Submissive Spirits
- 2 years ago
- 35
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By Lewis Chappelle
NOTE: This story is a follow-on to ?Submissive Spirits?publishedearlier and it follows, sequentially, the stories entitled?Submissive Sailing? and ?Submissive Secrets.?
New women characters are added to this piece, each with unique sensibilities and inclinations. Each piece isintended to be read as part of the entire series as no review of any of the prior pieces is provided.
Let me know what you like and don?t like about it. Thanks, LC
Submissive Sensibilities
Chip returned to Ann. His hands roamed over her smooth, taut, body. The sensuousness of her breasts excited him and he remained fixated on their fullness and texture; with his eyes shut, he let his finger tips glide over them. Then, he sucked her nipples until they were hard; he pinched them roughly and was excited as she reacted to the pain..
He finally gathered her in his arms and carried her to their bed. She automatically spread her legs wide and he nipped her clit with his teeth.
She moaned. ?Now might be a very good time for you to fuck me Master, if that would please you,? she said. And he did!
They slept the comfortable sleep of contented and sated lovers.
At breakfast, he said, ?Babs is doing a great job helping you in your submissiveness and I love your attitude. But, now I want to test you myself; put you on trial so to speak. I want to see if you will obey me when the task I demand of you is emotionally demanding.
?I want to test you in situations which are clearly intended to be mortifying or awkward for you; situations which are highly charged sexually and will require you to overcome your natural instincts to appear modest and avoid shame; situations which will stretch your capacity to submit to me regardless of the social embarrassment and trauma you are likely to experience.?
Ann?s cunt juices flowed just at the hint of what he was saying.
?And, I have five projects in mind which, in time, will accomplish that. Do you want to me to tell you now or wait until I get home from work tonight??
?Master, I can?t wait until tonight. I?d be in such a state all day just thinking about what you have in mind. Please tell me now,? she said.
?OK, slave,? he said.?But, before I tell you what these tasks are, I want you to kneel and worship my cock eagerly as an indication of your willingness to accept these five challenges. Are you ready??
She stripped off her clothes quickly, and knelt before him.
?Yes, Master, please let me service you while you tell me what you demand of me. I will listen carefully while I use my mouth again to rouse your cock to it?s full size and vigor. Perhaps you will then find it enjoyable to release you cum down my throat, on my face, and on my tits. You know I consider that a duty of mine, sir, if it pleases you,? she said.
He was aroused as he told her the specifics of the erotic tasks he had in mind.
?My first test is to have you shop at a local department store in town wearing a leather mini skirt and matching halter. You will wear four inch heels and no underwear for this trip. I want you to select a salesperson who is either a man or a good looking young girl. While you are trying on your selections for size,you will make sure your nipples are hard and cunt very wet. Give them plenty to see. Your selections should accentuate your generous curves.
?The second test is to visit an adult video store and rent three bondage tapes. You are to stay in the store for at least an hour and do everything you can to make sure other customers see the nature of the tapes you select. If they start a conversation with you, it?s OK to talk to them, but don?t initiate a conversation with anyone.
?The third test is to buy an ankle chain and have the inscription ?Slave Ann? engraved on it. The chain should be very expensive. When it is completed, you should put it on in the store and wear it immediately after paying for it by charge card. Do not pay cash. I want them to know your name.
?The forth test is to find a specialty shop which will make a personalized stainless steel waist band three inches wide. It should not be more than 22 inches around and have the capability to close, by as much as three inches, tighter than that.
?The fifth test is to have two stainless bras made that match the belt in design and material. One bra should cup your tits tightly giving you plenty of uplift and cleavage. The next one should encircle your tits completely but leave an opening the exact size of you nipple. I want your nipples to show through each hole prominently.
?I expect you to complete all of these challenges in the next sixty days and during that time you are to show me evidence of your efforts. You must keep me fully apprised of your experiences and reaction as you proceed to complete each test.?
He finished speaking as he shot his load. His first release went to her throat. She swallowed and held onto his shaft with her hands. He pulled away from her and the next spurt carried to the bridge of her nose between her eyes. The third spurt fired on her breasts. She thrust her arms behind her, raised her tits toward him and remained proudly still.
?Slave, do not wash off my ejaculate until I tell you. Do you understand??
?Yes, Master you are generous to me. I love you. I trust you were satisfied with my mouth. I am eager to prove myself to you by completing each of the five very demanding tasks you set for me.?
?Stay in that position, girl, arms behind your back. Thrust your tits even higher and move your knees wider apart until I phone you,? he commanded. ?You do look wonderful.? She knew she looked hot. Her body was certainly ultra feminine, tight and flexible. She was willing to serve him and obey his commands. She was one proud slave. And, was wet as hell.
?Sir, may I have a word with you before you leave?? she asked.
?Certainly, slave. What is on your mind??
?Sir, recently I?ve had a thought that you have been particularly kind when you whip my tits and I was wondering if you might be interested in whipping them now before you go to work.?
Chip was flabbergasted at Ann?s initiative. He quickly selected a leather flooger which was laying on the mantle piece.
?Get up and offer your tits for a whipping slave,? he said in a firm voice.
?Master, if it pleases you, please whip my worthless tits today before you go to work, Sir?
?Hold still, don?t make a sound and arch your tits forward for this whipping, slave. The sting will stay with you all day, you can bet on that.?
The first few strokes were just for warm up. ?Ann, can you take it harder for me??
He knew she could. ?Yes master, please whip me harder, sir.?
?Close your eyes, slave, I don?t want you to see the whip coming at you.?
The next strokes were for real. And, they hurt Ann but she said, ?harder, if it pleases you master.?
Chip saw the redness and he knew that while Ann was a pain slut, that he really was hitting her hard and hurting her, especially her tender nipples.
During a lull in the whipping, Ann, said again but with a trembling voice, ?Sir, if it pleases you, please hit my tits even harder.? He did! And Ann finally began to sob real tears. .
He left her kneeing on the carpet with her hands behind her head and her tits burning. She wondered how long that would last. She was still kneeling when she heard his car pull out of the garage. About fifteen minutes later the phone rang. She did not dare move. His voice came over the message machine. ?Slave, I want you to play with your nipples and then stimulate your clit. Have a good climax and get going on your assignments. Start now, slave,? he said.
?Oh, god, not my nipples sir.,? she said to no one in particular.
After her daily workout, during which she was now emphasizing increased flexibility in her legs, she dressed in a leather skirt, heels, and halter and went off to strut her stuff.
?Where did this store get that hunk of a salesman,? she muttered to herself and she strode to the women's department. ?I?ll bet he has had the effect of increasing sales aplenty since he was hired.?
Her legs glistened from the oil she used and without hose her toned gams were a sight. She was the center of attention in her short skirt and heels and she knew it. Her tits still ached, but she approached the young salesman and asked to be shown a line of short, stylish, evening dresses. Price was no object.
He stammered something unintelligible then motioned for her to follow him. He picked out a few items, which he knew from prior customers, were not just for anyone. These items were designed for women with bodies like hers. Certainly, they were not going to fly off the floor to just the average woman.
She graciously accepted his suggestions and sauntered to the dressing room. He watched the sway in her hip and was intoxicated. He told her he would position himself near the dressing room door to offer his opinion of fit if she wanted it.
?Sir, could you get this thing up, the zipper seems stuck,? she called out.
?Geez, what a break,? he whispered to himself.
Since the zipper wasn?t closed and since the scoop neckline of the dress was so low, her breasts were virtually uncovered when he approached her small dressing stall. She made no attempt to cover herself and her nipples were still hard from her earlier whipping. The young man was breathless.
?Can you fix the zipper on this?? she asked again. Really there wasn?t anything wrong with the zipper and he sensed that right away. She caught his eyes staring at her tits and saw that he was blushing.
?Like what you see?? she teased.She didn?t wait for an answer. ?I?ll take it.? she said. ?It?s just what I want. Unzip me and you can wrap it up right away.? She dropped the dress from her shoulders and was naked in heels before he knew what he was happening. She winked at him and patted him on the rump. ?I?ll be right out to pay for it. Run along and let me get dressed.?
?Yes, ma?am,? he stuttered again as he fumbled to gain his composure. He would have a story for the boys to be sure.
She winked at the young man again when she signed the credit slip and noticed the spot of precome on the fly of his khaki colored trousers. ?One down, four to go,? she thought.
She stopped off at an adult video store on the way home. Maybe she could get two of her obligations out of the way on the same day. In contrast to many such places, this one was fairly large and well lit. It had a vast selection of videos to satisfy most every fantasy imaginable.
She found the section on bondage and narrowed her search to videos of women in submission. No fem dom for her. There were hundreds of videos to select from and the box covers were all quite suggestive.
It seemed to Ann that the nature of the European videos were more explicit and daring than anything she has seen in America. She read the enticing, come on, messages which were written on the back of a great many of the boxes. She steered her attention to those which featured women who were endowed with large breasts and nice asses. Most of the women had their breasts encircled with rope tightly pressed into their tender skin. This gave each tit a most prominent shape.
Some of the labels promised scenes of strict discipline and long periods of tough bondage. Some suggested scenes of submissive lesbian activity. She finally picked three, as she had been ordered, and began to look around the shop with her selections in hand.
She made a show of examining the sex aid items on sale and was turned on by the size of many of the plastic and rubber phalluses.She knew it would take a women wider and deeper than she was to slide one of those babies inside her. She saw the books and magazines on bondage and exotic fashion and decided she would return to the store in the not too distant future.
?May I help you miss,? the small counter clerk said to her. The clerk was wearing a rather skimpyoutfit and looked quite charming and seductive, if not especially revealing.
?Yes, I?d like to rent these three videos please,? Ann replied.
?Miss, if you don?t mind my saying, we have a new full length video here in the back which is actually contraband here in England. It was made in the Netherlands and is of the same genre as the ones you have there. Much more strict and erotic than anything on the shelves. I?m sure you will like it, but it is only for sale not rental. I?ll give you a special price.?
?OK, but I don?t like just taking your word for it;I?ll be back and make a fuss if it isn?t as good as you promise,? Ann said.
?Why don?t you ask the gentleman over there if you want an endorsement. He has his own copy.
?Herb, tell this nice lady how you like your new video from the Netherlands. She is curious.?
Herb, came over to Ann and touched her on the elbow. ?Miss, this one has everything. If you were a dominant, you would like it. If you are submissive, which I take it you are, you will love it too. The submissives are all young women and well built. They all seem to be real life submissive girls who are used to punishment and discipline. They take their bondage extremely well. Good show, I assure you.?
?Why do you presume I?m submissive, sir?? she asked.
?Your body language, the clothes you wear, and the selection of tapes you have, lead to only one inescapable conclusion, Miss. And, your dominant is a man I take it. He should consider himselfvery fortunate. You are quite lovely. I?d le glad to have your acquaintance myself.?
?Two down, three to go,? she said to herself as she paid cash for the contraband video.
At dinner that night, she began her daily briefing.
?I met a gentleman today at the video store who said he could tell I was a submissive and that my dominant was a man. It made me self conscious that he could tell so much about me since I hadn?t said a word to him. It?s true that I am no longer shy about wearing revealing clothing so I guess, it shouldn?t be a surprise that discerning people would figure out my basic nature,? she chattered.
?I bought a video made in The Netherlands,? she continued. ?The man at the store and the sales clerk said it was contraband and it was the most erotic bondage video available. We should find some convenient time to watch it soon.
?I also did a daring thing at the big department store. I called the clerk into the women's fitting room and asked him to help me with my zipper. Then, I let the dress fall to the floor which allowed him to size me up, naked, in the small changing booth. He looked scared stiff; if you don?t mind the pun.. I patted him on the ass and told him to move on. It was splendid.
?Are you proud of me, Master??
?Yes, slave, I am very proud of you. You have tackled two of my challenges and have done well. I?ll bet you are wet and excited just telling me about it, aren?t you??
?I am quite aroused thinking about standing naked so close to that young man. Of course he didn?t touch me but, I was totally naked except for my heels. And, truth be told, I knew I turned that boy on but good.?
?Make sure you turn me on when we get home slave, or I?ll leave another welt for your friends Bobby and Barb to think about next week,? he said.
?If it pleases you Master, you might find it pleasurable to fuck me again tonight while I am in strict bondage. I?ll take the risk of anticipating that you might want to do that and I?ll present myself, naked, in the dungeon as soon as we get home,? she said.
She was standing before him, in heels, when he settled down with a brandy in the dungeon. ?I notice you seem more flexible these days slave, and that your back, shoulders and legs have a greater degree of muscle definition. I am pleased with all this, and want to test this new found flexibility tonight. To do this, I want you to get your arm binder immediately.?
He pressed both of her hands down the single sleeve to the bottom and buckled the straps which went around her wrists. He then pulled the straps which went around her forearms tightly. Then he tugged the straps firmly which were positioned just above the elbow pulling her elbows together and tugged the straps around her upper arms till there was no further movement in her shoulders.
The visual effect of this apparatus was marvelous. Her tits were raised and thrust forward to their maximum extent. He put a blindfold over her eyes taking away her ability to predict what was going to happen to her next.
?How did your tits hold up today after their whipping this morning, slave,? he asked.
?Sir, they were sore all day and still are as a matter of fact. But don?t let that interfere with your plans< Master. ?
Chip picked her up and laid her face down on the heavily padded table. He fastened her ankles together with a three inch belt. Then he raised her lower leg and pulled them up behind her so they touched her ham strings. He secured the lower and upper parts of her legs together with a wide piece of leather which had three buckles running from top to bottom. When he tugged the buckles tightly it pulled her inner thighs together and she complained, under her breath, from the pressure. He strapped her feet to her hand mitten to draw her tight; almost bow like. She could not move.
He turned her over on the table and looked at his trussed up love slave. She was laying on her arms and lower legs. He spread her knees apart. Her tits, sunken abdomen, and cunt were the most prominent features of her body. He rubbed her tits and nipples. All she could do was moan.
He lifted her upright and placed her against the wall on her knees and placed a four inch collar around her neck to hold her head in an exaggerated heads up position. Then he used a suede whip to redden her breasts again.
It was time for her to service his cock. She sucked eagerly. He pulled her nipples to gain added leverage as he slid his cock further down her throat. He used her mouth hard and made her take his cock all the way to the base of his balls. He moved back to give her time to get her breath then slid done again.
Before he came, he lifted her back to the padded table and placed a small pillow under the middle of her back which raised her cunt toward him. He spread her knees exposing her dripping pussy. He slid his cock into her and moved slowly to keep control of his ejaculation. .
?If you ever expect to come tonight you had better beg for my consideration, slave,? he said.
?Oh, Master yes, I?ll beg. You know I?ll beg. And, I?ll surely beg for a climax. You have me so worked up that your floggings turn me to putty in your hands. I am so ready. You have me under your control. Torment me, tease me, tantalize me, and torture me. I deserve your severest beatings and humiliation. I will do anything you demand. I am your submissive pleasure slave to be used and abused. Beat my tits, beat my ass, beat my back and legs until you are convinced that I submit my entire body to you.
?If it pleases you, Master, fuck my cunt hard. I beg of you, sir, to give me relief. Your driving cock is making me mad with desire. Release your precious semen into me and on me. You know I will do anything to gain your permission to come. Please, Master give me some consideration, now, please.?
?You may climax now slave,? he said softly, as he filled her writhing body with his hot ejaculate.
?That was really sizzling Master, thank you for your consideration,? she said after they were in bed. ?As you could tell, I really had a series of violent, almost seizure like climaxes. It was so great, and I am so appreciative.?
H e continued to stroke her engorged clit, keeping her wide awake and fully aroused. He fell asleep knowing that she would be sucking his cock again in hours.
The next day, Ann was due for her appointment at the Wax Worx. She was worked up even before she got out of the car.
Barb and Betty asked if she would feel more comfortable if they got naked themselves.
?Girls, frankly, I?d like to see you two not only naked but also pleasuring each other and Bobby here before we start. If you agree, Betty, why don?t you help Barb undress and work her on this table with your mouth.
Bobby, I?m sure Barb would like to pleasure your cock. So let?s get it on. Don?t come in her mouth Bobby. I want to see you spurt your load right in her face. Got it??
?Yes, ma'am,? was all he said.
After he exploded, Ann told him to drive his cock into her creamy pussy and press her to a climax which he did easily.
?Would you like some of that meat, Betty?
?Yes, ma'am. I sure would.?
Bobby drove her to a quick climax as well.
?Now are you people ready to get down to pleasuring me?? she teased. Bobby used a vibrator on her this time. The girls took turns lapping her clit and sucking her nipples. Having the hands and mouths of these wonderful people on her had her body on overload. They made sure she had as many climaxes as she could and then they gave her the complete body massage she came for.
The waxing of her pubic area was more sensitive because of the energetic activity of the girls earlier in the session. At the end, all four of them were pretty much exhausted but looking forward to the next time.
Ann was eager to tell Chip of her exploits but, before she went back to the farm, she stopped off at one of the most prestigious jewelry stores in her suburban community.
?I need a special gold anklet and I need it engraved. If you do that here, may I speak to the manager?? she requested.
She was introduced to Mrs. Farb who was only to glad to help this obviously wealthy woman. From a tray of bracelets of various designs and sizes, Ann selected a heavy gold one with a name plate.
?I need to wear my new anklet immediately so I?d like to try it on, if you don?t mind.? She found one that was quite attractive and which fit nicely.
?I?ll take this one. Please have it engraved with the words ?Slave Ann.?
Farb, hesitated, but jotted down the instructions and worked up a final price.
?You may pick up your anklet next Friday. We?ll need payment in full now,? she said.
A credit card sewed up the transaction. Ann, with juice still flowing down her thigh, from her time at the Wax Worx, said she was looking forward to picking up the bracelet.
?Three down, two to go,? she thought.
She couldn't wait to tell Chip about her day.
?Can all this hold, slave.,? he interjected.when he got home. ?I want to eat something light and then watch your new video. I can?t wait to see what the clerk was so enthused about.?
Ann was disappointed about not getting to tell her day?s story, but she wanted to see the film too.
The five women in the video did seem to truly be apart of the submissive lifestyle. They were not actresses playing out a scene. The actual footage seemed to portray their daily activities concentrating on their bondage and discipline experiences. They were good looking and well built. Neither Ann or Chip had seen anything like it.
The women were punished for some contrived infraction or just abused for the amusement of the men. All the slaves had their labia lips and nipples pierced. Their nipple rings were used to fasten the women to each other, to the floor, or to the walls. In these strained positions, their masters whipped them Their whippings were not just everyday spankings. Two girls in particular were whipped quite severely.
For the most part, gags prevented screams from overtaking the sound track background music. Ann knew Chip would never beat her like that. She would certainly endure his harsh discipline, but she trusted him to stay within her limits.
The men bound the girls in strenuous positions which allowed them to be easily fucked in the ass or vagina. Penetration of the girls while they were in bondage was not a problem for these film makers and no doubt was the cause of the contraband classification.
At one point or another, most of the girls were bound in either a severe hog tie position, suspended from the rafters, bound over a wooden horse, or tied to a post.
One girl spent a good deal of time cramped up in a small metal cage hung from the rafters. Another, had her nipples stretched to her pussy lips while she was being whipped. The more bizarre the action, the more strict the bondage, the harsher the whippings and the more bizarre the ordeal, the better Chip liked it.
When the video was over, Chip felt that the most interesting sequence was when all five girls were tit whipped by their masters at the same time. The girls were told to drop to their knees when the pain got too severe. When it got to the point where they needed the whipping to stop altogether, they could call out their code word. All girls were bound at the wrists and elbows. They thrust their tits out to receive their whippings. The swats were quite intense and lasted for about ten minutes before the last girl finally gave up.Good theater, Chip thought. He would watch it again.
?I want you to get more of this type of video slave,? he said. ?I enjoyed it, didn?t you??
?Yes, Master, I?ve learned a lot,? she responded.
Ann decided to waist no time in returning to the video store. The same, cute, slender young woman clerk was at the counter. ?Do you remember me, Miss,? she said. ?I bought a very rare video from you a short time ago and would like another similar to it.?
?Oh, yes Ma?am, I sure do remember you. How could I forget a face and figure like yours?? While it was a rhetorical question, Ann was taken aback by it?s potential implication. ?Ma?am, we don?t get that type video very often. Usually, only one or two at a time, when, uh, my, uh, Master comes back form the Netherlands and, then he has to be very careful.?
Clearly the clerk was stammering and concerned that revealing her own submissiveness would be a problem.
?Are you a submissive?? Ann asked. ?Are you living a submissive lifestyle with your lover??
?Well, I don?t much talk about it with strangers, but, I sense we may have some very personal things in common. Do we??
?I?d think we may,? Ann responded. ?What is your name?? she asked finally.
?I am Rhonda, slave of Master Davis, Miss.?
?Rhonda, I think we need to have a long personal chat, but I am in a bit of a rush today, so perhaps some day soon. While I am here, I do want to purchase some of that erotic jewelry you have here. I like the miniature handcuff pin, and the small handcuff earrings. Maybe later, I?ll get the necklace and bracelet. Just wrap up the earrings and pin for now. By the way, would you know of a shop which specializes in making designer bondage gear? ?
?Ma'am, there is bondage gear and then there is very good bondage gear. What specifically do you have in mind? I know of several shops, but for me to really help you, perhaps you could be more specific.?
?Well,? Ann started, ?I?m looking for a craftsman to create individual pieces of fine stainless steel bondage wear. Actually, a waist cinch and two bras and maybe more, if I like their work.?
?Miss, you have some extraordinary tastes but, I think I can help you. The shop I have in mind is not one that invites just everyone off the street. If you will wait, I?ll call my Master, and see if I can shut the shop and take you to meet Master Mark personally.?
A few minutes later, Rhonda returned. Her cheeks were red as if in a blush. ?My Master, said it was OK to take you to Master Mike?s and that he would call in advance to make the introduction. He told me if I really wanted to go I would have to remove my clothes and leave them outside Master Mike?s shop. Sounds like a fair deal to me, let?s go,it?s but a short walk.?
They walked down a very narrow alley not far from the video store and Ann could see the dusty workings of a metal working shop. Rhonda took off her halter, skirt, and shoes and left them on the seat of a rusty bicycle sitting at the entrance of the garage.
As they walked past the men at the individual milling, grinding and polishing stations every eye turned to the pair. Hard whistles turned to vulgar obscenities. At the very rear of the garage a grimy individual was seated at his workstation. Master Mike did not look like a charmer.
?Well, ladies, I see at least one of you is properly dressed. Let me see you more closely, Rhonda.? He reached for her and grabbed her breasts savagely with his rough hands. He pinched her nipples brutally. ?Spread you legs cunt. Let me see if you are as wet as you usually are.?
While he fondled Rhonda, he looked up and addressed Ann. ?Missy, I ain?t seen the like of you before around here. What can I do for ya? Want some of what I?m doin? here for Rhonda??
Rhonda seemed on the verge of a climax as Mike continued to rub her clit with two of his meaty fingers. At length, he dropped Rhonda on the dirty floor. ?Bitch, turn your naked ass around and face these gentleman. Finish yourself off while they watch.?
Ann was at the same time both frightened and fascinated by the sight of Rhonda masturbating in front of the men who had gathered to be entertained. With obnoxious prompting from the men, she shrieked in relief.
?OK, gents back to work,? Mike ordered. ?Now, before we go much farther, Missy, I?m told you want me to make you some stainless steel underwear. Is that right??
?I guess, in a manner of speaking that is right,? Ann said. ?I?m in need of a three inch wide stainless steel, waist cincher that can be reduced in one inch increments down three inches from my current measurement. Also, I need two customized bras; one to fit snugly with nipple holes and one to fit extra tight with a semi cup and lots of cleavage.? Can you do it??
?Honey, I can build anything out of stainless steel, or any other metal known to man. And, I will take great delight in building your cinchers and bras. And, I?ll take a lot of your money to do it. To do the job right, I?ll need your measurements. Are you ready for that?? he sneered. His dirty teeth, what there were of them, showed through his sinister smirk.
?I?m ready to have you build my 'underwear' as you so graphically put it, but, I?m not ready toput up with whatever indignities you think you can put me through to get them. What I am willing to pay for is to have a women, who you trust and who I like, take my measurement and for you to make the gear from the measurements she gives you. I?ll want her to come to my house and for her to treat me with dignity.Additionally, I?ll buy more gear from you if I am satisfied with the first items and the treatment I get from you.Do we have a deal??
?Sweety, you are quick and a tough customer, but I like your style. Assertive when you need to be, and submissive to the person you love. As for money, in American, plan on two thousand dollars for what you have in mind. Agreed??
The deal was struck. The measuring job was given to Rhonda and she visited Ann at her home the next day.
Ann made it clear that Rhonda should take virtually every measurement she could because it was her intent to order more stainless steel goodies in the near future. Rhonda measured her breasts and nipples carefully from every angle. She was pleased that her waist was down from 24 inches to just about 23 and ? inches. Her exercise program was working.
She wanted to be measured for a neck collar, upper arm bands, bands which would tighten and lock just above her elbows, as well as ankle and thigh bands. She also wanted to be measured for three additional attachments; one to hold her legs spread wide, one to go around her neck to stabilize her arms wide apart at neck level, and one brace which would force her to stand straight by attaching her neck to her bound elbows and waist. Rhonda was meticulous in her efforts and was very turned on touching Ann?s naked body.
?Miss, you have been very patient with me as I measure you and re-measure you today. I am wet and horny just seeing you naked. You are quite gorgeousand splendidly well built. It would be my great honor, to pleasure your body with my tongue if you would have me??
?Rhonda, you know very well that a sex slave must earn the right to receive pleasure from her Master. I?d surly have to call him at work and discuss your proposal and get his permission. He has denied my requests before and he could do it again, leaving us both frustrated. By the way, have you received permission from your Master to service me??
?Miss, as a matter of fact, I am under orders to use my mouth on your nipples, ass and clit and ifI don?t, I will get a most severe beating.?
That explanation changed Ann?s perception of the situation and she decided to call Chip and explained the predicament she and Rhonda were in. Chip agreed to Rhonda?s proposition with two stipulations;Ann could not return Rhonda?s favors and Rhonda had to agree to a fifty swat, over the knee, spanking from Ann before they proceeded. Rhonda was delighted with the deal and urged Ann to use the back of a hair brush to swat her ass bright red as a preliminary to her own ministrations.
Rhonda?s ass was still burning and Ann?s cunt was aflame with passion when they returned to the kitchen for tea.Ann told Rhonda to stay naked and suggested that this would be a good time to have their little confidential chat about being submissive.
Rhonda said she lived the submissive life style and had done so with her current Master for the past two years. She had been with another man previously, but he did not understand her submissive needs and had left her very frustrated. She said images of scenes dealing with her own humiliation and pain and thoughts of how she could provide pleasure to her Master were always on her mind.
Rhonda said that Master Mike was a friend of her Master?s and that Mike had twin sisters who had pledged their love, bodies and spirits to him. She said he often treated them cruelly, but that they were really into suffering and loved it when he mistreated them. She said she was not at all surprised at the rough treatment she had received from Mike the previous day.
?You are quite hardened to rough treatment, Rhonda. I couldn?t help but to notice that Mike just about bent your nipple off yesterday and you didn?t even whimper.?
?Miss, my own Master likes my nipples to be hard and he really works them over during my punishment sessions. He is considering having me pierced soon. In fact, I think he knows I?d like to have my nipples pierced and that?s the reason he is holding off. Speaking ofnipples, yours are quite firm and long Ma?am, if I may say so. Have you considered piercing??
?Rhonda, it isn?t for me to decide those kind of things; but, truth be told, I?d be quite frightened if that was what my Master decided. I don?t know if it would be too painful.?
?Well, you know that Master Mike does piercings too. His twins are pierced. He uses both rings and studs on them. He has a nipple stretcher which he uses to get their nipples really long; already I?ll bet they extend out over three quarters of an inch. Isn?t that amazing?
?To do it, he fashioned a series of eight small caps, which are graduated in size. These caps are like coiled spring metal and don?t have a top or bottom. He pushes a fairly heavy metal stud through the nipple and then presses one of the smallest caps down against the stud around the entire nipple and back toward the aureole. Quite ingenious really. Over the past two years, as he increased the size of the cap around the nipple, the twin?s nipples have gotten quite large. I?ll show you sometime. He leaves a cap in place for about three months before he increases the size.
?Not to change the subject, but, if I ever get mine pierced, would you like to see the procedure??
?That?s a tremendous offer, Rhonda, given that we only met recently. Seeing a nipple piercing first hand would be quite fantastic. Let me know when your going through with it, and I?ll see if I can get permission to attend from Master Chip.?
Before Rhonda left the house, Ann specified that the waist cincher needed to be lined in soft kid skin leather and that the bras were to squeeze her breasts quite tightly. She wanted the bra cups themselves to be secured by small gauge steel bands which were to wrap snugly behind her, high around her upper rib cage. She gave Rhonda a quick rendering of how she wanted the final product to look. She provided her phone number so she could call when the items were ready.
Three weeks later Rhonda called. They met again at the farm. The waist cincher was perfect. When at the smallest size, Ann had to stand tall and breathe shallowly. The half cup bra was exquisite. It held her tits high and allowed her nipples to extend over the top. The full bra with the nipple holes pressed her tits tightly. With it on, her nipples felt as if they had a life of their own; exposed and vulnerable. Well worth the price, she thought, as she admired herself in the mirror.
?Let, me give you another order,? Ann said. ?I'm sure my Master will approve. I want a set of two inch wide wrist bracelets which can be coupled like handcuffs, and a set of three inch bracelets which can be fastened together just above my elbows. Call me with a price first.?
?Yes, Ma?am. I can?t wait to see this entire ensemble, all together,? Rhonda said with a grin.
?Master, I am so excited. I completed the five challenges you gave me and I?m sure you will love the stainless steel items you wanted me to have made.? She stood before him in a silk robe.
?Would it please you to see them now, Master?? she asked coyly.
?You know damned well I want to see them, now get that fool robe off this minute, you impertinent slave,? he commanded lightheartedly.
The robe slipped to the floor and Ann stood in heels and the waist cincher and the half cupped bra. Chip had an instant erection.
?Before I check out the details of the gear, I want to know the particulars of just how you were able to get this stuff and what your feelings were as you ordered the gold slave anklet and now all this stainless steel stuff,? he demanded.
?Master, you must know that you gave me a very challenging set of tasks to carry out and that I would naturally be quite embarrassed.I still get nervous and unsettled when I relive those moments. And, I?d guess that is what you wanted. Am I right, sir??
?Don?t get cute with me, slave. I don?t answer to you, you answer to me. If I demand that youstrip naked in front of the statue of Eros you will do it. Now, let me see how the cincher works.?
She came to him and turned around so that he could examine and adjust the tightening mechanism. He turned the small ratchet knob one turn and her waist tightened almost imperceptibly. He turned it again. The cincher now was two inches smaller than it was when she first dropped her robe. The third turn brought her waist down to 20 and 1/2 inches. She had to stand very straight, take very shallow breaths and move gingerly. But, she did look stunning.
He was proud of her and took her in his arms so he could feel the fullness of her breasts and the roundness of her hips as they flared out below her compressed waist. He kissed her deeply and she knew he was pleased.
?If it pleases you Master, I could get greater suction on your cock, if my cincher wasn?t quite so tight, sir,? she said. He knew what that meant, and she was relieved in seconds. He was relieved as well, shortly thereafter.
?Is it time for Babs to give me a summary report on your progress, slave?? he asked.
?Yes, sir. I?ll get her over here in the next day or two,? she responded.
When she arrived, Babs suspended Ann from the ceiling hoist to demonstrate just how Ann had developed her shoulder muscles and how this would improve her ability to sustain suspension bandage. She demonstrated how Ann had increased her leg flexibility and how this would enhance her ability to spread her legs and fold her them up behind her to display her cunt for maximum visual impact.
The wax jobs were still a great source of joy to both Ann and Chip and he was always effusive in his appreciation for Babs? suggestion in that regard.
But, the most significant improvement, in Chip?s estimation, was the way Ann could carry herself in high heels. This was the first time she had exhibited her new found mastery of the shoes and she herself was proud. Chip told Ann to walk with her tits high. Her balance was perfect. Her calf muscles were taut and shapely. Her hips and ass were thrust backward in a most provocative manner. All in all, Ann was one extraordinary erotic women strutting naked in those heels.
?I have another idea,? Babs said. ?Lets see if we can get Ann a pair of ballet boots and ballet shoes with six or six and a half inch heels and get her tottering on her toes. And, if I remember correctly, she was having a bit of a time with her gag reflex, so lets start some exercises to improve that too. Do you agree Chip??
?You?re always thinking, Babs. Yes, lets start those enhancements as well.?
Chip turned to Ann and said, ?I am very impressed with your training, slave. I trust you will make fine progress in the future.?
?And Babs, your advise and exercise regime has been fantastic. Good job, the both of you.?
?Ann,? he ordered, ?stand at attention on the pedestal and caress your tits and nipples for me while I finish this conversation with Babs.?
?Before, you start,? Babs interjected, ?let me tell you that Fran, that secretary I told you about, is very interested in changing jobs and is quite excited by the prospects of working hard for you, if you know what I mean.?
?Well, that puts an interesting cast on things, doesn?t it. I do want to meet Fran and I?d like David to see Ann give a demonstration of her new found skills. To the best of my recollection, David doesn?t know the full extent of Ann?s submissiveness and it would give me no end of pleasure to let him in on her secret.?
?Chip, I think that would be just great. Two for the price of one so to speak. Set the date, and I?ll make it happen,? Babs said.
?One more thing. I?d like to see you in action too, naked, that evening as well. Perhaps you would be willing to indulge both of us and let us enjoy the sexual excitement you and your beautiful body can evoke. What do you say? Three for the price of one??
Ann was already wet from the physical act of caressing herself. The prospect of exhibiting herself to David in humility and submissiveness was a turn-on as well. Now, she was almost in a state of emotional explosion in anticipation of seeing Babs and Fran in action too..
?You are a slick talker and drive a hard bargain, Chip. I?ll discuss it with David and Fran and let you know,? she said, blushing nervously.
A few days later, David spoke to Chip at work.
?Babs tells me you and Ann are having a small party, with a sexual theme and that we are invited along with Fran. She indicated that Ann was going to be the center of attention, but that you?d like the other two to have an active role in the evenings activities. Frankly, you have Babs all worked up and I?m on the edge of my seat with anticipation myself. What day and time do you have in mind?? he asked.
?How about all day Saturday starting, say, just before noon for brunch?? Chip replied. ?Ann will favor us and I?d like to think that you, Babs and Fran would come emotionally prepared to contribute to the cause. Sound like something us guys might enjoy.?
?I get your drift, and I?ll chat with Babs and Fran between now and Saturday. Unless the wheels come off, we?ll see you at your place.?
?David, Babs and Fran are coming over for brunch on Saturday at 11,? he said to Ann. ?In the meantime, I want you to suggest ways for me to further your training while they are here. I want you to prepare yourself and the house for them to have a good time. I want you, Babs and Fran to wear the same type of outfit to start out with; perhaps high heels, a very short skirt and a halter, no underwear.?His comments had the tone of orders, not suggestions.
When Babs knocked on the farm house door, she looked like she never had before. Her skirt barely covered her ass and her legs were shown off to their stunning best as she was wearing 4 inch platform heels. Her cleavage was evident between the open buttons of her cut off shirt and her high set tits were on obvious display.
David had his hand on Babs? ass and watched for Chips response to what he saw. He winked in recognition of Chips? delightful reaction.
Fran was also a grand sight. Her skirt was even tighter and her shoes higher that Babs. Ann had followed Chip to the door and David was stunned and delighted at what he saw. ?This is going to be some day,? he thought.
?Ann, Chip, I?d like you to meet Fran. She is our dearest friend and I?m sure we can all get along famously. Today would be a good day to take the measure of her, Chip seeing that your are looking for a new assistant.?
?I won?t miss the opportunity, you can bet on that,? said Chip. ?But, before we eat anything, I want Ann, to set the stage for today?s activities by telling everyone a little secret. You can be honest with our friends, dear. Go ahead.?
?What Chip is getting at is that before we were married, I voluntarily gave myself in submission to Chip. He is now my Master, and I am his submissively. I relinquished my desires to his, and will do anything he demands. I will submit to any punishment or training he feels is necessary. I will receive pleasure only if I earn it and then only at his discretion.Do you have any questions of me on all of this?? she asked.
?That was simple enough,? David said. ?I think we all get the point.?He then turned to Fran.
?Fran dear, as I understand it, you are auditioning, so to speak, for a very well paying job as Chip?s administrative secretary. Perhaps you would favor him, and us, by shedding your skirt and blouse, so he can assess your qualifications.? He looked at her directly and held out his hand to collect her clothes.
?Mr. David, you sure know how to get to me. Do you think Mr. Chip would really appreciate that? He doesn?t even know me.?
Chip spoke up. ?Fran, we are friends here and you can tell from Ann?s story that we are a randy lot. Sure, I like to have you take your clothes off. Don?t be shy. And, while I examine your physical qualifications more carefully, and while Babs sets up the brunch, I want Ann to tell us what she thinks I need to do today, by way of training, to improve her performance as a submissive. Ann, you need to give me your clothes too before you begin. Stand over here with your back up against Fran?s.?
David and Babs were hard pressed to keep their libidos under control. Chip was in his glory. He had Fran and Ann high heel to high heel, shoulder to shoulder, looking ahead. He insisted that they stay very close together; ass cheek to ass cheek.
With his open hands he caressed them head to foot; his left hand on Ann, and his right hand on Fran. They knew he was comparing the texture of their skin, the fullness of their breasts, the stiffness of their nipples, the tone of their shoulders, belly, thighs and calve and the curve of their waist and hips. And, they knew he was testing the look and feel of their cunts.
Fran was ill at ease because she was so new to the group, and Ann was intimidated because she knew she was being compared, by the Master she adored, to a relative stranger. A stranger who, by all she could observe, was a women of substantial charms.
?Ann, I believe you were going to answer my question?? Chip snipped.
?Oh yes, Master, I have been momentarily distracted. Please forgive me. You did ask me to think of what training I need today to help me be a more effective submissive. For starters, I think that during our weekly punishment session you should demand that I not be as stoic as I usually am. You should put me in strict bondage. Bend and mold my body with ropes and chains. Keep me in suspension. Spread my legs wide and immobilize me for your penetration. I should be required to beg for your leniency and mercy.
?You should whip me with such severity that I can not help but cry. The intensity of the whippings and bondage should induce real tears. The discipline should soften my will and destroy my sense of willfulness. You should aim to crush my spirit and elicit my absolute compliance to your will. I should be left with only the dignity you bestow on me.
?I?m convinced that because of my natural need to submit, this type of treatment will increase my attachment and bond me to you even more deeply. Does that answer your question, Master??
?Geezz Ann, I think that was the most fantastic and astonishing thing you have ever said to me; erotic and at the same time profound, actually. I?m flabbergasted and overwhelmed. My brain is swimming. It?ll take some time for me to process the implications of it.
?You know I love you.?
The End
Submissive Secrets by Lewis Chappelle Note: This is rather lengthy piece and is a follow-up to ?Submissive Spirits? published earlier. It follows, in time frame and character development, the material in ?Submissive Sailing? which also was previously published here.Please let me know your reactions to this material. Thank you, LC SUMBISSIVE SECRETS Chip had started with the Thompson company as Assistant Vice President for International Operations. Chips boss reported to his...
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One time I got her to fuck me in my ass with a strap-on and I LOVED it! I moaned like a bitch in heat. She finally left me and told me that she thought I was gay and she couldn’t stay with a “man” like that. This caused something to snap in my mind. That has been 11 years ago now. I have never gotten into another relationship with a woman since. I have done a lot of jacking off, (almost every night), over the last 11 years and I have fucked my ass with a dildo a few times since then, after...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daughter's Ultimate Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy's sex...
The cuckold fetish is quite an interesting one, since it has a lot of sub-genres. For example, you have the dominant cuckolds where the lovers are making their babes have sex with other men… there are those who are making their lovers watch, and then there are the submissive and bisexual cuckolds, which is what I am here to talk about. Welcome to, a premium submissive cuckold website with tons of HD pornos.This site is pretty dope for all those who are interested in the...
Premium Cuckold Porn SitesSubmissive Sailing by Lewis Chappelle AUTHOR?S NOTE: This story follows ?Submissive Spirits? (published previously) in character development and time sequence. It is quite a bit shorter than its predecessor and describes the erotic honeymoon of Chip and Ann aboard a privately chartered schooner. The story provides additional information related to Ann?s increasingly effortless and stress-free attitude toward her own submissive nature. Please let me know what you liked and didn?t like...
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Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy’s sex slave. I walked between my submissive mother and my half-sister Georgia. All three of us were naked (well, Mom wore her black...
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A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughter's Bondage Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I whimpered into the ring gag, keeping my mouth forced open, as my mother worked the butt plug into my asshole. My well-spanked rump burned as her left hand gripped it, her right pressed the conical toy deeper and deeper into me. Saliva ran down my chin, leaking out of my mouth. The ring kept my mouth open wide enough...
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Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! I whimpered into the ring gag, keeping my mouth forced open, as my mother worked the butt plug into my asshole. My well-spanked rump burned as her left hand gripped it, her right pressed the conical toy deeper and deeper into me. Saliva ran down my chin, leaking out of my mouth. The ring kept my mouth open wide enough to suck my dad’s cock while keeping me from being able to talk. It made me feel so helpless. Though I had gained mind control...
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I'm a young submissive male looking for a Master/Mistress.You must be between the ages of 15 & 19.I only text no calling unless special occasion.I am new to this and like to take things slow so be patient with me.If you have any rules for me to follow state them clearly in an E-mail etc.I will try to follow them best I can unless they conflict with my personal life etc.Please make sure that I'm what your looking for based on the text before you contact me.You must live in the United States...
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Louise is a shy slender black-haired beauty in her early twenties with firm tiny tits as a young teenLouise is desperate to break her block, finish her MA thesis before the end of Summer as time runs outLouise is accepting my final offer of help and my condition of complete obedience to her new ProfessorLouise is to learn a lot from him, not only in academic skills, but also as a submissive sexy servantLouise is desperate to demonstrate her dedication as a sex slave of her Master Professor...
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Hi everybody, I am Mathew. Susie is my girlfriend. Her measurements are 36-28-36. My girlfriend has huge tits. She is in all essence a submissive slut! She loves being held down, fucked hard and being filled with cum. She also loves drinking cum and never asks the guy to wear a condom. Govind is Susie’s ex-boyfriend. We were all batchmates from college. I have had a threesome before with another slut in college with Govind where we took turns to use the slut but that story is for another day. I...
I am quite a boobilious brunette with magnificent H cup breasts. My brown hair hangs down to my shoulders whilst my large blue eyes can light up a room. I am also a rather curvy bbw. My belly may be big but my thighs are firm and my arse is to die for, like two perfectly round balloons squeezing together. The brown curly hair between my thighs conceal my perfectly stowed pussy, small and clam-like in appearance and always wet!I am also a submissive and ready to be used anywhere.On this...
James had been slowly grooming his latest lover to follow his every command. A powerful man by appearance James was tall, looming over a full foot taller than Sarah’s 5’3” frame. His face was angled, muscles rippled over his chest and arms giving him a “don’t fuck with me” body language. He was used to being in control and wanted his lover to enjoy being submissive. When he met Sarah she was independent, strong willed. She refused his sexual advances at first. James was persistent, first...
BDSMOn her knees she was currently blowing her master's penis . Bobbing up & down , she had been hypnotized and enslaved by her skinny perverted well-hung son Todd who had just turned 20years old . 3mths ago, she had begun sucking his 10 inch dick & now was an expert with no gag reflex . Ernie was a cuckold & Todd's stepdad, he was filming today's festivities. As Franny engulfed the full sausage Todd let out a long moan and exploded down his mom's throat. She was a great cocksucker he...
Alex gazed up at the menu, his arms crossed as he decided what to have for lunch. He had just arrived at The Yellow Submarine, the best eatery he’d discovered within walking distance of campus. They made fantastic hoagies, a decent fish & chips and Alex could get a burger if he was feeling really American. He didn’t particularly care for the 50’s and 60’s rock that blared from the jukebox, but he had to admit the music, in addition to all the 50’s era flair on the walls, created a lively...
She was immobile. With her hands tied behind her back. Her red hair is falling in curls around her face. Her blue eyes look up at me adoringly. Her big 40DD tits thrust out proudly, her big hard nipples poking out through the opaque black bra she wore. She had on matching black panties that were soaked at the crotch. She knelt there waiting for me to use her. Sasha knelt in front of me to worship my massive cock. The red haired BBW breathed hard. Sasha knew in a few moments she would be having...
FetishSUBMISSIVE HUSBANDChapter 1Aas is usually the case, three years of marriage our love making had growna little stale. I decided that we needed something to spice it up and Ibroached the subject of adult videos to my wife to see if she would like totry something different. She was initially hesitant about anything"pornographic" but I told her it was just "soft porn" and thought we oughtto try it just once. My wife is very strong minded and was raised verystrict so I knew it would be a big...
I dressed in front of him just like I had so often before, and definitely more so since he told me how much he had loved watching my performance. Starting naked, after having dropped a towel from my body, I'd slowly and sensually slide my best lace knickers up my toned, slightly bent legs- my bum bent towards him, the asset of mine I knew he loved best amongst others. Then my bra, holding in place an already pert set of breasts that he never complained of being too small, as much as I had grown...
BDSMBrianna gazed into her bathroom mirror with tired eyes. Her head throbbed with a fierce headache. It had been a long day of classes and there was still so much she needed to do before bed. She opened her medicine cabinet, popped a couple Tylenol and downed them with a glass of water. After a few deep breaths she trudged to the living room and collapsed on the leather sofa. She let her curvy body sink into the luscious furniture as she tried to relax and waited for the meds to kick in. BZZZT...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Daughter's Wicked Command By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My thoughts whirled as I squirmed atop my cousin—my sister!—bound to her body. Her eyes danced wildly from the revelation that she was my father's daughter. She moaned about the dildo gag. Our flesh rubbed together. Daddy's cum ran out of my pussy and dribbled to hers, my clit caressing hers, my nipples kissing hers. The...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Naughty Daughter's Vibrating Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Eighteen-year-old Cindy sat with her twin sister, Mindy, in their father's office at the Institute of Apotheosis, the two of them watching the computer monitor with rapt attention. An excitement built inside of Cindy's pussy, a ball of heat that had her shivering. The new goddess, Bess Atwater, moaned and gasped as her father fucked her hard from behind,...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Naughty Daughter Spanked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “We're not angry with you,” my mother said, giving me a slight smile, “we're just disappointed, Bess.” “Disappointed?” I groaned. “That's it? Disappointed?” I glanced at my father's car, the front end crumbled, radiator fluid forming a larger and larger puddle. I pushed up my glasses and then rubbed at the back of my...
I finally dozed off thinking about what had happened today. This was not so bad actually I was thinking. I loved children and taking care of them. I also was a sexual submissive and did not have anyone in my life at this time. Okay I was crazy thinking this way but hey we have to make a living. I must have dozed when suddenly I am told to turn over and get the ass in the air. I do so with elbows on bed and ass in the air. He lines up and lubricates the hole as he suddenly spreads the...
I had just finished work as my Master sent me a message, ‘Are you up for going to get your Christmas present?’ To which I replied, yes sir. Little did I know, this was to be a shopping trip with added submissive fun. I was given my orders to park my car in the city centre and not to reply until I had done so. I reached the car park, and being 2 days before Xmas, it was pretty busy to say the least and had to take a top floor parking space in the multi story. I sent a message to say I had...
Introduction: A submissive wife awakes Joyce was a 46 year old working mom, with two teenage children and a executive husband. She worked at a law firm in a town four miles from her home. Joyce was a big girl 511, 160lbs. She had 40DD and a tight ass. Her blond hair and all around good looks always caused men to stop and glance at her. Her husband Jeff was executive with a large chemical manufacturer and several times a year would go on extended trips to the far east, Europe, Asia and south...
There once was a girl named Jenni, She loved to be naughty and to be submissive to one master only. But the problem she had was finding a master who could do that for her. Then one day she found a glorious master who knew what she wanted. He knew that Jenni loved being controlled and he knew that she loved to please him. And one day she told him about a fantasy of hers. And he told her “play out your fantasy for me Jenni, like a good girl.” She did as she was told, she got on her knees and...
After I carry uncouncious lovely Louise to our big bed, Anne is up for her first ever 'Intimate Inspection': of her beautiful Body, hot Heart, lovely Looks, mighty Mind & sinning Soul, a trade-mark initiation inauguration for any cute candidate submissive slave student. At the start I invite her to sit at my lap from the left at my right leg. So she rests her head at my right shoulder. My right arm around her shoulders, while my left hard comforts her anxiety with caresses, while I whisper...
Anne is awesomely attractive. She has a hot slender sexy fine figure. Anne is as smart as pretty, this blonde beauty with her curly hair and rare emerald eyes. Anne is freshmen'at a journalist school, outside our Amsterdam. And also still a vintage virgin at eighteen! Which makes her feel shy, apparently unwanted by those elder,erotically experienced men, whom she might want to invite to take her first. And next soon also her , hidden deeper behind her beautiful blond bushes underneath her...
I had just finished work as my Master sent me a message, 'Are you up for going to get your Christmas present?' To which I replied, yes sir. Little did I know, this was to be a shopping trip with added submissive fun. I was given my orders to park my car in the city centre and not to reply until I had done so. I reached the car park, and being 2 days before Xmas, it was pretty busy to say the least and had to take a top floor parking space in the multi story. I sent a message to say I had...
Submissive sissy Jennifer's first cockThere is a shy knock on your door. You open it, wondering who it can be. A stranger hands you the end of a dog chain, you can see that it leads to a red strap round his neck."I'm Jennifer, Sir" he whispers, softly & huskily. It becomes clear now - you remember the conversation on the web a few days ago. Not saying a word, you pull the stranger into your room with the lead, shutting & locking the door behind him. You slip the end of the dog chain...
HY ARE MUST WRITE YOUR STEP FATHER Look at you now!An emasculated, sissy faggot locked in pantyhose everyday and night, made up like a pretty girl, dressed in black seamed stockings,and spiked high heels, laying prostrate and helpless before one of your friends, your wife’s lover, as he pumps your mouth full of his residual cum after he has fucked her to delirium!You thought, when you tried on your first pair of stockings and pantyhose, that it was just an innocent curiosity. You kept doing it,...