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Bambi the Preppie Princess
When Bambi's mom died of cancer when her daughter was just a thirteen yearold entering puberty, it in no way diminished the overindulged and privilegedupbringing of the suburban, socialite princess. With her father preoccupiedwith his professional success and business associates, and her mom immersedin a sort of ongoing pageant to determine the ?queen bee? among the ladiesof their community, it wasn't like Bambi ever had any deep emotional ties orhad grown accustomed to receiving any affectionate displays of love from eitherparent anyway. Mrs. Ardsley's passing only really served to evaporate whatlittle limitations it had, from time to time, previously imposed on the ascensionto Bambi's, almost every desire. If it weren't for some kind of almost idyllicprinciple of naïveté decency, a fairytale ?good over evil' virtuethat she possessed, the beautiful, smart, and popular young lady might have easily lost focus and spun off, out of control.
At five foot ten inches, and one hundred and twenty two pounds, the goldenskinned beauty with the thick blonde, wavy hair that flowing almost all theway down to her ass, was a major attraction. Bambi's exquisite, c-cup breastswere blessed with large peachy areolas which each framed a large pink nipple,almost absurd in scale. Her firm, round, heart-shaped, bottom was almost intoxicatingto behold. But without a doubt, the most valuable of all Bambi's physical assetswas her face. Her big blue eyes and pouting lips had mastered the expressionsshe had patented in amassing her arsenal.
From the time that the string bean-like, awkward girl began to develop andmature, Bambi observed how her newly formed parts were ogled by a lot of peoplewith whom she was taken aback by, at first to behold the covetous and lustingnatures of their leers. Instead of becoming outraged or embarrassed when afriend's dad, or a teacher, or one of her dad's employees, or a couple of guysat the mall, stared and gaped in awe at her ass, when her skirt failed her,or her nipples, poking through her nearly soaked t-shirt she wore braless bythe pool, Bambi delighted in the power that their adoration of her gave her.One day, a little more than a year ago, when, for the first time, she noticedher own fathers glare transfixed intently on her panty clad rump in the mirroras she stretched forward on her toes with her lower abdomen against the edgeof her vanity tending to her eyebrows, she hesitated for the first time ever,however briefly, before mentally delighting in the attention. Wearing onlyher panties, she noticed the immediate and impressively conspicuous effecton her nipples that being admired in a sexual way by her dad had caused, andtrembled in enjoyment. Mustering all of her composure, Bambi turned aroundin her most nonchalant manner to face him and give a most casual ?hey daddy,how was your day?? as she reached for her bra, then strutted past the frazzledman as she put it on. From that day on Bambi began to use even her own dad'slust to manipulate him and get her way.
Bambi's imposed independence and the comfort with supposed superiority thatshe had acquired, aided the bright minded beauty in honing to perfection, theapplication of all her physical and mental attributes in the arts of femininepersuasion. Having learned to arouse and attract like the best of sirens, Bambi'sdecision to limit her sexual favors to heavy petting, some enthusiastic, yetincomplete oral explorations, and masturbation, with the most discreet andtrusted partners who, without exception, had no reservations whatever in cedingall control to her. On the other hand, although her maidenhead remained intact,Bambi toke pleasure in having her nipples sucked and nibbled as she instructed,and absolutely loved being orally serviced. In fairness, her sexual encounterswere limited to only those who yearned for her control and included two femalesalong with four lucky fellows. Beside her field hockey coach, Ann Bond, andher French teacher, Mr. Chalieu, her liaisons were wealthy young kids fromother upstanding Wellborn families. Bambi had become almost so talented inthis game of ?lady getting her way', taking pride as she used her sexual appealto gain favors and connections, that the rare individual not intentlydesirous of her approval or attention, could easily have interpreted Bambias a self-centered, manipulative, elitist, stuck-up, heartless, cock-teasingbitch, (albeit a stone cold fox of one). Nonetheless, in Bambi's perfect littletown of Wellborn , an individual like that was almost as rare as an individualwho would ever admit being like that. Well, that is until Victoria Marsh cameto town.
Victoria Marsh was a fashion model at the tail end of a stellar career whenshe and John Ardsley began to date each other. It was only two years ago butgained momentum quickly. The waning limelight and media interest in the onetime major celebrity spared Bambi the embarrassment of her dad appearing inthe trashy tabloids as Victoria 's latest boy toy or sugar daddy that mightvery likely have occurred a short time ago. Although she withheld her opinionfrom her daddy, Bambi disliked Vicky and thought of her as a curtain-grabbingslut because of her drinking, reported recreational drug-use, and many previous,often scandalous, publicized affairs and flings. These sins, along with thefact that she had posed nude in a few high-end men's magazines, made VictoriaMarsh unworthy of her daddy's love, in Bambi's eyes. Bambi tolerated the affairsince it mostly took place down in the city, and not in Wellborn, where theylived, and dismissed it as a fling. She figured her dad deserved someone beautifullike Vicky to be sexual with as long as that was its extent. The arousal herown teasing caused him made her realize that he, like most men, had needs.But when he announced their engagement and imminent plans to move Vicky inwith them to his daughter, just two month ago, it was Bambi's worst nightmare.
Thinking how the few brief encounters she had had over the past two yearswith the woman were subtly hostile with them both presenting an air of contentiontoward the other, Bambi non the less promised herself that she would in facttry to have an open mind and get along with the woman for her dad's sake. Infact, hoping to impress the lady, she took particular care in her daily workoutsand grooming, and selected her most flattering outfit before her arriving,attempting to impress her and seek some acceptance. She also instructed Ms.Fano, their cook and manager of their domestic staff, have the groundskeeperand maid make special preparations for Ms. Marsh's arrival.
The teenage debutant and the thirty one year old retiring model immediatelyclashed in a vicious, uncompromising battle for John Ardsley's attention, devotion,and rule of his home. After announcing that Ms. Fano, after 14 years, alongwith her staff, would have to be replaced, Victoria 's first words to Bambiwere; ?Bambi sweetheart, you look wonderful! I swear, with a few years of hardwork, and a little attention to your grooming and appearance, you might havea shot at modeling yourself !? Bambi bit her tongue a bit, then blurted,sarcastically; ?Wow, how awesome! Maybe my tits and pussy will be on displayin boys locker rooms and yanked out from under their mattresses to be jerkedoff to someday too!?
?Bambi! How rude!? John began, stunning himself for the rare objection tohis child.
?It's okay John,? Vicky said, then turned to Bambi. ?As a matter of fact mydear, with the body I was by some chance blessed with, I've just sort of learnedto deal with having guys jerk off to me. I'm proud and comfortable of my bodyand of my sexuality, Bambi, not ashamed or embarrassed. When you become a matureadult you might understand, darling.?
The two constantly bickered and argued and screamed and slammed doors andbroke things for the next three days when they were both at home without John.When he returned to his castle, both women immediately competed for his attentionin a decidedly seductive way. When at last, bedtime had arrived, Victoria madesure their bedroom door was ajar, knowing that just down the hall a few feet,Bambi's was as well. As Bambi lay in bed trying to relax and forget the tensehate for her fathers new bride by touching and fondling herself, she heardtheir voices and listened intently.
?Very good Johnny, you filthy slut you. Your goddess likes her bitch's pretty,new lacy panties. Slut red too, perfect choice. Now tuck that big nasty cockand saggy old balls of yours back into your ass crack, and squeeze it realtight for me so when you pull them up, your package gets pulled on enough tomake it look like there's a real pussy under them. Good boy.? Victoria hissed.
Bambi's head spun in a toxic cocktail of horror, shock, and sexual arousalas her dad began moaning.
?Doesn't that feel nice, my dirty slut? Beg me to go on, thank me, you ingrate,pray to me and tell your goddess what you want!? Vicky ordered.
The loud and distinct clapping crack of a hand smacking skin pierced the air.
?On your knees when you pray, you worthless, stupid bitch! She barked.
?Please my goddess, please use me to torture and amuse yourself with my agonyand humiliation so I might prove myself worthy to pleasure and worship yoursacred body as you see fit.? John muttered. ?Uuuuuunnngghhhh!! Thank you mygoddess!? he began moaning as she began torturing him.
? Torture me! ? Victoria whined, mocking her new husband. ?Tortureyourself, you pain lusting slut, can't you see I'm tired! Show me how far you'rewilling to stretch your nipples by yanking on them for me, while I have a cigaretteand try to relax after putting up with that stupid, spoiled, ugly cunt youthink is your daughter all fucking day.?
Bambi listened as her dad moaned while his wife paced around the room puffingon her cigarette and complaining about her attitude and shortcomings, interruptedonly by an occasional shout of ?harder! Pull them harder!? for a good fiveminutes.
?That's it! Now hold them there real still for me, and close your eyes, andI'll allow one of the to be used to snuff out my cigarette on. Would my bitchlike that??
?Yesss, very much my goddess, please!? John groaned.
Will I use the same one for the third time in a row John? Will it ever geta chance to finally heal up before I go and burn the shit out of it again?Or will I use the other one for a change?? Victoria taunted. ?Don't peek now,and don't scream too loud and let that skanky blob of afterbirth Bambi, findout her daddy's a pain lusting bitch.? She warned.
?UUuuuuUUUUuuuHHHH, YYYyyeeeeessSSss, Thank you, my goddess.? he moaned andpanted, while she giggled in delight.
?Now get me my riding crop and bend over and grab the footboard of the bedwith your girly panties around your ankles so I can fuck your bitch ass withmy strap-on for a few laughs!? She snapped.
As Bambi listened to them, she felt as if she were in a dream, or nightmarerather. She realized that she had been frigging herself impulsively and aroseslowly to creep toward their door and confirm that this was in fact, actuallytaking place. She stood in stunned silence, fondling her breasts and fingeringher self vigorously as she beheld her daddy and his domineering bride. Victoriasnarled her lips in a cruel smile and giggled with content and contempt asshe bucked her hips, viciously stabbing up into John's ass releasing a handfrom clutching his hips to whip him one with her crop, as he moaned and panted.Fixing her eyes on her daddy's huge erection that waved and bobbed as it dangledunattended, Bambi was startled by Vicky screeching; ?What are you staring atyou ugly bitch!?? She looked up to see she had been discovered by them bothas they paused to look at her. Only after a long awkward pause, when Victoriasaid, ?your little spoiled bitch is peeping like a nosy cunt and strummingon her her clit while she drools at your big dick like some white trash whore? beforeBambi realized she was naked and still masturbating. ?I should whip the sneakylittly spy's prissy ass raw for this!? Vicky sneered.
?How? How could you let her do this to you daddy? Why?? Bambi sobbed.
Bursting out in laughter, Vicky responded. ?How? You see fucking how! Why?Let's see, Why? Hmmm.? She said as if pondering. ?Tell your little girl whatyou are John. TELL HER!?
?I'm a shameless slut and whore, who's satisfied only when he's being usedas someone's bitch? he mumbled in disgrace, eyes lowered.
?There; he's a whore, he's a bitch, okay? That explains WHY. Now either getthe fuck out of here and go back to bed and diddle your nut out by yourself,like a frustrated little prissy virgin hypocrite, or come on in here and fuckthat nut out on your daddy's bitch face, you big, ugly, stuck-up piece of shit?,Victoria snapped, as she resumed plunging her hips and slamming her latex cockup John's sodomy loving colon.
Noticing that her victim/husband remained transfixed on his daughters incrediblenipples, and encouraged by the fact that Bambi had not yet reacted to her ultimatum,but remained in a frozen gape in the doorway, Victoria urged her husband ina low, sultry voice.
?Look at the freakish looking nipples on the big young slut, John. Your baby'sbig tit nubs are way longer than yours, and we've stretched them past wherethey get gawked at when folks see them. Ask your little angle to come and lether daddy get a closer look at them. Tell her she can stop going at them withher fingers like she is for a while, and you'll suck and bite onthem for her like a good bitch.? Victoria 's eyes devoured Bambi as she purredher enticements at the girls father.
Bambi's blushed and tingled in excitement over every inch of her creamy skin.She slid both hands under each breast and lifted them as she strolled towardher father to present him with. She stood before him as he clutched a bedpostwith both hands and lifted her right boob within a centimeter from his faceand asked softly ?Do you like it daddy? Want to suck it for me while your wifebangs you??
John turned red and looked away. ?Vicky, ?I mean goddess, this is wrong, Ican't just, ?please!? he pleaded.
Vicky whipped her crop across John's ass cheeks, striping them with a dozenscarlet lines. ?Answer your child, you pig! How dare you deny her a daddy'stender love when she needs it!?
?Let her watch us. She can even beat me. She likes girls, I know ?cause I'veseen her with one. You can play with her, just please, I can't. I've foughtoff my lust for years because she's my daughter,? John whimpered.
John was surprised and Victoria was elated when Bambi grabbed her dad by hishair with her left hand and pulled him to the boob she held in her right. ?Youheard her, bitch! Suck my tit! Nice and hard! Use your teeth a little, butI'll kick your balls flat if you bite too hard.? She moaned and looked up atVictoria and softly said; ?Thank you mommy. I'm sorry for being a bitch, butI never imagined that you would share. Can I get my clit licked soon? Is mydaddy a good cunt sucker??
?Your daddy's mouth is a wonderful fuck, sweetheart. I've trained him to suckdicks as well, if you ever want him to do a guy for you. And now that you'rewilling to be a good girl for your new mommy, we can get closer and learn toshare even more than this bitch-boy together, darling, much more.? Victoriaoffered while she lead John onto his back in the middle of their bed. Liftinghis legs over him to continue his buggering, Vicky motioned for Bambi to ridehis face. Bambi squatted her wet folds over her dads mouth and then began slowlyand forcefully grinding it back and forth on him. Taking her dads legs fromVictoria 's hands, she leaned forward and kissed her mouth deeply.
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I had been a member of Lush Stories for not quite one year. I enjoyed writing stories of past sexual experiences and fantasizing about those I'd not had. Being able to express myself and interact with other like minded folks was in some ways relaxing, while also sensually, sexually stimulating. A young woman who went by the screen name of Green Princess was one of the first to friend me online. Over a period of time, Green Princess and I developed a fairly interactive and sensual friendship....
IncestFrom Pine Ridge to Princess. The afternoon sun shone brightly on the Berghoff, its snow covered peak dazzlingly white against the clear blue sky. The city was almost deserted everyone seemed glued to their TVs or lining the streets from the Palace to the Cathedral for today Prince Boris was to marry and they were to have a new princess who would one day be their queen. A glamorous young woman from the USA, Jessica May Blanchard from Pine Ridge Nebraska known to the whole world as US...
***WARNING: This story is actually a short story. If you are looking for instant sex, find a new story or scroll down half a page. This story is longer so that you can be engrossed in it, you can know the characters, their motivations; you can feel their pain and you can understand the plot. All making for a much more sickening and horrible experience when the rape does occur. (Still, it's pretty short.) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. The woman walked swiftly through...
Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...
Prom Princess Three Months Karen was smiling at me. I should have realized it right then and there: if she was smiling at me, it could not be good. She had come over to drop something off from her Mom to my Mom. They have been friends for a long time, which explains why Karen and I have known each other for, well, ages. It looked like she had come over from school since she was still in her Catholic school girl uniform. Since I go to a public school, and since I loved to give...
The Ebony princess by Jorgan On the African west coast, in one of the smallest nation on earth, witha population of less than 300 000, a spoilt and wicked young princess by theage of twenty-one, named Gw´Neela, inspected her own lion den. She hadalways enjoyed watching her feline predators feeding, how they tore their liveprey apart and consumed them. The beautiful successor to the throne had had all of her suitors turned downby her father, the king. Hence, she was still technically a virgin....
Introduction Over the summer in 2010, I had a very vivid dream that I awoke from with a start, and almost immediately wrote down the details. It was a very transgendered dream, and I think I have only had a few before that I had any post sleep memory of. Anyway, not only did I write it down, but it has become the impetus for the beginning of a story of sorts. The first seven paragraphs of this story are basically the dream as I recalled it from only hours before, embellished...
The Nutcracker's Princess By Paul G Jutras It all started at a castle in a far off land. Queen Lesley sat up on her thrown in a red silk blouse and matching loafers. She wore a black skirt that zipped up the back. Beside her was King Ken wearing royal blue and Princess Sandra who sat between her parents in a royal red dress and heels. "Nice to be allowed to come, Mistress Lesley." My father said as he bowed before the queen and kissed the Princess' hand. "Your daughter...
Chapter 1 Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, wife of the heir apparent to the throne of England, mother of the next King of England after his father, Prince Charles. Diana was an amazing young woman even before she met Charles and through her betrothal, marriage, and then split-up from Prince Charles, she grew and matured into a totally amazing woman and person. Yes, Diana had been a physical virgin when she met and was engaged to marry Charles, the Prince of Wales and future heir to the...
Playing to be princess!I remember when we played with my older sister, I was only 4 years old and she was 8 years old.We went running to her room, I liked to play with her princess or Barby costumes, and she liked to dress and make up like the prettiest princess while I looked in the mirror and I enjoyed being a girl.I remember that I laughed and sang, spinning aimlessly until I fell to the ground, breathless and dizzy. I felt like a Disney Princess. I felt feminine and beautiful, delicate and...
The Princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my purse and walked out of the bedroom, my heels making no sound on the carpet. The burgundy skirt was just above my knees, cut straight and fit me perfectly; the antique white blouse with the sheer inserts above my breasts hinted, but didn't reveal my breasts, while the high lace collar hid my Adam's apple. I slipped on the jacket and adjusted my clothes one last time before I...
Hello to all ISS readers. Thanks for the hot response you gave to both my stories, Sex Game At It’s Peak and Blind Room Game. Before continuing with the nigh incident with my elder sister Mehak I would like to narrate you another real sex encounter of mine which took place with my Bua’s daughter Chinky. Again, my little angel Guddu was in a way involved in getting me close to Chinky, another little angel aged 18. Chinky had developed a nice pair of breast for her age with a perfect figure too...
IncestHave I ever told you the tale of Snow White the Naughty Princess? No? Well, let’s get started. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a great King and his beautiful Queen. One day, when the King returned to the castle from his adventures, the Queen welcomed him with a tiny baby in her arms. The baby was gorgeous, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. What a pleasant surprise it was for the King, who hadn’t been home for two years. “My King, I’m...
Group SexJane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...
CrossdressingOnce upon a time, there lived a young princess who surpassed in loveliness all of the days of spring. She was such a beautiful child that when she bathed in the stream beside her father's castle, the sun himself felt unworthy to shine upon her, and he burned more brightly, consuming himself to clothe her in radiance. She was fair-complected, with golden flowing hair, eyes of sapphire and the soft blush of roses in her cheeks. Her hands and feet were delicate, her hips were slender, and her...
Pagan Princess It is the year 50 AD; Roman invaders had set up enclaves throughout the southern lands of Briton. They had met with fierce Pagan Kings who fought bitterly against them and also showed the same aggression toward their neighbouring counterparts. One of these Kings was Alfred who had spawned two children, a boy and a girl. His son who was every bit as fierce as his father perished at the hands of the Romans in one of the bloodiest of battles ever to have raged on the south...
It is a little practice, what I did here. I'm not good in writing stories like this, but I wanted to try. The characters are from a fantasy novel I'm writing, so this story isn't far from realistic. But I hope you like it.____________________________________________________________________„Sakuya? How are you?“ A gentle voice was heard. The young girl turned around, seeing her husband. „I don’t really know. My parents attacked you…You’re just defend yourself“ She turned around, making some...
Cameron was sitting at his desk in his apartment, working on his thesis when his cell phone started ringing and vibrating across the desk. Happy for the interruption - the writing was not going well - he glanced at the phone and smiled when he saw that it was his girlfriend calling. He and Shannon had only been dating for a couple months, but things were going exceptionally well, especially compared to Cameron's past relationships. He had always struggled to lead and take charge of...
Author’s note #1: Thanks to Hollandguy for his help in editing this story. Author’s note #2: Some of you may have seen this story before on a website that is now defunct. However I am the original author of this story. It is not plagiarized. Author’s note #3: Even though some of the characters start out as minors, All sexual acts in this story takes place after the characters have turned 18 years old. Portlanddrew ————————————————– ‘Princess Michelea Jordansa Patricila Smikto, do you take...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal “You can use my bedroom,” Journeyman Carsina said, her fiery hair dancing about her shoulders. “It’s not the biggest bed, and it’s not really fit for a princess.” “Oh, it’ll be fine,” I told her as we walked away from the Vault, my breasts jiggling before me. I put an arm around her shoulder. “You should see some of the wicked places we’ve enjoyed each other. Fields. Forest glades. Libraries.” “Libraries?” gasped the girl, her ruby...
I pulled up in the parking lot and found Tory standing by a battered Jeep SUV. I drove over and parked the Monte Carlo next to it, and he walked over to my car. “Hey,” he said looking in at Bree. “Are you guys passing out dares already? Cause I thought we’d wait until we got to the river." “That’s her fault, because she was running late. Anyway, so where are we headed?” I asked. “Down I-44 to US 19 at Cuba, then State Hwy 8 thru Steelville. You probably know how to get there, you’ve floated...
ExhibitionismPrincess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...
I grimace as the black hood comes off. For the past eight hours I had been cursing and counting the minutes until someone would finally remove it but for the split second that it's yanked off and the desert sun cooks my retinas, I cannot help but groan and wish I could go back to my stifling little cocoon. The cuffs around my wrists are popped open soon after and I'm allowed the luxury of shielding my own eyes from the sun. Stiff pain arcs down my back and across my shoulders. My legs still...
The Hidden Princess By Alexus Bowles Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the door way. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone, they were doing everything new including his clothes. (Which had been crated away before he could see...
Princess Serenity screamed in frustration. She was to be wed to an ally in order to keep the truce. It was not at how Serenity had imagined her marraige to be. For one, she thought that she would be marrying for love. When she told her parents this, they laughed and told her love is just an emotion used as an excuse to get married or to enjoy the lust of the flesh. You don’t need love when you have money and power, they reminded her. ‘I do not wish to be a princess or rich any longer if it...