Strip Poker in Banjarahills
- 2 years ago
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While sitting down Ritu commented, “It’s quite handful. You are lucky, Tulika.””You also may be lucky tonight,” Tulika replied with a grin.As I sat down, I felt too awkward with my erection fully in display through my brief. I attempted to adjust its position, but that didn’t improve things. I was acutely conscious of both the ladies, particularly Ritu, eyeing my erection and started shuffling the cards. Ritu asked Tulika to deal on her behalf as she took a cigarette and signalled me to light it. I lighted her cigarette and one for me. As I gave a long drag and settled down, three cards were in front of me. I picked up one card. It was Ace of Heart. I showed the card. Both the ladies picked up one card each and showed. Tulika had 8 of Spade and Ritu had 3 of Club. My next card was Ace of Diamond and I thought my bad luck was over. Tulika had Jack of Spade and Ritu had 3 of Diamond. My next card was King of Club and I prayed that Tulika didn’t have one more Spade. I was more or less sure of winning the hand, as Tulika’s third card was King of Heart. But Ritu surprised us as she excitedly showed 3 of Spade.
Tulika stood up and was ready to lose the first piece of her clothes. As Ritu came close to her, she turned back to let her open the hooks at the back of the blouse. But Ritu turned her back and said, “No, I want to take off your skirt.” I was delighted, as I would be able to guess if she waxed her pussy hair if her panty is exposed. But for some strange reason, Tulika said she would offer a ‘reward’ for the blouse to be taken off instead of the skirt. “The reward would be –” she announced, “after Ritu takes off my blouse, I will let her lick my belly button.””I seek a modification; I should be allowed to lick anywhere in the exposed part of your body, in addition to bellybutton.” She said with a tone like a counsel in a courtroom.
“No objection,” Tulika said and turned back again to let Ritu open the hooks at the back of her blouse. Within seconds, fair skin of Tulika’s back was in full view. As she turned around, her shapely boobs looked lovely under the lacy dark blue bra. Her aureoles were clearly visible and the erect nipples almost pierced through her bra. Her skirt was just under her bellybutton and she pushed it down by about an inch. The curve of her belly, which was only partly seen above the skirt, looked awfully sexy. I felt as if I was seeing this woman in partial nudity for the first time. It was hard to think that she was married to me for fifteen years and I knew every corner of her naked body. I noticed the line of hair, which ran from her bellybutton down to her bush, had completely disappeared and the fair skin glowed. I was simply dying to know if she waxed her bush. Ritu asked her to lie down. Tulika lay down on the carpet with her hands below her head. Her armpits were silky smooth and had a couple of lines of crease. I felt like licking the silky skin. Ritu straddled over her with her legs on two sides of Tulika’s thighs. As she bent down, her kurta rode up and I could see a part of the silky cinnamon skin of her thighs. The thin fabric of her kurta was tightly stuck over her butts and her skimpy panties were clearly visible through the sheer fabric. I felt as if my cock was exploding.
Ritu started licking Tulika’s neck and then moved on to her armpits. Tulika always gets very tickled & jumpy at the slightest touch at her armpits and starts laughing. If I ever tried to kiss her armpits, she Immediately pushed me away. But as Ritu licked her armpits, she had no such reaction and soon started moaning & breathing heavily. As Ritu’s tongue darted out of her mouth and moved like a snake on the fair skin, it looked awfully enticing. Ritu licked Tulika’s cleavage for a while and then moved down along her belly. As she started swirling her tongue in her bellybutton, Tulika was visibly restless and her moans got stronger. I realised even after fifteen years I didn’t know how sensitive she was at the bellybutton. Since it was Tulika, who suggested licking of bellybutton, I was sure she knew very well what her erogenous spots were. I felt how many other such spots were there. On the whole I felt a bit stupid. I suddenly came out of my private thoughts, I noticed Tulika was moving her hips restlessly and Ritu’s body also showed signs of excitement. This is the first time I was watching two women in this kind of erotic action and whole scenario looked awesome.
Finally the two women disengaged and as they settled down, both were flushed in their faces and were perspiring heavily. I felt like wiping their perspiration, but thought it would be too exciting for me to handle. So, I handed them some tissues. After wiping her face, Ritu inserted her hand through the slit under the neck of the kurta and I was excited to see her lovely cleavage. She wiped her armpits under the kurta and now I could have a glimpse of her thick hair in the armpit. Next, she inserted her hand under the kurta from the lower end and quite a bit of her thigh was exposed. As she wiped her belly under the transparent kurta, I felt like pouncing upon her and my cock was trying to tear through my brief. By the time I noticed Tulika, she had almost finished wiping her body and was lovingly moving the tissue in her bellybutton. At this stage, I asked her how did she know the bellybutton was such a great source of pleasure for her, because I don’t remember having licked her bellybutton. (“Nabhite je eto uttejona lukiye thake, tumi janle ki kore? Ami to kohono tomar nabhite jiv deini.”)
She smiled and said, “Those two Sundays with my mom in the bathroom, when we both bathed in the nude, would never fade from my memory. Mom licked me all over my body and explored every corner. I enjoyed her tongue everywhere but especially felt aroused when she licked my bellybutton. Ever since then I nursed a desire to be licked at the bellybutton.”(“Sei dui robibarer smriti, jokhon mar sathe bathroome nangto hoye snan korechhilam, kokhono bhulbona. Ma tokhon amar sorrier protyek konay konay jiv diye ador korechhilo. Sob jaygay bhalo lagleo, nabhite jiver chhonya amake pagol kore diyechhilo. Sei theke ami nabhite jiver chhonya paoar swapna dekhchhi.”)”But in last fifteen years, you never asked me to pleasure you there.” I expressed my surprise.
With a naughty smile she said, “I wanted it from a woman, my dear husband.”I noticed Ritu was looking at Tulika with an appreciative smile. I wondered what unspoken thoughts were exchanged between these two women and asked if we should go ahead with the next hand. They both said “Of course” and Ritu asked me to deal on her behalf. As I dealt, I wondered if my bad luck would continue and I was destined to get fully stripped now.
This time, my first card was 4 of Club. Ritu had Ace of Heart and Tulika had Queen of Diamond. Ritu’s next card was 10 of Diamond, Tulika had Jack of Club and I had 3 of Club. Ritu’s third card was Jack of Diamond. She looked a bit hopeful but was disappointed as Tulika showed Jack of Heart. Tulika was delighted with her pair of Jacks and thought she won even when I showed 3 of Club. I broke her delight by pointing out I had all three Clubs with a run. I was happy to have broken the train of bad luck and announced I wanted to take off Ritu’s kurta.
Unexpectedly, Ritu wanted her panty to be taken off and announced she would massage my back as ‘reward’. I specified the massage should be after I take off her panty and she agreed. As Ritu stood up, I knelt down in front of her and watched her waist and belly closely through the sheer fabric. I placed my hands on her legs under the hem of her kurta and slowly moved up along her silky smooth thighs. As I was getting close to her panty I felt breathless in excitement and as my hands were at the sides of the crotch of her panty, I couldn’t believe my hands were touching streaks of hair peeking out of the sides. I wanted to delay the pleasure of touching her fur and moved my hands over her waist, belly and lower back. I again found her pubes peeking out of the waistband of her panty and my heart pounded like a hammer.
Finally, I pushed my fingers through the waistband and felt a rich furriness. I pulled the panty down very slowly, millimetre by millimetre and relished the increasing richness of the fur under my fingers. As the panty went lower & lower, I was awed at the wetness of the hair. With a lot of will power I resisted the temptation to dig my fingers into the source of wetness and finally pulled the panty down to her ankles. Now a large black triangular patch was clearly visible through the thin fabric. As I took the panty in my hand and noticed its wetness, Tulika came up to me and snatched it. She examined the crotch and turned it around. She took out a couple of pieces of curly hair, which were stuck in the fabric and blew them away in the air with a naughty smile. She deeply smelled the crotch and said, “mmmm”. She threw the panty to me and I dug my nose into the wet crotch. Wow! What an intoxicating smell it was! It was a mixture of her perfume, perspiration and an overwhelming aroma of her erotic juice.
As I was folding the panty, Tulika said, “She can’t wear it anymore. Put it in the cloth basket for washing. She has to go home tomorrow without any panty.” (“Ota o ar porte parbena. Otake kachhar jonyo phele dao. Kal oke panty chharai bari jete hobe.”)Ritu looked slightly embarrassed at all these and asked me to lie down on the carpet on my stomach. As I was lowering my body on the carpet, I adjusted my shaft under the brief.Tulika noticed the movements of my hands and told Ritu, “See how horny you have made this man.”
Ritu was standing by my side and said with an embarrassed smile, “Why me alone? You have contributed to his horniness too.”Ritu lifted the hem of her kurta up to her mid thigh and straddled over my hips, with her legs on two sides. As she lowered herself on my hips, I felt the touch of her fur and the naked skin of her butts on my thighs & the lower end of my butts. I closed my thighs to get the full impact of her touch. It was such an awesome feeling; I was unable to believe it was real. She started massaging my shoulders and then moved downwards along the spine. Suddenly, she lifted her ass and I thought the massage was over. But within seconds, her ass & crotch was on my lower back, this time with much closer touch.I heard Tulika saying, “Hey, what are you up to?” Ritu replied, “Just wait & watch.”She rested her hands on the floor and I could listen to her heavy breathing. Now I felt Ritu’s crotch moving on my back, slowly but with a lot of pressure. She was grinding her crotch on my back and sliding up my spine. Wow! I was simply carried away with the soft & furry touch of her completely wet pussy. Once in Bangkok a girl massaged me with her naked body, which was very exciting. But compared to this, the Bangkok massage was child’s play. After a while Ritu lowered her full body on my back. She pressed her boobs on my back and gave me a very wet kiss on my neck. She licked my ears too and I was simply dying out of pleasure. By the time it was over, I was having difficulty in controlling my hard on.
As I sat up, I realised my back was wet and Tulika noticed it. She said, “Both of you need some wiping” and wiped my back with tissues. She looked at Ritu, who had some wet spots on her kurta & was still breathing a bit heavily and said, “Shall I wipe your wetness down there?” (“Ami ki nicher bheja jaygata muche debo?”)Ritu said, “There would be lot of wetness later and you will get more opportunity. This time, I may not be able to take it.” (“Aro onekbar bhijbe, tokhon onek sujog pabe muchhbar. Ekhon ami ota thik nite parbona.”) But Tulika wasn’t in a mood to relent and said, “You are capable of taking much more than this.” (“Tumi er theke onek beshi nite parbe.”) and went close to her with a bunch of tissues. She made Ritu turn her back towards me and knelt down in front of her. As she started wiping Ritu’s pussy by putting her hands up inside her kurta, I felt a bit left out and jealous of the privacy these two women were trying to build around them. Tulika took quite a bit of time and after sometime started giggling.
“The more I am trying to wipe the spot dry, the more it is getting wet!” she said and laughed her head off. (“Jaygata jotoi muchhe shukno korar chesta korchhi, totoi ota bhije jachchhe!” Ritu now pulled her up and said, “Enough of naughtiness. Now let me see how wet you are.” (“Onek dushtumi hoyechhe. Ekhon dekhi tumi kotota bhijechho,”)Ritu knelt down and tried to lift her skirt, but Tulika didn’t allow her. As they finally settled down in their own places, I wondered why Tulika was so resistant to allowing Ritu to touch her pussy. After all, she had her panty on. My curiosity about her pussy grew stronger. I realised, I was more curious about my wife’s erotic spot than even the first night after our marriage. After dealing the cards, I was again scared of losing my brief and getting naked first. In my eagerness I looked at all my cards and my heart sank as I had 3 of Heart, 3 of Club and 5 of Diamond. Without waiting for others to show their cards, I packed. I watched the two women showing their card and eagerly waited to know which one would get me naked. Tulika’s first card was 6 of Diamond matched by Ritu’s 6 of Spade. Tulika’s second card 9 of Diamond was again matched by Ritu’s 9 of Spade. As the game turned very interesting, Ritu’s third card came first and it was a Jack of Heart. Tulika looked at her third card and announced, “It’s a Jack also.” From her expression it was not possible to decipher which Jack it was. Keeping us in suspense, Tulika took my cigarette and gave a long drag. She blew her smoke on my face and showed her Jack of Spade. She proudly said, “I am the woman, who’s going to strip you naked, my dear husband.” (“Amar priyo swami debota, ami sei nari je tomake nangto korbe.”)
She made her win so dramatic I was no longer scared of the ignominy of getting naked first. Rather I loved the idea of getting stripped by my wife. I stood up and Tulika knelt in front of me. She made no attempt to do any thing with my brief and started with loving kisses on my knees. She licked all the way up on my right thigh and then repeated the journey of her tongue on my left thigh. The strong sensation made my knees extremely week. She next planted a kiss on my bellybutton and lowering her mouth, held the waistband of my brief in her teeth. She pulled the brief down very slowly exposing my rock hard cock from the base, millimetre by millimetre. When my cock was half exposed, she removed her mouth and panted for a while. Looking at Ritu, she said, “See, how thick it is. Guess what’s the diameter.” (“Dekhchho, kemon mota. Boloto koto inchi.”)Ritu looked pretty excited and said, “Pretty mouthful. Two inches?”
“No, a little less” she said and again held the waistband with her teeth. Now she pulled it down in one stroke and the hard shaft hit her face as it sprang open. She moved her face a bit and let it fully in the open. It stood almost horizontal and I felt damn proud of it. She held it in her hand and asked Ritu, “You like it? Guess how long it is.” (“Kemon dekhechho? Boloto kotota lamba?”) “It’s larger than I thought. About eight inches?” Ritu said. (“Ja bhebechhilam tar theke boro. At inchi hobe?”) “No, about a quarter of an inch less.” Tulika was precise. “Come, have a closer look and welcome it.” Ritu crawled up close to me as Tulika held on to my cock as an object of demonstration. As Ritu closely watched the shaft, Tulika told her to touch & feel it. Ritu ran her finger over it and felt the veins. She took the balls in her hand and felt it with a light squeeze. I was feeling a strong sensation as Ritu’s hands moved over my cock & balls. Tulika pulled open the foreskin and as the pink head came out she gave a light kiss. Ritu watched the head closely and I noticed wetness at the hole at the tip. Ritu finally gave a loving kiss on my cock and went back to her place. I felt a bit relieved, as I was apprehensive of the fondling going on too long. I was scared of ejaculating too soon as I this new excitement was playing havoc on me.
As I sat down, I felt very awkward. While I sat down Indian style, my cock was prominently jutting out. No way I could hide it and both the women, particularly Ritu kept on looking at it. I had no other option but to ignore it and asked them to start the next hand. Tulika dealt the cards. I picked up my first card and it was a 10 of Spade. Tulika had King of Diamond and Ritu had Ace of Diamond. My next card was 10 of Heart and my hopes revived a bit. But my heart sank again as Tulika’s card was King of Spade and Ritu had 6 of Diamond. As I delayed looking at my third card, Tulika hurriedly showed her third card and it Was 6 of Spade. Ritu showed Ace of Heart with a winning smile. I was now sure I was the loser and reluctantly opened my third card. Wow! It was a 10 of club! I couldn’t believe I had a trio and won.I stood up proudly and announced my desire to take off from Tulika not her skirt but her panty. This was the result of my extreme eagerness to touch Tulika’s pussy. But Tulika offered her bra instead. I was now sure she was keen to hide the condition of her pussy as long as she could. I wondered what the ‘reward’ would be. I guessed she would offer to suck my cock. I was not very keen on that; I rather preferred the first suck comes from Ritu. Tulika announced, “The ‘reward’ would be a massage of the whole body with my boobs.”
I was startled at the novelty of the idea and asked Tulika to come close to me. Both of us stood facing each other and with my arms around her back I unclasped the hook of her lacy black bra. I bent forward and kissed her cleavage. I ran my tongue along the cleavage and pushed the bra down. My tongue was aggressive enough to slide down the bra, as Tulika helped by moving the straps of the bra with her thumbs. As the bra fell off Tulika’s lovely boobs came into view. She had modest sag in her 34B boobs, which had conical shape. Her brown aureoles were in contrast with her very fair skin and her nipples were fully erect. I felt like sucking them, but stopped at giving a short lick all over her boobs.
As I stepped away letting Ritu to have a look, she came closer and fondly ran her fingers over the boobs. She gave a light stroke on the boobs and the mounds moved very slightly, showing their firmness. Tulika now asked me to lie down on my stomach and I gently obeyed. As I did so, I held my cock down so that I could comfortably press it down on the carpet. I felt Tulika’s skirt on my hips as she straddled me and soon felt her boobs on my back. As the boobs were pressed hard on my back, the balls of flesh felt both soft and firm. The nipples were so hard, I could feel them on my skin. The sensation was out of this world, as the boobs moved all over my back, from the shoulders to the waist. There was a short pause after the boobs reached my waist, when her skirt covered hips were on my lower legs.
At the next stage, sensation grew stronger as her boobs traversed over my butts, pressing those with lot of pleasure. By now I could hear Tulika’s heavy breathing & light moaning. As the boobs were on my crack, I could feel her fingers parting my butt cheeks and now her one nipple was in my crack & the other boob on my thigh, moving up & down. It’s hard to describe the tingling sensation that I had. After repeating the process with her other nipple, she slowly slipped out of my crack. She brought my thighs together and ran her boobs along the hairy skin. Tulika said she was over with the back and asked me to turn over. As I did so, my cock jutted out like a torpedo out of my crotch. Ritu was standing by my side and watching and I could see her naked thighs as I looked through the bottom of her kurta. As she moved a little, I had a glance of her dark hair and my cock twitched. Tulika straddled me and rested her hips just above my crotch. She carefully kept her hips & bottom of her crotch covered with her skirt and I couldn’t feel her pussy at all through the thick fabric. As the front of her skirt rode high, I could see her Creamy thighs, but her panty was out of sight. Her hips pressed the base of my cock and it took almost a horizontal position.
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Strip Poker For some time, my wife, Carol, and I had been experimenting with differentkinds of sexual games. I couldn't believe my luck as I finally discovered herhot buttons. I had been traveling and for once, Carol could come and join me for a fewdays. When she arrived, I took her to the hotel and we began to play. I suggestedstrip poker and she agreed. We both agreed that the game would not be overuntil both of us were nude, and when one party was nude and continued to lose,he or she would...
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Group SexHi all, this is not a fantasy but a true incident which happened with me a probably a couple weeks back. I am staying in a flat and my girl friend would usually come and visit me. One day Anjali (my girl friend) called me and said that she will be coming to my house in the evening after I arrive from the office and would be staying back as the next day was a holiday for her and for me as well. She also said that she would be bringing her senior who is married and three of her friends and we...
A bottle of Jack Daniel’s, a deck of cards and two daringly naughty people. What could possibly happen? “Strip poker? Really? That’s what you want to play? I haven’t played in years,” I groan taking a large gulp of Jack Daniel’s straight from the bottle. “Even better reason to play, because I’ll end up winning,” he gives me a wildly cheeky smirk. How can I even resist when he does that? I smile back, and he knows he’s gotten his way. He deals out the cards, as I split up the poker chips....
This happened only a few years ago. s*s and I were playing poker. She jokingly said what about strip poker. I of course was like no way. Then she got serious about it and was like whats wrong, afraid your going to lose and I'm going to see you naked. Well anyway, after a bit of going back and forth I agreed to playing. Now s*s and I get along pretty good. Like friends as well as brother and sister. My sister is very pretty but I never thought of her in any sexual way. Till that day. Anway, we...
Well, it all began last Saturday when we went rafting with another couple, Todd and Robyn. After a day of sun and a lot of drinking, not to mention some real good pot, we went to Todd and Robyn's for dinner. After dinner and drinks, everyone was feeling pretty relaxed. When Todd suggested some fuck flicks, he and I left for the video store in a flash. During the flicks, my wife Geri suggested we all play stop poker. Everyone just laughed and kept watching the videos. Well, Todd and I quickly...
No Idea why I put the ? its going to be continued, but please dont hassel me about it, if you want it to come out, and you have a suggestion for the story, feel free to leave it in a comment :) Ok, so I'll let you get on with the reading, This ones a little different since it involves toys, But same characters, one new one and the grand finale..... MY NAMES REVEALED -gasps- (If your wondering why all the dramatics, Im posting this at nearly midnight and my brains fried) ENJOY! I woke to a...
the theater, where we were suppose to meet the others. "I talked to Sharon today," Mary said as we walked along. "She is fine. You don't need to worry about her. She is already figuring out what to do for the next game, assuming, of course, that you don't chicken out. Sharon really has some interesting ideas for the next game." "I don't know if I like the sound of that," I said. "You know the old Chinese curse: `May you live in interesting times'. Maybe I should...
Chapter 1 The Rules I was a PK (preacher's kid). If you are not a PK, you may have never though about what that means. As a PK in a small town, everybody knows your father. If you do anything, somebody will tell your father about it. This makes for a very restricted social life. You don't get invited to very many parties, and girls are reluctant to go out with you. When I was 10 or 12 years old things were pretty normal. Most of the kids in the neighborhood treated me as...
My heart stopped, and then raced at a thousand beats a minute. Mary had just said we could use Kat's bedroom tonight. What did this mean? I tried to think. Mary went off to try to straighten things up after the evening festivities. What was I supposed to say? What was I supposed to do? Protection. That was it. Was Mary on the pill? I didn't think so. Charlene had said she was a virgin, so how many virgins were on the pill? I had no idea, but it didn't seem likely. So...
or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed, but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's bed. When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe. "Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a...
Poker By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Hungry In his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritz crackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into a lot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungry for when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer, "Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!" Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joined the poker group. My name...
As Kristen stepped from the shower she took a towel from the hook on the wall. She used it to wring the excess moisture from her hair and then toweled what was left of the shower from her lean body. She wrapped the towel around her body and then tucked the free end under the edge of the towel to hold it in place. She walked into her bedroom, slid open the closet door and surveyed the clothes hanging in front of her. She pulled down a linen blouse. It was a short sleeved-lavender blouse with a...
Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...
Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...
The Spanking Couples: Femdom Spanking Poker PartyAfter their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy ? even when forced to ?Clean-Up? partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming...
The property in Arlington, Virginia was initially built as a duplex. The double driveway led to two garages separated by stairs leading up to two front doors. Each side had a living room and kitchen. One floor up there were two bedrooms. The builder had owned the vacant lot for twenty years expecting to build a home there. But the lot backed up to a hill that didn’t adapt to a typical Arlington home.Thirty years ago a young lawyer named Malachi Bernstein purchased the duplex expecting to rent...
ThreesomesVictor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage with a happy ending from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part...
Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn't know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse for putting it off, and there were midterm exams to keep me occupied. "Hi Larry, this is Mary," she said. "How are you doing?" "OK, how about you?" I replied. "I am doing fine. I was calling to see if you were interested in another poker game?" As soon as I...
Strip Poker and Speedos: Part 4 I hugged him for a full minute after John David left. Our soft cocksgently touching in between our thin bodies felt so nice. I did not wantthis moment to end, but I knew our time was running out. I looked into hisgreen eyes and smiled. His usually wavy blonde hair was wet with sweat. Ikissed him gently on the lips and hugged him with my hands upon his hardass cheeks. "Bob, this is all too wild, right?" I asked. "Yea, just a few hours ago I was worried that...
Strip Poker by Callie Messenger When I returned to the room the game had progressed. My dare had been to run down to the end of the street and pound on a door for five seconds before returning. The combination of late night cold and the neighbours' shouts had sobered me up somewhat. The rest had continued drinking while I was gone and most were down to their underwear. There would soon be nothing left to play for if the dares didn't get pretty inventive. I took my...
This is a story that was sent to me by one of my younger members/fans. With his permission I'm going to share it with you guys. If you like it, I'll have him share more details of his new Poker Mates.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents.I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents. I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life and no money. Pretty embarrassing having to go to your Dad cap in hand asking for money to fill up the car with petrol. Don't get me started how sexually frustrated I was. Before COVID hit, I...
After their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy — even when forced to "Clean-Up" partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming addicted to the taste of male and female cum juice...
Poker Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it my not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free to read sites only. Poker, I love to play the game. The wager or bet, win or lose, is what makes it so very nice, not that the results of a bad bet can be discounted, I tend to forget my losses and choose to remember only the wins. Not this time, however, to tell you of the result before laying the background, would be doing you the reader of this narrative a disservice. Every...
The girls sat in circle on the carpet as Randy watched because his next bed mate would be the looser. Randy shuffled the card cut them and shuffled them again and dealt five of them to each player who would put hand dealt them in front for Randy and others to see. Each of them had five articles of clothing. The shoes and socks were counted as one. The shirt was one and shorts the third leaving only the bra and underwear. After the card were dealt Cindy had pair of kings, Sharon had pair of...
It's a lazy Saturday afternoon and you're hanging around with your cousin again. She's about the only person in this lame town that's your age, so you basically have no choice but to be each other's company. You're not one to complain, though... especially when your cousin Vanessa has bloomed into a hot little piece of ass herself. Vanessa has long, black hair that hangs down past her tight, round butt. Her piercing blue eyes and gleaming white smile compliment her pretty face and to top it...
IncestMy marriage was getting pretty bad. We were fighting all the time, and mostly about stupid things. My wife Jill and I met when I was 19 and she was 18. We didn't get married until 10 years later, and then waited another five before we started a family. Our one son is great, and is now 5 years old. A lot of the trouble started when Jill said that she wanted another baby. I thought that at 38 I was too old for another k**, and that started a long fight. She got back at me by not having sex with...
Strip Poker and Speedos: Part 5 After breakfast we jumped into Dr. O'Bryan's Jaguar with Bob in the frontseat and me in the back. Bob started laughing as soon as his dad startedthe car. "Dad, I cant't believe you called it the 'naked truth'. That wasso funny. Of course, now John knows that we camped out naked. I'm sure thatfreaked him out." "I'm sorry, guys. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to mess withyou two. I still don't understand why John David didn't just go back to hishouse...
Strip Poker and Speedos: Part 3 I awoke as the morning light filtered in through the mesh-coveredwindows of Bob's tent. It took less than a second for the night's events tocome tumbling into my brain. It had been both the scariest and most sensualnight of my young life. First, my best friend Bob and I admitted that wehad a crush on one another, and he had even kissed me and jacked me off. Ithad been way better than any of my boy-meets-boy fantasies had ever been. Now, there I was, only...
After I posted 'Strip Poker' I had numerous mails asking me if my ex wife did anything more with her brother. Well to be honest I don't know for sure but that doesn't stop me from speculating. "No please, I don't want to," I whinged, I do hate to hear that tone in my voice but my brother was making demands on me again. "Now look sis," he said forcefully, "I've promised them and you're not going to let me down, do you hear?" "Yes," I replied meekly, "but how far do I have to...
It all started one fall afternoon. Joe and I were seventh graders, we had just started Junior High. Cindy was was in ninth grade and we all rode the same bus and lived in the same neighbor hood. As we all became friends while sitting aroung waiting for the bus that was always late, talking about anything and everything. Eventually the conversations turned to sex. Cindy talked as if she was very experienced in that area, and of course we talked as if we had been around the block once or twice....
First TimeI had been invited by Jack to play poker with him and some friends on Friday night. Jack invited two other guys and I from work to play at his house. He told us to be at his house at 6:00pm and bring money. He said he would have a special treat for us. I wondered what he had in mind but I was up for what ever it was. I arrived at his house just a little before 6pm and rang the doorbell. Jack opened the door, “Hi Bruce, come on in” he said as he stepped back and motioned for me to come...
Poke Her (Poker Game) PartyI decided I needed to earn some extra cash for some unexpected expenses. I was talking to my friend about this issue. She knew everything about me and my openness with sex. I decided I might try being the " party favor " at a secret sexual party for men. That way I could enjoy all the sex I wanted and earn some money at the same time. I told her how I wanted to earn the money and she had a suggestion for me.She agreed that is was a good and fun way to earn some...
Larry, who I worked with had been on me for the last month about doing a poker game at my place. I finally agreed to hold it at my place after thinking about it over several days. I hadn’t played in a poker game in many years. Larry had lined up myself plus him and a buddy of his. His buddy also brought along a younger gentleman named Rob with him so we now had had a table of four playing. I didn’t know this other younger gentleman, but he was only in his 20’s and had a very cocky attitude. ...
MILFDanny’s friends always paid me a lot of attention during these poker nights at our house. And why not? I’m a pretty brunette with a constant smile and great figure – about 5’5”, with a slim waist and 36D rack that seemed to get a lot of looks, and - frankly - I loved showing it off. I enjoyed all the attention I got from Danny and his friends, and even started dressing a little more risqué for these game nights….usually a mini-skirt or short shorts, with a tank top or thin cotton shirt....
It was a Friday night in late October and Melanie and I were preparing snacks for that night's poker game. Jake and I had been playing poker regularly with three of our closest buddies since we were all in college together. We were all married now, but we would still meet once or twice a month on a Friday or Saturday night to play cards and drink beer while catching up and ragging on each other. For some reason, our house had become the regular venue, probably simply because Mel and I had been...
Group SexIt was another Friday night. My roommate was having another poker game with his buddies and I wasn't allowed to join in. I spent so much time preparing snacks for everybody, but when I was all done, my roommate Craig told me to go in my room while his friends came over for a few hours. I dunno why he wouldn't let me play, I was actually quite good at poker. I sobbed and went into my room, not even allowed to take a single bite of the delicious snacks I slaved over. I moved in with Craig a year...
The Poker Game By: Cissykay Chapter 1 It was Friday morning, and I was looking forward to the long holiday weekend. Four days of fun with the guys and some serious games with my wife. Roxann was very much into our sex and bondage games. We usually played when I had come home from a few drinks with the guys. We would tell each other about how our wives pissed us off, and how we would always show how we were the boss. I knew most of...
Poker Buddy Peggy Sue and I had been playing cards with Steve and Marcy every Friday for a few months now. Playing poker was good clean fun and we played for pennies and nickels so no one lost very much money. In fact Steve was usually the big winner with just a little over a dollar every time. Playing cards at home was cheaper than going out to a movie and a lot more fun too. None of us drank so bars were out of the question. Plus we took turns hosting the poker game and supplying...
Jack had a beautiful daughter. She was also very sexy and he had raised her to be very obedient. She was his sex toy and he loved using her at his poker parties on Friday nights. Five of his horny nasty friends came over to play poker and with he and Jan. Tonight Jack got her ready. He first fucked her then showered her and douched her and shaved her pussy. Then he finger fucked her and sucked her nice big tits while he had her in the shower. He then put her on her knees and had her suck his...