- 2 years ago
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By: Flost48
Chapter 1 - The MeetingPatricia
The restaurant's low mood music played quietly, floating at the edge of Patricia's consciousness. She anxiously rubbed her fingertips on the linen tablecloth and picked up her glass. She took a sip of water. The condensate on the glass dampened her fingertips. She dabbed them restlessly on her unused napkin. Perhaps she had made an error, maybe there was still time to back out. Patricia checked her watch to ensure there was no chance of running into her blind date as she exited the restaurant. No good, it was too late, he could walk in at any second and he had seen her picture on her web page so there would be little hope of his not recognizing her.
Patricia berated herself for letting her loneliness propel her into this meeting. She checked her watch once more and looked towards the entrance. She couldn't believe she was doing this as the end result of responding to an Internet personals site. The ad had been intriguing, offering to find the perfect man for her for free. She had signed up, figuring she had nothing to lose. She looked apprehensively toward the door as she brushed her short black hair back from her face. She had no clue as to what the man looked like except for what he had told her on the phone. He had said he would be dressed in black. Great, here she was waiting for a would-be Johnny Cash.
Patricia was divorced from her childhood sweetheart and the marriage and divorce had both been painful. She had loved Glen but could no longer bear his drug abuse and the increasing violence that accompanied his burgeoning habit.? She hadn't dated for a year after the split but loneliness and a fellow she met over a cup of coffee at Barnie's had put an end to her moratorium on men. However, her past year of dating had soured her on meeting the right man by chance. She kept comparing them to Glen in his better days and they all fell short.? She needed to do something, so here she was, meeting a man she had been paired with by someone she did not know.
Patricia had sent the Internet site the best photo she had of herself for them to use. They had created a web page for her, using her photo along with her text submission. Funny thing about that page, she could not change the photo or move it from its prominent placement at the head of the page. Plus, there was an e-mail link to someplace called BBO and the graphic was of a cute little shop labeled "Pet Store". She had clicked on the link and got an HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden Access notice. She figured the link must have been invalid because her web page host had inserted it there and surely she would have had access if it were a working link.
While apprehensively waiting for her blind date, she recalled the intense questionnaire that had accompanied the application for the service. It was very in depth with its detailed queries. She had dutifully filled it out entirely, even the part about sexual likes and dislikes, after noting that the service would not be rendered without the form fully completed.?
Patricia had blushed and been tempted not to answer the sexually related questions but had justified doing so by reasoning that her expected match should be a totally compatible match. She related her disenchantment with sex but had honestly stated she had enjoyed it once, a long time ago. Before she could change her mind she had clicked the "Send" button. Afterwards she had felt so shamed and guilty she had wanted to forget the whole thing but by then it was too late.
Patricia had received a few e-mails due to the site but something about them made her uncomfortable. The writers seemed preoccupied with her measurements and her availability for travel. But one fellow was local and his e-mails had seemed nice. He seemed interested in her and not her measurements. She had corresponded with him for a couple of weeks before accepting this date, the first one that had resulted from her web page.
Patricia wondered about the kind of guy who would be interested in a woman like herself. She was reasonably attractive but approaching her middle 30's. Her black hair was cut short for convenience. Some small lines on her face were the result of too much sun in her youth and she had gained weight lately. She was heavier than the picture she had used for the web page though it wasn't too noticeable when she was clothed.
Still, Patricia knew she was good looking, she had been told so all of her life. Her divorce had been rough and she was lonely. She liked being part of a couple and she missed it terribly. It was so hard to be responsible for everything. She lived from payday to payday, hoping she wouldn't get sick because she couldn't afford insurance.? Not that being poor was so bad but it would certainly be easier with a partner.
Patricia looked around at the restaurant decor and clientele. Her date had arranged to meet her here and the establishment was way out of her price range. She had been afraid to look at a menu and had declined when the tuxedoed waiter had approached, offering to fetch her a drink from the bar. Shamefaced she had asked for water instead. Feeling very out of place she tried to keep her hopes up for this date but she was dubious. The man was obviously pretty well off if this was his choice for a meeting. Or maybe he just wanted to impress her? She sighed nervously at the very idea and resigned herself to the hope that he would turn out to be decent and she would have a pleasant evening. That would be a wonderful.
As Patricia watched the restaurant foyer a balding man about her height came in. The man wore an odd black leather vest over a black shirt and black leather trousers and boots. The vest was split cowhide and almost knee length. In spite of his peculiar apparel, and the looks it drew, he seemed unconcerned, even haughty, his aura of self-confidence apparent, as he stood perusing the room. He looked her way and made eye contact with her. She smiled tentatively and he nodded and directed the ma?tre d' to lead him to her table. She carefully stopped herself from obviously showing her dismay with his appearance and the fact that his brown hair was almost nonexistent on top.
"Not my type at all," she thought unhappily as he came closer. Though she did not consider herself a prize she still had a preference for obviously good-looking men. She took in his dark blue eyes and rugged face, liking them but still being put off by his thinning hair and odd manner of dress. She knew that it was shallow of her to be that way and she tried to find things about him that piqued her interest. He was in great physical shape as far as she could tell and she couldn't stop herself from being attracted to that. Ruefully, she felt inferior due to her recent weight gain and vowed to tone up.
He approached the table and smiled down at her in a confident friendly way. She smiled back at him in answer while reminding herself that it was only for dinner and did not have to go any farther and probably wouldn't.
He continued to coolly look down at her for a moment, obviously evaluating her appearance, and nodded approvingly. He then introduced himself as Gray Winton. As Patricia introduced herself, she felt mildly irritated by his blatant appraisal but also found she was flattered by his apparent endorsement.
Gray seated himself and asked if she had been attended to yet. She replied she hadn't and he waved the waiter over and asked for menus. He looked at her frankly as she perused the menu, making her nervous because every time she looked up to steal a glance at him he was looking at her. Her nervousness made her shy and she focused on the menu.
"Do you see anything you like?" he asked solicitously.
" Well, I've never eaten here and I am not sure what's good, " she answered.
"I'll order for you then and, by the way, I see something I like very much," he said, with easy self-assurance.
She felt herself blush slightly as she looked across the table at him. He smiled again and she felt more at ease.
Gray placed their order, the foreign names for the food easily rolling off his tongue. He knowledgeably perused the wine list and selected a vintage that obviously impressed even the waiter. Once finished with the dinner order, Gray turned to Patricia.
Gray began to tell Patricia about himself, easily taking charge of the conversation. He was a retired Navy officer and had settled here because of the mild winters and pleasant atmosphere. He spoke briefly of his childhood and his progression into adulthood, described his schooling at a well-known university, mentioning he was graduated with honors. He related how he had lived all over the world during his Navy career. His background and the far off places he had been dazzled her. She felt abashed when she told him of her own limited travels and experiences.
Gray told her where he lived and she was impressed with his address. It was in a prestigious part of town, a part she had only heard of, one that boasted large custom homes and deep private lots. She felt very outclassed thinking of her little apartment complex where she held a yearly lease.
"You must have been of some rank to be able to afford that area," she ventured.
"Well, yes, I was but I also made good investments."
"Have you ever been married?" she asked.
She was sort of surprised by his terse one word answer.? He had been so loquacious about everything else. Wanting to set the mood right again she made a joke about how she'd been married very young because she had not learned to "Just say no." She figured if he didn't like that fact about her past he might as well know it now, but he chuckled and said he understood.
"There are some bonds greater than anything the government or religion can put upon you, you know. No need for marriage if the partnership is right. I have had several relationships of longevity myself. I have never had any problem with real women."
Patricia's brow furrowed slightly at Gray's emphasis on "real women" but she quickly incorporated it into her deduction that he had a very high opinion of himself. One of those she thought, while smiling at the balding fellow across the table, thinks he's a God's gift to women. Her tenuous newfound footing about his 'type' and his easy friendliness enabled her to shyly flirt with him, knowing he expected it. Gray responded to her flirtations in an expertly indirect way that caused her to flirt even more.?
In spite of her initial unflattering conclusion about Gray, Patricia found herself being curiously attracted to him and hoping he found her attractive. He was sure of himself and that was appealing to her. Glen, her ex-husband, had also had that air of confidence. Then there was the fact that Gray was well off and that was different from the men she had previously dated.? Most of them had either lived in apartments like herself or been paying on a trailer. Gray was definitely a class or twelve above the men she had been seeing. She felt she was not really the type of woman he would be interested in. Still, if he asked her, maybe she would go out with him again and see what happened.
As the evening wore on Gray coaxed her into sharing a split of champagne with him. She felt more relaxed as their conversation went on. Gray did and said nothing to that indicated he felt she was beneath his station. As the champagne dwindled she admitted to herself that she found him very amusing and appealing. When it came time to leave he insisted on pouring one last toast before he escorted her out to her car.
Gray hoped this would work out. He was tired of getting his hopes up only to have them dashed again. At least this time he did not have to go out of town to meet the woman.
The e-mail from the BBO site had come three weeks ago, supplying a photo, the name, age, and method of contacting the woman they had to offer. This was accompanied by the usual cursory information on the offering. After reviewing the data, Gray determined that woman the BBO offered him for capture and training was a very close fit for the criteria he specified concerning age, general physique, and intelligence.
Gray had not been offered a female in his hometown before and he looked forward to the meeting for that reason alone. He had been searching for permanent slave for a long time. If this worked out then his investment in the BBO service would be money well spent because not only would he have his slave, he would not have the cost of moving her belongings across country.
Gray had entered into an e-mail correspondence with the woman. Her name was Patricia. They had written back and forth for a couple of weeks. The missives had been polite and full of questions about each other?s likes, dislikes and so on. He had been easily able to determine Patricia was intelligent and witty and that was appealing. No mention of Gray?s true desire had been made.
During the course of their writing he had mostly made a cursory determination about her willingness to defer to him. It was a start. When Gray found the e-mail communication no longer beneficial, he had called her. She had seemed very willing to accept his offer of dinner. He decided to be tentatively pleased at her easy assent to meeting at the restaurant of his choice.
As Gray drove to the restaurant his hand slid down to his inner jacket pocket. Yes, the vial of liquid GHB was there, he grinned in anticipation as he pulled into the parking lot. He absolutely refused to invest his time in a woman without sampling the merchandise first, regardless of how he procured the sample, whether the BBO approved or not.
Gray spotted her right away when he came in. He saw that she was attractive, though his experienced eyes saw past her skillful arrangement of clothing and noted the extra weight not present in the web page photo. He thought her a bit heavy but not too far-gone. Vaguely voluptuous was an apt description.
Gray sat down and began to pitch himself, marking the interest in her eyes when he told her the name of the area he resided in. Though she tried to be nonchalant he could see that she was awed as he described his lifestyle. He knew from the initial BBO background scan that her earnings were at the lower end of the scale and that his economic status would impress her. However, Gray correctly felt that it was more than that that impressed the Patricia.
Gray believed deeply that nature had made men superior to females, stronger and smarter. Gray felt that females should acknowledge this fact and treat men with submissive obedience. The current concept of equality of men and women was difficult to deal with. Gray believed that nature would not be denied and that once a woman was properly enlightened she would be willingly subservient as she should be. Gray was looking for the right woman to teach.
However, in light of the current status quo, Gray was not blind to the fact the he was middle aged and balding even though he kept his body in top condition. Gray? knew his investments and the resulting payoffs were good fodder for getting a woman interested in him initially. Even so, he knew he would have to work to sell himself to Patricia, because as with most women, he had seen her momentary look of dismay when he entered the eatery. He was accustomed to that, most females seemed to want a man with a full head of hair and movie star looks. That was okay, soon she would not mind that he was bald, in fact, if things went as Gray planned, she would be entertainingly desperate for one bald head of his. But first he must determine of she was a possible candidate for his needs.
Gray's years as a high ranking officer in the service had accustomed him to being in charge. From the beginning he had found it easy and natural, having people obey his orders. He also found it extremely gratifying. Later he found it vastly erotic in personal relationships. He eventually found that women who deferred to his wishes and conceded that men were their superiors were especially pleasing. If they were also willing to do as he commanded, sexually or otherwise it gave him immense pleasure. To Gray such women validated his concept of natural male superiority. However, the women he had encountered thus far had not been willing to consider that kind of role as any more than sex play. He wanted a woman who willingly acknowledged herself as his inferior in all things and was willing to commit to a long-term relationship with him with herself in that role. Could it be this one?
They ate and talked. Patricia did several things that pleased Gray. She offered him the bread first, insisted he be served first, and waited until he began to eat before she did so herself. Her tendency to defer to him was promising, he could see she did so instinctively, without making it a point to do so. In fact, her deference to him was so pronounced he had to keep reminding himself she had little or no D/s training.
Gray was pleased that she had been married young and that it had been a long relationship. He deduced that to mean she was capable of loyalty. Her looks and way of presenting herself gave Gray great hope that she would be good in bed. He wondered why she had not remained married and he asked her.
"Well, I married quite young and I loved my husband dearly but he began using drugs. He was a wonderful man but as the drugs got worse he became physically abusive." Patricia blushed deeply at this point but continued, " He almost killed me on two occasions and I had to leave, I had no choice. I kept hoping he would come to his senses and get some help but it never happened."
"Oh, you left due to his not receiving treatment?"
" Yes, I felt I had no choice. I can't explain but, gosh, this must sound odd, but I felt so scared, so alone. We lost touch. You see, Glen was a strong man. He made all the decisions and took care of everything until the drugs, and then gradually he began putting everything on me. I didn't know what to do or when. I mean I have managed in my little apartment but it's been hard. I keep finding myself at loose ends. At least I don't have to repair anything. I call the landlord. Anyway after the drug use began Glen wasn't there for me, do you know what I mean?"
Gray nodded encouragingly.
"On top of that, it got to the point that Glen would become violent when he got frustrated with me for not handling things like he wanted. Sometimes he would hit me when he couldn't find drugs to buy or over some other little thing that was really inconsequential.? I was stupid, I guess. I stayed with him. I loved him but still...eventually he didn't seem to care about me at all.? I was so alone and hurt. We had been so close."
Gray heard in her remarks something that intrigued him. She needed closeness and someone one to be a mentor. He began to quiz her on what she perceived as closeness.
"How do you mean close?"
" Before the drugs, Glen always kept me with him, even when he went hunting or fishing. We were hardly ever apart. I loved just being with him, cooking for him and doing things for him. He always decided what we would do and I was never bored. I never knew what he would come up with next. He was definitely not liberated and maybe I am old fashioned but I loved being his wife and doing as he pleased," Patricia's eyes softened at the fond memory of those times.
She shook her head as if to dispel the memories and said, " Then he started doing drugs. I tried them once because he asked me to but they made me sick so he didn't make me do anymore. It got worse and, well, in the end he would come in at night with the drug boys, and either spend his time watching television or doing dope, " Patricia blushed and continued, " Really, I wasn't included in any way. They didn't want me around. It almost killed me to see Glen give himself up to the drugs."
"Yes, chemicals can wreck lives and not only the lives of the users."
Patricia looked at Gray and nodded sadly.
Gray took stock of the woman in front of him. She was intelligent and he found her desire to be with her mate in a relatively subordinate role very encouraging. She would also be a fine physical specimen with a bit of toning. Her current aura of diffident self-confidence and independence seemed to be the result of being alone as well as being a type of self-defense.? It could prove to be profitable and pleasurable if she could retain that aura after their relationship progressed. That would be a challenge to him.
Gray asked if she had children and she told him that she had a wanted a child badly and she and Glen had tried but nothing came of that. "He said I was real breeding material and needed to be kept knocked up," Patricia chuckled and then turned beet red when she realized what she had said.
She was abashed that she had mentioned it. Though she had discussed the violence in her and Glen's relationship this was more candid about than she had intended to be. She cursed herself and hoped Gray did not read too closely between the lines. She had a quick mental glimpse of Glen above her, holding her down by her wrists as he made love to her, panting as he grunted, " I'm gonna breed you good this time. I'm gonna plant you good and watch you swell up with my seed. Give it to me..." A twinge of regret and loss surged through her. Though Glen's efforts had never resulted in a pregnancy she still sometimes found herself imagining being pregnant and happily carrying a man's child. The idea of pregnancy was natural and appealing.
"I think it's natural for a woman to want to have babies," she said, smiling trying to hide her embarrassment and distract Gray from her unintentional slip.
Gray astutely noted her mixed emotions and deftly caught her reference to her husband's attempts to breed her. He decided she had experienced the male of the species natural dominance in her life before and he smiled. He mentally saluted Glen, where ever he may have been.
Gray was very pleased indeed. He ordered the champagne with delight; so far she seemed to fit his needs perfectly!
Patricia had begun to shyly flirt with him during dinner and her flirting increased as they drank. He smiled as she leaned forward, unaware of how the neckline of her blouse gaped as a result, exposing the tops of her breasts. He unobtrusively perused her bosom as she did this. He was pleased to see her breasts were obviously C cups, nestled in a lacy bra, held up and pushed together creating cleavage. Definitely a C cup. She had blushed and smiled coyly at him when he looked up to her face. Apparently she was a bit of a tease as well.
They had drunk the bottle of champagne and he made up his mind to take a chance. He liked her and her easygoing way. Her body seemed promising also.
It was easy enough for him to skillfully slip a carefully measured amount of the liquid GHB into her parting drink. He had then walked her to the parking lot and stood chatting with her while he waited for the drug to take effect as she sat in her car.
Chapter 2 - First Step to AcquisitionPatricia got to the car feeling pleasantly high as she listened to Gray chat about the sky and constellations. She thought he seemed interested and she found him very intriguing even if he did seem to think he was a Casanova. He was actually intelligent, too bad he was not that physically attractive.
As she suspected he would, he maneuvered her to brush up against him and he used that as the initiation of a kiss. She instinctively did what she knew he expected, moving into his embrace easily, surprised that she found herself relishing the feel of his arms around her. She kissed him, pressing into him as she let him rub her back. His mouth skillfully covered hers and she felt his kiss send shivers over her entire body, even down to her toes.
As the kiss lengthened she felt her body become very warm. She broke away and hurriedly got into her car. She began to suddenly feel extremely tired and when she tried to raise her hand to brush an errant lock of hair from her eyes it was too heavy. Gray leaned over and peered into her face. She felt her body relax and she tried to sit up and shake off the lethargy but she just couldn't find the strength.
"Ohhhhh..."she moaned as Gray looked at her with curiosity. "Oh, I am so dizzy and tired suddenly," she mumbled. He opened her car door and lifted her out and began helping her toward a van parked a few rows over from her car. Gray slid the door back on the van's passenger side and helped her into the van saying, "Here let me take you home. You do not need to be driving in this shape." She managed to smile and nod as he fastened the seatbelt around her.
She dozed heavily as he drove through the night. She felt herself being moved but was too groggy and tired to care. She was laid on a soft cot, her arms dangling over the sides as she lay on her back. She vaguely felt her dress and under things being removed but did not care nor was she able to make any move to deter the act if she had.
Gray stood over the unconscious woman and evaluated her naked body. He looked at her furred pubic mound and noted the protruding outer vaginal lips that peeked proudly from the coarse hair between her legs. He spread her thighs and bent to get a closer look. He tugged gently at the long lips and smiled as her pussy popped open, giving him a whiff of clean cunt. He gazed down at Patricia's exposed vaginal opening.
Yes, Patricia's cunt lips were long and pronounced, very nice, a definite plus that made her pussy look inviting. The attribute would also make future necessary procedures easy and the resulting d?cor more evident.
Now Gray turned his attention to Patricia's breasts because their appearance was a significant requirement for his potential slave.? He critically evaluated the mammary glands on the woman lying before him. He felt his face crinkle in an unsolicited smile as he took in the fact that, though Patricia's breasts were easily a C cup size, they were not over large and they were spaced well apart. He reached down and cradled a large orange sized breast in each hand, hefting them and assessing their texture and weight.
His smile widened. A major point of attraction for Gray was that Patricia's breasts were capped with large aureoles, each covering almost a quarter of each breast. Lovely. He sighed involuntarily as his eyes roamed over the big aureoles and saw that in the center of each nestled a soft pinky tip sized teat. He squeezed Patricia's breasts slightly and thumbed her nipples, smiling as the soft flesh quickly stiffened and rose invitingly. They were quite long when aroused, at least an inch in length! Extremely pleased with that, he lay Patricia back down and left the room to prepare himself.
"Wake up, Patricia. Wake up."
Her eyes came slowly open and, as if from a great distance, she saw Gray standing there with his large erect cock jutting out of the front of his leather vest. She tried to focus and dimly saw he had removed the shirt and had exchanged his leather pants for leather chaps leaving his exceptionally big cock and heavy balls hanging free. Her eyes widened at the size of his penis and testicles and due to the drug's effect she did not hide the fact she was woozily staring at the sight of Gray's large cock and balls. They bobbed as he advanced toward her and she found herself dreamily wondering about the weight and warmth of his dangling testicles. He leaned forward with his hands outstretched to take her naked breasts but she could not move to get away as he neared her body.
What was wrong with her? She was too tired to move. Reality faded in and out. Gray became Glen in her mind.
"Mmmmmmm, let's see here, what have we got? Oh, yes, nice big nippled tits, perfect."
Gray?s hands clasped around her breasts and kneaded them gently. He bunched up an aureole and nipple and dipped his head to it, flicking the nipple with his stiff tongue, looking slyly up at her face before sucking her nipple in. She heard herself moan weakly as she helplessly watched his tongue flick back and forth across her sensitive nipple. She dazedly watched him mouth her, his lips working her nipple rhythmically, pulling on it with insistent suction. His eyes moved up to rest on her face while he suckled her, watching her expectantly as he brazenly tasted her nipple. She wanted to get away from Gray's insistent mouth on her sensitive breast and his knowing eyes on her face but her body would not respond to her mind's wishes. She could not move.
"You like that. I knew you would," he said smugly as he released her nipple, "Your nipples say you do."
He let go of her and leaned back to survey his stimulation's results on her spit glistening nipples. They had tightened and hardened immediately, poking up most invitingly as she lay on her back with her breasts pulled tight by their weight. He pinched them in his fingers, rolling them back and forth. Distantly she heard herself moan again as she felt her cunt start to get warm and wet.
"Good, excellent, it excites you to have your nipples toyed with and you like to have them suckled, that's a perfectly natural female response," Gray said as he continued to minister to her nipples. He glanced down and nodded as he saw her cunt lips swelling and spreading, showing her gaping wet hole.
"Hmmm, good, nipple teasing gets your little cunt wet too, very good. I like that."
He looked at her face and stepped forwards to straddle the cot as his hands continued to pull and tweak her nipples. He let go, reaching out and pulling her jaw down leaving her mouth agape. He then reached down to take her teats again and tease them as he rubbed his stiff cock over her face. She felt the hot smooth cockhead prodding her skin and finally he rested his cock on her lips. Gray wanted to test just how far he could take her sexually using nipple play to stimulate her to obey.
"Suck my cock," Gray muttered, looking down at his engorged penis resting on her ripe mouth.
As Gray hoped for, the stimulation of her nipples was a weak point for Patricia. She had always become helplessly lustful when her breasts were fondled, particularly her nipples, but she was very good at hiding the fact. She had avoided letting anyone touch her breasts professing a dislike for the activity. Her few partners had been so focused on getting their satisfaction from copulating with her they had not especially noticed that she avoided having her breasts handled during foreplay. Gray would be different.
Glen, Patricia's ex, had known of it and taken advantage of it. If Glen had wanted sex and Patricia was not receptive or the act was not straight missionary style sex, he would tease Patricia's nipples mercilessly until she agreed to do what he wanted. She always ended up conceding and Glen had enjoyed his power over her. Afterwards Patricia would be ashamed at her exhibition of lust and Glen took advantage of that too by deriding her for being sluttish.
Here, Gray had the advantage of Patricia not being able to avoid breast play. He saw immediately that her response to nipple stimulation was intense. Gray did not know that her ex had used this method of control on Patricia but he felt that it could become a way of controlling her. He did not know how effective it would prove to be.
Gray's fingers on her nipples and his order for her to suck his cock gave Patricia unbidden excitement. She felt herself let go, her inhibitions freed by the effects of the drug and the champagne. She dreamily saw, not Gray but Glen, straddling her and proffering his cock, demanding to be sucked. Her mouth opened wider and she helplessly took Glen's big cockhead in. Gray watched, enjoying her easy surrender, not knowing that what he saw was a wife willing to suck her husband's penis to please him.
Due to the nipple play and her drug induced vision of Glen, Patricia found herself wanting to suck Gray's cock badly. In her altered state of mind she was thrilled at Glen's obvious pleasure and approval though she feared what would come afterwards. She remembered that afterwards Glen always became angry with her for being a "sex crazed slut", saying that no decent wife would suck a cock so well or willingly.
The drug had rendered Patricia semi-conscious and she was able to let her fear slide past her desire to suck Glen's cock and please him. Her present condition left her unable to be very competent at sucking so Patricia began to mouth awkwardly at Gray / Glen's cock as well as she could, momentarily freed by the drug induced abandon.
Gray carefully slid his thick cock in and out of Patricia's slack mouth, watching her try to suck him. He smiled with pleasure as he felt her wet warm mouth surround his cock. Her weak attempts at suckling him were promising because he knew the drug had for the most part disabled her and she was performing solely on base instinct. So far Patricia had met his exacting criteria and she seemed to be an excellent candidate for a pleasure slave, despite her current demeanor of independence. He would not know for certain until the drug wore off and he saw how she would respond to uninfluenced training.
Gray allowed her weakly suckle and mouth his penis until he was at the point of ejaculation, then he carefully withdrew his cock and milked himself into a jar. He saw his captive's drug-bleared eyes dreamily watch him jack his big cock and pump his thick semen into the jar. He was delighted with the way her eyes glistened at the sight of his ropy sperm spurting and oozing from his cockhead. Before covering the jar he scooped a glob of hot cum out on his finger and held it above Patricia's mouth while he squeezed her left breast. Patricia moaned.
Gray smiled and traced his captive's lips with the sperm from his finger and watched her lick it off. He turned and capped the jar of cum and left the room to place it in the refrigerator. Patricia drifted into total unconsciousness. Gray returned and looked down at her. Smiling, he picked her up and carried her downstairs.
Gray's house had a feature few homes in the area offered, a full basement. As they entered the room deep in the house Gray placed her, on her back again, on a gently sloping leather chaise and quickly fastened soft leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles. He fastened her hands to the top of the chaise, stretching her arms over her head, immobilizing her and causing her breasts to jut out saucily. He fastened the ankle cuffs to each leg at the foot of the chaise, making her spread her legs to accommodate the width and length of the piece of furniture. He shoved a small pillow under her ass. This left her with her cunt exposed cruelly, spread open and thrust up. He stood and admired the captive female, delighting in the vision of her helplessness.
Gray began to pull her nipples, eager to see her semi-conscious again. He smiled when she began to slowly pump her hips as he stimulated her. His insistent fingers tweaking and pulling on her teats soon caused Patricia stir and to quiver with sexual arousal.
In Patricia's drug induced dream world Glen teased her nipples. She moaned some more. Gray laughed softly at her helpless motions and continued teasing her nipples, watching her pump her hips, causing her cunt to open and close and make soft sounds, as it became wetter with her juices.
He bent and began to suckle her breasts again, using his mouth to skillfully tease the buds of her nipples to throbbing points. As he suckled one nipple he manipulated the other with his fingers, while with his free hand he began to plumb the depths of her cunt as she writhed helplessly beneath him. He tweaked her stiffened clitoris causing her to buck lustily.
Soon her squirming and powerlessness brought his cock to erection again and he sheathed himself in a condom before he climbed atop her captured body and covered her, thrusting himself deep inside her upthrust vagina. Patricia whimpered, " Yes, please breed me, breed me good, Glen."
Gray smiled as he covered her lips with his, digging for her tongue with his own. Her body responded intuitively to his thrusts, arching upwards, catching his rhythm, and taking his big cock deep. He reached down and pulled on her nipples. She responded by shoving herself hard onto his cock and he felt her begin to spasm with orgasm. Gray groaned as he felt her cunt contract repeatedly on his pumping cock.
My God, he thought to himself, she's got a milking machine in her cunt! Over and over her cunt contracted and pulled insistently on his cock, urging him to cum and to his surprise his balls twitched and responded with another load of sperm for her. As Gray ground out his orgasm he felt ecstasy and wonder. He hadn't come twice in an hour for years! He grunted loudly as he pumped Patricia's cunt full of his seed, his mind racing, he had to have this one. He wanted to keep her.
Afterwards he peeled the sodden rubber from his manhood and carefully douched Patricia's used cunt clean and redressed her, taking care to replace her clothing exactly as he had found it before he moved her upstairs. Tomorrow morning he would begin to arrange her breaking and training.
Chapter 3 - Second Step to Acquisition
Patricia woke up the next morning, sore and disoriented. Her arms and thighs ached slightly and when she moved to relieve them she found them a vaguely stiff and sore. She vaguely recalled dreaming of sex with Glen and quickly shoved the fragile memory from her mind. She looked about and found herself in a tastefully furnished bedroom with an adjoining bath. French doors opened onto a balcony overlooking the bay. Her purse was on the night table next to a white telephone. A gold windup clock ticked companionably on the table on the far side of the bed. She was covered with a beautifully made quilt. She threw the quilt back and was appalled at the wrinkles in her dress.
Patricia gingerly raised herself on the bed and tried to determine where she was. She recalled clearly being at the restaurant but that was all.? She hoped she had not blathered on and said too much while she was drunk. She got to her feet and found her shoes placed neatly together next to the bed. She slipped them on and went to the door. She opened it a crack and looked down the hallway that lay outside. No one in sight. This had to be Gray's house but where was he? How did she get here? She cleared her throat and wished for some water.
Stepping back into the room she went into the bathroom and poured herself a drink of water in a crystal tumbler she found next to the sink. A new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste had been thoughtfully laid out for her use. She looked around and became aware that this was a guest room and bath, unused and unoccupied.? As she gratefully brushed her teeth she walked out into the bedroom, stopping at the French doors to the balcony.
The balcony overlooked the sun-brightened bay. A small table and chairs offered a place to sit and enjoy the view. She walked out to the front of the balcony and looked down at the circular driveway that arched in front of the house and disappeared into the stand of woods that entirely shielded the house from the road. She could hear cars passing in the distance, the sound muffled by the trees and underbrush. She turned and went back to the bath to rinse her mouth.
As she came out of the bathroom the phone by the bed startled her as it began? ringing. After it rang several times she picked it up, answering tentatively, "Hello?" Gray's voice greeted her.
"Good morning, dear Patricia. How are you feeling? I will have to remember not to let you have so much champagne in the future."
"What happened? How did I get here?" Patricia questioned cautiously, fearful she had drunkenly told all her woes to Gray. That would surely cause him to lose interest in her if he had any to begin with.
"I took the liberty of bringing you. You were in no condition to drive and I couldn't leave you in the parking lot. I had no idea where to send you in a cab so the logical thing was to bring you home with me."
"Um, thanks, I guess. Could you take me back to get my car? I am sorry to have been such a bother," she said with obvious shame and nervousness.
"No bother. I enjoyed your company thoroughly, though I must admit you were a bit quiet after we left the restaurant," Gray answered, trying to calm her.
"Where are you?" Patricia asked.
"I am downstairs. I have multiple phone lines to accommodate my business affairs. I simply called you up. I did not want to barge in and make you uncomfortable. I imagine you must be feeling pretty hung over and I certainly didn't want to embarrass you by presenting myself at your bedroom door, after all we only met last night."
"That's very sweet of you. So, how do I get to where you are from here?"
"Take the hallway to the right until you see the stairs. Follow them down and I will meet you in the foyer. See you shortly."
Patricia managed to make her way downstairs where Gray was expecting her.
"Hi. Can we go?" Patricia asked apprehensively upon seeing him.
"Let's have breakfast first. Relax, it may help you feel better."
With a friendly smile he took her arm and led her into a sunny kitchen where he had a lovely breakfast prepared and waiting.
"It?s lovely but I'm not very hungry," she said.
"Well, I am and I plan on eating before I leave. You can watch if you aren't hungry. Perhaps you would like some coffee?"
Gray motioned for her to get some and she poured a cup. He turned to his own needs and helped his plate. Patricia felt her mouth water in spite of herself.
"Look, I don't know what happened, that has never happened to me before. I am so ashamed. I hope I did not burden you with drunken sob stories. I am sorry but I want to go home," Patricia said.
"Patricia, nothing happened. You drank too much and said almost nothing.? I looked after you. I was the perfect gentleman and you the perfect woman."
Gray smiled at her and his command of the situation plus the fact that he did not berate her or try to embarrass her for passing out gave her a feeling of relief. He was so different from Glen!? The night's dream resurfaced. Patricia nebulously recalled Glen having her suck his cock. She blushed with embarrassment at the idea. She had to take Gray's word for her actions. She had to rely on her memory and it didn't challenge anything Gray said and she could not deny that she was fully dressed and had obviously slept alone. She felt a bit better so she picked up a plate and served herself to some cantaloupe.
They ate and Patricia found herself beginning to be more disconcerted by this man who was so cool and tactful about her passing out the night before. She made small talk and found they liked several of the same movies and books. All too soon the food was gone and it was time for Gray to return Patricia to her car.
As they went into the garage Patricia smiled again as Gray courteously held open the door and then opened the passenger door of his van and helped her in. What a gentleman, she thought.
The drive back to the restaurant was made in relative silence, each thinking about the previous night and the possibility of a future with the other, though neither had the same future in mind. As Gray opened the door to the van and helped Patricia out she felt she had to say something.
"Thank you so much. Again, I apologize for last night, I really don't know what to say," Patricia said as Gray opened her car door for her.
"Oh, these things happen from time to time. Not to worry. I'll call you later and check on you," Gray said.
Patricia answered that she would like that and again erroneously berated herself for her behavior the previous night. Gray wasn't making another date and she knew her conduct last night must have put him off. A female who drinks too much and passes out on the first date charmed not many gentlemen like Gray, but still he had said he would call her.
She drove home, her mind racing, surprised to find herself hoping Gray would call soon.
That evening just when Patricia had given up hope the phone rang.
"Patricia, are you all right? Thought I would call and check. It's not too late is it?"
"Oh, Gray, no, it's not too late," she mentally steeled herself and boldly went on,? " I was wondering if you were going to call or if you had just said that to be polite."
"I'm sorry if I disappointed you but I was bit busy earlier. How are you feeling, dear? Are you okay?"
"Yes, thank you. I am. I was pretty tired so I napped all afternoon."
"Good, I hope to hear you have recovered fully."
"I have. I am really am sorry about last night. I still don't know what happened or what to say."
"Say you'll go out with me again then."
Patricia gladly agreed and Gray set the date for a week from the following Friday. Patricia couldn't help but wonder why he set it so far in the future but she was pleased that Gray had asked her out again.
As the first week went by and Patricia found herself thinking of Gray often. She hoped he would call her to chat but the week dragged on and the phone didn't ring. She became afraid that he had made the date on the spur of the moment in response to her remark about his not calling earlier and that "something would come up" and he would cancel on her.
Gray, meanwhile, bided his time and conscientiously did not call Patricia. For all of his enthrallment of her and her excellent suitability for his needs he knew he must be careful to make himself not too eager or available. Though he knew his physical appearance was not one of a "hunk", he could make himself desirable to such a woman as Patricia with the proper tools and words. At the end of the first week he sent her a half dozen red roses from the best florist in town, knowing that she would be very charmed and flattered and she was.
Gray wrote the proper report to the BBO and included his tentative acceptance of the woman they offered. He authorized the payment of the finder's fee for dispersal. He knew that in return the BBO would supply him with further information on Patricia. Gray e-mailed his report to BBO and expressed his pleasure with the service's offering. As was his privilege, he reserved final acceptance of the offering until two more encounters had been made.
BBO prided themselves on making sure their customers were entirely satisfied before levying their substantial final fees for providing a slave. They depended on repeat business and customer referrals for future revenue. Their prompt reply to Gray stated that his choice of further investigation of the woman was agreeable and expected. They also provided the more in depth information on Patricia that Gray was looking for.
Gray was pleased to see, from the psychological profile, that Patricia had the precise personality type he required in a female. She had almost exclusively chosen phallic symbols and designs when completing the complicated and carefully veiled shape/authority association section. The tool was excellent for identifying a person's suitability for a specific submissive role. Patricia definitely felt males superior according to the results and indicated she was a follower, not a leader. Her profile indicated she was a psychological dependent and good candidate to be a true submissive. The indications were that with some work Gray could make Patricia completely dependent on him and totally compliant to his wishes and that was what he was looking for.
Patricia's background indicated that though she definitely had the potential to be a submissive Gray would have to be careful in guiding her gently into the sexual aspect of his plan. He saw that the probes revealed that Patricia had deep seated inhibitions about sex, considering it shameful and indecent, though a necessary part of an intimate relationship.
The reports from covert interviews with friends of the couple verified this, stating that Patricia had made this clear by her overwrought embarrassment in front of them when her ex-husband made remarks and jokes about sex. Apparently he had enjoyed publicly making her blush and stammer with discomfiture as he related to his friends how prudish she acted in bed. That would present a pleasing challenge, to coax her to enjoy and want sex and, eventually, be openly eager for sex with Gray, even in public. If he could do that he could train her to be the submissive he envisioned himself finding when he contracted with the BBO. Thinking of his future plans for Patricia, Gray began to contemplate his method of ensnaring her emotionally. That was the first thing to do.
Yes, Gray mused, emotional dependence was definitely to come first. Gray would manipulate Patricia into falling in love with him and he knew he would fall in love with her if she responded to his attention appropriately. She had never been in a true D/s relationship but had unconsciously dabbled in, a natural way, the genre with her husband as he suspected.?
Apparently, according to the report, during a drug party the husband had initiated their engaging in "swinging" one time and Patricia had participated in accordance to his wants.? That reduced the challenge somewhat, knowing she had the capability to love a man and would do as he asked though she had not wanted to.
The BBO report repeatedly validated Gray's deduction that Patricia had the potential to be conditioned to submit to abuse and respond to any acceptance and kindness by making herself even more available for further humiliation and ill use just to receive the ensuing kindness. He knew how to take advantage of this and intended to fully exploit it. Patricia had the exact psychological profile that he wanted. But first he had to snare her.
During his lifetime Gray had learned that one sure way to initially attract Patricia's type was to show interest but to remain distant and indifferent but firmly prominent in her mind. That would intrigue her, keep her interested, and make her work to get his attention and keep it. Once he had her snared his tactics would change. He knew, from past study, that her type felt they had to please at all costs because they were somehow unworthy.
Gray knew that, because of this feeling of unworthiness, Patricia would accept some rejection, abuse, or ridicule as her due. This was evidenced by her staying with her abusive husband and by her participating in the 'swinging' session at his direction though she did not want to be part of that lifestyle. From past studies Gray correctly deduced that Patricia expected her husband's abuse afterwards for her "badness" and when he was again kind to her she over-responded, even to the point of doing it for him again if he asked. Gray smiled over the papers in his hand. This one definitely looked promising.
Gray called Patricia on Sunday night and was satisfied to hear the happiness and relief in her voice when she found it was he. He heard his first victory when she gushed about the flowers and again apologized for her behavior at their previous meeting. She told him she had been thinking of him quite a bit and he smiled broadly at the sincerity in her voice. He told her he had been thinking of their coming date and was looking forward to it. He mentioned he had made reservations at one of the better restaurants in town and had a surprise for her.
She expressed much enthusiasm and then chatted gaily, her pleasure in hearing from him undeniable. He echoed her pleasure and then made plans to meet with her for coffee at a local bistro on Monday.
Monday he dressed in Armani and carried a butter leather briefcase, knowing that his appearance of wealth and purpose would impress her even more and perhaps put her in a bit of awe of him, as he believed she should be. She seemed to react as he planned, doing a slight double take when he came into the cafe and then appearing to preen and glow in his presence. Her behavior showed his manipulation's influence already as she obviously deferred to him. He was pleased by the fact that more than once he caught her smugly looking at some women at a nearby table as if to say, "I'm with him!"
He held her hand on the tabletop and smiled as she began to try to please him with amusing stories. After they had chatted a while, he gave her a pair of small gold hoop earrings in a well-known jeweler's box. "What gorgeous earrings!" Patricia exclaimed after opening the gift.
He saw her surprise at the evident value of the jewelry and saw his desirability rise greatly in her mind. Good, just as planned, though she could not know of what he had in mind for future use of the jewelry.
Patricia's mute but obvious appraisal of the trinkets was in poor taste but in Gray's eyes advantageous. He wanted her to be impressed with his wealth. He wanted her to have no doubt that he was financially secure. He knew from examining her financial background from the BBO's report that he must seem immensely well off to her.? This would be used as leverage in his future plans.
When they parted Gray gave Patricia a chaste kiss and again was pleased to find she moved into him and tried to make the contact more familiar. This was one of the things he was looking for, a response to his generosity, his kindness, to be exact, this type of response, a physical one. He smoothly evaded her small bid for intimacy, firmly but without causing her any embarrassment, strengthening her interest in him.
He did not call her that night though she had asked him to and he had no further contact with her until the day of their date. If she continued to succumb to his manipulations and presence in this fashion he knew she would be ripe for his harvest by Friday.
Chapter 4 -? Third Step to AcquisitionFriday came and Patricia was very nervous. She paced the hallway of her apartment and touched the new earrings in her earlobes. Why hadn't Gray called? She had not heard a word from him since they had coffee on Monday. She hoped she had not done something to cause him to change his mind.
He was so nice! So strong and refined. She searched her mind and came up with a descriptive word for him, she smiled as she thought of it for it was so out of character for her to give anyone this kind of designation. Gray was sophisticated, yes, sophisticated. Glen had been strong but not the slightest bit cultured, not that she had minded. Still, Gray and Glen shared the common trait of assured self-confidence and she found herself liking Gray even more due to his worldliness and manners. She thrilled in the anticipation of seeing him again.
Patricia had dated several fellows the past year but had not been impressed with any of them; they had all seemed so helpless and boyish in one way or another. None of them had any money to speak of and none of them had measured up to her memories of her husband in the early days of their marriage. They had all deferred to her and had wanted her to make all decisions about where they went and what they did as a couple. Gray was so unlike any of them that she was smitten in spite of his baldness and mediocre looks.
Gray was the first real man she had met since she met Glen at age 15. He was wealthy (by her standards anyway), well traveled, and intelligent. His self-assurance and confident handling of himself rivaled her ex-husband's and really impressed her. He didn't fawn over her nor did he seem to be obsessed with getting her to go to bed with him and this puzzled her.
Patricia knew she was not of the caliber of woman Gray could have and she intuitively deduced that some of his interest in her was sexual. She was surprised at his failure to vindicate this idea during their first date, particularly after she had passed out and ended up at his home overnight. She knew she would gladly go to bed with him though, all he had to do was ask. He was a type of man she would not refuse. In her heart she felt he would probably use her for a quick fling and dump her but she would take that chance if there were a possibility he might make her a permanent part of his life. He was charismatic and she found herself falling under his spell. She hoped he could feel the same about her.
She checked the clock as she began to pace again. The phone ringing startled her and she gave a yelp. Hurriedly she ran to get it and almost sighed with relief when Gray identified himself. He told her he would be round to pick her up in about twenty minutes. She got a little angry when he said, " Just be ready and dressed suitably."? Patricia retorted that she knew how to dress and Gray said with a placating chuckle that he would be the judge of that.
Patricia rushed into her bedroom and nervously rechecked her attire in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. The black velvet halter topped dress looked good, the halter tied with a big ornate bow, forming a backdrop for her long graceful neck. It ought to; it had set her back the majority of her paycheck. The strapless push up bra lifted her full breasts, filling out the halter-top nicely.? She was pleased with her high-heeled sandals, thinking that they enhanced her long legs.
The image in the mirror looked sleek, cultured, the kind of woman Gray probably was used to. She worried that she would have to go broke trying to dress for him and she giggled at the idea, after all this was only their second date. The doorbell rang.
Gray's eyes roved over her, evaluating her as she stood before him in her entrance hall. "Good, the dress is a very nice choice," he finally said and she found herself being relieved she had pleased him. "The shoes are not suitable though, too casual. Do you have any black pumps with that high a heel?" he asked, his face taking on a look of distaste.
She was surprised to find herself blushing and feeling vaguely ashamed for not making a selection that pleased him. She hurried to her room and selected a pair of black pumps she had deemed too plain earlier. She slipped them on and hurried back for his appraisal. He rewarded her with a nod and a smile as he held out her wrap for her. She slid into it, feeling surprisingly feminine and dainty.
?They went to the car and she was surprised to see a limo. The chauffeur opened the door and Gray helped her into the cavernous seating compartment. He sat beside her and quickly revealed his surprise, tickets to the theater. She babbled her delight and he nodded to the chauffeur and the car began to move into the night. She felt very exclusive and elegant. The theater! She had never been. How thoughtful Gray was.
Gray had made also reservations for dinner at the Driftwood, one of the most exclusive restaurants in town and Patricia felt like Cinderella. They dined on roast pheasant accompanied by a bottle of excellent wine. They ate, oblivious to others, as their conversation drew them closer together, each finding much pleasure in the other's company. Patricia confessed her feeling that she was not good enough for Gray but he reassured her of her that she was perfect for him. She went on to cite several things about her that made her unworthy of him and again he told her that her financial status, her having been previously married, and her recent weight gain were of no importance to him. He told her he enjoyed her intelligence and her personality.
"Not to mention your beauty."
Patricia ducked her head and smiled demurely.
?To himself, Gray noted her feeling of inferiority. He told her he cared for her as she was and Patricia was elated. All too soon it was time to leave for the theater.
The theater was packed but Gray's purchase of tickets for a private box gave them luxurious room and privacy to enjoy the program, an opera about a kidnapped girl. The plot presented the girl as independent and unwillingly falling in love with her authoritative captor. As the story progressed she ended up realizing her emerging strong feelings for her captor and her instinctive urge to be his mate. After working through the kidnapping and her rescue, she chose to stay with her captor as his woman on his terms, as his cherished, but subordinate, mate.
By the time the final curtain had fallen Patricia had found herself wanting to find love as the girl in play had. Gray had taken her hand gently during the play and she had thrilled to his touch. He had looked at her in feigned askance at his physical overture and she had smiled and clasped his hand tightly to express her consent.
Afterwards in the car he had produced another bottle of wine and busied himself pouring them each a flute. Patricia did not see Gray carefully dose her drink with GHB. He used a slightly greater amount than he used on their previous date.
"Here, dear Patricia, a toast to our splendid evening. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you did too."
"Oh yes! It was wonderful. Like magic."
She took the glass of wine and raised it to meet his. The small clink of the glasses punctuated the moment as they gazed into each other's eyes. Patricia felt herself melt as she studied Gray's dark blue eyes and she leaned forward to kiss him boldly. Their lips met and their passion was unmistakable. Gray broke away and smiled at her.
"Drink up, darling. We have all night."
After draining their flutes Patricia and Gray embraced again and their kisses burned with the unequivocal passion they felt. Gray moved his hand to cup Patricia's breast and she instinctively made an attempt to brush it away. Gray looked into her eyes and said, "You are mine tonight, these are mine. I will touch them if I wish." Patricia blushed and nodded demurely, vaguely pleased at having a man who took control. Gary's hand cradled her breast as he kissed her deeply. The car sped down the highway towards Gray's home.
Patricia began to feel woozy as Gray helped her from the limousine. The driver moved the car a short distance away and stopped. Gray unlocked the front door and took Patricia?s hand and led her into the house. She unsteadily followed him and struggled to maintain her composure but the drowsiness quickly became overpowering and she said, " Gray, I feel dizzy, I need to sit down."
She staggered and Gray immediately guided her to a sofa and helped her to sit. She blearily looked at him and said, "I don't know what's wrong with me. Every time we go out I have a wonderful time but then I seem to pass out. I am sorry. I don't want you to get disgusted with me."
"Don't worry, I don't think ill of you at all. I like having a woman who needs me to tend to her. I will take care of you, just let go and sleep."
Gray looked down at her expectantly and Patricia smiled, thinking of the girl in the play, and let herself slip away. He gazed down, watching her smile trustingly up at him as she passed out, feeling his heart tug as emotion coursed through him. She was perfect for him. Once Gray saw that she was fully unconscious he carefully checked her respiration and heartbeat.
Satisfied, he pulled her forward and unfastened her halter, exposing her bosom. He knelt in front of her and unclasped her bra awkwardly, freeing her breasts. He massaged them and squeezed them tenderly, closely examining the nipples and aureoles, again enjoying the large size and the color of her paps and teats. He watched as his fingers stroked and gently pulled the long nipples. They stiffened immediately and rose. He lowered his head and suckled on each nipple, feeling them swell even more in his mouth. Smiling at his success he rose and went to a nearby sideboard where he rummaged in a drawer and retrieved a camera.
He smiled again as Patricia moaned in her sleep. He snapped a picture of her tits that showed her face as well. He then spread her legs, pushed her dress up, and removed her panties and took a few shots of her cunt before and after inserting her own fingers into it.
He flipped her dress up higher, removed her fingers from her vagina and began to frig her pussy himself. He watched his finger slide into her cunt. He slipped another finger in, then another, soon he had three of his fingers sliding in and out of her now very wet cunt, his knuckles glistening with her juices. He carefully snapped a shot of his fingers rammed deep into her cunt, making sure her face was in the picture and plainly identifiable.
The feeling Gray was experiencing was alien to him. He found he cared deeply for this woman, cared so much he was concerned that he would not be able to keep her in the fashion he wanted. She was so vulnerable and trusting and he could tell she could become intensely devoted to him, more so than any woman he had encountered before. He actually considered making their relationship an exclusive one.
Gray imagined living out his life with this willing female, her body and love solely his. His private paradise with his well trained and willing subject, one who would never know or service another. He thought deeply for several minutes and made a decision. Gray put the camera aside and went to the front door. He unlatched the lock and stuck his head out. Yes, there was his chauffeur.?
"Larry, please step inside.? I need a hand here."
Larry looked up. When he saw the excitement on Mr. Winton's face his own eyes grew hot with anticipation. He hurried to the door to enter, feeling his cock already begin to stiffen in his slacks. He had given his boss "a hand" before and it had always proven to be most pleasurable.
Larry's ability to keep his mouth shut about what he heard and saw made him a preferred driver for many of Gray's circle of friends. His willingness to participate enhanced his desirability. Larry's discretion and willingness to use his sexual skills often paved the way for him in many scenes such as this one. Gray led his driver into the house and presented the exposed and unconscious Patricia.
"I hope to make this one my latest acquisition, Larry."
Larry took in the big nipples and hairy pudenda. Nice looking hole, he thought. Grinning slyly, Larry bent and pulled Patricia's cunt lips apart to make her pussy gape. His grin widened when he saw how plainly wet Patricia's labia were. Smirking and nodding he glanced over at Gray.
?"What do you think, Larry?" Gray said quietly, feeling himself fill with jealously for the first time in years.
" She looks like she needs a good dicking, Mr. Winton. I mean, just look at that hole, now that's pretty juicy. That cunt needs to be dicked in the worst way. Needs a cock bad. Want me to plow her for you?"
"Yes, please," Gray forced himself to say. He went on, telling himself it was for the best," Do you mind if I take some shots while you use her?"
"Go ahead. I know you're discreet," Larry said as he unzipped his slacks and jacked at his already hard cock in anticipation of fucking the pussy before him.
Larry quickly slipped a condom over his stiff dick and, unhesitating, positioned himself over the helpless woman. He worked his cock into her cunt and began to slowly hump her. He looked over at Gray and grinned as he flagrantly used Patricia's cunt to gain his orgasm.
"Oh, yeah, she?s got some good pussy, good pussy, look at her take my meat, " he said as he pumped his dick in and out more quickly.
Gray shot several pictures of Larry's cock sliding in and out of his captive's cunt, making sure to get Patricia's face and body in the pictures. He was relieved as the misgivings he felt about seeing Patricia used by another man slowly fell away. They were replaced by the familiar pleasing sense of superiority and power Gray always experienced when he watched one of his females being fucked by another male. It was immensely satisfying to him for other men to desire his women and use them if he chose for them to. What power it implied!
"Yeah, take my meat, girl, get it."
Larry continued to fuck the slave-candidate, gradually thrusting harder as he got ready to orgasm. His thick cock slid in and out of Patricia's vagina, his cods banging softly against her supple ass.
"Uhhh?thanks, man,? Larry said to Gray as he pumped his cock into Patricia, "How'd you know I was wanting a hole to dump my load in?"
Gray snapped another shot and said, " I didn't, Larry, but I have never known you to turn pussy down."
"Unnnn...true," Larry groaned and thrust deeply as he began to orgasm. He pushed himself powerfully into the unconscious woman, burying his cock up to his cods. He grimaced as he began shooting his cum, quickly filling the tip of the rubber he wore. He finished and smiled, reaching down to stroke one of Patricia?s breasts.? Sighing he pulled his spent cock out of her cunt. He began stripping the used rubber off but before he could discard it Gray said, "Say, Larry, try pouring your cum on her face and into her mouth. Be careful feeding it to her though. She's pretty far under."
After zipping his slacks, Larry began easing the sperm from the condom into Patricia's mouth. The unconscious woman instinctively swallowed as cum dribbled slowly into her mouth. Larry laughed, "Gonna make a cum eater out of this one?"
"Oh yes. A cum eater and much more."
"What do you have in mind, Mr. Winton?"
"You'll see eventually."
"Yes, sir. Whatever you say, but I would like to get into that again sometime, " Larry answered, nodding towards Patricia's cunt.
"You may get your chance," said Gray.
Larry thanked Gray again for the pussy and headed back outside to await further orders.
Gray leaned over and began to finger Patricia's used cunt. She was still juicy. He sighed with satisfaction and released his large cock with his free hand and after taking his other hand from her cunt he began to smear his cockhead with the juice accumulated from her cunt. He slid a thin latex sheath onto his cock then began to rub his cockhead along her pussy lips, teasing himself. When he could take it no more he jammed his thick meat into her and began to pump his hips.?
He was amused to see that she began to weakly shove herself onto his cock even though she had just be fucked mightily by his driver.? He kept thrusting into her as he began to pull her nipples. It did not take long before she began to orgasm, once again thrilling him with her cunt spasming on his surging cock, making him dump his full balls into her ready cunt. He fell onto her and allowed his cock to deflate within her.
After his cock slipped from her vagina he stood and stretched, feeling excellent from fucking the unconscious but responsive woman. He pulled the rubber free and emptied his spunk onto the unconscious woman's vaginal opening. He snapped a shot of her with his sperm apparently leaking from her gaping cunt and then he bent, picked her up and carried her down stairs to his basement.
Chapter 5- Step Four in Acquisition
Patricia woke slowly and tried to roll over. When she found she could not she snapped her eyes open. Futilely she tried to move her arms and legs from the awkward positions they were in but had no luck. She realized she was tied to a chaise lounge, her arms pulled up over her head and her feet bound to the chaise legs at the foot. She was dressed but her bodice had been pulled down and her breasts exposed. Her skirt had also been pulled up, her hose and panties gone, and her vagina was made public to anyone who came in. Horrified, she struggled vainly against the silken ropes holding her captive. She knew immediately that Gray had done this and she looked around for him.
Gray was nowhere to be seen but then he could have been in the dark recesses of the room where no light fell. The only light was focused on three large pictures, each of a different woman on her hands and knees in obvious submission, her eyes down cast as she licked at the head of a huge cock hanging in front of her. She felt a flicker of recognition looking at the man?s penis for some reason. None of the pictures had been made in the same setting though the long thick cock and plump balls in each one appeared to be the same. Two of the pictures were taken out of doors and the other was apparently taken in someone's living room.
Each print was illuminated by track lighting and all of the women were nude, wearing nothing but collars and leashes like animals. In each picture the leash was obviously held by the man whose penis they licked so humbly. She could not see the man's face in any of the prints. Still, she could see his strength and power reflected in the stance he held, hips thrust forward, legs locked, his free hand resting casually on his hip as he accepted the homage from the woman at the end of the leash.
She found herself being strangely excited by the pictures and her eyes widened as she studied them. Instinctively she knew the man in the prints was Gray. What did he have in mind for her? Would he have her do the same? Repulsion, shame, and embarrassment coursed through her, alternating with the tiniest shivers of excitement.
Patricia struggled uselessly against her bonds. She tried vainly to recall the previous night but could not recall all of it. She remembered the dinner, the theater, and kissing Gray passionately during the drive afterwards but from that point she was vague. They had reached Gray's house but her memory was completely fogged over from that point. She knew she'd been very careful not to drink much, she did not want to anger Gray by passing out again. She had become so attracted to him, feeling herself begin to fall in love with him
The sound of footsteps approaching erased all thoughts of the past night out of her mind. She struggled on the chaise again, blushing furiously, knowing that it had to be Gray. She was dizzy with shame and embarrassment; strongly wishing her dress' disarray was not so brazenly exposing her breasts and pussy even though she knew that Gray had to have positioned her thus.
Gray entered the room wearing the same black vest he had on during their first dinner date. He came to the couch and looked down at Patricia and smiled. "How are you this morning my love?"
Patricia was caught in a battle of emotions; anger, embarrassment, and shame, as she watched Gray looking down on her and seeing his glance occasionally move to her exposed pussy.
"Why have you done this? Please let me go. Let me go!" Patricia said and Gray bent and placed his hand over her mouth firmly.
"Easy, darling. Be quiet or I will have to gag you immediately."
Her eyes looked up at him hurt and wide.
"Patricia, listen to me. It's a kink of mine; I like to have women completely under my control, physically and sexually. You didn't pass out from drinking the first night we went out, I drugged you and had my way with you then and last night. I have been so turned on by you I had to have you in the manner I pleased and I did not want to deal with you refusing or fighting me. You responded beautifully both times. Very well, in fact. You are very responsive, even drugged."
Gray produced the pictures that he had snapped the evening before, holding them in front of her face, making sure she saw the extent to which he had used her. Her eyes closed in shame after seeing the photographs of herself having sex with a man she assumed was Gray.
"Now Patricia, nothing to be ashamed of, it is what you are made for. I am enchanted with you and I just had to see if sex with you was good and I did. By the way, you are amazing. I've never stuck my cock into a cunt like yours. You were made for sex. Why, even drugged beyond comprehension you fucked me silly."
Patricia looked up at him, feeling his hand across her mouth, cringing from the blatant sexual language, hurt and scared but finding also herself some how pleased with Gray's adulation of her ability in bed. She moaned, distraught with her inner turmoil and the situation.
"Ah, Patricia, don't be disappointed. Sex is not the only reason I have done this. I care for you greatly. I find myself wildly enamored of you, falling in love with you and unable to control myself. I am sure you've heard about your sexual talent before, if not you should have, but I have other plans for you too. Now I am going to let your mouth go, don't scream, it will do no good. This room is completely soundproofed."
Gray removed his hand. Patricia gasped and blurted, "Let me go, I'll do whatever you want. I would have gone to bed with you anyway. You didn't have to drug me." As she said it Patricia was shocked to realize that she really did mean it. She was also surprised that in spite of her discomfort she was experiencing a shiver of excitement at the idea of being forced to have sex.
"Good girl. That is the first step towards your freedom."
She looked at him, surprised, freedom?
"You intend to set me free?
"I will set you free, have no fear. You do not have to stay here if you do not wish to. But if you do wish to stay here with me I want to play some more. Do you understand? I want to take some time with you and your lovely body, while you are awake, to see how you like being with me, to see you truly respond, to see if you enjoy me as much as I do you. Also I want to have you aware that I am using you and of what I like. Relax, it won't be so bad, I am not a cruel man, I don't believe in harsh physical pain, in fact you will find some pain pleasurable if you just follow your body's cues."
"Can't you untie me? I really do want to be with you," she answered gazing at him with a foreign sexual desire tentatively growing in spite of the fact he had drugged and raped her. Her helplessness and Gray's calm control had really excited her. She found herself feeling oddly safe even though Gray had done this to her via drugs and trickery.
?"No, dearest, I rather like you under my control. I am sure you've seen the prints on the walls?"
Patricia glanced at the women orally paying devotion to the man's cock and felt a twinge of jealousy as now she knew for certain the cock was Gray's. She felt another stirring of desire to show him she could make him happier than the nameless women of the past.? Shyly, she looked back at up at Gray and asked, "That's you? Those are your women?"
"Yes, that is me and those were little playmates I've had in the past. But, Patricia, I dearly want you to be more than that, not a mere playmate. However, take heed, that is how I like my women. Completely in my control. Suitably submissive, adoring, and in their appropriate place as women, appropriate to me anyway, as my property."
Patricia gazed up at him, nodding, and her mind a whirl. He wanted her for more than a playmate! A vision of her at Gray's side on a cruise ship came into her mind. The idea of collars and leases were superseded by this thought. Her eyes remained fastened on Gray. Gray's eyes were kind as he returned her gaze. "All right," he said, "Shall we begin?" Patricia nodded again, tentatively.
Gray leaned over and caressed her breasts. "MMMM...very pretty tits. I like that." Patricia closed her eyes and bit the inside of hr cheek to keep from whimpering from the shame that washed over her. Gray pulled her bra down and arranged it so that each breast was supported but left uncovered. She turned her head, eyes still shut, and flushed pink with embarrassment while he arranged her breasts and openly discussed them. Helplessly she moaned, "Please, no. Please don't. I hate it!"
"No, dear. You shouldn?t hate it. You have lovely nipples?They seem to love being toyed with. They stick out and plead to be pulled. Like this."
Gray took each nubbin of sensitive flesh in his fingers and began to pull and roll it while looking down at Patricia, noting the red flush of her embarrassment. Gray watched her grimace as her breath escaped in a big rush when she felt Gray's fingers manipulating her nipples. They quickly began to swell in his fingers.
"You do like that don't you Patricia? Like me pulling your pretty nipples?" he asked, smiling benignly down at the spectacle of Patricia fighting her inhibitions and her body's obvious positive reaction as his fingers pinched and rolled her teats.
"Stop, please, stop," she whispered from between clenched teeth.
Gray continued to tease her teats, knowing from the prior sessions what his ministrations would do to her. Every thirty seconds or so he would ask, "Do you like that, Patricia?" He knew he was making progress when Patricia finally muttered helplessly, "Yes, oh, yes, yes!" He slowed his play and began to rub her breasts leaving her nipples swollen and poking up stiffly.
"Look at these teats! They need to be licked, hmm?"
As he bent and licked the tips Patricia, now quite excited, arched her back to get her nipples into his mouth. Score one for me, Gray thought, tasting the stiff nipples. "Ummm, so you want to be suckled do you? Is that what you are trying to get me to do? Suckle your hard nipples?"
Patricia was silent with shame as she deliberately strained to get her stiff nipples into Gray's mouth. She couldn't say it out loud but that was exactly what she wanted. Gray teased her nipples with his tongue, his goal to hear her ask him to suckle her. "You must tell me what you want, dear," Gray instructed as he continued to lick at her stiff nipples.
?Patricia cringed inwardly, she had always had a hard time voicing sexual wants, ever, even Glen had been hard put to get her to ask to be sucked or fucked. Gray was not Glen though, he was much more skilled and authoritative, and under his hands it did not take long. Within minutes a tiny whispered plea reached Gray's ear, "Please...yes, please."
"Good girl, now I'll suck them for you."
Gray obliged, taking each of Patricia's rigid nipples into his mouth and sucking hard as a reward for her answer while she moaned with relief. He soon stopped and said against her flesh, "Now you must do something for me."
"Uh, please, please," Patricia moaned wanting desperately to feel his mouth pulling at her breasts again. He leaned back and readjusted her bra to better display her tits. He then stood and unzipped his fly and extracted the large cock that was evidenced in the framed prints. "Open your eyes. Look at my cock. Look at it," he ordered, hanging its length over her face and mouth.
Gray?s stimulation of Patricia?s nipples had the same effect on Patricia it had when Glen had done it. She was willing to do as Gray asked. Patricia opened her eyes and gazed at his erect penis.
?Lick it,? Gray commanded.
As if dreaming she felt her tongue pass over her lips and, almost paralyzed with shame, she began to lick the underside, tasting the warm musky flesh of his cock. He reached down and lifted her head by placing his hand under her neck, giving her support as she obediently bathed his cock with her tongue.
"Good girl, lick it well. Still want me to suckle your breasts? Tell me what you want me to do."
She did not answer, attentively licking his dick, her face red with embarrassment, until he reached down for her breasts with his free hand. He began gently pinching and pulling her nipples, first one then the other. Triggered by his manipulations, Patricia felt lust fill her and she mouthed his cock, now laving it avidly with her tongue.
"Umm, good girl...good girl. But I asked you a question. You should answer me now."
She struggled with herself to get the words out. It was so hard to say what she wanted in a sexual situation but Gray's relentless tugging and tweaking of her nipples forced a response out of her. She moaned, "Please, yes, please do it."
"Do what, my love? What is it you want me to do?"
"Oh, please?" Her face flushed even redder.
"What? You must say it."
Gray tickled the tips of her nipples, enjoying her dismay.
Patricia's eyes screwed shut again and she forced out the words in a whisper,??????? " Suck them."
He pulled away from her mouth and lay her head down, then he straddled the chaise.
"You must suck my cock first to earn your desire. Open you eyes and look at it, " Gray ordered gently, now using both hands to renew his tugging at her nipples. "I am going to keep teasing your nipples while I allow you to suck me. I?m going to let you suck my cock until I am ready to cum and if you?ve sucked me off nicely, I will allow you to eat sperm from my dick. Will you eat all the sperm I feed you?"
Hearing Gray say this so calmly and confidently caused Patricia to quiver with an unexpected thrill. She opened her eyes and gazed at his stiff cock. His fingers busied themselves teasing her nipples getting her more excited and she found herself eagerly wanting to do as he described but how could she? It was nasty, only whores and sluts did that. She had been well taught in that respect by Glen.
"What do you say Patricia?"
"No?no, I can?t. Please!"
He waved his cock above her face enticingly, watching her eyes follow its every move.
"Now, my dear, you must. Look at it. Look at my dick, Patricia. Look at that big cock, look at the head of it. It needs to be suckled. Just open your mouth and suck it for me. You want it, don't you? You know you do. Just think of its thickness and strength in your mouth and being able to suck on it."
He twisted her nipples gently and her answer came breathily, "Oh, I just can?t do that. It?s wrong."
Gray could almost feel the heat from her gaze as her eyes followed his cock waving in front of her.
"What do you want to do, Patricia? Do you want me to free you and send you home?"
?No, please. I want to be with you.?
?Then suck me.?
She raised her head and her hot breath fell on his member. He suppressed a groan of pleasure.
?Take it. Put it in your mouth and suck it.?
Her tongue touched him. She began to gingerly lick his cockhead.
He allowed her to do so while pulling and pinching her nipples gently, urging her on.
She began to pant and finally closed her mouth on his cock and awkwardly suckled him. When she began to suckle him with a bit more gusto and evenness he pulled his dick free and asked, ?What do you want to do, love? You must tell me.?
She closed her eyes and whimpered, "Ohhhhhh...put you in my mouth."
Gray took pleasure in the shame he knew she felt as she struggled to say the words. He watched gleefully as she lifted her head higher, trying to get her mouth on his cock. He pulled it back further, just out of her reach.
"Why do you want to suck my cock? Tell me, dear. Look at it when you tell me." Gray was enjoying watching the spectacle of Patricia straining and arching her neck upward in an attempt to get his big dick into her mouth.
"Ohhhh, I-I can't help it. I have to. I need it in my mouth...please," the words came rushing out of Patricia's mouth, her hot breath flowing over his penis, warming it anew.
" Yes, you want to love it, of course. Good. Now, do you just like my cock, Patricia? Or would you suck any cock?"
"Oh, yours, just yours," Patricia moaned truthfully. Gray smiled, that would do for now.
Patricia's eyes remained locked on his cock and he maneuvered his hips to finally feed his turgid penis into her now eager mouth. Her mouth fastened onto his dick and she began suckling him avidly. Her eyes closed as she tried to hide her shame for her helpless desire to fellate him and earn his approval.
He looked down at his blood-darkened cockshaft sliding in and out of her red lips and saw her attempts to hide herself behind her lowered eyelids as her passion took control. He smiled, pleased with the fact that she now suckled his cock without the influence of the drug.
"Open your eyes, Patricia, look at my cock while you suck it," Gray ordered. Her eyes fluttered open and she self-consciously stared at the thick shaft of his cock as it slid in and out of her mouth. "Show me what a good cocksucker you are."
Gray continued to tweak her nipples using varying pressure and duration. He was rewarded by the intensity of her sucking responding to the amount of stimulation he applied. Carefully he changed his technique from tweaks and pinches to a practiced milking motion and she began to suck him steadily, moaning while sliding her head awkwardly back and forth. He mused as she sucked him, feeling her wet mouth slither along his saliva slickened rod.
Gray knew from this experience that with kindness and encouragement he would soon have an established Ds relationship with Patricia. Then, in her training he could probably coax Patricia into any act of sex he pleased just by teasing her nipples. He intended to do just that. His goal was to have her become his willing slave, in love with him and eager for attention of any sort. He wanted her be a zealous participant in any activity he devised just for the honor of him using her in some fashion, to be, literally, in the end, a sex slave to him, to his cock, at his whim and command, for his amusement. He needed lots of sexual amusement, as he seemed to always be sexually stimulated.?
Gray wanted to have such a woman, emotionally bonded to him, but consensually kept like a pet, collared, leashed, and down on all fours most of the time. It would entail an extreme amount of devotion and self discipline from the woman. She would have to be extremely loyal, compliant, and eager for the slightest attention from him, just as a dog would. It excited him. Gray recalled the exquisite feeling of having a woman crawling after him on a leash, though those that had done so had seen his desire as a part of sex play.
Gray wanted a woman who would remain in a submissive role though she would be the mistress of his home. He wanted a woman who eagerly would suck his cock or allow him to rut her at his whim, and be appropriately grateful for his attention. If possible he intended for Patricia to be that woman, a permanent fixture in his life. His new pet.
Gray knew from past experiences that Patricia would feel a growing attachment to him as he took her through each new submissive act with overt acceptance of her participation. She would become focused on attaining his praise and approval. She would become more willing to try the sexual things he asked, learning to enjoy them. By encouraging her with stimulation and kindness, he knew he could teach her to accept her natural role as a submissive female sexual creature. He knew he would have to ignore her at times to keep her interest and cause her to become more willing to respond as he desired.
Gray planned, as Patricia became less inhibited and more attached to him he would begin to sexually withhold himself from her. With training, the ultimate compensation for Patricia's willingly obedient submission would be nothing more than Gray's allowing her to service his penis. She would be willing to do anything to be allowed to do so. This, Gray felt, was the true and natural order of things in a heterosexual couple. The woman should be eagerly willing to do the man?s bidding in order to be granted the privilege of worshipping his penis with her mouth and body. He enjoyed the idea of having that type of control over a woman and relished the idea of having a female who would eagerly perform for him merely for access to his manhood as a reward.? He could accomplish this with Patricia if she gave him the chance to. He could do it if he could coax her to stay with him for a while and expose her only to his training and commands.
Gray would begin by encouraging and allowing her to let go sexually with only rewards of orgasm, praise, and kindness.? Consequently she would eventually desire his attention and approval above all else, even when his attention inevitably took the form of humiliation and ridicule. In fact, in time, he would be able to make her crave such treatment if she knew she might be rewarded with his kindness/cock as favor afterward.
But Gray's long term plan was to have Patricia eagerly willing to service any male's cock for him. Gray wished to condition her to the point that her supreme reward was his praise and his allowing access to his own cock, the ultimate prize for suitably obedient behavior. Gray?s self-control, years of practice, and knowledge would be a key to achieving this in private but Gray knew Patricia's willing cooperation would be necessary for him to fulfill his social goals with his Domination group.
Regardless of his master plan, Gray found himself falling in love with Patricia and he was thrilled. From her vulnerability, her past loyalty to her ex-husband, and her apparent psychological makeup, it was apparent that she was possibly a true submissive. He saw evidence of this in her obvious sense of inferiority, her eagerness to please, her easy submission to his sex scene. All of these traits would enable him in accomplishing his goal. He loved her and these features in her. This was perfect. He could not keep a pet he did not love.
Gray knew not to let himself get carried away with Patricia's initial willingness to perform. She was now in the throws of sexual abandon due to his initially releasing her from her previous inhibitions and the novelty of the scenario. He wanted her to be willing and eager due to the mere possibility he would use her under any circumstances. He had to be careful, to tenderly and kindly teach her to love sex with him as he wished it. He was counting on building her trust in him and then her intense loyalty to help achieve this. Then he could move forward and teach her to love sex in any form, at any time, and with whomever he designated for her to have sex with..
Gray's other plans for Patricia hinged on her devotion, loyalty, and willingness to obey him. She would truly become a willing sexual slave for him. A personal pet, a woman kept in a sexually submissive role, a woman he had complete control over. A woman he could use to show his circle of selected friends his prowess as a Master Dominant, not that they doubted his abilities. Patricia would be his permanent sex slave and companion.
"Do you want to eat my cum, Patricia?" Gray asked casually as she slurped at his cock. "Mmmmm-hmmmm," she mumbled around his dick, finding herself sucking harder in anticipation. He began to tweak her nipples mercilessly, urging her to suck frantically at his thick cock as his hips jerked it in and out of her greedy mouth.
"Okay, dearest, do a good job of sucking my dick and I will let you have a mouth full of my cum," Gray muttered as his cock itself began to jerk and throb with the expectancy of filling Patricia's mouth with semen.? " There you are, my baby, I?m? coming. Now don't lose any of it, show me you know it?s an honor to suck me off. Look up at me while you eat my cum, show me the gratitude in your eyes while you swallow it."
Patricia felt the cock in her mouth twitch and pulse and felt the hot spunk begin to shoot, filling her oral cavity with bitter, tart fluid. She squirmed with shame as she heard what Gray was saying but she did not allow his cock to slip from her mouth. Her head bobbed and she gulped rapidly to accommodate the big load of semen that began pumping steadily from Gray's cock. She looked up at him self-consciously and saw him lovingly gazing down at her, watching her swill down his hot cum as he moaned. It seemed endless and she continuously gulped to swallow it all as she looked up to his eyes. Gray's eyes were glowing with love and acceptance. She heard his moans of pleasure and felt strangely rewarded.
Patricia did not know that Gray's moans were largely attributed to watching her eat his cum so obediently, his cock deep in her mouth. Seeing her shame filled eyes looking up at him as she suckled his ejaculating cock heightened the sensation of orgasm he was experiencing. Score another, thought Gray as he watched Patricia obediently eat the sperm from his dick.
"Clean it with your tongue," Gray ordered and Patricia began to lick his cock, as asked, cleaning it scrupulously with her mouth and tongue. As his cock slowly deflated Gray lessened his manipulation of Patricia's nipples. "That was wonderful, darling. You are a good little cocksucker. I am so pleased with you! Now let?s get to your breasts, shall we?"
Patricia blushed, her eyes dilated with both excitement and embarrassment. Gray moved back off the chaise and knelt and began to suckle her breasts in earnest, wanting to reward her for her performance as a cocksucker. He could feel her hips move with desire beneath him as his mouth drove her along. He stopped sucking and murmured against her aureole, "Do you like to be eaten out, Patricia?" "No, please don't stop..." Patricia groaned as Gray paused, her inhibitions lessening with Gray's new control of her libido.
"Like a hard cock in your vagina?"
"MMM, yes, but please don't stop what you're doing."
Gray began pulling and teasing Patricia's nipples again as he spoke. "I'll suckle you as you wish dear but I am afraid my poor cock is spent. Would you mind if I used a dildo for your satisfaction?"
"Please! Whatever you want, " Patricia muttered, cringing as she heard the desperation her voice.
Gray smiled, "Oh yes, dearest, I will suck your little nipples well, just let me get something for your little cunny..." as he reached under the chaise and brought out a realistic dildo fastened to the inner side of a pelvic harness.
"All right darling let me strap you into this and you can get your satisfaction while I nurse your beautiful breasts. I can't wait to get your nipples into my mouth to suck, but I wanted to tell you first how very good you were, you took my manhood so well into your sweet mouth. Did you like eating my cum dear?"
"Ummm, yes, oh yes... I loved it," Patricia answered truthfully, her nipples aching sweetly under Gray's teasing fingers and the promise of his suckling her. Patricia looked up at him, her sexual excitement, along with his praise and kindness, thrilling her.
She found herself blurting out," Thank you for letting me." Gray smiled broadly at her extra unsolicited response to his question.
Amazed, Patricia felt herself relax in the freedom Gray's control of her body gave her. She was surprised at her new sense of freedom and security, in spite of the bonds that held her down on the chaise and the man who had just 'forced' her to suck his cock. She quickly realized that it was the bonds that set her free.
Gray said, ?Darling, you were so welcome and so wonderful. I wish I had found you long ago. I?d love to be able to feed you my sperm everyday. You?re the woman I?ve always dreamed about!? Gray took her into his arms and kissed her. Patricia kissed him back ardently. She was thrilled at his words!
Gray enjoyed kissing Patricia. He felt her response and instinctively knew he was getting past her initial barriers of fear and inhibition. As his tongue slid around hers, he stroked her cheek and cradled her head to share with her his tenderness and intimacy. He smiled inwardly, knowing that things were going much better than he had imagined. Patricia was so repressed and his simple freeing her of her unrealistic moral responsibility and shame over her instinctual urges was going to be a big factor in her voluntarily becoming his willing property.
Initially Patricia had been afraid the reason Gray had tied her was to physically abuse her. Not that his secret drugging and usage of her body was not abuse but this morning was more like love play than actual abuse. Gray kissed her again on the mouth, deeply and intimately and Patricia responded with ardor. She found herself wishing she could put her arms around him and hold him close but the bonds held her down.
Though Gray's idea of sexual fun was very foreign to Patricia it was surprisingly arousing. He was neither unkind nor cruel, and his control over her helped diminish her distaste for and shame about sex. His assured demeanor and confident command of her body also excited her. She felt free because he physically controlled her and she was helpless and, therefore, blameless in doing his bidding. Though he compelled her to have sex with him, he offered encouragement and praise for her participation. In fact, his acceptance had motivated her to continue willingly. His physical control of her body, his praise and favorable reception of her responses had helped Patricia to relax and do as he asked though she found it hard to say the words he wanted her to say.
Deep within Patricia?s subconscious mind references to more instinctive desires surfaced. Gray had an exceptionally large cock her primal brain equated with reproductive ability. Other complicated psychological processes within her mind subconsciously equated the massive size of Gray's penis with power, strength, and authority. As a result, she had felt naturally inferior and subservient, therefore, instinctively obliged and even grateful to be allowed to put Gray?s penis into her mouth and suck it as he ordered.
As the session continued, Patricia realized just how much Gray's 'play' had stimulated her and she felt a deep gratitude at being able to respond to him and not be 'responsible' for her actions.
Patricia recalled that every time she had been the slightest bit sexually forward with her former husband, Glen, accusations had been made and her womanhood and fidelity had been questioned. Whenever she expressed sexual need of her own Glen had accused her of being a "filthy cheap whore" and "an indecent slut" and worse. This led Patricia to feel guilty about her sexual desires. She had learned to be demurely responsive but never openly sexual, keeping her longings well hidden. Glen's abuse had made it safer to pretend not to like it at all and she was afraid of losing control and being chastised for her desires. Years of stifling her libido had taken their toll and she had become prudish and unwilling to admit any sexual interest in men. Through his physical control of her body, Gray had freed her to enjoy herself sexually and had been willing to meet her needs after demanding she fulfill his. She saw nothing wrong with this quid pro quo but it still was not easy for her to convey her desires.
After a while Gray broke the kiss off and lifted the skirt of Patricia's dress. He pinched the upper part of her inner thighs to signal her to spread her legs and give him access to her cunt. ?Spread your legs,? he commanded. Patricia blushed, but obediently spread her legs, causing her cunt to gape open even more as it was offered for Gray's use.
Gray smiled approvingly and said, ?Good girl.? He tugged on the swollen cunt lips, pulling them wide apart and exposing the heart of the slave candidate's cunt. He prodded at her vaginal opening with the head of the dildo, gently pushing it inside of her. He slowly fitted the 8" rod snugly in her open cunt, rocking it back and forth to get it as far within her as possible. Then he strapped the attached harness meticulously about her hips, giving her the full effect of a cock lodged inside her deeply.
"There, darling, I will untie your feet but I will leave your hands bound on the long leads. I?ll bind you about the waist to the foot of the chaise. See, I want you to sit on my lap facing me so I may suck and play with your gorgeous teats while you ride this little toy to satisfaction for me. I want to see you cum for me. Can you do this?" He tweaked and pulled her nipples as he spoke to insure she would comply and he was not disappointed.
"Ummm, yes, please, please, Gray."
"Ahhh, darling, yes, you will be suckled? but you must call me Sir or Master, it will heighten the atmosphere and it's what I deserve, eh?"
"Yes, Master," she replied timidly.
Gray loosened the wrist cuffs from the chaise and fastened them together behind her back, making her breasts jut out. He then pinched her nipples, using them as leads, and guided her to her feet.
"And what do you want your Master to do, love?"
"Please, Master, please,"
Patricia was already wriggling in the dildo harness, amazed at the excitement she was experiencing just from referring to Gray as "Master."? Too embarrassed to speak, she arched her back, trying to make her nipples even more inviting. Gray smiled gently. His smile was the result of her unspoken response and her initial verbal acceptance of her role. Not wanting to push her too far he decided to praise her actions and finish this scene.
"Good girl, good, keep showing your Master those nipples. your pretty tits to your master, make me want to suck them while you have that cock deep inside of you."
Gray positioned Patricia kneeling on the foot of the chaise facing the head of it. He then used the ankle tethers to form a band about Patricia?s waist that he secured to the foot of the divan. He also retied the wrist leads to the foot of the chaise. This pulled her hands out behind her, causing her breasts to balloon out even more prominently. He pulled her dress up again and then slid himself between her legs. This placed him in a sitting position with her straddling his lap facing him. This resulted in her stiff nipples being level with his mouth. He disliked the fact that her head was above him but this was the first session for her and he needed her to be pleasured beyond compare to entice her to do his bidding in future sessions in hopes of receiving the same pleasure again.
Gray's tongue snaked out and began to quickly twitch back and forth over each stiffened teat as his hand squeezed each breast, bunching them up to offer the nipples for tongue-lashing. Patricia moaned and thrust her hips furiously, riding the dildo, slipping over to straddle one of Gray's thighs.
"Please, Master," she moaned and Gray began to nurse at the reddened tips of Patricia's heaving breasts. He nibbled and pulled alternately at each one, enjoying the stiff rubbery nubs of flesh on his tongue and lips. His eyes looked upward to see Patricia's head thrown back and her eyes closed in ecstasy as her hips pumped, riding the dildo. Gray continued to suck her teats for a few minutes and then abruptly stopped. He began tweaking and pulling the now elongated nipples with his fingers. He wanted to prolong and enhance her ecstasy/pain of desire. He wanted her to truly experience his Mastery of her body.
"Look here, Patricia. Watch me play with your breasts. Now!" Gray ordered. He waited until Patricia looked down; her eyes wide and dilated with excitement. He continued as he held her breasts up for her to view.?
" Look at your beautiful breasts and your long nipples. See how they stick out? Pleading to be pulled and sucked? You should never hide your nipples, love. You should display them always. Yes, I think you should keep them bared and exposed so they can be touched and pulled at anytime. Yes, kept bare so I may touch and suck them whenever I wish.
'They are really gorgeous. They just plead to be suckled. In only one way could they be better. Yes, my love, your breasts could be full of milk. You would be so beautiful with milk swollen breasts and your nipples sticking out, plump and needing relief. I would love to pull and suck on your nipples then, and I would milk you too, dear. Yes, Patricia, I would milk you often, like, Patricia, watch me milk your breasts."
As he spoke, Gray reached up and gently took Patricia's chin and guided her head down farther to see his use of her breasts. He took her left breast in his right hand and held it out, looking up to make sure she was watching. He gave a light squeeze to the breast causing the nipple and pap to bulge out even further. Gray delicately took the bulging nipple in the thumb and forefinger of his other hand and began milking the aureole and teat.? He glanced at Patricia's face and saw her eyes dilate with both shame and abandon at the intense pleasure she felt as she watched him 'milk' her.
"Oh, yes, dear, you would be milked like this regularly, several times a day, then sucked absolutely dry," he said continued as his fingers busily milked her nipple. "Would you like to be kept in milk, darling? Would you beg your Master to pull your nipples and milk you out? Beg to have your Master suckle you dry everyday?" "Unnnnn...yes,yes,yes!" Immediately she began to groan and thrust helplessly against his thigh, riding the dildo rammed deeply within her vagina. She squirmed deliciously with her heated eyes fastened on her Master's hands 'milking' her breast. Then a blazing release filled her, blooming up from her vulva, racing through her entire body.
Her orgasm was the most extreme one she had ever experienced. At that moment Patricia was completely Gray's. He could do anything he wished. Gray had an inkling of her carefully hidden wantonness but he had no idea of how much control he could exert over her through breast play. Patricia was mortified to find herself being so electrified by seeing herself 'milked' by a man who saw himself as her 'Master'.? Even so, she never wanted to leave him, she wanted to do everything he suggested, keeping her nipples exposed constantly for him to tease, suck and play with. His suggestions roared in her head, "Yes, yes, Master!" she began to scream as she came.
Patricia collapsed against him and her eyes closed as the throes of her orgasm threatened to sweep her past consciousness. Gray tenderly released her breasts and kissed the blooms at the heart of her aureoles. He began to stoke her back and face as she lay panting in his arms. He turned her slightly and smiled at the sight of her bound hands.
"Oh, darling, you are so good, so good. We will have so much fun together. You will see but let me send you home now."
"Send me home? Why? I want to hold you and love you. Don't you want to play some more, Gray?" she asked plaintively as Gray unbuckled the harness and gently removed the pussy soaked dildo from her heaving cunt. Silently he carefully placed it aside and untied her hands and waist, releasing her.
"Gray, have I done something wrong? Please, I want to stay with you."
"Gray? Excuse me, Patricia, I thought we had settled my name and role as far as you are concerned?"
"Oh, sorry? Master... Why are you sending me home? I would love to play some more."
"You need time to think about what's happened, about what I have done to you, both today and prior to this. You should think hard about how you have responded and how it's made you feel. I care for you a great deal but you should know that I am extremely sex oriented and that I only enjoy sex in this fashion. This has not been play. You may not want that. You may decide to turn me in to the police."
"No, I wouldn't! I love you, Gray. I want to be with you anyway you want," Patricia fervently exclaimed, desperate not to be turned out by this man. Gray silently rejoiced, this was what he wanted to hear.
"I love you too, Patricia, however, now you must be quiet and listen. You may decide to continue seeing me but if you do it will be on MY terms, not yours. Your wishes will come after mine always and you will always be compelled to do as I wish in order for us to remain together.? I know that is a lot to ask but it is the only way we can continue. I want you to make that decision with no immediate influence from me. Whatever you choose, your decision is yours to make. I will accept your choice what ever it may be."
"I know what I want, I want to be with you. You have done something for me that is wonderful. I actually enjoyed doing this with you. I have never been able to do this without feeling guilty and scared. I want you to do all the things you said. I love you," Patricia cried in desperation.
"Ah, darling, you have just been freed for the first time. Take some time to think about what you want. Do you truly think you would want to be at my beck and call always?? I don't want you to take such a step without much thought first. I was earnest about my wishes; my desires for you were not voiced without seriousness. We will wait one week and then talk, okay?"
Patricia unwillingly agreed. Gray controlled the situation. Reluctantly Patricia dressed as Gray watched. She looked at him beseechingly but he merely smiled and gazed at her as she fastened her dress and prepared to leave. After she had gotten fully redressed he stood and took her arm and guided her up the stairs to the house proper. He walked her to the front door and in the foyer he turned and kissed her deeply.
"I love you, Master," she said shyly, hoping he would change his mind.
He looked at her and said calmly, "I am glad to hear that for I love you, my pet. Now be a good girl and think about what has happened and what you want and what I want. I will call you in about a week."
With that Gray opened the door and she saw the limo waiting. Gray handed her into the car and waved at the driver who pulled away immediately. The drive home was long and she tenderly stretched, now recognizing her body's softly aching response to the unaccustomed use she had received in the past 24 hours.
Chapter Six - Step Five of Acquisition
That week Patricia's emotions and logic battled. She was appalled at the idea of having been drugged and raped by Gray.? Rape was the only word for what he had done, it could not be dressed up and presented as anything else.? As antithesis to this train of thought Patricia felt she had been freed of much of the guilt and shame she had experienced due to sex. With Gray, Patricia had the first good sex in her life. There had been no repercussions for her participation, none, in fact she had been rewarded for her appetite and interest.
She questioned her feelings for Gray. She had not known him that long and here she was professing love for him despite the fact he had raped her. Still, he had confessed his rape though he could have gotten away with it. She had not known. She considered the fact that he had not known her that long and he was suggesting she move into his home on a permanent basis.
She recalled their e-mails, their chats the morning after their first date and during the dinner before the theater. There had been a contact there that she could not deny, regardless of his rape of her. They had very similar interests and they enjoyed each other's company. It was easy to imagine being with him as his woman, subordinate to him, safe in his care, only having to be worried with pleasing him. She was sure she could please him.
Patricia looked around her small apartment and knew that she would not miss the place if Gray asked her to live in his huge home. She imagined waiting for Gray to come home after work. She saw herself demurely awaiting his request for a drink or snack before dinner and the look of pleasure he would give her when she happily granted his request. Suddenly, in her fantasy, Gray slipped his hand into her blouse and gave one of her nipples a pull, murmuring, "Time for your milking, dear."
Patricia flushed and squirmed in her chair, flooding with shame as sudden heat flooded her vulva. She slid her hand between her legs and began to slowly masturbate thinking of how Gray had brought her to orgasm before sending her home. She came quickly and the rush of guilt she felt afterward was a factor in her decision. In fact the guilty feeling was what finalized her decision. She had not felt guilt after sex with Gray.
The week went by slowly. Patricia found herself masturbating furiously each day, something she had never done before. She kept thinking of Gray, replaying the scenes from the weekend and the basement in her mind. She kept recalling him looking down at her while she was tied and helpless to cover herself and she felt an unfamiliar stirring in her loins. She kept imagining his fingers "milking" her.
By Wednesday she found herself fantasizing being one of the women in the photographs she had seen in Gray's basement. She wondered how it felt to wear a collar and cut one of her belts short and fashioned a makeshift tether to try on. Afterwards, she felt foolish and ashamed and threw the belt away. Still, later the same night she knelt and imagined herself sucking Gray's cock. She imagined gazing up at him and seeing him smiling down at her with pleasure and love as he pumped his penis in and out of her mouth.
Emotionally Patricia was a basket case.? She knew that Gray had taken advantage of her and used her in a most base way. She analyzed his profession of love for her and could not determine if he wanted her as a wife or a girlfriend. He would want plain old-fashioned companionship and surely he could not be sex driven all of the time? This worried her but the tantalizing lure of companionship and sex without guilt was great. She really did enjoy being with Gray and appreciated the security he offered. She anxiously waited the week out.
Friday she called in to work and said she was sick. It was a good thing because she found herself in sexual and emotional agony, lying in bed masturbating or just sitting and staring, lost in daydreams about a life with Gray. She cried as she thought of Gray, wanting to be with him, imagining feeling his insistent lips at her nipples, his teasing fingers driving her to new heights of lust. She went in AOL chat rooms on line and anonymously told of her exploits with Gray in D/s chat rooms and listened to other females share about their relationships with their "Masters". The chat rooms did nothing but heighten her excitement and anxiety.
On Friday night at 9pm the phone rang and Patricia almost screamed with fright and relief. Her emotional and sexual tension had her on edge and her sexual preoccupation had completely removed her from reality. The intrusion of the phone stunned her until she realized it must be Gray, her Master!
"Yes... Patricia?"
"Oh Master! Yes, yes, it's Patricia."
Gray asked for her if she would come see him and she agreed readily. He promised to send a car for her and she waited anxiously. The limo came within minutes and the driver silently helped her into the back. The night fled by as the car sped towards Gray's home.
Gray met Patricia at the door and led her into the foyer. He opened a set of double sliding doors on the right and ushered her into his elegant living room. The room was open and spacious. There were tasteful prints on the light gray walls and a large mirror above the marble fireplace. The furniture consisted of traditional divans and chairs covered in soft brown leather, accented by lush pillows and throws. The seating was serviced by gleaming wooden end-tables and, along the walls, sideboards. Gleaming brass lamps lay warmth across the lustrous wood floors, the grain of the wood enhanced by the skillful placement of rich oriental rugs. Minimalist flower arrangements gave a splash of complementary color to the paintings and carpets. A black leather slave collar and leash were very conspicuous lying alone on the coffee table between the two divans. Gray crossed the room and Patricia followed him.
Gray seated himself comfortably on one of the divans. When Patricia went to sit next to him he gently pushed her off the couch and guided her to the floor to sit at his feet, saying firmly, "Darling, when we are alone in my home this is your proper place. Always, unless I direct you otherwise." She sank down and sat on the heavy carpet. He leaned over and kissed her deeply then sat up and looked down at her. " I have missed you. Have you made your decision?" he asked, gazing down at her face.
"I want to be with you. I want to please you. I have been lonely for you all week. I kept remembering what happened Saturday morning in the basement and it doesn't matter. I just want to be with you," she answered with trembling desire in her voice.
"Patricia, really do be forewarned. I am talking about you living here with me, not a dating affair. I love you and this will be no fling, no part time play. If you choose to stay, your stay will begin immediately. I shall require you to be with me, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at my disposal. In return I will take care of all of your financial and medical needs indefinitely. Is that understood?"
Patricia considered what Gray had said. Live with him? Take care of all of her financial and medical needs? She looked deep into his eyes trying to fathom if he was being truthful. The sincerity she saw there was real. She felt herself melt and answered breathily, " Yes, M-M-M-Master...I...I...I think I am in love with you." Gray kissed her again and tweaked her nipples through her blouse as he sat looking down at her. She quivered joyously at his touch.
" Good girl, that is as it should be. You need to realize you must dispose of your belongings such as furniture, your car, your pets, anything that will take your attention away from me. You may make arrangements to store those things or sell them. I will pay off your debts and invest what money you have and what is due to you from work in the event that we part ways. I would never let you leave my home empty-handed."
"Don?t say that. I don?t want to leave, Master, I want to be with you always!"
"Time shall be the judge of that, Patricia. Now let me continue. You will not be allowed to work so you will have to quit your job. But, Patricia...hear the rest of what I require and see if you are still willing before we make plans for you to do any of those things," Gray said seriously as Patricia began to rub her head on his leg fondly.
"Oh yes, Master. I know I will be," Patricia said as she looked up at him with adoring eyes.
Gray's voice was kind but took on a note of unbending authority as he began, "Then I will tell you what I want. I want a full time companion, a woman and slave. I want you, to love and to do whatever I ask. You will not be a maid or a housekeeper. I intend to keep you like a pet, a pet for me to use any way I please. Someone who will make no demands on me, someone who will always be ready to suck my cock, be fingered, or fucked, or with you in mind specifically, Patricia dear...? Gray winked at her , ?eventually made to give milk so I will have to pull your nipples regularly." Patricia blushed and felt her nipples tighten beneath her clothing and her labia become damp.
Gray continued, "If you accept I will tolerate no arguments or refusals from you in the future. I require that you be obedient and willing to try and do as I ask. You will be loved dearly and, Darling, you already are. Even so, you should know that I have strict rules that you will learn and obey at all times. Eventually I will expose your naked body to others and that I will allow others to use you sexually if it pleases me. You will not have the option of refusing.?
Gray looked at her gazing up at him, seemingly stunned.
With his resolve strong but his hope limited, he went on, ?These things are necessary for my pleasure and your obedience and willingness to meet my demands will maintain my interest in you. I will rightly consider myself to be in complete ownership of you.? You will be a possession of mine and as such you will make no decisions about what happens to you. You must trust me implicitly, precisely obey my commands, and accept what I deem right for you. As I said, you will be my pet, my dearly loved woman, but my pet all the same. On some occasions and outings you will be clothed, but in my home you will almost always be nude and you will always wear this collar," he nodded towards the table. "Your life is to be orchestrated as I wish, just as a pet's would, in every aspect. Do you think you can be that for me, Patricia love? Is that what you want?"
Patricia stared at him and he waited for her answer. He had never been so blatantly overt about his requirements. He had to take the chance this time. It felt so right. Would she say yes or would she flee his home and make him start the search all over again? Patricia quivered and, blushing ever deeper, slowly began to remove her clothes. Gray watched in triumphant rapture, his heart pumping, his head ringing as each article of clothing came off, and she willingly bared her thighs, arms, vulva, and big nippled breasts.
Once Patricia was naked she reached for the collar and placed it about her neck. Turning she bent her head and offered the back of her neck to Gray saying, "Would you fasten my collar for me please, Master?" Victorious, Gray smiled and said, "Good girl. " Quickly Gray hooked the collar and then fastened the buckles over the eyehooks. He snapped on the leash and rose from the couch.
"Good girl, now don't move" he said again. He unzipped his slacks and extracted his cock and bounced its stiff length in his palm before her. He caressed her face with his other hand as he saw her eyes gravitate on it.
" See this?"
Patricia nodded and Gray continued,
" A man's cock is a physical symbol of his superiority over women. It is evidence of the power nature has given all males over females. We are stronger, we bestow the seed, and we choose the vessel for our seed. In accordance with this natural law, as my female, you are to love and worship me and my cock at all times. If you are obedient and you please me I will allow you access to my penis at my discretion and in the manner I choose. Your decision to accept your natural role has pleased me very much so I am going to show my pleasure with you by permitting you to suck me," he said, offering his thick organ to his new slave. Patricia felt something deep within her stir in relieved response to Gray's words as she knelt up and eagerly took him into her mouth.
Patricia looked up at Gray as she began to suck his cock. He smiled, pleased with her making eye contact with him on her own as she suckled him.? He gazed down lovingly into her eyes and allowed her to suck his penis for a few minutes before pulling free. Her gasp of disappointment was music to his ears.
He began to walk away, his cock swaying in front of him. When Patricia went to rise and follow him he turned and forced her back down to the floor. Gray said firmly, "Darling, you are my woman, my female, and in my home the proper place for my female is on her hands and knees in her proper submissive position unless I give you permission to do otherwise. You are my woman and must behave as I wish to please me. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Master."
Gray tucked his cock back inside his slacks and went to the foyer, Patricia trailing him on all fours as he ordered. He turned to Patricia and said firmly, ?Now remember, your being able to stay here with me depends on your ability to follow my orders to the letter and do exactly as I wish.?
He opened the front door and Patricia balked, feeling the fresh air hit her naked flesh. Gray gave the leash a jerk and when the collar bit into the soft skin of her neck Patricia had no choice but to crawl out after her new Master onto the front porch. The porch was well lit, anyone in the yard to see her clearly. She heard a chuckle and pulled up. Her eyes widened as she realized the limo was still in front of the doorway and that the driver was standing next to it.
Patricia saw the chauffeur smiling and openly ogling her as she appeared, naked and leashed, on all fours at her Master's side. She ducked her head in shame, her face flaming, only to have her Master pull her head up with the leash and move her body around, taking pains to make sure her legs were spread enough to expose her vagina and anus. He positioned her with her hind end towards the car so the driver could easily see her.
"Let?s show the gentleman your cunt, pet," Gray said and she cringed and tried to swing her nether region away from the man's greedy eyes.
Gray jerked the leash sharply and repositioned her.
"No! Bad girl, " he admonished as he pulled up on the leash holding her in place.
Gray bent and tugged her labia out so her long cuntlips framed the wet hole between her legs. Patricia whimpered and Gray said softly but firmly, "Do as I say. No harm will come to you. Remember my terms and adhere to them if you want to stay, love." Patricia nodded against the taut leash as best she could, her heart pounding. She was frightened but Gray's ultimatum and the leash held her still.
Gray stood and said to the limo driver," She has a nice cunt hole doesn't she?" Patricia heard the driver respectfully reply, "She certainly does, sir."
Once the driver had gotten a good look at Patricia's nether parts Gray turned her and pulled her upright by her wrists to a kneeling position so that her breasts could be easily viewed. To Patricia's chagrin, Master bent and firmly tweaked her teats for the benefit of the smiling chauffeur. He spoke quietly to her while the driver watched. As Gray talked he fingered her sensitive nipples, "This is your first test. Stay silent and do as I wish."
Gray raised his head and spoke to the driver again.
"Great set of tits, huh? Yes, indeed. I?d like for you to come pull on her teats for me, if you would," Gray said as he encouraged the man by squeezing Patricia's breasts, causing her nipples to jut out. The chauffeur nodded vigorously and his smile became a smirk as he said, "Sure, whatever you say, sir!"
"Well, step over and just pull on her nipples for me. I want to see how she does, if her cunny gets wet. She's new to this so be gentle," Gray instructed.
The driver quickly stepped forward. He bent over and grabbed a breast in each hand, squeezing them. Then he took Patricia's nipples with his thumbs and forefingers and began pinching and pulling them as she turned her head aside in deep shame.
Larry leaned over and spoke into in her ear, "I fucked you good for the Boss last night and now I'm gonna pull your nips for him too." Patricia winced and realized that it was not Gray with her in the photos he?d shown her. She looked up at Gray the shame and shock on her face. Gray smiled gently and nodded. "It was necessary, darling. You will understand better as time goes on," he said.
Tears began to slowly roll down Patricia's face as the driver snorted and kept teasing her nipples. As he continued, Patricia heard herself begin to pant lightly as she unwillingly became aroused. Being exposed like this on the porch in the open, having a strange man playing with her nipples, it was so humiliating. She felt herself becoming even more ashamed and oddly excited. Her cunt began to dampen and she shuddered. Deep inside she felt horrid and was reminded of when Glen would tease her nipples to make her horny when she had no interest in sex.
The driver spoke into her ear again," Yeah, you like that, cunny, I can tell. Look how your nips are sticking out for me, makes it easy to play with them like you want, huh? That's a good girl, put ?em out there and I?ll pull ?em good for ya?." His voice touched a place she did not know existed within her and she felt herself even more stimulated by his words. She arched her back slightly, giving the driver better access to her swollen nipples. The driver and Gray both nodded with satisfaction at seeing the helpless woman sexually excited against her will.
The driver leered down at her as her nipples began to swell in his insistent fingers. Patricia licked her lips and moaned with embarrassment as she felt her body react. She hated the man fondling her breasts and hated the way he made her feel but she could not help getting aroused.
?Yeah, baby, show your master how you like having your nipples pulled. Makes you hot, huh? Makes you want to suck and fuck doesn?t it cunny??
Patricia whimpered softly, overwhelmed by the battling emotions and feelings that raged back and forth within her. Gray bent and placed an exploratory finger into Patricia?s wet hole and she mewled with humiliation, feeling her hips thrust as if to catch her mater?s finger in her vagina.
"She certainly likes having her nipples pulled doesn't she?" Gray commented as he stood and wiped her cunt juice on his slacks.
?"Yes sir, she sure does. It's getting her hot, too. That's a big plus on a cunt with nipples like these, " the driver answered as he tugged and pinched the sensitive flesh. Patricia felt wave after wave of heat and shame rush over her, listening to the men talk about her.
Larry continued, "You know most big nippled cunts don't get nice and hot like this, boss, not just from nipple pulling. It?s cool the way her nips stick out. They?re just begging to be touched or sucked. Say, sir, do you mind if I suck them?"
?Well, Larry, her nipples were made to be sucked and you may suckle her if you wish. Go ahead, but I don?t want her to come.?
Larry leaned down and lifted Patricia?s left breast to his lips. She winced as he popped the plump nipple into his mouth and began to suck on it. Then her own mouth opened in an ?O? as she felt the delicious sensation of having a hot wet mouth at her tortured breast. She gasped and he chuckled against her flesh. She began to pant hoarsely as his mouth worked her tender nipple. Too soon he left that breast and lifted the other up and began to suckle it. Patricia began to work her hips helplessly as Larry?s hot mouth drove her. Her moans became continuos.
Gray said, ?She loves that, Larry.?
Patricia looked up at Gray, her eyes wide and anxious. Her mouth was slightly open and he could hear her heavy breathing.
?Ohhhh?? she moaned.
Larry sucked without abandon at her breasts for another minute or so and her body began to undulate in a rhythmic motion. Gray recognized the signs of impending loss of control and said, ? Better stop now, Larry, before she cums.?
The driver let the stiff nipple slide from his mouth and resumed pulling both Patricia's saliva slick nipples for a few moments. They had swollen greatly. They jutted out and were very warm in his fingers. Her groaning lost its intensity but continued.
?Wow, sir, she?s hot! Jeez, look at them nipples stick out now!?
Gray said, "You're right, Larry, they do that don?t they? Don't worry they'll be getting plenty of action. I was lucky to find a slave like this one. Well, that's enough for now."
The chauffeur stopped. "Thank you, Mr. Winton," he said, releasing her breasts and stepping back to enjoy the sight of Patricia, the new slave, now panting with her wet nipples red and stiff, poking out invitingly. He leaned down and tweaked each teat pertly and returned his post at the car.
"So, Larry, what do you think of my new pet?"????????
" Mr.Winton, I think she'll do great. She's got a good cunt and she's a good fuck too, yeah, my meat was lovin' it! Those long nipples are just made for pulling and it?s amazing how hot the bitch gets when you play with them. " the chauffeur answered and smirked again at the naked woman on the leash. It was very plain his playing with her breasts had aroused Patricia. Her face was flushed and though she was crying her eyes were dark and sultry.
Gray said, "Yes, I think so too. That's one reason I've got big plans for this one. Tell you what, come back in a few weeks as my guest and I'll be glad to put her through her paces for you. She'll be well enough trained by then."
"Sure thing, Mr. Winton, thanks!"
Gray led Patricia back inside and closed the door. He knelt and kissed her tears away. The he kissed her mouth deeply, holding her head in his hands tenderly. He knew she was both very ashamed and excited. He wanted to reward her for her obedience and encourage her to continue in that fashion.
"You did very well, darling, wonderfully and I love you. I expected you to stall but you recovered well. You were very obedient and that's extremely important to me. Good girl. I can't tell you how much you have pleased me," He held her against him and rubbed her back comfortingly. With Gray's praise and caresses, Patricia felt her shame at having been displayed and mauled by a stranger begin to melt away.
Gray rose and led Patricia downstairs to the basement where a digital camera was set up on a tripod. He carefully posed her as the other women in the three prints had been posed, on all fours before him. Then he said, "Now, love, since you performed well I am going to allow you to lick my cock for this picture. " He unzipped his slacks and pulled his semi-erect dick out.
His hand closed around the shaft and he began to jack his cock in front of her, making her squirm with embarrassment as she watched his strong hand jerk at the full 9 1/2" cock jutting out from between his legs. He looked down at her and said, "Patricia, I want you to pull on your nipples for me. Make them stick out for me. Do well and I?ll allow you to lick and suck my cock."
?As he masturbated she obediently complied.? She couldn't help herself, she was wild with desire. Everything that had happened coupled with Gray's calm mastery had her fingers eagerly tugging at her own nipples. Her self-manipulation and seeing Gray jack himself began to drive her mad with need. His swollen penis became red and darkened as he stroked it.? In an attempt to further please her new Master she began pulling at the tender rubbery nubs till they were even more red and swollen than before. Gray nodded in approval and she moved to come close to him but he snapped the leash and jerked her back sharply.
"You may not do that without my command. You must remember that you will be only be allowed to lick or suck my penis with my consent," he said firmly. She felt her eyes fill with tears again at his reprimand. He reached out and stroked her head to soothe her, " I love you, Patricia, just do as I say." She looked up at him wonderingly. He smiled and said, " Rub your vulva for me, love."
Gray watched Patricia begin to play with herself and he returned to lovingly masturbating his thick cock. Her eyes could not leave his big cockhead and the tiny slit in its center. By now she had lost her sense of shame and was eagerly fingering her clitoris, squirming with desire for the heavy rigid cock Gray jacked a few inches away from her face. Gray was delighted when she began to pant,
"Please, I want you. Please let me. Please."
Gray easily read the abashment on Patricia's face as she stammered out the words. His pleasure increased. By now his dick had become massively swollen, the cockhead bulging and oozing pre-cum. He enjoyed waving it teasingly in his new slave's face and listening to her voice trembling with shame and desire as she pled for it.
"Are you about to cum, love?" he asked.
"Oh, yes."
"Than stop and rub your breasts and don't touch your nipples. I don't want you to cum yet."
Patricia obediently began to massage her breasts, her eyes on Gray masturbating.
Just as Gray felt his balls begin to tingle with his impending ejaculation he said, "Now..." and stepped closer to Patricia, forcefully pulling her head up and forward with her leash. This made Patricia lose her balance. She caught herself on her hands, taking an all-fours position. Gray locked his legs, and thrust his hips slightly forward. This left his cock jutting out, thick and swollen, the cockhead purple and oozing at the tip. Now Gray's manhood was looming powerfully over Patricia, demanding to be suckled so he could empty his cum laden balls in her mouth. Gray rested his free hand on his hip and looked down at her.
"No sucking, just lick your Master's cock now," he ordered and Patricia eagerly lifted her mouth to lick her Master's powerful member. Her eyes were hot and fastened only on Gray's stiff dick. Her eagerness showed and she unconsciously lifted a hand toward Gray's huge penis in a small gesture of restrained desire. Patricia's tongue licked avidly at Gray's swollen glans as it hung over her, cleaning it of pre-cum, leaving it wet and glistening. He smiled down at her, enjoying her willing servitude to him. He rubbed the leather leash that symbolized her slave status back and forth between his fingers. The camera flash went off. Patricia knew she must look exactly like the other women in the basement prints but she did not care, all she wanted was to pay homage to her Master's penis with her mouth and have him praise her.
Patricia was wrong about her picture. Her photograph ended up being startlingly different from the others. Her all encompassing fixation on the phallus she worshipped was unmistakable and intriguingly blatant to those who saw the final photograph. In the photo Patricia?s eyes were half open and dreamy with obvious reverence and desire for the aroused penis she was being allowed to service with her mouth. Her lifted hand was poised as if too awed to touch such a hallowed object. Her delicate pink tongue arched toward Gray's manhood, somehow conveying complete adoration, desperate need, and tentative awe. There was nothing in the ensuing picture that proclaimed anything other than a woman eager, relieved, and grateful to be allowed to put her mouth on her master's penis. That was the quality Gray was looking for, one he had not encountered in any other woman, a true cock worshiper, a female truly obsessed with and in awe of his cock.
"You may suck me now and masturbate until you cum for me."
Patricia eagerly took Gray's cock and began to suckle him. He hunched himself repeatedly into her sucking mouth and knowing he would feed his new slave for the first time. Patricia groped at her crotch and rubbed her clitoris eagerly as she suckled her master.? His hot cock filled her mouth and she pulled and licked at it as her clit itched and burned under her busy fingers.
Her clit felt as if it would explode and she pulled on it rhythmically. Suddenly she began to cum. The heat washed over her and she sucked even harder at the big dick in her mouth. Gray grunted and felt himself begin to dump a precious load of semen into his slave?s hungry mouth.
Gray?s balls twitched as he pumped his ejaculate down his new slave's throat. He made himself move slowly, allowing Patricia the opportunity to savor the sperm he was bestowing on her. He could hear her alternately choking and gulping his cum down. The choking sounds told him of her inexperience but the fact that she still managed to swallow it told him of her desire to please him.
He reached down and stroked her head and used the leash to draw her off of his penis.
"Darling, again you were wonderful. I love you, sweet. So good, so pretty."
She lifted her head to his penis again. He restrained her. She whimpered but he tapped her crown lightly with the end of the lead.
"No whining. I will allow you my cock when I see fit.? Now, thank me for allowing you to suck my cock and eat my sperm. Thank me for allowing you to cum."
"Uh, thank you, Master."
"Is that all you have to say? I am disappointed in you. I thought you loved me? Loved my cock?" Patricia cringed under Gray's rebuke.
"I'm sorry Master. Thank you, thank you. It's an honor to be allowed to do that for you. I love you."
"You are so kind to let me do that. I am really honored you let me take you in my mouth."
"That will do."
Gray knew that he had a long way to go with his chosen slave. In time she would learn to be appropriately grateful and express her gratitude properly when he allowed her access to his cock. He stroked her cheek and she brightened at his touch.
With that Gray turned and walked to a tiled area that had been hidden in a corner behind a screen. Gray had installed a bathing area in his basement haven, with taps, a long faucet, and a shower massage nozzle on a flexible hose. There was no tub or shower, merely a deep depression in the floor of a 10' X 10' tiled square in a corner. In the center of the depression was a flat silver grating to allow drainage. He guided his pet into the tiled hollow and turned the water on and began to bathe her as one would a dog or horse. She shivered as she felt her new master's strong hands soaping her body and then the warm water sluice the lather away. Gray's fingers gently probed her pussy and anus, applying soap and rinsing the orifices thoroughly. He led her out and toweled her down vigorously, leaving her skin burnished pink. He then applied a gently scented lotion expertly over her entire body leaving her feeling pleasantly exhausted, her stomach warm with Gray's semen and her body clean and refreshed.
?Come, girl.?
Gray tugged her leash and led her up the basement stairs and to the kitchen. "On your knees and then sit back," Gray commanded. Patricia lowered herself and sat back onto her heels. Gray stood before her and pushed his boot between her thighs, spreading them effectively, about a foot and a half apart. He then bent and tugged her cuntlips apart, ensuring that her vagina was open. He straightened up.
"Good. Now turn your head slightly down and to the left. That is how you will position yourself when I say 'Sit'. Tits out and pussy spread, hands on your thighs, and eyes on the floor. Do you understand?"
Patricia nodded and flushed as Gray's eyes roamed over her exposed body. "Now clasp your hands behind your back, right above the crack of your ass."
Patricia did as ordered, the new pose causing her breasts to be thrust up and out.
"That is what I want when I say 'Sit up.'"
Patricia nodded her understanding, feeling very exposed.
"Good. Now thrust your hips forward. I want you to show me your cunt, offer it up to me. Cup your breasts and hold them out, offer your nipples to me."
Patricia did so, her face flaming.
"Excellent. When I say 'Present" that is what you do. Got it?"
Red faced, Patricia nodded again.
"Sit!" Patricia resumed the initial position.
Gray went to a cabinet and retrieved a place mat and a bowl. He laid the place mat on the floor next to the door leading to the hallway. After filling the bowl with something from the refrigerator he placed the piece of crockery on the mat. Then he went to a cabinet and pulled out a large crockery water jug. Patricia saw that the dispensing tap had been replaced with a full sized lifelike rubber cock. A ball-bearing inside the tip kept the water from dripping, like a hamster water feeder.
Gray filled the jug with water and set it on a footstool next to the dish of food. The rubber cock jutted out and was easily accessible to a person on their hands and knees like Patricia. He explained," As you can see in this setting you will have to eat and drink on your hands and knees. This is your water supply. You may access it anytime you wish. You can see what you will need to do to get your water."
Patricia blushed and nodded. Gray went on.
"This is where you will be fed on occasion and when eating here you may not use your hands to feed yourself. We will usually dine at table unless I choose to feed you by hand or watch you eat here. "
Patricia watched as Gray motioned to the bit of pudding in the bowl. He took her leash and pulled gently, guiding her to her feeding place.
"I want you to eat," he said.
Patricia bent her head down and began to lick and suck the pudding from the bowl. It was lemony and tart.
"How is it?" asked Gray.
"Delicious, Master."
"Good. I'm glad you like it, I made it myself. The pudding is made with eggs, sugar, lemon, milk, and, of course, a healthy serving of my sperm."
Patricia raised her head and looked up at the man who she had agreed to serve as a sex slave for.
"Yes, love, all of your meals will be prepared with some semen in them. I want you to learn to recognize and love the taste. That will help you become more eager to suck my cock."
Patricia blushed and bent back to the pudding and ate the remainder. Gray smiled and drew her upright and into his arms for a kiss and she felt herself grow warm with his praise and new excitement.
"I love you, Patricia."
She almost melted at his feet.
Gray then took her lead and headed for the back door. Patricia moved to resume her all fours position but Gray stopped her. He gently tugged the leash and continued out the back door. Patricia followed wondering what he had in store for her next. She soon found out.
Gray opened the door leading into his large back yard. He strode out and obviously expected her to follow.
She faltered, the memory of the driver was raw in her mind. Gray noticed and stroked her cheek. "Pet, there is no one there. The fence is 12 foot all the way around and solid. No one can see you." Timidly she walked out after him into the night. She quivered but then relaxed as she saw that the 12' privacy fence completely enclosed the yard. He led her across the tended grass to a small stand of trees at the back of the yard.
He halted and looked back at her.
"Patricia, this is where you will relieve yourself. You may void yourself now or wait until I walk you before bed."
"Oh, no, I couldn't do that. Not here in the open."
"Yes, you can and you will. You are my pet and I will not have my pet pissing and shitting inside my home. You will get used to it."
"Please, don't make me do this."
Gray sighed and took the end of the leash and slapped it across Patricia's rump. The mark it left was immediately apparent. Patricia yelped and jumped away. Gray moved quickly, showing a cat like agility, and gave her another lick.
"Now, I do not like doing this but you must follow my rules here. I suggest you void yourself or suffer the consequences."
Gray flicked the end of the leash again, striping her stomach. Patricia hurriedly squatted and tried to force herself to urinate. Gray stood patiently and was eventually rewarded with the faint sound of his pet's urine hitting the ground. Patricia hung her head, crying in shame as Gray watched her pee. The scent of her urine rose to her nostrils and she almost leapt to clear the area.
Gray again drew her close and cradled her head in his hands, gazing into her eyes with love and pleasure.
"Good girl, I know that was difficult but you came through for me. Again, I can't tell you how much you are pleasing me."
Patricia quivered but felt slightly calmed by the obvious acceptance of even her most base needs by her lover. Still she wept, with shame and embarrassment.
"Can we go back inside now, please, Master?" she sobbed.
"My baby. Yes, we can" Gray took the lead and started back towards the house, Patricia in tears trailing after him at the end of the leash.
Gray stopped her on the porch and retrieved a soft towel. He dried her tears and kissed her, telling her again what a wonderful woman she was and how happy he was with her initial performance as his pet. She smiled crookedly up at him and he kissed her again. Then he got some waterless disinfectant and meticulously cleaned her vaginal area before opening the door and taking her in. She was his.
Chapter Seven - Gray takes Ownership and Patricia Learns About BBO
Gray led his new acquisition back inside and ordered her back onto all fours. He relished the sound of her hands and knees against the hardwood flooring as she crawled across the kitchen.
He led her back to the basement and down into his sanctum. Patricia looked around expectantly as Gray snubbed her leash to a stout pole that went from floor to ceiling. She watched him pull a stainless steel table from a closet and set it up in the center of the room, locking the wheels. He went to a control panel and adjusted the track lighting away from the pictures and set it to illuminate the table.
He turned to his new pet and untied the leash and led her to the table. Effortlessly he picked her up, flipped her over and placed her on the table's shiny surface. "What are you doing?" she asked as the cold metal chilled her back, causing her skin to tighten.
"I don't mind explaining but remember what I do with you is my choice and my business. You are my property now. Get those legs spread, show me your cunt."
?Patricia obediently spread her thighs, exposing her pussy; her face reddened as Gray looked down at her most intimate spot without reserve. Gray bent and peered closely at it, tugging the lips outwards as he did so. Patricia felt her cunt gape open for her Master and sighed with shame not feeling even a tiny inkling of pleasure.
Gray took a blue felt marker from a drawer under the table and, after careful consideration, made a mark on each of Patricia's outer labia. Patricia arched her neck up to watch as her new owner stood looking at her gaping vagina and smiling. Gray stepped up to Patricia's head and began to remove the gold hoop earrings he had given her from her ears.
"What are you doing?" Patricia cried as Gray deftly slipped the small golden hoops out.
"Patricia, do not question what I am doing. It is for my pleasure and your safety."
Gray tweaked one of Patricia's nipples sharply to make his point.
Once he had the earrings removed, Gray stepped back to the foot of the table. From the drawer he brought out a pliers-like tool, shiny in the bright light. Patricia recognized it at once. It was a piercing tool, like the one the attendant had used at the mall when she had her ears pierced. She saw immediately what he intended to do but before she could react Gray quickly bent, sighted his mark and closed the clasps, expertly piercing one of the labia of Patricia's cunt.
Patricia shrieked. Gray slapped his hand across her lips as he manipulated the mouth of the piercer around her other labial lip. "Patricia, don't make me restrain you. This is necessary for my pleasure and as I said earlier, your safety."
Patricia panted through her nose as Gray removed his hand.
"It hurts, Master," she panted.
"Does it?" Gray asked pointedly.
Patricia allowed herself to truly feel the new wound and was surprised that she felt only focused warmth in the area.
Gray smiled at her look of surprise and said," Patricia, you see, only the initial piercing is painful. In most cases the biggest pain is the pain we convince ourselves is there. If we examine that pain we often find it is bearable or nonexistent. That is also true with fear. We design a fear of what we don't know and often find that if we face that unknown that our fear was unfounded. Now relax and let me finish my work."
Patricia lay back and raised her hand to her mouth as Gray realigned the piercer with the second mark. Her mind raced, Gray was right, she had convinced herself that the piercing would be drawn out and painful and it wasn't. She trembled as she considered the fear she had concerning Gray's intentions for her as his slave. She would face those fears when her training progressed she was sure. Perhaps Gray's philosophy applied to shame too. She would find out.
Gray watched her face as he closed the handles, effectively piercing the other labia. Patricia gasped again but did not scream. Gray quickly inserted a hoop in each labia, taking time to fiddle with one a moment or two longer than the other did. He then began slathering the new wounds with both Betadine and Neosporin. Afterwards he draped her vulva with a heavy cloth and took a small soldering gun and braised the rings closed. Patricia blanched as the heat of the soldering iron warmed her inner thighs and labia but made no move to escape.
Gray patted his pet's head and held a hand mirror so that she could see her new adornments. Patricia's eyes grew wide as she focused on the twin gold rings, perfectly aligned across from each other; one dangling from each of her cunt's swollen lips. From one ring hung a small golden tag. It was too small to read but she could see printing engraved on the tag.
"What does it say?" she asked.
"It has my owner number on it," answered Gray. "You are registered with BBO as my property. Anyone who has you in the circles I travel in will know you are owned and registered. They need only verify the number via BBO and BBO will contact me if I am not present, just to make sure you are legal."
"What do you mean, legal? And what is BBO?"
"Remember I mentioned safety? There are those who would steal a slave, particularly one as comely and easy to break as you. BBO is the service that introduced us. The website we met through? The company is Break, Buy, and Own, BBO for short. You were matched to my criteria and I yours. They find the 'man or woman of your dreams'?"
"Oh, " said Patricia with new understanding. "They didn?t tell me it was for something like this!?
?No, that is not their procedure. That is why they are so successful. When you signed up for a perfect man you answered several questions. BBO?s questionnaire accurately detects possible submissives for people like me to become owners of. If you had answered unsatisfactorily you would have been sent on a one time date with a man who had applied and answered like you had."
? For people like you? Are there others doing this??
?Yes, BBO is widely used by domination Masters and Mistresses all across the country. All over the world," Gray answered.
"There are that many women who are slaves for men?"
"Not only women, Patricia, there are men who are slaves for women or men and there are women who are slaves for other women. But for the most part it is women like you who are slaves to male Masters like myself. That is more natural. Women should be subservient to men."
Patricia's eyes widened.
"Will I see any of them?"
"Yes, in time. I must train you first. In these circles it is most important that a slave be truly obedient and willing, even eager to perform for their master and his guests."
"I belong to BBO Dominants? organization. It has regular meetings and events where a dominant?s slave training skills are tested and methods are shared and documented. We have two annual conventions each year, the next in about six months. I had just returned from the last when I found you."
"Conventions? What do they do there?' Patricia asked, her mind amazed at the existence of an organization like her Master was describing.
"At BBO conventions new slaves are displayed, tested, and rated. Their masters are graded on how well they have initially trained the new slave and how evident their dominance of the slave is. Old slaves are put through tests and evaluated as to their continued training and obedience. New ratings for their masters are bestowed."
"What if a slave fails the tests?"
"Well, Patricia, BBO is very strict. If a Master or Mistress cannot control their slave, meaning the slave is not sufficiently obedient or submissive, the owner is put on probation and their training results are re-tested at a later date. If they fail then, the slave is taken from the owner, the owner compensated and the slave sold at auction, hopefully to a new owner who can train the slave properly. Many attend the conventions merely for the auctions, to obtain new slaves."
?"Sold!?! Could I be taken from you and sold?" Patricia cried out in fear.
"I am afraid so, pet. That is why it is important you focus on obeying me."
"Where do they sell people?" she asked, her voice trembling.
"There are auction houses in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, all across the world. Most are BBO sanctioned but there are some black market auction houses. Those are not sanctioned and dangerous. Stolen slaves are generally sold in them. That is one reason I have tagged you."
"What if they cut the tag off?" Patricia asked, now frightened at the idea of being stolen away from Gray by a stranger.
"I am glad you asked. I want to do something but this I can only properly do with your consent."
"I want to place a tattoo on your body that identifies you as my property, nothing large or visible but something small and hidden. No one will know it is there but the two of us. It will give me the ability to identify and claim you regardless of the circumstances."
"Where?" Patricia asked, willing to do it to preserve her status as Gray's property. The idea of being stolen and used by some else terrified her.
"On the back of your neck."
"Please do it, Master. I want to be yours forever."
Gray lifted his shirt and showed Patricia a small tattoo on the front of his left shoulder. The dark ink stood out, tracing the figure of two small interlocked Chinese symbols.
"This is what you will be marked with. This is my sign as Master, and yours, in the lowercase form of slave, will be the answer to this one. No one will be able to refute it."
"Yes, " Patricia breathed.
Gray removed a pair of shears from the table drawer and sat his slave up. He bent her head forward and shaved away a small area in the thick black hair at the base of her long neck. He extracted a tattoo gun and prepared it with a fine double needle. Using black ink he carefully tattooed his slave with the mark, using no stencil or guide. He knew his mark and its counterpart well, the counterpart he now etched into his property's skin.
Patricia felt the sting of the tattoo needle but bravely held still, knowing she would be permanently and safely linked to Gray's strength and power by this mark. She shivered as she realized the finality of the act. She was no longer Patricia Radswell; she was now just Patricia, Gray's pet and property, forever.
Gray finished the work and coated the new mark of ownership with Neosporin and a band-aid. He fluffed Patricia's hair back down over it and she looked up at him. Gray smiled down at the bewildered and bewitched woman. Her eyes searched his, full of awe, reverence, and asking for his guidance.
He stroked her cheek and gazed down at her as he pulled his cock free of his slacks. Her eyes were immediately drawn to its massive proportions. He smiled at her response to his baring his organ. He jacked it gently and asked her "Are you hungry, my love?" She nodded, moaning softly. He held his cock to her lips and said, " Come, I will feed you."
By: Flost48
The restaurant's low mood music played quietly, floating at the edge of Patricia's consciousness. She anxiously rubbed her fingertips on the linen tablecloth and picked up her glass. She took a sip of water. The condensate on the glass dampened her fingertips. She dabbed them restlessly on her unused napkin. Perhaps she had made an error, maybe there was still time to back out. Patricia checked her watch to ensure there was no chance of running into her blind date as she exited the restaurant. No good, it was too late, he could walk in at any second and he had seen her picture on her web page so there would be little hope of his not recognizing her.
Patricia berated herself for letting her loneliness propel her into this meeting. She checked her watch once more and looked towards the entrance. She couldn't believe she was doing this as the end result of responding to an Internet personals site. The ad had been intriguing, offering to find the perfect man for her for free. She had signed up, figuring she had nothing to lose. She looked apprehensively toward the door as she brushed her short black hair back from her face. She had no clue as to what the man looked like except for what he had told her on the phone. He had said he would be dressed in black. Great, here she was waiting for a would-be Johnny Cash.
Patricia was divorced from her childhood sweetheart and the marriage and divorce had both been painful. She had loved Glen but could no longer bear his drug abuse and the increasing violence that accompanied his burgeoning habit.? She hadn't dated for a year after the split but loneliness and a fellow she met over a cup of coffee at Barnie's had put an end to her moratorium on men. However, her past year of dating had soured her on meeting the right man by chance. She kept comparing them to Glen in his better days and they all fell short.? She needed to do something, so here she was, meeting a man she had been paired with by someone she did not know.
Patricia had sent the Internet site the best photo she had of herself for them to use. They had created a web page for her, using her photo along with her text submission. Funny thing about that page, she could not change the photo or move it from its prominent placement at the head of the page. Plus, there was an e-mail link to someplace called BBO and the graphic was of a cute little shop labeled "Pet Store". She had clicked on the link and got an HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden Access notice. She figured the link must have been invalid because her web page host had inserted it there and surely she would have had access if it were a working link.
While apprehensively waiting for her blind date, she recalled the intense questionnaire that had accompanied the application for the service. It was very in depth with its detailed queries. She had dutifully filled it out entirely, even the part about sexual likes and dislikes, after noting that the service would not be rendered without the form fully completed.?
Patricia had blushed and been tempted not to answer the sexually related questions but had justified doing so by reasoning that her expected match should be a totally compatible match. She related her disenchantment with sex but had honestly stated she had enjoyed it once, a long time ago. Before she could change her mind she had clicked the "Send" button. Afterwards she had felt so shamed and guilty she had wanted to forget the whole thing but by then it was too late.
Patricia had received a few e-mails due to the site but something about them made her uncomfortable. The writers seemed preoccupied with her measurements and her availability for travel. But one fellow was local and his e-mails had seemed nice. He seemed interested in her and not her measurements. She had corresponded with him for a couple of weeks before accepting this date, the first one that had resulted from her web page.
Patricia wondered about the kind of guy who would be interested in a woman like herself. She was reasonably attractive but approaching her middle 30's. Her black hair was cut short for convenience. Some small lines on her face were the result of too much sun in her youth and she had gained weight lately. She was heavier than the picture she had used for the web page though it wasn't too noticeable when she was clothed.
Still, Patricia knew she was good looking, she had been told so all of her life. Her divorce had been rough and she was lonely. She liked being part of a couple and she missed it terribly. It was so hard to be responsible for everything. She lived from payday to payday, hoping she wouldn't get sick because she couldn't afford insurance.? Not that being poor was so bad but it would certainly be easier with a partner.
Patricia looked around at the restaurant decor and clientele. Her date had arranged to meet her here and the establishment was way out of her price range. She had been afraid to look at a menu and had declined when the tuxedoed waiter had approached, offering to fetch her a drink from the bar. Shamefaced she had asked for water instead. Feeling very out of place she tried to keep her hopes up for this date but she was dubious. The man was obviously pretty well off if this was his choice for a meeting. Or maybe he just wanted to impress her? She sighed nervously at the very idea and resigned herself to the hope that he would turn out to be decent and she would have a pleasant evening. That would be a wonderful.
As Patricia watched the restaurant foyer a balding man about her height came in. The man wore an odd black leather vest over a black shirt and black leather trousers and boots. The vest was split cowhide and almost knee length. In spite of his peculiar apparel, and the looks it drew, he seemed unconcerned, even haughty, his aura of self-confidence apparent, as he stood perusing the room. He looked her way and made eye contact with her. She smiled tentatively and he nodded and directed the ma?tre d' to lead him to her table. She carefully stopped herself from obviously showing her dismay with his appearance and the fact that his brown hair was almost nonexistent on top.
"Not my type at all," she thought unhappily as he came closer. Though she did not consider herself a prize she still had a preference for obviously good-looking men. She took in his dark blue eyes and rugged face, liking them but still being put off by his thinning hair and odd manner of dress. She knew that it was shallow of her to be that way and she tried to find things about him that piqued her interest. He was in great physical shape as far as she could tell and she couldn't stop herself from being attracted to that. Ruefully, she felt inferior due to her recent weight gain and vowed to tone up.
He approached the table and smiled down at her in a confident friendly way. She smiled back at him in answer while reminding herself that it was only for dinner and did not have to go any farther and probably wouldn't.
He continued to coolly look down at her for a moment, obviously evaluating her appearance, and nodded approvingly. He then introduced himself as Gray Winton. As Patricia introduced herself, she felt mildly irritated by his blatant appraisal but also found she was flattered by his apparent endorsement.
Gray seated himself and asked if she had been attended to yet. She replied she hadn't and he waved the waiter over and asked for menus. He looked at her frankly as she perused the menu, making her nervous because every time she looked up to steal a glance at him he was looking at her. Her nervousness made her shy and she focused on the menu.
"Do you see anything you like?" he asked solicitously.
" Well, I've never eaten here and I am not sure what's good, " she answered.
"I'll order for you then and, by the way, I see something I like very much," he said, with easy self-assurance.
She felt herself blush slightly as she looked across the table at him. He smiled again and she felt more at ease.
Gray placed their order, the foreign names for the food easily rolling off his tongue. He knowledgeably perused the wine list and selected a vintage that obviously impressed even the waiter. Once finished with the dinner order, Gray turned to Patricia.
Gray began to tell Patricia about himself, easily taking charge of the conversation. He was a retired Navy officer and had settled here because of the mild winters and pleasant atmosphere. He spoke briefly of his childhood and his progression into adulthood, described his schooling at a well-known university, mentioning he was graduated with honors. He related how he had lived all over the world during his Navy career. His background and the far off places he had been dazzled her. She felt abashed when she told him of her own limited travels and experiences.
Gray told her where he lived and she was impressed with his address. It was in a prestigious part of town, a part she had only heard of, one that boasted large custom homes and deep private lots. She felt very outclassed thinking of her little apartment complex where she held a yearly lease.
"You must have been of some rank to be able to afford that area," she ventured.
"Well, yes, I was but I also made good investments."
"Have you ever been married?" she asked.
She was sort of surprised by his terse one word answer.? He had been so loquacious about everything else. Wanting to set the mood right again she made a joke about how she'd been married very young because she had not learned to "Just say no." She figured if he didn't like that fact about her past he might as well know it now, but he chuckled and said he understood.
"There are some bonds greater than anything the government or religion can put upon you, you know. No need for marriage if the partnership is right. I have had several relationships of longevity myself. I have never had any problem with real women."
Patricia's brow furrowed slightly at Gray's emphasis on "real women" but she quickly incorporated it into her deduction that he had a very high opinion of himself. One of those she thought, while smiling at the balding fellow across the table, thinks he's a God's gift to women. Her tenuous newfound footing about his 'type' and his easy friendliness enabled her to shyly flirt with him, knowing he expected it. Gray responded to her flirtations in an expertly indirect way that caused her to flirt even more.?
In spite of her initial unflattering conclusion about Gray, Patricia found herself being curiously attracted to him and hoping he found her attractive. He was sure of himself and that was appealing to her. Glen, her ex-husband, had also had that air of confidence. Then there was the fact that Gray was well off and that was different from the men she had previously dated.? Most of them had either lived in apartments like herself or been paying on a trailer. Gray was definitely a class or twelve above the men she had been seeing. She felt she was not really the type of woman he would be interested in. Still, if he asked her, maybe she would go out with him again and see what happened.
As the evening wore on Gray coaxed her into sharing a split of champagne with him. She felt more relaxed as their conversation went on. Gray did and said nothing to that indicated he felt she was beneath his station. As the champagne dwindled she admitted to herself that she found him very amusing and appealing. When it came time to leave he insisted on pouring one last toast before he escorted her out to her car.
Gray hoped this would work out. He was tired of getting his hopes up only to have them dashed again. At least this time he did not have to go out of town to meet the woman.
The e-mail from the BBO site had come three weeks ago, supplying a photo, the name, age, and method of contacting the woman they had to offer. This was accompanied by the usual cursory information on the offering. After reviewing the data, Gray determined that woman the BBO offered him for capture and training was a very close fit for the criteria he specified concerning age, general physique, and intelligence.
Gray had not been offered a female in his hometown before and he looked forward to the meeting for that reason alone. He had been searching for permanent slave for a long time. If this worked out then his investment in the BBO service would be money well spent because not only would he have his slave, he would not have the cost of moving her belongings across country.
Gray had entered into an e-mail correspondence with the woman. Her name was Patricia. They had written back and forth for a couple of weeks. The missives had been polite and full of questions about each other?s likes, dislikes and so on. He had been easily able to determine Patricia was intelligent and witty and that was appealing. No mention of Gray?s true desire had been made.
During the course of their writing he had mostly made a cursory determination about her willingness to defer to him. It was a start. When Gray found the e-mail communication no longer beneficial, he had called her. She had seemed very willing to accept his offer of dinner. He decided to be tentatively pleased at her easy assent to meeting at the restaurant of his choice.
As Gray drove to the restaurant his hand slid down to his inner jacket pocket. Yes, the vial of liquid GHB was there, he grinned in anticipation as he pulled into the parking lot. He absolutely refused to invest his time in a woman without sampling the merchandise first, regardless of how he procured the sample, whether the BBO approved or not.
Gray spotted her right away when he came in. He saw that she was attractive, though his experienced eyes saw past her skillful arrangement of clothing and noted the extra weight not present in the web page photo. He thought her a bit heavy but not too far-gone. Vaguely voluptuous was an apt description.
Gray sat down and began to pitch himself, marking the interest in her eyes when he told her the name of the area he resided in. Though she tried to be nonchalant he could see that she was awed as he described his lifestyle. He knew from the initial BBO background scan that her earnings were at the lower end of the scale and that his economic status would impress her. However, Gray correctly felt that it was more than that that impressed the Patricia.
Gray believed deeply that nature had made men superior to females, stronger and smarter. Gray felt that females should acknowledge this fact and treat men with submissive obedience. The current concept of equality of men and women was difficult to deal with. Gray believed that nature would not be denied and that once a woman was properly enlightened she would be willingly subservient as she should be. Gray was looking for the right woman to teach.
However, in light of the current status quo, Gray was not blind to the fact the he was middle aged and balding even though he kept his body in top condition. Gray? knew his investments and the resulting payoffs were good fodder for getting a woman interested in him initially. Even so, he knew he would have to work to sell himself to Patricia, because as with most women, he had seen her momentary look of dismay when he entered the eatery. He was accustomed to that, most females seemed to want a man with a full head of hair and movie star looks. That was okay, soon she would not mind that he was bald, in fact, if things went as Gray planned, she would be entertainingly desperate for one bald head of his. But first he must determine of she was a possible candidate for his needs.
Gray's years as a high ranking officer in the service had accustomed him to being in charge. From the beginning he had found it easy and natural, having people obey his orders. He also found it extremely gratifying. Later he found it vastly erotic in personal relationships. He eventually found that women who deferred to his wishes and conceded that men were their superiors were especially pleasing. If they were also willing to do as he commanded, sexually or otherwise it gave him immense pleasure. To Gray such women validated his concept of natural male superiority. However, the women he had encountered thus far had not been willing to consider that kind of role as any more than sex play. He wanted a woman who willingly acknowledged herself as his inferior in all things and was willing to commit to a long-term relationship with him with herself in that role. Could it be this one?
They ate and talked. Patricia did several things that pleased Gray. She offered him the bread first, insisted he be served first, and waited until he began to eat before she did so herself. Her tendency to defer to him was promising, he could see she did so instinctively, without making it a point to do so. In fact, her deference to him was so pronounced he had to keep reminding himself she had little or no D/s training.
Gray was pleased that she had been married young and that it had been a long relationship. He deduced that to mean she was capable of loyalty. Her looks and way of presenting herself gave Gray great hope that she would be good in bed. He wondered why she had not remained married and he asked her.
"Well, I married quite young and I loved my husband dearly but he began using drugs. He was a wonderful man but as the drugs got worse he became physically abusive." Patricia blushed deeply at this point but continued, " He almost killed me on two occasions and I had to leave, I had no choice. I kept hoping he would come to his senses and get some help but it never happened."
"Oh, you left due to his not receiving treatment?"
" Yes, I felt I had no choice. I can't explain but, gosh, this must sound odd, but I felt so scared, so alone. We lost touch. You see, Glen was a strong man. He made all the decisions and took care of everything until the drugs, and then gradually he began putting everything on me. I didn't know what to do or when. I mean I have managed in my little apartment but it's been hard. I keep finding myself at loose ends. At least I don't have to repair anything. I call the landlord. Anyway after the drug use began Glen wasn't there for me, do you know what I mean?"
Gray nodded encouragingly.
"On top of that, it got to the point that Glen would become violent when he got frustrated with me for not handling things like he wanted. Sometimes he would hit me when he couldn't find drugs to buy or over some other little thing that was really inconsequential.? I was stupid, I guess. I stayed with him. I loved him but still...eventually he didn't seem to care about me at all.? I was so alone and hurt. We had been so close."
Gray heard in her remarks something that intrigued him. She needed closeness and someone one to be a mentor. He began to quiz her on what she perceived as closeness.
"How do you mean close?"
" Before the drugs, Glen always kept me with him, even when he went hunting or fishing. We were hardly ever apart. I loved just being with him, cooking for him and doing things for him. He always decided what we would do and I was never bored. I never knew what he would come up with next. He was definitely not liberated and maybe I am old fashioned but I loved being his wife and doing as he pleased," Patricia's eyes softened at the fond memory of those times.
She shook her head as if to dispel the memories and said, " Then he started doing drugs. I tried them once because he asked me to but they made me sick so he didn't make me do anymore. It got worse and, well, in the end he would come in at night with the drug boys, and either spend his time watching television or doing dope, " Patricia blushed and continued, " Really, I wasn't included in any way. They didn't want me around. It almost killed me to see Glen give himself up to the drugs."
"Yes, chemicals can wreck lives and not only the lives of the users."
Patricia looked at Gray and nodded sadly.
Gray took stock of the woman in front of him. She was intelligent and he found her desire to be with her mate in a relatively subordinate role very encouraging. She would also be a fine physical specimen with a bit of toning. Her current aura of diffident self-confidence and independence seemed to be the result of being alone as well as being a type of self-defense.? It could prove to be profitable and pleasurable if she could retain that aura after their relationship progressed. That would be a challenge to him.
Gray asked if she had children and she told him that she had a wanted a child badly and she and Glen had tried but nothing came of that. "He said I was real breeding material and needed to be kept knocked up," Patricia chuckled and then turned beet red when she realized what she had said.
She was abashed that she had mentioned it. Though she had discussed the violence in her and Glen's relationship this was more candid about than she had intended to be. She cursed herself and hoped Gray did not read too closely between the lines. She had a quick mental glimpse of Glen above her, holding her down by her wrists as he made love to her, panting as he grunted, " I'm gonna breed you good this time. I'm gonna plant you good and watch you swell up with my seed. Give it to me..." A twinge of regret and loss surged through her. Though Glen's efforts had never resulted in a pregnancy she still sometimes found herself imagining being pregnant and happily carrying a man's child. The idea of pregnancy was natural and appealing.
"I think it's natural for a woman to want to have babies," she said, smiling trying to hide her embarrassment and distract Gray from her unintentional slip.
Gray astutely noted her mixed emotions and deftly caught her reference to her husband's attempts to breed her. He decided she had experienced the male of the species natural dominance in her life before and he smiled. He mentally saluted Glen, where ever he may have been.
Gray was very pleased indeed. He ordered the champagne with delight; so far she seemed to fit his needs perfectly!
Patricia had begun to shyly flirt with him during dinner and her flirting increased as they drank. He smiled as she leaned forward, unaware of how the neckline of her blouse gaped as a result, exposing the tops of her breasts. He unobtrusively perused her bosom as she did this. He was pleased to see her breasts were obviously C cups, nestled in a lacy bra, held up and pushed together creating cleavage. Definitely a C cup. She had blushed and smiled coyly at him when he looked up to her face. Apparently she was a bit of a tease as well.
They had drunk the bottle of champagne and he made up his mind to take a chance. He liked her and her easygoing way. Her body seemed promising also.
It was easy enough for him to skillfully slip a carefully measured amount of the liquid GHB into her parting drink. He had then walked her to the parking lot and stood chatting with her while he waited for the drug to take effect as she sat in her car.
Patricia got to the car feeling pleasantly high as she listened to Gray chat about the sky and constellations. She thought he seemed interested and she found him very intriguing even if he did seem to think he was a Casanova. He was actually intelligent, too bad he was not that physically attractive.
As she suspected he would, he maneuvered her to brush up against him and he used that as the initiation of a kiss. She instinctively did what she knew he expected, moving into his embrace easily, surprised that she found herself relishing the feel of his arms around her. She kissed him, pressing into him as she let him rub her back. His mouth skillfully covered hers and she felt his kiss send shivers over her entire body, even down to her toes.
As the kiss lengthened she felt her body become very warm. She broke away and hurriedly got into her car. She began to suddenly feel extremely tired and when she tried to raise her hand to brush an errant lock of hair from her eyes it was too heavy. Gray leaned over and peered into her face. She felt her body relax and she tried to sit up and shake off the lethargy but she just couldn't find the strength.
"Ohhhhh..."she moaned as Gray looked at her with curiosity. "Oh, I am so dizzy and tired suddenly," she mumbled. He opened her car door and lifted her out and began helping her toward a van parked a few rows over from her car. Gray slid the door back on the van's passenger side and helped her into the van saying, "Here let me take you home. You do not need to be driving in this shape." She managed to smile and nod as he fastened the seatbelt around her.
She dozed heavily as he drove through the night. She felt herself being moved but was too groggy and tired to care. She was laid on a soft cot, her arms dangling over the sides as she lay on her back. She vaguely felt her dress and under things being removed but did not care nor was she able to make any move to deter the act if she had.
Gray stood over the unconscious woman and evaluated her naked body. He looked at her furred pubic mound and noted the protruding outer vaginal lips that peeked proudly from the coarse hair between her legs. He spread her thighs and bent to get a closer look. He tugged gently at the long lips and smiled as her pussy popped open, giving him a whiff of clean cunt. He gazed down at Patricia's exposed vaginal opening.
Yes, Patricia's cunt lips were long and pronounced, very nice, a definite plus that made her pussy look inviting. The attribute would also make future necessary procedures easy and the resulting d?cor more evident.
Now Gray turned his attention to Patricia's breasts because their appearance was a significant requirement for his potential slave.? He critically evaluated the mammary glands on the woman lying before him. He felt his face crinkle in an unsolicited smile as he took in the fact that, though Patricia's breasts were easily a C cup size, they were not over large and they were spaced well apart. He reached down and cradled a large orange sized breast in each hand, hefting them and assessing their texture and weight.
His smile widened. A major point of attraction for Gray was that Patricia's breasts were capped with large aureoles, each covering almost a quarter of each breast. Lovely. He sighed involuntarily as his eyes roamed over the big aureoles and saw that in the center of each nestled a soft pinky tip sized teat. He squeezed Patricia's breasts slightly and thumbed her nipples, smiling as the soft flesh quickly stiffened and rose invitingly. They were quite long when aroused, at least an inch in length! Extremely pleased with that, he lay Patricia back down and left the room to prepare himself.
"Wake up, Patricia. Wake up."
Her eyes came slowly open and, as if from a great distance, she saw Gray standing there with his large erect cock jutting out of the front of his leather vest. She tried to focus and dimly saw he had removed the shirt and had exchanged his leather pants for leather chaps leaving his exceptionally big cock and heavy balls hanging free. Her eyes widened at the size of his penis and testicles and due to the drug's effect she did not hide the fact she was woozily staring at the sight of Gray's large cock and balls. They bobbed as he advanced toward her and she found herself dreamily wondering about the weight and warmth of his dangling testicles. He leaned forward with his hands outstretched to take her naked breasts but she could not move to get away as he neared her body.
What was wrong with her? She was too tired to move. Reality faded in and out. Gray became Glen in her mind.
"Mmmmmmm, let's see here, what have we got? Oh, yes, nice big nippled tits, perfect."
Gray?s hands clasped around her breasts and kneaded them gently. He bunched up an aureole and nipple and dipped his head to it, flicking the nipple with his stiff tongue, looking slyly up at her face before sucking her nipple in. She heard herself moan weakly as she helplessly watched his tongue flick back and forth across her sensitive nipple. She dazedly watched him mouth her, his lips working her nipple rhythmically, pulling on it with insistent suction. His eyes moved up to rest on her face while he suckled her, watching her expectantly as he brazenly tasted her nipple. She wanted to get away from Gray's insistent mouth on her sensitive breast and his knowing eyes on her face but her body would not respond to her mind's wishes. She could not move.
"You like that. I knew you would," he said smugly as he released her nipple, "Your nipples say you do."
He let go of her and leaned back to survey his stimulation's results on her spit glistening nipples. They had tightened and hardened immediately, poking up most invitingly as she lay on her back with her breasts pulled tight by their weight. He pinched them in his fingers, rolling them back and forth. Distantly she heard herself moan again as she felt her cunt start to get warm and wet.
"Good, excellent, it excites you to have your nipples toyed with and you like to have them suckled, that's a perfectly natural female response," Gray said as he continued to minister to her nipples. He glanced down and nodded as he saw her cunt lips swelling and spreading, showing her gaping wet hole.
"Hmmm, good, nipple teasing gets your little cunt wet too, very good. I like that."
He looked at her face and stepped forwards to straddle the cot as his hands continued to pull and tweak her nipples. He let go, reaching out and pulling her jaw down leaving her mouth agape. He then reached down to take her teats again and tease them as he rubbed his stiff cock over her face. She felt the hot smooth cockhead prodding her skin and finally he rested his cock on her lips. Gray wanted to test just how far he could take her sexually using nipple play to stimulate her to obey.
"Suck my cock," Gray muttered, looking down at his engorged penis resting on her ripe mouth.
As Gray hoped for, the stimulation of her nipples was a weak point for Patricia. She had always become helplessly lustful when her breasts were fondled, particularly her nipples, but she was very good at hiding the fact. She had avoided letting anyone touch her breasts professing a dislike for the activity. Her few partners had been so focused on getting their satisfaction from copulating with her they had not especially noticed that she avoided having her breasts handled during foreplay. Gray would be different.
Glen, Patricia's ex, had known of it and taken advantage of it. If Glen had wanted sex and Patricia was not receptive or the act was not straight missionary style sex, he would tease Patricia's nipples mercilessly until she agreed to do what he wanted. She always ended up conceding and Glen had enjoyed his power over her. Afterwards Patricia would be ashamed at her exhibition of lust and Glen took advantage of that too by deriding her for being sluttish.
Here, Gray had the advantage of Patricia not being able to avoid breast play. He saw immediately that her response to nipple stimulation was intense. Gray did not know that her ex had used this method of control on Patricia but he felt that it could become a way of controlling her. He did not know how effective it would prove to be.
Gray's fingers on her nipples and his order for her to suck his cock gave Patricia unbidden excitement. She felt herself let go, her inhibitions freed by the effects of the drug and the champagne. She dreamily saw, not Gray but Glen, straddling her and proffering his cock, demanding to be sucked. Her mouth opened wider and she helplessly took Glen's big cockhead in. Gray watched, enjoying her easy surrender, not knowing that what he saw was a wife willing to suck her husband's penis to please him.
Due to the nipple play and her drug induced vision of Glen, Patricia found herself wanting to suck Gray's cock badly. In her altered state of mind she was thrilled at Glen's obvious pleasure and approval though she feared what would come afterwards. She remembered that afterwards Glen always became angry with her for being a "sex crazed slut", saying that no decent wife would suck a cock so well or willingly.
The drug had rendered Patricia semi-conscious and she was able to let her fear slide past her desire to suck Glen's cock and please him. Her present condition left her unable to be very competent at sucking so Patricia began to mouth awkwardly at Gray / Glen's cock as well as she could, momentarily freed by the drug induced abandon.
Gray carefully slid his thick cock in and out of Patricia's slack mouth, watching her try to suck him. He smiled with pleasure as he felt her wet warm mouth surround his cock. Her weak attempts at suckling him were promising because he knew the drug had for the most part disabled her and she was performing solely on base instinct. So far Patricia had met his exacting criteria and she seemed to be an excellent candidate for a pleasure slave, despite her current demeanor of independence. He would not know for certain until the drug wore off and he saw how she would respond to uninfluenced training.
Gray allowed her weakly suckle and mouth his penis until he was at the point of ejaculation, then he carefully withdrew his cock and milked himself into a jar. He saw his captive's drug-bleared eyes dreamily watch him jack his big cock and pump his thick semen into the jar. He was delighted with the way her eyes glistened at the sight of his ropy sperm spurting and oozing from his cockhead. Before covering the jar he scooped a glob of hot cum out on his finger and held it above Patricia's mouth while he squeezed her left breast. Patricia moaned.
Gray smiled and traced his captive's lips with the sperm from his finger and watched her lick it off. He turned and capped the jar of cum and left the room to place it in the refrigerator. Patricia drifted into total unconsciousness. Gray returned and looked down at her. Smiling, he picked her up and carried her downstairs.
Gray's house had a feature few homes in the area offered, a full basement. As they entered the room deep in the house Gray placed her, on her back again, on a gently sloping leather chaise and quickly fastened soft leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles. He fastened her hands to the top of the chaise, stretching her arms over her head, immobilizing her and causing her breasts to jut out saucily. He fastened the ankle cuffs to each leg at the foot of the chaise, making her spread her legs to accommodate the width and length of the piece of furniture. He shoved a small pillow under her ass. This left her with her cunt exposed cruelly, spread open and thrust up. He stood and admired the captive female, delighting in the vision of her helplessness.
Gray began to pull her nipples, eager to see her semi-conscious again. He smiled when she began to slowly pump her hips as he stimulated her. His insistent fingers tweaking and pulling on her teats soon caused Patricia stir and to quiver with sexual arousal.
In Patricia's drug induced dream world Glen teased her nipples. She moaned some more. Gray laughed softly at her helpless motions and continued teasing her nipples, watching her pump her hips, causing her cunt to open and close and make soft sounds, as it became wetter with her juices.
He bent and began to suckle her breasts again, using his mouth to skillfully tease the buds of her nipples to throbbing points. As he suckled one nipple he manipulated the other with his fingers, while with his free hand he began to plumb the depths of her cunt as she writhed helplessly beneath him. He tweaked her stiffened clitoris causing her to buck lustily.
Soon her squirming and powerlessness brought his cock to erection again and he sheathed himself in a condom before he climbed atop her captured body and covered her, thrusting himself deep inside her upthrust vagina. Patricia whimpered, " Yes, please breed me, breed me good, Glen."
Gray smiled as he covered her lips with his, digging for her tongue with his own. Her body responded intuitively to his thrusts, arching upwards, catching his rhythm, and taking his big cock deep. He reached down and pulled on her nipples. She responded by shoving herself hard onto his cock and he felt her begin to spasm with orgasm. Gray groaned as he felt her cunt contract repeatedly on his pumping cock.
My God, he thought to himself, she's got a milking machine in her cunt! Over and over her cunt contracted and pulled insistently on his cock, urging him to cum and to his surprise his balls twitched and responded with another load of sperm for her. As Gray ground out his orgasm he felt ecstasy and wonder. He hadn't come twice in an hour for years! He grunted loudly as he pumped Patricia's cunt full of his seed, his mind racing, he had to have this one. He wanted to keep her.
Afterwards he peeled the sodden rubber from his manhood and carefully douched Patricia's used cunt clean and redressed her, taking care to replace her clothing exactly as he had found it before he moved her upstairs. Tomorrow morning he would begin to arrange her breaking and training.
Patricia woke up the next morning, sore and disoriented. Her arms and thighs ached slightly and when she moved to relieve them she found them a vaguely stiff and sore. She vaguely recalled dreaming of sex with Glen and quickly shoved the fragile memory from her mind. She looked about and found herself in a tastefully furnished bedroom with an adjoining bath. French doors opened onto a balcony overlooking the bay. Her purse was on the night table next to a white telephone. A gold windup clock ticked companionably on the table on the far side of the bed. She was covered with a beautifully made quilt. She threw the quilt back and was appalled at the wrinkles in her dress.
Patricia gingerly raised herself on the bed and tried to determine where she was. She recalled clearly being at the restaurant but that was all.? She hoped she had not blathered on and said too much while she was drunk. She got to her feet and found her shoes placed neatly together next to the bed. She slipped them on and went to the door. She opened it a crack and looked down the hallway that lay outside. No one in sight. This had to be Gray's house but where was he? How did she get here? She cleared her throat and wished for some water.
Stepping back into the room she went into the bathroom and poured herself a drink of water in a crystal tumbler she found next to the sink. A new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste had been thoughtfully laid out for her use. She looked around and became aware that this was a guest room and bath, unused and unoccupied.? As she gratefully brushed her teeth she walked out into the bedroom, stopping at the French doors to the balcony.
The balcony overlooked the sun-brightened bay. A small table and chairs offered a place to sit and enjoy the view. She walked out to the front of the balcony and looked down at the circular driveway that arched in front of the house and disappeared into the stand of woods that entirely shielded the house from the road. She could hear cars passing in the distance, the sound muffled by the trees and underbrush. She turned and went back to the bath to rinse her mouth.
As she came out of the bathroom the phone by the bed startled her as it began? ringing. After it rang several times she picked it up, answering tentatively, "Hello?" Gray's voice greeted her.
"Good morning, dear Patricia. How are you feeling? I will have to remember not to let you have so much champagne in the future."
"What happened? How did I get here?" Patricia questioned cautiously, fearful she had drunkenly told all her woes to Gray. That would surely cause him to lose interest in her if he had any to begin with.
"I took the liberty of bringing you. You were in no condition to drive and I couldn't leave you in the parking lot. I had no idea where to send you in a cab so the logical thing was to bring you home with me."
"Um, thanks, I guess. Could you take me back to get my car? I am sorry to have been such a bother," she said with obvious shame and nervousness.
"No bother. I enjoyed your company thoroughly, though I must admit you were a bit quiet after we left the restaurant," Gray answered, trying to calm her.
"Where are you?" Patricia asked.
"I am downstairs. I have multiple phone lines to accommodate my business affairs. I simply called you up. I did not want to barge in and make you uncomfortable. I imagine you must be feeling pretty hung over and I certainly didn't want to embarrass you by presenting myself at your bedroom door, after all we only met last night."
"That's very sweet of you. So, how do I get to where you are from here?"
"Take the hallway to the right until you see the stairs. Follow them down and I will meet you in the foyer. See you shortly."
Patricia managed to make her way downstairs where Gray was expecting her.
"Hi. Can we go?" Patricia asked apprehensively upon seeing him.
"Let's have breakfast first. Relax, it may help you feel better."
With a friendly smile he took her arm and led her into a sunny kitchen where he had a lovely breakfast prepared and waiting.
"It?s lovely but I'm not very hungry," she said.
"Well, I am and I plan on eating before I leave. You can watch if you aren't hungry. Perhaps you would like some coffee?"
Gray motioned for her to get some and she poured a cup. He turned to his own needs and helped his plate. Patricia felt her mouth water in spite of herself.
"Look, I don't know what happened, that has never happened to me before. I am so ashamed. I hope I did not burden you with drunken sob stories. I am sorry but I want to go home," Patricia said.
"Patricia, nothing happened. You drank too much and said almost nothing.? I looked after you. I was the perfect gentleman and you the perfect woman."
Gray smiled at her and his command of the situation plus the fact that he did not berate her or try to embarrass her for passing out gave her a feeling of relief. He was so different from Glen!? The night's dream resurfaced. Patricia nebulously recalled Glen having her suck his cock. She blushed with embarrassment at the idea. She had to take Gray's word for her actions. She had to rely on her memory and it didn't challenge anything Gray said and she could not deny that she was fully dressed and had obviously slept alone. She felt a bit better so she picked up a plate and served herself to some cantaloupe.
They ate and Patricia found herself beginning to be more disconcerted by this man who was so cool and tactful about her passing out the night before. She made small talk and found they liked several of the same movies and books. All too soon the food was gone and it was time for Gray to return Patricia to her car.
As they went into the garage Patricia smiled again as Gray courteously held open the door and then opened the passenger door of his van and helped her in. What a gentleman, she thought.
The drive back to the restaurant was made in relative silence, each thinking about the previous night and the possibility of a future with the other, though neither had the same future in mind. As Gray opened the door to the van and helped Patricia out she felt she had to say something.
"Thank you so much. Again, I apologize for last night, I really don't know what to say," Patricia said as Gray opened her car door for her.
"Oh, these things happen from time to time. Not to worry. I'll call you later and check on you," Gray said.
Patricia answered that she would like that and again erroneously berated herself for her behavior the previous night. Gray wasn't making another date and she knew her conduct last night must have put him off. A female who drinks too much and passes out on the first date charmed not many gentlemen like Gray, but still he had said he would call her.
She drove home, her mind racing, surprised to find herself hoping Gray would call soon.
That evening just when Patricia had given up hope the phone rang.
"Patricia, are you all right? Thought I would call and check. It's not too late is it?"
"Oh, Gray, no, it's not too late," she mentally steeled herself and boldly went on,? " I was wondering if you were going to call or if you had just said that to be polite."
"I'm sorry if I disappointed you but I was bit busy earlier. How are you feeling, dear? Are you okay?"
"Yes, thank you. I am. I was pretty tired so I napped all afternoon."
"Good, I hope to hear you have recovered fully."
"I have. I am really am sorry about last night. I still don't know what happened or what to say."
"Say you'll go out with me again then."
Patricia gladly agreed and Gray set the date for a week from the following Friday. Patricia couldn't help but wonder why he set it so far in the future but she was pleased that Gray had asked her out again.
As the first week went by and Patricia found herself thinking of Gray often. She hoped he would call her to chat but the week dragged on and the phone didn't ring. She became afraid that he had made the date on the spur of the moment in response to her remark about his not calling earlier and that "something would come up" and he would cancel on her.
Gray, meanwhile, bided his time and conscientiously did not call Patricia. For all of his enthrallment of her and her excellent suitability for his needs he knew he must be careful to make himself not too eager or available. Though he knew his physical appearance was not one of a "hunk", he could make himself desirable to such a woman as Patricia with the proper tools and words. At the end of the first week he sent her a half dozen red roses from the best florist in town, knowing that she would be very charmed and flattered and she was.
Gray wrote the proper report to the BBO and included his tentative acceptance of the woman they offered. He authorized the payment of the finder's fee for dispersal. He knew that in return the BBO would supply him with further information on Patricia. Gray e-mailed his report to BBO and expressed his pleasure with the service's offering. As was his privilege, he reserved final acceptance of the offering until two more encounters had been made.
BBO prided themselves on making sure their customers were entirely satisfied before levying their substantial final fees for providing a slave. They depended on repeat business and customer referrals for future revenue. Their prompt reply to Gray stated that his choice of further investigation of the woman was agreeable and expected. They also provided the more in depth information on Patricia that Gray was looking for.
Gray was pleased to see, from the psychological profile, that Patricia had the precise personality type he required in a female. She had almost exclusively chosen phallic symbols and designs when completing the complicated and carefully veiled shape/authority association section. The tool was excellent for identifying a person's suitability for a specific submissive role. Patricia definitely felt males superior according to the results and indicated she was a follower, not a leader. Her profile indicated she was a psychological dependent and good candidate to be a true submissive. The indications were that with some work Gray could make Patricia completely dependent on him and totally compliant to his wishes and that was what he was looking for.
Patricia's background indicated that though she definitely had the potential to be a submissive Gray would have to be careful in guiding her gently into the sexual aspect of his plan. He saw that the probes revealed that Patricia had deep seated inhibitions about sex, considering it shameful and indecent, though a necessary part of an intimate relationship.
The reports from covert interviews with friends of the couple verified this, stating that Patricia had made this clear by her overwrought embarrassment in front of them when her ex-husband made remarks and jokes about sex. Apparently he had enjoyed publicly making her blush and stammer with discomfiture as he related to his friends how prudish she acted in bed. That would present a pleasing challenge, to coax her to enjoy and want sex and, eventually, be openly eager for sex with Gray, even in public. If he could do that he could train her to be the submissive he envisioned himself finding when he contracted with the BBO. Thinking of his future plans for Patricia, Gray began to contemplate his method of ensnaring her emotionally. That was the first thing to do.
Yes, Gray mused, emotional dependence was definitely to come first. Gray would manipulate Patricia into falling in love with him and he knew he would fall in love with her if she responded to his attention appropriately. She had never been in a true D/s relationship but had unconsciously dabbled in, a natural way, the genre with her husband as he suspected.?
Apparently, according to the report, during a drug party the husband had initiated their engaging in "swinging" one time and Patricia had participated in accordance to his wants.? That reduced the challenge somewhat, knowing she had the capability to love a man and would do as he asked though she had not wanted to.
The BBO report repeatedly validated Gray's deduction that Patricia had the potential to be conditioned to submit to abuse and respond to any acceptance and kindness by making herself even more available for further humiliation and ill use just to receive the ensuing kindness. He knew how to take advantage of this and intended to fully exploit it. Patricia had the exact psychological profile that he wanted. But first he had to snare her.
During his lifetime Gray had learned that one sure way to initially attract Patricia's type was to show interest but to remain distant and indifferent but firmly prominent in her mind. That would intrigue her, keep her interested, and make her work to get his attention and keep it. Once he had her snared his tactics would change. He knew, from past study, that her type felt they had to please at all costs because they were somehow unworthy.
Gray knew that, because of this feeling of unworthiness, Patricia would accept some rejection, abuse, or ridicule as her due. This was evidenced by her staying with her abusive husband and by her participating in the 'swinging' session at his direction though she did not want to be part of that lifestyle. From past studies Gray correctly deduced that Patricia expected her husband's abuse afterwards for her "badness" and when he was again kind to her she over-responded, even to the point of doing it for him again if he asked. Gray smiled over the papers in his hand. This one definitely looked promising.
Gray called Patricia on Sunday night and was satisfied to hear the happiness and relief in her voice when she found it was he. He heard his first victory when she gushed about the flowers and again apologized for her behavior at their previous meeting. She told him she had been thinking of him quite a bit and he smiled broadly at the sincerity in her voice. He told her he had been thinking of their coming date and was looking forward to it. He mentioned he had made reservations at one of the better restaurants in town and had a surprise for her.
She expressed much enthusiasm and then chatted gaily, her pleasure in hearing from him undeniable. He echoed her pleasure and then made plans to meet with her for coffee at a local bistro on Monday.
Monday he dressed in Armani and carried a butter leather briefcase, knowing that his appearance of wealth and purpose would impress her even more and perhaps put her in a bit of awe of him, as he believed she should be. She seemed to react as he planned, doing a slight double take when he came into the cafe and then appearing to preen and glow in his presence. Her behavior showed his manipulation's influence already as she obviously deferred to him. He was pleased by the fact that more than once he caught her smugly looking at some women at a nearby table as if to say, "I'm with him!"
He held her hand on the tabletop and smiled as she began to try to please him with amusing stories. After they had chatted a while, he gave her a pair of small gold hoop earrings in a well-known jeweler's box. "What gorgeous earrings!" Patricia exclaimed after opening the gift.
He saw her surprise at the evident value of the jewelry and saw his desirability rise greatly in her mind. Good, just as planned, though she could not know of what he had in mind for future use of the jewelry.
Patricia's mute but obvious appraisal of the trinkets was in poor taste but in Gray's eyes advantageous. He wanted her to be impressed with his wealth. He wanted her to have no doubt that he was financially secure. He knew from examining her financial background from the BBO's report that he must seem immensely well off to her.? This would be used as leverage in his future plans.
When they parted Gray gave Patricia a chaste kiss and again was pleased to find she moved into him and tried to make the contact more familiar. This was one of the things he was looking for, a response to his generosity, his kindness, to be exact, this type of response, a physical one. He smoothly evaded her small bid for intimacy, firmly but without causing her any embarrassment, strengthening her interest in him.
He did not call her that night though she had asked him to and he had no further contact with her until the day of their date. If she continued to succumb to his manipulations and presence in this fashion he knew she would be ripe for his harvest by Friday.
Friday came and Patricia was very nervous. She paced the hallway of her apartment and touched the new earrings in her earlobes. Why hadn't Gray called? She had not heard a word from him since they had coffee on Monday. She hoped she had not done something to cause him to change his mind.
He was so nice! So strong and refined. She searched her mind and came up with a descriptive word for him, she smiled as she thought of it for it was so out of character for her to give anyone this kind of designation. Gray was sophisticated, yes, sophisticated. Glen had been strong but not the slightest bit cultured, not that she had minded. Still, Gray and Glen shared the common trait of assured self-confidence and she found herself liking Gray even more due to his worldliness and manners. She thrilled in the anticipation of seeing him again.
Patricia had dated several fellows the past year but had not been impressed with any of them; they had all seemed so helpless and boyish in one way or another. None of them had any money to speak of and none of them had measured up to her memories of her husband in the early days of their marriage. They had all deferred to her and had wanted her to make all decisions about where they went and what they did as a couple. Gray was so unlike any of them that she was smitten in spite of his baldness and mediocre looks.
Gray was the first real man she had met since she met Glen at age 15. He was wealthy (by her standards anyway), well traveled, and intelligent. His self-assurance and confident handling of himself rivaled her ex-husband's and really impressed her. He didn't fawn over her nor did he seem to be obsessed with getting her to go to bed with him and this puzzled her.
Patricia knew she was not of the caliber of woman Gray could have and she intuitively deduced that some of his interest in her was sexual. She was surprised at his failure to vindicate this idea during their first date, particularly after she had passed out and ended up at his home overnight. She knew she would gladly go to bed with him though, all he had to do was ask. He was a type of man she would not refuse. In her heart she felt he would probably use her for a quick fling and dump her but she would take that chance if there were a possibility he might make her a permanent part of his life. He was charismatic and she found herself falling under his spell. She hoped he could feel the same about her.
She checked the clock as she began to pace again. The phone ringing startled her and she gave a yelp. Hurriedly she ran to get it and almost sighed with relief when Gray identified himself. He told her he would be round to pick her up in about twenty minutes. She got a little angry when he said, " Just be ready and dressed suitably."? Patricia retorted that she knew how to dress and Gray said with a placating chuckle that he would be the judge of that.
Patricia rushed into her bedroom and nervously rechecked her attire in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. The black velvet halter topped dress looked good, the halter tied with a big ornate bow, forming a backdrop for her long graceful neck. It ought to; it had set her back the majority of her paycheck. The strapless push up bra lifted her full breasts, filling out the halter-top nicely.? She was pleased with her high-heeled sandals, thinking that they enhanced her long legs.
The image in the mirror looked sleek, cultured, the kind of woman Gray probably was used to. She worried that she would have to go broke trying to dress for him and she giggled at the idea, after all this was only their second date. The doorbell rang.
Gray's eyes roved over her, evaluating her as she stood before him in her entrance hall. "Good, the dress is a very nice choice," he finally said and she found herself being relieved she had pleased him. "The shoes are not suitable though, too casual. Do you have any black pumps with that high a heel?" he asked, his face taking on a look of distaste.
She was surprised to find herself blushing and feeling vaguely ashamed for not making a selection that pleased him. She hurried to her room and selected a pair of black pumps she had deemed too plain earlier. She slipped them on and hurried back for his appraisal. He rewarded her with a nod and a smile as he held out her wrap for her. She slid into it, feeling surprisingly feminine and dainty.
?They went to the car and she was surprised to see a limo. The chauffeur opened the door and Gray helped her into the cavernous seating compartment. He sat beside her and quickly revealed his surprise, tickets to the theater. She babbled her delight and he nodded to the chauffeur and the car began to move into the night. She felt very exclusive and elegant. The theater! She had never been. How thoughtful Gray was.
Gray had made also reservations for dinner at the Driftwood, one of the most exclusive restaurants in town and Patricia felt like Cinderella. They dined on roast pheasant accompanied by a bottle of excellent wine. They ate, oblivious to others, as their conversation drew them closer together, each finding much pleasure in the other's company. Patricia confessed her feeling that she was not good enough for Gray but he reassured her of her that she was perfect for him. She went on to cite several things about her that made her unworthy of him and again he told her that her financial status, her having been previously married, and her recent weight gain were of no importance to him. He told her he enjoyed her intelligence and her personality.
"Not to mention your beauty."
Patricia ducked her head and smiled demurely.
?To himself, Gray noted her feeling of inferiority. He told her he cared for her as she was and Patricia was elated. All too soon it was time to leave for the theater.
The theater was packed but Gray's purchase of tickets for a private box gave them luxurious room and privacy to enjoy the program, an opera about a kidnapped girl. The plot presented the girl as independent and unwillingly falling in love with her authoritative captor. As the story progressed she ended up realizing her emerging strong feelings for her captor and her instinctive urge to be his mate. After working through the kidnapping and her rescue, she chose to stay with her captor as his woman on his terms, as his cherished, but subordinate, mate.
By the time the final curtain had fallen Patricia had found herself wanting to find love as the girl in play had. Gray had taken her hand gently during the play and she had thrilled to his touch. He had looked at her in feigned askance at his physical overture and she had smiled and clasped his hand tightly to express her consent.
Afterwards in the car he had produced another bottle of wine and busied himself pouring them each a flute. Patricia did not see Gray carefully dose her drink with GHB. He used a slightly greater amount than he used on their previous date.
"Here, dear Patricia, a toast to our splendid evening. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you did too."
"Oh yes! It was wonderful. Like magic."
She took the glass of wine and raised it to meet his. The small clink of the glasses punctuated the moment as they gazed into each other's eyes. Patricia felt herself melt as she studied Gray's dark blue eyes and she leaned forward to kiss him boldly. Their lips met and their passion was unmistakable. Gray broke away and smiled at her.
"Drink up, darling. We have all night."
After draining their flutes
Patricia and Gray embraced again and their kisses burned with the unequivocal
passion they felt. Gray moved his hand to cup Patricia's breast and she
instinctively made an attempt to brush it away. Gray looked into her eyes and
said, "You are mine tonight, these are mine. I will touch them if I
wish." Patricia blushed and nodded demurely, vaguely pleased at having a
man who took control.
Patricia began to feel woozy as Gray helped her from the limousine. The driver moved the car a short distance away and stopped. Gray unlocked the front door and took Patricia?s hand and led her into the house. She unsteadily followed him and struggled to maintain her composure but the drowsiness quickly became overpowering and she said, " Gray, I feel dizzy, I need to sit down."
She staggered and Gray immediately guided her to a sofa and helped her to sit. She blearily looked at him and said, "I don't know what's wrong with me. Every time we go out I have a wonderful time but then I seem to pass out. I am sorry. I don't want you to get disgusted with me."
"Don't worry, I don't think ill of you at all. I like having a woman who needs me to tend to her. I will take care of you, just let go and sleep."
Gray looked down at her expectantly and Patricia smiled, thinking of the girl in the play, and let herself slip away. He gazed down, watching her smile trustingly up at him as she passed out, feeling his heart tug as emotion coursed through him. She was perfect for him. Once Gray saw that she was fully unconscious he carefully checked her respiration and heartbeat.
Satisfied, he pulled her forward and unfastened her halter, exposing her bosom. He knelt in front of her and unclasped her bra awkwardly, freeing her breasts. He massaged them and squeezed them tenderly, closely examining the nipples and aureoles, again enjoying the large size and the color of her paps and teats. He watched as his fingers stroked and gently pulled the long nipples. They stiffened immediately and rose. He lowered his head and suckled on each nipple, feeling them swell even more in his mouth. Smiling at his success he rose and went to a nearby sideboard where he rummaged in a drawer and retrieved a camera.
He smiled again as Patricia moaned in her sleep. He snapped a picture of her tits that showed her face as well. He then spread her legs, pushed her dress up, and removed her panties and took a few shots of her cunt before and after inserting her own fingers into it.
He flipped her dress up higher, removed her fingers from her vagina and began to frig her pussy himself. He watched his finger slide into her cunt. He slipped another finger in, then another, soon he had three of his fingers sliding in and out of her now very wet cunt, his knuckles glistening with her juices. He carefully snapped a shot of his fingers rammed deep into her cunt, making sure her face was in the picture and plainly identifiable.
The feeling Gray was experiencing was alien to him. He found he cared deeply for this woman, cared so much he was concerned that he would not be able to keep her in the fashion he wanted. She was so vulnerable and trusting and he could tell she could become intensely devoted to him, more so than any woman he had encountered before. He actually considered making their relationship an exclusive one.
Gray imagined living out his life with this willing female, her body and love solely his. His private paradise with his well trained and willing subject, one who would never know or service another. He thought deeply for several minutes and made a decision. Gray put the camera aside and went to the front door. He unlatched the lock and stuck his head out. Yes, there was his chauffeur.?
"Larry, please step inside.? I need a hand here."
Larry looked up. When he saw the excitement on Mr. Winton's face his own eyes grew hot with anticipation. He hurried to the door to enter, feeling his cock already begin to stiffen in his slacks. He had given his boss "a hand" before and it had always proven to be most pleasurable.
Larry's ability to keep his mouth shut about what he heard and saw made him a preferred driver for many of Gray's circle of friends. His willingness to participate enhanced his desirability. Larry's discretion and willingness to use his sexual skills often paved the way for him in many scenes such as this one. Gray led his driver into the house and presented the exposed and unconscious Patricia.
"I hope to make this one my latest acquisition, Larry."
Larry took in the big nipples and hairy pudenda. Nice looking hole, he thought. Grinning slyly, Larry bent and pulled Patricia's cunt lips apart to make her pussy gape. His grin widened when he saw how plainly wet Patricia's labia were. Smirking and nodding he glanced over at Gray.
?"What do you think, Larry?" Gray said quietly, feeling himself fill with jealously for the first time in years.
" She looks like she needs a good dicking, Mr. Winton. I mean, just look at that hole, now that's pretty juicy. That cunt needs to be dicked in the worst way. Needs a cock bad. Want me to plow her for you?"
"Yes, please," Gray forced himself to say. He went on, telling himself it was for the best," Do you mind if I take some shots while you use her?"
"Go ahead. I know you're discreet," Larry said as he unzipped his slacks and jacked at his already hard cock in anticipation of fucking the pussy before him.
Larry quickly slipped a condom over his stiff dick and, unhesitating, positioned himself over the helpless woman. He worked his cock into her cunt and began to slowly hump her. He looked over at Gray and grinned as he flagrantly used Patricia's cunt to gain his orgasm.
"Oh, yeah, she?s got some good pussy, good pussy, look at her take my meat, " he said as he pumped his dick in and out more quickly.
Gray shot several pictures of Larry's cock sliding in and out of his captive's cunt, making sure to get Patricia's face and body in the pictures. He was relieved as the misgivings he felt about seeing Patricia used by another man slowly fell away. They were replaced by the familiar pleasing sense of superiority and power Gray always experienced when he watched one of his females being fucked by another male. It was immensely satisfying to him for other men to desire his women and use them if he chose for them to. What power it implied!
"Yeah, take my meat, girl, get it."
Larry continued to fuck the slave-candidate, gradually thrusting harder as he got ready to orgasm. His thick cock slid in and out of Patricia's vagina, his cods banging softly against her supple ass.
"Uhhh?thanks, man,? Larry said to Gray as he pumped his cock into Patricia, "How'd you know I was wanting a hole to dump my load in?"
Gray snapped another shot and said, " I didn't, Larry, but I have never known you to turn pussy down."
"Unnnn...true," Larry groaned and thrust deeply as he began to orgasm. He pushed himself powerfully into the unconscious woman, burying his cock up to his cods. He grimaced as he began shooting his cum, quickly filling the tip of the rubber he wore. He finished and smiled, reaching down to stroke one of Patricia?s breasts.? Sighing he pulled his spent cock out of her cunt. He began stripping the used rubber off but before he could discard it Gray said, "Say, Larry, try pouring your cum on her face and into her mouth. Be careful feeding it to her though. She's pretty far under."
After zipping his slacks, Larry began easing the sperm from the condom into Patricia's mouth. The unconscious woman instinctively swallowed as cum dribbled slowly into her mouth. Larry laughed, "Gonna make a cum eater out of this one?"
"Oh yes. A cum eater and much more."
"What do you have in mind, Mr. Winton?"
"You'll see eventually."
"Yes, sir. Whatever you say, but I would like to get into that again sometime, " Larry answered, nodding towards Patricia's cunt.
"You may get your chance," said Gray.
Larry thanked Gray again for the pussy and headed back outside to await further orders.
Gray leaned over and began to finger Patricia's used cunt. She was still juicy. He sighed with satisfaction and released his large cock with his free hand and after taking his other hand from her cunt he began to smear his cockhead with the juice accumulated from her cunt. He slid a thin latex sheath onto his cock then began to rub his cockhead along her pussy lips, teasing himself. When he could take it no more he jammed his thick meat into her and began to pump his hips.?
He was amused to see that she began to weakly shove herself onto his cock even though she had just be fucked mightily by his driver.? He kept thrusting into her as he began to pull her nipples. It did not take long before she began to orgasm, once again thrilling him with her cunt spasming on his surging cock, making him dump his full balls into her ready cunt. He fell onto her and allowed his cock to deflate within her.
After his cock slipped from her vagina he stood and stretched, feeling excellent from fucking the unconscious but responsive woman. He pulled the rubber free and emptied his spunk onto the unconscious woman's vaginal opening. He snapped a shot of her with his sperm apparently leaking from her gaping cunt and then he bent, picked her up and carried her down stairs to his basement.
Patricia woke slowly and tried to roll over. When she found she could not she snapped her eyes open. Futilely she tried to move her arms and legs from the awkward positions they were in but had no luck. She realized she was tied to a chaise lounge, her arms pulled up over her head and her feet bound to the chaise legs at the foot. She was dressed but her bodice had been pulled down and her breasts exposed. Her skirt had also been pulled up, her hose and panties gone, and her vagina was made public to anyone who came in. Horrified, she struggled vainly against the silken ropes holding her captive. She knew immediately that Gray had done this and she looked around for him.
Gray was nowhere to be seen but then he could have been in the dark recesses of the room where no light fell. The only light was focused on three large pictures, each of a different woman on her hands and knees in obvious submission, her eyes down cast as she licked at the head of a huge cock hanging in front of her. She felt a flicker of recognition looking at the man?s penis for some reason. None of the pictures had been made in the same setting though the long thick cock and plump balls in each one appeared to be the same. Two of the pictures were taken out of doors and the other was apparently taken in someone's living room.
Each print was illuminated by track lighting and all of the women were nude, wearing nothing but collars and leashes like animals. In each picture the leash was obviously held by the man whose penis they licked so humbly. She could not see the man's face in any of the prints. Still, she could see his strength and power reflected in the stance he held, hips thrust forward, legs locked, his free hand resting casually on his hip as he accepted the homage from the woman at the end of the leash.
She found herself being strangely excited by the pictures and her eyes widened as she studied them. Instinctively she knew the man in the prints was Gray. What did he have in mind for her? Would he have her do the same? Repulsion, shame, and embarrassment coursed through her, alternating with the tiniest shivers of excitement.
Patricia struggled uselessly against her bonds. She tried vainly to recall the previous night but could not recall all of it. She remembered the dinner, the theater, and kissing Gray passionately during the drive afterwards but from that point she was vague. They had reached Gray's house but her memory was completely fogged over from that point. She knew she'd been very careful not to drink much, she did not want to anger Gray by passing out again. She had become so attracted to him, feeling herself begin to fall in love with him
The sound of footsteps approaching erased all thoughts of the past night out of her mind. She struggled on the chaise again, blushing furiously, knowing that it had to be Gray. She was dizzy with shame and embarrassment; strongly wishing her dress' disarray was not so brazenly exposing her breasts and pussy even though she knew that Gray had to have positioned her thus.
Gray entered the room wearing the same black vest he had on during their first dinner date. He came to the couch and looked down at Patricia and smiled. "How are you this morning my love?"
Patricia was caught in a battle of emotions; anger, embarrassment, and shame, as she watched Gray looking down on her and seeing his glance occasionally move to her exposed pussy.
"Why have you done this? Please let me go. Let me go!" Patricia said and Gray bent and placed his hand over her mouth firmly.
"Easy, darling. Be quiet or I will have to gag you immediately."
Her eyes looked up at him hurt and wide.
"Patricia, listen to me. It's a kink of mine; I like to have women completely under my control, physically and sexually. You didn't pass out from drinking the first night we went out, I drugged you and had my way with you then and last night. I have been so turned on by you I had to have you in the manner I pleased and I did not want to deal with you refusing or fighting me. You responded beautifully both times. Very well, in fact. You are very responsive, even drugged."
Gray produced the pictures that he had snapped the evening before, holding them in front of her face, making sure she saw the extent to which he had used her. Her eyes closed in shame after seeing the photographs of herself having sex with a man she assumed was Gray.
"Now Patricia, nothing to be ashamed of, it is what you are made for. I am enchanted with you and I just had to see if sex with you was good and I did. By the way, you are amazing. I've never stuck my cock into a cunt like yours. You were made for sex. Why, even drugged beyond comprehension you fucked me silly."
Patricia looked up at him, feeling his hand across her mouth, cringing from the blatant sexual language, hurt and scared but finding also herself some how pleased with Gray's adulation of her ability in bed. She moaned, distraught with her inner turmoil and the situation.
"Ah, Patricia, don't be disappointed. Sex is not the only reason I have done this. I care for you greatly. I find myself wildly enamored of you, falling in love with you and unable to control myself. I am sure you've heard about your sexual talent before, if not you should have, but I have other plans for you too. Now I am going to let your mouth go, don't scream, it will do no good. This room is completely soundproofed."
Gray removed his hand. Patricia gasped and blurted, "Let me go, I'll do whatever you want. I would have gone to bed with you anyway. You didn't have to drug me." As she said it Patricia was shocked to realize that she really did mean it. She was also surprised that in spite of her discomfort she was experiencing a shiver of excitement at the idea of being forced to have sex.
"Good girl. That is the first step towards your freedom."
She looked at him, surprised, freedom?
"You intend to set me free?
"I will set you free, have no fear. You do not have to stay here if you do not wish to. But if you do wish to stay here with me I want to play some more. Do you understand? I want to take some time with you and your lovely body, while you are awake, to see how you like being with me, to see you truly respond, to see if you enjoy me as much as I do you. Also I want to have you aware that I am using you and of what I like. Relax, it won't be so bad, I am not a cruel man, I don't believe in harsh physical pain, in fact you will find some pain pleasurable if you just follow your body's cues."
"Can't you untie me? I really do want to be with you," she answered gazing at him with a foreign sexual desire tentatively growing in spite of the fact he had drugged and raped her. Her helplessness and Gray's calm control had really excited her. She found herself feeling oddly safe even though Gray had done this to her via drugs and trickery.
?"No, dearest, I rather like you under my control. I am sure you've seen the prints on the walls?"
Patricia glanced at the women orally paying devotion to the man's cock and felt a twinge of jealousy as now she knew for certain the cock was Gray's. She felt another stirring of desire to show him she could make him happier than the nameless women of the past.? Shyly, she looked back at up at Gray and asked, "That's you? Those are your women?"
"Yes, that is me and those were little playmates I've had in the past. But, Patricia, I dearly want you to be more than that, not a mere playmate. However, take heed, that is how I like my women. Completely in my control. Suitably submissive, adoring, and in their appropriate place as women, appropriate to me anyway, as my property."
Patricia gazed up at him, nodding, and her mind a whirl. He wanted her for more than a playmate! A vision of her at Gray's side on a cruise ship came into her mind. The idea of collars and leases were superseded by this thought. Her eyes remained fastened on Gray. Gray's eyes were kind as he returned her gaze. "All right," he said, "Shall we begin?" Patricia nodded again, tentatively.
Gray leaned over and caressed her breasts. "MMMM...very pretty tits. I like that." Patricia closed her eyes and bit the inside of hr cheek to keep from whimpering from the shame that washed over her. Gray pulled her bra down and arranged it so that each breast was supported but left uncovered. She turned her head, eyes still shut, and flushed pink with embarrassment while he arranged her breasts and openly discussed them. Helplessly she moaned, "Please, no. Please don't. I hate it!"
"No, dear. You shouldn?t hate it. You have lovely nipples?They seem to love being toyed with. They stick out and plead to be pulled. Like this."
Gray took each nubbin of sensitive flesh in his fingers and began to pull and roll it while looking down at Patricia, noting the red flush of her embarrassment. Gray watched her grimace as her breath escaped in a big rush when she felt Gray's fingers manipulating her nipples. They quickly began to swell in his fingers.
"You do like that don't you Patricia? Like me pulling your pretty nipples?" he asked, smiling benignly down at the spectacle of Patricia fighting her inhibitions and her body's obvious positive reaction as his fingers pinched and rolled her teats.
"Stop, please, stop," she whispered from between clenched teeth.
Gray continued to tease her teats, knowing from the prior sessions what his ministrations would do to her. Every thirty seconds or so he would ask, "Do you like that, Patricia?" He knew he was making progress when Patricia finally muttered helplessly, "Yes, oh, yes, yes!" He slowed his play and began to rub her breasts leaving her nipples swollen and poking up stiffly.
"Look at these teats! They need to be licked, hmm?"
As he bent and licked the tips Patricia, now quite excited, arched her back to get her nipples into his mouth. Score one for me, Gray thought, tasting the stiff nipples. "Ummm, so you want to be suckled do you? Is that what you are trying to get me to do? Suckle your hard nipples?"
Patricia was silent with shame as she deliberately strained to get her stiff nipples into Gray's mouth. She couldn't say it out loud but that was exactly what she wanted. Gray teased her nipples with his tongue, his goal to hear her ask him to suckle her. "You must tell me what you want, dear," Gray instructed as he continued to lick at her stiff nipples.
?Patricia cringed inwardly, she had always had a hard time voicing sexual wants, ever, even Glen had been hard put to get her to ask to be sucked or fucked. Gray was not Glen though, he was much more skilled and authoritative, and under his hands it did not take long. Within minutes a tiny whispered plea reached Gray's ear, "Please...yes, please."
"Good girl, now I'll suck them for you."
Gray obliged, taking each of Patricia's rigid nipples into his mouth and sucking hard as a reward for her answer while she moaned with relief. He soon stopped and said against her flesh, "Now you must do something for me."
"Uh, please, please," Patricia moaned wanting desperately to feel his mouth pulling at her breasts again. He leaned back and readjusted her bra to better display her tits. He then stood and unzipped his fly and extracted the large cock that was evidenced in the framed prints. "Open your eyes. Look at my cock. Look at it," he ordered, hanging its length over her face and mouth.
Gray?s stimulation of Patricia?s nipples had the same effect on Patricia it had when Glen had done it. She was willing to do as Gray asked. Patricia opened her eyes and gazed at his erect penis.
?Lick it,? Gray commanded.
As if dreaming she felt her tongue pass over her lips and, almost paralyzed with shame, she began to lick the underside, tasting the warm musky flesh of his cock. He reached down and lifted her head by placing his hand under her neck, giving her support as she obediently bathed his cock with her tongue.
"Good girl, lick it well. Still want me to suckle your breasts? Tell me what you want me to do."
She did not answer, attentively licking his dick, her face red with embarrassment, until he reached down for her breasts with his free hand. He began gently pinching and pulling her nipples, first one then the other. Triggered by his manipulations, Patricia felt lust fill her and she mouthed his cock, now laving it avidly with her tongue.
"Umm, good girl...good girl. But I asked you a question. You should answer me now."
She struggled with herself to get the words out. It was so hard to say what she wanted in a sexual situation but Gray's relentless tugging and tweaking of her nipples forced a response out of her. She moaned, "Please, yes, please do it."
"Do what, my love? What is it you want me to do?"
"Oh, please?" Her face flushed even redder.
"What? You must say it."
Gray tickled the tips of her nipples, enjoying her dismay.
Patricia's eyes screwed shut again and she forced out the words in a whisper,??????? " Suck them."
He pulled away from her mouth and lay her head down, then he straddled the chaise.
"You must suck my cock first to earn your desire. Open you eyes and look at it, " Gray ordered gently, now using both hands to renew his tugging at her nipples. "I am going to keep teasing your nipples while I allow you to suck me. I?m going to let you suck my cock until I am ready to cum and if you?ve sucked me off nicely, I will allow you to eat sperm from my dick. Will you eat all the sperm I feed you?"
Hearing Gray say this so calmly and confidently caused Patricia to quiver with an unexpected thrill. She opened her eyes and gazed at his stiff cock. His fingers busied themselves teasing her nipples getting her more excited and she found herself eagerly wanting to do as he described but how could she? It was nasty, only whores and sluts did that. She had been well taught in that respect by Glen.
"What do you say Patricia?"
"No?no, I can?t. Please!"
He waved his cock above her face enticingly, watching her eyes follow its every move.
"Now, my dear, you must. Look at it. Look at my dick, Patricia. Look at that big cock, look at the head of it. It needs to be suckled. Just open your mouth and suck it for me. You want it, don't you? You know you do. Just think of its thickness and strength in your mouth and being able to suck on it."
He twisted her nipples gently and her answer came breathily, "Oh, I just can?t do that. It?s wrong."
Gray could almost feel the heat from her gaze as her eyes followed his cock waving in front of her.
"What do you want to do, Patricia? Do you want me to free you and send you home?"
?No, please. I want to be with you.?
?Then suck me.?
She raised her head and her hot breath fell on his member. He suppressed a groan of pleasure.
?Take it. Put it in your mouth and suck it.?
Her tongue touched him. She began to gingerly lick his cockhead.
He allowed her to do so while pulling and pinching her nipples gently, urging her on.
She began to pant and finally closed her mouth on his cock and awkwardly suckled him. When she began to suckle him with a bit more gusto and evenness he pulled his dick free and asked, ?What do you want to do, love? You must tell me.?
She closed her eyes and whimpered, "Ohhhhhh...put you in my mouth."
Gray took pleasure in the shame he knew she felt as she struggled to say the words. He watched gleefully as she lifted her head higher, trying to get her mouth on his cock. He pulled it back further, just out of her reach.
"Why do you want to suck my cock? Tell me, dear. Look at it when you tell me." Gray was enjoying watching the spectacle of Patricia straining and arching her neck upward in an attempt to get his big dick into her mouth.
"Ohhhh, I-I can't help it. I have to. I need it in my mouth...please," the words came rushing out of Patricia's mouth, her hot breath flowing over his penis, warming it anew.
" Yes, you want to love it, of course. Good. Now, do you just like my cock, Patricia? Or would you suck any cock?"
"Oh, yours, just yours," Patricia moaned truthfully. Gray smiled, that would do for now.
Patricia's eyes remained locked on his cock and he maneuvered his hips to finally feed his turgid penis into her now eager mouth. Her mouth fastened onto his dick and she began suckling him avidly. Her eyes closed as she tried to hide her shame for her helpless desire to fellate him and earn his approval.
He looked down at his blood-darkened cockshaft sliding in and out of her red lips and saw her attempts to hide herself behind her lowered eyelids as her passion took control. He smiled, pleased with the fact that she now suckled his cock without the influence of the drug.
"Open your eyes, Patricia, look at my cock while you suck it," Gray ordered. Her eyes fluttered open and she self-consciously stared at the thick shaft of his cock as it slid in and out of her mouth. "Show me what a good cocksucker you are."
Gray continued to tweak her nipples using varying pressure and duration. He was rewarded by the intensity of her sucking responding to the amount of stimulation he applied. Carefully he changed his technique from tweaks and pinches to a practiced milking motion and she began to suck him steadily, moaning while sliding her head awkwardly back and forth. He mused as she sucked him, feeling her wet mouth slither along his saliva slickened rod.
Gray knew from this experience that with kindness and encouragement he would soon have an established Ds relationship with Patricia. Then, in her training he could probably coax Patricia into any act of sex he pleased just by teasing her nipples. He intended to do just that. His goal was to have her become his willing slave, in love with him and eager for attention of any sort. He wanted her be a zealous participant in any activity he devised just for the honor of him using her in some fashion, to be, literally, in the end, a sex slave to him, to his cock, at his whim and command, for his amusement. He needed lots of sexual amusement, as he seemed to always be sexually stimulated.?
Gray wanted to have such a woman, emotionally bonded to him, but consensually kept like a pet, collared, leashed, and down on all fours most of the time. It would entail an extreme amount of devotion and self discipline from the woman. She would have to be extremely loyal, compliant, and eager for the slightest attention from him, just as a dog would. It excited him. Gray recalled the exquisite feeling of having a woman crawling after him on a leash, though those that had done so had seen his desire as a part of sex play.
Gray wanted a woman who would remain in a submissive role though she would be the mistress of his home. He wanted a woman who eagerly would suck his cock or allow him to rut her at his whim, and be appropriately grateful for his attention. If possible he intended for Patricia to be that woman, a permanent fixture in his life. His new pet.
Gray knew from past experiences that Patricia would feel a growing attachment to him as he took her through each new submissive act with overt acceptance of her participation. She would become focused on attaining his praise and approval. She would become more willing to try the sexual things he asked, learning to enjoy them. By encouraging her with stimulation and kindness, he knew he could teach her to accept her natural role as a submissive female sexual creature. He knew he would have to ignore her at times to keep her interest and cause her to become more willing to respond as he desired.
Gray planned, as Patricia became less inhibited and more attached to him he would begin to sexually withhold himself from her. With training, the ultimate compensation for Patricia's willingly obedient submission would be nothing more than Gray's allowing her to service his penis. She would be willing to do anything to be allowed to do so. This, Gray felt, was the true and natural order of things in a heterosexual couple. The woman should be eagerly willing to do the man?s bidding in order to be granted the privilege of worshipping his penis with her mouth and body. He enjoyed the idea of having that type of control over a woman and relished the idea of having a female who would eagerly perform for him merely for access to his manhood as a reward.? He could accomplish this with Patricia if she gave him the chance to. He could do it if he could coax her to stay with him for a while and expose her only to his training and commands.
Gray would begin by encouraging and allowing her to let go sexually with only rewards of orgasm, praise, and kindness.? Consequently she would eventually desire his attention and approval above all else, even when his attention inevitably took the form of humiliation and ridicule. In fact, in time, he would be able to make her crave such treatment if she knew she might be rewarded with his kindness/cock as favor afterward.
But Gray's long term plan was to have Patricia eagerly willing to service any male's cock for him. Gray wished to condition her to the point that her supreme reward was his praise and his allowing access to his own cock, the ultimate prize for suitably obedient behavior. Gray?s self-control, years of practice, and knowledge would be a key to achieving this in private but Gray knew Patricia's willing cooperation would be necessary for him to fulfill his social goals with his Domination group.
Regardless of his master plan, Gray found himself falling in love with Patricia and he was thrilled. From her vulnerability, her past loyalty to her ex-husband, and her apparent psychological makeup, it was apparent that she was possibly a true submissive. He saw evidence of this in her obvious sense of inferiority, her eagerness to please, her easy submission to his sex scene. All of these traits would enable him in accomplishing his goal. He loved her and these features in her. This was perfect. He could not keep a pet he did not love.
Gray knew not to let himself get carried away with Patricia's initial willingness to perform. She was now in the throws of sexual abandon due to his initially releasing her from her previous inhibitions and the novelty of the scenario. He wanted her to be willing and eager due to the mere possibility he would use her under any circumstances. He had to be careful, to tenderly and kindly teach her to love sex with him as he wished it. He was counting on building her trust in him and then her intense loyalty to help achieve this. Then he could move forward and teach her to love sex in any form, at any time, and with whomever he designated for her to have sex with..
Gray's other plans for Patricia hinged on her devotion, loyalty, and willingness to obey him. She would truly become a willing sexual slave for him. A personal pet, a woman kept in a sexually submissive role, a woman he had complete control over. A woman he could use to show his circle of selected friends his prowess as a Master Dominant, not that they doubted his abilities. Patricia would be his permanent sex slave and companion.
"Do you want to eat my cum, Patricia?" Gray asked casually as she slurped at his cock. "Mmmmm-hmmmm," she mumbled around his dick, finding herself sucking harder in anticipation. He began to tweak her nipples mercilessly, urging her to suck frantically at his thick cock as his hips jerked it in and out of her greedy mouth.
"Okay, dearest, do a good job of sucking my dick and I will let you have a mouth full of my cum," Gray muttered as his cock itself began to jerk and throb with the expectancy of filling Patricia's mouth with semen.? " There you are, my baby, I?m? coming. Now don't lose any of it, show me you know it?s an honor to suck me off. Look up at me while you eat my cum, show me the gratitude in your eyes while you swallow it."
Patricia felt the cock in her mouth twitch and pulse and felt the hot spunk begin to shoot, filling her oral cavity with bitter, tart fluid. She squirmed with shame as she heard what Gray was saying but she did not allow his cock to slip from her mouth. Her head bobbed and she gulped rapidly to accommodate the big load of semen that began pumping steadily from Gray's cock. She looked up at him self-consciously and saw him lovingly gazing down at her, watching her swill down his hot cum as he moaned. It seemed endless and she continuously gulped to swallow it all as she looked up to his eyes. Gray's eyes were glowing with love and acceptance. She heard his moans of pleasure and felt strangely rewarded.
Patricia did not know that Gray's moans were largely attributed to watching her eat his cum so obediently, his cock deep in her mouth. Seeing her shame filled eyes looking up at him as she suckled his ejaculating cock heightened the sensation of orgasm he was experiencing. Score another, thought Gray as he watched Patricia obediently eat the sperm from his dick.
"Clean it with your tongue," Gray ordered and Patricia began to lick his cock, as asked, cleaning it scrupulously with her mouth and tongue. As his cock slowly deflated Gray lessened his manipulation of Patricia's nipples. "That was wonderful, darling. You are a good little cocksucker. I am so pleased with you! Now let?s get to your breasts, shall we?"
Patricia blushed, her eyes dilated with both excitement and embarrassment. Gray moved back off the chaise and knelt and began to suckle her breasts in earnest, wanting to reward her for her performance as a cocksucker. He could feel her hips move with desire beneath him as his mouth drove her along. He stopped sucking and murmured against her aureole, "Do you like to be eaten out, Patricia?" "No, please don't stop..." Patricia groaned as Gray paused, her inhibitions lessening with Gray's new control of her libido.
"Like a hard cock in your vagina?"
"MMM, yes, but please don't stop what you're doing."
Gray began pulling and teasing Patricia's nipples again as he spoke. "I'll suckle you as you wish dear but I am afraid my poor cock is spent. Would you mind if I used a dildo for your satisfaction?"
"Please! Whatever you want, " Patricia muttered, cringing as she heard the desperation her voice.
Gray smiled, "Oh yes, dearest, I will suck your little nipples well, just let me get something for your little cunny..." as he reached under the chaise and brought out a realistic dildo fastened to the inner side of a pelvic harness.
"All right darling let me strap you into this and you can get your satisfaction while I nurse your beautiful breasts. I can't wait to get your nipples into my mouth to suck, but I wanted to tell you first how very good you were, you took my manhood so well into your sweet mouth. Did you like eating my cum dear?"
"Ummm, yes, oh yes... I loved it," Patricia answered truthfully, her nipples aching sweetly under Gray's teasing fingers and the promise of his suckling her. Patricia looked up at him, her sexual excitement, along with his praise and kindness, thrilling her.
She found herself blurting out," Thank you for letting me." Gray smiled broadly at her extra unsolicited response to his question.
Amazed, Patricia felt herself relax in the freedom Gray's control of her body gave her. She was surprised at her new sense of freedom and security, in spite of the bonds that held her down on the chaise and the man who had just 'forced' her to suck his cock. She quickly realized that it was the bonds that set her free.
Gray said, ?Darling, you were so welcome and so wonderful. I wish I had found you long ago. I?d love to be able to feed you my sperm everyday. You?re the woman I?ve always dreamed about!? Gray took her into his arms and kissed her. Patricia kissed him back ardently. She was thrilled at his words!
Gray enjoyed kissing Patricia. He felt her response and instinctively knew he was getting past her initial barriers of fear and inhibition. As his tongue slid around hers, he stroked her cheek and cradled her head to share with her his tenderness and intimacy. He smiled inwardly, knowing that things were going much better than he had imagined. Patricia was so repressed and his simple freeing her of her unrealistic moral responsibility and shame over her instinctual urges was going to be a big factor in her voluntarily becoming his willing property.
Initially Patricia had been afraid the reason Gray had tied her was to physically abuse her. Not that his secret drugging and usage of her body was not abuse but this morning was more like love play than actual abuse. Gray kissed her again on the mouth, deeply and intimately and Patricia responded with ardor. She found herself wishing she could put her arms around him and hold him close but the bonds held her down.
Though Gray's idea of sexual fun was very foreign to Patricia it was surprisingly arousing. He was neither unkind nor cruel, and his control over her helped diminish her distaste for and shame about sex. His assured demeanor and confident command of her body also excited her. She felt free because he physically controlled her and she was helpless and, therefore, blameless in doing his bidding. Though he compelled her to have sex with him, he offered encouragement and praise for her participation. In fact, his acceptance had motivated her to continue willingly. His physical control of her body, his praise and favorable reception of her responses had helped Patricia to relax and do as he asked though she found it hard to say the words he wanted her to say.
Deep within Patricia?s subconscious mind references to more instinctive desires surfaced. Gray had an exceptionally large cock her primal brain equated with reproductive ability. Other complicated psychological processes within her mind subconsciously equated the massive size of Gray's penis with power, strength, and authority. As a result, she had felt naturally inferior and subservient, therefore, instinctively obliged and even grateful to be allowed to put Gray?s penis into her mouth and suck it as he ordered.
As the session continued, Patricia realized just how much Gray's 'play' had stimulated her and she felt a deep gratitude at being able to respond to him and not be 'responsible' for her actions.
Patricia recalled that every time she had been the slightest bit sexually forward with her former husband, Glen, accusations had been made and her womanhood and fidelity had been questioned. Whenever she expressed sexual need of her own Glen had accused her of being a "filthy cheap whore" and "an indecent slut" and worse. This led Patricia to feel guilty about her sexual desires. She had learned to be demurely responsive but never openly sexual, keeping her longings well hidden. Glen's abuse had made it safer to pretend not to like it at all and she was afraid of losing control and being chastised for her desires. Years of stifling her libido had taken their toll and she had become prudish and unwilling to admit any sexual interest in men. Through his physical control of her body, Gray had freed her to enjoy herself sexually and had been willing to meet her needs after demanding she fulfill his. She saw nothing wrong with this quid pro quo but it still was not easy for her to convey her desires.
After a while Gray broke the kiss off and lifted the skirt of Patricia's dress. He pinched the upper part of her inner thighs to signal her to spread her legs and give him access to her cunt. ?Spread your legs,? he commanded. Patricia blushed, but obediently spread her legs, causing her cunt to gape open even more as it was offered for Gray's use.
Gray smiled approvingly and said, ?Good girl.? He tugged on the swollen cunt lips, pulling them wide apart and exposing the heart of the slave candidate's cunt. He prodded at her vaginal opening with the head of the dildo, gently pushing it inside of her. He slowly fitted the 8" rod snugly in her open cunt, rocking it back and forth to get it as far within her as possible. Then he strapped the attached harness meticulously about her hips, giving her the full effect of a cock lodged inside her deeply.
"There, darling, I will untie your feet but I will leave your hands bound on the long leads. I?ll bind you about the waist to the foot of the chaise. See, I want you to sit on my lap facing me so I may suck and play with your gorgeous teats while you ride this little toy to satisfaction for me. I want to see you cum for me. Can you do this?" He tweaked and pulled her nipples as he spoke to insure she would comply and he was not disappointed.
"Ummm, yes, please, please, Gray."
"Ahhh, darling, yes, you will be suckled? but you must call me Sir or Master, it will heighten the atmosphere and it's what I deserve, eh?"
"Yes, Master," she replied timidly.
Gray loosened the wrist cuffs from the chaise and fastened them together behind her back, making her breasts jut out. He then pinched her nipples, using them as leads, and guided her to her feet.
"And what do you want your Master to do, love?"
"Please, Master, please,"
Patricia was already wriggling in the dildo harness, amazed at the excitement she was experiencing just from referring to Gray as "Master."? Too embarrassed to speak, she arched her back, trying to make her nipples even more inviting. Gray smiled gently. His smile was the result of her unspoken response and her initial verbal acceptance of her role. Not wanting to push her too far he decided to praise her actions and finish this scene.
"Good girl, good, keep showing your Master those nipples. your pretty tits to your master, make me want to suck them while you have that cock deep inside of you."
Gray positioned Patricia kneeling on the foot of the chaise facing the head of it. He then used the ankle tethers to form a band about Patricia?s waist that he secured to the foot of the divan. He also retied the wrist leads to the foot of the chaise. This pulled her hands out behind her, causing her breasts to balloon out even more prominently. He pulled her dress up again and then slid himself between her legs. This placed him in a sitting position with her straddling his lap facing him. This resulted in her stiff nipples being level with his mouth. He disliked the fact that her head was above him but this was the first session for her and he needed her to be pleasured beyond compare to entice her to do his bidding in future sessions in hopes of receiving the same pleasure again.
Gray's tongue snaked out and began to quickly twitch back and forth over each stiffened teat as his hand squeezed each breast, bunching them up to offer the nipples for tongue-lashing. Patricia moaned and thrust her hips furiously, riding the dildo, slipping over to straddle one of Gray's thighs.
"Please, Master," she moaned and Gray began to nurse at the reddened tips of Patricia's heaving breasts. He nibbled and pulled alternately at each one, enjoying the stiff rubbery nubs of flesh on his tongue and lips. His eyes looked upward to see Patricia's head thrown back and her eyes closed in ecstasy as her hips pumped, riding the dildo. Gray continued to suck her teats for a few minutes and then abruptly stopped. He began tweaking and pulling the now elongated nipples with his fingers. He wanted to prolong and enhance her ecstasy/pain of desire. He wanted her to truly experience his Mastery of her body.
"Look here, Patricia. Watch me play with your breasts. Now!" Gray ordered. He waited until Patricia looked down; her eyes wide and dilated with excitement. He continued as he held her breasts up for her to view.?
" Look at your beautiful breasts and your long nipples. See how they stick out? Pleading to be pulled and sucked? You should never hide your nipples, love. You should display them always. Yes, I think you should keep them bared and exposed so they can be touched and pulled at anytime. Yes, kept bare so I may touch and suck them whenever I wish.
'They are really gorgeous. They just plead to be suckled. In only one way could they be better. Yes, my love, your breasts could be full of milk. You would be so beautiful with milk swollen breasts and your nipples sticking out, plump and needing relief. I would love to pull and suck on your nipples then, and I would milk you too, dear. Yes, Patricia, I would milk you often, like, Patricia, watch me milk your breasts."
As he spoke, Gray reached up and gently took Patricia's chin and guided her head down farther to see his use of her breasts. He took her left breast in his right hand and held it out, looking up to make sure she was watching. He gave a light squeeze to the breast causing the nipple and pap to bulge out even further. Gray delicately took the bulging nipple in the thumb and forefinger of his other hand and began milking the aureole and teat.? He glanced at Patricia's face and saw her eyes dilate with both shame and abandon at the intense pleasure she felt as she watched him 'milk' her.
"Oh, yes, dear, you would be milked like this regularly, several times a day, then sucked absolutely dry," he said continued as his fingers busily milked her nipple. "Would you like to be kept in milk, darling? Would you beg your Master to pull your nipples and milk you out? Beg to have your Master suckle you dry everyday?" "Unnnnn...yes,yes,yes!" Immediately she began to groan and thrust helplessly against his thigh, riding the dildo rammed deeply within her vagina. She squirmed deliciously with her heated eyes fastened on her Master's hands 'milking' her breast. Then a blazing release filled her, blooming up from her vulva, racing through her entire body.
Her orgasm was the most extreme one she had ever experienced. At that moment Patricia was completely Gray's. He could do anything he wished. Gray had an inkling of her carefully hidden wantonness but he had no idea of how much control he could exert over her through breast play. Patricia was mortified to find herself being so electrified by seeing herself 'milked' by a man who saw himself as her 'Master'.? Even so, she never wanted to leave him, she wanted to do everything he suggested, keeping her nipples exposed constantly for him to tease, suck and play with. His suggestions roared in her head, "Yes, yes, Master!" she began to scream as she came.
Patricia collapsed against him and her eyes closed as the throes of her orgasm threatened to sweep her past consciousness. Gray tenderly released her breasts and kissed the blooms at the heart of her aureoles. He began to stoke her back and face as she lay panting in his arms. He turned her slightly and smiled at the sight of her bound hands.
"Oh, darling, you are so good, so good. We will have so much fun together. You will see but let me send you home now."
"Send me home? Why? I want to hold you and love you. Don't you want to play some more, Gray?" she asked plaintively as Gray unbuckled the harness and gently removed the pussy soaked dildo from her heaving cunt. Silently he carefully placed it aside and untied her hands and waist, releasing her.
"Gray, have I done something wrong? Please, I want to stay with you."
"Gray? Excuse me, Patricia, I thought we had settled my name and role as far as you are concerned?"
"Oh, sorry? Master... Why are you sending me home? I would love to play some more."
"You need time to think about what's happened, about what I have done to you, both today and prior to this. You should think hard about how you have responded and how it's made you feel. I care for you a great deal but you should know that I am extremely sex oriented and that I only enjoy sex in this fashion. This has not been play. You may not want that. You may decide to turn me in to the police."
"No, I wouldn't! I love you, Gray. I want to be with you anyway you want," Patricia fervently exclaimed, desperate not to be turned out by this man. Gray silently rejoiced, this was what he wanted to hear.
"I love you too, Patricia, however, now you must be quiet and listen. You may decide to continue seeing me but if you do it will be on MY terms, not yours. Your wishes will come after mine always and you will always be compelled to do as I wish in order for us to remain together.? I know that is a lot to ask but it is the only way we can continue. I want you to make that decision with no immediate influence from me. Whatever you choose, your decision is yours to make. I will accept your choice what ever it may be."
"I know what I want, I want to be with you. You have done something for me that is wonderful. I actually enjoyed doing this with you. I have never been able to do this without feeling guilty and scared. I want you to do all the things you said. I love you," Patricia cried in desperation.
"Ah, darling, you have just been freed for the first time. Take some time to think about what you want. Do you truly think you would want to be at my beck and call always?? I don't want you to take such a step without much thought first. I was earnest about my wishes; my desires for you were not voiced without seriousness. We will wait one week and then talk, okay?"
Patricia unwillingly agreed. Gray controlled the situation. Reluctantly Patricia dressed as Gray watched. She looked at him beseechingly but he merely smiled and gazed at her as she fastened her dress and prepared to leave. After she had gotten fully redressed he stood and took her arm and guided her up the stairs to the house proper. He walked her to the front door and in the foyer he turned and kissed her deeply.
"I love you, Master," she said shyly, hoping he would change his mind.
He looked at her and said calmly, "I am glad to hear that for I love you, my pet. Now be a good girl and think about what has happened and what you want and what I want. I will call you in about a week."
With that Gray opened the door and she saw the limo waiting. Gray handed her into the car and waved at the driver who pulled away immediately. The drive home was long and she tenderly stretched, now recognizing her body's softly aching response to the unaccustomed use she had received in the past 24 hours.
Chapter Six - Step Five of Acquisition
That week Patricia's emotions and logic battled. She was appalled at the idea of having been drugged and raped by Gray.? Rape was the only word for what he had done, it could not be dressed up and presented as anything else.? As antithesis to this train of thought Patricia felt she had been freed of much of the guilt and shame she had experienced due to sex. With Gray, Patricia had the first good sex in her life. There had been no repercussions for her participation, none, in fact she had been rewarded for her appetite and interest.
She questioned her feelings for Gray. She had not known him that long and here she was professing love for him despite the fact he had raped her. Still, he had confessed his rape though he could have gotten away with it. She had not known. She considered the fact that he had not known her that long and he was suggesting she move into his home on a permanent basis.
She recalled their e-mails, their chats the morning after their first date and during the dinner before the theater. There had been a contact there that she could not deny, regardless of his rape of her. They had very similar interests and they enjoyed each other's company. It was easy to imagine being with him as his woman, subordinate to him, safe in his care, only having to be worried with pleasing him. She was sure she could please him.
Patricia looked around her small apartment and knew that she would not miss the place if Gray asked her to live in his huge home. She imagined waiting for Gray to come home after work. She saw herself demurely awaiting his request for a drink or snack before dinner and the look of pleasure he would give her when she happily granted his request. Suddenly, in her fantasy, Gray slipped his hand into her blouse and gave one of her nipples a pull, murmuring, "Time for your milking, dear."
Patricia flushed and squirmed in her chair, flooding with shame as sudden heat flooded her vulva. She slid her hand between her legs and began to slowly masturbate thinking of how Gray had brought her to orgasm before sending her home. She came quickly and the rush of guilt she felt afterward was a factor in her decision. In fact the guilty feeling was what finalized her decision. She had not felt guilt after sex with Gray.
The week went by slowly. Patricia found herself masturbating furiously each day, something she had never done before. She kept thinking of Gray, replaying the scenes from the weekend and the basement in her mind. She kept recalling him looking down at her while she was tied and helpless to cover herself and she felt an unfamiliar stirring in her loins. She kept imagining his fingers "milking" her.
By Wednesday she found herself fantasizing being one of the women in the photographs she had seen in Gray's basement. She wondered how it felt to wear a collar and cut one of her belts short and fashioned a makeshift tether to try on. Afterwards, she felt foolish and ashamed and threw the belt away. Still, later the same night she knelt and imagined herself sucking Gray's cock. She imagined gazing up at him and seeing him smiling down at her with pleasure and love as he pumped his penis in and out of her mouth.
Emotionally Patricia was a basket case.? She knew that Gray had taken advantage of her and used her in a most base way. She analyzed his profession of love for her and could not determine if he wanted her as a wife or a girlfriend. He would want plain old-fashioned companionship and surely he could not be sex driven all of the time? This worried her but the tantalizing lure of companionship and sex without guilt was great. She really did enjoy being with Gray and appreciated the security he offered. She anxiously waited the week out.
Friday she called in to work and said she was sick. It was a good thing because she found herself in sexual and emotional agony, lying in bed masturbating or just sitting and staring, lost in daydreams about a life with Gray. She cried as she thought of Gray, wanting to be with him, imagining feeling his insistent lips at her nipples, his teasing fingers driving her to new heights of lust. She went in AOL chat rooms on line and anonymously told of her exploits with Gray in D/s chat rooms and listened to other females share about their relationships with their "Masters". The chat rooms did nothing but heighten her excitement and anxiety.
On Friday night at
"Yes... Patricia?"
"Oh Master! Yes, yes, it's Patricia."
Gray asked for her if she would come see him and she agreed readily. He promised to send a car for her and she waited anxiously. The limo came within minutes and the driver silently helped her into the back. The night fled by as the car sped towards Gray's home.
Gray met Patricia at the door and led her into the foyer. He opened a set of double sliding doors on the right and ushered her into his elegant living room. The room was open and spacious. There were tasteful prints on the light gray walls and a large mirror above the marble fireplace. The furniture consisted of traditional divans and chairs covered in soft brown leather, accented by lush pillows and throws. The seating was serviced by gleaming wooden end-tables and, along the walls, sideboards. Gleaming brass lamps lay warmth across the lustrous wood floors, the grain of the wood enhanced by the skillful placement of rich oriental rugs. Minimalist flower arrangements gave a splash of complementary color to the paintings and carpets. A black leather slave collar and leash were very conspicuous lying alone on the coffee table between the two divans. Gray crossed the room and Patricia followed him.
Gray seated himself comfortably on one of the divans. When Patricia went to sit next to him he gently pushed her off the couch and guided her to the floor to sit at his feet, saying firmly, "Darling, when we are alone in my home this is your proper place. Always, unless I direct you otherwise." She sank down and sat on the heavy carpet. He leaned over and kissed her deeply then sat up and looked down at her. " I have missed you. Have you made your decision?" he asked, gazing down at her face.
"I want to be with you. I want to please you. I have been lonely for you all week. I kept remembering what happened Saturday morning in the basement and it doesn't matter. I just want to be with you," she answered with trembling desire in her voice.
"Patricia, really do be forewarned. I am talking about you living here with me, not a dating affair. I love you and this will be no fling, no part time play. If you choose to stay, your stay will begin immediately. I shall require you to be with me, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at my disposal. In return I will take care of all of your financial and medical needs indefinitely. Is that understood?"
Patricia considered what Gray had said. Live with him? Take care of all of her financial and medical needs? She looked deep into his eyes trying to fathom if he was being truthful. The sincerity she saw there was real. She felt herself melt and answered breathily, " Yes, M-M-M-Master...I...I...I think I am in love with you." Gray kissed her again and tweaked her nipples through her blouse as he sat looking down at her. She quivered joyously at his touch.
" Good girl, that is as it should be. You need to realize you must dispose of your belongings such as furniture, your car, your pets, anything that will take your attention away from me. You may make arrangements to store those things or sell them. I will pay off your debts and invest what money you have and what is due to you from work in the event that we part ways. I would never let you leave my home empty-handed."
"Don?t say that. I don?t want to leave, Master, I want to be with you always!"
"Time shall be the judge of that, Patricia. Now let me continue. You will not be allowed to work so you will have to quit your job. But, Patricia...hear the rest of what I require and see if you are still willing before we make plans for you to do any of those things," Gray said seriously as Patricia began to rub her head on his leg fondly.
"Oh yes, Master. I know I will be," Patricia said as she looked up at him with adoring eyes.
Gray's voice was kind but took on a note of unbending authority as he began, "Then I will tell you what I want. I want a full time companion, a woman and slave. I want you, to love and to do whatever I ask. You will not be a maid or a housekeeper. I intend to keep you like a pet, a pet for me to use any way I please. Someone who will make no demands on me, someone who will always be ready to suck my cock, be fingered, or fucked, or with you in mind specifically, Patricia dear...? Gray winked at her , ?eventually made to give milk so I will have to pull your nipples regularly." Patricia blushed and felt her nipples tighten beneath her clothing and her labia become damp.
Gray continued, "If you accept I will tolerate no arguments or refusals from you in the future. I require that you be obedient and willing to try and do as I ask. You will be loved dearly and, Darling, you already are. Even so, you should know that I have strict rules that you will learn and obey at all times. Eventually I will expose your naked body to others and that I will allow others to use you sexually if it pleases me. You will not have the option of refusing.?
Gray looked at her gazing up at him, seemingly stunned.
With his resolve strong but his hope limited, he went on, ?These things are necessary for my pleasure and your obedience and willingness to meet my demands will maintain my interest in you. I will rightly consider myself to be in complete ownership of you.? You will be a possession of mine and as such you will make no decisions about what happens to you. You must trust me implicitly, precisely obey my commands, and accept what I deem right for you. As I said, you will be my pet, my dearly loved woman, but my pet all the same. On some occasions and outings you will be clothed, but in my home you will almost always be nude and you will always wear this collar," he nodded towards the table. "Your life is to be orchestrated as I wish, just as a pet's would, in every aspect. Do you think you can be that for me, Patricia love? Is that what you want?"
Patricia stared at him and he waited for her answer. He had never been so blatantly overt about his requirements. He had to take the chance this time. It felt so right. Would she say yes or would she flee his home and make him start the search all over again? Patricia quivered and, blushing ever deeper, slowly began to remove her clothes. Gray watched in triumphant rapture, his heart pumping, his head ringing as each article of clothing came off, and she willingly bared her thighs, arms, vulva, and big nippled breasts.
Once Patricia was naked she reached for the collar and placed it about her neck. Turning she bent her head and offered the back of her neck to Gray saying, "Would you fasten my collar for me please, Master?" Victorious, Gray smiled and said, "Good girl. " Quickly Gray hooked the collar and then fastened the buckles over the eyehooks. He snapped on the leash and rose from the couch.
"Good girl, now don't move" he said again. He unzipped his slacks and extracted his cock and bounced its stiff length in his palm before her. He caressed her face with his other hand as he saw her eyes gravitate on it.
" See this?"
Patricia nodded and Gray continued,
" A man's cock is a physical symbol of his superiority over women. It is evidence of the power nature has given all males over females. We are stronger, we bestow the seed, and we choose the vessel for our seed. In accordance with this natural law, as my female, you are to love and worship me and my cock at all times. If you are obedient and you please me I will allow you access to my penis at my discretion and in the manner I choose. Your decision to accept your natural role has pleased me very much so I am going to show my pleasure with you by permitting you to suck me," he said, offering his thick organ to his new slave. Patricia felt something deep within her stir in relieved response to Gray's words as she knelt up and eagerly took him into her mouth.
Patricia looked up at Gray as she began to suck his cock. He smiled, pleased with her making eye contact with him on her own as she suckled him.? He gazed down lovingly into her eyes and allowed her to suck his penis for a few minutes before pulling free. Her gasp of disappointment was music to his ears.
He began to walk away, his cock swaying in front of him. When Patricia went to rise and follow him he turned and forced her back down to the floor. Gray said firmly, "Darling, you are my woman, my female, and in my home the proper place for my female is on her hands and knees in her proper submissive position unless I give you permission to do otherwise. You are my woman and must behave as I wish to please me. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Master."
Gray tucked his cock back inside his slacks and went to the foyer, Patricia trailing him on all fours as he ordered. He turned to Patricia and said firmly, ?Now remember, your being able to stay here with me depends on your ability to follow my orders to the letter and do exactly as I wish.?
He opened the front door and Patricia balked, feeling the fresh air hit her naked flesh. Gray gave the leash a jerk and when the collar bit into the soft skin of her neck Patricia had no choice but to crawl out after her new Master onto the front porch. The porch was well lit, anyone in the yard to see her clearly. She heard a chuckle and pulled up. Her eyes widened as she realized the limo was still in front of the doorway and that the driver was standing next to it.
Patricia saw the chauffeur smiling and openly ogling her as she appeared, naked and leashed, on all fours at her Master's side. She ducked her head in shame, her face flaming, only to have her Master pull her head up with the leash and move her body around, taking pains to make sure her legs were spread enough to expose her vagina and anus. He positioned her with her hind end towards the car so the driver could easily see her.
"Let?s show the gentleman your cunt, pet," Gray said and she cringed and tried to swing her nether region away from the man's greedy eyes.
Gray jerked the leash sharply and repositioned her.
"No! Bad girl, " he admonished as he pulled up on the leash holding her in place.
Gray bent and tugged her labia out so her long cuntlips framed the wet hole between her legs. Patricia whimpered and Gray said softly but firmly, "Do as I say. No harm will come to you. Remember my terms and adhere to them if you want to stay, love." Patricia nodded against the taut leash as best she could, her heart pounding. She was frightened but Gray's ultimatum and the leash held her still.
Gray stood and said to the limo driver," She has a nice cunt hole doesn't she?" Patricia heard the driver respectfully reply, "She certainly does, sir."
Once the driver had gotten a good look at Patricia's nether parts Gray turned her and pulled her upright by her wrists to a kneeling position so that her breasts could be easily viewed. To Patricia's chagrin, Master bent and firmly tweaked her teats for the benefit of the smiling chauffeur. He spoke quietly to her while the driver watched. As Gray talked he fingered her sensitive nipples, "This is your first test. Stay silent and do as I wish."
Gray raised his head and spoke to the driver again.
"Great set of tits, huh? Yes, indeed. I?d like for you to come pull on her teats for me, if you would," Gray said as he encouraged the man by squeezing Patricia's breasts, causing her nipples to jut out. The chauffeur nodded vigorously and his smile became a smirk as he said, "Sure, whatever you say, sir!"
"Well, step over and just pull on her nipples for me. I want to see how she does, if her cunny gets wet. She's new to this so be gentle," Gray instructed.
The driver quickly stepped forward. He bent over and grabbed a breast in each hand, squeezing them. Then he took Patricia's nipples with his thumbs and forefingers and began pinching and pulling them as she turned her head aside in deep shame.
Larry leaned over and spoke into in her ear, "I fucked you good for the Boss last night and now I'm gonna pull your nips for him too." Patricia winced and realized that it was not Gray with her in the photos he?d shown her. She looked up at Gray the shame and shock on her face. Gray smiled gently and nodded. "It was necessary, darling. You will understand better as time goes on," he said.
Tears began to slowly roll down Patricia's face as the driver snorted and kept teasing her nipples. As he continued, Patricia heard herself begin to pant lightly as she unwillingly became aroused. Being exposed like this on the porch in the open, having a strange man playing with her nipples, it was so humiliating. She felt herself becoming even more ashamed and oddly excited. Her cunt began to dampen and she shuddered. Deep inside she felt horrid and was reminded of when Glen would tease her nipples to make her horny when she had no interest in sex.
The driver spoke into her ear again," Yeah, you like that, cunny, I can tell. Look how your nips are sticking out for me, makes it easy to play with them like you want, huh? That's a good girl, put ?em out there and I?ll pull ?em good for ya?." His voice touched a place she did not know existed within her and she felt herself even more stimulated by his words. She arched her back slightly, giving the driver better access to her swollen nipples. The driver and Gray both nodded with satisfaction at seeing the helpless woman sexually excited against her will.
The driver leered down at her as her nipples began to swell in his insistent fingers. Patricia licked her lips and moaned with embarrassment as she felt her body react. She hated the man fondling her breasts and hated the way he made her feel but she could not help getting aroused.
?Yeah, baby, show your master how you like having your nipples pulled. Makes you hot, huh? Makes you want to suck and fuck doesn?t it cunny??
Patricia whimpered softly, overwhelmed by the battling emotions and feelings that raged back and forth within her. Gray bent and placed an exploratory finger into Patricia?s wet hole and she mewled with humiliation, feeling her hips thrust as if to catch her mater?s finger in her vagina.
"She certainly likes having her nipples pulled doesn't she?" Gray commented as he stood and wiped her cunt juice on his slacks.
?"Yes sir, she sure does. It's getting her hot, too. That's a big plus on a cunt with nipples like these, " the driver answered as he tugged and pinched the sensitive flesh. Patricia felt wave after wave of heat and shame rush over her, listening to the men talk about her.
Larry continued, "You know most big nippled cunts don't get nice and hot like this, boss, not just from nipple pulling. It?s cool the way her nips stick out. They?re just begging to be touched or sucked. Say, sir, do you mind if I suck them?"
?Well, Larry, her nipples were made to be sucked and you may suckle her if you wish. Go ahead, but I don?t want her to come.?
Larry leaned down and lifted Patricia?s left breast to his lips. She winced as he popped the plump nipple into his mouth and began to suck on it. Then her own mouth opened in an ?O? as she felt the delicious sensation of having a hot wet mouth at her tortured breast. She gasped and he chuckled against her flesh. She began to pant hoarsely as his mouth worked her tender nipple. Too soon he left that breast and lifted the other up and began to suckle it. Patricia began to work her hips helplessly as Larry?s hot mouth drove her. Her moans became continuos.
Gray said, ?She loves that, Larry.?
Patricia looked up at Gray, her eyes wide and anxious. Her mouth was slightly open and he could hear her heavy breathing.
?Ohhhh?? she moaned.
Larry sucked without abandon at her breasts for another minute or so and her body began to undulate in a rhythmic motion. Gray recognized the signs of impending loss of control and said, ? Better stop now, Larry, before she cums.?
The driver let the stiff nipple slide from his mouth and resumed pulling both Patricia's saliva slick nipples for a few moments. They had swollen greatly. They jutted out and were very warm in his fingers. Her groaning lost its intensity but continued.
?Wow, sir, she?s hot! Jeez, look at them nipples stick out now!?
Gray said, "You're right, Larry, they do that don?t they? Don't worry they'll be getting plenty of action. I was lucky to find a slave like this one. Well, that's enough for now."
The chauffeur stopped. "Thank you, Mr. Winton," he said, releasing her breasts and stepping back to enjoy the sight of Patricia, the new slave, now panting with her wet nipples red and stiff, poking out invitingly. He leaned down and tweaked each teat pertly and returned his post at the car.
"So, Larry, what do you think of my new pet?"????????
" Mr.Winton, I think she'll do great. She's got a good cunt and she's a good fuck too, yeah, my meat was lovin' it! Those long nipples are just made for pulling and it?s amazing how hot the bitch gets when you play with them. " the chauffeur answered and smirked again at the naked woman on the leash. It was very plain his playing with her breasts had aroused Patricia. Her face was flushed and though she was crying her eyes were dark and sultry.
Gray said, "Yes, I think so too. That's one reason I've got big plans for this one. Tell you what, come back in a few weeks as my guest and I'll be glad to put her through her paces for you. She'll be well enough trained by then."
"Sure thing, Mr. Winton, thanks!"
Gray led Patricia back inside and closed the door. He knelt and kissed her tears away. The he kissed her mouth deeply, holding her head in his hands tenderly. He knew she was both very ashamed and excited. He wanted to reward her for her obedience and encourage her to continue in that fashion.
"You did very well, darling, wonderfully and I love you. I expected you to stall but you recovered well. You were very obedient and that's extremely important to me. Good girl. I can't tell you how much you have pleased me," He held her against him and rubbed her back comfortingly. With Gray's praise and caresses, Patricia felt her shame at having been displayed and mauled by a stranger begin to melt away.
Gray rose and led Patricia downstairs to the basement where a digital camera was set up on a tripod. He carefully posed her as the other women in the three prints had been posed, on all fours before him. Then he said, "Now, love, since you performed well I am going to allow you to lick my cock for this picture. " He unzipped his slacks and pulled his semi-erect dick out.
His hand closed around the shaft and he began to jack his cock in front of her, making her squirm with embarrassment as she watched his strong hand jerk at the full 9 1/2" cock jutting out from between his legs. He looked down at her and said, "Patricia, I want you to pull on your nipples for me. Make them stick out for me. Do well and I?ll allow you to lick and suck my cock."
?As he masturbated she obediently complied.? She couldn't help herself, she was wild with desire. Everything that had happened coupled with Gray's calm mastery had her fingers eagerly tugging at her own nipples. Her self-manipulation and seeing Gray jack himself began to drive her mad with need. His swollen penis became red and darkened as he stroked it.? In an attempt to further please her new Master she began pulling at the tender rubbery nubs till they were even more red and swollen than before. Gray nodded in approval and she moved to come close to him but he snapped the leash and jerked her back sharply.
"You may not do that without my command. You must remember that you will be only be allowed to lick or suck my penis with my consent," he said firmly. She felt her eyes fill with tears again at his reprimand. He reached out and stroked her head to soothe her, " I love you, Patricia, just do as I say." She looked up at him wonderingly. He smiled and said, " Rub your vulva for me, love."
Gray watched Patricia begin to play with herself and he returned to lovingly masturbating his thick cock. Her eyes could not leave his big cockhead and the tiny slit in its center. By now she had lost her sense of shame and was eagerly fingering her clitoris, squirming with desire for the heavy rigid cock Gray jacked a few inches away from her face. Gray was delighted when she began to pant,
"Please, I want you. Please let me. Please."
Gray easily read the abashment on Patricia's face as she stammered out the words. His pleasure increased. By now his dick had become massively swollen, the cockhead bulging and oozing pre-cum. He enjoyed waving it teasingly in his new slave's face and listening to her voice trembling with shame and desire as she pled for it.
"Are you about to cum, love?" he asked.
"Oh, yes."
"Than stop and rub your breasts and don't touch your nipples. I don't want you to cum yet."
Patricia obediently began to massage her breasts, her eyes on Gray masturbating.
Just as Gray felt his balls begin to tingle with his impending ejaculation he said, "Now..." and stepped closer to Patricia, forcefully pulling her head up and forward with her leash. This made Patricia lose her balance. She caught herself on her hands, taking an all-fours position. Gray locked his legs, and thrust his hips slightly forward. This left his cock jutting out, thick and swollen, the cockhead purple and oozing at the tip. Now Gray's manhood was looming powerfully over Patricia, demanding to be suckled so he could empty his cum laden balls in her mouth. Gray rested his free hand on his hip and looked down at her.
"No sucking, just lick your Master's cock now," he ordered and Patricia eagerly lifted her mouth to lick her Master's powerful member. Her eyes were hot and fastened only on Gray's stiff dick. Her eagerness showed and she unconsciously lifted a hand toward Gray's huge penis in a small gesture of restrained desire. Patricia's tongue licked avidly at Gray's swollen glans as it hung over her, cleaning it of pre-cum, leaving it wet and glistening. He smiled down at her, enjoying her willing servitude to him. He rubbed the leather leash that symbolized her slave status back and forth between his fingers. The camera flash went off. Patricia knew she must look exactly like the other women in the basement prints but she did not care, all she wanted was to pay homage to her Master's penis with her mouth and have him praise her.
Patricia was wrong about her picture. Her photograph ended up being startlingly different from the others. Her all encompassing fixation on the phallus she worshipped was unmistakable and intriguingly blatant to those who saw the final photograph. In the photo Patricia?s eyes were half open and dreamy with obvious reverence and desire for the aroused penis she was being allowed to service with her mouth. Her lifted hand was poised as if too awed to touch such a hallowed object. Her delicate pink tongue arched toward Gray's manhood, somehow conveying complete adoration, desperate need, and tentative awe. There was nothing in the ensuing picture that proclaimed anything other than a woman eager, relieved, and grateful to be allowed to put her mouth on her master's penis. That was the quality Gray was looking for, one he had not encountered in any other woman, a true cock worshiper, a female truly obsessed with and in awe of his cock.
"You may suck me now and masturbate until you cum for me."
Patricia eagerly took Gray's cock and began to suckle him. He hunched himself repeatedly into her sucking mouth and knowing he would feed his new slave for the first time. Patricia groped at her crotch and rubbed her clitoris eagerly as she suckled her master.? His hot cock filled her mouth and she pulled and licked at it as her clit itched and burned under her busy fingers.
Her clit felt as if it would explode and she pulled on it rhythmically. Suddenly she began to cum. The heat washed over her and she sucked even harder at the big dick in her mouth. Gray grunted and felt himself begin to dump a precious load of semen into his slave?s hungry mouth.
Gray?s balls twitched as he pumped his ejaculate down his new slave's throat. He made himself move slowly, allowing Patricia the opportunity to savor the sperm he was bestowing on her. He could hear her alternately choking and gulping his cum down. The choking sounds told him of her inexperience but the fact that she still managed to swallow it told him of her desire to please him.
He reached down and stroked her head and used the leash to draw her off of his penis.
"Darling, again you were wonderful. I love you, sweet. So good, so pretty."
She lifted her head to his penis again. He restrained her. She whimpered but he tapped her crown lightly with the end of the lead.
"No whining. I will allow you my cock when I see fit.? Now, thank me for allowing you to suck my cock and eat my sperm. Thank me for allowing you to cum."
"Uh, thank you, Master."
"Is that all you have to say? I am disappointed in you. I thought you loved me? Loved my cock?" Patricia cringed under Gray's rebuke.
"I'm sorry Master. Thank you, thank you. It's an honor to be allowed to do that for you. I love you."
"You are so kind to let me do that. I am really honored you let me take you in my mouth."
"That will do."
Gray knew that he had a long way to go with his chosen slave. In time she would learn to be appropriately grateful and express her gratitude properly when he allowed her access to his cock. He stroked her cheek and she brightened at his touch.
With that Gray turned and walked to a tiled area that had been hidden in a corner behind a screen. Gray had installed a bathing area in his basement haven, with taps, a long faucet, and a shower massage nozzle on a flexible hose. There was no tub or shower, merely a deep depression in the floor of a 10' X 10' tiled square in a corner. In the center of the depression was a flat silver grating to allow drainage. He guided his pet into the tiled hollow and turned the water on and began to bathe her as one would a dog or horse. She shivered as she felt her new master's strong hands soaping her body and then the warm water sluice the lather away. Gray's fingers gently probed her pussy and anus, applying soap and rinsing the orifices thoroughly. He led her out and toweled her down vigorously, leaving her skin burnished pink. He then applied a gently scented lotion expertly over her entire body leaving her feeling pleasantly exhausted, her stomach warm with Gray's semen and her body clean and refreshed.
?Come, girl.?
Gray tugged her leash and led her up the basement stairs and to the kitchen. "On your knees and then sit back," Gray commanded. Patricia lowered herself and sat back onto her heels. Gray stood before her and pushed his boot between her thighs, spreading them effectively, about a foot and a half apart. He then bent and tugged her cuntlips apart, ensuring that her vagina was open. He straightened up.
"Good. Now turn your head slightly down and to the left. That is how you will position yourself when I say 'Sit'. Tits out and pussy spread, hands on your thighs, and eyes on the floor. Do you understand?"
Patricia nodded and flushed as Gray's eyes roamed over her exposed body. "Now clasp your hands behind your back, right above the crack of your ass."
Patricia did as ordered, the new pose causing her breasts to be thrust up and out.
"That is what I want when I say 'Sit up.'"
Patricia nodded her understanding, feeling very exposed.
"Good. Now thrust your hips forward. I want you to show me your cunt, offer it up to me. Cup your breasts and hold them out, offer your nipples to me."
Patricia did so, her face flaming.
"Excellent. When I say 'Present" that is what you do. Got it?"
Red faced, Patricia nodded again.
"Sit!" Patricia resumed the initial position.
Gray went to a cabinet and retrieved a place mat and a bowl. He laid the place mat on the floor next to the door leading to the hallway. After filling the bowl with something from the refrigerator he placed the piece of crockery on the mat. Then he went to a cabinet and pulled out a large crockery water jug. Patricia saw that the dispensing tap had been replaced with a full sized lifelike rubber cock. A ball-bearing inside the tip kept the water from dripping, like a hamster water feeder.
Gray filled the jug with water and set it on a footstool next to the dish of food. The rubber cock jutted out and was easily accessible to a person on their hands and knees like Patricia. He explained," As you can see in this setting you will have to eat and drink on your hands and knees. This is your water supply. You may access it anytime you wish. You can see what you will need to do to get your water."
Patricia blushed and nodded. Gray went on.
"This is where you will be fed on occasion and when eating here you may not use your hands to feed yourself. We will usually dine at table unless I choose to feed you by hand or watch you eat here. "
Patricia watched as Gray motioned to the bit of pudding in the bowl. He took her leash and pulled gently, guiding her to her feeding place.
"I want you to eat," he said.
Patricia bent her head down and began to lick and suck the pudding from the bowl. It was lemony and tart.
"How is it?" asked Gray.
"Delicious, Master."
"Good. I'm glad you like it, I made it myself. The pudding is made with eggs, sugar, lemon, milk, and, of course, a healthy serving of my sperm."
Patricia raised her head and looked up at the man who she had agreed to serve as a sex slave for.
"Yes, love, all of your meals will be prepared with some semen in them. I want you to learn to recognize and love the taste. That will help you become more eager to suck my cock."
Patricia blushed and bent back to the pudding and ate the remainder. Gray smiled and drew her upright and into his arms for a kiss and she felt herself grow warm with his praise and new excitement.
"I love you, Patricia."
She almost melted at his feet.
Gray then took her lead and headed for the back door. Patricia moved to resume her all fours position but Gray stopped her. He gently tugged the leash and continued out the back door. Patricia followed wondering what he had in store for her next. She soon found out.
Gray opened the door leading into his large back yard. He strode out and obviously expected her to follow.
She faltered, the memory of the driver was raw in her mind. Gray noticed and stroked her cheek. "Pet, there is no one there. The fence is 12 foot all the way around and solid. No one can see you." Timidly she walked out after him into the night. She quivered but then relaxed as she saw that the 12' privacy fence completely enclosed the yard. He led her across the tended grass to a small stand of trees at the back of the yard.
He halted and looked back at her.
"Patricia, this is where you will relieve yourself. You may void yourself now or wait until I walk you before bed."
"Oh, no, I couldn't do that. Not here in the open."
"Yes, you can and you will. You are my pet and I will not have my pet pissing and shitting inside my home. You will get used to it."
"Please, don't make me do this."
Gray sighed and took the end of the leash and slapped it across Patricia's rump. The mark it left was immediately apparent. Patricia yelped and jumped away. Gray moved quickly, showing a cat like agility, and gave her another lick.
"Now, I do not like doing this but you must follow my rules here. I suggest you void yourself or suffer the consequences."
Gray flicked the end of the leash again, striping her stomach. Patricia hurriedly squatted and tried to force herself to urinate. Gray stood patiently and was eventually rewarded with the faint sound of his pet's urine hitting the ground. Patricia hung her head, crying in shame as Gray watched her pee. The scent of her urine rose to her nostrils and she almost leapt to clear the area.
Gray again drew her close and cradled her head in his hands, gazing into her eyes with love and pleasure.
"Good girl, I know that was difficult but you came through for me. Again, I can't tell you how much you are pleasing me."
Patricia quivered but felt slightly calmed by the obvious acceptance of even her most base needs by her lover. Still she wept, with shame and embarrassment.
"Can we go back inside now, please, Master?" she sobbed.
"My baby. Yes, we can" Gray took the lead and started back towards the house, Patricia in tears trailing after him at the end of the leash.
Gray stopped her on the porch and retrieved a soft towel. He dried her tears and kissed her, telling her again what a wonderful woman she was and how happy he was with her initial performance as his pet. She smiled crookedly up at him and he kissed her again. Then he got some waterless disinfectant and meticulously cleaned her vaginal area before opening the door and taking her in. She was his.
Chapter Seven - Gray
takes Ownership and Patricia Learns About BBO
Gray led his new acquisition back inside and ordered her back onto all fours. He relished the sound of her hands and knees against the hardwood flooring as she crawled across the kitchen.
He led her back to the basement and down into his sanctum. Patricia looked around expectantly as Gray snubbed her leash to a stout pole that went from floor to ceiling. She watched him pull a stainless steel table from a closet and set it up in the center of the room, locking the wheels. He went to a control panel and adjusted the track lighting away from the pictures and set it to illuminate the table.
He turned to his new pet and untied the leash and led her to the table. Effortlessly he picked her up, flipped her over and placed her on the table's shiny surface. "What are you doing?" she asked as the cold metal chilled her back, causing her skin to tighten.
"I don't mind explaining but remember what I do with you is my choice and my business. You are my property now. Get those legs spread, show me your cunt."
?Patricia obediently spread her thighs, exposing her pussy; her face reddened as Gray looked down at her most intimate spot without reserve. Gray bent and peered closely at it, tugging the lips outwards as he did so. Patricia felt her cunt gape open for her Master and sighed with shame not feeling even a tiny inkling of pleasure.
Gray took a blue felt marker from a drawer under the table and, after careful consideration, made a mark on each of Patricia's outer labia. Patricia arched her neck up to watch as her new owner stood looking at her gaping vagina and smiling. Gray stepped up to Patricia's head and began to remove the gold hoop earrings he had given her from her ears.
"What are you doing?" Patricia cried as Gray deftly slipped the small golden hoops out.
"Patricia, do not question what I am doing. It is for my pleasure and your safety."
Gray tweaked one of Patricia's nipples sharply to make his point.
Once he had the earrings removed, Gray stepped back to the foot of the table. From the drawer he brought out a pliers-like tool, shiny in the bright light. Patricia recognized it at once. It was a piercing tool, like the one the attendant had used at the mall when she had her ears pierced. She saw immediately what he intended to do but before she could react Gray quickly bent, sighted his mark and closed the clasps, expertly piercing one of the labia of Patricia's cunt.
Patricia shrieked. Gray slapped his hand across her lips as he manipulated the mouth of the piercer around her other labial lip. "Patricia, don't make me restrain you. This is necessary for my pleasure and as I said earlier, your safety."
Patricia panted through her nose as Gray removed his hand.
"It hurts, Master," she panted.
"Does it?" Gray asked pointedly.
Patricia allowed herself to truly feel the new wound and was surprised that she felt only focused warmth in the area.
Gray smiled at her look of surprise and said," Patricia, you see, only the initial piercing is painful. In most cases the biggest pain is the pain we convince ourselves is there. If we examine that pain we often find it is bearable or nonexistent. That is also true with fear. We design a fear of what we don't know and often find that if we face that unknown that our fear was unfounded. Now relax and let me finish my work."
Patricia lay back and raised her hand to her mouth as Gray realigned the piercer with the second mark. Her mind raced, Gray was right, she had convinced herself that the piercing would be drawn out and painful and it wasn't. She trembled as she considered the fear she had concerning Gray's intentions for her as his slave. She would face those fears when her training progressed she was sure. Perhaps Gray's philosophy applied to shame too. She would find out.
Gray watched her face as he closed the handles, effectively piercing the other labia. Patricia gasped again but did not scream. Gray quickly inserted a hoop in each labia, taking time to fiddle with one a moment or two longer than the other did. He then began slathering the new wounds with both Betadine and Neosporin. Afterwards he draped her vulva with a heavy cloth and took a small soldering gun and braised the rings closed. Patricia blanched as the heat of the soldering iron warmed her inner thighs and labia but made no move to escape.
Gray patted his pet's head and held a hand mirror so that she could see her new adornments. Patricia's eyes grew wide as she focused on the twin gold rings, perfectly aligned across from each other; one dangling from each of her cunt's swollen lips. From one ring hung a small golden tag. It was too small to read but she could see printing engraved on the tag.
"What does it say?" she asked.
"It has my owner number on it," answered Gray. "You are registered with BBO as my property. Anyone who has you in the circles I travel in will know you are owned and registered. They need only verify the number via BBO and BBO will contact me if I am not present, just to make sure you are legal."
"What do you mean, legal? And what is BBO?"
"Remember I mentioned safety? There are those who would steal a slave, particularly one as comely and easy to break as you. BBO is the service that introduced us. The website we met through? The company is Break, Buy, and Own, BBO for short. You were matched to my criteria and I yours. They find the 'man or woman of your dreams'?"
"Oh, " said Patricia with new understanding. "They didn?t tell me it was for something like this!?
?No, that is not their procedure. That is why they are so successful. When you signed up for a perfect man you answered several questions. BBO?s questionnaire accurately detects possible submissives for people like me to become owners of. If you had answered unsatisfactorily you would have been sent on a one time date with a man who had applied and answered like you had."
? For people like you? Are there others doing this??
?Yes, BBO is widely used by domination Masters and Mistresses all across the country. All over the world," Gray answered.
"There are that many women who are slaves for men?"
"Not only women, Patricia, there are men who are slaves for women or men and there are women who are slaves for other women. But for the most part it is women like you who are slaves to male Masters like myself. That is more natural. Women should be subservient to men."
Patricia's eyes widened.
"Will I see any of them?"
"Yes, in time. I must train you first. In these circles it is most important that a slave be truly obedient and willing, even eager to perform for their master and his guests."
"I belong to BBO Dominants? organization. It has regular meetings and events where a dominant?s slave training skills are tested and methods are shared and documented. We have two annual conventions each year, the next in about six months. I had just returned from the last when I found you."
"Conventions? What do they do there?' Patricia asked, her mind amazed at the existence of an organization like her Master was describing.
"At BBO conventions new slaves are displayed, tested, and rated. Their masters are graded on how well they have initially trained the new slave and how evident their dominance of the slave is. Old slaves are put through tests and evaluated as to their continued training and obedience. New ratings for their masters are bestowed."
"What if a slave fails the tests?"
"Well, Patricia, BBO is very strict. If a Master or Mistress cannot control their slave, meaning the slave is not sufficiently obedient or submissive, the owner is put on probation and their training results are re-tested at a later date. If they fail then, the slave is taken from the owner, the owner compensated and the slave sold at auction, hopefully to a new owner who can train the slave properly. Many attend the conventions merely for the auctions, to obtain new slaves."
?"Sold!?! Could I be taken from you and sold?" Patricia cried out in fear.
"I am afraid so, pet. That is why it is important you focus on obeying me."
"Where do they sell people?" she asked, her voice trembling.
"There are auction houses in
"What if they cut the tag off?" Patricia asked, now frightened at the idea of being stolen away from Gray by a stranger.
"I am glad you asked. I want to do something but this I can only properly do with your consent."
"I want to place a tattoo on your body that identifies you as my property, nothing large or visible but something small and hidden. No one will know it is there but the two of us. It will give me the ability to identify and claim you regardless of the circumstances."
"Where?" Patricia asked, willing to do it to preserve her status as Gray's property. The idea of being stolen and used by some else terrified her.
"On the back of your neck."
"Please do it, Master. I want to be yours forever."
Gray lifted his shirt and showed Patricia a small tattoo on the front of his left shoulder. The dark ink stood out, tracing the figure of two small interlocked Chinese symbols.
"This is what you will be marked with. This is my sign as Master, and yours, in the lowercase form of slave, will be the answer to this one. No one will be able to refute it."
"Yes, " Patricia breathed.
Gray removed a pair of shears from the table drawer and sat his slave up. He bent her head forward and shaved away a small area in the thick black hair at the base of her long neck. He extracted a tattoo gun and prepared it with a fine double needle. Using black ink he carefully tattooed his slave with the mark, using no stencil or guide. He knew his mark and its counterpart well, the counterpart he now etched into his property's skin.
Patricia felt the sting of the tattoo needle but bravely held still, knowing she would be permanently and safely linked to Gray's strength and power by this mark. She shivered as she realized the finality of the act. She was no longer Patricia Radswell; she was now just Patricia, Gray's pet and property, forever.
Gray finished the work and coated the new mark of ownership with Neosporin and a band-aid. He fluffed Patricia's hair back down over it and she looked up at him. Gray smiled down at the bewildered and bewitched woman. Her eyes searched his, full of awe, reverence, and asking for his guidance.
He stroked her cheek and gazed down at her as he pulled his cock free of his slacks. Her eyes were immediately drawn to its massive proportions. He smiled at her response to his baring his organ. He jacked it gently and asked her "Are you hungry, my love?" She nodded, moaning softly. He held his cock to her lips and said, " Come, I will feed you."
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Slave is the female named ________________________ who will be referred as “slave” herein.Master is the male named ________________________ who will be referred as “MASTER” herein. 1.0.0 Slave's RoleThe slave agrees to submit completely to the master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the master without risking punishment, except in situations where the slave's veto (see section 1.0.1) applies. The...
Chapter Eleven: Dinner and Stuff Hawk When I finally got back to the cabin, Gretchen and Lisa were waiting for me with open arms. I was whisked into the bedroom, stripped, and all but frog-marched into the bathroom to clean up. For once, I was in no mood to argue. Lisa drew the bath and made the water as hot as was safe before she and Gretchen helped me slip into the whirlpool tub. Then they washed my hair. It felt sinfully decadent to let someone pamper me that way. I should’ve told them to...
A couple of weeks later I was driving through town when I saw Ellen at a bus stop. I pulled over and she got in, as I drove us home she said “I have a friend who fancies you” “Really” “Yes do you want to come round on Saturday afternoon around 1:00pm?” “Ok” “Mum and dad are taking my brothers to a football match, so we’ll be alone” “Ok” “she’s a virgin is that Ok?” “It’s fine”. As I dropped her off, she smiled and said, “See you Saturday”.Saturday morning I got up, showered, had a wank, I find...
After I woke up from my nap, I showered, got dressed and then went to my living-room. The email had said to dress for a party. I was wearing a pair of white dress slacks, a red satin short-sleeve shirt, red socks and black dress shoes. While I had been looking through my sock drawer, I found an old bottle of highly overpriced cologne I had bought when I was with Clara. After months of her nagging me, I gave in and spent the money. It was my bad luck to pick the day we broke up to get it. I...
The rest of the week I did almost nothing. I took a quick course in growing Bamboo from seeds. For the first installment I went to the home depot ‘expert’. From her I drove directly to the Lowe’s store to take the course from the lady there. I combined several bits of information from both to come up with my plan. At 2PM on Friday we closed the sale on the three acres of land. By that time I was exhausted. Rufus took his money and headed out to the bank. Whether it was to deposit it, or to...
When we finished dinner, Jon Wilkerson went to a rostrum set up beside a large screen at the front of the dining room. It took only a light ping on a glass to silence everyone present. “Good evening ladies,” he began. Then he smiled in our direction and added, “There are a couple of gentlemen here tonight, but too few to matter, so ... Again, good evening ladies! The reason for this gathering is to welcome back some of our distinguished former students. But more importantly, it is to...
I had been dating this girl for about 4 months. Although we were only 18 and 17 I feel she is the one. On this particular day we planned on going to a movie. So she arrived at my house, and we got to talking and kissing you know some normal teenage things. Next thing we knew time had went by quick and the movie had already started and we were still at my house, so we decide just to watch a movie at my house. So we are back in my room I put a movie in and we sit on my bed together watching the...
First TimeHi friends, this is a fictional take on the fictional ‘Tarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashma.’ This story involves affairs with older ladies and even incest. I hope you will like it. During Holi, the Gokuldham society organized a massive fest, with colors, sweets, and yes, bhang. However, due to a racket of hooligans, heavy dosages of viagra slipped into the bhang packing sites. And this bhang got mixed up in Gokuldham’s lot. On the day of Holi, all members, Iyers, Bhide, Gadda, Haati, and Sodhi,...
The shock wasn't so bad ... well ... hell ... it was too. It was awful. Instinct put up her shield. Instinct made her roaring mind search for any faint feeling a daughter has for her mother. There--was--nothing. Mother was gone. Daddy was gone. The twins were gone. It took just a second of joyous rejoicing to realize the pests of her life ... were gone, and their wives and four small babies. Gone ... not even a wisp to bury. Nothing she could recover ... no relic ... G-O-N-E! The...
I hope you enjoy this story. It was told to me by a couple who market their movies on my site. Chrissy is a real slut wife and loves to cuckold her husband Jack. This is a true story as told to me by Jack.Well, I promised a story about my first time in the closet, and some more about how Chrissy and I got to where we are. As we continued to party I began to get more and more involved in Chrissy’s solo adventures. I never got to watch her, like I did in threesomes, but I got involved. One night...
Maybe Margaret had been too busy to meet me for lunch, but by 3 p.m., she was relaxed and, apparently, unrushed. I, however, had a ballgame that night and a duty to report between 4 and 5 p.m. The game didn't start until 7:05, and being a little late wouldn't have been a major disaster, but I didn't like messing around with the club rules. The way I saw it, they were paying me all that money to play a kid's game. I was getting all kinds of ego-points from the fans, people were stopping me...
These are TRUE STORIES about a girlfriend. At time she was 18 and and about 5 months away from turning 19 and I was in my late 20's. She had never really been in a serious relationship nor had she ever fooled around with a guy more than a handjob. We dating about a month and she had mentioned that she was ready to have sex for the first time. I was going away for business and she was invited to come along. After arriving to our destination and checking into our hotel we got into our bathing...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Welcome to my final erotic work, ‘Culture Shock’. By way of introduction, I’d like to explain that this long story was written to fill a niche that is largely unexplored in ‘real’ BDSM erotica, and that is, ‘How does a submissive actually get from online to real life in the world of D/s and BDSM? What kinds of things have to happen? What questions need to be asked and answered?’ My hope is that you will better understand the journey after reading this story. This is...
A STRANGE LITTLE OFFSPRING Honestly, we do not understand our youngest one. Charlie is such a bright little child, but some of the things that transpire around our youngest just do not make any sense. He is a bright enthusiastic child with a propensity for coming so far out of left field that we do not know how to guide his sometimes-strange behavior. Sometimes we wonder which side of the family he gets it from. Charlie is nine years old and he has a propensity for committing acts...
Mein Name ist Martin Bauer. Ich besaß fast alles! Mit nur siebenundzwanzig Jahren hatte ich als überaus erfolgreicher Investmentbanker bereits meine erste eigene Million an der Börse verdient, nannte mittlerweile ein eigenes Haus in einer Nobelgegend mein Eigentum, dazu mehrere Autos, zahlreiche Freunde und vor allem eine wunderschöne Frau, um die mich jedermann beneidete. Meine Frau Julia und ich hatten uns am Anfang des Studiums kennengelernt, uns sofort unsterblich ineinander verliebt und...
Lydia and I had been meeting secretly as lovers now for several months while we continued our new found Sunday breakfast wife swapping meets with our husbands, Frank and Carl. For me it was like I had found a new corner of heaven. Carl and I were still very much in love and showed it our bed. But fucking Frank every couple of weeks was unbelievably exciting and Lydia, Lydia was a new and wonderful passion for me. I was in love with her and the many hours of love making we shared were both sweet...
Group SexIt was Friday and my girlfriend, Anne called me at work to let me know to meet her at the local bar where several of the girls from her dorm would be going. Our friend Steve bartended there part-time, at nights to pay for his college tuition. Anne, Evelyn and I usually went there on the nights he was working to make sure he got plenty of tips and for the free drinks.On this particular night, about half of the dorm decided to go, so the few cars that they had were going to be packed. Since I was...
College SexSunday morning and David was sleeping off a heavy drinking session with his mates the night before, one of his pals was celebrating the fact that his girlfriend had finally allowed him inside her knickers and he had actually managed his first fuck with her. He of course was confident he had taken her virginity, whereas David was reluctant to tell him that he knew at least three other fellas who’d fucked her.He was dozing, half awake, thinking about his mother and sister, wondering if he would...
John had tanned the sambuck's hide, and now he made each of them boots, as he had learned around the campfire of Zithrusa's family several years ago. Their footwear had mostly fallen to pieces from the rain, walking, and the mud. Luckily the soil here was sand and gravel, so the constant rain didn't cause mud like it had in Ceylon. Wheeled vehicles would be mostly useless there, for much of the year. They passed carts frequently on the road here, as the traveling wasn't prohibitive in...
I was a simple guy that had a girl, normal relationship. I did fancy older women but i'm not the kind to jump from flower to flower. However on one ocasion i was overwhelmed. It all happened when we were getting ready to go to a wedding. We were all dressed up and ready to go, when out of nowhere i had a k**ney crises.Ohhh it hurt like hell. So with that i was unable to go anywhere because of the pain. Luckily my aunt who is a nurse came to rescue with a needle shot. When she came to my...
Antigua, 1702 Six years had passed and in that time Jack took care of himself and sister as best he could. Once they had saved enough money they bought passage out of Aruba. They money only got them as far as Antigua, but it was enough to flee from the horrors of that night. Jack worked many merchant ships as a hand and eventually a boatswain, in charge of crew and workings of the ship. He showed great promise and was even told soon he could move into a first mate’s position or even captain...
So after nearly two years of meeting Stuart on days off. We and more importantly he, had grown in both our sexual experiences. I, in the fact he made me have sex with him outside. We'd stop in places either on the way to mine or taking him back home. Sometimes both. On one occasion he just said "pull over" got out and walked into some wooded area. I of course followed. He reached on opening, pulled his joggers down and bent forward presenting his peachy arse. I needed no instruction. Just...
Part 3 I came home from work today and Mistress Mary told me to set up the room for a beating. After I take a shower. She seemed pissed?I didn't question her as to why, since she doesn't need a reason. She had given me my weekly beating just 2 days ago and my ass is still bruised and sore. I was trying to remember if I had done something wrong?I took my shower and hurried to dry off. I put her favorite music on. I laid out the implements on the dresser. I lit her candle. I got her a fresh...
Hello ISS readers. This is Varun, 23 years old, with a new story. So let’s begin. It was the time when we visited my father’s native place. It is a village in south India near the Andhra-Telangana border. I was not so interested in going there but after seeing my aunt who is my father’s younger sister, my interests changed. Her name is Sowjanya and she is a married woman aged thirty-six years. She has got a dusky wheatish complexion. She is something different. Who said that dusky women don’t...
IncestSexy flight Attendants Ivy Wolfe and Veronica Kirei share more than a career flying the friendly skies–they share hot, dirty sex anytime they are off together (that’s what roommates and lovers are for, right). Ivy is so turned on by her sexy girlfriend she can’t help but crave time between Veronica’s thighs eating Veronica out till she cums hard. Veronica is a giver as well, savoring Ivy’s pussy, working her into a frenzy. They fuck each other masterfully, milking...
xmoviesforyouTommy“Kazumi! Oh. My. Sweet. Fuck!”I just pulled Laura tight against me, holding her with one arm while pulling her towel around her with the other. I kissed her and let her shake through her orgasm. When I looked up, Kazumi was standing just in the entrance to the kitchen, with her mouth open.“Hi, Kaz. Excuse us, come in. Help yourself to a drink,” I said, tucking Laura’s towel in properly.“Tommy! What the fuck?”Kazumi spoke, “I am sorry, Tommy said dinner, I forgot he calls the midday meal...
IncestHello all, I hope you all liked my first admission and I hope you all like this one. Enjoy. Being a famous wide receiver for the local football team gave Jackson Dumont everything that a athlete wanted. Money, cars, jewlery, women, you name it. It did not help that he was a advertiser's dream with his model looks which gave him every endorsement deal known to man. Plus coming off of a champoinship year in which he had a career year in catches, yards and touchdowns plus the MVP award he had it...