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It was, truth to tell, a great summer job! Okay, the hours were long and Lou had to get up early every morning while many of his friends could sleep all morning during the school break. But still...

"Lou, this is Sam!" the radio in the van cracked loudly, waking up Lou from his daydreaming.

"Good morning Sam! What's up?" Lou always tried to appear alert when talking to the boss. Sam was a burly heavy old man and usually a bit grumpy. Your typical butcher, in fact.

"Lou, we've got a busy schedule today! Apart from the pickups on your list you've got five extras to do today! Get ready to write the addresses down!"

"Hang on, sir!" said Lou. He pulled over by the curb and got out his pen and clipboard. Today's printed list was already twenty names long. Sam dictated some more addresses and names. Lou knew very well why today was so busy and why the extras were filling up already. Today was the day of the annual company barbeque of the largest company in the city, the Larson-Hobson Corporation. Lou's own dad worked there and he and his family were going there later today themselves.

"... and lastly, Christina and Eva Malcolm at 5 Evergreen Trc, Lyndashire!"

Lou almost dropped the pen. That was his sister Trine's best friend and her mother.

"Got it, sir! See you there after twelve with the first load!"

"Good boy, Lou! See you!"

Lou started the van again. This was going to be good. He had always wanted to see Christina in the buff but all attempts of coming onto her had been in vain so far. Now she would not be able to fight it anymore. Too bad Sam refused to let the drivers shag any of the meat girls, but at least he thought he might be able to lure her into a blow job or something, if he promised her certain privileges at the butcher shop.

"Ding dong!"

Lou waited patiently outside the first house on the list. Steps. The door opened and a fourty'ish lady appeared. She was barefoot, dressed in a silk robe.

"Mrs. Hanson?"

The lady smiled and nodded.

"I am from Sam's meat! Have you received the notice for your meat?"

"Certainly! I am ready to go!" said the lady and shed the robe on the floor. She was stark naked underneath and Lou quickly scanned her body. Quite good looking for her age, with firm tits and a nice butt.

"Good! Anyone you want to say goodbye to before we go out to the van?"

"No, my husband left for work already! Busy day, he said!"

"Okay, come along then please!"

The woman slammed the door shut and followed Lou to the large van. Lou opened the back door and they stepped in together.

"Oh, I am first on the list?" commented the woman.

"Yep! Please put your hands above your head!"

The woman complied and Lou quickly and routinely snapped the cuffs hanging from chains in the roof around her wrists. Then he smiled and exited the van again, slamming the heavy doors after him. One down, twenty-four to go!

"Mo-om! The pickup from Sam's Meat is here!" yelled the teenage boy who opened the door for Lou. This was his fifth stop along the route through town. Lou double-checked the list on the clip board. This was another mother/daughter pickup.

"We're coming dear!" chirped a woman behind him somewhere. The boy stepped aside to let his sister pass. The mother almost pushed her along with both hands on her shoulders. The girl, a brunette of perhaps sixteen, tried to smile at Lou but tears were still running down her freckled cheeks. Both mother and daughter were naked and shaved, of course.

"Mrs. Levett? And this is your daughter Joanne?"

"That's right! We're ready for you now! Sorry for keeping you waiting!"

The woman was very polite and Lou nodded.

"Not at all, ma'm! Say your goodbyes and follow me out to the van, please!"

"Sure! Bye Jimmy my boy! Be good and tell your father to pick up our cunt filets this afternoon, will you? I called the store and asked for them to be put aside!"

"Yeah, sure mom, I will!" said the boy and kissed his mother goodbye. His sister gave him a hug too before they left with Lou.

"Oh, hello Mary! What a surprise!!! I had no idea that you got your notice today too!"

Mrs. Levett smiled at one of the other women chained in the back of the truck while Lou secured her daughter's wrists. As usual, there was a lot of chirping and gossiping going on in the truck. Lou looked at his watch. He needed to pick up speed if he was to make it back before noon with all the meat girls. Just as he got into the front seat, his cellular chimed.

"Lou speaking!"

"Lou, its Trine! Ehm... can you check your list and see if it is true that Christina and her mom are on it today?" Trine's voice was a bit shaky.

"Hi sis! Yeah, they are both on it! Last minute additions! Do you know if they volunteered or something?" said Lou. Most last minute pickups were volunteers who had called in on the same day.

"ULP! So she wasn't kidding!" mumbled Trine "I thought she was making fun when she called and told me! Yeah... she said her dad had reported them both in this morning! He wanted them to be on the menu for the BBQ later today!"

"Tough luck!" grinned Lou "Let's hope they don't need more meat, for your sake!"

Trine and Lou's and Christina's dads both worked for the Larson-Hobson Corporation.

"Very funny, Lou!" snapped Trine "When do you pick them up?"

"Oh, let's see... with this speed in an hour or so, I guess! Why?"

"I might go there to see her off! Talk to you later!"

"Bye sis!"

Lou hung up and started the engine. He could hear some of the women in the back discussing recipes and trying to guess how they would be prepared later. Lou was looking forward to picking up Christina soon. Just a few more houses, then out to Evergreen Trc.

The next pickup was just down the road in the same neighbourhood. This time, Lou didn't even have to go up to the house. As he approached in the car he noticed two naked young girls tied to a lamp post out by the sidewalk.

"Hello girls! Are you Charlot and Jenna Singer?" smiled Lou as he stepped out of the car.

"Yep! Sorry about this! Dad didn't have time to wait for you so he figured it would be all right to just leave us out here for the pickup!" chirped one of the petite brunettes. Her sister smiled.

"The papers are here!" she said and looked down her own chest. Their father had attached their forms to her left breast by pushing a safety pin through her perky nipple. Lou grinned and pulled to pin out to get the papers. The girl winched a little but kept a brave face.

"Not a problem at all!" said Lou and cut the two girls loose. He quickly loaded them into the back of the van and continued on his route.

Finally, with the car almost full of girls and women, Lou pulled up outside Christina's parents' home. As he was just about to knock on the door Mrs. Malcolm opened it herself.

"Hello Lou! How nice that you could pick us up today!"

"Not a problem, Mrs. Malcolm! Sam called me early to add you to the list!"

Lou looked her naked body over. She had very large tits, like her daughter. Behind her, he could hear Christina talking to someone.

"Anyway, we're ready to go! I believe we're supposed to be delivered live to the parklands for the cookout today!"

"I don't know about that, Mrs. Malcolm! My job is to deliver you back at the store and then Sam will know where and how you get processed!"

"Sure! I am certain that John has talked to Sam! Oh, your sister is here to say goodbye! Trine and Christina, it's time!"

Lou's sister, Trine appeared. She was clothed, of course and walked next to the nude Christina. Lou got an instant hard-on. Christina's double-D tits swayed as she walked towards him. She smiled confidently, probably guessing his thoughts. Her nipples were erect and pointed teasingly at him. She had a thick cunt filet, Lou noticed, between her plumb thighs. Her cute ass was round and firm.

"Lou, can I drive with you back into the city?" asked Trine as she had said goodbye to Christina and was about to walk them all to the car.

"Uh, actually that's against regulations... you know Sam!" sighed Lou. Trine looked disappointed.

"Well, can't we make an exception today?" she pleaded "I really need to go and buy some stuff! I can just jump in the back, if you want!"

"In the back, huh? Well, I am only allowed to ship meat there!"

"Oh...!" sighed Trine. Suddenly, Lou got an idea.

"Tell you what! You could register as meat on the spot and then I can drive you there! That'll be legal and all if we get pulled over by a patrol and then I can delete you from the scanner when we get there and give you back your clothes!"

"...ehm... I don't know...!" mumbled Trine, her face turning instantly red.

"Come on, sweetie! It'll be fun! That way you can get a taste of what it will be like when your number comes up!" cheered Christina. Trine giggled and finally agreed. Lou produced his handheld scanner from his belt and Trine signed it by pressing her thumb against the fingerprint reader. She had to confirm twice before the scanner accepted the donation of her meat.

"Uh, we need to decide how to collect payment for your meat!" said Lou and shuffled his feet. Trine sighed.

"Is that necessary? I mean, this is only temporary!"

"I know but we need it to finalize the volunteer procedure! I'll just punch in dad as the seller and credit his account!"

"Sure, whatever!" said Trine and blushed again.

"Okay, that's it! You're officially meat now!" smiled Lou as the scanner gave a confirming bleep "Strip naked so we can get going!"

Trine almost protested but decided not to. She had half hoped that Lou would let her keep her clothes on, but then again... then the registration would have been futile if a police patrol pulled him over to check the goods. Standing right there in the sunny driveway, she stepped out of her skirt and quickly pulled her blouse over her head. Lou couldn't help staring as his own sister revealed her fit sixteen years old body. She had nice, firm C-cupped tits and a real dream of a rump roast. Trine was much slimmer than Christina but still had nice, round shapes.

"Hold this for me, then, until we get into town!" asked Trine and handed Lou her clothes wrapped in her blouse. Lou took it and smiled.

"There we go! I'll get you out as soon as we park outside Sam's!" promised Lou as he cuffed Trine to the roof as the last one. She was hanging next to Christina, their tits almost touching in the cramped space. Lou couldn't resist teasing Trine a bit. The rest of the women and girls in the car were so busy chatting to each other that nobody heard their conversation about the little cheat arrangement.

"Oh, don't look so embarrassed, sis!" he laughed and grabbed both Trine's tits with his hands. She was unable to stop him and just gave him a sullen look.

"These would be just fine on a grill and I am sure dad wouldn't mind a surprise!"

Christina and her mother laughed while Trine tried to control her temper. Her face was bright red and her eyes shot bolts of lightning at her brother. Lou wished he had more time to tease the girls. However, he needed to get moving or he would be in trouble so he jumped out of the truck and slammed the doors shut.

"Somehow..." said Trine as the car started with a jolt and shook all the girls in their shackles in the dimly lit cargo bay "... I wish I had taken a bus into town!"

Christina giggled again. She has a weird exciting feeling about this, the last of her days. And she was only too happy to have Trine go with her some of the way.

Lou still had ten more stops along his route but the car was full so he needed to drive back to Sam and unload before continuing. On the way back he got a call from Sam.

"Lou, someone screwed up the registration lists from the lottery department this morning and... well, we've accidentally butchered three non-drafted sows that Jimmy picked up on his route!"

"Oh! That's unfortunate sir! Didn't they protest or anything?"

"Sure! But you know how it is... we just thought they were screamers and one of them actually just thought she hadn't checked her mail for the notice!"

Sam sounded tired. These accidents happened and the women's families had to be paid premium price for their meat. Not good for business at all.

"Anyway, I need you to transmit your list of confirmed pickups so we can weed out any mistakes before more accidents happen! Please press the SEND button now, Lou!"

As per reflex, Lou grabbed his scanner while driving with the other hand. His thumb activated the blue send-button and all the data of the girls in the back of the lorry were transmitted to Sam.

"Thanks Lou, I've got them!" said Sam and paused a little bit "They're all fine, checks out! One volunteer, I see! Hey, is that you sister?"

Lou gasped and stepped on the brakes.

"Lou... are you there?" asked Sam. Lou got himself together.

"Uh, yes sir! Just a damn cat on the road! My sister volunteered, sir! She's got a nice meaty body and should do fine at the BBQ!"

"Good work, Lou! You're a star! See you soon!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Lou was sweating cold sweat now. There was no way he could get Trine's volunteering out of the registration system now. Not even if he tried, which would surely get him sacked. He slowly drove all the way back to the Mall and parked the truck at the loading bay behind Sam's Meat.

"Well done, my boy!" smiled Sam as Lou got out of the car. Sam and his two assistants had already opened the back doors of the van and were pulling out the first girls.

"Uh... eh, thank you sir!" stuttered Lou, trying to think of some way to get Trine out of this. Christina was being taken down now and into the holding pen. He caught Trine's eyes. She was furious. She already knew something had gone wrong. Otherwise, why would they be at the shop and not have stopped somewhere outside the Mall's parking lot? She didn't say a word, though. Nor did any of the other girls and women. They all knew it was a sure flash with the cattle-prods hanging from the men's belts if they talked or complained in the shop.

"Let see... this must be your sister, Lou!" commented Sam as he glanced into the truck.

"Uhm, yes sir!" mumbled Lou. Sam went over and grabbed Trine's tits, then felt her sides and rump and finally stuck two fingers up her cunt to feel its thickness. Trine silently tried to kill Lou with her looks.

"Nice meat too!" smiled Sam "We should sent her out to the cookout this afternoon like most of today's meatgirls! That way you can have a taste after your shift is over, Lou!"

"Right sir! Good idea!" said Lou, trying to look eager. This was not going to be an easy thing to explain to their dad... or mom!

Trine was unhooked from the car and ushered inside with the rest of the girls. Christina sent her a sympathetic smile but they dared not even whisper. They knew that a full blow from a cattle prod would render a girl unconscious and sometimes even kill her instantly. The girls were lined up in a queue and one by one graded by a female assistant who weighed, measured and felt their bodies. The other assistant was Tommy, who both girls knew very well from school.

"Hey! Hi Trine! Christina! Going to the cookout today?" grinned Tommy. The girls just gave him some wry smiles. They still didn't say anything, of course.

"Well, I might just come by later then for a bite!"

Without teasing them any more he grabbed first Trine's left cunt lip and clipped a metal tag in a ring onto it. It stung and Trine wanted to give a little scream but she bit her lip and kept quiet. Christina was as brave and soon after they joined Christina's mother in the holding pen in the next room. It was basically a small steel cage which could barely hold the forty or so girls and women who waited there. Apparently, it was okay to talk in there because everybody chitchatted eagerly with each other.

"Oh Trine, I am so sorry Lou screwed this up!" smiled Mrs. Malcolm and hugged Trine.

"The bastard! How could he be this thoughtless?" added Christina and also hugged Trine. Trine nodded in agreement, too furious to speak.

"Perhaps he can fix something once we're at the cookout?" suggested Mrs. Malcolm "I mean, he can't do anything here or he'll get sacked by Sam!"

"Yeah, that's right!" smiled Christina "Your dad can get you off the hook once he sees you out there!"

"Maybe you're right!" sniffed Trine, glimpsing some hope.

"Besides, I have to admit I am sort of happy to have you with me a bit longer!" giggled Christina and hugged her friend again. Mrs. Malcolm had already left the two alone and was chatting with two other ladies of her own age about girl meat recipes.

"No no, we both volunteered today!" smiled Mrs. Malcolm when one of the other women asked if they were drafted too "I am hoping we will get spit roasted together... my husband will be there at the cookout to watch us!"

"I am sure you will!" commented one lady cheerfully and matter-of-factly felt one of Christina's and one of Mrs. Malcolm's tits in her hands "These should be really good grilled and won't dry out even if you are slow roasted!"

Christina was a bit perplexed by being referred to as meat and just fondled like that, but her mother didn't seem to mind. Several other women felt Christina's tits and praised their size and firmness. Trine, having somewhat smaller tits was a bit envious.

"Isn't it weird to know you'll roast soon?" asked Trine and looked curiously at her friend. She already believed she would somehow be rescued at the cookout.

"Yeah, I guess! But kind of exciting too! How do you feel?"

"Uhm... I guess I'm not really going to...!"

"But you might, remember?"

"Mmh... okay, in case I don't get out of this, I guess I'm actually happy to go with you! I mean, a cookout is definitely better than being just butchered for parts, right?"

Trine looked a bit uncertain. Christina agreed with a firm nod and held her friend's hand. Behind them, Mrs. Malcolm was reassuring a woman and her daughter that they would certainly have gallows for entertainment this year as they had had those for the past two years. Apparently, both mother and daughter hoped to get to swing at the party. Although Trine hated to admit it to herself, hearing about the gallows send a shiver down her spine and she felt her pussy juices flow at the thought. Hanging had always been a favorite fantasy with her. She had even played a bit with a rope with one of her boyfriends last year. He had fucked her from behind while she was standing up and leaned her body forward to shift most of the weight onto a rope around her neck, which was tied to a beam across the ceiling. Just as he came in her, she had almost blacked out from asphyxia... but then her head and body had exploded in the greatest orgasm ever! They never repeated it, though, because a week later he broke up with her.

"Did you hear that, girl?" whispered Christina and smiled at Trine. Christina knew very well that Trine was into hangings. The girls shared all their secrets with each other. "You may not even WANT to be saved!"

"Shut up!" giggled Trine and tried to think about how to get back at her "I am sure they have a chop block or maybe even a real guillotine to satisfy YOUR desires too, girlfriend!"

That comment, said out loud enough for those around them to hear, made Christina's face turn a healthy pink. Mrs. Malcolm, overhearing the girls, smiled knowingly. She too knew her daughter had a secret fascination with beheadings. After all, she had often read the discarded printed stories from the internet when she had emptied Christina's paper bin. She had never told Christina she knew, though. And now, she pretended not to have heard them by keeping talking to another woman about cooking.

Meanwhile, Lou was thinking hard about how to break the news to his parents. While he was sure they would be mad at him, he also knew that in some not too distant future Trine would have ended up as meat anyway. Their parents often jokingly threatened Trine with selling her off if she didn't clean her room or do her homework. Recently, he thought he had picked up a bit more seriousness in those comments. Trine didn't appear to have noticed, though.

"Mom, its Lou!" he sighed into the phone. He had decided to get it over with fast.

"Hello dear! Good thing you called! Can you come by and pick up Trine and me when your shift is over? Then we can all go to the cookout together!"

"Uhm... yeah, mom... eh, there's been a little mixup about the cookout?"

"Really? I hope you don't have to work this afternoon! We have a bit of a surprise for you and Trine and we really want you both to come!"

"Uhm, surprise? What surprise mom?"

"Oh all right! I was going to wait until you came home but... here goes! Your dad called and they really need more meat today so he kindly asked me to volunteer for it! Mr. Malcolm's wife and Christina will be cooked as well, he told me! And of course I said yes so I'll be on the menu tonight!"

"Uh, mom that's... that's!!!" Lou was a bit flabbergasted.

"It's wonderful, isn't it? Anyway, what was the mixup?"

"Well, uhm... what would you say if I told you that Trine might be ...eh... on the menu as well today?"

Lou took the phone away from his ear, half expecting a yell!

"Hm, in fact, I am sure your dad would like that! A mother-daughter theme, right? But why do you think...? Did dad call Trine and ask her too? He could at least have told me, then!"

"Eh no... it's a bit complicated but Trine sort of volunteer without actually wanting to but now it's a bit late for regrets and she has already been graded and all! She is here in the holding pen at Sam's with Christina and Mrs. Malcolm!" Lou explained while trying to sound confident.

"Okay, well, she knows the rules and if she signed she's in no more mess that she created herself! Just come back here and pick me up when you're done then, right! At least we should try to get there early enough to see Trine get cooked!"

"Sure mom! You're the greatest! I'll be there probably before two!"

"Good boy! I'll call your dad and explain about Trine and then get myself ready! See you soon, dear!"

"Bye mom!"

It was a very relieved Lou who got into the truck again and started out on the second round of pickups. He was beginning to look forward to this afternoon's cookout. Meanwhile, in the holding pen, Trine and Christina were starting to get a bit impatient.

"How long do they intent to keep us here?" sighed Christina "I mean, the party started long ago and I guess they will need meat soon!"

"Oh, someone's coming now!" smiled her mother. Three butchers in white, bloodstained aprons approached the cage. One held a clipboard and read out load to the girls and women:

"Mrs. Mary Simmons! Ms. Julia Kwan! Ms. Lydia Anderson!..."

He kept reading more names and finally ten girls had stepped forward to the front of the cage. Then he put down the clipboard and opened the cage.

"Please follow us to the processing line!" he said "The rest of you will be taken to the cookout by truck in a few minutes!"

The ten girls and women sighed, full of disappointment. They would be butchered for parts and their meat sold from the store. Most of them had hoped to go to the cookout as well. Trine and Christina watched in amazement as they were all led to the back of the room and one by one strung up in their feet, had their throats cut and were cleaned out.

"God, I really feel just like a piece of meat now!" commented Christina while smiling a bit to herself. Trine giggled. She was feeling it too. Her tag proved it. They were noting but cattle for the roasting pits and the way the butchers treated them underscored that perception.

"Ladies! Follow me to the truck, please!"

Trine awoke from her daydreams as the man spoke. The cage was opened once again and the girls filed out in silence. They were loaded into a large truck. In a hurry to get them on their way none of the girls were tied up. Trine was almost disappointed because of that. She had sort of enjoyed being helplessly chained to the roof in Lou's van. As she sat down next to Christina on the hard wooden bottom of the truck, her fingers quickly found their way down to her tingling clit. Trine smiled to herself as she saw several other girls please themselves in the poorly lit truck. She didn't look but she could hear Christina moan slightly just next to her. The truck rumbled along an uneven surface and the vibrations helped Trine orgasm in silence, her fingers caressing her shaved cunt.

"I heard that!" giggled Christina. Trine blushed and snickered.

"Well, what can you do?" whispered Trine "It might be out last chance?"

"I know! It's exciting, isn't it? Soon we'll be turning over hot coals... spitted from end to end and carved up for dinner!"

"Shit! I hope I get to swing first!" commented Trine but still felt like touching herself again when Christina talked about their near fate "Hey... look at them!"

Trine choked a giggle and pointed at the two teenage girls in the shadows just in from of them. They were pleasing each other in a sixty-nine, using tongues and hands eagerly and clearly lost in the act. Women around them smiled and laughed silently but left the couple alone. As Trine and Christina watched, a few more girls went down on each other as well, obviously inspired by the scene. Before the truck arrived at the Parklands, Trine had cum twice more. The last time by a little help from Christina's right hand.

"Mo-om! I'm home!" yelled Lou as he stepped into their house. He had finally finished today's route. It was just past two in the afternoon. Still early enough to get to the park in a decent time.

"Good! Let's get going then!"

Mrs. Bremmer came out from the kitchen, stark naked. Lou gasped silently. He hadn't seen his mother naked since... well, in many years. He had to admit she was great looking for her age. At thirty-seven she had a very fit body, slim and with meaty thighs and nice, firm tits.

"Right! The car is out front! Do you want to wear a housecoat or something?" Lou asked a bit uncertain. His mother just laughed wholeheartedly.

"Don't be silly, Lou! I'm just as much meat as the other women you have picked up today, remember?"

"Uh... of course!" stuttered Lou and led the way out. He opened the passenger door for his mom but she shook her head.

"No, I think the trunk is fitting for the food!"

With that, Lou opened the trunk and let his mom climb in. He slammed the hood shut and drove out to the Parklands. It was only a five minute drive but he had to spend ten minutes driving around to find a parking space near the entrance. Just before Lou opened the trunk to let his mother out, someone put a hand on his shoulder. Lou turned to look.

"Hi Lou! Done with the work, are you?"

It was Doug, his best mate. He was with his girlfriend, Lisa. Lou was a bit surprised that Lisa, the pretty blonde girl, was naked. She had her hands tied behind her back too.

"Hi Doug! Hey Lisa! Are you...?"

"Sure am!" smiled Lisa "My mom was called in and then Doug asked me, so...!"

"Wan'na tag along with us?" asked Doug "We'll get Lisa over to the grills right away! I'm starving!"

"Hang on! I've got some meat with me too!" laughed Lou and opened the trunk. His mom looked up and smiled at Doug and Lisa.

"Oh wouw! Hello Mrs. Bremmer!" said Doug. He was impressed with Lou.

"Hi Doug! Lisa, nice to see you!"

Lou helped his mom out of the trunk. He silently decided to treat her like meat from now on, and not as family. After all, it appeared that was what his mom wanted.

"Come on, meat! We need to get you registered!" commanded Lou and gave his mom a light push on the shoulder. Mrs. Bremmer smiled a satisfied smile and complied. Lisa walked next to her and the boys behind them. As they got closer to the entrance, they noticed how many other volunteer meat there was. A line of perhaps twenty naked girls and women stretched from the registration booth and into the parking lot. The atmosphere was one of excitement and great expectations. Lou and Doug waited in line with their meat while taking a good look at the other volunteer girls. They knew two of them from school and had a little chat with them too. They had both been donated by their fathers but neither minded. Today was considered a good alternative to being drafted for home-ed or biology classes at school or even some boring family party. Finally, they got both Mrs. Bremmer and Lisa registered and tagged with cunt tags.

"Please make an attempt to get your meat snuffed or cooked live within the next hour or so!" asked the attendant as he let them in to the compound "We're running short of meat supplies pretty soon so it would be a great help if you didn't wait too long!"

"Sure thing!" smiled Doug "Come on, Lisa! Let's get you spitted right away so I can get a taste of those great buns of yours!"

Lisa giggled and walked with him. Lou and Doug agreed to meet up by the beer tent in half an hour. Then he went with his mother into the crowd to try to locate his dad.

"He said he'd wait for us around the gallows!" smiled Mrs. Bremmer and pointed towards the wooden platform in the centre of a ring of small entertainment tents. Three girls were standing up there, ropes around their necks. As they neared, the executioner next to the girls pulled a lever and released the trap doors under the girls' feet. The next second they were kicking in air after a short drop. People under them cheered and yelled their names to encourage the fight.

"Oh, there you are! Hello sweetie!"

Lou's dad approached them from the side. He gave his wife a kiss and a hug, and also padded Lou's back.

"Well done, son! Thanks for bringing your mother!"

"Say Peter, have you seen Trine yet?" asked Mrs. Bremmer "I hope she's not been cooked yet?"

"Oh no, don't worry sweetheart! She's waiting tables with Christina over at the Greek restaurant behind the gallows! Although with this many people coming in now she might be picked out soon!"

"Well, let's go see her, shall we?" asked Mrs. Bremmer. She was eager to chat with her daughter about how they might arrange to be cooked together. Like Christina's mother, she too had an ambition of a mother/daughter dish. Mr. Bremmer led on and Lou and his mother followed him past the gallows. The three girls were still kicking in the air but slowing down by now. Lou noticed how three new girls were getting ready to take their places below the stairs.

The outdoor restaurant behind the gallows was quite large. People sitting at the tables had a great view of the gallows. The main cooking area was behind the tables. Whole spitted girls rotated over hot coals while chefs in white aprons basted their bodies. Cauldrons with soup simmered next to each other. A few girls sat in one of the cauldrons and chatted while waiting for it to warm up. In the pot just next to theirs three young girls were already boiling, their heads hanging over the sides and steam escaping from their open mouths.

"Hi mom! Hello dad!" chirped Trine as she suddenly spotted her family. She was carrying two plates with cuts of roasted girl meat. Behind her, Christina was serving beer for a couple of men at a table.

"Hello dear!" smiled Mrs. Bremmer and kissed her daughter on the cheek "What a nice surprise of you to volunteer today!"

"Uhm, yes! Wasn't it?" agreed Trine and sent Lou an evil look. Lou just smiled back. Too late for regrets now anyway. Trine had all but given up hope of being saved.

"Yes, I am very proud of you, honey!" said Mr. Bremmer "I can't wait to see you two get cooked! Lou and I will be sure to taste both of you!"

"Eh, thanks dad, I guess!" sighed Trine. That was it. She was meat. There was no way her dad was going to step in and fix the situation. She decided she might as well play along and enjoy the ordeal.

"So, what's the situation? How long do you have to work here?" asked Trine's mother, looking a bit impatient. Trine served the food she was carrying at a nearby table before answering.

"Well, I don't know really! We were told to do this until we were needed so I guess someone will come and ...eh... snuff us at some point!"

"Oh, Christina!" said Mrs. Bremmer as Trine's friend passed by just then "Do you know where your mother is?"

"Yes, Mrs. Bremmer!" smiled Christina "She's over there, in the steamer!"

They all looked over behind the cauldrons. A large glass cage was set up on a wooden platform. Inside, with their heads sticking out of rubber lines holes in the top glass plate, sat three women. One of them was Mrs. Malcolm. The inside of the glass cage was filled with hot steam and their red bodies could only be seen dimly from the outside. Sweat bathed their faces and they had somewhat agonizing looks. Mrs. Bremmer quickly ran over to chat with Christina's mother.

"Hello Mary! Sorry you didn't get to roast with your daughter!" smiled Mrs. Bremmer as she got over there. Mrs. Malcolm smiled back, through her tears and sweat.

"Unghh... that's okay... I... I kind of like this too!" she puffed.

"Yeah, it looks great! How long have you been steaming like this?"

"Oh...ungh... about an hour! I think we'll kick it real soon now! I can't feel my body and my head is spinning...ghhh!"

"Mmh, I think you're right! Your cooking mate here just passed out!" commented Mrs. Bremmer. The girl next to Mrs. Malcolm had dropped her head and stared with dead eyes. Mrs. Malcolm didn't answer. She just moaned a last time and leaned her head back. Her eyes rolled up and finally she stopped breathing.

"Hey, did my mom just snuff it?" asked Christina as she passed by.

"She sure did!" smiled Mrs. Bremmer and lifted Mrs. Malcolm's head up for her to see. Christina just nodded and walked along with more beer for the tables. Mrs. Bremmer noticed that Lou and his friend Doug were sitting close to the roasting pits. Her husband and Mr. Malcolm were just joining them now.

"Have you decided to eat here?" asked Mrs. Bremmer and sat down next to Lou. Trine was serving them snacks and Christina brought glasses of beer.

"Well, I am!" smiled Doug and pointed behind him. Just a few feet away, Lisa had been put on to roast, spitted from cunt to mouth. She writhed her body squeamishly on the metal pole as the flames slowly browned her delicious body.

"Say honey, why don't you give John here a blow job now that his wife is... well, unavailable!" suggested Mr. Bremmer. Only now did Mrs. Bremmer notice a young teen girl sitting under the table sucking at her husband's dick. Mrs. Bremmer just smiled and crawled silently down under the table too. She quickly unzipped Mary's husband's trousers and swallowed his stiff cock eagerly.

"Hm, Lou do you mind if I ask Trine to...?" proposed Doug. Lou grinned and shook his head. Trine had heard their conversation and just shrugged her shoulders and went down to join her mother under the table. Soon mother and daughter were kneeling side by side, sucking the cocks of the two guys. Lou, feeling a bit left out, grabbed Christina by the arm the next time she passed their table.

"Chrissy, last chance for some fun! What do you say?"

Christina didn't bother to answer either. She just put down the empty plates she were carrying and kneeled down next to Trine. She giggled at her friend who was taking Doug's cock all the way down the throat. Trine smiled with her eyes and watched Christina go down deep on Lou too. They went on for a while, sometimes taking the cocks in real deep to see if the other one could follow suit. Suddenly, Christina got an idea:

"Dare you to swap!" she giggled and let go of Lou's cock. Trine almost protested. Her own brother!!! But she didn't want to stand down from a dare. The girls quickly swapped places and continued on the new dicks. Lou and Doug laughed out loud. Mrs. Bremmer had already finished sucking Mr. Malcolm off and was wiping cum off her chin. When she saw what the girls had done she too smiled.

"AAHrghhh...yesss!!!" moaned Lou as he shot his load into Trine's throat. He held her head with both hands and pressed her deep down his shaft. Trine was forced to swallow and almost choked in the process. Christina finished Doug a second after. When the two boys came to their senses a minute or so later, Trine and Christina were standing up again and talking to Mrs. Bremmer.

"Trine, your father says he has talked to the restaurant manager!" smiled her mother "He will let you two pick how you want to be snuffed, only you have to do it real soon because they need meat!"

"Oh, thanks mom!" chirped Trine "How about yourself?"

"Well, that's part of the deal!" sighed Mrs. Bremmer "I'll need to climb into the soup pot right away to provide meat! You're welcome to join me, but I'll understand if you want to do your own thing!"

"Yeah... I guess I'll pass, thanks! But we'll go and see you get boiled!"

"No no, honey! No time for that! You just go and have fun!"

"Oh, okay! Goodbye then mom!"

Trine hugged her mother warmly and they watched her go and report herself to the cooks by the cauldrons. They were all three boiling so she would have to step right into scalding hot soup. That would be a quick snuff for her.

"Well, should be go and pick a way to... kick it?" smiled Christina. Both the girls' fathers had left the restaurant and were nowhere to be seen. Lou and Doug were standing next to Lisa who had almost stopped moving on the spit by now. They appeared rather uninterested in what the girls did now.

"Sure, why not?"

Trine led on and walked straight towards the gallows. They were just cutting down the last batch of three girls. Their bodies were dumped into a trailer which was pulled towards another restaurant area by two naked girls in pony-uniforms.

"Uhm, I guess this is really how I want to go!" giggled Trine as they passed the line of girls waiting for their turn in the ropes. It was a popular method, with some fifteen girls waiting their turn.

"I know!" smiled Christina "But at least go with me before you line up! Perhaps we can find something we both like?"

"Okay, let's see what else they've got!"

As they walked in the crowd, they kept an eye out for available options. One place offered live crucifixion with nails through hands and feet. Five crosses with girls were already erected next to each other. To speed up the snuffing, families of the girls and women were given darts and arrows which they could throw at the girls' bodies. One father took a spear from a stand and inserted it into his crucified daughter's cunt. While the sister and mother cheered he slowly pushed it into her and eventually pierced her all the way through and out her gasping mouth. The girl shook her body violently a few times and then died with a long moan. As Trine and Christina watched, her sister eagerly laid down to let herself be nailed onto a new cross. They heard the father promise her to impale her the same way after some target shooting with the darts.

"Well, that is only fun if you're with friends to do the shooting and impaling!" said Christina and wanted to move on. Trine agreed. Next, the girls passed another shooting range with bows and arrows, but this time featuring live girls who attempted to dodge the flying arrows. Suddenly Christina froze in her pace. Just behind the shooting range stood a big, burly man holding an axe over his head. A girl was resting her head on a wooden chop block under him and in one large swing he landed the blade on the stretched neck. The blonde's head flew off and landed a few feet from Christina and Trine. Her headless body stood itself up on the knees for a few seconds before falling to the side. It trembled spastically for a little while. The girl's family all applauded the executioner, who held up her head for them to see. Then he unceremoniously threw in into a plastic bin. Christina ran to look into the bin. Some twenty other heads were lying down there.

"Okay, I guess this is were we say goodbye?" asked Trine with a smile. Christina almost didn't hear her. She just looked in deep fascination as the next girl, a busty brunette, was decapitated.

"Uh, yes... unless you want to join me?" asked Christina. Trine shook her head.

"No, I'm going for the rope! I'll stay and watch though!"

"Thanks! Good luck to you!"

The girls hugged for a long time. Then Christina joined the small line of girls in front of the chopping block. Only two girls were before her.


One girl to go. A redhead Christina briefly knew from school.


This is it! Christina almost orgasmed as she kneeled down and rested her cheek on the bloody wooden surface. Behind her, the other bodies were pulled up by chains connected to meat hooks through the girls' ankles. Christina caught Trine's eyes among the small audience. She smiled as Trine's mouth formed the words Good Luck. Then suddenly the world tumbled around. Christina never heard the chopping sound. She felt her head land on its side. A bit disoriented, she tried to look around. She briefly saw her own voluptuous body raise itself on its knees and fall straight backwards. Then the executioner picked her head up and held it high. Trine looked straight at her and clapped her hands. Christina tried to wink at her but couldn't even move her eyebrows. Then she was dumped into the container, landing face down with her lips touching the nose of the redhead from school. Christina's vision began to fade, first bluish, then darker... then black!

Trine watched as Christina's headless body was hooked and suspended next to the others on the metal rack. Two butchers went about to clean them out. More girls lined up for beheading but Trine decided to go and get hanged now. She could hardly wait to swing and kick air now.

"Hi! Is there room for me in this batch?" asked Trine as she got back to the gallows. Oddly enough, only two girls were waiting with ropes around their necks and the line had disappeared. Trine thought she was in luck.

"Sorry miss! No more hangings today! Orders from the management!" said the attendant and pulled the lever to release the trapdoors under the two girls "They need live roasters everywhere so we're not allowed to execute any more girls!"

"Oh... can't we make an exception?" pleaded Trine. The man just shook his head and waved at someone from the Greek restaurant. A cook came over and grabbed Trine's tits.

"Mh, thanks Jim!" said the cook "You're right, she'll do fine over the coals!"

Trine was being completely ignored after that. The cook just held her arm firmly and almost dragged her towards the restaurant again. She saw Lou and Doug there, eating cuts of meat. Probably Lisa, thought Trine. They both waved as she was dragged past them. She smiled back, feverishly, and let herself be led on into the kitchen area.

"Okay, meat! Bend over and let's get you over the coals!" ordered the cook and grabbed a long spit. Trine sighed but did as he said. She leaned her body over the kitchen table and stuck her ass up as far as she could. Without further comments the cook rammed the tip up her shaved cunt and into her body. Trine coughed and spitted and the pole continued up her throat at finally out her open mouth. Her arms and legs were quickly secured with metal wire and before she could even get herself around her fate she was being carried over and laid on the forks over a hot coal bed.

"Jeez, that was quick!" she thought as she started rotating. The heat pounded her smooth skin and she was relieved when a girl stepped over and started basting her with BBQ sauce. Next to her two other teenage girls were roasting too. When she turned the right way she could see the cauldrons with hot soup and her mother's head hanging lifelessly over the side of one of them. Mrs. Malcolm's severed head was lying on a table next to the cauldrons, together with several other heads. Trine found that by moving her hips up and down the spit she could effectively fuck herself while roasting. As far as she could see, the other roasting girls had discovered that too.

It was a long and slow roasting process. Lou and Doug came over once in a while to talk to her and she replied by moans and eye movements. One time, late in the process, her dad even came by and complimented her meat. He borrowed a roasting fork from one of the cooks and pierced her almost fully roasted tits with it in several places. Meat juice flowed out and hissed as it hit the coals under her. The sound made Trine cum right on the spot, but she doubted her father noticed it.

After a little while, Trine couldn't cum any more. She lost all feeling in her body and her mind started to drift. She thought of the pickup, the truck, the holding pen, Christina's beheading and dreamed of being hanged. Then things started to get mixed up, fade out and eventually Trine snuffed it. She was served shortly after and while none of her family had saved any appetite for her meat, other guests thought she was a succulent little piggy.

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A life long connection

“What do you want?” she spat angrily! This was it, this was the moment I had fantasized about for so long. I exaggerated my looking at her from bottom to top. Beginning with her cute little bare feet with dark purple painted toe nails, I shifted my gaze upward, past her smooth olive skinned calves, up to her bare chunky thighs, the memories of kissing, nibbling and biting the insides of them thighs while working my way up to that beautiful clean shaven pussy to taste every drop of her wetness...

1 year ago
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My daughter. My precious twelve year old daughter Deanna was laying on her back on the carpeted floor, and her cries immediately made my heart sink. I could see in her eyes that I had walked into a bad situation, but it wasn't until I took a step forward and felt the cold steel barrel of a hand gun being pressed into my temple that I realized how bad of a situation this had been. "Hello, Jack." Said the voice behind the gun and I knew in an instant that it was my boss at work, Jim. ...

2 years ago
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bbw passion

I went on this chat line and got to talkin to this one chick near by. she looked damn fine for a bbw and well I knew that I needed a slicee of her pie. I went up to her house finally after aout a month of convo and well we hit that bed hard. I layed her down...kissin her soft lips and ran my fingers across her neck. She took my shirt off and began caressing my chest. I slipped her bra off and was face to face with a lovely pair of EEs with lovely small pink nipples. Grabbing her tits in my hand...

2 years ago
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White Farmers in the South Africa Controlling the

Kajsa Nilsson was a Swedish women who had moved to the South Africa when she was 25 years old. Her husband was an engineer in an Swedish energy company and they moved here for his work with their little daughter Josephine. The things hadn't gone so well between Kajsa and her husband Nils and they decided to divorce. With all that Kajsa didn't want to leave this beautiful and hot country and go back to the cold Sweden. She preferred a simple life in the countryside of the South Africa. She had a...

2 years ago
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A Perfectly Acceptable Story

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to visit SOL often. So, it was only recently that I was presented with the over/under thirteen option. As many people are wont to do, I didn't bother learning any of the background reasoning that went into the decision that perturbed me. Instead, as a writer who has a number of stories on the shunned side of the new pedo ghetto line, I gave into outrage fueled by what I, in my ignorance, perceived to be censorship and punched out the following vile...

1 year ago
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Wife breaks the routine

After three years of dating and two years of marriage the sex had started to slow down. One sexless week would turn into two. When my wife asked about it I let it slip that I thought sex had become routine. It may have been a mistake but as it turned out honesty was the best policy. That evening I was mortified when I overheard her telling her older sister what I said. Her sister was a new age feminist wanna be psychologist. I just knew this could lead to no good. I heard my wife nervously...

3 years ago
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Spa fun

My wife and I moved into a new house with a pool, and it wasnt long before we decided that we needed a spa to go with it. We opted for one of the aboveground types with a redwood gazebo around it. Gina and I loved the new spa, I planted jasmine vines around it, hoping that soon, they would grow and take over the redwood latticework, adding a fresh sweet smell, and addi further privacy. We decided that there was never any reason to wear clothes in the spa, since our back yard was bricked in,...

3 years ago
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Appa Ennai Padukaiyil Oothar

Vanakam enathu peyar Sherin, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, enaku ippozhuthu thirumana vayathu aagugirathu athu matum ilamal enaku vetil varan paarthu varugiraargal. Enathu appa siru vayathil thirumanam seithu kondathaal avar ilamaiyaagave irupaar vayathu 38 thaan aagum. Naan veetirku oru pen matum thaan, athanaal ennai eppozhuthum chelamaaga valarpaargal. En appa niraiya murai amma udan kaamam seivathai naan paarthu irukiren, appa eppozhuthum samayal araiyil amma pudavai matrum paavadaiyai thuki...

3 years ago
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Orli day

The young stud max kraft was in a pickle. There was this girl he liked but she had put him in the friendzone her name was Joelle. She was 5"6 DDs that would make ur mouth water. Max had no idea what to do so he tuned to another one of his Friends Orli. Orli was about 5"3 a little chubby but she had huge DD tits just like Joelle did. Orli had always liked max but max was afride that his friends would bully him if he went for her. One day max had had enough and when he saw Orli next he went up to...

Group Sex
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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 10 You Can Come Down Now

This chapter was originally posted with a copy/paste error that caused a section to repeat. This should now be fixed. Thanks for letting me know. You should also feel free to talk to me if it’s not about formatting errors! I love hearing what made you laugh, or if you spot a mistake. By the way, I am now also aware discrete and discreet are spelled differently in English. My proof readers missed it as well, so I always hope to hear about things like that from the SOL-community. – RD. “TWO...

1 year ago
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Nude Pics

Do you like Nude Pics? That’s really more of a rhetorical question because I don’t get much traffic around here that isn’t looking for something to crank the ol’ rod at. If you’re looking for crayons or something, you’ve definitely made a wrong turn somewhere. I’m going to assume you’re in the right place, though, in which case, I’ve got exactly what you’re looking for.Nude-Pics.org tells you right on the tin what you’re getting inside: it’s a big-ass free collection of dirty pictures. It’s a...

Porn Pictures Sites
1 year ago
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Long Foreplay

I entered in the weekly Euchre tournament, and who would you suppose I drew as my partner? At first I didn't recognize her, it had been 4 or 5 years since the last time I had seen Sherry. After talking for a few minutes, I realized who she was and that I hadn't known she wore glasses. I had had the hots for this gal since I was a teenager and had first seen her when she was dating my cousin, I was always so jealous because I thought she was so fine. I am sure that there was probable some...

2 years ago
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Geile Beratung im Sexshop

Es war ein langweiliger Sonntagvormittag! Ich verbrachte ihn entspannt vor meinem Laptop und schaute mir ein paar heiße Girls an - wie immer!Auf einer meiner Lieblingspornoseiten sah ich dann auf der rechten Seite einen Werbebanner für Männersexspielzeug! Ich war etwas überrascht, da ich nur von Spielzeug für Frauen wusste... Um mein Wissen etwas zu bereichen war "Sexspielzeug für Männer" der nächste Suchbegriff den ich eingab und ich wurde auch sofort fündig.. ich fand ein Ding namens...

2 years ago
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Shaving legs

Good deeds are seldom performed for personal gain or selfish reasons. People do good deeds in order to help others, and reap only the satisfaction that the other person is better off. Sometimes, however, these two notions can meet, creating the word “opportunity.” For me, I began to understand how the twain shall meet during one nondescript, still summer evening at home. I was in my late teens, and, my older sister, while just beginning her new tax accountant job, had yet to find a suitable...

4 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 42 Opening Moves

We found the girls on the basketball court playing one on one. Lizzy felt me arrive as usual and stopped. Allison stopped and followed her gaze. "Hello pretty ladies," I said. "I have to go do some work so you need to decide whose dream you want to be in until I get back." Lizzy looked surprised but didn't ask what was going on, "Doesn't matter to me, I trust all of you guys." she said, glancing at Allison. "You wouldn't take advantage and try to cheat so you could win, would...

2 years ago
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BonnieChapter 4

Dr. Greene was a tiny, white-haired woman in her sixties. She may have been small in stature but she dominated her environment with her slightly too-loud voice and her brisk, all-business manner. As soon as she stepped in the door, she shook my hand with a surprisingly strong grip and demanded, "Where's Bonnie?" "The last time I looked, she was taking a nap under the tree." "Good. Introduce me to her so I can get started." It wasn't a request, it was a command. I called to her as I...

1 year ago
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Locked In My Room by loyalsock

'And so I said to the mailman. . .' Mom said while no one was listening. We were having dinner and everyone was enjoying their meal, except for mom. She was talking about everything and no one was interested. Me and my sister kicked each other beneath the table. I didn't like her that much. She was 20, one year older than me but she was always better at everything. After everyone was finished mom hadn't had a bite of her food and started to gulp everything in. 'Come on Elice, we don't want to...

2 years ago
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Making Mindy Mine

"I'm telling you Hank, that girl is a slut! She runs around like a wild animal, staying out all hours of the night, and always with different men! Older men, Hank! I swear, I think some of them are even giving her money! She's completely out of control! I just can't take it anymore!" The screeching sound of Gloria's voice was like a hot wire on my nerves, and instantly brought back unwanted memories of our past marriage. Feeling the instinctive urge to yell back rise in my throat, I pulled the...

1 year ago
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Boobs Story

My husband loves boob sucking on me. He is a complete boob man. In the early morning before his bed tea, I need to present to him my boobs which he would suck almost for ½ hour. After his bed tea and breakfast and before he goes to office, he would be at it again for another ½ hour. At times, he does get late for work due to this. But he is self-employed so it is ok. My boobs are the first thing he wants to see and relish on when he returns from office. In fact, I have to expose...

3 years ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 24

Wednesday, June 2, 3109, 9:15 PM Her Bizzy K ball cap. “Son of a bee,” she muttered, stooping to snatch it up. She’d last seen this beautiful cap the afternoon of December 18, 2014. Gunther had promised to return it. Like that ever happened, she thought. Carrying the cap to the control console, she placed it carefully atop Leda’s hand-written lexicon on the shelf below. Young-Rebecca might, or might not need it in 3089, Causal Expression, et. al. She glanced at the clock floating above the...

3 years ago
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Daniels Birthday Gift

I had been taken to an abandoned building by Charlie, Bruce and Daniel, I feared that they would ravish me against my will, as I was not allowed to go my way. Through conversation I found that I was to be Daniels' birthday gift, Bruce and Charlie made it excruciating clear that Daniel would have his way with me first... Daniel lifted my buns and spit into his hand and smeared the substance over my bung hole. Bruce positioned my head over his crotch and cautioned '...bite me and you want have...

3 years ago
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“ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE ME LEAVE MY TENT?” Wendy asked as we sat in Denny’s with coffee and a couple of Slams. “Do you want to leave your tent?” I asked. She shook her head. “Not yet.” “Then no, Tiger,” I said. “I’ll never make you do anything. I just want to be sure you’re all right and let you know you’ve got friends.” “I know. I see Kate every week and sometimes I see you at the restaurant. I eat pretty well because Carma feeds me. And I’ve been saving. I’ll have enough to rent a room...

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