Lustschlo? In B?hmen free porn video

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Rolf fuhr langsam auf das gro?e, schmiedeeiserne Tor zu und blieb davor stehen.

Kaum jemand w?rde die winzigen Kameraobjektive sehen die sich nun auf seinen Porsche ausrichteten. In der Sicherheitszentrale w?rde gerade in diesem Augenblick ein Wachmann sein Autokennzeichen kontrollieren, ein anderer w?rde sicherstellen, dass auch das richtige ?Gesicht? in dem Wagen sitzt.

Einige Sekunden sp?ter schwang das Tor langsam auf und gab den Weg durch ein kleines W?ldchen frei.

Von Kameras und verschiedenen Sensoren ?berwacht, fuhr er weiter ?ber die mehrere Kilometer lange Stra?e auf das schlossartige Anwesen zu. Kurz bevor er dieses erreichte, nahm er eine Abzweigung die direkt in die Tiefgarage unter dem Anwesen f?hrte.

Niemand war bisher zusehen.

In der Tiefgarage angekommen, wiesen ihn Leuchtpfeile den Weg zu dem f?r ihn vorgesehenen Parkplatz.

Er stellte den Motor ab, und streckte sich erst einmal. Neun stunden war er nun unterwegs und war froh endlich in Pilsen, besser gesagt bei Pilsen angekommen zu sein.

Als er aus dem Wagen ausstieg pl?rrte in seiner N?he ein Lautsprecher los:

?Bitte bleiben sie am Wagen stehen, sie werden abgeholt?.

Er kannte diese Prozedur bereits von fr?heren ?besuchen?. ?Niemand, der nicht zum inneren Zirkel der Organisation geh?rte bewegte sich ohne Begleitung auf dem Grundst?ck es sei denn er wollte Selbstmord begehen.

Da h?rte er schon Schritte auf sich zukommen.

Zwei Wachm?nner,? einer mit einer Pistole, der andere mit Pistole und umgeh?ngter MP bewaffnet kamen auf ihn zu.

Ohne besonderen Gru? forderte man ihn auf mitzukommen.

Zu dritt gingen sie nun auf einen Korridor zu. Ein Wachmann, dann Rolf und dann der Wachmann mit der MP.

Der Korridor schien endlos zu sein. Die Schritte hallten von den W?nden wieder und erzeugten unheimliche Echos.

Am ende des Korridors erreichten sie eine Sicherheitsschleuse. Der Wachmann vor ihm schob eine Chip-karte in ein Leseger?t und Sprach dann in ein Mikrofon:

?Der Besuch des Gro?meisters?.

Ein leises klicken war zu h?ren und die innere T?r der Schleuse sprang auf.

?Bitte gehen sie hinein, man erwartet sie,? sagte der Wachmann und wies mit einer Hand in die Schleuse.

Rolf ging hinein. Sowie die ?u?ere T?r geschlossen war und mit einem Klicken eingerastet war, schwang die innere T?r auf und gab den Weg in?s Schlaraffenland ? so kam es Rolf jedes mal vor ? frei.

Der Gro?meister, Rolfs Onkel, erwartete ihn.

?Wie war die fahrt??

?Anstrengend?, erwiderte Rolf, ?aber es lohnt sich immer wieder.? Und wies dabei auf eine Sklavin die den Boden reinigte.

Das M?dchen, h?chstens f?nfzehn oder sechzehn Jahre alt war nackt. Auf den Knien hockend wischte sie den Boden, aus ihrer rasierten Spalte ragte ein dicker Dildo. Ein d?nnes Kettchen verband den Dildo mit einem Ring in ihrer Klitoris und verhinderte so, dass er rausrutschte. Dicke Striemen zierten ihren Hintern und die Schenkel.

?Darf ich?, fragte Rolf.

?Aber sicher?, erwiderte sein Onkel.

?Komm her?, sagte Rolf zu der Sklavin gewand.

Gehorsam legte sie ihren Lappen zur Seite und kam auf den Knien zu Rolf gekrochen.

Direkt vor ihm kniete sie sich hin und setzte sich auf die Fersen zur?ck. Die Knie schulterweit gespreizt, die H?nde im Nacken verschr?nkt und den Blick gesenkt nahm sie vor ihm die vorschriftsm??ige Stellung ein.

Rolf sah sie sich nun genauer an. Schlank, schon fast zierlich gebaut hatte sie ziemlich kleine Titten ? h?chstens K?rbchengr??e B- mit rosigen Aureolen und kleinen Nippeln. Tiefschwarze, schulterlange Haare schmale Schultern und H?ften und Gazellengleich schlanke Beine.

Sie war voll beringt. Nase, Brustwarzen und Klitoris sowie inneren und ?u?ere Schamlippen zierten klein, goldene Ringe.

Durch die ge?ffneten Knie konnte er ihre M?se sehen. Die schmalen ?u?eren Schamlippen standen durch den Dildo der zwischen ihnen hervorstand weit auseinander. Das Kettchen das den Dildo mit der Klitoris verband schien sehr stramm zu sein und schien Schmerzen zu bereiten.

?Gut?, dachte er, w?hrend ihm ein wohliger Schauer ?ber den R?cken ging und sich ein leichtes ziehen in den Lenden bemerkbar machte.

?Sein Blick suchte die Umgebung ab bis er fand was er suchte. Er deutete auf den St?nder:

?Hol mir den Rohrstock?.

Gehorsam krabbelte die Sklavin auf den St?nder zu, nahm mit den Z?hnen den Rohrstock und krabbelte zu ihm zur?ck.

Er nahm den Rohrstock an sich und lie? ihn einmal durch die Luft pfeifen.

Die Sklavin zuckte zusammen.

Nochmal lie? er ihn durch die Luft pfeifen. Wieder zuckte die Sklavin.

Dann traf der Rohrstock die linke Brust direkt oberhalb der Brustwarze und zeichnete einen dicken roten Striemen auf die Haut. Ein spitzer Schrei war die folge.

Ein neuer Hieb, diesmal unter die Brustwarze. Der Schrei war schon etwas l?nger.

Der dritte Schlag traf genau die Brustwarze. Der Schrei der Sklavin ging in ein Wimmern ?ber und f?r einen Moment nahm sie ihre H?nde runter um die maltr?tierte Brust zu sch?tzen. Sie besann sich aber sofort und nahm wieder ihre Stellung ein.

?Das hab ich gebraucht?, sagte er mit einem zufriedenen Unterton in der Stimme zu seinem Onkel. ?Jetzt k?nnen wir?. Eine dicke Beule zierte seine Hose im Schritt.

?Na sch?n?, sagte der, ?dann komm, gehen wir in mein B?ro?


- wird fortgesetzt -







Rolf fuhr langsam auf das gro?e, schmiedeeiserne Tor zu und blieb davor stehen.

Kaum jemand w?rde die winzigen Kameraobjektive sehen die sich nun auf seinen Porsche ausrichteten. In der Sicherheitszentrale w?rde gerade in diesem Augenblick ein Wachmann sein Autokennzeichen kontrollieren, ein anderer w?rde sicherstellen, dass auch das richtige ?Gesicht? in dem Wagen sitzt.

Einige Sekunden sp?ter schwang das Tor langsam auf und gab den Weg durch ein kleines W?ldchen frei.

Von Kameras und verschiedenen Sensoren ?berwacht, fuhr er weiter ?ber die mehrere Kilometer lange Stra?e auf das schlossartige Anwesen zu. Kurz bevor er dieses erreichte, nahm er eine Abzweigung die direkt in die Tiefgarage unter dem Anwesen f?hrte.

Niemand war bisher zusehen.

In der Tiefgarage angekommen, wiesen ihn Leuchtpfeile den Weg zu dem f?r ihn vorgesehenen Parkplatz.

Er stellte den Motor ab, und streckte sich erst einmal. Neun stunden war er nun unterwegs und war froh endlich in Pilsen, besser gesagt bei Pilsen angekommen zu sein.

Als er aus dem Wagen ausstieg pl?rrte in seiner N?he ein Lautsprecher los:

?Bitte bleiben sie am Wagen stehen, sie werden abgeholt?.

Er kannte diese Prozedur bereits von fr?heren ?besuchen?. ?Niemand, der nicht zum inneren Zirkel der Organisation geh?rte bewegte sich ohne Begleitung auf dem Grundst?ck es sei denn er wollte Selbstmord begehen.

Da h?rte er schon Schritte auf sich zukommen.

Zwei Wachm?nner,? einer mit einer Pistole, der andere mit Pistole und umgeh?ngter MP bewaffnet kamen auf ihn zu.

Ohne besonderen Gru? forderte man ihn auf mitzukommen.

Zu dritt gingen sie nun auf einen Korridor zu. Ein Wachmann, dann Rolf und dann der Wachmann mit der MP.

Der Korridor schien endlos zu sein. Die Schritte hallten von den W?nden wieder und erzeugten unheimliche Echos.

Am ende des Korridors erreichten sie eine Sicherheitsschleuse. Der Wachmann vor ihm schob eine Chip-karte in ein Leseger?t und Sprach dann in ein Mikrofon:

?Der Besuch des Gro?meisters?.

Ein leises klicken war zu h?ren und die innere T?r der Schleuse sprang auf.

?Bitte gehen sie hinein, man erwartet sie,? sagte der Wachmann und wies mit einer Hand in die Schleuse.

Rolf ging hinein. Sowie die ?u?ere T?r geschlossen war und mit einem Klicken eingerastet war, schwang die innere T?r auf und gab den Weg in?s Schlaraffenland ? so kam es Rolf jedes mal vor ? frei.

Der Gro?meister, Rolfs Onkel, erwartete ihn.

?Wie war die fahrt??

?Anstrengend?, erwiderte Rolf, ?aber es lohnt sich immer wieder.? Und wies dabei auf eine Sklavin die den Boden reinigte.

Das M?dchen, h?chstens f?nfzehn oder sechzehn Jahre alt war nackt. Auf den Knien hockend wischte sie den Boden, aus ihrer rasierten Spalte ragte ein dicker Dildo. Ein d?nnes Kettchen verband den Dildo mit einem Ring in ihrer Klitoris und verhinderte so, dass er rausrutschte. Dicke Striemen zierten ihren Hintern und die Schenkel.

?Darf ich?, fragte Rolf.

?Aber sicher?, erwiderte sein Onkel.

?Komm her?, sagte Rolf zu der Sklavin gewand.

Gehorsam legte sie ihren Lappen zur Seite und kam auf den Knien zu Rolf gekrochen.

Direkt vor ihm kniete sie sich hin und setzte sich auf die Fersen zur?ck. Die Knie schulterweit gespreizt, die H?nde im Nacken verschr?nkt und den Blick gesenkt nahm sie vor ihm die vorschriftsm??ige Stellung ein.

Rolf sah sie sich nun genauer an. Schlank, schon fast zierlich gebaut hatte sie ziemlich kleine Titten ? h?chstens K?rbchengr??e B- mit rosigen Aureolen und kleinen Nippeln. Tiefschwarze, schulterlange Haare schmale Schultern und H?ften und Gazellengleich schlanke Beine.

Sie war voll beringt. Nase, Brustwarzen und Klitoris sowie inneren und ?u?ere Schamlippen zierten klein, goldene Ringe.

Durch die ge?ffneten Knie konnte er ihre M?se sehen. Die schmalen ?u?eren Schamlippen standen durch den Dildo der zwischen ihnen hervorstand weit auseinander. Das Kettchen das den Dildo mit der Klitoris verband schien sehr stramm zu sein und schien Schmerzen zu bereiten.

?Gut?, dachte er, w?hrend ihm ein wohliger Schauer ?ber den R?cken ging und sich ein leichtes ziehen in den Lenden bemerkbar machte.

?Sein Blick suchte die Umgebung ab bis er fand was er suchte. Er deutete auf den St?nder:

?Hol mir den Rohrstock?.

Gehorsam krabbelte die Sklavin auf den St?nder zu, nahm mit den Z?hnen den Rohrstock und krabbelte zu ihm zur?ck.

Er nahm den Rohrstock an sich und lie? ihn einmal durch die Luft pfeifen.

Die Sklavin zuckte zusammen.

Nochmal lie? er ihn durch die Luft pfeifen. Wieder zuckte die Sklavin.

Dann traf der Rohrstock die linke Brust direkt oberhalb der Brustwarze und zeichnete einen dicken roten Striemen auf die Haut. Ein spitzer Schrei war die folge.

Ein neuer Hieb, diesmal unter die Brustwarze. Der Schrei war schon etwas l?nger.

Der dritte Schlag traf genau die Brustwarze. Der Schrei der Sklavin ging in ein Wimmern ?ber und f?r einen Moment nahm sie ihre H?nde runter um die maltr?tierte Brust zu sch?tzen. Sie besann sich aber sofort und nahm wieder ihre Stellung ein.

?Das hab ich gebraucht?, sagte er mit einem zufriedenen Unterton in der Stimme zu seinem Onkel. ?Jetzt k?nnen wir?. Eine dicke Beule zierte seine Hose im Schritt.

?Na sch?n?, sagte der, ?dann komm, gehen wir in mein B?ro?


- wird fortgesetzt -




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I have recently acquired this beautiful, sweet, modest, nice, and cute girlfriend. Well, one of these past nights I had a romantic dream about her. …I was walking down an empty road and came up to a rather large house. I opened the door and walked in. I didn’t see much, only a couch and TV. I walked up and sat down, turning on the TV. A movie was on, but that doesn’t really matter. After two minutes, my girlfriend(I’m not putting up her name, sorry) walked up and sat down next to me, leaning...

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Mind controlled Janice 3 part 3 Wayne Irim and Ali

Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.15am. Wayne opened the door at my knock and gave me a big kiss. We moved into his front room. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt and dark blue casual trousers. I commented he looked very smart. A kiss from him and his fingers found the buttons of my blouse it was quickly discarded along with my bra. What a pleasant start to the weekend my hands were very soon unfastening his trousers and within five minutes of arriving at his house we were both naked on the...

2 years ago
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 12

There was one unit in the North building that Sal made a conscious effort to stay away from. It was apartment 405 on the fourth floor looking up to Moshelu Parkway. He didn't avoid it because he had done anything wrong or anything like that. It was just a feeling he had that things were not completely kosher with the occupants and it would be best for him to stay detached from getting too familiar with either Mr. or Mrs. Moskovitz except in a real emergency. His Aunt even slipped their rent...

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PANTYHOSE ENCOUNTER AT THE OFFICE – PART 1A few years ago I was hired as a personal assistant for an executive at an engineering firm. He frequently traveled which left me with a lot of “free” time in the office. When he was in the office he kept me busy so it all balanced out. Anyway, his department was staffed almost entirely by men and younger men at that. Ironically, there were only two guys who I had the slightest bit of interest in. One was a very friendly guy who was a year or two older...

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The Grande Dames

“Come on, Jackie! It’s time to take your meds,” fussed the roommate.“Calm down, you old queen,” hissed the 76 year-old. “You’re not the boss of me.”“Thank goodness,” giggled the friend. “Open up, Drink.”Jacqueline Littlejohn swallowed with relative ease.“Very good. You feel like oatmeal for breakfast,” inquired the mature, sepia-toned woman.“That’s fine. Apple cinnamon,” requested the fair-skinned Jacqueline.“Give me a few minutes. You mind seeing if Alene wants some too?”“Sure,...

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Spied Through the Vent

We lived in a single family home on a concrete slab for the longest time when I was a kid. It was me, my Mom and Dad, and my 2 sisters in two bedrooms. Sis (Leslie, she hated her name) and Erin shared one and I was in a room with my parents. Some nights I was allowed to “camp” in the living room in a blanket fort we would make. I realize now that, it was to give my Mom and Dad some alone time, but I was happy to play that way. When I turned 6 they had a big surprise birthday party for me, the...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 173 Stupid Ideas

"Sorry, Coach. I didn't know I'd made the team. I didn't try out." "Yeah. That's why you're not on varsity." "Huh?" "Coach Mitchell has this thing about not putting guys on his team who don't show up for try-outs." "I'm sorry, Coach. I haven't been all together this year. I didn't think I'd be playing." "I don't know the whole story and I don't need to. I've seen you working out with Whitney every morning and that was good enough to tell me you were still in shape...

3 years ago
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Caught Watching

It was several years ago, while I was a student. The halls of residence had large shower rooms; each with it's own cubicle, but set up so that many people could use the facilities at the same time.I had been playing squash with a cute, long blonde-haired girl named Helen. Running around the squash court, getting sweaty and looking at her in her tight lycra shorts, boobs bouncing under her loose fitting tee-shirt had me pretty horny (as usual). After, we went back to her halls of residence, had...

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Different Worlds Ch 01

There’s a lot of build up before we get to the hanky panky, I do get there eventually though, and I hope it’s worth the wait. My eternal gratitude goes to the many people who have had a hand in editing this first chapter, Misternik, NaokoSmith, but mostly north200. ~ Ivy always felt a surge of excitement at the start of a new journey. Her van was her home and she loved living on the road and the freedom it brought her. She was planning to overnight at Stonehenge, watch the sunrise and then...

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Necromancess QUEST

"So you wish to know the story of my life and un-life young one? It is a fairly long tale, but I will recount it with the limitless patience of the dead if you will just sit with me..." "Even now, I am uncertain about my early life, my first memories which I can fully trust are from the catacombs of Lost Troika..." "I woke in a small padded space, not much larger than my own body, there was no light to see by so I explored my surroundings and myself entirely by touch." "I found I could...

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The Rogue Cop and Me

0700hrs??Master makes contact on my phone with the message 0700hrs??Master makes contact on my phone with the message. ?Meet you at our special place, Fri, 8 O?clock sharp. Usual items required, usual rules apply.? I catch my breath and close my eyes. Friday night is only 2 nights away and he wants to use me again. I so look forward to his contact, usually once a week at my place we fuck and play, he teases and tortures me and he leaves next morning. Recently, he has been booking a room...

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Family Raped And RavagedChapter 10

"I'm just a little harem girl." Ellen thought with a smile. Nearly a month had passed, since she'd been returned to her family. She was in her bedroom, getting ready for Phil. She was brushing her hair as she stood before the full-length mirror. When she finished with her hair, she perfumed her tits and cunt muff. She was wearing a garter belt and stockings. Since she was rescued, she always dressed for sex. She stepped into the new high-heeled mules that she'd bought and quivered as...

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Parking Garage

The rap of her high heels echoing off the concrete walls was the only sound as she walked down the long line of cars, looking for where she'd parked. She'd been sure this was the row—13-D—but where was her car? She shifted her bags to her left hand where the black leather glove would keep the handles from biting into her and looked back over her shoulder through her blonde hair. Perhaps she'd walked past it? But there was no red Peugeot. She stopped. The yellowish green fluorescent...

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My LifeChapter 8

2 months later. This was my life now, I had replaced my mom with her friend Lyla, and Danielle with Lyla’s daughter Shelby. I was getting less head from Lyla than I used to get from my mom, but made up for it by getting sex too. I would usually crawl into her bed at night, already naked, and depending on how she was laying, I’d mount her and slide my dick in. She would always wake up instantly, but never stop me. Luckily her master suite was down stairs and across the house, while all our...

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The Last Night of Spring Break

It was by chance we met. It was the right place, and the right time. For this, I would be eternally grateful, even though we never saw each other again after that night. Like many others, I was in the Hamptons for Spring Break. It was a welcome change, even though going had not been my first choice. As we got closer to the sun and the sea, however, my mood began to change and I started to look forward to it. Perhaps it was this mood that set things in motion. I had cast off (albeit...

1 year ago
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My Stepsister

I have told you of my first experience with a woman in ‘My First Woman’ a tale of my first sexual intercourse at the age of 18. Now having had my penis in Elizabeth on a number of occasions and having pumped a lot of sperm into her willing vagina, I want to tell you about June my step sister. Actually she was my stepfather’s stepdaughter so I don’t know what that makes her but she liked sex. June was 31 at the time of our first sexual encounter. June had a daughter of 3 years and had been...

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The CastleChapter 9

Miss Parradine settled her old mother back in to bed, after helping her to the toilet. How she hated this - wiping an old woman's bottom - she, a professional woman! But it was all for the best, of course. The old lady was very wealthy and the greedy Archivist had no wish to be cut out of the Will for being an undutiful daughter! Angela Parradine, Miss Parradine's sister usually tended to the severely disabled (OK then - "differently abled!") old lady, lovingly and caringly - not because...

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Visiting my boyfriends friend

For those that have been following the story, you now know about my exhibitionist side. For newcomers I could re-cap but it would be easier and hopefully better for you if you read my previous stories. However, I shall bring you all up to speed with what happened in between the last story and this one. After the holiday things went back to normal for a while. Then out of the blue, my boyfriend and his friend both moved away with their jobs. They weren't connected, it was just bad timing (for me...

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Disobeying Stepdads Orders

I heard my stepdad bitching at me from downstairs. "Becca I told you to do this dishes! I'm sick of your laziness!" What a dick I thought, I never even eat here, why should I clean up after some guy who's fucking my mom? "Do em' yourself!" I replied. He stomped up to my room, red in the face. "You leave me no choice but to deciplince you. This is my house and I make the rules." I laughed, "whatta ya gonna do Dave? I'm already grounded and you took away my computer." He made a slapping motion in...

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Aurum Et Periculo the Mystery of the Roman GoldChapter 2A Paris and Adventure

The following day was also beautiful. I was thinking two gorgeous April days in a row must be an English record. We cleared the Marina on a course slightly east of south under full sail. I steered while daddy and Mother set the sails. Mel sat next to me on the navigator’s bench looking bright green. I said kindly, “You’ll get used to it dear”. She responded by heaving into one of the buckets at my feet. I had to admit that the Channel is a lot choppier than most of the places I had...

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Amy and Rachel Do That Thing

‘Really?’ Rachel wrinkled her nose and said, ‘You made a video?’ The girls had been casually discussing what Amy referred to as, “that thing,”—masturbating— as they lazed in the hot July sun in Amy’s backyard. Rachel was wearing a purple push-up bikini top, 32B, small, from Victoria’s Secret. The bottom was what Victoria’s Secret called a “Cheeky Hipkini”, maybe because of the amount of cheeks it exposed, or the camel toe, with multicolored horizontal stripes. Her long black hair parted in...

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Satans BrideChapter 28

The next morning Mioki watched, saddened and remorseful, as she saw the young wife, Marie, enter a waiting taxi and drive off as Jacques pleaded unsuccessfully with her to stay. In the days which followed, Darius's demands grew in audacity and depravity, but Mioki never faltered, never failed to please him no matter how outrageous the request. One night at dinner, Mioki sat toying with her food. "Deep in thought?" asked her husband. "I was just wondering about Cathy. You said she would...

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Final Four Chapter 5

“What, it’s just two people fucking,” Cliff said as he viewed the two masked people.“That’s not just any two people.  It’s our cousins.  That’s Paul and Sandy.  Now I know why they haven’t wanted to hang around.“Are you sure?”Tammy laughed and said, “Yes, I’m sure.  I recognize Sandy’s bedroom.  Those are the same masks we wore to the Halloween party a couple of years ago.”Laughing, Tammy jumped off her bed, went to her closet, and returned wearing an identical mask.  She sat on the mattress...

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Life As a Nudist

My name is David, I was born in Phoenix Arizona on October 5th 1964. I have been a nudist all my life. I know that sounds impossible, but I can Remember As a little boy, my mom having a hard time keeping clothes on me. I would run around the house naked trying not too get caught as my mom would chase me trying to get me dressed. I remember a number of times she would send me to our backyard to play, she would come and check on me and find me naked playing with my toys. At bedtime after a fight...

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The BlemsChapter 3

Elizabeth was coming down from her orgasm. 'Shit, ' Ray thought if I get out of this without getting arrested I'll be lucky.' Looking up Elizabeth saw Ray and a huge smile lit up her face, that is, 'til she realized that they were both outside, naked, and both of them had just cum. Though a little embarrassed for the moment, Elizabeth didn't really give a shit, hell if she could feel like this every night she just might go for it. "Uh, Ray?" She asked as she sat up, where the hell am...

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Marie 3

Marie woke at three in the morning, still on top of the bed and naked.Naked except for her garter belt and nylons. She had a pee and got into bed.It was after nine when she woke again. The air was full of the musky smell of sex. Or more accurately the smell of Ryan's cum Marie had rubbed into her skin. Rather than a shower when she got out of bed, Marie went to the kitchen and made a coffee.The phone buzzed. Marie had a text.It was Timothy. He wasn't going to make it today.Timothy didn't...

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41 year old Betty Alder was lying on her bed and starring up at the ceiling and trying to piece together exactly how she had come to be here. Just one week ago she had been living a relatively normal life as the wife of a local businessman and the mother of a 15 year old daughter. Now, here she was on her back with her legs spread while an 18 year old teenager named Chad Miller was slamming his cock into her wet pussy as her daughters' best friend, Meg Willingham suckled on her breast. She...

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Praise the Lord

Dan was a young married youth pastor at his church. While trying to live and preach the straight and narrow, he had a few secret sins he kept to himself and would often have to privately excuse himself to pull out his thick, cut 8.5 inch cock to stroke until cumming and the temptation would subside. Knowing his weaknesses, he would often take his wife along when some of the younger girls would be on outings, so he wouldn’t be tempted to lust as much. However, for this particular beach church...

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Our First Kiss

I spent a lot of time getting ready for him. I wanted to be perfect, so I had the works. I had my nails done, both a manicure and a pedicure, and my hair done, and my makeup done by a salon downtown. I had bought all new, very sexy lingerie and a beautiful new dress, too. I felt a little silly in my jeans and tank top, with my hair done and all made up and perfumed, but when I got home and stripped, the effect was better. When I put on my silk panties and satin bra, I began to feel more...

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Sex Studio 1 Tamaras test1

Tasty Tamara is a brunette beauty of only twenty. She longs to be dominated and secretly hopes to be impregnated when she books a long weekend session of servitude at the Sex Studio of Professor Peter and his co-worker. So she expects two strong guys to take her hard. She is amazed when a girl her age opens the door to the sex Studio.Tasty Tamara feels an adrenaline rush and her nipples tighten as she rings twice at the door of the Sex Studio for her long weekend of training sexual servitude by...

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