. I also had my case full of soiled dirty books that goes everywhere with me. Miss Donna was...

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Auntie Donna

She's a hairdresser and takes care of her self, painting her nails to match her outfit which would have been chosen and picked out the night before, her face is round and she seems to always have a smile on it no matter what she's doing and her looked after white teeth compliment it well.Donna has brown eyes and a button like nose. Okay, a little bit of history, when I was a young lad and wanking 4 or 5 times daily, Donna was a frequent fantasy in my head and i was always trying to get a...

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Il mio sogno di donna

IL MIO SOGNO DI DONNA La notte scorsa ho fatto un sogno meraviglioso: ho sognato di essere donna con il mio uomo arabo, di camminare nel sole in spiaggia, vestita di pochi veli, un due pezzi piuttosto succinto come costume da bagno e di mostrare al mondo la mia grazia e la mia devozione a lui e al maschio come signore supremo dell'universo. Di danzare con leggerezza, di muovermi muovendo le mie forme rotonde, burrose eppure leggiadre, di aprire la mia femminilit? prorompente fatta di c...

3 years ago
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Busted 4 The Day After Donna

(Continued from “Busted 3: Donna the babysitter”)Busted 4: The Day after DonnaThe next morning it was, as it always seemed on our typical summer vacations at the coast. We woke up slowly. The morning was overcast and grey with the normal marine layer that would burn off by ten o’clock or so. I cranked up the coffee machine, and made myself a double shot in a tall cup. I got out my radio and went out to the deck and enjoyed a smoke with my coffee. The radio station I always listen to is...

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"Donna" I had just finished my two years at community college and was ready to pack up and move out but decided to keep my apartment when I answered an add in the newspaper for a position opening dealing with files, records and doing computer work for a local insurance company. The work seemed easy and the starting pay was enough to get by on so after being offered the job I accepted and started work. I talked it over with my landlords, Bob and Doris Fuller that evening after...

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Private Session with lovely Goddess Miss Donna

I’d booked in to do the amateur photo-session, but deliberately arrived 2 or 3 minutes before it was due to end. I felt very self-conscious sidling through the door as the other photogs were leaving, looking me up and down in my dirty mac and wank-trousers and flat cap with undisguised distaste. “Oh, you’re too late!” Aunty Jayne exclaimed, coming towards me from Her desk. I could see the models, Miss Debbie, Miss Judy and several others were getting dressed and preparing to leave.“Sorry Miss,...

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Fucking My 4th Girlfriend Donna

This is the true story of the fourth woman I ever fucked, Donna.Donna and I were soon-to-be-graduated University students on our third date and we were on a moonlit walk down the main University quad. The buildings surrounding the large open grassy area of the quad were silent and nobody was around. It was about 2 or 3am or so on a warm summer night. Because it was summer break the whole university was a virtual ghost-town. We had the entire large open area of the main campus quad completely...

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Don and Donna

It never would have happened if Sis hadn't taken that job at summer camp. Or if Mom hadn't gone back to our old place for a week. Or maybe I was really ready for this to happen but just didn't know it yet. You see, we were just moving in to our new house. The moving van was in the drieway, a big long wide driveway with a basketball hoop off to one side. Mom had parked our own rental truck out on the street, because it was towing our car and she didn't want to try backing up with that...

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When Michael saw the girl sitting quietly in the corner, he knew he was going to make love to her. He never knew quite how he could be so sure, but he was always right. Don't get the wrong idea. He wasn't a prolific fucker, a bedsmith of great renown or an unreasonably endowed extrovert. No, his conquests were of a more pedestrian nature, in both number and style. He was an observant and attentive lover, a stroker of the ego as much as the genital. A student of the art perhaps. He had been...

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I first posted a series of tales about Donna on a blog called the Girls’ Coffee Shop. I have made them a little more suited to a site of this type. I hope you will see the jokes although I know most are peculiarly British in style. If you need any explanations, do please ask. I first met Donna one evening in my local pub. A colleague of mine, Nellie, serves behind the bar and you will learn a lot more about her as time passes and you can be bothered. It was a Friday evening and the pub was...

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I met Donna several years ago at a psychic fair.  She is short, comes about chin high to my almost six-foot height, slender, and possessing a wonderful pair of breasts.  She must have been in her late forties back then and very appealing to me.  I feigned interest in her life coaching, and we chatted off and on for a few hours in between people who were actually interested in her line of work.  All I was interested in was the cleavage she was showing. Over the years, we crossed paths often and...

Quickie Sex
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The Four Freshmen Part I Donna

They weren’t exactly international supermodels. Mary, Patty, Barbara and Donna were Freshman roommates making the best of an overcrowded dorm. I met Donna at a mixer the first weekend of our Freshman year. Within an hour we were naked. Donna was eager and willing, but still very much a virgin. Some guys would have charged ahead. But I couldn’t. Not with a girl I’d known for less time than it takes to finish a Physics Quiz. Still, I did everything else I could to please her. And I succeeded....

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I first posted a series of tales about Donna on a blog called the Girls’ Coffee Shop. I have made them a little more suited to a site of this type. I hope you will see the jokes although I know most are peculiarly British in style. If you need any explanations, do please ask. I first met Donna one evening in my local pub. A colleague of mine, Nellie, serves behind the bar and you will learn a lot more about her as time passes and you can be bothered. It was a Friday evening and the pub was...

2 years ago
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Revealing Afternoon with Donna

His cock was so thick that my cunt was stretched to the point of tearing. I could feel every vein along its rigid rubbery surface as it tore deep into my womanhood. My juices eased the assault on my cunt somewhat but his powerful strokes where relentless and he fucked deep into my very being. He held my hips in his powerful grip as his cock bore deeper and deeper into me. His cock was so very big. It was longer and thicker than any cock that ever split my pussy lips previously. It was...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 3 Donna

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too sensitive,...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise 01 07

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. I would like to offer special thanks to several helpful editors whose feedback and questions prompted this revision, most notably Mare Vir, Fran, and Patrick. The timeline has been cleaned up, many grammar mistakes...

2 years ago
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Changes In Paradise

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgendered or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Changes in Paradise By Patricia "Damn it's hot," Patrick said to no one in particular. He stretched out his back, stiff from bending over the mess of electronic parts spread out on the tarp in front of...

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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ "Poison Flower" Belladonna Deloris Rae almost didn't survive her own birth, and it was all downhill from there. She was born three weeks premature because her mother was a drug addict and an alcoholic, and she spent her first few months in this world struggling just to breath. The doctors didn't think she was going to make it, but she proved them wrong. She was a fighter from the very start, almost as if her spirit was...

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Changes in Paradise Part 16 Science Sons and Sirens the Saga continues

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes in Paradise, Parts 1 - 15," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...

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ChangesKatie Beginnings

ChangesKatie: Beginnings By Lacey_Katie My cousin Lisa met me at the airport. She reminded me of Nicole Kidman, just not quite as tall and as pencil-thin. Lisa was, and is, a natural redhead, 26 years old, and she wore a royal blue blazer, matching skirt which reached her mid-thigh, and navy stockings. She highlighted that with small gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She was 5'8" tall, around 125 pounds which made a great figure. I later learned it was 36D, 24, 36. Lisa...

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It was a dumb thing to do and I knew it. All my friends knew it and everyone tried to tell me I was being stupid and I knew they were right. But I was in love and as far as I was concerned they could all go to hell. Donnatella, Donny for short, owned me body and soul from the minute I laid eyes on her. She was no raving beauty, not to say she wasn't good looking, she was just an average looking woman with a pretty face and a decent body, but she had something that no other women I'd ever met...

2 years ago
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Changes 03 A Mermaids Tale

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Three, A Mermaid's "Tale" By Patricia While it isn't necessary to have read "Changes In Paradise, parts one and two" it might help. Thank you (to...

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Changes Unperceived

This is the story I was working on just before I began the Parallelalities set. It bogged down and I didn't know where to go with it. There are spots that will probably seem very similar to Parallelalities - I guess that should be expected - but this story was written in first person as opposed to third person. The standard disclaimers apply to this work. It is a work of fiction copyrighted by the author. Permission is granted to repost these stories on free sites,...

2 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Timeline Pod Tree as of July 2007

Changes in Paradise By Patricia Time Line & Pod Trees - as of July 2007 Posted in deep appreciation for "Dan_from_warm_Los_Angeles" thoughtful comments! Thanks to Fran(k) for invaluable work done on the first time- line (I didn't use an outline until Chapter 07, when ... yes, Dan, you can smile ... I was getting people mixed up in my own head). Chapter 01: Patrick and John arrive on 399 (Mermaid Island) - A Radio repairs -A + 2...

4 years ago
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Changes Required by Mrs Carter

The cold Chicago wind of the winter of 1948 blew through the grand entrance doors when opened, bringing a chill to the grandiose yet austere municipal building. He dropped to his knees before her in the hall outside the divorce court, and pleaded with her not to go through with it. She stood regal and pompous in her fur coat, enjoying seeing him squirm, and also thoroughly enjoying the looks of utter contempt he received from men and women alike as he humiliated himself. He had noted an...

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Changes in Paradise Chapter 13 MADmers CHEW and Polymers

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 12," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to...

1 year ago
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Sex With The Workplace Madonna

When my place of work had a dress up day one of the women there always got involved.This particular time she dressed as Madonna.She had a Black frilly lace top on,black lace panties,stockings,and she topped it the outfit off with the famous conical bra.Although she is in her fifties she looked absolutely fantastic.In fact she had a figure that women half her age would love to have.This was probably why she was being whispered about.When we sat down at coffee time she remarked on this and i said...

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Changes In Paradise 05 The Rescue

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Five, The Rescue By Patricia You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 ? 4," if you haven't already. Thanks for the...

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Changes in Paradise Two Daniels Story

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ? if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. While it isn?t necessary to have read ?Changes In Paradise,? it might help. Thank you (to those of you who deserve it) for the comments, suggestions, and encouragement on...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Part 12 SEALS Surprises and Steadfastness

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 11," if you haven't already, and take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Thanks for the comments,...

3 years ago
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Changes in Paradise 11 Babies Beliefs and ByProducts

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 10," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Thanks for the...

2 years ago
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Changes By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Chapter 1 "How did I do?" asked sixteen-year-old Scott Helms as he took a long drink of water. "You were perfect," replied Jack Roberts. "I couldn't be prouder of you and the way you stood up to the defense today." "How long was I in there today?" asked Scott. "I sort of lost...

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Changes in Paradise Chapter 14 Choosing Change

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 13," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or...

1 year ago
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Changes in Paradise 09 Autopsies Admirals and Adversaries

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 8," if you haven't. and leave a comment on the older ones. Thank you to those who leave comments, suggestions, and...

2 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Part Eight Perils Proposals and Progeny

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 7," if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

4 years ago
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CHANGES The gentle rain spattered on the pavement and gathered in rivulets that expanded as they approached the catch basins. The low hanging clouds and mist dimmed the street lights of the quiet cul-de-sac. Most of the houses were dark shadows in the night. The usual flickering of a TV in the living room window of the old army veteran who had insomnia was the sole hint of human consciousness at this late hour. At the end of the street the two storey Cape Cod was also darkened,...

3 years ago
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ChangesChapter 4

Jae finished clearing off the table as her brother and his family went out the door, promising to call them later in the next week to go over there for dinner. Thank God, that was over now, she thought to herself as she rinsed all the dishes off and put them into the dishwasher. Family can be such a pain, telling her this and that, how she should be, how she isn't something that she claims to be. How would they know? She only visited them when she could, between work and, well, and nothing...

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