RedTails : A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 6 free porn video

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RedTails: Awakenings

A Night Out, A Night In



Chapter VI : Stand Off and Stand Down

Frelic, with his cypress wizard's staff glowing an eerie blue-white held before him, took point. Karma, short cutlass firmly held in one paw, stood to his right, and Thissle was poised for battle at her Master's left side, her longsword pointed at the Kobold in an overhead en garde position. Shaasta and Hansen knelt at either end of the couch, Elf on the left with her crossbow cocked and loaded, and Squirrel on the right, short bow drawn, with an arrow ready to fly.

An intense silence permeated the air as the House of Willowpaw and the Goblin dog stared each other down for several interminable seconds. With a frightened whimper, the Kobold slowly backpedaled towards the open door, keeping her eyes on the wizard and his crew. Frelic suspected that there were more Kobolds or worse waiting out in the hall, and this one was most likely retreating to report her findings now that she knew what they faced.

Frelic's heart almost stopped when the diminutive monster's retreat was unexpectedly blocked. A black-furred paw gently gripped the Kobold's shoulder. The monster turned around and looked up to meet the liquid-emerald gaze of Makae.

"Are you okay?" the Mephit girl asked. She then turned her gaze to the quintet poised near the hearth, with their weapons drawn.

Makae put her paw to her mouth and gave a soft, startled gasp, "Oh my! Master Willowpaw, why do you and your party stand so, as if you have just encountered a monster?"

Frelic quietly gestured towards the Kobold the Skunkette maid was standing behind. Makae followed the Elf's gaze and cocked her head cutely to one side. After another long moment of intense silence, the golden-eyed creature broke out in a fit of loud, barking laughter. Frelic scowled, trying to guess at what this Kobold was scheming. Hansen drew the string of his bow back tighter and craned his neck, trying to peer behind Makae, looking for the other Kobolds, Goblins, or Trolls that surely must be lurking out in the hallway.

Thissle, keeping her eyes focused on the laughing intruder, whispered to Frelic, "By Paramour's fangs," she swore, "the Goblin dog has lost her mind."

"She's probably signaling to her comrades for an assault. Keep alert," he warned. "Makae! Get your lovely ass away from here! Do you not know danger when you see it, girl?"

Makae looked up and down the empty corridor, then back to the wizard, whose staff glowed brighter. She shrugged her dainty shoulders, "I see no danger, unless there is some unseen evil lurking out here that only adventurers can see."

The Kobold stopped laughing and an impish smile crossed her muzzle, "The only dangerous monsters here," she growled, her voice soft, low, and bearing a thick accent, is you five louts. Now put those toys away before I take you over my knee one at a time and paddle your asses until they catch fire!"

Now it was Makae's turn to laugh, while Frelic, Thissle, Karma, Hansen, and Shaasta exchanged puzzled looks, "You better do as she says," she advised them, "When Ms. Kez threatens a spanking, you better believe her bite is much worse than her bark." She rubbed her own licorice and whipped cream-furred bottom and gave Frelic an earnest and pleading look that told him the young maid was speaking from considerable personal experience.

The blue-white aura around Frelic's cypress staff vanished, and he gave first, the Furling Skunkette and then, the smirking lady Kobold a quizzical gaze. "Ms. Kez?" he repeated, "So you are Sharani Kez, Ashton's mate?"

"In the fur," she replied, performing a graceful curtsy, "and at your service, Master Willowpaw."

Frelic relaxed, looking quite embarrassed over the potentially deadly misunderstanding. He turned to his companions and ordered them to stand down. Weapons were secured once more in the rack beside the fireplace. The wizard stepped forward and ushered the ladies inside. They accompanied him over to the couch, sitting primly on either side of him. "Ms. Kez, I am truly mortified by our rash behavior," he apologized, placing a hand on the Kobold's paw.

"Oh please, honey," she said, laughing softly and patting the Elf's bare thigh, "call me Sharani. And I must admit, you did give me quite a startle. I take it Ashie neglected to tell you about me?"

"Well, Ashton did say that his mate was one of a kind," Frelic replied, "but talk about the understatement of the ages; I most certainly did not expect you to be a Kobold, Sharani."

Sharani laughed again, "Travelers do tend to do double and triple takes when they see me for the first time downstairs. But you and your friends are the only guests the Hightail has had who have ever greeted me with blades and bows. I haven't had a reception like that since I was a member of War Wizard Yanrik's horde."

"Well, I still feel bad about..."

"Don't," she cut him off, "I'm the one to take the blame. I should have properly announced myself before entering."

"Or even better," Makae suggested, "I should have come in first to introduce Ms. Kez to you."

"Well, no matter now," Sharani continued, "Nobody got hurt, and we all had a bit of amusement. Now why don't you introduce me to your charming little entourage, Mister Willowpaw?"

"You can call me Frelic," he said, then began the introductions. "First, this long-eared lady is Karma," he gestured to the Furling Rabbit.

Sharani looked her over and gave her a welcoming hug. Karma was rather surprised at how strong the lady's grip was, "My, such a lovely example of Furling beauty," she complimented her, then motioned for her to bend down so she could plant a kiss on her cheek.

"Thank-you, Ms. Kez," Karma replied, returning the peck on the cheek, "I'm Frelic's personal aide.

The Kobold gave a friendly smile and nodded, then stepped over to Thissle, "And this striking beauty?"

"Thissle, I'm one of Master Frelic's apprentices."

Sharani repeated her welcoming embrace and kiss, "Oh, such lovely eyes, dear, they sparkle with magick. You are really a Dragon, shapeshifted into a Human form, I presume, a Copper Dragon to be precise?"

"Why yes, I am," Thissle replied, impressed at their hostess' perceptiveness, "Was it the eyes that were the giveaway?"

"That and your hair, as well as that sweet lightning storm scent," Sharani sniffed at the air, "But that strong hint of cinnamon mixed in, I noticed that Karma also smells of cinnamon. Are you by chance a mixed breed, perhaps the Furling's half sister?"

Thissle laughed and put an arm around Karma, "As wonderful a thought that is, Ms. Kez, I really am a full-blooded Dragon. The cinnamon is naught more than an uptail perfume we purchased today."

Frelic reached down and picked up the bottle of spice oil, its phallic applicator still attached to the rectal insertion tube. He almost managed to suppress an amused grin; he noticed a hint of delicious muskiness in the air as Makae quietly squirmed next to him, "All of them have taken a dose of this up their butts as part of their preparations for their night out."

"Oh, expecting some deep south activity tonight?" Sharani asked. She gave Karma and Thissle a sly wink, slipped her paws under their ultra-short buckskin minidresses, and stole a playful pat and squeeze on their bare bottoms. Leaving the Rabbit and Dragon girls blushing at her brashness, she turned her attention to Hansen.

"Now, what of this sexy little bushytailed lad?"

The Squirrel, beating his Master to the punch, lifted the Kobold's paw to his muzzle, kissed it, and introduced himself, "Hansen at your service, m'lady; ranger, adventurer, and beloved pet to Master Frelic."

"Beloved pet?" she reached around and fingered the rose blossom nestled against his soft bottom, then padded around behind him and took a peek under his bushy tail.

"As I thought," she declared, giving the Squirrel a playful swat on his ass, "the hallmark of ol Varo."

"Purchased from the Southern Rose just a few hours ago," Frelic replied.

"Well you couldn't have done any better," she complimented the Elf, "Varo and Lilieblume sell only the best of the best, top of the line and cream of the crop, you know."

"And finally," Frelic said, putting his arm around Shaasta with his hand resting on her rump, "this delightful, fiery little vixen is my dear twin sister, Shaasta."

Sharani gave the naked Elven girl a thoughtful lookover from head to toe, "Shaasta, a lovely name for such a lovely lass." A hug and a kiss on the cheek, then the Kobold gently ran her paws down the girl's shoulders, sides, and hips, "And good taste there on your choice of fashion for the night. Snow Elf never goes out of style." She stepped back and gave Shaasta a sly smile and a wink, posing with a paw resting on fur-clad canted hip.

"Thank-you, m'lady," Shaasta replied, blushing at the compliments over her nakedness, "I am still working at getting used to being skyclad in public. It is not easy to adjust one's thinking to develop the confidence, but I am enjoying the challenge."

"Master neglected to mention," Hansen chimed in, "Shaasta is also an adventurer, highly skilled ranger, my lover, and another of his pets."

"Oh!" the Kobold exclaimed, giving Frelic a naughty teasing smile, wink, and nudge, "she's your pet sister? You Willowpaws grow more interesting and exciting by the minute."

Shaasta was blushing tremendously at Hansen's revelation of her status to Sharani, while her Master turned her around to present her ass to the innkeeper's mate. "Yes, m'lady," he admitted, "I do indeed own my sister. I purchased her at the same time I purchased Hansen."

Sharani fingered the petals of the rose planted up the pet Elf's butt then traced the glowing, slightly raised, silver pawprint and willow tree brand shimmering against the crimson background of her paddled bottom. "Beautiful," was her verdict, "absolutely beautiful."

Shaasta humbly bowed her head, "Thank-you, m'lady," she said, thrusting her rump out as the Kobold examined her assets, "I do try my best to keep it in top shape."

The Kobold gave Shaasta's perfect Elven bottom a firm squeeze and a hard smack and laughed, "Yes, Elf pet, you do have one of the loveliest asses I have ever seen. However, I was referring to your brother's mark. Did you design it yourself?"

Frelic nodded, "Yes, that is my own original creation. However, Lilieblume gets the credit for properly inking it onto her bottom. All I did was trace the lines with the Wand of the Masters." He turned his sister back around and again placed his arm around her, idly kneading her branded aft flesh with his hand.

"Well, you know, Frelic," Sharani said, "you must tell me sometime how you came to own these two sexy beasts. I'm sure it is a most exciting and titillating tale, considering they came from Varo's shop."

Frelic laughed and smiled, holding his sister close to him, her head resting on his shoulder, "Oh, it is indeed a hot little tale. And while we are at it, I am curious to hear your story. How did Ashton manage to score himself such a lovely little monster...I mean, a fine little lady Kobold for a mate?"

Sharani giggled and patted his thigh, "That too is a long story," she replied, "Sadly, I don't have the time right now, as I need to check on the cubs and help Makae here get ready for her date with you tonight. But I'll tell you what. How about tomorrow morning we exchange tales?"

"That sounds fine," Frelic agreed, "over breakfast then, before I go back to the Southern Rose to wrap up some unfinished business?"

"Business business or pleasure business?"

"A little of both," he admitted, "I need to be there to oversee the final preparations for another pet that I will be bringing home, and then I will also be taking Lilieblume up on an offer she made earlier that I have been mulling over."

"Well, sounds like you are going to have a busy day then, if that Halfling temptress has charmed the pants off of you."

"Master isn't wearing pants, m'lady," Hansen corrected her.

"Yes, I know that, silly," she replied. She brazenly lifted the back of Frelic's tunic and checked out his bare bottom, kneading and patting the soft Elven flesh."

Frelic looked rather startled and felt his face heat up, "Ms. Kez!" he exclaimed.

She slapped his plush, jiggly rump and gave him a playful scolding, "Oh, don't be such a prude, Elf. You definitely have no cause for shame back there, and should be quite proud of your assets." She released the hem of his skirted tunic, "I fully understand why Lilieblume wants to play with you. And if you have no objections, I will gladly come up here before breakfast and assist you in getting ready for your morning date."

"No objections, m'lady."

"Ms. Kez?" Shaasta interrupted, "Ashton mentioned that you and him have young ones."

"We do indeed, two lovely little cubs, Alfred and Delaney," she replied, "They are the sweetest little critters you can ever meet. They are having a bath right now before their nap. We had a long trip, and the cubs are exhausted. You will meet them soon enough. Now, I really must get a move-on. I have a lot to do myself, y'know." She motioned for Frelic to bend down. He did, and she wrapped her arms around his neck; his arms gripped her lower back and muscular rump, and the Kobold planted her hot muzzle on his lips. "It was a pleasure meeting you all," she said after she and the Elf disengaged. "We will talk some more later. Now, come along, Makae."

Mimicking the Kobold's protocols, the Mephit girl also gave Frelic a deep muzzle to mouth kiss. She raised her thick, bushy tail so that the Elf could properly grope her pillow-soft bottom, then followed Sharani out the door and down the hall.


This story, and in fact, the entire RedTails and ShadowRealms line, are copyright 2007 - G. Sutton (aka Scarletdown), some rights reserved. These works are released under the Creative Commons terms of Attribution / Share-Alike / Non-Commercial.

This means that my works may be reposted elsewhere provided that proper credit is given, the full work is available verbatim, and no fee or other restrictions are implemented in order to access my works.

Additionally, as per the Share-Alike term, derivative works (such as other stories based on mine, audio recordings, images, and video) are permitted and highly encouraged. Such derivative works must also be released under the same terms as this original work.

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RedtailChapter 4 Time Travel Anomalies

You know everything science fiction says about the rules of time travel? You can’t be two places at the same time. You have to avoid contact with yourself in the past. Anything you do in the past could change the future. You can go ‘back to the future’. From my experience, I’d say they’re all bunk. I don’t believe you can go back and change history. What’s done is done. You’re a kind of observer. It’s the things that aren’t history that you can affect. Think about what Kyle was doing. Or...

1 year ago
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RedtailChapter 7 To Be or Not To Be

Of course, I read Shakespeare in Senior English Lit in high school. Who didn’t? I just suddenly found myself identifying with the melancholy prince. A father killed. A usurper on the throne. What’s a prince to do? I was convinced my dad had been murdered and I was ready to lay it at the feet of Joe Teini. The bastard actually came to the funeral on Labor Day and when he went through the receiving line he offered my mom two million in cash for the ranch. At the fucking goddamned funeral! The...

2 years ago
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50 Shades Of Beech Moutain Chapter17

Introduction: Getting started in the BDSM Craft 50 Shades Of Beech Mountain As this story progresses , I will delve into the craft of BDSM. Ill say its not for everyone, but there are too many possibilities out there to ignore this extremely sexual lifestyle. I will include the link below–and Im by no means advertising for the books. It is the best examples of what you may seek in your life. This forty-five minute video simply can explain why so many are moved not only by curiosity, but...

3 years ago
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Day out and nightime

On arriving home after collecting my son I had a bath to ease away the pain of the afternoon. As I lay there in the sweet scented bubbles I played it over in my mind. Getting myself quite horny again, I rubbed my clit and soaped up my pussy,although sore it felt good. I heard the front door closing and you shouted to me wanting to know where I was,I called you into the bathroom and as I lay there gently rubbing my pussy I went over the events of my day with you. You sat there eagerly listening...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight of two humans in their woods. I was still naked. It was wonderful to not have to wear the robe. As an acolyte of the Temple of Pure, I had...

2 years ago
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The night0

But here she was, nearly naked in his bed. Just four month ago they had met. She was different. Her attitude, the way she behaved, it drove him crazy. Just to annoy her he had called her 'her most toughness'. She had shrugged it off and continued to work out. A week later nearly everyone had picked up that nickname. And he regretted it. Hiding in cover, waiting for the mortar fire to die down they had started to talk, really talk. Somehow, after that, they ended up spending most of their...

3 years ago
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The Nightingale

DING DONG! The hideously loud noise sounded again, renewing an attempt to crushing his skull. Ronald tried to sit up, but his stomach was cramped. After another night on a twenty-year-old mattress that sagged in the middle like a meteor crater, he found his back was also a mess. DING DONG! DING DONG! He finally managed to log roll to the edge of the bed and get his feet under him. He slipped his ratty bathrobe on over his pasty white body, before valiantly pushing himself erect. His pushed his...

1 year ago
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Fight Night1

I stayed to watch some of the other fighters, but not all of them before I left. It’s good to watch the competition as much as you can, but I was too pissed to stay. I was frustrated because of my cancelation and my boyfriend had to work late, so he couldn’t come to my fight. So now I have all this energy and frustration and he is not even going to be home. I would at least have liked to know there was sex waiting for me. All the way home I just kept running fight scenarios through my head....

2 years ago
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Movie Night4

Summary - Can Chad control himself around his hot, young daughter? Note - This is a work of fiction. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does not condone any sexual activity with persons under 18 in real life. *** It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a...

2 years ago
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boys night2

Don't get me wrong. Usually I would happily join them and enjoy it as much as they did. But now all I wanted was to go to bed and fall asleep. “Guys I'm home”, I called and went straight to our bedroom. Yawning I undressed, tossed my clothes straight in the laundry basket. Maybe I would join them for a beer anyway. No harm and a chance to relax and unwind. I reached for the tank top and boxer shorts on my side of the bed. Long ago, when he had been away for a long time, I had developed...

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Friday Night1

As soon as I turn I feel my doubled over belt smack across my ass. Even through my jeans it hurts and it causes me to yelp in surprise. You quickly smack me two more times and then tell me to turn back around. “Now, you will do everything that I tell you to do or you will not be able to sit down for a week. Do you understand?” you ask. I feebly tell you yes ma’am. You smile and order me to take off my clothes. I take off my shirt, jeans and socks. You order me to turn around again and...

2 years ago
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My Nightmare0

The day I saw her I just knew I had to have her. I would watch her every day on my lunch break she worked at a little coffee shop across from my office. She was beautiful she had long black wavy hair a flat stomach and long taned legs that led to a sexy ass. She usually wore skirts that would show off her ass and a loose top with her apron. But today she wore white jeans and a tight red top with her apron she looked so sexy. She would move between the table's and make sure everyone had there...

3 years ago
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Movie Night8

After dinner the movie was about 15 min in was slow starting movie. I sat down on the reclining couch she said she would be back in minute. She walked back in carrying a blanket, and dropped it she stopped turned a round and bent over to grab it. She had changed into a Tshirt and had a cute little pair of board shorts on. I was wearing board shorts and that was it. But when she bent over I could see right up them little shorts she was wearing and liked what I seen. She came over sat next to...

2 years ago
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Hot Summers Night2

the table is quite near to the rear door of the house as you sit there you look out of the window and see that it is nice and dark outside, sitting there you start becoming all hot again so you decide to open the back door to let some air in to cool you down. You go over and switch off the lights before you settle back into your chair switch on your laptop to read a book that you have downloaded the day before, as you are sitting reading you feel the breeze start to build a little as it hits...

1 year ago
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Nightblade Pt 1 Discovery

The black wall of darkness disappears as men with guns climb out of the smashed black van. The girl looks over her shoulder at me with those dark glowing globes. All of a sudden I feel this intense pressure around me as darkness wraps around me and pushes me behind a car. The sound of gunfire fills the air. As soon as the darkness disappears I glance over the car to see if she’s okay. A shield of darkness surrounds her as bullets disintegrate as they come into contact with it. She then covers...

3 years ago
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A Knightly Tale

It’s been a good year for the people of Camelot and King Arthur and his Knights. A good Harvest and Plentiful bounty for all subjects of his majesty and Queen Guinevere. Every one was happy as the Spring Festival started to come around. Merlin and the Knights were planning a party that no one in that century had ever seen. Sir Lancelot and Sir Gawain were putting up banners on the castle and the other Knights were decorating the castle grounds in anticipation for all of the people to come and...

1 year ago
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Solstices Obscurity Nightfall Ch 04

‘What is all this blathering disquietude?’ Grabbing my candle, I vacate my tree stump to go investigate. As I near the stone pier I pause and a slow sanguine smile begins to cross my lips. There are hundreds of souls, gathering there. No even more than that perhaps as more seem to be arriving as I watch. They look to my light but unlike the majority of the souls that have come here, these men do not flinch back. My smile becomes a toothy grin. ‘War, oh thou scaly beast. Thy doth raise thine...

4 years ago
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Late Night6

One day I was getting dressed for work and happened to see our neighbor’s son, Kenny standing on their patio, I could not see all of the patio just the corner nearest to our house and it appeared as though he was talking with someone in the pool area. He was a handsome young man, blond hair well filled out and stood approximately 6 feet tall and by the time of the year I assumed he was home from college for the summer. Over the years I had noticed that he was very popular with the young...

2 years ago
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Wedding Night4

I should start by letting you know, my husband and I share this account and we have no secrets. I am 5'5" 140lbs full size woman with large C cups and a thick bottom. So the night of my wedding, I was looking hot in my dress. The ceremony and reception went off without a hitch. Everyone had a good time, including my new husband. He was wasted. The night came to an end and I had to ask the 3 bestmen to help my hubby to our room. They boys carried Him to the bed and let me go. My husband...

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1001 Nights0

With one exception, I've been a failure in life. A below average student, not athletic, no special talents, not much to look at, and barely able to hold a job as a salesman. All my life I've been called an underachiever. My one achievement has been landing my wife, Marie, a truly gorgeous woman. Marie has a face and body men dream about. She has deep, brown eyes and chestnut hair, a naturally lightly tanned complexion, and a full, buxom figure of the hourglass type--a small waist but ample...

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My Wedding night1

Zachary is seven years older than me and ever since my father died he has been cousin big brother, and father to me. I love my cousin dearly, more than anyone else in the world, except Greg. I chose July 16th for my wedding because it was Zach’s 30th birthday. Zachary didn’t like Greg much, he told me more than once that Greg was a womanizing asshole and he was only using me. I didn’t want to hear that, I loved Greg deeply and I knew without a doubt he loved me as much. I fought...

3 years ago
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Lonely Night0

I strip naked and got comfortable. The laptop beside me and some lube made my night go by quickly. I must of really got a good one in because I passed out as soon as I was done cumming. It wasnt long before I was woken by the spoiled princess licking at my fingers. She must of smelled the peanut butter and decided to help herself. Hmm peanut butter. I grabbed some out of the jar and put a little on the tip of my cock. Then grabbed Lady and let me make her way towards the smell. Such a greedy...

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Prom Night1

I was devastated. I lay on my bed and sobbed tears of sorrow as I looked at the ball gown hanging on my closet door. I don’t know if I cried for him, his grandmother or myself. Maybe all three. I’d been dating Steve for 8 months, almost the entire last year of school and we were both looking forward to the Prom. It was the night we were going to consummate our relationship. I’d fended off his advances for months but I promised him in a moment of heated petting on my 18th birthday that...

1 year ago
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Peaceful Summer Night1

        She stepped into the bedroom, wrapping her towel tightly around herself as she walked between her bed and the bathroom wall to the open window.        She stood before the window closing her eyes and breathing deeply of the clean air. The silence of the night was broken only by the chirping of the crickets in the surrounding fields and the occasional call of a night bird in the forest.         It's so peaceful and quiet, Kristen thought. So much better than the city. I made the...

2 years ago
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Fight Night0

By Jax_Teller I met Jessica a few months ago at a Friday fight night event. She was not like a lot of the females that hung around the fights. Most women are well dressed and either have a financial interest or a blood lust to be satisfied. The other female presence was the ring girls, who wore little to nothing bikinis not legal even at the beaches, and walked signs around to signify the round. When I first saw Jessica she was dressed in tights, sports bra top, and sneakers. She...

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A long night0

I couldn’t really tell exactly what type of group they were by the items they were asking me to set up in their “dungeon.” They were either a bdsm “household” (a large group of people into bdsm that did not openly accept new members) or they were a cult…which I try to avoid that at all costs because the last cult I dealt with tried to get me to join in on their orgy to summon their “dark master” or whatever. Despite the fact that I couldn’t tell what they were, I was happy that they hired me....

3 years ago
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In the Night1

My name Cacaan. I'm 22 years old. I live in a very small town where I'm very will known. I'm 5"7, 146 pounds, jet black hair,a set of full lips, 48C tits, a firm fat ass, deep hazel eyes with a killer body but you would never get the chance to see it because of the clothes I wear.  I'm in to that gothic shit, I wear black sweaters, black t-shirts and black skinny jeans 24/7. That just me. It the way I deal with my past.  When I was 8 years old, I witness my parents murder. Everybody...

1 year ago
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In the Night0

My name Cacaan. I'm 22 years old. I live in a very small town where I'm very will known. I'm 5"7, 146 pounds, jet black hair,a set of full lips, 48C tits, a firm fat ass, deep hazel eyes with a killer body but you would never get the chance to see it because of the clothes I wear.  I'm in to that gothic shit, I wear black sweaters, black t-shirts and black skinny jeans 24/7. That just me. It the way I deal with my past.  When I was 8 years old, I witness my parents murder. Everybody...

3 years ago
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Prom Night2

resemblance between the characters and any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. By presenting this story, the author neither condones nor endorses sexual relationships legal or illegal. This story contains depictions of incest and sex between a minor and an adult. If such topics offend you or if possession of this material by you is not legal in the place where you are sitting right now reading this, then you had better stop reading and get rid of this right now. You’d...

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