Bloom free porn video

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Warning: This story contains descriptions of torture. If you are a minor or are easily offended by this type of content, then please do not read.  

Bloom: Part 1 ? The Abduction

Karen had been waiting forever. The seed had been planted a very long timeago, just flashes of something disturbing that would sometimes come to herwhile having sex or in a dream. At first she was troubled and tried to figureout why or where these thoughts were coming from, but then she began to acceptthem, and finally embraced them. After all they were just thoughts. She hadalways secretly been attracted to women yet never really had the guts to acton it, plus she was married and the idea of sharing a woman with her husbandwas really unappealing?in fact, he was unappealing. The divorce had been theturning point, it was nasty and she vowed from then on that she would do thingsfor herself. She had shocked everyone who had expected this shy, pleasantwoman to simply accept the settlement and back off, and had hired a tough,top rated divorce lawyer. Her lawyer went for the jugular. She was a wealthywoman now, and not dependant on anyone anymore. Alone in her house she wasable to escape all the restrictions imposed upon her, and she cut loose her ?friends?.The few remaining duties she carried over with her were the upkeep of thehouse and tending to her garden. She would spend hours every day preeningand cultivating. Her particular love was for her roses, she pampered themas she wished to be pampered.

It didn't hurt if she just planned out her ideas more thoroughly; that waspart of the fantasy right? The handgun and stun gun she purchased could beeasily explained as purely defensive items a single woman might want to usefor protection, that justification worked on herself at least. For other itemsthe Internet was wonderful?it allowed her to acquire things she would be tooafraid to do in person. She began purchasing quite a lot of bondage toys anddungeon equipment, but also purchased something a bit more ominous, a liquidtranquilizer. If this was fantasy, why did she do that? She had half expectedit to not be delivered or for it to be fake. But it did arrive like everything else she ordered, a little gift from Mexico. Karen did quite a bit aresearch on the drug, and one night tried a sample on herself, it worked likea charm. Possessing the tranquilizer did make her excited, it was real .Holding the bottle made her wonder if it held the key to her ultimate pleasure.Then the bottle sat. Waited.

Something was growing inside of Karen, was it apprehension? No. Maybe itwas resolution. She was becoming more excited as she prepared. She arrangedthe basement where she could keep a slave, erecting sound baffling on thewalls, not that anyone would ever hear as Karen's house was miles from thenearest neighbor. A thick chain bolted to the floor, a mattress, heavy-dutylocks and bolts and bars, motion detectors, a closed circuit monitoring systemwith night vision, intercoms. This was becoming a full time job. She becamemore thrilled as it all started coming together and sometimes couldn't helpbut to sit down in her private dungeon and masturbate. The thought of controllingsomeone else's life totally, to think of making them do whatever she wantedmade her cum again and again. If she had control she would become the realKaren, she would bloom.

She started eyeing particular women that caught her fancy, watching theirhabits and routines from afar. It couldn't hurt to just start picking oneout, keeping notes on times and dates, people they saw, activities. Rightoff the bat several were too unpredictable; they had no discernable rhythmto their lives. One however, looked very promising. A student of the Universityof Wisconsin, this woman was predictable to a tee. Tall and blond, this womanwas just her type?hell, they were all her ?type??what was she thinking? Thebeauty was just icing. All the woman really needed to be was acceptable, shedidn't concern herself that much with looks, it was all about control. Itwas all about Karen.

She watched her for weeks. Karen waited outside her apartment, watched heron campus and followed her to the grocery store. Took photos. A whole surveillancesetup was constructed in her van, decked it out with all the comforts of home,and she constantly moved it to not be in one spot too long. Her life beganto revolve around this woman. It was now officially obsession. One day whenshe made sure she wouldn't be seen she took some of the women's mail, leavingenough behind as to not arouse suspicion. Sandra, Sandy, Ms. Sandra Keller.Karen had her name:

Ms. Sandra Jane Keller, lesbian sex slave .

It was now time to lay low for a while. Karen still couldn't tell if shereally intended to go through with this or not, so far it was still a fantasy.But she would carry on as if it were reality nonetheless because it excitedher, so it was best to have some time between her monitoring of Sandra andthe actual abduction in case she had been noticed. Karen loaded up a syringewith what she calculated would be the proper amount of tranquilizer necessaryto quickly bring Sandra under. She worked out her move swiftly: shocking amannequin with the stun gun then injecting fluid into the leg, or pullingthe gun out quickly if there was trouble. She also spent the down time planningevery possible angle, what if Sandra got the upper hand, what if she escaped,what if she died? Karen had contingencies worked out as well as she couldbut this was still very high risk. She had never taken a risk like this inher life. This was a turning point.

Karen had started smoking again, it was an ugly habit to her but she hadbecome quite anxious lately, and drinking slowed her down. The thought crossedher mind that she might be developing some real mental problems?however shequickly ignored this as she was never so excited and focused in her life.If she was crazy so be it. Plus if things went bad this might give her a gooddefense to fall back on.

Finally she could wait no longer, it was time to either make a move and dothis or accept the fact that this was only an obsessive fantasy. She knewthat Sandra had a night class on Thursdays and since she lived very closeto the school she usually walked home. Karen packed up her ?kit?: gun, stungun, loaded syringe and handcuffs. She then placed fake license plates ontoher van, this was in case anyone witnessed the abduction it could throw policeoff the trail. She was surprised that she wasn't as nervous as she had anticipated,probably due to the fact that she could always back out at the last minute,however her heart was still pounding quite heavily in her chest. She droveto the school, which was a good ten miles away; she concluded it was bestto abduct someone a decent distance from where you lived. Karen arrived atthe campus about an hour before she knew Sandra's class got out and parkedon a side street that allowed her view of the exit she always used. As thetime ticked closer Karen felt pangs of anxiety she never felt before, nowshe was nervous. This was crazy. This was thrilling. Finally thefirst students trickled out. Her heart sank as she saw Sandra come out witha man and walk to his car. When had she started getting rides home? Damn.Then she saw the man hand her a book and start talking to her outside hiscar. She was not going to ride with him after all. If this went without ahitch he would naturally become the prime suspect. That thought made Karensnicker. Soon they were separated and Sandra began her walk home. Perhapsher last.

Karen's heart was ready to leap out of her chest. Nonetheless she began topull up towards Sandra. Then the most wonderful thing in the world happened?rain.It was meant to be. She had prepared an elaborate tale of needing directionsto an address close to where Sandra lived, even offering her money if sheneeded as she was hopelessly lost, she would give her a ride home?but thiswas all unnecessary. The rain made it so simple.

?Do you need a ride??

Sandra quickly assessed the offer?a woman?there was nothing to fear. ?Ohthanks! I could really use it!? She quickly got in and introduced herself.The woman's name was Karen and she looked to be in her mid to late thirties,attractive with dark brown hair. She seemed a bit shy and also kind of nervous.The woman must have been smoking up a storm as the air was thick with smoke,hopefully the smell wouldn't cling to Sandra's clothes, as she didn't wantto do wash tonight and had no other clean pants to wear tomorrow. ?I liveabout five blocks down this street.? She hardly noticed Karen reaching forsomething under her seat?instead, because of the awkward silence she turnedher head towards the window and away from Karen. She would always rememberthe jolting pain followed by a needle prick.

Then nothing.

Karen was shaking uncontrollably now. She almost vomited from her nervousnessand realized that she had wet herself. She needed to remain focused now morethan ever. She was almost certain that she hadn't been seen and even if shewas it would never even register in anyone's long term memory. There was noslowing down, no swerving?Karen hadn't missed a beat. An exit to the freewayhad made her one of the hundreds of indistinct vehicles traveling to nowhere.

If she was stopped now her life was over. She didn't even dare look at othercars and just focused on the road ahead. Karen was a machine. In ten minutesshe was home yet it was the longest drive of her life. When the garage doorclosed behind her she let out a sigh of relief. The motionless body of Sandrastill lay in the same position that it was when she gave her the injection.The final task was to drag her down to the basement and chain her up. Sandrawas heavier than she had anticipated and given that Karen was exhausted fromthe stress, this became a monumental effort. She almost sent both of themcrashing down the stairs but managed to regain her balance. Karen placed herin the middle of the floor and cut away her clothes with a scissors. She hada fantastic body and after Sandra was naked she locked her leg to the chain.Karen then handcuffed her hands in back of her. She couldn't resist a quickfeel as Karen had never been this close to another naked female before. Butnow was not the time, as she needed to go up and finish things.

Karen turned off the lights, went upstairs and poured herself an exceptionallystrong drink. She went out to the garage, switched back the license platesand retrieved her kit. She then ran herself a bubble bath, slipped in withher drink and started to finally let it sink in. She had done it. It was realnow?and she turned on the monitor to verify this. There bathed in the greenglow of the night vision camera lay Sandra, her Sandra. Karen beganto finger herself as she watched the motionless slave passed out on the dungeonfloor. She could do anything she wanted to now. In total control, she feltpowerful, she felt like a goddess. Rubbing her nipples she imagined the reactionof Sandra as she woke up and realized her fate. Karen raised her pelvis outof the water by arching her back. Her pussy was throbbing as she slid hersoapy fingers in and out, gently rubbing her bud...this produced a soft suckingsound. Karen's breathing now came in short, sharp breaths. The anticipationof all the demands she would soon have fulfilled by Sandra brought her tothe most spectacular orgasm, making her cry out loud for what seemed likeforever.

She was quite intoxicated by the time she finally went to bed, so much sothat she didn't even bother to find out if her captive had awakened yet. Itdidn't matter much as now both women, for very different reasons, lay in acoma like sleep.

The next morning brought a startling revelation. It had nothing to do withthe dramatic events of the previous night or the fact that Karen now owned anotherhuman being. Purposely avoiding turning on her monitors and checking if Sandrawas awake, Karen instead went about her daily tasks as normal, but her heartpounded through it all?the first dramatic confrontation between mistress andher slave was near. Then as she began to tend her garden she saw it. In thecenter was a rose named Ruby Celebration - a deep red rose that sometimesproduced very dark petals. Despite all the care she had given it, the rosehad stubbornly refused to bloom. She had decided that if it didn't produceby the end of the season she would have to dig it up. But now it had comeinto flower, offering its unique gift to Karen?a single jet-black rose.

Karen had studied roses and knew what she was staring at shouldn't exist.Roses sometimes got very dark and were called ?black?, but were in realitya dark red. Black Magic and other varieties rarely even got close to beingblack, but this one was genuine. Studying it up close she touched its velvetpetals to make sure it was really there. Not a hint of red anywhere. She hadread that the black rose signaled a rebirth, if that was the case this wasthe sign of the arrival of the real Karen . She smiled and walkedback inside with a new determination?it was time to meet her slave.

Turning on the monitor, she saw her new slave looking about. Sandra was obviouslyyelling something but Karen's excellent soundproofing prevented any noisefrom reaching upstairs. She turned on the intercom to listen in?it was theexpected cries for help. Smiling she turned down the sound a bit and beganto prepare herself. Karen didn't like leather bondage attire, it seemed toher too masculine. That was not who she was, she was not butch .She adored lace and light feminine things, she liked perfume and makeup andlong flowing hair. That was what was wrong with the female doms in the BDSMscene, they had little femininity. Karen wanted to remain a woman throughand through, no testosterone needed, just cunning and conviction and control.Making herself up as if she was going on a date, she took her time brushingher hair, and started to find immense pleasure in listening to Sandra's pleading.There was an edgy panic to her cries that began to make Karen moist, and sheallowed herself to take her time and drink it all in. She started to softlyrock her naked ass back and forth on the chair and caressed her hair withthe brush, moving very slowly down the length of her locks. Beginning to touchherself, she stopped just short of orgasm and resumed focus on her tasks.The makeup was not for Sandra's benefit, it was for Karen's, and she wantedto feel beautiful. Deciding to wear her favorite black teddy in honor of theoccasion, she put it on and admired her supple body in the mirror, then slippedon her simple but elegant red pumps. Red and black, her Black Widow colors.The spider was going down to toy with her prey.

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Marina wischt sich den Schweiß von der Stirne. Die drückende Sommerhitze macht den Hausputz unerträglich. Glücklicherweise muss sie nur noch die Treppe und die Diele wischen, dann ist sie endlich mit dem Putzen fertig. In diesem Moment hört sie, wie direkt hinter ihrem Rücken die Haustüre aufgeschlossen und geöffnet wird. Ist es tatsächlich schon so spät, denkt sie überrascht. Normalerweise versucht sie immer mit ihrer Hausarbeit fertig zu sein, bis ihr achtzehnjähriger Sohn Michael aus der...

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Finally! With our crazy schedules, my wife Lori and I found a weekend where we could get away from the stresses and strains of our jobs and enjoy! She’s a nurse in a large hospital so if she's not scheduled for work on a weekend, I'm off on a business trip "Where should we go Honey?" she asks excitedly as we sit by the dinner table eating a late night meal she whipped together. I reply as my mind runs through some vacation spot options. "Okay. You call for a reservation and I'll clean the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 360

We had given Jerome three days to think it over, and make a plan. Jerrod finished out the week just to keep an eye on Jerome. I continued to stand by outside the project, just because it was no inconvenience. I could crank up the truck and run it an hour to charge my power pack. Other wise sitting in one place was no different than sitting another. Presumably during the days Jerrod slept while I banged around my housing development. In those three days two of the remodels were finished. Our...

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MagicianChapter 28

Things as ever settled down after the excitement of the Coalition's failure to succeed in an attack on us followed by our very successful counter-attacks. The Coalition withdrew to its heartlands and began what amounted to its own inquisition which further exacerbated its problems, with defections being rife, until eventually only a hard core of extremists remained, a very dangerous hard core to be sure. The Nephilim/Æsir war carried on apace, though the Æsir were pushing them back on all...

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Wildclub First Swingers Club Visit

Exactly a month has passed and, surprise-surprise, it is time again to look back and write down some words. Not only for you, dear readers, but also for future us to look back and remember…Experiences with Pamela and Maimu have taken more bold and adventurous. I remember that we both discussed we could also try sex with other couples if we cannot find the right female partner. Birgit was not very sure about it, but, as always, the topic needed some time to settle in. I have told her multiple...

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Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 11

‘How’d I get here?’ Béla asked, looking around her shared quarters. Then she understood. ‘You’re dream-walking!’ Béla exclaimed. ‘I’m still asleep outside the farmhouse!’ ‘What farmhouse?’ Elaine asked. Béla slid off the bed and held out her hand to Elaine. As Elaine reached for her sister’s hand, she found herself standing next to Béla’s sleeping body outside a farmhouse. She looked around, her eyes wide with wonder. ‘This is incredible!’ Elaine exclaimed. ‘Just trying to see the...

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I'm 28 years old and pretty open about sex and relationships. I believe a man should worship his lady in every way. Can't say that I had ever literally worshiped a woman physically until i met Mz. Chloe. I still am not sure what attracted me to Her but it was strong. She has complete control over me and i'm her slave completely. I would do anything Mz.Chloe asked of me. Mz.Chloe introduced me to a friend of hers Mr.Sean, He has a girl slave named precious. Precious is a beautiful shy little...

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Day TripChapter 7

Martha stood up, but said, "Oh, Adel, I can't. This is too much to ask of me." Adel said, "It is absolutely essential that you protect yourself against serious sunburn. You must strip, but you can do that in private if you wish. Just come back in here after you do." Martha groaned and sighed. "If I'm going to do that, I may as well take my clothes off where everybody can see me." With that, she jerked off her bikini as quickly as possible and plopped back into her seat. There were a...

1 year ago
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Girl From the VillageChapter 2

"No. No I won't," Bruno argued, quietly pleading his case. "I'm just gonna touch ya here, see?" Shifting his attack slightly to her thighs and then moving back in to trace across her labia majora once again. Ginger closed her thighs, trapping his hand. She cursed herself. 'I'm a stupid shit, for going out looking for it with the rag on.' She pondered his statement. 'He's lying, ' she thought, however, her body began to betray her, 'but... Oh, Gawd, lookit him.' And she...

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The Price For Being A Bitch Chapter 3

This is a transcript of my chat with Darling_Bitch, a domme and one of my first friends when I graduated from romance novels to erotic lit.DB: I still don't see why you're going to such extreme measures, CumBunnyHoney. You can't possibly deserve this.Me: Listen Darling, you wouldn't know this because you haven't experienced it, but let me tell you what marital sex is. You close your eyes and watch while your memory and your imagination project a porn video on the dark side of your eyelids and...

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The Makeup Sex

I was already in a bad mood that day and it didn’t help matters that I was running late for work. I sped through town, rushing every stop light and stop sign to ensure I’d make it there within the allotted grace period – not that there actually is one. Anyways, I made it in just in time to slip by my boss and into my desk. Awesome part of that – he hadn’t noticed I was ten minutes late. That heightened my mood a bit, but I was still mad that Aly wanted to play knowing that I was going to be...

Quickie Sex
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Awesome Day To Remember

To start with the story, I am Anurag working in a software company in Hyderabad, an exciting real event happened with a neighbor in my flat. I have taken a new flat in Hyderabad, it was one month from now after the house warming. telling about myself well built 6 feet tall and fair with great looks. the incident happened with a married lady in my flat , i saw her first time in the lift where i saw her from back. she was a sex bomb with awe sum chubby figure. telling about her she was fair with...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 13 Dees Diary The Task

DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, JUNE 12th Dear Diary, Bet you never thought you'd hear from ME again! Early yesterday evening, Brenda came out of the house and walked down the hill toward the lake holding YOU. I couldn't believe it. I'd really, really forgotten all about you; but of course, I've forgotten a lot about my life... before. She wasn't bringing you to me, of course, she was carrying you to Master, who was sitting on the wooden swing under the big oak, reading some school papers. She...

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Iron and lace

His bed was perfect for it – cast iron head and foot board: intricate, and strong. He thought I needed to get more in touch with my dominant side, and he wanted to just kick back and enjoy my explorations. Not thinking, not planning, just experiencing, and letting me use him. He wanted me to take control, to be the aggressor. So, with his encouragement, I tied him, spread eagle and naked, to his bed. When I was done I stood there, considering … still dressed in my black garter belt, black...

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Her Name Is Nikki

This is a mini sequel to Retribution 1 If you haven't read that story yet then don't bother reading this one, because you won't understand this one if you don't. But if you don't want to read a long story, if you just don't care, or if you're just looking for a good TG story to read, continue. Her Name Is Nikki By Po February 2003: Somewhere in New York... 'Man!' thought one of the watchers, who had a raging hard on in his pants. 'I can't believe her! She has got to be the...

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Senior Year Pet Chapter 1

This is a story of how I used the second half of my senior year to turn a girl I couldn’t stand into my personal completely obedient fuck toy, and got rich doing it. That girl, Sarah had always been a person I found to be extremely annoying, but interaction with her was inevitable as her locker was beside mine for all of high school, and consistently I was lucky enough to share classes with her. Sufficient to say I was extremely tired of her by second semester in senior year. Best...

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EdenChapter 14

Even before the Gardener reached orbit, it was evident that there had been changes in the century since the Argo's visit. Dramatic changes. The rest of the planet—the landscape, the elevations and prominences, the distribution of life, on which most of the ship's scanning equipment was trained—was roughly identical to what the Argo had seen. Even such changes as were detected were more or less to be expected: slightly altered shorelines, minor expansions or contractions of arid desert...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 159

New Ford truck I stopped by the Ford Dealership yesterday, for a look at the new F-150 aluminum pickup. Just for fun, I took it out for a test drive. I wanted to sense that new truck “feel” before they become old. The salesperson (a nice looking lady wearing ‘I love Trudeau lapel pin’ sat in the passenger seat next to me, describing the truck and all its “wonderful” options. The seats were of particular interest. She explained that the seats directed warm air to your butt in the winter and...

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Gloryhole Education

It was summer the year I turned 18. I had just gotten my driver's license two weeks before and I couldn't get enough of the freedom a car allowed. As a horny teenager, not yet knowing I was bisexual but knowing that anything to do with sex made my dick spring to attention, I was always on the look out for something, even if I didn't know what that something was.In the previous year, I'd had sex with an older neighbor couple, so I knew that you could get it from both. I had also found a little...

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Incest Neighborhood Ch 03

Chapter 3 — Happy Divorcees Most women would have spent the first few weeks after a nasty, acrimonious divorce drinking, crying, putting on a brave face or eating a lot of Haagen Dazs. Sharon Beachum did none of those things. She packed up her things, moved out of the condo she had shared with her asshole ex and bought a nicer, newer home on 9th Avenue, closer to her Mom. The death of her marriage didn’t affect Sharon in the least. Actually, that wasn’t entirely true. Sharon did enjoy a...

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Ultimate Universes

**Readers disclaimer, this is a parody work of many other much greater stories. The purpose of this is to explore alternative erotic world's of these popular universes. The only regular stipulation is that most of these adventures will be Conducted by a group of alternative characters who as a reader will take some time selecting at first so the storyline will go slowly at first as you the reader chooses who you want to see and what they are doing in the adventure.** Who you are is not...

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One night of Pleasure Incomplete

I'm laying in bed and I call you to come and lay with me. You slowly make your way to the bed smiling, asking me "Hey sweetie? What's up?" I tell you strip off your clothe for me and lay down. I rest my cheek upon your chiseled chest, look at you smiling from ear to ear. My left hand starts to playfully caress your right hand. Gently touching and holding between each finger. Analyzing every single line and indention and kissing them lightly. I stare deep into your eyes pulling you close to me,...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen - Meet The Parents Grace and I woke up the next morning and went into the shower together. While we were in there, Grace teased me a little by playing with my balls. It felt weird having my cock area being manipulated, but not feeling any touch on my penis. On the other hand, just Grace's fingers playing with my balls excited me, causing my penis to react, giving me my first taste of what I could expect to happen every time I became aroused while wearing...

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Be Careful What You Wish For

He came home from work, which was another typically long day. Work hadn't gone particularly well, and all he could think about was losing the account for his company, which cost them a fortune. His boss was less then pleased. "Oh well, fuck 'em", he thought to himself. He was six years away from retirement, and if it ended early so be it. He opened the door to his apartment and threw his briefcase onto the couch. He went to fix himself a drink, and to try to forget the day's troubles. He also...

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Bending the RulesChapter 6

When we woke up the next morning, nothing at all was mentioned about the little sexual interlude I'd awakened to at three that morning. We quickly finished our morning ablutions, dressed, and headed off to the storage locker to begin our separate workday. I felt really good all day, working on opening up new outlets starting from just before nine that morning, and not quitting work until a little past seven that evening. I'd made two trips back to the storage place to get new product...

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