Love In Cathedral Heights free porn video

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Part One

March 10, 2020

"Dear Gerald

Dr. Towlen informed me the other day that I have angina and not long to live.I have left my niece, Keri Ann, appraised of our life together, and send herthe many pictures that I have taken of you in various states. Keri has inheritedthe house and needs someone to assist with college tuition. I trust you canhelp her.

I love you very much and treasure our time together.


P.S. Keri Ann has the key"


Gerald Morin, J.D. re-read the note, trembling...Helen, his landlady and dominatriceof 30 years, had passed away. And she'd told her 19-year old niece! Gerry wasastounded that the reserved Helen would share anything of their private life,but she'd always been an enigma.

After being tossed out of a fraternity house for selling drugs, the arrogant,womanizing "Scary Gerry"had been amused to answer the sexy, mysterioushairdressers "Room To Let" ad. But then Gerry and Helen discoveredthey subscribed to the same tease/denial magazine. And,she'd taken over hislife. transforming the drunken sophomore into a brilliant patent attorney inless than a decade. Gerry'd never left..

Somehow, being caned for bad grades, and later, horsewhipped for poorly writtenlaw briefs, doing all the housework, having the bedtime of a nine year old,and wearing a chastity piercing wasn't so bad when Helen decided to "treat" Gerry.Every week or two, Helen would tie Gerry naked to the bed, unlock the piercingand tease his cock with her soft, lubed hands and long red nails for hours,stopping whenever it looked like he was close to cumming. Then, she would lockthe frustrated, swollen cock back up again...but every 10 or 12 sessions, Gerrynever knew when, she would let him have a mind blowing orgasm.

But after Helen had died, a fortnight ago, Gerry realized that he had no ideawhere the key to his penis padlock was, and wondered how he would get loose,so he could cum, somehow...but this girl had the key! What would he do?

Gerry turned to the amused young brunette at his side. Keri Ann's green eyeswere dancing, and the fingers of her right hand were playing speculativelywith an errant strawberry curl. Helen's memorial was held on a cold day, butKeri Ann's jacket was open, and her chest was heaving against the snug cashmeresweater in silent laughter. Gerry's penis swelled, and he felt the familiarpain just below the cockhead, where the padlock hung. In the struggle to getan erection, the evil padlock always seemed to win, since Helen had piercedhim some 30 years ago, producing the key only for extended teasing and therare orgasm. And Gerry hadn't had the lock off, this time, in forty-two days.In the 30 years since his landlady put him in chastity as a college sophomore,Gerald had gone longer than that, but at least he always knew he would be comingout of it, but now?

How can I get the key from her? How much does she know? I have to jerk off!After three decades of regulated ejaculations, it would be nice to "selfabuse" as Helen used to say. How do I get her to give me the ---? "Asthe note says, Mr. Morin, I've come to live in Aunt Helen's house, and my bagsare with me. Aunt Helen loved you very much and told me that you would be stayingon, since you lived with her for so long. Would you drive me back?" Kericocked her head and raised an eyebrow."Certainly." Gerald managed. "Wouldyou like to have lunch first?"


Gerry put Keri Ann's last bag on the floor of Helen's former master bedroom.The previous 3 hours had been arduous. Gerry'd taken Keri Ann to lunch, andadvised her on scholarships...For the entire time, he waited for her to mentionthe key. Did she really know what it was for? Would she give it to him? Ifshe didn't, the little bitch could tell others about it, and he'd probablylose the senior law partnership. He sipped a martini, listening. He'd beendrinking a lot. Helen had gotten him sober, and never allowed him to drinkagain...well, now he could. Smoke and drink. And once he got the key--

Keri came in behind him and sat on the bed, she crossed her long legs andleaned back on her hands, arching her back for a marvelous frontal, and continueddiscussing her educational plans. Gerry was lost--he didn't know how to bringup the question of the key. Did she know everything Helen's letter referredto? "Pictures in various States"

God, in one of Helen's more graphic Polaroids, back in '04, Gerry was photographedon his back, under a bottomless dining room chair. He was wearing a corset,fishnet stockings and high heels. Helen had sat nude from the waist down, inthe chair, and after 2 hours and 5 orgasms from Gerry's under-the-chair ministrations,she'd given him permission to stimulate himself by rubbing his engorged, purplishdick against the legs of the chair above him. Gerry had inched over , elbowsbound together under his back, and rubbed his penis against one of the legs,when he heard the flash of Helen's digital camera. "For posterity, Gerald." Helenchuckled. It had gone out as a Christmas card to all the members of their TeaseAmericawebsite. Gerald winced at the memory, his cock straining against the piercingyet again. I HAVE TO CUM!!

Keri Ann's voice broke into Gerald's reverie "I could do a Russian Litminor but --Are you all right, Mr. Morin?" Gerry came back. "I apologize,Keri Ann. Since the funeral, I've been a little tense, and --" "Doyou want your key?" Keri smiled at him, and reached into her handbag.She looked so great in the tiny sweater and skirt, legs everywhere, sittingon the bed. Keri Ann placed a small padlock key into Gerry's hand. Gerry lookedat the key stupidly. He'd never been allowed to hold it. Once, he'd stolenthe key to do a quick, desperate whack-off after an extended time, months,of teasing and chastity, but Helen had caught Gerry right before he'd cum,and she'd given a severe whipping. Gerry looked at Keri, and she nodded, slightly." Takeit off, Mr. Morin, if you want to, and yourself."

Touch myself? Unlock the cruel piercing, and jerk off all he liked, date thelittle paralegal who had been making eyes at him...Gerry had had less thana hundred orgasms in the last three decades, though he'd been stimulated agreat deal by Helen...He could do anything he wanted...he could get porn filmslike "Dr.Fellatio" jerk off all day, find a girlfriend, have hisfirst blowjob in so many years, God knows there were women who wanted him but...

"Gerald? You're crying." Keri Ann used his given name for the firsttime, the whole name, just like Helen had. "I just miss her so much" Gerrywhispered, looking at the key with bleary eyes. Keri stood up, and gave Gerrya big hug, pressing her 34DD breasts against his chest "I loved Aunt Helentoo... why don't you give me the key back, baby. I don't think you're readyfor it." Gerry dropped the key into Keri's extended palm, thus once again,giving up his freedom. But then he said "Keri Ann, excuse the expression,but I need to cum. I haven't in so long..." Gone was the expert voiceof the attorney and college trustee, it was just childish begging now.

Whap! Keri Ann slapped Gerry's face lightly. "Stop with that nasty talk,the day of my aunt's funeral." Gerry hung his head and cried harder. "Thefirst thing you'll do" said Helen, taking off her jacket and tucking inher sweater further "Is call me Miss Keri Ann. And the second thing isyou'll strip and bring me Auntie's handcuffs."


"Ohh..Miss Keri Ann. Can't I at least sit down with you?" Starknaked, Gerry was standing, hands cuffed behind him in front of a chaise loungewhere Keri Ann was lying casually. Keri's hair tumbled around her shoulders,and she was wearing a tight black midriff shirt that barely covered her breasts,and tiny bluejean shorts that made Gerry intake breath whenever she'd turnedaround. Her legs, beautifully shaped, were encased in fishnet stockings. Shewas perfectly relaxed, except for one hand, which was reaching out and strokingGerry's purplish cock. "No. You can't sit down. It's good for your lazyass, Gerald, to do some standing. In the two weeks I've been here, all I'veseen you do is SIT reading, SIT watching television. Stand up!" Keri Anncasually rubbed the underside of Gerry's cock with her forefinger, touchingnothing else...He was trying to straighten his legs, but it was very hard."Andyou whine. It's disgusting, Gerald." Keri Ann added one finger to therubbing of the underside, and began stroking the base of the cock with looked as if she were wrestling with a child-proof aspirin bottle. "CanI cum, can i cum?" Keri Ann spoke in a whining falsetto. She seemed sosweet at the memorial, Gerry thought."Thought I'd wank you off immediatelyafter the funeral?" Keri now took both hands and began rolling the tipof the cock around. Although Helen had always used lubricant, her niece hadthe exciting habit of rubbing the dry cock with two or three fingers, alternatingspots on the shaft and balls, which drove Gerry crazy. Keri now began jerkinghim loosely with one hand, rubbing the encircled fingers and thumb up and downthe shaft...but there was no friction, just was a handjobin SLOW motion. "The first night, crying and begging on your knees, whata tantrum. As if the death of the woman who changed your life was cause forYOU to have a party." Keri began rubbing with two fingers again. "Butthen I found Auntie's razor strop, and gave you something to really cry about." Gerrywinced at the memory. His bottom still swelled, though the blisters were healing.

"And your drinking, Gerald." Keri tugged at his foreskin, then lightlyrubbed the ball of her forefinger under the head of his leaking penis. "Auntieled me to believe that after a few whippings during your first days with her,you'd foresworn alcohol and drugs." "Ma'am, after Miss Helen passed,I...went back to drinking." Gerry babbled. Why didn't she grab his cockinstead of toying with it with one annoying finger? Would he never cum? Helooked at it. The violet-ish veins along the shaft of his penis looked likethey might burst. Keri, as if reading his thoughts, giggled slightly, and hercleavage shifted. Gerry rolled his eyes. "No more gin and tonics for you,young man...warm milk before your 8:00 bedtime." Keri gently pulled Gerrydown on the couch next to her, Thank God. She put her arm around his shoulders,and pulled him to her neck. "Kiss it, baby." He began kissing herneck, stealing sly looks down her shirt at the heaving white mounds. He felthis cock lunging, the held-back semen almost pushing to the head. He begankissing her perfumed neck. It was hard for him to reach over, as his handswere cuffed, but Gerry was doing his best. Keri was now rubbing her forefingerand middle finger up and down the shaft with one hand...she pulled her otherarm away from Gerry's shoulder and cradled his testicles with the other, redtalons casting a peculiar hue on the strained purple ball sac.

"Do you want to cum, sweeheart?" Keri whispered as Gerry kept kissingher neck. God, how smooth it was. These 20 year olds were almost like teenagers...Gerrynodded, and kept kissing madly, hoping he could slip a hickey in there. Kerikept rubbing faster and faster, now fully grasping the penis with her loopedfingers, and Gerry began breathing harder. "Just keep kissing my neck,baby." she whispered. Pump, Pump. Her other hand was playing gently withthe testicles, lifting them and twirling them felt so good.Gerrykissed Keri's neck, stared down her cleavage and began lifting his hips rhythmicallyto the stroking. His legs began quivering. Here it came, finally...

"Aaaugh!" Gerry screamed. He had not cum. Keri had clenched herball cradling hand tightly, and slipped her finger around the base of his cock...therewould be no orgasm, Oh, the PAIN....Keri stood up, pulled Gerry off the bedby his hair and threw him on the floor, where he landed on his swelled cock. "Thoughtyou'd squirt on MY HAND? Oh, funny..."


Thwack! Tears were streaming down Gerry's face. His mouth was burning. Itwas too much. There he was, in his ornate office beautifully decorated in mahogany,oreintal rugs and a Monet original, his extensive diplomas and awards on thewalls... and yet he was lying over Keri's lap, Armani slacks and silk boxersbunched around his ankles, and his tie over her thigh, as she administereda the last whack of a blistering hairbrush spanking. There was a knock on thedoor. Gerry's heart stopped. "Mr. Moin?" It was his paralegal. Kerispoke. "Brandon, Mr Morin's resting right now." "I need to seehim about the Parfemac brief, Keri." "He'll be available at three." Kerichuckled, as she heard Brandon walking away. "They probably think I'msucking you...what a joke." Gerry's cock gorged painfully against thetiny cage.

When Keri, who Gerry had hired to do part time billing after her morning classeshad exasperatedly ordered him to drop-em and bend over for misplacing a fileshe needed, Gerry had worried that he might begin screaming as he did whenshe disciplined him at home. After all, there were attorneys, secretaries andmail clerks milling around in the hall outside. Keri had solved this dillemaby taping a wet bar of laundry soap in his now foaming mouth, and this servedas an effective gag.

"Okay, Gerald. Let's get up." Gerry felt her unncuffing his hands.He pushed up off her lap. Keri's first week at the firm had been rather painfulfor him. Yesterday she had closed a metal drawer on his exposed scrotum afterdiscovering his participation in the office football pool. Geri stood in frontof Keri,who looked very cute in a snug angora pullover and leather miniskirt.HEr legs were crossed now that Geri's weight had been lifted. Keri had droppedthe warm ivory hairbrush on the floor, and was freshening her lip gloss, hermouth an O as she stared into the compact.

Gerry stood at attention, knowing better than to remove the soap or pull uphis drawers without the go-ahead. "All right, look like rabiddog--no a rabid hamster, really foaming like that. Take the soap out of yourmouth." Gerry pulled the tape off, ripping some of his sideburn hair offwith it, and took out the soap.His mouth felt like the Bermuda Triangle, andhe'd cried so hard during the whipping that his face looked as if it had beenbeaten with rocks. Sympathetically, his billing assistant handed him a glassof water. Gerry gargled, and spit the remaining soap into the wastebasket,knowing his mouth wouldn't feel normal til tomorrow. Then, as he was aboutto pull his pants up, Keri held up a magenta fingernail and wheeled the leatherchair up to his crotch.

Reaching out to twiddle the cock cage, she chuckled again. "That thingwas a bitch, pressing into my thighs during your walloping." she murmured."Ihave good news for you, Gerald. Dan came back today." Gerrys legs begantrembling and his cock pressed painfully against the bars of the cage. Hispoor wee-wee was a little raw, as it hadn't been out of the cage in six longweeks. Keri had promised then that Gerry could jerk off to orgasm if he gaveher hairdresser Blaine, and his two friends from the Gay Men's Chorus a blowjob,and drank a fishtank of their accumulated urine. But after this horrible, degradingtask was completed, Gerry found that Keri had left her key on the same ringas the key to Gerry's Mercedes, which she had lent her brother to take a monthlong trip cross-country. Really, it was an honest mistake.

Dan had stayed a little longer than he intended... and so not only could Gerrynot cum, but he hadn't even had the cage removed for sessions with Keri's teasingfingers...the "milkings". She had done quite a few sessions witha robin's feather through the bars of the cage, but this caused too much pain,as Miss Helen, Geri's now deceased former mistress had had the cage built justa little too small for a full erection. "So you can focus on the importantthings, Gerald." shed said, laughing. For the last few years before Helen'sdeath, he had been in a cock-lock piercing, but Keri had pulled the old cageout, as she thought piercings were "unhealthy" but actually, Gerrysuspected that she knew that a hard cock in a cage would be so much more painful...Maybenot...she has such an innocent face!

"So Dan's back, Miss Keri? Can we take the cage off, please?" Gerry'sheart was pounding. Gerry hadn't cum since a month before Keri moved in, andit was now close to five months. Keri released the cock cage, laughing, andgrasped Gerry's scorched,still-bare buttocks from behind. Embedding her nailsin his welted cheeks, he burst into fresh tears from the pain.


Gerry lay, once again cuffed and naked on the queen sized bed in the MayflowerHotel. He rarely got to lie down on queen beds, Keri had the master bedroom,and Gerry usually was in his little single bed in the guest room, though ofcourse it was his house. He had to meet Brandon at 3:00 this afternoon, buthe was so excited that the key was back in Keri's hot little hands, that he'dbegged her to go with him to the Mayflower to get the cage off, just for alittle while. Would she let him cum?

Keri sat on the side of the bed...She'd pulled off her sweater, and was nowonly wearing a violet demibra with little flowers on the cups. Her cleavagewas heaving as she laughed, taking the horrid little dungeon off Gerry's nowwounded bent erection. Free! Gerry looked over his gut at his member, now wavingin the air. Keri ran her finger up the tip, and it immediately hardened. "So,big boy...want some action?" Keri laughed."I bet you think we'regoing to have squirtie time today, aren't you?...and what have you done todeserve that, may I ask?"

"B-but Miss Keri, " Gerry blurted. "Before you accidentallygave your brother the cage key, you promised--promised I could cum."Gerrychoked back a sob. "And-and since then, I've performed between your legsevery night, even licking out your boyfriend's semen...I've cleaned the housedaily naked, paid your tuition, and given you a huge allowance in additionto your salary at the firm." Gerry's lip trembled. Keri's fingernailswere dancing up and down his shaft, flicking and then rubbing the undersideof his trembling cock...oh, the pain... She then encircled the tip with herfingers and thumb and began squeezing it slightly, and then moved down to thebase...and continued squeezing, dropping her little finger to move about theforeskin. Gerry thought he was going to die.

His butt still felt like boiled cabbage, and he had really hoped, in vain,that Keri might just let him wank when they got to the hotel. She owed it tohim!

"Poor Gerald..."Keri spoke ina sing-song voice...I haven't let youcum once since I moved in after Auntie Helen's death...have you ever gone thislong before?" "Once" Gerry sighed. "She found a condomin my jacket that one of my partners put in as a joke, and suspended orgasmsfor six months, with daily two-hour teasings." "No kidding?"Keriasked. "So this five month period isn't a record? That's a shame. I wonderif you could go without for a year." Keri began rubbing her thumb backand forth against the terribly sensitive nerve just below the tip of Gerry'spenis. The cock began throbbing and dancing about like a Mexican jumping bean.Precum was already beginning to dribble out, and he'd not been tied down formore than ten minutes.

Keri's nails were long and perfectly manicured...a deep purple, almost matchingthe shade of Gerry's cock. He paid the bill every month to Elegant Nails Co.,and so he knew how expensive they were, but certainly it was worth it...BothKeri and Helen had never needed false paste-ons, because their nails nevergot any hard cleaning, lifting, or even back scratching...all doneby poor Gerry's capable hands.

She leaned over further, and her breasts seemed to be tumbling out of thedemibra, the areola of one nipple showed for a moment, and she pulled the braup slightly, and smiled. Gerry had never seen Keri naked--she always kept atop on, and only let him lick her when he was blindfolded. This was incrediblyhumiliating, as he was forced to walk about nude at home, and often to partiallyundress at work for disciplinary reasons. "Look at it, it's practicallyOld Faithful." Keri said, as she rubbed the precum into the tip of Gerry'spenis. She then looked at him. "Are you sure you want to cum, sweetie?"

"Oh, oh yes ma'am...please." Gerry looked up at her with tears inhis eyes. His balls were full, and the cum kept surging up the shaft...thesperm cells were miserably rebelling against the torture, pounding againstthe tip over and over again, as she tapped her fingers around the tip. "Well...Ihope you'd make more of a sacrifice. That blowjob business you did to get cumprivileges is old now...expired. It's not my fault you haven't should'vereminded me to check my keychain before I lent it to Dan."

Keri's forefinger was now rubbing the bluish vein on the underside of hiscock up and down...her other hand was tickling the scrotum. This went on, andGerry's cock began to surge forth again..He raised his hips to meet her hands,pushing his cock into her ministering fingers....he was getting closer...CLOSER...Keridropped his penis, and used her other hand to shove his hips down. Gettingup off the bed, she went to the hotel closet, Gerry watching the globes ofher bottom bounce in the blue thong panties... "Oh, what's this?" Keriturned around, holding a clothing iron. "Jesus for $450 a night, you'dthink the Mayflower would have laundry service."

Why is she fiddling with an iron? Gerry thought. I need to GODDAM CUM! Hiscock was now waving helplessly in the rock hard as if Keri was suckingit. Was it healthy to have this much backed-up cum? Keri came back and satdown on the bed, looking at the iron carefully. She reached over and pluggedit in, watching it steam, while absently twiddling with Gerry's cock...Suddenlyshe reached over and pressed the tip of the iron onto Gerry's nipple and hescreamed in pain.

"Oh, come on...just for a second." Keri shook her head. "You'vehad stuff done to your nipples...I had moustraps on them this morning." "Noo-thinglike that." Gerry was once again sobbing, perhaps for the tenth time sincehis spanking in the office two hours before. "Well, enough of this," Kerilooked businesslike. "Do you really want to cum, would you do anything." " you want another diamond bracelet." Gerry looked hopeful. Kerrysmiled, pulling Gerry's foreskin over the tip of his penis. "How aboutthe iron on each of these nipples...for just ten seconds each?" "No...Mistress,not that.."Gerry looked miserable. Keri began jerking his cock madly,and once again the precum was spilling out. In spite of the pain from the iron,and his still blistered buttocks, Gerry began hurtling his cock into Keri'sdancing was so close...."Do you want the iron?" Keriasked..."No, Mistress..." "Well, I want you to go limp withinforty seconds." This was a worse offer than the earlier one. Keri beganwaving the iron over and back around Gerry's nipple area...He thought of baseballscores...her fingers were still playing....Anything..what will make it droop?Keri's aereola was again showing over the bra. Gerry closed his eyes and thoughtabout being naked in a snowstorm..."Thirty six thirty-seven thirty-eightseconds...ooh, it drooped." Keri was now holding a limp cock in her hand. "Congratulations!" Kerismiled and put the iron down on the table. "So, really, if you can't evenmaintain an erection, why do you need to cum?" For the twentieth timein four hours, Gerry burst once again, in tears.


The leather hood was especially hot on a sunny August day, and the centralair conditioning did not reach the cellar of Gerry's summer house. Gerry hadn'tseen light for nearly an hour. Except for holes for his nose and mouth, thehood completely covered his head and eyes. August! Jesus. It had been Novemberwhen he met her...

Nine months Ker had been living with him, teasing his poor cock daily withcasually lubricated fingers, and still he had not had an orgasm. "Mistress,it's probably not healthy for my testicles to have all this backed up semen." he'dprotested last week. Keri had laughed, and suggested that she massage his prostate,releasing the sperm that way. When Gerry looked horrified, Keri said "Don'tworry, Gerald, with all the pre-cum that's leaked from your bulbous wee-wee,it can't be too congested."

Keri's rule was far more grueling than Helen's--Keri's sexy, youthful bodytempted him much more, and though Helen had monitored his work life by reviewinghis briefs and cases, administering heavy whippings for mistakes she'd spotted,Keri had taken off the semester to work full time as his executive assistant,which meant Gerry's butt and nipples were blistered almost daily for the minoradministrative mistakes he'd made.

And at least twice a week there were long, unfullfilled milking sessions atthe Mayflower, where Keri would massage his naked cock ten strokes slow, thenten fast, followed by one finger up and down the shaft--when they'd returnto the office, Gerry would be wobbling, and though incredibly stimulated andtitillated, completely unsatisfied. His cock, re-caged, would be pressing horriblyagainst the nasty little chicken wire... Certainly, Helen would keep Gerrycelibate for as long as six weeks, but Keri's 9 months with no orgasm was almostunendurable.

And now here he waschained to apillar in the cellar of his expensive countryhouse, hands cuffed behind his back, cock raging, as always stark naked exceptfor the horrible hood.He hated being unable to see. A month ago, when he'dbrought her here to show Keri the summer house for the first time,Keri'd toldGerry she was so grateful he'd exposed the house to her,he was going to cum,and stripped him naked, chained the hands and blindfolded him in the kitchenupstairs...masturbating him slowly...and then she began hitting him with avacuum cleaner cord, he'd run around blindly until he'd fallen down the cellarstairs. Oh it'd been awful, he'd fallen right on his struggling, wee-wee...andnow...Wait? What's that poking through the mouth of my hood? Oh my God!


Well Jesus, how long's he been lying there?" Alyssa lookd at Keri, andthen back down at the hooded, prone figure. Gerry's penis was pointing to theceiling, a brilliant violet, Keri kept prodding it with her high heel, andit jumped at every stimulation. "He's been down ehre since early thismorning, and he;ll be here a while." KEri was wearing a black midriffshirt with "I just Fucked Your Boyfriend" emblazoned on it in silverblock lettering, skin tight cutoffs that squeezed her bubble but to the pointthat the IGA clerk down the road had dropped a carton of eggs as she brushedby him towards the Pepsi liter bottles.

Keri's feet were in black leather spike heeled sandals, and the right onewas keeping Gerry's crotch area quite busy. Alyssa surveyed her friend withinterest. Since her friend Lalani and her husband Cary had introduced her tothe "scene" Alyssa's life had changed, she'd met a successful architect,David, who'd been with Lalani's group for some time, and he'd shamefacedlygiven her the keys to his chastity device about a month before...David cameinto the room just then,stark naked, except for his cock cage...and of coursethe cute bracelets keeping his wrists snug behind his back.

"Did you tell him?" Keri asked."Oh, yes...David hasn't hada squirtie in almost two weeks, and he won't get to squirt unless he does itin the hood, right, Davey boy?" David looked miserable.

"But Miss Alyssa, I'm not gay...please let me cum, it's been 9 days!" Kerilaughed. "Gerald here hasn't cum in 9 months! And in the last 30 yearsthat my late aunt was training him, he came about once every month and a halfif he was really lucky! And you're just getting your dick sucked....Aunt Helentold me once that she made him "--Keri motioned at the hooded, naked figureon the floor--"go out in full drag, lip gloss, wig, fishnets, and suckoff truckers on the waterfront for ten dollars a piece...she said she'd lethim cum if he came back with fifty bucks, but she changed her mind, and whenhe came back with seventy, she wouldn't take the cage off...Gerry threw a fit,and Auntie pulled his panties down over his fishnets, and bent him over thecouch and gave it to him with the buckle end of a nasty, nasty belt she had...andthen didn't let him squirt for another month for whining."

David looked miserable at this. He had been able to cum every two or threedays, after heavy teasing, but Miss Alyssa seemed determined to follow herfriends lead here...and the poor Gerry guy. Keri was rubbing the heel of herpump against Gerry's purple cock absentmindedly as she spoke, and the dicklooked was sooo ready to cum! And Gerry couldn't even see howbeautiful Keri looked because of the hood! "Okay, it's time!" Alyssalooked at him, pursing her lips."Do you want to cum, or wait another thirtydays...and then just come right back're going to cum in this hood,or not at all." "But Miss Alyssa...I've gone down on you nightly,given you sponge baths, bought you jewelry and clothes.."here David'svoice cracked. "Can't you just give me a break? I l ike this tease/denialthing but...OW!"

Alyssa had hit David in the face with a flyswatter she'd seen on the kitchentable."Shut your mouth!...if you want to, we can go back to being boyfriendgirlfriend,but if I'm your mistress, it's like this...I can go home and suckyour dick,you can cum whenever you want, go back to sleeping in the bed youpaid for with me instead of the broom closet, but no more whippings, no moretease/ can live comfortably with me, do what you please...but youcan't have both. I can suck your dick if you give it up."Alyssa hit Davidagain."Or you can let him suck yours!" David thought for a moment..."No,Miss Alyssa, I'd need your discipline."his voice shook,and he began wellingup," and the closet--and the chastity..." David dropped his headto his chest.

Alyssa winked at Lalani, and unlocked David's his cock sprung outshe ran her burgundy nails across the tip, and it sprang up like a Marine atattention. Keri and Alyssa gently guided David to the hooded figure, and Keriopened the zipper around the mouth. Alyssa began hitting David's butt withthe fly swatter, as Keri pushed his dick into the hood...David felt heavenlysucking...he hadn't had a blowjob in years. Was it a man?

Well, he knew how to use his tongue, that's for sure...must've learned fromthe truckers..Whack! That was no flyswatter, David looked around, and Kerihad a bamboo cane in her hand. "David, Miss Alyssa is going to undo yourcuffs..I want you to grab Gerry's hooded head in your hands and jam it ontoyour cock,and then pull it back...I think you fraternity boys call it skull-fucking!" Gerryheard this, and began trying to pull his head off the cock, moving franticallyaway from it..."Baby stop it." Keri said. She held his shoulder. "Mommy'sgoing to rub your wee-wee while you get might choke to death,but you might cum, too..." Within a minute, Alyssa was witnessing an interestingphenomenon. Her husband, eyes closed, was jamming his cock into a hood witha man's naked body under it, while Keri,squatting, was rubbing the hooded man'scock energetically with Vaseline. As David slammed the cock in and out, shecould hear gagging and coughing from inside the hood, and once David screamedthat he'd been bitten....but it went on until he came...Gerry's cock was aboutto spurt in Keri's hands, his hips were pushing off the floor with no supportfrom his bound hands, but Keri, just at the edge of Gerry's orgasm, pulledher hands away dramatically.The cock blindly thrust into air, and then Gerryrealized he'd been rooked again, and began crying in the hood just as Davidwas pulling his cock out.Kerri gave David a piece of sandpaper to wipe offthe cum...David looked horrified, but Alyssa hit him again...and then sentDavid out to sit in the backseat of the car, naked and waiting for her to drivehim home. Then Alyssa's boss, and her neighbor, also naked and cuffed, cameinto the room...and Gerry had to start up again.


Keri helped Gerry upstairs, Alyssa laughing and following her... "Poorthing, you just have had so much HAPPEN in the last few hours...You had tosuck off three slaves, and I promised you that you could cum...and here youare, and they're all in Alyssa's car...your boss is in the trunk, isn't he?" Alyssalaughed. Keri opened the cellar door into the kitchen of Gerry's attractivesummer cottage. He had had it built ten years ago for Helen's birthday...andthey'd had quite a time there until her death...Crops in umbrella stands inevery room, and a hook in the ceiling of her Florida room.

Finally Keri took Gerry's hood off, and led him into the living room...Gerrywas blinking in the light, his hair, soggy with perspiration was damp on hishead. His dick was purple and dripping, and his balls were just congested withfrustrated semen. Gerry looked blearily at Keri and then Alyssa, who he hadn'tseen before, though she'd just spent two hours teasing him, and forcing hervarious slaves' wee-wees into his mouth through the hood. She was quite something,Alyssa. 34DD breasts cinched in red tube top, leather short-shorts, and highheeled pumps. Gerry, realized he was naked in front of a perfect stranger,hung his head. Alyssa laughed, and chucked Gerry's chin. "Cheer up, Gerald" Alyssasmiled. "This hurts us more than it hurts you." The two girls doubledover in laughter.


Gerry poured the last drop of coffee into Alyssa's cup. "Thank you, sweetheart" Alyssareached over with a crimson nail and flicked the purple cockhead. This wasrare--Gerry's cuffs had come off, and the cage was not yet on! Keri had puthim on the honor system. "You know if I can trust you not to wank yourwee-wee, sweet dumpling, there might be a surprise for you later...we're twohot chicks. Why don't you make us lunch now?" Invigorated, Gerry had madeAlyssa and Keri a caeser salad and a vegetarian lasagne and served white wine...nowthey were relaxing over a mocha coffee in the living room.Keri was tellingAlyssa about their visit the other day by the village sherriff. Their firstday in the country house, Keri had mistakenly thought that Gerry had cum duringhis weekly shower with the cage off.

Usually Keri did the bathing herself, scrubbing the area thoroughly whileGerry stood under the spray mutely, hands cuffed behind him. He would get intenselyaroused as she'd tease him a little after, til his cock resembled a soapy LouisvilleSlugger,but then Keri would switch the temperature to freezing to "calmyou down." But Keri was distracted putting dishes away, as they'd justarrived for the month of August, and left Gerry to clean himself on the honorsystem. She'd walked in on Gerry as he was washing himself a little too enthusiasticallydown there, thinking she saw semen in the bubbles in his crotch, Keri losther mind. She'd laid Gerry on his stomach on Miss Helen's footstool, handsand knees tied to the legs, "And you should've seen that hassock dance!" Kerisaid, laughing. "He made it crab crawl away from me as I beat his asswith a thorn branch I'd cut from a rosebush outside, and then I turned himon his back and re-tied, and lit into his bare crotch, and the screaming broughtthe sherriff. I showed him Gerry, lord of the manor, tied to the hassock naked,and Hank, the sherrif laughed...Gerry hadn't paid any of his speeding ticketsthe year before...So Hank hit Gerry a lick or two also, and he's taking meout to dinner tomorrow night, while Gerry's locked in the closet, isn't thata riot?"

After listening to this horrible story, Gerry took the coffee pot back intothe kitchen. Absently he reached down and touched his suffering penis. Thatwas one hell of a cleavage that Alyssa tops were great, he hadn'tseen one since 1980. He leaned against the sink and rubbed. "You're touchingit, Gerald" came Keri's strident tone "Hands off...keep them busyby doing the fuckin' dishes" Gerry's heart sank, but he began washingthe kitchenware he'd used as well as the dishes and plates, and thought abouthis reward. Would they maybe fuck him? Never. But perhaps they might whackhim off, after nine miserable, frustrating months...As he leaned over the sink,his cement-ish cock hit the counter painfully. Or maybe, they'll let me jerkoff, and belittle me while I do it...I wouldn't object to that, even if I haveto lick it up...His heart rose. That's what it'll be. Keri's a sweet girl,really she is! He finished the last of the dishes and cleaned the entire kitchen,and then went back into the living room, where the women were looking overa copy of "Elle" Gerry knelt in his most submissive position, cockout like a Crusader's lance....this will impress them, I am a good boy. They'llgive me a break. After ignoring him for about twelve minutes, Keri looked up. "Allcleaned up, sweetheart? That was a lovely meal." Gerry bent his head "Thankyou, Miss Keri. I tried my said maybe we might have an adventurenow? I've been so good...please." Gerry's head was lowered to the floor,and he didn't see the wink that Keri gave Alyssa. "Oh honey.."Kerismiled "You're absolutely right. It's time for you to have a treat." Shestood up and motioned Gerry to stand. God she has big breasts...I've neverbeen allowed to see them bare or the nipples even ONCE, but I've seen quitea bit of them...OOh I want her..." All right, sweetie, let's cuff thehands..." Seeing Gerry's face fall, Keri smiled " knowyou can have fun without your you want to do all that work?" Kerihanded the cuffs to Alyssa, who locked Gerry's wrists behind his back. Gerrylooked up at Keri, who began massaging his poor penis, on the sensitive veinbeneath the head. Quickly she would run her thumb back and forth, and it madehim quiver...Alyssa came around and began rubbing the head. OOh. Two beautiful,smallwhite shapely manicured hands were doing quite a travel around his purplishmember...They smiled. "What do you want, Gerry?" Keri asked. She'dnever called him Gerry before. "I want to cum...please...couldn't I justjerk off, Miss Keri?" He looked with pleading eyes. Keri smiled up atGerry. "Well, it's about three o'clock, and I think Alyssa has to takeher boys home, and I have to do some shopping...and it's time for you to takea nap." Gerry's lip began to tremble. "No whining..." Keri ledGerry into the bathroom, and she and Alyssa made him lie in the bathtub onhis back. Keri whispered into Alyssa's ear, and the girls both giggled. Alyssastood with one foot outside the tub, and one on Gerry's cock, straining withthe frustration of 9 miserable months. Keri stood in front of her, and puta stockinged foot on Gerry's mouth. Alyssa began rubbing the penis, and Gerry'ships began shaking. "At last, Gerald..."Keri looked down at her poorslave. "Now?" he asked. "Wasn't it worth the wait? Doesn't thatfoot feel good?" As Alyssa rubbed her toes on the cock tip, Gerry's hipsagain began to tremble. He kissed Keri's foot madly in itcame..closer and closer...precum began seeping through Alyssa's toes as sherubbed and he pushed. HE WAS ABOUT TO CUM....Gerry looked once more at thebeautiful woman giving this exquisite treat, and closed his eyes, thinkingof Miss Helen, and what a legacy she'd left it came...

UGH! WATER! All over him! Alyssa's foot was off his cock, right before hespurted, Keri's toes were no longer on his mouth, he opened his eyes, and they'dturned the shower on, freezing cold...the girls doubled over in laughter, Alyssasitting on the commode, and they left the lavatory, assuring Gerry they'd beback to turn off the water in an hour...Gerry lay in the freezing drench...andsighed.


Gerry was tired... his heels were killing him. Stilletos just weren't madefor a six foot five, one hundred ninety-five pound man, even heels speciallypurchased at the Tranny Warehouse. And it was drizzling rain. How do womendo this every day, he thought. Walk around on these ghastly things. They feltlike they were pounding into his feet. And it was drizzling rain, two in themorning. Gerry looked down at his hand holding the tiny purse, one of the brightmagenta paste-on nails was falling off. Only half a block, he'd be home. Itwas a good thing he'd hitched a ride from the Waterfront back to CathedralHeights, though the guy had demanded a freebie...

When Keri had sent him out to the waterfront the night before, Gerry had beggedher to let him drive, or at least take some money. "No, no, Gerald." She'dlaughed. "You're not going to get the car stolen in that awful neighborhood.If you want to earn cab money back over the target amount, that's your business.Here is a bus token to get there... remember, if you don't bring home at leastone hundred dollars... no squirtee!"

Gerry had first approached the dockworkers outside of Mike's Grill with offersof a blowjob for fifty dollars. They'd laughed at him. One had shoved him,saying "Look, if you think I'd pay fifty bucks to a drag queen -- " "No,I'm a girl." Gerry had used a miserable high voice. As the guys doubledover, laughing, Gerry's shoulders sank. Former rugby players rarely look likeMarilyn Monroe, even with a blonde wig, heavy make up and gold lame dress.

Starting from eleven-thirty on, he'd managed to give seven five dollar blowjobsand three ten-dollar ones, kneeling in the alley. No one had wanted to takepoor Gerry back to their place. The last time Keri'd sent him out, that timeto a truck stop, one black custodian had sodomized Gerry over a sink in themen's room and at least he'd gotten twenty dollars, but then someone else hadstolen Gerry's fox fur, and Keri had beaten him with a straightened coat hangerfor what seemed like hours. This time, at least, all his clothing and paraphrenailahad remained intact.

But he'd only made sixty-seven dollars... on the last, two dollar blowjob,to a homeless schizo who kept muttering to himself, Gerry's jaws had felt likelead and the john had kept grabbing Gerry's ears and jamming the cock deeperdown Gerrys revolted, heterosexual throat. Gerry would've stayed even pasttwo, but there were no more customers, and he was soo tired... but that meantno orgasm.

In the five years that Gerry and Keri had been together, since Keri had takenover training after the death of her aunt, Gerry's beloved Miss Helen, Kerihad allowed the cock cage off plenty, for extended teases from her nimble fingerswhile her slave-boy was tied down -- Gerry was amazed at how such a tiny littlehand could make him feel like he had a rioting groin -- but she'd always stoppedright before Gerry was about to cum--and had only let Gerry cum -- and thatfrom his OWN hand -- eighteen times. Just a little over two squirts a year---andhe always had to pass a test, when his 90 days of celibacy were up... or she'djust give him more time.

In December, Gerry had been orgasm-free, but constantly teased for 90 days,and Keri had given him the "soap test", cutting up five yellow laundrysoap bars into little chips, and telling Gerry to eat them all with a fork,within ten minutes... "Such a filthy mouth you have." Sure was tonight.Gerry had begun vomiting after three minutes, and Keri'd given him anotherthirty days in the cage, before the next test, which involved him doing enoughsit-ups and crunches to learn autofellatio -- to bend over and suck his owndick. "Because onanism is so childish, Gerald." But, as good shapeas the poor guy was in, even after thirty days of exercise, he couldn't reachhis cock with the mouth, and then after another thirty, he still couldn't.After this had been electrical play... then speculum testing... wimped out..

So the last three 30 day extensions had been over Gerry's inability to bringhome one hundred dollars for selling his mouth along various seamy avenues... "I'mthe worst pimp-ette in the world." Keri remarked ruefully, after Gerry'dcome home with eight dollars one miserable night."But if you can't makeenough men cum, I'll see that you not cum yourself... been over nine months,honey, get on it." And tonight, if he ever got home, he'd get anotherhorrible 30 days... But could he just get home? Gerry stumbled over a heel,and fell in a mud puddle. He began crying, but stopped himself, and crawledthe final twenty feet home.

Oh the house. Finally. Gerry looked through his purse, negotiating the paste-onnails clumsily, for the key... it wasn't there. She had literally sent himout to the D.C. waterfront in full drag, and all there'd been in the pursewas a bus token and a lipstick. "To freshen up, Gerald... you know theboys won't want to skull-fuck you unless your mouth looks appealing."

Gerry began knocking, as the rain increased. It was pelting him now. Finally,a sleepy voice was heard on the other side of the door. "Yes, who is it,please?" "It's me, Miss Keri." Gerry tried to use his little-girlvoice, as he'd been instructed. "Who?" Gerry could hear the faintchuckle. "Your little trollop Gertie, Miss Keri." "Who?" Gerrybegged "Please, Miss Keri, let your little whore in... I've worked hardfor you all night." God it was wet. Why didn't they have more of a doorstep? "Didyou make your minimum, baby?" Keri didn't sound hopeful... "No ma'am... "Gerrymoaned. "My knees are bleeding from kneeling in that alley, sucking thoseawful men, my fishnet stockings are torn, it's raining -- " "Butdid you make a C-note, dearest, or not?" "I made over half of it,sixty-seven dollars -- " "Gerald, you didn't even TRY. Sit on thatporch til dawn."

Thwack! Gerry was now inside the house, but it was escaping the frying paninto the fire, as it were. Keri had him over the arm of the couch with hispanties and stockings at his knees, now soggy lame dress flipped over his back.At some point Keri realized that it was an embarrassing for her and probablytraumatizing for passers-by, even at four in the morning ( Gerry'd been outthere for two hours) to see a muddy transvestite huddling and sneezing on oneof the nicest porches on Macomb Street in Cathedral Heights, the most expensiveneighborhood in Washington, DC.

"Well, Gerald?" Keri waited , bamboo cane in hand. "Oh, (a-choo)Forty-five Ma'am. Thank you for (a-choo!) punishing me." Keri raised thecane again, pulling the angora sweater snugly over her breasts "WHACK!" Anotherlanded squarely across Geri's now quite welted bare buttock. "Forty (achoo)six, Ma'am. (a-choo!) Thank you for pun-punishing me." Gerry burst intotears. "Please, no more, Miss Keri! What a night I've had!" "No,you've embarrassed this house by your disgusting presence on the steps." WHACK! "Forty-seven(achoo) Ma'am. Thank you for punishing me. But Miss Keri, you locked me out." WHACK! "Youwere out there, my dear, because you didn't come up with the minimum $100...I'm a tough pimp... now what do you say?" "Forty-eight, Miss (achoo)Keri... Waah! You broke a blister... " Gerry was falling apart now...

Later, Gerry was naked, spread-eagled to the four posters of Keri's Princessbed... he'd been given a little Robitussin for the sneezing, and had receiveda delicious bath from his mistress... he was now warm and cozy, physically,though of course he was unable to move. He would've been able to doze off,even, except for what was happening to his groin area... Miss Helen, in herdeclining years, had been unable to tease Gerry more than once every two weeks,leaving him caged the rest of the time... but Keri had incredible energy, andput him through the paces, it seemed, daily.

"Jesus, Gerald... look at that vein. Close to bursting, I would think" Keritraced a cherry-red nail along the sensitive underside of Gerry's strainingcock, very slowly. She'd already jacked him once to where the semen was hittingthe urethra, before pulling away her soft fingers... that was ten minutes ago,and she had to be careful now. Very slowly, or else there would be an unauthorizedsquirtee... and her bullwhip was being restrung right now. Keri lightly rubbedthe vein once more, before circling the head of Gerry's cock with her fingersand palm, and massaging, just the head... "Oh, Miss Keri... " Gerrymumbled. "I can't take it... can't you let me cum for honest effort? Noone else wanted me to suck them... all the guys laughed at me... one told meI needed (a-choo) a shave!"

Keri began giggling at this... "Oh, God... you do have way too much testosteronefor a transvestite... but of course you're not interested in transvestism,Gerald... nor sucking cocks... all for me! Coming in (giggle) lip gloss smeared,stockings torn... with sixty-seven DOLLARS... " Keri was only about ahundred ten pounds, and as she doubled over, thinking of her poor involuntarytransvestite, it looked dangerously as if she might fall off the bed. She rightedherself, breasts heaving, and squirted some lubricant on her forefinger, tracingit all over Gerry's cock until it glistened. "Looks almost like a missile,baby... " "Please, Miss Keri! I've been so good... and my cock isabout to burst! Won't you... what are you doing with the Reynolds Wrap?"

Keri was cutting off a sheet of aluminum foil. Where had she had the box onthe bed? Didn't Gerry ever see anything? She began wrapping the foil looselyaround Gerry's cock, fitting it down to just above the testicles, so it lookedsomewhat like the Washington Monument. "What is this? Miss Keri, I'm notgoing in the oven, am I?" Keri shook her head, giggling, and bent overthe head of the tented shaft. She put her mouth around the tip of the foiland began humming... "Hmmm-mmmm-" Gerry's cock felt like it was vibrating...and growing warm. Keri breathed heavily on the foil some more " MMM-MM".The heated vibrations of the foil were tickling Gerry's undershaft. The ticklewas driving him crazy! The semen of nearly eleven months was rising to thetop, but it didn't seem like there was quite enough friction... almost, butnot quite. Gerry began arching his back, attempting to force the foil intoKeri's mouth. Closing his eyes, he strained against the ropes... Suddenly hefelt anguish. His penis was ripping. Opning his eyes, Gerry saw Keri had takenher mouth off the foil tip, and had grabbed the middle of the shaft with herhand, grasping the foil tightly. Searing pain invaded Gerry's tender skin,as the sharp edges of the foil rubbed the sides of his dick. "Okay, Gerald,you want me to wank you off... here goes!" Keri began pulling the foilviciously up and down the shaft, in a horrific handjob... "This is whatyou want, this is what you get... " Gerry tried to stand it, he knew hehad to empty his balls. If he could just cum! He didn't need to enjoy it, buthe had to release..

So sick of waking up in the middle of the night with a boner rubbing the sidesof the cage... because he had been having a wet dream about his paralegal,a wet dream which never came off, because he couldn't get a full erection withthat goddamn cage on... Could he come now? "No, no more!" Gerry screamed.His cock was being massacred by the sharp foil. "What's wrong Gerald?" Keriasked through her teeth, slamming the foil from glans to balls, again and again "Notenjoying this? I thought you---"AAAUGH!" Gerry was now going limp,thank God. His penis felt like it had been chopped up in a Ginsu commercial....finally, Keri stopped. Taking off the foil, Keri surveyed the blisters, someof them purple-ish, that covered the glans cockhead and balls. "Honey,I was going to give you a free cum... but you don't want one... so sad.." Sheleft the bed and went to the bathroom, bringing back some iodine and a jar.Gerry looked at the label "Ben Gay". He fainted.


Thirty days later, Gerry's dick was healed, but relieved, and he had comeback with only 33 dollars, and a bleeding rectum from a gang-rape. Spreadeagledagain and Keri working on Gerry's cock. She grasped the base of his shaft andrubbed the small base of skin between the head and the shaft, delicately betweenher thumb and index finger. After about 20 minutes of this, still graspingthe shaft with her left hand, Keri took the fingers of her other hand and formeda ring with her thumb and index finger, twisting it around the shaft just whereit joined the glans, occasionally bringing the finger-ring up and down thetop of his throbbing organ." Ma'am, you're killing me... " Gerrymumbled "The semen is pulsating at the tip " Keri chortled, thenplaced her fingertips over Gerry's cockhead like a closed umbrella and gentlysqueezed them up and off the tip."Just calm down, Gerald. You're doingfine... and isn't this more fun than coming in ten seconds anyhow?" Keri'sthumbs went up to the head's slit and rubbed alternating thumbs up and downthe slit..

Gerry felt himself getting close. Keri would do untold tortures to his cockif he came without permission -- the last time, she'd whipped it with a carradio ariel -- so he spoke up. "Miss Keri, I am about to come... permission?" Gerrywas arching his hips up, trying to push his penis into Keri's soft, wanderinghands with their long red nails. Keri stopped her ministrations immediately,primly folding her hands in her lap.

"Aaagh" Gerry closed his eyes and fell back on the bed again. Hiscock and balls felt leaden, and his urethra was hurting at this point. It hadbeen nearly a year. Eleven months ago, Keri had gotten a hairy gay constructionworker to jerk Gerry to the point of orgasm, and then made Gerry finish thejob with his left hand, cumming all over the guys steel-tipped work shoes...and then Gerry'd had to lick it off, and then use his mouth up at the crotchfor "compensation"

After watching Gerry hump air for a while, Keri emptied a vase of roses onhis crotch. The thorns burned, but the cold water from the bottom of the vaseeliminated some of the erection. Then Keri picked the roses up by the blossomside and lashed Gerry's cock with the thorns until it was quite small. "Thanksagain for sending these to me yesterday" Keri said, as she locked on thecock cage and then untied him "... Never thought a dozen cut roses couldbe so utilitarian. Now change these wet bedsheets!"


One night Keri told Gerry that they were going to have a nice night'd been a long time since Gerry had been allowed to cum "And tonight,Gerald, I'm going to let you go out without the cage... .You've been doingso well, I want it to be more of a date for us, you know?" She lookedreally stunning in one of those super tight t-shirts and a miniskirt that wasmade of the kind of material that was made for the blue bandannas that Gerrywore in high school. God, it was short. She looked good in anything, yesterdaysshe'd come to the office in a tight pink top, and a white skirt with heels,and spent half an hour crushing his cock with them while the secretary andparalegal took their lunch hour... he'd looked rather ridiculous lying on thefloor of the ornate office with all the diplomas and awards... naked in theshag rug with his penis jutting to the side and Keri getting on and off itwith her heel... and then she began kicking the penis like it was a Soccerball... ooh... but then the cage went back on. There'd been no teasing thatnight, as Keri had had a date with some guy she'd met at the pool... but tonightshe'd promised something great... a night out without the cage! A date night,in fact...

They'd walked through Old Town, Alexandria and bought ice cream, watchingthe other milling couples. Keri had taken the hopeful Gerry to a secluded benchsheltered by lush trees and bushes and they'd sat down together. "MissKeri, thank you for holding hands with me." Gerry was so thrilled. Shewas so beautiful, and her cleavage was practically falling out of the littlet-shirt. Keri kissed him lightly on the mouth, and as she licked her sherbert,she dropped her red talons to the crotch of his khakis, and scratched the crotchlightly. Gerry had immediately bulged up, and how free he felt! There wereno evil steel chastity cage bars rubbing his shaft raw tonight! As if readinghis thoughts, Keri finished her sherbert and unzipped his pants, pulling Gerry'spenis out, manipulating it in traditional torture... five quick strokes, tenslow ones. "Toss the Oreo cone away, you're too fat for the second scoopanyway, Gerald. Sit on your hands, so you don't try to take over from me, know what I do when you try to touch yourself. Don't pout, baby... Lookat the big wee-wee! You're trembling, honey. You like it when I scratch thehead with my long red nail... it's been a while since you squirted, huh? MaybeI've been too hard on you... you want a little tonight?" v She'd whisperedin his ear,making him think of the lyrics from "Bette Davis Eyes"...But then there was a rustle in the bushes, and she'd dropped the now pre-cumsodden penis, and put her hands in her lap primly, and Gerry'd had to stuffhis cock back in, seriously singing it on the zipper...

Keri'd whispered in Gerry's ear lightly, making think of the lyrics from "BetteDavis Eyes" ... But then there was a rustle in the bushes and she'd droppedthe now pre-cum sodden penis, and folded her hands primly. Gerry'd had to stuffhis stiff cock back in, impossible to bend it in the blood engorged state itwas in... Ooh... "What's wrong, baby... oh you singed it on the zipper...get it in there, hon, you don't want to get disbarred for indecent exposure."

At the multiplex, they'd bought tickets to the kind of chick flick that Gerrycouldn't stand, but Keri had spent the entire movie absently stroking his cock,once again out of the pants but under the sweater she'd brought... He'd goneto the edge five times, Keri kept pulling her hand away to have some popcorn,and then back to the stroke... After they were back outside, his crotch bulgingagainst the too-tight khakis, she'd timidly mentioned that she was runningout of shoes, 70 pairs wasn't enough... so they'd gone to a Hecht's and he'dspent three hundred dollars, and she'd played the spike heels across his boneras he'd put them on her... no salespeople needed here!

"Please let's go home, Miss Keri," he'd begged, tonight seemed likeit might be Lucky Night, really it did... "Can we go to the Candy Storefirst?" Keri asked him petulantly. "It's this new fetish place inChevy Chase." Gerry sped her there, though he was seriously hoping thatplaying with his big dick had aroused Keri to do something a little more traditional,just for tonight. "Hey there... " Keri flirted with the guy behindthe counter. "I know you know where the big canes are, don't you?" Bigcanes... Gerry's stomach turned. "Don't worry, sweetheart" Keri touchedhis chin with her forefinger. "I just want to get something for your regulardiscipline. You've been a good boy today... won't you help Keri." Shepouted "Find something here... then we'll go home for the good time?" Keriselected a malacca cane, a South African police baton and two bamboo canes. "Canwe try these out?" The sales man looked startled.

"What do you mean?" Keri smiled, dimpling for him. "Well, Iwas wondering if you had a back room, so I could see how good these are, certainlyif I get a little blood on them, I'll pay for those, but I don't want to getsomething I don't need... " Gerry was quaking now... "Just for you,baby." Keri whispered "Be a good boy and just let me test these...I'm not mad at you." She whispered more in his ear, and casually droppedher wrist across his crotch again. "Come with us, please." The salesmanlooked startled, but he really liked Keri, and agreed to lock up the storefor a few minutes.

In the back room, Keri looked at Gerry "Gerald, take down your pants,please." Her tone was cold now, no more flirting. Miserably, Gerry droppedhis pants... he was wearing no underwear, which of course had made all theevening's manual stimulation so great. Why was she mad? "I'm not mad,Gerald" Keri read his thoughts. "I just need to test this stuff foryour discipline around the house. " The sales man sniggered. He was abouttwenty-four, Keri's age, and they looked at each other and giggled. Gerry stoodthere, his shirt tails not quite covering the tip of his erection. But maybethe kid wasn't noticing that he was so hard. Keri took care of this problemby tying his shirt above the waist. " Bend over that box of dental dams,dearest."

Gerry bent over, and Keri lifted the Malacca cane. "Be a brave boy, Gerald." WHACK!The first swipe nearly ripped the skin off Gerry's asscheek. Malacca was amuch thicker wood than the bamboo canes that Gerry was used to. WHACK! WHACK!WHACK! Inadvertently, Gerry grabbed his asscheeks. "Oh Jesus. Do you havehandcuffs?" Keri smiled at the clerk, who was alternately looking at Gerry'swelted butt scornfully and back to Keri's 36 DD cleavage. He ran back intothe store, and brought back police handcuffs. "They sell them now, isn'tthat wild?" he said. Keri chuckled, and cuffed Gerry's hands behind hisback, his naked butt still wobbling over the box "Miss Keri, please. Ithought this was our special night." Gerry sniveled. This was awful.

"Isn't he a drag?" Keri looked at the clerk for sympathy. "Jesus,what a loser. He lets you hit him like that?" the sales guy laughed. Hehad a goatee like Gerry wore in college, before Miss Helen, Keri's predecessorhad shaved him clean. "I mean, you are totally hot, but... " "Iknow, what's your name?" "Mike" "Mike, my arm is sore.Why don't you take over with the South African police baton?" Mike lookedalarmed. "Look, I don't want to be prosecuted for like, assault -- " Kerigrabbed the kid in her arms and gave him a deep, full, kiss. "Do thisfor me... Creepo thinks I'm going to take him home and blow him, I think...give it to him a few times, and then we'll take him home after you get off,and I'll teach you to make him dance." Keri leaned into Mike's ear "Andthen we'll... " Mike grinned, and moved over, lifting the baton over Gerry'sbare ass.

Forty-five minutes later, Gerry stood in his ornate living room, naked, withthe cuffs still on. Mike was sitting on the couch, watching as Keri ran herfingers over Gerry's penis.. "Look how hard he gets... you really thoughtI was going to give you something good, didn't you baby... " Gerry wasrock hard, and leaking... "Ooh. My hand is wet now... " Keri lookedat Mike "Give him a few with the bamboo I bought." Mike looked atGerry steadily. "Get back from the sofa, freak." Gerry backed upa bit apprehensively. Mike came forth with the bamboo... and began beatingGerry's penis with it... WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Finally Gerry was lying on thefloor, and his penis was shriveled once again.

"Get up honey." Keri was sweet again, and helped Gerry up. "Letme look at that poor thing." She began massaging Gerry's tired, beaten,sore, cock." "Now don't get erect, I'm just trying to fix you up...when you're hard, Mike gets irritable. " She winked at Mike "Damnright!" Gerry was trying not to get hard. At first it was easy enough,but as Keri massaged him, now using some Lubriderm, he forgot himself, andsuddenly it was like a missile under her wandering fingers... " "Mike!He's at it again!" Back from the sofa asshole!" Mike moved forthwith the cane... Gerry sighed. It would be a long night...


"Hey, Keri!" Keri looked up from her magazine. Sabrina had justpropped herself down in the next beach recliner. "How you been doing,girl?" Sabrina giggled. Five or six years younger than Keri, Sabrina wasa lot of fun, and the two were often inseperable. Small, blonde and curvy,Sabrina had met Keri at a tease denial party, and recognized her from theirmutual membership at the Mount Vernon pool. "Sabrina! What are you upto? Is that Cecil?" A tall handsome thirty-five year old man, slightlybalding came out of the locker room, and waved at the girls. In his navy blazerand khakis and loafers with no socks, he had Groton written all over him. "Bye,baby!" shouted Sabrina. "See you tonight!"

Sabrina was much more exuberant than Keri, and Keri enjoyed having her ownquiet nature livened a little, and of course, this was a girlfriend she couldspeak frankly with. "Ceec looks like he's moving kind of stiffly there,is he chafed, or did he hurt himself?"

Sabrina giggled, and her breasts heaved in her pink bikini. "No, yesterdayCecil had the day off, he's made a big sale, and he took me around four o'clockto have my nails done the way he likes." She flashed her French cut talonsat Keri. "Then we went back to his place and I tied him to the bed nakedand stripped to my blue bra and panties, and removed his CB-200 chastity belt...and I teased him for seven hours with my new little scrapers here." Sabrinafluttered her nails again, giggling. "Seven HOURS?" Keri asked. "Butdidn't your hands get tired?"

"Well, we took breaks." Sabrina replied, thumbing her nose playfullyat a handsome Peruvian lifeguard. From four to six-thirty, I played, and thenI left him to go watch an exercise video for half an hour, then played againtil eight, when I locked his crotch up, and he took me to dinner... openingthe door to his Miata convertible to let me out... And no Red Lobster, either.He took me to Café Milano." She named the most expensive restaurantin Georgetown. "During dinner he was real earnest, you know, holding myhand and all that good shit, staring in my eyes and telling me how much I meantto him." The two began to giggle again. "Then he took me to GeorgetownJewelers and bought me a nice pendant, and we went back home, and I strippedhim, tied him, and played til midnight... and then locked him up again, anddrove off to meet Paco." Sabrina and Keri looked at the lifeguard, nowflirting with a girl barely seventeen. "He is such a whore, idn't he?" Sabrina'sNorth Carolina tones flared. "Jesus, Pak's probably fucked six women sittinghere TODAY. But last night I sucked his cock like there was no tomorrow, andthen met Cecil for breakfast... and he drove me here."

"Jesus, Sabrina." Keri marveled. "You've been up all night,and you're not even tired." Sabrina laughed. "Well, I have a pitiful,chaste loser keepin' me in my own place, and giving me a nice allowance, andthen I keyhold and tease four other pitifuls... Remember, it's not Cecil whopays the fee at Mount Vernon. He doesn't have the green your Gerry's got." Kerichuckled. "Gerry finally had a squirtee on Wednesday" "No kidding?" Sabrinasmiled "Your icy heart finally melted, huh?" "Well, I'd beenfeather-teasing Gerry as he was hanging from the eye hook in my Florida room,and then LeBaron Williams, the bike courier I'm seeing dropped by with hisbrother Crawford, who has just been released from Jessup and hit they all threeof my holes." Sabrina choked and spat some of her Bloody Mary on her "Self" magazine. "Rightthere in front of Gerry, too." Keri finished. "Hanging naked fromthe ceiling, with his pitiful boner twisting in the wind. Gerry began crying,and LeBaron made fun of him... but then Crawford complained about the noise,so I said "Well, why don't you hit him with your belt to shut him thefuck up?"

"Jesus, Keri." Sabrina leaned on the recliner. She was less orientedtowards S&M than Keri was, and felt that an eternal tease was punishmentenough. "Well, it didn't help, anyway, he kept weeping and kicking hislegs in the air, and the three of us took turns with the belt on him til poorGerald was really marked up -- Crawford pumped some IRON while he was inside... " Kerireflected. "Then I took him into the living room and threaded a cord throughhis pierced nipples, and tied the ends just a little above chest level acrossthe doorway, so Gerry would have to get up on tiptoe to keep his nipples fromtearing, and the Williams brothers and I went bowling and then to their houseto ... when I got back, Gerry was in a state from relaxing on his heels andhaving his nipples strain, and then getting up on his painful heels for relieffrom the nipples... and I finally said "What the hell, Gerald. It's beensixteen months." And so I unhooked him and took off his cage and let himgo at it while I flashed my tits at him... "Keri laughed. "Do I deservesainthood?"

"You are just so unselfish." Sabrina said solemnly. "Just letthat poor man support you in the style most of us would kill for, but that'snot enough... you have your OWN Miata... and ... how should he expect morethan one or two squirtees a year, what, he's tryin' to bribe you?"

The waiter, coming up with Keri's V.O. was unsure how to handle it, as hiscustomer was so mirthful... Would she take the drink "Ma'am?" Kerilooked up and smiled. "Hey cutie your names Brandon, right?... "shetook the drink and paid for it. "Want to come over tonight?" Startled,the guy assented... the girl was so hot... "Sure, I'll take you to dinner... " "No,I'll take YOU... and then back to my place..we'll be alone, sort of... ." AndSabrina and Keri's giggles began anew...

The End

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Loves Temptation

She should have known better than to trust him, he had done nothing but lie to her from day one. Of course she hadn’t been aware of this fact until it was too late. Way too late. John had asked Melissa out on a magical first date and had completely bowled her over. A whirlwind romance that turned into roller coaster ride that had stopped abruptly, leaving shattered dreams and broken promises. He had made so many promises to her, and had seemed to mean each one. She had lived for those promises...

3 years ago
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Lovesick Husband

Kurt is back in town and coming to visit and fuck his wife My wife Gerta had baked chocolate cookies, my favorite, and they were now on a plate on the kitchen table, still nice and hot, their fragrance filling the room. She was sitting there in just a low-cut top that barely contained her huge bust, and shorts that looked ready to burst from the size of her double-wide butt. I had just finished washing all the dishes, which is one of my regular chores, and thought I deserved a reward, so I...

2 years ago
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Lovesick Husband

Kurt is back in town and coming to visit and fuck his wife My wife Gerta had baked chocolate cookies, my favorite, and they were now on a plate on the kitchen table, still nice and hot, their fragrance filling the room. She was sitting there in just a low-cut top that barely contained her huge bust, and shorts that looked ready to burst from the size of her double-wide butt. I had just finished washing all the dishes, which is one of my regular chores, and thought I deserved a reward, so I...

4 years ago
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Lovers First Time

Rhonda felt dizzy, short of breath and incredibly aroused. She clung to her boyfriend Eric as they kissed on his couch. He had her pressed back against the arm rest, one hand on her hip the other on the back of her neck as if afraid she was going to pull away. His tongue was deep in her mouth and Rhonda could hear soft little grunts of pleasure coming from deep in his throat. Eric finally broke their kiss but immediately moved his lips to her neck. Rhonda took advantage of the break and...

Love Stories
5 years ago
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Unloved but sucking cock

So here I was on X hamster not feeling great, having a bout of depression, when I find a post from a guy not far from me. He happens to be on line so we start chatting as you do, swap the odd photo, turns out he likes to take photos, is open minded and likes my nylon pics with me in stockings. Asked if the wife is free which she not as working.We swap a few more comments when he asks if I was free and fancied popping round for a coffee.Well to be honest, I kinda wanted some company, the 3 weeks...

3 years ago
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Loves Price

Pale moonlight filtered through the trees, and I sniffed the light breeze that brushed my face. Moss, pollen and the other smells of the forest registered, but I ignored them. I caught the faint traces of something flowery, something that had no business being here. The source was upwind, and I made my way along a low spot in the forest where a small stream ran in the rainy season. This was elven territory, where I was not welcome, so I moved carefully through the trees and brush. I gripped my...

2 years ago
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Loves Labor Found

The Dog Days of August were finally at an end. Dave let out a sigh as he stepped off the jetway. He was finally on the journey home. It felt like he'd spent more time on business trips than in Colorado during the past month. After doing a quick mental calculation, he chuckled and shook his head. He had, and it wasn't even close. It'd been over six weeks since he'd spent three consecutive nights sleeping in his own bed. And the days he'd been home hadn't been all that great either, he...

2 years ago
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Loves Eternal Circle

Copyright© 1996-2003 "There once was a lady named Carter, Fell in love with a virile young Tartar. She stripped off his pants, At his prick quickly glanced, And cried: 'For that I'll be a martyr!'" -author unknown "Love Eternal" Those were the words we spoke to each other on our wedding day. In fact, standing at the head of the church, we had almost a hundred witnesses to those phrases, including the priest who pronounced us married. I can still remember the echo from...

4 years ago
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Loves Big Bang

The windshield wipers on the black SUV swept frantically back and forth, valiantly fighting a losing battle with the ever-thickening snowfall. Jennifer Love Hewitt brought the overmatched vehicle to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road; or at least she thought it was the middle of the road, the blizzard conditions made it nearly impossible to distinguish anything outside the truck. She turned on the interior light and reread her directions for what seemed like the hundredth time. The...

3 years ago
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Loves Strange Course

Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It's like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you're going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January; it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...

2 years ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 20 Penance

I spent less than twenty minutes on the phone with my dad as we came up with a plan. He was very happy to hear from my mom I was free of the commands Father Xavier had given me, and even more pleased to hear I was interested in going to the Crow Academy, a coed boarding school for teens with the telepathic ability. Troublesome telepathic teens from all over the continent were sent to the Crow Academy to knock off their rough edges and learn self-control, coexistence and humility. Weekly...

2 years ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 21 Salvation

After spending Friday cleansing seven girls, I had the rest of the weekend off as the rest of the girls weren’t ready. So what did I do with my time? I spent part of Saturday afternoon haggling with my parents about the future of the Hamilton mansion. Like my father, I had formed a sense of resentment towards the south wing out of what I had done there. When my dad suggested tearing down the south wing, I was perfectly okay with it. My mom didn’t like the idea, but she really didn’t have a...

3 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 2

That Jack would actually call her within a week was really surprising to Ariel. He called her three days later and they met at a local coffee shop called Café Z. They sat at a corner table drinking coffee and talking about many topics, the weather, sports, music, current events, and their families. They were there for 3 hours enjoying each other's company when Ariel asked him to come to her house for dinner the next night. He accepted right away, saying, "I'll even bring the wine,...

2 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 3

Ariel went into the kitchen to stir the pasta, which was almost done. She put the wine in the freezer to chill. Jack came into the kitchen and placed the long white box on the table. He walked up behind Ariel and slid his hands around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her neck. Ariel laughed and gently pushed Jack away, saying with a laugh, "Dinner's gonna burn if you continue doing that! Here, make yourself useful and toss the salad." She handed him the salad tongs and he took the...

3 years ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 22 Shepherds Gift

Making love to an eighteen-year-old, a seventeen-year-old and three fifteen-year-old girls was, for the first time, not a chore for me. Belinda Graves, the junior, was especially fun. My first titty fuck. I thought about having a painting made up for it, but later decided it would be kind of creepy. I was using the RVs again since the south mansion was now closed. Adam and Jessica helped out at the RV, but my mom was pretty much running the show. Jessie was there too, though she wasn’t aware...

4 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 4

Ariel stepped away, took Jack's hand and grabbed the wine bottle. He grabbed the glasses and they went into the kitchen, then Ariel led him up the stairs to her bedroom. She placed the bottle and glasses on the dresser. Then she walked over to her bookshelf and turned on her stereo to some soft rock music. When she turned around, Jack was sitting on the bed smiling at her. She smiled back at him then walked to the bed and sat beside him. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Jack...

3 years ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 23 Happy Birthday

The twins were at the airfield in their new white convertible limo. That limo was a sweet ride, especially from all the buttons. I love buttons. The twins had been using my dad’s convertible while I had been gone, so having the top down was nothing special for them or our friends. I was momentarily a little jealous of how they had spoiled our friends with that without me, but it was to help cheer them up rather than show off. We rode with the top down. I thought it was cool, and not just...

3 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 5

"Are you ok, honey? Am I hurting you?" Jack asked. Ariel said, "I'm fine, Jack. It doesn't hurt at all. In fact, it feels wonderful! Love me Jack! NOW!" Jack smiled and kissed her as he started moving inside her, slowly in and out, almost withdrawing all the way before plunging back into her completely. Ariel drew her legs up, wrapped them around his waist and locked her ankles behind his back, giving him deeper penetration. He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth,...

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