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Sun Showers

By RopeBinder and Angie

Part I...By Angie

It was such a beautiful Monday that she took the day off and worked in hertiny yard. Yard work finished, she thought about a show but decided to washher car, as long as the sun was out. The recent rains had kept her from washingit all month. Dressed in cut-at-the-thigh cutoffs and a tiny, cropped T-shirtshe scrubbed away not noticing the man who had pulled his car up across thestreet.

He sat in his car and watched the small blonde girl and was sure she wasthe one. When she stooped low to scrub her car, her shirt rode up her torso,and he could see her round firm breasts and the smooth skin of her back andsides. When she finished, she unplugged the hose and walked to the rear ofthe house. He got out of his car and followed. When he arrived in the backyard,she was gone. He saw the screen door to the back of the house and entered quietly.She saw him standing confidently in the hallway. She stared at him for a longtime. He looked towards the bedroom, and she slowly walked to it, never takingher eyes from his.

She stood facing him, against the wall. He gently took her wrists and heldthem over her head. He then pulled the crop-top up and off of her and threwit behind him on the floor. She reached up with both hands and held onto thecleats embedded into the wall. He unzipped her jeans as far as they would unzip.He grabbed two handfuls of her soft belly and sides and squeezed until herflesh oozed from his fingers and tore on his fingernails. Over and over andover again he took handfuls of her anywhere her skin was loose enough to pinch.She shook, and her eyes filled with tears, but her gaze never left his. Attimes, her feet left the ground, as he held her by her soft underbelly in hisstrong fingertips. His hands became slippery, as the marks he was causing beganto run with the oils that her skin was leaking. Pinching both nipples withfour fingers and a thumb, he lifted and pulled away at her nipples with suchforce that his hands shook from the effort. She moaned, as tears rolled downher face, but did not kick or turn loose of the cleats. He let her go onlyto pinch her just below her armpits with all his strength. This time she wailedloudly, and each time she ran out of air he jerked his pincers again. Finally,she let go of the cleats, and he let her fall in a heap on the floor of herroom. He turned and walked away.

"Jeffrey," he heard her say, as he left her back porch.

They had finally met.

Part II...By Angie

He got halfway to his car and noticed the bum throwing a shopper throwawaypaper on her wet driveway. Bending and picking up the paper, he turned againtowards the backyard and went back into the small house. He found her wherehe had left her, curled in a ball on the floor of her room, still snifflingand whimpering. He grabbed her by her short blonde hair and pulled her to herfeet. She looked at him through teary eyes and sniffed her nose once. He draggedher to a wooden chair, sat down and draped her on her back over his lap. Herchest was a messy field of finger marks. He took the newspaper from his backpocket and slipped off the rubberband throwing the paper aside. Taking therubber band in one hand and stretching it between his thumb and forefingerhe pulled the length back with his other hand, like an archer's bow, and snappedit on her nipple. The force of the tiny impact made her scream through hertears and her legs and stomach muscles tensed with the intensely directed pain.Her nipple turned an even deeper red. He found another, less abused, spot onthe aureole and snapped the band again. Then he worked the other nipple. Eventually,the force of the snapping lost its impact on her tortured tits. He looked downat her tender tummy and snapped her several times on her soft underbelly belowher navel. Despite her pleas for him to stop, he continued snapping unmarkedspots of her most subtle flesh until the rubberband finally broke.

He could smell her now. Her breathing was shallow and quick. Her tiny denimcut-offs were barely covering her, when he pulled them completely off. Next,he turned her naked body over his knee and spanked her as hard as he couldwith his bare hand. Forty or fifty times his hand came down on her crimsoncheeks. When he could no longer lift his hand, he turned her around and beganto spank her again using the other hand. Holding her tightly by the hair withhis tired right hand, he redoubled his efforts with his fresh left hand. Eventually,his hand was as warm as her bottom. She had stopped jerking so much with eachstroke. He could smell her stronger now. When he could raise his arm no more,he stood. She tumbled, naked, onto the hard wood floor. Her body was in a stateof near exhaustion as she lie there too weak to move. He stood and went tothe kitchen and filled a large bowl with ice and returned. He laid the bowlon the bed, sat next to it and let the cool ice comfort his aching hands ashe watched her lie there and breathe, whimper, sniff and moan. There was noair in this back room, and the unseasonably warm day made it stifling. He tooka piece of ice and sucked on it. After forty minutes or so, the warmth of hishands turned the bowl of ice into ice water.

She finally found enough strength to raise her head, but she didn't see himon the bed. Slowly she pushed herself to her hands and knees. She was sweatingfrom head to toe, and the welts on her chest and tummy felt like clamps stillattached. She could feel the swelling in both cheeks of her butt, as she rockedback and forth on her hands and knees. Feeling enough strength to stand, shewas shocked at the sudden splash of ice water across her back and head. Thecold water on her hot sweaty skin forced her to scream, as her breath she'd been slugged in the stomach. She fell like a ton of bricks,not fully comprehending what had hit her.

He walked to her and pulled her, by her hair, to her feet. Taking her backto the wall, he raised her arms again to the cleat. This time, he tied herwrists with a leather strap. He stepped back and spoke the first words betweenthem all afternoon. "And now we begin," he told her. She saw himthrough blurry eyes. Her body shook. She was ready.

Part III...By RopeBinder

He left the room for a moment and returned with a small, straight-backedwooden chair from the kitchen. He placed it several paces in front of her andslung his leg over the seat. He folded his arms on the back of the seat, ashe faced her. He seemed contemplating and sprung out of the seat before heeven had time to get comfortable. He'd forgotten something...unlike him.

He left the room, and she heard drawers and cabinets throughout the houseopening and closing. Ten minutes later, he appeared with hands full of hardware,nails, rope, hooks, eyebolts and a hammer. Dropping to his knees, beneath her,he tapped the wall at her feet. He could smell her. Her sex was running downher inner thighs. He sensed her cautiously parting her legs. Perhaps she didneed him, but not now...much to do. Tap...tap...tap until he found the studsin the wall. Then the loud pounding of nails echoed in her head. Why did herhead hurt? Why was she so exhausted?

Two nails, each one pace outside her feet, and he was done. With two strandsof nylon cord, he tightly wrapped her ankles, around and around, then stretchedthem to the nail posts. Her weight was fully on her shoulders and wrists now.Her feet dangled precariously inches from the floor. Now he could relax a bit.Again, he climbed over the chair, sitting backwards and watched her fidget.

She needed this time, alone but not alone, tied helplessly, exposed and aching.Both of them needed to think. Although spontaneous, they'd put much thoughtinto this day.

An hour later, he rose from the chair and approached her. He had stared ather the entire time, his mind sometimes on her, sometimes elsewhere. She wasbeautiful, especially now. Tears streaked her cheeks, moisture filled her nostrils,whimpers escaped her lips. He dabbed her face with his handkerchief, and shepressed her cheek into the back of his hand. He kissed her on both cheeks,then briefly on her lips. She'd been crying for so long that her face and lipswere on fire. His hands traced a line from her cheekbones to her neck and acrossher shoulders. Rounding her shoulders, he tightened his grip on the tenderflesh of her armpits. She flinched, then grimaced, as he pressed his fingerstogether tightly, moving from one spot to the next, but always on her sensitiveunderarms. After some time, his vise grip turned to brushing with his fingernails.Then he traveled further to her nipples and started over. This time, the pinchingwas followed by pulling and twisting. In his excitement, he found himself bitingher cheeks and neck. She tried to kiss him, but he pushed her away with hischin and bit harder into her neck. Her nipples were turning purple and white.He'd been torturing them for almost twenty minutes. She was ready for the nippleclamps.

Normally, he was very careful with the tweezer-style clamps. When tightenedfully, they can pierce the skin. But, she was special. He grabbed one nipple,then the other and placed the pincers around her knotted tips. He slid therings farther and farther toward her nipples until the clamps were firmly attached.Then, he slid them another eighth of an inch, for good measure. She bit herlower lip, but remained silent. He left the room once more, this time for hiscar.

He returned carrying a small gym bag. He pulled out a much smaller bag, fullof alligator clips, miniature clothespins and paper binders. He dumped theclips onto the floor at her feet and grabbed a handful before rising to hisfeet. He looked deeply into her eyes. Her body glistened with sweat. He brushedher hair from her eyes and traced his hand down her face to her belly. Then,one by one, he fastened the clips. He started with her tender underarms andcontinued down her sides and across her belly. Then, he worked back to herbreasts and covered them fully with a dozen clips. Finally, he decorated theinsides of her thighs, from her knees to her crotch with a litter of the tiny-teethedmonsters. He decorated her like a tree. She shook in pain, but the pain soondulled. They both knew the true pain would come later. He sat down on the bedand searched his bag, taking inventory. He pulled out the crop and climbedonto the wooden chair again.

This time he stared more curiously, just long enough to let the clamps dotheir work. After a time, they would choke off enough blood, from dozens ofpoints on her body, that their removal would mimic tiny piercings. Her whimpersand gyrations fascinated him. Her outer shell was a proud, almost disinterestedcaptive, as if her suffering were familiar to her, but her body said otherwise.Glistening, contorted skin and a heaving chest made her look wanton...on fire.Each time he touched her, her skin burned his fingers. Further down, the betrayalof moisture trickling down her inner thighs, with droplets on the floor beneathher, said she was nothing without sex. Her body pulsed in unison with her throbbingclitoris, as she hung from the cleat. She was desperate for human touch, anytouch, whether it be the bite of a clamp, the sting of a whip or the frictionof his cock impaling her.

He rose, moving the chair aside. He traced the insides of her legs, fromankle to crotch, with the flimsy leather at the crop's tip. Each time he stokedher sex, the leather gathered more of her wetness. Ultimately, the crop shined,and he drew it to within an inch of his nose, inhaling her. The mix of leatherand moisture made him dizzy. He dropped the crop to the floor and moved closer.Their eyes were inches apart, their bodies fractions. She gathered her strengthand gazed at him. He returned her stare with one not of comfort, but of understanding,and he reached behind her tiny waist and pulled her to him. He reeled her inthe few inches that her bonds allowed and clenched her tightly. She bit herlower lip, as the clamps and clips bent and twisted between them. He manipulatedthe clips with his torso, pulling her closer and swaying gingerly from sideto side. The friction gave the clamps new life. She moaned, but neither heardit. Then he kissed her, as he had wanted to from the moment he saw her.

He couldn't remember the last time he desired like he did now. Their kisslasted forever. With each gyration of their bodies, new flames sparked beneaththe clamps. Had she not been tied, she would have dropped in a heap on thefloor when he backed away. Had he not concentrated on balance, he might havedone the same. Instead, he bent down and picked up the crop and, with a rapidlyflicking wrist, tested each of the clamps with the crop. The blows came harderand harder until, one by one, he whipped the clamps from her body. With eachclamp that flew from her tortured flesh, there was a new flow of blood thatburned beneath her skin. Several times he stopped to stroke her with his fingertips.It was amazing how hard and crisp he could swing the crop to knock off theclamps without touching her skin.

Finally, the majority of her torso was visible. A half dozen clamps remained,one on each nipple and several more on the tender folds between her legs. Smallblotches of redness decorated her skin. He wanted to caress her sides and stomach,but there wasn't time for that right now. Her journey was far from over. Herhead sagged against her weary shoulders. Her arms and sides burned from hanging.It had been over two hours now. He turned his attention to her nipples.

He removed the first clamp with his fingers. She jerked her head backwardand hissed, sucking in as much air as possible. He covered her burning nipplewith his mouth and sucked fervently. He rolled his tongue around the tip andbathed the front part of her breast with his mouth. Her nipple was so hot thatit seemed to explode onto his tongue. He grabbed it between his teeth and suckedit further into his mouth before clamping down tightly. His tongue danced lightlyalong the front of her nipple as he chewed it harder and harder. He could havebitten it off, but her cries told him it was time to move on. He reluctantlyreleased his grip and focused on her left nipple. He removed this clamp withhis teeth. Although pain seared though her nerve endings, she greatly anticipatedhis tongue swabbing her swollen bud. She thrashed in anger as he stood backjust watching her in her disappointment. Instead, he grabbed both her nipplesbetween his fingers and pressed. He pulled her to him and spoke for the firsttime in over two hours, "You're doing very well. Shall we raise the ante?"

Part IV...By RopeBinder

Her nipples were a mixture of red-hot and ice cold. Visually, they were anabstraction of pink, red, purple and white. He twisted them forcefully andplayfully between his strong, lean fingers. Then, he cupped her breasts andleaned down to tantalize them with his lips, teeth and tongue. She strainedwildly, bucking against the wall, propelling her midsection towards his touch.Sliding his hands behind her back, he begin a slow decent with his mouth, tracinga line from her chest to her stomach, with his hands exploring her back. Hermuscles tensed and pulsed, pushing gasps of air from her lungs. She was tooexciting. He was loosing his composure. He had to slow down. Breathe...breathe...

He lingered near her belly button. Such a fascinating part of the anatomy,he thought, one of the only bits of flesh impossible to get one's teeth around.He tried anyway, making a game of it. His cock was rigid, pressing againsthis jeans. Her pussy intoxicated the room. Tiny blond curls matted againsther vulva, slick from hours of secretion. Her pussy lips pulsed between theclips that trapped them. Most violently, her blood engorged clit fought toexpand the cruel metal teeth clamping it. With one last dart of his tongueinto her belly button, he headed south, straight between her legs, then detouredto her left knee.

For the next few minutes, he cleaned her legs, which were covered with bodyoil and sweat. He lapped caringly. He'd not imagined this sweetness. He didn'tknow what to expect. He cleaned her thoroughly, from knee to crotch and tooka deep breath before he touched her sex for the first time. His tongue dodgedfrom clip to clip, then flicked each one in succession. She hissed again, buthe ignored her. He removed the clips from back to front with his teeth. Onlythe clamp on her clit remained. He addressed her bare lips more vigorously,lapping, sucking and nibbling. She tensed her thighs, squeezing out a steadyflow of liquid. He took the tensing as a signal and stopped. She grunted herfirst recognizable cry, "No...pleeease!!!" He waited, before startingagain. Each time she tensed, he stopped. Each time he brought her closer tothe edge. Soon, her pleading turned to a steady moan. She slumped wearily,hanging from the cleat. Her shoulders burned and her body throbbed in pain,but, more than anything else, she wanted to cum…desperately.

He rose to his feet. The sexual tension was killing him. She looked so distraught.She sobbed silently. This time, he saw something very different in her eyesthat he had not seen before. Perplexing, interesting, she had changed in someway. Pulling his T-shirt from his belted waist, he pulled it over his headand removed it. He kissed her again, longer and more passionately than before.Body heat melded their chests and stomachs together. There was no tentativenessbetween their tongues. He wanted to help her cum.

He dropped to his knees and released her ankles. With her legs straight down,she barely reached the floor. He relieved her burden by picking up both legsand resting them on his shoulders. His attention was captivated by the clipextending from her clit. He toyed with it, flicking his tongue over it andgrabbing it with his lips. He slid it between his lips and let it recoil fromhis grip by pulling his head backward. Finally, he removed the clip with histeeth and spit it on the floor. She recoiled violently, her head and buttocksbanging against the wall. Pain shot through her most tender nerve endings.He chased her, wrapping his lips and teeth around her painfully swollen clit.He licked and sucked until she began kicking her legs, then he sucked harder.She exploded into his mouth and against his dancing tongue. He hung on, despiteher bucking. She thought she couldn't take anymore. The whole area felt toosensitive now, but she couldn't escape. The friction on her raw insides madeher ravenous. The scene made him delirious. She came again.

He dropped her, letting her hang against the wall. He feet should have touchedground, but they didn't. She tried to curl herself into a ball, but in hishaste to lower his pants he didn't notice. Kicking the denim from his ankles,he grabbed the backs of her thighs and pulled them up, spreading her legs.Piercing her with a quick stroke, they collaborated a rhythm and bucked slowly,savoring the moment. He had never felt anything so good as he felt at thatmoment. She was so exhausted that had her pussy not been on fire she couldhave fallen asleep. Her sexual embers would not extinguish. She clenched hisswollen cock with each stroke, trying to suck life from it. Although animalistic,their lovemaking was steady and deliberate. The tightening in his balls camesuddenly, and then he splashed inside her with a groan.

He stood, leaning against her, with his limp cock inside her, before gatheringenough strength to move. Then, he pressed his body against hers and untiedthe leather strip that had melded with the skin on her wrists. He held herup with his weight against hers and massaged her tender wrists. Then, he swepther legs and shoulders into a threshold carry and carried her to bed. He layher on top of the comforter and crawled next to her. He pulled her closely,trying to touch her with each and every part of his body and closed his eyes.

Part V...By Angie

They lay on her bed for nearly an hour. He stroked her as she slept, nearexhaustion. He quietly slipped from the bed and gathered the tools he had beenusing and put them back into their respective bags. Leaving three lengths ofrope, he went to her sleeping form and rolled her onto her belly. Tying eachankle, with separate pieces of rope, he secured the other ends to the bottomlegs of the bed. Coaxing her off her belly to a kneeling position, he tookthe third length of rope and tied her wrists behind her back. She began toregain consciousness and moaned in resistance. Spreading her knees as far ashe could, he pulled the rope binding her wrists, from behind her back, throughher legs, pulling her bound wrists down towards her buttocks. Her shouldersslumped backwards, as her arms were pulled down toward the mattress. He stoodin front of her with both hands pulling the rope connected to her wrists fartherand farther though her legs. Her torso responded to the strain of her armsbeing pulled down through the back of her open thighs by leaning backward ontothe bed. He aided her motion by raising one foot and pressing it into her chest,effectively pressing her back down on top of her arms and the white comforter.She was now on her back laying on top of her folded knees, her legs forcedopen, completely exposed, her hands beneath her, her body drawn tight, totallybound, submission complete.

He ran his fingertips over her bruised sides, ribcage, waist, belly, opencunt, ears, throat, breasts and tender, tortured nipples. She began to respondby taking deep measured breaths. He opened a drawer beside her bed and founda black scarf. Under the scarf he found a long, thin, battery operated clitoralvibrator. He took both from the drawer. He tied the scarf around her head andmade a thin tight gag. Next he jammed a small wooden spool of sewing thread,he'd found on top of the nightstand, into her mouth, propping it open. Turningon the small vibrator, he used it on all the erogenous spots of her exposedbody. Even her tiny, boyish, tortured nipples responded as they stiffened somuch their tips turned milky white. He bent and flicked each nipple tenderlywith his tongue. Moving upward he gently kissed her throat. Working downward,he lingered just under her navel and finally stuck his tongue to the bottomof her belly button. The tiny crater was stretched to an oval. With all theabuse she had taken that day, his tongue still tickled her. His tongue flickedand licked at her belly button, and she jerked and what sounded like a distortedgiggle came out of her gagged, but propped open, mouth. His attention returnedto the clitoral stimulator, and he expertly applied it to her, once again,moistening cunt. Each breath she took exhaled in a louder and louder moan thanksto the wooden spool in her mouth. Bound as she was, he could see her hips risingand grinding slightly, trying to hasten her next orgasm, giving him plentyof clues as to when she would explode. He abruptly stopped all stimulationleaving her growling in frustration.

He left the bed, momentarily, and got something out of one of the cloth bags.When he returned to the bed, he massaged her belly button with both hands.Using his two middle fingers, he pushed the little hole of her navel open andclosed and carefully inspected it from all angles. Finally, with his thumband forefinger, he stretched open the cavity of the girl's navel as wide ashe could. The tender skin at the bottom of her navel rose, as the skin grewtaut. With surgical precision, he attached a steel needle-nosed hemostat tothe knotted nerve endings of her belly. As the pincers closed, the pain wentthrough her belly to her spine. The pain seemed to come from everywhere. Shewas barely aware that the deafening sound in her ears was her own scream. Hecarefully moved the scissors end of the hemostat back and forth, round andround like a joystick directing the total pain in her body like he was playinga diabolical computer game. With his other hand, he went back to work withthe clitoral stimulator. He worked both hands carefully until he could hearthe effects of each in her wails, screams and moans. He was playing her now.He had absolute control over her, physically, mentally and sexually. How longcould he make her last? How long could he listen to her scream? How long wouldhe?

Part VI...By RopeBinder

Tired of amusing himself with her bellybutton, he unclasped the hemostatand tossed it to the floor. She was too far gone to notice its absence. Herchest heaved up and down as if each breath were her last. She gyrated her sweatytorso back and forth, blindly searching for the buzzing vibrator. She wantedto cum. She needed to cum. Her thoughts were too blurred to comprehend herhelplessness at that moment.

His voice brought her a moment of reality. With a steady tone, he asked, "Angie,would you like to cum now?" She shook her head vigorously, gurgling thoughthe makeshift gag. He continued, "You realize, there will be a cost." Itwas not a question. It was a confirmation of their agreement, he dominant,she submissive. She hesitated. A tear swept along the corner of her eye, andshe shook her head again.

He tossed the vibrator to the floor, not bothering to extinguish the buzzing,and placed his head between her bound, spread and contorted legs. He startedslowly licking only the outsides of her silky lips. Her matted, blonde pubichair framed her slick opening with an aroma of sex that filled the room. Helicked carefully, first outside, then inside, with unpredictable stokes. Longcurls of his tongue contrasted short jabs. Intermittently, he grabbed her engorgedclit between his lips and flicked it gently with his tongue. She pressed forward,despite her discomfort. Her bent legs seared with a tired ache, but she didn'tcare. She was closing in on an explosive orgasm. She couldn't tell if her heartbeathad stopped or was racing. Her panting drowned out all other sound. All shecould feel was his tongue on her clit. She was dizzy, and he was drowning.

Then he stopped.

She moaned as loud and she had all day. This was torture. He had agreed itwas time for her to cum! "This won't do," he muttered. "Yourhair is in the way," he continued, pulling several wet blond curls fromhis tongue, then several from her cunt merely to surprise her. "Hold on," hesaid and hopped off the bed, staggering to the bathroom. He returned with scissors,a razor, shaving cream, a towel and a large bowl filled with hot water. Amidsther protests, he tugged at her curls, snipping them at the base. Then, he smotheredher pubic crew cut with shaving cream. She craved any sort of contact betweenher legs and thrust her lips at his fingers. "I'd be careful, if I wereyou, Angie. I've only done this once, and I'm not that confident with a razorin my hand." He shaved her, developing a rhythm dipping the razor intothe hot water and gliding it along her skin. When he was satisfied with hersmoothness, he relathered her and did it again. He couldn't be sure, but hethought she was trying to get herself off on the razor...very strange…veryerotic. Finally, he cleaned her with a warm, wet towel. She sparkled.

He began again. Licking gently at the edges of her protective hood, thentracing the edges of her swollen pink and white lips, occasionally dippingthe tip of his tongue inside her. Her juices flowed more freely without herhair getting in the way. He knew it was probably an illusion. Her barenesshid nothing. Her stubble invigorated his tongue. The freedom with which hecould attack her nakedness shocked his weary senses. He sucked on her lipsand lapped up her juices. There was no hurry. She pressed her bottom up anddown and groaned from the back of her throat. He bit at her lips and clit,tugging and releasing them. Her body stiffened. He grabbed her clit with hislips and worked over the nerve endings. She stiffened again. Her groans becamehigher pitched. He sucked gently, but continuously, on her clit and hood, gatheringthe added rush of fluid spilling from her opening. She was cumming, but hedidn't release her until she slumped on the bed. She could now feel the achein her arms and legs, but she basked in her glorious state.

Part VII...By RopeBinder

"Shall we try that again?" She had momentarily forgotten he wasthere. Perhaps she had dozed off for a second. She froze, remembering his earlierwords..."There will be a cost." She said nothing. He stooped overhis clothing, heaped in a pile on the floor, and retrieved his belt. He thoughtabout how lucky he was to have found this belt. Its leather wove diagonallyfrom edge to center along its entire length. The body was one and a quarterinches wide and tapered to three-quarters of an inch at the tongue. It wasa sturdy quarter inch thick down the middle. He knew he would never find abetter whip.

"I'd like to see you climax again, but this time...only the whip." Shegroaned. Was it possible to cum from whipping? Neither knew. Her body was acollection of slick, shiny flesh, red and purple bruises and red welts. Itwas attractive now, but probably wouldn't be tomorrow. He wanted to leave herwith something more decorative. He began striping her breasts, crisscrossingthe marks as one would decorate a piecrust. Each lash left a stinging trailof redness. He worked his way down her belly and sides. She squirmed left,right, up and down, but there was no escape. The belt rained on her alreadytender flesh. He spent extra time on her bellybutton. Then, he bypassed hercunt and marked the front of her thighs with stripes an inch apart. She wascrying again. "Why does she like this? Why does the pain turn her on?" hethought. "Are these questions she can answer? Maybe...maybe not..."

Satisfied that he'd covered her frontside, he shortened the belt, danglingthe last eight inches from his fingertips. He concentrated on her inner thighs.She jumped with each blow, as he whipped her most sensitive flesh. Despiteher cries, her juices flowed, pooling on the mattress beneath her. By the timehe reached her lips, she was rising to meet each blow. He sat on her chest,whipping her clit, pussy lips and tiny pink asshole. He found himself playinga game to see if he could make the tip of the belt briefly disappear betweenher lips. She shivered below him. She was cumming again. Unbelievable to bothof them, she was cumming. He continued to shower her with leather, and eventuallyshe came again.

Part VIII...By RopeBinder

He'd witnessed a lot of things, but never climax by whipping. The thoughtexcited him so much that his cock bobbed painfully, swollen against the heatof the bedroom. He threw his belt to the floor and hastily untied her. Sheremained still. She hadn't the strength to straighten her cramped legs or pullher arms out from under her. He did it for her and removed her gag.

He lay on top of her for a moment, staring at her face. She had nothing left.Her eyes were closed. Her body was limp. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders,lifted himself to his elbows, and quietly slid inside her. He fucked her slowlyand steadily, caressing her hair and cheeks with tired hands. She was unresponsive.He thought of Sleeping Beauty and stretched his neck to kiss her throat. Hegently sucked her neck, then her chin and then her lips. She creased her eyes,blinded by the daylight sneaking through the window blinds. She opened themfully and returned his gaze. Their eyes never left each other's as he slidin and out of her. Her wetness clung to him, and he thrust harder and deeper,trying to pierce her. When he came inside her, it was more relief than climax.They'd been through so much in one day. He gasped as he came and collapsedonto her chest and stomach, out of breath, heart racing.

He rolled onto his side and clutched her to him. They held each other fora long time, fading in and out, half asleep, half awake. Finally, he crawledfrom her bed, tucked her in and went to the kitchen. Quietly fumbling throughher cabinets, he found some pots, pans, noodles, olive oil, garlic, clams andItalian bread. He cracked the seal on a bottle of Chianti and went to workon a large batch of linguini and clams. She was tired and would sleep for awhile, but when she woke, she would be famished. She would need him to takecare of her.

He basked in the aroma of the garlic, clams and warm bread and thought abouthow lucky he was to have found her.

Copyright © 1995 by RopeBinder. All rights reserved.

Do not reprint or post without permission.

[email protected]

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Sunt o nevasta curva

Uneori, în viata ti se întâmpla lucruri la care nici macar nu te-ai fi gândit cu un minut înainte ca ele sa se produca. Spun asta pentru ca eu însami am fost în mai multe astfel de situatii. Ultima, si cea mai tare - chiar de Martisor. Eram acasa în concediu medical. Nu ca eram bolnava, dar nu aveam chef de munca. Pe la opt dimineata, dupa ce fiica-mea a plecat la gradinita, mi-am facut dus si, numai cu tricoul cel lung pâna sub fese pe mine, m-am bagat în pat. Nu trec doua minute si aud...

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In the Showers

Prologue: Do not skip this part, or I will take no responsibility for anything that might turn you off as you read further. This story is true. It was told to me by a very good friend one night when he was somewhat drunk, and we were sitting in front of a dying campfire at the cottage, having our last drink before putting out the fire and retiring. The events in the story happened to him. I am the only person to whom he ever related the description of the incident. Before you go all "yeah,...

5 years ago
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Kelly and I The Showers

If this story looks familiar, that’s because it was originally uploaded years ago, and I’m re-uploading a few of my stories with grammar corrections, less awkward wording, etc. Hope you enjoy! This is the second in a trilogy based on a character named Kelly. This isn’t chronologically related to the previous story, but instead, is an entirely different story about a first time with the character. A lot of the beginning of this is just character development, build-up, and so on, so if you're...

3 years ago
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The rugby team in the showers

I was horny that week, since I was home alone.I had masturbated several times during those days, but nothing seemed enough to me to calm down my craving for cock. I called my beloved hubby who was in a not so far city, telling him I needed his thick cock and I needed it as soon as possible. Victor told me I should be patient, since his boring business trip was taking him more time than expected…On Saturday morning I went to the gym; a bit of workout would cool off my arousal for cock…I had...

4 years ago
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Child of the Program Ommitted ChaptersChapter 3 Communal Showers

The store that stands over our underground home is called Mr. Naughty's. It sounds like a funny name, but the contents of the store don't usually bring about fits of laughter. As the name implies, those products were designed with, well ... naughty thoughts in mind. Here's the funny part: I'm Mr. Naughty. After all the events that led to me collecting the women living with me, I had helped to bring down the woman who originally purchased the land and unfinished underground complex. The...

4 years ago
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Room 222 Hit the Showers

Maybe it was pulling down the gym coach's shorts that started it all. If that's true, it was the smartest prank Bernie ever pulled. Bernie, a tall, skinny, gangly white kid with a head of red cotton wool, was the champion goof-off of Walt Whitman High. He didn't have a great deal of concern about his regular classes, but he actively disliked gym. With the coach, the feeling was mutual. So when Bernie pantsed him, the coach sent Bernie on 10 extra laps around the gym, and then made him...

2 years ago
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Painted Toes in Private Gym Showers

I'm soo thankful to have feminine feet and legs. My cock is around 6 and a half inches and I have a cute boi-pussy that is tight, but can take a sizeable dick. I would also like to point out that I have enemas on a regular basis so my butt is pretty clean. That part is true and the only part of this story is me at the locker room showers with my painted toes.In the gym that I go to there are three individual showers. The way the showers themselves are set up to where you push the first curtain...

2 years ago
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House Slut 42b Hitting the showers

-phenylalanine After exiting the storeroom, hoping no one noticed just how dishevelled she was as she took her walk of shame across the gym floor, Tegan hit the showers. As much as she liked acting like she was slutty enough to walk around with cum under her clothes, there was some basic hygiene expectation to participating in civilised society. Hal seemed convinced that their story was on the level. Ok, so maybe Trevor hadn’t saved her life, but he had rescued her from some harassment, or...

3 years ago
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Sunita Bhabhi

This is Raj, age 32 yr old handsome and have a very big cock…..This story is about how I fucked my neighbor widow bhabhi. Bhabhi name is Sunita and she is around 35 yr old her husband passed away 3 yr ago in car accident. I moved into their apartment complex 1 yr ago and Sunita bhabi live right opposite apartment. so it’s a 6 apartment in a building and we were on the first ground anyway, it’s all started 4 month ago, I was new to that area and I usually walk in outside my complex in the...

2 years ago
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Hit the Showers

Introduction: A threeway between three ninth graders in the private school gym showers. Enjoy! It was average day at school. I was in ninth grade, and was just coming back from tennis practice. Except this time I was late, because I stayed with two friends to hit around for another half hour. The locker room was pretty average, with a big open shower room. I had never used the showers, because I was a bit shy about my late blooming body. As we walked back to our lockers, I started to take out...

4 years ago
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A shocking surprise in the showers

After a long and stressing day at my office, I called my sweet Ana and told her I would spend some time at the gym; some workout would help me to relax.Once there, I made a complete circuit with other people and then I went to the swimming pool, for making several rounds. After enjoying a nice warm shower, I decided to spend another while at the sauna. I went in to the steam room and left my long towel hooked outside.The heat was nice and I sat down there to enjoy the warmth. Some moments...

4 years ago
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Sundari Sexy salt

Hi I am Ram.Thankyou for your comments.I you want to sent any more comments or contact me plz contact me in This is my true incident happend with my aunt Sundari.She lost her husband in a car crash.She have a 7 years old daughter.She lives with our family in Tanjore.I am 19 years old at that time studing collage.She is 33 years old and she is working as a teacher in a school. She is 5.6 feet tall and i am 5.8 feet tall.She is woman of sex fantasy.When she walks in road all would watch her.She...

4 years ago
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Alone with him in the showers

My sexy wife Ana announced she would spend a couple days at Helena’s home. Her sexy slutty girlfriend had some marital problems and she felt a bit alone; so Anita went to assist her. I thought they both would enjoy some nice lesbian sex during their time together…On the second day, I had been training for a while at the tennis club.When I finished by early evening, I went to the lockers room for a shower.The place was almost empty; since it was a bit late now.I got undressed and went directly...

2 years ago
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Revenge In the Showers

“I’m gonna head to the showers, everyone,” Skylar told her friends after P.E. was over. “Be safe!” She heard the collective group, Ashley included, say. “God, I hope she doesn’t run into any more of those dirty nig-” One friend was about to say before she was stopped mid-sentence by Ashley. “HEY, girls… Let’s go for a run. I’m sure SOME of us need to clear our heads, right?” Ashley had an annoyed tone in her voice and the girls all agreed with a nod as the one who was about...

5 years ago
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Sunita Bhabhi Ke Haath Mein Lund Ka Paani Giraya 8211 Part II

Hello dear friends …I am 25 yrs rocky from kota Rajasthan .aapko yaad hoga maine pehle bhi aapko meri 2 true story likhi hai …jaisa ki aapko pata hai ki mera affair mere frend ki mummy shobha aunty se hai or unhone meri frendship unki ek frend 58 yrs ki asha se bhi karva di hai .maine aapko asha aunty ke saath meri story bhi likhi thi ….friends ye mein aapko meri nayi or true story likh raha hoo please aapke comment mujhe pe jaroor likhe. Friends 2 weel pehle mere mail pe ek mail aaya maine...

2 years ago
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Meeting in the showers

It was the end of the week, i like to go to do a massage every 2 months, i go to this place where women give massages and for extra money they offer hand/blow jobs, so i like to go there and have my little pleasure, i made friends with a young morrocan girl workimg there, she knows i am a bi-sexual and she helps me to get my maximum pleasure... After i finished my course i went to hit the showers, while i was cleaning myself and sticking my fingers in my asswhole cleaning it, a gentleman came...

3 years ago
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Sunil Ne Mari Maami Ki Chodi Moti Gaand Part Rd

Hello dosto ek bar fir main aagya apni mami ki moti aur khushbudar gaand ki kahani lekar.…mera nam sunil he.Main moradabad ka rehne wala hun.Jaisa ki maine apni pichli story main bataya tha ki ye u.P. Ka ek chota sa bohot femous shehar he.Jise duniya pital nagri ke nam se janti he.Main apni kahani ka 3rd part aapke liye lekar aaya hoon.Aaj main 29 years ka hun. Aur aaj bhi aksar blue story padta hun.Aur muth marta hun apni mami ki gaand ke naam ki.Aur aksar blue story padata padta tha.Dosto ab...

2 years ago
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Sunita ki train Sawari 2

Sunita was so engrossed in enjoying her experience, while on train that she did not notice that an old man standing in other corner of the compartment was staring at her face and reading her expressions. He is the same old man, Keshubhai, who lives very opposite to her apartment. His eyes were always glued on her ever since she moved in this apartment. Her figure and her body and her beauty were driving him crazy. He is about 55 years old widower, living his son and his wife but mostly alone,...

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Sunita Chachi 8211 My Anal Slut Fucked Inside The Bathroom

Hey guys, this is the second part of my series of Rohan’s adventures.In this we will get to know how Rohan got a chance to peek at his gorgeous cousin Riya’s body after fucking her mother. Let me give you a recap of the first part for relevant details. In the first part, Riya and her mom Sunita came to Rohan’s house for spending their holidays. Rohan lost his virginity to his chachi Sunita on a car trip. Since then they both had been fucking each other at every opportunity they could grab. Now,...

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Hitting The Showers

Hitting The Shower- MM,Bi, oral, exhibitionMy wife sends me off on my own for a daring adventure in a public place. I finally meet The Stud, and am required to service him in the locker room shower of the local university. (MM, bi, exh, oral) ***Her instructions were straightforward, and I walked into the dressing room from the outside entrance as directed. The room was empty, but the sounds of people in the adjoining gymnasium echoed off the walls. I stared at the neat rows of benches and...

2 years ago
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Sunita Aunty Massages And Seduces Me

Hi readers, this is Rahul again with my story about how I was seduced by Sunita Aunty, who lived in the same gated community as me. Now I have relocated to Chennai, please email me your comments, feedback at Since living on the same floor I used to smile and make small talk with her when we met, her husband used to be away travelling most of the time. About Sunita Aunty, She was around 48 years, fair good looking, a little plumpish, she had Good boobs and she was always well dressed in such a...

1 year ago
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Surprised in the public showers

This is a fantasy that developed as I was telling a bedtime story to a friend. It's based on a real building. please excuse the spelling and, grammar, sentence structure, etc, as it was originally written in the heat of passion over a messaging service, and has been edited only once, I didn't want to lose anything. *** The time is very late, or very early, 4 in the morning, on a weekend night. The barracks are quiet as we roll up and get out of the car. No lights are on, save...

Group Sex
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Mistaken Beach Showers

I reclined in the flimsy plastic chair, keeping most of my pale skin in the shadow of the beach umbrella. I loved being with my friends away from home, but the sun and I aren’t friends. When Tiffany told us we were going to go to the beach, of course I would be going. Just need my portable shade and SPF four million. If I would be lucky, a cloud bank might roll through and I would get to swim in the large lake for a while. Not Tiffany, though - since she got her car, she was up here every...

2 years ago
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Sunita 8211 My Father8217s Personal Secretary

Since I am new to this site, let me first introduce myself .. I am Vinay Sharma ( my close friends call me vikky ) .. I m 24 years old and m from pink city Jaipur .. My father is a well known industrialist of Jaipur ( sorry, i cant disclose his name ) .. U can say that i m from a high class family .. This is a true incident which happened to me last month .. So , without wasting any time, let me start the story .. This story is about my father’s personal secretary .. Her name is Sunita .. She...

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Between the April Showers

In Britain, we often experience several different season’s weather in a day. One minute there’s glorious spring sunshine — then, before you realise, the heavens have opened and there’s rain or even hail, sleet, and snow. These changes move rapidly on the wind and showers can pass within minutes, leaving the sun to burst through the clouds and we’re back in warm sunshine.A typical weather phenomenon in spring is a sudden April shower and we have a saying: ‘March winds and April showers bring...

1 year ago
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Me and my best friend Nic get up to stuff in the high school showers

So this is the story of me and my friend Nick, we are just ordinary boys, no thoughts of Gay stuff between us and we don't look at gay porn, We are still virgins and never had sex (Well we do now :D )... One stressfull and tiring day on a Friday afternoon, our class played some Football for Sport Education, While on the pitch, Me and Nick we were just so tired and bored we were talking about What we gonna be doing at nics house. So it's the end of the day and The whistle blows,. We all jog back...

2 years ago
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Sunita Ko Massage Ke Bhahane Se Choda

Hey friends, my name is Addy or ye story meri naukarani sunita ki hai joki 4 saal se hamare ghar me made hai ab sex story pe ata hai. Sbse pehle tho apko apne ghar ka haal btata hu mere ghr me hum 3 log hai mai mummy or papa vo dono job krte hai or 8 bje kreeb ate hai mai school pdta hu tho mai 2:30 tk ajana or sunita morning me 7 bje aake hamara brkfast lunch and dinner bnake 8 bje tk chli jati hai ab uske bare me bta du 35 saal ki aurat hai vo rang sawala hai par face itna naughty hai ki jb...

3 years ago
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Sunniyai Umbum Kama Veri Pen

Hi friends, ithu oru unmai kathai enbathaiyum therivithu kolugiren, en peyar anbu vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Eppadi avalai santhithen ena aanathu enbathai muzhuvathaiyum ungalidam solugiren, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. Oru naal en nanban veetirku sendru irunthen, avan veliyil sendru irunthaan athanaal call seithu engu irukiraai endru ketu irunthen. Nanban itho vanthu vidugiren endru solli irunthaan, naanum sari naan kathu kondu irukiren seikiramaaga vaa machan endru solli irunthen....

2 years ago
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Sunita chud gai vicky say

Hello iss reader main aap ka dost phir hajir hun aap logon k mazay k liye agar koi story mujhay kahin milti hay too main aap ko zarror yaad rakhta hun ab main baar baar jhoot bolon k ye mari sachi story hay kuch matlab nahi hay jo aap ko maza day sakay vo story sachi hay baki sub bakwas hay agar aap ko lagta hay k mujhay sirf apna sexexperince share karna chahaye or kisi ka nahi to mail kar k bata dena ya phir jo story main book main say ya kahin say bhi aap logon k liye lata hun aap ko pasand...

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Sunita 8211 Seduced By Me

This story is about me and my net friend Sunita. I am Sanjay, 45, married and living in Delhi. I have had a decent socially acceptable marriage since the last 9 years but there is no emotional connect between my wife and me. So I am often lonely and crave for a nice woman to have a relationship with even if it is online only. I also wrote a fantasy story recently and posted to some erotic stories websites.   Then one fine day I got a reply from a woman named Sunita. She had read my stories...

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Sunita ki train sawari 1

Sunita is 25 year old young and beautiful girl with the perfect figure of 36 26 38. Her complexion is very fair with beautiful big eyes and full mouth with pink lips. Her body is well maintained with Yoga practice. She has been married for 2 years now but living alone in Bombay as her husband has a job in Dubai and is there for about six months. She is a very sexy girl and misses having sex for such a long time with her husband away. Her body is craving for sex all the time and she is trying to...

3 years ago
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Suni Aunty 8211 My Bitch 8211 Part 4

Note:- Real NAMES are changed because it is a real story. I’m Robin again. Hope you liked my last 3 parts of this story. Thanks for your great feedbacks. First part of this story was how I get Suni aunty(my mom’s cousin’s wife) as my bitch. Second part was how I started fulfilling my fantasies with Suni aunty. Third part was some more crazy things & how I planed & involve my friends to do group sex with Suni aunty. In third part, I tried to tell the story in different method. Hope you liked it....

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Sunaina8217s Journey 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I have been reading stories on ISS from the past 3 years. The story is about a girl who turned to a naughty bitch. This story is completely fictional. This was my first story, pardon with my mistakes & suggestions are always accepted. Ping me at My name is Sunaina, I’m at 24 with height 5.6 & stats 36 30 32 . This story dates when i was in 12th class. I was a normal girl & my studies are good. Both my parents are working & they will be busy most of the time leaving me alone in the...

4 years ago
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April Showers

Leslie Gray, CPA, had an excellent reason for living in his new house for six days before using the shower in the master bedroom's private three-quarter bath: taxes. Les had spent his past ten years sitting in a chair and analyzing complex tax returns for the Internal Revenue Service in Philadelphia while waiting for a promotion. Stan Lowenstein, a field auditor, was the one who finally told him he was wasting his time. Stan said that Les was too introverted to do the butt-kissing necessary...

2 years ago
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Sunita Bhabhi Ki Mast Chudai

Hello friends!! I’m sumit I am writing another sex stories in hindi after a long gap about 1.5 years.Main aapko apne bare mein bata du main indore M.P ka rahne wala hu aur main govt job karta hu, meri height 5-10 hai aur dekhne mein gora and handsome hu koi bhi ladki asani se chahne lage.   Maine ke sachi gatna batyi thi apni karib 3 month pehle isi site ke madhyam se, uske baad ek bhabhi ne mujhe contact kiya phir main aur bhabhi busy ho gaye the aur ye story hum dono ke bare mein hi hai aur...

2 years ago
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Suni Aunty 8211 My Bitch 8211 Part 3

Note:- Real NAMES are changed b’coz its a real story. I’m Robin again. Hope you liked my first & second part of this story. Thanks for your great feedback. First part of this story was how I get Suni aunty(my mom’s cousin’s wife) as my bitch. Second part was how I started fulfilling my fantasies with Suni aunty. Today I’m going to tell you about some more crazy things which I did with My Suni aunty. Every day I fucked her, Fisted her ass hole & I was drinking her milk. We started doing crazy...

5 years ago
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Sometimes I wonder what I was feeling, what I was thinking, why I did some of the things I did.  Have to say though, I have few regrets.  I played a lot, even at a young age, simply because most of it felt great, and I grew to like it, a lot.  I talk a lot about Mister Little, but even before I got with him I was able to find "playmates.       One dreary day I was worked till near exhaustion, I felt sweaty and totally gungy so a shower was all I wanted at the end of my shift.  Man o' day I...

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A Chance of Showers

I had turned the hot water of the shower up to near scalding. It was how I oftenhad my showers, even in heated weather. Cold was just never acceptable fora shower. I sighed contently as I stepped beneath the spray, letting the hot, pulsingwater rinse away some of the stress in my shoulders and back. Closing my eyes,I touched my chin to my chest and let my thoughts drift as I forced my musclesto relax even further. You slipped into my mind as easily as you slip into my body? a welcomed...

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An enlisted man finds a hole into the female officers showers

I don’t know why I joined the Navy … it seemed like a good idea at the time, travelling to different countries and experiencing foreign cultures were part of it. Maybe the fact that my home town was getting a little boring had something to do with it. I’m from a small town, and the amount of available women was pretty low. Everyone seemed to be settling down and getting domestic, but I still wanted to have some fun. Getting laid was no problem, there was Julie, she...

4 years ago
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About her…… She was from the far east. From a country ravaged by decades of war that now simmered with a truce that had been put in place before she was born. She grew up there but had been drawn here to the US by the prospects of a better life. Her family wasn’t poor, but they weren’t rich either. There was a large gap between the have’s and the have-not’s. Like many third world countries, the rich in her country made sure that they remained rich and in power. Her family and others like...

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Suni Aunty 8211 My Bitch 8211 Part 2

Note:- Real NAMES are changed because its a real story. I’m Robin again. Hope you liked my first part of this story. First part of this story was how I get Suni aunty(my mom’s cousin’s wife) as my bitch. Second part is about how I started fulfilling my fantasies with Suni aunty. Like Suni aunty is a wild bitch, my fantasies was also wild. May be you couldn’t accept it as normal or real. But its all true & and I did it with Suni aunty. I was a simple & lovely boy to those who know me. But inside...

3 years ago
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Three wild guys in the showers

I came out of the showers and sat at a bench in the locker’s room.The soccer match had been very hard and I felt really tired. Few minutes later I was surrounded by three huge guys. I had seen them making a practice of football and after finishing, they had showered close to me. Now the three guys had towels around their waists.I looked at them, having no idea what was happening, but I then felt a bit scared, since their looks were menacing…"What's your name?" One of the blond guys...

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The public showers

I was talking to another girl online and asked about if they liked the idea of sex in a public shower/changing room and this fantasy popped into my head with her…. Hope you all like this. After a few hours in a public swimming pool we go to the public showers. We go to the disabled area with a long wall around it that has a closable door on the inside. You press the button to turn the shower on, getting your one piece swim suit wet again. You apply shampoo to your wet hair and mass it in. You...

2 years ago
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The public showers

I was talking to another girl online and asked about if they liked the idea of sex in a public shower/changing room and this fantasy popped into my head with her.... Hope you all like this.After a few hours in a public swimming pool we go to the public showers. We go to the disabled area with a long wall around it that has a closable door on the inside. You press the button to turn the shower on, getting your one piece swim suit wet again. You apply shampoo to your wet hair and mass it in. You...

3 years ago
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anal showers

im a male with a womans figure a very nice figure this has caused lots of problems in the gym showers as all the men cant help looking at my curvy hips and plump bum! I love them watching me in the shower i pretend i dont know and wash my body like a horny little slut would! I eventually get to my private area by now my cock is semi hard and flopping from side to side! Oops the soap slips from my hands by accident of course NOT :) I slowly bend over bum facing you this allows my cheeks to part...

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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 6 Winter Showers

Please read! These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to combine VIOLENCE, HORROR, and EXTREME TABOO themes, trying to creep myself out as I write. This whole story is told through the eyes of a VILLAIN. If you do not enjoy very dark themes, this is not for you! Please note, every chapter gets more extreme! 9-part story. This...

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Sun Sea Sex

My mother couldn't stop chattering all the way to the airport. On the spur of the moment, we'd booked a bargain three-night mini-break at a hotel on the Costa Blanca, and Mum was bubbling with excitement. She kept talking about what we'd do and wondering about the hotel - I think she'd memorized all the brochures and leaflets she'd collected at the travel agents, and after having to listen to her I think I pretty well knew them off by heart, too.She was already dressed for the warm Spanish...

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Sung Hee the Pool Party Part 6

(Author’s note – Read parts 1-5 to see what Sung Hee has been up to before reading this. Part 6 is based upon a true life occurrence for our real-life Sung Hee.) It was two days after the dinner at Le Canard that Sung Hee did what she often does – relax at a backyard pool with some of her friends. Rick was still out of town so Sung Hee was not going to the office. She has lots of friends in southern California where she lives, women similar to her – in their 30’s, married, affluent and with...

4 years ago
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Sung Hee The Network Part 7

(Author’s note – Read parts 1-6 to see what Sung Hee has been up to before reading this. Part 7 is based upon reality for our real-life Sung Hee. Want to see her? See the photos in my profile.) The next day after the pool party Carol invited Sung Hee out to lunch, just the two of them. Driving over to the Chiang Mai Garden restaurant, Sung Hee thought about the events at the pool and what Carol had likely captured on video. Sung Hee was more than a little embarrassed about it. Carol probably...

2 years ago
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Sung Hee The Network Part 7

(Author’s note – Read parts 1-6 to see what Sung Hee has been up to before reading this. Part 7 is based upon reality for our real-life Sung Hee. Want to see her? See the photos in my profile.) The next day after the pool party Carol invited Sung Hee out to lunch, just the two of them. Driving over to the Chiang Mai Garden restaurant, Sung Hee thought about the events at the pool and what Carol had likely captured on video. Sung Hee was more than a little embarrassed about it. Carol probably...

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Sunroom Construction Job

The events of this story took place when I was twenty years old, 6'-0", 185lbs, fit, with light brown hair and blue eyes.Brenda had gotten my name from the instructor at the trade school I had taken my pre-apprentice carpentry course. She lived in a townhouse that backed onto a large overgrown green space and wanted a sunroom built to enclose her small concrete patio. Brenda was forty-eight, divorced and lived alone. Her body was nice enough that she looked pretty good in the bikini she always...

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Sun Terrace Fun

Hi, I have just returned from my holidays in the Canary Islands and thought I would share the fun I had with you.The hotel I chose was a good 4star hotel with an adult only sun terrace ont he roof which was for naked sunbathing. I began most days around the pool area and after lunch would head to the roof. The sun terrace was two part, an open part which the entrance door opened onto so there was no hiding and a quieter part which housed the shower for cooling down. It was usually the quieter...

1 year ago
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Sun Crazy

Note : this story is completely fictional! Rob Treanour had fled to Europe with broken long term relationship behind him, twenty years in boring jobs and a dreary life. A chance offer of some well paid building work. His DIY skills proved well upto pro skills and he winged his way into a job. Older than his associate local workers he kept himself to himself and with a bank roll sorted by his solicitor as his property was sold, He had ideas of starting a business on the coast. Sun crazy but the...

3 years ago
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Big Men on Campus and the Dormitory Showers

As Jack started his university career he moved into Ramsey Hall. A traditional dormitory with 2 guys sharing a 12′ x 10′ room and 30 guys on the floor sharing the open gang showers. For Jack this was going to be a huge change. At home his family was very open, nudity was common and sexuality was considered a vital part of being human. Where Jack grew up with very little modesty, he soon realized that most of the guys on his dorm floor were much more modest. Jack’s parents considered themselves...

4 years ago
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Sundays Child

Sunday's Child By Ginny Wolf And the child that is born on the Sabbath day Is bonny and blithe and good and gay. Diary Entry: Friday, February 22, 1924 This day I turn 78 years of age. I feel fortunate to have lived such a long life. However, I must unburden my soul before I die which may be soon, given the weakness of my heart. What follows here, dear diary, I swear is the God's honest truth, no matter how strange it may seem. I began keeping this diary on the day I became...

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