A Month free porn video

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A Month

By K. C. Richardson

?A month?!?

?That's what they said.?

?Oh, Frank, I don't know if I can take a whole month. A week is bad enough!?

He chuckled at his wife's obvious distress. He supposed he couldn't blameher for her reaction. Having to put up with his parents visiting for a monthwas going to be tough for her - although he'd certainly enjoy it.

?Well, they've retired now so they said they were going to come for a monththis time. In fact,? he grinned, ?Dad said they're thinking of coming out twicea year from now on ? a month each time.?

?Twice a year?!! Oh, God, Frank! Please, that's too long! Please, can't wechange the rules if they're going to be here for so long??

?Now, you know better than that. Besides, you agreed to the rules from thestart,? he reminded her. ?And Dad says they look forward to their trips outhere so much. I couldn't stand to disappoint them now that they've finallyretired. They both sounded so excited on the phone. Dad's apparently engineereda few surprises for you this time. He sounded like a kid waiting for Christmas.?

Cara groaned and slumped down on the couch. She thought about what this comingmonth was going to be like. ?When do they arrive?? she asked with a moan ofresignation.

?A week from tomorrow. I wonder what Dad's got in store for you? I gotta tellyou, I'm getting hard just thinking about it!? he laughed.

Frank and Cara lived a life of privilege and plenty in a spacious suburbanhouse outside a large metropolitan area. Frank's successful law practice allowedthem to live very well indeed. Neither of them had ever had much desire forchildren. They both preferred their indulgent lifestyle. Cara had worked fora while after their marriage, but, not being really committed to a career ofany kind, had eventually allowed Frank to assure her that she needn't bother.

She loved her gorgeous husband passionately. Tall and well-built, she alwaysthought he had a typical swimmer's body, which was his exercise of choice.At least outside the bedroom, she silently chuckled. His dark hair waved backfrom his forehead in a way that always made her want to run her fingers throughit and watch his brown eyes darken even more with passion.

She spent much of her time these days taking care of herself ? the gym, thespa, the tennis court all helped her keep her enviable figure. At 5' 4? andabout 125 lbs., Cara wasn't one of those stick-thin women. She had a ratherlush body that her husband adored. Short red hair, startling green eyes anda sweet face completed a package that many women would envy. She wondered howmany would envy her lifestyle. Probably a lot more than most people would think,truth be told!

Cara contemplated her in-laws impending visit with a combination of dreadand fearful arousal as she lay in bed that night. A month! Her hand slid downbetween her legs as she thought of what she'd have to endure. But Frank wasright, she'd agreed to this from the start. She needed this, craved it. Butwhen it was actually happening, oh, God! She just wanted it to stop! Untilthe next time.

She'd always been submissive. With her full approval, Frank began spankingher on their wedding night. Other sorts of punishments had been added withinmonths, again with not only her approval, but also sometimes her active suggestion.She hated being punished while it was happening, loved and dreaded it in advance,loved the memories of it. Cara knew she needed it, had needed it all her life,and knew she could no longer live without it.

She and Frank certainly didn't have a master/slave relationship. She wouldn'tcall it a Domestic Discipline relationship either, at least not in the wayshe usually thought of those types of marriages. Of course, what did she know?No one really knows how someone else's relationship worked from the inside.She only knew that theirs did ? work, that is. They were perfectly suited andincredibly happy after 4 years of marriage. They didn't play games. She didn'tintentionally ?misbehave? to earn the punishments that she dreaded and craved.He didn't make up reasons to make her suffer, although sometimes one presenteditself, and he generally took advantage of it. But mostly he just did it. When,where and how he liked.

?I think you need a good dose of the strap,? he might say to her, perhapsas they were driving home from somewhere. Her breath would catch, mouth godry, her heart begin to jump. And always that quick tightening, wetting sensationthat made her legs pull together.

?Will it be hard? Will I need to be tied?? she'd whisper, unable to stop asmall whimper of fear from escaping.

?Oh, yeah. I'm afraid so,? he'd smile. ?I think maybe over the sawhorse, withyour legs spread nice and wide.?

?Oh, God, Frank! That leaves me so exposed! Will I have to get whipped onmy pussy as well? Please, not on my pussy!? Her hand would slide protectivelybetween her legs.

He'd laugh at the quiver of fear in her voice. ?We'll see. I haven't quitedecided yet. But it has been quite a while since that little slit of yourshas had to suffer, hasn't it??

?Y-yes, I guess. Oh, but please! It hurts so bad there! Couldn't I just havemy bottom strapped??

Cara gasped as her hands were grabbed and pulled together over her head, snappingher back to full wakefulness. She felt the cuffs being buckled on her wrists.

?Well, looks like those two orgasms earlier weren't quite enough for you tonight,? Frankchuckled. ?Guess I'll just have to see what else I can do for you.?

Before she could say a word a large ballgag was being pushed into her mouthand buckled firmly behind her head. She realized that in her reverie her handhad begun to work harder between her legs. Thinking about her punishments alwaysmade her incredibly hot, but in that half asleep, half awake state, she'd begunto act on her arousal, and Frank wasn't quite as far gone in sleep as she'dthought.

He quickly flipped her over on to her stomach and pulled a thick bolster cushionunder her stomach, positioning it at the bend of her hips so that her bottomwas stuck high in the air. He spread her legs wide, fastening each ankle tothe cuff that lived at the bottom corners of their king-size bed. His bedsidelamp came on and she could hear him getting something from the cabinet there,but tied as she was, she couldn't lift her head enough to see over the bigpillow that lay to her left to see what was in store for her. Soon enough shefelt something cold and wet being pressed against her exposed anus. The pressureincreased and she groaned as the plug began to enter her, stretching her uncomfortably.He pushed it home and she sighed, thinking the worst of it was over, untilshe heard the sound of the bulb being squeezed and felt the intruder ballooninside her rectum.

?Ugh!? Her muscles stiffened and her head came up in protest. The bulb wassqueezed a second time and she shook her head frantically. ?Uggghhh!? She hatedthe inflatable plug because he could stretch her as painfully as he chose whileshe lay there helplessly. But thankfully after those two hard squeezes, hedropped the bulb between her splayed legs.


?Hmph!? It felt like the leather paddle. She jerked as it landed again, harder.He struck randomly, all over her bottom, eliciting even stronger responsesfrom her when the paddle landed directly on top of the plug, causing it tomove painfully inside her sensitive rectum.

?Oh, yeah ? you're getting nice and red.? He stopped the paddling to reachdown and wiggle the plug roughly, smiling when his wife squealed in protest. ?Wantthat pumped up a little more, Sweetie?? he asked as he gave the bulb anothergood hard squeeze.

?Uggggghhhhhh!!!? she howled into the gag and struggled against her bindingsat the sudden pain from the increased pressure in her rectum.

Frank began the paddling again, harder and faster, as his wife jumped andwrithed under the punishment. He only stopped when he was panting from exertionand arousal, and her bottom was a deep, hot red. He tossed the paddle asideand knelt between his wife's widely spread knees, pushing his thick erectioninto her wet opening. The bulging plug in her ass caused her to be tighterthan usual and made his entry painful for her. Frank knew that he could makeher cum explosively if he did it right and he began to pump himself roughlyin and out of her wet channel, slamming against her red hot ass and the plugburied inside. She screamed into the gag and struggled against the rough treatment.

?I think you need that plug pumped up some more,? he panted and picked upthe bulb.

Cara frantically shook her head, begging him not to squeeze the bulb again.She couldn't take any more! It was huge already! Please, please no more! Herdesperate pleas were muffled by the thick ball.

?Oh, yeah, you definitely need more,? he growled, giving the rubber bulb ahard squeeze and ramming his cock home simultaneously. Cara screamed and herwhole body stiffened as a huge orgasm ripped through her. The gripping andspasming of her muscles pushed him over the edge and he exploded right afterher.

?That was Dad. They're making good time. Should be here later this afternoon.? Frankhung up the phone and chuckled as his wife groaned. ?I've got a feeling you'vegot a rough month coming up, Sweetie,? he grinned.

?Do you think ? do you think they'll punish me every day for the whole month?? shemoaned. ?I mean, I know when it was a week they pretty much did, but surelynot for the whole month! Do you think?? Cara squirmed and twisted her hands.

?I don't really know, but you know the rules, Hon. You have to take whateverthey decide to give you,? he laughed as his words caused Cara to squeeze herlegs together protectively. ?Whew! I don't mind telling you I'm going to behard for the whole month!

?I know!? she chuckled ironically. ?And I know what I agreed to. I won't goback on our agreement, but ? oh, shit! Frank, they love making me suffer!? shewhimpered.

Cara was remembering what had got her into this in the first place. It wasin the first year they were married, the first time his folks came to visit.Don and Marge had come back from an afternoon out earlier than expected andwalked in on Frank spanking her. Frank refused to be embarrassed. He'd simplyexplained things to his folks. Well, that was one long conversation! But inthe end both of Frank's parents admitted to having a strong interest in disciplineand punishment themselves. They had never acted much on those desires withintheir own marriage because both of them were very dominant people. With theadvent of the internet both Don and Marge had been able to explore their interestsmore, in at least a fantasy way. But finding out that their son shared thisinterest and was in fact living it in his own life excited them.

She and Frank had had a long conversation that night as well. He wanted toallow his folks to punish her, that was clear from the beginning. He made itclear how the thought of watching her having to submit to them excited him.In truth, they had even discussed this a number of times. Oh, not his parentsbeing the ones, but just that he'd love to watch her endure the humiliationof being punished by someone else. Cara had also admitted to being excitedat the prospect of this sort of humiliating scenario. But the opportunity hadnever presented itself for them to explore it further.

Well, here was opportunity ? knocking loud and clear! Cara was hesitant, reluctant,but perhaps also wanted to be ?forced? to endure such humiliation. In the endshe allowed herself to be persuaded. Frank was excited by the possibilitiesand forged ahead to bring their fantasies to life.

By the next morning, Frank had drafted an agreement, in writing, which Carasigned in front of Frank, Don and Marge. In it she agreed that she would submitto any and all punishments demanded of her by either of her in-laws, just asshe did with her husband. Frank felt the act of seeing it in writing and havingher sign such an agreement added a nice level of embarrassment for her.

Within minutes of that agreement being concluded, Don told her to remove allher clothes and prepare to be spanked. Cara's breath caught and she becameinstantly wet at hearing those words! On unsteady legs she stood up from thetable and brought shaking hands to the hem of her shirt.

?Oh, dear,? she breathed. ?Oh, this is really going to be humiliating.?

She lifted the shirt up over her head and off, and felt herself blushing hotlyright to the roots of her hair. Down came her little shorts exposing much tinierpanties of pale silk. Her trembling fingers went back to work the catch onher dainty wisp of a bra, then let it slide down her arms, freeing pale, grapefruit-sizedbreasts to unaccustomed view. She felt herself grow even wetter at having toexpose herself like this, at the thought of taking a humiliating spanking fromher father-in-law.

?Come on, Sweetie,? Frank smiled at his wife's obvious embarrassment. ?Getthose panties down so Dad can give you a good spanking.? He felt himself gettinghard as he watched his wife squirm.

Both Don and Marge sat perfectly still, almost mesmerized. A slight flushon Marge's cheeks indicated how aroused she was at watching her daughter-in-lawbeing made to strip like this. Don cleared his throat and shifted in his chair,readjusting himself to accommodate his growing erection.

With a groan of mortification, Cara slipped the little panties down her legsand off. Frank preferred that she keep her pubic hair shaved completely, soshe was now without any covering at all.

?Move your hands away and stand up straight, Girl. Uncross your legs,? herfather-in-law commanded. ?In fact, put your hands right on top of your headso we can see you properly.?

Lifting her arms raised her lovely breasts and showed them off to perfection.Her large coral-colored nipples were hard with fear and arousal. Cara's slimwaist was nipped in even more with the lifting of her rib cage. Just beneathher delicate navel, her belly rounded out ever so slightly above the soft shavenmound at the juncture of her stunning legs. In days gone by, Cara's bottomwould probably have been called ?impudent.? It rounded perfectly out and upfrom above perfect white thighs, the ideal spankable ass.

She had to stand there naked and blushing while her in-laws looked her over.Cara's eyes darted from one place to another, anywhere but at the eyes lookingat her.

?All right, Girl. Come over here and get over my knee so I can warm up thatfanny of yours.?

Cara moaned softly but obeyed.

?Hands behind your back, legs spread,? he commanded as his big hands pulledher down over his lap. His left hand grasped both of her small wrists and heldthem together behind her, adjusting her body further forward until only hertoes touched the floor. ?Spread those legs a bit more.?

Don may not have had much practice in the art of spanking, but he was a quickstudy. Within minutes his big, strong right hand had Cara jumping and squirming.And then, very soon, she began to whimper and beg.

?Oh, please ? please. No more. Oh, please, Don, not so hard! It hurts! It'sreally hurting! No ? please! I've had enough. Oh, please, no more ? please!!?

When his father's hand began to slow down at these entreaties and the olderman raised a questioning eyebrow, Frank chimed in.

?Don't pay too much attention to her noise, Dad. Believe me, she can takea real blistering. In fact, I recommend it!? he chuckled.

A huge grin broke out on Don's face and his hand began to land with more vigoron the wiggling pink cheeks.

?So, Girl, it sounds like you're gonna have to stay right here and take what'scoming to you for a while!? he laughed as she squealed and writhed under therenewed onslaught.

?No ? no, please!! It hurts! Ow! OWWWW! IT HURTS!!!?

Cara pleas increased in urgency as Don began to lay it on hard and fast.

?Tell you what,? Don paused his rhythm a few minutes later. ?How ?bout youand Marge each grab an ankle and really spread those legs out for me so I canget some of the areas I've missed.?

?No, no please, don't ? please!!? Cara pleaded when Frank and Marge happilyobliged and split her legs widely.

Now poor Cara really began to feel the punishment! His hard hand smacked cruellyagainst the tender and still pale inner curves of her bottom cheeks and highon the insides of her thighs. She howled!

?Oh, yeah, you don't like having to get it right in there, do you, Girl! Butyou're gonnna have to take it ? you're gonna have to take it nice and hardright inside there where you're good and tender!?

Cara struggled frantically! But the spanking continued unabated until herwhole bottom was a deep, fiery red.

?Well, now, how's that, Girl!? Don asked when he finally decided she'd hadenough. ?I don't think you're gonna want to sit on that bottom for a littlewhile, do you??

?No,? she moaned, her hands rubbing her hot posterior while she squirmed inmisery. ?I probably won't be able to sit down for days! God, you really spankhard, Don! I hope you don't decide to give it to me too often.?

From that moment on he and Marge had taken great delight in their new ?hobby? andDon, particularly, was clever and inventive at thinking up torments for her.Having had so many years to think and dream with no real outlet to try anyof his ideas, he was now like that proverbial ?kid in a candy store.? Margetook great delight in tormenting her daughter-in-law's sensitive breasts andin making Cara take punishing enemas. Don took particular interest in torturingher genitals. Of course there was never any sex involved in any of these activities,but Cara presumed that her in-laws' sex life had taken a strong up-swing asa result of their new diversion.

Frank loved watching his wife being punished by his parents. This shared interesthad brought them closer than they'd been in years. And, truth be told, Carafound herself continually aroused by the fear of what was coming next and thememories of past torments.

But it had been for only one week out of every year. Now, that was all aboutto change, Cara thought, as Frank announced that his parents were pulling intothe driveway!

?Well ? don't you think it's time you gave us a little entertainment, Girl?? Donasked good-naturedly later that evening.

They'd all spent the afternoon getting the folks settled comfortably in thespacious guest suite. A month's stay necessitated a great deal more luggagethan their usual week. Then there had been all the catching up to do ? family,friends, local gossip from the old home town. Cara had prepared a simple dinnerfor everyone, and then had begun to get nervous as the after dinner conversationwound down. She was sure of what was coming next, at least in a general way.

?Y-yes, certainly, Don. Whatever you want, of course,? she tried to swallowthough her mouth had gone dry. Her father-in-law's words had her squirming.She could see a big grin split her husband's face.

?What I want, Darlin', is for you to get out of those clothes so I can seehow you enjoy a little present I made for you,? he guffawed. Don was a big,strong man with a big, robust personality.

?Oh, dear! Of course, yes, of course.?

Cara's hands shook as she slowly stood up and began to unbutton her blouse.Nerves made her hands clumsy as she worked the buttons and then slipped offthe pale pink silk to expose an even paler pink wisp of a bra. Her hands wentto the waistband of her linen trousers and opened them, sliding the cream fabricslowly down over her hips. All the eyes in the room focused on her as she baredherself for their amusement.

When her trousers had been folded neatly on top of her blouse, Cara's handsmoved behind her to unhook the dainty bra. All too soon, for her at least,her tiny silk panties followed. She stood before the group completely naked,wondering what was coming.

?Excellent! You're looking as lovely as ever, my Dear. Now just turn aroundfor us so we can get a good look at you,? he grinned. ?And I'm just going topop into the other room and get that present I talked about.?

While he was gone, Marge grinned at her delightedly. ?I've found a new andvery interesting sounding enema recipe on the internet, Cara Dear. I thinkit's going to make you squirm like crazy! Perhaps we'll try it out tomorrow.Would you like that??

?Oh, dear ? probably not, but I guess I'm going to get it anyway,? she groaned,and elicited laughter from Frank and his mother.

?All righty, then! Here we go. Just for you,? Don beamed as he returned holdingout a small whip. ?Or more accurately, just for your little pussy. I thinkthis is just gonna sting the hell out of you down there between your legs!?

His words made Cara gasp in dismay and started her legs trembling, but thefear also caused a tightening low in her belly and a gush of moisture betweenher legs.

The whip he'd created was made of 8 rawhide strands, each between 10 and 12inches long. He'd tied small, hard knots randomly along the last 3 inches ofeach strand. They were attached to a nicely finished wooden handle about 6inches in length.

?I'm going to wet the rawhide down to give it a little weight,? Don explained, ?andthen I think it might just make you jump, Girl!?

?Oh!! Oh, dear!? Cara's eyes were riveted on the little whip. ?Oh, please,Don, do I have to have it between my legs? C-couldn't you just use it on mybottom??

Everyone laughed delightedly at Cara's reaction to her ?present.?

?Sorry, Darlin', but this is specially made to do it's magic right insidethat sensitive little slit of yours and I've really been looking forward towatching you bucking and squealing when I put it to work on you!? he laughed. ?I'venever seen a woman actually get her pussy whipped, but I figure it's gottabe just absolute hell, being so sensitive in there. Figure getting it rightin there for real would make a girl howl like a banshee! I been getting hardas a rock every time I think about you being tied with your legs open and notbeing able to get away from this little whip I made for you!?

?Well, then, I think we should all head down to the punishment room and getdown to business!? Frank laughed, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. ?I'mas anxious as you to see your little creation in action, Dad.? He kissed Cara'sforehead affectionately and lead the way to the basement.

Frank and Cara had outfitted their large basement as a ?Punishment Room' forCara. Over the years they had gradually added items that caught their attentionin stores or on the internet. There were various benches and a saw horse thatwas just the right height. Straps and paddles hung from the walls on hooks.A tall stool with a large dildo sticking up from the center of the seat madeCara shudder whenever she looked at it. The concrete floor had been coveredwith a utilitarian carpet in deference to Cara's bare feet. The whole roommade her belly tighten and her pussy wet just looking at!

?OK ? how do you want her positioned, Dad??

?I was thinking I'd like her on her back on this little bench, legs pulledup and wide open ? REAL wide open,? he beamed. ?I want these little strandsand knots to be able to get right down inside where she'll feel them.?

?Perfect! OK, Honey, you heard the man - on the bench. Let's get you all trussedup nice and tight. I've got a feeling you're going to be trying real hard tojump around once Dad starts working on you!? he laughed.

?Ohhhhhhh!? Cara wailed in trepidation. Listening to her father-in-law's enthusiasticdescription of what was coming had turned her knees to jelly. ?Oh, please!I don't want my pussy whipped! Please! Or ? or, at least, couldn't I just bebent over with my legs spread, Don? You could whip my pussy that way!?

Don laughed. ?No, Darlin,' your pussy will open up much better with you onyour back and your legs pulled up. And I'm sure you want that little slit ofyours to open up as wide as possible so you can really appreciate this littlegift I made for you, don't you??

?Oh, no ? please! I won't be able to stand it like that!? she moaned. Fearwas paramount now as she contemplated what was in store for her. As alwayswhen she was about to be punished, Cara begged to be let off, even as her arousalintensified.

Cara continued to beg, hopelessly, as Frank guided her onto the bench andpulled her hands behind her and under the bench to be fastened in cuffs there.Next he pulled up a large strap and buckled it firmly around her waist, holdingher securely to the bench.

?Oh, Frank ? please, I don't want to have my pussy whipped! He whips so hard,Frank ? please, not between my legs!!?

?Sorry, Sweetie,? he chuckled. ?I'm afraid you'll just have to take what'scoming to you, you know that. I've got a feeling you're going to have a verysore pussy for a few days!?

Don had already attached soft cuffs to her ankles and was hooking up linesto them that lead to eyebolts in the walls. Within minutes, Cara's legs werepulled up high and wide and slightly back toward her head, fully exposing themost intimate parts of her anatomy. He and Frank continued tightening the linesuntil she was stretched as wide as they could get her. Cara continued to wail.

?No, no, please! Not like this! Oh, God, it opens me up so wide! Please, Iwon't be able to stand it like this!?

?Well, I hear all the protests, but you sure are pretty wet and excited here,? Donobserved with a big grin. ?Bet you're not gonna be quite so wet when you findout what this little whip feels like in there!?

Frank and Marge both laughed as Cara wailed in protest.

?I think I want to add some cuffs right above her knees and tie her out thereas well,? Don said. ?I don't want her to be able to squeeze her thighs togethereven a tiny bit. I want to make sure she has to stay wide, WIDE open, evenwhen she starts to feel the bite.?

?Good idea. Got more cuffs right here, Dad,? Frank tossed one of them to hisfather. ?If that little bugger stings her the way I think it's going to, she'sdefinitely going to be trying to pull her legs together!? he laughed. ?Mom,you want to get a gag out of that chest over there?? he pointed with his chintoward a tall chest of drawers as he fastened the other cuff snugly aroundCara's thigh. ?Top drawer, should be. Get the large penis gag. I'm guessingCara's going to be trying to break our eardrums once the festivities start!? helaughed. ?That big penis gag holds her tongue down and keeps her about thequietest of any of them.?

?Yessiree,? Don agreed with a smile. ?I got a feeling our little Cara's gonnabe dancing and singing real nice for us in just a bit. Probably hit some realhigh notes!?

Marge brought the gag over with a smile. ?Open up, Sweetheart. You're goingto want something in your mouth to bite on in a minute anyway,? she laughed. ?AndI'm afraid you're right, Sweetie. I think that nasty little whip is going tohurt like absolute hell on your pussy.? She cut off Cara's pleas by pushingthe short, thick penis gag into her mouth and buckling it securely behind herhead. ?He's really been looking forward to this for a while so I'm afraid you'relikely to be getting quite a little workout here. I'll bet you're going towalking funny for a few days after this!? She patted her daughter-in-law onthe cheek affectionately and stepped back for a better view.

With his daughter-in-law tightly secured just the way he wanted her, Don wentover to wet down the strands of rawhide in the bar sink at the other end ofthe big room. His heart was nearly pounding and he was already sporting a monstererection. As his wife said, he had really been looking forward to this.

The captive girl's pussy was spread so wide open from the way they'd stretchedand tied her that even her vagina had been pulled open. He smiled thinkingthat the little knotted tips might even bite her right down inside there. ?Thatshould make her jump a bit!' he chuckled to himself. He also noted that herlabia had been pulled back to expose her little clit. Oh, boy! That was hisfavorite target and he planned to aim plenty of shots right at that sensitivelittle nub! She was squirming and whimpering in fear as he approached, hereyes fixed on the whip in his hand.

?You're about to get a REAL good crotch whippin,' Girl,? he grinned and raisedthe whip.

?Ngggghhhh!!? Poor Cara's eyes flew wide and she jumped against her restraintsat the explosion of pain between her legs. Oh, shit!! It stung like fire!!

The second shot was aimed at her exposed and slightly open anus. The littleorifice twitched and jumped sensitively at the intense sting and Cara onceagain shrieked in pain. Don snapped the next lash a little higher and was rewardedto see that the little knotted strands would, indeed, bite right down insidethe girl's open vagina. Her screams and struggles told him how true the shothad been! With a grin of pure pleasure, the big man flicked the little whipout for the fourth time, adding a good snap of his wrist, and watched the knottedrawhide dance across the very front of Cara's widely spread slit where hervulnerable clitoris peeked from beneath it's protective hood. Her reactionwas electric! Even the thick gag couldn't fully muffle her howls of agony asher body bucked wildly making the ropes creak and the bench jump.

?WOO!! I think you're starting to make her feel it, Dad!!? Frank applauded.His eyes shone and a huge grin split his face.

?Oh, my!!? Marge breathed. ?Oh ? oh, my!? Her face was flushed and her thighspressed firmly together.

Don laughed out loud. ?Oh, yeah! I think this little whip's gonna be goodfor her! What do guys think??

?Oh, yeah! Definitely good for her!!? Frank's voice came out rough and throaty. ?ButI think she's going to need a good dose of it so we can evaluate it properly,Dad. A good BIG dose.?

?Yes, absolutely,? Marge licked her lips as she watched the panic in her daughter-in-law'seyes. ?I think her pussy needs to have a VERY thorough treatment with thatlovely little whip of yours, Don. And I think you need to pay extra specialattention to her clit ? I'm sure that's where it will do her the most good.?

?Yeah, I think so, too,? he smiled. ?Like I said, you're gonna get a REALgood crotch whippin,' Girl.?

Cara's eyes grew huge and she shook her head frantically as Don grinned andraised the little whip again. Poor Cara shrieked into the thick gag as oneof the tiny, hard knots bit directly on her exposed clit! Her struggles causedthe bench to thud noisily on the hard floor of the basement, and brought renewedchuckles of appreciation from her rapt audience. Three more times Don aimedthe stinging strands directly to the front of her spread open slit elicitingmore frantic howls with each lash.

?Oh, yeah! This is great, Dad! Cara's never had her slit punished like thisbefore. Look at the way that little whip is making her buck and jump!! I'venever really whipped her right IN her pussy before!? Frank's eyes shone withexcitement as he watched his wife endure the dreadful whipping. Her pussy wasbecoming red and swollen from the punishment.

After several more agonizing lashes, Don paused to examine the girl's abusedslit.

?What do you think, Frank? I'm inclined to work on her some more, but I don'twant to overdo it, of course.?

Frank leaned in closer to examine his wife's pussy. Although the flesh wasquite red and a bit swollen, there were no breaks in the skin. He could seea number of dark red dots and realized that was where the little knots hadbitten. He felt his hard cock twitch when he noticed that Cara's clitoris hadendured several direct hits from those cruel little knots! No wonder she wasjumping and howling like a banshee!!

His wife's muffled pleas gained his attention and Frank raised his eyes toher face. She shook her head and moaned plaintively, clearly begging him toput an end to her punishment.

He chuckled and patted her cheek affectionately, ?Sorry, Sweetie. Your pussycan take plenty more whipping!?

?She can definitely take more, Dad!? Frank assured his father as he straightenedup. ?I think she needs a good long workout with that little toy of yours. AndI agree with Mom ? I think you should give her a real good clit whipping. Shejust about jumps out of her skin when you give it to her there!? He turnedback to grin at his horrified wife. ?You need that little clit whipped somemore, don't you, Sweetie!?

Cara's eyes flew wide and she began to frantically shake her head at her husband'swords. No, no! Please! Not on my clit! Please don't whip my clit ? it's AGONY!!!But her wordless pleas fell on deaf ears.

?I think our poor Cara's going to be walking a bit funny for a few days,? Margechuckled. ?But her pussy will heal just fine. I agree with Frankie - that littleslit of hers needs a lot more punishment!?

?Oh, yeah ? that's what I wanted to hear!? laughed Don as he prepared to resumethe cruel whipping. ?Looks like you're just gonna have to stay right thereand take what's coming to you for a while, Girl! I notice your little pussyisn't quite so wet now ? guess you're not enjoying this little stinging you'regetting! That's OK ? we sure are!? He had perfected his aim now so that hecould bring the little knotted strands sweeping up to strike the delicate undersideof the captive girl's swollen clit with ease. He swung the little whip andwatched the knots bite her clit cruelly. The bench thudded and shook from Cara'sfrantic struggles as her punishment continued. ?And just think ? we're gonnabe here for a whole month this time!?

© K. C. Richardson 2004

Same as A Month Videos

2 years ago
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The Presidents ClubChapter 4

They both were still for a while, recuperating from the intensity of their initial orgasms. But there was still a long night ahead of them. He still had a lot of pent up frustrations to work out. Jerking Karin's hungry mouth up off his prick by her long blonde hair, John stood up suddenly. Without his solid prick for support, she collapsed in a lovely heap on the floor. Even as she oozed over onto her side, she was graceful and alluring. He gazed at her loveliness for a moment, marveling...

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The Mirror

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Training Tresner

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Potential Part 15

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First Time With Another Couple

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enchanted by teacher

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 3

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My Semale Girlfriend part 2

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Young Lovers Part 2

Chapter 2 As the sun rose in the early morning sky, it crept in through a window in the cabin, the room became flooded with light. The room was clearer now. Clothes of all description littered the floor and even some sexy toys. The light hit Edward hard, as he began to stir from his slumber. Bryony was still naked and asleep, just resting on his chest and breathing softly. The fire was now just embers that glowed faintly in the early morning light. Birds could be heard outside with their...

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steamy shower

We were on our way to the beach. It was a beautiful day and I was so excited! My husband and I needed to relax, he has been working so hard lately! My poor husband. We've been married only six months and it seems he's had to work night and day since then. I love him, but I miss him. Especially I miss him at night! And especially since we're trying to get pregnant. It seems like we've only had sex a couple of times since we got married. And since I had saved myself for him, that's all I've had...

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BRANDY Misdeeds with a Mormon Girl Prt 3

Once we arrived at Brandy’s apartment, I set Skoal down in front of the television set, turned on a Barney & Friends rerun for him to watch, and then took my wanton love associate back into her bedroom. Brandy was so happy to see me and so anxious to shed off her clothing that she was naked and rolling around with me atop her bed before she could get her bedroom door closed. I too was quite aroused to see Brandy so I quickly let loose the meat from my pants and was soon nuts deep inside her...

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Bikini Beach Hey Hey Paula

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Enjoyed Second Best One Week Sex With A Married Woman

Hi, I’m Aarush 24 from Navi Mumbai, about me I’m little browny with average dick size 5″5 and I have an innocent face that no one can doubt on me that I have a dirtiest mind. I’m big fan of a rough and dirty sex and until now I fucked females for more than 20 times and every time it was rough and dirty which I will explain in this sex story. I would love to hear your comments and I can be your secret santa as well if you love dirty sex. So let’s begin the sex story, as I posted several stories...

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Mediaeval Justice

The count looked at the beautiful young girl that sat opposite of him at thewell loaded table. He smiled to the girl, trying to be as nice to her aspossible under the given situation.He had some mixed feelings about this and tried to explain his point ofview."It is just bad luck for you, dear", he argued, "but there is a law touphold"."But that law is inhuman", the girl protested. Her name was Ruby and she wasonly s*******n years old. She was so scared, that her voice quivered. Butshe realized...

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The Hot Anjali

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THE STORY BEING TOLD TO PATTI That morning I began to tell Patti, I woke up and it was early as always around our farm/ranch house anyway. It was a Saturday morning and we all had chores to do and especially today, because Daddy and Mom had last night told that we would have guest later on tomorrow as they told us last night. Now for Dad and my brother that meant feeding the cattle and horses and other...

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Big titty Indian paki hijabi part 2

ive added part 1 here so you can read both together for extra enjoyment :)So a few weeks ago I was at my local Costa coffee just doing some work I had to finish on my day off work, as I looked up from my laptop my mouth sprung open as the barista brought my latte to my table, she wasn’t the girl who served me she must have just started her shift, she was wearing a bright pink hijab, which attracted me even more to her, her costa shirt was tight and I could see she had big tits, she wasn’t...

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Tits For Pain

By the time she turned nineteen, she knew she wasn't like the other girls. It happened when a group of men seeing her on the street called her "sweater-meat."   She should have been angry or blushed with shame.  Instead, she felt a thrill. They'd noticed. Her tits were phenomenol. Men WANTED her. They wanted her TITS. She could tell by their expressions they wanted to put their hands under her blouse, tug at her bra, "feel her up." She knew what the expression meant. It was about what she came...

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CuckoldSessions Jennifer White 11272016

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A Truckers Story

Douglass and Rachael Masterson were driving from the great state of Montana. Helena, Montana to be exact, in route to Topeka, Kansas in November, to see their parents for Thanksgiving. It had been snowing for days through the mountains of Wyoming and upper Colorado, and the roads that Doug and Rachael were traveling were very slick at some points and were fair at best on other roads, and Doug wasn't exactly comfortable driving through these snowy conditions, but would rather himself chance...

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Run for Love

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MomsTeachSex Jamie Michelle Kylie Quinn Why Are You Sucking Her Nipples

Juan Loco has a boob sucking fetish. He asks his stepmom, Jaimie Michelle, if he can suck her big boobies but she says no. Jaimie thinks that’s the end of the conversation, but Juan invites his friend Kylie Quinn over and sucks her tits instead. Jaimie walks in on Juan with his mouth over Jaimie’s nipple and confronts the two about what they’re doing. Juan has Kylie over again a few days later, but this time Jaimie knows to watch them for any nipple sucking shenanigans. Kylie...

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Futa Naked In School 07 The Naked Futa Problem 1 Randis Naked Futa Dilemma

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A good night out Part 1

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Trading UpChapter 2 Earlier that November night

Doctor Cameron was a locum medical practitioner as he didn’t have a practice of his own, nor was he a partner in an established practice, but he had extensive hospital experience in an emergency department, so he was used to dealing with all sorts of injuries, complaints or simply out-of-hours concerned patients. As a locum he covered doctors’ periods of sick leave, vacations, or made himself available for out-of-surgery-hours cover, including weekends. He was prepared to relocate on a...

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The Casino

The Casino… At 9 pm he arrived, dressed in a classic tux, to find her at the casino bar. She arose from her seat as he approached and he was struck by her vision. Her makeup was light and accented her natural beauty. Her chestnut mane lay loosely, curling along the flesh of her neck. She was wearing a long black satin dress that highlighted her best features. Her shoulders were bare, with the dress sloping downward in front to expose her voluptuous cleavage. As she took a few steps to meet...

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Lost in Lesbos

I was on my way to the beach to meet up with friends near Tampa, when my car got a flat tire. Groaning inwardly I got out and realized it was pitch black outside but I was sure I took off in the afternoon and I had only been on the road for 45 minutes. It wasn’t dark when I was driving either. Something was certainly amiss. When I get out to look at the tire, I spot a light in the grass over an old broken fence on the same side of the road where I pulled over. No cars were to be seen and even...

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A Daydream of Simply Red

May I share a daydream with you? It began when I was dwelling on this never-ending hunger I have for you. A desire so perfect it pours throughout me till I overflow with this desperate expression, yet it is exotic and mysterious as well. Eventually I will be exhausted and emptied by your love for me. If it is possible, you seem to have no faults. You amaze me over and over again with your willingness and patience. Most men cannot satisfy me, or understand what I need and want, because...

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Computer Room Rendezvous With Hasina

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Sissy Porn Star Part 2

Sissy Porn Star - Part 2 Sherri had successfully convinced Charles that he needed to ingest a second vitamin as a part of their bedtime routine. She had told him about some articles she read regarding the positive effects of vitamin use when the daily recommended amount was doubled, even tripled. As always, Charles sensed her motherly concern for him so he yielded to her sensibilities and just went with the flow. It was a Saturday morning and Charles woke up, his head pounding and...

1 year ago
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Confessions Part 2

This is the part 2 of a story I am working on with WorkAlone. We will be alternating parts. I really hope you all enjoy this story. WorkAlone will be writing from the priest's point of view, and I will be writing from the girl's point of view. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did writing it!! I walked into Mass thinking about the night before with my boyfriend. I had worn my favorite green dress and left my curly out of control red hair down for the night; just the way he liked it. We had stayed...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Cuck Ho Ho Holded by Santa

“Honey this is fucking stupid.  You’re twenty-seven.  Definitely too old to be leaving Santa cookies and milk,” Richard lectured with a smirk.Jennifer had baked chocolate chip cookies, what she believed to be Santa’s favorite earlier Christmas Eve.  She placed them by the fireplace with childlike glee.  “Shut the fuck up, Rich.  I do this every year, and every year, I wake up to a half empty plate of cookies and a half drank glass of milk," Jennifer shot back."You may want to think about...

3 years ago
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Kyles Porch Ch 08

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part eight of eight: A family is born This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. * ‘Bonnie? Seriously now. Are you going to be around a while?’ She thought a...

3 years ago
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Payback after I caught mum fucking MY boyfriend

I've been with Jerome for 8 months now and I can say he's my first love. Mom and dad weren't happy about us at first as Jerome is four years older than me at 21. As times gone on, he's become sort of part of the family. He's around at least 4 times a week. Even when I'm not home it's not uncommon to come back and find him eating dinner with my parents. I loved that they both seemed to love him as much as I did. I was having some difficulty in college, it just wasn't working out. I wanted to...

2 years ago
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My wife and a black postman

My wife had been feeling quite horny recently and she couldn’t seem to get enough sex. Even though we sometime had a hot fuck session twice a night, I could tell that there was still something missing. We always had good sex and she claimed she was getting enough but I could tell something was on her mind. We discussed it, and she said that she would like to try something different, but never told me what. Our marriage is a very open marriage, she stepped outside a few times and it...

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