Saggy - Baggy free porn video

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By Ross Martin

A bloke I'll refer to as Sam invited me to his place for a few drinks andto meet the wife. He lived in a dead end street a bit of a distance from hisnearest neighbor. At the time I didn't thing this odd.

All up, it was a modest little house with a porch out front and a swing outback. Sam rang the door bell and, within seconds, I was looking at a womanin her mid-fifties with a crooked but inviting smile, down caste hazel eyes,short curly black hair and tits and other lumps in her T-shirt that seemeduntidy at best. Her face wasn't particularly pretty but there was somethingI liked about it apart from the smile. She also had on a simple skirt and apair of fluffy pink slippers.

?Meet Saggy-baggy,? said Sam in way of introduction.


?Yeah, my pet name for her,? said Sam.

?Why Saggy-baggy??

?Show him, dear. I'll close the door.?

And show me she did. She removed her T-shirt and her skirt with some abandonas if clothes were bothersome to her. She wasn't shy and the shocked expressionon my face didn't seem to register with her. It registered with Sam, however,and maybe that was the point. And there they were, her tits dangling down toher mid-section. No wonder her T-shirt had looked wrong. What's more, therewas scarring where she probably had a cesarean once and her vaginal regionwas a mass of wild hair taking up more space than I thought possible on anywoman.

?She's magnificent,? I blurted out though why I did and why I felt that wayI couldn't have said at the time. But there was something about her tree trunklegs, her droopy boobs and her big butt that spoke to me and could be describedthat way. Something that had been etched in her face over time I recognizedon a subconscious level and that fascinated me.

?I agree,? said Sam, taking a boob and squeezing it affectionately.

?You done all I told you to do today?? asked Sam of Saggy.

?Yes, Sam. Everything.?

?Good. Good.?

He began to slap her tits and not gently either but with real force. Did sheresist? No, she leaned forward so he could really get at them.

?I bet if I hit hard enough I can get them to swing around to her back. Whatdo you think, Saggy??

?You can ? Ow! ? But try ? Ow! ? Sam!?

She looked sad and happy at the same time as he continued to beat her mamswith his hands.

?No,? said Sam after a dozen or more tries. ?I can't do it. Want to have ago??

?But she's your wife,? I ventured, thinking I should say something along thoselines.

?Go ahead, please,? stated Saggy. ?One of you might succeed.?

?There's a dare for you,? said Sam, hitting her so hard her eyes bugged out.

?Very well,? I said, trying to sound as reluctant as I could. I gave her agood wallop and she thanked me for it. I hit her several more times but withoutsuccess. Those old floppies though did redden as did her face. No tears, though.She was a tough old bird and I was beginning to enjoy that aspect of her. What'smore, she stayed still, offering up her flesh for the very worst I could do.

?Your hand getting sore?? asked Sam.

?A little,? I told him honestly. Mam beating wasn't a sport I got to do veryoften, more's the pity. Still, all things considered, Sam did invite the rightguy home.

?You know what this means, don't you Saggy??

?Yes, Sam. I can't go around hurting your friend's hand with my saggies.?

?Damned right, you old cunt.?

From behind a flower pot, Sam produced a cat-o'-nine tails with nasty lookingmetal spikes.

?You're not going to?,? I began, expecting before long those mams to be cutto ribbons and any woman except maybe Saggy begging for mercy for it to stop.I was tingling down under at the very thought.

?What do you say, Saggy??

?Do it Sam, if it pleases you.?

I thought it would be the tits for sure but he attacked her prominent bellyand forest-like vaginal region instead. I felt a little disappointed at firstbut quickly got to enjoying what was going down. Especially since she was beingput into terrific pain. And she just stood there and took it. I knew she wasin terrific pain because, for a start, he wasn't sparing her anything and everyonce in a while the cat would get stuck because of its spikes and had to bereefed hard to get it away from her. Always, under these circumstances, somevaginal hair came with it as well as a scream that was music to my ears. And,if truth be told, to Sam as well. She had a lovely voice when she got startedand I could smell her sweat as well. But not a tear, not a single tear. Samstopped after thirty whacks and a dozen tugs. He had half a fist full of hermost intimate hair and showed it to me.

?I'm thinking of stuffing a mattress with it,? he confided in me. Of course,in order to do that he'd have to be at it for years harvesting, allowing itto grow, and harvesting some more but there I found the whole notion a delight.I'd be at it for years, I told myself, given half a chance.

Saggy's tree trunks were shaking a little and she looked relieved but lookscan be deceiving.

?That all Sam?? she asked in a matter-of-fact voice. ?He is yourfriend.?

?Damned straight he is,? said Sam. ?Bend over. I'll get the cane.?

The cane was a nasty piece of work. Later I found out it was the sort usedin Turkish prisons. Usually twenty of the best from one of those monsters wouldturn a full grown man into a blubbering hunk of jelly for a week. I almostgasped at the sight of it. In Sam's other hand he had two alligator clips attachedto two weights via fishing line. The weights were old sinkers, maybe two poundsapiece. He attached them to her cunt lips but first he had to find ?em.

?I swear I'll get out the lawnmower one day,? he grouched happily.

It took some fishing around but he got there. He didn't mind, not really,and she didn't and I sure as hell didn't. The cunt lips, thanks to the weights,came down to where they could be easily seen. And he wasted no time givingthem the first swift blow. This made her sob loudly. A good dozen later andshe was sobbing and crying nicely.

?Say you're sorry Saggy or I'll give you some more,? said Sam.

?I'm sorry,? whimpered Saggy and really meant it.

?Say you're an old trollop cunt dog ass licker and didn't mean nothin' byit.?

?I'm an old trollop cunt dog ass licker and didn't mean nothin' by it.?

?I'd better give you some on your mams so you don't forget.?

?Yes, Sam.?

With that she bent lower to really present her sagging udders and he tookcareful aim to score the nips. Nine times out of the ten he succeeded makingher flinch and gasp.

?Thank you Sam,? she squeaked and shivered at the end of it. I wanted to thankSam, too, because it was quite a sight. The lines were forming agreeably andI knew at least five were going to go purple and deep.

?Where did you find her?? I had to ask Sam then and there.

?Oh, you mean Saggy? She found me. She saw some mean streak in me and thatwas that.?

?That simple? Does she have family? What do they think of this??

?Her dad died a few years ago. Her mother's still around though. Want to meether??

?What? Meet her??

?Yeah. I think it's time, isn't it, Saggy dear??

?Yes, Sam,? said Saggy, looking up at the clock. ?Been half an hour.?

I was led into the bathroom of the house where there was a sight to both astoundand bewilder. For there, on the toilet seat, sat a woman in her seventies starknaked and very wrinkly. Around her middle was a thick leather belt and it becameobvious as she moved that her hands were tied to it behind her back by tightleather strips. What's more, there was an opened bottle of Guinness on thenearby washing machine, a stand where two enema bags, now empty, had been emptyingthemselves into her ass, and a spreader bar keeping her legs apart. Her shriveledup old rose was something to see and, I dare say, it winked at me, or was itglistening because this really did turn on the ancient freak? Her eyes wereglassy and she was moaning with abandon. It was a wonder we didn't hear herin the other room. My guess is she really only started up when she saw us whichmakes a kind of sense. Her stomach was a little bigger than expected from therest of her and she was quaking.

?There you have her,? said Sam with a deep grin and a showmanship wave. ?Halfan hour, right Gran.??

?Yes, Sam. Oooohhh! Let me go!?

?Saggy managed to tie you up okay??

?Yes, Sam. G-Get me out??

?Does it hurt much all that churning going on in there??

?No.Oooohhh! H-H-Husband did worse.?

?Oh, yes. The Guinness. Here, dear. Drink it all down.?

Sam forced her mouth open and forced her to swallow every drop. He then rubbedher tummy gently and walked back to Saggy. Gran renewed her moaning but thistime in more earnest. She convulsed a little when the cold of the thick alcoholicconcoction met the warmth of the liquid already manifesting.

?Better?? asked Sam.

?Oh, yes, Sam?yesssss! Now, let me go?..pleasssssseeeee! Please let me go!?

?How can you do that to a woman her age?? I asked because it seemed like theright things to do. Plus I was genuinely curious.

?It was a package deal,? said Sam contemplatively. ? I married Saggy on thegrounds that, when the time came, I'd take this old dish rag in, right dear??

?That's right, Sam,? said Saggy who seem oblivious to what her mother wasgoing through.

?And treat her the way she's accustomed to being treated.?

?You mean torture her?? I asked, all agog at the prospects.

?That's right.?


?At first I didn't want to do it but I wanted Saggy real bad back then soI agreed.?

?And have you any regrets??

?Hell no!?

?Mother's gasping like a fish out of water,? interrupted Saggy with a littleconcern in her voice. ?And tears are running down her cheeks.?

?Do you want me to untie you and let you go to the loo?? asked Sam of hismother-in-law.

?Pleasssse Sam?Pleaassssssssse!?

?Do you think she's gone through enough?? Sam asked Saggy.

?It's up to you,? said Saggy, shrugging her shoulders. ?She's stopped makinglike a beached dolphin so I suppose she's fine.?

?Of course she is! I tell you what?those tears are making pleasant tracksdown her front. I think we'll wait till they get to her nasty old snatch. Thenyou can release her and help her to empty out.?

And so we watched this poor, pathetic old trout cry and blubber and becomesnotty-nosed. She did ask for mercy once but that plea fell on deaf ears. Shethen just accepted her fate. And her groans got deeper and more hearty as timecontinued to flow for her like pinching, throbbing, gurgling molasses.

?I think she's reaching her limits,? I interjected.

?Not yet,? said Sam. ?Almost there?Right! Untie her, Saggy?Use the knife?Butleave everything else alone, got that??

?Yes, Sam.?

And so the frail looking woman was cut free but the plug with the long linesto the enema bags was left in place. What's more, she was made by Sam to standup straight, which was pure agony for her, and then marched around the roomholding onto the enema stand as she went. When she hesitated to catch her breathhe'd tug on her belly making her yelp loudly.

?You promised!? she eventually bellowed as she was made to circle the toileta fifth time. There was now a lot of pain slicing along that ancient face fromthe runny nose, to the quivering lips, to the half moon and pleading eyes.Some dribble was coming from the corner of her mouth. It added to her embarrassmentand, strangely enough, to my interest in proceedings. A gentleman would havestepped in and stopped it all but not me. I was beginning to understand therelationships and was starting to marvel at them.

Sam gave her a kick on the backside that made her fall. He pulled her backup by her scrawny tits and directed her toward me. ?What do you say now, friend??

I was speechless for a few seconds then said: ? She can't take any more, Sam,can she??

?Oh, she can,? said Sam jubilantly. ?She hasn't said the magic word yet, haveyou, mother??

?No, she hasn't,? agreed saggy. ?Your enjoying your little self, aren't youmom??

?Please, dear. Tell him to stop! It hurts! It really hurts!?

?Yes, dear. I know,? agreed Sam.

?Yes, mother. Now take your medicine.?

With that said, Saggy began slapping her mother's backside eliciting criesof ?Stop! Stop!? and ?Please, please!? Some of the words broke down into greatheaving sobs that must have cut through her like a sharp blade.

?Could you slap her a few times across the face while I do her crinkly oldbum, Sam? I think she's zoning out,? said Saggy after a while and Sam happilycomplied. Then the old crone fell and had to be picked up again. Naturallyit was by the tits.

?You?Are?As good as?my JOHNNY!? screamed the old woman at last and Sam didpull the plug and let her empty out. Saggy assisted with pushing and squeezing.It was some sight I can tell you.

?Was that good for you?? asked Sam of his mother-in-law when it was done.

?Yes, Sam,? she replied coolly, wiping sweat off her face. ?Something newnext month, maybe??

?Next month I'll tan your hide but good,? promised Sam. ?Right now I'll haveyou suck off my friend here.?

I waved this notion away and had Saggy do it instead. And she was quite goodat it, too. What's more, I was then permitted to cunt and ass fuck her. I wasthunderstruck by how wonderful that was. Sam, to really put Saggy in the mood,had rubbed rubbing alcohol on her tortured bits so that she was in mountingpain throughout the shagging.

?Did she do good?? asked Sam of me.

?Yes,? I replied.

?Very well, Saggy. You can go shower the alcohol off your cunt and breasts.I have some business to discuss with my friend here. And take that old fishwith you.?

?What business?? I asked after the women had left. He directed me to the kitchenwhere he poured both of us some coffee.

?My daughter's in her study,? said Sam. ?She's failing English and I needthe right tutor. You teach don't you??


?And you dig what goes on around here, don't you??

?That I do.?

?Very well. My daughter's in her study tied with leather straps to her chair.She's naked except for electrodes fastened to her breasts and a particularlynasty one in her cunt. Saggy put it there. There's a button you press. It lightsup and everything. If she gets something wrong just press the button. If shegets smart just press the button. She understands all this. Get the picture??

?Oh, yes.?

?Good. No sex with her but, after every tutoring session, you can have eithermy mother-in-law or Saggy or both to play with for an hour.?

?Sounds great.?

?Do you agree then??

?Oh, yes.?

The girl's name was Sarah and she was sixteen. She had long black hair, smallbreasts but large nipples and her face was white with lips painted black inthe Goth style. She looked me up and down, sighed, and proceeded to fail witheven the most simple of questions. I sizzled her really good that night onher tender parts, got a hard-on out of it, and took this hard-on out on Saggyand her mom. I squeezed her mom's stomach as I penetrated her to find, to mydelight, it was still rather tender from the enema. Eventually, Sarah got betterat English but, I am glad to say, it took some months. I think the only reasonshe did get better was that she decided she had to do well at school.

It was I who managed to get Saggy's tits all the way around to her back. Mindyou, I used Sam's method of getting them, via strong rope, to carry her entireweight. My only refinement was that one day I heated up a metal knitting needleand pushed it through both nipples. Oh, and I kept the heat up with a cigarettelighter. Sam reckons she hadn't howled like that in years.

The tutoring is almost done but I still go over there to Sam's home. I thinkI will be getting a shot at marrying Sarah. If so, I will soon be trained bySam on how to handle three pain sluts. Gee, I am glad I agreed to meet themissus that night. Life is getting better and better.

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Hi I m rock (name changed) 21 years old from Punjab. I am a huge fan of iss; reading a lot of stories on this site. This site was introduced by my friend 3 years ago. And there’s hardly a day without iss. The main category of iss I like is incest. I read all the stories of incest and here’s what I am posting for. This is my first story on iss so please forgive me for my mistakes. This story is of me and my mami. She is 34 years old with figure 36-28-32 and normal boobs (not so much big) she is...

3 years ago
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Continuing my experience with my French friend

I was completely helpless now. I'd decided to let myself go, and now nothing was going to stop us. If this was the only chance that Julien and I had together, I was going to take it. I took off Julien's pants and threw them aside, watching his bulging cock emerge. I took it in my hands and slowly ran my tongue up and down the length of his shaft. I looked up and saw Julien wathching me, which turned me on even more. I wanted him to watch me while I pleased him. I started sucking on his cock,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Montessori High SchoolChapter 6

Someone was knocking on the door. Lisa went to answer. "Oh, hi, Annabelle ... Come on in. Harold's getting ready ... I swear ... I think that now that he's spending more time here at the resort, he's forgotten how to dress himself." Annabelle laughed. "I know what you mean. It was so stuffy at Harriman and Nichols; I never realized how liberating it was to be able to walk around in skin. I almost hated to get dressed this morning." "Speaking of getting dressed," commented Lisa,...

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Lust Epidemic

Sometimes I can get down with a hot porn game. Sure, most fall by the wayside because they are absolute trash, but sometimes a game comes around that is actually half-decent. And, more often than not, it’s a game from an indie developer. Something about your entire financial life being on the line for a single project seems to produce better games, who would have thought?In my opinion, most successful indie porn games end up being worth playing. I do mean just the successful ones though. There...

Free Sex Games
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Sorority Staff

The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Beginnings Party Plans Party Time Dinner Surprises Sunday Following Weeks Parental Displeasure Today Beginnings In my early teens my life was a real misery. My dad was a drunken bully who died in a car accident when I was about thirteen, he was drunk at the time. There was so little insurance Mum had to sell the house and furniture to cover the mortgage and debts. That left Mum, my older sister, and me with...

4 years ago
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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 13

Rose’s mouth dropped open. ‘Poker? I thought it was just supposed to be a social sort of get-together.’ The three of them sat at the table in the loft surrounded by containers of the Chinese food that Rose had brought home. ‘Yeah,’ Kayla smiled, ‘That’s what it’ll be. It’s just going to have a poker game as the focal point, that’s all.’ Rose shook her head, ‘I haven’t played poker in donkey’s years. I doubt I can remember how. Why do you want me to go? I can take care of Jillian while you and...

3 years ago
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Black Book Diary Entry Christine

Black Book Diary Entry Christine is the wife of my dentist, been going there since forever. She used to be a model and you can tell that she once was by how beautiful she still is now. No one would disbelieve that truth about her. They’d just have to look at her. She fell in love with ‘The Doctor’, which is how she always refers to her husband as, never calling him by his name, Robert or Bob or Rob. She never calls him anything but Doctor, whenever they are in public. I always wondered if she...

1 year ago
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Veni 8211 My Plumpy And Slutty Maid With Me In My Bed

Hi all… Saran here..From Kerala..I m back with my next story which happened to me recently… First of all I thank all those who mailed me… Coming to the story.. As I started my business,i sat home very less.I knew that my mom appointed a new maid in our house, I dont see her because of my busy schedule,this maid will come by 12 and will go by 2…One day I came home around 1:00 pm,i saw a lady of age 30(dnt knw the correct age)..She had good boobs and she had tummy which I like…She wore...

3 years ago
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The Melcombe Arms

“Yes, sir, complete discretion is assured, complete privacy. Yes, it is a little more expensive than our public dining room of course, but I think you’ll find it worthwhile. You come to the door on the right hand side, the lights come on as you approach, it discourages casual visitors. Certainly sir, shall we say eight o’clock? Yes, and it’s Mr Smith; for two; certainly. We’ll look forward to seeing you. Goodbye.” Her Loveliness put the phone down. “It’s amazing the number of Mr Smith’s there...

1 year ago
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Sexual Journey Between Voluptuous Aunt And Nephew 8211 Part 2

After wishing goodnight to all other family members, my voluptuous aunt and I dispersed to our room which is located on the 3rd floor to the corner with an inside home elevator separating the only other room on the floor. We were unpacking the luggage and adjusting the bed, and all this time, my aunt and I were constantly exchanging glances. I always gave a naughty smirk and she looked shy. We got freshened up and aunt went to close the door. As she bolted the hinge, I rushed to her and pushed...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 49 Obtaining Parental Consent

Thursday, April 14, 2005 (Continued) Julia led us down the stairs and to the living room. She opened the door, stepped in, then stopped and wailed, "Oh no!" A moment later Carol and I saw the reason for Julia's reaction. My parents and Donna were in the room, along with all of the Williams family. It wasn't a situation we could bluff our way out of. The room was done up like a church, with white flowers all over the place and lit candles in stands, with two especially large stands of...

1 year ago
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Lunch at Work

I started to take a banana to work with me everyday for my lunch. After a few days I noticed guys from the office watching me whenever I started peeling my banana. So I started to have a little fun with it by giving them a little lunch time show. I would peel it very slowly and I would slowly open my mouth and let the end of the banana just graze my pink lips, and instead of biting I would give the length of my banana a nice slow sexy suck. I could tell any guy that was watching me had a raging...

3 years ago
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Suddenly A Girl Part 4

Suddenly a Girl (Part 4) (The story of Rob, turned into Robbi, a 15-year old girl.) Jen, Rob's daughter was thrilled about being invited to a pool party, and that her Rob is invited too. "Let's go pick out swimsuits," said Jen to Rob. "I've got some that will look awesome on you!" Rob was hesitant, but didn't want to puncture her enthusiasm. "OK, I will look, but I am not going to the party." "I will make you!" said Jen, dragging Robbi into her room. He sort of rolled his eyes...

3 years ago
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Best Night Ever With My House Owner

I am Deepak (Name changed for sec) and is from Vijayawada, aged 25 now. I am 5’10” tall and weighing 78. Not athletic but not fat!. This story is about how I lost my virginity to my Beautiful house owner lady. She is 34 old now, but still maintaining sexy body stats. Her figure is about 34DD- 30 – 36( not so accurate but almost sure ). 3 yrs back from now I was just out of college and had a good job in an MNC with good package. I was waiting for DOJ letter to go and join my company(IT company)...

2 years ago
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LovingChapter 20 Cheating For Fun

Carol and I enjoyed cuddling in bed but as usual, soon we were slowly fucking our heads off. Later as we lay there wrapped in each others arms Carol said, "Dave honey, I've never snuck off to a motel with a man before. Let alone two men. It excites the hell out of me, but are you sure you are OK with it?" "Yeah Carol... I'm glad to see your old appetites coming back a little. I was worried about you. But I want to hear all about it after. And Carol... I think I will sneak over to...

3 years ago
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The Meekering Incident

The Meekering Incident was fifteen years in the making, and it had a profound effect on me and those around me. I had arrived home from LA an hour ago, Mum had called to tell me that Dad was in a bad way and was not expected to live for any more than a couple of weeks, a month tops. I haven’t been near this place for fifteen years, ever since I left for the big smoke to pursue my career in Tinseltown. It was a circuitous route, one taken by many before me, a part in a long running soap,...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a tgirl slut

When the day started, I had no dates, no arrangements of any kind. But I was feeling horny. I needed cock. I'd gone over a week without sex and I am one cock hungry sissy slut. I'm getting on a bit but I know how to dress and do my makeup. I like to think I can embody a straight guy's fantasies and give him the sex his wife won't and dress in a way genetic women generally can't be bothered to do. So I never wear tights - always seamed stockings, generally with a Cuban heel. I'm also crazy about...

1 year ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 71

April 13th, 2022 Hello Everyone, I guess I’m adapting to my situation. At least, I’m not driving myself crazy over it. It is what it is. I’ve gotten down to 241.2 in weight. Yay me! As far as I know, my BP and such is doing fine. I also have a very tiny exercise program with free weights. I’m also walking some. It’s just around the block. I can go by myself as long as I tell someone and take my phone. A few years ago I wasn’t allowed to leave my yard by myself. So I think around the block...

3 years ago
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Aunty had sex with me and my cousin

Hi ISS readers I’m a regular reader of this site and I’m going to post my first story, my name is Balu and my cousins name was Biju we were from Kerala and we were good friends we almost do every crazy things together Biju was a well built man and good looking I’m a little bit dark and well built too we always dreamed of having sex with our aunty and we were doing first year degree courses that time. Latha is her name and she is in early 30’s she is married and had a son, once they are all...

2 years ago
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Tyrone uses me again

Those days I had quarreled with Victor about my new black slut condition. He finally yelled at me I could do whatever I wanted. It was perfect; I could fuck Tyrone every time I wanted… or when he wanted…Friday at early evening I got dressed. Then I looked in the mirror. A nice big black cock slut looked back. I wore false eyelashes and a heavy makeup.I had been shopping with my naughty girlfriend Maura; lots of underwear…I was now wearing a black lycra dress. It was split down the front, almost...

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Bobs Frothy Adventures Part 1 and 2 slightly edited

Introduction: This is my first story, so please by nice. Thanks! Part 1: And then Bobs sister started sucking his dick, and he was all like ohhhh yeeeaaah! Bob then started fingering her tight, wet, preteen, twelve year old pussy. Bobs sister moaned ahhhh yeees boooy! She then had an orgasm ALL over his hand. She yelled Ahhh fuck yes, ahohyaehhh as she drenched Bobs hand in her young vaginal fluids. Bobs sister then positioned her sexy mouth over Bobs hard, sexy, big, circumcised, throbbing,...

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Kimberley Real Estate Agent

Kimberly had a busy schedule showing houses. She checked the mirror before leaving, going over her clothes and makeup, checking her small bag with a change of clothes. “Hmm, looking good girl. Skirt tight, blouse good fit with a little pushup going on. Hair all done, going to get a little messed up.” The first showing luckily was not too far in a modest brick ranch. She pulled up to the ranch on Maple Street right at 10. The client Dave Hammer was waiting. “Hi Dave, sorry for last...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Best Friend

Jacob and I had been best friends for years. I had always felt this close connection to him, but never had the courage to tell him how I really felt. Let me describe myself. My name is Abby, I have a size 4 body with B cup breasts. I have bright green eyes and long dark brown hair that reaches my waist. At 6 ft, Jacob was taller than my 5 foot 8 inch frame. He had dirty blond hair that was always perfectly messy. His eyes were this bright shade of blue that matched the sky perfectly. He had...

First Time
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"I miss him so much" she thought as she gathered a single candle, lotions and other bath assorted materials. She set them down on the dresser as she noticed herself in the long mirror. With just a white cotton towel wrapped around her and her hair laid out, she looked beautiful. She walked closer to the mirror and examined herself, pushing her hair away from her face to get a good look. She slowly unwrapped the towel that caressed her body, and it dropped to the floor. She took her hands,...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 66

Melinda blinked awake and lifted her head, her bleary eyes barely focusing on anything past the foot of her bed. "What?" she said in a groggy voice. "I was going to ask the same thing." The sound of her sister's voice jolted her to full wakefulness, and she sat up in bed. "What time is it?" "Just short of one in the morning," said Heather. "Did you wake me--?" She was interrupted by her own gasp as something smacked against the window like a hailstone. "I think that woke you...

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MommysGirl Ryan Keely Skylar Snow Mommy8217s Dream

Leona (Chloe Cherry) emerges into the living room and greets her roommate Shelby (Kendra Spade) with a good morning. Shelby says matter-of-factly that she’d hardly quantify this morning as good – they’ve just gotten up, nothing eventful has happened good OR bad, so it seems like a perfectly average morning to her. Why doesn’t she just say ‘average morning’ instead? Or, more efficiently, just ‘morning’. Or for that matter, if there’s nothing...

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PrincessCum Haley Reed Pastors Advice

Haley Reed is horny all the time. When she interprets her pastor’s advice that having sex for procreation without birth control is okay, she decides to go all the way with her boyfriend Brick Danger. Peeling off her miniskirt, bra, and thon for Brick’s pleasure, she urges him to feel up her boobs and then to squeeze her ass. Then she pulls his hard dick out and lays on her belly to start sucking. Licking and slurping at Brick’s hardon gets him all riled up. When Haley gets on...

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Parental GuidanceChapter 3

"Are you ok, Mom?" Rachel asked as her mother opened the door. "I heard shouting and bad words in there. Are you and Robbie having an argument?" "No, Dear." Jennifer replied, her body still trembling with excitement. Robbie isn't here. He's gone off with his friends. I was taking a nap and probably talking in my sleep." Jennifer wasn't a very good liar and Rachel looked at her suspiciously, not believing a word her mother said. She had definitely heard her brother's voice coming...

2 years ago
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Pounded to submission CH2

CH. 2Two days ago Joesph was checking out porn like he usually did at his favorite site xhamster. A couple of BBW vids here some interracial there, the usual. Then he saw a just viewed picture with a Brazilian She-male and couldn't stop looking. With his curiosity getting the better of him he clicked on it. She was gorgeous! Her face appeared to be as feminine as feminine could get, her tits were remarkable. And then he saw it, she had at least an eight inch cock that seemed to defy gravity...

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Fun With My Lovely Aunt 8211 5

Hello, guys and girls, this is your friend back with another series of the story, I am thankful for those who responded to my previous stories. About me, I am 5.7 tall, from Bangalore. For more description of mine, you can refer my previous stories. As you know I was having an affair with my aunt that is my mom’s brother’s wife, now we got into trouble as my another aunt that is my mom’s sister got to know about us. This story is about how she humiliated and used me. Coming to the story, a...


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