Coming Out On Top free porn video

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Coming out on Top

Spankings, Humiliation, Body Modification, Forced TV, Hair removal & moreM/f f/m CP!

"Come on you useless shit, Run or we will be last back !" Gail encouragedher friend Ellen as they ran the last ½ mile back to school. The reasonwhy they were running was they were on a cross country run in their PE lessonand the reason why the 2 most athletic girls in the lower 6th were last wasthat they had taken an unauthorised diversion into the village. Ellen wantedto buy tickets to a concert and they were selling out fast. The chances ofseeing her pop idols close up was worth the risk of a detention in her book.

As the ran along the access road to Hope School, a luxury car passed them,slowing to walking pace as it drew level. "What's up perv ?" Shouted Gail "Neverseen a girl running before ?"

"Yeah" said Ellen, " Wanna see my arse peeping from under my skirt ?" Shegrasped the hem at the back of her skirt allowing a perfect view of her pertbottom tightly wrapped in her PE knickers bobbing along as she ran. The caraccelerated away as Gail flipped him a one fingered salute. "What a letch" saidGail, "I know we must look a bit horny in our netball skirts and tops, butactually slowing down for a better look, it's disgusting!"

"Yeah" replied Ellen "I just hope he wasn't heading for the school. I don'tthink he appreciated our little demonstration.

As they turned into the school gates, both girls felt uneasy as they sawthe same car parked next to the main doors. They sprinted around to the backof the school and headed for the changing room in the sports block. Both girlscollapsed onto the benches around the edge of the room and tried to get theirbreath back. The changing room was half empty, but the noise from the showerssuggested that most, if not all girls had beaten them back. Gail peeled offher very sweaty T-Shirt and kicked off her trainers and socks. Ellen also strippedoff and was soaping up in the showers when a hand grabbed her roughly aroundher arm. Miss Matless ( Known universally as Miss Mattress due to her broadphysique) had also grabbed Gail and before either girl could complain, haddragged them out of the changing room.

"So" she said "Would you like to tell me where you have been for the lasthour ?"

"On the run Miss" replied Gail

"And why would my 2 best students be back some 10 minutes after the lastgirl may I ask ?" Questioned their teacher.

"I, I got a stitch and Gail waited for me to get my breath back" StammeredEllen, dripping wet and shivering naked in the corridor.

"And that explains your altercation with a member of the public in Hope Lanedoes it ?" said Miss Matless. "Both of you are coming with me to see the Head.The reputation of the school has been tarnished and we all know how much theHead sees the reputation of the school as a beacon to the community."

Both girls were well aware of the importance of the school to the villageof Hope Asterly. The rural, isolated countryside that surrounded them offeredlittle in the way employment and the boarding school of over 500 students provideda vital source of income. If the reputation of the school was damaged, numberscould fall and the money would dry up.

Ellen returned to the changing room just long enough to grab her bra andPE knickers before both girls were escorted upstairs. The trio approached thedouble doors that led into the heads office. Miss Matless knocked and a voiceboomed "Enter". Shaking slightly, the half naked girls timidly entered theroom and both gasped as they saw the "Perv" sat by the headmaster desk.

"You probably don't know Mr Bruce, he is a potential new school investorand is visiting today to assess the school as an investment opportunity." Thehead intoned "I understand that he was stopping to ask for instructions tothe school when he witnessed a display almost unheard of in Hope's history"

"We're both very sorry" Sobbed Ellen "We mistook Mr Bruce for someone else.We didn't mean to hurt the school's reputation sir"

"Don't apologise to me Girl" Bellowed the Head. "it's Mr Bruce you offended."

"Yes sir, Mr Bruce, we are very sorry indeed" Wailed Ellen

"In my day you would both have received a sound thrashing for your actions" rumbledMr Bruce "It's a shame corporal punishment has been banned in schools now.

"Well, said the head "As both girls are over 16, we can punish them as wesee fit. The canes are long gone, but I am sure both girls would prefer a spankingto a suspension and being sent home from term early and in disgrace." Fromthe shocked look on both girl's faces, this was obviously not a possibilitythat either girl had even remotely considered.

"I think we can take the fact that you are both still stood here as agreementto the punishment" said the Head "Miss Matless will remain to supervise andperhaps Mr Bruce would like to carry out the punishment."

"With pleasure" said Mr Bruce I am glad to see such a proactive approachto discipline. I think 12 spanks each should suffice. You girl, Gail isn'tit? You insulted me first, so you can take your punishment first as well. Comeover here and I think we should have your bottomed bared, don't you ?" Gailedged over towards him, but soon found herself propelled forward by Miss Matless.She tried to remove her navy blue PE knickers, but found they were tucked inabove the waistband of her skirt. She felt Miss Matless's hands come aroundher waist and start to undo her skirt. For a moment, we thought that she wouldbe bared to all those within the room, but instead, her PE teacher slid theskirt up around her smooth, flat tummy allowing her knickers to be removedfrom underneath, ensuring at least a little modesty. "Right, over my knee girl" BarkedMr Bruce Gail shuffled over to him with her knickers around her ankles. Shelent over the man's knees and extended her hands to the floor, her bottom andknees clasped tightly together. Her severely shortened skirt rode up to halfclear her bottom but Mr Bruce soon swept it back to reveal a tight, toned rump,quivering and expectant. He rested his hand upon her bottom and waited untilthe muscles started to relax a little. Then, Smack, smack, smack, the first3 blows were delivered quickly and with precision. Gail gasped in surpriseas the first wave of pain hit her. Her instinct was to stand up or rub herbottom, but the firm grip of Mr Bruce prevented either of these options. Instead,she settled for a long sobbing wail and stamping her feet on the ground. "Settledown girl, you still have 9 strokes to go. We will be here all day" snappedMr Bruce. The next 3 were even harder and aimed at the top of the thighs. Gailwas even less stoic and sobbed even louder while begging Mr Bruce to stop.Miss Matless put a stop to the noise by scooping Gail's damp and sweaty knickersfrom the floor and stuffing them into her mouth. The muffled sobs continued,but Gail stopped thrashing around.

The next 3 strokes were aimed at the tender flesh at the base of Gail's back.Mr Bruce delivered each stroke methodically and with military precision. Gailabandoned all pretensions of modesty and spread her legs widely in a futileattempt to relieve the stinging. Mr Bruce took full advantage of the situationand landed a blow up and between her thighs, his stinging fingers making contactwith her exposed vagina. Although the pain was not so intense, the humiliationof being spanked directly on her pussy was as much as Gail could bear. Shehardly felt the last 2 blows, delivered across her bottom directly upon thearea of the first 3 spanks.

Mr Bruce released her but she just lay there, a beaten and submissive girl. "Getup child" Mr Bruce growled. "It was only a spanking. Now stand in the cornerand watch me punish your accomplice." Painfully, Gail got up and moved to thecorner of the room. She went to remove the stinking knickers from her mouth,but Miss Matless stopped her. "Leave them there girl" she warned "Let themremind you of your behaviour for a while longer"

Ellen was not so lucky as Gail with her modesty. As she had left her skirtin the changing room, she was all but naked when she removed her navy knickersin front of them all. She clasped her hands across her neatly trimmed pussyand her bra was nearly transparent from the accumulated water of the showerand the sweat from the anticipation of what was now to follow. The effect wasnot lost on Mr Bruce and he left her standing there for longer than was necessaryas her blushes grew. Eventually he beckoned her over and she nervously layover his lap.

The first strokes slapped across the girl's damp, sweaty bottom. She yelpedin pain and struggled so much that she nearly fell from Mr Bruce's lap. MissMatless grabbed her legs and pinned them spread eagled, to the ground. LikeGail's this had the effect of opening her pussy to Mr Bruce's advantage andhe landed not 1 but 3 strokes upon it. "OW OW OW" she sobbed as the pain andhumiliation hit home. Mr Bruce still had 6 strokes to give, but was mindfulof not delivering them to an area that would be on view as the girls left theoffice. Instead, he left 3 red hand prints of each buttock. He allowed Ellento stand and she did so, almost running to stand with Gail in the corner. "Letthat be a lesson to both of you." The head warned. "Any more trouble and youwill be sent home in disgrace." Now go and get changed for you next lesson.

Ellen looked around for her abandoned knickers, but they were nowhere tobe seen. Before she could locate them, Miss Matless shooed them out into anante room. "Oh Miss, I've left my knickers in there she sobbed"

"Tough" said the PE teacher you will have to borrow Gail's to walk back tothe changing room." Gail took her own knickers out of her mouth and handedthem to her friend. Miss Matless watched as both girls painfully adjusted theirdress and then led them back to the now empty changing room.

"Ellen, you are already showered, so you can get dressed and head or to yournext lesson." She said. "Gail, you must wait until the next class is changedbefore showering. You will stand and face the wall and wait until they haveall changed and left."

"Yes miss" Gail muttered. She took up her position and faced the wall, acutelyaware that with her skirt still hitched up so high, even the slightest movementwould display her naked and poorly concealed beaten bottom to the incomingclass. Her breasts were covered in only her sports bra, but this was also almosttransparent with sweat. She longed for her ordeal to be over so she could sneakback to her dorm and try to come to terms with her situation. She heard Ellendress and pack her PE kit away, apologising to Gail the whole time, but itwas in the quiet that followed that she suddenly realised in horror what mayhappen next.

Hope School had only started taking girls some 4 years ago and some facilitieswere still not co-educational. This included the changing rooms. There wasin fact, just 1 room, with a combined shower and bath area to 1 end. Althoughmost lessons were taught together, PE was always taught separately. What ifit was a boys group in next ? They were bound to notice her standing therewith her exposed and now bright red bottom. She listened hard as the bell wentand sure enough, the sound of male voices approached the changing room.

"Hey, what's this ?" shouted Peter Burns, a bully of a boy who as usual hadpushed his way into the changing room first. He approached the quivering girland raised her skirt to view the red and sore derriere beneath. He gently brushedher bottom with his hand. She furiously smoothed her skirt back down, fightingback tears of embarrassment. He chuckled and walked over to the pile of herclothes on the bench nearby. "These yours ?" he enquired "A shame if they allgot wet and you had to walk back to your dorm dressed like that. He bundledthe uniform up along with the discarded netball top and flung them into thecommunal bath that was filling for the boy's return.

"Burns". Peter spun around. Standing by the door was Mr Jenkins, the boysPE teacher who had obviously walked in at just the wrong time. "What the hellare you doing.

"Nothing sir" Protested the boy "I just found these clothes in the bath sir,I was trying to fish them out."

"Rubbish" bellowed the teacher "Don't lie to me ! I saw you assault thatgirl and throw her clothes into the bath. Is that any way to treat a guest? Now climb into the bath and retrieve the clothes." The boy started to strip,but the teacher stopped him. "No, no, you can climb in as you are." The waterwas nearly 3' deep and the clothes had sunk to the bottom of the bath. Thebubbles made it difficult to see all the garments and so Peter was very wetby the time he had gathered them all together. He half swum to the side anddumped the sodden clothes in a pile on the floor. "You will wash, dry and ironall this clothing this afternoon and return them to Gail in her Dorm Housethis evening" Demanded Mr Jenkins "Only then will you change or dry your ownclothes." The boy became only too aware how uncomfortable an afternoon he wasto endure.

"And now Gail," Said Mr Jenkins, turning to the poor girl "We need to findyou some dry clothes. How about Burn's football kit, is it clean ?"

"Yes sir" said a boy stood next to Burn's sports bag "He washed it last night"

"Good said the teacher. Right, all of you, come over here and form a circlearound Gail FACING OUTWARDS PLEASE, and now Gail if you would like to changeinto the kit, I would like to invite you to join us for football practice thisafternoon" Gail's face lit up, she loved football but the girls only playednetball and had gym and athletic sessions. The chance to play her favouritegame was too good to miss, even with her sore bottom. "Thank you sir" she repliedexcitedly. She quickly removed her skirt and pulled on the football shirt andshorts. Fortunately, the shorts had a soft inner liner and were quite comfortable.She put on the socks and laced up her trainers. "I'm ready sir" she announced

"OK boys, carry on changing and we will start the tactical briefing. Siton the bench with the boys please Gail" Gail sat down amongst the boys, manyof whom were trying to change without exposing too much flesh to her and watchedas Mr Jenkins outlined the afternoon's training. As the boys all wore linedshorts, they were all stripping off and she got a lot of exciting flashes ofbottoms and cocks as they readied themselves for the games. Peter Burns simplystood by the bath and shivered. He had wrung out her clothing as much as hecould but all the clothing would need a good wash and iron before it couldbe worn again. As the boys filed out, Peter watched them go. "Don't just standthere boy, you are to watch the training from the side lines until the laundryrooms opens at 3.30" Barked Mr Jenkins "I just hope you don't catch a cold"

Gail had the time of her life. The boys were most gracious with her to startoff with, but as her skills became apparent, their admiration grew. She playeda supporting role in midfield, setting up 2 goals and helping her team to winthe match. "You are an excellent player" remarked Mr Jenkins "What lesson doyou normally have at this time ?"

"A study supervision period with the juniors" replied Gail

"Hmm, I think we can get you excused from that, I think you can join us eachweek. Burns can cover your supervision stint and I will ask Miss Matless abouthim joining the Girls for PE instead." Everybody on the pitch applauded thisidea. The bully always dominated the training, but played without any realskill. The thought of him playing Netball and running with the girls appealedto them all.

As they walked back into the changing room, Gail wondered how she could change,as she had no clean or dry clothes. Mr Jenkins solved the problem by handingher a tracksuit.

"Why not join us for a bath" Asked a good looking boy called Chris "You cankeep your kit on and everything, come on, it will be a laugh" Gail hung backas the boys stripped off and headed for the communal bath that had been hometo her uniform an hour before. "Sod it" she thought, "I'm in" She strippedoff her football shirt and hesitated before removing her bra and shorts. Ahuge cheer erupted as she splashed into the water and sunk beneath the foam "Bestbehaviour boys" warned Mr Jenkins, but he needn't have bothered. The boys weremuch more worried about revealing their immature manhood to Gail then she wasabout them gawping at her toned and pert body. The redness on her bottom hadalready receded and the sight of so many naked young men left her in a stateof serious excitement. Her breasts floated gently upon the foam as she allowedChris to wash her hair and soap her young body from head to toe.

As she rose from the water someone handed her a towel and the ring aroundher reformed allowing her to towel her perfect body dry before dressing andheading back to her dorm.

Ellen was sitting on the bed in the room they shared as she returned. Hereyes open wide and she gasped as Gail recounted the afternoon's events to her. "Ican't believe your luck" Ellen exclaimed. "I had to supervise the little bratsby myself and I'm sure they knew what had just happened to me. I can only justsit down now."

Well, we might have a bit more fun in about an hour" Confided Gail "PeterBurns has to return my clothing and I think the house matron might let us havea little fun with him when he gets here" The matron listened as Gail filledher in on the day's events. She was cross about the episode with Mr Bruce,but felt both girls had been punished sufficiently. "So Burns is to do PE withthe girls from now on" she mused "I think we should sort him out with a suitableuniform and PE kit before he leaves, don't you" All the girls present giggledat the thought of one of the boys dressed in a skirt and blouse, and were alreadylooking forward to seeing his arse wrapped in a pair of PE knickers peekingfrom underneath a netball skirt.

As Peter approached the Girl's house carrying a neat pile of freshly launderedclothes, he was filled with trepidation. This area was out of bounds to allboys and he guessed he was not in for an easy ride. He knocked on the doorand was surprised to be ordered inside. In the common room, the entire housecontingent was sat around the walls while a chair had been set in the middleof the room. "Over to the chair boy" ordered the Matron taking the clothesfrom him. Peter stood by the chair, shivering in his still wet clothes. "Stripand dry yourself off you silly boy" barked the matron "you don't want a chilldo you." Peter stripped down to his underpants "All of it" came the command.With a look of pleading on his face is turned to Gail for support. Gail justgrinned and winked at him. "Come on big boy, lets see what you've got, I wantto see if you stack up to your classmates" All the girls laughed and Petereventually pulled down his pants to reveal his prick, shrunken to near invisibilityby the cold, damp clothing he had endured all afternoon. A burst of laughterrang out as he tried to hide behind the chair, but he was too late. Every girlin the school had seen him naked and he knew he could never live it down. TheMatron now approached him carry a tin of evil smelling cream. The girls recognisedit as the depilatory cream many of them used on their legs and armpits. Thiswas industrial strength stuff that inhibited re-growth for months. "Stand upstraight boy" The matron ordered. She donned a pair of rubber gloves and proceededto smear a thick layer onto Peter's entire body from the neck down. She tookgreat care to rub the cream well into his genitals, butt and chest. Peter hadnever heard of hair removal cream, but as the burning sensation increased overthe full 20 minutes the matron made him stand there, he guessed what mightbe happening. The matron returned carrying a small stack of rough looking cloths.She started to methodically wipe him down, starting at the neck and shortly,all trace of cream and body hair was gone. "You smell like a chemical factory" snappedthe matron "Get into the shower and wash thoroughly" She escorted him to ashower room and watched as he showered and lathered with the perfumed soap.As soon as he was dry, she brought him back into the common room to enduremore shouts of derision as Gail and Ellen helped him dress in the girl's regulationschool uniform. The Navy knickers and white bra went on first - a pair of sockswere rolled up and stuffed into the cups, a pair of navy tights were pulledon with great difficulty as they were a bit small. The tights flattened outany bulge that might have been present but left the boy in some discomfort.A white blouse was buttoned up and an old fashioned pinafore dress was pulledover the boys head and zipped into place. The tie, shoes, blazer and boatercompleted the transformation and Peter hung his head in shame. "Here's yourPE Kit" said the matron "Don't forget, you are to present yourself to MissMatless at the beginning of the lesson. She will supervise your changing inthe corridor outside the changing room and will allow you to shower when thegirls have changed after the lesson is over."

"How long am I supposed to dress like this" asked Peter "Until the end ofterm, at least" replied the Matron "We feel that your attitude may well improvewhen you are on the other end of the bullying. Now go back to your Dorm Houseand get your Prep done." Peter left and headed back to his dormitory.

"You girl" a voice rang out "What are you doing in the boys house ? it'sout of bounds" Peter turned to see who had called and saw Mr Jenkins the PEteacher approaching. Mr Jenkins laughed when he saw who it was "You make avery convincing girl Burns, even if you are somewhat ugly. Now get to yourroom and get your homework finished before lights out." Peter made his waythrough the building enduring many looks, laughs, catcalls and gropes. He ranto his room and started to pull his uniform off. It was only when he strippeddown to his new underwear that he realised that all his normal clothing wasmissing from his locker. Even his shorts and t-shirt he normally slept in weremissing. The only thing in there was a pair of pink satin pyjamas and a sparepair of knickers. He sat on his bed and wept. He decided to risk the punishmentfor not doing his prep and pulled on the pyjamas before climbing into bed.His roommates returned some time later and jeered and abused him until theytired of it and went to bed themselves.

The next week was hell for Peter. His arse was mercilessly pinched whereverhe went, his padded chest was groped and his new bra strap pulled wheneverpossible. The class started calling him Petunia and ignored him at break andprep times. Even the girls just laughed as he walked around and all remindedhim of his further ordeal to come. It was soon the morning of his first PElesson with the girls. Peter picked up his PE kit and headed for the changingroom. He met Miss Matless outside her office and she escorted him to the corridorthat ran to the changing room. "Change here" she said, indicating to a chairin the passageway. He started to change as the girls started to stream past. "That'sit, everything off, your sports underwear is in the bag." supervised the teacher.She helped him with the clasp on the bra and positioned his netball skirt correctly.Gail and Ellen passed by and looked Peter up and down and Gail said "I hopeyou like netball Petunia, I know I'm looking forward to seeing your bum underneathyour flapping skirt." They laughed and swept him outside.

The games lesson was as bad as it could have been. The girls took every opportunityto humiliate Peter, and he was soon reduced to tears as his skirt was rippedfrom him for the 4 th time. "If you can't keep yourskirt on, you can leave it by the goal post "Shouted Miss Matless. In frustrationwith the lack of concentration the girls were showing, she abandoned the netballand sent them on a run around the playing fields. As they left her sight, thingsfor Peter got a lot, lot worse.

As Peter rounded the fence that separated the fields from the school, Gail,Ellen and half a dozen other powerfully built girls were laying in wait forhim. Before he new it, he was tripped over and laying on his back, all 4 limbspinned down. Gail strode over him, gazing down past her muscular frame at thequivering boy beneath her. She then sat comfortably upon his chest facing hislegs. Wham ! her fist hit him in the groin harder than he could imagine. Hegroaned and tried to fold into the foetal position, but the girls hung on andhe remained pinned to the ground as all the fight went out of him. With somedifficulty, Ellen removed his knickers revealing his prick, still as shrunkenas ever. She grabbed it between finger and thumb and pulled it as hard as shecould. "No good" she said "I can't find more than a few inches here.

"Lets try his tongue then" said Gail. She lifted herself a little and pulleddown her own knickers revealing her bottom and moist pussy and then sat heavilyupon Peter's face. "Now see how far you can stick your tongue up my arse" shedemanded. It was not pleasant. He tried to lick her clit or gain entry intoher pussy but Gail shifted her position and left him no option but to investigateher sweaty, smelly anus. His tongue licked, tentatively at first, but thenpenetrated deeper and deeper as Gail puckered anus relaxed. She grunted andfarted wetly. Peter spluttered and the girls all laughed. "Carry on" she saidor I'll get Ellen to kick you so hard your bollocks will explode. Peter resumedhis duties and found himself becoming hard despite the thought of what he wasactually doing. He had never a sexual experience and the closeness of his headto Gail's sex was intoxicating, despite the situation he was forced to endure.

Eventually, Gail was satisfied and lifted her weight from his face. "We'dbetter get going or Mattress will get suspicious." They got to there feet anddragged Peter up too. "Get your knickers on slut, we need to hurry back" Hefound his knickers, pulled them on and hurried after the others. His hard onsoon subsided as they ran the last few hundred yard back to the waiting PEteacher. "Right girls, in the showers quickly please. Gail, please get changedfor your football practice and then come and get Peter when the girls are suitablydressed please." Peter helped the teacher pack away the netballs before retrievinghis skirt and walking back to his chair in the corridor. To his surprise hispile of clothes and bag were gone. He sat down and waited for Gail to fetchhim in for the next stage of his humiliation, a shower in front of all the6 th form girls. Gail opened the door and beckonedhim into the changing room. The smell of perfume and talc filled the air andhe could see many of the girls were only just dressing, their bras and knickersstill in evidence. He made his way to the showers where Gail was waiting. "Rightslut, strip and get in there. You smell worse than my arse" All the girls laughedat this insult and Peter hurried to obey. Ellen helped him remove the sweatygarments and lifted his netball top over his head. She propelled him into theshowers with a swift slap to his bottom and he pranced into the showers tothe screams of laughter of the girls. The shower was freezing ! "Oh sorry,did we use all the hot water ?" called Ellen as he shivered in the cold spray.She threw him a bottle of scented shampoo and he washed his hair and body untilthe smell of Gail's bottom was but a memory. The shower stopped abruptly andPeter walked out to fetch a towel. Many of the girls had gone by this time,but Gail and Ellen remained. Gail had changed into her football kit – Hisfootball kit until last week. She looked more like a tomboy than ever, whilehe felt more like a little girl every minute. He pulled on his clothes andheaded for the door. "Not so fast" said Gail I have another task for you tocomplete. She removed her shorts and forced Peter to lie on the bench. Shelowered her still wet pussy onto Peter's mouth and forced him to lick her untilshe came in one huge orgasmic wave. "Do you know" said Gail, panting slightly "Ireally do enjoy coming out on top, don't you"

Peter woke the following morning coughing and shivering. The previous week'sevents had left him feeling very run down and his body had finally had enough.His bunk mate took one look at him and went to fetch the house master. He summonedthe matron who insisted he be taken to her room where she could nurse him intensively.So Peter ended up tucked into bed in the Matron's room in the girl's dormitoryhouse.

The matron was the stereotypical figure of a school house mother. In hermid 50s, she was a plump, busty woman dressed in the eternal nurse's uniformof the buttoned dress of her profession. She was strict and did not suffermalingerers gladly, but would tend to the genuinely ill with the care of amother. She sat on Peter's bed and took his temperature and tucked his coversa little deeper. "The Paracetamol will take effect soon" she said "you willfeel a little better by tonight I think, in the meantime, just rest" She turnedoff the light and Peter drifted off to sleep.

By that evening, Peter felt well enough to get up. The Matron allowed himto sit in the common room with the girls for an hour before lights out, butsent him to back to her room as he started to tire. He sat next to her on thesofa in her living room and she cuddled him to her bosom. Peter nuzzled herbreast and was surprised not to be pushed away. In fact, the matron pulledhim closer and had unbuttoned the top of her dress. She manipulated her breastsuntil a nipple had popped from her bra and fell into Peter's waiting mouth.He sucked on the nipple and found comfort and solace. He then tasted the warm,sweet liquid that was breast milk. He looked up a little shocked but the matronsimply smiled and stroked his head as she nursed him. He carried on sucklingfor almost half an hour until the flow ceased and he felt satisfied. He fellinto a comfortable doze and allowed the matron to tuck him into the bed likea baby.

The following morning Peter felt well enough to get up and return to hisdormitory, but the Matron had other plans. "I think you can move into the GirlsHouse until the end of term" She said. "I will make you up a bed in the boxroom in my quarters and you will use my bathroom." Peter had very mixed feelingsabout this. He did not wish to become a girl, he wanted to get back into trousersand rejoin his friends, but he also enjoyed the close company of the girls,even Gail and Ellen were less frosty with him now. He also guessed that thematron might well continue to nurse him despite his return to health and theprevious session had certainly been an experience. But he had no choice. Theporters brought his things over and set up a bed in the box room that led offthe matron's own bedroom. After lessons and tea that day he headed to his newhome and settled to his prep. At lights out he made his way to his bedroomand changed for bed. As he headed to the bathroom he walked back through theMatron's room. She was getting ready for bed herself, her dress was unbuttonedshowing her plump frame and sturdy underwear. He blushed and looked away. Shesmiled and walked over to him. "It's alright, you won't embarrass me, I wouldn'thave had you move in if it did." She pulled him closer to her, his head pushedinto her bosom again "Did you enjoy yourself last night" She asked

"Sort of" Peter replied

"I know it must be confusing for you right now, but love can come in manyforms. Would you like to kiss my breasts again ?"

Peter nuzzled between her great pendulous breasts and caressed the soft fleshwith his hands. He kissed the softly scented skin before allowing his tongueto touch her large, engorged nipple. She pulled him away a little and led himto her bed. She reclined onto the pillows and encouraged Peter to join her.He willingly climbed onto the bed and lay next to her, recommencing his attentionsto her bosom.

Peter felt the matrons hands exploring his body, his neck, his chest andslipping gently down to discover his yearning cock through the thin satin ofthe girls pyjamas he wore. Peter was unsure what to do next. This woman hehad known for 5 years as a mother figure was now leading him into his firstsexual experience. He stopped and moved away a little. The matron sensed hisdiscomfort and sought to reassure him. "It's OK, just do what feels natural.I am not going to hurt you" She reached down and removed her knickers. Thesewere almost the same as the full briefs the girls wore as part of their uniform,but unlike them, her vagina was mature, pronounced and open. She grasped hishand and led it down to her very well trimmed pussy, She saw him looking atthe few wisps of hair that were left "Much more hygienic" She smiled stillworking his hand into the proper position. Peter had never touch a woman insuch a gentle and intimate way before, he had tried to grope a few girls butthey had resisted and the flesh had been unyielding to his touch. This wasdifferent. Her pussy was warm and the skin felt soft and pliable. With a littleguidance is worked a few fingers between the folds of her labia and slid theminto the soft pink tunnel. The matron spread her legs wider and her clit andpuckered pink anus came into view. Peter reached with his other hand and strokedthe nub of the clit as it peeked out from under it's hood. He bent down andkissed her pussy. The sensation was so different from the forced licking ofGail's arse and pussy, this was something he wanted to do. The matron stretchedthe skin and rotated her hips to get Peter's tongue to the positions she wanted.First her clit, then her pussy and even her anus. Soon Peter was gripping herhips and pressing his head into her groin as hard as he could.

With a great shuddering groan, the Matron came. She pulled Peter up and kissedhim full on the lips. "Thank you" she said "I think we will get on quite welltogether" She reached down and grabbed his cock. It was still very hard, butwas only a few inches long and not wide enough for her to feel in her capaciouspussy. Instead, she guided it between her breasts and he tit fucked her toorgasm.

Peter lay next to the Matron on her bed, hardly believing the experiencehe had just had. He dozed gently and felt the matron get up and head for theshower. After a few minutes he followed her into the shower room and joinedher in the cubicle. She smiled and beckoned him in, clutching a sponge andbottle of sweet smelling soap. She washed him from head to toe before theytowelled each other dry and headed back to the bedroom. Good night she whisperedas he walked back to his bedroom. Little did Peter know what awaited him inthe morning.

As Peter awoke he sensed all was not right. There had been a couple of urgentphone calls and a hurried whispered discussion out of earshot as he had cometo. The Matron came into his room and sat on the end of his bed. The maternalair was back, gone was the sensual woman whom he pleasured a few hours before. "Iunderstand you live with your Grandmother outside of term time, is that correct?

"Yes it is"

"Do you have any other relatives ?

"No, my parents died when I was young, Gran used their money to keep me andsend me here, Why"

"I have some very bad news" Said the Matron "Your Grandmother was found deadthis morning. It appears she had a massive stroke and died very quickly. Iam very sorry"

Peter did not know what to say. He was not that close to his grandmother,but she had been his only link with the past.

"We will of course arrange for you to go to the funeral and attend to anything else that you need to" went on the matron "I will come with you if youwish" Peter nodded mutely.

The week before the funeral passed as a blur. Peter's relationship with thematron became maternal again, but she did insist that he wore the girls uniformand remain sleeping in her quarters. The funeral was a small affair as therewere no mourners other than Peter & the Matron. She took him back to hisGrandmother's home and helped him pack his belongings and a few keepsakes intoher car. The house was to be sold and when Peter was 21, he would be a wealthyman. All his school fees would be paid and he would want for nothing. The problemwas who would care for him until he reached the age of 18. At the age of 15,he was unlikely to be fostered and living in a children's home would mean himleaving school. In the end, the solution was found. The matron agreed to fosterPeter and care for him until he left school. She became both mother and loverto him. The fact she was keeping him petticoated left him with few male friendsand none of the girls were interested past friendship.

The Matron had decided Peter's fate even before she became his guardian.She was not looking for some immature toy boy, but a slave to service her needs.A slave did not need a cock, and a girl would be much easier to keep. The firststage was to stop his willy working and to feminize him and soften his body.Large doses of hormones delivered in his food soon started the process. Hewas effectively chemically castrated and within weeks, hard-on's and orgasmsbecame a distant memory for him. Within months, his breasts started to growand his nipples gained huge sensitivity. But is was the attitude change thatwas most obvious. Being exposed to girls for most of the day and subject tothe Matrons close attentions each evening left Peter without the need to showaggression and the testosterone fuelled competitiveness that filled most boysof his age. He soon started to accept the wearing of girl's clothes as normaland his yearnings for his old uniform subsided. The matron hoped that withina year she could persuade him to have his genitals removed, leaving him a sexlesseunuch for her pleasure.

It was over 2 months after his Grandmother's funeral that the Matron hadsome good news for Peter. "I think it is time you moved back into a dormitory"

"Not a boy's dormitory Ma'am ?"

"No my darling a room in the girl's house, I think you can be trusted. Comeand meet your new room mates" The Matron led the way to a small, 4 bedded roomon the top floor. These rooms were used by the 6 th formgirls as they were more private than the larger dorms and each had it's ownshower and toilet. The matron opened the door to reveal Gail and Ellen, Peter'sold adversaries.

"Him Ma'am" Wailed Ellen "A boy in our room, it's outrageous, I write totell my parents its…"

"Its not a problem" Interrupted Gail "We will make him welcome, won't weEllen ?" Ellen looked sulky but did not argue with her friend.

"Good, if that's sorted, we can move your things in then Polly" Matron usedthe female form of his name she had adopted. She knew that Gail had alreadythought of some fun with the boy to further weaken his resolve. She also knewthat he was completely impotent and that sex was not an option. Peter lookedvery apprehensive, but Matron knew no lasting harm would be done to him.

A Little later that evening as the trio changed for bed, Gail started thefirst stage of her plan. As Peter stripped off she approached him from behindand grasped his prick with a vice like grip. "What's this piece of flesh then? It doesn't seem to do very much"

"it's just part of the old me" Mumbled Peter, I don't like to think aboutit any more."

"Hmm, well we might have to see about that" We knelt in front of Peter andplaced the flaccid member in her mouth. She sucked and caressed, but to noavail. His shrivelled balls did not produce enough testosterone to combat thehuge amounts of female hormones coursing round the body and his willy remainedunresponsive. Tiring of her game Gail tried something new. She laid Peter onhis bed and straddled his unresisting body. She had recently shaved her pussyand now positioned her denuded pudenda over his nose and mouth. "I wonder ifyour technique has improved over the last few months, because you were prettycrap to start off with" She relaxed onto his mouth and felt his willing tongueexplore her young tight pussy. Ellen stood back and watched, willing her friendto let her have a turn on their own personal human dildo. Gail beckoned hercloser, placed her hand upon her friends moist pussy. She smiled when she feltthe dampness started to finger fuck her while feeling her own mounting pleasure. "Changepositions" she demanded "Ellen take Peters place and you can lick her pussywhile she licks mine" A melee of naked bodies ensued, but soon everybody hadsettled into a new regime and 2 orgasms were not far away. "Lick my arse andpenetrate me with your fingers" Gasped Ellen and Gail obliged. Peter got theidea and did the same to Gail, he licked her anus and worked his tongue deeplyinto her passage. He slid first one, then two, then 3 fingers into moist, accommodatingpussy, felling her come as her anus contract around his tongue and her pussypulsate and grind on his fingers. His pleasure was only in making others come.He felt no urge to be touched or satisfied and his dick remained soft.

"You are getting a bit hairy again Peter" Remarked Gail

"Shall I run down and get the depilatory cream from Matron ?" Asked Ellen

"No, I think we should try something a bit longer lasting. Let's wax him" RepliedGail. The girls busied themselves preparing the bowl of hot wax and stripsof cloth with which to wrench out as much of Peter's body hair as possible.

"Lie on that blanket on the bed" Ordered Ellen and Peter complied. He layface down, but Ellen slapped his naked arse and ordered him to turn over. "Legsfirst, then your crotch, balls and bum I think. If we have enough wax leftwe will do your armpits and chest as well"

The warm wax felt quite nice as the spread the first strips on. The removalwas not so pleasant though. The girls pressed the strips of cloth onto thewax and ripped them off with a flick of the wrist. The front of the legs werenot too bad, but the thighs and backs were quite painful and as they startedaround his balls and shrivelled cock, he could not help but to cry out in pain.The girls were both merciless and thorough. The smeared the wax down his arsecrack to reach every possible hair and if they missed any hair they re-waxedand plucked until after an hour and a half, they were satisfied with the lowerhalf of his body.

"OK, chest and armpits then" Said Ellen looking into the bowl of wax anddeciding they had enough. Peter's chest hair was light and wispy and so tookno time at all. His under arms only took a little longer, but the wax was gettinga bit sticky and they pulled off quite a bit of skin as well, causing Peterto cry out again. Matron heard the cries and came in to see the problem. Whenshe saw the waxing and the professional job the girls were doing, she seemedsatisfied. "Don't forget the tea tree oil after he has showered" she said "SendPeter down and I will apply it and check for any in-growing hairs or possibleinfection problems"

Peter stepped into the shower accompanied by a naked Gail. She gently washedhis skin with a medicated soap, taking care to work it well into every nookand cranny. As the water cascaded down, she pushed Peters head down betweenher legs and forced him to pleasure her yet again. The stream of water flowingdown Gail's body combined with the deep moist tunnel of her pussy made it hardfor Peter to breathe, but Gail did not care. She held his head firmly intoposition, so he sucked and licked as his head reeled and he almost passed out.Eventually, she came, releasing her grip just before he lost consciousnesshe collapsed back against the edge of the cubicle, gasping for breath. Shelook down at his white face and almost blue lips and laughed. "If you puke,I'll force you to clean it up with your tooth brush, so hold onto it OK"

A little later, Peter made his way down to the Matron's room wrapped onlyin a towel. She was waiting for him, but did not seem to mind that he was late.She applied the tea tree oil with a cloth to his damp body. The lotion wassoon absorbed and the antiseptic properties made his skin sting a little. Shefingered his cock and was pleased to see it remained unresponsive. "I thinkwe should consider a little operation" she said "Your balls are unnecessarynow, and I think we will remove them. We will have you cock removed as wellto stop any nasty bulges in your knickers. Peter did not object. More and more,he felt like an outsider watching these things happening to someone else. Thefact that the woman he had trusted for over 5 years was proposing to removehis last link with masculinity did not seem to register with him. He noddedmutely and stood there passively as the Matron made the arrangements for thesurgery the following week.

Peter and the matron arrived at the small private hospital on the followingMonday morning. Peter was dressed in his normal school girl uniform, althoughthe hormone treatment had long since made the socks in his bra obsolete. Asmiling nurse met them and took them to a private room. The matron left theyoung nurse to help Peter undress and prepare him for the operation. She slidall his clothes from him and then shaved the odd bit of stubble from his groin.She fingered his soft cock and seemed disappointed not to get a reaction. Sheleant forward and placed her lips around his flaccid member. She sucked andkissed, but Peter remained unresponsive. Guessing that Peter's pleasuring mightlay in other methods she spread his legs far apart, and started to probe hisanus with her finger. Peter was still not bothered and simply lay there asif his mind had left his body. The nurse slipped to the door and locked itbefore returning to Peter, sliding her silk knickers off and straddling him,her pert young bottom pressing into his face. Peter responded by touching andkissing the nurses pussy, sensing her needs and meeting them with a speed shehad never before experienced. "Oh she gasped you fuck slut" She ground herpussy against Peter's face until she came accompanied with a huge resonantfart. Peter coughed and spluttered but did not recoil in disgust. His daysand nights with The Matron, Gail and Ellen had taught him to accept anythingthey wanted to do with him. Only 2 days previously, Gail needed to piss whilehe was licking her pussy in the changing rooms and had just let go all overhis head and face, using his hair to dry herself. He had brought her to orgasmalmost blinded by the stinging urine, his body reeking.

Before she left, the nurse administered the pre-med and Peter dozed off tosleep. He did not hear the porters arrive to wheel him to his fate, nor feelthe mask that put him under. When he awoke he felt a little pain in his groinbut felt no sadness from the loss of his masculinity.

Peter left hospital 3 days later. He had had the bandages removed the previousday and had seen his new groin for the first time. He had expected to lookfeminine, but was very disappointed. Instead of any recognisable sexual organs,the area between his legs transitioned from his butt to his stomach with acouple of stitched wounds and just a small hole for him to piss through. Therewas no sensation of pleasure when he touched his crotch and he soon dressedto cover the area as it held no more interest to him than his armpit or bellybutton. His knickers fitted a little better and he could now wear any clothingwithout the worry of a bulge. He had to squat to piss, but the girls had forcedhim to do this for months anyway.

As soon as Peter returned to his room, the girls forced him to strip so thatthey could see the results of the operation. Peter simply stood there as theytouched his groin, unable to feel most of what they did. Secretly, Ellen wasa little upset. She had often fantasized about screwing with Peter, but thiswas now never to happen. Still as an attractive sporty blonde, she would neverbe short of available cock and Peter was never much of a stallion. Gail wasnot bothered, she had Chris.

Chris was the boy that had first invited Gail into the baths at her firstfootball lesson. She still had the football classes but bathed less regularlywith the team now as Chris preferred to keep her for himself. It was he thathad shaved Gail's pussy and he had started to dominate her life completely.He had started to impose new rules onto her and in fact, she was now underhis complete control. Chris's current plan was to have Gail fitted with somerings through her tits and pussy. With these he could control her most intimateparts of her body whenever he wanted.

The pussy shaving had taken place the previous day and Gail winced at therecent memory. Chris had forced her to lie on a bench in the changing roomand had removed her knickers, leaving her skirt in place, ready to flip downif they were interrupted. He had started by trimming any long hairs with apair of nail scissors before covering her pubes with a thick layer of shavingcream. The razor was not very sharp and had rasped over her skin as Chris inexpertlyshaved her. Although he shaved his own chin, the skin around the genitals ismuch softer and harder to shave without nicking the skin. He ordered Gail tospread her legs wide and removed as much hair as he could from her anus, leavingher with an itchy stubble and dull red rash that spread from the swell of hertummy to the crack of her arse. The tiny cuts he had left were already stingingwhen Chris had finished off with a splash of after shave, leaving Gail's entirecrotch burning and itching for the rest of the evening.

The following day, the girls were finishing their PE lessons and showering.Now gelded, Peter showered and changed with the girls and hardly raised a glance.Gail and Ellen had held him back as the other girls had departed and Gail wascurrently enjoying his services. She lay naked from the waist down on one ofthe benches with Ellen kissing her face and fondling her tits while Peter wasenduring stubble rash as her licked her roughly shaven pussy. Gail was awarethat Peter had suddenly stopped his attentions, but could not have expectedwhat happened next. Wham, Slap ! A large male hand crashed into her throbbingpussy instantly destroying her mounting orgasm. She opened her eyes and pushedEllen away to see Chris standing there holding Peter around the neck and lookingangrier than she had ever seen.

"I thought you understood you are mine" He roared "You prefer the attentionsof a lesbian and this freak over me ?"

"No, it's not like that" She whispered, terrified of the young man and thehold he had over her. "I didn't know you were there and I…"

"Enough" he interrupted, sweeping her off the bench and sitting himself inher place. "You will all be punished for your lack of discipline" He grabbedGail and forced her over his knee and started to rain blows upon her bottom

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" She sobbed, but Chris took no notice. He flipped herover, ordered her to spread her legs and landed yet more blows upon her pussy.Eventually, Gail collapsed upon the floor weeping uncontrollably, and Chrisleft her to rub her tender pussy and red buttocks.

Chris decided to punish Ellen & Peter differently. He pulled up Petersskirt, ripped his schoolgirl navy knickers down and inserted his hard cockinto Peter's arse. Peter shrieked with the pain of the dry insertion. He hadnever had anal sex before and Chris gave him a very rough ride, though mercifullyshort. Chris felt Peter's inexperienced ring rip and the sticky blood oozedaround his prick. He ignored the cries of both Peter and the 2 girls and continuedto butt fuck him until he shot his load of warm cum onto Peter's arse beforewithdrawing, leaving him a sobbing, used fuck slut.

Chris then force Peter to squat over Ellen's face, his ripped and bloodyanus just inches from her face and ordered him to shit the cum into her mouthwhile she licked any stray globules from his arse. The taste was awful. Thesalty effusion was mixed with the blood from Peter's torn butt and the remnantsof the last shit he had had. At last, Chris was happy that she had licked Peterclean and ordered them to dress and leave him alone with Gail. Ellen and Peterreturned to their dorm, too shocked to continue with normal lessons.

Chris looked at his slave. She stood there in just her blouse and bra, herswollen pussy and red buttocks still prominent. She was obviously very shockedat Chris's attack on Peter, but dare not say anything as it would inevitablyto more beatings. Chris beckoned her forward and indicated that she was toclean his now soft shit, sperm and blood covered cock with her tongue. Sherecoiled at the smell but bent to her task as all good slave should. "We havea visit to go on this Saturday" Chris announced "I have decided to fit youwith some decorations and also the ability to stop you from playing with yourselfwhen I am not with you. We will go to the piercing parlour in Chepstow andhave your pussy and tits done." Gail opened her mouth to complain, but knewbetter.

"Yes master" she whispered. Chris ordered her to dress and they left thechanging rooms, Gail very apprehensive and Chris excited about their excursion.

On Saturday, Chris called for Gail and they walked to the bus stop together.Chris had instructed her to wear her tightest clothes – a pair of stretchjeans and a white vest top, worn without a bra. The shape of her nipples wasvery evident through the material and Chris knew the piercings would show throughjust as well. The tight jeans completed the slutty image. Chris carried a bag,the contents of which he kept secret. The bus trip took about 40 minutes andall too soon they were standing outside a dingy looking tattoo parlour in aback street of Chepstow. Chris ushered her inside.

The heavily tattooed owner looked up from the soldier he was currently tattooingwith his regimental crest. "Be with you in 10 minutes" he said, recognisingChris "Take her through to the back and get her undressed and on the couch." Chrisled Gail through an archway to where an old fashioned surgical examinationcouch was set up in the middle of the room. "Strip and climb onto the couch" Chrisordered. Gail responded, stripping off and approaching the couch but hesitatedwhen she realised that their was no door and if anyone should enter the shopthey would be able to see her. "What's up, Shy ?" Chris chided "You are notexactly discreet normally are you?" Gail blushed and climbed onto the couch.By bending and folding her knees she managed to sit in such a way to coverher modesty to most casual observers.

The tattooist walked in pushing a trolley covered in medical instruments,sterilised needles and an array of gold piercings. "What did you have in mind" Heasked, addressing Chris

"Nipple rings and something creative on her cunt" replied Chris walking overto Gail's side.

"Hmm," replied the Tattooist "How about dual nipple piercings, vertical barsand horizontal rings. That way you can join the nipples together and attachropes and weights at the same time." He grabbed Gail's erect nipples and pulledand twisted them. She slapped his arm away and covered her breasts from hisview. "Restraints it is then" Said the tattooist reaching under the table andproducing a box of thick straps. With Chris's help he strapped Gail's armsto the back of the table and her ankles to a pair of stirrups that flippedup from underneath the table. Gail was immobilised and totally exposed, bothto her captors and anybody who walked into the shop. "Sorry, we were sayingdual nipple piercings" The tattooist carried on, "Clit hood ring obviously,I don't think I can get one into her clit at her age, it needs to grow a bitfor that. I've got these lace holes that would work on her pussy. I can fit4 either side of her slit and you can then feed a shoe lace or thin steel cableand padlock her shut. I have also got a pointed locking stud that if I piercethrough her perineum will prevent her from fucking without you removing itwith the key." As the tattooist described each piercing, Gail was filled withgreater with dread. She had envisaged a pair of small nipple rings and maybea clit ring, but Chris wanted to control access to her pussy and be able topunish and torture her tits at will.

With no further delay the tattooist withdrew a new needle from a packet andpulling her left nipple as far as he could pushed the needle through from topto bottom. Gail yelped with pain as the blood oozed from the wound. The tattooistpushed a 1" bar through and clipped the ball onto the end. He repeated theprocedure on her right nipple before using a larger needle to make the holesfor the rings. These were nearly an inch in diameter with a white gold beadto the bottom. They looked like something a belly dancer would wear and noamount of bra would ever disguise them. The rings clicked shut and would requirecutting to remove.

Gail's clit was next to receive the attentions of the tattooist. He pulledthe hood above the clit away from her pussy and pushed through the needle.As the needle came through the hood it pricked her clitoris causing an agonythat Gail had never before experienced. She screamed so loud that the tattooistpaused before inserting the ring to allow her to calm down.

The shop door opened, and 2 men walked in. As their eyes adjusted to thegloom of the shop, they did not see Gail straight away and moved out of sightinto the front of the shop. "Excuse me" the tattooist said to Chris "I'll justsee what they want" He left the room and walked onto the from of the shop.After a few minutes of talk, the men appeared back into view and the tattooistushered them into a pair of seats just outside of the room that Gail lay prostrate.They could not help but to see the girl strapped to the couch and turned towatch as the tattooist carried on with his work. The perineum spike was next.The tattooist inserted his gloved finger in her anus so he could fell as theneedle came through. Satisfied, he withdrew the needle and pushed the spikein. He then took a small, flat button and clipped it onto the end of the spikethat protruded into anus. "It works like this" He said motioning Chris over "It'slike the clothing tags you find in stores. You need a magnetic holder thatis just the right size and it fits into her arse like this" He inserted a metaltool like a spatula into her arse and she felt the magnetic tip click ontothe button. As he withdrew the probe, she could see the button on the end ofit. He pulled the button off the instrument and inserted back up her bottom. "Asyou see, the spike sticks out into her vagina" The Tattooist continued "Anybodytrying to fuck her or even finger won't be able to get past if without themboth being in pain"

Chris smiled, "I like it, maybe I'll get her fuckslut to lick her cunt withouttelling him it's there."

Gail groaned at the thought of anybody touching her ever again. Even withoutthe last 8 rings her body was already pulsing with pain. There was no doubtthat the tattooist had left the best until last. The eyelets required a largerhole and had to be crimped into place. The procedure took 20 minutes and whenit was finished, Gail's pussy was bleeding and bruised, the eyelets shiny andbright within the raw flesh of her damaged cunt. Her agony was beyond tearsand she just looked imploringly at Chris. He simply smiled back and continuedto watch the procedure. The tattooist finished the job by threading a thinsurgical steel cable through the holes inserting the ends into a small padlock.Gail was untied and helped down from the table. Most of her wounds had stoppedbleeding so she cleaned herself up with some antiseptic wipes and moved slowlyto the pile of clothes. She tried to pull her knickers on, but the tightnessof the material was more than her damaged pussy could stand. Her Vest top waspulled on instead. This was tight across her nipples, but was OK so long asshe stood still. Chris produced a netball skirt and a pair of baggy PE knickersfrom his bag and helped her dress. She looked like a slutty schoolgirl, hernipple rings visible through her T-Shirt. Black stiletto shoes and short sockscombined with the short netball skirt made her legs look longer than usualand she would pass as a hooker in any neighbourhood.

"That will be £195 please" the tattooist announced. Chris looked atGail

"They're your piercings" He snapped "You're paying"

Gail looked aghast. She had never expected pay for the work herself and hadless than £20 on her. "I haven't got enough money" She stuttered, tippingthe contents of her purse into the tattooists waiting hand "I will have toowe you until I can get the rest"

The tattooist looked angry. "I have half a mind to rip those rings out rightnow"

"Can she pay you kind ?" asked Chris " A blow job from an 18 year old mustbe worth £50 and she can come back to pay the balance next week."

The tattooist agreed and dropped his trousers, his cock unfolding from hisdirty shorts to meet Gail's unwilling lips. His cock was smelly and much biggerthan any school boy she had ever encountered. She took as much into her mouthas she could, but the man pushed in deeper until his cock was making her gagas it hit the back of her throat. She managed not to wretch until he came,the salty goo coated her throat and she just made it to the sink in time. The2 men in the front of the shop laughed as the girl heaved and deposited thelast of her breakfast in the sink. The Tattooist slapped her arse and whispered "Seeyou next week darling" as Gail left the shop led by Chris.

The bus ride was hell. The old bus bumped and clattered along the countryroad with Gail feeling vibration. Her pussy vied with her tits for the titleof most painful part of her body and she felt the journey would never end.Eventually the bus deposited them at the end of Hope Road and they walked toschool.

Over the next week, Gail's pussy healed and her tits got used to the constanttugging of the rings and bars. She wore her thick sports bra and an oversizedblouse to conceal her secret as body piercings of any sort were forbidden atthe school, even for students in their final year. Matron however was sharpeyed and called her into her office to find out the reason for the change inGail's dressing habits. She ordered Gail to remove her blouse and bra and simplystood and looked at the huge rings and gold bars adorning the girl's nipples.Eventually, she walked over and started to finger the rings. "Not your ideaI would guess ?" She questioned

Gail stayed silent and Matron did not press the point. "Do you have any othersecrets you would like to show me, or do I have to strip search you ?"

Gail removed her pinafore dress and pulled her knickers down. The lacingrings shone menacingly from her pussy.

"Is that all ?" The matron asked

"No Ma-am, I have a spike in my vagina and a clitoris hood ring as well" WhisperedGail.

Matron motioned her to the bed and had her lie down. She then gently inserteda finger first into her pussy and then into her anus, probing the ornamentsand checking the wounds were healing and that the piercings were secure. Satisfied,she allowed the girl to dress.

"I will give you a choice." The Matron started "You can allow me to removethe nipple rings, spike and clit ring and remove the steel cable from youreyelets (for I cannot remove the eyelets themselves without causing you permanentdamage) and you can continue with your school life as normal. If you are insistentabout keeping them, I will have to inform the head and you will lose your currentfootball privileges and be excluded from all sporting event s and PE lessonsas I feel you will do yourself an injury sooner or later"

Gail listened with sadness, what could she do ? If she allowed the piercingsto be removed, Chris would punish her and probably dump her, but she wantedto carry on with her sports and dropping out of the various school activitieswould leave the teams much weaker.

"Do you think the boy that did this to you loves you ?" Asked the Matron "Doyou think a lover would subject their partner to pain and total life alteringcontrol ?"

"You did with Peter" Sniffed Gail

"That's true, but that just shows how little respect I have for him. We havenever been lovers, I just use him as you do for sexual satisfaction. Peterwas turning into a serious bully and possible rapist. He enjoys his new lifeand will never be a predatory character again. You do not controlling or modifying,you are a well balanced, fairly normal teenager, or at least I thought youwere. Don't talk to this boy, but make your own decision. Come to me with ananswer tomorrow morning.

Gail slept very little that night. She touched the ornaments and tried tofantasize about Chris making love to her, but in her dreams he kept turninginto a viscous male, intent upon personal satisfaction and not caring abouther at any meaningful level. The following morning, her mind was made up. Shewalked to Matron's office and delivered her answer. "Take them out please,take them all out" She pleaded. Matron nodded and motioned her to sit on thebed. Matron produced a pair of small but powerful cutters, some antisepticand pads of cotton wool. She started on the nipple rings, cutting the ringbelow the clip and removing the ornaments in one swift movement. The bars werenext, removed in a similar fashion, but the cable in the eyelets was more ofa challenge. In the end, Matron broke the padlock with a small hammer and chiselborrowed from the school's workshop. She unthreaded the cable and parted Gail'smutilated pussy for the first time in nearly a week. The Clit ring lay there,glistening in the moisture. She gently cut the metal and slid it out, the skinalmost sealing back over as she did. The spike was also cut from Gail's bodyleaving the 8 eyelets as a gruesome reminder. "I cannot remove those as theholes will not close properly, leaving you long term problems. They will remainin you for the rest of your life I'm afraid" The Matron said, looking at thedamage.

"I can't feel them too much and when my pubes grow, I don't think they willbe too noticeable" said, gently touching the lips of her vagina for the firsttime in a week. "I don't know why I let him do this to me, maybe love is blind"

The matron smiled, as a young girl she had known the thrill of forbiddenlove and understood what Gail was feeling. "Just throw yourself back into schoollife and put this behind you" she confided "I know what you are going through.Oh and if Chris gives you any problems, let me know"

Gail gasped, how did the matron know ?

"In a school this size, there are very few secrets" she whispered as Gailleft the room.

Gail kept away from Chris all that day, but he sought her out at dinner thatevening and cornered her in a corridor before pushing her into a vacant classroom.

"Where have you been" He sneered, his face inches from hers

"Getting these ridiculous things taken out" She replied smoothing or blouseover her now more normal breasts

"You've what" Chris started "You stupid bitch" He went to hit her, but stoppedsuddenly and went white "Do you realise what you have done ? That work costnearly £200 pounds ! You were going to pay for it by appearing in morefilms at the shop" Chris stopped again, shaking slightly in fear

"You filmed the torture of your girlfriend ?" Gail asked incredulously "Notcontent with mutilating by body, you wanted to share my pain with thousandsof perverts I Hate you ! I never want to see you again" Gail fled the room,more sure than ever that she had made the right decision.

"You don't understand" Shouted Chris running after the fleeing girl. "I alreadyowed this guy thousands for dope and smack which I can't pay. He was lettingme off £100 for each appearance. He'll kill me if I can't pay"

"Tell someone who cares" snapped Gail "I can't understand what I ever sawin you, you junkie !" She strode off leaving Chris to his fate.

Meanwhile, Peter's damaged arsehole had started to recover. The experiencethat he and Ellen had been through had brought them closer together, and hadhe been a fully functioning male, you would say they were dating. As it was,there relationship could never develop beyond limited intimate contact andcarried on as a sort of lesbian courtship. Ellen helped to feminize Peter evenfurther. She bought an electrolysis kit, and they sat up late for many weeksas she removed all traces of facial and body hair. Peter would never be anattractive woman, but could pass as female without difficulty.

Gail's relationship with Chris had ended her demands on Peter, but the Matronstill treated him as her sex servant, and ultimately was responsible for himas his foster mother. At least twice a week Peter was called to Matron's officeand was ordered carry out any task she specified. His skills had gone beyondcunilingus and he could now massage, wax & shave to a high standard. Waxingthe Matron's huge vagina was not a job for the faint hearted. Her pubic hairgrew in wispy clumps, and thick black shoots emanated from her arse. Her labiawas huge and the folded skin reminded Peter of a leather handbag. Hair removalwas tricky in such areas, but he was expert at gentle removal and was in greatdemand, both with students and other teachers. Miss Matless, the games teacherdisplayed her enormously hairy pussy and after much cajoling from the Matron,opted for total clearance. Peter hacked through the smelly undergrowth withhis scissors for half an hour with trimming with an electric razor and thenwaxing clean. Miss Matless's lesbian lover watched the whole procedure andthen unveiled an even hairier pussy that she refused to let him trim at all.Like many of his "Clients" she required his unique sexual services, leadingto him licking the hairy pussy until she came wetly, onto his face. Such wasthe demand Peter ate the pussies and arses of over 200 woman in the last 2weeks of term. Ellen eventually hooked a proper boyfriend and her friendshipwith Peter slowly tailed off.

As the term ended, the students packed their bags, some for the last time.Ellen and Gail were both leaving and Chris had already disappeared. Peter wasstaying on at school under the supervision of the Matron. Her plan was to getthem a small house in the nearby village where she could to control him andset him to work providing his services for a wider clientele. There was nodoubt who was on top now !

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 7

Hannah wasn’t sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. She’d never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded off, and her raw asshole was so excruciatingly torn and stretched. Perhaps worst of all, however, was having Big Joe’s rancid, sweat-soaked socks in her mouth all night long. The sour taste of them was so awful and each time she had to swallow Hannah almost puked in her mouth. ...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 12

“Wake the fuck up slut!” Tank shouted, slapping the unconscious Asian hard across her cheek. “No!!! Please, please, please,” Hannah shrieked, as she was jolted awake and instantly began pleading in terror. “We marked you up pretty good last night,” Tank remarked, as he stared at the Asian’s battered and bloodstained tits. “But not as much as you deserved slut. You’re lucky we didn’t fucking kill your ass for that little bullshit stunt you tried to pull.” “Please don’t—don’t hurt me, please...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 4

Hannah did not know what time she fell asleep, but she did know that despite her fatigue it took her at least a few hours. She cried the entire time too. She kept waiting for Tank or one of the other bikers to come in and rape her some more, but it never happened. Eventually she somehow was able to fall asleep, and she dreamed of simple pleasures like being back at home with friends and family throughout the night. “Wakey wakey slut!” Tank exclaimed, slapping Hannah in the face hard and...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 6

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 9

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 11

Hannah did not come close to making her $3000 quota. By the time she got back out to the bar, it was past midnight and more than half of the patrons she’d seen when Wayne and Carl had bought her were long gone. Moreover, after the horrendous nightmare the two men had put her through, she had little strength or willpower to continue her duties as a whore. The Asian was almost like a zombie as she transported various johns back and forth from her room. The only times she showed any kind...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 3

Just as Hannah thought, the bikers headed straight back to the bar. They’d been gone for only about an hour, but when they entered the parking lot Hannah noticed that there were at least 10 more motorcycles sitting there. Her heart was pounding in terror as she was hauled back into the large tavern, with the other Outlaws right behind her. There were several bikers hanging out in the lounge and drinking beers, but as soon as they saw Hannah they got up and followed her into the...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 2

“Wake up slut! It’s time to put that hot little body to work, you got a long day ahead of you,” one of the bikers declared, slapping Hannah roughly across the face. Hannah yelped in pain as she was abruptly and painfully woken up. Immediately the horrible reality of her situation set in and she started whimpering miserably. She didn’t know what time she fell asleep, but it had taken her at least a couple hours and she felt like she’d hardly slept at all. There were at least 15 bikers...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 8

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 5

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 13

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My New Boy Toy Christopher

I was traveling down a very popular roadway in my college town, when I spotted this handsome young man in a pair of short pants jogging along the sidewalk. I quickly turned my car around and approached this magnificent young nubile body and watched as his butt bounced and muscles in his legs tighten and relax. The young thing went on to the local high school athletic field, I found an entrance and park. I got out and went over to the fence and watched as this beauty jogged around the quarter...

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The Outlaw and the Innkeepers Daughter

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Judy was woken for the second day in a row by a kick on the foot. She cracked an eye and saw Tanda Havra once again standing over her. "Breakfast," Tanda informed Judy. "Then horse or wagon." Judy looked around the tent, empty except for the two of them. She must have been tired to sleep past the others getting up! "Horse," Judy said almost without thinking. She'd seen the wagons yesterday. They bumped and jolted you; there were no springs. "Be ready, be quick!" Tanda told her,...

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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 3 Charity

Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...

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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 3 Charity

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Slave of the Outcast

Chapter 1Charles Greene and his three mates were loitering around the lower floor of the mall. There were lots pf people in the mall. Kids running around and screaming. Cliques of women pacing around,  carrying bags of purchases. Elderly couples eating their ice cream cones.  Charles Green’s mates were also his classmates and their names were Jim, Casper and Norman.  They had finally finished their secondary school education. They had finally finished school and were now on holiday....

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

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The Stopwatch

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My girlfriend and I hav been going out for some time. Since our freshman year of high school, but since her parents are strict Catholics we havn't been allowed to officially go on a date. Let me give you some images of my girlfriend and I. Nicole, my girlfriend, is about 5'3", latina but not very dark, muscular legs and a tight ass from playing water polo, a nice flag stomach but not a six pack, and ample breasts, a little under a C cup. My name is Matt and im about 6'2", pretty muscular...

4 years ago
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The Outsiders

This story was inspired from the Highlander movies and TV series but takes place in a separate world with its own rules. The Outsiders By Morpheus It was a dark and windy night as I staggered home from the bar, more than a little drunk. I staggered just a little with each step, enough to reveal to anyone who saw that I wasn't completely sober. However, I made a straight line home, eager to climb into bed. I only dreaded going to work in the morning with the hangover I was bound to...

3 years ago
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Hot Dugout Stranger

Now get this, she loves being called a slut and a fuckhole. She loves it rough, she likes to be tied up and blindfolded. I decided to get a blindfold, so I bought one on the way there. We met at a school, which had a large, dark field. It had a baseball field and the dugout was very dark. When she got out of her car, I could not believe how hot she was. Man, she looked 30. Come to find out, she made an error in her profile and she was not 37, but instead, she is really 42. Awesome...

1 year ago
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A Horse In The Dugout Part 2

She sat with him on one side of the table. Darien and Maria sat on the other side. "You wanna kiss me?" Iris said. "Yeah." She scooted close to him on the seat and turned herself sideways. "First, you gotta go slow, right?" she said. Ethan nodded. Her lips were puffy and moist. She licked them again as if to make sure. He couldn't wait to feel them pressing against his own lips. He closed his eyes and leaned toward her. Their lips touched, softly at first, and he pressed harder. He remembered...

5 years ago
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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 7 Going Native

Schaffer donned his cloak as the pack geared up for their trip. He still wasn’t sure just how far it was, but the aliens were gearing up for a long journey. They were bringing supplies of food and fuel, all of their weapons, and plenty of tools. Each one carried a heavy pack laden with goods, and they were wrapped in layers of protective clothing. Shorts and vests, cloaks and shawls, some even wore long hoods to protect their ears. This was going to be a serious ordeal, Schaffer realized. He...

4 years ago
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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 7 Going Native

Schaffer donned his cloak as the pack geared up for their trip. He still wasn’t sure just how far it was, but the aliens were gearing up for a long journey. They were bringing supplies of food and fuel, all of their weapons, and plenty of tools. Each one carried a heavy pack laden with goods, and they were wrapped in layers of protective clothing. Shorts and vests, cloaks and shawls, some even wore long hoods to protect their ears. This was going to be a serious ordeal, Schaffer realized. He...

3 years ago
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Fallout XXX

War...War never changes. These words are the motto of the post-apocalyptic series fallout, which argues that nuclear Armageddon won't end humanity, but will add another bloody chapter in humanity's history. however, like any species, for it to survive it must reproduce and go onward from there. These will explore those areas of the game that most of the series will not show. These stories will allow you to chose what happens in the Five canonical fallout games: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3,...

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