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Julie?s Story

By Dr. Quirt

A young woman doesn?t quite realise just what she has let herself in for when she decides to

explore her masochistic tendencies. The learning path is hard and long but, in the end, she

becomes contented with her lot.

This story is the first of a trilogy, the second and third parts being ?Nina?s Tale? and ?What

Happened to Lucy??


A light rain was beginning to fall from a leaden sky as the train pulled in to the station of the

grimy, northern town. Julie was wondering just what she had let herself in for as she

prepared to disembark.

It had all started a few weeks before. After a number of failed relationships she had been

wondering what to do with her life. It surely wasn?t her physical appearance that was at fault

? she was an attractive, 24-year old, 5ft 8in blonde with a figure and legs to die for ? no, it

was probably that she had slightly abnormal tendencies when it came to the physical aspects

of relationships and her demands tended to frighten away potential partners. It was quite easy

to find someone who was willing to give her a good spanking but Julie needed more than that

? so much more than that!

She had just about exhausted the possibilities of finding a like-minded partner in her home

town. Relationships at work were a bit of a no-no and the singles bars had not turned up

anything worthwhile either. So, she had started to surf the internet and had come across an

interesting contact in one of the chat rooms to which she subscribed. This particular person

was looking for someone who was ?completely sexually uninhibited and willing to participate

in obedience training?. Julie knew that this description was just a euphemism for ?sex slave?

and although she was fully aware of the risks involved, she thought ?what the hell? and

provided her personal details. And then heard nothing more.

She had completely forgotten about the matter when, one day, a plain, brown envelope came

through her letterbox. It contained a first class rail ticket, to a place that she had vaguely

heard of, and some additional information and instructions. If she was agreeable to the

proposal she was to follow the instructions exactly and, if not, she was to return the ticket and

would hear no more.

The proposer, who wished to be known as ?Master? was offering her long-term

accommodation, should she prove suitable, in return for the provision of certain services.

These would be of a disciplinary and sexual nature and would be explained to her fully if she

decided to take up the offer. She was to catch a certain train on a certain date and would be

met at the station. She would be identifiable because she would be barefoot.

Julie noted that the date mentioned was two weeks away, which would give her little time to

get her affairs in order if she decided to go. Giving it some thought, she decided to go for it.

She put her flat in the hands of a letting agent and arranged to take some leave that was

owing to her. If the arrangement looked as if it might become long-term then she could

always resign her job ? which wasn?t much of a job anyway. She told her few friends that

she was going on holiday for a few weeks.

As the day approached, Julie was uncertain what to take with her ? she thought that, because

of the nature of the offer, she wouldn?t need much in the way of clothing ? and she didn?t

really know what to wear for the journey. And what was this ?barefoot? business? In the end

she just took one small bag with a few spare t-shirts and undies and her personal stuff. She

decided to wear jeans and a white t-shirt with no bra ? with her high, firm breasts she didn?t

really need one anyway. Not really fancying the barefoot idea that much she wore a pair of



After a lengthy journey, she eventually arrived at her destination. It was raining and cold and

the platform was wet and dirty so she kept her trainers on. Taking her bag, she got off the

train, walked up the platform to the exit and went to the booking hall, where she was to be

met. There were several people there but no-one seemed to be interested in her. She began

to think that she had come all that way for nothing.

After 30 minutes had passed she began to wonder what had happened ? she thought about her

instructions and about anything that she might have missed. She had definitely got the date

right and the train had been a bit late so whoever was meeting her should have been there.

Then she suddenly realized what the problem might be ? she was not barefoot ? and quickly

removed her trainers. Almost immediately she was approached by a distinguished-looking


?Hello, you must be Julie. I am the Master. You will not be needing those,? ? pointing to her

trainers ? ?so dispose of them now. I have a car waiting outside.?

Julie reluctantly threw her trainers into the nearest waste-bin and followed the Master through

the doors and outside the station. They walked across the gravel-surfaced car park (Ouch!) to

his car ? a top model BMW.

The journey to the Master?s house was quite long, travelling along winding country roads and

soon Julie had no idea where she was. Eventually, they turned into a long, winding drive,

accessed through remotely operated gates and pulled up outside an imposing Georgian

residence. Throughout the journey, the master had said nothing and Julie likewise, but now

he invited her into the house through the ornate entrance-way.

Once inside, they passed through an impressive hallway and into a receiving room.

?You have had a long journey and I?m sure that you would like some refreshments. Tea and

cakes OK??

Over the tea and cakes the Master began to explain the situation.

?You are here to be trained in obedience and I am sure that you know just what that means.

You will obey my instructions immediately and completely and without question. Failure to

obey or failure to provide a satisfactory service will result in immediate punishment. Minor

infractions will be dealt with on the spot. Anything major will entail a visit to the Correction

Centre, where we have a variety of equipment for dealing with recalcitrant guests. I can offer

you long-term accommodation here. All your meals, etc. will be provided and you will have

no expenses. On occasion, I shall expect you to provide a service to any colleagues that may

visit me here.

If you agree to these arrangements then we can proceed immediately. If not, I will take you

back to the train station now ? you will need to wait around for a while as the next train does

not leave until morning.

Your decision, please.?

Although a little nervous by now, Julie thought that she had little to lose.

?How many girls do you have here, right now?

?You are the only one here at present.?

?And if I agree, how long will I be here.?

?As I said, I can offer you permanent accommodation but I would expect you to be here for a

minimum of three months as this is the time it usually takes to complete basic training. After

this, you may wish to stay or to move on to other things ? there are a variety of options that

we can discuss at the time.?

?OK then, I agree.?

?You are certain? This is your last opportunity to leave.?

?I agree.?

?Right then, follow me. You can leave your bag here. I will remove your personal items for

your use and the other things can be stored as you will not be needing them.?

Cold and Wet

The Master then led Julie from the room, into a long passageway, which was, at first,

carpeted, but in its further reaches was floored with stone flags. The floor felt cold under her

bare feet. They arrived in a largish room that seemed to be a kitchen. There was an Aga

cooking range as well as a large table and several chairs. A dresser was well equipped with

crockery of all sorts.

?Right, strip completely and place your clothes on the table ? now!?

This did not take long as Julie was only wearing three items and one of those was a very

skimpy pair of panties.

?Now remove any jewellery, hair clips or other items and place them with your clothes.?

Julie removed her ear-rings and wrist-watch ? she had nothing else - and now stood

completely naked in front of the Master.

?Now you will go outside into the grounds to contemplate what is about to happen to you.

Return here in exactly one hour and I advise you to be on time.?

?But I have no watch ? how will I know when to come back??

?That is not my problem and I say again, be on time ? neither early nor late or it will be the

worse for you.?

He then took Julie by the arm and led her to a door, which led to the outside. While they had

been talking it had grown fully dark, the rain had intensified and the wind had got up, making

it a really unpleasant evening.

?Does he really expect me to be outside in this weather?? she wondered.

The answer was obviously ?yes? because she was pushed through the door into the courtyard.

?One hour exactly ? do not be early or late? was the last thing she heard as the door shut

behind her.

Now she was really wondering just what she had let herself in for ? all those questions that

she should have asked but hadn?t. She was soon cold and wet and started to cry ? and she

had no idea what time it was.

Eventually, she pulled herself together a bit and started to look for somewhere to shelter ?

there really was nowhere though and it was too dark to see much. There were plenty of trees

around but walking in the woods in the pitch dark didn?t seem such a good idea once she had

tripped over some roots and fallen heavily. Then there was the occasional break in the cloud

and the rain started to ease, the moon broke through and she could see a little more. The

grounds of the house seemed to be quite extensive and she could see the house and another

building, some way off. Was this the Correction Centre, she wondered? She thought that she

could hear dogs howling in the distance ? she shivered.

The main house seemed to be surrounded by a gravel courtyard, which was quite hard on her

feet, so she didn?t try to walk very far. Eventually she found herself at the main door, where

she had entered the house. She still had no idea of the time but decided to risk it, climbed the

steps up to the door, and pulled the bell cord. There was no response so she pulled it again

and, eventually, heard footsteps from within. The door opened and the Master was there.

?How dare you come to this door uninvited? Go immediately to the servants? door ? be


The door closed.

?Servants? door ? he must mean the kitchen door.?

Julie carefully felt her way round the outside of the house. The sky had clouded over once

more and the rain was falling more heavily than ever. She started to cry again.

The little journey took some time but, at last, she found the right door and knocked. The door

opened and there was the Master with an evil-looking quirt in his right hand.


?You are ten minutes late and I don?t want to hear excuses. You have earned a punishment

for this. Come inside ? now!?

The cold, wet, shaking, naked girl entered the house. All of her things seemed to have been

removed but, otherwise, all was as before.

?Right! I am now going to give you a small taste of what will happen to you if you do not

obey my instructions exactly. As you are new here I am disposed to be lenient with you on

this occasion ? and only on this occasion. For each minute that you were late you will

receive one stroke of this quirt on your buttocks and on the back of you thighs. I shall not

restrain you but, if you attempt to thwart me in any way, I shall double the punishment. You

will count the strokes and, if you lose count, we shall start again. Now bend over that table ?


Julie, who was now quaking with fear, laid herself over the table edge. She could feel the

hard wood digging into her hip bones.

?Spread your legs ? now!?

She spread her legs and waited.

The first stroke fell centrally across her buttocks and it was agony. Julie screamed but the

pain was so intense that she forgot to count.

?OK, we start again.?

By the third stroke she couldn?t stand it any more and reached back with her hand to stop the

quirt. Bad move!

?OK, you were warned. Your punishment is now doubled and I am going to restrain you.?

He quickly tied her ankles to the legs of the table and dealt with her wrists in a similar way.

Then the punishment began again, in earnest. Julie screamed and screamed and sometimes

forgot to count. She had received 45 strokes to her bum and thighs and, at the finish, they

were covered in red welts. The skin had not been cut though ? the Master was an expert.

?I hope that you enjoyed that,? he said to the sobbing girl. ?That?s just a small taste of what

you can expect for disobedience and, unfortunately for you, I haven?t quite finished yet.

There is the small matter of not obeying you joining instructions properly ? remember the

trainers that you were supposed not to wear ? and I shall give you ten strokes for that. And

there have been several instances where you have not addressed me properly as Master. In

future, each omission will earn you ten strokes but, as I am disposed to be lenient, I shall

award you ten more strokes for the total of your omissions, making twenty more strokes in

total. As your bum and thighs have been well serviced already tonight I shall thrash your

back. Don?t forget to count will you??

?No ? Mmmaster.?

?Good, you are learning.?

And the Master then applied his quirt to Julie?s back and shoulders. In the end she received

only 5 extra strokes for losing count, by which time her back was covered in bright red stripes

? but no blood.

He left her there for an hour to enjoy her pain.

After what seemed a long time the Master returned.

?I?m sure that you must be feeling hungry and thirsty so I am going to prepare some food for

us. You will not know this but I used to be a Cordon Bleu chef in my younger days. No

Cordon Bleu today though so I shall make us a little stir fry. And, by the way, I don?t cook

breakfast. That is one of your jobs ? I trust that you can do bacon and egg??

?Yyyeesss, Master.?

And the Master cooked up some stir fry and opened a bottle of wine and, having released the

girl, they sat down to a companiable meal. All might have seemed quite normal had the girl

not been stark naked with her back, bum and thighs covered in red welts.

?Perhaps you had better use this cushion ? it might make things a bit less uncomfortable. If

you think that I have been harsh with you today it is only because I like to start out in the

manner in which I intend to continue. You have learned some valuable lessons in obedience

today but, believe me, what you have experienced is only a very small fraction of what you

may well be expected to endure in the future. You need to realise that I am a sadist and will

take great pleasure in inflicting pain on your naked, defenceless body if you give me the least

excuse. So far as sex is concerned, I find that difficult owing to an injury that I sustained a

few years ago, so I cannot always oblige. I have a variety of toys that I can use on you that

should keep you satisfied but I am sure that you will derive a great deal of pleasure from

being physically punished ? otherwise, why are you here? Any questions, so far??

?Master, where will I be quartered while I am here??

?Yes, I?m glad that you asked that. I shall show you to your room when we have finished

eating. It?s getting late and I have already taken your personal things there.?

Cold and Dark

After the meal, the master led Julie from the kitchen up some flights of stone stairs to a

corridor on the second floor. Julie?s first impression was of a dank, cold feeling.

?We have several apartments up here but they are all identical so this one is as good as any of

the others.?

He pushed open a door and ushered Julie into a small, bare room. The only item of furniture

was a double bed and that had no mattress, only a base with exposed wire springs and

restraints attached to each corner. The floor was just bare boards.

?I should explain to you that, while you are here, this is where you will sleep. You will sleep

naked and restrained. You are not allowed clothing of any kind whatsoever ? you will be

totally and absolutely naked at all times. You will also remove all of your body hair. There

is a bathroom at the end of the corridor ? your personal effects are there. You will use the

facilities to keep yourself clean and you may observe that no towels are provided ? you will

be naked always! And, by the way, I?m sorry if you find it a bit cold and damp up here but

this part of the house is not equipped with heating. You will get used to it. Now, as your

backside may be feeling a little tender, you will be restrained face down tonight. Get on the

bed and spread your legs and arms ? now!?

?Yes Master, immediately Master.?

And Julie was duly restrained on the wire bed base. The restraints were pulled so as to

stretch her very tightly. The wire base dug into her breasts and thighs and she was really not

very comfortable ? which was the whole point, really.

The Master left Julie spread-eagled on the bed, thinking about what tomorrow might bring.

Her back, bum and legs were still very sore but soon she had something else to worry about.

The room was really cold and she soon needed to pee. And the need didn?t go away ? it just

got worse until she just had to let go. Her pee trickled through the wire base and made a nice

puddle on the floor. And that is how the Master found her in the morning.


She knew that morning was close because a dim, grey light was filtering through the un-

curtained window. She lay there shivering, having no option, until, eventually the Master

appeared, quirt in hand.

?You filthy whore! You?re no better than an animal. Ten strokes and then you can clean it


Ten strokes of the quirt were duly applied to her already smarting backside, making her

scream in agony, and then she was released.

?Clean this filth up and then clean yourself up and hurry. I need my breakfast and your

training starts today!?

?But Master, I have nothing to clean with ? no cloths, no towels.?

?And you will not have! You can use your hair as a mop ? it?s long enough. Do a good job ?

otherwise we shall have an appointment at the Correction Centre!?

Julie spent the next 30 minutes desperately trying to mop the floor with her hair, which was

soon not its usual honey blonde colour ? more a shade of dirty grey. She was relieved to find

that her shampoo and shower gel were in the bathroom and felt a little better after a good

wash. But how those welts did sting!

She went down to the kitchen, still soaking wet, to be greeted by another two slashes of the

quirt for being too slow. Then she had to make the bacon and egg breakfast ? and clean up

from the night before. Luckily, the breakfast passed muster and at least she was not so

hungry now.


?Today we?ll start by looking at some of the facilities here ? not the Correction Centre

though, that will wait for a more opportune moment, which I?m sure will not be long coming.

Afterwards, I will explain the basics of your training programme and we will make a start on

some of the easier positions.?

?Positions? What?? thought Julie, but did not dare say anything.

The Master showed her the main training room. This was a room equipped with several

chairs and sofas, as well as a vaulting horse and a caning stool. What struck Julie

immediately was the number of glass-fronted cabinets around the walls, each containing a

variety of whips, crops, canes and similar implements.

?This is really more of a punishment room for minor infractions. The majority of training is

carried out in the courtyard, unless the weather is really atrocious.?

?Like yesterday, Master??

?What? I mean when the temperature is well below zero and we?re having driving sleet.

Yesterday was summer!?

?What is in the Correction Centre, Master??

?You will probably find out soon enough ? and then you?ll wish that you hadn?t!?

They did a Cooke?s tour of the rest of the large house, most of which was under dust sheets

and clearly not used very much. Then it was training time.

?The object of your training, as well as teaching you obedience, is to improve your physical

flexibility so that you can achieve many different sexual positions. You may have read the

Kama Sutra and wondered if all of the positions described were possible. I can assure you

that they are and you will learn every one ? and more besides. We shall start with position

number one, which is a very easy, face down, spread-eagle. The object is to get your legs as

far apart as possible while your arms are held at right-angles to your body. Position number

two is identical but face-up. I shall encourage you to spread your legs in an appropriate

manner. Come, to the courtyard!?

She might have known it ? it was raining again and cold with it. The Master, of course, wore

his waterproof jacket. She was totally naked.

?Lie down there?, pointing to the gravel floor, ?and spread your legs wide ? now!?

The sharp gravel dug into her breasts and thighs.


A few strokes of the quirt on her inner thighs encouraged her to spread wider but the Master

was not yet satisfied.

?I want to see a wider spread than that pathetic attempt. You will stay there and practice this

position. When I return I shall expect to see an improvement ? if not you will be sorry!?

She was left there, on the gravel, cold and wet and in some considerable discomfort for what

seemed like a long time. She tried to improve her spread but without much success.

Eventually, the Master returned.

?Spread wide ? now! Unsatisfactory!?

The quirt came down viciously on her inner thighs. Julie screamed and tried to roll herself

into a ball ? the quirt came down on her naked back.

?You have been warned about trying to thwart me and you will pay for this ? but later. You

can look forward to it. Now we shall take a short break before we try position number two.?

They went back inside the house ? Julie soaking wet, cold and in pain. After a cold lunch it

was back outside into the cold and rain to practice position number two ? face up this time

and this was really painful to Julie?s already abused bum and back. Again she was

encouraged to spread and again she was left there to practice for a long time. And again the

result was unsatisfactory, gaining her some more strokes ? this time across the front of her

thighs and her stomach. At last she was allowed to go back inside to clean up ? and warm up.

?Your performance today has not been satisfactory. You are going to have to do much better

if you want to avoid a trip to the Correction Centre. Tomorrow we shall start on two, more

difficult positions and you had better co-operate. You?ll still have to practice today?s lessons,

of course, as you have a long way to go before you are satisfactory on those.?

By this time, Julie was thinking that a trip to the Correction Centre was probably inevitable.

Heavens, the training today had been impossibly hard and this had only been an ?easy? start.

What on earth would tomorrow bring?

?Now, I am going to punish you for thwarting me. Come with me ? now!?


He took her to the training room where he restrained her, face down, across the vaulting

horse. Her legs were spread and tied to the legs of the horse ? her arms likewise. She was

totally at his mercy ? and none would be shown.

?I think that two dozen with this martinet would be appropriate.?

He brandished a small, multi-tailed whip with eight rubber thongs, each about a foot long.

?This little whip is made from rubber ? it won?t cut you but it will be very painful. You can

scream all you like ? no-one will hear you. I am going to enjoy this ? I don?t think that you

will, though. And don?t forget to count!?

The whip came down with a crack across the shoulders of the naked, quaking girl. She had

never known pain like it ? it felt like fire and it got worse with time. Just as the pain began to

peak, the whip came down again. Had she remembered to count? She really couldn?t

remember. The whip came down again and again and Julie screamed and screamed. When

she eventually lost consciousness the entire backsides of her legs and body were covered in

angry welts again.

She came round some time after the punishment had stopped to find herself alone and still

tied to the horse. Her body felt as if it was on fire but, slowly, the pain eased. After a while,

the master returned and released her ? she could hardly stand unaided and had to be helped

back to the kitchen, where a meal had been prepared.

?I hope that you have learned not to thwart me. If you try it again the result will be much

worse for you. That little whip is merely a toy compared to some of the equipment that I

have here. You are probably feeling very sore at the moment but be assured that no

permanent damage has been done ? let?s try to keep it that way. Now, eat your food. You

need to keep your strength up because you have a long day?s training tomorrow. And I want

to see better progress than today!?

After the meal, Julie was taken back to her room for the night. This time, before she was

restrained, face upwards, on the bed she remembered to visit the bathroom. She didn?t want a

repetition of yesterday! Lying on her abused back was painful and, as she was stretched

tightly, she couldn?t move around to ease the hurt. Eventually she fell asleep, waking just as

dawn was breaking, feeling very cold and bursting for a pee. Fortunately, she managed to

contain herself until the Master released her so there was no extra punishment this time.

Training Again

The day was much like the previous one had been, except that the weather was a little

warmer. In addition to practicing positions one and two she was introduced to some more

demanding positions but didn?t do very well, earning more than a few ?encouragements?. At

least she received no major punishment that day.

Time passed ? she lost track of the days and everything tended to become a blur. Some days

were good, with only a few strokes awarded, but others, when she made no progress, were

bad. On two occasions she had to endure the rubber whip again.

Two positions, in particular, were causing her some trouble. One of these, position four,

involved her kneeling with her legs spread wide and her shoulders and breasts on the ground.

Her arms had to be held out from her sides at right-angles to her body. Her arse and genitals

had to be projected backwards and completely exposed. She found it almost impossible to

keep her balance and tended to fall over ? each time earning a slash to her exposed cunt. The

other ?impossible? position, position five, required her to be on her back with her legs drawn

up so that her ankles were behind her neck. She was still a long way off achieving this,

despite ?encouragement? to her exposed genitalia.

Progress was slow ? too slow ? and one day, after a hard training session, the Master

confronted Julie about this.

?You have been here two weeks now? (had it really only been two weeks?) ?and have made

little progress with your training programme. I suspect that you are lazy and have a bad

attitude. I am not prepared to put up with this and I want to see an immediate improvement ?

starting tomorrow. In order to encourage you I shall punish you severely tonight.?

Julie quaked at hearing this but then, foolishly, lost her temper.

?What do you expect? I try my best and I?m not double jointed, you know. I don?t want to

stay here any more. I?ve had enough. Get me my things ? I?m leaving!?

The Master smiled.

?Well now, I seem to remember an agreement that we had ? something about an initial 3-

month period. Let?s see ? that means that you have about another 11 weeks to go, by my

reckoning. I also seem to remember something about correct forms of address and instant

obedience. Not looking too good for you, is it??

?You can?t keep me here ? I?m leaving!?

?SIT DOWN AND BE SILENT! You are going nowhere. You have no clothes, no money,

and no idea where you are. And if I release the hounds you won?t get as far as the main gate!

All you have done, by this outburst, is to earn yourself a visit to the Correction Centre. You

wanted to know what was in there so now you will find out. Come with me ? now!?


He took her by the hair and dragged her outside into the courtyard. It was raining again! The

Correction Centre was a little way off, down a path through the woods. It was the same

building that she had glimpsed on her first night there. The Master unlocked a heavy door in

the windowless structure and pushed Julie into a bare, concrete corridor. At the end of the

corridor was a second, heavy door, leading into a large, concrete room. The Master switched

on the harsh, overhead fluorescent lighting.

The first impression that Julie had was that they were in a factory workshop ? no home

comforts here. The walls were concrete, the floor was concrete and there were several pieces

of equipment dotted around. She realised, to her horror, that one of these was an old-

fashioned rack and another was a St. Andrew?s cross. Other pieces she did not recognise.

What was that wheel-like structure that dominated the room and what were those cubicles

that looked like shower stalls ? and why did they have iron rings set into the floor?

On the walls hung an immense variety of punishment implements ? bullwhips, horsewhips,

carriage whips, cat-o-nine tails, martinets, crops, canes, floggers, as well as some very

sinister-looking metal instruments. There also seemed to be some electrical apparatus along

one wall.

?Impressive isn?t it? I had this centre built specially and at no little expense. Some of the

equipment I designed myself and the whole building is double-skinned in foot-thick concrete.

You could have a rock band playing at full power in here and you wouldn?t hear a thing

outside these walls. Now, I am going to restrain you in the sluice overnight so that you can

contemplate the error of your ways. In the morning I am going to whip you severely.?

?Master, I am truly sorry. I will try harder so please don?t whip me.?

?Begging for mercy will not help you ? quite the reverse, in fact. You have just earned

yourself 50% extra strokes.?

?But ? but ??

?100% extra, plus ten for not addressing me correctly!?


Julie?s heart sank ? whatever she did only seemed to make things worse. What now and what

was the sluice? She would soon find out.

The Master took a metal collar from the wall and quickly slipped it around Julie?s neck. He

then dragged her across to one of the ?shower cubicles?, forced her to the ground and attached

her collar to a metal ring in the floor with a very short chain. She maybe had six inches of


?You will spend the night here and we shall meet again in the morning ? I look forward to it.?

He then left the room, closing the door behind him and turning out the lights. Julie was left

lying naked on the cold floor in total darkness.

?But why is it called the sluice?? she thought.

Her question was soon answered as jets of icy cold water suddenly erupted from vents in the

walls of the cubicle, soaking her from head to foot. And then the diabolical design of the

sluice became apparent. The water level rose until, at full stretch, she could just about keep

her nose and mouth above its level. After a while the water jets ceased but the level only

reduced a little ? she still had to strain all of the time. Soon she was in agony from her

cramped muscles. And that wasn?t the end of it ? the whole process repeated itself at 30-

minute intervals throughout the long, long night.

She completely lost track of time and when the Master returned it was almost a relief. The

water level in the cubicle reduced to zero and her collar was unfastened. There was no

danger of her getting away ? the door was locked and, in any case, she was incapable of


?Good morning Julie. At least it?s a good morning for me ? less good for you I think. Now

we?ll proceed with your whipping ? I hope that you?re ready for it ? it will be quite an

experience for you.?


He attached metal bracelets to her ankles and wrists and dragged her across to the wheel-like

structure that she had seen earlier. She was attached to the rim of the wheel by her restraints,

legs and arms pulled wide apart. Her body was the wheel hub and her limbs were the spokes.

?This apparatus I designed myself and had built specially. The outer rim of the wheel runs in

bearings so that the whole apparatus, and you with it, can be rotated to any angle. All parts of

your body are equally vulnerable and you will notice that there is ample space behind the

wheel for you to be whipped from that side also. When I have finished there will not be a

single square inch of your flesh remaining unscathed. Now, as to the number of strokes that

you are to receive - initially, this was to have been 100 but, because of your foolishness, you

will now get 210. Any tendency to beg should be avoided ? each occasion will add ten more

strokes ? as I do not intend to show you any mercy whatsoever. As a small concession, I

shall not require you to count the strokes and I shall only use a carriage whip on you, rather

than a bull whip. You will get cut but nothing that will not heal nicely under my tender care.

I used to be a doctor you know.?

He selected a long carriage whip from the wall and cracked it smartly. Julie flinched. Then

he started to apply it to her defenceless body ? he started with her in an upright position and

whipped her breasts and legs then slowly rotated the equipment until she had been whipped

everywhere. When she was completely inverted he finished by whipping her genitals.

Julie made an awful lot of noise from the beginning. Her life became a red sea of pain, pain

and more pain. When her nipples were whipped it was just horrendous but when the tip of

the whip contacted her clit it was even worse. She felt like it would never end but, at last, the

strokes stopped coming.

She was left in the wheel for the rest of that day and, when evening came, was taken down

and put back into the sluice for the night. She was almost grateful for the ice-cold water as it

eased the pain from her welts and cuts. It was hardly a comfortable night though.

Morning eventually came, and with it the Master.

?I shall give you the day off today ? no training, just some light household duties. And I want

to attend to any cuts that you might have ? you don?t look too bad. I haven?t lost my

expertise, I?m glad to say.?

He took her back to the main house and stood her in front of a mirror so that she could see

her body. She was shocked ? there were welts everywhere, from wrists to feet and

everywhere in-between but surprisingly few cuts. He applied some healing salve to those

few cuts that she did have ? more would be applied that night ? and then set her to cooking

breakfast. She was actually quite hungry, despite her ordeal, having had no food for 36 hours

and only a little water to drink. She spent the remainder of the day doing a little dusting and

cleaning. It was a bit painful to move around though.

A New Start

After that day, Julie decided to try a lot harder to please the Master. This was partly because

she had no desire to visit the Correction Centre again but also because she realized that life

might not be so bad after all. She was a masochist and had taken up the offer because she

wanted to be punished regularly ? she just didn?t want it to be taken to extremes.

Her cuts healed rapidly and cleanly and she soon found herself actually enjoying her training

sessions. She still received plenty of ?encouragement? and still had difficulty with some

positions but she was getting better. The Master was generally quite pleased with her and

also started to use her sexually from time to time. She became quite contented with her lot.


A few weeks had passed when, one day, Julie received a summons to the Master?s study. She

was surprised to find a second, elderly gentleman there and surmised that he must have

arrived some time the previous evening, while she had been restrained in her room.

?Julie, this is a colleague of mine who is visiting us for a day or two. You will afford him the

same respect that you afford me and you will address him as ?Sir?, you understand??

Julie knew that she should have felt embarrassed at being totally naked in front of a perfect

stranger but, somehow, it all felt quite natural. She also knew what the penalty for not being

polite was likely to be.

?Yes Master, I understand. I am very pleased to meet you Sir and I am at your disposal.?

?Good,? said Sir, ?I like politeness in a slave. Turn round; I want a good look at your body.

Now bend over and spread your legs.?

At this point he inserted a finger into her vagina and spread her buttocks.

?Mmm, not bad! I don?t see any scars ? has she really been that good??

?Yes, in general she has been quite satisfactory. We had a little difficulty at first but that?s all

behind us now.?

?Really, well I think that I had better judge for myself just how effective the training

programme has been. I would like to see her put through her paces. Come, slave!?

He picked up a switch from the table and took Julie from the room and outside into the

courtyard. The Master did not accompany them. No rain today but a cold wind was blowing.

?Who is this person?? thought Julie, as they walked out. ?He seems to have some sort of hold

over the Master.?

?Right slave! Show me position one ? now!?

?Yes Sir, at once, Sir.?

Julie assumed the position and with a little encouragement achieved a really wide spread. Sir

seemed pleased and they went on to explore a number of other positions. Then it all started

to go wrong.

?Position four ? now!?

This was a difficult one for Julie and, as was so often the case, she couldn?t maintain the

position and fell over, earning herself a couple of strokes to the buttocks.

?Not very good! Position five ? now!?

This was the bane of Julie?s existence ? there was no way that she was ever going to get those

ankles behind her neck! She tried, failed, and received six strokes to the backs of her thighs.

?Unsatisfactory! How long have you been here, slave??

?Aaabbbout eight weeks, Sir.?

?And this is the best that you can do? At this rate you will never be ready! We shall have to

speed up the process, I think.?

?Yes Sir, whatever you say, Sir?, silently thinking, ?Ready? Ready for what??

He took her back to the Master.

?Totally unsatisfactory! I cannot believe that she has been here for eight weeks already. I

propose that I take her back to my establishment for a while ? as you know, I have equipment

there that can help with attaining some of the more difficult positions. Meanwhile, I think

that she needs to be punished for her laziness. I suggest some time in the sluice and a

thorough whipping tomorrow. I?ll take her away the next day and you can have her back

when I?ve finished with her.?


?Be silent. That sounded suspiciously like begging to me ? ten more lashes tomorrow! And

now, to the sluice!?

?So, she has not yet learned not to beg? I?ll add an additional ten to your ten so that?s twenty

and I think 100 for the laziness ? with the bull whip, naturally.?

?No, I don?t want her scarred up, she hasn?t been that bad. I?ll use a driving whip on her ? it

will be painful enough.?

Julie was really frightened now. How could they talk about her as though she were just a

piece of meat? What on earth would happen at Sir?s establishment?

So, to the sluice again. Sir demanded that she be hog-tied and that made things even more

uncomfortable than before. It was a very long evening and night and in the morning, when

they came for her, she could hardly move. She was strung up in the wheel, as before, and

received her 120 strokes. It was excruciatingly painful, of course, and she screamed a lot but

she couldn?t help but get the impression that the Master was holding back. There were no

cuts this time either.

?Well, if that?s the best that you can do I?m not surprised that little progress has been made.

120 strokes with that little toy won?t achieve very much ? and they were not hard strokes at

that. Not the way I like to see things done, I can tell you!?

They left her there for a few hours and then she was returned to the sluice for another

uncomfortable night. The next morning she was gagged and, still hog-tied, was bundled into

the back of a blacked out limousine. She didn?t get a chance to say goodbye to the Master.

At Sir?s Establishment

The journey seemed quite long and, of course, she had no idea where she was going.

Eventually the car stopped and the rear door was opened. Blinking in the sudden light, Julie

saw that they were in an underground garage. She was quickly bundled out of the car and

carried down a passageway into a darkened room, the only light coming from the open

doorway. She didn?t really have time to take in the dim view before a collar was slipped

around her neck and was fastened to an iron ring in the floor with a very short chain. The

door closed and she was left alone in the dark.

How long she lay there, hogtied, she had no idea. She only knew that the floor was cold

stone and that she needed to pee. Soon she was lying in her own filth. No-one came for a

long time ? nothing to eat ? nothing to drink ? in pain ? she became completely disorientated.

Eventually, the door opened and a bowl of water and another bowl of gruel-like stuff were

pushed across the floor. The gag was removed but apparently she was expected to eat like a

dog ? not easy and she ended up licking some of it off the floor. Soon she had to pee again ?

and worse. Exhausted, she finally drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

She was woken by the sensation of cold water all over her body. Someone ? she couldn?t see

who ? was hosing her down. The hog-tie was removed but she remained chained to the floor.

At least now she could feed herself on the bread and water that was given to her. Then it was

back to being in the dark and, shortly, lying in her own pee again.

She lost track of time ? had she been there two days or two weeks? There was no way of

telling. The food, what there was of it, appeared sporadically and the intervals between

hosing seemed variable. One day she awoke to find the room flooded with bright light and

Sir standing over her.

?Well, I see that my staff have been treating you well, although I would have preferred the

hog-tie to have been left on! I?ve been away for a few days but now, I?m back, so we can

make a start on your training enhancements in the morning. Meanwhile, as you have not

experienced the lash for a little while, I intend to put that matter right. We wouldn?t want you

to forget what happens to disobedient, lazy slaves, would we now? I think two dozen with a

tawse would be about right ? and don?t wriggle too much or I might think that you are trying

to thwart me and we both know what the result of that would be, don?t we?

He picked up a heavy, leather strap from a table. The strap was about one foot long, plus its

handle, and was split into three tongues. He tapped the tawse lightly on his hand and then

brought it down with full strength on the body of the naked, defenceless girl.

?Craack!? went the tawse.

?Aaaaaggh!? went the girl, as her world exploded into pain.

Of course, Julie could not avoid wriggling to try to avoid the tawse so her punishment was

doubled. To cap it all, when she had received a dozen strokes she was reminded by Sir that

she was supposed to be counting.

?Had he actually said so?? she wondered, through a red mist of pain.

So, she got a dozen, then another four dozen, then another dozen for losing count somewhere

along the way ? 72 strokes in all. She was covered in welts from shoulders to feet, back and

front. Then Sir departed and she was left alone in the dark on the cold, stone floor ? again ?

to spend a very uncomfortable night.

Morning came, and with it came Sir, complete with some fairly unappetizing food ? no

Cordon Bleu chef here.

?This morning I shall introduce you to the Position 4 apparatus. You have difficulty with

position 4 and this equipment will help you. Use it to your advantage or suffer the

consequences. I shall be on hand to offer encouragement.?

Her collar was removed and she struggled to her feet for the first time in several days ? it

seemed like several weeks! She was then installed in the Position 4 apparatus. By dint of

various clamps, ropes and pulleys this equipment was designed to spread the legs of the

kneeling participant, exposing the genitalia, while maintaining the upper body flat on the

ground with the arms outspread. The tension in the ropes could be gradually increased,

forcing the legs further apart. Over the course of time, the tendons in the participant?s legs

would be stretched, thus enabling a good spread to be achieved in the absence of the


Of course, as her arse and genitals were totally exposed, while in this apparatus, Sir had no

hesitation about offering ?encouragement? with his switch and she received many strokes as

the ropes were tightened. She spent several hours in Position 4 and then, it was time for

Position 5.

This equipment was similar in concept, using ropes and pulleys to pull the participants legs

apart and up until the ankles could be locked behind the neck. Again, over the course of

time, the tendons would become stretched sufficiently and the equipment would be no longer

needed. And, of course, her genitals were, once again, totally exposed to Sir?s switch.

Over the course of the next several days Julie tried to be as co-operative as possible because

she knew what the consequences of non-co-operation would be. This did not entirely save

her, however, and she received two substantial whippings for ?not displaying enthusiasm?.

Eventually, however, her performance was deemed satisfactory ? she could now do positions

four and five unaided, as well as all the others on which she had been trained.

One day, after a particularly successful session, Sir, having released her from some

equipment, informed her that her training at his establishment was complete.

?Julie, you have done well here and there is little more that I can teach you. I think that you

are about ready to go back to your Master. However, before you go, I would like to leave

you with a little souvenir of your stay here, as I do for all slaves that pass through this

establishment. Tonight, therefore, you will be restrained in the sluice ? yes I have one too ?

and tomorrow you will receive 100 strokes of the bull whip. Hopefully, this will result in

some permanent scarring so that you will always have reason to remember your time here. I

don?t actually have a copy of that excellent wheel that your Master has but I?m sure that we

can find an adequate substitute.?

?But you have no right to do this! I am not your slave, I belong to my Master!?

?And your Master is not here and I have the right to act ?in loco parentis? and you have just

doubled your punishment by your disrespectful behaviour. I should say no more, if I were

you! I am minded to give you an extra 100 strokes but perhaps we will save those for your

next visit.?

Julie was appalled but, wisely, kept her mouth shut and was duly hog-tied in Sir?s sluice

which, to all intents and purposes, was identical to the Master?s. Even the cold water jets

were the same!

The following morning she was strung up by the feet, legs pulled wide apart, arms pulled

wide and secured to the floor, stretched tightly and then Sir whipped her mercilessly with a

bull-whip. First the whip raised welts and then more welts on top of the first welts and then

her skin broke and the blood began to flow. Welts everywhere, legs, breasts, arse, back,

genitals ? everywhere. She was a mess!

She had never known pain like it ? everything that had gone before was trivial compared to

this. And Sir was an expert ? he knew just how to time the strokes so that the pain would

build and build. When she passed out he would wait for her to come to before continuing and

the whipping went on and on. She had no idea of the number of strokes that she received ? it

was certainly at least the 200 promised but might well have been more. At last it stopped.

She had a hazy recollection of being put back in the sluice but, the following morning, she

could not stand and could not move. She was thrown, still bleeding, into the back of the

limousine and, later, dumped unceremoniously onto the gravel of the Master?s courtyard ?

and that was where he found her, naked, bleeding and soaked through from the rain.

Back at the Master?s House

It was touch and go for a few days and Julie only had vague recollections of this time. One

day she awoke to find herself back in her old room ? still naked and still tied to the bed. The

Master came to her.

?I?m glad to see that you are awake at last ? you?ve had quite an ordeal but you?re safe now.

Sir is not here and I?m not expecting to see him in the near future. He should not have used a

bull-whip on you but the extent of the punishment was largely your own fault. If you are

disrespectful there is little that I can do. I?m afraid that you will have some permanent

scarring from your whipping, which was his intention, I?m sure. I have done what I can but

you were quite a mess when I found you. I?ll continue to treat your wounds but you will have

to remain confined to your room, for now. Later, when you have recovered, we?ll continue

with your training.

The following few weeks she could do very little but gradually her body healed. The scarring

wasn?t too bad really although she might have to think twice before appearing in a bikini on a

public beach. Thankfully, her genitals were not permanently damaged, although she would

not have wanted to have sex for some considerable time.

In due course the training continued ? it really was no problem to her now and her

achievements surpassed both her and her Master?s expectations. One day, it must have been

getting on for six months since she had first come there, the Master wanted to talk to her.

?Well Julie, you have been here a long time now and I think that we have gone about as far as

we can with your training. You now have to make a decision. You can either return to your

former life, and I rather hope that you don?t want to do that, stay here, or take advantage of

opportunities elsewhere. I am a member of a world-wide organization that is always looking

for suitable people to train new slaves. I could get you a position in any one of a number of

countries ? no questions asked, my recommendation is enough. Alternatively, as I am

wanting to expand my operation here, you could stay on as my assistant. You would still be

subject to the same rules as before, of course, but you would be teaching the techniques to

fresh girls coming here and you would, of course, be responsible for disciplining them

appropriately. I?m hoping to have a new girl join us next week, if she turns up, so, what do

you say? The decision is yours.?

?Master, could I please have tonight to think about it? And Master, before I sleep tonight,

would you please give me a serious whipping? I haven?t had a good session for a while now

and I do miss being punished. I think two dozen with the driving whip would be about right

and, if I should lose count ??

?Julie, you are insolent and I think that you fully deserve to be whipped. Maybe two dozen

will not be enough ? I think that a round fifty sounds better! And, as for your future, don?t

keep me waiting on your decision ? let me know by morning.?

So, Julie received her 50 strokes, in the course of which she achieved more than one orgasm.

?Master, oh Master!?


?Yes Julie.?


?I want to stay with you always.?

?You mean ?I want to stay with you always, Master?. That will be another ten!?


?Oh, Master!?

The End

Julie?s Story continues in Episode 2: Nina?s Tale

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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se hu..jo log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

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Bi Beki TrueStory

This is the girl who is in this story with me : http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/1352687/bi_sexual_beki.htmlThis all starts off with me going downtown just by myself to a well known gay bar. I have been bi-sexual since I was about 14 and I am 18 now. I was wearing a burgundy dress which flared out a lot at the bottom and was showing a fair bit of cleavage, my legs were bare and I had black lace panties on and a matching bra. I was in the mood for a girl tonight seen as I hadn't had sex with a...

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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

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Turok the Tormentor story2

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...

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The Rescue of DBStory

Copyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg (http://www.drizzle.com/~elf/) had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 4 Storyboard

Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...

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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender fiction.TGStorytime.com was established in 2011 by Joe...

Sex Stories Sites
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

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Julies story

ONE ONE ?I have to get to Tonga today!? Can?t you help me?? My name is Julie Hudson.? I am a freelance photographer and I?ve been hired to do a photo shoot on the small island of Tonga.? If I don?t get there today, the job will go to someone else.? To say that I am desperate is an understatement. The person I am talking to is Jim Carmichael, the pilot of the local air service here in Brisbane.? He is a tall, handsome man, about thirty, with sparkling gray eyes and a mouth that is in...

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Reminiscence Entwining part 2 Storylines

Reminiscence – Entwining ‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject. ‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking. ‘I’ve been...

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Reminiscence Entwining part 2 Storylines

Reminiscence - Entwining ‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject. ‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking. ‘I’ve been...

First Time
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Julie born for sex only

Friends living in London explore all types of sex. (MMF, dom, bi, exh, orgy, ws, bd)***Chapter OneThe day was hot and dry. Julie's wet vagina was moist from the thought of a stiff penis. She wanted someone desperately inside her aching cunt. She was pushing her fingers through the thick hairs that formed the very heart of her femininity. Suddenly her fingers brushed lightly over her clitoris, it was already hard and standing rigid. Her fingers moved around in small circles she closed her eyes...

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Julie and Debra a Bedtime Spanking

n.b. This story is an extract from my three volume saga "Slaves of the Amethyst". I post the story as it makes a fitting accompaniment to my gallery of bedtime spankings. If anybody becomes interested in the larger narrative behind this little extract and would like to read more of "Slaves of the Amethyst" then please be sure to let me know.Michaela Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The...

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The Storyteller

After picking up her coffee, Meara looked around the crowded café for a seat. Every seat seemed to be filled. After looking further, she noticed a table in the corner where a man about her age sat typing on his laptop, and the seat next to him was vacant. Approaching him, she said, "There are no other available seats; would you mind if I join you?" "No, you're welcome to join me," responded Sam. "Just let me finish recording my thought, here, and I'll put this away." "Don't stop on...

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Julie Part 5

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (Note: This is a long, sensual story, there are 7 more parts for a total of 12 parts) *** Part Five Chapter Twenty Three -------------------- When Harry woke up he looked at the alarm and saw that he had three minutes before it would go off, mumbling a few choice words he cut it off and rolled out of bed and went to the toilet. He finished and went to the kitchen turning on the coffee pot; he returned...

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Julie Part 10

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) This is Part 10 of a 12 Part e-novel. If you read Parts 1 thru 9 you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s best friend in a three way, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog, oral, light bondage, and orgy. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further.*** Part Ten Chapter Forty...

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Julie and Debra

(This following piece is an extract from my novel "The Slaves of the Amethyst" and as such is not a complete story in its own right. I include it in case the erotic content appeals to our readers on Xhamster) Chapter Sixty Nine.Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be...

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Julie Part 4

An E-novel: A story of a woman submissive to her own desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (Note: Continuation of a very long, sensual story. There are three more parts after this one.) Harry woke up again and looked at the clock, it showed eight twenty five, he stretched and sat on the side of the bed a minute before going to the bathroom. He felt sticky so he washed his cock and slipped on a pair of cutoffs. He went into the kitchen to turn on...

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Julie Part 7

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 5 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE TO GO YET) *** Part Seven Chapter Thirty One ------------------ Sarah went home at the regular time and went right to doing her paper grading and preparation for tomorrow's classes. She expected Charlie to call but the call didn't come and she was finished with her home work and now it was too late to get some sun besides he might not call...

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Julie Part 9

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) Note: This is Part 9 of a very long e-novel. There are three long parts after this one. If you read Parts 1 thru 8 first you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s friend, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog having sex, etc. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further. *** Part...

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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 2

Just then Jake's left hand went around her body and fondled her right breast. Her nipple was tweaked to hardness again. Involuntarily she gasped. Julie heard Dora say, "Jake why don't you put your hand under auntie's T-shirt and fondle her bare breasts." Julie protested against Jake's kissing mouth, "N-No... don't, Ja-ke." "Relax Julie... please don't disappoint the boy... please be nice to my son... and let him touch your breast." "Please auntie... please..." What could...

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Julie Part 12

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) *** Part Twelve Chapter Fifty Five ------------------ The time went by fast, Harry made love to her then took a shower, they lay on the bed and talked and made love again. When she came in to clean him he was dead asleep. She turned out the light and went to the kitchen, she was busy setting up breakfast and planning dinner for tomorrow night when Jimmy came home. When he entered she was surprised to...

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Julie 3 Cheerleader sleepover

Another beautiful Wednesday afternoon, the summer before my sophomore year of high school. Usually on a day like this I would have a gang of people from the gym over wasting time between workouts. Today however, I skipped practice. I was just burnt out and needed a day off. It had been a crazy summer so far. I decided it was just going to be a day to sleep late, go out and relax by the pool, maybe work on my tan. My parents and older brother were all working so I had the place to myself....

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Julie Part 6

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 6 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE) *** Part Six Chapter Twenty-Seven --------------------- The alarm was set for five but the clock was three minutes fast, when it went to beeping Harry gave a groan and cut it off. He lay there a few seconds but knew that was risky and rose up and put his feet on the floor. He had been told by his father to always get your feet on the floor...

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