Moving Violation free porn video

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He realized he was addicted to her, but was unable to do anything about it. Whenever he saw the little green light indicating she was online, his heart started pounding pumping blood into all the wrong places. They would text often, and became intimate friends.

The conversation often turned erotic, and when it did he would describe what he wanted to do to her body in great detail, and she would describe her response. Their texting would get so steamy that their hands would inevitably find very sensitive and naughty spots to massage.

She would often lay on her bed, totally naked, with her laptop next to her and her vibrator at the ready. As he described gently sliding his finger between her wet pussy lips, she would take her own finger and mimic his descriptions. And when he described thrusting his rigid cock deep into her, she would take the humming vibrator, and slide it in and out slowly to his texts. Her orgasms became so strong that she started each session with a towel under her to minimize the cleanup.

He would stroke his cock thinking of their joint fantasy. Placing his thumb on the top of his shaft, and three fingers under, he would expertly stroke to her texts, sliding his fingers along it, dragging the skin over the head and back again. So much precum would emerge from the slit that lubricant was rarely necessary.

And when she texted, "Cummingggg" he could just envision her body bucking wildly with the vibrator deep inside, her moans escalating to cries of pleasure, and the fountain of juices when she pulled it out. The vision always made his cock erupt through his fingers sending spurts of white cum arcing in the air. Yes, he was definitely addicted.

It was understandable then that he found himself one day texting her while driving - quite inexcusable, but understandable. They were role-playing the domme mistress who had him bound, naked and helpless. She was dressed in only leather boots and teased his cock hard with her leather riding crop. When she donned an 8 inch strapon and prepared to take him forcefully against his will, he could not resist unzipping his jeans and taking his hard cock out even while driving.

He looked about to see if anyone could see, but it was a secluded rural road and he figured he was ok. And besides it added to the excitement. He slowly stroked his cock as she continued her fantasy.

He could tell she was really into it by the increasing number of typos. She had him on all fours, kneeling behind him, her strap on working its way into his ass! As she slowly fucked him silly, she reached around and stroked his cock wanting to feel him cum. It drove her completely wild with lust as she had orgasm on orgasm thinking of their scene.

He was so close to cumming that he never saw the police car trailing him for the past 2 miles until the blue lights went on.

Pulling over, he scrambled to stuff his fully erect cock back into his jeans when he saw the door of the police cruiser open and black boot step onto the pavement. He looked down at the painful bulge between his legs and thought it was rather obvious so he rested his baseball cap in his lap in an attempt to hide his embarrassing situation.

He was startled by the troopers black nightstick tapping on the driver side window and when he quickly looked over his shoulder he was surprised to see a beautiful female trooper standing over him with a bemused smile on her lips.

She was tall with dark hair in a bun under her smoky the bear hat, and dark eyes and full lips that needed no makeup to highlight her natural albeit austere beauty. He blushed as he realized that he was staring at her rather buxom breasts and protruding nipples under her very real badge. This was not helping with his erection.

He realized that she was asking him a question as she impatiently put her hands on her shapely hips and parted her legs in a challenge. "License and registration sir!"

He fumbled in the glove box for his registration and then lifted his hips to retrieve his wallet from his back pocket, causing his hat to fall to the floor. As he handed her his information, she was clearly aware that he was concealing something in his pants.

She quickly upholstered her firearm "Keep your hands where I can see them! Step out of the car now! Move!"

He stutters, "What? I.. Ah.. What?"

"Out of the car now! Hands on the hood. Move!" She held her gun at the ready. He wonders if she would actually use it. He steps from the car and turns his back to her as she places a hand on his back and forces him hard against the hood.

Holstering her gun she takes his right hand and twists it behind him hard and quickly cuffs it, then the left. "Sir, You are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent, but I recommend you tell me what you have fucking hidden in your pants!"

He mutters, "Um what? Nothing! Just me."

She yells, "Don't fuck with me! Spread your legs now! " She thrusts her thigh between his, forcing his legs apart and frisks him starting at the bottom of his legs and moving upward quickly.

No matter how much he willed his erection down, her forcefulness seemed to be making it worse. His cock was straining to fuck something, tenting the front of his jeans out. It did look like he was concealing something now that he thought about it.

She squeezed his ass roughly with one hand and reached around with the other feeling his bulge, pressing her fingers around it searching. His cock willfully jumped at her touch.

Just then his phone tweeted a text from his text lover espousing how wonderful her orgasm was. Hoping the trooper didn't hear it he closed his eyes and waited. She paused, hand still cupping his cock through his jeans, and listened.

Then it tweeted again and she stood up abruptly, opened the door and retrieved the phone.

Standing with it in her hands, she read the steamy dialog, scrolling back through the sordid details, looking from the phone to his bulge and back.

Then with a hint of a smile, she says, "Sir, you do realize that it is illegal to text and drive in this state? You're liable to hurt yourself especially doing what I think you were doing. I'm afraid I'm going to have to bring you in."

"Please no,... my wife,... how will I explain? Ill do anything!" He pleaded.

"Anything?" She asked with a grin. He nodded as best he could bent over the hood of his car, hands cuffed behind his back, hoping she meant what he thought she meant. "Well I better make sure you aren't concealing anything", she almost laughed.

She stepped behind him again, thigh thrust between his, but this time for her pleasure. She squeezed his ass slowly and grinded her front against his leg before reaching around to cup his everlasting bulge. She leaned down rubbing her breasts and hardening nipples against his back. Taken aback, he wondered at the change in attitude and realized that the steamy text must have had an effect. It was pure lust and it was driving him crazy.

"I think you have something hidden in here sir" she rasped at his ear as her fingers unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped them, and stretched back his boxers revealing his huge hard on. "Oooh" she moaned quietly looking over his shoulder at his firm cock. It was so stiff with the skin stretched tight over the six inches of his shaft, the engorged head clearly covered in precum.

 "Yes, you've been definitely hiding this." She reached down and wrapped her fingers around the shaft as he moaned. Then she slowly slid her fingers up and down the shaft enjoying the feeling and sound the wetness made as they slid over the head. He felt strangely vulnerable with his hands cuffed behind, and jeans at his knees as this beautiful woman stroking his cock. She could do anything she wanted regardless of what he said. The thought was both scary and exciting.

"What else are you hiding?" she asked sternly. "I think a full body search is in order. Bend over!" She pushed him face down against the hood again before kicking his legs even wider apart. Then she touched her precum covered finger to his anus and slowly pushed it into him without hesitation well past her first knuckle. She wiggled and twisted it inside him and then slid it out and back, finger fucking his ass.

He didn't think he was into this sort of thing, but with the realization that he had no say, and that she was clearly turned on by having him under her control, he found that he was really excited, so much so, that he felt tingling in his balls, the familiar precursor to a huge orgasm.

"Hmm, I can't tell, I better check deeper" she laughed and pushed into him, while at the same time cupping his balls with the other hand. She then released them and started stroking his cock in unison with her thrusting finger. He started to moan and grunt and clench his pelvic muscles feeling his balls rise in preparation for ejaculation.

"You better not cum! She scolded him, but at the same time she increased her tempo and smiled sadistically. He squeezed hard trying not to cum, but it was no use. She felt his spasm first with her finger as his ass clamped tight around it. Then she felt his cock jump in her fingers as it spurted hot white globs of cum through her fingers and onto the side of the cruiser.

She watched with a smile, milking his cock slowly as his whole body uncoiled. "Well now you've done it! Look at the mess you've made!" They both watched it slowly run down the side of her car before dripping onto the pavement.

She wiped it of the car with her hand and then wiped her hands on his bare ass. Then with an open hand, she slapped his ass so hard that it left a red handprint clearly visible on his check. "You better not be enjoying this," she snarled as she slapped him again. If she only knew how much he was enjoying it, he would be in even more trouble.

Abruptly she pulled his shoes off, and then lifted each leg in turn out of his trousers and boxers. She scooped up his clothes and threw them into his car. "Come with me" she commanded. Grabbing the chain of his cuffs as she led him to the back seat of the cruiser and stuffed him in before slamming the door.

His mind raced as she strode around the front of the cruiser and jumped in behind the wheel. Where are you taking me?" he asked with a worried tone.

She just looked up at him in her rear view and continued driving. Then as an afterthought she said, "Where ever I want". There was no hesitation or question; it was a statement of fact.

After a mile or so, the cruiser slowed and pulled off onto an old overgrown dirt road leading to a secluded clearing overlooking a pond. Turning off the engine, she got out and opened the trunk, retrieving an old blanket, tube of KY and an ominous looking nightstick that reminded him of a dildo. She spread the blanket in the grass, before opening his door and commanding "Out!"

Naked from the waist down, covered in cum, he was surprised that his cock was so hard still. He tried to get out, but it was difficult with his hands cuffed behind his back. She reached in and pulled him out forcefully and pushed him toward the blanket. "'Kneel." He complied meekly.

She stood in front of him and slowly unbuttoned her uniform revealing her beautiful breasts, unrestrained by any bra. She left her shirt on, but open so that he could see her aroused pink nipples, shaped like Hershey kisses to be sampled by his tongue.

He licked his lips watching her tits sway as she bent over to pull off her boots. Then she stood before him and slowly unzipped her pants revealing black lace panties. She grasped her pants and panties with one hand and pulled both down slowly revealing a landing strip of short brown curls just above the most wonderfully beautiful pussy. Her outer lips were full and pouty, and where they met you could see the pink tip of her clit protruding.

She stood with legs parted, only inches from his face, as he kneeled before her. He noticed now that there was a trail of wetness running down both of her inner thighs and when he inhaled deeply, her scent of excitement was clearly evident.

She reached out and held his neck firm, pulling his face against her pussy, "Eat me". He kissed both of her pussy lips before sticking his tongue out and licking along one outer lip and then the other. He nibbled her inner thigh before plunging his tongue between her lips and tasting her abundant juices. He slowly licked upward until his tongue slid over her clit and then flicked quickly at it.

She closed her eyes and moaned while arching her back slightly, pressing her pelvis into his face while pulling his head even closer. She was grinding herself against his tongue, using him as a sex toy and thoroughly enjoying herself.

He closed his lips around her clit drawing it into his mouth and flicking it gently with his tongue. This seemed to cause her legs to quiver and her to release an animal groan from deep within. She pushed hard against his face, so hard in fact that he fell over onto his back. This did not seem to faze her at all as she simply kneeled over his face, lowered her dripping pussy to his tongue, and continued to grind herself against him moving her hips faster and faster.

All he could do was to stick his tongue out as far as he could, as she pushed down forcing it into the opening of her pussy. She lifted and lowered and moved side to side in ever more frantic motions, until she paused holding her breath, trembling on the edge of orgasm.

Then she thrust herself down hard on his face, feeling is tongue almost inside, and then let out a deep breath followed by a cry as her body shook uncontrollably as it was racked by spasms of pleasure. This was accompanied by a gush of liquid, forced from her pussy, drenching his face and neck.

When the waves of pleasure subsided, she lifted herself from his face and in a moment of pity decided to uncuff one of his wrists, but leaving the other firmly attached. She looked at him lying there, cum covered cock firmly pointing straight up, dripping precum yet again, and decided that it was time for relief.

Sitting between his legs facing him, with her legs resting on his thighs, she reached over for her nightstick and slowly applied KY to its bottom 4 inches as he watched worriedly. She smiled at him mischievously and said, "It's time for your punishment now".

She gently lifted his balls exposing his puckered ass and watched his cock jump as she worked a lubricated finger into him again. He squeezed hard, but that only made his cock jump and encouraged her to push deeper. He tried to relax, realizing that this was the second time that this beautiful dominant was probing his ass within the space of an hour.

Resigned to his fate, he stopped squeezing while she withdrew her finger and quickly replaced it with the lubricated end of the nightstick. Surprisingly it slid in relatively easy and didn't hurt. He actually was enjoying the sensation of fullness as she pushed it deeper, followed by the relief as she pulled it outward. His cock jumped again trailing a long drip of precum from the slit. "Are you sure you're not bisexual?" She laughed at her own joke.

It was quite a sight seeing the nightstick emerging from his ass, with his balls and erect cock just above it. She applied lube to his cock and slowly worked it along his shaft with her fingers closed in a fist around him. At this point he was powerless to do anything but enjoy.

She paused then and he watched her lift her hips and positioned the tip of the other end of the nightstick between her pussy lips, before pushing it slowly into herself until the handle rested against her clit. Then she rested her left hand on the handle holding it against herself and lifted her hips thrusting the makeshift double ended dildo deep into his ass.

After pushing into him as far as it would go, she held the handle against her body so that when she pulled her hips backward, the nightstick withdrew from him with her hips. In this way she thrust in and out of him like the dominant, beautiful, animal that she was.

As she fucked him, she grabbed his cock with her free hand and stroked it. It stood up straight between her fist on each down stroke, only to have the head covered entirely on each upstroke. It must have been quite a strange sensation for him to be both fucked and jerked at the same time.

Then on a thrust more violent than the others, the handle slipped from her wet fingers and the nightstick remained deep in his ass, popping out of her pussy.

At this point she was rather worked up and needed to cum with a hard cock stuffed deep in her pussy. He watched her kneel over him and guide the mushroom head of his cock into her dripping pussy. In her frenzy she didn't even bother to remove the nightstick from his ass before lowering her body, impaling herself on his shaft. She lifted after each plunge, her body cork screwing up before crashing down, squishing her clit against him again and again.

She was getting rather worked up riding him like that. Beads of perspiration ran down her body, between her swaying breasts and down her back between the cheeks of her ass.

She fucked him like an animal in the wild, taking what she wanted, unconcerned with his pleasure. It was total lust and he loved it.

Then she remembered the nightstick, and quickly lifted off of his cock, turned to face his feet, and lowered herself, again engulfing his cock in her pussy before he could react. She resumed her erotic dance on his cock as he watched her pussy between the cheeks of her firm ass. He put his hands on her hips, pulling her body down as he lifted into her. He was really starting to enjoy this. If he hadn't already cum her surely would be spurting his cum deep inside her body by now. As it was, he felt the beginning ting lings of an orgasm in his balls.

Then she reached down between her legs and forced the nightstick deeper into his ass. This had the effect of making him harder still, but also the pressure on his prostrate kept him from cumming.

At this point she slid all the way down his shaft and moved her hips in erotic circles enjoying the sensation of him inside her as she continued to abuse his ass with her nightstick. He didn't mind the humiliation. In fact he was kind of enjoying it, especially how excited it was making her.

He could tell she was very close to orgasm, not by her loud grunts and groans, but by how her pussy spasmed and grasped at his cock. Then she arched her back and cried out almost as if in warning before her body convulsed and jerked totally out of control. She tried to stay on him, but in her pleasure she fell forward onto the blanket, and her pussy lifted off his cock, another fountain of her pleasure gushed from all over his cock, balls and pelvis.

She fell forward with a satiated smile on her face, practically unconscious. It was quite the sight with her ass in the air, thighs spread wide, juices dripping from her pussy, legs still trembling in aftershocks.

Looking at his hard cock, her wrist behind her back cuffed to his, he had a wicked thought. It's time to take control. If she can do it then so can I.

He sat up and pulled the nightstick from his ass and then reached for the lube applying it first to his cock and then to her anus. She moaned softly still oblivious to the world. Then he knelt and touched the greased head of his cock to her ass. She stirred realizing a second too late what was in store.

In her relaxed state he pushed the head in easily as she growled in surprise. Then pushing steadily, he watched his shaft disappear into her beautiful ass. She gasped and struggled, but it felt so warm and wonderful squeezing his cock from all sides, he was not about to reconsider. Then to his surprise, with his cock fully in her he felt her relax and reach between her legs and caress his balls. He took this as approval and slowly slid his cock outward and back, fucking her tenderly. She started squeezed him on the outstroke only to relax giving him free access on the in stroke. In this manner she was massaging his cock, grabbing and releasing it as he fucked her.

She started fingering her pussy wile he plunged deeper into her. She circled her clit frantically before plunging two fingers deep into her own pussy. Their tempo accelerated with their impending pleasure. With each plunge she pushed back against him hard, making him penetrate even deeper. Like two animals in heat, they fucked.

Again her legs quivered and she cried out before they gave out and she lay twitching on the blanket. He continued his plunges deep into her ass. He could feel her ass grab at his cock as the contractions of her orgasm wracked her body.

Too much to handle, he plunged into her as deep as he could and then grunted spurting his cum deep into her ass, with her contractions milking every last drop out of him. He collapsed on top of her, in a pile of quivering flesh.

After a few moments they recovered. With his cock still buried deep in her ass she turned her head and smiled, "You are in trouble now!" and then they both laughed.

They lay there like that for a good 15 minutes both too exhausted to get up before he finally withdrew from her trailing a string of white cum from her ass. She got up without a hint of embarrassment and pulled him up by the handcuff attaching them. Then she unlocked them and took them off and slowly got dressed. He asked where his pants were and she laughed as she realized they were still in his car.

She drove him back to his car and after he got dressed, she walked up to the door of his car and said, "now, I will let you off this time as 'punishment served' but I don't want to see you sexting and driving again, understand?" He nodded weakly before she suddenly leaned into the car and kissed him hard on the lips and smiled.

"I don't want to see you, say this same time next week, on this same stretch of road, or I'll be forced to pull you over, and punish you, again" she grinned. Then walked slowly back to her car. He watched her ass sway as she walked and smiled as she drove off.

After he got home, he conveyed the story to his online lover. Naturally she didn't believe a word of it, but they both had another explosive orgasms together recounting and embellishing the experience.

He never realized he was a submissive, but he secretly admitted that he couldn't wait for his drive home next week, and wondered what would happen if he was caught texting again.

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My Beautiful Violation

That night he was so mad at me. The fight that sparked it was stupid yes, but heated. Really heated. I barely remember what it was; something to do with a flirtatious colleague. How he found out I don't know but he was absolutely livid. I saw the raw, passionate and almost hateful savageness in his eyes as he came at me. It was as if he dematerialized and phased through the couch before he grabbed me around the chest and waist, keeping my arms restrained. He lifted me in the air and my...

3 years ago
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my violation

i hear someone beating relentlessly on my door interrupting me in the middle of my showerso i quickly wrap a towel around my waist& run across the living-room 2 answer the is my brand-new neighbor from across the hall& as i look out at him with a questioning expressionhe suddenly forces his way in2 my apartment& then wrestles me roughly down on2 the floor...he is 6'6" tall, 250 pounds & very muscular with a shaved head & tattoos everywhereso i don't stand much of a...

1 year ago
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Parking Violation

It had been another stressful day after an extra busy week of work, so when Simon, smiled his devilish grin and suggested we grab a drink together, I was quick to agree. A stiff margarita and a backseat quickie was the start I needed to the weekend!I followed him to a bar two towns away, getting wet with anticipation as I drove behind his truck. All my work worries were replaced by thoughts of the raw, intense fucking that was about to ensue. We walked in simultaneously grasping at each other...

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I have been home from work for over an hour; I lift my head from the brief that I have been reading by the light of a desk-lamp. The room is full of shadows. I look at the antique clock on the mantle and see it is approaching eight o'clock and I look over at the window; it is dark out. I close the file on my desk and then close the curtains in the study. I go from room to room closing all of the curtains, double checking to make sure there isn't a chink or breach in any of the curtains that...

2 years ago
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He popped the window, open as he had thought. Sliding slowly thru he felt his knife catch on the window sill, He reached back and un hooked him self, he was now inside of the house. So many nice thing he could steal if that was his goal, but he wasn't here for theft. There was a fire in his pants that only a warm pussy could cure. He walked through the house and found the one bed room. The door wide open. He peered in and saw a pretty young women asleep in her bed, little did she realize the...

3 years ago
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Movings not so bad

Introduction: family move and fuck. Jen sat in the back of her car wishing she didnt have to move. She loved where she lived and now she had to go back to the neighborhood where her mum grew up. Her mum said she would like it but Jen wasnt too keen. She was an only child, 14 years old with C cup perky tits, brown hair the flowed down to her shoulders and a pretty face on a slender body. The car pulled into a lane, and Jen got a glimpse of the name of the street where shed be living. She couldnt...

2 years ago
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Movings Not So Bad Chapter 2 Callum Underwood Middle School CUM School

Introduction: Chapter 2 of Movings Not So Bad. Jen goes to her new school, and enjoys it very much!! Contains young/Incest. [u]Part 1 [/u] Milk with Breakfast. Jen woke up to the sweet smell of jizz. she had grown accustomed to doing so over her four day weekend. The family had arrived on Friday, when theyd first all fucked together for the first time. Over the weekend the family had done nothing but fucked more. It had taken a day or to for Jen to finally be enrolled at what would be her...

2 years ago
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Movings Not So Bad Chapter 2 Callum Underwood Middle School CUM School

Milk with Breakfast. Jen woke up to the sweet smell of jizz. she had grown accustomed to doing so over her four day weekend. The family had arrived on Friday, when they'd first all fucked together for the first time. Over the weekend the family had done nothing but fucked more. It had taken a day or to for Jen to finally be enrolled at what would be her new school. It was called The Callum Underwood Middle School. Jen hadn't picked up on it right away, but laughed when she noticed it...

2 years ago
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movings not so bad improved

The car pulled into a lane, and Jen got a glimpse of the name of the street where she'd be living. She couldn't get a proper look, but she could have sworn it had said 'NudeVille.' Jen shook the thought out of her head. They pulled into her street but no one was around. It was raining slightly so she figured everyone must be inside. They pulled into their new drive and entered the house. It was nice, and had already been made and furnished. Jen was tired so she went straight to her new...

2 years ago
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Movings not so bad

The car pulled into a lane, and Jen got a glimpse of the name of the street where she'd be living. She couldn't get a proper look, but she could have sworn it had said 'NudeVille.' Jen shook the thought out of her head. They pulled into her street but no one was around. It was raining slightly so she figured everyone must be inside. They pulled into their new drive and entered the house. It was nice, and had already been made and furnished. Jen was tired so she went straight to her new...

1 year ago
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Workplace Violations

Scene: woman in early 20s with pretty face working in a small office. She’s sitting at her desk working on a spreadsheet on a laptop. She has on a long skirt ago down to her ankles and a bulky sweater. Her skirt has a belt, but it’s under the sweater. There’s no way to tell if she has a good body or not. There’s a larger desk at the other side of the room with a laptop on it but no one sitting there.A woman in her early-to-mid 30s comes in and closes the door behind her. “I’m glad you haven’t...

2 years ago
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Unusual Punishment Part Five Violated

Unusual Punishment Part Five: Violated By Norman O. Johnson One Saturday night during the second week of January, it snowed. Some of the girls were outside making snowmen. Others were pelting each other with snowballs. I was indoors with Daria. We were lying together fully clothed on her bunk bed. She still had no roommate, which gave us privacy, the rarest luxury at the school. We didn't have sex this time. Sometimes neither of us wanted it. But we talked about things. Just by...

4 years ago
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Impressive Wedding Band Violators

IMPRESSIVE WEDDING BAND VIOLATORSThis picture does tell a story.However, the details are actually worth printing out. *Above they were watching a XXX film together, and the stimulus appeared to have worked. The guy is Del. He lived in Evansville, IN. Del drove all the way to Lafayette, IN every week, when he was fucking my wife. The drive was two hundred and thirty miles one way. That is my wife, Janet in the photo. The symbolism of this photo should not be lost. Start with Del’s left hand,...

3 years ago
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The story that I am about to relate happened to me in last summer. I am a small Eurasian teacher in my mid twenties, not married but I do own my own home which sits on 4 acres of land completely fenced in by an eight foot chain link fence on all four sides. The property has thick bushes and trees all around the inside against the fence so it is completely isolated from view from anywhere except the sky. The rest of the four acres is covered in grass, shade trees, bushes and a small garden and...

4 years ago
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Moving Into the Mansion

I have Jade and her 5 year old son move in with me at 9250 Meadow Brook Dr, in the heart of Old Preston Hollow. The house sits on 2 plus acre gated property, the house is 5 beds, 7 baths, 12,470 sq.ft. The home is custom built on a gorgeous heavily treed lot with live flowing creek viewed from multiple rooms. A footbridge extends over the creek to a large grassy area. The elegant and gracious living centers show craftsman detail. The downstairs master suite has sitting area, huge bath,...

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Moving On

Disclaimer: Although some of the titles and verbage used in this story are actual military terms, all combat and medical situations are from my imagination and not real protocol. Julie looked down into the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes she had ever seen. A petite, athletic girl stood in front of her, decked out in her cammies, hat off, bag over her shoulder. She had light blond hair, perfectly arched eyebrows and a spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Flawless skin topped...

2 years ago
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Moving Day

Steve was both mad and excited at the same time as his car travelled eastward on the highway. Mad because he had to travel across town to wait for furniture delivery to their new home just because the delivery could not be postpone by a few hours when he and his wife, Sarah, would be there waiting for them. He was excited because the new house was their dream came true. Everything was exactly how they wanted and they could not wait to move in and started enjoying their life. Sarah tried to...

1 year ago
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Moving Day part 1

Lori and Ed had called and asked for my help moving their daughter, my wife's niece Rosie. Rosie had just graduated high school at 18 and was moving into an apartment close to the university. She and her best friend Bev had found full-time jobs and wanted to try being on their own before starting evening classes at the university.We had everything loaded on Ed's pickup except for the bed and headboard from Rosie's room. Her clothes and small items filled the cab while the dresser, desk and...

2 years ago
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Moving Night A Very Happy New Year

I lived in a very small Northern Town. I guess it was Central North. I mainly worked 12-18 hour shifts at a Special Care Unit. It was a Goverment Job and though the pay was extremely high, we only got paid the last day of every month. Giggle! So I could say, I wanted to have some cash flow a little more often and took on several little jobs that were flexable to my main job.One was a Counciller at the same Goverment Job and one was a Secretary at the same Goverment Job.But I also took a...

3 years ago
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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 11 Once we got in the bedroom it didn't take long for the three to quickly shed our clothing, what we wore of it that is, and to situate ourselves on the bed. I'd already pulled back the covers and added a couple more fluffy pillows, in case they were needed, so all was ready for our encounter. LuAnn positioned herself to where her butt was on the edge of the bed, with her feet not quite touching the floor, and spread her leg wide as she could. I didn't need an oral invitation to...

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Moving In

Calvin stepped carefully amongst the boxes scattered all over the apartment floor as he talked on his cell-phone. "Okay, Robert. Thanks! I'll catch you later." "Love you Robbie!" A happy female voice called out from the bedroom adding, "Thanks for all of your help!"Calvin shook his head and smiled. "He already hung up. Your brother sounds fed up."Jamie stuck her head out through the bedroom door and cheerfully said, “Whatever. He's served his purpose today.""Mercenary. So mercenary," Calvin...

3 years ago
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Moving To A New Place Conclusion

Moving To A New Place (conclusion) (AR, AP, TG, MC) The new week brought Lydia and Timmy back into their regular pattern. They would get up and return to their true personas and genders for a little while anyway. They were in a morning routine of waking up and Timmy wearing his boy clothes for school and Lydia wearing her own blouses and dresses to run errands and do light house work. While Timmy was out at school, Lydia went to the bank to get some money. She picked up a credit...

4 years ago
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Moving To A New Neighborhood

I retired from the Marines a year ago and decided that after living on a drab government base for 25 years I would move to an upscale suburban family neighborhood for a change of pace. So here I am in Florida sitting by my pool enjoying the weather and also enjoying my new group of friends I joking refer to as my “Glen Cove Avenue Soccer Moms”. It was a typical day on Glen Cove my friend Rita came by for a swim. Despite her small tits she has a great slim body. Every now and then, her small...

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Moving from Gwen to Sarah This is a followon to the story We waited until 18

QUICK BACKGROUND Gwen and I, my name is Tom, had grown up together since we were 3. We became best friends. Gwen was the most beautiful girl at school and had been elected to our high school homecoming royalty in our freshman, sophomore, and junior years. In the middle of our junior year Sarah Elizabeth moved to our city. Her father had just become CEO of the biggest company in our city. She and her family moved into one of the most expensive houses available in town. Sarah Elizabeth who we...

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Moving Home

At f******n moving home is stressful, even more so if you move to a new town. That is exactly what my parents did, the day after school finished for the summer holidays. I wouldn’t even have school to make new friends, and it seemed that if there was anyone else my age on our street, they had left for the holidays. It was the equivalent of being lost in a desert and the only company near my age was my sister Zoe, who I didn’t really get on with. At a year older than me Zoe always bossed me...

3 years ago
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moving day fuck

This story really is about being in the right place and the right time. See I was helping a friend move stuff from their storage space and loading the truck up. He was moving about 2 hours away. I stayed behind to help move more stuff to front of the storage space. This place was huge, and he rented a spot with air condition, this hot day was better with the cool air. I took a moment, looking outside and then it started down pour. I was about ready to shut the door to the unit, when a woman...

2 years ago
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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 17 Now don't get me wrong here. I will always enjoy a great romp in the hay, but this one was moving much faster then I'd anticipapted. I mean I'd only opened the door and I'd already been sucked to a shattering cum and now this woman, whom I'd just met no less, was lying on MY bed, asking me to JOIN HER! Talk about a rapid relationship, though I'm not sure 'relationship' would correctly define what had just happened. Sue looked up at me, after inviting me to join her, and I guess...

2 years ago
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Moving In

I guess I’m your average 21 year old. I go to school, work part time, have a bunch of friends, drink every now and again, and absolutely LOVE sex. I’d say I’m quite good looking. I stand at 6 feet tall, have shaggy blonde hair, and spend a decent amount of time in the gym. I get my fair share of women, quite easily as a matter of fact. Recently, I’ve started to desire older women, not too old, but maybe ranging up to 45. You know the kind, the MILFs. The hot moms with the experience and the...

3 years ago
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Moving On Chapter 3

Introduction: Moving On Moving On Chapter 3 Time seemed frozen. The look of shock and horror on Evelyns face was juxtaposed with the wet remnants of my cum on her cheeks and chin. My cock fell from my hand, and my head felt like it was moving through molasses as it slowly turned towards the bathroom entrance. Looks like you two have been up to a lot, Mr. Clark said nonchalantly with a slight grin, glancing around the bathroom as if searching for other members of our little party. I was...

3 years ago
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Moving brings Siblings Closer

Introduction: a sister and brother grow closer with games I couldnt believe it&hellip,we had to move? The news devastated me, ruining my everything, as much as my everything could be at 10 years old. Of course to me at that age, that was a lot. Having to leave all my friends, and not only that, we were moving across the country from one coast to the next. My sister seemed slightly upset, but not quite as much as myself. At that age I hated change, I was stubborn, and didnt like this idea one...

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Moving into My Own Place

I had my group of friends. We had been friends since early on in high school, and though we had since become a lot looser of a friend group we still tried to spend as much time as possible with each other and could talk to each other about things that we couldn’t to anyone else, or just ‘be’ without worrying. We were each other’s oasis in the wilderness of high school – it was quite amazing that we could find each other to not be self conscious around. I was bullied. They were not bullied as...

First Time
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Moving Day after my friends divorce

The idea of a long road trip is never something that sounds like a good idea, but, when an old friend needed help moving his personal belongings halfway across the country, I could not turn him down. Dave had been a friend all the way back to college. After school, we remained in contact despite living a distance apart. Dave and I were both a part of each other's weddings and kept in touch through email and occasional conversations. Dave had confided in me that he and his wife were having...

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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 5 I stood there in the open doorway with my mouth wide open, unable to say a word. "Well don't just stand there," Ed told me, as he entered the house and went over to where Gene was sitting on the sofa. "You're wasting a perfectly good opportunity here," he grabbed Gene's cock and started pumping it up and down, drawing a few beads of precum as a result. He plucked the first one with his finger and licked it up. "Tastes good to me," he said. "You sure you won't be joining us?" After...

4 years ago
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Sometimes you need to be violated

She heard a light switch click on and then the radio blared on, the music drowning out any hope of being heard as the door latched and locked behind her. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her neck as he reached around her and undid the button on her jeans, then quickly pulled down the zipper... She started to fight but her arms were held uselessly behind her and his weight still pinning her against the wooden bench made the efforts futile as she felt the denim being worked down over...

2 years ago
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Sometimes you need to be violated

Introduction: This is a rape fantasy, if you dont like them please stop reading. Thanks She had simply been going out to empty the garbage when it happened… She had thought it odd that the sensor lights did not come on, but assumed that she had hit the inside light switch by mistake. She didnt give it another thought until she felt the strong arms surround her waist, another hand cover her mouth and propel her through the garage door, the one she had not even noticed was ajar until now… Plunged...

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Curfew violator

With the formation of the Women's International Party in the mid 2000's, political power has been gradually shifting away from the men and into the hands of a group of radical feminists. These women claim that patriarchy is the root cause of most of society's problems, and that a world dominated by females would be free of war, poverty, class divisions, and corporate greed. While the party is essentially still a fringe group, it has managed to seize power in a few communities on the west coast...

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Moving sucks. At about the forth time doing it you would think we have the hang of it. But, as always, there is something we forget. Whether it's the forwarding of the mail to changing over the car insurance, there seems to always be one thing we leave out. This was the third time in 6 years we have had to move for my company, I love my job and all, but have reallybegun to think of a career change. From West Coast to East Coast, Dallas to Chicago seems like we've been all across the great...

Group Sex

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