The Rakshasa s HeartChapter 4 The Rakshasa rsquo s Heart
- 2 years ago
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??????????????????????????????????????????????? TEACHER HAS NEW TOYS
By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected])
These are Mr X?s characters, a non profit story and for people above 18.
About some superheroines who fall under blackmail and become the bdsm slave of a high school teacher who really hates their popularity.
(This story takes place in an alternate world similar to DC Comics? Vertigo title ?Y the Last Man?, where a virus had been launched worldwide, killing all the male population and leaving only the females, gasp for our superheroines).
It was like any other day. Ms Americana, Flag Girl and the other heroines didn?t knew what was about to come next. With a virus that has become airborne, starting from a laboratory, it was just like that scary American Sci Fi ?Last Man on Planet Earth?, where nations worldwide had been taken over by Lesbian Militias. Lesbian sex was the norm now and hetero women went in hiding. The US now had a Lesbian President who enforced these new laws.
But this was a different world. In DeltaCity, superheroines like Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Green Spectre, and Spectre Girl went into hiding, since the government intended to capture these women and use them for their ?Super Soldier Cloning Program? but they turned her down, saying that it was dangerous. What really happened was that Flag Girl stumbled upon the truth, that they wanted to put the heroines under Mind Control and turn into the military?s obedient slaves, ONLY DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO DO, not to mention they are symbolic figures too.
They fled that military premises and they even went into hiding but not back to Delta City, where Ms Americana had a hunch that they would be looking for them there. They instead headed up north to Canada, where it is COLD. Shiver.
Ms Americana had also found out that her good friend Agent Kekko had also fled there, as her POWERS THAT BE tried to do the same to her.
In Canada
Ms Americana and the other 3 had met up with Agent Kekko, somewhere in Toronto. What basically happened was that Agent Kekko had been hiding under an old building, not far away from a school building. The old building was used by the school building next to it but as populations declined, all the girls were shifted together to the same building.
This building they had occupied was five stories high and it was full of many, many empty classrooms as well as other facilities. Our heroines found themselves empty classrooms to occupy. But there main fear is that they would get discovered and as their real identities had been broadcasted, they were wanted on the US. If the Canadian authorities knew they were here, they would be in trouble.
But they still had to survive and needed money for food and stuff. Agent Kekko?s brilliant idea was that they could all get jobs in Night Clubs, where it was highly unlikely that they would get caught. But they all were going to work different night clubs so that they all don?t get caught together, just in case.
In the morning, the heroines lived in this building but at night, they worked and also with Agent Kekko?s help, they even forged their real identities.
But trouble was coming there way as someone had been watching them, watching the news and had a very good blackmail plan. Her name was Miss Lodge, a teacher in her early 40s from the nearby school, who also happened to be going to the same nightclubs. Miss Lodge personally hated these heroines and even hated when in class, her own students would just say how much they admired Ms Americana and Flag girl and see them in action.
Miss Lodge hated it even more when her other fellow teachers would bring these heroines up in tea conversations and make good statements about them.
Now the time is right.
The superheroines were back in the building and sleeping in daylight. Miss Lodge called in SICK and was not showing up to school today. But in reality, she had a plan. She went to that abandoned building, thinking in her mind ?you lucky bitches. But your luck was about to run out?. She found the entrance and she slowly crept up the place and walked every floor until she found them, even sleeping in separate rooms with their inflatable beds. She took pictures of them but her camera was a hi tech 1 that it took your picture without making neither sound nor flash. Yes, she has now gotten all 5 pictures of these 5 impostors unfairly getting credit and fame. As far as Miss Lodge was concerned, they probably seduces those men into becoming crooks so they can step in in their immoral costume and once they sprung into action, they would step in and it would be portrayed by the media as if they had come to save the day.
But she is also pretty sure as Brenda Wade was revealed by the news to be Ms Americana?s true identity, she probably also had sneaked out loads of money from her accounts before it got liquidated.
After Work: The Blackmail Begins
It had been 1 tiring night, all 5 heroines (in their new civilian guise) walked back to that old building.
Once in, they were shocked. They swear that not far away from their room, there was Candle Light shining, especially from what was The Kitchen. Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Green Spectre, Spectre Girl and Agent Kekko had entered the kitchen.
There, Miss Lodge had sat by a large rectangular table with 3 candle lights, flickering and some PHOTOS of them being in this building wildly displayed.
Ms Americana shouts to Miss Lodge, ?just what the hell is this?. Miss Lodge smiles ?If it?s the former Ms Americana or Brende Wade in her new identity telling me what to do. I have all these covered up in case any of you ladies think thrice of pushing me towards the wall.?.
The 5 heroines started grabbing the pictures and they are shocked. It is blatantly obvious that this was some sort of blackmail or else they would have been reported ages ago and instead of Ms Lodge, it would be The Canadian Lesbian Police, who would then transfer them to the jurisdiction of the United States of Lesbian American Police.
?You four, put on your costumes and meet me in that classroom here room 46?. All except Agent Kekko nodded. ?You, you are an agent but you are still 1 fine Oriental lady. Too bad you misbehaved too. But put on your Agent outfit?.
Room 46
Later, Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Green Spectre and Spectre girl were all now donning their costumes (which they idiotically brought with them) and Agent Kekko was dressed now in her full Agent attire.
All of them had been sat at what looked like seats from some abandoned students desk-chairs, the ones with right hand rest/table on them.
Our superheroines feel like adults being treated like children and this was to some extent embarrassing.
Miss lodge was stood by the empty blackboard hanged on the wall in front of them.
Miss Lodge telling them off in a victorious way, ?as you all very well know that I unlike you had used my brain for the better purpose of teaching my students to be better citizens.?
Ms Americana interrupted her, ?Miss, whoever you are, we had the patience to listen to you.?
Miss Lodge blackmails now ?If anything were to happen to me, the police would be here as I had timed everything right and disobedience from you would bring you more minus points?. The heroines gasp.
Miss Lodge smiles ?that?s better?.
Ms Americana and Flag Girl look to each other. Agent Kekko asks ?so what do you plan to do with us?.
Miss lodge reveals her true nature ?why, to tame you of course. Because the way I see it, you ladies should be grateful to me as you are considered officially criminals and that by right, you should be locked up and reported to the proper authorities?.
(Actually our? heroines aren?t too bright because if they were, why don?t they arise up the arguments that they could themselves in and explain to the Canadian Lesbian Police that Miss Lodge used blackmail of report to keep them as her slaves but instead she chooses not to tell, which in itself is an even more harsh offence as it is the duty of every citizen to report the wanted heroines and agents).
But then again, the heroines still lose and Ms lodge would have achieved her goal in another way. Ms Americana mumbles with the other superheroines and look back to Miss Lodge.
Miss Americana asks ?so what do you want us to do??
Miss Lodge smiles ?that?s better. I will give you a choice. Be my devoted loyal slaves OR face deportation and many years in jail where the worst things could happen to a woman?.
Ms Americana mumbles with the rest and then they look to Miss Lodge, ?very well, you win. We shall be your devoted slaves?.
Miss Lodge laughs VICTORIOUSLY.
Part II
Room 46
Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Agent Kekko, Green Spectre and Spectre Girl had just submitted themselves to become the slaves of a school teacher, Miss Lodge.
Now here they were in this abandoned classroom where blackmail has gotten the better of them. Miss Lodge was holding a class ruler and she whacks the blackboard with it.
Miss Lodge commands the 5 heroines, ?now you shall address me as mistress, is that understood?? The 5 heroines nod ?yes mistress?, unison out of FEAR (cos of blackmail).? Miss Lodge smiles ?Now stand up straight?. All 5 heroines get off their desk chairs and stood up, just like school students. Miss Lodge walks towards them. She first walks towards Miss Americana. Miss Americana was tall and sexy with red boots, red gloves and 2 piece bikini that resembled the American Flag. She also wore her Power Belt, which is useless when it comes to blackmail. Miss Lodge holds the ruler and slowly touches Miss Americana with its tip, moving it downwards, sensually. ?My my, you are a pretty one. I bet you get wolf whistles all the time?.
Ms Americana responds ?yes mistress, I get that all the time?.
Miss Lodge continues ?I bet you had slept with many men too?.
Miss Americana nods ?yes mistress, I have had sex with..?
Miss Lodge cuts off ?Silence.?
Miss Lodge shouts at Ms Americana ?step forward and walk with me?. Ms Americana obediently follows, already sweating little bit. In Front of the blackboard, Ms Lodge got herself a seat. ?Now take off your bikini and boots?. Ms Americana gulps. She slowly strips off her gloves, boot, bikini and belt and was now embarrassed that she was made to stand naked before Miss Lodge as well as Flag Girl and the other heroines.
?Now lie on the floor on your back, like a human carpet?. Ms Americana laid down in front of Ms Lodge as she is satted down. Once Ms Americana laid down on the floor, Ms Lodge asks Flag Girl to go back to the kitchen and bring to Ms lodge the large brown bag she carried. Flag Girl complies. Flag Girl arrives with the bag and gives it to Miss Lodge. Miss Lodge takes out of it some handcuffs.
Miss Lodge commands Flag Girl ?now handcuff your former mentor?. Flag Girl nods and she raises Ms Americana?s back a bit and CUFFS her hands together. Now Miss Americana was lying there helpless.
Miss Lodge yells to Green Spectre ?come here?. Green Spectre gets up from her seats and walks towards Miss Lodge. Miss Lodge yells at her ?I want you to strip off your greeny costume as well?. Green Spectre strips completely naked out of her costume.
Miss Lodge orders her ?place your hands behind your back, crossed?. Green Spectre complies. Miss Lodge yells to Spectre Girl ?come here?. Spectre Girl walks towards Miss lodge. Miss lodge orders her ?take cuffs out of the bag and cuff the hands of your former mentor behind her backs?. Spectre Girl takes cuffs from the bag and she cuffs Green Spectre from behind ?now place your mentor side by side with Ms Americana on the floor?. Spectre Girl does as she is told.
Now both Ms Americana and Green Spectre were cuffed behind their backs, both were naked and both lied on the floor with their backs to it. They were also next to each other. Miss lodge gave Ms Americana and Green Spectre a horny smile ?Bet you both love that, don?t you?. Both tied heroines respond ?yes mistress, we do?.
Ms lodge now makes another command to Spectre Girl and Flag Girl, I want you both to take out from the bag some candles. Both sidekicks gulp.
Ms lodge had Ms Americana and Green Spectre positioned as it their heads were towards her feet. Miss Lodge takes her shoes off and her feet is smelly, from a whole day of teaching undisciplined students. Miss Lodge puts one foot on Ms Americana?s face and the other on Green Spectre?s face.
?Now lick away?, whacking the blackboard behind her really hard.
Ms Americana and Green Spectre stuck out their tongues and hesitantly licking away at the feet soles of Miss Lodge, who is smiling triumphant. She is now humiliating the very 2 heroines she despised. But she wasn?t finished degrading them yet.
Miss Lodge yells to Flag Girl and Spectre Girl ?now you two, I want you each to grab on your hands 5 candle sticks each?.
Flag Girl had 5 candles on her hand and Spectre Girl also had 5 on her hand.
Miss Lodge to Flag Girl ?I want you to slowly slowly put 1 candle on Ms Americana?s pussy?. Flag Girl hesitantly put a candle and you can tell that Ms Americana was PUSSILY invaded by a dirty candle. Ms Americana moaned but her tongue was already sticking her tongue out, lapping as if she were Miss Lodge?s dog.
Miss Lodge tells Spectre girl to do the same to Green Spectre.
Ms Americana?s and Green Spectre?s pussy are both FILLED up with candle sticks being poked through them (hurts as hell). Spectre Girl and Flag Girl are the ones pushing them through , which makes it even more ENJOYABLE to watch for Miss Lodge.
Flag Girl and Spectre Girl cry, tears flowing as they have HURT and REDDENED/INVADED the pussies of their former mentors, who are also busy further degrading themselves as their tongues try to push the feet away from their faces but they just can?t.
Miss Lodge gives out an evil laughter. Even Agent Kekko is crying for Ms Americana and Green Spectre.
Now Miss Lodge had a kinky idea.
Ms Americana and Green Spectre had the candles removed from their vaginas and now they are stained with CUM. They heroines were also helped to their feet and then brought towards a large table that was also in the classroom, probably that was where papers used to be graded.
Ms Americana and Green Spectre were made to let them rest on their stomachs on top of the table, heads down facing the table,? but actually are just bent over, presenting their ass and legs for all to view.
Spectre Girl and Flag Girl too had been asked to stripped and Agent Kekko was asked to CUFFED them and also place them on the table, with their ass facing Miss Lodge but stomach rested on table top and upper body parts and face DOWNwards to the table.
Miss lodge asked Agent kekko to strip and she too was cuffed and suffered the same fate as the other 4.
Miss lodge was walking , inspecting them with her ruler as their asses were well presented to her and her ruler of discipline.
Miss Lodge comments ?you all have such nice asses?. The heroines were still silent. Miss lodge whacks Agent Kekko?s ass really hard that we hear the whacking and see the ass turn REDDENED. In fear, all 5 now just remembered to say ?yes mistress?.
But Miss lodge even had much nastier surprise for them. She took out 5 ball gags and had them place on each of their mouths so that when they scream, no one can hear them although we can still hear their MOANS.
One by one, Miss Lodge spanked their asses with the power of the Ruler.
First was Ms Americana, after so much hits, her fine ass turned RED, like an overheated oven. Ms Americana moaned away but she was too helpless to defend herself as her hands were cuffed behind her back and her mouth was covered had a ball gag. Tears flowed down her pink cheeks, real genuine tears, because of the pain and her ego being trampled on.
After Ms Americana, Miss lodge went to Green Spectre and deals with her in the same manner ?you really think women look up to you? Whack whack, uuhhhh,? paaiinnn. ?well if that were true, why are you presenting your ass to me in tribute, huh fuckin whore?.
She lands Green Spectre a couple more ruler hits and like Ms Americana, we see Green Spectre?s once gorgeous fine white ass turn RED, really bruised. Tears too flow down Green Spectre?s cheeks. Helpless, and she remembers a time when she defended justice and women around DeltaCity and how men and criminals used to quaver at the very sound of her name. That was in the past. Now, Green Spectre is no longer, just some teacher?s toy, because that is what she feels and that is they are, right: Miss Lodge?s toy, which she can do with as she pleases.
Miss Lodge admires the discipline she has brought these two older ladies/heroines/mentors and for how they had corrupted women around the world to put their hopes on them. Who did they they are, Jesus Christ?
Now there was Flag Girl?s ass, Spectre Girl?s ass and Agent Kekko?s ass
Part III
An abandoned classroom, in an old abandoned school building. In it, there is a large table where there are 5 heroines who are naked, cuffed behind their backs, heads and stomachs rested on table top while their legs were stood by edge of the table, displaying their asses for all to see, in this night of all nights.
Miss Lodge, a school teacher had blackmailed Ms Americana. Flag Girl, Green Spectre, Agent Kekko and Spectre Girl to become her slaves. They have, as they were afraid that in this new world order, it was better to succumb than to suffer.
Ms Americana?s and Green Spectre? asses were RED, hit by Miss Lodge?s ruler. Miss Lodge looked at how RED the asses of the 2 former Delta City superheroine/mentors were. She knelt before Ms Americana?s ass and had a SICK idea.
She left the room and walked to the Kitchen in the building. Fridge was still working and there were some ice cubes. Miss Lodge took a couple and went back to the classroom.
Once Miss lodge was back there, Miss Lodge held one ice cube on one hand and another ice cube on the other. She put both ice cubes on Ms America?s REDDENED ASS and on Green Spectre?s REDDENNED ASS. Both women squirmed under their ball gags, with even more tears flowing. Miss Lodge was pressing the ice cubes on their ass (extreme ice cold from sub zero temperatures PRESSED against HEATED up human asses. What a sight for Miss lodge, who even giggled and broke like a little girl.
After the ice cube melted away on the palm of her hands, Miss Lodge still pressed her COLD PALMS on their fine asses and started fondling it ?there there my little pretties, if you disobey teacher, teacher would just get even?. More tears flowing down Ms Americana?s cheeks and Green Spectre?s cheeks.
Miss Lodge?s hands feel nice and comfortable, a new sensation for her even. ?hee hee, this is so funny?.
Later, Miss lodge had another idea bit this one is for Agent Kekko. One hand on her cuffed wrists and the other on her beautiful long black hair, as she drags and pulls Agent Kekko away from the table, ?the rest of you stay where you are, understood?. The 4 ball gagged heroines moaned but if we hear them say something, it would be ??yes mistress,,,,whatever you say mistress?.just please don?t hurt us ?mistress??
Miss Lodge made Agent Kekko go on her knees and then bends her upper body lower, with her face towards the ground, making to a human mountain, displaying human ass. Miss Lodge puts the ruler down ?Is it true that Japanese ass is the best to feel and touch around the world?.
Agent kekko tries to shake but Miss Lodge whispers to her ear ?If you lie to me, my pretty, the Yakuza would get hold of you, for everytime you have cracked down on them?.
Agent kekko?s face shudders and she was now terrified.
Agent Kekko nods her head but of course her face is facing the floor. Agent Kekko is one great looking Oriental display, ?I had always wanted to adopt a Japanese girl and mind you, I am not a paedophile. But the Japanese government turned me down the offer.?
Miss Lodge shouts at Agent Kekko, pulling her hair further back, ?but do you know why, they turned me down, because you told the shitheads in Tokyo that you once faced an evil nemesis from Canada who was a teacher but at night turns to some were beast creature?.
Miss Lodge gets all emotional and spanks Agent Kekko really hard on the ass, so many times as she had just temporary control and now Agent Kekko is suffering for it, with multiple spanks so hard, that Agent Kekko?s Ass is more REDDENED, that both Ms Americana?s and Green Spectre?s assses put together.
Agent Kekko with the ball gag and all she does is moan really sexily under that ball gag on her mouth, tears flowing down her flower doll like face.
Miss Lodge screams at Agent Kekko, with the other 4 heroines forced to hear all that cursing and spanking, ?do I look like some fucking werebeast to you Agent kekked Ko, do I?. whak ewhak. Agent kekko snioffs her tears and moans in defeat.
What happened was that at 1 point in the past, miss Lodge wanted to adopt a nice Japanese girl, thinking it be easier to raise a Japanese girl than a Western one but as Agent Kekko reported to the Tokyo authorities, in Canada where she was stationed at one point, helping the Canadian authorities catch a shape shifting creature who was able to transform itself into all sorts of human guises, adopting children and next thing you know, child sacrifice cases rise up. Agent kekko managed to caught the culprit and killed her, BUT because this was making headlines, it spread to Japan and because it happened in Canada, the Japanese public gets exaggeratedly scared, that anyone who adopts children there are shape shifting creatures (like their Nostradamus scare back in ?99).
Miss Lodge cries with tears, remembering this problem she had. Angrily,m she walks over to the floor, picks up 3 candle sticks and hits them really hard, inserting them inside Agent Kekko?s ass.
UUUMMMPPPHHH, scream-moans Agent kekko under that ball gag.
Miss Lodge was becoming happy again even laughing ?tee hee, I?m having a good time again?. She was moving the candle sticks that were stuck in Agent kekko?s ass, ?you say kekko and I say kekko?. Agent Kekko cries/moans with more tears. She was in PAIN, not pleasure. Her PAIN was Miss lodge?s PLEASURE.
It was like Agent Kekko being fucked in the ass by 3 skinny dildos but with a more ticklish effect. After she finished with Agent Kekko, she left her in that position, with the candle sticks sticking out her ass.
Fun with Spectre Girl and Flag Girl
Miss Lodge had gone bored with the 3 older superheroines. She now wanted to have fun with the sidekicks. She walked towards Spectre Girl, and places one hand on the cuffed hands behind her back and pulls her hair as well, as if to drag and pull her away from the rest on the table, displaying their fine asses.
Miss Lodge whispers to Spectre Girl?s ear, ?Now my pretty, what should I do with you?.
Miss Lodge makes Spectre Girl sit down on one of the old student desk chair (with the table for right handed students), but as Spectre girl was deliciously naked, she held Spectre Girl?s right leg up and lets it display and hang on to the desk table. As Spectre Girl had done yoga before, Miss Lodge pulls her leg much higher up and as she was a yoga expert, she lets her left leg rest behind her neck and back (for us normal people, that is OUCH).
?What a fine sight you are, Spectre Girl?. Spectre girl was displaying her cunt and breasts for Miss Lodge to see. Spectre girl nods her head obediently and trying to give Miss lodge the impression that she was genuinely her slave. Miss lodge can tell from the defeated looks of her eyes and face.
Miss Lodge eyes Spectre Girl, ?you have such a nice body, Spectre Girl?. Miss lodge eyes then towards Flag Girl, ?And I think you need an equally beautiful partner to help you there?.
Later, Flag Girl was placed on top of Spectre Girl but she was positioned that Flag Girl?s face was on Spectre girl?s crotch while hers was on Spectre Girl?s face.
Miss lodge hits the ruler to a nearby chair ?now my little lezzies, lick away?. Flag Girl and Spectre girl start lapping away at each other?s cunt with their face and tongue. ?I want you two to do this until I hit this chair with my ruler?.
Flag Girl licking Spectre Girl?s pussy like as if she loved every minute of it while Spectre Girl licked Fla Girl?s pussy as if her life depended on it.
After an hour, their jaws got ACHED, their faces were covered with each others? CUM on their noses, eyes and mouth even, oozing out cum from their mouths.
Miss Lodge finally hits the ruler against the chair/----- their sign to stop licking and lapping themselves.
The Routine Now
Miss Lodge had kept all 5 heroines as prisoners with the cuff still on their backs. They had been kept in that classroom for days. But Miss lodge still fed them by placing 5 Dog food bowls in front of them and they had to bend down and eat their food, just like dogs. Miss Lodge wanted to keep their bodies fit and their minds weak, even easy to influence by simple subliminal messages.
Miss Lodge had them for 2 weeks, her strategy to weaken them.
This was just the beginning. An ordinary teacher with no real social life, Miss Lodge, is now in control of 5 heroines whom she had put the fear of blackmail into, and now slowly has them TAMED and made OBEDIENT.
These heroines are Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Green Spectre, Spectre Girl and Agent Kekko. For over 2 weeks, she had fed them like dogs, caned them on their asses, made them do degrading things and force them to call her ?mistress? or they get it. But in their minds, the POWER OF THE RULER has gotten to them, how like it has been used to disciplined students in the FarEast to become obedient to their teachers and parents.
After 2 weeks, the heroines are now completely under her control, like secret agents brainwashed by their governments to do espionage and all kinds of dangerous things.
Miss Lodge made them wear hoods so that she could sneak them out at night into her house. It is because in this new world order, there are no men and lesbian govt of America was after the 5 heroines who have defected and been framed by the media. In Canada, where they are now, they had fallen to Miss lodge?s psychological trap.
Miss lodge now had 5 former heroines as slaves, and she had major plans for them.
Miss lodge?s House
The House was like your ordinary one storey house, with only a living room, a toilet, a kitchen, 2 bedrooms and a basement.
The basement was going to refurnished and be changed for all sorts of things.
Once the 5 heroines had been brought to her house, they were told that they are forbidden to leave the house, followed by their unisonic obedience ?yes mistress?.
But their roles would also be different.
Ms Americana and Green Spectre no longer wore their costume. The costumes had been sold off on E Bay to some sick perverts and the money goes to Miss lodge?s Pay Pal account. Instead, the 2 heroines were dressed like French Maids?sexy and fuckable.
Miss Lodge orders the first 2, while the other 3 were ordered to stand inside the toilet, until waiting further instructions.
Miss Lodge commands the very? 2 heroines whom she had fun degrading:
?Listen up. From now on, you two are to speak to me like how maids speak to their employers. You must also speak with French accents. Your duties are to clean up the house, clean dishes, wash my cloths, cook me dinner?.
Miss lodge looks up to Ms Americana, ?from now on your name is Francine , like to be like a French woman and it goes well with you, while you take your country?s own name and make it out as if you champion it when deep down, you are just tall and egotistical?.
Miss Americana/Francine nods ?yes mistress?.
Miss lodge looks then to Green Spectre, ?And as for you, you are no longer the Green Spectre who lectures other women how to fight crime or give them advice or give them the impression that you are some sort of mentor figure. From now on your name is Grin,\no better yet, Ingrid?.
Green Spectre/Ingird nods ?yes mistress?.
Miss Lodge gives them their first order in the house:
?My first order for you two maids is to start cleaning up this house. And I want it cleaned by today. Is that understood??
Miss Americana/Francince and Green Spectre/Ingrid nods in unison, ?Yes mistress, whatever you wish?.
The 2 former heroines start grabbing their dust control feathers and start? cleaning around.
Miss Lodge walk towards the toilet, shouting for Agent Kekko to come out. Agent Kekko complies. Miss Lodge fondles with Agent kekko , ?as much as you are a beautiful woman, I am afraid that you have made me angry and disappointed.?
Miss lodge orders ?take off your clothes?. Agent Kekko strips until she is 100% naked.
Miss Lodge gives another order, ?go on all fours like a dog?. Agent Kekko first goes on her knees and then moves her upper body forward/downwards so that her palm touches the ground, just like a human made to act like a dog.
Miss Lodge orders her ?Your name will still be Kekko but the difference is you are no longer an agent or a heroine. From now on, you are my dog, bitch. And you don?t talk like a person, you bark like a dog. Is that understood??
Kekko barks like a dog ?arf arf ,?, Kekko flicks out her tongue as if she really were a dog. Miss Lodge pats her lovely black hair, ?good bitch. If you are nice and behave today, mommy will feed you dog food?.
Now as for Spectre Girl and Flag Girl, she had other plans. She already has a dog (Kekko) and has 2 tall, lovely maids (Francine and Ingrid). Now what can she do with Flag Girl and Spectre Girl.
Miss Lodge had a brilliant plan
High School Day
Miss Lodge was going back to work, teaching the female students what a teacher would normally teach them in their final year. Miss Lodge enjoyed teaching students although Canadian students are just plain aggressive and like to fight back to their peers and teachers.
But she had another friend, Miss Monette, a tall, fit Blonde Quebecer who was obviously a lesbian and had many times tried to hit on Miss Lodge but Miss Lodge declined the invitation. 1 fine day after class, Miss Lodge invited Miss Monette over to her place for tea.
Once inside, Miss Monette was surprised to find that Ms Lodge had 2 tall, fit built maids. Miss Lodge would usher her to the living room and have her sat down. ?My maids are Francine and Ingrid?. Miss Monette would give that sexy French accent ?uuhh?.
Miss Lodge asks Francine (our former Ms Americana), ?Francine, would you bring us both a cup of tea please?. Miss Lodge turns to look at Miss Monette, ?do you take milk and sugar, Miss monette?. Miss Monette looks to Francine, ?yes please?.
Francine nods and later she is carrying a tray with 2 tea cups, with some tea spoons on them, ?I have just brought zee tee, mademoselles?. Miss Monette?s eyes lighten up. Miss Monette speaks to Miss Lodge, ?beg your pardon but I zeed not know that you have a a Maid who was French?.
Miss Monette starts yapping to Francine in French, but Francine, not really knowing French and just only told to speak it with a French accent, just looks at Miss Monette blank. Miss Lodge intervenes then, ?you have to excuse my maid Francine, she is just a shy girl and shy with strangers?.
After the whole tea thing. Miss Lodge brings Miss Monette down to the basement and the light switch down there was already on. ?Wow, zis place is old and dusty, nooo?.
?No?, cuts Miss Lodge in. Once they were down in the basement, it looked different from upstairs.
Miss Monette looks and she gets really excited ?ohh llaa laaa?. In front of her are 2 rectangular tables and on top were displayed: Flag Girl and Spectre Girl.
Miss Lodge looked to Miss Monette, ?As you know that I don?t really care for lesbian sex or any sex for that matter, I thought of giving them to you?.
Miss Monette was smiling.
Flag Girl was dressed like a cheerleader, hair dyed light brown, with purple lipstick on, on her cheerleader shirt is her new name written: Bernadine.
Bernadine was lying with her front touching the table and she is smiling sexily and seductively.
Spectre Girl, was dressed with a large, white fur coat, she wears a white Russian style cap, had purple lipstick. Her hair had also been dyed jet black. Under that fur coat was a small thin white shirt with her name written on it: Talia.
Miss Monette loved Brunettes and women with black hair, heck she even pays for rent girls with such hair colors.
While Miss Monette was mesmerized with these 2 lovely ladies, Miss Lodge puts her hand on Miss Monette?s shoulder, ?don?t ask me how I got them but I can give them to you?.
Miss Monette gets all excited by watching them displayed to her like this, ?please Miss Lodge, please. Please give these beauties to me?.
Miss Lodge, ?Only if you would be my ally. That?s all a lonely person really needs, even more than money?.
Miss Lodge orders Talia and Bernadine ?Talia, Bernadine, come and greet your new mistress because from today on, you belong to her now? (pointing to Ms Monette).
Miss Monette walks over and hugs her two new slaves ?thank you Miss Lodge, thank you?.
Miss Lodge, ?Just don?t tell this to anyone. By the way, could you use another maid or a pet perhaps?.
You guessed it. Miss Monette had been given ownership of Kekko (as a pet), Talia and Bernadine (as lesbian sex slaves) and a new maid (Ingrid).
That leaves Miss Lodge with the only maid she needs Francine/Ms Americana.
After the others have left, Miss Lodge is sat by her comfy chair and feet rested on a footstool. Francine approaches ?Mazam, would you like another coop of tea?. Miss lodge looks to Francine, ?yes, Francine, that would be lovely?
Part IV
??????????????????????????????????????????????? TEACHER HAS NEW TOYS
By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected])
These are Mr
X?s characters, a non profit story and for people above 18.
About some superheroines who fall under blackmail and become the bdsm slave of a high school teacher who really hates their
(This story takes place in an alternate
world similar to DC Comics? Vertigo title ?Y the Last Man?, where a virus had
been launched worldwide, killing all the male population and leaving only the
females, gasp for our superheroines).
It was like any other day. Ms Americana, Flag Girl and the
other heroines didn?t knew what was about to come next. With a virus that has
become airborne, starting from a laboratory, it was just like that scary
American Sci Fi ?Last Man
on Planet Earth?, where nations worldwide had been taken over by Lesbian
Militias. Lesbian sex was the norm now and hetero women went in hiding. The
But this was a different world. In
They fled that military premises and they even went into
hiding but not back to
Ms Americana had also found out that her good friend Agent Kekko had also fled there, as her POWERS THAT BE tried to do the same to her.
Ms Americana and the other 3 had met up with Agent Kekko, somewhere in
This building they had occupied was five stories high and it
was full of many, many empty classrooms as well as other facilities. Our
heroines found themselves empty classrooms to occupy. But there main fear is
that they would get discovered and as their real identities had been
broadcasted, they were wanted on the
But they still had to survive and needed money for food and stuff. Agent Kekko?s brilliant idea was that they could all get jobs in Night Clubs, where it was highly unlikely that they would get caught. But they all were going to work different night clubs so that they all don?t get caught together, just in case.
In the morning, the heroines lived in this building but at night, they worked and also with Agent Kekko?s help, they even forged their real identities.
But trouble was coming there way as someone had been watching them, watching the news and had a very good blackmail plan. Her name was Miss Lodge, a teacher in her early 40s from the nearby school, who also happened to be going to the same nightclubs. Miss Lodge personally hated these heroines and even hated when in class, her own students would just say how much they admired Ms Americana and Flag girl and see them in action.
Miss Lodge hated it even more when her other fellow teachers would bring these heroines up in tea conversations and make good statements about them.
Now the time is right.
The superheroines were back in the building and sleeping in daylight. Miss Lodge called in SICK and was not showing up to school today. But in reality, she had a plan. She went to that abandoned building, thinking in her mind ?you lucky bitches. But your luck was about to run out?. She found the entrance and she slowly crept up the place and walked every floor until she found them, even sleeping in separate rooms with their inflatable beds. She took pictures of them but her camera was a hi tech 1 that it took your picture without making neither sound nor flash. Yes, she has now gotten all 5 pictures of these 5 impostors unfairly getting credit and fame. As far as Miss Lodge was concerned, they probably seduces those men into becoming crooks so they can step in in their immoral costume and once they sprung into action, they would step in and it would be portrayed by the media as if they had come to save the day.
But she is also pretty sure as Brenda Wade was revealed by the news to be Ms Americana?s true identity, she probably also had sneaked out loads of money from her accounts before it got liquidated.
After Work: The Blackmail Begins
It had been 1 tiring night, all 5 heroines (in their new civilian guise) walked back to that old building.
Once in, they were shocked. They swear that not far away from their room, there was Candle Light shining, especially from what was The Kitchen. Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Green Spectre, Spectre Girl and Agent Kekko had entered the kitchen.
There, Miss Lodge had sat by a large rectangular table with 3 candle lights, flickering and some PHOTOS of them being in this building wildly displayed.
Ms Americana shouts to Miss Lodge, ?just
what the hell is this?. Miss Lodge smiles ?If it?s the former Ms
The 5 heroines started grabbing the pictures and they are shocked. It is blatantly obvious that this was some sort of blackmail or else they would have been reported ages ago and instead of Ms Lodge, it would be The Canadian Lesbian Police, who would then transfer them to the jurisdiction of the United States of Lesbian American Police.
?You four, put on your costumes and meet me in that classroom here room 46?. All except Agent Kekko nodded. ?You, you are an agent but you are still 1 fine Oriental lady. Too bad you misbehaved too. But put on your Agent outfit?.
Room 46
Later, Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Green Spectre and Spectre girl were all now donning their costumes (which they idiotically brought with them) and Agent Kekko was dressed now in her full Agent attire.
All of them had been sat at what looked like seats from some abandoned students desk-chairs, the ones with right hand rest/table on them.
Our superheroines feel like adults being treated like children and this was to some extent embarrassing.
Miss lodge was stood by the empty blackboard hanged on the wall in front of them.
Miss Lodge telling them off in a victorious way, ?as you all very well know that I unlike you had used my brain for the better purpose of teaching my students to be better citizens.?
Ms Americana interrupted her, ?Miss, whoever you are, we had the patience to listen to you.?
Miss Lodge blackmails now ?If anything were to happen to me, the police would be here as I had timed everything right and disobedience from you would bring you more minus points?. The heroines gasp.
Miss Lodge smiles ?that?s better?.
Ms Americana and Flag Girl look to each other. Agent Kekko asks ?so what do you plan to do with us?.
Miss lodge reveals her true nature ?why, to tame you of course. Because the way I see it, you ladies should be grateful to me as you are considered officially criminals and that by right, you should be locked up and reported to the proper authorities?.
(Actually our? heroines aren?t too bright because if they were, why don?t they arise up the arguments that they could themselves in and explain to the Canadian Lesbian Police that Miss Lodge used blackmail of report to keep them as her slaves but instead she chooses not to tell, which in itself is an even more harsh offence as it is the duty of every citizen to report the wanted heroines and agents).
But then again, the heroines still lose and Ms lodge would have achieved her goal in another way. Ms Americana mumbles with the other superheroines and look back to Miss Lodge.
Miss Americana asks ?so what do you want us to do??
Miss Lodge smiles ?that?s better. I will give you a choice. Be my devoted loyal slaves OR face deportation and many years in jail where the worst things could happen to a woman?.
Ms Americana mumbles with the rest and then they look to Miss Lodge, ?very well, you win. We shall be your devoted slaves?.
Miss Lodge laughs VICTORIOUSLY.
Part II
Room 46
Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Agent Kekko, Green Spectre and Spectre Girl had just submitted themselves to become the slaves of a school teacher, Miss Lodge.
Now here they were in this abandoned classroom where blackmail has gotten the better of them. Miss Lodge was holding a class ruler and she whacks the blackboard with it.
Miss Lodge commands the 5 heroines, ?now you shall address me as mistress, is that understood?? The 5 heroines nod ?yes mistress?, unison out of FEAR (cos of blackmail).? Miss Lodge smiles ?Now stand up straight?. All 5 heroines get off their desk chairs and stood up, just like school students. Miss Lodge walks towards them. She first walks towards Miss Americana. Miss Americana was tall and sexy with red boots, red gloves and 2 piece bikini that resembled the American Flag. She also wore her Power Belt, which is useless when it comes to blackmail. Miss Lodge holds the ruler and slowly touches Miss Americana with its tip, moving it downwards, sensually. ?My my, you are a pretty one. I bet you get wolf whistles all the time?.
Ms Americana responds ?yes mistress, I get that all the time?.
Miss Lodge continues ?I bet you had slept with many men too?.
Miss Americana nods ?yes mistress, I have had sex with..?
Miss Lodge cuts off ?Silence.?
Miss Lodge shouts at Ms Americana ?step forward and walk with me?. Ms Americana obediently follows, already sweating little bit. In Front of the blackboard, Ms Lodge got herself a seat. ?Now take off your bikini and boots?. Ms Americana gulps. She slowly strips off her gloves, boot, bikini and belt and was now embarrassed that she was made to stand naked before Miss Lodge as well as Flag Girl and the other heroines.
?Now lie on the floor on your back, like a human carpet?. Ms Americana laid down in front of Ms Lodge as she is satted down. Once Ms Americana laid down on the floor, Ms Lodge asks Flag Girl to go back to the kitchen and bring to Ms lodge the large brown bag she carried. Flag Girl complies. Flag Girl arrives with the bag and gives it to Miss Lodge. Miss Lodge takes out of it some handcuffs.
Miss Lodge commands Flag Girl ?now handcuff your former mentor?. Flag Girl nods and she raises Ms Americana?s back a bit and CUFFS her hands together. Now Miss Americana was lying there helpless.
Miss Lodge yells to Green Spectre ?come here?. Green Spectre gets up from her seats and walks towards Miss Lodge. Miss Lodge yells at her ?I want you to strip off your greeny costume as well?. Green Spectre strips completely naked out of her costume.
Miss Lodge orders her ?place your hands behind your back, crossed?. Green Spectre complies. Miss Lodge yells to Spectre Girl ?come here?. Spectre Girl walks towards Miss lodge. Miss lodge orders her ?take cuffs out of the bag and cuff the hands of your former mentor behind her backs?. Spectre Girl takes cuffs from the bag and she cuffs Green Spectre from behind ?now place your mentor side by side with Ms Americana on the floor?. Spectre Girl does as she is told.
Now both Ms Americana and Green Spectre were cuffed behind their backs, both were naked and both lied on the floor with their backs to it. They were also next to each other. Miss lodge gave Ms Americana and Green Spectre a horny smile ?Bet you both love that, don?t you?. Both tied heroines respond ?yes mistress, we do?.
Ms lodge now makes another command to Spectre Girl and Flag Girl, I want you both to take out from the bag some candles. Both sidekicks gulp.
Ms lodge had Ms Americana and Green Spectre positioned as it their heads were towards her feet. Miss Lodge takes her shoes off and her feet is smelly, from a whole day of teaching undisciplined students. Miss Lodge puts one foot on Ms Americana?s face and the other on Green Spectre?s face.
?Now lick away?, whacking the blackboard behind her really hard.
Ms Americana and Green Spectre stuck out their tongues and hesitantly licking away at the feet soles of Miss Lodge, who is smiling triumphant. She is now humiliating the very 2 heroines she despised. But she wasn?t finished degrading them yet.
Miss Lodge yells to Flag Girl and Spectre Girl ?now you two, I want you each to grab on your hands 5 candle sticks each?.
Flag Girl had 5 candles on her hand and Spectre Girl also had 5 on her hand.
Miss Lodge to Flag Girl ?I want you to slowly slowly put 1 candle on Ms Americana?s pussy?. Flag Girl hesitantly put a candle and you can tell that Ms Americana was PUSSILY invaded by a dirty candle. Ms Americana moaned but her tongue was already sticking her tongue out, lapping as if she were Miss Lodge?s dog.
Miss Lodge tells Spectre girl to do the same to Green Spectre.
Ms Americana?s and Green Spectre?s pussy are both FILLED up with candle sticks being poked through them (hurts as hell). Spectre Girl and Flag Girl are the ones pushing them through , which makes it even more ENJOYABLE to watch for Miss Lodge.
Flag Girl and Spectre Girl cry, tears flowing as they have HURT and REDDENED/INVADED the pussies of their former mentors, who are also busy further degrading themselves as their tongues try to push the feet away from their faces but they just can?t.
Miss Lodge gives out an evil laughter. Even Agent Kekko is crying for Ms Americana and Green Spectre.
Now Miss Lodge had a kinky idea.
Ms Americana and Green Spectre had the candles removed from their vaginas and now they are stained with CUM. They heroines were also helped to their feet and then brought towards a large table that was also in the classroom, probably that was where papers used to be graded.
Ms Americana and Green Spectre were made to let them rest on their stomachs on top of the table, heads down facing the table,? but actually are just bent over, presenting their ass and legs for all to view.
Spectre Girl and Flag Girl too had been asked to stripped and Agent Kekko was asked to CUFFED them and also place them on the table, with their ass facing Miss Lodge but stomach rested on table top and upper body parts and face DOWNwards to the table.
Miss lodge asked Agent kekko to strip and she too was cuffed and suffered the same fate as the other 4.
Miss lodge was walking , inspecting them with her ruler as their asses were well presented to her and her ruler of discipline.
Miss Lodge comments ?you all have such nice asses?. The heroines were still silent. Miss lodge whacks Agent Kekko?s ass really hard that we hear the whacking and see the ass turn REDDENED. In fear, all 5 now just remembered to say ?yes mistress?.
But Miss lodge even had much nastier surprise for them. She took out 5 ball gags and had them place on each of their mouths so that when they scream, no one can hear them although we can still hear their MOANS.
One by one, Miss Lodge spanked their asses with the power of the Ruler.
First was Ms Americana, after so much hits, her fine ass turned RED, like an overheated oven. Ms Americana moaned away but she was too helpless to defend herself as her hands were cuffed behind her back and her mouth was covered had a ball gag. Tears flowed down her pink cheeks, real genuine tears, because of the pain and her ego being trampled on.
After Ms Americana, Miss lodge went to Green Spectre and deals with her in the same manner ?you really think women look up to you? Whack whack, uuhhhh,? paaiinnn. ?well if that were true, why are you presenting your ass to me in tribute, huh fuckin whore?.
She lands Green Spectre a couple
more ruler hits and like Ms Americana, we see Green Spectre?s
once gorgeous fine white ass turn RED, really bruised. Tears too flow down
Green Spectre?s cheeks. Helpless,
and she remembers a time when she defended justice and women around
Miss Lodge admires the discipline she has brought these two older ladies/heroines/mentors and for how they had corrupted women around the world to put their hopes on them. Who did they they are, Jesus Christ?
Now there was Flag Girl?s ass, Spectre Girl?s ass and Agent Kekko?s ass
Part III
An abandoned classroom, in an old abandoned school building. In it, there is a large table where there are 5 heroines who are naked, cuffed behind their backs, heads and stomachs rested on table top while their legs were stood by edge of the table, displaying their asses for all to see, in this night of all nights.
Miss Lodge, a school teacher had blackmailed Ms Americana. Flag Girl, Green Spectre, Agent Kekko and Spectre Girl to become her slaves. They have, as they were afraid that in this new world order, it was better to succumb than to suffer.
Ms Americana?s and Green Spectre?
asses were RED, hit by Miss Lodge?s ruler. Miss Lodge looked at how RED the
asses of the 2 former
She left the room and walked to the Kitchen in the building. Fridge was still working and there were some ice cubes. Miss Lodge took a couple and went back to the classroom.
Once Miss lodge was back there, Miss Lodge held one ice cube on one hand and another ice cube on the other. She put both ice cubes on Ms America?s REDDENED ASS and on Green Spectre?s REDDENNED ASS. Both women squirmed under their ball gags, with even more tears flowing. Miss Lodge was pressing the ice cubes on their ass (extreme ice cold from sub zero temperatures PRESSED against HEATED up human asses. What a sight for Miss lodge, who even giggled and broke like a little girl.
After the ice cube melted away on the palm of her hands, Miss Lodge still pressed her COLD PALMS on their fine asses and started fondling it ?there there my little pretties, if you disobey teacher, teacher would just get even?. More tears flowing down Ms Americana?s cheeks and Green Spectre?s cheeks.
Miss Lodge?s hands feel nice and comfortable, a new sensation for her even. ?hee hee, this is so funny?.
Later, Miss lodge had another idea bit this one is for Agent Kekko. One hand on her cuffed wrists and the other on her beautiful long black hair, as she drags and pulls Agent Kekko away from the table, ?the rest of you stay where you are, understood?. The 4 ball gagged heroines moaned but if we hear them say something, it would be ??yes mistress,,,,whatever you say mistress?.just please don?t hurt us ?mistress??
Miss Lodge made Agent Kekko go on her knees and then bends her upper body lower, with her face towards the ground, making to a human mountain, displaying human ass. Miss Lodge puts the ruler down ?Is it true that Japanese ass is the best to feel and touch around the world?.
Agent kekko tries to shake but Miss Lodge whispers to her ear ?If you lie to me, my pretty, the Yakuza would get hold of you, for everytime you have cracked down on them?.
Agent kekko?s face shudders and she was now terrified.
Agent Kekko nods her head but of course her face is facing the floor. Agent Kekko is one great looking Oriental display, ?I had always wanted to adopt a Japanese girl and mind you, I am not a paedophile. But the Japanese government turned me down the offer.?
Miss Lodge shouts at Agent Kekko, pulling her hair further back, ?but do you know why, they turned me down, because you told the shitheads in Tokyo that you once faced an evil nemesis from Canada who was a teacher but at night turns to some were beast creature?.
Miss Lodge gets all emotional and spanks Agent Kekko really hard on the ass, so many times as she had just temporary control and now Agent Kekko is suffering for it, with multiple spanks so hard, that Agent Kekko?s Ass is more REDDENED, that both Ms Americana?s and Green Spectre?s assses put together.
Agent Kekko with the ball gag and all she does is moan really sexily under that ball gag on her mouth, tears flowing down her flower doll like face.
Miss Lodge screams at Agent Kekko, with the other 4 heroines forced to hear all that cursing and spanking, ?do I look like some fucking werebeast to you Agent kekked Ko, do I?. whak ewhak. Agent kekko snioffs her tears and moans in defeat.
What happened was that at 1 point in the past, miss Lodge wanted to adopt a nice Japanese girl, thinking it be easier to raise a Japanese girl than a Western one but as Agent Kekko reported to the Tokyo authorities, in Canada where she was stationed at one point, helping the Canadian authorities catch a shape shifting creature who was able to transform itself into all sorts of human guises, adopting children and next thing you know, child sacrifice cases rise up. Agent kekko managed to caught the culprit and killed her, BUT because this was making headlines, it spread to Japan and because it happened in Canada, the Japanese public gets exaggeratedly scared, that anyone who adopts children there are shape shifting creatures (like their Nostradamus scare back in ?99).
Miss Lodge cries with tears, remembering this problem she had. Angrily,m she walks over to the floor, picks up 3 candle sticks and hits them really hard, inserting them inside Agent Kekko?s ass.
UUUMMMPPPHHH, scream-moans Agent kekko under that ball gag.
Miss Lodge was becoming happy again even laughing ?tee hee, I?m having a good time again?. She was moving the candle sticks that were stuck in Agent kekko?s ass, ?you say kekko and I say kekko?. Agent Kekko cries/moans with more tears. She was in PAIN, not pleasure. Her PAIN was Miss lodge?s PLEASURE.
It was like Agent Kekko being fucked in the ass by 3 skinny dildos but with a more ticklish effect. After she finished with Agent Kekko, she left her in that position, with the candle sticks sticking out her ass.
Fun with Spectre Girl and Flag
Miss Lodge had gone bored with the 3 older superheroines. She now wanted to have fun with the sidekicks. She walked towards Spectre Girl, and places one hand on the cuffed hands behind her back and pulls her hair as well, as if to drag and pull her away from the rest on the table, displaying their fine asses.
Miss Lodge whispers to Spectre Girl?s ear, ?Now my pretty, what should I do with you?.
Miss Lodge makes Spectre Girl sit down on one of the old student desk chair (with the table for right handed students), but as Spectre girl was deliciously naked, she held Spectre Girl?s right leg up and lets it display and hang on to the desk table. As Spectre Girl had done yoga before, Miss Lodge pulls her leg much higher up and as she was a yoga expert, she lets her left leg rest behind her neck and back (for us normal people, that is OUCH).
?What a fine sight you are, Spectre Girl?. Spectre girl was displaying her cunt and breasts for Miss Lodge to see. Spectre girl nods her head obediently and trying to give Miss lodge the impression that she was genuinely her slave. Miss lodge can tell from the defeated looks of her eyes and face.
Miss Lodge eyes Spectre Girl, ?you have such a nice body, Spectre Girl?. Miss lodge eyes then towards Flag Girl, ?And I think you need an equally beautiful partner to help you there?.
Later, Flag Girl was placed on top of Spectre Girl but she was positioned that Flag Girl?s face was on Spectre girl?s crotch while hers was on Spectre Girl?s face.
Miss lodge hits the ruler to a nearby chair ?now my little lezzies, lick away?. Flag Girl and Spectre girl start lapping away at each other?s cunt with their face and tongue. ?I want you two to do this until I hit this chair with my ruler?.
Flag Girl licking Spectre Girl?s pussy like as if she loved every minute of it while Spectre Girl licked Fla Girl?s pussy as if her life depended on it.
After an hour, their jaws got ACHED, their faces were covered with each others? CUM on their noses, eyes and mouth even, oozing out cum from their mouths.
Miss Lodge finally hits the ruler against the chair/----- their sign to stop licking and lapping themselves.
The Routine Now
Miss Lodge had kept all 5 heroines as prisoners with the cuff still on their backs. They had been kept in that classroom for days. But Miss lodge still fed them by placing 5 Dog food bowls in front of them and they had to bend down and eat their food, just like dogs. Miss Lodge wanted to keep their bodies fit and their minds weak, even easy to influence by simple subliminal messages.
Miss Lodge had them for 2 weeks, her strategy to weaken them.
This was just the beginning. An ordinary teacher with no real social life, Miss Lodge, is now in control of 5 heroines whom she had put the fear of blackmail into, and now slowly has them TAMED and made OBEDIENT.
These heroines are Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Green Spectre, Spectre Girl and Agent Kekko. For over 2 weeks, she had fed them like dogs, caned
them on their asses, made them do degrading things and force them to call her
?mistress? or they get it. But in their minds, the POWER OF THE RULER has
gotten to them, how like it has been used to disciplined students in the
After 2 weeks, the heroines are now completely under her control, like secret agents brainwashed by their governments to do espionage and all kinds of dangerous things.
Miss Lodge made them wear hoods so that she could sneak them
out at night into her house. It is because in this new world order, there are
no men and lesbian govt of
Miss lodge now had 5 former heroines as slaves, and she had major plans for them.
Miss lodge?s House
The House was like your ordinary one storey house, with only a living room, a toilet, a kitchen, 2 bedrooms and a basement.
The basement was going to refurnished and be changed for all sorts of things.
Once the 5 heroines had been brought to her house, they were told that they are forbidden to leave the house, followed by their unisonic obedience ?yes mistress?.
But their roles would also be different.
Ms Americana and Green Spectre no longer wore their costume. The costumes had been sold off on E Bay to some sick perverts and the money goes to Miss lodge?s Pay Pal account. Instead, the 2 heroines were dressed like French Maids?sexy and fuckable.
Miss Lodge orders the first 2, while the other 3 were ordered to stand inside the toilet, until waiting further instructions.
Miss Lodge commands the very? 2 heroines whom she had fun degrading:
?Listen up. From now on, you two are to speak to me like how maids speak to their employers. You must also speak with French accents. Your duties are to clean up the house, clean dishes, wash my cloths, cook me dinner?.
Miss lodge looks up to Ms Americana, ?from now on your name is Francine , like to be like a French woman and it goes well with you, while you take your country?s own name and make it out as if you champion it when deep down, you are just tall and egotistical?.
Miss Americana/Francine nods ?yes mistress?.
Miss lodge looks then to Green Spectre, ?And as for you, you are no longer the Green Spectre who lectures other women how to fight crime or give them advice or give them the impression that you are some sort of mentor figure. From now on your name is Grin,\no better yet, Ingrid?.
Green Spectre/Ingird nods ?yes mistress?.
Miss Lodge gives them their first order in the house:
?My first order for you two maids is to start cleaning up this house. And I want it cleaned by today. Is that understood??
Miss Americana/Francince and Green Spectre/Ingrid nods in unison, ?Yes mistress, whatever you wish?.
The 2 former heroines start grabbing their dust control feathers and start? cleaning around.
Miss Lodge walk towards the toilet, shouting for Agent Kekko to come out. Agent Kekko complies. Miss Lodge fondles with Agent kekko , ?as much as you are a beautiful woman, I am afraid that you have made me angry and disappointed.?
Miss lodge orders ?take off your clothes?. Agent Kekko strips until she is 100% naked.
Miss Lodge gives another order, ?go on all fours like a dog?. Agent Kekko first goes on her knees and then moves her upper body forward/downwards so that her palm touches the ground, just like a human made to act like a dog.
Miss Lodge orders her ?Your name will still be Kekko but the difference is you are no longer an agent or a heroine. From now on, you are my dog, bitch. And you don?t talk like a person, you bark like a dog. Is that understood??
Kekko barks like a dog ?arf arf ,?, Kekko flicks out her tongue as if she really were a dog. Miss Lodge pats her lovely black hair, ?good bitch. If you are nice and behave today, mommy will feed you dog food?.
Now as for Spectre Girl and Flag Girl, she had other plans. She already has a dog (Kekko) and has 2 tall, lovely maids (Francine and Ingrid). Now what can she do with Flag Girl and Spectre Girl.
Miss Lodge had a brilliant plan
High School Day
Miss Lodge was going back to work, teaching the female students what a teacher would normally teach them in their final year. Miss Lodge enjoyed teaching students although Canadian students are just plain aggressive and like to fight back to their peers and teachers.
But she had another friend, Miss Monette, a tall, fit Blonde Quebecer who was obviously a lesbian and had many times tried to hit on Miss Lodge but Miss Lodge declined the invitation. 1 fine day after class, Miss Lodge invited Miss Monette over to her place for tea.
Once inside, Miss Monette was surprised to find that Ms Lodge had 2 tall, fit built maids. Miss Lodge would usher her to the living room and have her sat down. ?My maids are Francine and Ingrid?. Miss Monette would give that sexy French accent ?uuhh?.
Miss Lodge asks Francine (our former Ms Americana), ?Francine, would you bring us both a cup of tea please?. Miss Lodge turns to look at Miss Monette, ?do you take milk and sugar, Miss monette?. Miss Monette looks to Francine, ?yes please?.
Francine nods and later she is carrying a tray with 2 tea cups, with some tea spoons on them, ?I have just brought zee tee, mademoselles?. Miss Monette?s eyes lighten up. Miss Monette speaks to Miss Lodge, ?beg your pardon but I zeed not know that you have a a Maid who was French?.
Miss Monette starts yapping to Francine in French, but Francine, not really knowing French and just only told to speak it with a French accent, just looks at Miss Monette blank. Miss Lodge intervenes then, ?you have to excuse my maid Francine, she is just a shy girl and shy with strangers?.
After the whole tea thing. Miss Lodge brings Miss Monette down to the basement and the light switch down there was already on. ?Wow, zis place is old and dusty, nooo?.
?No?, cuts Miss Lodge in. Once they were down in the basement, it looked different from upstairs.
Miss Monette looks and she gets really excited ?ohh llaa laaa?. In front of her are 2 rectangular tables and on top were displayed: Flag Girl and Spectre Girl.
Miss Lodge looked to Miss Monette, ?As you know that I don?t really care for lesbian sex or any sex for that matter, I thought of giving them to you?.
Miss Monette was smiling.
Flag Girl was dressed like a cheerleader, hair dyed light brown, with purple lipstick on, on her cheerleader shirt is her new name written: Bernadine.
Bernadine was lying with her front touching the table and she is smiling sexily and seductively.
Spectre Girl, was dressed with a large, white fur coat, she wears a white Russian style cap, had purple lipstick. Her hair had also been dyed jet black. Under that fur coat was a small thin white shirt with her name written on it: Talia.
Miss Monette loved Brunettes and women with black hair, heck she even pays for rent girls with such hair colors.
While Miss Monette was mesmerized with these 2 lovely ladies, Miss Lodge puts her hand on Miss Monette?s shoulder, ?don?t ask me how I got them but I can give them to you?.
Miss Monette gets all excited by watching them displayed to her like this, ?please Miss Lodge, please. Please give these beauties to me?.
Miss Lodge, ?Only if you would be my ally. That?s all a lonely person really needs, even more than money?.
Miss Lodge orders Talia and Bernadine ?Talia, Bernadine, come and greet your new mistress because from today on, you belong to her now? (pointing to Ms Monette).
Miss Monette walks over and hugs her two new slaves ?thank you Miss Lodge, thank you?.
Miss Lodge, ?Just don?t tell this to anyone. By the way, could you use another maid or a pet perhaps?.
You guessed it. Miss Monette had been given ownership of Kekko (as a pet), Talia and Bernadine (as lesbian sex slaves) and a new maid (Ingrid).
That leaves Miss Lodge with the only maid she needs Francine/Ms Americana.
After the others have left, Miss Lodge is sat by her comfy chair and feet rested on a footstool. Francine approaches ?Mazam, would you like another coop of tea?. Miss lodge looks to Francine, ?yes, Francine, that would be lovely?
Part IV
I was working in a company in Hyderabad, in the company I was surrounded by people who were many years my senior, Then about 2 months ago, Hasina joined our company, I could scarcely believe my eyes. I was overjoyed that I would now have a beautiful, fresh, good looking girl of my own age working with us. My super active mind was full of fantasies involving her: blowjobs under my desk, quick fucks in the rest room, doggie-style humping and so on. Hasina is a knockout in the truest sense, she...
Dear Readers, this is the third story about an Indian man and his maid. The first story was about how an Indian man, managed to entice his maid to have sex with him. The second story was about how he fucked her the first time. Subhash was anxiously waiting on the third day for his maid Sushila to come for her work. He would glance at the clock, pace his room and again look up. The clock was showing 10:00 A.m. Sushila was already an hour late and Subhash was fuming inside. Two days had gone and...
The next day Subhash heard the door-bell ringing at 8-00 A.m. , he was surprised, because there was nobody expected and Sushila never came before 9-00. When he opened the door sure enough he saw it was Sushila standing there with a plastic bag in her hand.Subhash let her in, locked the door and asked her, “Does that bag contain the towel?” Sushila just smiled and nodded. Subhash asked her to make tea for him first. She went to the kitchen. It was a small flat, two bedrooms, a hall and a...
Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith Queen Adroyna was dead. My grandmother. The longest-lived queen in Naith’s history. She had fended off assassination plots from aunts, from cousins, from sisters, and from her own daughters. She had drenched the Ziggurat in the blood of rakshasas to gain and maintain her clawed grasp on the queendom. And now she was dead. Of natural causes. Just thinking about it sent a horny wave of desire...
Hi friends kaise ho mai aapka raj fir se hazir hu aapke samne apni ek story ko lekar ummid hai aap pasand karenge or mujhe par mail zaroor karenge to mai aapko apni ek real story sunane ja raha hu jo meri or meri girlfriend ki saheli ki chudai ki kahani hai to dosto mai start karta hu ye story 3 mahine pahli hai mai sham ko ghar par baitha tha to mere mobile par ek call aaya call attend karte hi dusri taraf se ek meethi si aawaz aayi usne apna intro diya ki wo shashi bol rahi hai mai aapki gf...
Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story. Main aapko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi Jacob (24 years) ne uske college friend cum businessman Shashank Chopra ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko new sex story batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha. Anamika ke sath mere Abu Dhabi based hotel ke personal suite mein sara din sex kiya. Uske baad hum dono raat mein dubai wapas...
Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek sex story. Iss part mein main aapko bataunga ki Aditi aur Shashank ne ek dusre ke sath kya kya kiya. Uss din Aditi ke iss decision ko sunkar main andar se tut gaya. Mere Aditi ko time nahi diya. Iski wajah se hi Shashank Aditi ko emotionally weak karke apne sath extramarital affair shuru karwane mein successful ho gaya. Fir Shashank ne Aditi ke chehre ko apne dono hatho se pakda aur apne hoth ko uske hoth par rakhkar...
Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra (27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Agle din subah 8 baje main apne ghar se nikla. 9 baje Anamika ke ghar ke gate par pahuncha jahan. Woh mera wait kar rahi thi. Anamika ne us din grey blazer, black full sleeve shirt inside, grey pant...
Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra(27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko apni kahani batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri kahani mein padha ki maine Anupriya ke sath usi ke ghar mein sex kiya tha. Aur din bhar sex karne ke bad hum...
Thursday - Chastity's Lesson I was shocked when I came down to breakfast. Instead of reading the paper, daddy was watching my video on his iPad, pausing it over and over. But the real shock was mother. She was wearing an apron and high heels, and nothing else. She smiled and giggled when she saw me. The way her big tits bounced reminded me of Bubbles. "Good morning, honey," she said, looking at the dress I had picked out. "Don't you have anything shorter than that?" Who was this pod...
i received the email on a wednesday afternoon at 5pm. All it said was be my house friday night at 7:30 pm sharp! Do not dare be late. It does not matter what you wear as long as you wear a thong under your clothes and your 6" heels. The moment you arrive at the house you will strip and the rest of the directions will be given to you then. As i sat an read it i could feel my pussy already throbbing and getting wet. i knew Sir just got some new toys and wondered what they were and if He was going...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
This part is in continuation of my previous parts. Please read the 2 last parts to understand the further story. Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz I was busy these days a bit with my next target, that I ’ll will tell later. Yeah, I ’m back with the next part of this series shashi bhabhi part 3, the concluding part. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m deven shastri, residing in the capital,...
IncestChapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...
If you have read some of my stories you will already know I am a convincing trans and that I love to meet Muslim men. This is a story that happened just over 3 years ago in Birmingham and I wanted to share it with you. I was on a well known swinging site one evening and got chatting to a Pakistani guy called Amit. He was 28, handsome and had a really beautiful brown cock and I already knew I wanted him. After a few messages he wrote, can you I request something of you? Of course I replied. He...
It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
“Oh, Shit!” I heard my boyfriend Brian shouting in the other room. “My COVID test result is positive. I have to quarantine for 14 days!” “You better move to a hotel or something. I don’t want your bug!” I shouted. In an hour, he was all packed and leaving for his family’s summer home, fortunately, unoccupied at this time of year. I put on a mask, cleaned up all surfaces, and took a home-based COVID test, which was negative, and I was vaccinated too, so I was relieved a bit. Brian called me,...
Erin sat on her sofa with her best friend Shasta and as usual the subject turned to their husbands.“My husband has always had this fantasy about watching me have sex with another woman” said Erin“I know what you mean” replied Shasta. Mine has said the same thing about me”Both women laughed, this topic of conversation had come up many times before. “I have an idea” said Erin “lets make a video of us in our underwear….a few sexy poses should put a stop to their going on all the time to see us...
My wife was constantly doing this, maintaining her pleasure and her pleasure only, god knows how long it had been since I had been inside her; but I thought to myself that will be coming true tonight. Anyways her pleasure to me was always more important and I loved seeing her moan. We both had showered together and not once did she touch my dick, it was simply hands on her and make sure she is satisfied. After showering we dried off and moisturised and then I laid down on the bed and...
My name is crash. I was a teen when my neighbors from the same country as I am moved in. She had her first son. And in a few months we got to know them very well and we became family friends. When ever we or they had family gatherings they always invited me. And the heroine of the story always treated me like her son. Her name is Shashi (short form of her name) she is 24 and has a body similar to kelly brook (Hollywood actress. please google for more erotic-ness). Her boobs are very similar to...
I was propped up on my arms, Sumin nude beneath me in all her teenage glory. Her hair was still damp in places where, just a few minutes before, my cum had splattered her after she received her reward for her first blow job. It had been a fumbling thing on her part since it was her first time, but I had no doubt she would apply herself to the study of oral sex with thet same enthusiasm she applied to most of her other subjects. Her hand reached down, stroking my erection that had never gone...
Sumin and I had both shut our phones off during our time together so there were no distractions. So after I had dropped her off downtown and she reactivated her phone, there were several Kakao messages that came through all at once. The most relevant being from one of her school friends, Jihyun. “Teacher, what I should do?” she had pleaded. Fuck! Fuck fuck! God damn fuck son of a bitch! This could be bad. Already I started calculating what it would take to leave the country, where I would...
Vanakam nanbargale, en teacher veetirku eppadi sendru kama uravu konden enbathai tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Sunther vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan ippozhuthu thaan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugiren. En meethu oru teacher akarai athigamaaga kaati vanthaargal, avargal peyar thaan meena. Meena teacherai enaku migavum pidikum, avargal sexiyaaga irupaargal. Muthalil enaku anaithu teacher meethu bayam irunthathu, aanal kalluri sendrathum tamil kama kathaigal athigam...
Agent Chase, Agent Chastity CHAPTER ONE: The Ground Below By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1 In the not too distant future ... AGENT CHASE BINGHAM Chase examined his shoes. They had not been shined in at least a couple of days. This would never do, he decided. He detoured from his brisk walk down the hall into one of the few restrooms open to the public. Grabbing a quick handful of toilet paper, and throwing his feet one at a time onto the sink, he buffed vigorously at the...
I went home that night after that first group class with Sumin and Jihyun in a daze. Not only was I floating on cloud nine at my first threesome, but Sumin had thrown me yet another curve ball in that she seemed to be bisexual. And Jihyun had gone along with it! I don’t know if it was the heat of the moment or if that had always been inside them, but I couldn’t get the image of Sumin sucking Jihyun’s full teenage breast out of my mind. And the way Sumin had fed her fingers into Jihyun’s mouth...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...
Agent Chase, Agent Chastity Chapter 2: The Sky Above ? by: Diana Heche Part 1 - BASE COMMANDER KASKE It was the endless piles of the paper work, more than even being stuck on this rock floating in the nothingness of space, which got under the skin of the Base Commander. While his contemporaries were still on active duty fighting in Mexico and the Middle East for the real army, he was working as a glorified policeman for an energy company. The kind of job that washed up alcoholic...
Teacher pundaiyai nandraaga naki kanjai kuthitha maru naalil irunthu ena nadanthathu enbathai tamil kamakathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, thodarchiyaga padithaal thaan kathaiyai ungalaal purintha kola mudiyum. Adutha naalum teacher ennai kanini araiku azhaithu selvaala endru asaiyaaga irunthen, aanal teacher annai adutha naal azhaithu sela vilai. Kanini teacher vaarathirku iru murai thaan vagupil paadam edupaargal, anaivarum kanini irukum araiku vaaram oru murai matum lab seluvom. Adutha naal...
Brenda Cooper was well liked by the students at Grandview High. She was a sweet and personable English teacher who genuinely cared about her students. While she enjoyed her profession her personal life was not what she wanted it to be. In fact, she really did not have a social life to speak of.The teacher was not sure if the reason for this was that she became very introverted around other adults; especially men. Or perhaps the lack of being able to have fun was, in part, caused by what she...
Hello nanbargale, enathu teacher ennai eppadi paadam soli tharum pozhuthu ennai usar seithu avalin kuthiyai naka vital enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Amuthu, kalluriyil irandam aandu padithu varugiren vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Teacher tamil kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal. Kalluri irandam vardum sendra udan oru maatham varai kanini vagupirku yarum varamale irunthaargal, athai veru oru teacher paadam eduthu kondu irunthaargal. Aanal avargal sariyaaga solli...
“Teacher,” Sumin said, suddenly. “What is ‘Netflix and chill’?” She looked across the desk at me with an expression of open curiosity. Caught off guard, I hesitated trying to figure out how to answer this. My gut instinct is to always be honest but I also know that in the classroom there are certain boundaries, even if this was a private lesson and not in an actual classroom. We were sitting in her apartment’s study room with a piano against one wall, bookshelves filled with books along...
Hunter, Chasity, and I all made our way to my car. We immediately left and went back to our place. I didn't even ask if Hunter rode in with Mason, but he wasn't objecting to anything. Chasity sat in the back of the car, but that didn't stop her from rubbing Hunter's shoulders and pecking his cheek.I didn't get jealous and let it all happen. Considering how hot the night already was up until then, I knew all bets were off, so I was more than willing to find out just how far it would all go. I...
ThreesomesYou should read the previous chapters to get a handle of their adventures so far. ***** Sandy woke to the alarm clock. It was still dark and she wasn't sure where she was or how she got there. She looked over at it and blinked her eyes trying to focus on the numbers. She rubbed her eyes scrapping off the crust coating them making it hard to focus. It was five thirty. How she got in her bed was a mystery. The last thing her foggy brain recalled was lying on a table and swallowing the...
Sexual Education. University class. Bianca's favorite teacher is going to use her as an example. Teacher: Ok class. Get your text out and turn to page 156.... Bianca! Focus or we'll use you as an example for the next lesson. Bianca: I apologize, sir. 30 minutes go by *Bianca starts talking again. Teacher. Bianca... Bianca: I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. Teacher: No, this isn't the first time.... Get on my desk. *Bianca sits on the desk Teacher: Put your feet up on the desk,...
FantasyChapter Eighteen: Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the...
You should read the previous chapters to get a handle of their adventures so far. Dawn rode in the backseat with the twins in front. Her coat was open and all she could see was the word SLUT emblazoned just about her cunt. As soon as the school was out of sight her mind went back to the slave mode. Her arousal was climbing, and her hand was drifting down to where her legs met. She smiled as her fingers found her clit and began to lightly massage it. She looked at her mistress driving and...
Hi friends my name is rohit.Main aurangabad me rahta hu.Meri age 21 hai.Height 5.8 hai.To maine socha kyo na mai bhi apni sex ki bat apse share karu.To ye bat tab ki hai jab me 18 sal ka tha.Tab maine teacher ke sath pahli bar sex kiya tha.To jinhe bhi meri story achi lage to wo muze jarur mail kare or jo friendship karna chahte ho wo bhi muze mail kare.Email To ab story pe ata hu.Us waqt me aurangabad ke pas ke taluke me rhata tha.Jab me 12th me tha tab mere school me teacher padhaya karti...
Once her side of the room was finished she walked out into the courtyard to enjoy the sunshine. Susan walked over to a nice tree and sat down and turned on her iPad and started to read. The story was about a student and teacher having an affair. It was an erotic story that had the student dominating her female teacher. Ever since high school it had become Susan's favorite fantasy. Susan closed her eyes and reminisced about those couple of days last year in high school. She thought about how...
Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties, she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sl**p and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...
Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties; she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sleep and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...
Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties; she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sleep and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...
Vanakam enathu peyar Arjun vayathu 23, naan thindugal maavatathil vasithu varugiren. Naan Arts and Science kalluriyil 3 aandu padithu kondu irukiren enathu vagupil niraiya nabargal iruka maatargal naangal mothamaagave 10 per than athil 3 pasangal matume irupaargal athil naanum oruthan. Aanaivarum veguliyaaga pazhaguvom aan pen endra paagupaadinri. Naan enathu thozhigalin arugil amarnthu vilaiyaadikondu irupen, avalin thudaigal mulaigal anaithaium enathu kaiyaal pidithu vilaiyaaduven aanal kaama...
Teacher, Sexy Teacher By Reeb Kayla Davis stood before her full length mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes took in her demeanor from head to toe. She was a 12th grade high school teacher who, after college, returned to her old high school to teach English Literature. Gazing into the mirror, she admitted to herself that she dressed the part well as she did all she could to hide her voluptuous body. It was around 6pm and she just got home after having dinner at the local diner. She was very tired...
Back Home. It was now two weeks since the young teachers had returned from Mexico and they had yet to talk. In fact they hadn't talk on the way home either. They mostly slept and tried to keep a low profile. When Sandy went through customs, the agent looked at her in her club wear and she knew he thought she was a slut. Then he opened her suitcase. Sandy gasped as there were no clothes in it, and it was filled with all sorts of sexual devices. There were anal plugs, dildos, ball gags, cuffs,...
A new young teacher fights her desires for her handsome student.Kayla Davis stood before her full length mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes took in her demeanor from head to toe. She was a 12th grade high school teacher who, after college, returned to her old high school to teach English Literature. Gazing into the mirror, she admitted to herself that she dressed the part well as she did all she could to hide her voluptuous body.It was around 6pm and she just got home after having dinner at the...
Hi friends, en peyar Deepa, vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Naan Chennai kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enaku oru kathalan irukiraan avan en paati ooril vasikiraan, avan udan naan ulasamaaga sex seithu irukiren. Eppozhuthum en kaalai sutri sutri varuvaan, coimbatoreil en paati veedu irukirathu angu en vayathu aagum kathalan udan sex seithu irukiren. Aanal ippozhuthu Chennaiyil padipathaal en kathalanai paarka mudiya villai. En thozhi mobilil kama padangal iruvarum paarpom athil teacher udan sex seiyum...
Pranam doston..!! Main arya sabhi fudakti chuto ko aur kade lundo ko yaad rakhte huwe nayi kahani pesh kar raha hun! Meri umra 25 saal hai aur yeh kahani kuch 3 saal purani hai. Meri height 5.5 hai aur meri physic avarage hai. Mere lund 6.5 inch ka hai aur 1.5 mota hai.Jyada bore na karte huwe kahani ke taraf aatye hai, baat tab kuch 3 saal purani hai jab main mhcit ke classes join karne ke liye puchtach karne gaya. Puchtach karne ke douran mujhye waha pe ek bahot hi sexy teacher dikhai di. Kya...
****************************************************************************************************************** “Why don’t you come back to my place?” How long had I waited to hear those words from Ms. McMillan, it had been from the first English lesson I had with her when I was aged 14 if you must know. The first time I saw her I fell for her, even at that age I knew she was the one for me, and for the next 2 years until I left school I dreamed about her. I will never forget my days...
Sandy Hauser was sitting poolside on a condo lounge chair soaking in the warm Mexican sun, as she enjoyed the beginning of her getaway vacation. Beside her was Dawn Reynolds. Sandy and Dawn had been best friends since they first met at college. It was as if they were destined to be soul mates. Sandy was twenty-five years old, blond, five-foot-six, very pretty with a complexion that glowed. Her long legs flowed into a perfect ass, which Sandy thought was her best feature, complimented by her...
***** Anita walked over to where Cindy and Susan were kneeling. "So Cindy, who's your friend, and why are you sticking your nose into our business?" Cindy looked up at the towering teen. She was scared as ever; since they had dominated and stripped her at school she had avoided them at all costs. Now she was naked and cuffed, cowering at Anita's feet. "Anita, this is Susan; she's my roommate at school. Miss Hauser was her teacher last year. She just wanted to visit with her."...
I walked into English literature as usual and sat down at my desk, it was thankfully right at the back of the classroom so I didn't have to bother with the lessons as much. I so couldn't be bothered with this lesson, our teacher had been off ill for ages and we hadn't even completed the revision for our exam that was in three weeks. I took out my anthology as the other students filed in, they all looked as sick to death as I was. I began reading some poems before the class fell into its usual...
Naan 12th padithu varugiren ippozhuthu thaan thuvakam aagi irukirathu, intha murai eppadiyaavathu athiga mathi pengal eduthu aaga vendrum endru vairaakiyamaaga irunthen. Aanal enathu vairaaikiyathai oru pen keduthu vitaal aval thaan english teacher. Avalin mulaigal perithaaga sexyaaga irukum, pinbu ival konjam modern aaga irupaal. English teacher endra peyarai sonnale anainthu pasangalin sunnigalaum viraithu vidum, aanal ival eppozhuthum engal paliyil iruka maatal oru maatham matum specialaaga...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen. Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi’s window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil teacher ennai usar seithu eppadi matter seithaar enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Raani, vayathu 21 aagugirathu kalluriyil mundram aandu padikiren. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, Coimbatore kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enaku kama kathaigal endraal migavum pidikum, thinamum kama kathaigal padithu viral poduven. En thozhiyum nanum iruvarum sernthu thaan kama kathaigal padipom, en thozhi kalluriku mobile eduthu varuvaal. Aval phoneil kama kathaigal eduthu...
Julie lay in bed, she was tied spread eagle and naked. She was gagged, blindfolded and had a headset covering her ears. Her mistress had placed clips on her nipples and labia. She had also inserted something in her pussy. Now the headset started to play some music. But Julie heard something in the background. She strained to hear what it was. As she listened intently she realized it was a voice. It was telling her things. "You are a slut. You must obey your mistress. You love to eat cum....
Teacher’s DilemmaChapter 1 Tammy couldn’t believe it. How did they find out, after all these years? And it was a student finding out at that. ?Why did she tell me instead of the principal?? Tammy thought to herself. Many years ago, when Tammy first got into teaching, she was arrested and convicted for drug possession in another state. She kept it quiet and no one in her school, county, or state seemed to know about it. She wasn’t going to tell anyone. She never got into trouble...
Hi I am sunny from India. I am 6’2” tall and slim guy. When I was in 12, I was just like an ordinary guy. I was very frank with my biology teacher (Seema). She was very good friend of mine. Once she was wearing salwar suit and looking very cute and sexy. I was dreaming of fucking her. Soon my dick got harder and she noticed that. But she didn’t said anything thing and after few days she invited me to her home saying that there is and urgent work for me. I thought that its the best time and I...