- 3 years ago
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Lying in bed, I felt that something was wrong. Grant, my boyfriend was sleeping soundly beside me, but I could not settle. I felt something crawling between my legs, through the quilt cover and began to panic until I realised it was our kitten, Katie. Settling down with Katie curled up in my arms I tried to drift off. Suddenly Katie shot bolt upright, fur standing on end, hissing at the door. I tried to calm her down, knowing that she might wake Grant and he?d just come off night shifts. Katie pawed at me, and hissed at the door once more. Settling her down, I listened closely. Then I heard it. A soft tapping noise. It was too quiet to be coming from outside the room. Picking up the CS gas I kept by the bed, I left Katie in bed with Grant and crept down the stairs. In the soft glow from the porch light I could see someone fiddling with the door. I wasn?t too worried, as we always leave the key in lock, so if someone tries to break in, the key holds them off for a bit, and if there?s a fire, we can get out without panicking about where the key is. What did worry me though, is that we have a glass panel in our door. It?s double glazed but if someone wanted to, they could still break in. I heard a creaking noise behind me on the stairs and I whirled round, spray at the ready. It was Katie, looking up at me, and mewling softly. Sighing, I picked her up and locked her in her bedroom- yes, our kitten has her own room. Well she?s our baby! I heard her jump onto her bed and settle down. In minutes I could hear her purring, a sure sign that she?s sleeping. I inched my way back down the stairs again. The tapping had stopped, but more worryingly I could hear a scratching now. I stepped down the last of the stairs and stood at the side of the door, spray can in one hand, front door key in the other. I released the chain, unlocked the door, yanked it open and sprayed the person standing the other side. It was only when I heard the words ?you fucking mental bitch, what the fuck are you playing at?? that I realised it was my friend, Mick.
Opening the door fully, I started apologising. Leading him in to the kitchen, I sat him down at the table, and got him water and a cloth to rinse his eyes and calm his throat.
?What the fuck were you doing trying to get in here at this time of the night?? I cried. Now that I saw he was ok, just a bit sniffy, I was pissed off.
?I didn?t want to knock because I didn?t want to wake up Grant. So I tried picking the lock? he replied simply.
?You fucking twat! What the fuck did you try and do that for? And what are you doing here in the first place??
?Well, I just fancied a chat is all?
?A chat? Mick, sweetie, it?s 3 in the morning. What could you possibly want to chat about?? I looked in his eyes; they were bloodshot as Hell. ?You?re off your head again aren?t you? I thought you stopped taking smack? If I can do it anyone can. I told you that I?d help you come off it. For fuck sake Mick, you?re 46. Time to start acting like it?.
I stared at him, willing him to say something. When he did, it wasn?t what I was expecting.
?Yea well, what the fuck would you know? You?re 18. You?ve got your life ahead of you. I haven?t got fuck all.? He stared down at his hands then looked up at me. ?Please Jade, you have to help me.?
?Why can?t Emma do it? She got off it as well. She could help you. I mean she?s your wife for fucks sake. She?ll definitely help you?
?No she won?t?
?Why not??
?We?re getting divorced?
?Over what??
?That bird I was shagging. She found out, kicked me out and reckons she?s going to file for divorce?
I looked at him, and sat down next to him, helping him rinse out his eyes ?That?s fucked up. You shagging around I mean, not her divorcing you. Why the fuck did you marry her if you still wanted to shag around??
?Well Mandy?s a good fuck. And Emma ain?t been putting out lately? He winced as I accidentally poked him in the eye
?Sorry? I said softly. ?And I?m sorry that your marriage is going tits up. You got anywhere to stay??
?No. No one will have me because of the drugs?
?You can stay here but you have to try and get yourself clean. Tell you what. Have Katie?s room. It?s got a lock on it. She can sleep in the kitchen for a while, I?ll lock you in there and you can detox. I?ll help you?
?What about Grant? Won?t he mind??
?Probably, but it?s my house, not his and you?re a mate. You always help a mate right??
He looked at me and smiled. Taking my hand in his, he kissed it softly. ?I really appreciate this. It means a lot to me. I?ll find someway to pay you back? He looked at me and winked.
?Mick, I?m with Grant now. I don?t shag around any more. And it doesn?t work with you and me. We tried remember?? I stood up and kissed the top of his head. ?Wait here. I?ll go and sort out Katie, then put new bed sheets on. I?m sure you don?t want kitten hair everywhere!?
I went upstairs, shutting the front door as I passed it. Unlocking Katie?s room, I picked her up, took her ?cat bed? which she never uses downstairs, and plonked her in the kitchen. She looked at me lazily out of one eye before hissing softly to let me know she wasn?t happy at being thrown out of her room. I stroked her for a couple of minutes and soon she was fast asleep. With Mick following me upstairs, I shut off all the lights, grabbing some clean sheets from the cupboard. As I started to strip the bed, I could feel Micks' hands on my ass. I pushed them away, time and again before getting fed up. I turned round and looked him, raising an eyebrow. He grinned at me before backing down.
?Ok, ok, no touching. I get it?
?Yea, and no doing anything else either before you think of it? I warned him
?I wouldn?t dream of doing anything!?
I pointed to the chair in the corner. ?Sit. Good boy. Stay!? I laughed softly and he smiled at me.
?I miss you?
That threw me off completely ?You what??
?I miss you. I miss being with you, chilling out together. Remember that time when we were at mine and you fell asleep on me??
?That was like 2 years ago sweetie. Time to move on. Forget the past. I was 16 then and you were what? 44? Things change. I got my own place, a new boyfriend and I got clean. Ok, so you?re getting divorced and you?re still a raving smackhead but look at the things you got going for you.?
?Like what??
?Well, you got fair amount of money, decent car, you get laid pretty much when you want, you?re still good looking for your age. Work on it. Act on it!?
?Yea I suppose so. But I haven?t got the one thing I want?
I dropped on the bed to put the pillowcases on ?And what?s that then??
?Someone that understands me. I mean truly understands me. Someone like you?
I looked at him hard. He had a strange look in his eyes. I?d seen that look before. That was the look he usually got right before he hit someone. But he wouldn?t hit me would he? I?m 18 years old, I?m 5?4 and I?m practically anorexic. I couldn?t beat up a fly. He was 46, still nippy for his age, 6?5 and built like a brick shithouse. I quickly shoved the cases on the pillows, shoved the quilt in the cover and went to leave. At the door I looked over at him ?Night Mick. See you in the morning. Try and get a good nights sleep?
I?d just opened the door when I felt hands in my hair, tugging me backwards and then all of a sudden I was kissing him, pulling him into me, running my hands over his body. I quickly came to my senses and pushed him away, panting softly and looking at him accusingly.
?Hey, you wanted it as much as I did babe.? He smiled at me and moved towards me. I backed away, my hands behind me, trying to feel for the door handle. I found it and pulled it open.
?Goodnight Mick? I said pointedly. He nodded. ?Night sweetheart?.
I turned around and walked out of the room. Not a minute later I felt his arm around my neck, strangling me. I gurgled and fought to keep my balance. He dragged me back into his room and clamped his other hand over my mouth.
?Now, if you?re a good little girl, this won?t hurt and you?ll be ok. Piss me off and I can make it hurt a lot. You get me? Nod if you understand? he shook me a bit. I tried to nod but I couldn?t move my head. I squeaked at him and he released my neck a bit.
I nodded. Yes, I do want to understand, no I don?t want to get hurt, yes I?ll be good. Well. That?s what he thinks. I?ve never been one to go without a fight. He let go of me and I opened my mouth to scream. I never even saw it coming. I felt his fist smack into my cheek and I fell sideways against the bed. He stood over me ?I told you to behave?. He kicked me in the side and I curled up in a ball, trying to breathe. I could see Mick pacing around, muttering to himself. I knew what smack did to people, Christ I was on it myself for 3 years, but I?ve never seen anyone like this before.
I started to pull myself up on the bed, inching up slowly, hoping he wouldn?t notice. He did. Bang! Back down on the floor I went. I lay dazed, struggling for breath, seeing stars. After my vision had cleared, he was standing over me holding a knife waving it about. I caught my breath then relaxed. It was one of my kitchen knives. I knew for a fact they were blunt as fuck because I kept meaning to have them sharpened. I smiled to myself, and drawing in a deep breath I screamed out for Grant. Then I remembered. Whenever he comes off night shifts he takes sleeping pills to send him off, otherwise he?s awake all night. He?d be dead to the world now, and if I weren?t careful I?d be dead to. He lashed out again, hitting me with the knife handle
?Bitch,? he hissed ?Don?t you ever scream like that again or I?ll slit your fucking throat. Get me??
I nodded, keeping quiet, swallowing the whimper that was trying to escape.
?Get up? He waved the knife in my direction. I pulled myself up and stood in front of him, looking at him defiantly. Curling and uncurling my hands into balls, I considered whether or not to throw a punch at him. Making a decision, I dropped into a fighting stance which years of martial arts had taught me. Quick as a flash, I threw a punch at him, hitting him square on the jaw. His head rocked to the side and he spat out a piece of bloody lip. When he turned to face me, I was ready for him. Throwing another punch I hit him in the eye and he reeled back. I followed it up with a roundhouse kick, then got a bit cocky. I spun round, ready for a spinning kick, but he was quicker than I was. Grabbing my leg, he wrenched it upward. My vision went red as I felt the pain. I screamed loudly, partly from the pain, partly to try and wake up Grant. Pulling my leg even higher, he yanked me forward into him. I could feel his heartbeat, and I knew he?d be able to feel mine pounding. I looked up at him and he glared at me with a smirk.
?Won?t be trying that again in a hurry, will you?? I shook my head, trying to get my leg free without it hurting too much. In the end I stood still, waiting for what he would do next.
I didn?t have to wait long. Letting go of my ankle, he picked my up by the waist and threw me against the wall, so I landed on the bed. I flexed my leg a bit, assessing the damage. Deciding I wasn?t strong enough to try kicking him again, I went for the punching option. Lashing out, he caught my wrist and twisted my arm, bending my in half.
?You should learn by now. You might get a few hits in but you?ll always come off way worse than me sweetheart?
?Don?t fucking call me that? I gritted my teeth, wincing in pain as he twisted my arm even more.
?I?ll call you whatever the fuck I like you stupid whore? He snarled. He twisted my arm, harder this time and I heard an audible crack. Nausea welled up in my stomach and I had to stop myself from being sick. He released my arm and my wrist hung at a funny angle. It?s one I?ve broken many times before, and he knew that it was weaker than my left. I cradled my wrist and looked up at him. Mick?s always been a sucker for the girlie crying routine so I thought it might be worth a shot. I let the tears start rolling down my face.
?Why Mick, why? I?m trying to help you. I?m letting you stay in my house until you get back on your feet. I haven?t done anything to you except help you!?
He sat down beside me, pulling me close and stroking my hair.
?I know baby, I know. But I wanna fuck, and you?re the only one available. I did tell you if you behaved you wouldn?t get hurt but you didn?t listen. I?m sorry babe, but if this is the way it has to be, then it?s the way it has to be.? He pushed me away and started pacing the room again. ?If you?d just done what I told you then you wouldn?t have got hurt. I had to break your wrist. You weren?t listening. You weren?t being a good girl. You were misbehaving. I had to punish you. I had no other choice. Are you going to be good now??
I thought for a moment, then nodded and let the tears keep coming. He tried to soothe me, wiping away my tears, and for a moment, I saw a glimpse of the Mick I knew so well. Then, all of a sudden, he was kissing me, forcing me back onto the bed, tearing at my strap top, ripping it off me as I tried to fight him off with one hand. He grabbed my broken wrist and I screamed in pain, trying to get him off with my good hand. He slapped me hard round the face and I bit my lip, drawing blood. He leant forward and licked it off as I tried not to cry. Pulling down my shorts, he rammed a finger inside me, feeling me. Bringing his finger up to my lips, he forced it into my mouth and I could taste my juices. Unbelievably I was getting wet! I felt disgusted with myself and turned my head to the side, staring at the wall, trying to block out what was happening. Letting go of my wrist, he forced my head round so I was looking at him.
?Kiss me? He breathed. I tried shaking my head, so he sighed and started working his tongue into my mouth ?You want this as much as I do. I can feel it?. Oh God. So could I. My hips were thrusting up into his and I could feel my body getting hotter and hotter. I tried to control the heat rising, tried to control my thrusting hips. I managed to lie still, but that only gave him the opportunity to unzip his jeans and try to force his cock inside me. I squirmed around, keeping him from going in me for about 5 minutes until he punched me again, harder than before.
I must have passed out for a couple of minutes. When I came round, he?d forced his cock inside and was fucking me hard and fast. I could feel something running down my ass crack and I knew it wasn?t cum. It was blood. I started trying to fight back again, kicking my legs about and trying to push him off me with my good hand, but he was too strong. He kept fucking me harder and harder, pulling himself into me more with each thrust. I screamed again and he put his hand over my mouth and nose so I couldn?t breathe. I struggled underneath him, trying to get myself free, scratching at him, raking his face with my nails, anything to get him to stop. He leaned his other arm across my neck, my vision started going black and I knew I was going to pass out again. I caught a look at him, and his eyes were manic, lust filled black dots. He was loving it.
I moaned softly and shook my head. I tried to sit up and realised he?d tied me to the bed so I was lying on my front. I moaned again as the rope tightened around my broken wrist sending shooting pains up my arm. I turned my head and looked at him sitting in the chair. He had a belt round his arm and was shooting up. He pulled the needle out of his arm and sank back as the heroin took effect. He looked at me with lazy, half-lidded eyes and smiled.
?Feels good. Bet you haven?t had any for months?.
I shook my head ?You know I?ve been clean nearly a year.?
?Bet you?d like some now eh??
?Not really, no. I don?t want to get back into it.? I guessed he was going to give me some whether I wanted it or not. I was right. He stood up, swaying slightly and approached me, a needle in his hand. He?d obviously prepared it while I was out cold. He turned my arm over, causing the rope to rub. Wrapping the belt around it, he pulled it tight and injected me. I sighed as the old familiar feeling hit me. I felt like I was sinking into the bed. He sat down on the bed next to me.
?You needed that didn?t you?? I moaned softly, feeling it coursing through my veins, making me feel chilled out, yet totally alive. I let my eyes shut slightly and nodded. He stroked my hair, and I pushed my head more into his hand, enjoying the feeling. I love having my hair stroked, but the only time Grant does it is if I can?t get to sleep.
?You wanna fuck baby?? he asked me quietly. I nodded, then shook my head. Yes, I do, but not with you. I want Grant. Where is he? I had all these thoughts running through my head, a jumbled up mess, all sliding into one another. Mmmm??sliding in, that?s what I wanted. No I didn?t. I didn?t want someone sliding in me. I wanted someone fucking me hard, making me feel it, and fucking me the way a man should, not like a boy does. I started grinding gently against the bed. He put his hand under my cunt and I began grinding harder on it, trying to get myself off. He took his hand away and I let out a little cry at being deprived. He positioned himself behind me and started rubbing his cockhead up and down my slit. I knew I was getting hotter, wetter. I could feel the fire rising up in my belly. And then all of a sudden he was inside me and I was cumming hard and fierce. I bucked up and he fucked me harder and harder, ramming into me and pushing me forward with each thrust. I bit into the pillow and muffled my screams as I came again. Mick slowed his thrusting and started grinding against me, pushing himself in hard as he came. He collapsed on top of me, panting for breath. ?That was great babe. You always were a good fuck?. He reached over my head and untied me. I moaned softly and slid off the bed, still high as a kite. He laughed softly at me, and picked up off the floor. Carrying me along the hallway, he dropped me outside my bedroom door. I half opened it; half fell into it and crawled into bed. Lying next to Grant, I rested my head on his shoulder until the world had stopped spinning. Leaning over to kiss him, I settled back down and tried to drop off.
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It's one of those days that you just feel some extra awareness and sensation...the way the lace of your panties slide and rub again pussy, when your tits want to be touched and licked badly, when you ache for hands to touch you all over your body...when you just want to have sex.I get horny moments every time and at times even at work, I sometimes find myself removing articles of clothing to get closer to the kinky feeling -- being naughty but nice. Today, I woke up with a moisty, warm feeling...
We’d been talking about including a plaything in our bedroom for some time. This was the first person we’d met. I’d lost the coin toss fair and square so this time we’d met a guy. Of course technically he was for both of us… Steve was eyeing Jen like a lion looks at a Gazelle. I knew he wanted her badly. I knew I did too. It was time to take this to a more private location. “Steve, I’m not sure I can get her upstairs on my own without getting mauled in the elevator. Care to accompany us...
Hi everyone. I am ishan 24 yrs old. This is my first post. This story is about me and my friend kavya. It happened about 6 months back. It was our farewell day n everyone went to a resort to attend our last get together. All boys had to wear suit whereas girls had to wear saree.. I used to like kavya from the beginning of college days but couldn’t tell her as she was in a relationship with a classmate. But we were good friends and had spent good time together as friends. But i wanted to make...
This day started out very nicely, the sun was shining and when I opened my eyes in the morning, the naked body of Illiana was lying next to mine. While she kept on sleeping peacefully, I watched her body and saw how her breasts went up and down while she was breathing. And the rascal inside of me, couldn't contain herself, and I slowly started to tease her nipples by touching them. Well, what I did was rubbing them so softly that even I almost couldn't feel it. I saw that doing this had...
**** They arrived in a battered red jeep just as the hours of siesta and sun boiled the dust choked streets of the border town. Before the cloud of their arrival had settled, they had booked a room in the town's inn, one of those nameless, authentic places in a town too small for tourists, where only travellers ever reach. Kerouac and Casaday had stayed in this town, in the pages of _On the Road_, or at least a town like this. Tangier in the '40's had places like this... ...
Monday, Kelly told me that she was going with me to the lawyer’s office, and the way she said it indicated I had better not argue. I still wasn’t sure what Brockport could do for me that Stillwell couldn’t. Everything I had heard from the guys the other day showed that no matter how I got out of this, the County Attorney and the County Council would still demand they get rid of a killer, and I was still probationary. “Grim, just listen to what he has to say. Daddy says the guy is a magician....
Unbeknownst to the sleeping thief, the owners of the cabin were on their way home. Two burly men and one sultry brunette occupied the humble abode. All of them beautiful and tall. Each of them different in their own rites. Max, the self proclaimed leader of the pack, led the group back from the emergency call in town. You see, all three lovelies had an equal partnership in the local construction company, but it was Max's strong leadership skills that made the company successful. Rugged, but...
Group SexA moment later Brian said, “I just talked to one of the drivers at the airport. Everything was handed over to the pilot, who said, and I quote, ‘get your ass back there as soon as possible.’“ Mike turned to Larry Reid, and said, “How about driving me back to the airport, as well as bringing my truck back to the Reservation?” “Sure, I can do that, but what about papers on your truck at the border?” “I’ll write out something that should suffice, but I’ll also notify Jason’s contact to pass...
And though she was wearing panties, which I found oddly erotic looking at, she was also sporting a fairly impressive looking erection, which also looked rather interesting pressed so tightly against the dainty material. But that is also when it dawned on me. That cock, that prick, that turgidly hard member would soon be sliding in and out of my pussy. I was about to be fucked, truly fucked for the first time in my bizarre little male-she existence. "Look, I know how you must be feeling...
Swinging into the grocery store on my way home, I bought two jars of salsa, several bags of chips, a bag of pretzels, and two cases of beer. I had a kegerator in my game room, but after a boozy month in which I tried to drink away Amber’s death I hadn’t refilled it again. I made it back home about twenty minutes before my guests would start arriving. Technically, cards didn’t start for another 50 minutes, but Derek and Jeff were almost always a half hour early. I brought the beer in first,...
Em was feeling horny that weekend. Ambrose was not, at least, not for her. He was at home but not apparently interested. He said he had some work to do so Em told him she was going shopping. It was approaching several friends’ birthdays, a suitable excuse. She told Ambrose she would probably have something to eat in town after shopping and might be late back. Upstairs she showered and dressed to go out, in jeans, a little top and loafers. Underneath she wore a sexy little bra and a tiny...
I hate being a bricklayer at this time of year , cold , wet no fucking money ,middle of February , done three weeks work since the new year , Christmas bills coming in , its pure shite. Get on site for 7.30 am , sit in a shit hole mess hut till 10.30 , foreman comes in and say's fuck off home lads too wet to do anything today "BOLLOCKS"! another day down the pan , got to go home and listen to misery gut's banging on about the bills why she doesnt get a fucking job is beyond me...
A guy lie on his back with a fully erect 10 or more inch cock pointing skyward. His length was impressive, but the girth of that thing was unbelievable. He was slowly stroking it and his large hand didn't completely enclose around it. I once measured a lovers cock at 8 1/4 inches long, 6 inches around. Here was one no doubt longer, and 2, maybe 3 inches more around. He gestured for me to mount his cock. I stood over him and eased the head of it in. Just the head stretched me wider than I'd ever...
>?> > The coach just returned from his winter retreat with his special > boys. All the boys on the team want to go on the winter retreat of course, > but the coach only selects the very best. The boys who have maintained > strict control and discipline over their exercises and development. No boy > who has shot a load in the last six months gets to go on the winter retreat. > No boy who has spoken to a girl gets to go on the retreat. Only boys who are > totally focused and dedicated to the...
This train ride, however, suddenly got interesting. There were only two other passengers except them. One was an old man dozing off in the corner and the other a teenager who looked high. Krishna's hands found her thighs. He gripped the flesh exposed, thanks to her skirt which was now riding up. He slowly made his way up, looking directly into her eyes and seeing the need there. He loved his wife for this. All the lust. All the love. Laid open in plain sight in her eyes. He inched...
Introduction: Scenario: Me and my wife just arrived to the Poconos and are going out to our first dinner there. She is wearing a tight pair of blue jeans, conservative black panties, a semi-low cut red shirt and a red bra. I am wearing jeans and a gray t-shirt. This is the story about the first time I shared my wife. My wife and I have discussed the idea of swinging before and as much as she liked the idea she had never been fully onboard with it. The thought of seeing me with another women...
DarkFyre Chapter Fifteen The next day was lost to the blizzard. They spent the better part of it huddled together in their blankets, pressed in close, as near to their small fire as they dared. The stone cliff was a forbidding face of rock and ice, and even with the nearby fire, the ice held strong, glittering with stubborn beauty in the firelight. The blizzard outside was a wild, angry thing. The winds were a deep, soulful wail echoing through the canyons of the mountains. Very briefly, Rael...
I was running late from work, and we had planned to go out on the town for the night since the k**s were gone. When I got home, ready to apologize, the atmosphere of the house was different. The lights were low, there was soft music on, and candles burning. My wife was in the shower, so I took my clothes off and joined her, washing her body as I like to do. I asked her if she had any idea for what to do tonight, and she said she had a few. She finished up in the shower, and...
She could hear them approach...their footsteps, and she heard laughter. She could only imagine the evening they had together. An evening she paid for through her work. She labored so that her Master could have fun with another woman. He didn't need the money, really, but it turned her on so much to give it to him, to surrender it for his pleasures. Whilst she cleaned, tidied up the place, prepared it for them. Whilst she could not cum. Whilst she had to be in this cage, butt plug in place, cock...
Jed said, "I thing we've found the rustlers and the missing cattle. Let's take a careful ride along the stream and see if we can find some of the rustled cattle. I've got a list of the brands we're looking for, so identification will be no problem if we find some." They rode upstream, carefully bypassing the potentially hostile camp, and found a few cattle not long afterwards. Tom said, "I see Flying W and Lazy S, both brands were hit by rustlers in the past few weeks. Do we need to...
Roommates Anna Claire Clouds and Liz Jordan have always shared plenty of things with each other. They get along super well, so it’s no surprise that they help each other do things like get into their jammies as they prepare for a girls night in after the stress of spending Thanksgiving with their families. The plan is to watch a movie, but Anna has other ideas. As Liz chats with Anna about family drama around her Thanksgiving table, Anna runs her fingers all over Liz’s body. Liz...
xmoviesforyouMy humiliation was sublime as the jeering women clapped my approach to the caning bench, my cock rigid as I was led like a lamb to the slaughter by Myrna, her elegant mature form shimmering in the full-length black silk cloak; the erotic shape of her womanly buttocks teasing my eyes in the silk as she strode with magnificent deliberation. I was ordered to the bench and strapped down by wrists and ankles, allowing enough movement to ensure my squirming under the punishment would result in my...
Porn Comix One! Usually, I’d say that we’ve had more than enough porn comic sites and that at this point, there’s no need for more of them, but I’d kind of be going against my adage about how there can never be enough porn or porn websites out there. PornComixOne is yet another entry in the world of porn comic websites, serving to compile and provide you with a bunch of porn comics for you to jack off to easily, without having to scour the web for quality smut. That being said, their standards...
Porn Comics SitesIt had only been two weeks since I left Villiers and escaped the direct control of my parents. And, maybe not all that surprisingly, I could still notice how their views and attitudes influenced my thinking. It would probably take a lot longer for me to become completely free of their grip on me. It was easy to deal with the openly declared opinions of my father because I could tell from my own experiences how wrong they were. My mother's influence was more subtle. Her favourite statement...
Sitting back in his chair, Mark looked out the window of his office and watched as the last bits of the daylight retreated behind the Rocky Mountains in the far distance. It was a magnificent view and was a constant reminder of how far he had come from the streets of Denver. Mark has one more task to wrap up before leaving for the weekend. He calls his secretary into his office to take dictation for a retainer agreement that needs to be sent to a new client. Marissa, his secretary, promptly...
Marilyn didn’t know what to do! She’d just stumbled on her fifteen-year-old son 69ing with his best friend through a crack in his bedroom door. Shit! She didn’t want a gay kid! Getting some whiskey and going out on the back porch to act like she’d never been in the house was her first reaction. Brad was an only child and she doted on him. His best friend Will was a nice kid too. But this was unexpected. Neither was dating yet so she had no idea how they reacted to females as far as sex went....
The real fun started last weekend, but the first link in the chain was several months ago. My husband Andy woke up on his thirty-fifth birthday and decided he was getting pudgy. Not fat, just a little thick around the middle and flabby in the chest. He normally would do a fast paced jog three nights a week, covering about two miles and on the nights when he didn't, we would take a shorter and slower stroll together. While this is great exercise for the heart and legs, it did...
True Story, no sex yet Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Originally Posted Wed 25th of January 2012 Report No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified...
Sargasso Sea, 1705 Blackbeard’s course took him out of the Caribbean and deep into the Sargasso Sea. The sea itself was a mystery to man and many sailors avoided the region often times sailing days out of their way. It is here where reports of ships lost at sea never to return. Those that are fortunate enough to survive come back with tales of sea monsters and death. It was also here that he could summon forth Davy Jones from his watery prison. The power of the Demon Lord rested in the chest...
Chapter Five: Schoolgirl Offers a Naughty Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic college! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...
I met my wife in a bar in Germany she was very popular with the military men, I observed her being picked up quite frequently which kind of turned me on. The thought of her being my wife and haven't other men taken her up got me thinking crazy things about what I could do with her. She was very good-looking on our first date I realized way she was looking for so many men there was no way I could satisfy her. I knew from the start if we got married they would be a lot of other men in our life...
Marlene –The first of many !After Annette left town around September 1999…. I was anxious and wondering if I would ever have so much fun as I did with Annette…. And so I was back viewing and posting on on-line sex sites. Around November, as I was getting frustrated and yes a bit desperate… I was contacted by a young lady named Marlene from one of the sites. I replied and almost immediately she responded and immediately stated could we meet tonight because she was really really horny! I was like...