Billys Introduction to a Sex filled Weekend
- 2 years ago
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The 14 hours in the car, on the first day of our vacation was excruciating. Wehad started out at 7 A.M. and when we finally convinced dad to look for a motel,there were none around. When we did finally find one there was only one roomleft, but mom quickly exchanged smiles with dad and told Sara and me; ?It'sokay, there's two queen size beds, we'll figure something out.?
Dad decided since it was after nine, and sodas and some fruit were all we'deaten, we would have dinner in the restaurant next door before we hit the sack.
I was really disappointed because I had been dying to jerk off and realizedI probably wouldn't have enough privacy. My frustration had been intensifiedpast the usual hormone induced urges of a normal 15 year old guy by my sisterSara, who shared the back seat with me all day. She wore short cutoffs anda t-shirt with no bra to keep the big nipples of her sweet 17 year old tittiesfrom being very noticeably displayed, and casually, incidentally rubbed orpressed against my arm or thigh several times by her. Sara even put her handaccidentally on my cock during the ride, the last instance being when I hada raging boner. She had leaned up over the front seat a bit to get somethingfrom mom and reached back to brace herself. Finding my hard-on between herpalm and my thigh, Sara slowly turned back to me and looked down at her catchfor a few seconds before smiling at me again and saying; ?sorry.?
Dinner proved to be no distraction for my obsessive horniness. Sara tappedmy calf with her foot to get my attention and motioned to alert me of our parents'activities. My mom, one of the hottest looking women in our town, was nonchalantlystroking dads cock through his pants below the table.
?Aahh, are you guys sure one room is going to be alright?? Sara teased. Momand dad acknowledged our awareness of their play without a trace of embarrassment.Slow to remove her grip and withdraw from dad's crotch, mom just smiled. Throughoutthe meal mom and dad almost defiantly snuck gropes and copped feels of eachother in front of Sara and I, without anyone mentioning the topic again.
We took turns showering and getting ready for bed while we watched a movieon one of the premium cable channels. I was the third in the bathroom and Sararushed me so she could get washed up and changed too, eliminating even a chancefor a quick fist pumping to relieve myself in the shower.
I came out of the bathroom in only boxers, as my dad had, just in time formy tall, curvy, vixen of a mother in just bikini panties and a wife-beatert-shirt to kiss my cheek goodnight and get into bed and cuddle up to dad. Myhead spun as I got into the other bed to realize I would be sleeping next tomy hot sister Sara. Sara finally emerged in a red, frilly, almost transparent,piece of lingerie that hung by thin straps from her shoulders and ended atopher tight, toned abdomen, and a matching thong. I decided as Sara kissed dadand mom goodnight before crawling into bed beside me, that if I couldn't nodoff, I would feign watching the television until the others were sleeping andthen stroke off quietly maybe.
I realized that I must have dozed off but was happy that I awoke in the darkroom. The alarm clock read 3:21, and I conveniently had woken up with an erection.But as I wrapped my hand on it, I heard my mom whisper frantically, ?I saidto lick it, you bitch, now suck my cunt. The kids are out like lights.?
?MMmmmm? mom moaned softly, ?lift up for a sec so I grab your rings and workyour nipples while I fuck your face. And be quiet if you don't want to wakethe kids up while I try hurting your pain slut ass enough to get it hard enoughto fuck with.?
I shifted around so I could see around Sara to watch them thinking I couldjerk off easily and unnoticed, when my sister, sleeping on her side with herback toward me, also rustled a bit pushing her tight, round ass against me.Mom was laying on her back, folded at her hips as dad held her legs above herso he could use his lips and tongue on her ass hole and pussy as she hissedin an excited whisper her instructions. My dad's nipples were freakishly distendedand looked like pink inchworms with hoop earrings attached to gold leashesthat mom way yanking and tugging on them by. After a few minutes, mom tolddad it was time to fuck her. As he scurried into place between her legs I wasamazed to discover that his big dick was barely swollen, and hardly up forthe task. He stroked and fumbled with it, grinding it's big head around onmom's pussy in frustration when I noticed red stripes that crisscrossed dad'sass and thighs and realized they were welts.
?You worthless, pathetic, stupid bitch you, I swear, if I have to strap yourwimp ass raw for you to get your dick hard, I will, and I don't care if thekids wake up either. Now, get it good and hard right now before I start makingnoise on your ass.? Mom told him in a slow, deliberate whisper.
?Billy's big dick sure has no trouble getting stiff mom, why not let him useit for something other than jerking off for a change. I wouldn't mind havingsome fun disgracing and kicking the living shit out of daddy for you either,now that I know what a nasty, lowlife, faggot he really is.? Sara suddenlypiped up, laying next to me.
Dad and mom, as well as me, were stunned and speechless. Mom was the quickestto snap out of it, and turned on the lamp between our beds. She had a wickedsmile on her face and said, ?show me Sara, let me see it.?
Sara tossed off our blankets to reveal my erection still in my fist, alongwith a small dildo that she had been using on herself as well. She pushed myhand away and shoved me to my back, then grabbed my throbbing dick strokingit a little and showing it off. ?Isn't my brother's big, thick dick just beautifulmom? And he's never even had it sucked off, let alone in a woman.?
?Come show me, Billy. Let me see that nice cock of yours? mom said to me.
?No! Our kids! This is wrong, Julia! We can't?.? dad protested, beet red.
?Shut up you slut!? mom snapped at him, ?If it's so fucking wrong to you,why is that spent old softy between your legs suddenly showing signs of life?You'll do what you're told ass-wipe! Big Vito Maccio, oooooh? she whined sarcastically.ou might be some kind of boss man, who's ass gets kissed and everyone is scaredof to the rest of the world, but the video of you torturing and raping two12 year olds and their mother to teach one of your enemies a lesson beforeyou had him hit, would still ruin your ass.?
I stood in front of my mom as she sat on her bed fondling and examining myhard dick and balls. ?Are you still really a virgin son? Haven't you fooledaround with anyone who put their mouth on it even??
I told her that I only had it played with a few times with different girls,but never had it so much as jerked off by anybody yet. She stroked it as Ianswered, then kissed it's head lightly.
?Well Billy, you'll be a real man before we check out of this dump, dear.I think it's about time we had a man in this family again. One who's can getit up without his wife having to act like the man and dominate his sissy bitchass.? Mom teased.
?Please, no! They're only kids, innocent little kids for Christ's sake! It'sbad enough they've seen what they have.? Dad pleaded.
Mom grabbed both chains that dangled from dads nipple rings in one hand anda fist of his hair with the other and yanked him over so that his face wasonly inches from my cock. ?See what a real dick looks like? Remember when youhad a cock like this too?? She tugged his face closer by the nipple chainsand released his hair to stroke my cock. ?I bet he'll keep it hard like thiseven if he cums with it a bunch of times, too?
?Make him kiss it mom? Sara taunted. ?His innocent little girl wants to seeif he's as good of a cock sucker as she is.?
Dad blushed at Sara's boast, while she and mom giggled.
?Does that bother you Vito? That your innocent little princess likes to suckdicks and get fucked? Wait till she tells you how she likes sucking pussiestoo!? Sara teased.
?How do you think Sara and Billy will feel when they see how their slut fatherbegs and prays to get his wife to strap on a dildo and pump his big fat assfor him?? mom joked. ?It's about time you tasted a real cock anyway! You knowyou want to, you're just too afraid of being found out! Here's your chance!Suck it. Suck Billy's cock?
Dad wept and groaned a bit, then opened his mouth and leaned to blow me, butmom shoved his head away with her foot at the last second. ?You selfish pig!Always thinking of himself! What about your son, scumbag? Billy's first blow-jobis something his fag father isn't going to ruin by not knowing how.? Mom lectured. ?Ithink our son would much rather have his pretty sister suck him off. Maybeshe can teach you a thing or two about giving a decent blow job.? Mom reachedinto her luggage for a bamboo cane, and a thick leather belt she put aroundhis neck to lead and control him with, while Sara came and knelt beside himto suck me.
Mom whipped dad's ass with the cane several times, as she hissed a filthyand vile narration of Sara and my activities. Sara did things to my cock andballs that were beyond my imagination in pleasure. But being so aroused andso uninitiated, in only a few minutes, I shot a load in her open mouth despiteher efforts to prolong my endurance.
Before my ecstatic moaning ebbed, Sara scooted over to dad with my load inher mouth and grabbing him by his nipple chains pulled his face to hers.
?Give Sara a big kiss now dear, show her how much you loved seeing her facefuck her brother like a street whore for you.? Mom snapped as she pinched hisnose, forcing him to open his mouth to gasp for air.
Sara put her lips on dads and spit my cum out into his mouth. She withdrewto enjoy dad's reaction while mom tightened the belt around his neck and toldhim not to swallow, just to roll it around in his mouth and enjoy the flavor.Sara looked up and said to mom, ?it looks like we've found a cure for daddy'slimp dick mom, look how stiff the taste of his son's cum makes him?? she laughed,stroking dad's hardon.
I was so aroused and overwhelmed that I was shaking when my mom leaned overto hug and kiss me. ?Didn't that feel great Billy? Why don't you suck and playwith mommy's tits for her while your pretty sister makes her daddy suck thecum off your big dick and keep it nice and hard for you to fuck me with sweetheart??
Sara held my cock to dad's face and hissed in his ear, ?let's hear you begto suck on his nice big dick, you filthy, slut, bitch.? She pumped his woodywith her fist.
Without hesitating a bit, dad began babbling. ?Please son, I've resisted thenasty urges and obsessions in me. Don't do this. Please, I'm too much of asick, perverted, slut to resist Sara and your mother getting you to join themin turning my family into a pack of fuck crazy pagans. Let's stop this.? Dadbegged.
I grabbed him by his ears and yanked on him real hard. ?Suck my dick toughguy! Just let me pump your face a little to get it real hard again to fuckmom with.? I spurted, surprising even myself.
Sara stood and cuddled against my left side, opposite mom, and strummed mynipples while leaning to meet mom's mouth with her own to tongue wrestle. Aftera few minutes I announced, ?Uuunghh, I'm ready for my first fuck now mom!? andshoved dad's head away.
Mom jumped on her bed and laid on her back with her legs spread wide displayingher wet, puffy, fleshy-pink, slit to me. I examined it carefully, thinkinghow moms hot body, posed like it was, was even more sexy than the sluts inthe porn mags I jerked off to. As mom guided my cock into her slit, Sara haddad bend over the foot of the bed. I began humping in and out of her makingher moan in joy. When Sara whipped dads' ass with a strap to make him lickmy ass and balls, it made my thrusting grow harder and more intense until Iwas slamming my cock into moms warm wet hole viciously. Mom's eyes rolled backin her head and she mauled frantically at her own big boobs. ?OOoooohhh!! UUuuunghh!!? shewailed. I felt my dick and balls being soaked by her a fluid, and knew frommy dad's sudden moans it came from mom's pussy. I kept up my pace and intensityfor a while longer until I started cumming real hard into my quivering motherwho's groaning had grown to passionate screams.
Sara pulled at me to dismount my spent, slumped body off of mom's and haddad suck my cum out from mom's now sloppy cunt. After only a minute or so,Sara pulled dad off and had him lay on his back in the middle of the bed andasked mom to straddle his face, ?let's see if another few swallows of Billy'scum gets him hard enough for me to ride for a fuck?, she sneered. Within secondsshe announced, ?I guess we found daddy's magic potion?, and holding his shaftin place, squatted onto his cock.
?Hey Billy, come behind me and wrap those arms around to grab me by my titsand slam me up and down on his cock. Help me rape a fuck out of him first andlater on, after you and me fuck each other, I'll help you open and loosen himup so you can rape his tight little ass hole.?
Dad, having been aroused and excited, yet ignored in terms of physical stimulationso far, came in less than two minutes. Sara replaced mom over his face demandinghis cleaning service.
Sara and I showered together and came out to find dad tied spread eagled ontheir bed, and mom peeking outside, through the curtains.
?Sara, why don't you put something trashy on and go over to that truckstopdiner. I saw one skanky little whore strutting from one semi to another, countingher cash, and a real hot, young little trailer park slut walk like she'd beenridden real hard from another one of those big trucks and go in the diner.See if you make nice with one of the nasty inbred whores and see if she'd mindgetting a few of those horny, redneck, truckers over here to whore me and yourdad out to.? Mom turned to us with an evil smirk. ?Tell them they can keepthe money, and watch, or join in even. If it helps, offer her some coke. Iguess you might as well know that your father always has a huge stash withhim.?
?Dad does coke?!? I asked, in shock.
?Even I knew that Billy,? Sara sighed to me, ?all those macho acting wiseguytypes that are in the construction business with daddy, and that hang aroundwith him, all have three things in common when they aren't at home; cigars,bimbos, and cocaine. In fact, now that we're all out, the year before last,around Christmas, me and Mr. Colusso's daughter Gina hid out at one of theirpoker games that a girl I know that worked for the escort service they used,snuck us in. She kept bringing us lines to do and we got so high, she got twoof dad's buddies to tip us $100 a piece to watch Gina and me make out and godown on each other while she fucked and blew them. When we were all done, theyrealized who we were and got so scared they almost shit themselves. Mom doescoke too, they even smoke the shit when they're getting kinky. Tell him mom!?
Mom just grinned, ?My sweet, innocent, and well hung I might add, son Billyseems to only be interested in peeping through his closet wall through to yourbedroom Sara, whenever there's a finger, vibrator, or guys cock pumping you,he's locked in there half a day after you're done. He only peeps on his momwhen dad's not home, but I've indulged him when I know he's peeping on me,I put on a little show and play with myself and pose for him to jerk off to.I don't even think he'd know it if he was standing on a pile of coke, as longas his dick was in his hand. Tits and ass has been Billy's obsession, evenwhen he works out or eats, it's what's in his brain. Imagine how lust-drunkhorny your brother would get on coke??
Sara went on, ?Cooking it up with baking soda and smoking that shit is likeinstant slut. One hard puff of that shit, and Mother Theresa would be suckingcocks. I've been dipping into their stash for over a year now.?
?I can't believe this! My family! My family is poisoned with drugs, incest,homosexuality, sadism, and all sorts of evil! All from my own demons that I'velet posses them! Why? Why are you all doing this, its wrong?? daddy whined.
?Because, it's so much fun stupid!? Mom laughed. She took the crucifix downfrom the motel wall and swung it hard; smashing it across dads big balls makinghim writhe and cry in agony. She held the statue in his face, thumping it onhim to get his attention. ?If you really think you need to have a little Jesusin you dear, I'll be more than happy to oblige your wop pagan ass for you!By the time our darlings get back again, I'll have rammed this little Jesusin your ass-hole so many fucking times; you'll wonder who's been crucified!?
Dismissing dad's objection, mom tossed the cross on the floor and turned tome and Sara again. ?Dress skimpy Sara, a baby girl t-shirt and no underwear.Get Billy to work on your nipples so they really poke out, and those tiny,little, terry-cloth shorts you have, be sure you yank a wedgie with them sothat even the deaf bastards there will get to read your lips!?
?Billy, you just stick with Sara like her puppy and stay quiet even if someonetalks to you, unless she tells you what to say. No skivvies, a tight t-shirtto show off your tone, and your shortest pair of shorts. Keep that cock atleast half hard and try making it stick out the bottom of your shorts withoutbeing too obvious.? Mom directed.
When Sara and I left, mom threw on only a skimpy sun dress, and followed usout. ?I guess I'll have a chat with the hillbilly at the desk and see if wecan't get on more personal terms and extend our stay a little,? she said.
Introduction: So ur dadi asked me to fuck ur mom and make her pregnant but my spearm is also not power ful to make ur mom pregnant with just one fuck.. So it took nearly 8 months for me to make ur mom pregnant Before that let me tell me about me i am 28 now but story happened when i was 15 ,5 7 my fig was 32 26 36 .. And my mom was of 39 56 36 32 38, i am the only child of my parents an d my dadaji was 67 , he is thin black and 54.. Now coming to the story it all happen when due to some...
Before that let me tell me about me i am 20 now but story happened when i was 15 ,5′ 7” my fig was 32 26 36 .. And my mom was of 39 5’6” 36 32 38, i am the only child of my parents an d my dadaji was 67 , he is thin black and 5’4”.. Now coming to the story it all happen when due to some festival we all went to village as dadali only stay there and my exams are also over we all are very happy in the night i have to sleep with dadaji as there are only 2 rooms there.. As t z a village we slept by...
IncestNow coming to the story it all happen when due to some festival we all went to village as dadali only stay there and my exams are also over we all are very happy in the night i have to sleep with dadaji as there are only 2 rooms there.. As t z a village we slept by 8pm only.. In night around 4 i woke up for toilet hen i came back i saw something amazing.. Dadalis lungi was open i can see his cock which was 2 inch long ang and the grith was nearly 5 '' and fore skin is half open y showing...
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IncestThis is the fourth part, please read the previous parts to understand the story. I compare the woman in the story to actresses. So think of someone when you read this story, and I will continue the story where I left. Sister and I started a relationship of incest, which only started by kissing to pleasuring each other in any means. We learned about many things by watching movies. Then sex videos and internet searching. We learned about condoms, which is what we don’t have. But we learned a...
IncestI am from Gujarat and fan of this site since long and I came to know about this site through a friend of mine and after that, I was thinking about my younger sister. I am going to narrate what happened next and please forgive me if any grammatical mistake. You can give me feedback or suggestions on I was surfing porn in a cyber cafe and saw my friend in the cyber cafe who seems reading something in the monitor. I quickly ran towards him and saw that he was reading sex story about mom and son....
IncestHello indian sex stories dot net readers. This is Aman (name changed) again. I am back with a new fantasy. I am from Bangalore, working in Chennai. Let me tell you about myself. I am 22 years old. To be honest, I am a normal guy with a fair color. A height of 5’8. My dick size is not like other guys, it’s nearly 6 inches and 2 and a half inch thick. Sorry for writing this story after a long time. This is the part 3 of my story. So for those who haven’t read the first part, please read it to get...
IncestHello ISS readers. This is Aman (name changed) again. I am back with a new fantasy. I am from Bangalore, but I am doing my degree in Mysore. Let me tell you about myself. I am 22 years old. To be honest, I am a normal guy with a fair color. A height of 5’8. My dick size is not like other guys, it’s nearly 6 inches and 2 and a half inch thick. This is a story about how my elder sister started breastfeeding me. I always had an urge to drink breast milk but I never thought I would get a chance...
IncestReturning from our date, Erin and I entered my house. When I called out, there was no answer as we made our way to the kitchen. I placed the pizza on the counter and that's when we heard noises coming from the patio. Opening the French doors and stepping out, we saw mom, and sis making out in the hot tub.“Come join us, you two,” Mom said as sis was sucking and licking her nipples.I was standing behind Erin who said, “We'll just watch for a while.”I reached for the zipper on her left shoulder...
IncestThis is the part 2 of my story. So for those who haven’t read the first part, please read it to get more clear idea of how it all started from this link https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/me-mom-and-my-lovely-sis-part-1/ In this part I will describe how I got to loose my virginity to my sis. After she breastfed me for the first time it was like heaven for me. I liked the milk a lot and the taste of the milk was inexpressible. Both mom and sis were happy and thanked me for helping sis....
IncestHi readers it is happening for the first time I am going to share my real experience with you. I am a male from Lahore, Pakistan. I am 24 y with an average dick of 6 inch. I this happened to me and my cousin sis Shakila who was 15 at that time while I was 21 Let me tell about my sis Shakila she is having a slim body with 28 tits and round gaand She lives in a village. Our family does not have much good relations but just to make some tasks in our agricultural land I visited my village in 2005...
IncestHi friends, am going to share my memories of my childhood. Let me first introduce myself I am raj, my family consists of three; me my dad and my mom. As I mentioned earlier my parents are very active in bed. I always try to peep into my parents bed room at night and used to enjoy watching them making love with each other. Today I am going to share all new experience of childhood. The story starts like this, there used to be a family in my neighbourhood, a husband Ramu (nearly 50 years) working...
My mom was out of town for a month to six weeks helping out her younger sister who just had a baby.Mom told me to keep an eye on dad he's under a lot of pressure at work. He wasn't sleeping well. If he sleepwalks don't wake him. That may be dangerous. Try to talk to him & guide him back to bed.Moms only been gone a few days.I was concerned about him but not worried yet. I was trying to behave and cook some meals.It was evening I was sitting on a stool at the kitchen island. I saw my dad...
This took place a number yrs ago on my sis's 18th birthday (i was 23) it was your average 18yr old girls party and party games aswell,After all the invited family members left the Mom had left for the night.. and the only people left in the house was, My sis, her Bf Luke, Amy,Tod,Myself and my Gf Amanda. We decided to play Some drinking games then after we all were good and drunk my sis siad time to play TorD, My sis said her party her rules then she said "i dare everyone to get naked"...
and sis is ten years older. We had a love/hate relationship before she got married -sometimes we loved each other sometimes it was hate. Now she has left her husband and come home to our parents place. She misses all the sex she had but she cant date guys until her divorce goes through. I have heard her frigging her own pussy, real noisy like and I have tried to get to see her but she keeps her bedroom door or the bathroom door securely locked. When she was a teen at home she used to...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fucinhigh08: bro sis fucinhigh08: im feeling dirty yankees2girl: haha ok, you feeling dom tonight? fucinhigh08: if your feelin sub yankees2girl:haha ok fucinhigh08: nice fucinhigh08: its tough being mean to you yankees2girl: im 14, your 18, our parents are out for 3 days and have put you in charge fucinhigh08: but its fun yankees2girl: do it, i like it fucinhigh08:...
“What are you doing Sonny?”“What does it look like.... I’m getting in the shower with you Sis.”“Well get the hell out of here!”" Your husband has gone to work. and that’s no way to treat a house guest...... come on Sis we use to take baths together.”“Shit that was twenty years ago.... And it stopped because Mom saw you were getting a boner.. Just like you got now.”“Here Sis don’t you need someone to wash your back? ...... Now doesn’t that feel good?”“Well..... Yes.. but don’t go lower... STOP...
Our parents were on a one-week cruise Mom earned at work. It was for two people only so they decided to make a second honeymoon out of it. The k**s had to stay home. I was the youngest, having just turned eighteen that spring. It was my last summer in high school. Mom and Dad wanted me to enjoy it. My brother joined the Marines when he graduated two years ago. My sister, Susan, was going to start her senior year in college. She offered to stay home and be sure that I stayed out of trouble. Just...
Sis I am home, anyone here. By Princess Panty boy "I'm home anyone here?" I walk into the house closing the front door. Walking into the family room, I see my sister seating on the couch talking on her cell phone with the TV on. My sister who by the way is my twin, but looking at us you would never know it because she is five foot five inches and has a perfect body according to all the guys in my class that are trying to date her. I guess she does have a great body, but I...
"Billy...your sister's hurt honey," were Mom's first words when I picked up the phone."What's wrong? What happened?" I demanded, the hard-on throbbing in my hand completely forgotten. "She fell...broke her leg, and her ankle...she just called from the hospital.""So she's okay...crikee, I thought for a second you meant...hell, what'd she say?""She was doped up...she didn't make a lot of sense...I've just left work...I'll call""Can I help...I can come with you," I interrupted."I'm calling from...
I had my shot perfectly lined up. 8 ball in the corner pocket, I had called it. Make this shot and five bucks will be mine along with the bragging rights to have beaten the best pool shark in my whole senior high school class. Of course now, I did have the home court advantage. We were playing 9-ball on my pool table in my basement den. Just a firm little tap is all I need with a slight touch of english on the right side at about 5 o’clock. Careful, not too much because the path to the 8...
Hi this is Rajeev from Bhopal. Now I’m going tell u a real eye witnessed story of my sis Shikha getting fucked by her boyfriend Rahul. It was at the year 1998 when she was just 18 and was at 12Th class and I was at finals .My sis was 5’4 and blessed with great figure and fair color. My parents were government employee and they leave the house around 8.30 and come back around 6 pm, and I used to go to college around 10.30 and come back around 6.30 pm. In recent day’s I’ve noticed a lot of change...
Older Sister is a Tease I wiped the sleep off my eyes as I slowly woke up from my afternoon nap. I decided that I needed a shower to fully wake up. Normally I wouldn’t give a care but my Mom was coming over to my apartment to drop off my 14 year old brother. My parents had decided that they badly needed a secluded vacation so they decided to leave my brother to the only free nanny in the world. Lucky me. I unclasped my bra; letting my D cup pear shaped breasts come free. I’m sure in a couple of...
IncestWell to begin with this incident goes way back to the times when I was a teen. I lived with my mom and dad. My dad is a real sex freak. He is crazy about sex and I was really lucky to see him in action many times. My dad was 38 and my mom was 35. My dad is a hairy guy he keeps himself well in shape and loves to check out all the hot women. Okay getting to the point. I had a very close friend of mine who I used to often call over to my place to play video games. Those were the days when all the...
Hi readers i’m back with my story remember me i’m the one who wrote the “child games with sis” so i told u until our mother found out us playing naked games and beat the shit out of us.So after tht my sister backed off a lot we never discussed it again and we used to be normal bro and sis as we didn’t have any feelings as it was happened at our childhood now me and my sis had a common room we had our beds attached in our room so tht we can discuss things abt our studies so it happened to be...
IncestHaving so lovingly worshipped the ground my delightfully twisted and red hot 18 year old kid sister walked on (see Part1) we retired to the bathroom for a quick shower together! Mom would be home soon, so we had to restrain ourselves from further escapades! We dressed. Sis had me put on a pair of her panties as a symbol of my devotion! She said she was big into girls and that I was the only boy she ever had sexual feelings for! She was still a virgin! She said she was saving herself for me! And...
IncestUrvashi, she is 15 year girl, fair, slim, 5 feet tall, 28-24-28 body structure. Her boobs size is 28 a. She looks beautiful and as she is younger so always wears shorts, short skirts, strip t-shirts, sleeveless tops. Most of the time you will see in these dresses. At night also she wears same type clothes. Her nighty also short strip. I was getting very much angry on her as she never used to listen me. On one Sunday, “Urvi, Mom told me you have problem in math.” Urvi replied, “Yes, so what?” I...
This story is unlike any other stories you have ever read. This is an actual role that me and my boyfriend have done. I have cleaned it up a bit, so there are fewer spelling mistakes. Please do not leave comments on bad grammar and spelling. This is a real instant messenger conversation. Just in case you don't know, lol = laugh out loud. When there is a set of two paranthesis, likes this ((word)), it's me and him breaking out of the role. I hope you enjoy the story because it is really good and...
Incest(More) Sins of my Country Girl Sis & Me (Part one) Morning Remembrances I raced downstairs carrying my high-topped clodhopper work boots ready to face an early fall day on our two-hundred acre cattle farm. I’m sure my thunderous descent alerted all that an energetic young man of nineteen years in age was making his presence known. Yesiree, I was bull-strong, hardheaded, and I had a single-minded goal in my head. Here it is in a quick, concise statement of fact; I wanted another...
Introduction: Back in south florida, and learning some new tricks! Thank you to all of you guys that have posted about my first story, even the negative ones!Keep sending me suggestions about my writing style and I will try to adjust when possible. I will do my best to write at least a story or two a week. I assure you that the stories I write about are 110% true. The only things I change are the names (even mine) in order to not make any people I care about mad. I have had a very blessed...
I had just graduated. I got the opportunity to go out of state work for a while. I hated to leave sis behind but then I couldn’t stay home forever. “I’m going to miss you when you leave little brother.” She said as she cuddled up to me in the swing out back. It was getting dark. Mom had just brought us out two glasses of homemade tea. It was getting dark as a cool breeze blew against us from the back. Sis laid her hand on my leg and slowly slid it up my shorts. My cock was soft...
Hi this is wolverine from baroda, obviously name changed because of safety. This is my 1st story on iss so bear with my mistakes. I am following iss since last 2 years. I love incest stories. This happened 2 months ago. It may be bit of long story, so have some patient and get ready for blasting orgasm. Let me tell you about myself, I am really horny guy, I check out all the girls expects aged ladies from family. I am cricket player so you would have idea about my stamina. My high is 5’7” and...
IncestHi iss readers this is my story, hope you will like it. This happened some ten years back when we were in Raipur. Raja Beldies were a warmonger tribe living off the coast of Amur River in Russia. Chubak and Udoga were the twins born in the clan. Twins are considered to be good luck. They were intelligent and advised the tribe on all matters. The loss of weasel trapped by a Beldy sparked a war between Bedlies and Zaksuli tribes. The twins were asked by the women to stop the men from going to war...
IncestMorning found me working on the breakfast later than usual while the rest slept, or so I thought. Maryanne came in looking much better with makeup and her hair brushed out. She poured coffee and sat at the breakfast bar. She wasn't her regular chatty self. "Do you feel any better this morning?" "Yes. I haven't had one of these difficult periods since I started taking the pill. Now I remember why it was that I needed help. I'll be glad to get back on my regular schedule." She...