Little Hell House On The Prairie free porn video

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Another story by Pagan

Little Hell House on the Prairie

?Its all over the school Mary, your sister, the perfect Laura Ingalls,is in detention.?

Mary recognized the friendly voice, it was Jenny Olson, ?It wasn'ther fault, that trouble maker Alice Lanetree is behind this.?

The pretty blind girl looked up, enjoying the warmth of the sun onher face, she may have been blind but she could hear the playground and thewhispering around her, she smiled she knew her sister was innocent, peoplewere just jealous of them because they were such a loving family.

Caroline Ingalls rung her hands as she lay her head against the littlehouse door; her eyes scanned the field, the potatoes looked a good crop,she knew that by the smile of satisfaction on her husbands face, his eyesdarting left and right as he checked each row.

Charles Ingalls stood, placed his hands behind him and pressed hisback, a huge yawn covered his face, he stopped, took his hat off and ranhis arm across his forehead, looking at his little house he shouted to hiswife, ?Caroline, its been a long morning, any root beer cold enough to giveme strength for this afternoon??

Caroline ran her hands down the front of her pinafore dress, her handsslid over her firm breasts and down to her slim waist, she may have had twogirls but with all the work around the small holding there wasn't time toput on any weight.

Her hand went back behind her head patting at the pins holding hertussled fair hair up and away from her face; she smiled at her husband andshouted at him to be quicker, ?Come on Charles, root beer or no root beerwe have to finish the south field this afternoon before the girls get homefrom school and I will take none of your excuse's.?

He picked up his pace; then broke in to a trot. He caught her justinside the door, grabbing her around the waist before swinging her off herfeet, ?I love you Mrs. Ingalls,? he planted a kiss on her nose.

Caroline looked down at him, ?And I love you Mr. Ingalls so lets godown the cellar and get that beer, remember the south field??

Smiling at her he let her slip through his arms, down to the floor, ?Youdrive a hard bargain Mrs. Ingalls so lead the way.?

Giggling like a couple of newly weds they descended the stairs tothe cellar; he sat on a box while Caroline poured the condense of a jug into two glass's. She sat, they both looked at each other as they took a longswig of beer.

They finished the drink; he got up and pulled her to him, he wentto kiss her his hand roamed over her ass, she smile, ?Remember the southfield?? he let go and she went in front of him and slowly climbed the stairsback to the scullery. He playfully smacked her firm round ass, ?Now you stopthat Charles Ingalls,? as she came up from the cellar the first sight thatgreeted her was two pairs of boots; as they climbed further the rest of themen came in to view.

?Hope we wasn't disturbin nothin mam??

A slightly flustered Caroline looked at the two men, ?No, no nothing,eerrr what can we do for you??

Charles was quickly up behind her, ?Do you usually come busting into people homes??

The second man jumped in, ?Hey no need to be unneighbourly, just hadto water the horses, you weren't around so we came looking.?

Caroline tried to calm things, ?Well I'm sure there's enough waterin the trough, you just go right ahead and help yourself.?

As she spoke so a third man came in the door, scruffy, half Indian,a large scar ran down his cheek, he spat on the floor, ?Hey was I hearingright,? his eyes stared at Caroline, ?Did the pretty lady say we could helpourselves??

Charles moved between the men and his wife, ?Just how many horseswant watering??

The first man said, ?Five, is that a problem??

Caroline moved towards the door, ?No, no please, you can go and usethe trough, it's just that we are in a hurry, you know how it is, chores,planting and visitors, all this afternoon.?

Her eyes caught sight of two more men standing amongst the horses,both looked filthy and rough, she could see a trace of renegade in both ofthem. Charles pushed by her, ?Hey you, I know that horse, that's Jake Flandersmare.?

The big scare faced Indian came up behind him, ?It was the only onearound that didn't have a bullet in it, so we took it, nice horse and I alwayslike a good mare, especially ones who ride well, looking at yours don't supposeyou'd mind if we borrowed her for a while.?

Before Charles could speak the butt of the Indians gun slapped acrossthe side of his head, he dropped like a stone. Caroline moved, but didn'tget far, the Indian spun and his hand flashed out, smacking hard across herface sending her spinning in to the scullery table; she crashed in to itand fell.

The Indian stood looking them, ?Tie him to the chair, looks like thislittle house has got company for the afternoon after all,? he walked overto the prone woman, ?Especially some time with this one.?

Charles Ingalls shook his head; the pain throbbed from his left earto his eyes, the tight rope gag felt like a vice around his head. He squinted,the blurred vision made his view swim in front of him, but his ears pickedup on the squealing noises coming from the parlour.

Again he shook his head, trying to clear it, he could feel the bloodon the back of his neck but all that was in his mind now was Caroline, helistened to her cries, ?No. no, please no,mmmmmaaa, no for god sake stop,aahhh, no, no mmmmmm.?

He blinked again and again, he began to see; he could see figuresin the parlour, men, the shirts off, pushing, shoving at each other, yellingand yelping, swigging from bottles, bottles of root beer taken from his cellar,in between all this he could see a half naked woman, his wife.

He could see her struggling, her pleas silenced as men grabbed herhair and turn her face to theirs, the mouth enveloping hers, stopping hercries. Her dress was torn open, her large breast's easy targets for the men'shands, Charles could only watch as her nipples were pulled or fingers mauledher pink flesh in to bulging shapes.

He saw the back of the filthy India as he bent and picked up the frontof her dress, her little hands tried to beat him off but they were easilycaptured and held, leaving her helpless, she was defenceless and they knewthey could do what ever they wanted to do.

One of the men noticed Charles had come round, he slapped the India, ?HeyBlade you best be careful her husband watching.?

The India just turned his head, his face creased in a grin as he staredat Charles, ?Oh he don't mind if we take a look see at what his woman got,ain't no need to make a fuss she's only gona get fucked, it ain't the endof the world and I've known white folk get off on watchin their women gettina good fuckin.?

The one forcing his mouth over Caroline's pulled off, he yanked herhead back, ?Ya and she's definitely gona get off on the fuckin, ain't youlady??

Charles knew it was futile but he still grunted and tried to makesounds past the gag, the realization of how helpless he was made his stomachchurn, he could do nothing except watch the Indian as he pushed his handup under his wife's skirt, grinning at the others as he found the slit inthe base of her bodice.

Charles saw him, he fought the bonds but to no avail, Blade was pushinghis hand further up, to add insult to Charles's, he called out, ?Hay Mr.your wife's got a real nice feelin cunt, real soft, feels like it can makea man real happy, hope it will feel the same when you next get your cockup it, its gona be one busy hole this afternoon and maybe a bit longer ifwe get the urge to stay a while and try out the other two.?

Caroline suddenly threw her head back and squealed, the India laughed, ?Yalady that's a cosy tight hole you got there.?

Another voice shouted, ?Lets have a look at her.? Other's joined thecommotion, the room was full of yelling drunken men, ?Ya come on lets getthat cunt out where we can all see it.? Charles heard her dress tare, ?Iwant to fuck her; let's get her clothes off and try her out.?

Someone dragged the parlour table between Caroline and the door, ?Gotto give Mr. a good view.?

More ripping sounds accompanied Caroline's cries. Charles could seeas she was dragged left and right, bits of dress and bodice flew throughthe air.

Men cheered as more and more of his wife's beautiful body became visibleto their leering eyes; she was soon naked. Charles gripped the arms of thechair as he saw a hand come from behind his wife; it slipped between herlegs and cupped her cunt. Other hands held hers; she could do nothing tostop them as other hands continued their attack on her breast's and ass.

Charles seethed behind the hessian rope gag as he saw her wiggle herhips trying to escape, her mouth unable to protest as mouths sucked on toit, then he groaned as he saw the index finger slip up in to her cunt anda voice from behind shouted, ?That's it woman squeal on that, you will besquealing on a lot fatter than this soon.?

The huge hand of the rough India grabbed at her hair and pulled heraway from the others towards the table, ?Ya, soon is now,? he threw her backon to the table, she lay cowering as he undid his buckle and let his trousersfall. Leaving his trousers around his boots he shuffled forward, his hugehands grabbed at Caroline's ankles and dragged them up and on to his shoulders,his hand went to his long johns and pulled out a cock fit for a man of hissize, the others cheered as he turned his hips and waved it at Charles.

He didn't have to hold it, a good ten inches of thick male meat wavedat Charles, it curved up, the bloated bulbous head hovered like a snake readyto strike, ?How's that for doin some plantin this afternoon, you gona watchwhile I plant some seed up your woman??

He turned and aimed it at Caroline's open cunt, then he slowly pushedthe head in; Caroline struggle but the hands that were still mauling hertit's gripped her, holding her in position for him to carry on pushing, hegrinned down at her, ?Ain't gona ram it up you, don't want to spoil it forthe rest, beside, we reckon your gona enjoy an afternoon of fuckin, one wayor another.?

Charles watched as the thick length disappeared up inside his wife,his strong frame started to pump it in to her, then he'd pull it back untilher hood filled with the huge head, he'd grin at Charles and then thump itback.

He could see heads covering his wife's tits, occasionally mouths lifting,sucking a nipple up, what he couldn't see was her head, all he could do washear, little grunting sounds and muffled squeals, the vision of what he thoughtthey were doing to her mouth, driving him mad.

He watched as the India started fucking her hard, he wanted to killhim as he saw his fingers pulling her cunt lips apart allowing his thumbsto rub at her clit, Charles knew she enjoyed that and worst still it madeher uncontrollable and she would climax every time.

He watched her body squirm, usually she would stop him by holdinghis hand but now she couldn't and her hips started to rock, the squeals gotmore and more and he realized why she was unable to cry out, a gurgling soundwas coming from her throat.

The India started shouting as he rammed himself in and out at a furiousrate, then he stopped, Caroline continued wiggling and rocking until sheforced him to cum, filling her to the point that his juice started leakingback out around his cock; then another man took his place.

The India stood beside the new man fucking Caroline, he whisperedin his ear and another set of hands moved to Caroline's cunt, she immediatelystarted moving again, but this time Charles heard her shout then choke asanother voice shouted, ?Swallow it bitch, anyone else want to fuck her mouth??

The Indian grinned at Charles, ?Hear that your wife sucks a mean cock,swallows too, glad to see you've trained her well, reckon we may stay a while,let the posey go chase around while we have us some fun pokin your wife,you don't mind feedin us, reckon we'll need it, we will be working up anappetite.?

He was interrupted as Charles heard, ?Get your mouth on this, allthe way bitch, I like it all the way.?

Blade looked to his right, ?Hay Rock, don't choke the lady we allgot a lot more to get rid of up her, you havin some of her cute mouth Billy??

The one stood to his left grinned at Charles, ?Nope, gona wait tillReds done poking her cunt then I'm gona take me some sweet tight ass.?

Blade slowly walked over to Charles, the arrogant look of Indian overwhite showed in his face, the look of hate showed in Charles was only heightenedby the way Blade squatted down in front of him, his long thick cock dangledbetween his legs, he looked down at it then back up to Charles.

He spat on the floor, ?Nice cunt your woman's got, real pleasure tomake her cum, and it seemed to me the pleasure weren't all mine,? he gloatedat Charles, then he spat on his hand and rubbed his cock head. Still smilinghe slapped his hand over Charles's nose, ?Smell cum and it ain't all mine,some of your wife's cunt juice on there.?

His head turned back to the parlour, both men could see Red fuckingCaroline, her ass grinding, her hips rocking as Red played his fingers allover her fleshy hood and protruding clit, she came at the same time as Red,Charles heard the squeals, still audible from her well filled throat.

As Blade got up Caroline grunted and choked, Charles could hear hercoughing, he knew she'd swallowed another load of cum and he could see therewas little fight left in her, when it was Billy's turn to have her he hadno trouble in turning her over and plugging his cock up her ass.

It was not long in to Billy's ass fucking that terror struck Charles,it must have been Red who shouted, ?There's a pretty blond kid just beendropped off at the end of the lane, she walking real slow but she's cominthis way and the closer she gets the prettier she looks.

Blade's words cut like a knife through Charles, ?Well ain't that aprize, Toz likes em young and fresh.?

Red laughed, ?Don't we all??

A gag was stuffed in to Caroline's mouth but Billy wasn't finishedwith her ass, they kept the gag in place with rope, they pushed it acrossher mouth and gave Billy either end which he held like rains as he rode herlike a horse as he just kept on fucking her. Red watched out the window asMary trod the path she knew so well. Blade stood beside Charles while Tozand Lou waited by the door.

Just as the door opened so Blade thumped Charles knocking the windout of him; Mary came in, Toz was about to grab her but stopped, it was obviousshe was blind, they let her in.

She was to worked up about the happening at school to realize anythingwas wrong, ?Ma, Pa, Laura's been kept behind, she in detention it was thatAlice, she-? it was then she stopped; now she knew something was wrong.

Toz gripped her shoulder, ?Don't tell me there's another one cominghome?? he bent at her side, ?And is she as pretty as you??

Her hand went to her mouth, she could only stand there, her heartpounded, then Lou gripped her left arm, ?Bet you wanna know what's goin on,let me explain.?

He tugged her by the arm, she stumbled a little as he drew her towardsher helpless father, ?Well Pa here is a little busy trying to breath andhe ain't no use to you as he's, well only a spectator, he won't be doin notalking so you best forget about him, now what about Ma??

He pulled her towards the parlour. As they approached Billy lookedover at the pretty young girl being dragged towards him, he smiled and panted, ?Ohya more candy,? the thought of being able to have a young girl quickly hadhim pumping himself in to Caroline's ass, and there was plenty of juice topump, it was still spurting out of his cock and over her ass as he pulledout, he grinned as he watched it dribbling over her ass, cunt and thighs.

Caroline lay exhausted over the table, her stuffed, full mouth hadred rope burn marks either side from Billy's pulling, Lou smiled at the sight.

The others gathered round as Lou dragged Mary further in to the parlour, ?What'syour name?? a little quivering voice broke in to the expectant silence, ?Mary.?

Still holding her with his right hand Lou slapped his left hand downon Caroline's back, pinning her to the table, ?You must be hungry, what withall that school work, I bet you need something to eat??

Mary, trying not to cry whispered, ?Yes sir, thank you sir.?

With one swift move his hand let go of her arm and grabbed the backof her blond hair, then he drove her face in between her mothers legs, ?Hereyou are then, lick that, you'll find its full of good natural juice.?

She squealed and tried to move away but he held her tight, ?You betterdo some eating little girl, your Pa's life depends on your licking out yourMa's cunt, so get your tongue up there.?

The little blond head stayed in the position, her tongue working asbest it could up between her mothers legs. Charles slowly came round onlyto stare at his daughter with her head between his wife's legs, she was nowbeing used as entertainment by the scum that had invaded his house.

He groaned as he watched Toz bend down behind her and lift the backof her blue dress, Toz grinned at him as he revealed more and more of herwhite bloomers.

Mary tried to pull away but Lou held her tight. He pulled first onehand then the other on to her mothers naked buttocks, ?And leave them there,just you keep licking while we have some fun with you.?

As Lou held the exhausted Caroline down with one hand so he made sureMary couldn't move her head away, it left the other three to watch the unveilingof the cute girls young ass.

Mary blubbered in to her mothers cunt, she couldn't move as they flippedher dress over her back and pulled at the ribbon ties around her waist.

Loosening them they slowly started to peel the white bloomers downover the white creamy moons of her ass, they more the centre cress revealedits self the more whistles and yells filled the room.

Charles grunted and fought but the men had to many years of knot tyingto have left anything loose, all he could do was look on unable to save hisfamily from what ever these men had in mind and at the moment it was hisdaughter Mary who was the centre of their attention.

A little last tug from Toz had her bloomers around her knees, bigdirty hands squeezed and groped at the young mounds, it was all to much forBlade.

He smacked Lou's hand away from her head and pulled her round, hisfat cock hard and long, ?You like tasting your mother cunt well little ladylets see you taste some more.?

Mary's sightless eyes looked upward as he held her hair and slappedthe side of her face with his male meat, ?Know what that is little lady??

Her trembling mouth spluttered, ?No sir, no.?

He ran the tip over her lips, ?Open them pretty lips and find outwhat a woman's mouth is for.?

The grip on her hair made it imposable for her to break free, shesquealed as fingers played over her naked ass, she tried to squirm away asshe felt her young cunt get fingered for the first time but the second hermouth opened the waiting meat pushed in, ?Now use your tongue on the endof that, taste some more of your Ma.?

As Blade held her head the others started playing with themselves.Lou told him to get down on his knees so he could bend her; he just had tohave her virgin ass.

Billy, Toz and Red grabbed Caroline and pulled her in to the scullery,right in front of Charles. Toz being the biggest thrust his arm behind herelbows and all most picked her up, bowing her body out, pointing it at Charles.

Trying not to look at Charles she hung there, Red played with hercunt while Billy twisted her nipples until she cried out in pain. Toz whisperedin her ear, ?Gona put on a show for your man or do we hurt the both of youthen help ourselves to the little girl?? she nodded, a faint, ?Yes, do anythingyou want to me but don't hurt them,? slipped from her lips.

Charles stared at his lovely home and the horrible things happeningin it. In front of him, on the floor was his lovely wife; she was straddledacross Toz bouncing on his cock, another length of meat was fucking her assfrom behind while she bent forward, struggling to suck off Billy.

Looking past her his eyes fell on his little blond darling, her facecontorted; she was trying to swallow as much of the huge cock as she could,Blade had hold of her head as he jerked his cock in to her mouth, he couldsee her eyes, empty and full of tears as the body of the man behind her pushedand humped at her ass.

The ropes rubbed his neck and arms raw as he struggled, only for themen to laugh at him and taught him, calling to each other, ?How's the youngin'sass?? ?Nearly rippin my boner off but worth it,? ?Can't wait to blast hercherry,? ?Fuckin fight you fer that sweet hole,? and to add to Charles'smisery, ?Don't forget there's another one comin soon, another set of sweetcherry holes to fuck with.?

Caroline choked on the cock in her mouth, ?Don't you worry none Ma.You won't be forgotten, you got a good sucking mouth,? ?Ya one that takesit all the way, hay Pa you ever get it all the way down?? ?If not you justwatch Billy choke her on that boner of his.?

Mary's squeals and cough made him look back to her, her face coveredin Blades filthy cum, sticky globs of cum splattered her pretty featuresas she cried out to the fucking her ass was getting.

Her torment didn't last much longer as Lou grabbed her around thewaist and pumped his hot cum in to her bowels then, like a rag doll he droppedher on to the table. Blade turned her over and finished ripping the restof her dress off, the top of her bodice soon followed it to the floor ashe pulled her arms up and pinned her wrists to the table then he bent andstarted sucking at her small breasts.

Lou moved to her, ?mmmmm fresh meat,? his mouth descended to the otherbreast as his fingers tickled at the virgin slit between her legs.

Caroline was grunting, Charles could only watch as Billy pulled herhair towards him and buried his cock completely in to her mouth; she triedto stop him but Red had her arms twisted behind her, pulling them like rainsas he pumped hard up her ass. Toz just lay there, his fingers flicking, pullingand twisting the sore nipples that jutted out from the swinging breast's,he didn't have to move her the others were doing that for him.

Charles looked at the old brown clock on the wall, five twenty, anhour's detention and a twenty-minute walk home, and Laura would be home soon.

It was Blade who heard the sound, he looked up from Mary's breast,he could see through the parlour window as the little girl came running downthe lane, her braids flying out either side of her excited face.

Lou, his fingers still playing with the tight slit stopped suckingat the small firm nipple and planted his mouth over Mary's cutting off anychance to warn her sister. Caroline could do nothing as she was impaled onthe three cocks, the one in her mouth drove deep making sure no sound couldescape.

Charles tried to make sounds but, even before Blade could make itto the door, Laura was through it.

Charles could see she was excited and about to say something, hermouth opened but stayed open, it was as open as her eyes, she just stoodthere staring at her mother; in turn her mother tried to escape the strangerscock stuck in each of her holes and stop a huge Indian passing her, bearingdown on her daughter.

As she turned to run Blade grabbed the braid on the right hand sideof her head and jerked her back, she fell backwards squealing as his armsencircled her, his left arm crushing the wind out of her, his right handploughed between her legs as he lifted her off the ground.

He turned showing the winded girl off to the others, the room explodedwith cheers and cat calls, the three men fucked Caroline harder than ever,Billy looked down at the cock filled mouth and then the tearful eyes, ?Niceof you to breed a couple of little beauties for us to play with they bothlook good enough for a ram-prodding.?

Red suddenly filled her ass, ?Ya both of them got mouths to suck mehard again and this time I get a cherry hole.?

Laura started to struggle, Blade squeezed her between the legs untilshe froze in pain, ?As I got this one already, I get her cherry first, youlot can do what you like to her ass and mouth later.?

Laura struggled but all Blade did was squeeze her more, ?Now you justrelax little lady, you seen what fun your Ma's havin lets go see big sister,she's havin a great time too and your next.?

The three men continued their fucking of Caroline, all Charles couldsee was the back of Blade as he carried the young Laura in to the parlour.

More squeals and cries as Laura saw her sister, naked, her empty eyesstared at the ceiling. She was thinking that just a few hours ago she hadraised them to the warm sun now she was naked, on her back, her small wrist'spinned to the table as a strange man sucked and bite at her nipples whilehis fingers played with her between her legs.

Laura was slammed down on her stomach beside her, the wind again forcedout of her body, she felt the bottom of her little checked dress pulled upand over her back than with out warning her ass was slapped, her body shook,the pain was vicious, she cried out only to receive another.

Blades voice yelled in her ear, ?What's your name??

Blubbering through the pain she forced out, ?Laura, Laura Ingalls.?

He grabbed the back of her dress and yanked her up, ?O K Laura Ingalls,question, do you want your family put through a great deal of pain and thenshot??

Her head turned her eyes stared at him and she shook her head, ?Nosir, please sir I don't.?

She couldn't take her eyes of this ugly India as his tobacco stainedteeth showed through his grin, ?Then you do what I say and you do it fast,or bang your father goes first.?

She nodded, he stood straight, ?Then take your clothes off, lets haveyou looking like your Ma and sister.?

Trying not to cry, little fingers went to the top button of the dressand slowly moved down, unbuttoning all the buttons until she stood there,the two halves gapping open. Blade looked at her, the scoop of her bodiceshowing her white slim neck. At the other end his eyes followed her slenderlegs and knees up until her thighs tantalizingly disappeared in to the whitematerial.

Her eyes were on his cock, the huge length of meat growing by thesecond, he could see she was mesmerized by it, ?Get the rest of your clothesoff then you can step forward and get your little hands around it, its timefor band practise.?

Her little dress slipped from her shoulders, then she pulled the pinkribbon around the neck line and pulled the bodice over her shoulders anddown her arms, the little pink buds on her mound like breast's stood coldand proud.

Then she slid the material over her hips, her hairless cunt came into view, Blade took a deep breath, ?Turn around,? with one knee up she turned,as she bent to pull the bodice off her ankles her young small perfect bottompointed at Blade.

Blade let the breath out in a low long whistle, ?Get over here.?

As she moved towards him she heard her mother cry out, she heard menlaugh, ?Bitch you're a good fuck, and you suck like you should, all the way.? Sheheard a slap and her mother cry out again, another voice, ?Reckon you'd takea good whippin if I've a mind.?

Her little voice trembled, ?You said you wouldn't hurt them if I,if I,? Blade grabbed her braids and ran his hand down her back and over hernaked ass, ?If you got naked, the boys are just funning with Ma, they willbe back fuckin her soon or maybe they will give her a rest, seems she's beenfucked for most of the afternoon and I got an idea that maybe you and bigsis will be taking her place??

Laura saw her mother as she was dragged in by Billy and Red, ?Yougetting them youngins ready, Ma here's about fucked out fer a while,? Tozcame round and squeezed one of Caroline's tits, ?But she's goin keep me companylater, she'll be something nice to cuddle up too.?

Blade still had hold of Laura, ?Get your hands on it, lets see youplay, hope your as good as your sister.?

As Laura's little hands reluctantly wrapped around the fat meat Redmoved over to Mary, ?Good little player are you, come on little girl letstry you out.?

Lou pulled the blind girl up, her terrified face said it all, Redtook her, pulling her in to Charles's view. Caroline struggled against Tozbut he held her firm, pulling her nipples until she submitted to his willand stood still, watching like the others while being forced to let him playwith her body.

Red pushed Mary down, Laura watched the scene unfold all the timeunable to move as Blade held her braid with one hand and caressed her asswith his other.

Red had Mary kneeling, ?Spread your knees,? terrified of the men sheshuffled her legs apart, he grinned at her obedience then sat in front ofher pushing his legs between hers, opening her thighs. Then he grabbed herblond her and dragged her head down to his rigid cock, ?Play the tune littlelady, open up and blow me.?

Mary had to open her mouth, her gripped her hair until she did, thenhe dragged her down and inserted the long cock in to her little mouth, ?Mmmmmmmgo girl, suck and lick, and do it good if you want to live to do it again.?

Blade shook Laura, ?Play with mine, stroke it nice, I'll tell youwhat to do next,? he laughed, ?And where you're going to put it.?

Charles could see it all; the blond head of his daughter being thrustup and down the shaft of the scruffy renegade. His youngest daughter holdingthe sack between the Indian's legs as she pulled the foreskin back and forth,the grinning Indians hand playing with her buttocks and then his eyes wentto his wife, she was being forced to stand and watch while her tits weremauled, her nipples pinched, enduring all around her while her right handmoved, wrapped around and jerking at her molesters hard cock.

Charles snapped back as Blade told Billy to get his cock and stickit in Laura's mouth, he shuddered as he heard, ?Keep her bent, there's acherried cunt that I'm having.?

Laura squealed as her head was dragged down on to the waiting meat;Billy had no trouble, by applying a little pain to her jaw he forced hermouth to except his cock; Blade went behind her and knelt, his thumbs immediatelypulled at the slit, opening it for his invading tongue, he deliberately madeloud slurping noise's making sure Charles could hear everything, as he defiledhis daughter.

Lou took a side-wards look at Charles then he moved behind Mary, herlovely young body being held, bent over, allowed him easy access to her assand cunt, her mouth wrapped around Reds meat stopped any protest as he bentand copied Blade, licking at the sweet lips of her cunt, his wet tongue slaveringup and over the light covering of blond hair.

It was only a matter of minutes, those minutes that seem like hoursbut in that time Charles Ingalls had witnessed the deflowering of his twoprecious daughters. Their muffled cries would haunt him the rest of his timeon earth. The vision of the two men, first reaming them out with one thentwo fingers, laughing at the blood on their fingers, then the slow, agonizingsight, as the pushed their long hard cocks in to the tight holes.

He shook his head, he hated looking as he saw their mouths filledwith cocks unable to relieve the pain with a scream while they endured thefucking they got from both ends; a cock driving in to a cunt forcing themforward, the cock in front not moving forcing the length down their throatsuntil they shoved back, burying the cock back up them, exciting the rapistbehind them just so they could breath.

Caroline wasn't left out, again she was on her knees, the full lengthof Toz's cock driving in to her throat, Charles's view filled with cocksthrusting in to one hole or another until all they females lay in a heapon the floor as the men sat around swigging more root beer, laughing at eachother as to what they were going to do to them next.

It was dark outside when Blade stuck a knife at Charles; Charles hadfallen asleep he had watched as Billy took Caroline to their bed and Louand Red had dragged the girls to theirs then exhaustion had taken its tolland sleep had over come him.

Blade drew blood from Charles's neck, ?You rested now, you know wegot the fuck holes so don't do nothin to get them hurt, just do as your toldand you may all live to remember this night, if you want to play the hero,there's plenty of them in the town cemetery.?

He undid one of Charles's arms and stood and watched as Charles painfullyundid the rest of his limbs, nothing was said the hate in his eyes was enough.

Blade prodded him out of the house, ?Pick up the shovel and make forthe south field,? the two men walked in silence until they reached the middleof the field, Charles thought of making a move but he could see Toz watchingand thought better of it.

The silence was broken by the word, ?Dig,? the knife glinted in themoonlight as Charles dug what he thought was his grave.

Blade bent before and watched the broken man dig down, ?Got yourselfa fucking nice family Ingells, fucking being the word, good body that wifeof yours, kids are going to be great cock suckers, specially the blond one,how come you got a blonde, you ain't blond neithers your lady, can see thepigtailed ones your'n but, hay you got a blond neighbour?? Charles seethedas he dug.

Blade could see the look on Charles face but he carried on his torment, ?Everseen your wife bent over the kitchen sink waving through the window at youin the field, ever thought your blond neighbour may be behind her fuckingher, giving her a good time, workin up a sweat up your wife's hole whileyou're workin up your own sweat, in your own??

Charles had dug down two feet but his hell wasn't over yet, ?Maybeyou got a good woman, maybe you done had visitors like us before, ever thoughtwhile you was in town a few like us done come by, one of them blond, justthink of you in town, shoppin or drinking while your pretty lady is all aloneat home,? he flashed the knife close to Charles.

?Oh man yes, I can see it now, you in the saloon drinking and womanising,your poor lady tied tight being fucked, on her knees taking it in the mouthover and over again, men looking at that lovely body all nice and naked,them big tits being given a real going over, that firm ass of hers filledby thick cocks just like it was today, then maybe tied to the bed and fuckedmore times than you can count.?

Blade could see he was getting to Charles, ?She's a hot ass'd bitchthough, gets going real easy, bet they didn't have to tie her for long, betthey got her to do anything, women are like that, once you're riding themthey will go on themselves and maybe the blond one done leave a little somethingfor her to remember him by and maybe one of us will??

Charles was stood in the hole, did he care, was this his grave? Bladestood over him, ?You ever remember coming home and not getting some cunt,red marks on her wrist's and ankles, bite marks on her titties, or maybeyou licked her out and got a mouthful of something different, you thinking??

Blade had made him dig a round hole about three feet deep before hestopped his torment and told him to kneel; he tied his ankles then his wriststo them before lowering him in to the hole; it took him a matter of minutesto fill the hole to Charles's neck; he stamped the soil down around him beforespitting on the ground close to Charles's left ear, then, smiling down athim he said, ?You been fine till the sun comes up, you can do some thinkingon what I been saying and I'll be fine to.?

Charles saw his teeth as the moon broke through, they were laughingat him, ?I'm goin back to the little house, now as I said, you got yourselfa fine looking wife, nice big firm tits and a hansom body so I'm gona bendme that wife of yours over and fuck her cunt and ass plenty of times, youstill thinking, you imagining me sticking it in her mouth and letting hergive it some tongue that will keep me hard and I'm gona have some real funwith them big juicy tits all that in between fucking your two cute littledaughters and I'm gona do that many times before sunrise, just thought you'dlike to know that,? he spat again and walked back to the house.

All night Charles stared at the house, the sounds drifted across thefield, the yelps of the men the occasional cries of Caroline or the girlsaccompanied by smacking sounds.

Inside the house the men took full advantage of the situation. Marywas treated to her first three-way fuck as he cunt and ass were stretchedto ripping point, her mouth filled with Reds fat cock left her helpless tocry out against their cruelty.

There was nothing her mother or sister could do, as they were bothon their backs, their cunts receiving a hammering from Lou and Blade, bothof them had been spanked in to submission. Blade was especially enjoyingCaroline, making her beg him to fuck her, he had already enjoyed making herkiss him all over, he revelled in having this attractive, hansom woman crawlingaround naked on her hand and knees kissing and sucking his cock while heremembered the things he had said to Charles as he fingered and played withher ass and cunt, he made sure she was paying particular attention to hisballs and ass before licking and sucking on him.

She had been forced to suck his nipples before feeding him her ownlong hard buds. She had been sitting on his face as he tongued her cunt andhe had got her aroused enough to do his bidding by sucking and licking ather youngest daughters mouth, he knew she would, the spanking had her fullyunder his control.

Laura was the same. Allowing Lou to molester her any way he wanted,kissing and licking his cock allowing him to play with her freshly violatedcunt and ass, sitting on his face while receiving her mothers attentionsbefore straddling him and bouncing up and down while he pinched her littlenipples; she was now on her back, her legs wide open while he fucked heragain, the tears in her eyes didn't bother him, all he had to do was threatenher with his belt and she would be wiggling her hips or up, her head bobbingup and down, her mouth sucking his cock and all for his pleasure again.

This continued all night as the men swapped and fucked their helplesscaptives, humiliating Caroline as she lay on her back licking out the juicethat Lou had pumped up Laura's cunt, the men yelped and shouted as they sawher tongue covered in strings of cum.

Mary knelt between her mothers legs keeping her aroused with her tonguehelpless to stop anyone kneeling down and fucking her from behind, then theyswapped the girls around and started the process all over again, the men'sperversion new no bounds as they forced the two sisters to tongue and pleasureeach other while they got mother crawling around on all fours sucking themhard making them ready to use the females again, it wasn't until the lightof dawn saw them all in an exhausted sleep.

Charles could feel the heat of the noon day sun on his head but thatwas not all he had to worry about, he could see the porch, Caroline, Maryand Laura were still naked and hanging from the cross beam by their arms,their backs to him.

Charles had watched as each man had once again raped one of his wife'sor daughters defenceless holes before getting on their horses, they toldthe females to turn around, Blade looked at Caroline, ?Look above your head,? shelooked up, a knife was sticking out from the beam, ?Look in front of you,? abarrel was just within range of her foot, ?If you stand on that you can getat the knife, oh and while your up there you may like to look at the southfield, we done your planting for you.?

Deranged laughter rang across the field as the rode away from thelittle house.


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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anthea

My name is Anthony and I am twenty-two years old. I have extra-long dark hair and darker eyes. I tie my hair into a ponytail and have a close trimmed beard. I look handsome and enjoy keeping myself in shape. I am a lucky guy as I have a very sexy girlfriend who is two years older than me. Zoe and I met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off right away. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her small beautiful mouth sits beneath a cute button nose. All in all, Zoe is a goddess and I love...

4 years ago
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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

3 years ago
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Hellen The Office Girl Part 2 Continued

A hour must of passed since I had left the girls on their own I could hear the moans and groans coming from the bedroom and knew that I could not resist in re-joining them , My cock was throbbing and I want to see what Hellen and Wendy had been up too.As I stood in the doorway, Wendy was standing between Hellen’s spread upright legs her long blonde hair sticking to her face and tits and with Hellen moaning every time Wendy moved her body towards her, as I got closer I could see that Wendy had a...

3 years ago
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Married Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 Rachelle AND

Rachelle was horrified as she thought of how she had cum over and over again with a strangers (mine) cock in her married pussy, mouth and devouring and using her body. She was ashamed and guilty, how could a married preachers daughters do this! How could she fuck me and enjoy it so, when she knew it was so wrong and why did she slut herself so. It made her feel worse she had been fucking in her sisters house. But, Rachelle, also could not but get her sore pussy wet and her nipples would harden...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

3 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

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The BarlowsThea

Three months later, the sound of laughter made Thea Barton look up. The now twenty year -old blond-headed beauty was in the living room reading when she heard it. Recognizing the voice of Uncle Dan, she smiled as she waited to see whom he was going to be with. When the laughter grew louder, she smiled. Ah, yes! It was Irene, her now very good friend! Uncle Dan seemed to prefer her to the others. Her being married seemed to make no difference to all concerned parties. Thea smiled to herself,...

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To Grandmothers House

To Grandmother's House Belladonna Memories of youthful summer days spent beside his grandmother dressed in his mother's hand-me-downs filled Michael's head. Those memories brought a smile to his face. He let out a contented sigh as he continued staring out the window while his mother continued driving him to his grandmother's home for the summer. "You know you don't have to do this?" His mother reminded him. "But Grandma looks forward to it so much," Michael replied,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

2 years ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening

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