Mastered By My Father 8217 s Friend
- 3 years ago
- 42
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Mastered By Three
One day, after cheer-leading practice, Alexia, 18, was walking to her car.Now she was one of the best looking girls on the squad mind you. She stoodfive feet nine inches tall, had long, flowing, red hair (that came down justpast her ass and she wore in a ponytail), emerald green eyes, a small waist,large chest (they were high and firm), she weighed about 135 pounds, her asswas round, firm and stuck out just a bit and legs that were long and lean.As she crossed the parking lot and reached her car, she was stopped by Anthony,18, the best looking black guy in the school. "Hey, girl! Whatcha doin'later t'night?", he asked. She stopped, looked over her shoulder at himand said, "Nothing really. Why, Tony?" A sly smile, that made herwonder what he was thinking, crept across his face and he said, "Wannaget together?" She thought for a moment then replied, "Yeah! Sure!" Hissmile widened as he said, "I'll pick ya up at 7 then." "Okay.See ya then, Tony.", she said as she got in her car and headed for home.
As she got ready to go out with Tony, later that night, she couldn't hideher excitement. Tony was six feet four inches tall, had a muscular build, heweighed around 230 pounds, kept his head shaved clean, had a dark goatee andmustache and light caramel colored skin. To Lexi, he was a sight to beholdand she knew a lot of the other girls at school would die for a chance to goout with him.
Instead of taking a shower, like she normally did for dates, she decided totake a bath and shave. She ran the bath water and undressed while the tub filled.A soft moan escaped her rosy lips as she stepped into the bath and sunk downin the water. She relaxed in the warm water for about 20 minutes then soapedup and rinsed off. She took her can of shaving lotion, put a small amount inher hand and spread it on her right leg. Then she picked up her razor and shavedher leg. She repeated the process on her left leg and under her arms. All ofthe sudden the urge came over her to shave the mound between her legs. So shepicked up the can one last time, applied a small amount of lotion to her treasure,shivered at the cold of it and took her razor to it. She couldn't believe whatshe was doing and had no idea why but she did it anyway. The whole processof shaving her mound took about half an hour so she was running short on time.She quickly dried off and went to her room to get dressed.
She normally dressed somewhere between semi-casual and sexy but not this night.Tonight it was all about dressing sexy for Tony. She put on a tight, blackmini-skirt that just barely covered her tight, round ass, a purple crop topthat left little to the imagination and buttoned down the front and 3 inch,black, come fuck me heels. She knew the black set off her milky complexionbeautifully and the tightness of her top made her 38D's look that much bigger.She put on very little make-up, knowing that her natural beauty would be enough,and left her hair down for a change. She figured Tony would like seeing itdown for once instead of pulled back. She only applied a little blush and somelipstick, not much darker than the natural pink of her lips.
Just as she finished getting ready, she heard the doorbell ring. Her heartabout jumped out of her chest as she hurried to answer the door. When she openedthe door, she saw Tony standing there. Which didn't surprise her. He was wearingtight, blue jeans and a somewhat loose fitting, black t-shirt that was tuckedin. Lexi glanced over his shoulder and noticed there were two other peoplein the car. She must have looked shocked because he said, "Aw... don'tworry 'bout them. That's jus' John and Matt. My two best friends." Reliefcame over her. He smiled seeing the relief on her face and said, "I dohave a rule or two for you tonight though. Okay?" She was a little wearybut said, "Um... I suppose it's okay, Tony." A grin spread acrosshis face as he spoke, "Rule number one: For the rest of the night, whenyou talk to John, Matt or myself, you will refer to us as Master. Rule numbertwo: When told to do something you will do it without question. Are these rulesunderstood?" "Yes", she said. "Yes? Yes what?" Hegrowled and swatted her butt. She swallowed hard, realizing what she did wrong,and said, "Yes, Master Tony." "Much better, girl.", hesaid with a smile as he reached in his pocket. He pulled out, what looked tobe, a blindfold and said, "I'm going to put this on you now. By the way,you look great tonight. It's nice to see you wearing your hair down for a change.I always wondered how it would look out of that ponytail you always wear." Adeep blush covered her cheeks as he reached behind her and tied the blindfoldon and she said, "Thank you, Master Tony. I dressed this way just foryou."
Tony led Lexi out to the car. He opened the passenger side, rear door andhelped her in.
"Scoot to the middle of the seat, dear," he said. She did as toldwithout question even though she wanted to ask why. He got in next to her andshe found herself between him and someone else. "John, Matt, this is Alexiaor Lexi. Lexi this is John and Matt. Say hello, girl," Tony said. Lexispoke in an almost whispered voice, "Hello, Master Matt. Hello, MasterJohn. Nice to meet you both." John, who was the other person sitting nextto her, said, "Ah... I see you've already laid the rules down already,Tony. She is a quick learner. I think you made a good choice with this one,bro." "I couldn't agree more," concurred Matt. Tony laugheda little and said, "I kinda thought she would be a good choice. Let'sget goin' to your place, Matt." And with that they headed out.
They drove for what seemed like 30 minutes before stopping. The guys all gotout first then John, 21, helped Lexi out of the driver side. They all walkedup the sidewalk. Matt, 24, was leading her. "Watch out for the steps here,Lexi. There are two of them," Matt told her. She heard Matt pull his keysout of his pocket and slip one in the lock on the door. Then she heard thedoor open. Matt led her into the house and Tony and John followed closely behind.John gave her bottom a light swat after they were all inside that made herjump just a little and he said, "Damn, she has a nice, firm ass, bro." Justthen she felt two more swats that made her jump, one from Tony and the otherfrom Matt. At the same time, they both said, "Nice. This is gonna be fun."
Matt led her through the house. She heard a door open and then Matt removedthe blindfold. She blinked a couple of times to get used to the light. Beforeher was a doorway and a flight of stairs leading to the basement. She was fairlynervous at this point and didn't know what to expect to find at the bottomof the stairs. Matt said, "Wait here with Tony and John while I go downand turn on the lights, girl." She responded with the only thing she feltshe could, "Yes, Master Matt." He disappeared down the stairs. Hewasn't down there very long before she saw the light from the side of the stairs. "Okay,go on down, Lexi," Tony said. She nervously began her descent down thestairs. Tony and John followed her closely behind.
When she reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around her nervousnessdeepened. Tony could tell that she was nervous as she was trembling. He walkedup behind her and started to rub her shoulders saying, "Baby, relax. Ihave a feeling you are gonna enjoy this very much." She began to relaxa little from hearing his words and feeling his touch. She just couldn't imaginehow these things she was seeing would be enjoyable. On one wall hung whips,floggers, crops and paddles all of various length, shape and size. On the oppositeside of the room was a set of, what looked to be, shackles, hanging from theceiling about 6 feet from the wall on a pulley so the height could be adjusted.There was a mattress and box spring in the middle of the room on the floorwith a thick, wooden post coming out of the floor at each corner. Attachedto each post was a chain with shackles at the end of them. About 8 or 9 feetto the right of the mattress was a very large trunk against the wall. She couldonly imagine what was in it. Matt smiled saying, "Welcome to my playroom,Lexi." Once again, she said the only thing she felt was appropriate, "Thankyou, Master
As John and Matt stepped to the shackles hanging from the ceiling, she gother first good look at them. John was six feet even, about 200 pounds, he hadshoulder length, light brown hair, light green eyes, a light tan and nice build.Matt was six feet six inches tall with the brightest blue eyes she had everseen, he weighed about 250 pounds, he had short, red hair, a nice build likeTony and John and skin as light as her own. Tony whispered in her ear, "Iwant you to get undressed now, girl. Then join John and Matt over there." Sheblushed deeply but said, "Yes, Master Tony." She could feel themwatching her as she got undressed. At this point she was wishing that she hadworn panties and a bra. Once she was undressed, Tony took her by the hand andled her to Matt and John.
She couldn't believe she was now standing in front of the shackles and threeguys with nothing on. And the way her body was responding to the possibilityof being shackled was a shock to her. Her pale, pink nipples were getting hardand her pussy was getting damp. Matt reached out and grasped her left nipplebetween his forefinger and thumb and pinched it hard. She gasped as the painrushed through her nipple. Then she moaned softly as the pain surprisinglyturned to pleasure and her nipple got harder. Matt smiled happily as he sawand heard Lexi's reaction to what he was doing and said, "Oh! This pleasesme very much!" John and Tony just smiled and nodded happily. She couldtell they were all three pleased with her response. Matt released her nippleand said, "Step over here and raise your hands above your head." Shedid as told saying, "Yes, Master Matt." She felt the shackles sliparound each wrist then lock in place. Matt pulled the pulley on the shacklesso that her feet were barely touching the floor. John walked to the trunk andopened it. He looked
around in it for a moment then pulled out something she had never seen before.It was a steel bar that looked to be about 3 feet in length with buckled, leathercuffs on each end. He walked back to her and told her to spread her legs. Onceagain, she did as told saying, "Yes, Master John." He strapped thecuffs on her ankles. She was now vulnerable to anything they wanted to do toher.
All three of them walk directly across the room. Her eyes widened as she sawthat they were each picking out a flogger. John choose a deep purple one withabout 15 or 20 strands on the end of it. Matt choose a black one with aboutthe same amount of stands but at the end of each was a silver tip. Tony choosea bright blue one with about 25 or 30 strands on it. They all walks back toher. Matt stood behind her, John to her right and Tony to her left. One ata time, they struck her with the floggers. First John. The flogger fell acrossher right breast and left a beautiful red welt that caused her to moan softlyonce more at the pain and pleasure it caused. Then Tony. The flogger fell acrossher left breast now, leaving another beautiful red welt. Another moan escapedher pink lips as her desire began to burn deep within her. And lastly, Matt.The flogger fell across her back. This one hit harder than the others becauseof the studs. She jumped as she felt it hit her back and screamed from thepain. "Ah... Ah... Ah... we'll have none of that, girl," said Mattas he leaned close to her ear. She whimpered and said, "Yes, Master Matt.Please, forgive me." "Forgiven this time, Lexi. But next time youWILL be punished," he said. They began to strike her again. This timeTony was first. The flogger hit across her left breast harder than the lasttime. She could feel her pussy getting wetter as the pain and pleasure coursedthough her. Next John hit again. Once again, the flogger hit harder than thelast time, striking across her right breast. Her nipples were harder than shecould remember them ever being. Then it was Matt's turn again. She prayed thathe wouldn't hit any harder but the prayer must have fallen on deaf ears asthe flogger came down with more force than before. It struck across her back.She seemed to feel each of the studs hitting her back. She jumped and beganto tremble hard. Tears started to form in her eyes but she couldn't help butwant more. Her pussy began to throb. Her juices were flowing out of her anddown her parted thighs. John leaned in to her ear and whispered, "No matterhow much you are enjoying this you can NOT cum until you are given permission.Is that understood?" She shivered as she felt his breath across her ear,hot and heavy, and said, "Yes, Master John." One by one they eachstruck her again. First Matt, then John and then Tony. She was enjoying everyminute of it but didn't know if she could hold back her orgasm. She felt herselfgetting close as they each struck out again. This time, when Matt hit her hemade sure it got her between the legs. The tears began to fall down her softcheeks. She jumped each time they were striking now. One after the other. Takingturns with who hit her first. Harder and harder with each passing turn. Shefelt the need to explode, to be allowed to cum. She began to do the only thingthat she could think of to be allowed release, she begged, "Please, Masters!!!Please let me cum!!! Please!!! I know that you three are the only ones thatcan allow me release now!!! My desire to cum is greater than I can handle!!!Please let me cum, Masters!!!" They all three laughed at her. She couldn'tunderstand why they were laughing at her but she continued beg, "Please,Masters!!! I need release, Masters!!! Please let me cum!!! Please allow meto show you the passion I'm feeling inside of me!!! Please, Masters!!! Please!!!" Inunison they all said, "You may cum NOW, slave." She shuddered asshe heard them use the word slave to her but couldn't hold back any longer.The feeling rushed through her and her body shook hard within her restraintsas her pussy throbbed harder and faster than it ever had and she came. Herbreath was ragged and her heart was racing wildly as continued to cum harderthan ever before. Finally, her body went limp only held up by the shackleson her wrists.
The three of them walked up to her. She could barely see them through hertears as she lifted her head. John reached up and gently started to massageher right breast and admiring the welts left by the flogger. Tony did the same.Matt started caressing her back. He rubbed down her back. Every now and thenhe would push deeply into one of the welts causing her to jump a bit. She couldn'tbelieve the pleasure she got from the pain. Matt leaned close to her ear andwhispered, "You did very well, girl." He voice was hot on her earand caused her to blush deeply. She shivered as she felt His breath on herear. "I only did what I felt was right, Master Matt, but thank you," shesaid. Tony started undoing the cuffs off her legs. As Tony did this Matt andJohn took the shackles off her wrists.
Once she was free from the bar and shackles John told her, "Now go andlay on the mattress, lil one." She replied, "Yes, Master John. Asyou wish." She walked to the mattress. Her legs were barely able to holdher weight as she moved. She laid on the mattress and automatically spreadher legs and arms apart assuming they were going to shackle her there. Shewas right. They walked over and shackled her to the posts at the corners ofthe bed. She had no idea what to expect yet. She was nervous and excited atthe same time. She watched as they all three got undressed. While Tony wentto the trunk and looked inside it for something, John stepped up to the mattressat her head. He was standing there for only a minute when he kneeled down sothat his hardness was over her face. Matt got on the mattress and straddledher chest. After finding what he was looking for in the trunk, Tony was nextto get on the mattress and he slipped between her legs. He was carrying a largedildo. It was about nine inches long and approximately two or two and a halfinches around. They all held their position long enough for her to see whateach one's cock looked like. John was about seven and a half inches long andtwo inches around, Matt was about ten inches long and two and a half inchesaround and Tony looked to be about thirteen inches long and three inches around.She was trembling at the very thought of Tony's shaft pressing in to her pussy.Just as she started to calm down a bit John pressed his manhood against herlip and said, "Open your mouth, Lexi." She did as told. He pressedin to her mouth. All seven and a half inches filled her mouth. Her mouth washot and wet around him. He moaned a little as she began to suck him. Matt reacheddown to her sides and pressed her ample chest around his manhood and Tony beganto glide the dildo over her pussy getting it nice and wet with her juices thenslid it down to her tight asshole. He pushed the dildo slowly into her assand she gasped from the pain of her virgin ass being stretched open. He continuedto push until it was buried deep in her. He stroked it a couple of times themoved so that He cock was positioned right at her dripping pussy. He enteredher slowly but it still hurt her some. She moaned as she suckled John's cock.He was rock hard in her mouth. She began to whimper as Tony pressed deeperin to her. She felt like he was going to split her wide open. Tears began tofill her eyes again. She was feeling overwhelmed by the attention she was getting.Nothing like this had ever happened to her before. John was throbbing in hermouth as she continued to suck him harder and faster now. Matt was slidingbetween her breasts, back and forth. Tony finally got all of his cock presseddeep inside her and started to fuck her hard and deep. The tears were now streakingdown the sides her face. Her emerald eyes were alight with the fire she feltdeep inside her and her body was aching with desire and need. Every time Tonywould push deep into her she would moan louder and louder. Her ass and pussywere throbbing from feeling so full. She felt John's body tense up. She knewhe was close to cumming. Matt tensed up at the same time. She couldn't stopthe tears from falling no matter how hard she tried. She felt herself nearinganother climax too and knew she couldn't beg while John was in her mouth. Hermind was racing wondering what she was going to do this time. Tony began tothrob inside her. Her hips were rocking to meet every thrust of him going deeplyinside her. All of the sudden they all three began to cum at the same time.John's seed filled her mouth and she swallowed every every drop, Matt's seedsprayed onto her chin and breasts and Tony's filled the walls of her pussy.Tony continued to thrust deeper and harder into her and said, "You maycum NOW, slave." Once again, she was shocked that he was using the wordslave with her but she didn't care at that point. Her body tensed and the feelingflooded over her as she was allowed release. She moaned lustfully with Johnin her mouth. She began to shake hard again as she came. She couldn't believethe pleasure she was getting from being treated like this. From being calledslave and the pleasure she got from the flogging earlier. John pulled out ofher mouth and laid on the mattress to her left, Matt got off her and laid toher right and Tony slumped over on top of her.
They all laid there for quite a while before anything was said. Then Mattsaid, "You have pleased us very much tonight, Lexi. I think we are goingto keep you for a while, girl. Would that make you happy?" She was shockedwith the answer as she blurted out, "Very much, Master Matt." Theyall smiled to each other. Matt got off the bed and went upstairs. He was gonefor about 10 or 15 minutes then her returned. "Sit up, slave," hesaid. She sat up wondering what was going on. He pulled out a choker, silverchain mail with three letters in the center of it JMT, and placed it aroundher neck saying, "You are to wear this at all times, girl. You will nevertake it off. This marks you as our property. This means that we may use youanytime we see fit and however we want. Is this completely clear, my girl?" Shereplied, "Yes, Master Matt." He smiled brightly at the other twoand said, "I think she will make us a very good slave. She is very willingto please." John and Tony nodded in agreement.
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I wanted to get my last girlfriend, Jean to try threesomes. As can be expected she got mad and said "I can't believe you want to let other guys fuck me". We had watched and loved porn about guys sharing their wife/gf, wife/gfs that cheated when her guy was at work etc. So I knew she found the porns hot and turned her on. Finally she agreed and set down a few rules. First and foremost I was never to be with another female. I was cool with that as I had no desire to do so. She wanted to know what...
Are you horny as fuck to jerk off to threesome videos? I know you are mother fucker! And that is why I am giving you one of the biggest treasures troves I’ve come across in quite some time!I am fucking talking about! Here, you will find a whole host of videos that will have you wishing and praying that you could get invited to a threesome. Even if it involves old pussy and tiny old man penis.But you do you! I’m not here to judge you! What I am here to do is to...
Gangbang Porn SitesThis was the first erotic story I ever wrote and originally posted it 07/10/09. I wrote this story at the request of an online friend who went by Shy155. She was in a sexually unfulfilling relationship and desired a three-way with her friend's college-age daughter. Her partner was dead set against the idea. Warning: This story contains adult content including erotic massage, romance, light bondage, sapphism, DP, menage-a-trois (MFF), fellatio, cunnilingus, and sodomy (F/F & M/F/F). If you...
You just walked in the door after a long hard day of dealing with customers who love to grab the ass of the sexy young server. All you want to do is eat dinner and relax. When you walk in, I'm standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing an apron and a smile. I walk up to you and take the dry cleaning out of your hands and kiss you passionately. You push me away, feeling too tired and stressed to make love.I take you by the hand and lead you into the dining room. The table is set with our...
ThreesomesMy wife and I were enjoying a nice day off. She got a call from her best friend, Lisa, who was having a real crisis. In the midst of a nasty divorce she had an affair which went bad. Her life was unraveling, she needed a shoulder to cry on. My wife and I had plans of wild daytime sex but her friend came first. She came over and I made myself scarce doing odd jobs around the house. Occasionally I would walk through the living room and they would get quiet, then one of them would crack up and...
Tara had agreed to the three way, but Mr. James hadn’t told her about how much I cum. Not that my cock is a huge porn star cock, but when I cum it shoots out in thick, gooey streams. Even if she had known, I’d like to think she was game because she was smiling and on her knees in the hotel room not long before James and I both arrived. She’d helped herself to some of the minibar, but we didn’t mind as she pulled out our cock and moaned as she stroked us hard. James groaned as she worked her...
Before me and Donald got together, I dated his buddy from college Eric. Eric was fun at times, not the best boyfriend or looker, but he had a nice sized dick and was a great lay. While we dated, Eric liked to have me get dressed and made up kinda slutty before we went to parties or bars so he could grab all over me in front of his friends to make them jealous or envious or something. One night we were supposed to be going to a party at Eric's friend's house, but that wasn't what happened.Turned...
family means a lot to me. I'm basically the only man in the house because my dad is constantly working. So its just my mom and my two almost identical twin sisters. Ever since I saw one of them naked when I was 13 by accident I've wanted to fuck them both. They do everything together even though they don't seem to like each other. They are constantly trying to out do the other often in the strangest way. There are all sorts of rumours at school about how they were dared to make-out on camp and...
So i was heading toward the restroom to take a piss right, so on my way there i heard some moaning i thought it was coming from one of the empty hallways. . .heh so as i entered the restroom i heard a girl moan faster baby faster, i was like (the fuck) and of course the guy heard the door open and came out the stall with him big fat cock hanging there covered in pussy juice. . .i couldn't control myself at that point i was rubbing on my cock licking my lips and he looked at me as if i was crazy...
“You know I love to have a second man around once a month while you watch and masturbate. “Would you like to fuck me just like this with your huge, thick cock, from being with your hands holding my big ass while you watch me sucking another much younger, pretty man’s erection? “Does the thought of that turn you on baby. It turns me on,” I whisper as he increases the tempo of his fucking. “Yes, you know it does.” “Good, I am fantasizing about blowing a bi-sex man at least ten years younger...
Over a period of time Zac introduced me to a wide range of sexual experiences. Mutual masturbation, fucking me while another woman watched, then lesbian sex with her while he watched. I did enjoy two women watching him fuck me before they both had me while he watched. The first time Zac fucked me with another man watching was memorable. We both insisted he had to be well hung and masturbate for us while he watched us fucking. And we were both very comfortable with the thought of him licking...
Over a period of time Zac introduced me to a wide range of sexual experiences. Mutual masturbation, fucking me while another woman watched, then lesbian sex with her while he watched. I did enjoy two women watching him fuck me before they both had me while he watched. The first time Zac fucked me with another man watching was memorable. We both insisted he had to be well hung and masturbate for us while he watched us fucking. And we were both very comfortable with the thought of him licking...
“You know I love to have a second man around once a month while you watch and masturbate. “Would you like to fuck me just like this with your huge, thick cock, from being with your hands holding my big ass while you watch me sucking another much younger, pretty man’s erection? “Does the thought of that turn you on baby. It turns me on,” I whisper as he increases the tempo of his fucking. “Yes, you know it does.” “Good, I am fantasizing about blowing a bi-sex man at least ten years younger...
You just walked in the door after a long hard day of dealing with customers who love to grab the ass of the sexy young server. All you want to do is eat dinner and relax. When you walk in, I’m standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing an apron and a smile. I walk up to you and take the dry cleaning out of your hands and kiss you passionately. You push me away, feeling too tired and stressed to make love. I take you by the hand and lead you into the dining room. The table is set with our...
"So the guy puts his cock in the alligators mouth and slaps the head of the alligator and nothing happens. So he says. "Does anyone else want to try this?" And this girl kneels down and grabs the guys cock and says, 'Okay. But do you have to hit me?" Ray and I busted up. When we stopped laughing I noticed that Ray looked a little pale. His gaze was over my shoulder. I turned around. "Oh hi Lynn, c'mon in. What brings you by?" "I've been 'in' thank you. The old alligator and...
Suzi Lee’s First Three-some My old girlfriend Suzi and I had been together for about three years at the time this story took place. We were matched pretty well in a sexual way. Suzi was just as adventurous as I was, and within that three-year time we had experimented and done pretty much everything two horny young people could do together. We started dating when she was 16 and I was 18, we had been going together for only about a month when she gave me her virginity about three days after...
Hmmm, how to put this? You are one lucky mothafucker who has been fortunate enough to stumble upon this review! I do all the dirty work, digging up superb websites for your sake, and there is absolutely nothing you do in return. When was the last time you did something for me? Luckily, I am a merciful god. Here comes another review.I've come up with a new approach recently. Find big-ass websites and do a review of one section only. It makes my in-depth reviews even more thorough and fine-tuned...
Gangbang Porn SitesThreesome, by Vickie Tern. M/f, F/m, F/F, femdom, etc. The sex scenes in this story are raw, cooked, scrambled, and coddled. No violence or force, but that doesn't necessarily mean the characters are nice to each other. This is a fiction. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. It may not remain that was of course -- life sometimes imitates art. If you aren't old enough to read this lawfully, wait. If it's worth reading it'll still be around. ...
Any dedicated porn lover out there will tell you they have seen it all. Be it cock sucking, ball-sucking, cunt eating, facial, gay, and even group sex porn. No matter how long you have been jerking off to the show, a threesome always brings a whole different twist to the game.Who doesn’t love n experience that is a notch above the mundane show of two love birds making out? Now, a threesome doesn’t involve as many people as group sex does, but it does spice things up some. In my recent search...
Gangbang Porn SitesHello friends, I am Tanisha, having assets 36d 30 34,fair and sexy , always love to maintain myself, come again to entertain you guys with 1 of my threesome adventure with another female and my boy friend raj , as you all know that we both are very much open minded in our relation and he fulfilled my fantasy of getting fucked by 2 man at once, so now its my turn to fulfill his fantasy of fucking 2 girls at same time , frankly speaking to I am little jealous by this because I feel best to give...
They were a cute couple, the young two. Those that knew them or met them knew that the two were deeply in love and had a potentially successful future with each other, both professionally, emotionally, and any other way imaginable. They couldn’t see each other much, just a day or two out of the week, so time together was extremely valuable to each. Time was spent alone or out as a couple, rather than with friends much or in highly social settings. Time not spent together was...
So we had a chat, we were both pretty much ready to rip each others clothes off when I stopped her and spoke about it. My thinking is that we were both as horny as possible when we spoke about it we would get the best answers. So I asked. The first words that came out of her mouth shocked me a little. But she basically said she wanted a threesome, but with another woman. Apparently she always liked women but didn’t really think much off it. So there it was, both of our fantasies were the...
Hi I'm Claire, I'm 34 now and I have a great husband named Dave. I'm a blonde and he is a brunette, while he is about 9 inches taller than me too as I'm just 5'4. We never had any kids, not really from lack of trying, we just never had the luck I guess. Although when we tried there still was the reward of having really great sex. As the years went on from that I guess our sex life had become a little dull you could say. We worked a lot and didn't always have time to do it, or maybe we were just...
BisexualHi guys, welcome back. I am Nikhil from Gujarat. I am 30 years old, wheatish in color and 5’11” tall. For people who don’t know me, I am an Engineer. This is the continuation of my previous story. Those who have not read the previous part, please read and come back to read this part for better understanding. Vaishali and I knew that it was like our honeymoon trip as we were fucking like rabbits with a lot of passion and lust. On the other hand, I had no idea what my intern Jignesh was up to....
First I will explain my wife to you .Her name is vidya (name changed) and she is 28 years old. We are from cochin in kerala. Vidya is about 5 feet 2 inches tall slim body with average boobs and an awesome round ass. She is fair and resembles aiswarya rai slightly. I am rahul and I am now 35 years and as in my previous stories I am 5 feet 8 inches tall and with 6.5 inches dick. Now that you know us I will come to the incident My wife and I use to try anything and everything in sex. I am a...
The golf club women’s championship was drawing to a close and Lori and Susan were in the last group of the day. They were both on cloud nine because their scores were the lowest of the three-day championship, which meant both would represent their club at the state championships. Lori sank her last putt and stood at the edge of the green, waiting for Susan to finish. The two women had become good friends after Susan moved to the city and into Lori’s neighborhood. They...
Part 1 Prologue, and Extending the Invitation It was my first year as an upperclassman, and I was finally the starter at shooting guard. Most of our players were upperclassmen; all of our starters except at point guard, where highlytouted freshman Marcus Washington was expected to earn the starter's spot. We had been a very good team last year, just missing out on winning our conference, and with most of our players from last year returning plus our...
Samantha’s First Threesome Gallery of Independent Artist’ Coalition.I love my job. I lucked up and landed at this small, unique art gallery after college. I tried to make it as a sculptor and received a rude awakening. My private school education in art gets you exactly jack shit in the way of marketable skills in the real world. “Samantha, my Mother demurred, “it is time to grow up and get a real job.” I was selling a piece at an upscale auction when I met Jonathan and his wife Maddie. They...
Black Cock College Threesome from literoticaPart 1 - Prologue, and Extending the InvitationIt was my first year as an upperclassman, and I was finally the starter at shooting guard. Most of our players were upperclassmen; all of our starters except at point guard, where highly-touted freshman Marcus Washington was expected to earn the starter's spot. We had been a very good team last year, just missing out on winning our conference, and with most of our players from last year returning plus our...
I am starting my story by telling you how gorgeous my sexy wife is. My wife and I have been married for 25 years. She is a beautiful blonde half German and half Hungarian. She is 5.4” tall, and 130 lbs. She has firm model legs that any man or woman can crave for. Her tight juicy pussy always hungry for a hungry mouth, tongue or a hard cock. Her nice 32 bb tits have two small young suckable nipples that are always erected and ready for action. Before I married Mona, she had no intercourse with...
I am starting my story by telling you how gorgeous my sexy wife is. My wife and I have been married for 25 years. She is a beautiful blonde half German and half Hungarian. She is 5.4” tall, and 130 lbs. She has firm model legs that any man or woman can crave for. Her tight juicy pussy always hungry for a hungry mouth, tongue or a hard cock. Her nice 32 bb tits have two small young suckable nipples that are always erected and ready for action. Before I married Mona, she had no intercourse with...
Hi friends! Toh kaise hai aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (engineer of IIT, Bombay) fir se aapke samne hazir hu. Ye kahani meri pichli kahani ka continuation hai. To please woh kahani aap pehle padh le. Ab kahani pe aate hai jo ki anal threesome ki hai. Maine pichle part mein bataya tha ki kaise Pooja ne mujhe khush karne ke liye apni behan Aarti ki chudai karwayi. Fir roj rat ko pehle main Aarti ki chut chodta tha aur fir Pooja ki gand marta tha. Aise hi lockdown 2 khatam ho gaya. Aarti ko aur...
Hi ISS readers, I would like to thank ISS for providing a platform to share experiences. This is my first story. Please bear with the mistakes in the story. Coming to the story, my name is Pavan. I am from Hyderabad and I work in Chennai. So, I use to travel regularly from Hyderabad to Chennai. I have a lot of sexual desires and hence I was also working as a male escort in Hyderabad. However, it is quite difficult to get contacts as a male escort. I used to post regularly in Locanto to get...