The Photographer's Party free porn video

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The Photographer's Party

Author: Rilawild

Natasha was running late. She'd promised to be at the gallery at seven andit was already six forty-five. She looked at her watch; there was no way she'dbe on time and Angela was going to be mad. She hated disappointing her friend.

Natasha had been caught up looking at the positions vacant pages of the paperand time had got away from her. She needed a job; she was behind on her rentand had loan repayments to make. If she didn't find something soon she'd beout on the streets; and she'd really need a friend like Angela then.

She'd left university three years ago and been offered a great job at anadvertising agency. She'd thought that she was set up, but the agency ?downsized? hersix months ago and now she was having to pick up temporary work wherever shecould get it, whilst she looked for another full-time job.

She'd known Angela at college, they hadn't been close friends then and hadlost contact soon after graduation. It had been a surprise when she'd walkedinto the gallery a couple of months ago and there had been Angela. She'd justbeen recruited as the gallery manager. They'd gone for a drink, and then ameal and all of a sudden they were best friends, closer than they'd ever beenat college.

Natasha checked herself in the mirror. She was pleased with what she saw:shoulder-length, straight, honey-coloured hair, hazel eyes and a cute nose,or at least that's what her last boyfriend had told her. She was proud of hershapely five foot four figure and her thirty-six inch C-cup breasts.

She slammed the door behind her and jumped into her car. She thought thatshe'd be about ten minutes late and hopefully a quick text to Angela wouldlet her know. Natasha prayed that Angela wouldn't mind too much.

Thankfully, there was a free parking space outside the gallery and as expectedAngela was waiting for her. Her blonde hair glowed in the evening sun. Shewas a couple of inches taller than Natasha and another cup size larger. Bothwere beautiful and when they were out on the town they almost had to fightthe men off with sticks. Natasha locked her car and greeted her friend witha hug and kiss on the cheek.

She didn't know anything about the exhibition that was opening at the gallery,except that Angela had had a mischievous smile when she'd invited Natasha toa private preview showing and told her it was not for feint hearted.

?OK, let see what's so special about this exhibition,? Natasha said as Angelaunlocked and pushed open the door.

?Now, prepare yourself, it's pretty shocking but I just know you're goingto find this a great hoot.?

The gallery lights flickered on and Natasha was suddenly confronted by theblack and white image of an amazing woman. The large photograph showed herin tight leather, she looked just as Natasha thought a Dominatrix should. Shewas stunningly attractive, long dark hair and penetrating eyes. She had analmost impish smile on her face, perhaps a private joke with the photographer.It was clear though that she would not take any crap from anyone. Her costumedidn't reveal a lot of skin, but hinted at the delights to be found underneath,and she carried what looked like a riding crop in her right hand.

Natasha was gob smacked, she had not been prepared for this.

?Stunning isn't she?, said Angela breaking Natasha's trance. ?She's the artistand this is her self portrait for the exhibition.?

?Oh my god!? exclaimed Natasha, ?Can you show this? Won't the council closeyou down??

?This is just for starters, wait until you see the rest. We're OK, the exhibitionis not going to be open to the public, it's invitation only ? which is whyI wanted to sneak you in tonight. Now I doubt that you've noticed the bestthing about this picture, I know I didn't at first. Look at her crotch.?

?What! Oh my God!' Natasha thought and then, trying to sound casual,asked Angela, ?Is that a ... you-know-what?? The woman in the picture appearedto have a black cock protruding from her crotch.

?Yeap, it's a strap-on dildo. That's the amazing thing about this photo,it's black against a black background. The lighting doesn't highlight it, butonce you see it, it's so obvious. It's like one of those optical illusions.It's things like that that make her work sell for a fortune ? but only to the ?discretebuyer' if you know what I mean.?

Natasha just stood staring at the photo, her eyes kept switching betweenthe woman's eyes and the monster dildo. It took Angela, slipping her arm throughhers to pull her away and into the gallery itself proper.

?She said she wanted to make an impression on her audience by placing thatpicture there, and it's clear from you that she's succeeded. Come on let'shave a look at the rest.?

Angela led her into the main room. All around there were black and whitephotographs of all shapes and sizes. These however were not of the dominatrix.No, these were of her ?victims'. Each and every photograph showed a young womanin various states of undress in submissive poses. Each one was beautiful andoozed class, they were top quality pieces of artwork, but Natasha couldn'thelp thinking that they were just downright pornographic.

Some of the women shown were bound, others gagged, a few even hooded, buteach one was clearly aroused and each one obviously submitting to either thecamera or an off-picture lover.

?These pictures are absolutely disgusting, perverted and filthy' thoughtNatasha. ?What sort of woman would allow herself to be photographed likethis? Certainly no normal woman would want to be displayed like this, onlysluts, tramps or whores...; but oh they're sexy' .

She was transfixed and found it hard to look away. She was fascinated bythe images. A woman here lying on her back, her hands and feet fastened toa bar in front of her exposed vagina, her feet wide apart and knees spreadwide. The woman had a wide collar around her neck as her only ?clothing'. Hereyes appeared pleading. Natasha wondered what she was thinking, what did shewant, and why had she agreed to be photographed in such a compromising position.

She felt herself becoming a little flushed. Her jeans and top felt altogethertoo tight, and she was embarrassed when she realised that her nipples had hardened.Looking down she could see them making bumps in her t-shirt through her bra.

?I hope that Angela doesn't notice' and with that thought she lookedacross at her friend only to find her smiling back. ?Oh no, she knows thatI'm getting turned on by this. What will she think of me?' These thoughtjust caused her to blush, and that in turn made her even more turned on. Shefelt a familiar tingling growing in her belly.

?Why am I aroused by this, I'm not a pervert?' Natasha, confusedby her emotions, tried to convince herself that it was just because they wereattractive and sexy pictures rather than the content. Part of her wanted torun, to get away from these perverted pictures. Another part needed to lookmore closely to see into the souls of these women and find out if they werereally any different from herself.

It felt weird to be aroused by these pictures of helpless women. She foundherself drinking in the images, each more amazing than the previous one. Theywere all women; after a moment's thought, Natasha found that she couldn't imaginebeing aroused by pictures of men in similar situations, and that disturbedher even more. With each new image, Natasha found herself wondering about thestory behind the picture, she imagined herself there taking the photographor even worse being the model! And she knew it was fuelling a terrible, fantasticfeeling deep in her pussy. She was frightened that she was being turned onby pictures of women, and yet she knew that she was heterosexual. Well, shethought, she didn't really count that time at university with her best friendand room-mate Jayne. After all, nothing had happened ... really.

Her mind wandering back to her college days...

They'd been out to a club and were drunk. They'd seen a couple of women kissingpassionately in the darkness, and they'd giggled about it for the rest of theevening. She hadn't felt particularly comfortable about it, but she'd wantedto laugh it off with Jayne.

They'd got back to the room they shared on campus and had more shots of tequila,laughing and chatted about nothing in particular; the subject of the lesbianshad come up again and they'd giggled, again perhaps a little more uncomfortablythis time. They hugged each other and Jayne gave her a kiss goodnight on thecheek. Natasha had then turned to kiss her back. Somehow they ended up withtheir lips touching and then they were french kissing. Natasha felt Jayne'stongue gently probing between her lips. After a moment, they broke apart, bothclearly very embarrassed. Quickly, perhaps a little too quickly, they'd laughedit off as joke and had gone to their own beds turning off the light.

Natasha found that she couldn't sleep. Images of the two girls from the nightclubkept passing across her mind's eye together with her passionate kiss with herbest friend. She'd felt so horny. She tried to distract herself by thinkingabout her favourite fantasy. She imagined herself going to an interview witha young business executive, who just happened to look like Brad Pitt. Typicallyit would end with him ravishing her across his desk. She'd sometimes spicedit up imagining that his secretary was just outside the door and might comein at any minute. Other times when she was feeling especially horny, the secretarywould be sitting shocked in the same room. That night though her mind betrayedher, the secretary and ?Brad' were lovers and invited her to join them. Whilstshe made love with him, the other woman was caressing and kissing them both.As the fantasy continued the secretary had come more and more into the story.

She'd been building herself to a major orgasm, trying to keep herself quietso as not to wake Jayne, she'd buried her face into her pillow as her breathinghad become heavy. Her fingers worked hard against her clit.

The secretary would normally be a ?generic' faceless blonde, but that nightNatasha had wickedly thought of her as Jayne and that had spurred her arousalto another level. The fantasy had twisted and she'd imagined ?Jayne' kissingher more and more and ?Brad' had begun to be relegated to bit-part. Then, inher fantasy ?Jayne' had touched her pussy and she'd come in both her fantasyand in her bed. It had been an amazing orgasm, and as she calmed down she wasn'tsure but she thought she heard heavy breathing coming from across the room,but since her own breath was thundering in her head she couldn't be sure. Partof her wanted to think that Jayne had had a similar fantasy and part of herwas absolutely disgusted about what she'd fantasized about.

They hadn't talk about it the next morning. Natasha had been a little sheepish,expecting Jayne to be angry and disgusted with her, but nothing was said andover the next few days Natasha had relaxed and they'd gone back to how they'dbeen before. New boys came on the scene and they'd never discussed lesbianrelationships again. Natasha had purposefully made sure that none of her fantasiesincluded girls, almost afraid of what she might find out.

She was a little surprised that these photographs had brought back that memory,and she hoped that her blush was not any deeper. She pulled her eyes away fromthe bound and gagged blonde in front of her and allowed Angela to lead herfurther around the room. Her panties were getting decidedly damp. She foundshe couldn't concentrate properly and all that kept running through her mindwere thoughts about how these women must have felt as they allowed themselvesto bound and then photographed.

It took her a few moments to realise that Angela was talking to her. Sheblushed again, tore her eyes away from the photo she was studying and listenedto her friend.

?The artist, Trudy, is holding a party on Saturday night to celebrate thisexhibition. She's asked me to come, and I really need to go to represent thegalley. It should be great; she knows lots of people. She said I could bringa friend and I thought of you. Would you like to come along? Given all this,the party should be interesting.?she said spreading her arm out wide to indicatethe photos.

?Erm, I'm not sure...?

?Oh, come on. Don't be such a prude. It'll be fun, and you never know theremight be someone there who'll be able to solve your money problems! BesidesI need to take someone, and I just have to go. You wouldn't want to let medown, would you??

The look that Angela gave her made sure that Natasha could not possibly decline.When reluctantly she said ?OK, I'll come,? Angela's smile beamed and she huggedNatasha.

?Great, I'll pick you up at eight.?

Angela hooked her arm in Natasha's once more and led her from the gallery.She was still distracted by the pictures and without Angela's intervention,probably would have continued to stand there transfixed by the pictures untilthe lights were turned off. She thought, rather embarrassingly, she might havestill stood there even then. She wasn't really sure why the exhibition hadaffected her so much.

?Stunning wasn't it?? Angela broke the spell. ?She's such an brilliant photographer.?

?Yeah,? Natasha hesitated, ?her composition and lighting are excellent.? ?andher subject matter is certainly breathtaking,' she added to herself. ?I'llhave to pretend to Angela that the reason I was so distracted was Trudy'sartistic technique and not what she's portraying.'

Angela just smiled and replied, ?I just knew that her talent would get yourcreative juices flowing.? ?And not just my creative juices.' Natashahad to admit to herself.

Natasha sat in her car outside the gallery, she needed to collect her thoughts.Now that she was out of the close atmosphere, she could try to think. ?I'mso horny. Those pictures were so sexy! No, it's just a reaction to some veryerotic pictures. There's nothing more to it than that. It's natural for a healthyyoung woman like me to be aroused by pictures so sexually charged.' Shedid her best to convince herself but didn't do a very good job of it.

She couldn't help it, she slipped her hand down between her thighs and squeezedher hand against her overheated pussy. ?Oh, I need to get home.'

Natasha slammed the door to her flat, almost surprised that she hadn't hadan accident on her journey home in her distracted state. She quickly shed herclothes in her bedroom and in a moment she was standing under the shower. Natashastood for a few seconds under the water, wetting her hair, trying to refreshherself. She wanted to touch herself, but knew that she'd prolong her pleasureby waiting. Then she began to soap herself, at first cleaning her body, armsand legs and finally she washed the soap over her breasts. ?Oh yes, that'sgood'. She teased herself, caressing her tits. She grazed her hard nipples,taking a sharp breath, and next circled them. She relished the electrifyingsensation.

Then she began to stroke and pull on her distended nipples. She needed totouch her pussy, and her breath shortened as her excitement grew. She beganto squeeze her rock hard nubs and pressed her legs together as she fought tocontrol herself. And then she couldn't wait any longer, opening her legs sheslid her right hand down to her pubic hair and beyond.

Her fingers traced her mound and then found her slit, feeling how hot shewas, and she knew that much of the wetness was from her own juices and notthe shower. Natasha sank her middle finger into herself and gasped.

Having held herself back, now she wanted to push the accelerator. She knewexactly what she needed. She thought back the gallery and one of the picturesthat had particularly held her transfixed.

The woman had been naked except for her bondage. She was kneeling as if facingan unseen person to left of the photographer. Her legs were spread wide andher shaved pussy on display and glistened, clearly wet. Her hands were boundbehind her back and from the angle it looked like her elbows must also be tiedtogether, forcing her large breasts out. She had a painfully wide collar tightaround her neck and a belt was buckled around her waist.

What had caught Natasha's eye though was the woman face. Her ash blonde hairwas pulled back into a pony tail. Most of her face though was concealed bya harness for a strange gag. She had never seen anything like it. From thegirl's mouth extended a shiny black rubber dildo.

And above the gag were the woman's eyes. They stared straight out at theviewer. The look in those eyes was captivating. The photographer had capturedsomething very special: Natasha had seen a gamut of emotions in those deeppools. There was adoration like one might see from a faithful pet and overlayingthat was a begging, pleading gaze.

Natasha couldn't help but wonder how the woman had come to be in that compromisingposition, and for what was she pleading?

Natasha began to concentrate then on her clitoris as she imagined what thewoman must have been feeling. She imagined being in the same position, imaginedher jaw stretched by the strange gag. ?Oh god, how embarrassing to be soexposed, to be made to kneel helplessly.' She'd sometimes fantasisedabout being a damsel in distress, but nothing this intense.

Her fingers worked furiously at her clitoris.

Her fantasy placed her kneeling and pleading with her captor and this broughther very close. She tried to hold herself back for a moment, but as she imaginedherself as a kneeling submissive slut she could hold back no longer. ?Ohyes, please use me, fuck me, Oh yes! Take me! Oh god, Oooohhh yesssss!' Natasha'sorgasm took her and she felt it build deep in her pussy and suddenly overwhelmher. She threw her head back and let out a primal scream.

She panted, her outstretched arms held her up away from the wall of showerand the water cascaded down her heaving back.

Once she had recovered some what, she felt a wave of embarrassment sweepover her as she thought about the degrading things she'd contemplated as sheorgasmed. She knew that it was the thought of herself pleading in the submissiveposition that had finally spurred her over the edge.

The bizarre evening and the powerful orgasm had drained her and when shehad dried herself she just collapsed onto her bed naked and was asleep in seconds.

Her sleep was troubled by dreams of bondage and submission and she awokefeeling exhausted but still very aroused. Natasha was a little disturbed byher reaction and tried to put it down to the fact that she'd been without aboyfriend for a while now, but she failed to convince herself totally.

Over the next couple of days she often found herself thinking about the exhibition.She'd suddenly find herself snapping out of a day-dream, realising that she'dbeen thinking about pictures in the exhibition and perhaps worse of all thatshe was aroused by her day-dream. Luckily she only had these day-dreams whenshe was alone at home. The thought that someone else would catch her in these ?dirty'fantasies mortified her. Sometimes she'd find she had to slip into her bedroomand masturbate before she could get back to what she'd been doing, then shefelt more embarrassed and guilty than before and then more aroused. It waslike a vicious circle.

When Angela came to pick her up on Saturday evening for the party, Natashawas having mixed thoughts about going. She was still disturbed by her reactionto the exhibition and wasn't sure how she'd respond to the photographer inperson. She knew though that this party was important to her best friend, andshe remembered the happy look on Angela's face when she'd agreed to come. Nomatter how nervous she felt about this party, she couldn't let her friend down.

The dress that she'd chosen to wear was her favourite ?posh frock', wellin fact her only ?posh frock'. It was a long, thin and clingy black eveningdress. The dress flowed up from a hem just a few centimetres above her strappyhigh-heeled shoes up her long legs. It curved over her shapely buttocks, overher flat tummy and up and over her jutting unfettered breasts to fasten behindher neck. It left her back uncovered from her shoulder blades to the smallof her back. It had a couple of slits up each side that showed some of herstockinged legs as she walked. She'd chosen a pair a silk bikini panties andhold-up stockings as her only underwear. She finished off her outfit with amatching wrap to cover her bare shoulders.

Angela jokingly wolf-whistled her when Natasha opened her door. She wolf-whistledback, ?to you too!? and smiled at her close friend. She thought though thatAngela did look stunning in her dress. It was a high-necked red silk ?oriental'styled knee-length dress. She was wearing high-heeled boots and black tightsor stockings. ?She looked startling and confident' , Natasha thought, ?justthe impression she'd want to make as the new up-and-coming gallery manager.At least we'll make a statement, I'm sure that we'll make the right impressionwith this influential photographer that Angela needs to impress.' Thenfeeling a little tingle down her spine she thought, ?I wonder if there'llbe any nice men there?'

The party was held at an expensive loft apartment in a very exclusive partof town. Angela parked her car in the secure underground car-park and theytook the lift up to the loft.

?She sell her pictures for a packet, and I'm told that she's independentlywealthy.? Angela explained when Natasha wondered how an artist could affordsuch a wonderful place.

The apartment door was opened promptly and Natasha was stopped in her tracks.The woman who had opened the door was a live apparition straight from the exhibition.She was slightly smaller than Natasha and appeared to be a parody of a maid.Her black satin ?dress' exposed her breasts and was very tight around her slimwaist. From there it fluffed out into a tiny micro-skirt that left her completelyexposed ?down there'. She had on a little maid's hat, a petite white apron,and she tottered on impossibly high heels.

Natasha was shocked, she just hadn't been prepared to see this vision ofpure sex appeal. She realised that she was staring and probably had her mouthwide-open in shock but couldn't bring herself to snap out of it until Angelagently took her by the hand and led her inside the apartment.

?How could a woman display herself so wantonly? She was there in the doorway ? anyonecould see her.' Natasha though, ?She must be a strip-a-gram or something,but why would she open the door in her state of undress? She must be terriblyembarrassed!'

She was still stunned when the maid closed the door and took her wrap fromher. Angela led her deeper into the apartment and whispered conspiratorially ?Theparty must be themed after the exhibition.?

Natasha couldn't take her eyes off the maid as they entered a room; she'dpicked up a tray loaded with glasses of champagne that she offered to the twonewcomers. Natasha took a swift drink, feeling that her mouth was quite dry.Then the maid began to walk the room passing out drinks to those who wantedthem. Natasha's eyes continued to run over her smooth buttock as they swayedbeneath her frilly skirt, her bare jiggling breasts above her tray of glassesand, when she turned back towards them, her exposed mound of Venus.

She took a gulp of champagne and chastised herself for staring at the ?strip-a-gram',and consciously looked around the room at the other guests and furnishings.Around the walls were photos, she realised that they were prints of those fromthe exhibition, and Natasha thought that she must not get drawn into lookingtoo closely in case she went off into day-dream land and embarrassed herselfand worse ruined Angela's evening.

The guests were a strange bunch, most looked very elegant in their expensiveclothes and jewellery. Natasha realised that everyone in this room was a woman,dashing her hopes of meeting a nice man here. Many of the guests' clothes werevery daring and revealing. A couple appeared to be wearing skin-tight shinylatex or PVC and another was completely topless! She saw that some wore leathercollars or metal chokers, and though she couldn't tell from where she was standing,Natasha thought that perhaps one of the collared women had her hands fastenedbehind her back. Natasha watched her for a few moments and she never broughther hands around in front of her.

?Angela's right, it must be a themed party. Why would anyone want to comealong so exposed? It must be so embarrassing. They must reallyrespect Trudy and appreciate her work to put up with it all.'

The temperature in the apartment seemed quite warm and she took another sipof champagne. ?Of course, if you're going to have the hired help and someguests exposing this much flesh then you're going to need to have the heatingon,' Natasha mused to herself. ?That'll be why the maid took my wrap.I'd planned to keep it on this evening, without it, my shoulders and back feelso unprotected, but then again in this company I'm positively overdressed!' Shegiggled to herself under her breath, and then decided: ?She was probablyjust thinking about my comfort.'

Natasha found that she couldn't look anywhere in the room without seeingsome form of exposed flesh: photographs, guests or the disturbing maid. Shewas a bit shocked by it all, and felt herself blushing in embarrassment, eventhough they were showing themselves off and not her.

She felt a little strange, a little light-headed and almost overwhelmed byit all. She took another drink from her glass and realised that she'd alreadyemptied it.

?Here, have mine, I'm driving after all.? Angela said as she handed her herfull glass.

?Thanks.? she replied and took a long drink from the fresh glass as she continuedto nervously look around the room trying not to blush too much.

Natasha felt a little unsteady, and Angela took her arm, like the good friendthat she was. ?We'll support each other, that's a good idea,? Natashathought. ?Angela's probably just as shocked as I am. What have we let ourselvesin for coming to this party? We should have realised that it would be strangeplace having seen the exhibition.'

Angela led the confused woman across the room. It was the most bizarre partythat Natasha had ever been to, and she wasn't sure she could handle it. Partof her wanted to flee as fast and as far away as possible from the strangepeople; part of her couldn't take her eyes from the naked legs, backs and breastsall on blatant display before her and this confused her even more. Finally,she knew that she had to stay: this party was especially important to Angelawho had to prove herself as the manager of the gallery. She couldn't let herbest friend down and knew that she had to keep her confused emotions undercontrol; she had to do her best to help Angela present a great image to thissupposedly important artist. A successful exhibition and recommendation fromthe artist could do wonders for her career. If Natasha blew it for her, Angelawould never forgive her and Natasha would feel so terrible. So she had to soldieron, no matter how strange the party was.

She knew that she was still blushing from all the exposed flesh she saw andhoped that no one would notice. If they did, that would just make her blusheven more. Everyone here was clearly taking all of this in their stride andshe didn't want to announce the fact that she was not as ?sophisticated' asthe other guests. ?How could they be so calm?' She just couldn'twork it out.

Then Natasha realised that Angela was talking with a couple of women: a statuesqueredhead and a slim brunette. She forced herself to look away from all the exposedflesh in the room, to try and concentrate on the conversation in front of her.She couldn't afford to let her daydreams take hold here, she would die of embarrassment,and she'd let Angela down.

Natasha looked at the woman who was speaking, the redhead; she looked tobe in her thirties and was wearing quite a conservative dress, which was arelief. ?Perhaps that's why Angela had chosen her to talk with, more comfortablethan trying to talk with a semi-naked woman.' She had an air of confidenceabout her; she was relaxed and comfortable, which was more than Natasha couldsay about herself. She had a smooth Irish accent, which Natasha found beautifullylyrical and almost hypnotic. The Irish woman was talking about the exhibitionand pointing out some of the pictures around the room. ?And there are someof Trudy's more interesting works in the big room, it's a shame that she didn'tinclude them in the exhibition if you ask me. Too shocking perhaps for generaldisplay?? she asked rhetorically. ?Too shocking!' thought Natasha, ?hasshe seen what's in the exhibition? If that's tame then I'm dreading these otherphotographs.' Angela then took up the conversation and moved onto talkingabout her work at the gallery.

Natasha must have missed the introductions whilst she'd been pre-occupiedand was too embarrassed with herself to ask for women's names. ?I'll justsee if I can bluff my way through.' She thought. However, it didn't seemlike it was going to be a problem since Angela and Irish woman didn't seemto include her in the conversation and left no convenient pauses for her joinin.

?Oh, please say that I haven't embarrassed Angela already and she is ignoringme.'

She realised though that the forth woman wasn't talking either. Natasha thoughtabout striking up a conversation with her and looked at her for the first timefor more than a glance.

The brunette was looking down at the floor, perhaps looking at Natasha'sshoes, so she couldn't catch her eyes to draw her into a conversation. Herdark hair was pulled back into a ponytail that fell down her back, and so herface was not hidden, Natasha could see that her pale skin had a slight tint,perhaps a blush. ?She's probably just as embarrassed as I am about thiswhole ?naked' party thing.' She wore a beautiful gauzy, short, pale-bluedress, and like some of the other women wore a leather collar around her neck.

Natasha, shifted her weight, hoping to distract the woman so that she'd havean opportunity to sympathise with her about the strange party. When she didn'tlift her eyes, Natasha looked downwards to see if there was something wrongwith her feet. As she did her gaze fell across the woman's chest, and she realisedthat the brunette was not wearing a bra and that her breasts could be seenthrough the semi-transparent material of her dress. ?Oh! No wonder she'sembarrassed, perhaps she hadn't realised how transparent the dress was andnow she's stuck here. Obviously, it's her gesture towards the theme of theexhibition, and perhaps she's gone further than she thought. I wonder why shedoesn't find a safe spot hide herself where she can cover her chest?'

Then Natasha's eyes were drawn further down and she hoped she didn't letout a gasp as she saw that the woman had no knickers on either. Her hairlessmound could be seen through the dress with no difficulty, and to Natasha'sown embarrassment she could just make out her slit below. It was an intriguingdress, at first glance, nothing looked out of place, but on closer examination,one could easily make out that she was naked beneath it. It would have beeneven worse if she'd had any pubic hair ? ?perhaps that's why she's removedit?' Natasha wondered.

As Natasha flushed, she decided that it would probably be best not talk withthis woman after all. She wasn't sure if she would have been able to keep thetrembling from her voice and, no doubt, the woman wouldn't want to have herhumiliating situation drawn to any more attention.

?She seems a little shy to be wearing such a daring dress in public, I'dnormally expect that it would be an outgoing flirtatious woman who'd be willingto cause a stir with a striking outfit.'

Natasha's eyes just kept flitting from the woman's breasts to her crotch,as if she couldn't believe what her eyes were telling her, and as she did so,she was embarrassed once more to find that her own levels of arousal were building.She could feel that her nipples were hard beneath the material of her dressand worst of all that her arousal would be obvious to anyone who looked ather. It was no consolation for her to realise that one could tell the arousalof the semi-naked women as well even more easily. She knew that they'd dressedto show off their bodies, it had been their choice. She didn't really considerthe fact it was her own choice of dress that led to her own predicament.

A pair of naked breasts suddenly confronted Natasha and snapped her out ofher thoughts. The maid was swapping her empty glass for a fresh one. Then realisingthat she was staring she quickly looked up at the woman's face. She'd beratedenough people for staring at her own breasts in the past that she didn't wantto be found guilty of the same offence. For a moment, she was confused whenshe didn't recognise the face, and then it dawned on her that this was a differentwoman. ?How many of these maids are there at this party?'

The maid moved on and Natasha tried to bring her breathing under control.She realised that she was a little breathless, she was hot, ?thank GodI'm not wearing my wrap? she thought, and she knew that her nipples werepainfully hard and rubbing against the material of her dress. She just neededa few minutes to calm down and recover.

Unfortunately for Natasha she didn't to get that wish.

She thought that she'd seen just about everything now, but the couple whohad just arrived made her realise just how wrong she could be. The first womanthrough the door looked to be in her forties. She was dressed from floor tobreasts in black leather: tight bustier, enhancing her large breasts, a kneelength form fitting skirt and thigh-high boots. Her light brown hair tied ina neat bun on her head. Her make-up and jewellery was subtle and elegant. Shelooked like she could have been a successful executive or lawyer, if only heroutfit wasn't so outlandish. However, Natasha's eyes were not fixed on her.Instead they were on the woman behind her, in fact the woman being led by heron a leash!

The maid who'd opened the door for them had taken a long black velvet hoodedcloak from the second woman. Underneath she was essentially naked. Natashawas absolutely flabbergasted. She looked much younger than her companion, probablylate teens or early twenties. She had her blonde hair tied in two pigtailsat the side of her head. Her face was stretched due to the large red ball fillingher mouth, a strap cutting into her cheeks and fastened behind her head. Herleash was attached to the black leather collar tight around her neck. A harnessof straps criss-crossed her upper body accentuating her proud breasts. Theywere thrust forward since her arms were fastened behind her back. Each handwas strapped to the opposite elbow. Her nipples were pierced by gold ringsand from these hung long weights that swayed as she was led into the room,stimulating her.

Around her waist was a thick leather belt that was cinched tightly and dugdeeply into her flesh. From this belt a strap descended down to her crotch,dividing her labia as the leather was pulled tightly into her pussy. The strapcontinued up between her buttocks until it was fastened once more the beltat her back. More straps surrounded her legs, once more criss-crossing downto her severely high heeled boots.

She was a vision of submission straight from the exhibition photographs.Natasha didn't know how to act when confronted by this sexual animal. ?Howcan she come here dressed like that? How can she allow herself to give up allcontrol and be led around by another person? She couldn't stop anyone doinganything to her, being gagged she couldn't even complain if it was somethingshe didn't want to happen. Oh god, the idea of it, it would be just too humiliating,I could never do that, I would never do that! It is just too dirty and perverse.' But,as she thought that, she couldn't help imaging herself in that position, nakedin front of all these people, with no control, being led around like a lambto the slaughter. This caused her head to spin, her heart to pound and herpussy to throb within her now decidedly moist knickers.

She just didn't want to admit that the thought of being humiliated was turningher on; deep down though she was having difficulty denying it. Absent mindedlyshe began to reach up to caress her breast, but found that Angela's arm waslooped through hers. Instead she gulped down the rest of her drink, all withouttaking her eyes off the naked woman. In her befuddled state, she could onlythink that the woman must be a prostitute hired by the other woman as a joketo shock everyone there, but no-one else seemed to be remotely shocked. A fewwoman passed some quiet comments that Natasha couldn't hear, but no-one seemedtaken aback in the slightest, except for her. ?What crazy people are these?'

Angela drew her closer and whispered in her ear, ?She's gorgeous isn't she?Can you imagine what must be going though her mind right now??Natasha thoughtshe could, and all of it seemed too much for her to take in. Her mind was goingaround in circles, from how sexy she looked, to how embarrassed she'd feelif it was her, and how that thought was just making her feel more and morearoused and how that just made her feel more embarrassed as so on and so on.And her mind kept flashing her images of herself being led around by a leash,naked, and that just made everything ten times worse. Natasha's nipples werevery hard and pressing against the material of her dress, and she just wantedto touch herself.

Angela saved her from slipping into fantasy land completely, ?Let's go andmeet our hostess, it would be rude to wait too much longer before paying ourrespects.?

?Oh, bless you Angela, yes, let's try and bring some sanity back. Thatprostitute has really got to me.'

Angela, led her through into another room, this time larger and clearly themain living room of the apartment. The first thing she notice here were toher horror more naked women. This time there were two woman either side a chairwhere a third fully dressed woman sat.

Both were kneeling, with their knees spread apart. The first was a very sexyredhead with pale skin and sprinkling of freckles, and the other looked likean Indian with long shining black hair and flawless coffee coloured skin. Bothwore collars around their necks with leashes trailing to the seated woman'shands. Natasha felt very embarrassed as she eyed their bodies, their breasts,and mostly their hairless pussies. The redhead had her hands on her thighsand the other girl kept her hands behind her back. Natasha felt the materialof her dress moving against her nipples as she thought, ?I wonder if herhands are tied behind her too' , and realised what a depraved thoughtshe'd just had. ?Oh god what am I thinking? I'm not one of these kinkyperverts wanting to tie other women up! At least I hope not, I just feel soconfused about this whole party. I think I've drunk too much, I never coulddrink Champagne, it always goes straight to my head.' She tried to counthow many glasses of the sparkling wine she'd had, and remembered that Angelahad been handing her her glasses whenever Natasha's was empty and the maidstoo had kept plying her with full glasses. She never drank this much normally, ?Itmust be this party, it's hot and it's just got me on edge. Well perhaps I'llbe OK if I stop now and just stick with soft drinks from now on.'

Natasha, trailing behind Angela, suddenly stopped, rooted to the floor. Acrossthe room was an apparition straight from an erotic wet dream. Their hostesswas seated on a large leather arm chair, Natasha thought it was almost thronelike. She radiated style and class and Natasha thought that she was perhapsthe most attractive woman in the room. Her costume was striking and completelyin fitting with the party's theme. Like so many others in the room, her breastswere bare, but for her it seemed a statement of authority, or power, ratherthan being whorish or dirty. She wore a leather corset that set off her nakedbreasts wonderfully. Her legs were encased in patterned self-supporting stockingsunder knee length spike-heeled boots. Her lower arms and hands were encasedin skin-tight leather gloves. However, she was not the most striking part ofthe image. For trailing from her hand was a leash to naked woman at her feet.

Natasha couldn't see much of the prostitute, for what else could such a blatantslut be. She was facing away from them, her head against the floor at theirhostess's boots. Natasha's vision was filled with her writhing naked buttocks,which were thrust up in air above her very wide spread knees. The whore's vaginawas clearly visible and even worse it was very obviously wet! Natasha couldeven see that her labia were pierced with golden rings.

?How could someone earn their living like that? It is so demeaning; noself-respecting woman could ever parade herself like that! And she's notjust exposing herself, she's clearly enjoying it, she wants everyone to seeher shame,' Natasha thought, but as she did, she knew what it was doingto her insides. Butterflies were swarming in her tummy and she could feelthe throbbing in her vagina as her arousal took hold. ?Oh imagine whatit must be like to so displayed. What if it were me? How could I cope?'

Natasha realised that whore must be licking Trudy's boots. ?It just getsworse and worse' she thought. She looked back to their hostess andfound herself captivated. She was confident, sexy and perhaps above all powerful,like a queen surveying all she commands.

?Ah, Angela. It's so good of you to come and in time for the main event;and you've brought a little friend.? Trudy shot Natasha a stunning smile, andlooked Natasha up and down with piercing, gleaming eyes.

?She's lovely Angela.? Trudy stated, after her evaluating gaze finished lookingNatasha over.

Natasha almost whispered a thank-you, unsure how to react to the strangecomplement. ?Why can't I talk properly? After all she's only a woman, butwhat a woman? She sits there regally with a naked girl licking her boots. Ican almost understand why this dirty whore would want to do that. I feel sosmall in her presence. And the way she looked at me, was she tryingto imagine what I would look like naked and collared at her feet?'

It set her heart a flutter and drove her confused mind into overdrive. Shefelt light-headed and hot, almost faint. It was only after a few moments thatshe realised that Trudy had paid the complement to Angela and not herself directly.It was like she wasn't there, or perhaps even worse that she didn't expectNatasha to be able to understand or be able to respond. ?Well, maybe she'sright? I having a little difficulty concentrating and speaking at the moment.'

?That's enough now my pet.? Trudy said to the naked whore. Then to a wideraudience, she continued. ?Today's a very special day. We've a double celebration.The exhibition of course, but it's also my little pet's first time out in public.She's going to show everyone how much she loves me, aren't you little one??

Natasha looked at the naked girl as she knelt up from her prostrated positionand shook her long blonde hair down her bare back.

?Oh!' Natasha thought in complete shock and alarm. ?She looksjust like Jayne! It can't be, can it? She not a prostitute, she'd never bea prostitute!' She thought firmly. Then she considered what Trudy hassaid, ?wait, it sounded like they were lovers, even so Jayne isn't alesbian!'

Natasha was just stunned, and all she could say was a very tentative, nervousquestion, ?Jayne??

The nude, looked briefly towards Trudy who gave the slightest of nods, andthen the girl replied using the strangest of idioms that Natasha had heard.

?This slut was previously known as Jayne, Ma'am.? she confirmed.

?Oh God, Jayne it me. It's Natasha!?

?Yes Ma'am, this slut remembers you.?

Natasha's safe little world fell apart. Angela had to hold her around thewaist to prevent her from falling over. Her mind couldn't rationalise thisbizarre situation. ?She wasn't gay, or into any of this sick pervertedstuff at university. We were so alike, people almost thought we were sisters;we even ended each other's sentences. This is just too much, it must be a sickjoke, but still she's naked, aroused and has all those piercing.'

Angela held her closely and reassured her.

?It's OK. You didn't know that Jayne is a submissive? Don't worry, it's whatshe wants, isn't it?

?Yes Mistress Angela. This slut has found her true self. Now it is clearthat she was made to be lesbian slave slut. Mistress has taught this slut whatshe really is, and this slut is very happy.?

Natasha just didn't know what to do, how to handle the situation. She wasconfused and she was disgusted. She didn't understand why Jayne wasn't mortifiedand deeply embarrassed to be parading herself in this way in front of so manypeople. She didn't know why no-one else at the party wasn't as outraged asshe was.

It felt like it was boiling in the room. She needed a drink to calm her frayednerves and she was grateful when Angela handed her a soft drink, but as shedowned it quickly she knew that it was mistake, the orange juice was lacedwith very strong vodka! ?Oh, Angela must have thought that I'd need a stiffdrink to get over the shock ? she's such a good friend.' She found herselfholding on to Angela for dear life, she was her only anchor in this crazy place.

?Oh no!' she thought to herself, ?I'm just as bad! I'm arousedby all this. I can feel my nipples are rock hard and my panties feel tootight and are wet.'

Trudy stood up from her throne-like chair and announced to the room: ?Now,I think that we should move onto the main event.?

Angela, supporting Natasha, moved aside and the couple moved back away towarda wall.

Angela reassured Natasha: ?It's alright, I'm right here with you, you'llbe safe here with me.? Natasha was thankful that her friend hadn't abandonedher whilst she tried to recover from the awful shock of seeing what had becomeof her old college room-mate.

Trudy clipped a leash onto Jayne's collar. ?Now my dear pet, it's your timeto show us all what you're made of.?

A space was cleared in the centre of the room and a strange contraption ofchrome, leather padding and straps was brought from somewhere into the openarea by the two maids. The lights were dimmed and Natasha was glad that sheand Angela were now in the shadows, no-one would be concentrating on her whilstshe did what she could to calm down and try to pull herself together.

Trudy led Jayne to the frame, which she mounted, knowing where to place herself.She was mostly side on to Natasha, but facing slightly away meaning that shecouldn't really see her friend's face. A pad supported her belly, but lefther breasts uncovered and dangling unfettered from her horizontal upper body.Her shoulders and neck rested in a support, her arms angled forwards and herhands fell onto hand grips. Her knees and shins were placed onto two lowersupports that spread her legs obscenely wide. From where Natasha stood stillshaking slightly, she had a view of Jayne's buttocks and her wet pouch prominentlydisplayed between her legs. The golden rings in her labia glinting in the spot-lightsthat shone on the naked girl.

When she was in position, Trudy began to fix the straps that would hold Jaynefirmly in place. Starting at her feet, she buckled a strap over each ankle,another just behind each knee. A heavy belt held her solidly in place overthe small of her back. A harness was fitted over her shoulders to hold herto the front of the frame and finally straps held her elbows and wrists.

Natasha, head spinning, watched as a couple of video cameras on tripods wereplaced to capture what was to going to be done to Jayne. ?Oh no, poor Jayne.What has happened to her? Why is she letting this happen? She can't seriouslybe into this stuff, can she? It's humiliating. Oh, what would it feel liketo have those tight straps binding and securing me, holding me in their strongembrace, to know that there is nothing I can do to protect myself.' Shefound her mind driving her on into a fantasy land, the alcohol in her systembreaking down her inhibitions and resistance; and her arousal clouding hermind and driving her crazy.

Then Angela said, ?Look at her. She's beautiful isn't she? I bet you're wonderinghow she feels.?

Natasha felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realised that that wasexactly what she'd just been thinking. ?Can she read my mind? Am I thattransparent to her? God, I hope that she doesn't realise just how all thisis affecting me.'

Angela was holding her closely, giving her the support that she needed, tryingto calm her down, but her body was so close to Natasha that it seemed to behaving the opposite effect. Her arm was tightly around Natasha's waist, andher hand was firmly holding her hip.

She felt so grateful and found herself muttering, ?thank you, thank you,I don't know what I'd do without you.?

?I here to help you, you're safe with me.? Angela cooed soothingly and beganto gently stroke her hip. She continued to whisper calming words, almost asone would to calm down a nervous horse.

Angela's, ?you're safe?, and ?I'm here with you? changed as she caressedher young friend to ?You know it's what she wants?, and ?she craves this?. ?Youcan tell how aroused she is. She's do anything for Trudy.? Angela tried toreassure Natasha, but Natasha couldn't concentrate properly. ?Is that right?Is this what she wants? I can't really imagine anyone wanting that! But Angelamust be right. The alternatives are just impossible. In that case though ...' Herthoughts trailed off as she tried to reconcile her jumbled up thoughts andemotions.

She did feel safe though with Angela besides her. They were in the shadows,at the edge of the room and no-one was paying any attention to them, she wasthankful for that at least.

Angela's caressing fingertips began to move more widely from her hip, acrossthe small of her back and tracing spirals up her bare spine. Natasha realisedthat Angela must be as nervous as she was, and she put her own arm around Angela'swaist. She wanted Angela to know that she was there for her too, mutually supportingeach other.

As the final straps with tightened around the nude woman in the spotlight,Natasha tried to come to a decision to leave. ?No, this is wrong, it'sdisgusting, I should get out of here; No, Jayne is my friend, I can't justleave her here like this. I need to take her with me, but she wants this, Angelasaid so and she wouldn't lie to me. She's friends with Jayne too. If she thinksit OK maybe it is.'

She was just too confused, her mind flip-flopping around between stayingand going. ?It's wrong and perverted. Let me get my breath properly andthen I'll go; but the door's on the other side of the room. I'd have to walkthrough of all these people. They'd know that I can't take this and what wouldthey think of me running off in humiliation, and what would Angela say, itwould embarrass her and ruin her chances at the gallery. Oh, but I can't takemy eyes off Jayne. She's so hot, so sexy. What must it feel like being fastenedto that frame, knowing that you're at someone else's mercy? Oh! What's Angela'shand doing? She's touching my bum ? I should stop her. She's my friend thoughand I don't want to insult her. She's just nervous, like me, and probably doesn'trealise what she's doing. It would be embarrassing for both of us if I broughtit to her attention. Hopefully she'll stop soon... It feels quite nice actually.It's just all so confusing.'

Her mind reeled and she just couldn't manage to concentrate properly. Infront of her was her friend Jayne bound tightly to a frame, and behind herwas her friend Angela gently caressing her buttocks; and all around the roomin other shadows she knew that there were other mostly naked woman watchingher friend's humiliation.

Trudy was now in front of Jayne and was fastening something in front of herface. ?Oh God! It looks like a cock. She can't be, she is... She's pushingit into her mouth. It's so evil and degrading, how can she put up with this?' Thenshe felt herself blushing again. ?It's no worse than when I do that withmy dildo at home Natasha.' She admonished herself, ?No, it is worse,all these people are watching her; when I do it I'm alone. Oh, but when I suckon my dildo I'm fantasising that I'm being watched and made to do it like sheis. Natasha, get a grip girl, that's just a fantasy, this is real.' Theconflict raged within her body as she thought about her fantasy of being nakedin front of the bosses in her old office and made to suck on all their cocksas she begged to keep her job.

Angela's hand continued to caress her, her bare back, her arm and more frequentlyover her thinly covered buttocks. Wherever Angela touched her, it felt likeher touch was electric or burning hot. She could feel the goosebumps risingon her exposed skin and a shiver ran down her spine.

Trudy, now finished binding and gagging Jayne, began to trace her fingersover the exposed skin of Jayne's back and she announced her intentions to thewatching audience.

?Now my pet, you know that I'm going to have to give you a spanking, don'tyou? I believe that a public spanking is very important for a new slave, itteaches her both humility and that she no longer owns her body.?

?She called her a slave' , Natasha realised. ?It feels so surreal.There's no such thing as slavery, is there? It must be all part of theirfantasy role playing. Oh I'd be too afraid to play out my fantasy in theprivacy of my bedroom, let alone in public like this.' Some of herdisgust for the scene in front of her melted away and she felt a little grudgingrespect for Trudy and Jayne, being brave enough to do this where she nevercould.

As Trudy caressed Jayne's back, Angela's hand followed a similar route acrossNatasha's. Then, when Trudy's hand came to rest on Jayne's right buttock, Angela'scame to rest on Natasha's.

Trudy rested her palm on the naked bum in front of her, caressing the bareflesh slowly in a circular motion. Then smiling at her audience and the camerasshe raised her hand and suddenly brought it down with a loud crack. At themoment of impact, Angela's hand lightly squeezed Natasha's bum, who drew inher breath sharply.

?Jayne is being spanked in public! It's unbelievable.' Natasha wasjust dazed, the whole tableau being played out just couldn't sink into hermind. It was terrible for her, she was awfully embarrassed to realise thatshe was getting excited by it all on top of the strange arousal she'd feltsince arriving at the apartment. ?Oh my nipples are so hard. I need torub them, but I can't ? not with everyone here, not with Angela so close. Oh,and Angela's still touching my bottom. What must she be thinking?'

Trudy then began to spank Jayne in earnest, and with each strike Natashafelt Angela's hand tense on her own buttock. Angela was obviously distractedand confused too, Natasha thought, as the squeezes became firmer. Then thesqueezes became gentle pats and then light spanks, each always in time withTrudy's tattoo on Jayne's reddening bum.


Two buttocks felt the strike, one hard on bare flesh in the bright lights,under the eyes of the cameras; the other a soft tap, almost a caress, througha gown, seen only by the blatant pictures on the wall behind Natasha. ?Angela'sspanking me! It can't be true, she must be as caught up in this bizarre episodeas me.' ?Angela, please...? she pleaded in a whisper hoping for Angelato stop her absent minded abuse of her bum, and only later realised that itcould be taken as a request for more. Angela just moved closer and spankedher other buttock as Trudy landed another one on Jayne's.

?It's alight, you're safe here with me.? Angela reassured Natasha. ?Justwatch Jayne, it's her night. She'd want you to wish her well wouldn't she?? Anotherspank struck home. Natasha distracted from her own predicament obeyed Angelaand watched Jayne. ?She would want me to support her. If this is her choice,I'll just have to stand by her, no matter how strange it seems to me. Oh, butdoes Angela have to do that? My arse is getting hot.'

The spanking continued for a few minutes, with Angela's gentle pats in timewith Trudy's harder ones. Jayne was grunting to her gag, and Natasha, feelingvery distant, heard Angela telling her about how the gag was fucking Jayne'sface every time that she was pushed forward by the swats. Natasha wanted totell Angela to stop, but part of her didn't want Angela to stop. She couldn'ttake her eyes from Jayne, she wanted to understand what her friend was feeling,but at the same time was frightened to understand it. She could feel a hidden,forbidden pleasure building within her. She'd never experienced anything remotelylike this and only a very few, precious, fantasies had come even close. Shethought she was a good girl, she didn't have fantasies like that, but she knewthat at times she felt she was a bad girl with dirty thoughts.

Angela's spanks slowly increased in force, and Natasha had to admit to herselfthat her panties were wet with her arousal, ?At least I don't have a problemwith people smelling my honey ? there are so many aroused women here that onemore isn't going to cause a problem.' She watched as Jayne jerked forwardon each slap, her tits bouncing back and forth beneath her. Natasha felt herown breasts rubbing infuriatingly against the material of her dress every timethat Angela's hand landed on her bum, causing her to bounce slightly herself.

Angela was whispering to her all the time, ?Isn't she beautiful? A sexy woman,no-one can resist her. She's everything a woman could every want to be isn'tshe? You can see how sexy and aroused she is. She wants this, she's enjoyingthis, you want her to be happy don't you? You want this to happen don't you?? Theambiguous question hung in the air as Angela once again brought her hand downon Natasha's bottom. ?You can see that she's so excited being spanked by hermistress. A slave loves to be spanked by her mistress doesn't she? Everyonecan see that. You can feel it can't you? A slave wants to be spanked by hermistress.? Natasha, her mind spinning could barely manage to croak a reply. ?Yes...? shebreathed.

?You can see that Trudy loves to spank her, and that's part of the reasonwhy Jayne loves to be spanked. She loves to give her mistress pleasure. A mistressloves to spank her slave, and a slave will enjoy her spanking because she knowsthat it pleases her mistress. You know that a mistress loves to spank her slavedon't you??

Natasha nodded briefly as she whispered, ?Yes...?

Trudy finished the spanking and caressed Jayne's red bum, and Angela didthe same to Natasha.

?Isn't it a beautiful sight. The slave's red bottom a testament of her lovefor her mistress. Her bottom must feel hot, it will remind her how much shehas given to her mistress.?

Natasha felt the warmth in her own bottom from Angela's attention. Her mindcouldn't concentrate and she wasn't completely sure that Angela was just talkingabout Jayne and Trudy.

?Why did Angela have to do that? I'm not a slave, or one of these sluts,but oh! It almost feels delightful now that she's stopped spanking me. Ohand my panties feel so wet. I almost wish that Angela hadn't stopped. Whatam I thinking? Oh I'm so hot and flustered, I really should leave, but Ican't, I have no car and my keys are locked in Angela's car with my handbag.'

Trudy then began to caress her slave, massaging her red buttocks, down herwidespread thighs and up over her back, never going near her hot, wet, wide-opencunt. Angela slid behind Natasha and gently hugged her from behind, whisperinginto her ear.

?Look at her, watch her caress her slave.?

Natasha hugged her hands in front of herself and began to stroke her handsup and down her bare arms, almost like she was trying to warm herself on awinter's day, her forearms rubbing gently across her sensitive nipples.

?She's in control and she knows what Jayne needs, a mistress always knowswhat her slave really needs. Jayne is so turned on she desperately wants totouch herself. Slaves are easily excited, they give themselves over to theirsexual inner being, slaves find it hard not to touch themselves, you can understandthat can't you??

?Oh yes, it must be so hard not to give in. My breasts ache to be touchedand I so want to slip my hand down to my crotch, but I can't, not here inpublic.' Natasha almost couldn't contain herself. She rubbed her armseven more, not thinking that she was really rubbing her own breasts.

?Slaves are nothing but sexual beasts, they need their mistresses to guidethem. Jayne would rub and rut herself selfishly to an orgasm now if she could,even though she knows that if she waits, if she allows her mistress to guideher, that when her orgasm eventually comes it will be so much better.? Angelapaused for a few moments and then continued, ?You'd want your orgasm to bedelayed so that it was stronger and harder wouldn't you??

?Yes...? Natasha could just feel herself buzzing as she drove herself on.

?That's why she's restrained, so that she can't stop her mistress delayingher orgasm, because her mistress loves her and wants her to have the best orgasmpossible.?

Everything that Angela said seemed to make sense to Natasha, but she knewthat there was something wrong ? she just couldn't put her finger on it. Thealcohol she'd drunk and the overwhelming arousal seemed to have turned herbrain to mush.

Angela wrapped her arms around Natasha and took hold of her wrists. She gentlypulled them behind Natasha and folded her forearms across the small of herback, hand to elbow. ?Remember that woman earlier with her hand tied behindher back like this. Imagine what that must have felt like, unable to use herhands. If you grasp your forearms now you'll be able to feel what she felt.Imagine that they are tied and you can't undo them.?

Natasha could imagine what it like, she thought about the strapsholding her wrists to her elbows, and could almost feel the leather straps.

?That's it, you'll be safe with me, no-one can see us, you can feel it nowcan't you. You can feel a little of what that woman was feeling, a little ofwhat Jayne is feeling.?

She was right, Natasha's mind swam with the amazing thoughts and her bodyburned with the raw emotion. ?Oh what am I doing? Why is Angela doing this?It feels so good though, and my pussy is flowing. I want to touch myself, Ineed to touch myself ? it would be too humiliating though to give in to that.With my hands ?tied' behind my back though, there is nothing I can do, I can'ttouch myself. I must concentrate on my hands, they're tied, that way I can'thumiliate myself. Angela's right, someone who's bound can't embarrass themselveswith their disgusting ?rutting?.'

Natasha, her head swimming, lent against Angela, who continued to whisperreassurances into her ear.

Trudy had moved to massage Jayne's upper back and was moving towards hershoulders. Angela, moved her hands from Natasha's wrists, leaving the honeyhaired beauty to grasp her elbows, and moved them up to her shoulders. Angelabegan to rub the tense shoulders of her friend. ?Relax, I know that this isa lot to experience, but you're doing very well. Doesn't it feel good??

Trudy's caresses then moved under her slave, and began to tease her danglingbreasts.

?Oh how her tits must crave that touch, her teats are so distended. You cansee that can't you?? As Angela whispers her own hands slid down over the frontof Natasha's dress, grazing the sides of her breasts. She was gently touchingand teasing Natasha and she whispered, ?You need it don't you? You can't touchyourself because your hands are bound. No-one is watching.? Natasha gaspedas Angela hand cupped both of her full breasts. Her breathing was coming inshort pants and she was in ecstasy. Her eyelids drooped and her head fell forwardsas she was overwhelmed. Angela wouldn't let her get away though, bringing herback, ?No, keep your eyes open, watch what is happening to Jayne, she's yourfriend and you can't abandon her.?

Angela's hands now returned to her shoulders and her neck, and Natasha feltboth relief and disappointment. Then she realised why Angela had stopped caressingher as she felt the clasp of her dress being undone. ?No!? she breathed, butAngela didn't stop, sliding her hand down over the loose material to caressand cup her breasts once more through the thin material.

?Everyone is concentrating on Jayne, no-one will notice you, you're safe.? Shesaid softly, once more using her reassuring, cooing voice. ?You need this don'tyou?? Angela asked as she lightly squeezed Natasha's hard nipples between herfingers. The befuddled woman knew that she was lost as the sensations fromher sensitive nipples drove all remaining rational thought from her brain,and she heard herself gasping ?Yes, yes.?

On the second ?yes?, Angela allowed the material of the dress to drop, gatheringaround Natasha's waist. She felt her breasts being held and cupped by her friendshands, ?She's touching my naked breasts.' She felt stunned and couldonly hold the bizarre thought in her mind that with Angela's hands on her breaststhat at least no-one in the room could see her exposed, but even that thoughtwas banished as Angela began to roll her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

Trudy moves away from Jayne for a few seconds, leaving her slave pantingbehind the gag. She returned after a few seconds with a box and some tubes,but she blocked Natasha's view as she knelt beside the bound girl. They heardJayne grunt through her gag and finally when Trudy moved around to Jayne'sother side they could see what had been done. A clear plastic cup and pipehad been attached to her breast. It had sucked a portion of the flesh intothe cup, but mostly it appeared to have made her nipple extend even more andredden further.

?It's a milking machine.? Angela confirmed Natasha's fears. ?Oh god,not more humiliation, how can she stand it? Oh what would that feel like?' Asshe thought that, Angela began a different caress. Instead of rolling hernipples, she began to to gentle stroke and pull on both her nipples.

Angela said, ?Trudy is going to milk her.? The machine hissed to life witha rhythmic sucking and releasing sound, Jayne's nipples expanded and contractedwith the action of the vacuum pump. ?Can you imagine it, sucking away mercilessly,there is no escape.? Angela moaned, obviously excited as well.

Natasha could feel Angela's fingers stroking her teats in time to the machine'srelentless action on Jayne's tits. Angela's body was pressed against Natashaand her breasts pushed into her back, Natasha's arms pressed against her belly. ?It'sdriving me crazy, I'm so horny, I can't stand it. It feels so good,' shethought, and without realising it she breathed out ?don't stop.?

?That's it, feel it, feel the machine sucking your milk from you. A slavegives her all for her mistress, even her milk if that's what her mistress wants.Do you think Trudy will milk Jayne regularly? Will she give her hormone injectionsto get her to express milk? Would you like to see Jayne being milked for real?Can you imagine the machine sucking on these lovely teats?? She gavea firm squeeze of Natasha's nipples to emphasise her words.

?Yes, oh yes. Oh don't stop, please I'm getting close, oh yes!' Natashacould hardly contain herself. She was panting and moaning as her breasts weremercilessly manipulated, she was nearly there, she knew that she couldn't takemuch more, and then she watched Trudy flip off the switch and the machine died,at the same time Angela's ministrations stopped. Natasha could only plead, ?Please??

?Yes, I know little one, but you know you must wait. This is Jayne's nightand we must think of her.? Natasha was disappointed and frustrated, and thenfelt guilty that she hadn't been thinking of Jayne. She was glad that Angelahad stopped her from stealing Jayne's moment.

Trudy removed the cups from Jayne's tits and slid her hands down over herbody, to her lower back, hips and her still red bottom. Her hands began tocaress her swollen buttocks once more, lightly teasing her and keeping heron edge. Angela hands meanwhile had also descended, away from Natasha's over-sensitivebreasts, over her flat stomach to her hips. Her fingertips lightly sought outthe edge of the dress still hanging from Natasha's waist. They slid beneaththe material as Trudy's caresses reach Jayne's inner thigh.

Natasha watched her college friend and listened to her moaning through thegag, obviously eager for Trudy to go further. Angela's finger slid to eitherside of her waist and with a little pressure she began to push the materialdown over Natasha's hips. ?My hands are tied behind me, there's nothingI can do to stop her,' she told herself, ?Snap out of this Natasha,this fantasy is dangerous, I should stop her, I could stop her, but I don'twant to.'

Angela slid down with the dress, her body caressing Natasha's naked skin,as her dress puddled on the floor around her ankles. She carefully helped herto step out of it and then her dress was gone somewhere behind her. ?Oh!I'm naked but for my knickers and stockings. Oh it's so embarrassed, how haveI let myself be undressed like this in front of all these strangers? Oh butI want it, I'm hungry for it, I crave it,' she admitted finally to herself.

Rising once more, Angela caressed her hands up Natasha's stockinged calvesand then her thighs until her hands rested on the bare skin of her upper thighs,her fingers burning into Natasha's flesh. She pressed her body once more againstNatasha's back and resumed her whispering. ?Watch her, she's teasing Jayne,waiting for the right moment before she possesses her.?

Fingers caressed both Jayne and Natasha, getting ever closer to the centresof their passion. The fingers of Angela's right hand slipped over Natasha'squivering belly, her left hand seeking our her breasts again. The near nakedwoman was now frozen with fear as she thought, ?Oh no! She's going to findout just how wet I am. Why does this humiliation burn so strongly? I can'tstop it. Oh Angela, please, you've got to touch me.'

?Please...?, she couldn't put voice to her feelings, her needs, and she knewit was pathetic.

?Not yet little one, watch for Jayne, she's our guide.?

Trudy's fingers slipped into the moist crotch of her slave, they slid aroundthe edge of her peach bringing a little shiver from the bound woman, her breastsquivering with her desire.

At the same time, Angela's hand slid down to the top of the brief material,then onto it, feeling how damp it was, feeling the pubic hair beneath and soakingmaterial between Natasha's legs.

?My you are a wet one aren't you?? Angela exclaimed and Natasha thought thather humiliation was complete.

Jayne let out a loud grunt through her gag as Trudy's fingers sank into herhoney-pot and Angela fingers pressed closer, slipping her fingers right overNatasha's slit.

?Oooohhhh, mmmmmm, that's it, that's it,? gasped Natasha encouragingly.

She could feel Angela's fingers dig in, push the material between her lips.She only realised that she was drifting off when Angela's voice admonishedher.

?Keep your eyes open, watch the slave, savour the moment. Slaves love tobe played with, they can't get enough of fingers in their pussies can they??

?No...?, Natasha moaned, realising what answer Angela wanted.

?That's right, slaves are always wet and ready for their mistresses, they'rehot and horny,? Angela said as she slid her hand down the front of Natasha'swet panties, touching her bare cunt for the first time. Natasha couldn't helpherself from letting out a loud gasp, her breath coming in short raspy pants.

?You're so wet, and you're hot and horny aren't you.?


?Slaves say ?Yes Mistress', don't they?? Angela's fingers pushed in betweenher lips.

?Yes Mistress.? Natasha couldn't help herself answering.

In reply, Angela's fingers circled and finally grazed Natasha's clitorisfor the first time and at that moment she said, ?Good girl!?

?That's it my pet, you're almost there aren't you.?

?Oh yes.... mistress,? she panted back.

Trudy, having brought Jayne to the verge of orgasm stopped her teasing andmoved to Jayne's head. She removed the cock gag from her mouth, and as shedid, Angela pulled her hand from Natasha's wet cunt. Natasha moaned in frustration,but Angela had only stopped to grasp the sopping panties and push them downher legs. She bent to help Natasha out of them and slid back up balling theminto her right hand whilst her left hand returned to Natasha's crotch and beganto caress her once more, though not returning to her aching clitoris, to Natasha'sintense disappointment.

Trudy stepped into a harness with a huge black plastic cock thrusting upfrom its centre, and moved its head right up to Jayne's mouth.

?Now my pet, suck on my nice cock. You want it in you don't you??

Moaning, Natasha begged, ?please don't stop, I'm so close?, and then sheadds, ?mistress,? hoping that she'll please Angela enough that she'll touchher button once more.

?Now, now, pet, calm down, you're making too much noise. You don't want todistract Jayne's audience on her special day do you? Now open your mouth.? Angelaordered, and when she did, Angela pushed Natasha's own soaking, musky pantiesinto her mouth.

?There, that should keep you quiet, now no spitting out.?

?Oh! This is disgusting, I don't think I can take this. How did I getinto this predicament? Oh, but I need her to finish me off, I can't standit.' For a moment she contemplated taking her own hand and touchingherself, but something stopped her. She knew it would disappoint Angela andspoil their game, beside she knew that the longer she waited the better itwould be.

With the cock jutting obscenely in front of her, Trudy positioned herselfbehind Jayne, ready to penetrate her with the gleaming fake penis covered inher own saliva.

Angela, her fingers working inside Natasha's cunt, said ?Now wait for itpet, can you see Trudy getting ready to spear your old college friend withthat monster. You know what's going to happen don't you??

Then Trudy lunged forward and sunk her plastic pal straight into Jayne'sready cunt and began pumping away. As she started fucking her slave, she toldJayne to tell everyone what she was.

The ungagged slave began to grunt: ?This girl is a slut, a dirty whore. She'sa lesbian slavegirl bimbo. She's filthy. This slut is not good enough to lickher mistresses boots...?

Angela then began to pump her fingers in and out of Natasha's cunt. To Natasha'sdistress, she still stayed clear of her clit, and Natasha could only grunther frustration through her balled up panties. She was very close to her orgasm,but she needed a touch on her clitoris, even a brief graze would be enough.

Jayne had clearly been right on the edge, and was going wild, shouting outher disgusting litany of derogatory terms for herself, as her orgasm crashedover her. Natasha, hoping that Jayne's orgasm would signal her own releasebegged Angela through her makeshift gag.

?Eeezzze?, she begged, ?I need an orgasm, please Angela let me finish,I'm desperate.'

?Good girl, you're doing so well.? Angela congratulated Natasha, as she stoppedher hand and just held Natasha's swollen pussy, and Natasha almost burst into tears of frustration.

?You've waited for Mistress Trudy to finish with her slave, so now it's yourturn. You're so hot and wet, you're such a good little pet aren't you? Yourmy little pet aren't you.?

All Natasha could do was nod her head.

?You want an orgasm, don't you pet??

Another nod.

?But, mistresses only give their slaves orgasms. So you see the problem don'tyou??

Natasha cautiously nodded.

?Look down at the floor,? she said, gently caressing Natasha's breasts asshe whispered over her shoulder. ?Yes, it's a collar. It's my collar! Now kneeldown.? Angela removed her hands from the naked woman's body, and watched asshe dropped to her knees.

?You're such a good girl. Slaves should spread their knees shouldn't they??

?If you want me to give you your orgasm then you should pick up the collar,fasten it around your neck and submit to me as my slavegirl. You'd like thatwouldn't you, we both know how wet and hungry your naughty little pussy isdon't we??

?Oh! Can I do it? I need an orgasm so badly, and this is just a fantasygame, isn't it? I'm so desperate. What will it feel like to submit? Angelais my friend, she wouldn't do anything that I don't want would she?'

Reaching out, Natasha tentatively picked up the leather strap. ?It feelsstrange, a little heavier than I thought.' She looked briefly at Angela,who just smiled back encouragingly. Natasha raised the collar, wrapped itaround her neck and finally fastened the buckle. ?Oh! What a feeling!' Herpussy was flowing freely now, ?I'm so aroused, I've never felt like this.I need to come so badly.'

She looked plaintively at Angela.

?Good slave, now I think it's time for you to have your orgasm. Look, Jaynehas vacated her spot, it's ready for you.? Angela, clipped a leash onto thenew collar, ?Come along.?

?Oh! It's so embarrassing, everyone is now looking at me, but I'm so horny.I don't care, I just need Angela to finish what she started and then we cango home.'

She found herself climbing up onto the weird frame, settling her belly ontothe pad, still warm and slick from Jayne body and sweat. She had a little difficultygetting her legs into their place. ?Oh! I'm spread so wide. Everyone cansee my pussy, they know how wet and horny I am, just as we did Jayne.'

Natasha grasped the hand rests and felt Angela beginning to buckle the strapsinto place.

?There's no way I can get free now until Angela releases me. What I havegot myself into to? Please, please let me come!'

Then she watched as Angela slid out of her red dress, she was wearing clinginglatex underwear. She smiled at Natasha as she stepped into a strap-on harnesswith another huge looking cock.

?Now pet, open wide and let me remove those nasty panties ? you won't beneeding them again will you?? Angela pulled the soiled panties from her mouth,and Natasha wondered if she'd meant that she wouldn't need the panties againthat night, or maybe she'd meant that she wouldn't need panties again ever!The thought drove her on and she eagerly opened her mouth to accept the headof the dildo.

?And now I want you to suck my marvellous cock before I use it to give youyour orgasm.?

Natasha began to lick the plastic cock. Angela pushed it further in and shehad to take it into her mouth.

?That's it, suck that cock, it will soon be in your filthy cunt. Before then,I want you to deep throat it, you can do that can't you?? Natasha's eyes filledwith fear, but there was nothing she could do. ?Open your throat, it's goingin.? Angela pushed a little further and the head pushed into her throat andNatasha gagged, coughing as the cock was quickly withdrawn.

?That's a good girl, it wasn't so bad now was it??

Then the cock was back in her mouth and Natasha was licking again, tryingto get as much saliva on the plastic as she could. Angela forced the cock intoNatasha's throat another couple of times, each time the new slave ended upgagging, coughing and spluttering, but no worse for wear.

?Now, I think you're ready, but we need something to occupy that slutty mouthof yours.? Angela announced as she bent down to raise the poll holding thepenis gag that Jayne had been sucking on whilst she'd been spanked. She easedit into Natasha's willing mouth and tightened the bracket so that she couldn'texpel it.

Angela moved behind her new slave. ?Are you ready slut?? Of course, she couldn'tanswer with the gag filling her mouth, and she found that with it fixed shecouldn't nod her head either. Angela reached out and spread Natasha's lipsand put the head of the cock at her entrance. Then with an easy pressure thedildo slid into her well lubricated pussy and began to fuck the gorgeous honeyhaired slut that she'd just enslaved.

?Oh! Oh! This is what I need, fuck me, fuck me hard! I need to come...Yes, Yes, I'm nearly there, nearly there.' With each thrust, she wasforced onto the cock in front so that it felt like she was being fucked fromboth ends at once.

Angela slid her hands under Natasha as she fucked her slavegirl. One begansqueezing and teasing a tit and the other sought out and found the girl's clitoris.They began to work their magic, driving Natasha back to the threshold of theorgasm that Angela had been teasing her to all evening.

?Oh fuck! Fuck! This is it, I can't believe it. I'm fastened to a framein a strange apartment, strangers are watching me, there are cameras recordingmy humiliation and Angela my friend is fucking me with a massive dildo, andI'm going to come. There, yes, I'm there, that's it, YESSSSS.' Angela'srubbing of her clit together with the sawing of the cock in and out of hercunt had done its job, and Natasha's orgasm burst within her, it was themost amazing event of her life, no orgasm had ever been remotely like this.It just went on and on as Angela continued to fuck her and play with herclitoris. She was in heaven, and knew that she could never go back to herold life.

On and on she came, her orgasm prolonged by Angela's ministrations, flashesof cameras highlighting it.

At last it was over and she was exhausted and woozy, her body and mind drainedfrom the overwhelming evening and the sex. She had never experienced anythinglike this before in her life but she thought as she came back to her senses, ?isthe price worth it?'

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The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...

3 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

4 years ago
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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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The Photographer Part 2 The swinger party

My photographic business was thriving. A month after the weekend at Tony and Tiffany's, Crystal sent me a text message asking me to call. I wondered what the problem was. When someone want to talk on the phone, there's always a problem. I called and she asked, "Irv, why didn't you send us all of the pictures from the weekend?" "What do you mean? I asked. "I'm talking about those voyeur shots you took from the bedroom window." There was complete silence. "You there, Irv?" she asked. "Yes I'm...

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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

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Esther III

Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...

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Katherines Style Part Two

The next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...

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Esther IV

Hope you like Esther's latest installment! ESTHER FOUR By TamarainRubber I obediently followed Esther down the long narrow hallway that led into an enormous room filled with the sounds of clinking glasses, soft whispers and a bevy of leather-clad women and men dolled up as maids, rubber babies, and crossdressing sluts like me. Strangely enough (and very much to my pleasure), there was little if any evidence of the S&M parties I had only read about, but never...

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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Esther stone

Esther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...

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brother and sis at a party

When my sister Ren, short for Lauren, told me she was going to a party, I didn't think twice that it might be the same party I was going to. I had been invited by one of my crazy friends to this function he was throwing that he promised would be absolutely the most talked about party ever. He was a rich k** and I knew he was probably right. I was only nineteen, but I had already been to a few beer bashes at his place. I never got drunk but I thoroughly enjoyed watching other idiots make fools...

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Esther Stone part 2

When Esther had woken up the next morning laying next to Romeo, she almost freaked out, but the all of the memories from the night before flooded into her brain."Oh god." She sat up and looked at Romeo's sleeping figure next to her, his teal hair was tossed about the pillow, and he chest heaved up and down, Damn he is so hot, she thought, I acted kind of crazy last night, her face burned, ugh, what the fuck was wrong with her these days? She felt Romeo's body shift a little and her heart sped...

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Esther II

Esther II By TamarainRubber I had found the woman I had been dreaming about, hoping she would be my lover for years to come. Esther was the first real lady I had encountered who actually seemed to be honest about wanting to share my passions. I prayed that I would not be disappointed. From how she reacted, I didn't think I would be, but I was the planet's biggest skeptic. For the past four hours, Esther made me try on an incredibly sexy collection of female fetish wear that...

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Athena Goddess of Wisdom

Chapter 1 – The Birth of a Goddess Zeke cracked his knuckles and spread out his fingers. They touched the black glass in front of him and the desk lit up. A white keyboard appeared and he started to type on the touchscreen desktop. His fingers bounced around the screen, typing across the keyboard of light. You see, Zeke was a genius beyond his years. He was currently eighteen and in his second year of college. His masterful mind crossed with a youth of video games made him into one of the...

1 year ago
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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said. ..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in this country...

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Athena Ch02

“You ready sweetie?” He blinked, as if coming out of a stupor and looked back to her, to Athena, her expression playful, but her body language pressing. It hadn’t been so much of a question as it had been an order. Meekly he looked back at the window, looking through his own reflection to the street outside. They didn’t have far to go, but the short walk from her limo to the Hotel’s lobby was lined by an eager group of camera-toting men, the dreaded paparazzi. “But… The photographers,...

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