Angies Impregnation
- 2 years ago
- 22
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Angie's Humiliation
By: Michael Alexander
A cool night breeze blew gently, ruffling Angie'slong dark hair as she walked across the sun baked parking lot. Despite thesinking of the flaming sun a few hours before, the sticky asphalt still radiatedthe extreme heat it had collected throughout the day. Angie could feel thewaves against her bare legs and then right up the short black skirt that waswrapped around her hips. She paused as she stepped up onto the walkway thatled to the restaurant door and looked around nervously. A single parking lotlight was on, shrouding the rest of the restaurant exterior in darkness.
Angie looked through the windows of the building. The dining area was dark,but that was to be expected this late. The restaurant had already closed. Shewas here to pick up her best friend Kathy who was assisting the shift managerto close the store. Angie thought she saw some movement behind the counter,deep in the kitchen despite the abandoned look of the place.
Angie didn't really want to go in. When Kathy had called and told her whatto wear that evening, Angie had hesitated. Of course, as usual she had eventuallycapitulated, putting on the short black skirt and red halter top. Angie hadeven given in on some of the other requirements, though not all. And that waswhat had Angie worried.
She opened her small purse and saw the three red colored latex balls sittingthere. They were connected with a thin but solid strand of string, making abrace of golf ball sized, crimson pearls. She glanced around the parking lotto see if anyone was watching her, but she couldn't bring herself to pull themout. She closed her purse. "Maybe Kathy won't notice" Angie told herself.
She turned back toward the door and saw her friend swinging a mop around.Kathy's long blonde hair was tied in a single ponytail that stuck out throughthe back of a maroon hat. Angie sighed softly. No matter how hard she triedshe would never look as pretty as Kat. Angie's skin was dusky; White porcelainto over baked terra cotta. Angie's dark chocolate hair was thick and shiny,but secretly she envied the blonde straight hair Kat tied back each day. Katsaid Angie was just as beautiful, but Angie knew that blondes really do havemore fun.
Angie rapped on the window and saw Kat emerge from behind the counter. Kathysmiled and waved at her, putting down the mop she was swinging. The uniformedgirl stood the mop against the counter and quickly walked to the door, unlatchingit and letting her friend in.
"Hey girl. You look great." Kat said asAngie stepped through the door.
"Thanks. You almost done?" Angie asked.
Kat grimaced. "Jason's working me harder than normal but I should be donein the next ten minutes. Come on over to the counter. We can talk while I finishmopping." Kat motioned Angie to follow her.
Angie navigated her way through the tables and stacked chairs, her highheeled sandals seeming to echo loudly in the still dining area. She tried towalk slowly, a few feet behind Kat, as they approached the counter. Kat turnedand looked at her, a frown upon her face. She stopped and waited for Angie.
"You're being a bad girl aren't you?" Kat said softly. Her right hand wentaround Angie's waist and pulled her close.
Angie's eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry Kat, I just couldn't. Please…"
Kat's hand slid down over Angie's bottom. "Just couldn't? Oh no, girl. You'regoing to pay for it. You know what happens when you disobey me." Kat replied,a touch of mischievousness in her voice.
Kat pulled Angie forward and through the employee walkway around the counterand into the serving area. Angie resisted slightly, never expecting to findherself in the kitchen of the restaurant. A metal counter stood between thegrills and food preparation area and the cashier stations where she now stood.Soda machines and a large warming plate stood on the counter.
"Hey Jason!" said Kathy. "I want you to meet my best friend, Angie."
Angie saw a face appear from a back storage room. Jason was dressed in hismaroon uniform shirt and hat and he wore a nametag that declared him a shiftmanager. His apron was splattered with ketchup and other condiments, but hewas smiling. Angie realized how attractive he was and she felt a sudden tingling.
Kat was still holding Angie's hand as Jason approached the counter, lookingover it.
"Nice to meet you." He said, smiling warmly. He extended his hand over thecounter.
Angie smiled. "Yeah, nice to meet you." She reached over the warmer plateand shook his hand. She was a little shocked when she felt the heat streamingup from it.
Jason seemed embarrassed. "Oh, sorry about that. We turned if off already,but it stays warm for a long time. Can't burn you though, see?" He placed thepalm of his hand on the warm surface. "Just very warm. " He held is hand downon the plate for a couple seconds. When he pulled his hand up Angie could seethat it was a light pink.
Kat laughed. "Angie doesn't mind." She looked at Angie. "Do you?"
Angie shook her head. "Um…no."
Kathy turned back to Jason. "Angie's been bad."
"Oh please, Kat no…"
Jason looked confused. Kathy nodded, smiling.
"I don't understand." Jason replied.
Kat looked at Angie and ran her fingers through the dark cascade of hair.
"Angie was supposed to wear something tonight when she picked me up andshe isn't wearing it." Kat told Jason.
"Please…please Kat, don't… not here. Please…" Angiebegged, turning to Kathy. Kathy ignored her.
"Want to see her tits?" Kathy suddenly asked Jason.
Jason's eyes popped open in shock. "Huh?"
Kathy giggled. "Do you want to see her breasts, Jason?" She repeated.
Jason's mouth opened and closed a few times. "Well…I…um…" Hefloundered.
Kat turned to Angie. "Lift your shirt." She ordered.
Angie's eyes were overflowing with tears and she looked at Kat, beggingsilently. Kat's eyes merely narrowed. Angie's face fell with acceptance andshe took hold of her halter top with both hands and raised it upward. Her piercednavel had already been exposed and she kept her eyes downcast as the haltertop cleared the swell of her breasts, baring the large nipples. She left thetop bunched around her neck, dropping her hands back down to her sides.
"Oh my God." Jason muttered, watching in rapture. Angie saw his hand reachdown to his pants and straighten his thickening cock through the cloth.
Kat raised her hand and flicked one of Angie's nipples. Angie jerked withthe sudden sensation and Kat laughed. "Oh yes, she's been bad." Kat's eyesnarrowed. "Did you even bring them?" She asked.
Angie nodded. "They're in my purse." She said.
Kat took hold of Angie purse, pulling it from Angie's shoulder. Kat openedit quickly and removed the latex balls. They jingled and rang as she put pursedown on the counter behind her.
Jason looked even more confused but he stood riveted. "What are those?" Heasked.
Kat smiled at him. "Vibroballs. They shake and ring when you walk." Sheshook them a little and all three of them could hear the little clappers insideringing. "It's pure torture for a girl." She turned to Angie. "But you've beenbad. I think you deserve a spanking." Angie opened her mouth to protest butKat shook her head. "A severe spanking."
Kat pushed her forward until her thighs hit the counter that held the warmingplate. She turned to Jason. "You can help." Jason's eyes popped open even wider.
"Angie, give your hands to Jason. Jason, you grab her wrists and pull. Don'tlet go." Kat ordered.
Angie nodded and reached both hands forward over the hot plate, feelingthe heat bathe her arms. Jason gulped and took hold of her wrists pulling herslightly forward. Angie breasts dangled and her cheeks felt the wash of heat.
"No no Jason. Pull her forward." Kathy said, pushing Angie forward and down.
Angie squirmed as her chest moved out over the hotplate and Kathy pusheddown hard upon her back. Suddenly Angie gasped as her nipples made contactwith the warm metal. She tried to jerk back up but Kathy was holding her down.
"Now hold her tight Jason. I don't want her to be able to get off the plate,okay?" Kathy said to the boy.
Angie felt Jason's grip on her wrists tighten and she was acutely awareof the quick excited breaths the shift manager was making. Her breasts feltlike they had been encased in a bra hot from the dryer, except instead of thepleasant and quickly suffusing heat she felt the still intense warmth of thehot plate.
Suddenly she felt a cold draft across her bottom and she realized that Kathyhad flipped up her skirt. She shifted as Kat drew fingernails across the fleshand Angie shivered. Kat pushed against her leg.
"Spread them, Angie." Kat ordered.
Angie spread her legs wide apart, hoping this would please Kat and get herto let her up from the hot plate. Angie looked up at Jason, who was watchingintently, as Kat picked up the vibroballs, jiggling them lightly.
"Next time I tell you to wear these to pick me up, you better." Kat said.
Angie nodded. Suddenly she felt the round hardness of the ball against thewet petals of her sex. Kat twirled the ball around, coating it with a clearcream, and then pushed, letting it enter her with a pop.
Angie gasped as it went in. The second ball was pulled hard against her sexand Kat repeated the process. As the third ball finally entered, Angie groanedloudly. Kat smacked her smartly on the ass.
"There you go sweetheart. All ready for your spanking?"
Tears poured down Angie's cheeks. "Yes, please." She said.
Kat pulled her hand back and brought it down hard against Angie's bottom.
"OWWwwwwww" Angie cried out, her whole body jerking forward, dragging herbreasts along the hotplate. Jason gripped her wrists and pulled forward anddown.
Kat swung again and this time all three of them heard the ringing soundof the vibroballs as Angie's hips recoiled from the slap. She cried out again,her voice a soft counterpoint to the ringing. Kat began spanking Angie in earnest,each blow sending her flesh rippling. Angie moaned as Kathy swung lower, sendingfingers stinging along the lips of Angie's sex.
Then the moaning began. Angie's body rocked in time with the blows and Jasonwatched in amazement as the girl's short gasps gave way to little cries ofpleasure. As Kat rained stinging spanks down up her bottom, Angie began toorgasm, giving way from a small wave of pleasure that built upward until itwas a great roaring tsunami that rushed upward from her reddened ass up tothe heated curves of her breasts.
Kat began to softly rub Angie's bottom and signaled Jason to release herwrists. Slowly, Angie lifted herself up from the hot plate and both of hertorturer's gazed in awe at the flushed pink skin of her breasts and stomach.Kat reached out and cupped one breast, feeling a wave of heat. She looked atJason quizzically.
Jason looked sheepish. "Sorry. I must have accidentally turned it back on." Hesaid softly. He pushed a small brightly lit switch on the side of the plate,turning it off.
Kathy waved her hand. "It's okay. I think it helped."
Angie stood, weaving as she recovered from the intense orgasm that had justwashed through her.
Kathy laughed and shook her hand. "Well, we still have a few more thingsto do, Angie."
Angie looked at her and nodded. "Okay. I'm okay. I mean…its okay."
Kathy smiled and kissed Angie on the lips. "It's okay sweetheart. You handledyour punishment well." She put her hands on Angie's hips and moved them backand forth, ringing the vibroballs.
Angie gasped and clutched Kat's shoulders.
"A little sensitive, Angie?" Asked Kat.
Angie mewled in pleasure.
Kat turned toward Jason. "Angie here has volunteered to help us. She's goingto mop the dining area."
Angie's eyes widened and she pulled backward. "Oh no, Kat. Please. You can'tmake me do that after what you just did to me." Angie begged.
Kathy laughed. "Sure I can. And if you disobey we can always sit you downon the hot plate and I can whip those perky little tits of yours. Anyway, itshouldn't take long to mop the dining area. Just take off your shirt and getstarted."
Angie's mouth flapped. "M-my shirt?" Her eyes darted to the windows, seeingthe bright streaks of headlights flashing past.
Kat's eyes narrowed. "Yes your shirt. Take it off and get started. Or doyou want to do it totally naked?"
"No Kat. I'll do it." Angie replied demurely, her eyes on the floor.
Kat smiled. "Good. Get to it."
Angie pulled the bunched up halter top from around her neck and droppedit onto the counter. Her breasts were only slowly loosing their redness andshe took hold of the mop handle and began to swipe the ceramic tiles. Jasonwatched in rapture as the slight tinkling of the vibroballs filled the roomand Angie kept herself turned toward him so that her bare breasts wouldn'tbe seen by those driving by.
Kat had finished putting away a few last items and tapped Jason on the shoulder.
"We're going over to my house for dessert and games. Want to come?" Kathyasked.
Jason was a little taken aback but recovered almost instantly. "Absolutely." Hesaid excitedly.
Kat laughed at his enthusiasm but then she looked mischievous. "Do you likebanana splits?" She asked suddenly.
Jason looked at her quizzically. "Um, yeah. Why?"
Kat grinned. "Cause Angie and I just love them." Her eyes turned towardthe half naked girl who was busily mopping the dining area.
"Angie loves them a lot."
The outside lights of the house burned brightly as the three of them walkedaround and opened the fence gate. Kat and Jason chatted and joked, laughingevery so often at some story or comment. Angie however concentrated on walking.It was getting harder too put one foot in front of the other. Mopping the diningarea had resulted in fresh surges of desire from between her legs and the vibroballswere driving her mad. She had contemplated throwing herself upon Jason, butshe suspected that Kathy would be angry.
"Here we are." Announced Kat as she unlocked the back door that led to thekitchen.
Jason looked around as the lights were flipped on. "Nice place."
Kat frowned. "I try. Mom's not much of a housekeeper."
A flash of worry crossed Jason's face. "Is your mom home?" He asked.
"No. She's rarely home at night. Bar hopping, man chasing, getting screwed,whatever you want to call it." Kat said disgustedly.
Jason looked ashamed. "Sorry."
Kat waved her hand. "Don't be. I'm used to it." She suddenly smiled again. "Wanta beer?"
Jason brightened. "Sure."
"Angie, can you get Jason a beer, please?" Kat asked sweetly.
Angie nodded. "Sure. In a glass or the bottle, Jason?"
"Um…just the bottle I guess."
They watched as Angie shuffled around the counter and opened the fridge.They could still hear the light ringing of the balls as she bent over.
"Come on, Jason"Kat said, grabbing his elbow. "Let's go into the familyroom. You can pick out a movie."
Angie stood up with the beer bottle and watched Kat escort Jason out ofthe kitchen. She took a few more steps and then stopped as an extreme wavewashed over her. Her fingers lifted the hem of the skirt and she pushed theunopened top of the beer bottle against her clit. She clenched her teeth asthe searing cold hit her but it was enough, pushing her body over the edgeinto orgasm. She rocked back and forth on her feet for a second, letting thepleasure wash over her, her breaths coming in short gasps. Then it was overand she pulled the bottle away from her sex.
She quickly moved into the family room, her body once more under her control.She knew that the vibroballs could easily bring her back to feeling that excruciatingneed, but it would take awhile. She stepped over to Jason, who was sittingon the couch next to Kathy, and gave him the bottle.
"Thanks Angie." Said Jason.
Kat got up. "Be right back." She announced. Angie and Jason watched as sheleft the room.
There was a palpable silence. Angie sat down in an easy chair that stoodoff to the left and fidgeted a little.
"So…um…you do this kind of thing a lot with Kathy?" askedJason.
Angie nodded. "Mostly."
He leaned forward, the beer in his hands. "Do you two screw each other?"
Angie's eyes widened. "Well, kind of. I mean, yes. Well, we make each othercome." She tried to explain.
"Do you ever fuck guys?" He asked her intently.
"When Kat makes me." Angie said softly.
"Do you like it?" He pushed, trying to get her to open up.
"I love it." Angie said, blushing. Her heart hammered and her mind keptbringing up thoughts of what Jason might be like as a lover.
"I'm back!" Kat's voice announced. She held a large black bag in one handand had three video tapes in the other. "I'll let you select the video fortonight Jason, because you are our guest." She put all three videos down onthe large wooden coffee table that stood in front of the couch.
Jason leaned forward to see the titles, and visibly started when he sawthe pictures of naked tied up girls on the covers.
"Hmmm… such an interesting selection." He said, laughing it off.
Kat smiled. "Oh yes. All are pretty good. BDSM Vixens is fun. But I reallylike Tied Up and Tortured. Angie's favorite is this one. It's called PussyPenetrations." Kat held up one box that had a blonde girl tied to a chair withher legs spread while another girl pushed a huge cucumber into her body.
Jason seemed to consider all of them and then tapped Angie's favorite. "It'stough to decide between the Tied Up one and Angie's favorite. But she's hada tough night already, so I think we should let her have her favorite."
Kat's mouth grinned sarcastically. "You're very generous." She turned toAngie. "Will you put the tape in and then put on your cuffs please?" She droppedthe black bag on the table. Angie nodded.
Kat smiled again and walked through the doorway to the kitchen and Jasonand Angie heard dishes clanking. Angie stood up and pulled the tape out ofthe box and began turning on the VCR.
"So is this really your favorite?" Jason asked.
Angie shrugged. "Kind of. It was the first tape that we acted out. Theseall belonged to Kat's dad. She stole a couple before he moved out."
"So what's on the tape?"
Angie chuckled softly. "What's in the picture on the box, Jason? Girls gettingeverything you can imagine being pushed into them."
He smiled. "Did you like it?"
Angie didn't nod but said. "I came a lot." She pressed the play button andmoved away from the screen. Immediately pictures of naked beauties flashedacross the television. Jason moved his hand down to his crotch and presseddown upon his hard shaft.
Angie stepped to the side of the table and opened up the black bag. Jason'sattention was drawn to her, but he couldn't see into the bag. Angie pulledout two pairs of black leather cuffs with heavy steel rings attached. She beganto encase the leather around her wrist and leaned over to Jason.
"Can you help me with these buckles? I never can get them tight enough onmy own." She asked, her brown eyes softly gazing at him.
"Um…sure." Jason responded. The television was making soft gaspingnoises that seemed to float above a sound track of squishing sounds.
Jason pulled the straps tight and buckled each cuff on her wrist tightly.He noticed the insides of the cuffs were lined with some soft foamy materialand the metal rings tinkled softly in a counterpoint to the vibroballs.
Angie suddenly put her leg up on the coffee table and handed him the anklecuff. Her skirt rode high up her thigh all the way to her waist and Jason wasable to see the bare petals of her sex. They glistened and a thin strand oftwine stuck out from between her labia.
"You shave." He said as he tightened the first cuff on.
"Yeah. Kat likes me shaved." Angie said, putting her hands on his shouldersto help her balance.
"It's nice." Jason said. "There. This foot's done." He said.
Angie pulled her foot down and the placed the other one on the table. Shesmiled, a slight blush reddening her cheeks as he once again looked acrossthe flesh of her thigh and into the tight smooth crevasse of her sex.
"Jason? Chocolate or vanilla?" A voice called from the kitchen.
"Uh…chocolate is great." He said, his fingers working on the lastbuckle.
"Okay." Kat's voice sang out.
Angie dropped her leg and stepped away from him. Jason stared at her andthen back at the television where a blonde haired vixen was being impaled withthe business end of a baseball bat. Angie laughed at Jason's divided attentionand she took hold of her skirt and wiggled it down off of her hips, baringher loins and sex to his eyes. The skirt fell to the floor and she steppedclear of it, flinging it off her sandal with a twist of her ankle. Kat enteredthe room holding a serving tray. It was obvious she had changed clothes aswell, opting for a sheer black slip that held her breasts back with the faintesttouch of lace. Jason's eyes widened we he saw her.
"The top too, Angie." She ordered as she put thetray on a side table next to the couch. It held a small army of serving bowlsand scoops and a can of whip cream towered in the center.
Angie pulled her halter top off baring breaststhat had already been devoured by Jason's eyes before. They were no longerhot to the touch and only the lightest shade of pink still betrayed the slowcooking they had received earlier. Both nipples were hard and pointed and Angiedropped the halter on the easy chair.
Kat however was in the process of moving the coffeetable around. It's rectangular shape had been arranged so that the narrow endswere pointed from the television to the couch, leaving little room for thethree of them to place any ice cream. Jason looked on in interest.
Kat motioned to the table. "Straddle the coffeetable, Angie. Facing us. You won't be seeing your favorite movie tonight. Sorry." Shesaid.
Angie moved forward and spread her legs, steppingover the solid wood table. Her face was inscrutable, but her body betrayedits needs. Kat reached between her legs and grabbed hold of the vibroballs,yanking hard on the string.
Angie gasped and cried out as the string of bellspopped out of her. Her own juices dripped from the toy dangling in Kathy'shand and small trickles began to stream down her thighs.
"Lay down on the table." Kathy ordered, dropping the vibroballs onto thefloor next to the couch.
Angie sat down on the table, still facing Jason and Kat and she leaned backward,lying down. She could feel the cool hard strength of the oak table under her,her legs parted and still on the floor to either side. Kat had reached forthe bag and extracted two lengths of black nylon rope and she and quickly tiedone end to the metal ring embedded in Angie's left wrist cuff. She passed therope under the table and through the legs and ran it through the other wristcuff, pulling it tightly and securing Angie's wrists down by her hips.
Kathy took the other rope and tied it to the ankle cuff. She stood up andlooked at Jason.
"Give me a hand, will you?" She asked. Jason stood up and looked at Kathy.
"Take her other ankle and pull her legs up so she's bent in half, like this." Kathysaid, pulling Angie's leg up and bending it so that her foot came almost toher head. Angie groaned and Jason took hold of the other leg and pulled itup, bending Angie in half.
"Take both legs while I tie them up." Kat ordered. Jason followed, yieldingto her domineering attitude. Kat ran the rope under the table again, this timelooping the nylon around the legs and finished tying it off on the other leg.Then she backed off.
Angie moaned from the exposure and discomfort of the position. Her sandalsdangled inches above her face and she could raise her head and see her exposedsex between her breasts. Her arms were stretched tightly downward and she couldbarely move. She dropped her head back down onto the table.
Kat removed the sandals from Angie's feet and lightly kissed her toes. ThenKathy looked at Jason.
"Ready for that banana split?" she asked.
Jason looked perplexed. The sight of Angie tied spread just a few inchesfrom him along with the rhythmic grunts and squeals coming from the video hadhis nerves jangling with desire. He longed to take out his shaft and plungeit into the sopping flower before him. But Kathy was definitely in controland he nodded, swallowing in expectation.
Kat reached to the tray and grabbed hold of a huge banana, almost seveninches long.
"Does this look like a good banana to you?" She asked innocently.
"Yeah. It looks great."
"Great. Well, got to put it in the bowl then." Kat said. She leaned forwardand with a quick movement plunged the banana deep into Angie's body. Angiesquealed and jerked as the fruit penetrated her deeply.
Jason's eyes popped open in surprise as Kat shoved the banana in. His handpressed down hard upon his cock, as Kat pumped the banana hard against Angie'ssex.
"Damn." Kat exclaimed. "I forgot. You don't eat the peel." She yanked thebanana out of Angie, eliciting and agonizing groan from the bound girl.
Kat twisted the end of the banana, slick with Angie's juices. The peel brokeaway exposing the soft but ridged flesh underneath. Its pale length contrastedwith the dusky skin of Angie's thighs. Kat removed the entire peel and dumpedit next to the vibroballs. She put the banana to her mouth and wrapped herlips around it, sucking on the end. When she pulled it out Jason saw that itwas still whole.
"I love bananas." Kathy declared. She placed the wet tip against Angie'sdark opening and slowly pushed it in. Angie moaned a thin soft cry that spokeof discomfort and need. Kat pushed the banana in deeper and deeper until almostthe entire fruit was embedded. Angie whimpered and Kat pulled a portion backout and began to pump, soft wet thrusts, into the pink folds of Angie's body.
Suddenly, Kat's wrist twisted, breaking off over half the banana insideAngie.
"Whoops." Kat said softly. She turned to Jason. "Well what comes next ina banana split?"
His eyes widened. "Um…the ice cream?" He answered, unsure of himselfand the two girls.
Kat smiled. "You said chocolate so here we go." She reached over to thetray and picked up a small bowl of chocolate ice cream. It was slightly melted,but its thick cream still lay coolly in the shallow cup. Kat had stuck a largeserving spoon into it. Now she picked it up, loading a scoop of the ice creamonto the metal utensil.
She leaned over between Angie's outstretched legs and used her left handto split the lips of the tied girl's slit. As soon as the spoon touched theclit, Angie jerked, crying out. Kat ignored her and pushed the spoon into thecrying girl, digging it deep and letting the metal edge slice the banana thatwas still buried inside her.
"Ohhh it's too c-c-cold!" Angie cried out, her arms and legs straining againsttheir bonds. "P-p-please no more!" Kat only laughed and moved the spoon aroundinside Angie, stirring the ice cream and banana together.
"Now what?" asked Kat, looking at the awestruck boy.
"The hot fudge." Said Jason, this time with more conviction. Kat giggled.
"I like the way you think." She reached over to the tray and took a smallclay pitcher in her hand. A waft of thick fudge aroma steamed from it and Jasonlooked at it and saw the hot fudge, still steaming and syrupy. "You pour itover the top of the banana split right?" Asked Kat, an evil smile spread acrossher face.
Jason grinned. "Absolutely."
Kat held the pitcher directly over Angie's clit, near the top of her sex,and began to tilt her hand. A thick dollop of fudge bubbled at the tip, andthen poured down, landing with a thick shock right on Angie's clit.
"OOWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Angie, bucking wildly as the hot fudgebegan to seep downward through the petals of her sex. Kat poured again, lettinga thick stream of fudge coat the swollen edges of Angie's flower. Kat movedthe pitcher downward and positioned it directly above the gaping hole thatheld the banana and melting remnants of the chocolate ice cream. She let thefudge pour directly into Angie and they watched as Angie bucked and cried,screaming in pleasure and agony, as the hot chocolate heat filled her sex.
"Can I see that?" asked Jason. Kat eyes widened but she handed the pitcherto him. Jason stuck a single finger into the fudge and pulled it out, lickingit. "It's not that hot." He said, questioning Kat.
"It's the ice cream. She was very cold already." Kat replied.
"Hmmm…" Jason murmured. He moved off the couch to Angie's side. Heheld the pitcher over Angie's right breast and looked at Kat.
"Go ahead!" Kat said, pleased that Jason was getting involved.
Jason poured the fudge, watching it fall and coat the erect nipple and swollenareolas. Angie's breathing came in hoarse gasps.
He sat back down, handing the fudge to Kat. She returned it to the trayand grabbed the whip cream can.
"Whip cream time, Angie!" Kat announced, shaking the can.
Angie looked through her breasts and legs at them and shook her head. "Ohp-please no. I can't take any more. It h-h-hurts. I need to come so b-b-bad.Pllease?"
Kat laughed and placed a finger on the can nozzle. She pushed her fingerand the nozzle inside Angie and pushed against the nozzle. The sound of escapinggas didn't conceal the sudden squeal that erupted from Angie's mouth. Kat laughedas the whip cream filled the last of the empty space inside Angie's sex.
Whip cream erupted from around Kat's fingers and she pulled her hand andthe can away, licking the white cream from her knuckles. As she sucked on oneshe looked at Jason who was trying, unobtrusively, to rub his cock throughhis pants.
"Here, let me." Kat said, putting down the can. She reached over and quicklyunlatched his belt, popping the button in seconds. He had barely stood whenshe yanked both his boxers and pants downward, freeing the rock hard shaftfrom its cotton imprisonment. Kat quickly grabbed hold of it and kissed thetip, running her tongue around the head as Jason moaned loudly.
Kathy pushed him back down, keeping one hand firmly around his cock. "It'stime to eat." She said. She pivoted on the couch, her left hand gently squeezingJason rhythmically as she pulled two spoons from the tray. She dropped onein her lap and placed the other one at the sugar bottom of Angie's slit. Shedragged the spoon upward, loading it with the excess chocolate and cream untilthe metal edge caught Angie's clit. Angie cried out, bucking as Kathy liftedthe spoon to Jason's mouth.
Jason opened his mouth as Kathy pushed the spoon in and he tasted the sweetdelights of sugar and cocoa, and something else as well, a salty taste, thetaste of sweet juices. He swallowed hungrily as Kathy began stroking his shaft.She handed him the spoon and took the other one in her right hand. She onceagain delved into the succulent bowl before her, this time driving the spoonslightly in. Jason quivered as the hand grasping him pulsed and he watchedin utter amazement as Kat tasted the spoonful of chocolate and banana and creamand Angie.
Jason leaned forward, trying for the moment to forget Kathy's hand and itsplayful stroking between his legs. He pushed his spoon forward and into Angie,deeply scooping out a sodden chocolaty banana from deep with in. He devouredit in seconds as Angie began to sob, quivering as their spoons intruded. Hiseyes darted to the television, watching as some poor girl cried out, her legsspread and tied apart as a bottle was pushed into her. He mimicked the processwith the huge spoon upon the bound girl in front of him, tasting her body mixedwith candy.
Kathy continued her caresses, all the while using the edge of her spoonto scrape, pull, and tug upon the swollen and frozen clit of her little slavegirl. Angie continually moaned her bottom moving and swaying as the two dinersdelved into her depths for the treats. She felt them emptying her slowly, liftingthe mashed banana and cream and chocolate from her like breaths of cool airon a hot summer night.
"Stand up." Kat said to Jason, pulling on his cock so that he quickly stood.She pulled him toward her so that he was fully centered above Angie tied andspread legs.
"Spread your legs, Jason." Kat ordered the obedient boy who immediatelyfollowed her orders, kicking off the boxers and widening his legs.
She pulled him forward then by his cock and pushing against his buttocksuntil the tip of his rod lay at the chocolate smeared opening of Angie's sex.With deliberate patience, she guided his thick shaft into Angie, who stiffenedand cried out at the penetration. Lubricated with the melted remnants of syrupand cream, Jason began to pump himself into the gooey hole between Angie'slegs. It was cold, but he was beyond caring.
Angie began to buck, trying to impale herself deeper on the thick cock spearingher, but only seconds inside her, Jason's strength collapsed and he paused,feeling the shudders and spasms that came with orgasm. Kat yanked him backwardjust as his cock began to spurt and Kathy bent forward, quickly surroundinghis cream smeared and shooting cock with her mouth.
Jason gasped and the cried out as she sucked hard, pulling every last dropfrom his rod, and then he collapsed against the couch while Kathy knelt betweenhis legs, her back to Angie, while she licked his rod clean of the chocolateand whip cream of Angie's crevasse.
As soon as his member was its usual beige, Kathy leaned back, licking herlips. Her eyes sparkled.
"Having fun?" She asked, her mouth parting in a huge smile.
Jason's eyes rolled over her and he smiled.
"Oh good. Let's see how quick you can get hard again." And she bent overwith her face in his lap, her hair cascading in a blonde puddle around her.
Jason stared across the crying body of Angie, whose breasts, still coatedwith cream and chocolate, shook with uncontrolled desire. The television girlwas howling as a plastic cactus was being carefully inserted into her body,spine by spine, and Kathy's mouth tongued and sucked.
It was the beginning of a great night.
A fantasy by dahCopyright © 1999 by dahLeila's Humiliation, Part 1Leila arrived at the medical building just five minutes before her 10:30 a.m. appointment and took the elevator to the tenth floor. Her new job required a complete physical, and she had decided to combine that with her annual checkup. Since her old schoolmate Maria worked in Doctor Hillock's office, she had decided to make him her new doctor. It would be good to see someone she knew, as she had just moved to the city.She entered...
Hi,As English isn’t my mother tongue, it wasn’t easy to write down this story. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right term, so I hope the story isn’t getting boring soon, especially because this is the first story I ever wrote. But I wanted to write this in English, to give as many people as possible the chance to read it. Any corrections or comments are welcome. The chapter about my childhood is mostly based on real life events. Because of legal matters some details were changed, because of my...
Chapter 5 - humiliation With my last evening as a free woman finished and now officially Masters Sissy Slave I had assumed that things would return to the way they had been for the previous 2 weeks. Waking up in bed with Master inside me I received my first fucking as an official slave. After he was finished with me I went to prepare myself for the day by returning to my morning routine. Taking in my gruel I remembered how good the food felt last night. I never thought that the day...
Husbands HumiliationLosing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could...
Losing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could just crawl into a hole...
Sarah had her nose pressed against the wall with her hands on her head. She had already removed her skirt and knickers and knew that her vest top had ridden up so that the whole of her bottom and her lower back were on show. She wasn’t ashamed of her body. Far from it in fact. However, she hadn’t expected to be facing discipline today.Sarah was dressed in a red vest top and white short skirt. It was summer and she had bare legs. Her blonde hair flowed down to her shoulders and she had a quite...
SpankingChapter 1Wed., 07-21-07 Even after a year and a half after my husband died I still didn’t feel like dating. I do get offers. I’m 38 but look younger. I have a ?full figure? and have to work hard to keep the pounds off but as a result I have very large breasts and ample hips and still a slim waist. With long auburn hair and killer big eyes, I get lots of second looks. I still get horny but just can’t bring myself to be with some other guy after 19 years with Bill. I am a high school...
We were colleagues and it always felt dangerous between us. She was in her early thirties and I had just turned fifty. At first we actively disliked each other, perhaps reacting to the arrogance that we are both prone to, but that slowly changed. We found that we worked well together and started to flirt, particularly after a drink or two on overnight business trips. She was tall, blond, beautiful, posh, and very fond of wearing designer high heels that made her almost as tall as my 6’ 1”. It...
FemdomShe didn’t waste any time once the pleasantries were done getting down to asking me what she called for, I was afraid she was going to ask for money but it was nothing like that at all. She said “So I was hanging out with my sister this weekend and she was telling me about the two of you and I just wanted to talk to you and find out your side of the story.” That took me aback but I replied with “Well, what did she tell you and what can I straighten you out about?” She laughed at that, and...
Hello guys, this is my story about college humiliation is fictional. It is based on a virtual world, which is male dominant and is on BDSM. There was a small country which was highly self-dependent and followed their own rules. Males dominated the country, and they held all senior positions. The country had only one college specializing in medical, engineering, commerce, arts, etc. Being the only college, there was a good strength of students. However, the students had to live in a hostel and...
My names Emma I’m a Scarlet Trooper Captain you may have read some of my other tales of the daily struggles myself and my squad of Scarlet Troopers face trying to maintain order. Scarlet Troopers are, just to remind you, highly trained mounted female soldiers we pride ourselves in our appearance and our skintight red lycra catsuits, Black leather belts, riding boots and black cropped jackets distinguish us from the rest of society. We wear our catsuits next to our skin no underwear it would...
I recently met up with someone to be a sissy slut for them and wanted to share what happened on my first meet. This is the genuine true story. I use the username indoblu on websites, but my sissy name is Holly so I'll refer to myself from now on as such. I'll mention my history as a sissy before talking about the meet up, skip the first few paragraphs to get to that bit.I have always known I love girls clothes, lingerie, miniskirts, colourful sheer blouses , anything satin or lace, since a very...
It has been a month ago today that my wife walked into my office and asked for a divorce. She told me that she had hired a private investigator and had an entire portfolio of photographs of my recent indiscretions. If this were to be made public it would be very humiliating for me professionally. A quick glance at the separation paper drawn up by her attorney left little doubt that I would be completely ruined financially. Due to the overwhelming evidence of the affairs I was involved in, the...
VALENTINE'S DAY HUMILIATION Wesley Paine felt he'd won the lottery when Lottie agreed to marry him, almost literally in view of the businesses she owned. At the age of only twenty two her father had been killed in an accident while driving back from a meeting, late at night. Her mother had died the year before from breast cancer and Charlotte, Lottie to him, was convinced her father just didn't care about life after the loss he suffered and that may have contributed to his...
Ihave been on edge all week since my confession to my husband The Six Tasks of My Humiliation?? Part 1 By Alfamann I have been on edge all week since my confession to my husband. I have been so nervous I have just about completely lost my appetite. It had all gone a little crazy last Friday evening when my husband, Steven, was on our computer and using the internet. I heard him call my name and I sauntered into the study wearing only a towel as I had just exited the shower. ?What is...
Sissy's Public Humiliation She is taking me out like this! My heart was pounding and the world spun around me, but I steadied myself on my 5-inch hot pink "fuck me" pumps, securely fastened to my legs by a locking ankle strap. I stepped back from the door and shook my head, which made the 4-inch-long penis gag, strapped around the ring gag that held my mouth wide open, push against the back of my throat making me gag, and felt another sharp pull on the leash, attached not to my collar...
Adults only. Please do not repost without permission. Comments to [email protected] I approached the empty house, driving up the forever-long driveway, gently pressing the button above my head, and watched as the massive garage door lifted. I took a deep breath as I pulled in, again, touched the button above my head and stepped out of my car. The whir of the closing garage door gave way to complete silence as I began to undress. Carefully I removed the business suit I was...
Catherine bounced into the office on a wave of enthusiasm and anticipation. Her promotion interview was just after lunch. She had waited months for this day to come; hours of preparations and hard work, dozens of mock interviews with her loving and supportive husband John. Now it had arrived and she was ready. This was going to be a big day for her, she could feel it. After a light lunch spent mostly revising her supporting materials, Catherine sat in the foyer outside Dario’s office, a little...
When I started with the company Roger was the top salesman, he had the best clients, the best bonus and the best company car. Within three months I had eclipsed him. It stood to reason, I was fifteen years younger than his forty, I was hungrier, I was more ambitious. I was just plain better than he was. He didn't like it and resented me and I knew he plotted to discredit and do me down at every occasion. But that only seemed to affect him and his sales, I just ignored him.Then after six months...
One Husband's Humiliation by Ann Losing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I...
Mark`s Job Humiliation.Well Im happy you like my undies Mark typed in his google window to an online Mistress friend he had been chatting with for the past few weeks. Love hearing about a man in lacy panties and garter belts was the reply that popped up. The two had been chatting while Mark was at work at his desk. Mark had a corner desk in a shared office of a successful modeling agency that allowed him to squander company time with online fun. The three women he shared the office were none...
Since this interactive is female-only, there are a few characters changes I'm making to allow for that. Also, this interactive will be very unrealistic, obviously. The Captain: Amy is acting as the precinct's captain due to the fact that the last captain (Captain Nikki Martin) requested a precinct change after she was publicly humiliated by detective Diaz. Gina serves as Amy's assistant. The Sergeant: With Amy as the captain, a new Sergeant was moved into the precinct: Sergeant Madison Brooks....
As I became familiar with my surroundings, I noticed that the retreat was pretty busy with a higher ratio of women to men; just then my thoughts were interrupted as a hand slapped my bare ass. I whirled around and was shocked to see Sharon, a sexy cougar that had been my neighbor next to my childhood home. Sharon was a petite-yet busty 5'4” African-American woman with wide sexy blue eyes that seemed to smile at me, those same eyes that smiled mischievously when she'd caught me staring at...
She somehow tapped into a deep need to be humiliated and is now in control!She knew that I would do anything for her attention, especially if it meant that she would play with me. She knew I was aroused by her naughty tales of infidelity. This opened her up to exploiting my secret desire to be her sissy slut slave! Her manner to lure me to the bedroom, where she would spread for me, and tell me the only way I could have a taste is if I admitted that I was her sissy slut boy! I would...
Hotel of Humiliation. My name is Ken. I used to be an executive for a financial company. Now I work behind a bar in a remote part of Scotland. My old life changed one day. It was one of the strangest things that ever happened to me. I was staying in a hotel at the time. It wasn’t that the room was dirty or the food terrible, it was…something else. I was in London on business, meeting clients on behalf of the company I worked for. I was to give a presentation in the functions room of the hotel....
Hotel of Humiliation.My name is Ken. I used to be an executive for a financial company. Now I work behind a bar in a remote part of Scotland. My old life changed one day. It was one of the strangest things that ever happened to me. I was staying in a hotel at the time. It wasn’t that the room was dirty or the food terrible, it was…something else. I was in London on business, meeting clients on behalf of the company I worked for. I was to give a presentation in the functions room of the hotel....
ZENITH’S HUMILIATIONThis was the test. ?Zenith, take down your pants, NOW.? Enrico said to his insolent young wife. Zeni tossed her hair at Ric ?What the hell are you doing, this is my family reunion.? But Ric could see the challenge in her eyes, and he was enthralled by the way her light brown curls bounced against her shoulders as she attempted to flounce away from him.And then Ric took Zeni’s arm, and pulled her to him, briskly unsnapping the buttons of her jeans himself, as her parents,...
Cast of the story: Cast of the story: Bob ? father of Katie and Todd ? Bob is 50 years old and a single dad with full custody of the kidsKatie (13) Todd (15)Uncle Jim (40)Josh (15) ? Uncle Jim?s sonSam ? Bob?s neighbor and friend (Had a son Katies age named Kevin)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Story Line ? Bob, Katies dad is the leader of an all men amateur photography club who meets weekly with aprox 15 other men and a few...
He didn’t hear us, as we arrived home. Didn’t hear the door close. Didn’t hear the floorboard creak, as we walked along the hall. He was immersed in his own little world, a world of his fantasy. His face was rapt, lit by the glow of his computer. I knew what he was watching. It was what he always watched. He held his cock in his right hand, slowly stroking it, as in front of him a black ball fucked the little white wife. He saw us then, too late. He’d been caught. “Really Chris, wanking again,...
No Faire A Tale of Public Humiliation Brian had been dating Jan for about two years now. A few times each year, she tended to disappear for a weekend to attend one of the local ?Renaissance Festivals? in nearby towns, but Brian had never had much interest in going with her. Every time Jan tried to convince Brian, he would claim to be ?too busy? or make up an excuse. One day, he found himself unable to think of a reason, and decided to blurt out his real opinion.?It just seems so...
The Prisoners Daughter: a tale of humiliationThe ring on the doorbell was the last thing she needed. It had been a tough day at work and Natalie wanted nothing more to settle down with a glass of wine in front of the TV. She would just go and tell whoever it was to get lost - probably just canvassing or something. She opened the door a crack on the security chain. A man stood on the other side: well dressed, fairly young and quite good looking actually. Perhaps she wouldn't tell him to get...
Dee and I were sitting on the corner table in the pub. A good place to sit, we could people watch all the customers coming in and getting their drinks. There was a couple next to us, similar in age and they chatted together. A bunch of lads stood at the bar, they were all good looking and Dee had already noticed them. She had squeezed my thigh when she spotted them, I knew she probably had the hots for them. The couple next to us started to talk loudly together, they obviously were having a...
My wife is xhamster member Denise44F and this TRUE story follows on from my first TRUE story 'My Big hanging Tits wife Denise and the Voyeur'. That story pretty much explained how my wife came to be exposed naked all over the internet as she now is and how I became more and more cuckold ! You may want to look at her undressed in her galleries here on after you read this account. We are a mature couple in our mid fifties from London and if you have already seen her...
My daughter has been a problem child ever since she hit puberty. I used to just spank her hard but that didn’t seem to help much. I tried lifting her dress and spanking her panties but that didn’t do it either. Then I started lowering her panties and spanking her bare ass. Now I started to enjoy that a lot more than I probably should have. Finally it was total nudist on her part, getting her bare ass spanked but good, and then having her stand in the corner for an hour afterwards, and not...
I will be updating as much as I can with different humiliation fantasies I wish would happen to me, obviously working on one storyline at a time then back tracking. Let us start this story off with a little background on the character (me) Dustin Brimhall. I am currently 23 years old working at a grocery store, about 5'9, little bit fluffy (heavy set), but the main point of this story is the fact that my dick never really grew during puberty, its roughly 3.5 inches hard, just under 4 inches on...
FetishA story based off of Chase sat up in bed as they looked up to the clock. 3am the worst part of the day. Chase had just finished thier last exam just a week before but the stress of it remained. They repeatedly were waking up, unable to sleep and increasingly horny at all times of night and normal porn was beginning to not be enough. As they threw the covers back they saw..
AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-10 before this part. The main character, Sethy, is based upon a real woman who is an active member of the XHamster community, and much of Sethy reflects the true woman. The photos included in this story of Sethy are of the real Sethy and are here with her permission. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author....
Charley Wilson spent the entire week recuperating from the over the knee hairbrush spanking Miss Amanda had given him Saturday morning. And what a spanking it was! Miss Amanda spanked him in the hair drying room of her beauty salon. Pants down, bawling like a baby; his bare butt got a real tune-up. Added to the fires she set in his buns, was the humiliation of having four cute young ladies watch him squirm over this stern woman’s warm thighs. This was a visit to the beauty parlor they would...
SpankingHello ladies. This is Ajit back with yet another sex story. This story is about a couple with me enjoyed a cuckold experience. Lata and alok were in their early 50’s and they both were from upper rich family. Lata was looking beautiful at this age also. She had a nice tight body with curves and semi-huge boobs. Lata asked me to make her horny by just talking first. It was a bit difficult for me to make a women horny by words but I still thought of giving it a chance. Me- lata so what makes...
Hye guys, am allex(my gaming name :P), 22 years of age and am here to write my first story (this time a fictional one). And I am sure you will enjoy this story. All sexy ladies are who wanna enjoy awesome sessions either to please themselves or to please me can contact me at… all the comments and queries are also welcome and please read till the last for awesome experience. It wasn’t possible for Rohan, the richest lad of the college to forget his humiliation so easily. He was just looking for...
My heartfelt thanks goes to Teddi Sue for translating my English into Standard English, and her continuing friendship. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. Any comments are welcome. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with cross-dressing. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. Humiliation By Constance Grant Copyright (c) 2000 by Constance Grant,...
Jane was 17, 5’9” and model good looking. She was a very attractive, popular girl at school, always turning the heads of other pupils, both boys and girls. Her sister Steph wasn't in the same 'click' as her but was still popular. She probably wasn’t quite as attractive as her sister, but Jane really was beautiful! Steph was 5’8” with short cropped hair. Her breasts were a 36D. As she was only 19 they were large but pert. Her little nipples pointing high from her breasts They were...
The most humiliating, yet exciting scene happened to me this past week.Those of you who know mw know that I am a lez and have never, never experienced a guy... only girls/women.Last weekend, Miss C had me remove my clothes and then totally secured me on my back in Her playroom.I was left alone for awhile and then heard Her return. I thought that I heard someone in the room but was not sure.Miss C then straddled me in a kind of 69 and had me lick Her cunt until She was close to coming.She then...
People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. It all started with a mail, which read, “interested in a sexy wife”, who would deny a chance, I replied surely, a sexy photo would do, next day what I get is not what I was prepared for, I see a lady in her early thirties, she is in a...
Much like my last story, this is 100% authentic, purely based on my memory. This is also a story of me being dominated, degraded and humiliated, so this is not for everyone. While some may read this and feel that it is abusive, please know that I was fully consenting. Moreover, I liked it enough to write this and share it with all of you.-------------------Luka loved to push my boundaries – and I loved to let him. I was his personal whore for quite some time, and I loved every minute of it. He...
when I was 19 years old, i lived together with one of my best friends. I found out early that his penis was huge (at least 7 inches unerrect) and compared to my my 4,5 inch peeker it was even bigger,Because of my small penis I never dated girls, but I was always hearing him fucking his One-night-stands in the room next to I masturbated almost every time to a different voice screaming about his big cock.One day we went out for some drinks and met a nice girl. she came with us and took...
The girlfriend and I were on or way to a bbq at my friends. We drove in awkward silence because before we left our apartment, we tried to have sex but I could just not keep it up. This was not the first time and it was starting to put a strain on our relationship. I don’t know why we can’t just talk about this, she said. It’s probably all those fuckin pills you take for sleep. Maybe we should see a doctor. Maybe we can get you Viagra or something. Can we please just drop it? I asked, feeling...
The beautiful ebony lady was now bent over his knee getting her rear end seriously worked upon. He had not appreciated her refusal to wear his collar and he was making sure she was getting her priorities right. Despite being a proud young lady she soon was reduced to tears, more from shame than pain but the pain did help along the way. In any case she was now much more receptive to the idea of wearing the said collard. He even had her putting it on herself, just abdicating altogether. Once the...
Brian's humiliation By Lilly Brian was pretty pleased with himself as he walked home from school. He had just won himself a place on the first XI football team, which would make him one of the social leaders in the school. He was already fairly popular on account of this, with his admittedly rather androgynous, good looks and seemingly effortless academic success. He walked into the house, slamming the door behind him and ran upstairs to play on his computer, he was just about...
Most men consider me very attractive. I have a lovely face with a great and easy smile, shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes. At thirty-one, I am still 34B - 26 - 35, carrying 135 pounds on a five four frame. But, women... all women... are afraid of losing their looks, particularly single women like me who are fighting a war with a lot of younger competitors for the available men out there. So, I spend a lot on clothes and makeup. Really, I should spend more time in the gym, but, who has...
Introduction: A large crowd of older boys stood around the room watching and laughing. They drank their beers and cheered him on. Note:Based on fiction only. This is a dark fantasy of mine. This story involves graphic rape and should not be viewed by anyone offended by such material. A large crowd of older boys stood around the room watching and laughing. They drank their beers and cheered him on. You going to take that? someone said. I heard another voice say, Yeah man dont let that little...
I walked downstairs and into the sorority’s common room, dressed in the costume that had been chosen for me, I was dressed in a private school uniform, a couple sizes too small, but not too revealing. All-in-all, it could have been worse, the other three girls were dressed in costumes that either barely covered them, or were practically see through, or both. I was amazed that I could clearly see the nipples of the girl standing to my left, Brenda, through the sheer fabric of the sci-fi costume...
The Humiliation of Sheila By Steveswitch33It was indeed very humiliating for Sheila Johnson, her husband was in the front room, while his wife was being force fucked by a white man. It started when they moved back the Eau Claire. They hired a local moving company from the Chippewa Falls area called Rodryder Movers.Rod Ryder was the head man of the moving crew, he just sent his people home and he was going to assist Sheila in organizing things, while her husband Steve watched basketball in the...
It started as a conversation on a gay chat line. The guy said he was dominant and looking for a sub, and he was based in London, (near Kings Cross) so just an easy 20 minute train ride for me.we exchanged a few messages, he described himself as 62 years old, 5’ 7” and a Little overweight. I’m 6’ 2” and really enjoy the humiliation of being dominated by somebody shorter than me. His messages sounded great, he told me how he likes to make his sub strip, and crawl on all fours. He also said he...
. Rally Virgin utter humiliation! This happened in the mid-90's, when I was going out with a very beautiful little Goth chick. I was only just getting into the biker scene, and I was a bit young and naive, I suppose.My girlfriend of the time, Nici, was already a longtime rocker, into the rally scene too, and had friends in many clubs. I loved her madly; she was a part time model, and was really sexy and petite, with long dark hair and the prettiest face imaginable, plus perfect little round...
If you have read my last post, you will know about my secret sissy dressing and my love for cock inside my man pussy.I was on a job one day when it began to rain. I went inside where I was startled by a young girl. I'm not into anything like that. She looked about 20 , even in her little skirt and white socks, finished off with a tight white top. Her breasts were so big and the top encased them, showing her nipples through it."Hello mr" she said playing with her hair as she did."Would you like...
This story is loosely based on a real incident happened to me in my school days. A story of how desperate we boys (we all were 18 a or above 18 at that point )get for sex where no porn or a female body is available and how power turns someone into something they never even imagined. I was an introvert and suddenly getting an admission in a hostel really changed me now I didn’t have any alone time, after all, I use to watch porn a lot and by a lot I really mean a lot but now with no phone strict...
Gay MaleCuckold HumiliationMy wife was in a dancing mood so she suggested we meet up with a girlfriend of hers and go to one of the clubs downtown. My wife is a gorgeous dominant 26 year old brunette with a firm toned ass, tanned stomach and beautiful rack. She put on a black leather miniskirt, tall black cougar boots and a tight white tank top with bold black lettering across the chest that read: AVAILABLE. She grabbed me and told me we had to get going to Christina's place and we headed out the...