Probation Offices free porn video

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The Probationer: by Ann Winters

What was I doing here, being led up a dark and dimly lit staircase to theroom of one of my probationers, a prostitute at that, I blushed at the thoughtsthat were going through my mind? However, Carmel could not see my face reddening,due to the poor lighting. I was fascinated by the way the cheeks of her backsidemoved against the stretch fabric of her very short skirt. Which were only inchesaway from my face as she stepped up the stairs one step in front of me?

I could see the slight outline of the thong that she was wearing through itsthin material; both the skirt and the thong were white. I had never had suchlurid thoughts about a woman or even a young woman who was one of my clientsbefore now. ?Yes' I had fantasised about sex with a woman, just that. My maininterest was men, men about my age late twenties, and my boyfriend at presentwas fulfilling my needs sexually. However, just lately he had been fantasisingmore about me having sex with another woman while he watched. He kept askingme, ?Do you fancy touching another woman the way you keep asking me to touchyou, and make love to her?. Until then I had only thoughts of men, now withhis persistence I was beginning to think about what it would be like to try.Hence, my little flirt with Carmel , an 18yr Old Spanish beauty with ravencoloured hair. Oozing sex from every pour in her body, her jet black eyes thatflashed that ?Come and try me, come and get me if you dare' every time oureyes made contact. She was a prostitute and had been since she was 10yrs.

The way she used to enter my car her legs wide apart showing me that she woreonly the briefest of panties or a thong, and that her breasts were firm. Theydid not droop when she leaned forward to put her head inside the car window.And in a sexy voice would ask, ?What can I do for you Miss Roberts?, and invariablywould continue without waiting for my answer. ?All you have to do is ask andI will do whatever you want Miss Roberts?. She would always close her eyesat this point and gently touch her breasts and crotch tantalisingly then sigh. ?Oh?.MissRoberts'

In a weak moment I had agreed on her insistence to going up to her flat tocheck her attendance records, it was an excuse to be a little closer to her,she had that effect on me I really wanted to touch her tender flesh to feelher body next to mine. I tingled at the thought of this new experience, whatit would be like, to touch her bare backside; maybe spank her for being naughty.I fantasised to myself, not in the least bit revolted at my deviant thoughts.

She turned and with a reassuring smile I glimpsed her erect nipples showingthrough her thin ?T' shirt, she said, ?Nearly there now Miss Roberts?. Withoutsaying a word, I nodded and returned her smile I felt like I was under herspell, bewitched. I blushed at the thought that I was being submissive, insteadof being in total control. I was very nervous at being alone with such a wildcat, also, what if I was found out. I would have no creditability at work anymore;in fact, I would have no job. What was I doing? I thought to myself in terrorI started to say, ? Carmel perhaps?. As if Carmel sensed my hesitation andknew what I was about to say. Stopped me she turned and took hold of my armand pulled me close to her, her ample breast brushed my arm. And she said, ?Youwant to see my records don't you Miss |Roberts two minutes and you can havea good look for yourself in private?. And she gave me a big smile and winkedadding, ?Yes I know you would like that once we're in my flat?

I should have been wearing something more practical than this two-piece suit,which I now thought was too revealing. I looked down and could see the topsof my firm tanned breasts heaving up over my white lace bra; they seemed largerand in doing so gave me an even better cleavage; also revealing some un-tannedflesh too. I was soaking wet at just being here, I knew that nothing wouldhappen I kept telling myself.

My nipples were rock hard and seemed to be forcing my suit top out in twopoints, I'm sure that she knew what effect she was having on me. Carmel smiledand blatantly fixed her eyes on my heaving bosom. I pulled my briefcase upin front of me to hide my emotions. Since she leaned into my car showing herample breasts and adequate cleavage only wearing a cut-away ?T' shirt, andsaying that she wanted to see me in private and show me her records knowingthat would help me understand her, for my own records.

At room 24 Carmel stopped and opened her bag taking out her keys, Saying, ?We'rehere? it was a grubby hallway with a dirty door. The latchkey looked well used,and knowing her profession, I knew I was right. She inserted the key into thelock and half a turn to the left and the door was open. She quickly steppedinside into the unlit space; I waited for her to put on a light but she juststood there and said, ?Come in Miss Roberts?.

I took the few steps and I was over the threshold of her apartment, she shutthe door quickly and whilst we were still in the dark she locked it. Then sheswitched on the lights they were very bright, I thought why have 3 bright spotlightsin the hall. Before I had time to focus my eyes Carmel was standing only inchesaway from me, she reached forward and with a hand on each shoulder pushed meup against the wall in her hallway. Then she stepped back and quickly tookhold of the ?T' shirt that she was wearing in both hands and without hesitationpulled it over her head. Standing there with her breasts exposed, they lookedfantastic they were just as I had imagined them; a perfect form beautifullytopped with dark areolas crowned with dark brown small hard nipples. Her skinshone in the bright light. She caressed and fondled them pinching the nipplesvery gently they soon became harder. She then spoke as I gazed wide-eyed ather action, she knew what I was thinking, by saying.

?Well Miss Roberts are they as good as you have been imagining? she asked.Then she undid her skirt a button at the waist and it too was discarded tothe floor, she slowly turned showing me her perfectly formed rear it lookedfirm and her cleft looked very tight. Before I could speak, Carmel took mybriefcase out of my hands, and placed it on the floor. Then she took hold ofmy hands and raised them to her breasts and said, ?Go on Miss Roberts havea feel; you know you want to? my fingers touched her smooth tender young skin,as soon as I did she sighed and told me that it felt good and that she hadbeen longing for my touch for suck a long time. She let go and I began caressingher breasts on my own volition, my finger tips enjoyed this new sensation. ?Pinchmy nipples I love that Miss Roberts? she said.

I gently stroked her perfect globes and did as she said, the thrill was tremendousas I felt her nipples react to the pressure of my pinch. ?Yes Miss Robertsnow squeeze my arse feel how firm it is?. She leaned against me to make iteasier for me to reach around and feel her rear, she was right it was excellent.

Then she took hold of me by my shoulders once again and held me against thewall, then to my utter shock she kissed me full on my lips, her tongue forcingmy lips apart and then began flicking at my tongue tip. This was darting inand out; I could feel her firm breasts against mine as she did. Her right handfondled and caressed my left breast, through my jacket and bra; this was trulya remarkable and new feeling. Being so close to this gorgeous beauty for thefirst time, I could smell her cheap perfume, and taste her lipstick too. Iclosed my eyes enjoying the sensation this young woman was producing in mypussy.

My skin was alive I could feel the colour rush to my cheeks, and goose pimplestingling over my flesh ever hair on my body was showing its approval.

She broke off the kiss, leaving me gasping for breathe and my whole body tingling,then said, ?You taste fucking marvellous Miss Roberts, did you enjoy that.Tell me you did and your tits are nice and firm too?, adding, ?Not as big asmine, now tell me what you think of mine?

On hearing her using the ?F' word sent a shiver through me as I began to tellher. ?Well I did?.? I began to say in a flustered manner. She interrupted meand said, ?I know you did by looking at your tit ends standing out? while shespoke she took hold of the lapels on my jacket top and gently pulled them towardsher and apart at the same time; she leaned forward and peeked in.

She then asked, ?Mind if I have a look at your underwear? Adding, ?You don'tmind do you? still in shock I did nothing to stop her nibble fingers. Withthat she quickly grabbed at my jacket buttons and began to undo them, firstthe top one then the lower one. She quickly parted it and with her right hand,she went straight for my left nipple, which was standing erect and could beclearly seen through the silk material of my bra.

She caught hold of it and squeezed it quite hard, and twisted it to her rightthe pain was intense and I did a sharp in-take of breath and my eyes rolledwith delight. To my surprise I really enjoyed this exquisite new feeling, Ifocused my eyes on Carmel's face to see it change from quizzical to pure delightwith a widening smile showing her brilliant white teeth she said, ?My oh MyMiss Roberts this I didn't expect? You of all people to LIKE pain! Fuckinggreat?

She twisted my nipple and squeezed it harder with enthusiasm; I moaned inpain and pleasure at the same time. Then Carmel said, ?Well if you enjoy itlets see how you like this?. This rhetorical question from her needed no answer.

With that she raised her left hand and pushed my jacket off my left shoulder,and then the right side was pushed off too. I put my hands up to protest ratherweakly it was then that she twisted my left nipple even more and said, ?Handsdown at your sides and up on your toes?.

I let out a controlled whimper as I once again winched in pain and delight,my whole body came alive at her domineering touch, instantly put my hands downand asked her, ?What? as she spoke her left hand index finger was hooking mybra strap and that too was gently pulled off my shoulder. Her finger tracedthe outline of lace until her fingers where touching the bare flesh of my rightbreast. Still with a firm grip on my left nipple, she slowly exposed my rightbreast areoles and nipple, which was rock hard to her gaze, and her grasp,which she grabbed instantly.

Now with a firm grip on this one, once again the absolute delight as she squeezedand twisted the nipple at her mercy, she released my left nipple and told me, ?Isaid, on your toes Miss Roberts? adding, ?You sure like this pain thing, mindyou most of my clients love me being the boss and hurting them?. I began tocomply. ?You know something Miss Roberts I've decided you should be fuckingstarkers, not a fucking stitch on, stark fucking bullock naked in this grubbyhall?. On hearing her words I was first afraid and nervous at being talkedto like that, but I became sexually aware my juices were flowing; it didn'tsink in at the time that she wanted me naked here and now. ?What!!! Carmelnaked, not here in the hall surely we could go into a room where we could bemore comfortable?. I told her. ?No Miss Roberts you will strip here and now,and if you're good I'll lick your pussy like the pro I am? I went weak in theknees at hearing that she would lick my pussy my boyfriend really didn't likedoing that for me.

So I just nodded my agreement. Then she told me to slip my jacket off my armsand let it fall on the floor, the thought of me standing in her brightly lithall just wearing my bra and skirt suspender-belt and stockings and shoes.Was a thrill and also unnerving, I knew that this was giving a thrill to Carmeltoo. Now with my jacket off and my arms back at my sides, Carmel said, ?Youdon't mind if I look at your bare tits do you Miss Roberts?. Before I couldprotest not that I wanted too, she released my sore nipple for a moment andpulled down my bra to my waist exposing both my breasts to her gaze, my suntannedbody made the white on my breasts crowned with hard brown nipples look liketargets for her hands.

Without another word she grabbed at my breast and with a firm grip on my rightnipple, she leaned forward and sucked my left nipple into her mouth; this wasa totally new sensation unlike a man doing it. Then the pain started she wasbiting my nipple; she lifted and turned her head, pulled back her lips bearingher teeth which were clamped tightly on my nipple showing me as she grindedher teeth.

It was great! But painful, eventually I could stand no more so I screamedout loud.

Carmel released her grip of my right nipple, something was different I feltthe cool air around the top of my legs, I did not realise it until she releasedmy sore left nipple from her teeth. I looked down as the blood rushed backto my flattened nipple and the pain intensified. And then I felt her handsat my waist, she was pulling me away from the wall, I lifted my head my mindfilled with lust, when she pushed me back against the wall. She stepped backto admire her handiwork, ?matching underwear but old fashioned?. I looked downto see that she had removed my bra and undone my skirt, which was now aroundmy ankles. I was standing there only wearing my pants, suspender-belt stockingsand shoes.

Shocked and as a reflex I bent down to retrieve my skirt, but Carmel pulledme forward and off balance so that I was now facing the opposite wall. On steppingforward I stepped out of my skirt which was crumpled on the floor at my feet. ?Nonot yet I want to do something that I'm sure you will like but first you haveto get fucking naked?.

?Turn and face the far door for I want to see you fully in the light? I lookedto the way she was pointing and turned. ?My your tits are something else, firmand I just love the way those nipples point up to the ceiling? she commented.

Adding, ?And that arse is firm round and looks good enough to eat, I'll betyou'd like me to eat it?, ?Or would you like it beating, spanking or perhapsyou would like something else? she asked.

I replied, anything you want to do?

?I knew you would? she said.

?Now put your hands behind your neck and do a complete turn very slowly MissRoberts?.

While I was doing as she told, she praised my body all the time, Saying, ?YesMiss Roberts your body is just right, just fucking right for me?. ?Stop? sheordered, I now had my back to that far door. Without warning she pulled downmy panties exposing my backside for a moment, I started to react but stoppedwhen she shouted. ?Don't fucking move until I tell you to?. Then she caressed,fondled and squeezed it for several minutes, after pulling them back up shetold me to continue.

Back facing the wall she said, put yours hands on the wall above your head,and spread your legs Miss Roberts? I did as she told me the tingle was likeelectric. ?But first, answer my questions. ?How old are you? she asked as shepulled and gathered the material of my panties into the cleft between my cheeksthen she fondled and caressed the cheeks of my now bare backside.

?28yrs I told her?. ?Do you like me touching your arse, it feels great I havewanted to do this for ages? she told me. Some of my clients are older thanyou, but my girls are younger than me?

I told her that I liked her touching me. She came close to my right side andtold me to turn and look at her. I did, and then she told me say it louderand to call her Mistress Carmel?. ?I like you touching me Mistress Carmel?. ?Sheparted my cheeks and to my surprise touched my anus with her finger; I flinchedand clenched my cheeks together. She removed her finger, laughed, with herleft hand squeezed, and dug her nails into my left breast.

I winched again in both pain and pleasure. ?You like that don't you? she asked.I had to admit to her that, ?Yes? I did. ?Yes what Miss Roberts? ?I like thepain Mistress Carmel? I told her. She laughed again. ?I'll bet that you wouldlike to be tied-up beaten and have all your holes fucked?.

She then asked, ?Have you ever been tied up and beaten? I replied, ?No MistressCarmel?.

?Have you ever been fucked in the arse by a man?. I blushed a crimson colourand was grateful she couldn't see, ?NO most certainly NOT? I told her indignantly.

She squeezed my breast even harder and asked, ?Have you ever been in bed witha girl, or woman?. ?No Mistress Carmel? I told her.

?Have you ever been fucked in the arse by a woman?. ?The answer to that isdefinitely NO too? I told her. ?Well Miss Roberts I will want to see you fuckedin your arse before the week is out, what is your answer to that?. Her nailsfilled my mind with pain and delight, when I said, ?You can Fuck my arse MistressCarmel?. What had I just said???

With that her finger was at my anus once again, her words rang around my head. ?Beingtied-up, hurt, and abused'. and a shiver went down my spine at the thoughtof her saying those words, the way she did. Her finger circled my puckeredanus as she whispered into my ear. ?I want to finger your arsehole hole nowMiss Roberts, just for a moment can I?.

Her nails were digging into my breast as she squeezed harder, whilst her fingerplayed at the opening of my anus. Not being able to control myself any longerblurted out, ?DO IT, and do it now? I was shocked at what I had just askedher to do.

?Do what! tell me make it clear? she instructed.

?Put a finger up my anus? I told her.

?You mean your arsehole, don't you? she whispered.

?Yes, put a finger up my arsehole Mistress Carmel? I said in a disjointedvoice.


However, I was surprised how easily her finger slipped into my anus it feltstrange and remote as her thin finger entered my forbidden entrance. Once hersecond knuckle was inside she began to rotate it slightly as she worked itin and out at the same time, this was both uncomfortable and exciting at thesame time. She then asked, ?How does it feel to have my finger up your arsehole? adding ?Itold you that you would be fucked here before the week was out, not expectingyou to submit to have it done now you're an eager sex slut bitch Miss Roberts?

I told her the truth ?That it hurt a little but was exciting the way she didit?. She removed her finger. And said, ?You can have more of that later, agood arse fuck will bring you to your real self?.

Then I felt her bare breasts against my back and her right hand cupping myright breast. Then she leaned, kissed my neck, and asked, ?Are you meant tosee your boyfriend tonight??

I replied, ?Yes?

?Well I don't want you to and this will make sure you don't?. Then with thatshe slapped my right cheek very hard with her bare and open hand; it landedwith a loud crack. It stung and within seconds began to burn, I yelled outin pain. The shock caused me to thrust my hips forward and bang my pubic boneon the wall facing me. Though she was right I did like it, and then came anotheron the left cheek. She did not give me time to recover for she pulled me backwardsso that I was now back against the wall where I had been before. She told methat explaining to your boyfriend how you got spanked would be impossible.

?Do you shave Miss Roberts can I find out? without waiting for my answer,which would have been NO, she advanced knelt and roughly pulled down panties,exposing my dark full mound of my pubic hair. ?Oh I see you don't but I willchange that and you won't mind will you?.

?No Mistress Carmel?

I thought I would mind and I won't let her do that, and standing here in thehall there was no chance of that happening anyway.

Then she ordered me to undo my suspenders and suspender-belt. She gesturedand I willingly stepped out of my panties and whilst there she removed my stockingsand shoes at the same time. ?Your pussy looks nice and pretty but far too muchhair?. Adding, ?My you do look strange standing naked in my hallway like abitch on heat, do you want me to fuck your pussy?. There she was again on aboutmy pubic hair, and she was right I did feel strange being naked and randy ashell and at her mercy.

Without much ado she thrust her fingers into my soaking wet pussy, I nearlyhad an orgasm on the spot. ?My Miss Roberts you're fucking drenched down herein your nice tight little cunt?. ?Did you like being slapped on your arse tellme Miss Roberts?. I tried to say no but I said, ?Yes?. ?I thought so, if youwant me to carry on fingering your cunt then step forward turn to your rightand bend over for I want to give you two more now on your bare arse?.

I did without question for I wanted her to indulge in my fantasy and masturbateme. I knew that she would hit me harder, and this time I was ready and waiting,she slapped me hard once again on both cheeks. The slap echoed around the hallit seemed louder than before, and it hurt even more too. ?My you took themtoo well, that means I have to give you 4 more or until you cry out for meto stop? Whack!, Whack! Whack!, Whack! I lost my balance and I had to yell, ?Pleasestop Mistress Carmel I can't take anymore?.

?Good Miss Roberts you're leaning?

With my cheeks on fire, she ordered me to stand up and began fingering mypussy whilst sucking my left nipple. I had multiple orgasms whilst up againstthe wall; I stood there exhausted and drained. ?Before I go lick my fingersclean of all your cunt juices? she said, offering the fingers of her righthand. I took hold of her hand and eagerly sucked and licked each finger; thiswas the first time that I had ever tasted my love juices. I had sucked my boyfriendoff but never let him cum in my mouth.

When she was satisfied with my efforts, Carmel put on her ?T' shirt and skirtand told me to get dressed and leave when I had for she had to go. What hadI just done!! What had I allowed Carmel to do, I felt ashamed and dirty, lookedat my bottom she really had marked it and I could feel the marks, imprintsleft by her blows. I dressed as quickly as I could and left, my legs shakingafter so many orgasms, my rear stinging like hell. She was right how couldI explain this to my boyfriend there was no way it was self inflicted.

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My name is Vidya. I am 30 years old now. Happily married and living in Pune along with my husband, Nitesh. I stand 5’7″ tall and have stats 36C-28-38. I have a voluptuous figure with two big melon-sized boobs and a jaw-dropping ass. People say I have a pretty face that looks as innocent as a baby but the figure of a sultry seductress. I was born and brought up in Bangalore. After graduation, I got a job as a receptionist in an MNC in Bangalore. One day, I was working at the front desk of...

2 years ago
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The Office

Introduction: Once again my fantasies are flowing! Your comments are very gratefully received, if you do vote negatively please comment why. Thank you for all your encouragement so far! I am mid thirties, tall, slim, large breasts, short brown hair. I manage an office of giddy sexually inexperienced young girls. They drive me mad, not only their attitude to work but their attitude to sex. They shag any boy they find, they giggle and tell each other about their sexual exploits on the previous...

2 years ago
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FUCKING AUNTY IN MY OFFICE After years of practicing law I started my own firm on the high street, employing a number of staff. A few years back a friend of my father came in for some legal advice and help so he could bring his wife from bangladesh and make her a British citizen. I had assisted him in carrying all the immigration procedures and even traveling with him back to Bangladesh to further assist her. That was the first time I met her. I called her “chachee” and introduced myself to her...

2 years ago
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QuadrupletsChapter 10 Jerome Addresses Security Wilkinson Arrested Attack on Office

Anthony said that he would call in all non critical security for a meeting. He said it should take about fifteen minutes. Chloe and Adriana came over and sat next to the desk as I rolled out the map. Looking at the map I saw the exact properties we needed to purchase, but we still needed to go and look. I asked them what they thought. Adriana pointed at the eleven landing pads and asked what these were. I told her they supported the other club. Touching the map I indicated that these ten...

4 years ago
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Reaching 4 Back in the office

Work was almost impossible.  I wondered walking into work the next Monday what it would be like.  I had seen Sara and Kayla almost daily for years now.  I had always thought of seeing them at work.  They always dressed very nice, on the verge of being too revealing for work without quite crossing the line.  They had triggered my imagination before, but now I didn’t know how I could possibly concentrate around them.  After they left our party, my wife and I spent the rest of the weekend first...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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A Very Naughty Girl Misbehaves in the Office

It’s not exactly a small building, with forty-two floors of offices. The James and Neville Law Company spans seven of these floors with each floor consisting of offices overlooking the city and a central pool of people providing administration and research tucked away on the inside. There are perhaps twenty to thirty people per floor; so a big workforce in total.Melissa is an office administrator, a clerk that helps one of the departments run smoothly, as she puts it. She is efficient, always...

Office Sex
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No Arrest From This Police Officer

This is a true story from when I was 30. My name is Sam. I'm 6'1", 165, and uncut. I love watching and cruising around bathrooms. Watching guys take a piss, jerk off, and check other guys out has always turned me on. I loved to stop at rest stops/rest areas when I traveled. This day was no exception. As I was traveling through several states on my way to New York, I stopped at several rest areas. This stop had my favorite setup. The urinals were all on one wall and there were no dividers...

2 years ago
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Step Into My Office

Step Into My Office By Cal Y. Pygia All right, I admit it. I was an idiot. I never should have worn the butt plug--if "worn" is the right word--in the first place, especially not to work, but I couldn't help myself. Okay, I guess I could have helped myself; nobody forced me to insert a plug up my ass. It's just that, ever since Hermie left me for (of all things) a genetic girl, I've felt lonely--and horny. I guess my self- esteem was at an ebb, too--I mean, losing a guy to a...

4 years ago
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Morale Officer

"Morale Officer" by Jennifer Brock On a spaceship in the near future, a situation arises that requires an innovative solution. The Monongah hung in space like a giant 10-penny nail. She was an asteroid mining ship for the AsterOre Mining Corporation. At one end was a disk 150 meters in diameter, inside of which was a ring of rooms that spun to simulate gravity. This is where most of the crew cabins and workspaces were located. At the other end of the 800-meter...

3 years ago
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Mona Joins My Office

When she came to our office all the boys were floored. And probably the girls were either jealous or scornful of her. To say that she was sexy would have been an insult to her. She was smoldering, the way she moved, she carried herself and the way she dressed. She was wearing a plain white semi-transparent chiffon top, and a body hugging jeans. The top was a sleeveless affair displaying her clean bare arms. It was well cut and stuck to her body accentuating her curves. A normal collar front...

1 year ago
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Sexy Office

It was one of the days in the office when nothing much was happening. So most of us browsed the web, checked our mail and soon had nothing left to do. The boss knew that not much is going to happen that day so she decided to give the office the day off. We jumped for joy but mine was soon shot down as I was to hold the fort that day JUST IN CASE. What the fuck???? I was so pissed off. Being reasonably senior, I couldn’t protest and resigned to watch every one pack up and leave. The parking lot...

2 years ago
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Can I See You In My Office

“Any questions so far?” Bill asked, his hand on the nape of the new girl he had shown around the office. He had penetrated the veil of her shoulder-length, light brown hair so casually that Abby had been too shy to shy away. Simply hunching did not get the message across. “I’m OK so far,” she stuttered, convincing herself that maybe she was the one who needed to adapt to typical, friendly, office touching. If Bill thought two minutes was an appropriate amount of time to painstakingly apply a...

3 years ago
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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 14 Therersquos no office like the Home Office

The trip back home was luxurious but uneventful. I had taken Caroline out to dinner for our last night in Doha, after an afternoon spent in Souq Waqif. I liked it there, because even though it was rather sanitized, there was more than enough to see, smell and taste. Sure, one or two of these hole in the wall shops sold the inevitable Gucci handbags, but it was actually fun to learn from Caroline how to spot fake goods. “Take this GG canvas horse bit hobo bag,” she said, while the salesman...

1 year ago
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Surprise Visit By PO Officers

This is a true story and its unfortunate that it is. It was end of July and on a saturday when my parents went out of town for a church conference. Me and my girlfriend of 8 months decided to hang out at my house. Me and my girlfriend are of indian decent and live in Long Island, New York. I am 26 years old and my girlfriend is 23 years old. Let me describe my girlfriend. She is about 5’7 and has light complexion, but tan on her arms and on her chest from the summer. She has long killer legs...

Cheating Wifes
1 year ago
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Jess And The Police Officer

Jess is sitting at home bored with nothing to do and is quite hungry but doesn’t feel like cooking. She is 20yrs old about 5”4 with straight blonde hair 14DD bust and a little bit chubby bluey greeny eyes and is quite shy but inside her is a horny beast waiting to escape. She decides to drive into the city to find a nice restaurant too eat at. Jess walks outside and gets in her car. As she walks out a light chilly breeze blows past her making her nipples harden under her top slightly and blows...

1 year ago
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Not a normal day at the office

This happend a good few weeks ago but its been going over in my mind quite alot of late, so i thorght i would write it down.just like ever other day i went to the office as normal, i parked my car in its normal spot and headed into the building. in the lift there was a women i had not seen before so i smiled and said hi she looked at me and smiled and said hi back, she was a dark haired women in here 40's dressed in a black top with a red blouse and long skirt, and red shoes as far as i know i...

2 years ago
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The Remote Office

Frank was recently hired on by the company as a Desktop Support Technician. His job was to help the personnel with computer problems varying from network issues to printing problems. He was there about two weeks when they had received a phone call from their remote office. "George, you over there?" "Yeah, Bob, what's up"? "Gina just called from the remote office. Network connectivity is down again." "Dammit. Bob, head out there and call me when you get there." "No can do George....

2 years ago
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Wife catches her husband in a compromising position in his office

“I don’t understand,” said Lori. “You get excited by thinking about watching me have sex with someone else, but you would be devastated if it ever happened.” “I didn’t say it made sense,” said Edwin. They were covered with sweat and lying next to each other after one of their athletic lovemaking sessions. Even though they were exhausted and knew they were finished for the night, they both didn’t want to give up yet. Whenever this happened,...

3 years ago
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The Office

The Office.   Before you read this, it isn’t a stroke story as such. A story with sex in it yes, but not a quick fire wham bam. Thought it best to let you know.   The players: Stella was a bitch, pure and simple, a statement of irrefutable fact. Somehow, in her twelve years working at the small Accountancy practice, she had charmed, or perhaps bullied the senior partner into making her the Office Manager. She was the archetype of the Office Manageress. Quite tall, at around six foot, as...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Busty Colleague In Office

Hi sex cravers, this is Varun again. I appreciate your comments in my mail and thanks for the likes on my stories. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. I’m open for sex chats so ladies start pressing keys on your phone to my hangouts inbox. Story is about my busty colleague Anusha who joined recently. There is a girl at my workplace who I sort of had a crush on. She was not that great. I mean she was fair but doesn’t have an...

1 year ago
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Overtime at the Office

This is a rough draft of my newest erotic short story - Overtime at the Office. It is a sequel to my first story, A Limo Ride to Remember, which can be read elsewhere on the internet, and continues the relationship between Brittany and Jordan. Hope you like it :)*******************As another day comes to an end, the sounds of the office die down with the setting of the November sun. What normally is the whirring ambience of printers, fax machines, and telephones becomes the usual hallway...

1 year ago
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Human Relations Officer

I took this job because it was in the city and it would give me a chance to find an apartment and move out on my husband, who hasn't touched me in over two years. I finally got to the point I was tired of being his maid, for absolutely no benefits and this company was perfect. It is an Architectural Design and Engineering Company with only four people employed there. Three men and one woman, the owner, his daughter who is an architect, the younger man who was also an architect and the third man...

Group Sex
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Evening In The Office

The normal workday had finished and I gladly filed away the tedious paperwork that I had been toiling with over the past few hours. Knowing that I wasn’t going to depart for a number of hours, I went to the common tea room and made myself a cup of coffee.Back in my office, I sat back, sipped my coffee and contemplated my plan for the next hour and a half before the evening students started to arrive. By now, the building had emptied of the usual complement of tutors and students, and so I knew...

2 years ago
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Office Colleague Fucked In The Office

This is Ajay from Chennai. This sex story is a real incident which happened in 2008. Share your feedbacks at This happened when I was 18 years old. I joined the evening college and I wanted a job to cover my pocket money. That is a very small firm and it was put up in Guindy. So I got to know about Madhu in a week of time after joining the office. She was 5 years elder to me and I called her sister. She was also very happy about the relationship and we went out for coffee breaks and lunch...

1 year ago
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Overtime at the Office

This is a rough draft of my latest erotic short story. It is a sequel to my first story, A Limo Ride to Remember, which can be read on Literotica, and continues the relationship between Brittany and Jordan, one year later. I will upload the final draft on Literotica.********As another day comes to an end, the sounds of the office die down with the setting of the November sun. What normally is the whirring ambience of printers, fax machines, and telephones becomes the usual hallway chatter of...

1 year ago
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Wife at office

My said the other day to me that one of her fantasies was me fucking her on her work desk. My wife is a financial manager at an IT company. She’s got a nice big office with a big table. I imagined the situation and liked it very much. So one evening after work, she phoned me and told me to come to her work. I arrived there and some of the other workers were still there. I could see in her eyes that she was very horny and she told me to be patient till the other people left. After about 30min...

3 years ago
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Group Peeing AfterHours in the Office

The end-of-day buzzer had sounded yet there were those who had decided to stop behind for some naughty fun. For one, however, her plans for a long satisfying piss over the attic floor had been put on hold, for as Gabriella had rounded the stairwell doorway she had discovered a semi-naked Zara, squatting over the top step, and with a flowing torrent of hot pee flowing from the base of her curly-haired muff.‘Sorry,’ Zara shouted down over the hiss and patter her flowing toilet was making as her...

4 years ago
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Kims First Day At The Office

( Part 2 of Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge) By rutger5 (An original story - copyright 2011) Kim’s hand shut off the water but she continued to stand there for a moment in the shower as the water dripped from her body. Finally she opened the door to the stall and lifted the fluffy towel which hung from the nearby rack. Toweling herself off first she then stepped...

4 years ago
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The Office

I work in a IT office where people are coming and going anywhere from 6 am to 9 pm even though the office hours are 8 – 5 and mostly guys.   Out of 50ish people there are only 7 women working in the office but most of them are younger good looking guys considering I work in a male oriented business. Some of the guys even come in on the weekends or stay late weekdays to play poker, Wii, or have land parties.     I work in the accounting department so at year end I have a lot of overtime.  ...

2 years ago
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A Hard Day at the Office

I can’t wait for this day to be over with. If I have to sit here and listen to one more person complain about their problems, I might just scream. I mean I know it’s my job and everything as a counselor, but I don’t have it in me today. That doesn’t make me a bad person, right? Sometimes you just have an off day, and today I’m way off. I guess that’s why I barely notice that time is up as my current client just keeps droning on. Shaking myself from my daze, I close out the session. At least I...

4 years ago
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The Headmasters Office

It’s after midnight and I’m writing this by torchlight under the covers of my bed, holding an ice pack between my legs. I can’t stop thinking about what happened after school today; hopefully writing this down will let me clear my mind and get some sleep. If anyone is reading, I don’t expect you to believe it, but I swear every word is true. ~~~ I’m in my final year at a posh boarding school in Sydney. It’s pretty cool in an old-world sort of way; as well as the normal business, science and...

First Time
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Sexual Tension And Relief In The Office i fucked here for 50k so interested men contact hereComing to her,26 yrs old, hiding her real name for obvious reasons, Reeti, damn! I had never thought I would ever get to have that kinda ass! Super round, she had pretty luscious love handles visible over shirts. Her ass made a huge curve, curly hairs, round medium boobs. She was a big time slut but in a very subtle way.So this was my first day in the new office. Having this physique, I dress perfectly in...

4 years ago
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Arresting Officer

I was lounging on the couch in my media room, watching NASCAR on the big screen. There was a commercial on right now, and my mind was wandering. A knock on the front door brought me back to reality. As I approached the front door, I heard a radio squak outside. I tried to peek through the sidelight glass, but it was frosted, so all I could see was a shadowy form close to the door, and a flashing coloured light in the background. Police? Why? I cautiously opened the door. The officer had his...

3 years ago
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The Office

I work in a IT office where people are coming and going anywhere from 6 am to 9 pm even though the office hours are 8 – 5 and mostly guys. Out of 50ish people there are only 7 women working in the office but most of them are younger good looking guys considering I work in a male oriented business. Some of the guys even come in on the weekends or stay late weekdays to play poker, Wii, or have land parties. I work in the accounting department so at year end I have a lot of overtime. I...

3 years ago
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Love Session With Married Colleague Of My Office

Hi Readers, I am Navi back again with my Third story (real sex story), Thanks for liking my earlier stories – Awesome paying guest service and First experience of sex in teenage with my MAM.So this story is how I had love session with one of the colleagues working in a different department. Her name is Archita Roy and she is Bengali girl, her height would be 5’3”, figure-32, 32, 30 most of the time she wore a suit and she was really attractive. She avoids makeover as she was born beautiful and...

2 years ago
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Kinky Threesome in the Office

Every time we had sex in my office, our lust for one another grew. At first we were afraid at getting caught but then we started to take more chances. Cathy and I couldn't hold back.Last week, we had a fairly easy shift together and Cathy found herself down in my office for a one-on-one "staff meeting." We just don't get down and dirty right away but instead get acquainted through deep kissing. Cathy's lips are so soft and I love kissing her more than any woman I've ever met. Only a few seconds...

3 years ago
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Just another day at the office

Kristen was not having as much fun around the office as she usually did that morning. She was beautiful and petite, with nice C cup breasts and a tiny little waist, and she had a full ass which she wiggled and swayed as she walked. Every man in her office had noticed her at one point. She swanned in each morning with her long blonde hair wearing the most revealing yet sophisticated outfits she could find. Today was no exception. She was wearing black stiletto heels and cream tights with a...

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Fucked accountant in office

Jagat (name changed) and 38yrs married regular reader of this site and today I like to let you know my real life story at my office in Patna . Also I’m not good writer so if any wrong in my wording please ignore this. Dear friends this is a story which happened with me about a month back with Shephali (name changed here but something like that) my accountant. Let me tell she was abt 27 yrs and 5ft 5” tall with sexy personality of 364 C. This happened after she joined my office abt 4 months...

1 year ago
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The Office

I work in a IT office where people are coming and going anywhere from 6 am to 9 pm even though the office hours are 8 – 5 and mostly guys.   Out of 50ish people there are only 7 women working in the office but most of them are younger good looking guys considering I work in a male oriented business. Some of the guys even come in on the weekends or stay late weekdays to play poker, Wii, or have land parties.     I work in the accounting department so at year end I have a lot...

Group Sex

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