Probation Violation free porn video

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Probation Violation


Margaret Falls loved her job. She had been a probation officer withthe county for 5 years as of May and she could see herself retiring as aprobation officer. What wasn't to love about the position? The job gave Margarettotal power over the men and women who came under her care. With the simpleflick of a pen she could send someone away to prison for years. Yep. Youhad best not violate your probation terms with Margaret at the helm. Mercywas a word with no meaning to her. Margaret was particularly hard on herfemale probationers. You see, Margaret wasn't exactly a beauty. She was ashort woman but very round. Fat wasn't a word she liked to use. She preferred ?slightlylarge for her height?. Margaret stood 5'4? and weighed a ?slightly large? 235lbs. She liked to dress plainly. A simple blouse and knee length skirt seemedto do just fine. Margaret kept her hair short as well... no time to wasteon fixing your hair in the morning. A wash and quick towel dry was good enough.Margaret was, after all, a practical woman. She was aware that she wasn'tattractive to men. She acted as if it didn't bother her but in the back ofher mind she resented her appearance. This was the reason Margaret was harderon her female probationers than her male clients. You see, Margaret justcouldn't stand the sight of a pretty girl. The ?young tarts and vixens? (asshe liked to say) made her positively sick. Girls these days dressed wayto provocatively. Worse yet, most of them were plain out sluts. Nothing madeMargaret angrier than a slut. Today she had an appointment with just sucha slut...Kimberly Johnson. Kimberly was 19 years old and had been bustedfor shop lifting. She swore she had been framed but Margaret wasn't buyingit. Nope. Kimberly was a slut and today she was going to get her comeuppance.In Margaret's pudgy hands she held the latest drug test results for KimberlyJohnson and it appeared little Kimmy had been smoking some dope recently.Margaret couldn't have been happier.


Kim Johnson was nervous. As she pulled into the parking lot in frontof the Sub Courthouse she strained to recall when exactly she had smokedthat joint with her boyfriend. Normally, Kim didn't do any type of drugsbut several weeks ago her boyfriend, Jeff, had convinced her to take a coupleof drags off a marijuana cigarette at a party they were attending. Kim hadchastised herself repeatedly for making such a mistake. She knew her probationofficer could ask her to take a random drug test at any time but Kim hadgambled that she could get away with a couple of puffs. She was stunned whenthat bitch, Officer Falls, had called and told her to report to the clinicfor a urine test. Kim only hoped that a couple of short puffs wouldn't showup. Darn that Jeff for making her smoke pot! Now, the hour was upon her.She was meeting with Officer Falls for her monthly appointment at 1:00 PM. Please...please...please let the drug test come back negative! Kim pulled into the parkingspot and turned off the ignition. She turned the mirror so she could fixher long brown hair. She was a pretty girl. 5'3? and positively stunning.Her long dark hair complemented her brown eyes. She had a tight stomach withan adorable little belly button. Her breasts were large but not over big(?a good handful? Jeff liked to say). By far her best feature was her ass.Her butt was tight you could bounce a coin off it. Kim workedout daily. She knew she was a knockout and liked to stay in shape. Reachinginto her purse, she pulled out the breath freshener and sprayed some intoher mouth. She leaned back in the seat and thought again about what an unjustworld she lived in. A little over a year ago she had been convicted of acrime she didn't commit but she had been unwilling to rat out her childhoodfriend who had actually stolen the makeup from the department store. Kimconsidered herself a loyal friend but this was stretching her limits. Tothink Kimberly Johnson, a straight A student from a good family should haveto be serving a two year probation period for something she didn't even domade her want to cry. She bit her bottom lip and calling up all her strengthstepped out of her car and headed towards the courthouse.


Kim walked through the front door and signed in. She took the monthlyreport sheet and sat down in the lobby to wait her turn with Officer Falls.Kim had never liked Officer Falls. Something about the way the woman lookedat her made her uncomfortable. Although Officer Falls had never said anythingout of the ordinary Kim was certain the fat bitch didn't like her. Somethingwas wrong with Officer Falls...something about her eyes...her eyes neversmiled. Her gaze seemed to burn into Kim. A slight shudder escaped from Kimas the intercom buzzed announcing she should proceed to Officer Falls' office.


Margaret watched Kimberly Johnson as she entered the office. Whata slut. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a short shirt, which revealedway to much stomach. Girls these days just have no pride. Margarettapped her pen impatiently on the desk and indicated a chair for Kimberlyto sit.

?Well Miss Johnson, I see you've had an eventful month.?

Kim wasn't sure what to say. ?Yeah, I guess. What do you mean??

Margaret enjoyed Kim's nervousness. It was exactly what she had intended. ?Well,according to your lab results it appears you've been consuming some illegalsubstances.?

Kim was flabbergasted. ?Er...what do you mean? I mean I haven't doneanything illegal. What are you talking about??

Margaret leaned back in her seat. The creaking of her swivel chairwas the only sound.

?Officer Falls, I'm not sure what you're talking about.?, Kim ventured.

Margaret nodded her head slowly. Shuffling some papers on her desk,Margaret leaned forward. ?Don't play stupid with me Ms. Johnson. These labresults don't lie. Are you aware I could recommend your probation be revokedand you could be looking at 6 months in the county lock up?? Margaret satback and let the implication sink in. A slight smile crossed her lips.

Kim was crestfallen. ?Officer Falls...I...I only smoked a little bit.It was only one time... I swear!? Tears were starting to form in her eyes.Kim was scared. How could she do 6 months in jail? She had a job and a newapartment lease.

Margaret stood up and walked to the door of her office. She turnedthe lock and closed the blinds. Walking back towards the weeping Kim shepatted the girl reassuringly on the shoulder. ?There, there Ms. Johnson.Why are you crying? Haven't you ever heard the term ?don't do the crime ifyou can't do the time?'?

Kim was openly crying now. Tears streamed down her pretty cheeks. ?OfficerFalls, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Give me another chance. I swear I'llnever smoke pot again.?

?No. I'm afraid not Ms. Johnson. The law can't pick and choose whomto convict. What type of a world would we live in if the law weren't impartial?? Margaretwas standing behind Kim smiling at her earnest pleas for mercy. From hervantage point she could look right down Kim's shirt and see the ample cleavageshowing through the thin material. What a slut. Soon she would pay.

Margaret walked to her chair and sat down behind her desk. ?Ms. Johnson,this probation violation is a serious offence. By all rights I should sendyou away to repay your debt to society.? She smiled but there was no kindnessin her eyes. ?Perhaps there is a way to avoid this unfortunate circumstance.?

Kim looked up. Hopefully she asked, ?What way, Officer Falls??

?Well girl, your debt to society is a large one. First you have stolengoods from a respectable department store and now you have chosen to makeuse of a substance society deems to be dangerous.?

Kim sat with her head down continuing to sob. ?Please..Please OfficerFalls.?

Margaret was delighted. This was going better than planned. ?If Ichoose not to revoke your probation I shall have to punish you myself girl.Do you understand??

Kim looked up. Her moist brown eyes were pleading. ?Yes, Officer Falls.Please don't send me away.?

?Stand up girl.? The quick command shocked Kim. ?I'm going to askyou a series of questions. You will answer truthfully. If there is any hintof dishonesty the deal is off.?

Margaret smiled at Kim's frightened expression. Her eyes traveledup and down the girl's incredible body. The noted the firm breasts heavingwith the girl's sobs. She took in the tight well-muscled stomach revealedby the short cut top. She envied her long legs accented by her tight jeans.Finally, her eyes came to rest on Kim's large brown eyes...

Kim stood up slowly.

?Do you have a boyfriend??, Margaret asked.

?Yes.?, came the quick reply.

?What's his name??

?Jeff.? Kim was nervous.

Margaret leaned forward making notes on a sheet of paper. ?Do youfuck him??

Kim recoiled clutching her hands to her breasts. ?Wh...What??

?Do you fuck him girl? DO YOU HAVE SEX WITH JEFF??, Margaret raisedher voice.

?I suppose... well... I mean sometimes maybe.? Kim was frightenednow. She couldn't understand why Officer Falls would ask such personal questions.

?Do you masturbate??, Margaret looked at Kim intently.

?I don't know. I mean... yes sometimes.? Kim was crying again.

?How often do you masturbate girl?? Margaret was starting to havea good time with this slut. Soon the truth would come out.

?Once a week I guess...maybe.? Tears rolled down the pretty teenager'sface.

?Get undressed.?

The command stunned Kim. ?Wh..What??

?Take those slutty clothes off, bitch. I mean everything. Shirt. Pants.Sandals. Undergarments...get it all off.?, Margaret hissed.

?Why? I don't understand. Why do have to take off my clothes?? Kimwas beside herself.

?Because I said so girl. That should be good enough unless you wouldrather get undressed at the county jail when you're getting checked in.? Margaretreached into the drawer of her desk and took out a Polaroid camera.

Slowly, Kim began to unfasten her sandals. She removed them hesitatingly.Now, standing barefoot on the carpet she felt uncomfortable. Officer Fallsleaned back in her chair and motioned for Kim to continue. Kim lifted hershirt over her head revealing her white lacey bra. She heard a camera snapand saw the flash of the Polaroid. ?What are you doing? Please don't takepictures.?, Kim pleaded. Officer Falls responded by motioning for Kim totoss the shirt aside. ?Shut up, bitch. Get those tight ass jeans off andbe quick about it.?

Kim unbuttoned her jeans and began to lower them down her shapelythighs. As soon as her panties came into view she heard the camera flashingagain. Sobbing, Kim tossed her jeans onto the floor. Standing in front ofOfficer Falls in only her bra and panties Kim felt humiliated. Officer Fallswaved her hand. ?You're not done. Get it all off slut.?

Kim unfastened her bra and let it fall from her breasts. Droppingthe bra onto the floor she stood with her head down and shame swelling inher stomach.

Margaret's gaze swept over the helpless girl. She looked at her barelegs and shapely breasts. She noted Kim's hard nipples and admired her firmbelly and perfect navel. Margaret was particularly drawn to Kim's feet. Theywere so perfect. Margaret thought of her own feet and felt a new surge ofanger. ?Get the panties off, girl.?

Weeping, Kim lowered her lacey white panties. Slowly, her pubic moundcame into view. Again, she heard the camera flash. Dropping the panties ontothe pile of clothing, Kim stood totally nude in front of her probation officer.She looked at her feet. She couldn't bring herself to look at Officer Falls.The shame and humiliation of being naked in front of this woman was unbelievable.

?Take off the earrings and necklace, slut.?. Margaret was flush withpower. She watched as Kim did as commanded. Once the girl was completelynaked, Margaret snapped several frontal shots with the Polaroid before demandingKim turn around. ?Show me that tight ass, whore.? Kim turned slowly offeringher back to Officer Falls' flashing camera. The young girl's ass was perfect.Margaret wondered if she had ever been violated in that tight hole. Nevermind... Soon she would find out for sure...

Margaret smiled condescendingly at the nude teenager. ?Well Kimmy,I think you're do for a good spanking. You've been a very naughty littlegirl. Come here.? Margaret motioned the weeping teenager over her legs. Sheran her hands down Kim's back and firm butt. ?You'll receive ten strokes.Please count aloud.?

Kim felt shame. Her bare tummy lying across Officer Falls' legs wasstrange. She felt the hand strike her butt. The pain shot through her buttocks. ?Count!?,Officer Falls commanded.

?One!? , Kim wept.


The blows kept falling with Kim counting aloud in unison. After tenswats, Officer Falls leaned back. ?Stand up.? Kim did as requested. ?Putyour hands on top of your head.? Officer Falls snapped several more pictures. ?Turnaround.? Officer Falls took a couple of shots of Kim's bruised backside.

Kim watched as Officer Falls took out a manila folder and stapledthe Polaroid pictures to the inside jacket of the folder. Putting the folderin her briefcase Officer Falls commanded, ?Put on your jeans and shirt. Leavethe panties and bra off. No shoes either.?

Kim did as requested. She felt strange wearing only jeans and a teeshirt. Her bare feet were sensitive on the carpet and she wished she hadpanties to protect her from the rubbing of her jeans. Her butt hurt fromthe thrashing Officer Falls had given her.

Officer Falls placed Kim's sandals and underwear into a small brownbag. She picked up her briefcase and motioned Kim towards the door.

In the lobby, Officer Falls spoke briefly with the receptionist andpointed Kim towards the front exit.

As they walked through the parking lot, Margaret admired Kim's tightass. Oh yeah. She was certainly a slut. How many boys had their way withthat ass she wondered again? Margaret was revolted but also strangely intrigued.She smiled when she thought what she had in store for this little vixen.

?Get in the car.? Margaret pointed towards her Lexus. ?But... butmy car is over there...?, Kim pointed out. ?Fuck your car, bitch. Get in.? Margaretwas feeling angry. She slapped Kim on the ass as she opened the passengerside door. Pushing the frightened teenager into the seat, Margaret walkedaround to the driver's side.

On the highway, Margaret turned her attention to Kim. ?Unbutton yourjeans, whore.? Kim did as she was told. Her pants opened to reveal the softflesh below her navel. Margaret reached out and rudely pulled down Kim'szipper exposing her pubic patch. Reaching up, Margaret began to trace anoutline around Kim's belly button.

With her jeans opened and her probation officer touching her navel,Kim began to cry. ?Please stop.? Suddenly, Officer Falls grabbed Kim by thechin and shook her savagely. ?Shut up, whore. I?m calling the shots here.I will do whatever I wish, whenever I wish. Do you understand?? Margaretslapped Kim in the mouth. ?Do you understand??

?Ye..Yes.? Kim wiped tears from her eyes.

?Yes WHAT!? Margaret shot an evil glance at Kim.

?Yes, Ma'am.? Kim hung her head in shame.

Margaret resumed her fondling. ?Raise your shirt, whore.? Kim slowlycomplied. Margaret pinched Kim's nipples and cupped one of her breasts inher hand. ?Where do you live?? Kim was at a loss as to what to say. ?22BSycamore Street.? , Kim blurted out.

Pulling up in front of Kim's apartment, Margaret pulled the shirtdown over Kim's heaving breasts. ?Get out.?, Margaret demanded.

Kim stepped out of the car feeling the hot pavement on her bare feet.She began to button her pants but was stopped by a mean look from OfficerFalls. ?Don't bother, whore. They're coming off pretty soon anyway.?

Kim led her probation officer upstairs to her new apartment. Margaretwatched the girl's ass swaying as she went up the stairs in front of her.Once inside, Officer Falls pointed to the couch and Kim sat down. OfficerFalls walked towards the bedroom. ?When I come back, I want you completelyundressed and your clothes should be folded neatly.? Kim was shocked buta quick look from Officer Falls forced her to comply.

Sitting naked on her couch, Kim could hear Officer Falls opening drawersand rummaging through her room. Shortly, Officer Falls walked back into theliving room holding a skimpy bikini. ?What is this?? Kim was shocked. Thatbikini was a gag gift given to her by a friend. It was way too small andthe bottoms were nothing but a thong. She wouldn't be caught dead wearingsuch a swimsuit. ?That's a joke gift from a friend. I don't actually wearthose.? Kim was scared.

?You wear them now.? Margaret smiled. ?Put this on. Oh, and by theway... I think it's time to check the mail.?, Margaret grinned at the younggirl's frightened look.

?Who...What do you mean???? I can't wear that swimsuit outside!?,Kim was stunned.

?You can. And you will sweetie. Put it on and let's go check the mailbox.?

Kim put on the bikini. It was totally lewd. The top barely coveredher breasts and the bottoms were non-existent. The thong rode so far up hercrack that the total view of her ass was unencumbered.

Standing in front of her probation officer wearing the skimpy bikini,Kim felt mortified. ?All right sweetie, you go on down to the mail box andbring back the mail. I'm going to keep looking around your apartment andsee what else you?ve been hiding.? Margaret smiled at the almost nude girl. ?Hurryup, sweetie.? Margaret smiled again. ?You've got five minutes.?

Quickly, Kim ran down the stairs. She hurried past the office. Sofar, no one was in sight. When she reached the mailboxes she quickly lookedinside. Her butt was burning from the spanking and this repulsive swimsuitmade her feel almost naked!

It was then that she noticed the maintenance man. He was standingunder the cover of the pool shed and watching her with a burning interest....


Sam had been the maintenance man at The Overlook Apartments for 10years. He had seen a lot of pretty girls but Kim in apartment 22B was thebest looking girl he had ever seen. He used to watch her at the pool. Hehated how she always wore one piece bathing suits. That's why he was surprisedto se her wearing such a skimpy two piece at the mail boxes. Her stomachwas exactly as he imagined. It was tight and sexy. Her tits were firm andperfectly shaped. Her ass was a dream. Sam was in heaven. Were thosehandprints on her ass? Somebody's been spanking the little bitch! Samscratched his crotch. He watched as Kim ran from the mailboxes back to herapartment. Mmmm.... Sam thought about the last time the air filter had beenchanged in 22B. It had been a while. In fact it was over due...


Once she was back inside her apartment, Kim felt more comfortable.She had seen the maintenance man looking at her and felt afraid of his intentions.After all, he was ugly and bald. He was always flirting with her. Kim wasashamed to have shown herself in such an outrageous swimsuit but really shehad no choice. Handing the mail to Officer Falls she looked outside the windowand shivered.

Margaret looked through the letters and bills. Nothing interestinghere. Margaret looked up at Kim. ?Well, slut. It's time for your bath. Getundressed and into the tub. When you're done, I'll inspect you.? Margaretwatched as the sexy teenager walked towards the bathroom. She listened asthe water came on. Leaning back, she began to relax. This would be a goodweekend. ....


Was that the doorbell? Kim paused in the process of washing herself.There it was again.... Kim turned off the water. Slowly, she stepped outof the tub. Dripping wet, she grabbed the towel and wrapped it around herself.Walking quietly on bare feet, Kim approached the bathroom door. Opening thedoor, she peeked outside. Sitting on the couch she could see Sam, the maintenanceman. He was talking with Officer Falls. What was he doing here? Kim startedto retreat back into the bathroom when she noticed Officer Falls lookingat her.

?Kimmy! Are you done with your bath??, Officer Falls asked.

?No, ma'am.? Kim quickly closed the door. Within seconds a knock cameat the door. ?Kimmy, I don't hear the water running. Open up.?, Officer Fallsdemanded.


?No ma'am. I'm still getting cleaned up.?

?Open the door NOW!?

Kim was shocked at the loud voice. ?Please, ma'am. I'm not ready.Why is the maintenance man here?? Kim was terrified.

?This is your last chance. Open the door and come out here.?, Margaretwas impatient.

The bathroom door opened slowly. Kim walked out. Wearing only a towelshe looked very helpless.

?Come here.? Margaret was standing in the living room. Sam, the maintenanceman was sitting on the couch.

Kim dragged her bare feet over to Officer Falls.

?Kimmy, you know Sam don't you?? Margaret looked at Kim with unconcealedhatred.

?Yeah... no... I mean not really.? , said Kim meekly.

?She is such a shy girl to be such a slut.? Margaret laughed.

Sam couldn't believe what was happening. He had admired Kimberly fromafar but he never thought he would be sitting in her living room lookingat the pretty young teenager while she wore only a skimpy towel. ?A slut,huh??, Sam stammered.

?Yes. A complete slut. I need to inspect her after her bath. Do youcare to help?? Margaret didn't much care for Sam but Kimberly's frightenedreaction to him was priceless. Margaret observed how Kim couldn't look Samin the eye and kept clutching at her towel as if she were afraid Sam couldsee through the material.

?Come here Kimmy.?

Kim didn't like how her probation officer called her Kimmy. It soundedlike a little girl's name.

?Stop moping and get over here THIS INSTANT!? Margaret shouted.

Kim shuffled over to the couch. ?Lean down, girl.? Kim bent over.She could feel Sam's burning gaze on her bottom. Margaret ran her fingersthrough Kim's wet hair. ?What a tangled mess! Go fetch your brush so I cancomb this mess out!? Kim headed towards the bathroom. ?And leave that filthytowel here.?, Margaret ordered. Kim was shocked. Without her towel she wouldbe completely nude! She shot a glance at Sam and saw him smiling at her.

?But Ms. Falls, I'm not wearing anything underneath.... I... I can'tleave my towel here... I'd be naked!? Kim was starting to cry.

?Stop whining girl and hand that filthy rag over.? Margaret held outher fat hand.

Looking back and forth between Sam and her probation officer Kim wasbeginning to panic. ?Please Ms. Falls, don't make me take my towel off...?

?Look, little missy... do I need to remind you what you could be facingif you don't do as I say?? Margaret was getting angry. ?Hand me the towel...NOW!?

Slowly, Kim unfastened the towel. She heard Sam shift on the couchbut she couldn't bring herself to look in his direction. The towel fell awayfrom her pretty form. She heard a gasp escape from Sam. Meekly, she handedthe towel to Officer Falls. Standing completely nude, Kim was humiliated.

A low whistle came from Sam. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. ?Ohdoggies....?, Sam couldn't say much more. This young girl was a dream. Hertits were round and firm, her stomach was flat...her ass made him hard. ?Ohlord...?, Sam was in heaven.

?Hand me the towel, girl.? Margaret beckoned. Kim walked over to OfficerFalls and gave her the towel. ?Go get your brush.?, Margaret pointed to thebathroom. Kim hurried towards the restroom. Sam admired the girl's jigglingbackside. He felt his heart racing with lust. What a sexy little bitch...the things he could do with her... mmm..mmm!

Once inside the bathroom, Kim burst into tears. What was happeningto her? Two almost complete strangers were sitting in her living room andshe was completely nude. She wiped her eyes and sniffled.

?Come out, girl.? Kim bowed her head and walked into the living roomholding the brush. She tried to cover her breasts with one arm and her pubicpatch with the other.

?Kneel here.? Margaret pointed to the ground in front of her. Kimknelt down in front of Margaret. Another low whistle escaped from Sam ashe admired the teenager's body.

Margaret began running the brush through Kim's wet hair. ?Sam tellsme he's been the maintenance man here for three years. He says he's helpedyou with your apartment several times since you moved in last month but you'venever thanked him.?

Kim was silent.

?Is this true?? Margaret lifted the girl's chin so she looked downinto her eyes. ?Well??

?I...I don't remember... I mean... I don't know.? Kim was so humiliated.

?That's right. Yep. I helped with this place a lot of times... nevergave me the time of day.? Sam was hard as a rock looking at the kneelingteenager. Her ass was so perfect. ?She's an arrogant little bitch. Neveronce said thanks.? Sam was almost beside himself.

?Well, little missy. I think you owe Sam a thank you.? Margaret pulledthe brush from Kim's wet hair. ?Why don't you go show Sam how much you appreciatehis help...?

With one arm covering her breasts and the other covering her pubicmound, Kim limped over to stand in front of Sam. ?Th...Thank you sir. I reallyappreciate all you've done for me.. Th... Thanks.?

?Why don't you show Sam how thankful you are? He looks to be arousedthere. Why don't you use that mouth for something other than talking??? Margaretreclined on the couch.

?Wh...What do you mean?? Kim was shaking now.

?Open Mr. Sam's pants and give him a nice sucking whore. You knowyou want to.?

Sam couldn't believe his ears.

?You don't mind if little Kimmy says thanks do you?? Margaret smiledpleasantly at the leering maintenance man.

?Hell no!? Sam unbuttoned his workpants and pulled out his stiff erection. ?Comehere girlie.? He motioned Kim closer.

?I don't know how... I mean I've never done something like this...Please Officer Falls... don't make me...? Kim was sick to her stomach.

?Just suck it like a lollie pop little sweetie.? Sam pulled Kim'smouth towards his throbbing cock.

Weeping, knowing she had no choice, Kim knelt in front of the grinningman. She felt like she wanted to vomit. Slowly she took Sam's full erectioninto her mouth. She could feel Sam's hands running over her back and butt.She felt a finger enter her anus. ?Oh please stop...?, she thought.Kim knew her pleading aloud would do no good. Sam pushed his member deeperinto Kim's mouth.

Margaret watched enthralled. She could hear the sucking sounds. Thewet pumping of Sam's cock made her giddy. She continued to watch as the girlbrought the wretched man closer to climax with her mouth. What a littlewhore.

Sam was getting close. In fact he could barely contain himself. Thiswas the cutest girl he'd seen in a long time and now she was naked in allher glory and giving him a blowjob. Suddenly, Sam began to gasp. ?Here itcomes girlie!? Grabbing the choking teenager by her hair, Sam exploded intoher mouth. He smiled as he heard the poor girl gagging.

?All right, Sam. That's enough.? Margaret pointed towards the door.

Sam stood up and buckled his pants. ?Thank you Miss Falls. I'm indebtedto you.? Sam took one last look at the nude teenager lying on the floor beforeclosing the door behind him.

?Well...well...well. Aren't we just the little tart?? Margaret smiledat Kim as she lay on the floor weeping.

?Can I go and brush my teeth??, Kim asked.

?Why? Don't you like the taste of cum??, Margaret responded.

?No.? Kim was now sitting up on the carpet with her legs crossed andone arm covering her breasts.

?No WHAT??, Margaret demanded.

?No, Ma'am.?, Kim said quietly.

?Don't you enjoy sucking your boyfriend's cock? What?s his name...Jeff I believe??, Margaret asked smiling.

?I don't do that.? Kim felt her face burning with shame.

?Sure you don't.? The sarcasm was thick in Margaret's voice. ?Well,I think we're done for today. I expect you to be at my office at 5:00 PMsharp tomorrow. We'll continue your punishment then. Don't be late!? Margaretwalked to the front door.

Kim stood at the window watching as Officer Falls drove away. Sheheld her towel in front of her and was painfully aware of her burning asscheeks and the wretched taste in her mouth. She walked slowly to the bathroomand gagged into the toilet.

After brushing her teeth and getting dressed she picked up the telephone. ?Hi,Jeff. Would you mind coming and picking me up? I need to go get my car. It'sat the courthouse.? A teardrop rolled down her pretty cheek.


The next day was a blur for Kim. She found it impossible to concentrateon her work. Her mind kept returning to the painful events of the previousday. It seemed like a nightmare but she knew it was true. Officer Falls hadalready left a message on her answering machine reminding her not to be latefor their meeting at 5:00. The hours seemed to drag by.

As the afternoon wore on, Kim begins to feel ill. She was in the companyrestroom when she realized it was already 4:45!!! She quickly splashed coldwater onto her face and exited the restroom. She mumbled an excuse to herboss about having to leave early and hurried out the door.

The traffic was horrible. Kim weaved in and out of lanes trying tomake up time. However, by the time she pulled into the courthouse it wasalready 5:05. She quickly jumped out of the car and ran towards the frontdoors.


Margaret Falls was pissed. She looked at her watch again... 5:07 pm. Whereis that little bitch? When I get my hands on her, I'll... She heardthe doors to the waiting room slam. It was after hours so Margaret knewshe was the only one left in the Probation Office. She walked out in tothe reception area. Kim stood by the entryway. Her chest was heaving withexertion. She cast a frightened glance at Officer Falls.

?Sorry I'm late... the traffic was heavy... I...?

?Shut up, whore.? Margaret felt her head throbbing with anger. ?Whyare you late??

?Th... the traffic was bad... I felt sick earlier...?, Kim stumbledover the words.

?Sick, huh? Follow me.? Margaret motioned towards her office.

Once inside the office, Kim started to sit. ?Did I tell you to sit??,Margaret demanded.

?No, ma'Am.?, Kim blushed.

?Then stand in place girl.? Margaret picked up the phone. While dialing,she looked at Kim with irritation. She wasn't happy with the teenager's clothingselection. The girl wore jeans with a loose sweatshirt, which came down tomid-thigh. The baggy shirt did nothing to reveal the girl's charms. Oh well...that would soon change. ?Hello, Doctor Reynolds? Yes. This is Margaret Falls.I have one of my probationers here with me. She says she's been feeling ill.I hope you may have time to have a look at her... in your private office?? Margaretcast a glance at Kim. The girl was blushing furiously and appeared nervous. ?Yes...that'sright... certainly...We'll be headed that way momentarily.? Margaret smiledat Kim.

?Well girl, we'll just have to have you checked out by a professional.We can't have you feeling ill.? Margaret enjoyed Kim's discomfort.

?I'm fine. Really. I wasn't feeling that sick.?, Kim implored. Shewas frightened of this Dr. Reynolds and didn't like the sound of a privateoffice.

?There, there... don't you worry. I always take care of my probationers.Let's go. Dr. Reynolds is doing you a favor by seeing you after hours.? Margarethurried the stammering teenager towards the front doors. ?Get a move on,girl. Stop dragging your feet!?

Once inside the car, Margaret turned to Kim. ?Why the sweatshirt Kimmy?It's almost summer. Do you have a chill? Could be a sign of a fever.?

?No ma'am. I'm fine...really. I just didn't have much time this morningand this is the first thing a grabbed.? Kim looked at her feet feeling hernervousness growing.

?Well, take it off. It looks simply horrible.? Margaret watched Kimout of the corner of her eye. She enjoyed the girl's nervous fidgeting. ?Hurryup! My you are a lazy one!?

Reluctantly, Kim pulled the shirt over her head and off, revealingher lacy bra and firm stomach. She held the shirt tightly in her lap. Shecouldn't bring herself to look up. She felt a shiver travel down her spine.

Margaret grabbed the sweatshirt and tossed it into the back seat. ?Therethat's much better.?

The car sped on down the highway and into the night.


Dr. Conrad Reynolds had been friends with Margaret Falls for severalyears. When he received the call from Margaret he was excited to say theleast. You see, Dr. Reynolds and Margaret Falls had one thing in common.They liked to humiliate pretty young girls. Dr. Reynolds had conducted examson a few of Officer Falls' clients in the past. The examinations always provedto be fun. He was sure this exam would be no exception. Pulling into theparking lot of his private practice, he turned off the ignition and headedtowards the front door. Once inside, he turned on the lobby lights and checkedhis watch. 6:35 PM... they would be here any second. Hurrying to his office,he activated the hidden camera to Exam Room Three. He felt his cock hardeningalready. Rubbing his hands in anticipation, he walked to the front desk andtook a seat.


Margaret pulled into the parking lot and leaned back in the seat.Casting a glance at Kim she was satisfied with the girl's obvious discomfort. ?Comealong girl. Let's not keep the good doctor waiting.?

They walked across the parking lot to the main entrance. Kim heldher hands over her breasts and tried in vain to cover her exposed bra. Shefelt goose goose bumps rising on her flesh as an older man wearing a whitelab coat opened the door. ?Hello Margaret.? Doctor Reynolds extended hishand.

?Hello Conrad.? Margaret waved a hand towards the cowering girl ather side. ?This is Kimmy. She's the one we spoke about earlier. She's notbeen feeling well today and was late for our 5 o'clock appointment as a result.Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.?

?No problem.? Dr. Reynolds extended his hand to Kim. ?We'll take goodcare of you miss.?

Kim didn't like the feel of the man's hand. It was cold and his eyeswere colder as they roamed up and down her body. His eyes came to rest onher exposed chest. ?Perhaps you should consider wearing more than that skimpybra outside Kimmy.? He smiled at Kim but his eyes never left her breasts.

?I... I had a sweatshirt but Officer Falls made me take it off inthe car.? Kim hoped the doctor might realize her plight. ?I wouldn't be wearinga bra with no shirt but Officer Falls insisted.? Kim looked at Dr. Reynoldswith pleading eyes. This man is a doctor. Surely he'll help me.

Her hopes were soon dashed. ?Well, come inside. Let's have a betterlook at you.? Dr. Reynolds ushered the two into the waiting room. ?Margaret,do you wish to accompany us to the examination room??

?But of course.? Margaret nodded to Dr. Reynolds. ?I wouldn't missa minute of this exam.?

Dr. Reynolds showed them into the exam room. Margaret took a seatin the corner. ?Let's have you up on the table Kimmy.? Dr. Falls took Kimby the arm and helped her onto the examination table.

He couldn't believe how sexy this girl was. On a scale of one to tenshe was definitely an eleven. ?Open your mouth Kimmy.? He took out a tonguedepressor.

?My name isn't Kimmy. It's Kim.? She scooted her butt onto the tablegiving the doctor a defiant look. The sterile paper was loud in the quietroom.

?Okay Kimmy. Open up.? Dr. Reynolds examined the young girl's mouth. Whata tongue. I bet she licks a good cock. Dr. Reynolds allowed a slightsmile to play across his face. He examined her ears and nose and then stoodback.

?All right Kimmy. Let's have your bra off so I can listen to yourheartbeat.?

Kim felt her cheeks burning. Moving ever so slowly she unclasped herbra and let it fall away from her breasts.

?That's a good girl. Let Dr. Reynolds have a look see.? He helpedher remove the bra and set it aside.

Conrad Reynolds felt his dick stiffening. The girl's tits were unbelievable!Perfectly round and completely firm. Taking out his stethoscope, he placedit over the girl's left breast. Pretending to listen to her heartbeat, hemoved his free hand up to clasp Kim's right breast. Kim jumped and pulledaway. ?Pl...please...what are you doing??

?Does that hurt?? Dr. Reynolds acted shocked. ?When's the last timeyou had your breasts examined young lady??

?What do you mean?? Kim's lips began to quiver.

?There shouldn't be any sensation of pain when I touch your breast.I think we need to have a closer look.? Dr. Reynolds eased the shaking girlonto her back. ?Please raise both arms above your head.?

Kim reluctantly complied.

Dr. Reynolds began to massage the young girl's exposed tits. ?Haveyou checked for any lumps or abrasions lately??

?No sir.? Kim's reply was almost inaudible.

?Well you really should. Have you had any belly aches?? His handsmoved down onto Kim's stomach. She could feel his fingers pressing aroundher navel and moving towards the top of her jeans.

?No sir. Nothing unusual. I'm okay... really.? She was whimperingnow.

?Well I'm concerned about the sensitivity.? His hands found theirway to the top button of Kim's jeans. ?Let's just open these up...? He unfastenedher jeans. The sound of the zipper lowering was loud in the quiet room.

Kim's hands shot to her jeans. ?Please sir... what are you doing??


Kim pulled her hands away and allowed the doctor to proceed.

Dr. Reynolds unzipped Kim's jeans and lowered them down her shapelylegs revealing her skimpy panties. He proceeded to untie her sneakers andremove them along with her socks. Tossing the jeans aside, the doctor's gazeswept over the pretty young girl. She lay on the table wearing only her panties.The sight of her made him want to collapse. She was truly gorgeous!

Kim looked at the wall. She couldn't look in the direction of thedoctor or Officer Falls. She was utterly shamed. She felt the doctor loweringher panties. She felt her private area coming into view. She shivered andbegan to cry.

?Do you have sexual intercourse often?? Dr. Reynolds dropped the teenager'spanties onto the floor and kicked them under the table. Maybe she'llforget about them...

?No. Well... I mean sometimes... I don't know.? Kim wiped the tearsfrom her eyes.

Dr. Reynolds allowed his gaze to sweep over the now completely nudeteenager. His cock felt as if it would explode at any second. He adjustedhis lab coat accordingly.

?Well. Yes or no. It's a simple question Kimmy.? He reached out andbegan to stroke the girl's bare flesh along her legs and midsection.

?Yes...sometimes.?, Kim wept.

?We're going to conduct an experiment, which will examine your sexualarousal.? Dr. Reynolds walked to a cabinet and produced a large dildo. Takingout a jar of Vaseline, he dipped the dildo inside and rubbed the slimy mixtureall along the length of the object.

?Have you ever used a sexual stimulation device?? Dr. Reynolds walkedback to the exam table and looked over the nude blushing girl.

?No... why are you doing this?? Kim was weeping now.

?It's for your own good. Do as the doctor says.? Margaret commanded.

?Here you go Kimmy. I want you to push this into your vagina and moveit slowly back and forth. I want to see your body's reaction and make sureit's normal.? Dr. Reynolds felt his heart racing as he handed the dildo tothe young girl.

Kim took the despicable object. ?Please doctor... I feel okay... really.?

?Shut up girl and do as Dr. Reynolds requests. Unless you want anotherspanking.... hmmmm?? Margaret was having a good time.

Weeping, Kim slid the dildo inside herself.

?That's it Kimmy. In and out. Just keep going and we'll see what happens.? Dr.Reynolds hoped the hidden camera was working.

Kim slowly pumped herself. After several minutes Dr. Reynolds tookhold of her hand and increased the rhythm. ?Come on Kimmy... that's it.? Hetook out his stethoscope and placed it over her chest. Her heart was beatingrapidly.

Several minutes passed. The only sound was the dildo going in andout of Kim's cunt. Suddenly, Kim began to groan.... Dr. Reynolds felt thefirst drops of precum forming on his dick. He was in ecstasy. ?Come on girl...that's it.?

Kim was humiliated. She was about to orgasm in front of two strangers.She saw the doctor looking at her. She saw Officer Falls sitting in the corner.Still, she couldn't help it. The doctor's hand was pushing. The sensationwashed over her. She came like a wave. Her hand flew to her mouth to stopher from screaming. It was over... she came full force.

Dr. Reynolds took the dildo from her limp fingers. ?Exercise. That'swhat she needs.? He cast a glance at the shaking girl. ?Lots of exercise.? Helooked at Margaret Falls.

?We'll see what we can do about that.? Margaret walked over to thepanting girl. ?Come along girl. The doctor says you need exercise. Pick upyour clothes.? Margaret beckoned to the youngster's pile of belongings. ?Let'sget a move on.?

Kim put on her jeans and shirt. Grabbing her underclothes and shoes,she headed towards the doors.


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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 48

“Remember when you guys vacationed on the Island?” Junior said. “We won’t be doing that again,” said Six. Junior broke down. If Surprise hadn’t been flying from ‘Feet Wet’ over Lake Huron and knew what to do ... they’d have crashed. Six was immediately contrite. Looking at me he said, “That was rather callous of me.” Looking at Junior he said, “I’m sorry ... I’m sorry, Junior. I didn’t mean it.” “It’s time I started living again,” Junior said. “I did get my revenge.” Surprise said....

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 64

I put the jacket over my arm and walked out to the living room to wait on Lorrie. It was a short wait. If I had been a man, I would have had in instant hard on. To say she looked hot was an understatement. She wore the same dress as I but in black. Her larger boobs were a plus. She wore 4 inch black heels that made us the same height. She also chose a light lip gloss. Jenny and Vicky were dressed as chauffeurs; little black hats and all. Ching Lee and Marcy were dressed as French maids. They...

4 years ago
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Extra Credit

Marketa and Dan, that’s me, two snot nosed, sniffling, stuffed up blue collar working class brats, became good friends before we even learned each other’s name probably because of being left together by ourselves when our mom’s got together to gossip over morning coffee, were often included in things each of our separate families did as if we were family, chose to do most things outside of our immediate families together during childhood whether it was a team activity like basketball, softball,...

2 years ago
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Nights of heaven

Hai ISS readers, am Shyamalan living near Kovalam in Kerala I am 18 . I like to express what’s going on daily in our house. Our house is in the middle of a coconut grove and any one coming to our house has to walk 1 km from the road, so no one could hear any sound from our house. My father is working at Dubai, he comes home once in a year. My mom Girija 35 is a physiotherapist working in a Resort 5 km from our house ,my sister Shiny is 17 studying in +2.Iam in 1st year college. We also have a...

4 years ago
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An exhibitionist wife A treat for the builders

Last week, Mrs O. had to go away on a business trip which meant an overnight stay in a hotel. Usually these are incident free but this time she found time to do a bit of teasing and i thought i might share her latest adventure.The story began the morning she was due to leave for home. She was staying in a hotel that was opposite a building that looked as if it was undergoing some major renovations and had been awoken early by the noise coming from the site. When she got up she opened the...

2 years ago
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MommysBoy Alison Rey Silvia Saige HandsOn Sex Lesson

Rico Hernandez and his girlfriend Alison Rey are sitting on Rico’s bed. They are holding each other’s hands. They are celebrating their six-month anniversary and are clearly happy and in love. Alison then lightly caresses Rico’s arm, looking shy but flirty. She playfully teases that there’s only one other thing that can make their anniversary PERFECT. Rico is confused at first but quickly realizes she’s talking about sex. It becomes clear that they are virgins, but...

2 years ago
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Pep Spirit and Facials Chapter 3

With her heart racing harder than when she stepped up in front of the judge’s table during tryouts, lowered herself down onto her knees until she felt the cool tile, still wet from the shower, against her skin. Within moments, the cocks that she had been nearly salivating over were the only thing she could see. The girls had essentially pounced on her, shouldering their way into the shower stall so they could surround her. Alice, with her showpiece of a latina dick now in full frame of...

4 years ago
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New Slut in Town

My wife is the sweetest, most likeable woman in the world. She teaches Sunday school, teaches bible classes two nights a week, volunteers to work for every worthwhile charity in town and the strongest cuss word I've ever heard her utter is 'darn'. She is a great mother to our kids and has been a fabulous wife for me and I'm not kidding when I say that Marlene has absolutely no faults as a person. But not every one sees her the same way I do. You see, Marlene has a problem - she looks like a...

4 years ago
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Christmas Evie

Steering my truck with my knees, I played with the radio with one hand while flicking the ash from my cigarette out the window with the other. All the DJ's wanted to talk about was the impending storm, which was looking to be at least a Manitoba Mauler and could possibly end up as a Saskatchewan Screamer. The boiling black clouds on the northern horizon seemed to smugly say that the forecasters were being ridiculously optimistic. In anticipation of the foul weather, the vast emptiness of the...

3 years ago
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Homosexual Indoctrination the Possessor Possesses Liberty Boy

01 The fight between Control, The Possessor's minion, and Liberty Boy, the daring sidekick of Liberty Man had gotten pretty out of hand. Control and Liberty Boy, both spandex clad, Control in purple and Liberty Boy in patriotic red, white, and blue, swung at each other, but Liberty Boy was more swift and, with an uppercut, knocked out the young villainous minion. Liberty Man's sidekick tossed Control against a wall and posed, hands on hips, spandex hugging his increasingly toned body, to...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 432

Say thanks to Jimborh for this group: 1. What is Dominic Cummings’ favourite Christmas song? Driving Home for Christmas. 2. Did you hear that production was down at Santa’s workshop? Many of his workers have had to Elf isolate! 3. Why didn’t Mary and Joseph make it to Bethlehem? All Virgin flights were cancelled. 4. Why are Santa’s reindeer allowed to travel on Christmas Eve? They have herd immunity. 5. Why did the pirates have to go into lockdown? Because the “Arrrr!” rate had risen. 6....

4 years ago
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My Reunion with Kristin

The first few weeks of summer had been fine. Kristin and I were able to hang out together and keep our feelings for one another at bay. Kristin didn’t want to cheat on her new boyfriend, who she was away from the first time since she started dating him, and I didn’t want to start anything physical in fear of allowing my emotions for my past love to return. Over time, however, neither of us could hold back any longer. Our physical and emotional attraction for each other was just too...

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CommencementChapter 2

That's right, in triplicate to meet the code requirements, then just leave them on my desk. Hello? Madge! No, I wasn't talking to you, just my secretary. Nothing to it, get everyone working, keep after them, and when they're done make sure they've done it right. Do that, and there isn't much else you have to do. Certainly we can talk now. Yesterday around this time I left the office and went shopping. Had to remind myself to buy Bill some tampons and some new panties, so I did. He's so...

4 years ago
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Sexy English Professor

Hi Friends, this is Karthik from Hyderabad. First let me introduce myself: 5.10 is my height, 25 is my age, i go to gym regularly and walk for an hour at KBR Park daily in the morning 6-7am. My English teacher is 5.5 in height, 38 36 38 her sizes and 30 is her age. I am not mentioning our names due to privacy problems sorry This happened 3 years ago when I was in 3 year of my engineering. She was not married at that time. I saw her first in my first year and fell in love with her assets and...

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The Racers EdgeChapter 3

After the season ended, we had the usual round of talk shows in New York, along with the Championship Banquet; The Championship was worth another million in my pocket. Made up for what I paid for the house, I guess. It was New Year's Eve, and the wedding was two weeks away; Patty and I spent the evening with the throng on Times Square, waiting for the ball to drop. When it started making its descent, the crowd started winding up. When it hit bottom, all hell broke loose. I'd never seen...

3 years ago
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Used my wife

1. We were a newly married couple, I was 20 and my pretty little wife Helen was only 18. She had been listening to older women chatting at the hairdressers about wife swapping and had been turned on by it. She eagerly told me all the gory details that she had heard and seeing that I was turned on as well, asked me if we should try it. Well the thought of being able to get my hands on lot's of other women seamed a great idea. I hadn't really thought about how I would feel seeing Helen with...

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