On The Way To Phoenix (Supernatural) free porn video

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"So? You can multitask," she cooed, ignoring the rebuke and reaching again for the belt, this time managing to free the end from the silver buckle.

The hunter couldn't help but grin as he stole a glance at the brunette sidled up next to him with her hands now working the button on his jeans. He chuckled when she nibbled his ear but squirmed when he felt his fly being pulled open.

"Hey," he groaned in quiet protest, "Sam's right behind us."

She lifted her head to peer over the leather seat back into the back of the Impala. "He's sleeping like a baby," she whispered with a sly smile as she lowered her head into his lap, tugging at his jeans.

"No don't," Dean argued feebly before letting a moan escape him as her fingers deftly pulled him free and her tongue rimmed his tip. He could feel himself hardening quickly and was acutely aware of how inappropriate this was with Sam three feet behind them but no matter how badly he wanted to push her away, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. In fact, he found himself turned on by the dirtiness of it. She had her hand wrapped firmly around him and was kneading gently as she worked her tongue lower and lower towards the base. The girl was a goddess with her tongue and Dean knew too well what he was in for. He swallowed and sent a silent thank-you upstairs for somehow landing him with a chick who absolutely loved giving head.

She moved her mouth back up to the tip while sliding her fingers farther down into his pants to cup his sac. He was fully erect by this point and she wrapped her lips around him, delighting him with a soft moan as she took him in. He bit back one of his own as her wet warmth sank down on him, enveloping his full length.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly with his left hand, he reached out with his right and turned up the stereo, struggling to keep his breathing even in case Sam should wake. He then fisted his free hand in her long, brown curls, guiding her head up and down as she worked him with increasing intensity. Her tongue snaked around his tip, flicking and teasing before her mouth descended upon him again and again, taking him in fully and completely every time. Dean tipped his head back and closed his eyes in pleasure for a second before remembering he was still driving and jerking back up to focus on the dark and lonely road.

He could feel her lips tighten around him in a smile of satisfaction at the effect she was having on him though she never wavered in her actions. She was now on her knees on the seat, her ass in the air facing the passenger window and he reached out and gave it a hard smack. She released a smothered yelp from her full mouth and he let out a breathy chuckle. Her teeth grazed top and bottom down the full length of him in friendly retaliation, dragging a grunt of both pleasure and pain out of him. Her movements became faster and harder, the gentle scrape of her teeth driving him closer and closer to climax as her head rose and fell in his lap. The hand gently kneading his sac pulled out and reached back to slide down the front of her own shorts, her ass wriggling and grinding in the air as she worked herself alongside him. Ridiculously turned on at the sight, Dean cupped his hand over her ass again, squeezing it forward in sharp rhythmic motions, essentially fucking her fingers for her. He panted in anticipation and they both moaned in unison as he began to thrust up into her mouth, his stomach muscles clenching as he neared the edge.

"Oh God, baby, I'm gonna cum," he tried to warn her but he was already there. Spasms rocked through him as he let go, grunting loudly as he felt her swallow his release. She pumped and stroked with her hand, licking the over-sensitive tip clean with soft, gentle flicks of her tongue. He exhaled a long, shuddering moan of satisfaction and concentrated on keeping the car straight on the road.

She looked up at him, her lids still heavy with lust and need and he realized her fingers were still buried deep in her shorts. She leaned forward and brought her face close to his. "Pull over," she demanded in a husky voice, her breath hot in his ear.

Dean swallowed in regret and disappointment. "I can't," he apologized, still breathing heavily. "You know we gotta get to Phoenix by dawn and it's already after midnight and we're still hours away."

"But I'm soooo wet," she pleaded. "You can't make me finish by myself."

"I'm sorry," he said, catching his breath as she pulled herself upright on her knees and arched her back, grinding forward onto her buried fingers. Her other hand traced its way up her flat stomach, pulling up her blouse and cupping one of her breasts. Her head tipped back and she let out a desperate moan.

"Jesus," Dean breathed, her theatrics having the desired effect as his fingers gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. He'd never come across a girl who got so turned on by giving head. He badly wanted to yank the car to the shoulder and bury his face in her wetness until he brought her screaming into her own orgasm, but they really, really couldn't afford the delay. He was just reaching for her exposed breast when he froze in shock as a voice arose from the back seat.

"Fuck, you guys are making me hard just listening to you."

Dean jerked his hand back and coughed in awkward surprise. He'd completely forgotten in the intense heat of the moment that his brother was back there. He was still sputtering in embarrassment when his girlfriend pulled her hand out of her shorts and leaned over the back of the bench seat.

"Good morning, Birthday Boy," she smiled down at Sam, who was still lying down, his knees bent up against the rear passenger side door.

"Hey, that's right," Dean recovered, trying to stuff himself back into his jeans. "It's after midnight. That makes it your big day, Sammy."

"Yeah, so where's my present?" Sam joked, not getting up.

"It's in the mail, dude, just like every year."

Sam laughed. "So it's my birthday and you're the only one getting anything good."

It was the girl's turn to laugh. "How do you know it's good if you've never tried it?"

"You offering?" came the challenging tease from the back seat.

Dean glanced over at the brunette, chuckling at the familiar friendly banter but was surprised to find her looking back at him with a questioning look on her face. He raised a shocked eyebrow at her, realizing she wasn't joking but was instead asking for his permission - permission to blow Sam!

What he found most surprising, however, was that it didn't bother him – not really. It wasn't that he didn't care about his girlfriend; she was by far the best thing that had ever happened to him and he knew without a doubt she was 'the one'. It was more that because she was the one and because this was Sammy, it just didn't feel like a betrayal. In fact, Sam would be doing him a favor because she'd probably cum by herself from the sheer enjoyment of giving two blow jobs in a row and he could keep driving without feeling so damn guilty. And it was the kid's birthday, after all.

He grinned at her and gave her a consenting nod.

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "You still owe me," she whispered in his ear before slipping over the backrest into the back seat, where she was greeted with a surprised cry from the younger Winchester.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Sam squealed and Dean chuckled at the terrified rise in pitch of Sam's voice. "Uh, really, woah, what….Dean?"

"Trust me," Dean assured his brother over his shoulder. "It'll be the best birthday present I ever gave you."

"Uh, we ever gave," she interjected as she brushed Sam's hands away again to get his fly open.

"Sorry, babe," Dean called, still astonished at how okay he was with this. "That's what I meant."

"Sit up," he heard her command to Sam, who must have obeyed immediately for within seconds his little brother let out a groan of pleasure.

"Oh God," Sam rasped, "Dean, are you sure about this?"

"Dude, just shut up and enjoy it."

Sam did enjoy it. If his grunts and moans were any indication, he enjoyed it immensely. Dean adjusted the rear view mirror slightly to get a view of what was going on, feeling twitches and tingles of renewed need starting to make him hard again. He saw Sam's head tipped back over the back of the seat, his mouth open in a silent gasp. As he inched the mirror downward, he saw her long, brown curls bobbing up and down and could hear gentle, suckling noises as his girlfriend deep-throated his brother. She was kneeling on the floor of the Impala, one hand out of Dean's view and the other splayed across the younger hunter's chest, flicking open the buttons of his shirt without ever looking up. Sam's hands were both fisted in her hair and Dean watched, mesmerized, as his brother pulled her harder and harder down around him, his hips starting to thrust upwards into her mouth as Dean's had not five minutes earlier.

Dean was almost sure Sam was about to cum but the girl pulled off him quite suddenly. She answered the hunter's moan of protest by beginning to slide her hand up and down his impressive length very slowly. Slow enough, however, that it brought Sam back from the brink, to which he groaned loudly in frustration.

"What I wanna know," she said very deliberately and clearly aimed at Dean, "Is howcome everyone else is getting off tonight but me?"

Dean's heart skipped a beat and his stomach lurched with what was either excitement or fear, he wasn't sure. He knew she wanted him to either pull the car over and fuck her himself or let Sam get her off. He also knew she'd only do whatever he told her to and for some reason he couldn't explain, hearing the sounds of her giving someone else pleasure was erotic, intoxicating even. He was almost dying to hear her on the receiving end.

"Why don't you let Sam finish you off, babe?" he suggested, his voice hoarse with both anticipation if she agreed and dread that the reaction to the suggestion would not be favorable. "He can return the favor you're doing him and I can keep driving."

"What?" Sam gasped. "Dean?"

There was a pause in which all three of them contemplated the consequences of what was about to happen and if they were willing to go there. The car was silent save the throaty purr of her engine as the classic beauty sailed down the dark stretch of highway.

"I'm game of you are," the girl finally said to Sam, rimming her tongue around his tip and pumping her hand up and down his shaft as she spoke, virtually guaranteeing a 'yes' out of him.

Sam breathed out a grumble that came from deep within, conveying his need for release and he nodded. "Sure, I'd love to," he said rather politely as he again fisted his hands in her hair and urgently guided her mouth back around him.

She sucked him noisily and Dean knew the exact moment she brought the teeth into play for Sam cried out and slammed one hand onto the empty seat next to him, slapping it a few times noisily in attempted restraint before spasms racked through him and he threw his head back, panting wildly as he came. She licked him clean before pulling away.

Sam recovered for a moment with his eyes closed, breathing heavily, during which time the girl twisted in her position on the floor of the Impala and wrapped her arms around Dean from behind, kissing his neck and gliding her hands down over his shirt-clad abs to where he was still out of his pants and semi-hard. "Mmmmm," she purred, "You liked that didn't you?"

Trying to keep his attention on the road, Dean could only nod in reply. Godamn! He had really liked that.

"I was thinking of you the whole time, baby," she whispered before letting out a yelp as she was yanked backwards.

"Your turn," came Sam's throaty rumble from behind her, his strong arms pulling her back onto the seat with him. He effortlessly dropped her down on her back with her head by the rear passenger door and pulled himself up onto his knees on the seat behind Dean. He unzipped her shorts and yanked them off, pulling her hips up by the legs to get them as far down as her thighs and holding her legs in the air with one hand as he yanked them up to her ankles and off over her bare feet, tossing them onto the front seat next to his brother.

Any initial awkwardness or hesitation Sam may have exhibited had disappeared when he'd exploded into her mouth and she'd swallowed his cum down as she had his brother's only a short time before. He owed this girl a mind-blowing orgasm and he intended to deliver. The fact that Dean was right there didn't matter anymore; in fact, he realized, it actually added to the thrill and Sam was finding the whole kinkiness of the situation extremely erotic.

He stared down at a tiny, red, lace thong and couldn't decide whether to remove it or work with it. He went for the latter, rubbing two fingers between her legs through the fabric of the panties only to find them already hot and damp. He pushed her knees apart and planted a trail of kisses from her knee right up to just a breath away from the thong. She moaned louder and louder as he moved upwards, grinding her hips towards him as he nipped and kissed her inner thigh. He pulled back and moved to the other leg, starting once again down at the knee.

"Oh God," she cried, fisting his hair as he had done hers only moments ago, trying to coax him closer to her now-dripping center. "Please," she moaned, thrusting upwards and panting in unadulterated need. He ran his fingertip teasingly under the edge of the thong, stopping when he reached the intense, wet heat between her legs. He pulled the panties aside, suddenly regretting his decision to leave them on. One hard yank solved the problem and he ripped them free of her body, once again making sure to toss them on the front seat next to his brother.

He dipped his head down again, this time forsaking the teasing and circled his tongue just once around her swollen nub before dipping it inside, twirling it and flicking it and enjoying her gasping squeals of pleasure as she unsuccessfully fought the urge to squirm and buck. He moved his large hands up from under her legs and pressed them into the creases between the thigh and the hip, holding her firmly in place as he continued to torture her with his tongue. His large frame was uncomfortably hunched over in the confided space of the Impala so he sat up slowly, pulling her hips up after him, his tongue never faltering in its dance between the deep wealth of wet heat and her clit. With her legs splayed over his shoulders, he pulled her hips so high they were above the seat level, within easy view of his brother's rear view mirror. Sam didn't spare even a sideways glance to check, but he knew without a doubt Dean was watching and that only spurred him on further as he fucked his brother's girlfriend with his tongue.

The squeals soon turned to screams and her back arched away from him as small spurts of sweet wetness slid past Sam's tongue. He retreated slowly, tracing circles around her twitching muscles as he gently lowered her hips back down to the car seat.

He felt himself growing hard again and fought the urge to drop her down and fuck her right there, thinking that would probably be crossing a line. So far, she and Dean had initiated everything, him being the outsider who had simply been invited to a normally private party. But damn if Dean didn't have himself a hot girlfriend and it had definitely been a while since he'd been laid. Not that he was complaining; that was the best blow job he'd ever had, but he could already feel himself pressing against his zipped up jeans, begging for round two, her orgasmic screams still echoing in his mind. God, that kind of scream just made him want to pound the shit out of someone.

She sat up and gave him an appreciative smile before shuffling over, sliding past him so she was kneeling on the seat behind Dean. She wrapped her arms around the driver's neck and kissed him behind the ear. "Thanks honey," she said, still breathing heavily and not bothering to whisper. "And thanks Sam," she added over her shoulder to the large hunter behind her.

Dean was somewhat breathless and squirming in discomfort, his aching hard-on making driving considerably difficult. The sounds and smell of sex three feet behind him had been driving him wild, even more so because it had involved the two people he was closest to, the most intimate with. He was shocked he had enjoyed it so much and didn't know what to think about that but he did know he didn't want it to stop.

He glanced in his rear view again and saw Sam on his knees behind the brunette, his giant frame hunched over in the confines of the car. What struck him suddenly was that Sam was unzipping his jeans, not doing them up. He watched with bated breath as his brother pulled his jeans and his boxers down to his thighs, releasing his full, hard, ready-to-go-again cock. It hovered inches behind the girl's still-bare ass, which was extended and inviting, even if she was oblivious to the monster behind her. Sam was staring down at it with hooded eyes, his want clear.

Meanwhile, she was planting kisses around Dean's collarbone, being careful not to obscure his vision as he drove. Dean looked up again and this time caught Sam's questioning, no begging, eyes in the mirror. He gave his younger brother a nod, unable to speak as he granted him permission to fuck his girlfriend.

Sam's look screamed thank-you and, oddly enough, there was no awkwardness in the exchange. Dean's eyes were fixed on the bare ass and the huge cock in the mirror and he watched as Sam planted his hands firmly on the girl's hips, grinding up behind her and letting his full length slide past her still-wet opening.

Dean felt her hands fist his shirt and the breathy gasp of surprise in his ear just turned him on even more. He could see Sam's hips moving back and forth slowly, teasing and enticing and asking to be let in.

"Please?" Sam addressed the girl, having already received the answer from Dean.

"Oh God," she panted, "Oh fuck." Her gentle nibbles on Dean's neck grew fierce and she bit down hard on his shoulder, unable to answer. "Oh God…..Dean?"

"It's okay," Dean assured her, realizing she was now asking his permission. Somehow he had ended up with all the power and he was fully enjoying the exalting feeling it was giving him. "I want you to," he breathed, his mouth dry in anticipation.

"Oh fuck, yes. Yes!" she cried, instantly bucking back at Sam, begging him to enter her.

Sam didn't need to be told twice. He was rock hard and aching and she was still dripping wet from her orgasm just a minute ago so he simply lined himself up and drove himself hilt-deep with one savage thrust. She cried out in painful pleasure and Dean felt her nails dig into his chest through his t-shirt. Sam didn't work up a rhythm slowly or let her adjust to his size; he simply pulled back out and rammed himself in again and again, wrenching her hips back onto him as he drove forward. She gasped and moaned and clung to Dean even harder, breathing a hot surge of raspy breath onto his neck every time Sam drove himself home.

Dean felt the Impala's bench seat jolt with every one of Sam's thrusts, the pace getting faster and harder and the seatback jerking more and more with each passing second. He was completely hard now and standing at full attention, his sensitive tip slapping the steering wheel every time the seatback jerked him forward. He reached down and palmed his own erection, pumping it with short, hard strokes to match the rhythm of the pair now fucking furiously behind him.

He knew from experience she was approaching another climax. "Oh Dean," she panted in his ear and he fought the urge to close his eyes as he strained to keep the wheel steady. "Dean!" He could feel her chest being slammed roughly against the back of his seat as she was pounded savagely from behind over and over and it was intensely satisfying that she was screaming his name in the pleasure Sam was giving her. "Oh fuck, yes, yes, fuck, Dean!"

Just when the hunter thought it couldn't get any more intense, it did. Sam's hands suddenly appeared, firmly grasping the top of the seat back for better leverage, one on either side of Dean's head. Holy fuck, his shy, awkward, reserved little brother was a total animal! The pounding escalated to an almost frenzied level, the girl's cries turning into wordless screams of mercy and desperation and the seatback shook as she was completely ravaged against it. Dean had never been so turned on in his life as fingernails raked his chest and screams were panted into his ear in time with the frantic slapping sound of his brother going balls deep in his girlfriend. Sam was grunting loudly and Dean was jerking himself off madly when he decided suddenly he needed more.

With a sharp tug he yanked the Impala's wheel to the right, careening less than gracefully onto the gravel shoulder and skidding to a halt. He didn't turn to see what was going on in the back seat but merely jumped out of the car and swung open the door on the back driver's side.

Sam had pulled out of her and fallen back with the swerving of the vehicle and was now sitting in the middle of the back seat with his jeans down at his thighs and his slick cock still standing impressively erect in his lap. She had turned around but in the awkwardness of the confined space and the careening car, was now essentially straddling the younger hunter, though she was pushed back against the front seat, her dripping heat hovering inches over his knees.

They were both looking at Dean with fear and shame as he yanked the back door open.

"I'm sorry, Dean," Sam panted.

"We thought you were okay with it," she whispered breathlessly, trying to slide off Sam's legs.

"Woah," Dean ordered sharply, holding up his palm in a gesture to stop. "Don't move," he said, more softly but still in a commanding tone. They both froze. "I am okay with it," he assured them. "What I'm not okay with is missing out on all the fun."

He got an instant grin from his girlfriend and a wary, questioning look from his brother as he pulled his jeans and boxers completely off, tossing them on the floor before ducking his head and climbing into the back seat with them. He slammed the car door shut behind him and gave them a lusty grin.

Although the Impala was a roomy car, it was still tight quarters for two large men and a girl to maneuver around in. Not wanting to kill the moment, Dean told her to ride Sam while he got himself in position. She obeyed without questioning and Sam, although he had a surprised look on his face, was unusually complacent also. Dean felt the heat spreading from his cock into his stomach as he ordered them to fuck from where he was squatted half on and half off the seat next to them and watched them scramble to obey.

She pulled herself farther up on Sam, still straddling him, and lowered herself gently onto his twitching erection, tipping her head back and moaning as she did so. She started to rock back and forth and Sam seemed to instantly forget any awkwardness of having his brother half naked and totally up in his personal space for he grabbed the girl's slim hips and pulled her harder onto him. She clasped the younger hunter's broad shoulders and they began to pick up the pace but were stopped by Dean, who was clumsily trying to squeeze in between Sam's knees and the front seat.

"Slow it down," he told them. "Don't want you two finishing before I join the party."

They struggled to restrain themselves, her hips curling forward and backwards on Sam's lap so slowly his fingers dug into the curve of her hip with the delicious frustration of the unhurried pace. Dean somehow managed to jam himself behind her, on his knees on the floor and facing Sam with her body in between them, being careful to make as little contact with his brother as possible.

"Okay, that's enough," he commanded, gently pulling her back towards him by the waist, his cock twitching at the wet, sucking sound of Sam popping out of her. Sam let out a groan but made no move to pull her back and Dean reveled in the feeling of complete control he had over both of them. This was his party now.

Sam desperately wanted her back on top of him and was thinking Dean should just let him finish first and then he could have the girl to himself. He wasn't entirely sure what Dean had planned or if he was completely comfortable with his big brother actually joining in. He'd never had a threesome, even with two girls, and saw no advantage of having another guy in the mix, especially his brother. He had admittedly found it exhilarating knowing Dean was watching a few moments ago but Sam didn't want to just watch, he wanted to fuck.

He was suddenly far more accepting of watching when Dean's hands slipped around the girl's waist from behind and glided slowly up her curvy body, sliding her blouse up with it. With catlike grace, she arched back into Dean and reached her arms back over her head to run them fondly through his short, spikey hair. Dean kissed her neck from behind and she moaned when he cupped her breasts, sliding his hands into her bra and pinching her nipples.

Sam resisted touching himself as he didn't want to cum just yet. He wanted to last until the tantalizing show was over and Dean let the girl ride him out. He was still rock hard and felt himself twitch when Dean started unbuttoning her blouse. The elder Winchester pulled it off her shoulders and tossed it aside, moving in quickly to remove the obstructive fabric of her bra, all the while planting kisses along her shoulder and neck. Sam was moved by the intimacy of it and suddenly felt privileged to be able to witness them together in such a private moment. It was almost as if they'd forgotten he was there, watching them and breathing heavily with unattended lust.

She too was breathing heavily as Dean massaged her breasts in his rough, hunter's hands and her hips were rocking back and forth on Sam's knees with sensual rythym, her legs spread apart enough for Sam to see how wet she still was. She was entirely naked now and her body was glistening with sweat in the steamy heat of the car.

"Lean forward, Baby," Dean finally whispered in her ear, pushing her chest forward from behind. She did as he asked, leaning over Sam, her face close to his and her hair tickling his exposed chest. She braced her hands on the back of the seat on either side of Sam's head, her breath hot on his cheek. Her hips were pulled upwards by Dean and Sam finally clued in on what his brother's plan was when she gasped and her whole body tensed.

That was Dean's first finger sliding inside, working her tighter hole. She let out a pained whimper in Sam's ear and her belly scraped against the tip of his neglected erection, sending an enticing spasm right up into his abdomen. Dean stilled for a moment, letting her adjust before starting to slide the finger in and out slowly. Sam could feel her body gradually relax and she started to push back onto Dean's finger, asking for more. That was when he inserted the second one.

She cried out softly, her hands moving to grip Sam's shoulders and her back arching upwards. Sam's hands involuntarily swept upwards to squeeze her breasts, pinching the nipples between his thumb and forefingers. He leaned forward and took one of them into his mouth, suckling the nipple for a moment before tugging at it gently in his teeth. She moaned and began to rock her hips slowly onto Dean's fingers while reaching forward and wrapping her fingers around Sam's erection, pulling gently and eliciting a pleased hissing sound out of him.

"Just give me a minute to work her open, Sam," Dean warned with a chuckle, scissoring his buried fingers.

"I'm ready now, honey," she pleaded, thrusting backwards. "I want you inside me." Her voice was laden with need and she fisted Sam's shirt again. "Both of you."

Dean laughed. "Always so impatient," he said teasingly, inserting a third finger and groaning with pleasure at her delighted squeal. A few strokes later he pulled them out and gave her ass a slap as he pushed her hips towards Sam's straining cock. "Okay, get on him," he ordered, his voice husky.

She raised herself up, positioning her opening over Sam and preparing to slide on gently but the younger hunter ran out of patience and grabbed her waist, pulling her down with one quick motion. Her thrilled gasp got another chuckle out of Dean, who was guiding his own hard cock towards her. He placed his hands on her hips just below Sam's and together they pushed her up and down on Sam a few times, Dean's strong grip setting the slow and steady pace. He finally removed one of his hands and used it to position his tip at her free opening. As he pulled her up from Sam, he pushed himself into her with a hard thrust, groaning with pained delight at her tightness.

Sam gasped when his brother entered her because he felt her clench and tighten around him as she glided up his shaft. Two pairs of hands stopped her just short of the tip and pushed her back down to take in Sam's full length as Dean pulled out. As they lifted her off Sam, they pushed her back onto Dean. They rocked her back and forth faster and faster, fucking her onto Dean then onto Sam then back onto Dean. Sam. Dean. Sam. Dean. Sam. Dean. Sam Dean Sam Dean SamDean SamDean... They speared her faster and faster, sinking deeper and deeper with every plunge. Barely able to get a breath in, she gasped and panted, her frantic cry from one penetration being cut off by the desperate cry from the next. The brothers were relentless, passing her body back and forth like a ragdoll, pulling her harder and harder onto their cocks as their tempo increased. She was practically screaming from the double-sided assault and Dean knew she was close when she raised her arms and planted her elbows on the Impala's roof, pounding it with her fists.

Her orgasm came suddenly and she began twitching with spasms that rocked her whole body. Sam felt warm spurts of wetness caress his cock as she slid up its length and he slowed, allowing her to savor the moment.

"No," Dean panted from behind her, his teeth clenched in effort. "Fuck her through it, Sam. Fuck her through it!"

Sam obeyed without thinking, thrusting himself upwards and back inside her and he felt his brother doing the same. He let out an involuntary cry of pleasure as her juices trickled down across his balls and he pumped faster and harder, excited beyond belief at the sound of her wails and screams at the ruthless assault. His balls were smacking against her skin as he thrust his hips upwards and he could hear the wet slapping sound of Dean's doing the same from behind. They continued pounding into her harder and harder and their rhythm gradually shifted so they were both entering her at the same time. She would suck in a gasp of air as they pulled out and cry out every time they thrust back inside. Sam could feel the presence of his brother inside her every time he sank his own cock hilt deep and every twitch and spasm of her battered muscles just made him want to fuck her harder. They thrust themselves in with perfect unison, her breathless cries of "uhh, uhh, uhh" just inciting them further as they continued the brutal onslaught. Rough hands pulled at her from both sides and she gave herself over to them freely, letting them maneuver her body however they saw fit for their pleasure.

It wasn't long after she finished her second orgasm that she fell into her third. She had no screams left in her and she fisted her hands in the fabric of Sam's open shirt as she struggled for breath and arched her back, her thighs clamping tightly on either side of the hunter beneath her as she spilled yet more juices down his still-thrusting cock.

She had barely finished cumming, small spasms still quivering down her legs, when Sam felt himself following suit and he slipped out of her, pumping himself fiercely to finish off. A loud cry of immense pleasure and intense satisfaction escaped his lips as he exploded, spurting onto his own stomach until he was completely empty and flaccid. He rolled his head on the seat back and closed his eyes, panting harshly as he recovered, only vaguely aware that she and Dean were still fucking on top of him.

Dean had pushed her back down so she was again leaning over Sam and pulled her hips farther upwards. The elder brother had shifted his own hips higher so he was directly behind her raised ass and was now pounding into her from behind, no longer needing to keep her in position for Sam also. Having had a later start, Dean was still hard and the intensity of both her orgasms and Sam's had turned him on unlike ever before. He let out a loud, almost primal cry as his balls slapped hard against her skin and his cock rammed repeatedly into her tight ass. Her hands were clenched in Sam's shirt collar and her head was buried in his neck and watching her cling to his little brother for dear life as he fucked her was driving Dean wild. He could feel her legs trembling and her whole body was quivering but it was her sudden pleading cry of his name that finally sent him over the edge. He pushed himself all the way inside and exploded, digging his fingernails into her bruised hips and shaking as he too cried out in release.

Her body collapsed down onto Sam's, still clasping his shoulders as she panted, shuddering and spent. Dean pressed down on top of her, still inside her pulsating heat, his own chest heaving from the exertion. He lay his head on her back and gently stroked her splayed thighs with his fingers. Sam had his eyes closed and was acutely aware of the pressure of two heaving bodies on top of him. They all lay there in silence for a moment, catching their breath and relishing in the complete and utter satisfaction they had achieved.

It was Dean who spoke first.

"Happy birthday, Dude," he drawled, not looking at Sam directly.

Sam laughed as much as the pressure on his chest would allow him. "Yeah, thanks for that," he answered, starting to feel awkward. "Uh, maybe I should drive," he suggested. "We still gotta get to Phoenix."

"Yeah, you're right," Dean agreed, straightening up and pulling slowly out of her. She whimpered in Sam's ear at the withdrawal and Dean clumsily tried to scoot out from his cramped position on the floor. He had removed both shirts sometime during the fucking and was now completely naked, as was she. He dropped himself on the seat next to Sam on the passenger side and pulled his limp and sated girlfriend off Sam's chest, cradling her in his own lap.

Now free, Sam raised his hips enough to pull his jeans and boxers back up and moved to slide out of the crowded back seat. He couldn't help but smile as he noticed she had twisted around so she was facing Dean and her hand was stroking his cheek softly. He opened the door and crawled out, wincing at the cramps in his legs but not surprised at how wobbly they were. He peered back inside to see his brother slide both hands into her hair and pull her into a deep kiss. He watched them kissing passionately for a few seconds, both naked and completely oblivious to his presence. He found it very touching and was moved to see his brother so tender and open. The distinction between making love and fucking suddenly became very clear and he realized he had only been invited to a fuck but that there was so much more than that to their relationship. He felt a slight twitch of arousal in his pants as he stood watching them from outside in the warm night. Abashed, he zipped them up quickly and hopped into the front seat, starting up the engine and yanking the Impala back onto the road.

Sam listened to the pair kissing and whispering in each other's ears for the next twenty miles before silence fell over the car. He glanced in the rear view mirror and found them both asleep, entwined bodies sprawled buck naked on the leather seat. He chuckled to himself, thinking his brother would never let him live it down if they happened to get pulled over by the state police at this inopportune moment.


Same as On the Way to Phoenix (Supernatural) Videos

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Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising------------------------An adult tale by Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright 2011 (Nov)Henry is a rich layabout who is just waiting for his twenty fifth birthday so he can claim his inheritance. A massive blowout in a Bahamas casino finds him looking for a little cash and something to allay the boredom. The deckhand job on the small cutter, the ?Phoenix?, turns out to be just the ticket; a ticket on a ride that assumes a serious turn when he starts to uncover the intentions and...

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Phoenix Rising Crystal Two stories

Phoenix Rising ------------------------ An adult tale by Miss Irene Clearmont. Copyright 2011 (Nov) Henry is a rich layabout who is just waiting for his twenty fifth birthday so he can claim his inheritance. A massive blowout in a Bahamas casino finds him looking for a little cash and something to allay the boredom. The deckhand job on the small cutter, the ‘Phoenix’, turns out to be just the ticket; a ticket on a ride that assumes a serious turn when he starts to...

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Project Phoenix

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. A quick note to readers. This is my first story, so please be gentle in your comments :-). Besides, English isn't my first language. Continue at your own risk ;-) Either way, have fun. Project Phoenix by Meg [email protected] With sinking heart Kevin Barnett stared at the blurry wall of the tram tunnel. The speeding...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 07 Chapter 11

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Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 3

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. It is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my two earlier stories set in the universe of Project Phoenix. Both of them are available here on FictionMania. Readers who are unfamiliar with them might want to read them first to get a better grasp of what's happening. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier...

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TGS The Phoenix in Room 3C

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 15 Chapter 20

Rob woke slowly. It felt good to just lie here and relax. His whole body felt like he had been working out at the gym for hours and it was right on the edge of feeling tired and feeling like he was ready to go for a jog. The sheets were soft and warm. He searched his mind for someplace he had to be; but at the moment couldn't think of anything so he just let sleep reclaim him for a few more minutes. Finally, consciousness wormed it way into his mind and memory, or lack thereof,...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 14

The messaging account David had set up for Ariel when he signed the marketing deal with Phoenix Rising was flooded. There were even a number of messages forwarded to David’s personal account by the accounting department, reassuringly plastered with a privacy notice: The person within the Phoenix Rising Organization sending this message is unaware of your personal details, and is only privy to your character information. Be sure not to disclose personal details you wish to keep private when...

2 years ago
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Project Phoenix 2 Chapter 1

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. The story meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my earlier story, Project Phoenix. Readers who are unfamiliar with it may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier two stories. I really appreciate them. Project Phoenix Part 2 By...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CursePrologue

The Phoenix Rising credits dissolve into a montage of images. The camera zooms in on a teaming city filled with cars. Smog obscures the image. The camera moves and images of the destruction in Afghanistan and Iraq flicker past. Cities, towns—entire peoples—are destroyed by war and conflict. Now we see images of the coastline; as images flicker past, buildings that were once on dry land are battered by waves. A low roar begins in the background. Scenes progress: the environmental riots, the...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 16 Chapter 21

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 12 Chapter 17

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 17 Rob looked up at Jim and said, "Officer, thank you for getting us out of there. I don't...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 14 Chapter 19

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 19 Once in the car, Jim had convinced Diana that she should ride in the back seat with...

1 year ago
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Lindas Awakening Phoenix Style

Linda’sAwakening Phoenix Style Linda awoke to the buzzing of an alarm. What the hell? Dan must have left it on accidentally. He had told her he was going to get an early start, maybe sneak out of a session early, and she might have an exciting day, or something to that effect. She reached over, had to rise up and scoot across the bed to hit the alarm. At the same moment, she heard a quiet rap on the door accompanied by the soft call of “Room Service”. Oh, hell, she thought, as she got up,...

Wife Lovers
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Chennai Phoenix Mall Lady

Hi every one I am karan from chennai I have been at chennai for more than 5 years its been a nice city filled with full of romantic & sexy ladies. Hi to every sexy lady who are reading this story.Be ready to insert your middle finger into vagina as the story will make you hot. If you require my service directly well in that case you have to mail me to Let me start with the story I stay near to one of the well known shopping (phoenix market city ) mall at chennai, I stay at velachery its a...

1 year ago
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Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 2

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. It is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my two earlier stories set in the universe of Project Phoenix. Both of them are available here on FictionMania. Readers who are unfamiliar with them might want to read them first to get a better grasp of what's happening. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my...

4 years ago
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Gangbanged in Phoenix

I'm glad you guys like my stories, thanks for the feedback! Here is another fucked up but true adventure. Like I said, I'm a dancer here in Las Vegas, but once in a while I get asked to be a model at a car show or event, basically I stand around all day in a bikini and heels and chit chat, etc. A GF of mine had an event lined up for two girls, it was an indoor car show in Phoenix, for some car wax. She said she would drive and we were getting put up at a hotel so I was down! I packed a few...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 8

David had been distracted all day. He hadn’t made much headway trying to figure out what he would do about the challenge posed by NPCs forming the Whores Guild to protect themselves from immortals. Part of him felt that if he were truly a good person he would just walk away. But the challenge and intensity of the game appealed to him. And a larger part of him thought that there needed to be a way for humans to explore the dark things within them: to let them out, to understand them, not to...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 11

David could hardly believe he was going forward with this. There were so many emotional pitfalls. His ethical concerns had not been assuaged so much as broadened. Hulda and Goody Brown had convincingly argued that much of the game involved challenging ethical trade offs. When it was just the question of intruding on the area of safety that the NPCs had built for themselves, he almost felt that he could grapple with the issue. But several of the NPCs welcomed Ariel. Also, the Whores Guild was...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 21

David needed some time away from game. He had flexibility with his job, but he had pushed that to the limit. Also, he needed time to take stock of where he was. The past day had been a whirlwind of activity. One real-world day ago, Ariel had started to work with real clients in the training brothel. Now, she was an initiate of the Whores Guild soon to be an apprentice. Even the David of three weeks ago would not recognize his life. The idea that it would feel natural to take a break from...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 27

In the previous fan chats, there had been no physicality prior to Ariel appearing in the parlor. It was more like David was viewing a document or had a settings panel open than being in a virtual environment. This time was different. David appeared in a dressing room. There was a padded bench along one wall, opposite the mirror that took up one side of the room. He was already dressed in slacks and a Phoenix Rising shirt. Someone knocked at the door. “Come in.” MarvForAriel entered. His...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 28

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3 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 36

David had taken things easy since the princess’s party. He had another liaison with Ryland and worked a shift at Uninhibited Liberation, but decided to spend some time in the real world. He took the time to wrap up final projects at work and to order a long-term immersive reality tank. Once the tank arrived in two days, he would be ready to play Ariel full-time. Marv asked for a quick chat, so David opened up the chat program and entered as Ariel. She invited Marv to join. He appeared in a...

1 year ago
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In the Stacks supernatural

He's been in hundreds of libraries across the country - even has the plastic cards to prove it. They're housed in a worn shoe box the way most kids keep baseball cards, the edges of his favorites peeling from being handled and touched. Multi-colored dreams of a different life. For as long as he can remember and much to his big brother's chagrin, shelves lined with books have been an oasis. A place he could go to escape whatever town their father dumped them in. To be something other...

1 year ago
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In the Stacks supernatural

Introduction: Pre-series. The Stanford Library. Sam is trying to study…Jess has other ideas. Sam/Jessica One-Shot The shelves tower up from the floor reaching like trees toward the tiles and florescent lights of the ceiling. Placed end to end, theyd probably stretch on for miles. Miles and miles of knowledge in a single facility. His own, personal version of heaven. A smile crosses Sams features and he inhales the glorious musk of well worn pages and printing ink. Hes been in hundreds of...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Chapter 16

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 16 It took a few minutes for Sally to be completely coherent, but she was alert quickly...

1 year ago
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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 13 Chapter 18

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2 years ago
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The Phoenix Partners

Many thanks to SBrooks for his invaluable advice and editing. If there’s anything that still doesn’t work, it’s probably something I chose not to follow his suggestion about. Rose Valley, Oregon, population 1134, is located about two hours southeast of Portland at the eastern edge of the Mount Hood National Forest. Rose Valley is home to the Maitland Mills, a specialty supplier of natural, organic and heirloom grain-based products. Founded in 1907, the Mills were handed down through three...

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The first time in Phoenix

It was my first trip to Pheonix and I was eager to meet a shemale.My brother had some LA Express Newspapers and I found myself intrigued by the shemale ads. I started to collect them on my own and frequently edge myself until I exploded on the transsexual pages. When I got to Phoenix, I immediately found an LA Express. Super excited, looked through a few ads and saw an amazingblonde with tantalizing tits. My cock was twitching and call her right away. I stopped at the first pay phone and...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Love Chapter 2

My date with Daddy was amazing! First off, the weather couldn’t have been any more perfect. It was a bright sunny day, not too hot out and with the slightest hint of a breeze. A few light fluffy clouds broke up the beautiful blue sky adding a lovely contrast. Daddy took me to this new clothing shop where they had the most wonderful clothes! Clothes that made me feel so grown up and even sexy and Daddy let me pick whatever I wanted. He would tell me how he felt about them, but as a man, not as...

Love Stories
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Phoenix Love Chapter 1

Being a firefighter is a tough, demanding job. It is tough and demanding on the firefighter himself, but it is also tough and demanding on the firefighter’s marriage. I should know, I am the product of a marriage that did not make it.My name is Tina, and I am sixteen years old at the time of my writing this story. My mom and dad got divorced two years ago, after fifteen years together. I live with my father because the court told me I could choose who I wanted to live with.It wasn’t always...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Phoenix Pt 4 Epilog

The courier knocked twice on the door, then entered without waiting for a response. The strong scent of cigar smoke assaulted his nose and eyes as he stepped into the dimly lit room. Silhouetted by the curtained window, a large man sat at a desk. He raised his head to look at the approaching courier. The man behind the desk didn’t seem to be alarmed by the intrusion of this particular individual, though few men would dare to enter his office unannounced. The alarm sensors indicated that...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 11

‘How’d I get here?’ Béla asked, looking around her shared quarters. Then she understood. ‘You’re dream-walking!’ Béla exclaimed. ‘I’m still asleep outside the farmhouse!’ ‘What farmhouse?’ Elaine asked. Béla slid off the bed and held out her hand to Elaine. As Elaine reached for her sister’s hand, she found herself standing next to Béla’s sleeping body outside a farmhouse. She looked around, her eyes wide with wonder. ‘This is incredible!’ Elaine exclaimed. ‘Just trying to see the...

4 years ago
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Phoenix Ch 1

We made reservations at this gorgeous hotel in Phoenix, actually in Tempe. Its located at the top of a beautiful butte, and is very cut off from everyone. We arrive on a Monday and are leaving on Friday, hoping that it won’t be too busy during the week, and we’re right. We are immediately shown to our room upon arrival, but we then notice that they’re regular rooms are equivalent to luxurious suites. Looking around, we notice a large living area, complete with couch, love seat, and recliner, as...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Ch 2

We made reservations at this gorgeous hotel in Phoenix, actually in Tempe. Its located at the top of a beautiful butte, and is very cut off from everyone. We arrive on a Monday and are leaving on Friday, hoping that it won’t be too busy during the week, and we’re right. We are immediately shown to our room upon arrival, but we then notice that they’re regular rooms are equivalent to luxurious suites. Looking around, we notice a large living area, complete with couch, love seat, and recliner, as...

3 years ago
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Lindas Awakening Phoenix Style

Linda’sAwakening Phoenix Style Linda awoke to the buzzing of an alarm. What the hell? Dan must have left it on accidentally. He had told her he was going to get an early start, maybe sneak out of a session early, and she might have an exciting day, or something to that effect. She reached over, had to rise up and scoot across the bed to hit the alarm. At the same moment, she heard a quiet rap on the door accompanied by the soft call of “Room Service”. Oh, hell, she thought, as she got up,...

1 year ago
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After high school I had a summer job that my uncle had arranged for me. It was in Phoenix, over a thousand miles away and in another state from home where no one knew me. I had just turned nineteen, was tall and slim and reasonably good looking. Back home, I’d been propositioned a few times by gay guys but always refused. I was afraid that someone would find out. But I always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a guy, but never had the nerve to say yes. Back then in Texas being gay...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Rise of the Phoenix Part 1

Author's note: Author's note: Okay... there are a variety of things I want to say before you start reading this story. Firstly, this story is set in the near future, contains elements of satire and might not be seen as some to be particularly realistic on a few levels though the characters are generally representatives of particular types of people that exist in reality. Bear with this and consider the story set in an alternate reality if you have to. For my money Christopher Leeson's...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Park Night

I am a 32 year old married guy who happens to like wearing ladies' lingerie. My fondness for wearing lingerie goes back to my late teen years when I would wear my mother's clothes and underwear. I went on to wear my sister's undies and this continued into adult life where I have worn the undies of many ladies (without them knowing it). Until the time of this story, I never ventured out wearing women's clothes but on this particular night, I put on a pair of my wife's tights and a pair of red...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 1

Flush from the success of her first dungeon, Ariel was ready to celebrate. Her first dungeon for this character at least. Since she had been rolled up a short week ago, Ariel had been slogging through the low level animals and pests in the woods surrounding Berg’s Keep. After hitting level 5, she had joined a group looking to fill out their party for a dungeon crawl. And now, finally, it was time to celebrate. Getting away from her fellow adventurers had taken some work: her plans required a...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 4

Ariel had finished most of her cider. “I think I’m ready. Where are you taking me?” “This way.” Hulda stood and walked toward the bar. “Wait. Shouldn’t I put on pants?” “Nah, ya’ll be taken it all off right quick.” With some trepidation, Ariel stood to make her walk of shame. But as she stepped out from the table, nude from the waist down, she realized that any shame was only in her head. This was her triumph, not her shame. She had conquered her fears and earned the right to strut...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 6

Ariel had an awkward amount of time. Even after she took a much-needed bath, it was still early morning in game. Yet because of time compression, it was in the middle of the night in the real world. Sleep in game was refreshing, so David didn’t need her to log out and sleep. However, she doubted the Whores Guild were early risers. She had picked up Elemental Water Magic at level 6 and learned Ice Shard. She decided to spend some time practicing her new magic along with stealth. Ariel made...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 12

The training brothel is nothing like the main Whores Guild building. It’s a single-story sprawling wooden building, not the three-story colossus of the main Whores Guild. The front is nice though: polished hardwood doors under a carved facade. But I’m headed around back to the members entrance. I stand outside, looking at the door. I can’t believe I’m doing this. That’s true at so many levels. I cannot believe I’m streaming so much of my training. What happens if I fail: will I treat much of...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 16

I was pumped! My first time as a whore with real clients, and I had done well. It was naughty in a good way. And let me tell you out there it’s not easy. Perhaps I could have been a robot doll for the craftsman. I don’t think so though: he was happy that I was excited too, and he enjoyed bringing me to orgasm. The couple, no way. They actually needed help to get to a place where they were ready for a whore. I needed confidence. I needed to be open about what I was facing, and to understand...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 24

I woke to the smell of Jonathan—Jonathan on (and in) me, Jonathan in my bed, and as I turned my head, the smell of Jonathan’s hair. Naturally enough, he was attached to his hair, evenly breathing as he slumbered. I thought back to last night. I had seduced him. The plan was bold and direct: I walked up to him at the membership desk and said, “Jonathan, you should hire me as your whore.” “I should?” “Yes! My initiation was a great experience. I want to say thank you for that. I want to show...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 26

The sex followed by the fall could have been enough to explain David’s pounding heart. But of course that was only part of the story. He had decided to out himself—to tell Fyrefang3 and incidentally Lathandré that Ariel was played by a man. The decision still seemed right. But it was big; this would change his life. He expected the pounding heart, the knot in his gut, and the sweat. What would he have done had the game not stopped him? Would he have told them right there, after a brief...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 29

Today I’m on-call for midwife duty. Which of course means that I am woken up a couple of hours early to help with a birth. The good news is that this is my second birth where I am in charge. I am technically supervised since I am an apprentice, but the other whore—one of the girls who came to assist me in dealing with my moon blood—doesn’t say a word. Master Kessler is trying to get me ready for Artisan; this birth will get my apprentice midwife requirement out of the way. I am astonished...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 31

Tonight I am meeting with Rylander28. I don’t know his real-world name, but I do know that in the immortal world he is the son of Nama’s Child. The boundaries between the immortal world and Phoenix Rising are always complex for me. Emotions cross that boundary from character to player always. But this is more than that. I’m trying to introduce him to the world of physical intimacy. I will become one of the most important experiences in his life. It’s crazy—crazy hot and crazy insane both. I...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 11

2076 a.d. Plague 'What in the world did you think you were doing?' Elaine demanded anxiously, shaking her roommate awake. Béla sat up and looked at her sister sitting on the bed next to her. Elaine looked upset and angry. They were back in her quarters on the great ship. 'How'd I get here?' Béla asked, looking around her shared quarters. Then she understood. 'You're dream-walking!' Béla exclaimed. 'I'm still asleep outside that farmhouse!' 'What farmhouse?' Elaine asked,...

3 years ago
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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

2 years ago
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Phoenixs first taste

Introduction: A girl gets her first taste of alcohol… and something else Id spent my life being Phoenix West, a good girl. Looking into the mirror, I noticed how pretty my body was. I wasnt ashamed of it. Years of dance had kept my stomach trim, hips curving in to my waist and my breasts, 34Ds, offering the lovely shape of my 58 figure. My skin was a beautiful olive colour Id inherited from my mother, and surrounding my heart shaped face was a mass of dark, almost black hair. I took pride in...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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You find yourself sitting in front of your screen, in a chat room with your friend mike LEMON.SOCKS-woaaahhhhh maaaannnnn i found a nasty surprise in your mailbox! left on your door step dudeeee you- thate....illegal you get up, going to see what the hell your friend lemon was talking about...and you see...a ring?

3 years ago
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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

1 year ago
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Waylaid by Highwaymen

Miss Emily Maitland and companion Jane Flanders were on their way to Derby. Miss Maitland a spirited and largely uneducated girl, daughter of a self made man from the lower orders had been to York to “See the Minster.” They had stopped at my parents house en route as Miss Flanders professed to know my sister from their time at the girls school though my dear sister could not place her at all. Father was delighted. Miss Maitland’s father was very wealthy by all accounts and had but three...

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