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  She gave me a choice, unusual as thatis, to write my story of ownership or she would have a girlfriend come over andvideotape an entire 6 hours of one of our sessions to enter into a website forall to see.  I quickly decided this story would be the lesser of manyevils.    My name is Jamie, Madam is......Madam.  We met online in the chatrooms and nearly eight years later here Iam under her complete control.  To give you some kind of mental image,Madam is a very beautiful woman of 26 while I am older than she by 10 years atthe age of 36.  She comes from a very wealthy background and I woulddefine her shape as petite, by far smaller in size than myself.  Afternearly 9 months of comunicating online daily, she presented to me, her truelocation, just 73 miles from my hometown in the next larger City. She had knownall along just where I was.  Madam issued me a personal invite to stay aweekend and she would give me a grand tour of the City.  Her request alsoincluded that I have someone drive me over and that I bring no personal itemsbut the clothes I was wearing, she would take care of everything else. Little did I know that a weekend would become a lifetime commitment.    Unbeknownst to me, she knew me welland had done her homework with true perfection and thoroughness.  Not longafter arriving and as we were sitting in her very lavished  large home, shebrought up a topic that I thought I had hidden and buried long, long ago butobviously ghosts have no rest.  You see, as a teenager I was quite therebellion and there was nothing else in my life except wine, women, and song. Onany given day of any given week I would typically be under the influence ofalcohol or dope if not both.  Hot rodding around the local countryside withwhat was my "main squeeze" at the time, I went left of center forcing anoncoming vehicle to swerve into a telephone pull, killing the one and onlyoccupant.  There is no better method of becoming quickly sober and ina panic.  We raced away as quickly as possible and to this day Kathy hasnever let a hint of what happened leave her lips. Just how Madam came to findout remains a mystery to this day.    Madam  "had me by the balls"and I say that almost without sarcasm.  She and I both knew that chargesbrought against me could possibly or probably lead to life in prison. Madam gave me another alternative, my first choice of the very few in the pasteight years.  She said I could choose between her going to the lawenforcement about that incident or I could choose to stay in protective solitudewith her, of course there would be stipulations and rules to follow if I chosethe latter.  "There is to be no answer anymore this evening, you will giveme your decision in the morning after breakfast".    When she did get her answer from thechoices presented, she began to lay out the rules and conditions. I wouldunderstand that I am sex slave, panty slave, and toiletslave while she is supreme master. Punishment for the slightestinfractions will generally be swift and severe and also as often as needed. Iwould not hold a job other than as a domestic servant to cater to all ofher whims, desires, and needs. I would be her toilet slave morning, noon andnight.  I would be locked in dark, tight confinement each evening. I wouldbe allowed no orgasms for as long as this contract were to be active. I wouldobey all commands no matter how humiliating. "I" no longer would exist, onlyher.  The final goal would be met whatever it would take to do, to keep avery hard and large erection nothing less than a twelve hour day everyday tosatisfy her pleasures.  This would require hard work, cooperation on mypart, and lots and lots of patience. She was willing, was I ?    It wasn't long until things becameroutine and this day was not unlike any other. Awakening by 5:30 AM, showering,relieving my system, shaving all body hair and head clean and smooth, rubbing body lotion entirely over all areas but mostly concentrating in mygenital area, inserting my large buttplug,  putting on the silk bikinipanties with matching bra, very high heeled strappy shoes and wig ( usually longblonde and wavy )  along with whatever short see-thru top she layedout for me the night before, ( never a skirt, pants, or shorts to hide mypanties ) and going to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast in bed.  Afterfixing her breakfast and bringing it to her room, everything was asexpected.  The bottle of baby oil along with the tall glass of her freshurine were sitting on the nightstand waiting for me where they always areplaced.  As usual, the glass of her her urine had the thermometer in itsince I was only allowed to drink it at a temperature of 90 degrees rather thanat body temperature.  Also laying out were my daily meds, one to increasethe amount of male hormone being produced to continue enlarging my penis, andthe other to drasticly increase sexual stimulation sensitivity.  Aftersitting up and the covers falling from her upper torso showing her veryhard nipples protruding thru her satin nightie,  she began eating herbreakfast and telling me to begin. Right on cue I was down on my knees andremoved my satin panties. Asking her permission to allow me to get my peniserect, I was given permission and also to begin stroking it with the baby oilvery, very slowly and ever so softly.  When the head of my penis wasswollen and purple I had to stop stroking, of course with the understanding thatafter breakfast dishes were cleaned and put away, the very much harder andlarger erection would take place for most of the day.  With my eyeslowered, still kneeling, and hands at my side with a very hard swollen penislooking right back at me, she checked the temperature of the glass of pee. Itwas now at 90 degrees so it was time to also ask for her permission to drink itslowly.  "Madam, may I have permission to swallow your urine?"  Herreply was "not when you ask like that you can't, you'll have to do better thanthat".  "Madam, I would so much like to drink your warm pee very slowly,may I please have permission to do so ?"  "Well slave, that was better butyou need to work on that". Today I will allow you to drink it but you oftendrink it too fast". This morning you will drink it in small sips so the tastewill last longer". "Then you will not be allowed to drink or eat anything forthe next two hours so the taste of my pee stays in your mouth and you have timeto relish in the priviledge of being so lucky to have my urine".  Ittook nearly 10 minutes to sip all of the fresh urine since the glass was veryfull.  "Tomorrow we aregoing to begin doing a few things differently  so be prepared".    Tomorrow arrived today.  Thingsstarted out as normal, serving her breakfast, stroking my penis to ahardness meeting her satisfaction, drinking her golden honey, and then...without warning and fire in her voice, told me to get undressed except for mypink silky panties, reminding me to be sure "it" stayed very hard anderect and head to the playroom in the basement, she would be down shortlywith one of her girlfriends.  After what seemed an eternity, Madam and herfriend Kate ( who often helped madam with my orgasm denial training ) arrived,both being very scantlly dressed, scanty enough they wouldn't have needed towear anything. Since becoming her submissive so long ago, I've been thru a largevariety of circumstances, punishments, humiliations, and her sometimes wickedmoods but something was different this time.  In the center of theplayroom, two saw horses sat turned sideways and one in front of the other, thetop crossmembers of each being about sixteen inches apart.  Hanging fromabove the sawhorses, a rope hung from the ceiling hook and at the lower end, asmall noose, the kind that get tighter the harder the rope is pulled. I was thentold to get up onto the sawhorses with knees on the first crossmember and shinson the saw horse behind.  Leaning down, the noose was placed around mywrists behind my back and forced me bent over slightly. Madam placed me in thisslightly bent position kneeling on trhe thin board so I could watch everthinggoing on.  Both women removed their panties, turned them inside out so thecrotches would be against my taste buds, wadded in my mouth, then duct tapeplaced over my mouth and around my head. All breathing would have to be donethru my nose. Both women got down to eye level of my very hard penis head andbegan to gently blow on it ever so softly. With the meds I was taking toincrease sensitivity, it took very little stimulation to create desire and theyboth knew that.  Maam looked me in the eyes and began to explain what wasabout to take place and it would all be recorded on film by the camera mountedin the corner where she pointed to it.  She said that neither her nor Katewere going to actually touch my penis with their hands but that I would obtainthe hardest erection to to date and maintain it that hard throughout theremainder of the day. She explained that the need to orgasm would be so strongthat it would bring me to tears often.  This was to be a very long anddifficult day.   Madam and Kate began to play and sincenow my head was pulled back by a head harness and my eyesced open with clamps, Iwas fiorced to watch as each brought the other to orgasm time and time again,each time the other wiping up the cum dripping pussy of the other with a pair ofpanties. Afterr more than a couple of hours of this and the panties dripping wetwith the body secretions of each, they rubbed the panties under my nose so eachtime I drew a breath, I'd be smelling their cum. Then the panties in mymouth were exchanged for the sopping wet ones and mouth retaped. Taking breaksduring the lesbian sex affair, they would blow gently across mt penis head to besure it was extra, extra hard and staying that way.  Kate had brought alonga bag of adult toys along, one of them appearing similar to a minituremotorcycle helmet, strap and all.  This "helmet" was strapped tightly to myextermely swollen penis head, a small electric wire plugged into the top withthe other end connecting to a small device with several buttons and dials on itwhich was placed in my view.  The girls sat on the couch next to oneanothewr and took turns with the control box. This was a form of male vibrator.The controls were for the purpose of producing a vibration so minute that onewould have to guess if it were vibrating at all to vibrations enough to bring onsexual spasms.  WEhen it weas purchased Kate was saying, the instructionsstated an orgasm was gauranteed within several minutes on medium setting. Kate warned me about what would happen if I went over the edge.  The edgeis just where they intended to keep me this entire day and the teasing anddenial continued. The only thing I was allowed to consume that day were manyglasses of 90 degree urine from the both of them. Since the tall glasses theywere using would hold about twelve fluid ounces, I'd have to estimate thatbefore the day was out, easily a gallon was consumed.  Of course thatcausing my bladder to swell, I was told that the urine I iconsumed along with myown would simply be recycled thru my system over and over.  Guessing fourhours had went by, Madam decided she was a bit impatient about my progress... orin her case my lack of progress in fullfilling her desirwe for the hardesterection to date. The length was more than pleasing to the girls for themedication had brought it from a typical average 6 inch length and inch and aquarter girth to an astounding nearly nine inch length and two inch girth. Despite the unit being so hard and so big, she wanted more. After a few silentgiggles between them, the took several ponytail ties similar to smallrubberbands but having small silky bows on them and stretching them hard, placedthem over the rigid member to the base and then a couple around my scrotum. Icouldn't believe what I was seeing and feeling, My penis must've enlarged byanother inch in length and probably really was as hard as a rock !  Veinswere very evident and the color surpassed purple long ago. Sensitivity increasedfive fold.  My penis began to twitch and dance, surging since it was sonear bursting. The drops of precum were always wiped with the finest brush of afemale finger and wiped under my nose. I could feel a gallon of cum crying andbegging for release. Apparently this all was quite entertaining as both gals satand watched while having drinks and giggling.  Madam left the playroommomentarilly while Kate began gently fanning air ecross my penis so it wouldcontinue it's dance. When she returned, she had a small box containing clothingfrom her long ago Barbie doll and they began discussing what clothing theywanted to dress my large penis in and could not seem to come to an agreement sothey started trying on different outfits. The cutest they left on, that being aminiskirt, shorty blouse, and scarf tightly tied around the penis head to makeit yet harder.  Getting hungry, they decided to go out for a bite toeat and left the Barbie doll outfit on my penis, tied a small diameterstring yet on top of the mini scarf already tied around my penis head, atthe other end of the string was tied to a small but heavy book that was leftdangling in mid air supported only by my penis which was now pulled down to ahorizontal position, and put the vibrating "helmet" back on. Beforeleaving, they set the vibrations on a steady low with a warning that if Iwasn't harder and bigger than I presently was, I would have to sleep likethis.  "I know just how much you would like to cum and I know that you aresooooo close to it right now so that will give you plenty to think about, howmuch you would enjoy an orgasm after all these years without, wouldn't that feelsoooo good sex slave!"  With that said, they turned out the lights andlocked the door behind them.    Another eternity. I think it must've beenmost of the day that passed by this time and my knees lost all feeling long agobut was unable to move about in this position.   When the lights cameon they nearly blinded me.  I knew I still had a very erect penis butmuch to everyone's surprise, it was indeed larger than when they left and Iwas able to keep from going over the edge...just hardly !     They certainly must've drank plenty ofcoffee while out to dinner !  I thought a gallon of urine more than enough.My throat was very dry so the next drinks of pee in some ways were a welcomerelief. Being derived from coffee though made for a very strong taste and adeep yellow color also. Madam says that is the best kind of pee to drink soI believe her. I lost count at how many glasses of urine were tipped into mymouth. It made me need to relieve myself also so I had a couple glasses ofrecycled pee too. They removed the cotten panties from my mouth, soaked themwith coffee urine until dripping wet, and replaced them back in my mouth to keepme from getting thirsty again. There wouldn't be much urine to suck out of thepanties but it would help anyway.    "Tired yet slave?"  "We have aways to go yet so might as well get comfortable".  It's been 3 weeks todaysince you were last milked of sperm to release the ache in your scrotum. Kate isinterested in watching and learning".  It wasn't the same as an orgasm byany means but it was a relief to get milked. This usually took place betweenevery two to four weeks. It was recommended to her that I be milked once a weekbut she loves teasing and denial.  As is usual, she got loads of cum. Itwasn't thrilling to me but did relieve pressure that built up from her keepingme on the very edge hour after hour every single day without release and thenbeing placed back in the chastity belt and cramped dog cage.  NormallyMadam has me drink my cum since she says that it is very good in aiding tosustain my erections for such long periods of time  and helps to produceeven more cum for the next milking.  Kate whispered something into Madam'sear and after giggling, looked at me with evil grins. I was ordered to siton one of the saw horses and put my legs up on the other, spreading them open.Then again the book dangled from the string tied tightly around the swollenpenis head while scooping my cum out of the shallow bowl Madam uses togather it one finger at a time and licking the finger clean.  Thistook awhile since there was so much of my cum to lick up.  Much to mypleasure, Madam said that I had suceeded in maintaining and hardening my penislonger than ever before and that I would now be rewarded. In following them to the downstairs toilet and after both of them relievingthemselves of poop trapped inside most of the day, I was grtanted permission tolick both their asses thoroughly clean !  To end this day was alsorewarding, I would not have to sleep in my dog cage tonight butrather laying at the foot of her bed cuffed to one of the legs ! In my glee I told her I would do my best to reach her expectations of my penisand suggested in my slave manners that I secretly wished shewould allow me to drink  more of her girlfriends urine and entertainthem eating my cum.       

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Working at the weekend

I was working in the office that Saturday. The next working week was supposed to be quite tough, so I decided to go and finish some reports over the weekend to make it easier for me. It felt unusual and even a bit creepy; there were usually six people working in our office, but on that day I was there alone, and from what I could tell, there was nobody on the whole floor. I locked the office door, turned on my comp and got to work. Everything went on well, even better than usual. There was no...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Working Out and In

That summer of my freshman year was really full. I was working out, hiking, biking, swimming and doing all kinds of outdoor activities. I also was seeing a local girl who was into the outdoors, especially fucking in the open. We actually had never fucked inside a building. She was also on a summer break from college and she was glad to find a hot cock a few hundred miles from her boyfriend. She was good in bed, too, although I never had her in one. In that summer, I rarely had a chat with my...

2 years ago
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Working Her Way to the Bottom and Up

Working Her Way to the Bottom and Up Belladonna [Author's Note: This story is inspired in part by a suggestion by Ella Speed.] The sounds of the shouts between Drew and his wife, Alice, emanated from behind the closed doors of Alice's office and carried into the kitchen of their restaurant. The fights between the couple were becoming increasingly more common and heated as their business continued to lose money. While the restaurant had operated profitably for years with...

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Working From Home

You would probably think that such a lady was rather withdrawn and quiet, but you would lose your money if you bet on that. She was actually something of a walking contradiction, and her work colleagues were mostly unaware of her social anxieties. Sophie was the Office Manager, and projected a certain air of authority. She was proud of her office and of the people working there. The staff all knew that they were expected to be conscientious in their approach to their work, that bad...

3 years ago
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Working late

This story follows on from my last story “On the Road”Working Late.Dannielle had been woken by a call from Paul asking her to come into work early as they had some figures to go over. She knew what that meant, a quick fuck before work. As she was getting ready she remembered what those builders had said yesterday, the photos they had taken and the note they had left. “Wonder if they where actually going to come to her work and find her if she did’t get in touch” she thought as she got ready. It...

3 years ago
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Working Things Out

WORKING THINGS OUT 'What on earth?....' Theresa Fisher thought to herself. It had been a good year for her and her husband Frank but it had started off in the middle of January quite the reverse. In their early twenties, they had only been married a year and it seemed disastrous when he had been told that the company he worked for was closing and moving their manufacturing plant to Eastern Europe. Within a few days though, their lives had changed dramatically with the news of the...

3 years ago
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Working Grandmas Garden by butliquor55

After having the time of my life with my little sister yesterday, it was time to return to my landscaping work at my Grandmother’s house. I was taking care of her garden and yard since my Grandfather had passed away. Along with the neighbor’s work it kept me busy. Of course my neighbor, Carol Wills was keeping me even busier with the extra work I was doing to her. I mean for her!The last couple days had about drained me and I was looking forward to seeing Grandma and a relaxing day working on...

2 years ago
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Working for My Boss Karla

Chapter 1 I'd interviewed for the job as the administrative assistant for the director of the communications division. I did all the application process with the secretary and another woman who I'd be working with and on my second visit I finally met the person who would be my actual boss - Karla. I immediately thought she was very sexy although she was obviously a woman in her middle 40's from what I could tell. She was a very snappy dresser and I thought immediately that I'd enjoy...

4 years ago
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Working Overtime 1

I didn't normally make the first move and probably missed a few chances along the way. For example, the cute girl handling our AP processing. I delayed and delayed and next thing I knew she was dating one of the IT guys. I was handling the Expense application in our data processing department when our new supervisor was introduced to us. Being the only guy in our small department I no doubt took most notice of what a babe she was. Donna was about 5-6, long dark brown hair, dark dark brown...

4 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 05

Working with Trista Ch. 05byamberbmaid©This is the final two days of my trip working with Trista. If you haven't read the other portions of this story, I would suggest it.Feedback is welcome, especially of the message variety as I would love to discuss these adventures. Otherwise if leaving public comments, please make them constructive.Thanks.-------------------------------------------------Day 6When Trista woke me up the next morning it took me a while to get my bearings. I had a slight...

3 years ago
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Working on the Desk with Barb Comfortable and Sexy

Phil knew his immediate boss, Barbara - or Barb as most everyone seemed to call her -- was probably a few years older than he was at 35, but she was one of the nicest people he'd ever been assigned to work under as his supervisor. She'd made him feel very welcome when he'd shown up for his first day of work and it was then that Phil had noticed a lot of things about Barb that he really liked. Barb wasn't beautiful but she was pretty in a very wholesome sort of way. She had somewhat short...

2 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 02

Working with Trista Ch. 02byamberbmaid©This is the second chapter of an on-going story of working with Trista. All feedback is welcomed.Day 3:That morning I was awakened as my phone rang; Trista was calling me telling me it was time to get up. She said that she would be over shortly. I hoped it was to let me out of the chastity device. That moment couldn't come soon enough, and neither could I!A few minutes later Trista knocked on my door. I opened it, and she was dressed in a pair of spandex...

4 years ago
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Working up the nerve

And that’s exactly what I did for the first semester of school, though the pussy was weak. I only had sex twice, and it was pretty bad both times. The chicks were drunk, I was drunk. It was just a waste of time, pretty typical frat party sluts. However, at the fall football games I had noticed Abby, one of the cheerleaders. She was small (the flyer for the squad) and blonde, with a nice build. Large B to Small C rack but the ass is really what got my attention. In the cheerleader...

3 years ago
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Working late

Chris was going to be working late, again. Becky put her phone down on the sofa after reading his message and sighed. The money his job brought in was good but the long hours were boring for her and they both knew it. The office wasn't far and she had her car, she knew her way around his office, a plan coming together in her mind...She pulled up outside his work, his car was the only one there. She knew he wouldn't be able to see it from his office, or from anywhere else he might wander while...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Working Girl From Home

I woke up to the whimsical chiming of my phone alarm. It was Monday morning, and under normal circumstances, Monday mornings were the absolute worst. But the times were far from normal, and in response to the spread of COVID-19 my boss had implemented a mandatory work-from-home policy. While my coworkers bemoaned the lack of office socialization, I was secretly elated because it gave me the unique opportunity to indulge in my deepest secret on a daily basis. I unplugged my phone from...

3 years ago
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Working Late

I was about 25 and working for an office based company in the West Midlands. The work was alright, but sometimes deadlines could be tight and one or more of us would end up working til 10pm or even later.The department secretary was a lady, Sally, probably in her forties. She had long blonde hair, a slim body and always wore tight, short skirts, dark tights and shiny heels. Her breasts were often straining the buttons on her white blouses. I had had a few wanks in the office toilets thinking...

2 years ago
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Working Late

Working Late by Rubberwolf ? 2003 - Rubberwolf - storycodes: Sbf; latex; F/f; bondage; Rubberdoll; packaged; kidnap; enclosed; cons; X Late by Rubberwolf Foreword Surprisingly, this has evolved in to a consensual story. Initially, I had considered the tried and tested, non-consensual, automatic packaging theme. Perhaps I will still write a story along those lines. Although this is slightly out of character, I think it works well and there is still an element of reluctance. Anyway, enjoy....

3 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 01

Working with Trista Ch. 01byamberbmaid©Day 1:I had just started my new job; only a month in and so far it was ok. I was laid off months earlier and forced to start working in a temp firm. The hours were all right, the pay was reasonable, and I couldn't complain about the commute. I was told this position could potentially turn into a full-time role if all went well during the 3 month "probationary period." The marketing department I was temping in was made up of all women so that was a nice...

4 years ago
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Working behind the bar

So my mother got me a job collecting glasses at the local pub she worked at. She would collect the used food plates from the restaurant side of the pub and help the chef in the kitchen. I was only allowed to collect the food plates and glasses at the time as I was too young to serve behind the bar.I don't have very big boobs, but I do have a very round curvy sexy ass. I am not what you would call good looking or attractive as none of the boys ever asked me out while I was in school. This has...

3 years ago
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Working at Tammys

I have a nice job with some good time off every now and then so I often do side jobs like remodeling and outdoor projects for some extra cash. Tammy was a good friend that I work with in my office. She had the most incredible body and a really cute face, the kind with a southern charm. Her ass looks like that of an 18yr old. Her tits were incredible, practically busting out of her shirt with her slender frame. I would often joke with her saying, “You know, rumor has it that your boobs are...

2 years ago
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Working 9 to 5

A tribute to the lovely Nikki Nicole ( nervous Nick walked through the office door. He’d been out of work for nearly six months but had finally found the perfect job for him. He’d now be working in an office as an IT expert. He didn’t have the training or background in IT so he’d been surprised when he’d been offered the role.Whilst he’d been out of work he’d had the chance to explore his hobby of dressing up in slutty clothes, applying super seductress...

4 years ago
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Working up the nerve Part 2

“That was really good, Will. You fuck a lot harder than my last boyfriend.” “Thanks, I tried to go as hard as I could. You felt really good on me.” We went on complimenting each other for a little while, until she hit me with something I wasn’t expecting. “I don’t want to get into a relationship right now.” This was fine with me. I had done alright in college without a girlfriend and I still wanted to have the freedom to sleep with whoever I wanted. However, I didn’t want to lose...

3 years ago
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Working Late

Rosie Martinez was working late at the office one evening and was surfing the Internet trying to find a site to help with sales leads, when she got an alert that she had received a new email message. She checked her inbox and discovered that her friend had sent her a link to an erotic story site. She smiled... it had been a while since she'd had the time to flip through such a site. She remembered one particular place that had incredibly hot stories - so much so that just reading a couple of...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Working for the man A Cuckold Story

Working for the Man My wife and I were both accountants working for different companies. Weboth made good money and were living the high life. We had all our creditcards maxed out; we both had new cars leased and a new condo full of newfurniture bought on credit. Now as accountants, you would think we wouldknow better but we weren't worried because our combined income was a goodsix figures.Then as they say, the shit hit the fan. My company was involved in abig scandal and I ended up losing my...

3 years ago
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Working Girl

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely...

2 years ago
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Working Over

I was bent over Andre Beasley's desk, my panties hanging on one ankle, my slacks off, holding onto the edge and moaning with pleasure as Bernie Graham's stiff throbbing cock drove deeply in and out of me. We were working late for the third time that week, and with the weekend coming up and no excuse to get away from our spouses we were making the most of Friday afternoon. Getting that last minute work done that couldn't be finished over the weekend. Katelyn Boyer didn't have a key to the...

4 years ago
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Working out with Stepmom Chapters 13 edited

I was never much for working out. It had just never seemed like an important thing to do. It was probably because I maintained a decent physique despite the lack of training. I was 6’ tall and weighed about 170 lbs. Being a teenager with a decent build and an active metabolism I didn’t know why I would ever want to put myself through rigorous physical exercises. My stepmom, Ava, hated that I didn’t like to work out. She was a personal trainer and spent all her free time shaping and toning her...

3 years ago
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Working From Home

That banging is starting to annoy me, the roofers working on my neighbor's house constantly banging away. I'm still working from home, log on at 8.30, and plow through my usual workload. I can get through it pretty quickly and be on to my now normal housework. I do a wash, Monday, and Thursday weather permitting, hoover upstairs and down once a week, and have the dishes out the way before my wife gets home.She has had to get back into the office, her job is more important than mine and much...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Working Title

Working Title By Cherysse St. Claire © 2004 As Max's parties went, this was pretty much the usual. He calls them "Meet and Greets". I call them "Novocaines". Of course, I would never tell Max that. It's just that they have this irritating tendency to deaden all my senses. My current lover has his own public relations firm with an A-list cast of corporate and entertainment industry clients. As Max's 'hostess', I rub elbows with some of the heaviest hitters in both genres and...

2 years ago
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Working Girl 17

As I walked out of the building I felt happier than I had done for a long time. I was finally making decisions on my life and not being pushed from pillar to post by events outside my control. I walked the few blocks to the office building where I hoped I would be working for quite some time. I took a deep breath and walked through the doors. Actually, I didn't walk through the doors, that would have hurt, they sort of swooshed open automatically. It would have been a bit silly...


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