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Hello dear readers, this is your JJ back to treat you with some delicious and steamy stuff. First and foremost thank you very much for all the feed backs that some of you have sent in, I am delighted to see so many of you taking time off to send in your valuable comments. This is the only consolation for a writer that too erotic, thanks again lets start off with the narration. Every man remembers his first time. That first access to the warm juices of a woman’s secret place. In spite of my thirty plus years of treating mature women revisit their golden era of love making, and as for me there is always that first time, and its consequences will live with me forever.

For one thing I had waited so long, being pretty shy, mother-dominated eighteen year old in my last year of Secondary Schooling I’d had very little experience of the opposite sex. A brief touch of my girl friend’s left breast through her thick pinafore uniform before she knocked my hand away was as good as it got. Females especially the ones younger or my age had always turned me into a quivering jelly. Chennai has always been late booming and a pretty old fashioned when it comes to things like these. My first knee jerking BF viewing happened in my eighth standard and all of us in side the room were eyeing things for the very first time which was very hard to believe seldom has someone heard of cocks such huge and breast stuffed with silicon that defied the law of gravity.

I’d heard all the stuff of my class mates. They just lie there and you stick it in, Chris. It’s easy. I was wise enough to know that much of their talk were too good a story. It seemed to me that I was just too shy to ever find out what made a woman a woman. This was many, many years ago, back in Chennai the days we now call innocent days. South Indian girls, Chennai being the further most south city of India were girls were determined to keep it for some future husband. That’s the way they were brought up here.

And then Sujatha and her husband moved into our flats I was on the verge of a sexual education which I could never even have dreamed about. The lessons stand me in good stead for the rest of my life. The making of a stud. From the distance of a near two decades I can look back and recall my first time with all the clarity of it being just yesterday. Sujatha’s husband worked for a bank and were transferred from Bombay to Chennai, he was a workaholic day in and day out whether it rained or shined he never forgot two things one his work and second his night cap being in my early twenties I used to visit their place on weekends when we clattered away on banking finance stock market it was the time of Harshad Metha foul play with the market. In due course of time we became close on the family front and when some errands were required Sujatha used to ask my mom to get it done by me.

This was the beginning and so we became close I used to ask her if there’s anything I can do for her she would nod her head with a sly foxy smile the meaning to it I only got to understand later. I had a tint for music listening don’t get me wrong it was only the Tamil movie songs and those were the days of having a tape recorder were the creamy layer little by little I visited their place often if for nothing else then it was listening to movie songs. My lucky break came in form of yearly summer visit to Vellankanni which was never missed as long as I could remember. I call it a lucky break since Sujatha’s husband was also out of town attending a training session at their HO Mysore. This time around I made I was in my first year of collage and was doing Philosophy as a main subject made a brave attempt to argue with my parents saying there’s no God whatsoever. I was left alone second week of May a grueling summer and as I was brushing my teeth the next day I became fascinated by watching my soft mustache not only was that growing, so did my cock.

Sjuatha was tall, slender, as delicate as a rain kissed rose, I never saw her walk past me instead she swayed across in front of me. A blue silken night dress that was knee length and clung to every curve of her body, and every curve was undulating with sinuous abandon. A heady perfume of lavender and something else exuded from her beautiful body.

Sujatha answered my tentative knock on door almost immediately, and my eyes must have bulged at the sight of her dressed in a sky blue wispy knee length silken night dress with the top most two buttons open at the neck to reveal a tantalizing valley between her gently rising breasts. Long black hair, cascaded to her shoulders which complimented her beauty.

A handsome young man was her first comment as I entered followed by i’ll bet the girls are mad for you.”

“Oh, Chris, how lovely to see you.” Her wide eyes, the swing and sway of her body, sent all kinds of electrics through me. The intimacy of her smile only added stiffness to my already erect cock.

Had I misread her looks, her tone of voice? It couldn’t be that way could it? I was imagining an impossible promise, wasn’t I?

A little shy I may have been but I found myself exhilarated by the mere proximity of her. The prospect of being close to her. That evening, I had the longest bath i’ve ever had. Brushed my hair into what I imagined was a delicate quiff and coated my body in so much talc musk deodorant spray.

“My you smell lovely, Chris.”

I was tempted to say, “So do you.” as her lavender perfume invaded my nostrils. But words simply choked in my constricted throat.

Music was already on and she directed me to the sofa, as I noticed that the curtains were closed, which seemed strange on a bright Summer evening.

I sat, as she swayed for a moment, every inch of her body seeming to be alive and transmitting bolts of lightning into my dumb adolescent psyche. She stood for a moment over me, and my eyes tried not to look at the slight parting in her negligee and the darkly shadowed something beyond. Why hadn’t she dressed? Did she know I could see?

I raised my head and she was smiling. She knew where I was looking. Then she sat down beside me, close. Closer than I could have ever dreamed.

“Tell me about your girl friends, Chris.” she breathed. Her perfume was something I thought I was going to drown in.

What could I say? The clothed left breast that I layed my hands on at school, my experience had been flat punctured kisses with my girl at school.

“Not much to tell,” I admitted.

“Do you like me?”

“Y–yes. You’re—–nice.” And it sounded so crummy I could have curled up and died.

“You’re a lovely strong young man, Chris—” My mind was telling me, And she’s a married woman—-

She went on, “You know how my hubby is and I have been very happy of late—-but you must have noticed how weak he looks— He can’t do——-anything.” And her pause made me look up into those eyes, even sultrier in the dim light. My head was spinning and I never knew for a second where am I.

“Let’s cut the crap” She said.

“Would you like to kiss me, Chris?”

A kiss? A kiss was more than I could have hoped for, wasn’t it? She was leaning towards me and the dress had parted to reveal more of those two creamy mounds. My basic instinct was to run like hell. But like a switch had been pushed there was a sudden bulge in my pants. In her 40’s she was making me mad………….

“Mmm,” was all I could manage, as her full lips moved close, and I tried desperately to catch my breath. The lips brushed across mine, briefly, gently. Was that it? Then her hand was on the back of my neck and her mouth covered mine just as I opened it to clutch in some air.

Next second her tongue was lapping over mine. Briefly shocked I was then filled with wonder at the electricity of it. The sheer sensation, my whole mouth was a-tingle. I leaned into it, dizzily, fearing I might faint at the intensity of it. Nothing in my life had prepared me for this.

Compared with those tight-lipped punctured kisses at school this was pure bliss, as Sujatha’s tongue explored my own, tracing around the insides of my cheeks. My hands trembled. Nervous as I was, I felt disappointment when she drew away. Then I saw that one of her breasts had come totally free and I was gazing at it. Tits, that’s what the kids called them. But not this beautifully rounded, full, smooth hillock with its subtle brown ring tipped by a delicate nub of a nipple.

This was a breast, a real, living succulent breast.

“Touch it, Chris.”

Amazed at the invitation, I looked into her eyes. Was I dreaming? Was this luscious married woman actually giving me, permission to touch her breast?

“Please, Chris.”

I raised trembling fingers and the tips traced the elegant slope from nipple to the base of her throat. Feeling a little bolder I allowed my fingers to smooth their way around the whole curving surface. The tightness in my pants increased.

“Now the nipple, Chris. With that same touch. You have lovely touch.”

I was scared senseless. Yet enjoying it at the same time. I reached out and tentatively ran my fingers over the hard small nipple I heard her sharp intake of breath.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, jerking my hand away.

“No, no. That was perfect, Chris. Again. A little harder.” I’d wake up soon. But the pressure in my groin told me that I wasn’t dreaming. I allowed my whole hand to settle over her breast, smoothing it, letting each finger trace over the nipple.

“Oh, you’ve done this before, haven t you, Chris,” she sighed huskily.

“No, never.” I didn’t even think of lying.

“Kiss it, Chris.” What? Blood pounded in my head and in my cock.

“Take the nipple in your mouth, tongue it” I lowered my head nervously, “Like this?” I asked, before putting my lips around the enlarged nipple

“Tongue, Chris. Use your tongue.”

Emboldened I did that. I couldn’t believe the pleasure of it. My mouth could have swallowed her whole. I found myself sucking without even thinking about it.

Sujatha was breathing more heavily. “You’re sure you’ve never done this before?

“Never,” I said. “But it’s nice.” That stupid useless word again. It was more than just nice. I was on some magic cloud. Briefly, guiltily I thought of her husband, but then her hands closed on either side of my face lifted me and her mouth fastened on mine again. Tongue slithering over mine sending shock waves through my whole being. One hand close over my right hand and moved it down, tracing it over the delightful flatness of her belly, the silkiness of her night dress, until I felt my fingers slope downwards and detecting a sudden roughness under the silk. She made an agitated movement and the silk was gone and my fingers discovered the roughness had been a mound of soft hair.

My head was pounding. I couldn’t expect this, this was the ultimate, this was a woman’s secret place, her special gift. My hand froze, uncertain of how to proceed. All I knew was there should be an opening among this fuzziness.

Her lips left mine and she whispered, “Go on, Chris. Touch me there.”

Without daring to look down at what I was doing I let my virgin fingers grope around the hairs. Where was it? Where was that secret opening?

I felt her legs moving apart and her mouth close to my ear breathed, “Lower, Chris. Follow the groove.”

Groove? What groove? But even as the question formed my middle finger found a smaller indentation. Tracing it I found it seemed to form a little trench running down between her legs. I rubbed gently and became aware that the edges of this trench were swelling to my touch.

“Mmmmm.” Sujatha’s breathed close to my ear. “My weakness. You’re finding my spot.”

The groove ran all the way down, right through to the back it seemed. Then suddenly there was moisture. My fingers were running along wet lips. I drew them back and then forward again. Repeated the action. Aware now of her laboured breathing, almost panting. On one forward movement there was a parting of the trench and there was something small and hard, like a miniature nipple under my fingers. But no hole—-where was that opening?

“Oh, God, that’s marvellous. Don t stop. That’s it. There. Oh, God. Yes. Probe, Chris.”

I seemed to be too far back when without warning my middle finger sank into a wet pit, so far back that it took me by surprise. I pushed and my finger sank right in. I let another finger join it and prodded them both upwards and inwards.

Sujatha was panting and gasping, kissing my face my hair my ears, tonguing into my mouth. “Oh, God, yes. Oh, God ”

I couldn’t believe how ignorant I had been. I didn’t even know that this glory hole was set so far back between a woman’s legs. And that was when I felt Sujatha’s hand on my thigh, on my bulge. Oh, hell, I wasn’t sure about this. Nobody had touched me there. Not since I was a baby anyway. But I wanted it and didn’t, both at the same time. No woman had seen my cock, not in that enlarged state. Not in any state.

Sujatha’s hands expertly opened my trousers. She was going to touch my naked cock. She was—-she was! My own fingers stopped their luscious probing as I gasped for air. Then her fingers were closing around my swollen member drawing it into the open. And the whole pressure of the episode was just too much as her fingers lightly caressed my bulging tip.

In despair, I realised what was going to happen, after all that had happened up to this point, the touch of her hand was all too much. My lower body seemed to explode. I looked up in time to see the first spurts bloom whitely over her fingers.

“Oh, dear that’s too soon,” she sighed.


Ashamed, disgusted with myself I was about to apologize when she crooned, “But I catch the worm. Cum to mama. Don t go to waste.” And to my mix of joy and horror she stooped and closed her mouth over my oozing cock. Sujatha was taking my cum in her mouth. I hadn’t even known that was allowed. Vaguely I remember seeing a dirty picture that the lads passed around. But here was Sujatha with her head in my lap, her mouth gently sucking on my spurting cock and taking every drop down.

After just a moment I felt myself softening and Sujatha released me, raised her head, smiled and licked the cum from her hand.

“I’m sorry,” I said lamely.

“Sorry? For what? We haven t finished, Chris And you can put your hand back where it was for a start.”

I glanced down at my pathetic little cock lying like a dead snail outside my pants. It didn’t seem likely that anything else could happen. I’d just been to the top of the world. Sujatha saw my look and smiled.

“i’ll tell you what, Chris.” I think we need to be more comfortable. And she stood up and took my hand urging me to stand. Then she lead me through a door and we were in a bedroom, with a large double bed.

“Comfortable, Chris. We’ve come this far. We might as well have comfort.”

I couldn’t see what we could do now. Did she mean we were going to sleep? Straight away I knew this wasn’t the case as she slipped completely out her night dress and stood there totally, delightfully naked.

Yet another first for me. Or A landmark should I say?

My eyes, bolder now, after what had gone before, roamed over the twin perfect breasts, bold, firm and brown tipped, that flat belly sloping down to the tawny patch of hair that I had explored but was seeing for the first time. She moved her feet and I caught a glimpse of the secret lips hidden down there.

“Now you,” she said and as I hesitated she stepped forward and began undoing my shirt.

My mother hadn’t seen me naked since I’d reached puberty. Nobody had. I was a little embarrassed. Now here was this virtual stranger busy removing my shirt.


After what we’d just done?

She loosened my belt and my trousers dropped. Her hands slipped inside the waistband of my under wear.

“You think I have a good body, Chris? ”

I nodded breathlessly and resisted saying’nice.'”Not bad for a late thirty year old, is it?”


She said with an impeccable Malayalam accent.

She was forty. I felt my face burning red as she slipped my shorts down over my hips, and stood back to look me up and down. I wanted the ground to swallow me. “You have a good body, too. Only yours will get better.” Her hand slid under my scrotum which made me jump. “Oh, Chris, you are going to make a lot of women happy. And I’m going to show you how.

Let’s lie down.”

To my surprise her touching my balls had made my cock flicker upwards. I lay down across the bed, and she lay beside me.

“I have a need right now, Chris. So we’ll show you early stages later. For now just kiss my breasts again. Early stages? What did she mean? Later? When was later?

Earlier it had been one breast, now I had both at my disposal. I let my tongue flicker from one to the other, while my hands roamed over them, enjoying the friction. My eyes gaped in wonder at the way her nipples swelled to my mouthing. From time to time she muttered little instructions.

“Use your teeth. Yes there, gently. Now squeeze, then stroke. Now move your lips down over my belly.”

Oh, oh, this was taking me towards a new stage. My tongue tickled at her tiny navel.

Go down. And the next tickling was her pubic hairs on my mouth. I couldn’t go any further. These weren’t the lips for my lips, were they?

“Touch first. Yes, fingers.” Her voice was husky.

I let my fingers move as they had before feeling out the petal folds as they opened to my touch. Moistness, aroma, heat. I felt my cock flexing itself, like a fighter returning to the battle.

“Open me. Yes thumbs on each side. You’re looking for the stone in a plum. Look. Look, Chris ”

My head was between her, legs my feet up near her head. I could never imagine what I was seeing. All that pinkish brown, layer on layer it seemed.

“See it, Chris? See my clit?”

Among the fold rose a tiny bud thing. Was that it? I wasn’t sure so I tentatively touched with my fingers.

“That’s it, Chris. My clit.” Her voice was strained, almost gasping. “Now put your tongue on it.”

My tongue there? This couldn’t be right. This wouldn’t be very pleasant, would it? Was this making love?

“Please, Chris. I need this—need it now.”

Reluctantly I leaned into it and flicked my tongue against that tiny target. For some reason my whole being trembled with excitement as she stiffened and gasped, “Oooh—yes, –do it—give it —lick it—lick it hard.”

My tongue began working as though it had a life of its own. Lapping at her little secret button. Her clit. I hadn’t even heard the word before. Back and forward went my tongue. Round and round. No taste, yet it was like supping on cream and the creaminess increased, as her legs spread and I found myself licking and probing until my tongue was guzzling into that mysterious hole without me even wondering about what I was doing.

“Oh, yes, we’re there, Chris.” And as she said it I felt her tongue licking the length of my semi-hard cock. I let my tongue run wild along her every widening creases, as she gasped and moaned. Her lips fastened around my cock and I could feel it swelling inside her mouth.

“No, i’ll—” I tried to warn her, recalling my earlier weakness.

“No you won’t,” she gasped.” I won’t let you.”

I could feel her tongue exploring the head and I felt so huge inside her and almost involuntarily I felt my hips thrust to push my cock deeper into her mouth, while my licking and probing with my tongue in her wetness got wilder and wilder.

Her mouth came away from my cock and I didn’t want it to, I glanced along the length of her belly and saw her pressing my cock against her breasts. I couldn’t believe what I saw. My meager hand jobs never made it look that massive. It had never been so engorged, so fat.

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Chris, you’ve got a wonderful piece here. I want it inside me.”

She sat up and I sat up looking at her, her cheeks flushed, her eyes clouded with passion.

“Now, we’ll fuck,” she said flatly. It shocked my to hear her use the word. You must remember this was many years ago when that word was the worst thing you could say. Yet there seemed no better way of saying what we were going to do.

Sujatha lay her divine body back on the bed and opened her legs with the knees raised. “Come on, Chris Just let yourself glide into me. You’ve prepared me good. Now finish me good.”

Uncertainly I moved between her legs and she reached down and held my cock, drew it towards her, guiding, her fingers holding the tip to direct it into that smoldering orifice that I had just finished licking out.

I felt the bulbous head of my cock enter and immediately felt the muscles of her vaginal walls contracting to draw me in. At the same time I felt that familiar welling from my balls. I was going to shoot. Christ, before I’d hardly started.

I told Sujatha.

She gave me that sexy smile and shook her head. “No you re not. Not this time. Not before you’ve stuffed me good.” And her hand reached down and I felt her finger and thumb grip tight around my cock just above the balls.

I had frozen in fear of shooting my load now she said urgently, “You re all right. Now let me feel that gorgeous prick inside me. ”

I eased my cock into her as her hand released me. The threat of an early rush had gone and my rod slid easily right up to the hilt. So far that I was sure that I could feel the head push against some part of her deep inside. I didn’t dare ask, what did I do now. I was inside, deep, deep into that warm wetness and it was the best feeling I’d ever had. But now? She sensed my uncertainty. “Pull back —Not too much—Yes, there. Now plunge back—all the way”

I had eased my hips back feeling my cock being adulated by her vibrating walls. Now I pushed it back as far as it would go.

“Now—again—back–faster— “And her voice was strained, excited, by what I was doing to her.

I swung my hips back and forward felt my rod working like a piston inside her.

Hey, I was fucking. This is what it’s like. It was better than anything I could have imagined. The hotness of it, the wetness, the smells of perfume and feminine musk.

Sujatha moaned. “Oh, God, —I knew—I knew—-Suck my tits, Chrissssssssss. Suck my tits—”

I needed no second offer, pounding away into her delightful crotch I let my lips snap and bite at her engorged nipples.

Sujatha was breathing harder than I was, her head tossing from side to side, her long hair flared across her face. “Ooh, it’s there. Oh, yes Chrisssssss. Cum in me. Cum. Cum now. Do it. Do it.” Her voice became a screech of near desperation.

A dam burst deep inside my balls and the flood poured into my cock, as with one final plunge I heard my own voice yell something wild. And I was trying to push the head of my cock up into the depths of her belly. While her hips rose from the bed to meet me and we ground ourselves together and groaned and gasped in unison. It seemed like I wouldn’t stop, I felt I was pushing liters and liters of my cum up into her and she was taking it so gratefully.

At last we were calm and I lay nestled against her flat, sweated belly as my cock slowly shrank out of her.

I’d done it. I’d had sex. I’d fucked—and fucked an older woman.

“That was a good start,” Sujatha murmured, stroking my hair.

“Start?” I said, delighted and surprised.

Oh, yes, that’s just lesson one. You re a fast learner Chris. But there are a lot of cold women in the world. You need to know how to overcome that.

“But—but how?”

Sujatha sat up and took my face in her hands, her eyes blazed deeply into mine, “You’ve got the potential to become a real hard fucker. I might not get all the benefit of that. But a lot of women in this world are going to be eternally grateful”

I doubt if even she realized how prophetic her words would be over the following years.

So from being a know nothing boy, in just two hours I’d begun to find the first confidence in matters of sex and my own body. Begun to know about the needs of women. More lessons? Yes, so much more to learn. Sujatha would be my eager tutor and I would also hear her own story of how she discovered her own sexuality. A little later she and her hubby moved to the Gulf in search of greener pastures and even today I can picturise the flame in her eyes as she came the first time from then on there was no stopping and no looking back there’s so much to tell, but you need to ask for them at

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September. School. Because Mike was a teacher, the arrival of the fall term had a greater effect on the Ferguson household than on most others. But with everything else that was going on, school starting almost faded to insignificance. Kristen and Coach reluctantly held off their plans for a quick civil wedding, and organized a small church wedding. A few of Coach's relatives were able to make the trip, and this had a surprising healing effect on him. Jenny's singing career quickly became...

1 year ago
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The Pickup

Jerry asked, "Are you sure this is what you want?" daughter said, "We have to expand our horizons." Wife said,"And they both need to be really good looking." Jerry went off in a cab to a downtown area where he knew there were some bars. It had been several years since he was in a bar and did not really understand the changes that had occurred. The bar he entered was considered a gay bar but he did not know what that was so he went on in. He was shocked to see some women and men dancing with...

Group Sex
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She couldnt resist him pt2

Check out part 1 for the beginning of this story.Through the entire evening she couldn’t stop thinking about that hard cock pushing into her ass. She felt a little empty inside since her took it away. She loved that cock and the fact that she didn’t make him shoot all that delicious cum into her left her wanting more. NO NO NO! She had to stop thinking like that; she was on a date with a nice guy and not only did she cum all over her ex’s hand while he finger fucked her right in the bar, now...

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Seaman First Class

Seaman First ClassBy BossDaddyI joined the merchant marines just after graduation from high school. College wasn’t my thing and in fact school itself was never my thing. I like learning about life by living it and having new and fun experiences. If you don’t know what merchant marines are they are a fleet of ships that engaged in commerce and transportation of goods. More commonly called cargo ships or container ships and it is common for them to be at sea for days or even weeks traveling from...

4 years ago
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An Anniversary Present

by grizzley123it was our 16th anniversary and I was relatively excited about it. Our mostly tame sex life had been picking up recently. Now that our daughter was older it was easier to have the time and energy for some fun of our own. The only problem with this new freedom was it brought back an old problem; my small dick and clumsy technique was not very satisfying for my wife. I am always willing and try hard to please her but most of the time I am quite sure she is only partially satisfied....

3 years ago
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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 7 Back in Time

Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe I spent a fair amount of time upon my return thinking about Kaleigh and my two children. To help keep me from wallowing in self-pity, the Energists had me evaluate them as they developed new training scenarios to practice their physical movements and decision-making tasks for their new upcoming adventure. They were making very few errors during these simulated experiences, and the 'accident rate' had plummeted to very low levels. All the...

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How Do You Do ItChapter 1

I like school and I do pretty well, my grades are in the A's and B's. But the class that I think is the strangest is sex-ed. No, it's not a real year-long course or anything like that. It's just that they have to bounce around on the surface of things. I guess they can't get too detailed or there would be parents down there complaining. One of my friends said she wishes there was a lab part to it so you could experiment. I never knew if she was joking or what. Probably. Though, knowing...

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Padosan Bhabi Ke Saath Anokhi Shaadi

Padosan Bhabi ke saath anokhi shaadi…..Mein Arjun, meri ummar 26 saal, 5’10” height, mast body aur mast lund…; mein software company mein kam karta hoon, is waste mein ab Calcutta mein rahta hoon…Calcutta mein main jaha kiraye ke makan mein rahata that uske bagal wale ghar mein ek Bengali couple tha…husband carpet ka business karta tha and uski biwi (Anumita Bhabi) house wife thi, umar 38 saal…uske 2 bacche the..ek 10 saal ka aur ek 2 saal ka… Anu Bhabi kafi garam aur khobsurat thi…pakki...

2 years ago
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Swinger club in Vienna

Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...

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My Shy Virgin Girl 8211 Part II

Dear friends, this is Rakesh again, with another story, the author of the story “My Shy Virgin Girlfriend”. My mail Id is Coming to the story, the bond between us grew stronger, after we made love that day. We talked a lot about all topics on phone, and very freely like husband and wife. I dreamt of having anal sex with her, and told her the same. She immediately said no. I tried to convince her, but she said no. Later, in 2 to 3 months, of convincing, she finally agreed. We met in my house...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Jennifer White Being The Best Wife To My Husbands Best Friend

Jennifer White began to seduce her husbands best friend as she asked him about why her husband might be acting so strange lately. Instead of getting the words out of her mouth, she got the husbands friends cock inside of her mouth. She sucked him like the slutty whore she is, admiring his cock more than her husbands with every stroke. It was not long before her tight cheating pussy was penetrated and she was shivering with joy from young hard dick. Jennifer took a load to her ass so cleanup...

4 years ago
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Gone FishinChapter 15

I took the paper schedule to the office with me Monday morning. Shirl needed at least some of the information. Weena had left quite early; she wanted to catch the night sister before she went off duty. So it was well before nine when I got to the office. I opened a calendar and started entering stuff: the wedding, my talk to the vintners, etc. I hoped it would make sense. I called Maggie's office in the Alice. She answered. "Friedel." "Gordy Hollister." "Hi. What can I do for...

2 years ago
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Beach Vacation

A solid month of travel, meetings, and incredible project deadlines and I was mentally, spiritually and physically exhausted. I flew home and arrived at my apartment late Thursday evening and immediately passed out. The next morning, I went in and told my boss I needed a break. One look at my face and my boss knew he had one unhappy camper on his team. He smiled at me and agreed I should take some time off. I thanked him for his generosity and returned to my desk. With two phone calls, I booked...

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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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Moonlight at the Pool

On one of our summer trips back to Rascal’s parent’s house, she provided me with one of the most erotic and sensual experiences that begged to be recorded for the art that it was. Unfortunately, I did not have a camcorder, but images are still fresh in my mind as if it just occurred even though it happened over 15 years ago. So let me start the story. The day was a hot August day in the south. The air was so thick with moisture that we spent most of our time indoors during the day. Of...

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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 2 A Chance Encounter

She soon found one of her favorite spots – a secluded alleyway just a little ways off from the city's most thriving nightlife spots. It was growing late, and the many inhabitants of the bars and clubs would be stumbling home – some with a lover, perhaps familiar, perhaps new – but most alone. It would take little effort to lure someone close enough to make a meal out of his or her emotions. But tonight, she planned on being selective. Hiding unseen in the shadows, she allowed a tall,...

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Tied to a Chair

This is a true story from a couple months ago with my girlfriend at the time. Her name was Linda (named changed to protect the not so innocent) and we had met at a house party in Europe when I was there for an exchange program. We hit it off and continued to see each other long distance over the next year. Eventually she ended up traveling and living with me at my place for a few months. Linda was incredibly sexual, had a petite body with fair skin and was naturally a light redhead. A couple...

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What a good StepFather pt1

Maria has an 18 year-old daughter named Charlotte. Stephen hasn't met Charlotte because she has been off at college, but she was supposed to be visiting soon because she was going to have a break from school. Because Maria has to work it was up to Stephen to pick her up. It had been a week since Stephen had sex with maria and he was feeling particularly pent up from his sexual frustration with her on the morning Charlotte was supposed to arrive. Stephen had woke up to an empty bed since Maria...

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Farm Girl Having Some FunEnd Chapter

I hung there for long minutes, mewling and sobbing in pain, making strange little sounds, and trying to somehow bring my cunt that last tiny bit of the way to an orgasm so I could have some relief from the burning, pulsing heat. My mother finally became annoyed enough about it to do something. A few seconds manipulation of my clitty would have shot me into orbit. Instead she brought out a thick leather belt. She stood before me, eyeing my desperate condition with a sneering look of...

1 year ago
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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 10 A New Maiden

15 December, 1686 Morning Ihon stood on deck inspecting the repair work to the Maidens Revenge. For nearly four weeks the sound of the hammer and the saw had mingled with the song of the birds to get the Schooner into a state of repair that met with his satisfaction. It would have taken him much longer other than the fact that he hired five additional carpenters and three craftsmen to help him with the work. As part of the repairs he had completely restored the Captain's, Isabel and...

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SixChapter 2 The Accident

He and Cheryl, his wife of five years, were standing at the taxi rank, waiting for cab. It being 1am, a lot of people were out drinking and getting cabs and going home. They waited patiently, his arm around her shoulder. His jacket was over her shoulders as it had just started to drizzle with rain. Three weeks of dry weather and now the clouds were finally collecting; the lawn would get the watering it needed, he was saying. It made the roads more slippery as the water lifted the slight...

2 years ago
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My First Time With An Older Man Chapter 2

Thomas's condo was incredible, elegant and tasteful, and were I not so distracted by the occupant, I would have been more interested in taking a look around. But that elevator kiss had really affected me and now I was primed for more. This time when he bent down to kiss me again, I eagerly kissed him back. He kissed me much more passionately and as our lips met, mine parted and his tongue slipped into my mouth searching for mine. He practically devoured me, and I didn't put up much of a...

4 years ago
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Thoughts Revisited

Many have asked for Carol's side of the story. You will understand this story much better if you first read 'Thoughts'. Thank you to Estragon who always makes my stories a much better read. My name is Carol Beal. I read the story that my deceased husband wrote and would like to straighten out a few facts, or at least give a different opinion. First of all, I still consider him my husband and always will. I truly loved him, no matter what anyone else thinks. I've read many reader...

3 years ago
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Thanksgiving oh how he was so thankful

It was thanksgiving dinner at her house, when I first laid eyes on Audriana. I was captivated by her presence and her ability to work a room, but how could this be the same girl I had watched as a baby? She had grown up so beautifully but that was so long ago, she was sixteen now. Her Italian and black mix gave her a deeply tanned skin tone, big beautiful brown eyes that were feathered with thick dark lashes and her loosely curled, dark hair fell just above her mid back. She looked around 5'8,...

First Time
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SerenaChapter 8 First Steps

The journey to the estate was beginning to feel like routine. Unlike my last few trips, I was once again clothed. Serena was naked as always. I spent the time looking at her and thinking. The last few weeks had been some of the strangest of my life, but one thing had remained constant: my love for Serena. The weight of my gaze made her look up and catch my eyes, for some reason she blushed and moaned gently then resumed staring at the floor. I leaned forward and captured her mouth with mine;...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Mil Controlling Her 8211 Part I

Hi, I m Raj, 32 years old property dealer. I was married to Seema 4 years back when Sima was a sex bomb, at only 20 she was the bombshell every man dies for. Our sex life was wonderful; Sima was very submissive (as I like it) and obeyed all my instructions in sex. After 2 years of our marriage, my son was born and Sima was busy with the baby. So, my MIL came to stay with us. My MIL is Neha, at 40 she is a pure MILF – but she is a pain in the neck, she likes to dominate everybody around her and...

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Road TripChapter 7

School in three ... two ... one ... tomorrow! I’m not using the jeep until it snows, the Dodge is for rescuing the jeep. Oil is changed, antifreeze is green and fresh, battery is two years old, brake fluid is new in all cars including Hairy’s 1938 Fords ... god those things are ugly. The Edsel is NOT the worst looking Ford. Sonny had come up with every General Motors rotary engine ever built ... and ... AND ... the entire production run of GM’s experimental six speed manual transmissions....

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 25

Edited by Old Rotorhead Jake returned to the suite and tapped on the door. “Who is it?” asked Hermione. “Jake,” he replied. There was a click from the lock and the door opened. Gina was obviously behind the door, but Jake’s first sight was down the barrel of a very large revolver, and behind it Hermione. “I’d forgotten about that gun,” said Jake. “Would you mind waving it elsewhere? “Well you threw the hat overboard, so I had to keep something as a souvenir,” Hermione grinned. “Now come...

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Being A Cougar To My Boss

I am sharing my real life experience with all of you. Pls bear with my grammatical error if any. The story started in the year 2004 & is still continuingI am a 40 year old woman with not so good looking features. I have a very tiny boobs & very slim body & hence not much of the men were staring at me. The incident happened at my age of 31 years when I was employed with a company in Cochin. My husband works in a CO’ in Gulf & I have a son aged 7 years. Once in a year husband...

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Within the Plains of Turia Ch 01

The girl known as Alena was shoved to the block in Turia. It wasn’t as grand as some that she had been presented upon but nonetheless it was, indeed, a slave block. Her natural instinct, the earth girl inside, the one that still answers to Louise, is to run and get away from the unknown and the fear of what lies beyond. But the slave girl that she has been trained to be on this barbaric world where she was brought to serve and please men … this girl tips her chin haughtily, the insolence...

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Oh yes Dad

"Oh go fuck yourself," I heard Dad shout and the front door slammed. I sobbed in my room, the row had lasted for a good hour and was just the latest in many since Christmas. My tears splattered my books. I was trying to revise for exams and couldn't because of the upheaval in the family. I heard footsteps on the path and looked out of the window. Mum was marching off down the street, her head high and arms swinging, but I knew she was hurting inside. She had told me countless times, that she...

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Through the looking glass

ALICE’S daddy didn’t notice her sleeping in the back of the home theater room when he entered. Assuming that she had gone shopping with her mother that evening. He selected a porn DVD to watch. Plopping down on the couch and getting himself ready for a really goood wanking. Alice had fallen asleep watching cartoons after dinner. Her dreaming was interrupted by the sound of people in distress, a woman seemed to be screaming ‘Oh god, oh god, OH GOD! ’ Suddenly the sound...

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Zombie Lust

But that night would be a night I would never forget. I was so tired I just wanted to go home and get some sleep. I had to make a choice, cut through the graveyard and get home in half the time, or go all the way around which would take longer but was less creepy. I said, "Fuck it," and went through the graveyard. I hated the graveyard. It was always so creepy and the place just gave me a bad vibe, even when I was a kid. Yet there I was, walking through the damn place at 2 a.m. so I...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 20

Steve Three weeks later Wes was sitting on an overturned bucket, staring at the right wing of the parts that Jeff's team had molded before he had been hired. He had been determined to have this bunch of parts flying within a week or two. No such luck. He kept finding flaws in how the pieces fit together. He kept checking the blueprints that were downloaded from the internet with the finished product, and found the pre-made parts to be exact to the print. The problem was they didn't fit,...

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This is the eighth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight By Morpheus It was a great day for a picnic. The sky was clear, the sun was warm and the birds were all...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 10

In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for...

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A reflection on sucking fine black cocks

I read this confession from a teenage girl here on xhamster. Basically she started to want well endowed black men from the first time she watched porn. Her teenage life was about masturbating to BBC porn and waiting until the time came to fuck her first actual black man. She did this at 16 and snce then had ten other black men, always happy, never wanting anyhting else. The girl knows what she wants. It made me reflect on my life as a bisexual man who also loves to suck beautiful cocks. For me,...

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PornWorld Shalina Devine Dominno Swingers Party Sees Shalina Devine DPd Alongside Sexy Bisexual Blonde Dominno

Most of you would go to travel the countryside during the weekend, go fishing and so, but not this couple. Romanian MILF Shalina Devine and her man decided to turn a boring weekend into mind-blowing swinger action with their friends. Czech beauty Dominno let this couple into her house, and from the moment they saw each other, these two horny bombshells didn’t hesitate a second. In a heartbeat, they were already deep in their pussies with their tongues, before guys jumped in. That’s...

3 years ago
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An Executive Decision

Don?t Piss Off the Boss An Executive Decision I had seen enough. Something had to be done. Arriving at work on time seemed a near-foreign concept, her work was always a day late, she clearly spent more time chatting than doing her assigned duties, and now, as it turned out, she?s been misusing the office computers on work hours, on among other things, an internet forum on bondage. Yeah, that would look really great to my superiors if it got out that I?d allowed that to carry on. So,...

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Little boy

I was always interested in the mysteries of sex. When I was about eighteen years old, I used to rub my breasts in bed, at night, imagining that Ankush, my younger brother, was doing it. The simple reason to imagine him was that he was the only one I could imagine to agree to do it. At that time I had no idea about other parts of my body. I had also no idea about the importance of the ‘moongphali’, as we called the penis at that time. My friends and I had seen only children naked in those days,...

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Revelations Pt5

Midday saw Danny turning his SUV off the dirt road and moving along a faintly visible path that would lead him to their secluded four-bedroom cabin in the woods. The hustle bustle of the city had long been left behind. The lake was just a short walk thru the path in the woods from their cabin and Danny planned to walk down at the earliest. But first he unloaded the provisions he had purchased on the way at a gas station. During the next couple of days, he planned to clean up the place before...

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Ruchika Praised My Skills

Hi friends I m Rajat here again with my another true exp , it is real even the names also.I m 20 years old with a slim weight of 65 in 5 ‘7 . This is my 2nd post 1st was She was of 17 and now this is .This is with my gf shruti , she was friend of ruchika ,the same gal that I have mentioned in my previous post .Due to some reasons I have lost my password of email account so please do post me the responses about both the posts on my new email that is Now let me tell u how that happened Ruchika...

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Awaking Chapter 3

Awaking Chapter 3 This story is about Adult Babies. That is adults who dress and act like babies. All reference to babies or minors or similar In this story, refer to adults acting like babies And NOT adults substituting for minors. This story has nothing to do with child pornography. Chapter 3: Information Overload Barb and Carrie left the house. "This is crazy, I'm not sure I can do this to Colin," Barb said with some concern in her voice. Carrie giggled, "Oh lighten...

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Mama And Mausi Introduced Me To The World Of Incest

Friends I am writing my experiences for the first time. I will share all my experiences one by one. You can give me your feedback at my email All my stories will be based on true life experiences. Happy reading. Diggu mama entered the room with my Bindu Mausi (mom’s sister), bolted the door without realizing I was inside. He began kissing her furiously, sucked her tits and took out his massive cock and gave in her mouth right at the door. She too was sucking his cock like she was hungry for...

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I Fucked the Boss Wife Blacken Published by 425ol

I Fucked the Boss Wife BlackenAs a black man it is never easy moving up the corporate ladder. I was a little lucky that I found a sponsor, as such, at the company I worked for. A man named Tony took me under his wing and greased the sk**s a bit for me. I almost felt like a family member. The day everything came together was the day Tony invited me to his home. I found out from other employees that Tony rarely invited anyone to his home, even his corporate equals.I drove over to Tony's house...

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