Love in Cathedral Heights
- 4 years ago
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A Wedding In Cathedral Heights Book II
Keri finished going through the wedding invitations. It was exhausting work.Gerry had some five hundred relatives to invite, as well as all these businesscontacts. She heard a sigh from the kitchen, almost a moan. Poor Gerry?it washard when he was cleaning the baseboards or leaning down to scrub the bottomof the refrigerator, because his hard cock, encased in the horrible cage,was squooshed against his stomach, making both stomach and cock rather painfullycontracted. Keri smiled. He should stop thinking about sex, then. She returnedto the invites. Keri only had about thirty-five people to invite?herimmediate family, high school friends, some university friends, though she'dbeen much too busy with Gerry's training and her various lovers to havemuch of a college social life. The most important person she was goingto invite was her cousin Margo?Margo and her mother, Aunt Helen, had takenlittle Keri Ann from a life of drudgery and proletarian predictability, intothe fabulous adventure she was having now?.Margo would have to come. Keri sighed.Aunt Helen would have loved to have seen what Keri had done with Gerry, afterHelen had passed on.
Keri looked down at all the envelopes. She thought of all the otherstuff going on. Though Gerry did the grunt-work, it was Keri who had to planthis thing, and also work on Gerry's training, balancing that with her specialservices to Giles and the others, and of course her work for her International Relations at American U. She needed help, and she needed agood lover and an arm to lean on. It was time to tell Gerry about Bill. Kerireached past the envelopes and rang a large brass bell, and Gerry cameinto the room, slowly, walking carefully on five inch spike heels. His feetwere squashed into the heels?no transvestite shoe store supplied shoes fora man of Gerry's size?and he had trouble balancing.
Gerry had complained about wearing a dress around the house, so Keri was lettinghim wear short hot pants and net stockings, and a lavender blouse with a plungingneckline. Gerry was grimacing a little, and Keri looked down at the cock cagehanging out of the open zipper of the hot pants. Yes , his peniswas hard, engorged, and twisting around in the cage, which was purposely toosmall to accommodate full erections. Gerry must be looking at the seventeenyear old sunning herself in the back yard, Keri thought.
?Did you get the refrigerator cleaned yet?? Keri asked pleasantly. ?Yes,Miss Keri?I cleaned the kitchen, and scrubbed and waxed the floors in the kitchenand dining room.? Gerry was pleased at his industry that day. ?Are-are theinvites all right? My secretary addressed them, and I stamped them. I don'tthink I forgot anyone.? Gerry looked anxiously at Keri's razor strop,hanging on its nail.
Keri smiled, and patted the seat next to her on the sofa. ?Yes, darling. I'mquite pleased with everything.? Gerry sat down hesitantly. Good moods withMiss Keri were quite often more dangerous than when she was irritable. Keristacked the envelopes and put them on the coffee table and leaned towards Gerry,her breasts pressing against the light blue turtleneck. ?I need to talk toyou about someone who may be moving in with us.?
Keri reached over and stroked Gerry's rouged cheek. ?I have a friend who isgoing to give us a lot of help ? Gerry looked puzzled. ?Move in withus?? Gerry had never quite gotten over the fact that Keri had purchased a separateapartment, and that she was working as a teasing and denial dominatrix, or ?therapist?.This was new. ?Why? Do you need help, Miss Keri? I do all the housework, thecooking, yard work, and I give you lots of money to hire help for anythingelse.? Gerry leaned back. ?I think we are quite happy, don't you? We're gettingmarried??
Keri gently interrupted. ?Do you remember Bill? Bill DiMarco ?? A look ofpain came over Gerry's face, but at the same time his cock swelled furtheragainst the metal bars. Keri had met Bill in her Philosophy of Political Inquiryseminar, Bill was a muscular, handsome guy?and he and Keri had becomelovers. Gerry was used to this sort of thing, he had long experience of servingbreakfast in bed to Keri and her lovers, and Miss Helen and herparamours previously . He had even gotten used to some boyfriends witnessingand occasionally participating in his discipline sessions.
But Bill was different than the other men, in that he had no discomfortwhatsoever at Keri having a male slave, and had demanded his due during thetimes he stayed over. When Keri got her morning oral attentions from Gerryjust after waking up, Bill insisted that Gerry come over and suck his cockas well. Bill had become quite interested in participating in Gerry's training,and sometimes took Gerry down to the basement dungeon for discipline and CBTwhile Keri was studying upstairs or playing Frisbee with other friends. AlthoughKeri gave a good scientific whipping, knowing all of Gerry's especially sensitivespots, like the tender area between his bottom and thighs, Bill was far morevicious in wielding the whip or strap, and he swung with the force of one whobench pressed 350 four times a week. Bill had taught Gerry various forms ofgood cocksucking and also how to ?rim? Bill and his ?bear? friends from DupontCircle . It turned out that Bill was bisexual, and had spent five years asthe live in master of a prominent oncologist in Chicago .
Gerry shivered. ?Bill, why Bill. Miss Keri, I don't like Bill.? Ker smiled,and ruffled Gerry's hair. She reached into her purse and took out hercuffs and her ring with the two all important keys. She gestured for Gerryto put his hands behind his head, and locked his hands there with the cuffs,and then motioned for Gerry to stand up. Keri carefully pulled Gerry's hotpants down around his knees, and unlocked his chastity cage. Pulling it off,Keri lightly stroked Gerry's stiffening cock with her fingertips. ?Now, isn'tthat better?? Gerry gasped. Kerri had been so furious after Gerry had burstin on her and Giles several weeks ago.
She'd not taken him out of the cage even to play with?and hispoor cock had felt the neglect. He'd had to keep up his regular cunnilinguisschedule, eating her out four or five times a day, and giving Keri lots of long, nude massages. Keri of course walked around a great deal in clingingbelly shirts, short-shorts, whatever the weather was, when she was inside,and high heels.
Keri had been a Hooters waitress in high school, and often wore thisoutfit, which drove Gerry mad .. Although once she had tied Gerry up, and rubbedice against the bars of the cage to calm his painful erection, his requestsfor her attentions had been met with flat no's. ?Please, please? he'd begged. ?Keri,please just stroke me a little?even if I can't cum.? Keri would shake her headsorrowfully. ?Gerald, you have to learn to hold your temper. I just don't feellike touching you for a while. But you can touch me. Why don't you rubthis scented oil on my breasts again??
Now, feeling Kerri's forefinger toying with his bulging glans for the firsttime in three weeks, Gerry was almost panting. ?What's wrong, baby?? Keri asked,smiling. ?Is this too much stimulation?? Keri was wearing a snug t-shirt thatsaid ? Vienna ? on it, reminiscent of their last trip to Europe (Giles, Keri'smoney client, was pestering him now to go abroad with HIM.) and she was alsowearing a mini skirt, despite the fact that it was February. ?No, MissKeri ,please continue..? Gerry had been dying for this. The jewelry he'd boughtthis woman in the last ten days to have this happen?and now, finally. His cockfelt like it was swelling into a Louisville Slugger. Oh, my.
Keri smiled, and leaned over, kissing Gerry's neck. Pulling back, she continuedto gently tease Gerry's cock with two fingers. ?Honey, I want Bill to comelive with us?.? Keri's voice was soft but firm. ?I really need a man aroundthe house.? Gerry's shoulders slumped. ?And he's a great lover?I love yourtongue, but honey, sometimes I gotta have a stiffie in there, you know?? Gerrylooked at his beautiful girl desperately. ?Miss Keri, maybe our relationshipcan change a little bit now?we're getting married. I love our sessions, andI couldn't go without them, but we could make a little tender love? ? Keriput her other hand over his mouth. ?No, sweetheart.? Keri smiled. ?You're agood little guy, but Mommy needs Daddy, I think?and also, Bill will help mewith you, your training.? Gerry's heart stopped.
To have Bill DiMarco around the house all the time? He'd left poor Gerry blackand blue, and with a swollen jaw from cocksucking , just constantly, the previousspring, and Bill was only visiting once a week or so then! And who was thisguy that he'd be telling Gerry what to do? Gerry was smarter, frankly, andmuscular himself, and a lot better looking. He only submitted to Bill becauseit was under Keri's orders, though then Bill was quite a martinet to him. Keri'slong pink forefinger nail was teasing Gerry's foreskin, occasionally wanderingunder the shaft to worry the frenum , and then inching its way back up to thetop?Gerry loved this, but wanted her to grab his cock and jerk it and jerkit. But Keri was too smart for this. For up to a month after Gerry had an orgasm,Kerri would tease him with alternate long and short masturbatory pulls?tenquick strokes to get his cum rising, and then ten slow ones to keep Gerry fromsquirting all over the place. But after six weeks without an orgasm, Keri wouldhave to go much slower, because Gerry was so close to cumming ?closer as histime without release went on.
?I think I could be the guy you want, a man to make love to.? Gerry said withoutmuch hope. Keri squeezed the back of Gerry's neck gently and rubbed thenails of her non-stroking hand over Gerry's chest hairs. Gerry found this incrediblyarousing, especially when she flicked his right nipple. ?Keri loves you, Gerald?butnot that way. And you know you don't want to assume the full responsibilityof using your erection? How long's it been, forty years now??
Gerry turned beet red. It was true, ?Scary Gerry? hellion frat boy had takena room in Helen O'Neill's house, and then he and Helen, a sexy olderwoman, had discovered their mutual interests in dominance, submission, teasingand chastity. Gerry had been only nineteen then. Except for one or two briefflings with other women when he and Miss Helen had been temporarily brokenup, Gerry had not come anywhere except in his own hand for thirty-seven ofhis fifty-six years, either with Helen or Keri. Although Gerry had been quitethe cocksman between ages twelve and nineteen, since then he'd probably forgottenhow to fuck anything. His closest experiences came when Keri had forced himto squirt by humping the dining room floor.
Keri smiled, watching Gerry's red face. ?Honey, you aren't made for that manlystuff. Also, there's the question of your behavior a few weeks ago.? Gerryhung his head. ?I know you have apologized profusely for interrupting me andmy client, but Giles was very affected by your blustering, though he did enjoyyour pleasuring his wee-wee.? Gerry blushed harder. ?And the nice jewelry you'vegiven me from Tiffanys ?God we go there every week now, don't we??since thenhas helped in apology?but the fact is.? Kerri began juggling Gerry's ballswith one hand, and pulling his shaft slightly with the other??You just aren'tdisciplined enough, and your training has suffered.
?We'll still have our time together, ? Keri continued, as she played witha vein connecting Gerry's shaft to the scrotum.?I'll still tease you?wheneverI like. But I won't have as much time for that anymore?and Bill says you don'tneed all that teasing. He says you need to do more and behave better withoutall those rewards. He thinks I let you cum too often?I know , it was sixteenmonths before the last one, and seven months since?but Bill thinks you area spoiled sex addict. He wants to train you to be a better boy?a firm handis what you nee?especially now that you and I are getting married.. all thatcommitment, you know..? Gerry sobbed as Kerri tweaked his glans and did a fewstrokes along the shaft. ?You won't be able to share the master bedroom withme any more?Bill will sleep there. He says he thinks you should sleep in thebasement, on the floor, but we'll discuss that later.
Don't cry, honey?I've needed some help with you for a while And really? Kerismiled. ?How is a one hundred ten pound little baby girl supposed to controla 220 pound attack-dog lawyer and rugby player?? Gerry rolled his eyes.She'd done it well enough so far.
Keri's long French nails stroked the tip of Packer's cock, and trailedup and down his purple vein, before stroking the sensitive area just belowthe glans vigorously. Packer bit his tongue, he was shaking all over, his armsand legs pulling helpessly in their four-point restraint on the punishmenttable . Unlike Keri's boys who she would tease until just before theycame, Packer was a control slave. Keri would try to make Packer cum?he wasteased, tormented and tortured, and he'd get oh, so close, but he so far, hadn'tlet loose?the punishment for these sins were serious. Keri grinned, and tickledPacker's balls. She was wearing a little blue T-shirt, and her breasts wereprominent beneath it, and they seemed to pull the shirt up over her pants,exposing her navel prominently. ?C'mon, Packer?? Keri crooned. ?Are you goingto squirt in Keri's palm?? Keri rubbed Packer's shaft with vigor and Packerbit his lip watching the French nails dance across the shaft. ?Oh, Gertie'sgoing to be proud of you.? Keri smiled.
. Keri had picked him up at the airport and driven him back to his place?shehad been house sitting for him while he was gone. He'd never guessed that housesitting was part of her program in filling his special needs, but, as she said ? I don'tget to stay in houses this big very often.? When they'd gotten back, Keri hadhelped Packer to put his stuff away, and then asked him how he'd been?he admittedthat he'd had nasty thoughts and lustful desires about stewardesses and younggirls in crop-tops Rollerblading around San Marco Square during his stay inVenice.
Keri had ordered Packer to strip naked and she'd removed his chastitybelt. It seemed that everyone had a key to that belt but Packer. Gertrude hadcontacts all around the world---women who Packer would drop in on, and they'dunlock him, tease him for a bit, and then lock him right back up again, togo to his next destination. Madam Solozzo in Venice had been incredibly stimulating,and Gertrude had even bribed a stewardess on Packer's private jet to unlockhim in the bathroom, and give him a quick, extensive stroking before lockinghim back up and turning him over to Keri.
After Keri had clothes and chastity belt off, she tied him face down on thepunishment table in his basement. Using a series of willow switchesthat she'd had soaking in the bathtub all afternoon, Keri had made Packer repentrather loudly for his carnal sins of the heart. After she'd drawn blood, Keriturned Packer around and re-strapped him to the bed, and begun quickly stroking.
Packer was an unusual client for Keri, as he actually had a wife-mistresswho lived in Packer's Manhattan apartment?Packer couldn't wait to get hometo Gertrude, she'd promised him that he could cum when he got back---IF hecould jerk off with his left hand in less than four minutes. Packer was terriblyhorny. Gertrude was more generous with Packer's chances for orgasm than Keriever was with Gerry. Packer got a chance to jack off once a month? but theywere chances?and he had to earn them.
When Packer and Gertrude had lived in the Bethesda house together, once Packerwas told to jerk off in front of the picture window. Being campaign managerto a gubernatorial candidate at the time, Packer quietly forfeited hisright to cum that month. Gertrude was much easier on Packer the next month,letting him quietly jerk off in the privacy of his den, but wearing sandpapergloves. Another time Packer was forced to do sit-ups to the point that he couldauto- fellate himself?that was a tough one. Packer had had to do daily crunches andsit-ups for nearly six months before he could get his dick in his mouth, andthen another four before he made himself cum there?ten months of chastity.In the last year,
Packer had had a very difficult time, as Gertrude kept giving him time limits,and it was hard to jerk off in five minutes when you'd been stuffed with cumfrom excessive teasing?at least in Packer's case.
Gertrude put Packer through excessive CBT if he had an unauthorized orgasm,so Packer had become very good at holding back, but it was hell. ConstantlyPacker was being teased by his wife or his various ?managers? in differentstates and cities around the world, and he wasn't allowed to cum. Gertrudealso allowed Packer to screw her, but he had to pull out before anything ?wet? happened.
Once or twice Gertrude had hired six hundred dollar near-model level callgirls to give Packer slurpy blowjobs, sometimes for nearly an hour. Packerhad to hold his orgasm back. So then when Gertrude had ordered him tocum within ten minutes three months ago, jerking with his left hand, Packerhad been somewhat inhibited?and he hadn't made it within the allotted time.Next month she shortened it to five minutes, and he had to jerk with his lefthand while she caned his butt?and now he had to do it in three and a half minutes?buthe hoped he'd be ready then, and that he wouldn't cum now was so tempting.
Keri, alive with sweat from the three hour stroking, took off her shirt, showinga lacy pink bra, with the tops of her breasts looking like opaque basketballs,Packer thought. Keri poured lots of lube over Packer's crotch and began pumpingheavily and quick and fast?when Keri was dealing with a client who was tryingto cum, she would alternate quick and fast with slow, slow strokes, to keephim from spurting, but Gertrude had promised Keri a three hundred dollar bonusadded to her fee of a grand if she could get Packer to cum?so Keri went atit. Packer had to be careful, the last time he came without permission, Ms.Gertrudehad put some kind of itching powder in his chastity belt, and lockedit up for a week, followed by a week of Ben-Gay in the belt.
Keri pumped wildly, and Packer closed his eyes for a moment and groaned?thenfinally she slowed down, and he opened them, and Keri flashed a nipple at him,pulling down her bra cup swiftly. This was so hard for Packer. He loved Gertrude,but she was in her fifties, and Keri was so much more attractive. It wouldinfuriate Gertrude if Packer had an orgasm here when he was so successful atwithholding them at home, as if to imply Gertrude was too wrinkled to givehim one.
Keri stroked faster?Packers cock jumped and bucked, and he tried to move hiships away from her magical hands, but he was tightly bound to the four boltholders of the hard metal table, each of his limbs stretched way out. Kerikept on, Packer watching her jiggling breasts in their lacy balcony?He wasso close?but then he remembered another time when he'd cum without permissionin the hands of a domme in Tokyo, and when Gertrude had discovered it, she'djammed Packer's wee-wee in a jar of angry wasps. He'd nearly been hospitalizedthat time. He by some miracle was able to keep from cumming ?he watched Keri'stits, and her long fingernails across his foreskin?remember the wasps?Keriflashed another nipple at Packer, and rubbed a thumb along his frenulum . Maybeit was worth it to cum?no , Remember back in '98 when Gert caught youmasturbating and attached the jumper cables?...hold back?remember the stapler?Hold back?Keri tickled Packer's balls and went on, but finally Packer seemedto prevail. Although he was still hard as marble, she could tell that he wasdetermined not to cum.
Finally Keri stopped stroking Packer in exhaustion. ?Well, I am proud of you,Packer.? She climbed off the table and put her T-shirt back on, it somehowemphasized the curve of her breasts even more prominently.
?You have amazing self-control?Gertrude is going to be so proud of you...Idon't know why she puts you in a chastity belt at all.? Keri picked up thelast willow switch, the others had all broken on Packer's ass, and looked atit meditatively. ?Gerry, my fiancée, just came without permission abouttwo days ago.? She looked at Packer, who felt some pride at his self control.It was amazing how he could endure this sort of thing, but he kept the punishmentsdown?he was aroused by CBT, but he was also terrified of it, and the strengthnot to cum, rewarded him in this way. ?You know, Packer, I was so mad at Gerry,he'd only been celibate nine months?he came in my hand, and this isn't thefirst time.?
Keri began tapping the willow switch against Packer's engorged, purple penis,streaming with pre-ejaculate. ?It was sad?he didn't even enjoy cumming , ashe was so filled with fear over his punishment, which of course followed immediately.? Keritapped Packer's cock a little harder with the willow switch. Keri sighed. ?IfGerry had just waited, I was going to let him cum in me for the first timeon our wedding night. It was supposed to be a surprise ? Keri hit the tip ofPacker's glans lightly, and Packer winced.? ?Gerry would've not cum fora year then, and it was going to be such a nice reward, getting his firstsquirtie in a year, with real sex, and I'm a demon in bed, Packer? Packer'scock got bigger with no hand stimulation. Keri shook her head. ?I had to punishGerry quite severely?so I whipped his cock with a switch very much like thisone.? Keri began tapping even faster on Packer's cock.
?In case you had some idea about cumming ,? Keri said, tapping rapidlyon the glans , ? I think I should give you a demonstration of what a cock whippingfrom Keri is like.?
Packer grew alarmed. ? But Miss Keri, I didn't cum. You teased and jerkedme for three hours and I didn't?you don't have to show me the punishment, Iwas good?OW!? Keri whacked Packer's cock quite hard. ?I know, Packer, but youmight just get some ideas.? Keri looked stern. ?This will just let you knowwhat you'll get if you cum against the will of me and your Gertrude.?
Keri whacked Packer's cock, right on the glans again. She had amazing aim,it didn't travel across the cock at all?right on the tip. Keri struck again,and Packer screamed. Packer's cock was so hard, from all of Keri's stroking,and slick with precum and lubricant, and the willow switch of course was wetalso?it was terribly painful?Packer thought perhaps he was being bull whipped,this hurt so much.
SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! Packer screamed and cried as the switch hit his glans againand again, before Keri stopped. ?Are you all right, dear?? Keri askedin honeyed tones. Packer gasped and huffed. ?Miss Keri, you're blistering thehead of my penis, ma'am?please.? Keri looked carefully at the bruised glans, and nodded. ?How right you are, Packer.? Keri unlocked Packer's legirons and re-connected his legs to the same bolts that held his arms, leavingPacker's butt up in the air, and his cock standing straight out, the ballshanging loose. Keri strapped a cock ring around the base of the scrotum, pushingthe organs out from Packer's uplifted groin. Packer's testicles were huge andthus a good target, as his scrotum was very swollen from months of semenbacklog, and Keri pulled the balls up over Packer's legs.
Keri backed off, picked up the switch and hit Packer five times on his exposedballs. ?Why, what are you doing?? Packer screamed, tears running down his face.He could no longer see Keri hitting him, with the legs jacked over his face,so he couldn't emotionally prepare himself for it. ?You asked me to stop hittingyou on the tip of your cock, so I'm variating .? Keri smiled, and exercisedher arm a few more times before her cell phone rang. Keri picked up the phoneand said ?Hello? Oh, Bill. Hold on.? Keri moved over to the bolts connectingPacker's wrists and ankles. She pushed Packer's cock until it was close tohis mouth. ?Suck? Keri ordered. Packer sighed, and opened his mouth and beganfellating himself, just as Gertrude had taught him.
?I'm going to be on the phone for a while, Packer, so I want youto suck your cock til it's really hard again?it seems to have wilted a bitfrom my efforts. I am going to talk on the phone. If I see you let go of yourcock, let it out of your mouth at all, I am going to give you the willow, andGertrude has given me permission to horsewhip you if you cum in your I suggest you suck slowly.? Packer made some noises, indicating that hewould do as she said, and please don't punish him further. Keri walked overto an easy chair near the punishment table and picked up the phone.
Bill DiMartino leaned against the couch, and watched Gerry jump up and down.Gerry had been wearing a pink dress, but this had been discarded, as had thecock cage. Gerry would never dare masturbate with Bill around?he was too distractedfor that right now, anyway. Bill laughed. He waited for Keri to sign on again,the phone crooked next to his ear. He was hoping that Keri's session wouldlast a while, as he wanted to lock Gerry in the closet and go downtown?he hada date with a nice vanilla girl with a huge inheritance. The other night atLa Tomate , Candace had confessed that she sometimes fantasized about beinghit with a belt, and as far as Bill was concerned, this was a message fromGod.
Bill's cousin Santino was a monk at the seminary near Catholic University, and Bill had a monthly engagement there as well. Bill would come see Sanny, strip him, whip him , and then Bill would allow Sanny to give him atongue bath and several blowjobs before he'd take off his cousin's chastitybelt, and then masturbate Sanny by squeezing the heel of his boot into thehead of Sanny's cock. Then the belt was put back on for another thirty daysof celibacy at Sanny's job doing P.R. at the John Paul II Cultural Center. Bill?Homosexual? Heterosexual? For Gillaume Tattaglia Dimartino Jr.,sexual preference was generally a case of whatever came through the door first.
?Please Sir? Gerry was dancing about madly. ?Please give me the key to thebathroom?? Bill grinned. Since Gerry's unfortunate spooge two days ago, Kerihad kept him on a punishment schedule with dire situations only known to herpeculiar imagination. Gerry had had to write a thousand times ?I will not haveunauthorized orgasms? writing one letter in pencil, then one letter ink. (?Iwill not ..? took Gerry at least a minute and a half) Then yesterday, she'dhad Bill give Gerry an ice cold enema, and made him hold it while running ona treadmill.
And today was the worst?Keri had fed Gerry two pitchers of iced tea,and then locked the keys to the bathroom up?one drop of urine would be a veryuncomfortable situation for Gerald Morin, LLD, J.D. Keri had instructed Billto give it to Gerry hard if he dropped anything on the floor and thecarpet, and she'd also slipped a little Ex-lax in Gerry's cocoa that morning. ?Please,Sir?please let me go to the bathroom.?
?I just can't take holding it in ..? Gerry's tears were streaming all overhis face. ?I am trying to, but it's been soo long. ? Gerry pulled his legstogether. Bill took another toke and then picked up a pitcher of water andbegan pouring it slowly into the glass, and Gerry burst into tears further,gritting his teeth against releasing. Between the semen backload andhis near-infected bladder, this was almost too much. His right hand was swollenfrom writing sentences for days and days?
?Don't you have sentences to finish?? Bill grinned at Gerry, who appearedto be doing a Native American tribal dance right outside the lavatory door. ?ChiefGerry? Bill said, laughing. ?Keri said you could wee-wee after you finishedyour thousand sentences?where are you on that, slave-boy? Bill took a hit ofhis joint, and leaned into the phone to hear Keri coming back. Gerry leanedhis arm against the wall outside the bathroom, and cinched his buttcheeks togetherto keep from dropping a Hershey squirt, and prayed that nothing come out ofhis urine filled penis. ?I'm up to eight hundred and seventy-three sentences,Sir.? Gerry bit his tongue.
?It was much easier after you let me just write in ink, instead of alternatingwith pencil. Thank you.? Bill laughed. ?Well, I'm going to ask Miss Keri whatshe thinks? hello? ? Bill leaned into the phone. ?Yes, Keri?Gerry wants topee. He's done eight hundred fifty sentences or so ..? ?Eight hundred seventy-three,sir!? Bill looked evilly at Gerry. ?Did you interrupt me, Gerald? Your Masteris on the phone.? Gerry dropped to his knees on the wood floor and puthis head on the ground. ?I'm soo sorry ..please ?? Bill laughed. ?What? He'sbeen locked out of the bathroom for five hours?since eight a.m ?? Bill nodded.
?Keri says if you can finish up to nine hundred sentences, you can go to thebathroom, Gerald?I would stand while I wrote them?? Gerry put his knees together. ?Ican't write?I can't move?? Bill related this to Keri. ?She says you are tryingto manipulate me, Gerald?Keri, I really don't want him to ..yeah . I mean,I had to hose him off in the back yard last week, it was truly disgusting.? Billlistened. There was noise on the other line. ? Packer just came in hisown mouth?? Bill was delighted. ?Won't Gertrude be mad?you get a bonus now.He's trying to bribe you not to tell ?? Bill laughed, and said goodbye to Keri.Bill looked severely at Gerry, and threw the key, and Gerry lunged for it. ?MissKeri says that you can go to the bathroom before finishing your sentences,but I am going to give you fifty with the large wooden paddle.? Gerry noddedgratefully, and opened the bathroom door.
Eight minutes later, Gerry came hesitantly into the room, dropped to his kneesand put his head on the floor in front of Bill DiMartino . Bill was much moreformal than Keri in these matters, and insisted on this form of address whenGerald greeted him. Bill was very strict?Gerry had given Bill a job as a mailclerk at his firm, and assigned Bill to his floor. Bill brought his mail cartaround to Gerry's office three times a day for deliveries of faxes ,Federal Express packages, and of course, mail. Usually Bill didn't see Gerrypersonally, as Gerry was now a managing partner with a huge office and twoparalegals two secretaries, and a receptionist, but at least once every twodays , Bill would tell Mrs. Hawkins, Gerry's receptionist thathe had something for Gerry to sign, and he'd go into Gerry's office,and close the door.
Usually, Bill would just have Gerry give him a quick blowjob, and sometimeshe'd kick the managing attorney in the balls, but at least twice a month, Billand Gerry would have a heavier scene when Bill came in to have Gerry ?signthe paper.?
If Gerry had a client, Bill would have Gerry sign some piece of mail,and go down stairs, waiting for Gerry to buzz him back up. But if Gerry wasalone, or could dismiss his client, once he and Bill were in the room alone,things changed. Gerry would strip to his chastity belt and touch his head onthe floor, rise, and then bend over the arm of his couch and then Bill wouldput a leather gag in Gerry's mouth cuff Gerry's hands and whip Gerry silentlywith a car radio arial that they kept in a closet in theoffice. Bill had a great arm with a car arial , having used them in gang warswhen he was a tough kid on Division Street in Chicago , and it was interestingto watch Gerry contort?were it not for his gag and the police handcuffs, Gerrywould've screamed and run out into the hall way of the firm, yelling bloodymurder. Bill couldn't have this, it would've messed up the mailroom job, whichwas a great slacker environment.
Bill would stop switching Gerry's buttocks and thighs when he drew blood, andthen he'd help Gerry off the couch arm and to the floor, where Gerry wouldroll about in agonized silence, his hands still trapped behind him, until finallyhis pain had subsided. Then he would pull himself over to where Bill was sittingon the couch, and Bill would unlock Gerry's chastity belt, masturbate Gerryto a full erection, and then hit his penis and balls ten or fifteen times.Gerry could only take a few of these, as opposed to the fifty on his behind.But even then, Bill would have to cuff Gerry's ankles together, to keep Gerryfrom rolling over on the carpet.
After this, Bill would rub his Doc Marten work boots around on Gerry's cockand balls as Gerry moaned behind his gag?Bill would alternate between strokingGerry's penis gently with the boots, and then harder, stabbng with the heel?finally,just before Gerry would cum, Bill would kick him sharply in the nuts and thenput the belt back on. Then Bill would unlock Gerry's wrist and ankle cuffsand have Gerry give Bill a blow job and a rim-job. Often Bill would do a number2 in the bathroom, and not wipe well?he would have Gerry lick him out, withGerry on his knees, his hands massaging and gently pulling Bill's asscheeksapart as he licked out the full rectum..
Then Bill would take a clean pair of jockey shorts out of a file cabinet inGerry's office and put them on, while Gerry dressed, and then return to hismail duties. During the entire time in Gerry's office, during punishment, andfellatio, they said not a word to each other? Mrs Hawkin's ears were tunedfor words, if not for the sound of the car ariel .
After Bill had watched Gerry's head touch the floor for a bit, he motionedGerry to crawl across his lap. Bill lifted his wooden paddle, tapping it lightlyon Gerry's bottom before the onslaught. ?Gerry ..? Bill looked down at hisprone, naked slave, who was trembling. ?Are you glad I'm in your life, Gerry? ? ?Yessir.? ?And that's why at your wedding?? Gerry coughed. ?I've asked you to bemy best man.? Just before the first blow struck, Bill DiMartino thought abouthow great it was to have Gerry Morin as his best friend.
Sunday THE OLD COUPLE HAD NO chance. As soon as he heard them remove the chain, he’d shoved his way inside their apartment across Wisconsin Avenue from National Cathedral. When they saw his black mask and the knife in his hand they folded. Duct tape would keep them immobile and quiet on the sofa while he did his work. It was going to be a bitch of a shot, at least two hundred yards with a slight elevation. He’d made a shot from this distance more than once, but each time was a challenge....
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Awesome Anne is as attractive, as effectively Anne found out that As she often serves in mass very early in the morning. She is very dutyful to serve the Lord, so she usually is first to enter, those cold mornings. Anne doesn't stop praising the tasty teen. This time, for her offering us lots of hours of free time for us three, thanks her key. So she...
Awesome Anne is as attractive, as effectively seductive in getting and extremely curious for enjoying sex for her very first time. Be it with man or woman, she is to get both & at the same time! Anne found out that Cathy has a key to a back-door of the Cathedral. As she often serves in mass very early in the morning. She is very dutyful to serve the Lord, so she usually is first one to enter in those to be conducted for their late husband, offspring or some relative fallen ill or in...
"And so at last I escaped Emerald Lake," said Lulu. Annabelle realized she was literally on the edge of her seat. She slid back and settled in once more, taking a breath as she organized her thoughts. "Wow," she said. "Okay, so you got away from Lester and you were driving toward Chrystal Heights." "Yes," said Lulu. "I stopped only briefly to get dressed- I was naked, after all- and then sped away from Emerald Lake with as much speed as I dared. I had been through this area...
Awesome sound, extremely loud, right below the bells. All town thinks the same: "A very rare, some special occasion! No Royal Babies to be expected yet, so probably the Archbishop finally got his first offspring born?"Attractive Anne drops the ropes from her grip. She collapses at my lap, almost passed out from coming so loud. She seems unaware the bells slowly silence, finally. Peace and solemnity fall back as a blanket over old...
Note: This story started out as a cut and paste. I had what seemed like a slight variation on the story about the serpent of the Incas. By the time I got done revising the premise of the story, it probably would have been easier to start over. I tried to change the plot and keep the sex scenes from the previous story. If the transitions seem choppy, that may be why. If you haven't read the other story, please do, and let me know if you think they are different. Jennifer Marie Stephens was...
Wedding Bondage (Complete)************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2009/April 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started at Brian and Chloe’s wedding. Jane and I knew...
As a tranny callboy/escort, I was always fulfilling the fantasies of lots of gay and bisexual men. But there was a fantasy of my own I had had for awhile that I wanted to fulfill with a handsome bisexual escort myself. I wanted to hire a handsome stud escort to pretend he was my hubby and have honeymoon sex with me like I was a bride on her wedding night.Every single girl fantasizes about having a big handsome man to please every night, to sleep with her and spoon together after sex, feeling...
CrossdressingIntroduction: Continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan Series Wedding bells are Ringing – The wedding of Nicole and William This is a continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan series. In this story, William and Nicole get married and they start their lives together. This is also a work of fantasy, even though the two people depicted in the story are based on Fiancee and myself. If you are a new reader, I suggest you read the Adventures of a Railfan and Nicole, Myself and Rachel before you...
Wedding Dress Surprise At last Jack's wedding dress from Ebay had arrived and he could play dressups as a bride. But when he takes a walk in the garden things take an unexpected turn - for the good. I stood there staring at the package. I had been waiting weeks for the delivery after ordering it from eBay. I had taken a chance and told them I was male, so when they made it from my measurements it would be the right shape perfectly for my body. For my measurements I had...
"Oh baby, your cock feels so nice." the blond haired eighteen-year-old girl called out as she rode up and down on the young man's cock." "I can't believe how hard it is." The dark haired teen beneath her smiled as he held onto her creamy breasts, playing with her small, pert nipples. The seventeen-year-old was stripped to his shorts, pulled down to expose his cock and balls. The girl was still wearing a blue bridesmaid's dress, hiked up to allow access to her pussy. The top of the...
_Disclaimer this is my first ever Chyoa story I hope you enjoy!- - - - - - _ It was a Sunday, a beautiful Sunday at that and where was I. Stuck inside touring this new ‘prestigious’ boarding school alongside my step-mom and step sister. My real father was fed up with my trouble making and gave me an ultimatum, work or go to military school. Luckily my step-mother offered an alternative. Attend Sheerview Heights a boarding school that has been a female only school since its creation however, due...
TeenI was sitting in the lobby of Sea-Tac Airport, August 14th, reading my Kindle waiting for my flight to be called when this woman stumbled in front of me. “What the hell you do that for?” she yelled at me.I looked up at her, “What are you talking about. I’m just sitting here.”“You fucking well know, you tripped me!”God, I hadn’t expected to meet the Wicked Witch of the West in the airport. I looked her up and down quickly. Who knew the Wicked Witch could look like that!“Lady, you might be...
Love StoriesWhen I went to my cousin's wedding in Monterey, California stag, at the reception dinner she had me seated next to the only other male stag invitee, the photographer. He was my age and tall and we hit it off, immediately. Ken was a sports car enthusiast and he told me about the thrilling rides he took along the Pacific Coast Highway. He talked about the beautiful views at scenic lookout points along the Big Sur where he he said you could park and watch the waves pound the coast. He said it was...
CrossdressingWedding Belle My name is Sandy Baker. In school I got teased because Sandy could be considered a girl's name. I got picked on a lot actually. I was a bit short, never grew beyond 5'5", and always too skinny. While most people have trouble losing weight, I am one of those people that had the opposite problem. No matter how hard I tried, I could never seem to get any bigger. So as a child and a teen, I got pushed around and teased a lot by the big bullies in our school. Nor was I...
I stood there on her porch wearing my best blazer and slacks fresh from the cleaners, real shoes instead of tennies, and a nice long sleeved dress shirt. I even had my hair cut the day before to make sure I looked as groomed as possible. I had never been to a Mexican wedding before so I wasn't sure exactly how to dress, but I wanted to make sure Chanticleer wasn't ashamed of me, and suffer the consequences. I also didn't realize that they had weddings in the evening... I'd never been to an...
I’m not a big fan of weddings, probably because my own failed so miserably, but it’s such a needless expense. You would be hard pressed to find a couple who, 3-5 years post nuptial, couldn’t use the money in a better way. But that being said, the custom will never change and girls from 6 to 60 dream of the day they walk down the aisle with Prince Charming waiting at the foot of the altar with all their family and friends as witnesses. I married my High School sweetheart, a relationship, we...
MY WEDDING NIGHT I LOVE YOU! My husbands, of 9 hours, slurred, as he proceeded to drunkenly slide down the hotel sofa, and fall asleep. My wedding day had been everything that I had ever wished for, it was my 19th birthday, the weather was warm and dry, my dress made me feel like a princess, and the flowers in the church looked absolutely wonderful. Petes dad, Roger, said, Well take him to bed, for you. Keith, grab an arm! he shouted to his brother. They then dragged my husband through the...
Jenny was 24 and about to get married to a banker named Greg, he was rich beyond her wildest dreams. He wasn’t the best looking man in the world but was well above average. Jenny however was gorgeous, she couldn’t have been more perfect and as a result Greg really spoilt her as he couldn’t believe he had been so lucky. Jenny had a perfect complexion with light olive skin, flowing blond hair and deep blue eyes, her body had the most amazing curves with the tightest tummy, a firm round arse and...
Tbc………………………………........................Hi guys, if you haven’t read part 1 its kind of a must to enable you to understand this story. Thanks to everyone who commented on part 1 and who gave me suggestions for part 2. Special mentions go to xhamster users : user even wanted me to use their pic for you to look at as you read part 2. So here is lorenz2race for you guys. Please comment on this...
Doug and I had been best friends since the first day at school. Who knows why you choose your first friend? It could be that your mothers push you together. It could be because you turned up at the school gates at the same time. Or it could be because on the first day you sat down next to each other. All I know is that Doug and I were friends from the first day to, well right up to today. Through the first few years we were always in the same classes. We spent holidays at each other’s houses...
Please comment on this story and tell me what you think. Thanks Whorowner  “smile” The photographer was clicking away taking picture after picture of the newly married couple and their guests. Lisa was smiling for the camera, smiling with happiness that she was married, but also smiling to hide the unhappiness of what had happened earlier. Then the photographer suggested a picture with the bride and all the men. All the men attending the wedding started to crowd around the couple. Mark...
“What are you all worked up about?” asked Ethan’s assistant, Colin. “It’s a wedding for God’s sake. You yelled at fucking Bianca for being late for a shoot last week, and now you’re getting all nervous about a wedding?” Ethan scowled, “I am. Do us both a favor and don’t question it. Focus on your driving, please.” Colin laughed, “You are nervous about this one, aren’t you? We’re here.” Ethan looked around. They were, indeed, at the Vandevoort estate. The car was stopped in the big,...
Lisa stood there with her mouth wide open in shock, 20 minutes ago she had been putting the finishing touches to herself getting ready for her big day. Her hair and make up were looking perfect, her nails had been manicured. As she looked at herself in the bridal suite mirror she thought to herself she had never looked better. Her lace and silk white dress gave her a cleavage which was noticeable because of her 38c breasts being pushed up by the tight fit, she had considered whether or not to...
Her lace and silk white dress gave her a cleavage which was noticeable because of her 38C breasts being pushed up by the tight fit. She had considered not wearing a bra, but in the end she chose to put on the lace white bra as it matched her panties and stockings, which she was wearing for her husband later that night. All she had to do was put on her shoes and veil and then wait for her father to come to her room and take her down to the priest, family, and friends, all waiting to see her...
Introduction: Wife and husband decide to have sex while she wears her best friends wedding dress. Bet you cant guess how this ends! Wedding Dress Nightmare Daniella was getting married tomorrow. My wife Kim was the maid of honor and we were staying in the same hotel as the reception. The girls were all doting on Daniella and the boys were all out getting shitfaced with the groom. Kim had just about had it with all of Daniellas ridiculous indulgences and escaped back upstairs to our suite. I...
This is my first attempt at writing a story.Please rate it or give back feedback as I will continue it with fan support.Wedding Crasher It was simply a beautiful day to have a wedding.The sun was shining and there was just a bit of wind to cool things down. Everything was going as good as could be for Alecia and her husband to be.While everything was as should be, Alecia was only thinking about one thing.She was so nervous that someone was coming to the wedding to see her.She knew he was...
Pamela had been one of the most popular girls in her high school. She been in the high school girls' sorority, served as one of the varsity cheerleaders and she'd been voted as "Most Popular" by nearly all the guys and girls in her class. There was no question that Pamela was one of the most attractive and sexiest girls in the school as well and the only problem with Pamela was that she knew she was hot, she knew she was in high demand and she knew she could have her choice of any guy in...
I could not shake that feeling that they had taken me to yet, because of either damn luck or maybe on purpose; they would not take me to that climax, that big one that I had felt building and building as they used me. They came several times, and I only had that one small climax. Needless to say, I felt that I had been cheated, not being able to achieve that climax that I had wanted and at the time felt that I needed so bad. I was glad that Sandy and Terry did not want to talk in the van; I...
A few years back weddings started becoming more themed. Geared towards the couples beliefs instead of the standard church wedding. Tony and Brenda were both divorcees who had met in the swinging arena. Both were swingers and had started pairing up to participate in parties. Tony realized they were compatible and they had been having great sex and he didn't want to risk losing Brenda to someone who would realize this would be the perfect woman to share with others; swinging; and living out...
My wife Holly fucks other men. Not just one, but a bunch of other men. We've been together for 3 years and married for 2 and I have been knowingly (although unwillingly) sharing her with any man that has come along since the day of our wedding.Well, that's not entirely true. Holly doesn't cheat on me with just any man. She has one basic qualifica-tion for the men she allows between her legs. Big cocks. Holly likes big cocks. Not just your run of the mill 7-incher. No, Holly likes guys who are...
Terry (on TV) said to me, "Get me hard again, baby, I'm want to fuck you one more time before I take you to the church to marry your new husband. If you want me to fuck you one more time, all you have to do is begin sucking my cock. Don't worry if you don't want to do it, it is OK. In fact if you want to stop with just Charlie here fucking you in your asshole, drop your head close your eyes and enjoy it as he fucks you, baby. You will get the pictures; either way they are yours." I...
Chapter 1 Gloria and I have loved eachother sense childhood. Puppy love. Of corse we've growmn up togther, and graduated high school. She's growmn into a stunning and respectable woman. We never had sex as Gloria wished to wait untill marriage. I agreed as I loved loved and adored her so deeply. Never did I try to take advantage or encourage sex, as I respected her wish. Mind you, it it hasn't been easy! Watching her grow from an innocent child and blossom into the well-shaped adult woman...
“They’re not here,” read the text from my pal Greg that was the first sign of trouble on my wedding day.Greg, a grad student who worked part-time as a limo driver, had gone to pick up my bride Julia and her bridesmaid Marcy from Marcy’s condo.“What do you mean not here?” I texted back, my heart starting to race.“Literally. The girls are gone. The lady next door thinks she heard them leave around noon,” came the reply.The blood left my face. I sank into a chair and stared at my screen, not quite...
First Time*note: This story is a prelude to The Ceremony. I really had not thought of this before but every wedding needs planning. Enjoy Wedding Plans - By: Yvonne Kristine Emerson It was four in the afternoon as I pulled my car into the driveway. I walked to the house I knew my Mistress soon to be wife would be waiting. Tonight we would be meeting with her girlfriends to begin our wedding planning. This would be another in a long line of steps toward my complete feminization. As...
It had been a while since I was last able to dress up. The hair on my face and body had been growing out and my private time was very limited. Unfortunately. When the music sang to me. "We're going out of town next week." They were going away to visit some family and asked if I could join them. Naturally, I made up some excuse so I could stay back and "watch the house" while they were gone. Of course, that meant it was girl time! I had planned to spend the whole week dressed as a...
Still dressed in our wedding attire we stopped back at our apartment. We made it up the elevator to the 5th floor, laughing as we passed some people congratulating us. There were some gifts labeled “Congratulations Shane and Kelsey” on the center island as we walked into our place. The apartment was more than we could afford as it was a new fancy unit. The entrance opened up to a very open kitchen with a small nook where you could sit, take off shoes and hang your coat. If you walked in a bit...
My name is Jason. I am 24 years old and work as an apprentice with a pretty good photographer called William. As well as his normal weddings and portraits, William does photo shoots for clothing and product brochures, and other similar projects. William charges a lot of money for the brochure shoots but offers the guarantee that if his work is not to the customers liking he will retake the pictures for free. I have worked with William for nearly 3 years and so far he has never had an...
Mix up. That's what happened the long weekend we were going to a wedding. It was a friend of my parents who were getting married and we had to travel the Lake Tahoe to attend.The wedding was held at a little resort in the middle of nowhere. It was at least 30 minutes outside South Lake, up in the mountains. A beautiful old mansion, with some extra small cabins in the grounds.I drove up with my parents in their car. It was a pretty small wedding, maybe because the wedding couple both had been...
A little 'loving wives' tale*"Oh my God!That's it ---- that's it ---- don't stop.Aaah you bull you, you fucking bull.More ---- more ---- more!Oh yes --- yes --- yeeeeeeeeeees!"With a final shudder that ran right through my body, my toes uncurled, my nipples seemed to explode. Then I collapsed exhausted on top of the hunk of a man that I was astride.My bare breasts flattened against his chest, and slowly, no hurry, just very slowly and deliciously, I experienced that wonderful feeling of his...
Janet and I had met and dated for four months when I asked her to marry me. She agreed and we began to plan the "big event". Neither Janet nor I had been married before and we were both still virgins when we met. Janet is from a small town and we met while I was in town installing computers at a local company where she was working. I was immediately drawn to her. Janet is 23 years old, she has shoulder length dark blonde hair, small pert tits (I guess to be a perfect A cup) and the cutest ass I...
Wedding Day Susanna says: - It is every T-girls fantasy to get married in a lovely white wedding dress, to wear those wonderfully sensual white and pearl bodices, the white stockings and the blue garter. The icing on the cake in this story of course is the photographer, what a way to celebrate your first few hours as a married woman, by being fucked by a man! As for me, always the bridesmaid but never the bride, especially when I wore a lovely pink taffeta bridesmaids dress that hugged...
Still dressed in our wedding attire we stopped back at our apartment. We made it up the elevator to the 5th floor, laughing as we passed some people congratulating us. There were some gifts labeled “Congratulations Shane and Kelsey” on the center island as we walked into our place. The apartment was more than we could afford as it was a new fancy unit. The entrance opened up to a very open kitchen with a small nook where you could sit, take off shoes and hang your coat. If you walked in a bit...
She blew her hair from her face and looked at the flat tire, she then looked down at the white dress she was wearing. She then started to cry and that was how he found her. "Miss?" Kimberly turned around and wiped a tear from her cheek, before looking up at the man in front of her. "Yes?" she asked, though she knew what he was going to ask her. Frank looked at the woman before her, gauging her age to be about thirty, perhaps thirty-five, either way it was an age that seemed a little...
Angelica and I were both in Atlanta for our jobs, and when I found out she was there I asked her if she wanted to join me for drinks that evening. Angelica and I had unexpectedly hooked up a few weeks ago at her place and I hadn’t see her since then, so I thought it’d be great to get together. That day at her house was incredibly hot, so I wanted to see her again for sure.We went for drinks downtown and had a great time talking. She made me laugh, and we had a lot more in common than I...
Quickie SexI sat down on the couch as Samantha mixed a couple of Manhattans. I took a look around. Sam’s condo was furnished with cappuccino color carpeting. The walls were a light coco. Furniture cream. It was all contemporary design and went together beautifully. “Your place is amazing.” “Thanks…. I actually bought it for the view. I enjoy watching the people down in the streets and all of the traffic. It has a life of its own.” The condo had enormous glass pane windows that took up the entire...
I sat down on the couch as Samantha mixed a couple of Manhattans. I took a look around. Sam’s condo was furnished with cappuccino color carpeting. The walls were a light coco. Furniture cream. It was all contemporary design and went together beautifully. “Your place is amazing.” “Thanks…. I actually bought it for the view. I enjoy watching the people down in the streets and all of the traffic. It has a life of its own.”The condo had enormous glass pane windows that took up the entire length of...
The story of how I landed my first ever girlfriend is pretty unconventional. At first glance, one would think we were totally unsuited for each other. Yet, although we irked each other at times, for a while we clicked.Before her, my expectation was that I would meet a “nice” girl, however that was defined. I was looking for something long-term, not merely causal sex. What I did wind up with was more than I had bargained for. This girl was a fellow student, but she also did some amateur hooking...
First TimeMindy and I used exactly what Margo had written for us to say as our vows. Mindy liked the words as much as I did. I read the version first only by tradition. “I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together. I take you as my wife, my best friend, my mentor, my role model, my accomplice, my playmate, my confidant, and my greatest challenge. I will always respect you, encourage you, cherish you, and love you more each day. “We have started this union as an...
Story2 Sandra Fane was delighted when her daughter, Alison, announced that she was to wed. Her chosen spouse was Alan, a boy she had first met at school, and had developed a growing attachment to as time went on. He was ambitious and ran his own business, although at times, Alison felt she had absolutely no idea what he was up to, it seemed to involve buying and selling virtual things at the right time, and making money out of thin air. Alan tried to explain, but said that a key aspect...
I really miss the weddings, especially the desi styles you could see. This was an incident when I had been to my cousin's wedding with my parents. I had the best fuck with one of the milf in the wedding, later I got to know that she's a far relative of mine. I was in the 3rd year of my engineering, born and groomed in Bangalore.I had been invited to my cousin's wedding close to Bangalore called Hassan.It was a wedding celebration to remember, which was in his farm house.Everyone who were...
MILFDoe is so happy to be marrying you, so excited about the wedding. She wanted to make the wedding as special and wonderful for you as you know it will be for her. So Doe agreed to make this your fantasy wedding, the wedding of your dreams. She let you plan out whichever details you wanted, and she planned the rest. You got to plan the guest list. Standing at the alter, looking out over the rows of guests, you see a crowd of beautiful women, all dressed up in their prettiest dresses, hair done...
Lisa came to the wedding with only one thing in mind. She wanted to get laid. Lisa didn't know the bride well, but was well acquainted with the groom. She had lived with him for a year before he met his bride. She became very close friends with Barry even after the breakup. That's why she received the wedding invitation. Her dilemma was how to wear something seductive, yet wedding appropriate. It couldn't be a "fuck me" dress, but an "I'm a slut who's looking" gown. Lisa chose an outfit that...
Straight SexWedding Daze By Legion Many His hands laced through the straps of my garters as his fingers slipped between my white stockings and my smooth legs. I could feel the rough netting of my crinoline get crushed under the weight of the two of us and didn't care. He was mad for me he wanted me and would ruin my wedding dress to have me and I wanted him to destroy it as he took my maiden head. "Cut off my skirts with your knife, Phil," I whispered into his ear as he ground into me with...
WEDDING NIGHT ???? WEDDING NIGHT???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.?...
My name is Anthony, although all the kids at school just call me "Nerd Ant". This is my senior year and I'm the school's top honor student with straight A average for my entire 4 years of high school. I'm also probally the last virgin in the entire graduating class. Not one single date in my entire 18 years. Every time I get close to a girl I break out in a rash and on occasion even stammer somewhat. During the class elections for special categories in our year book, my picture appears...
Here comes the bride should be here cums the bride – well that was how my wedding was. Supposedly the best day of my life – well I will never forget it – put it that way. Everything went perfectly – up until just before the wedding. I had finished dressing in my beautiful strapless gown and I wanted a few moments to my self so I asked everyone to leave me for a while so I could really enjoy the last few moments as a single woman before I committed my self to Tony – my childhood...
It’s a beautiful day. A cool breeze blows, lessening the warming effects of the shining sun which has already begun its descent into the horizon. The smell of freshly cut grass and fragrant flowers adds to the ambience, creating a soothing environment as the sounds of music begin to fill the air. I lounge back in my seat, relishing the warming sensation that begins to fill my body as I enjoy my fourth gin and tonic of the afternoon. It’s a perfect day for a June wedding. I scan the crowd of...