Little Red Riding Whore free porn video

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Little Red Riding Whore – Part One

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, livingor dead, is coincidental.

Fifteen-year-old Joely Baker kneels on the wet asphalt of a dead-end alleyoff the downtown street nicknamed the "Chicken Strip". Her soft red lips arewrapped around the swollen cock of Harry, the beat cop. The middle-aged policemanlooks down at the young girl and sucks in his beer gut so he can see into thelarge blue eyes of this teenaged whore. She looks up at him as if to ask ifshe's doing it correctly. She has her back to the entrance of the alley. Directlybehind her is a rusty green dumpster which shields her from the curious eyesof any passer-by. Harry the cop can see over the top edge of the large container.He glares at a meek looking man who is being led into the alley by a slenderblack teenager. The man takes one look at the cop, not realizing that the policemanis getting a blowjob, and turns around, leaving the little whore alone. Thegirl, who can't be older than thirteen or fourteen, angrily walks towards thefat cop. "Dammit Harry. How'm I supposed to make some money if you're gonnascare away all my johns?" Then she notices Joely on her knees with a mouthfulof Harry's cock. She erupts with laughter. "Oh, sorry," she says. "I didn'trealize that Red was playin' your flute. Don't forget to swallow the the music,girl." The cheeky black tart turns on her heel and saunters back to the ChickenStrip. She flips up the back of her miniskirt, flashing her naked ass as sheleaves.

The five-block long Chicken Strip is part of Harry the Cop's regular beat.Men from all over the state come here to find young cunt. Harry collects afee from the girls or their pimps that he shares with the desk sergeant andthe precinct captain. Along with money, he helps himself to the odd blowjob.For variety, he'll fuck a little slut up against the side of a dumpster. Joelyis one of his favorites. She's been peddling her pussy for the past two years.She's usually here from Wednesday through Saturday, arriving on weekdays around10:00 PM, after finishing homework. Her father turned her out on her thirteenthbirthday. Officer Harry remembers the day very well because Joely's old manasked him to keep an eye on her. To encourage the policeman's co-operation,he slipped him a fifty and had his daughter drop to her knees and lick hiscock like it was a big pink ice cream cone – something she's continuedto do at least once a week. The policeman looks to his left at a large crackedmirror that is propped up against a wall of the alley. He enjoys looking atthe image of the young girl as she deep throats his dick. This evening sheis wearing white cotton knee socks and white Nikes, as well as an extremelyshort red plaid miniskirt and a thin white "My Kitty" T-shirt. The shirt hasbeen torn in strategic places. One of the teen's crinkly berry-like red nipplespeaks through a rip in the fabric. No matter what outfit she wears, Joely alwaystops it with a red beret. Hence her street moniker, "Red" – short forLittle Red Riding Whore. Harry can feel his balls beginning to tingle as theteen expertly swirls her tongue around the head of his cock. He grunts andfloods her mouth with hot spunk. When he finishes cumming he pulls his prickfrom her mouth. Joely stands up, smiling. She looks up at the large policemanand opens her mouth. She is wearing braces on her teeth and some of the creamyspunk clings to the silver wires. The cop is pleased to see a large pearlydollop of cum resting in the center of her tongue. The girl shuts her mouthand appears to swallow. Then, with a glint in her eye, she parts her lips slightly,allowing a thin ribbon of cock paste to drool out of the left corner of hermouth. It drips off her chin and lands squarely on her exposed nipple.

"Bulls eye," she says soflty.

Joely looks young for her age. She is slender with small hard breasts anda high firm bum. She is barely five feet tall. Her father discourages her fromwearing too much makeup so as not to spoil her fresh good looks. This eveningshe has done her blond hair in two long braids.

She looks at Harry with mock irritation as he slips his deflated cock backinto his trousers. "You had brussel sprouts for lunch, didn't you," she saysaccusingly.

Harry is mildly surprised. "Yah," he says. "How can ya tell?"

"Brussel sprouts and asparagus makes a guy's spunk taste yucky."

The policeman laughs and asks if there is any food that makes sperm tastebetter.

"Don't think so," says Joely with a smirk.

"Well, never mind. You gotta to eat your vegetables one way or the other."

The cop and the teenaged whore walk together out of the alley. Harry is surprisedto see Joely's father's large black Cadillac pulled up to the curb.

"What's your daddy doing here so early?" he asks. "It's only ten-thirty."

"Daddy's picking me up cause we have an appointment," says the girl. "Infact, I only came down here to give you a farewell blowjob."

Harry the Cop looks down at the girl. "Farewell blowjob?" he repeats. "Areyou going somewhere?"

"Yes!" replies the little whore with the kind of excitement that can onlybe manifested by a teenaged girl. "Daddy's arranged an audition for me at 'Grandma's'," shesays proudly.

The policeman is impressed. Grandma's is the most expensive bordello in thestate. Of course a woman called "Grandma" runs it. Last year, the boys in theprecinct took up a collection so that Harry could take young Carl Johnson,a fellow cop who was about to get married, to Grandma's for a night of debaucherybefore his wedding. A few weeks before, Johnson saved his partner from beingshot during a traffic bust that went wrong, so all his colleagues saw him asa hero. Even with the professional discount extended to members of law enforcement,the prices at Grandma's were very high. One hour with one of the regular hostessescost $1,200. If you wanted to be entertained by one of the "special" hostesses,the price was even higher. The young man who they sent there was marrying awoman who was ten years older than himself so the boys thought it fitting thathe be serviced by a girl who was ten years younger than he was. So his friendspaid $1,800 for a fourteen year-old hostess. The groom didn't know it, butGrandma let Harry watch what was going on from the next room through a two-waymirror.

Harry smiles as he remembers seeing a beautiful raven-haired teenager enterthe room where his friend sat behind a large wooden desk. The room was oneof the theme rooms for which the whorehouse was famous. It was set up to looklike a grade eight classroom. The girl, who was named Tracy, was dressed astoday's typical glam-slut teenager. She was wearing tight blue jeans and simplewhite tennis shoes. The waistband of her jeans hung low on her hips, exposingthe bright red waistband of her thong underwear. Her jeans hugged her pertass so tightly that they looked spray-painted on. She wore a short form-fittingpink tee shirt with the word "Bone Me" written out in red sequins across herchest. Her sharp little nipples poked provocatively into the thin fabric. Thebottom hem of the shirt stopped only an inch below her tits. She had a goldbelly-button ring inserted through the flesh of her navel. A fine gold chainwas attached to that ring. The chain hung down and disappeared into the waistbandof her thong and jeans. She wore inexpensive silver rings on four fingers ofeach hand. Tracy held several sheets of lined paper. She stood in front ofJohnson and said mournfully, "Mr Johnson, you gave me an 'F' on my essay. IfI don't get a higher mark, I'll be thrown off the cheerleader squad. You gotno idea how many times I had to eat old Ms Choudri's disgusting pussy beforeshe agreed to put me on the team. Please, sir, what can I do to raise my grade?"

Officer Johnson quickly got into the role-playing. "Well, Tracy," he said. "Ican't remember the specific topic of your essay."

"You asked me to write a two thousand word composition on the why cocksuckingshould be an Olympic event."

"Oh yes, I remember now." Officer Johnson suppressed a smile. "Well yourargument failed to convince me that sucking dick qualifies as a sport. Whatdo you suggest we do to give you a better mark?"

"Oh Sir!" she pleaded. "I'll do anything you want."

"You can start by showing me your titties."

With a smile, Tracy arched her back and pealed off her tee shirt. Her breastswere small but shapely. Perfect white mounds of flesh topped with hard pinknipples. Johnson, still sitting on the wooden chair, straightened and spreadhis legs. The fourteen year-old tart walked between them until her chest wasinches from his face. He leaned forward and captured her left nipple betweenhis lips. He sucked the fleshy bud into his mouth. Tracy put her hands on hisshoulders for support and threw her head back in ecstasy. Johnson sucked moreand more of her breast into his mouth. He began slobbering over her tits whilehe unsnapped her jeans and pulled them over her round hips. She stepped backpulling her nipple from his lips with a loud pop.

Her breasts glistened with Johnson's saliva. "Did that raise my grade?" sheasked slyly.

"You went from an 'F' to a 'D'," Johnson responded.

Tracy gracefully sat on the floor and removed her shoes and socks and thenkicked off the jeans that had been bunched around her ankles. Looking up athim she asked what she can do to get an even better mark.

"Crawl over here," the young cop ordered.

Wearing only her satin thong, Tracy crawled on her hands and knees towardshim. When she got to him he told her to stand up. She did and he hooked hisfingers in the waistband of her thong. He pulled it over her hips and downher legs. She stepped out of it. He admired her pussy, which was completelyhairless. Peaking out of the puffy lips of her cunt was a well-developed clitoris.He could see now that the thin chain attached to her bellybutton ring was fastenedto a similar ring that had been pushed through the soft flesh of her rightcunt lip.

The young man raised Tracy's thong to his face and sniffed the crotch.

Harry smiled, wondering what the boys back in the precinct would think ifthey saw Officer Johnson smelling the teenaged girl's underwear.

Tracy took the thong from her "teacher" and dropped it on the floor. Shethe pulled him gently to his feet. She kneeled to remove his shoes and socks.She then unbuckled his belt and pulled down his trousers and underpants inone motion. She laughed when his erect cock sprang up and almost hit her inthe nose. She reached down to pick up his white jockey shorts. He blushed whenshe held them up to him. His excited cock had leaked pre-cum, creating a largewet spot in the crotch of his briefs. With a wicked smile the girl held theshorts to her lips and sucked the wet fabric into her mouth. After a minuteor two she pulled the cloth from her mouth and dropped the shorts.

"Do I deserve better than a "D" now, sir," Tracy asked with mock seriousness.

"Oh, yes," Johnson answered. "You're up to a "C+".

"If I come home with a "C+" my father will give me a spanking," she saiddespondently. "If I let you give me a spanking, will you raise my mark?"

"Oh yes," Johnson repeated and quickly sat down. Tracy draped herself acrosshis lap, her hot naked pubis pressing against his cock.

"Just a minute, Sir," said the teenager. "I want to make sure I don't slipoff." She reached beneath her pelvis and grasped the shaft of Johnson's hardcock. He gasped and almost came but her grip was tight enough to prevent himfrom spurting his seed onto the floor.

"My father usually gives me five whacks on each cheek," she said meekly.

Johnson looked down, admiring the perfection of the young girl's bum. Eachcheek was an exquisite pillow of flawless soft flesh. He pressed his open handonto the skin of her right buttock. When he removed it, the white impressionof his palm and fingers remained on the pink mound for a few seconds beforeit faded away.

He raised his hand to shoulder height and brought it down on her right buttcheek with a resounding slap.

"Oh, Sir," she whimpered as he spanked her beautiful ass. "I'll make sureI try harder the next time I have to write an essay." As she spoke she spreadher legs, revealing the puckered rosette of her asshole.

Showing remarkable self-control, Johnson stopped spanking Tracy after hehad slapped her a tenth time. Her butt cheeks now glowed a bright pink. Stillholding onto his cock, she slid off his lap and knelt on the floor betweenhis legs. Tracy nuzzled the shaft against her cheek. She looked at him withlarge brown eyes and asked if her mark had improved.

"B," he gasped.

She smiled and began stroking his cock. She leaned forward and put the tipof her pink tongue into his piss hole. The young whore gripped the base ofhis cockshaft tightly and she sat back on her heels. She asked if he'd likeher to do the "woodpecker". Not knowing what she meant, the adventurous copjust nodded his head. Tracy leaned forward again until her face was an inchor so above the end of his cock. Using her two fingers of her other hand shegently pulled down on the sides of Johnson's cock-head. This opened up hispiss hole. A clear drop of pre-cum oozed out and rested on the tip of his glans.Tracy opened her lips and quickly pecked repeatedly at the sensitive hole withthe tip of her tongue. Johnson moaned and began to writhe in his seat. Tracy,being the consummate professional, stopped just before he lost control. "Somepeople call it the 'woodpecker' after the bird," she said as she squeezed hishard cock. "I prefer to call it that because after I do it, a cock feels likea wooden pecker."

After allowing him a minute of so to calm down, she leaned forward and envelopedthe head of his cock with her warm mouth. She swirled her tongue around andaround. For the next twenty minutes, Harry watched an expert cocksucker atwork. Using her tongue and lips and fingers, Tracy brought Johnson to the brinkof exploding over and over. However, she knew just when to slow down enoughto let him regain control. She ran her tongue along the shaft of his cock.She sucked his balls, gently taking each one into her mouth. On several occasionsshe swallowed the entire length of his dick until her nose was buried in hispubic hair. Harry could see the girl's slender neck widen as she swallowedher "teacher's cock. As she slowly pulled her head back, she gently scrapedthe top and bottom of his cock shaft with her teeth. For the first fifteenminutes, Tracy swallowed his pre-cum. Then she maneuvered his cock so thatit rested in the space between her tongue and the bottom of her mouth. As sheswished the underside of her hot pink tongue from side to side over the topof his glans, his pre-cum filled her mouth. She leaned back letting his cockslip from her lips. She opened her mouth and Johnson watched a flood of hiscock juice wash over her chin and onto her breasts. Rivulets of it flowed aroundher nipples and trickled down her belly to rest on her pussy lips like dewon the petals of a rose. She leaned forward and began sucking his cock again.This time she purposely did not swallow his cock slime but let it mix withher saliva and leak from her mouth. Each time she drew away from his cock,a string of clear sticky slime hung from her lips to the end of his shaft.

Johnson was experiencing the most acute case of "blue balls" he ever had.Pleasure and pain intermingled. His body was bathed in sweat as the fourteen-year-oldworshiped his cock with her mouth.

Suddenly Tracy stood up. She straddled his lap and lowered herself untilthe tip of his prick nudged against the hot warm cleft of her pussy. She continuedto drop onto his lap. Johnson felt his hard shaft pushing open the tight channelof her cunt. She had wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock, preventinghim from spurting into her. She rode his cock that way for five minutes. Atone point she sat still with the length of his cock in her pussy. She winkedat him and squeezed the individual muscles in the walls of her cunt. He gaspedas he felt her cunt muscles squeeze his cock from its base up to its tip. Aftera minute, the talented little whore reversed the process and used her cuntmuscles to squeeze him from the tip of his cock down to the base. He moaned.Before he came, she lifted herself up until his cock popped out of her pussy.

Still holding him she asked if her mark had improved.

"A," he panted.

"Oh goody," she said as she dropped to her knees once more. She took hiscock into her mouth again and began sucking hard. After only a few secondsJohnson shouted. "A plus, dammit, A plus!!" and released a huge flood of sperminto his "student's" hungry mouth. For what seemed like a full minute, he sprawledback on his chair as his cock continued to spit its hot slime into her. Tracy'scheeks bulged but not a drop leaked out of her mouth. Finally, his deflatedcock slipped from her lips. The teenager sat back on her heels and looked atJohnson with ingenuous wide eyes. When he had recovered enough to pay attentionto her, she smiled and lifted her chin. She opened her mouth slightly and beganblowing softly. Bubbles of his cock slime quickly formed on her lips. She keptblowing steadily and foamy sperm began to slide down her chin. It dripped ontoher naked chest. To Harry's amazement the sight of the teenager playing withhis cum made Johnson hard again. Tracy leaned forward until her mouth was overhis cock. She parted her lips and a rivulet of sperm poured onto his cock anddown its shaft. Tracy took his greasy cock into her mouth once again. In lessthan a minute her came again, shooting the very last drop of his juice ontoher willing face.

As her exhaused "teacher" slumped on his chair, the teenager quickly gotto her feet. She used her finger to wipe up the sperm on her cheek and thenput the finger in her mouth, licking off the goo as if it were vanilla icing.She gathered up her clothes and gave her "teacher" a chaste girlish kiss onthe forehead before she left the room.

Later when Harry drove him home, he joked that it was a good thing that Johnsonhad a week to recover before his wedding.

"You're right," agreed the worn out young cop. "I feel like I stuck my dickin an electric blender. I won't be able to get it up for at least five days.Hell, it'll probably be two days before I can walk normally again!"

That visit to Grandma's happened a year ago, but Harry the cop remembersevery glorious detail.

When the fat cop and Joely get to the Cadillac, the little tart jumps ontothe front seat beside her father. Harry leans into the open window on the driver'sside. He smiles at Joely's dad and says, "I'm sure going to miss your littlegirl around here but I know that working at Grandma's is an opportunity thatcan't be ignored."

"I know," replies Mr Barker as he stroked his daughter's thigh. "It's a greathonor and I know my little girl will make her mother and me very proud. I cansee why you'll miss the greatest little cocksucker on the Chicken Strip butdon't forget that Joely has a younger sister. She's only eleven and her momand I are still training her but in a year or so you'll see her strutting herstuff down here on the Strip."

"Can't wait," says Harry as he straightens up.

With a wave and a smile, Mr Barker slowly pulls the large car away from thecurb.

Grandma's is a large mansion located in an isolated estate surrounded bywoods on the edge of the city. It will take about a half an hour to get there.Still fondling Joely's leg, Mr Barker asks if she's excited about the audition.

"Oh yes, Daddy!" She squirms closer to her father. She shivers as her father'shand rides up her thigh until it presses against her pussy.

"You know, Joely, this is a tremendous opportunity for you." Her father canfeel his little girl press her left breast against his arm. "If you are acceptedby Grandma you'll have it made. Grandma lets her girls keep any tips they mightearn. I know of a couple of girls who worked for her until they were twentyand quit with enough money and the right connections so that they never haveto work again. Are you nervous about the audition?"

"A little. Did you bring the toys?"

"Yeah. They're in that basket on the back seat."

Joely turns her head and sees a large wicker picnic basket resting on thesoft leather of the rear seat.

Mr Barker is navigating the car through a run-down section of the city. Heis heading to a ramp on the freeway. He's steering with his left hand becausehis right is now jammed into the soft, moist crevice of his daughter's pussy.

He's having difficulty concentrating because Joely has opened his fly andgrasped his cock with her little hand. Suddenly a large white Hummer roarsout of a cross street and turns in front of their car. Joely and her dad followclose behind when suddenly the SUV stops for a red light and Mr Barker, whosemind is on other things, slams into the back of it.

"Shit!" yells Barker. He looks at his daughter. She is frightened but unhurt.The collision was so minor that the air bags in the car didn't deploy. Joely'sdad gets out of the car and meets the driver of the SUV – a black manin a long leather coat. The man angrily approaches Barker's Cadillac. "Whatthe fuck. Can't you see a goddamned white Hummer when it's in front of you?"

"Sorry," says Barker sheepishly. "I was distracted for a moment." He realizesthat he knows who this man is. He's the all-pro middle line backer for thetown's NFL team.

Joely gets out of the car and walks to her father and the football player. "HiMr Wilmington", she says brightly.

The black man breaks into a big toothy smile. "Why Red. Is this here yourDaddy?"

"Sure is," she replies and grabs her father's hand. "Daddy, Mr Wilmingtonhere is one of my best customers."

Seeing Joely has improved Wilmington's mood. "It's a pleasure to meet thefather of the best little street-whore in town." He shakes Barker's hand warmly. "Youshould be proud to know that all the boys on the team and I agree that yourdaughter is prime Grade A white fuckmeat."

"You're too kind," Barker replies with a father's pride.

As they inspect the damage, Joely's father apologizes for rear ending theman's vehicle. The footballer accepts this with equanimity. The SUV has merelygot a dented rear bumper and Barker's Caddie has a pushed in grill. They agreethat the police are not necessary and exchange license and insurance details.Mr Barker assures the man that he will cover the costs of repairs.

The black man gets back into his Navigator. Before he can drive off, Joelyruns up to the passenger side of the Hummer and jumps in. "I'd like to makeup for this little accident," she says sweetly as she reaches over and unzipshis fly.

Barker returns to his Cadillac and starts the engine. It roars to life. Helets the car idle as he waits for his daughter to return. He thinks with asmile that his little girl is reminding the football player of the other meaningof the word "Hummer". After about ten minutes she jumps out of the large vehicleand hops into the Caddie. She looks at her father and says that they'd betterget going or they'll be late. As he puts the car in gear he tells Joely towipe the black man's sperm off her chin. He tells her to take a mint out ofthe glove compartment. He says she doesn't want her to show up at Grandma'swith cum on her breath.

They drive along the street towards the freeway ramp. Mr Barker does notnotice that a dial on the car's instrument panel is warning that the engineis beginning to overheat. After a mile or so on the highway, the dashboardlights up like a Christmas tree. Cursing his luck, Joely's dad pulls onto theshoulder. He uses the Onstar feature on the car to call for a tow truck. Heis told that the truck will be there within the hour.

"Dad, we're gonna be late for sure," says his daughter mournfully.

"I know, Red. I'll try to get Grandma on the phone to see if it's alrightif we arrive a little late." He contacts Grandma and learns that she is leavingthe next morning for a business meeting in Scotland and will be away for twoweeks. If he cannot bring Joely to her before midnight, she can forget abouta job in her "house".

Dejected, he switches off the phone. He turns and tells Joely the bad news.

"Dammit Daddy!" she shouts. "This is an opportunity of a lifetime. You saidso yourself, and now you fucked it up! I'll go to Grandma's by myself." Sheturns on her seat and retrieves the wicker basket. Joely then opens the doorand gets out of the car.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna hitch a ride to Grandma's."

Mr Barker would abandon the car and go with his daughter but decides notto. For one thing, he knows that a sexy little teenager will have a betterchance of hitching a ride if she is by herself. He also didn't want to leavethe car unattended because he had a big bag of cocaine in the wheel-well ofthe trunk.

He watches his daughter walking by the side of the freeway, smiling prettilywith her thumb out. She is still illuminated by the headlights of his car whena white van pulls off the road and stops. Written on the side of the truckare the words "Wolfe Drilling and Pipe Laying". Joely runs to it and hops inbeside the driver.

The man behind the wheel is a large man with long greasy hair pulled backin a ponytail. He has a fox-like, sharp-featured face. The most remarkablecharacteristic is his pale blue eyes. Joely feels a frisson of fear as shelooks into those cold, predatory orbs.

"Where ya goin on such a late hour, darlin'?" growls the driver.

"To my Grandma's"

"Funny thing," the driver continues. "I'm goin to Grandma's too. Where doesyour granny live?"

Joely gives him the address. "Why if that don't beat all," laughs the manbehind the wheel. He takes a closer look at his passenger. "You're not LittleRed Riding Whore, are you?"

Joely blushes and says yes. She doesn't like her nickname.

"You know, little girlie," says the driver. "I'm John Wolfe. Grandma's askedme to help judge your audition." Gazing at her slim but shapely legs he asks. "Areyou as good as you look?"

"I'm better," says the little whore. "I'll bet I can make you cum beforewe get to Grandma's."

Mr Wolfe has exited the highway and is driving along the curving two-laneblacktop that led to Grandma's.

"Thank you my dear but I'm saving myself for your audition," he says.

"Why are you driving there in this van?" she asks.

"The damned Lexus wouldn't start, my wife took the Mercedes and my kid rodeoff in the Boxster," he says. "It's a good thing the kid drove one of the vanshome from work."

Joely realizes that she has a golden opportunity to impress the man who willbe instrumental in determining if she is accepted into one of the most exclusivewhorehouse in the country. As she tries to think up a way to impress him thatdoes not involve sucking his cock, she idly watches him shifting the gearsof the van as it wends its way over hills and around curves. The stick shiftrises from the floor between the driver and passenger seats. A knob that lookslike an eightball tops the shaft. It is made of hard shiny plastic and onlyslightly smaller than a genuine billiard ball.

Her eyes light up with an idea. "Let me show you a trick my daddy taughtme when he took me on Sunday drives in the country," she says. "Take your handof the shift lever."

She puts the basket on her seat and turns to face the rear of the van. Sheis kneeling with one knee on the driver's seat and the other on the recentlyvacated passenger seat. She lifts the hem on the front of her skirt and tucksit onto the waistband, exposing her naked pussy. She maneuvers her body sothat the top of the shift knob is kissed by the lips of her labia. With a smileshe lowers herself. The opening of her cunt stretches to swallow the eightball.Half of it is inide her, when she grins and lowers herself further. The blackand white knob disappears into her snatch. Mr Wolfe is astonished to see thata little girl can take such a large object into her cunt. Joely smiles at himand asks what gear he wants her to shift to. They have been driving along infourth but are beginning to climb a hill. "Third," he says. With a sexy bumpand grind of her hips, Joely downshifts.

For the next five minutes the little whore uses her pussy to shift gearsof the van's transmission. Her breath becomes shallow as the knob in her pussybegins to turn her on. Cunt slime begins to drip from her snatch and flow alongthe stick shift.

"Oww!" Joely shouts as the man laughs. He told her to shift into fourth butpurposely didn't depress the clutch pedal. "Dammit. I'm gonna have a bruisein my cunt," she says.

They get to Grandma's. Wolfe pulls into a small parking area and, with Joely'shelp, backs into a parking space. As he turns off the engine, the fifteen-year-oldwhore raises herself so that the shift knob pops out of her pussy. It's wetwith her pussy juice.

As Little Red Riding Whore and Mr Wolfe get out of the van and head for Grandma's,the man thinks that this is going to be a night to remember.

------------ End of Part One

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Languidly, Tabitha walked through the downstairs hall, swaying her hips to maximize the swing of her well-formed ass. The cock-shaft around which her fingers were entwined was resolute in its hardness, primed for the penetration she needed. He might have grabbed her and fucked her against any surface in the house, over any piece of furniture, but he did not.This guy had restraint—he knew how to savour an erotic moment and allowed himself to be led like a lamb up the gently curving stairwell. It...

2 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 2

She would have driven all the way into Philly for the hell of it, but the equivalent of about three tequila shots had made their way into her system, so she parked the Maserati on the outskirts of Furlong and made her way into town. Her mind was awhirl with conjecture. What the hell had just happened?She’d been talking to him, that was all—letting it all out because he was there, hot and vaguely sympathetic. Had she been a fool? Was this somehow going to sink another bite into her English ass?...

3 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 1

Tabitha Chesterfield stood motionless at the granite work-top, staring across the Cranleigh Manor lawn. It rolled half an acre to the treeline and looked magnificent in its lustrous green, or would have, had it not been for the massive pit currently being dug in its centre. The sculpted rockeries would look exquisite around the edges once the transformation was complete—she might even tend the bedding plants herself—but why Grant was insisting on a carp pond she was unsure.Presumably, so he...

3 years ago
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Little Red Riding Pants A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Chrissy. Except that everyone called her Little Red Riding Pants. That's because she had a favorite pair of pants with pads on the butt that were for riding a bike. She wore them everywhere, even when she wasn't riding her bike. They were spandex, so they were slick and tight. She liked to wear tube tops with them, because those were tight too and she thought they made her look slim, like a model. Chrissy's body was still developing, because she...

4 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hood5

Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood (called Red for short) was a young girl who had just turned fourteen years old. Her father was a lumberjack, so their family lived in a snug little cottage buried deep in a forest. Red was the only child and so she often got bored and lonely. All she did all day was do the chores in the morning, give the family donkey food and water (and sometimes stare at its penis, since it was a male) and clean out its pen. She would then help her mother...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 10 Jareds Throbbing Penis

Within seconds of that loud scream and long moan dissipating the whole campus burst into one massive round of applause and cheering that seemed to go on for ages. People were standing at doorways and hanging out of windows all over the place as word had spread about this young girl’s performance going on up there on the Matterhorn. It was as if the whole college had come to a momentary standstill to applaud and congratulate Vanessa’s achievement. Even the president of BSC herself was standing...

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Military Men Wilfred

"Are many of them still waiting?" Nate asked as he removed the small pouch of toiletries from his locker. The communal bathroom at the end of the corridor was shared by around fifty military recruits, all living on the same floor. Those assigned to the bunk right next to it often rushed in first to claim the showers before the others could. "There wasn't anyone when I came out," his bunkmate James replied, scrubbing his hair from across the room. Thank god. It was Nate's cue to head to the...

Gay Male
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Hood Winked Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood I met Conrad in a pub around the corner from work in the city. We exchanged a few glances and smiles then just hit it off. We never planed to meet, but he was always there when I popped in for a drink with the lads after work. He was an artist. I got to meet his friends and it wasn't long before he had my number and invited me to one of his art exhibitions. I was somewhat in awe. I admired his work, his style, his lifestyle and his friends. I hadn't a gay bone...

2 years ago
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Red Riding Hood the slut

Little Red Riding Hood promised to obey her mother, but she had no intentions on obeying her mother because she wanted to find out just how big and bad the wolf really is. When Little Red Riding Hood entered the woods, on her way to grandma’s house, the big bad wolf came up to her and conversed with, and wondered what so big and bad about him? He seem like a nice and handsome fellow! She simply just how wicked he was, and was not afraid of him. Simply told him that her Grandmother is sick...

4 years ago
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Downfall of King Wilfred the Chaste

KING WILFRED’S CHAMBERS: Thursday June 4th 6423 King Wilfred awoke to a sensation he had never felt before. Ruler of the Chaste Kingdom of Prudonia, this was a sensation he had certainly never felt before: the sensation of lips sliding on cock. And not just sliding, but also sucking and licking. Somebody was committing one of the most forbidden crimes in the land and on none other than the High King himself! King Wilfred was a confused blend of groggy and outraged. An ultimate act of evil...

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Bea in the Bathroom Freddys Side of the Story

Author's Note: In my story, "Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away," I already told this entire story from my point-of-view, as one of the two people who actually lived this unique and unexpected event. And in the follow-up story, "Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife's Confession," my husband has already described for you in great detail his thoughts and reactions to my having confessed to him about what took place between Freddy and me in that small bathroom on that fateful Sunday...

4 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hoodie

The afternoon summer sun felt hot as I reached for my drink. Relaxing in a chaise lounge, wearing only my sunglasses and swim trunks, I had just gotten out of the water and toweled off after a much deserved swim to cool off. Most of Saturday morning into the afternoon was spent mowing the lawn, working on the dock, cleaning the boat, etc. It was nice to finally be able to take a break and relax and enjoy the beautiful summer day. I had our summer lake home all to myself as my wife Lorene and...

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Little Red Riding Hoodie

The afternoon summer sun felt hot as I reached for my drink. Relaxing in a chaise lounge, wearing only my sunglasses and swim trunks, I had just gotten out of the water and toweled off after a much deserved swim to cool off. Most of Saturday morning into the afternoon was spent mowing the lawn, working on the dock, cleaning the boat, etc. It was nice to finally be able to take a break and relax and enjoy the beautiful summer day.I had our summer lake home all to myself as my wife Lorene and...

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Riding Red

One day, the sun tickled Red’s nose, waking her when it was just getting light. Even though she was already a grown woman, she was still living with her parents, mainly because she couldn’t afford a place of her own and, since they lived somewhat secluded, she also had not met a suitable husband who would take an interest in her. So, she did what she did every morning: Reach over to her nightstand, grab the candle from its holder, run it between her legs and gently, but firmly, insert it...

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Winifred Arrives Rose Cums

This tale starts immediately after "Office Mating Ch. 3" where I got reinstated to my Director position by my boss's boss and met Clara's latest visiting niece Rose, a runner with strong legs who had a lesbian incident with her coach and was vehemently against letting me probe her pussy with my prick. I mean, what's with young women these days, anyway? The next morning I awoke with thoughts of Rose, my neighbor Clara's niece, who got some great oral attention but rejected the thought...

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Freddys Family Fun2

Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on her bus ride to work. On the bus the boy would sound out his sister's views on sex in general and perhaps sex with her brother in particular. The teen wasn't so sure how to go about it. He knew subtlety was needed but that wasn't his strong point. Well, he would just have to play it by ear. "You're looking sexy this morning, sis." A few compliments never hurt to start out Freddy...

1 year ago
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Red riding hood

This is a story about red riding hood red riding hood was a sexy thing , she wore a red cape wore bright red lipstick red finger nail polish and red sexy high heels black stockings and red silky underwear, she walked in the woods needing to go to grandmas house along the way she got hungry she couldn't eat what was in the basket for that was for her grandma so she saw some wild berries and ate them. along with drinking some fruit juice she had in her basket. As she was walking the woods she saw...

Erotic Fiction
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The original shape of Little Red Riding Hood

I believe everyone must have heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood. "I walked alone on the small road in the suburbs. I brought the cake to my grandmother and tasted it. Her family lives in a far and secluded place. I have to be careful if there are big wolves nearby. When the sun goes down, I have to go home and enter the sweet dream together with my mother." This song is familiar to everyone.However, hundreds of years ago, Little Red Riding Hood used to be an erotic story between adults,...

1 year ago
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Little Red Riding Hood in the Dessert

Once upon a time a cute little 17-year-old girl called Little Red Riding Hood lived in the dessert town of Las Vegas. As she grew older everyone came to call her simply Red. Her skin was alabaster white, her eyes a shade of violet and her hair was flaming red. Red lived with her mother and 6th stepfather in a small house with a pool in the suburbs of the city. Her mother Sassy, who was a manufactured blond, used the pool everyday to keep her completely tanned body in perfect shape and tan. Each...

First Time
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Scattered Smothered Covered the Waffle House File

Scattered, Smothered, Covered: The Waffle House File By Starson Daly There was a local problem. A grave one. Teenagers were coming up missing. Not just a few, but entire groups of teens were disappearing from the Clayton County area, and no one knew why. The police were baffled. No clues, no ransom notes. No real leads. The only thing that the police knew was that they were all seen at the Waffle House before they disappeared. The people who disappeared were in organized...

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Lusty Red Riding Hood

Chapter 1Once upon a time there lived in a tiny village a pretty young woman whom everyone adored—well, everyone except the girl's mother. Delores harbored great resentment towards Red, blaming the girl for the way her life had turned out. After all, she'd had a great relationship with her boyfriend until he found out she was pregnant. And then on the day the little red-haired bundle popped out of her belly, that no-good-bum (and Red's father) left her for her younger sister. For eighteen years...

2 years ago
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The REAL Story of Little Red Riding Hood

So, you think you know all about the story about Little Red Riding Hood? Well, if you're going by the stories I been hearing passed around these days, you don't know nothing 'bout what actually happened. Now you might think I'm a bit daft if I told you I was around to see what really I ain't gonna say it. What I will say is I'm old enough to know a thing or two 'bout a thing or two. So set yourself down for a spell and I'll tell you the REAL story about Little Red Riding...

4 years ago
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Riding Red

Once upon a time, there was a young woman, who lived with her parents on a small farm by the edge of a forest. Everyone called her Red, because her grandmother, who the girl loved dearly, had given her a red riding hood, that was her favourite piece of clothing and which she wore every day. And also, because her real name translated to something like “Dawn of the Earth Serpent”, which is not only a whole mouthful but also somewhat intimidating. Red blamed her mother, though, who was something...

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Red Riding Hood And Big Bad Wolf

She was born Shyla Hood. Yet everyone in her neighbor knew her simply as Red. Called by this name not because of the color of her hair, but the fact that she always wore red. Shyla used to be called " little red" by her family and friends when she was younger. But she was all grown up now. Boy, was she ever. Shyla had developed a drop dead gorgeous figure by the time she was 18. Now 21, she had become a sexual dynamo. She had long dark hair, a 36c chest, an ass so perfect it begged to be...

Straight Sex
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Freddies Find Pt 04

CHAPTER EIGHT When Freddie got off the plane in New York, she was carrying all her worldly possessions in her two suitcases. She felt like she was coming home, and she hoped that she was coming home to stay. King and Alexander had told her that they would meet her at King’s motel, so she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the airport waiting for her. When she heard someone calling her name, she was quiet surprised. She turned around to find the person and was thrilled to see a very pregnant...

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Little Red Riding Hood2

Little Red Riding Hood The creepy story parents tell their children growing up about some little girl in a red cloak and a scary wolf that pretends to be her grandmother because he - ahem - eats her, is wrong. It's dead wrong, for one, to tell children about a grandmother being eaten in any way whatsoever, physical or innuendo. And second, I'm Little Red, and the bastards totally messed up my story. Let me set the record straight. My name's actually Lily, but I'm 5' 1" and have...

2 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hood4

Little Red Riding Hood The creepy story parents tell their children growing up about some little girl in a red cloak and a scary wolf that pretends to be her grandmother because he - ahem - eats her, is wrong. It's dead wrong, for one, to tell children about a grandmother being eaten in any way whatsoever, physical or innuendo. And second, I'm Little Red, and the bastards totally messed up my story. Let me set the record straight. My name's actually Lily, but I'm 5' 1" and have...

2 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hood

Introduction: They got the story all wrong. Let me tell you what really happened. My kind readers, I apologize for such a hiatus. I hope this tale makes it up to you! Little Red Riding Hood The creepy story parents tell their children growing up about some little girl in a red cloak and a scary wolf that pretends to be her grandmother because he – ahem – eats her, is wrong. Its dead wrong, for one, to tell children about a grandmother being eaten in any way whatsoever, physical or innuendo....

3 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hood

Introduction: They got the story all wrong. Let me tell you what really happened. My kind readers, I apologize for such a hiatus. I hope this tale makes it up to you! Little Red Riding Hood The creepy story parents tell their children growing up about some little girl in a red cloak and a scary wolf that pretends to be her grandmother because he – ahem – eats her, is wrong. Its dead wrong, for one, to tell children about a grandmother being eaten in any way whatsoever, physical or innuendo....

4 years ago
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Sweet Little Red Riding Hood

Sweet little Red Riding Hood… Through the darkness broken occasionally by the moonlight stabbing between the trees, the little Red Minx was stepping with a confidence along the winding path. Her petite figure was barely concealed with the short, plaid skirt flitting up and down, revealing glimpses of the sheer, white cloth that could hardly be called panties, contrasting against her glowing, brown skin. This was merely a peek into her inherent nature. Look along the lines of her toned legs...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Freda FuckMeat

Gentleman Jack and Freda “Fuck Meat”Age Play. Role Play. Incezt Play, Flashing, Up Skirts, Cum Shots, Cum Eating, Gang Bang, Labia Stretching Jack and Freda Burns had retired in a slow moving, quiet mid west city 5 years ago. At 65, Jack looked his age, walked with a cane from hip replacement surgery, yet carried his self with class. Freda appeared yo be a trophy wife. Although she looked to be nearing her mid 40's, she was in fact 67 years old. Plastic surgery, Botox, hair replacement,...

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Freddys Family Fun1

"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...

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Freddys Family FunChapter 2

Nina was not beside him when Freddy woke up. He was glad she was being cautious as far as not being discovered by other members of the family. The apartment was already stirring. Freddy figured Teresa would want to grill him about what had happened but he wasn't ready for that yet. He had plans for the morning. The biggest plan was to start laying the groundwork for Josie's seduction. Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on...

1 year ago
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Freda and Jenny become porn stars

Freda came from a loving family. She was a sweet girl and her mother and father worshipped her. It was time for her to go to college and she would live alone for the first time. Well not exactly alone. She was going to share an apartment with another girl. Her name was Jenny. Freda had all her clothes packed and her parents kissed her good by. Freda drove away in the used car her father had given her. Freda was sad and homesick already but as the miles slipped by she sensed that she was going...

2 years ago
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All for Mr Redman

I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Being in the middle actually is actually not that big a problem for me. My parents are really good people and have been an inspiration to me in many things. I was raised Roman Catholic so of course went to Catholic schools all my life. I once had a crazy dream of wanting to attend Notre Dame in the States but that didn't happen. It was too far away for my...

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All for Mr Redman

Introduction: Finally landing the Teacher I always wanted *This is my very first story. I have never posted anything before but decided it was about time I did. I apologize in advance for my errors in grammar and spelling. I have tried very hard to correct them, but this is not my first language. I hope you enjoy this story. It is based in on true events. Obviously, names have been changed to protect the guilty I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical...

2 years ago
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Little Red Riding Slut

Introduction: This was posted in the forums a while ago. Little bit of humour which I hope you all enjoy. Its a bright sunny day in the forest as I idle slowly along the path through the sparse trees. Just so you know, my name is Rebecca, but everyone calls me Little Red on account of the red hooded cloak I always wear, at least I think thats why. They all warned me not to take the shortcut through the forest, but Ill be fucked if Im walking the long way round to Grannys house, not with this...

4 years ago
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Natured Or Nurtured

Natured Or NurturedBy: Londebaaz ChohanWhen Arthur asked Ruby out for the eats and movie; she surprised him in more ways than one. Actually, it was their first meeting at a dinner gathering to revel the High School graduation of a distant friend’s younger brother. Ruby first surprised Arthur with an immediate acceptance of his invitation but much more when she told him that it would be a double date because she wanted her twin brother be also present. Ruby was 19 years old, more beautiful than...

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Little Miss Sissy Whore

Chapter 1 -- The Pick-up Every year I waited eagerly for the three days when PC-Expo was back in town. In the past, I was always able to find some willing and naive out-of-town female to pick up, "do the nasty," and say my hasty good-byes. Most of them were from some small hick town and were entranced with the Big Apple. In fact, that was both the nickname for the city, and for me. Most women just couldn't wait to sink their teeth into me. So there I was, looking for some love, on the last day...

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Degradation or liberation My facinating journey towards the whoredom

Chapter one: UpbringingI am name means Night! I was born in a city in India. The only chlild to my parents. My mom was housewife and dad worked with the government. We didnt have much relatives. It was just the three of us all the time.Just before I was born we came to this city much away from my grandparents.Mom was very strict, she used to get angry on me and scold me every now and then. Her punishments were very severe, she used to spank me with cooking spatula or anything thats...

3 years ago
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Cousin Freda

Ted got a phone call. It was from his cousin Freda. She needed help. The furnace was on the blink, Ted felt sorry for her. Her husband was in the Navy and she was all alone."Who was that?" ask his wife."My cousin Freda, she needs help"Ted drove to his cousin's apartment and she let him in."I didn't mean to bother you Ted but I didn't know who else to call" she sighed."That's ok, I am glad to help" Ted looked at the furnace. The pilot light was out. He lit it and soon heat filled the...

1 year ago
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Cousin Freda

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ted got a phone call. It was from his cousin Freda. She needed help. The furnace was on the blink, Ted felt sorry for her. Her husband was in the Navy and she was all alone. "Who was that?" ask his wife. "My cousin Freda, she needs help" Ted drove to his cousin's apartment and she let him in. "I didn't mean to bother you Ted but I didn't know who else to call" she sighed. "That's ok, I am glad to help" Ted looked at the furnace. The pilot light was...

4 years ago
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Fairytale Adventures Ch4 Not so Little Red Riding

Kristen followed the path until nightfall when she fell asleep. Hesitant about sleeping in a path, in case a carriage or something should come along, she found a little meadow just before sundown. Thankful that she'd had some time to rest after her gang-bang, Kristen curled up around herself on a soft patch of grass.The next morning she awoke to musical humming... Bolting awake and sitting upright, Kristen found herself facing a beautiful brunette wearing a jumper much like her own, except that...

2 years ago
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Episode 21 8211 Seducing Reddy

Gautam was very excited about visiting his in-laws again. In the plane, he almost got wet remembering the encounter with his sister-in-law, Rashmi, from his last visit. That time, Kiran was admitted in the nursing home to deliver the baby. And Gautam was alone and restless. It was an accident to begin with, and since Rashmi already had a weakness for Gautam, they did it every following night. But this time Kiran will be around at home itself, so Gautam was concerned if he could take some...

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The Red Riding Hood Wars

(( My first story here, please feel free to add to it as my own store line will follow the results that advance the plot. TRANSLATION: If you want the character to take a quicker route to sexual experience and depravity please insert your own branches or be patient with me and I will do so when I have time. I will review all submissions for addition daily as possible. Happy writing/reading... and other things... NOTE: If you'd like to begin your own entire story based on my opening premise and...

3 years ago
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Neighbour reduced to being a Whore

One of my nearby neighbours told me that the Over the next few weeks the workmen were in and I have to say, they made a wonderful job of transforming the place. With it being empty for so long the garden was completely overgrown and I know the previous owners had left the place in a rush, after defaulting on their mortgage, and I knew the interior was not up to much. So, with a fresh lick of paint and the garden sorted, the place was now ready for its new tenant. Anyone who has been to my...

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Memoirs of Ida Mae Jensen RedactedChapter 2

Now that I am all grown up and a full-fledged member of the female sisterhood, I can relate that I sometimes have a sort of yearning to get a lot closer to some of the other girls that work with me in the pole dancing club. I purely get mortified when I hear people use the "L" word when we are sort of congregating real close in the dressing room or even when things get hot and heavy if two of us are taking care of a customer who likes being taken care of by a pair of friendly ladies...

4 years ago
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Freddies Find Pt 02

CHAPTER THREE On Monday, Freddie decided that she really wanted to face King on her own terms and get it over with. She dressed in jeans and went in search of the man. She started by knocking on his door. When she didn’t get an answer there, she looked in the kitchen, where she had found him the week before. When she didn’t find him there, she searched for him in the motel. But no one had seen him and no one had any idea where he was. Disappointed, Freddie returned to her rooms. As she...

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Irenes story Chapter 10 Lunch with Alfredo

I rose early Saturday, anxious and nervous about what the day might bring.  I was still in my robe, sipping my latte on the veranda with Oscar when my cell phone 'binged', alerting me to an incoming text message. Smiling at Oscar, I said, "Oh, a text from my lunch date today." The text ready simply, 'are we still on for lunch? Alfredo'. I smiled as I realized that Alfredo was as anxious as I was. I quickly typed, 'Sure. I'm still game if you are'. Instantly, the phone 'binged' again, "Great....

3 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood Synopsis:When a young boy who wants to be a girl helps his ailing Grandmother, his wish is granted. [-][+][-] Once upon a time, there boy born with fiery red hair and fair skin. He grew up to become his parents pride and joy for he was strong for his small size and had nimble fingers. A secret that he kept in his Heart-Of- Hearts was a wish to be a Fair Maiden like his Mother. He prayed night after night for his wish to be granted, but he always awoke as a...

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The Jared Chronicles Jared Hitches a Ride Part 1

“You really think we should be doing this?” Mallory wrung her hands visibly as she spoke the words.“Trust me, this guy’s okay,” Vanessa said to the younger girl. “And if he does try anything, I’ll mace out his eyeballs.”Vanessa wouldn’t have granted a ride to a long-haired drifter on a regular day, least of all with someone else in her charge, but she trusted her instincts and current circumstances demanded action.She had first laid eyes on him back in the roadside diner hitting on a pretty...

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Jack Redman

CHAPTER 1 Six years on from college graduation, Lana, Chloe, Jo and Addison met for their weekly Friday lunch at the Palm Court Café in the heart of the gallery of Palm Court Mall. From such a strategic location they could let fly waspish asides on unfashionably dressed women, wave to people they knew and rev up their hormones by watching, minds racing, the occasional credible hunk passing by and checking out their tits. Jo Lund had been last to arrive, her face an excited pink. ‘Babes do I...

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