Lesbian Love Doctor s Wife Collar s Me
- 3 years ago
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(Dear readers this is a narration of the soft love that exists between two women incase your seeking hardcore sexual action please excuse) Hi readers, this is your JJ come back to entertain you with a steamy lesbian stuff. This happens in Chennai in fact just off the newly developed area off OMR. Two fascinating girls in their mid twenties who work for a Insurance BPO working in different shifts share a rented house. Bhagyashri & Sanjana both had looks that could kill or can I call gorgeous looking females. The narration below is the lesbian relationship that blooms between them, surely none was a lesbian a incident brings them close to each other. Having just moved into a spacious, double-bedroom home, Bhagyashri and Sanjana settled into their new life. Bhagyashri and Devanand had been dating for over a year, and to the common person, they seemed deeply in love. Sanjana on the other hand, suffered from a series of failed relationships with young men her age & had developed a hatred for men. On the other hand Devanand thou staying with his friends a couple of kilometers away use to visit Bhagyashri often & it looked like all three of them stayed together It was perfect. All three worked in the same company and enjoyed life to the fullest they were known for staying up late to watch movies, or to discuss life’s many mysteries. There were no odd feelings of distrust or worry between them whatsoever. All of them kept odd hours, yet always seemed to find time to visit and catch up on day to day life. On some days, Devanand would catch Sanjana walking from her room half-dressed, but usually didn’t think anything about it. Nudity, or odd situations just didn’t seem to affect the three.
They were all relatively normal as far as social standards were concerned. No one ever did drugs, or walk a dangerous line in any facet of their life. It was becoming a safe harbor for peace and happiness… At least until the day that Devanand suddenly was gone. Apparently, Dev had become unsure about his affair with Bhagyashri. Their long term commitment was beginning to unravel at the seam, and no one seemed to know this except for Dev himself. This all seemed so unlike Dev to just suddenly leave Bhagyashri like this… Sanjana couldn’t understand what he was thinking to leave a woman like Bhagyashri. Not that he belonged to a different caste had everything to do with a relationship, but Sanjana thought Bhagyashri was the perfect mate for anyone lucky enough to capture this woman. Bhagyashri was blessed with a shapely shrine of flesh. Alluring and intoxicating to anyone who had the opportunity to gaze into her profound black eyes, her body was of robust, yet toned proportion. Full, abounding breasts… Curves and features that simply made her irresistible. Her elongated, bleached black hair fell past her lower back, and was kept that way since her teenage years. Her gloden skin was unblemished by time, or age in every way.
She appeared as a silky Angel of innocence in the winter, and in the summer, she was a golden temple of sensuality and seduction– thrilling to the eye and mind in every way possible. Not the bulky woman most would get to see in India, Bahgyashri’s body was filled with luscious curves adorning her thighs and stomach, as well as her voluptuous hind flesh. Her round, fleshy ass was shaped perfectly… Her lower back dipping into her spine, her ass gently spanning outward and formed two of the most delicious ass cheeks a woman could have. And yes, Sanjana was envious of this creature.
Sanjana was amazed at how little Bahgyashri reacted to Devanand’s abandonment. Not the usual torrent of tears and cries, She remained calm and collected during the next few days. Sanjana didn’t want to say anything for fear it would open a door that should remain closed. At night, Bhagyashri softly closed the door, and remained inside until the next day when she had to work. It was as if Sanjana was watching her friend shift from a fun-loving young woman, to a reserved, bitter woman. Sanjana spent the next few days worrying about her friend. And, it was no fault when her mind began envisioning various erotic scenarios with her luscious roommate. Was this so wrong in aspiring to be with such an enticing women? “Am I becoming a lesbian?” she asked herself as images of the voluptuous troso and her swarmed throughout the young woman’s mind. She had never considered herself attracted to other women before. Beth had a enticing body, full, spherical breasts that cried out for affection… Healthy, savory abdomens that cried out for impregnation. It was all too much for her mind, and her senses begged for release. And at the height of her peak, Sanjana gently whispered the name that was ringing true in her ears… Bahgyashri.
The next day, Sanjana woke up early and was surprised to find Devanand moving about in the house just to take away any of his belongings that he might have forgotten and left back. Respecting the two’s privacy, Sanjana remained out of their way for the rest of the day, until she had to go to work. And then, she didn’t make any effort whatsoever to bid her roommate’s lover farewell, despite her deepest desire to do so. That night at work, all she could reflect upon was Bhagyashri. What was she doing– thinking, wearing? How was she handling Dev’s recent departure from her life? Was this a perfect opportunity for her to seduce the object of her many desires, or to leave her alone for the wounds to heal. On her break that night; Sanjana took an extra few minutes to call Bhagyashri at home, just to make sure how she was. She held her breath, realizing that the words she would utter would (now) be from a concerned lover who only wanted to cradle her wounded beauty. Her voice trembled with anxiety…”Bhagyashri, this is Sanjana. I just… Wanted to see how you were.” She again sighed heavily, feeling the love swell beyond the limits of her soul. “I was thinking about you. “Sanjana?” uttered a feeble sounding Bhagyashri.”Bhagya?” replied a surprised, yet relieved Sanjana.
“How are you?” she asked.”Okay. I was asleep.” Bhagyashri replied. “Are you at work?””Yea. I’m on break, and was thinking about you. I hope you’re okay.” Sanjana was becoming confident in her speech. She heard Bhagya in appreciation for her thoughtfulness.”That means so much, Sanjana. Thanks… I’ll be alright.” said a much more relaxed Bhagya.”You didn’t deserve what he did to you, Bhagya. What an asshole.””He had his reasons, I’m sure.” replied Bhagyashri. Always the kind and forgiving woman, Sanjana leaned back against the wall, rolling her eyes back in her head… Totally smitten with this girl.”You’re so forgiving. I wish it didn’t have to happen to good people like you.” Sanjana said. If Bhagya only knew just how much Sanjana was falling for her. “Do you want me to bring home anything when I get off work?” she asked, a little more energetically.”Yea.” said a flirtatious Bhagyashri. “Bring us home a pack of your favorite ice cream, and i’ll help you destroy it!” A thin smile came across Sanjana’s face, hearing the hope emerging from Bhagya’s voice. Biting on her nail, Sanjana was soon fidgeting around like a teenager prepared for her first date.
“Yea?” asked Sanjana. “Maybe a movie CD, too. What do you want to see? You name it.””Hmmm. I don’t know. You decide.” said a happy Bhagyashri.”Okay.” said Sanjana, realizing she had to get back to work. “I need go now. I’ll see you after 11, okay? Movie CD, ice cream, and all.” Sanjana said.”It’s a date, sweetie!” replied Bhagyashri, laughing to herself.”Did you take your silly pill today?” asked a coy Sanjana.”Of course! I’d rather be laughing than crying, sweetheart! Wouldn’t you?” she asked.Sanjana leaned her head against the wall, twirling the phone cord around her thumb– hopelessly daydreaming of potential romance.”Yea.” Whispered Sanjana as the tone of her voice oozed pure devotion.”I’m glad you called.” replied Bhagyashri, in a more serious tone.”I wanted to.” Replied Sanjana.”Really?” asked Bhagyashri.”Really.” Urgency crept out from under Sanjana’s voice. Bhagyashri was caught slightly off guard, but kept the conversation up beat.”Okay, i’ll see you after work. Be ready to get fat, babe!” she said as both shared a much needed laugh.”Okay. Bye.” said Sanjana as she hung up. Leaning her forehead against the wall, she felt as if she was floating in mid-air.The last few hours of work seemed to drag along at a snail’s pace, but when she clocked out, she knew that it was all over, at least for a few days. Stopping by the Spencer’s store, Sanjana picked out bucket of Cookies and Cream because she knew that was Bhagyashri’s favorite. After her purchase, Sanjana made her way to the pick up a DVD to get their movie a clear X rated all women. What would Bhagyashri of this movie she was confused as she approached home. “Hey!” said Bhagyashri saw Sanjana walk inside.”You didn’t start the party without me, did you?” asked Sanjana with a wry smile on her face. She took a brief moment to let the image of Bhagyashri’s smile permanately ingrain itself into her mind. Getting out from her blanket, Bhagyashri made her way over to where Sanjana stood. She noticed what she was wearing… Thin, pink chudi that barely concealed her annular ass cheeks.
“Set these down.” she said as the bags softly settled onto the floor. Sanjana’s heart skipped a beat… “What is she doing?” she thought as Bhagya initiated a tender embrace. Perplexed, Sanjana returned the hug… She was so incredibly warm.”Thanks for calling me. You were the only one who thought to do that. It really meant a lot.” whispered Bhagyashri into Sanjana’s already trembling ear. For a fleeting moment of uncertainty, Sanjana didn’t know what to do, or say. All she could do was hold her… To grasp that priceless woman whom she’d fallen deeply in love with over the last few months.”Now, let’s see what you got me!” said an ecstatic Bhagyashri, almost as if she were a little girl on Christmas morning. Sanjana had kept the DVD tucked away in her purse for safekeeping, so she knew the situation wouldn’t present itself at an odd moment. A radiating smile graced across Bhagyashri’s gorgeous face as she lifted the ice cream out of the bag, holding it as a game show hostess would an expensive prize. Sanjana giggled, seeing Bhagyashri mock some famous celebrity. After opening the treat, the two settled back for a night of movies, and fattening foods. It was their night to let their hair down…It was well into the night when Bhagyashri fell asleep on the floor. Sanjana, who also sat on the floor, was fighting to keep her eyes open. Some half-witted show was on the TV, and Sanjana could have cared less. It was then the thoughts began racing through her mind… She sat up, and reached for the DVD in her purse nearby. Glancing over at Bhagyashri, who was laying on her stomach, Sanjana felt that now was as good as a time as any. How would Bhagyashri react? What would she say? There was only one way to find out… Sanajana nervously pressed the play button, and left the room. She wanted the sounds to fill the room first… Perhaps a way to subconsciously plant the thought into the young woman’s mind
In the bathroom, the smitten young Sanjana nervously fixed her hair. Gazing into the mirror, she doubted herself time and time again. “What if I’m not good enough for her?” As she shed her garments, she slid on her pink nightgown. She knew pink was Bhagyashri’s favorite color, and felt that it would be a nice added gesture. Walking back into the room, Sanjana saw the television still blaring. Much to her surprise, there sat Bhagyashri… Gazing at the images on the screen with a look of utter astonishment. Sanjana stopped mid-pace, seeing the paralyzed object of her desire.”I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left that on.” said Sanjana as she quickly shut the TV off-not wanting to be obvious about her intent. Bhagyashri gazed upward, noticing Sanjana’s revealing wardrobe.”It’s okay. I heard these moans and gasps, and looked up to see these women kissing.” she laughed. “i’ve never been woken up to that before.” she said as she stood up to stretch. “It looked interesting at the store, so I thought I’d check it out. I wasn’t trying to make you feel uncomfortable” trembled Sanjana.”It’s okay. Put it back on.” replied Bhagyashri as she sat back down, ready to watch all four hours of the DVD.”Really?” asked Sanjana.”Why not? I’ve always wanted to see what it looked like.” Said Bhagyashri as she fluffed up her pillow, settling in. As Sanjana turned around, a warm smile graced her face as she happily placed the disk back inside the machine. Heading back to the sofa nearby, Bhagyashri noticed her roommate sitting on the sofa opposite her.
“You can sit over here. I don’t bite.” Said Bhagyashri, waving her over. Her heart skipping a beat, Sanjana did so, sitting next to the woman who held her heart captive. Their attention went to the images displayed in front of them…The first scene was of two voluptuous, tanned brunettes bathing in what looked like an old Roman bath. Their movements were slow and careful, taking extra time to wash each inch of their bodies. A flurry of kisses soon followed, each one more aggressive than the last. The scene then dissolved into a dining area, where all they could see was a pair of oiled buttocks raised from beneath the table. Adorning the fleshy globes were an assortment of fruits and leafy vegetables, making the flesh appear to be the main course of a very special dinner. The other brunette was led in, completely blindfolded, by two other exquisite female servants. Securing her hands behind her back, the two slaves sat her in a chair, and placed her beside the table where her feast awaited. Unraveling the blindfold, the slaves departed the room in respect for their Master’s meal. Attentive to the sight, the Master leaned over, and took one of the grapes between her teeth. Applying gentle pressure, the grape’s juices burst forth, marinating the bronzed spheres below. As the juice deluged the skin, she watched as it gradually settled between the heightened knolls of subdued flesh. Parting her lips, the Master then delicately grazed the surface of the cheeks-warming the skin with her anxious breath. Her movements were painstakingly slow, but certainly appreciative. Turning her face, she rested her cheek against the plumpness of her slave’s rear. With eyes closed, she nuzzled the moistened globe with her face, slowly turning to plant a bountiful kiss upon the beloved nourishment. It was then Bhagya and Sanjana lost sight of the Master’s lips, as it fell between the elevated cleavage. A gasp of astonishment came from Bhagyashri…
“Total surrender. She totally gave herself to that her.” remarked Bhagya. Sanjana looked at her friend with a hushed gaze of agreement as she turned the television off. Silence crept into the room as Bhagyashri still gazed at the blank screen. An unsettled stillness saturated the room. The moment Presented itself better than Sanjana had thought. If she was going to surrender herself to Bhagyashri, Now was that chance.”I know what she must have felt like… Giving herself to her like that.” uttered a poised Sanjana. She was indeed sure of herself-the thoughts, and her love. Bhagyashri’s gaze slowly shifted to the woman sitting next to her… Sharing a gaze that spoke a thousand words, Bhagya felt there was more that should be said.”How do you know that?” asked Bhagyashri. With that, Sanjana gathered her convictions, and raised up before her, standing in front of her object of wanton desire. A shared look of lust was cast as Bhagyashri watched Sanjana’s hands reach up to grasp the thin straps that held her nightgown on. Bhagyashri then took notice of Sanjana’s well-defined body, concealed beneath the thin material. She had looked at her roommate’s features before, but never in such a manner. Bhagyashri’s heart skipped several beats as she struggled to catch her breath… For once in her life, Sanjana knew exactly what she was doing, and this by all means was the moment that would define her entire existence.”Because… I would totally surrender myself to you. I love you, Bhagya. I always have.” As the last word escaped Sanjana’s lips, Bhagyashri watched as the soft, pink nightgown drop to the floor. Disrobed completely, Bhagyashri’s expression fell void… Never before had a woman done this for her… Directly in front of her was a woman, young and so in love with her. So taken that she would sacrifice all that she had ever known for just this one chance… A wager on what she felt was right. Not one stitch of clothing hung from Sanjana’s flesh…
“Oh my God.” Bhagyashri uttered helplessly as she could not help to stare at Sanjana’s healthy breasts. She slowly crept forward, as Bhagyashri was still motionless. What would Bhagya do? She had never been in a situation like this before, especially with someone who adored her as much as Sanjana did. Before long, Bhagya’s face was directly in front of Sanjana’s ripe cleavage. Her stare was affixed on the incredible sight as an erect nipple softly brushed across her face. A defenseless moan of astonishment came from Bhagyashri as she felt Sanjana’s hands clutch the sides of her face, motioning her to look up. “i’ll stop if you want.” whispered Sanjana as her eyes still held it’s command on Bhagyashri. She could stop this, right now if she wanted to. Turn her back on this moment– this delicate, shapely woman. Lifting both her hands, Bhagyashri took hold of her fingers, threading them between her own, and with a sigh of assurance and grace, she confidently uttered… “No. I want this. I want… You.” A smile washed across Sanjana’s face as her hands tightened their hold. Bhagya felt both of Sanjana’s soft breasts nuzzle closer, almost enshrining her head between her incredible breasts. Unhurried, Sanjana leaned over, raising Bhagyashri’s youthful face… Not a sound could be heard, or a doubt felt as Sanjana parted her lips. “Oh My God.” Yielded Bhagyashri as her eyelids fluttered closed. She took a deep breath and held it as if she were dipping beneath the water for a swim. Tepid warmth gradually enshrouded her motionless mouth. No force, no urgent pressure… Just warmth, just love. It was in this glowing radiance that Bhagyashri realized she was sharing her very first kiss with a female. So many thoughts raced through her mind as she felt Sanjana’s lips fondle hers. For some reason, Bhagyashri let go of the breath she held in her lungs. Blending it with a moan of total and unconditional abandonment, Bhagyashri knew she was going to be with this woman for a very long time.
Their lips completely pressed together, Bhagyashri allowed herself to be swallowed whole by this female. Never before had any man blessed her with such a kiss. This was far more distinct. Minutes flowed past, yet both were not keeping count. Eyes fastened shut, and mouths secure, Sanjana eased her tongue outward, falling into Bhagyashri’s awaiting, and most willing mouth. Again, Bhagya moaned, realizing that another woman was savoring her saliva. Another woman… The thought sent an uncontrollable shudder throughout her subdued body. Sanjana inched her mouth away briefly.”I love you so much.” Whispered an undoubted Sanjana. “I always have. Ever since I met you.” With that, Bhagyashri briskly kissed her again, this time with unbridled pungency. Sanjana digested her fervor, and met her kiss with equal eagerness. Their lips parted as Bhagyashri burrowed her face between Sanjana’s shapely cleavage. Feeling each tender breast on the sides of her face, Bhagyashri cooed her delight.”This is so right.” Her arms wrapped themselves around Sanjana’s back, bringing her face deeper into the fold. How could any woman resist such passion– such intensity? Why did Sanjana wait so long to induct Bhagyashri into her world of indulgence? Wherever Sanjana was taking her, Bhagyashri willingly allowed her to be her chieftain. Bhagya’s gaze looked upward to catch Sanjana’s stare… There, tucked safely between her nourishing breasts was Bhagya’s glowing face. Just as she had dreamt for so many months.
“You’re so beautiful.” echoed Sanjana. Her maternal instincts briefly took hold, and wanted Bhagyashri to feed from her life-giving breasts. Bhagya’s hands extended up to clutch each precious mound… Her fingernails dug themselves into the soft flesh, pressing the masses together as her tongue extended out to savor Sanjana’s flesh. Sanjana, crippled in total awe, leaned over, and rested her head atop Bhagyashri’s. Her lengthy strands of hair fell about, engulfing Bhagyashri’s face totally. She could hear faint, muffled moans of ecstasy rustling from the depths of her buxom cleavage. This was simply too much as Sanjana curled her arms around Bhagya to ensure she would never leave her.
The two stood up; their gaze still affixed on one another. Sanjana took Bhagyashri by her hands, and motioned for her to follow her. No words needed to be spoken, for both knew what was about to happen. They were to consummate this loving union. Sanjana sauntered backwards, still clutching Bhagyashri’s soft, motherly hands. Their gaze not broken as the two made their way down the hallway. The two were walking into foreign territory, yet together, as their entwined hands perfectly symbolized, they would discover things together, with each other… As one.The door to Bhagyashri’s bedroom crept open, as Sanjana was the first to enter. She wanted to be in her bedroom since this was where her angel rested her wings at night. This was her shrine, her temple of beauty and splendor. Sanjana was still unclothed as Bhagyashri’s gaze fell down to admire her hour glass figure. That smooth, fleshy stomach… Her broad, yet modest shoulders. Ample hips that could easily bear a child… Both were now in her room, still quiet. Bhagyashri then reached under her night wear shirt, and began to lift off the constraining material.”Can I take off your clothes?” asked a somewhat bashful Sanjana. With a warm smile, Bhagya extended her hands outward, happily granting her request. As she wove herself into her arms, Sanjana coquettishly admitted;
“i’ve always wanted to do that. You just don’t know how long i’ve wanted this.”With her admission, Bhagyashri blushed with a telling smile.”I never knew you cared for me like this. Why didn’t you ever say anything?” asked Bhagyashri. Their lips delicately brushed against each other’s as Sanjana answered.”I thought you would have turned me away. I was so scared.” whispered a fragile Sanjana. A quick, reassuring kiss soothed the doubt away…”No. I never would do that.” assured Bhagyashri. Her words were spoken softly, almost hushed in a way. “But I’m glad you finally told Me.” Said Bhagya as she followed with a devoted kiss.”Really?” asked Sanjana as she leaned her head back, exposing her bare neck for Bhagyashri’s delight.Her lips anchored themselves upon her luscious flesh, moaning an intangible response of “Yes”. Bhagyashri’s hands reached up to hold Sanjana’s shoulders in place as she eased her back. Sanjana stretched her neck back, letting her curled, elongated locks dangle freely behind her. She was in total rapture… The woman she had so long desired and secretly loved was now sowing bountiful wet kisses upon her neck. She just couldn’t believe that Bhagyashri had accepted this. How fortunate could one be?
Bhagya poised herself back, standing straight as Sanjana’s hands tumbled down Bhagyashri’s side, still enveloped in a vigorous kiss. Her fingertips clinched the bottom of Bhagya’s night shirt as Sanjana unwillingly broke her kiss to watch Bhagyashri become completely unveiled. She so wanted to see this shrine of complete beauty, total magnificence in every way imaginable. Her abdomen was the first to feel the brisk air as the heavy material lifted up. Sanjana whimpered as she saw the body being totally unsheathed. Bhagya willfully lifted her arms above her head as Sanjana inched the shirt along, now revealing the fullness of her deserving breasts.”Oh, Bhagya.” Sanjana whispered faintly as her senses were flooded with the view. As Bhagyashri’s lengthy hair lifted along with the shirt, Sanjana quickly glanced to take in the full vista of her womanly outline. The way the curves flowed upward into her stomach, bending into her top half that retained her breasts. Her breasts were so full, quite a generous serving for whomever was fortunate enough to claim Bhagyashri as their lover. Her skin was flawless… No sign of any imperfections whatsoever. Sanjana thought Bhagyashri had larger breasts than she did, but now she was convinced they both had equal mass. And her areolas… They were perfectly placed on the top of her mounds, as if it were like a Chocolate to Kiss. As the shirt made its way past her wrists, Sanjana felt a sudden whisk of cool air sweep across her face, coming from Bhagya’s black locks settling across her now bare shoulders. The fragrance of her hair filled Sanjana’s nostrils as she shivered in ecstasy. Quickly letting go of the shirt, Sanjana’s face suddenly was void of all expression as the two suddenly fell into a profound stare. Taking hold of each other’s hands, Bhagyashri watched as Sanjana slowly knelt in front of her. For a fleeting moment, Bhagyashri thought she was to ask her hand in marriage. At least that’s what most do, and if Sanjana had asked that, Bhagyashri would have joyfully said yes– although she wouldn’t confess that secret as of yet. All Bhagyashri could do was watch Sanjana as she inched closer to her body. There, directly in front of her was Bhagyashri’s creamy abdomen. Every inch of Bhagya was susceptible to Sanjana’s deep appreciation, yet her stomach held its command on her. She watched with reverence as Bhagyashri took in each breath… Raising her palm, she rested the flat of her hand upon Bhagya’s toned skin. Closing her eyes, she brought her lips closer, gently kissing Bhagyashri’s supple skin. Gingerly, she then pressed her cheek against her stomach, gasping as she did. For Sanjana, nothing would give her greater satisfaction than to crawl inside her womb, becoming Reborn in Bhagyashri’s shining wake. She loved her that much. And it was her womb that Sanjana felt Most comfortable next to. It glowed with fertile opportunity in so many ways. Her hands fluttered up along Bhagyashri’s freshly shaven legs to her waist, gripping the elastic band that held the pink night pants. With a sensitive nudge, she motioned Bhagyashri to turn around for her, so she could attest that the riddance of the flimsy cloth would reveal two of the most mouth-watering ass cheeks she had ever seen. At certain times, Sanjana would sneak a quick glance at Bhagyashri bathing, and it never ceased to amaze her that her eyes would always saturate themselves with Bhagyashri’s splendid backside. There was no longer the walls of secrecy and concealment of her hunger. Now, as she gently slipped the elastic band past the summit of Bhagya’s globes, she sighed, finally at ease with herself, and her powerful feelings for Bhagyashri. Sanjana noticed how the snug material seemed to press into the fleshy skin. With each hand on Bhagyashri’s side, she delicately lowered the pants passed the width of her hips. Releasing her fingers, she felt the fabric fall around Bhagyashri’s ankles. Now, directly in front of her was Bhagyashri’s ass… Unblemished, and immaculate.”You’re so beautiful, Bhagya” remarked Sanjana as her grateful fingertips grazed each supple cheek.”Your ass… It’s so wonderful.””Yea?” inquired Bhagyashri as she looked behind her right shoulder to see the spectacle.”Oh God yes.” answered Sanjana in defining awe.Her lips quickly divided themselves as she drove her face into the thickness of Bhagyashri’s right cheek, sealing a moist kiss upon the sacred skin.”Oooh.” replied Bhagyashri as she felt Sanjana’s tongue upon her flesh. “No one’s ever kissed my ass like that before.””No one’s ever loved you like I love you before.”Sanjana quickly placed another kiss upon a different portion of her ass. Warm, thick saliva coated the area where her initial kiss was, and it was all Sanjana could do from not going completely mad, devouring her entire ass. Bhagyashri leaned forward, arching her back slightly so that Sanjana could easily relish more of her. Bhagyashri’s eyes clamped shut as she felt Sanjana’s torrid breath cascade over her well rounded spheres.”Uhmmmmm” was all Bhagyashri heard as she knew Sanjana would appreciate seeing her hunched over.
Sanjana couldn’t say a thing since her mouth was absorbing itself amid the savory cleavage of her ass. Suddenly, Bhagya felt her back off. Looking around, she saw Sanjana on her knees, trying to collect her senses.”Oh my.” she sighed. “I can’t have too much of a good thing.” Said Sanjana as she stood up.Bhagya turned to meet her in an irrefutable kiss. Bhagyashri held Sanjana’s head in her hands as she purred with affection.”Make love to me, Sanjana…” uttered Bhagya as she planted several wet kisses across her face, and forehead. “Make me your woman. I want to be yours.”Tears nearly seized Sanjana as she heard Bhagyashri express her unconditional oath. With urgency, Sanjana’s arms grasped Bhagyashri’s frame, thrusting the both of them backward onto Bhagyashri’s mattress. Bhagya’s hair flattened out upon the comforter as yet another kiss beguiled the young woman. Sanjana was atop her as her arms still held its grasp. Bhagyashri was taken by her frenzy, but was reassured as Sanjana’s moans of bliss echoed throughout her ears.Their kiss was unmistakable. Their bond was flourishing with each passing moment. The slurps of their wet kisses filled the room as tongues intermeshed, lips quivered in wonder… A tear inched out of Sanjana’s eye as phrases and expressions of love were exchanged. There were no hurried or rapid movements on this night. Every ounce of Sanjana’s existence was poured upon Bhagyashri. Arms were stretched, muscles were massaged, and knolls of flesh worshipped in various ways… The two women left no stone upturned. Bhagyashri had never thought much about being involved with a woman until this night. Never before had she believed that another woman could carry such relevance with another. Admittedly, she assumed the role as the submissive One during the early hours of the night. But as the night handed over its authority to the early morning, Bhagyashri was transformed into a woman of boldness, a woman of unbridled seduction… She had become the enslaved torso of Sanjana’s heart and soul. And before the two collapsed from exhaustion at 6 am the next day, she was fully convinced that she had fallen deeply in love with her roommate. As Sanjana drifted off into sleep, lying upon Bhagyashri’s left breast (she found that she fancied listening to her heartbeat), Bhagyashri gently woke her to express her feelings. Her drowsiness quickly faded away as the two sealed their union with a kiss, along with several tears of joy and serenity.The days and weeks that soon followed were wonderful. Sanjana had moved out of her old bedroom, and moved into Bhagya’s, leaving it as their guestroom. Bhagyashri soon ordained that her bed was now “our” bed, and even her language changed. Her expressions now consisted of “us”, or “we”. Pictures of the two soon decorated their house as the romance blossomed into a passionate, life-long love affair. Everything they did, they did together as a couple. They didn’t care what others thought as they openly showed their affection in public. Sanjana loved to buy Bhagyashri anything that had the color pink in it. They were always exchanging love cards, notes, anything to remind the other of the love in their hearts. When Sanjana had to be at work before Bhagyashri, she would always leave love notes on the mirror in the bathroom. And on the days when Sanjana woke up earlier, she would sit beside their bed, and gaze at the well-defined muscles in Bhagyashri’s back. She loved running the tip of her ring finger along her spine. And, on occasions, Sanjana would wake Bhagyashri by engulfing her moist tongue in the furrow of her breast. It was irrefutable. Their souls were forever fused together by an undeniable love. They continued to live happily ever after. Your valuable feedback and comments to please. . . .
This happened four years back when I joined a new office. I was 26 years old at that time with fresh mind and body but inclined toward lesbian sex. My boss cum manager there was Betty. She was a 52-year-old lady with a little chubby body and a figure of 38D-38-36. She was a very strict lady, and I have often seen her shouting at other colleagues. But she was a little soft in the approach towards me. During my initial days at the office, I had only a few interactions with her, but after a couple...
Lesbian"I think she's a lesbian whispered Joe to me loud enough for Kathy to hear."Turning the table on us, she shot him a look that turned into her famous sexy smile."You two could be gay for all I know," she said laughing and looking from me to Joe and back at me again. "You're not gay are you? You two haven't turned gay on me, have you? Now that I think of it, I haven't seen either of you with a woman." She looked around her room, "I do need my room redecorated since I'll be living at home again....
Erin let her hand roam over Vanna's tight ass as the two lesbian lovers kissed passionately underneath the stinging rays of their morning shower!!! The two women couldn't have been more different, with Erin tall and lean with almost a dancer's body, perfect 36B cup breasts and short blonde hair that framed her beautiful face, while Vanna was much shorter, and not quite fat, she certainly was on the chubby side with her 38DD breasts and wide plump bottom coupled with a nice round tummy that...
LesbianHi ..this is Seema here again with another marvelous adventure during the 20034 new years. After we got Niti into our gang we always use the think of expanding the gang for fun and adventure as Niti was engaged she was involved very less like once in a month or so as me and didi were concerned we never missed a opportunity to fuck each other. So once we decided to get on the net and look for like minded females or girls or aunts. We all 3 made fake e-mail ids and in India times and yahoo and...
LesbianHi every body this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian submission. It some what thrills me when the readers give in their feed back on the lesbian stories from their comments I can feel the way they feel about the story and many women actually masturbate or reach their orgasm as they read the stories. Well let me get straight down to business and of course this is once again one of those golden memories from my PG days and as revealed by my beloved Malathi my English tutor and her lover...
LesbianI was working at my desk early, that morning, when I received the fateful phone call from my boss, Bill Williamson. "Could you spare me a minute?" he said in his heavy Scottish accent. This could be good news, bad news or a job. Things had generally been pretty quiet since the end of the cold war, with only a couple of short interludes. My main work now seemed to be full of sorting through endless paperwork and reports, stuff which I really hated, not what I had joined for, at all....
I recently moved to New York from Kentucky. They geographical chance as well as cultural was immense. Adjusting to the new place and culture were not the only challenges though. I am Verona, and I am lesbian. It was not the best experience to come out of the closet in my teenage years in Kentucky. Coming from a very conservative neighborhood and family, I was always looked down upon by everyone. So much so, I even started dating guys to calm down the gossips instead of trying to find a lesbian...
LesbianDet Sergeant Susan Miller was in a lot of trouble. Her assignment was to infiltrate a child pornography ring, and take them down. "Stupid, stupid STOOpid!" she thought to herself for the 100th time. The Captain had not approved an undercover strategy, back up, etc. The Purple Dinosaurs were, smart, experienced evil Mother Fuckers and a mistake could prove costly. But Susan had been in tight spots before, faced down truly wicked men and won. She figured she could handle this--and mayb look...
If you like Hot Movies of lesbians, well, I’d say you’re in good company. Girl-on-girl movies have always been and always will be one of the very most popular subgenres of pornography. I’m not sure even a day goes by when I don’t see girls licking each other down during my travels around the internet. Even one beautiful naked woman is enough to jack off to, but put a couple of them in a bed together and the fun doubles instantly. Who wants to do the math on the pleasure you’d get out of an...
Premium Lesbian Porn SitesJoe and I were hanging out over Kathy's house, again. We were always over her house. Her parents were doctors and they were never home. Besides, she always had good stuff to eat and plenty of beer in the fridge to drink. Now, that we are all adults and done with college, the three of us relaxed over a few beers, a couple of joints, lots of laughs, and from the stress of having to cram and take final exams.We've been friends since c***dhood and Joe and I have been trying and dying to get in...
The room was completely silent as John Pressman finished speaking. He had just confessed to the brutal rape of over 15 young, attractive lesbian women on national television. He had laughed at the police, the DA's office and the judicial system. He bragged about how it felt to shove his 8 inch dick down an unwilling lesbian's throat, to look her in the eye while he fucked her face and she choked on his cock. The soft heavy feel as he fondled her jiggling tits. He loved the mixed smell of...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Nubile Daughter's Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! My youngest daughter, only eighteen, stared at me, her drunk thoughts struggling to comprehend what I had just told her as I sat naked on the couch in our living room. My eldest daughter, nineteen, hid her head in shame between my thighs. Her face was covered in my pussy juices while her best friend, Lily, still licked at her...
Lucy couldn’t believe who grabbed her hand and was leading her away from her friends. It was Amanda Ashbrooke a model that has been on the cover of magazines and have been on the runway a few times. She wasn’t as big as Tyra Banks or Kate Upton but she was a rising star in the modeling industry. She made the sports illustrated swimsuit calendars twice and model for the world-famous fashion photographer Raina Dupont.Raina Dupont was so big in the modeling industry that appearing in something...
Lesbian“I didn’t wanna be at work on the weekend. But anyhow, at least nobody is at work today” scarlett looked into the mirror, her skirt was bright pink, her one-direction t-shirt wasn't enough to contain her huge titties and her leather jacket and heels were still good.Scarlett was working late on a Saturday. Heather, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night. Scarlett loved working for her boss, Heather, a strikingly beautiful woman, in her mid-forties. Heather is 5...
Kate was sitting behind an old oak desk that had a carving of trees and animals on it. She thought the desk was beautiful and must have cost a fortune to make with all the detail that was put into it. The deer that was on it looked lifelike and the trees seemed to move a little. She thought it was the trick of the light and her mind was seeing things but she never realizes that it wasn’t. If she only paid more attention to the desk for a moment longer would’ve seen the deer move too and that...
LesbianHer 32D breasts bounced up and down in front of my face. Her brown eyes stared at me as she moved herself down onto my body, down across my breasts, my stomach, my mound, and finally she made it to my vagina, where she set her lips onto my clit… I woke up from my dream immediately. I had never dreamed of lesbian sex before and it started to make me curious. I moved my hand towards my vagina, it was soaked with my pussy juices. My nipples were rock hard as well. My dream had actually turned me...
2012 went down in history as the year the world changed. The fall of the Euro leading to a break-up of the European Union was just the catalyst which led to a sea change in British culture. The coalition, which was already teetering on the brink of collapse in Britain, finally bit the dust in September leading to a snap general election. Suddenly the euphoria caused by the Olympics and the diamond jubilee seemed a long way away. When former porn star Helen Eszterhazy, better known as Peachy...
LesbianHope you all liked my first lesbian experience with my elder sister. Today will tell you how we got didi colleague to join us. After we enjoyed the whole summer we started to get attracted to each other every time we made love. We never hesitated in experimenting things. Once while in bed I asked didi to expand out group and try some more new adventure. But she refused as she was scared to get any unknown person as it would harm our reputation if any body came to know about that. But in a few...
LesbianNote: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! My youngest daughter, only fourteen, stared at me, her drunk thoughts struggling to comprehend what I had just told her as I sat naked on the couch in our living room. My eldest daughter, seventeen, hid her head in shame between my thighs. Her face was covered in my pussy juices while her best friend, Lily, still licked at her cunt. Janet, my youngest, blinked her brown eyes, adjusting her glasses on her cute nose. “What?” she blinked. “Take...
Kate and her four friends were coming back from a trip when their car broke down. They were in the middle of nowhere and their cell phones couldn’t pick up any signals to get any help. They were a little scared and decided to walk until one of their phones got a signal. It was getting a little dark but they saw a light from a distant house and none of them remembered one being there before.Kate checked her phone seeing that there was still no signal and decided that they should knock on the...
LesbianI am lata,35 years lesbian.i am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life lesbian experience that happened between me and my boss on a tour.you can also...
Lesbian“Let’s take a holiday this weekend and go to the beach!” Monica declared. Candice, the little vamp that she was, jumped into Monica’s arms with her feet wrapped around her waist in glee. “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” the diminutive girl exclaimed, and locked the woman in an intimate embrace. Their tongues intertwined as Monica grasp the suspended girl’s ass holding her close to her. In Darwin, Australia, lesbians were not totally uncommon, and it wasn’t easy to find one’s soul mate with just the...
LesbianRose was led to another room, and then downstairs by a beautiful black woman with bronzed skin. Her black hair fell to her shoulders and was a little wavy at the bottom. She was tall and had a strong but kind face.Her eyes were dark brown and hinted at the fact that there was something misleading about her face. The girl was good when she wanted to be and would never hurt anyone but she liked corrupting young girls. She had a talent for spotting a girl's hidden desires and twisting them around...
LesbianLesbian Pussy (proofread by Red) Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Kelly. I'm a nurse. I work full time and have two children. I'min my early thirties. I have a nice body--at least that is what I'm told. Ithink I could stand to loose a pound or two. The power-lifting I did when Iwas younger still makes my body look very muscular. So, you get the idea--I'm in fairly good shape and very busy. One day while I was trying to get some rest one of my friends came over.Her name is Victoria....
Susanne was petrified of what Maggie and Bree had planned for her bachelorette party. But she also felt that as long as she was with other friends she would be fine. She had to be impervious to Bree's charms. Susanne insisted on the full agenda of the evening's activities. Maggie gave her sister the plan that was very tame on paper ... yet each stop was all part of an elaborate plan. The first stop was supper at the upper class Rizzo's, which set up the plan to have Susanne get all...
I am posting an another sex story. this time is a Lesbian story , so i hope you will enjoy Reading.I am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life lesbian...
Hi to Everyone . Another sex story i will post.This time is a lesbian story i hope you would enjoy Reading.I am in corporate world at a very high position.i am fair,beautiful,self dependent single woman,having a good curvy figure of 38D-28-38.i am a sexy and naughty women but keep my secrets with me.I am a full lesbian and don’t need invitation by male.so males stay away from further from me and girls and women enjoy my story and make yourself wet.i am writing a very hot and sexy my real life...
"We were so--" Abbie paused, searching for the word that would best embody her thought--"naïve." Behind her, the sea, blue-green to the far horizon, rolled in, white-capped and foaming, to break upon the golden sands of the deserted shore.Rocks, seemingly stacked, one upon the next, formed jagged, jumbled pillars, against a cloudless sky of radiant blue.A low rail guarded the platform that overlooked the forested mountainside and the meadow, bright with wildflowers, far below.A trail,...
LesbianHi readers, JJ is back after a break with a lovely lesbian tale. We had been through the hostel, teacher student friends etc etc with the lesbian action. This submission below is of a narrative in nature where I as a outsider or a candid viewer will go deep into what happens while two lesbian lovers close the door behind. All fun and actions are given in a third person expression. This something new to me and have tried my best to give you a arousal of 2008.In another way the readers can also...
LesbianHello, let me introduce myself. My name is Kelly. I’m a nurse. I work full time and have two children. I’m in my early thirties. I have a nice body, at least that is what I’m told. I think I could stand to lose a pound or two. The power lifting I did when I was younger still makes my body look very muscular. So, you get the idea. I’m in fairly good shape and very busy. One day, while I was trying to get some rest, one of my friends came over. Her name is Victoria. I’ve known her for about three...
LesbianWhen I heard of this website I got a feeling that I should also share my story. But I was afraid if someone came to know that I am not virgin. Well I thought it’s alright. So this is a story about how I got to have lesbian sex with my aunt. Well Im 18 years old and I never had a boyfriend because I was not able to find a nice guy. But I wasn’t a lesbian always. My aunt’s name is jayashree. She is 45 years old and she looks fair and she is a bit fat but she is sexy for me. I became a lesbo...
LesbianHi to all, I’m “Cross Dresser and Lesbian from Bangalore and I served so many lesbian in my life time. Most of them are my friends and they telling their story in these stories I am sending you the following stories and this is one of my real story which took place at Shimogga Koppa. I and Ashu are the two close friends from our collage days. We are in different class. But we meet daily and chat till to end of the school. She is at hostel and I am coming from home day by day our friendship...
LesbianA fresh musk filled my nose. Something squirmed atop me. A hot mouth engulfed my dick, sucking hard on me. My cock pulsed in the hungry mouth. My eyes fluttered open. I groaned, this heat rippling through my body, my cunt clenching. I had a cock? My groggy mind struggled to work through that question. My eyes opened and stared at the pussy inches from my face covered by a fine down of strawberry-blonde hair. The slit was tight, beading with juices. I shuddered from the mouth sucking hard on my...
LESBIAN HOOKERS (Short Stories)SLOW NIGHT Leslie was slumped over the near empty lesbian bar. She wasn’t drunk, just tired. She nursed her Grand Marnier. The last man got up and left, after giving Leslie a wink. She didn’t know what it meant. She wasn’t interested anyway. It was Monday night. Not a great night except if there was a conference or trade show going on. It was worth checking out anyway, you never know. Last year, right here in this bar, she had met Rachel Rawlings, the country...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughter's Taboo Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “That's it, work that tongue into my ass, Lily,” I moaned, kneeling on my bed beside my wonderful, eighteen-year-old daughter Janet. She had a look of rapture on her face, mirroring my own, as Alison, her older sister and my eldest daughter, rimmed her ass. “You love my ass, you lesbian slut.” “I do, Mistress,” Lily...
For my first job out of Junior College, I was lucky enough to land a position with a successful Medical Company as an Ultrasound Tech. I specialize in doing ultrasounds on pregnant women in determining the sex of the expectant child.I thoroughly enjoyed my work as I got to view semi-nude women and have access to their bare abdomens. As a lesbian, this gave me thrills that I would not have otherwise experienced. I would sometimes let my hands stray near or actually touch pussies. Sometimes...
LesbianPart 5 of a series. The order is at the end of this story.I had been sleeping with my partners mother for a few months and I was loving sex with both. Adam had a big cock, and his mam Eve could lick me to orgasm better than any man I had ever slept with. And she also had a good collection of toys when either of us wanted penetration.I had recently found out that Eve had started sleeping with her ex husband Joe. She said he could give her something I couldn't. I bet that something was between...
Written by my mom.Carrie felt the hand tighten around her neck, so she struggled harder. If she didn’t get free soon she knew what was in store for her. Everyone at work had told her that Jess was a lesbian and that she would hit on her and she scolded them and tried to befriend her, which lasted for about two months worth of being ogled like a piece of meat. She had not talked to her in a while when Jess had called her out of the blue with an apology, a peace offering and a chance to make...
Hi all enjoy this lusty story. Susan’s pager beeped its distinct tone as she came out of a business meeting in Zurich, signaling that one of “her girls” had left a message on the hot line she set up in case they ever got in trouble, or needed help. Once back in the hotel she immediately made the call. “Hi Susan, this is Kara. I’m all right,” the message on the machine back in California began. Smart Kara – to state that important fact first, so that Susan would not suffer unnecessary anxiety....
LesbianSarah felt herself being pulled away from her friends into another room. She didn’t know why she went so easily but a strange voice inside of her head told her to go. She felt uncomfortable being around these lesbians from the way that she was dressed and feared that it would encourage them to try something.She was wearing a tight pink crop top that barely covered her breasts and had one of the four buttons undone to make her breasts more visible. Her breasts were the perfect size to attract...
LesbianHai all. This is jennifer back again with another real story. This incident happened last week. This is my second story here. I am posting this as I got very good response to my previous story. I am sorry if there are any mistakes. Drop a mail if you have any suggestions and complaints. Thanks for the overwhelming response to my previous post. I hope this one is better than my previous. Boys, get ready to shake your cocks, girls get ready to rub your pussies. Coming to the story, I am a 20 yr...
LesbianWhen my parents announced that we were to go on holiday to France and stay on a campsite I was not very impressed! The also told me that my cousin Tabitha and her parents were coming too. I didn’t like the sound of that either. I didn’t really know my cousin as I had only met her a few times, usually at weddings and the occasion family party. My opinion changed rather quickly once we arrived at this brilliant lively campsite which had a swimming pool complex, waterslides, shops, bar, and loads...
LesbianCarries continued defilement by a group of lesbians continues and we now join our poor heroine about to be subjected to even more lesbian perversions. Krizzy Carrie lay trembling her tears rolling down her cheeks, her anus and pussy burned with pain from the rapes inflicted upon them earlier, she had tried all night to loosen the padded cuffs that held her pinned to the mattress,”Please God help me to get out of this disgusting mess alive…I promise that I’ll do whatever you want,just...
Lesbian Fun Party Lesbian Fun Party Chapter 1 Maria, C?line and Sharon were three young women. They had a gathering because they had all graduated and decided to throw a little private party. Maria was the proud hostess. Despite music and alcohol, the party lacked ambiance. ?The party is a bit dull,? C?line admitted, ?What can we do to make it more interesting?? The girls looked at each other and sighed. Sharon looked away from C?line and stared at Maria. For no apparent reason Sharon reach...
Dear ISS readers, this is my first sex story and I would like to share my experience; an experience of a 19-year-old introvert girl, attracted only towards girls, interested in their body, struggling to convince them to share intimacy. Any self-respecting, shapely, nymphomaniac lesbian like me would look for an alternate source for carnal pleasures. There was this girl in my junior college who I found to be of my type. When I saw her for the first time in college, I had to rush myself...
LesbianLESBIAN PERIL LEGAL LESBIAN PERIL LEGAL By Michelle Makens Chap. 1 A preference choice to continue a small but somewhat lucrative law practice with L.P.L Brokerage & Defense (known only to a chosen inner circle as Lesbian Power Legal B&D) easily fulfilled my secular desirers and soon became more rewarding in many ways. With the shared caseloads and practical billable hours, things were less hectic as the overall workweek schedule helped open up my personal time for many other more...
Maggie had been deserted, dumped and left high and dry. Her recent split from her marriage of 5 years had left her in the middle of nowhere in life. She had left her job after getting married to Jake as his high paying job meant she needn't lift a finger to get what she wanted. Just when life seemed perfect and she was in her total bliss, things took a tragic turn. She discovered that Jake had been cheating on her since the 1st day of their marriage and everything it stood for was a complete...
LesbianUpon waking Carrie felt complete and total horror, she was naked, her hand’s were cuffed and pulled to her front, and she was face down with heavy leather straps running around her upper thighs and ankles spreading her legs leaving her private parts visible for the world to see. Basically face down and ass up, Carrie tried twisting to find some sort of escape but there was none ,she pulled against the cuffs till her wrists were raw., screaming seemed to have no effect, as what seemed like...
I work at an Eye Doctor’s office as the Senior Nurse and behind the scenes I run the place. Basically, I’m married to a Navy officer who had “seen the world” so we did some kinky sex now and then. All in all though I am kind of naïve about sex. Well my first day at work I was introduced to Brenda. She was the most muscular women I had ever seen. She had the physique of a bodybuilder. After a few days I was told that Brenda was a lesbian and I thought to myself, no k**ding, like it wasn’t...
Lesbian twin s_ister Part 2The sun was just rising behind the trees lines at the back of the pool when I woke up in Sara’s large king size bed; we were both naked. Her arms were wrapped somehow around me and she snuggled up tightly into me. She looked so at peace and happy and it took me a little while to put everything what happened last night into place. The smile on her face and of course on mine, plus the sticky mess between my legs refreshed my mind rather quickly. The smell of stale sex...
Hello everyone. This is Shalini (obviously name changed). I am a huge fan of this ISS Forum for the last 5years where I get too much horny temptations when I go through some erotic stories which make me to masturbate me with my dildo in front of PC only. I am not criticizing other stories by saying that they aren’t erotic and each and every story has its own temptations which boost us to have immediate sex right now. Now let me describe myself guys I am a girl from Hyderabad with 34-26-34 not...
LesbianHi all enjoy this lusty story. Susan’s pager beeped its distinct tone as she came out of a business meeting in Zurich, signaling that one of “her girls” had left a message on the hot line she set up in case they ever got in trouble, or needed help. Once back in the hotel she immediately made the call.“Hi Susan, this is Kara. I’m all right,” the message on the machine back in California began. Smart Kara – to state that important fact first, so that Susan would not suffer unnecessary anxiety....
Returning home will never be the same Helens wetness grows ever stronger. And all she thinks about is getting fucked .. CHAPTER 2 ..…. NEW OBSESSIONS … After the mornings events Sally called into work and said she had arranged for my self and Gail a closed court visit to familiarise us in the court room and when she got off the phone she explained to us this was normal practice and she gave us a print out with a breaf rundown of the questions management may ask about our...
LesbianBrandi was a very attractive 19-year-old college student. 5’7”, 125 lbs, A firm 34-C, 24,34 figure and pretty face. She had long, light brown hair, which had been everything from blond to red throughout high school. She was a real looker who turned the heads of the guys on campus. The only problem for the guys is that Brandi was a lesbian and had no use for men whatsoever. She had discovered her preference early on in Junior High school and never experimented with boys to make sure of her...
Hi to all the ISS readers and my lesbian counter parts. This is my true story when I was at the tender age of 17 years. My name is Seema and I stay in Mumbai with my parents. The incident goes 4 years back. Before that let me tell you about my self. I am 21 years old now and 36-28-38. Currently unmarried and working in a call centre in the suburbs. Ok let’s come to the incident now. It was 4 years back. We were staying in Mumbai with my mom dad my elder sister who is who was 20yrs that time. It...
LesbianErin let her hand roam over Vanna’s tight ass as the two lesbian lovers kissed passionately underneath the stinging rays of their morning shower!!! The two women couldn’t have been more different, with Erin tall and lean with almost a dancer’s body, perfect 36B cup breasts and short blonde hair that framed her beautiful face, while Vanna was much shorter, and not quite fat, she certainly was on the chubby side with her 38DD breasts and wide plump bottom coupled with a nice round tummy that...
She discovered that Jake had been cheating on her since the 1st day of their marriage and everything it stood for was a complete mirage. Itbecame clear that Jake never could commit to a single woman, he craved for more and more. Maggie had caught him with their house maid in the shower. she stormed out of their Manhattan penthouse and was now roaming the streets desperately in search of a place to stay. She had very less money saved up and barely had any friends in the city. So there she...
She discovered that Jake had been cheating on her since the 1st day of their marriage and everything it stood for was a complete mirage. Itbecame clear that Jake never could commit to a single woman, he craved for more and more. Maggie had caught him with their house maid in the shower. she stormed out of their Manhattan penthouse and was now roaming the streets desperately in search of a place to stay. She had very less money saved up and barely had any friends in the city. So there she...