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BDSM Clubbing Experience

Once in the club you see a hatcheckgirl who is naked, she is taking The DOM/ME's jackets and the subs, likeyourself, coats.

As it becomes your turn you feel your heart pounding as you are about Totake off your coat and you know what you are wearing under it. Your stomachhas butterflies and your legs feel somewhat weak.

"Want me to help you with your jacket dear?"

This breaks into your thoughts and automatically you take off your Jacketand accept the token from the girl.

"Here I don't want you to loose it," and your master takes it fromYour hand and clips it to your collar.

Walking into the club you see yourself in the mirror and check out Your form.Hair in a pony tail, face painted like a cat, your tits are purple from therope bindings your master has tied each with........in fact your nipple looksabout a mile long and are very sensitive.

Your stomach is wrapped in saran wrap and looks flat and enticing, whileyour bush is shaved into an arrow pointing towards your pussy. It's your pussythat is most adored as your master has pierced each of your pussy lips witha stainless steel ring, and hooked each ring to the strap on your thighs. Asyou walk your pussy lips are open for all to see your clit bell that is attachedto your clit. Gentle tinkling is what you hear as you walk, drawing attentionto your pussy.......showing it off to the world.

The only other things you wear are your wrist and ankle sheep skin cuffsthat will allow you to be bound that much quicker, your butt plug with tail,and of course your collar.

It's the collar that gives you the most support as you know this is protectionagainst all others, as it signifies that you are owned by your master.

With a tug on your leash you follow your master to a table where severalother DOM's & DOMME's are sitting. All their subs are on the floor rightnow, at their master's feet, and you join them.

The floor feels sticky and dirty on your naked skin but it also offers yousomeplace to get your nerves under control.

As your eyes adjust you see the other 4 subs under the table with you, 3females and 1 male, you see how they are dressed by their masters.

One is in black latex, from head to foot, and looks like a space creature.The suit she is wearing has goggles where her eyes should be, and a snout thatallows her to breath through tubes. The snout she has on her head could alsodouble for a dildo and let her face fuck someone if commanded, but it wouldmean she'd have to stop breathing for awhile.

The only things exposed on her are her nipples and pussy lips.......she,like you has a large butt plug in her ass.

The second has her hair cut into a Mohawk, and her arms tied behind her backwith a sleeve. Her tits are jutting out, and her nipples are pierced with achain going from each nipple to her clit, which is pierced too. Must be she'snot used to this as she's moving very gingerly.

The third female is wearing a leather and chain bodice, the makes her titsinto a shelf.....she is also wearing a chastity belt, and leather mittens onher hands.....in her mouth is what appears to be a dildo gag.......to keepher quite, and to allow other things to be attached to the front of it, soshe can pleasure others. This girl fights her restraints and wiggles somewhat,causing her mistress to occasionally slap her in the head with a riding crop.

The male is wearing a belt, with his hands in cuffs attached to the beltat the waist. His cock is encased in several stainless steel rings, keepinghis cock rigid and stiff.....but also making it unusable for any play as therings are too big to fit into any woman. Wondering how he maintains his hardon......you see that he has a clamp at the base and it keeps the blood trappedin his cock.....the purple color of it, must mean that it's a constant sourceof pain.

But then your tits are purple and they no longer hurt, as they are more dulledthan in pain.

A tug on your leash pulls you out from under the table.......walking behindyour master, you are lead to a stage with a turntable on it.

"Lie down and assume the cross position."

Without any disobedience you do so, knowing that now you are complimentingyour master as well as yourself by showing how good your training is. But insideyou are scared, feeling the eyes of everyone in the club on you.

Your left arm is attached to a shackle over your head, your legs are attachedto shackles, and your right arm is attached to a shackle between your legs,your hand lays on top of your pussy.

Once attached you think to yourself that this isn't too bad, until the attachmentpoints your left arm and legs are slowly being spread apart.....wondering whenthey'll stop you feel the butt plug being driven deeper into your ass fromthe pressure of the table you are lying on.

As you legs near the "splits" moment the pulling stops.

You concentrate on not letting your muscles cramp.

Looking up you see a mirror that shows you not only yourself spread widefor all to see, your pussy gaping open, but also the crowd and their reactions.

"Now you are going to masturbate for us, but don't let yourself cumuntil you've asked for and gotten permission to cum. You'll have to watch themirror because your cumming will be dictated by the THUMBS UP or THUMBS DOWNof the crowd and majority rules. Thumbs up you cum, thumbs down......hold it.You may stop for no more than 30 seconds each time you are ready to cum......abuzzer will count down the seconds."

"Since I know this is a perspective change for you, THIS is what Thumbsup looks like in the mirror for you, and THIS is what Thumbs down looks likein the mirror. You will commence now and continue until I say otherwise."

Turning his back on you, the table started to rotate and your fingers findyour clit and start manipulating it. with your legs spread out the clips attachedto your pussy lips and your thighs your pussy is wide open, you wonder if theycan see your lungs. But as your fingers find your clit, your pussy gushes witha promise of excitement.

The scene, the excitement, the openness of your pussy all cause you to buildquickly to an orgasm. Feeling yourself on the brink you ask, "MASTER MAYI CUM?"

Looking up in the mirror you see all thumbs down........and you stop fora second, trying to let the feeling slow down....to let it stop. An electronicbeeping is taking place and you hear it change pitch at every 10 second mark.....nextone, and your fingers start to move on your clit.

Looking into the mirror you watch your body, and try to do math in your headto keep from building too quickly into an orgasm. But the sight of your purpletits, the nipples standing so erect, your bush under your hand, and the gapof your pussy, knowing that all eyes are on you......everyone is looking toyou to provide the entertainment, brings you quickly to the brink again.

"MASTER MAY I CUM?" Looking around, it looks like about 50/50 withthumbs up and down.....not wanting to let your master down you stop, lest youdisappoint or embarrass him in front of this gathering. Hearing the beepingnoise you concentrate on your breathing....hoping to calm the wetness and desirethat is filling your body.

Too soon the beeping stops, and you start again, but it's not enough time,you feel yourself building too quickly, your stomach muscles are bunching andthis one is going to be a landslide, you know it....trying to slow your fingersdown you scream out, "MASTER MAY I CUM?".

Looking up you see what appears to be a few thumbs more up than down andyou release yourself, your pussy tries to contract and you feel the tug ofyour pussy lips as they try to close over that imaginary cock, and you actuallyfeel yourself spurting as you really are physically shooting your cum out ontothe bench. A small trickle of your own cum runs down your crack to the buttplug/tailin your ass and you feel your sphincter muscle contracting around the buttplug, enjoying the feeling of even that.

The noise of someone moaning and groaning enters your ears and you are surprisedto hear it's coming from you.

As you come down from your high, you realize that you have not been givenpermission to stop masturbating, so you continue to move your fingers overyour highly sensitive clit.

"Stop now my little fuck slut."

Stopping immediately is unexpectedly harder than ever, but you obey, fearfulof letting your master down.

"Time to see if we can make this more interesting." Following yourmaster are several slaves.

The first is a woman sub who has her pussy lips pierced to the side of herthighs, her pussy is even more gapping than yours.

The second is a woman with an o-ring gag in her mouth and both arms tiedso that her hands are in front of her tits. She wears a spreader bar at theknees keeping her in a squatting position.

The third is the girl with the snout, but she's had an attachment that makesthe snout even more dildo looking.

The fourth is the woman in the dildo gag with her arms tied behind her backand a 8" dildo sticking out of her mouth-gag.

You feel your arms & legs released and you slump as the circulation seemsto be screaming through your muscles.

From the ceiling you see a metal ring that is large enough for your entirestretched out body to fit into.

AS the ring gets closer you feel both arms attached to latches at one end,while your feet are attached at the lower end. Not feeling too uncomfortableyou then realize that the ends are being shoved around the ring to click intodetents that keep your body stretched to the limit. Again, you feel yourselfdoing the splits, open to the world.

The ring is then hoisted with you hanging from the 4 points of your limbs.Sagging a bit at the middle, until the ring is slowly brought up and you arenow on display for everyone, seeing all as your head comes up, you feel theblood rushing away and you get dizzy, either from the blood or the sensation.

The ring now rotates and you are upside down, and wondering what is next.

"Now my little fuck toy, you've done such a good job of cumming forus, that we are going to use you as the center piece in this little tubule.You may cum as often as you like, but you cannot get down until each of theother girls servicing you also gets to cum. Each time one of them cums theyswitch positions. So work well my little fuck toy."

Placing the woman with the snout dildo in front of you, you feel your masterpointing towards your pussy, the snout girl nods her head.

The Butt plug / tail is pulled from your ass and you feel barren withoutit. But then you feel the dildo of the girl with the mouth gag go into yourasshole.

The girl with the o-ring gag is brought to one of your tortured nipples.

The last girl, the one you've come to call the pierced lady, is bringingher pussy to your mouth. Up close it looks even more painful as there are pinsthat are holding the skin open, you know that you'll have to be careful notto poke yourself.


One word but suddenly you find breathing hard as the pierced lady puts herpussy into your mouth, and with a gasp you feel both your asshole and pussybeing invaded, with your nipples more tender than you've believe the sharp,course tongue brings you to a heightened sense of delight, and before you knowit, you are gasping as you feel an orgasm building, but the poor snout girlis fucking your and as she breathes out you feel her breath deep inside you,almost like she's cumming inside you. Thinking about her tasting your muskycum inside her helmet sends you over the edge and you scream into the pussythat you are licking.

Shaking your head you find yourself caught on one of her needles on the sideof your mouth. Slowly you pull back and then continue on, but the fucking inyour ass and pussy is intense and you find yourself falling into that holeand having another orgasm, as you lick for all you are worth on this pussythat is in front of you, and suddenly the pussy in front of you starts to gushas it too cums, filling your mouth with her musk and scent.


Just that quickly you find that the "dildo girl" is now offeringyou her pussy, and her dildo is taken off her mouthpiece and another is replacingit.

She seems younger and her pussy tastes less tart, as the snout girl now isrelegated to your asshole...how is she going to get that huge cock in my ass?

The o-ring girl has a double headed dildo shoved in her mouth, and the piercedgirl now is poised over your nipples.


Suddenly your asshole feels like it's stretched beyond all limits as thesnout goes deep into you, and you feel her breath coming hard in your colon,and you work fast to try to get the dildo girl off, as the other two work onyour body.

Shuddering you wonder if you are being torn up inside, but the only way toget out of this is to proceed, and the only good thing about this is the pussyyou are eating tastes so wonderfully nice. Too soon it seems but she cums also.

Each time you hear the commands, each time you eat a fresh pussy, each timeyou know that you are doing this solely for the pleasure of others.

Suddenly your realize that you are done.....your jaws ache and your pussyand asshole feel like both are gapping open. But, you've had numerous orgasms,and each was better than the last.

Slowly the ring on which you are mounted is raised up till you are upright,looking at the crowd.

You notice that several of the patrons seem to be holding lit candles, butwhat for? Your master walks forward.

"Show your feelings towards tonight's show."

Each DOM or DOMME comes forward. The first takes out a $20 bill and holdingit against your purple tit, drips wax onto the bill and your skin.........thesting makes you jump but no yelp escapes your lips.

The next come up without a candle and goes behind you, taking a large whip,you feel the crack as the first stroke falls on your naked ass, it stings morethan the wax and instantly brings tears to your eyes, as 5 more strokes fallin either your back or ass.

Wondering why he did that, you see the next one come up with a candle. Nowyou know the game, candle signifies they liked the show, whipping means itneeded something else. But why whip me? I haven't done anything bad? I gavethem all I could, and it wasn't like it was my idea?

Pondering this doesn't make the pain any less, nor does it slacken the wetnesscoming out of your pussy, as sometime during your last whipping a large dropof your pussy juice fell out of your pussy onto the floor.

Finally the crowd has all come up and your master comes along last. Lookingyou in the eye, you see he is proud of you and at least you know he appreciatesyour efforts.

Turning his back on you, he turns to the crowd, "Thank you for participating,I relinquish the ring to another now."

And with that he lowers you down, unbinds your hands and takes you in hisarms, carrying you back to the entrance you feel him fumbling with your collaras he takes your coat claim tag from you and gently puts your coat back on.

Stumbling you walk to the car and get in, feeling the crackling of the moneyand wax on your body, and the pain of the welts on your back and ass.

Getting in you slump against the door knowing that you are safe, secure andin the power of your master.

With a warm glow inside you sleep as he drives you home, to rest till thenext time.

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Fucking married marwadi lady in oyo room

Story of how my wish to fuck a married marwadi lady whom I used to see regularly got fulfilled. I got to fuck and enjoy her in an Oyo room Hi Friends, I am Rahul from Chennai, age 32. I am a massager, escort and sperm donor where ladies from Chennai and Bangalore can contact me at any time and in other states I try to provide my best. After a gap I'm writing this. The heroine of the story is a marwadi lady, married and mother of a 3 year old son. She was good, and looked like VJ monika, one of...

4 years ago
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Maggie Part 3 The Boys Down The Road

Betty’s alarm went off at 4:30 as always. She reached over, slapped the alarm, looked over and Emmitt wasn’t in bed. She got up and headed up the hall to the bathroom. Looking up the hall, there sat Emmitt at the kitchen table. She stepped into the bathroom, peed, then walked into the kitchen. “You ok?”“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining...

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Winds of ChangeChapter 5

Grant immediately apologized for his outburst, but the group expressed their understanding due to the new surprise that had been dropped on them. In the area in front of the barn were Larry and Missy’s camp, including their trucks, trailers, tent and even the fire ring. The travois that had been abandoned was now leaning against one of the trailers. In addition, there were two large trailers off to the side with the wheels chocked and the trailer supports down and sitting on a large four by...

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Holly Valance Photo Shoot

As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy women but never as beautiful or sexy as Holly Valance, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM I was to picture Holly and another model together in several sets of photo’s in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons at the London...

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I now live in a cute, one bedroom house outside of Atlanta. My boyfriend, Daniel, owns it and invited me to live with him. We have dated for a couple of months and we have become close. We almost have not stopped having sex since we moved in. I am a little bit of a slut (or so I like to think) and he is always wanting to try something new.After a few days things have gotten a bit normal. I heard his alarm, when he stopped it, he rolled over and wrapped his arm around me. I could feel his breath...

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Train Me Chudai In A Threesome Style

Hi readers, mera naam rahul h and im a regular reader of iss stories maine yahan kafi stories padhi h bt, maine aisa kabhi nhi socha tha ki ek din mein bhi yahan apni story post krunga. Im from chandigarh and im a average looking guy having gud physic and have a 6.5 inch long tool which can satisfy any girl. So,main aab kahani pe aata hun yeah baat kuch 2 mahine purani h jab winters ke din the mujhe kisi kaam se chandigarh se bahar jana hua toh maine train se jaane ka socha aur train ki ticket...

4 years ago
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Unexpected visitor

My dad is in the hospital, my wife said. My mom is out of town and I don’t want to leave him alone so I’m staying at the hospital tonight Of course my love. No problem with that. Send your dad my best and I hope he is better. Just like that, my wife left the house, en route to care for her sick father. A group text came through that went to her entire side of the family. “Dad is in the hospital, and since mom is out of town I’ll go help out” All was smooth sailing, then I got a...

2 years ago
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Fascinated By A White Large Penis

My name is Mela. After marriage, I moved to Scotland with my husband AJIT as he got an IT job here from India. I am about 5ft with a normal figure 34C breast and slightly plump. AJIT always likes my plump figure as he said too thin is not his liking. AJIT is about 5ft2. In Scotland, we look small with so many big white people. After we moved here and settled we started to spice up our sex life by watching porn or making a video of ourselves and watching. AJIT has cock about 5 inches which I had...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 34

Stoney's turn: It actually WAS in Cindy's words, 'a riot'. I never did 'band camp' or anything like that when I was in high school. They didn't have 'science camp' and 'math camp' in my school district and I wasn't in band. Jo told me about her own experiences. "Wasn't anything like this," she said. Our trip home was as wondrous as the trip there. I can definitely see why Dan and Cindy (and everyone else in the bunch, apparently) would cling to personal aviation as a...

4 years ago
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The Second Time Me and my Sister Part 2

After our first sexual encounter, my sister and I tacitly decided not to talk about what had happened. It felt really weird. On the one hand, she was my sister, and all of a sudden we had ended up having sex. That wasn’t totally okay. I guess our hormones had rushed us into having this kind of contact. On the other hand, the whole experience had felt great. I had really enjoyed touching her body, her big round boobs, her ass, and her pussy. It had felt amazing banging her.I had been thinking...

2 years ago
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The Cost of Getting Caught

I made a mistake a few weeks ago. It was mid-afternoon and it was a work holiday. Anyway, I was sitting in the screened-in porch out back. It's pretty secluded back there and the weather was nice for first time in months. I logged into xhamster and started watching some clips. After a while, I stumbled onto some hot girl-girl stuff.It didn't take long to find a clip that was super hot. These 2 chicks were lounging on a couch, chatting about guys. One of them was frustrated that her wasn't...

3 years ago
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Hot Chat Leads To Sex 8211 Part 2 Driving To Puddu

Hello ISS readers, I am Ravi 26 from Chennai. Thank you so much for your feedback and comment on my previous story. Females or ladies in Chennai can approach me for massages and other services on my email address My service will be top class and classic. In the last part, I mistype the place as Mahabalipuram instead of Pondicherry. After completing our play in the theater we went to ice cream parlor and had a chat about the play. Laxmi enjoyed a lot but she didn’t get full satisfaction so we...

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Earth Day Celebrations

Here I am a senior in college and this science professor thinks we're all grade school kids. Writing a stupid report about Earth Day! This is the third year in a row we had to do it. I may be wrong here but I really don't give a crap. I want a clean environment as much as the next guy and to save the natural resources but I'm just a college kid trying to make it to graduation and find a job. I knew I had to get a good mark on this report so I went on the Internet to see what I could find...

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The Poet

The Poet By Melissa Tawn The poet John Edward Remington burst onto the literary scene like a meteor. His first book of poetry was published at the age of 21. Three years and four books later, he was a superstar of the sort never seen before in America. Halls, then auditoria, then stadiums filled to capacity by people who came to hear him read. Over 45,000 turned out to hear him in Yankee Stadium, then over 80,000 people came to the Astrodome, then over...

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Exposing Cindy The butterfly vibrator part one

Volume three: Exposing Cindy – The butterfly vibrator   Chapter one – a night on the town Jim and I had been married several years, and we had a reasonable assortment of various experiences in the first years of our marriage. So I was not shocked when he showed up on a Friday evening with a gift for me, a ‘butterfly vibrator’ which had its own harness to hold it in place, however a pair of latex panties had me confused. ‘OK, what’s with the girdle?’ I asked. I knew at 5 ft 4 in. and 105 pounds...

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Amber Takes On The Strip Club

I looked at you from across the room. You hadn’t seen me yet, but that was because I did not want to be seen just yet. You caught my eye the second you walked into this place and I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off of you. Your eyes were dark and brooding as stared into the vastness of the club. The red lighting illuminated your skin as it made you appear much more mysterious than you did earlier. “Amber are you ready?” Cindy said to me as she pulled the purple curtain back, revealing her...

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Teacherai Mayakinen

Vanakam enathu peyar santhosh naan kalluriyil padithu mudithuvittu irunthen. Ennudaya vayathu 25, naan oru naal enathu kalluriyil function nadathugiraargal endru ennku azhaipu vanthathu piragu unavum tharugiraargal endru sonnargal. Naan kalluriyil padithu mudithu 2 varudangal aagugirathu appozhuthu nan paarpathrku sumarana paiyan than. Aanal ippozhuthu paarpatharku azhagaga irupen pinbu enathu maarbu matrum thudaigal annithum konjam perithaga irunthathu. Intha vayathil ennai annaivarum ooka...

4 years ago
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Femdom Fantasy Romance

This is a continuation of Femdom Fantasy Realised, a story of discovery between Cate and Ben, which I suggest you read first. This story contains femdom, anal and group sex. If that offends you please choose one of the many other great stories on this site. Please use safewords when playing and always stay safe. Please also feel free to make a comment. ooOoo Cate and continued to see each other a couple of times a week, usually for a quiet dinner at home. This was worked around Cate’s...

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Living with daddy Part V Part 2

I looked up from my brother, who was shaking, to my father who was still sitting in a chair beside the bed. His hand was still wrapped tightly around his cock as cum ran down the sides of his finger. He smiled at me, letting me know that I had done a good job. Getting up from the bed, I walked over to daddy and knelt down between his legs. I smiled up at him before licking his cock and fingers clean of cum. He let out a slight moan as my tongue moved over the tip of his cock. Even though my...

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taking control part 2

They lived in a small picture postcard cottage in essex, surrounded by fields , so on the Saturday morning he the husband got up early and took their dog for a long walk, he was told not to return until we rang him accordingly, so with that now sorted pat & myself shared a hot shower together, yes it was tight in there, but that added to the fun of it all, on soaping each other up we hardly had the need for a sponge, so once we'd finished we got into some towelling robes and went down for...

2 years ago
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At last we meetme and my wonderful gentleman

I met Lucie in a hotel after much, much texting and emailing: we'd exchanged over 250 messages on xhamster and although she talked a great game in her amazing stories, she was extremely shy in person.But eventually, she set me a challenge. Seduce me, she typed.So I wrote her a story. And this is what happened.I booked into Prestonfield House, a very beautiful, and wildly expensive hotel in Edinburgh, and made sure that not only had they put a bottle of chilled champagne on ice in the room, but...

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Mina Aunty Got Fucked

Friends, this story is true. I’m not used to speaking in turning my first fuck I’m telling it straight. Only the name has changed everything else in the story is true. My neighbor who I Choada with him, to say that writing this story. My name is Aks I am 22 years old, blonde and beautiful boy. She is seven inches and is very fair. Her name is Mina’s aunt lives in my neighborhood. He was 50 years old but her tits and ass hot fat – fat. Bobe him at this age are hard. When she gets groovy moving...

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The Senior Center Concert

The Senior Center Concert It was hot. It was always hot in those places. They had the air conditioning on, but because old people are always cold, it wasn’t set low enough. It felt like it was set at about eighty five. I was sweating as I set up my stand, and unpacked my bari sax. I fingered a few notes without playing, just to be certain all the keys were still functioning properly. They weren’t. There was a broken spring on the B flat side key. Great, I thought. That’s just ducky. I didn’t...

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Chained and Spanked SisterChapter 10

Joan was tied to the lounge chair, her arms pulled back at the elbows. Her hands were on her stomach, but not tied. Her knees were spread, her feet and lower legs tied underneath the chair. Her skirt was over her legs, about halfway down. Her tits strained at her blouse, nipples outlined. A gag was in her mouth, tied in back of her head. Peggy was on her back, her legs tied up against her tits. She didn’t have a gag, but her skirt was tucked between her thighs to conceal her cunt. Most of...

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Holding On Tight to You

Tamara held back a moan as she opened her dark brown legs a bit wider. She was focused on the feel of the tongue darting between her thighs. The intensity of the pull of the lips that sucked her soaking clit were working her up something good. She moved closer to the corner against the wall. Her sweet torturer darted their lips inside her slit and up around her clit several agonizing times until she thought she might crash on the floor the way her thighs trembled with pleasure. The waves came...

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WhirlwindChapter 03

I wake up Saturday morning just after 6:00 a.m. Waking up to the feel of being about to come while someone sucks your dick is marvellous, I highly recommend it. Since I’m lying on my back with a tit in each hand I open my eyes and look down to see Fiona sucking my dick while Ellie tells her what to do. Note to self, have Ellie instruct the rest as she’s a very good teacher. A short time later I’m coming down Fiona’s throat. She swallows then sucks me clean. Lifting her head up she smiles at...

2 years ago
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Shopping in an adult store aroused from head to

Paul, my husband, likes my erotic adventures. He is the one and only man in my life who inspires, supports, and encourages me to move on to pastures new. 'Don't dream your life, do it for yourself and my sake' he likes to say, and I reply 'be careful, what you wish for.' Sure, the topic of cheating comes up too. To my surprise, he said,' it's okay as long as you don't fuck another guy without me. I know you love showing yourself off, and I know your tits being touched drives you crazy. Your...

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