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El alacrán

Chapter 1

Carmen was a very frightened woman. At 11 a.m. that morning she had beenon her way to the shops when a man got out of a car parked at the side of theroad.

"Get in." he had said, opening the door at the back. Suddenly she realizedtwo men were behind her. They had come from nowhere and were blocking her fromturning to run. Once before she had seen something similar happen. A womanhad been hustled into a waiting car and driven off at high speed. No-one, noteven a cop standing at the side of the road had made a move. Everyone knewwho the men had been – Secret Police. Now they had come for her.

As they headed downtown she said to the men who sat next to her.

"I am Carmen Hernadez. There must be some mistake. I don't have any interestin politics."

"Now who said anything about politics?" the man in the front said.

Carmen decided to shut up.

The car pulled into a back street and then turned into gateway. The massivemetal gates swung back and they drove into a large garage. The doors closedbehind the car and she was hustled out and into a corridor. They went downsome stairs and into a basement.

Somewhere ahead of them Carmen suddenly heard a long and loud shriek. Herlegs felt weak and she suddenly wanted to go to the toilet very badly. Likemost people in her country she knew what happened to people who fell foul ofthe secret police.

She was taken into a room where a man sat behind a desk. From the stethoscopeon his desk Carmen guessed the man was a doctor.

"Get undressed." he ordered.

Carmen went red with shame and tears began rolling down her cheeks but sheobeyed the command. She had never undressed before a strange man before andto make matters worse one of the policemen who had arrested her was still inthe room.

Dispassionately he watched her strip. He had never had a thing about dumpyshort haired women so he wasn't that interested. Not when there was betterstuff already in the cells waiting to be raped and tortured.

The doctor made a cursory examination and then said "She's fit enough forinterrogation."

The policeman tossed her a plastic sack and a complete tracksuit. "Put yourclothes in the sack and then put these on." He waited until she had done asshe was told and then snapped, "Turn around." He cuffed her hands behind herback and dropped a large black hood over her head before pushing her towardsthe door.

Carmen stumbled along the corridor trying not to bang into anything or fallover. She heard a door being opened to her left and the guard snapped "Halt."

She was pushed unceremoniously through the door which shut behind her. Theroom stank of human waste. "If you want to go to the toilet there's a tin inthe far corner."

Carmen groped her way blindly across the floor feeling very carefully forthe tin. As she tried to work out how she was going to use the tin she hearda low moan from the opposite corner. She froze.

"Is there someone there?" she whispered.

There was another moan and a weak voice said "Is that you Maria?"

"No – I'm Carmen."

There was another moan.

"Are you alright?"

"No. I've been tortured every day since I brought here." There was anothermoan and the voice said weakly "I'm Isabella. They've just finished with me."

Suddenly a woman's voice could be heard coming down the corridor.

"No please, please. I don't know anything. Please don't hurt me again.

They heard the door of the neighboring room opening. "I should cover yourears if you can." Isabella whispered. They've just taken someone next door – that'sthe torture chamber.

The woman could be heard begging and crying. "No please don't put that insideme. PLEASE. AARH. TAKE IT OUT. PLEASE TAKE IT OUT." And then she began to scream – aninhuman sound that just seemed to go on and on.

Then the door of the cell opened and a voice called out "New prisoner getup."

Carmen climbed to her feet.

"Hurry up. We haven't got all day."

Someone came into the room and grabbed her. She was taken into the corridorand then they turned straight into the torture chamber. The room was very hotand smelled of blood and urine plus something else which she could not identify.

"Ah we have a visitor. Somebody who wants to see what we do to silly womenwho want to get involved in things that don't concern them. Bring her overhere and take her hood off."

Her guard did as he was told.

At waist height in front of her was a metal bed frame. Lying on it was herfriend Diana. Her arms were stretched over her head at an angle tied to thecorners of the bed and her legs were similarly tied at the bottom of the frame.Her body was in the form of an X. Carmen saw that metal clips with toothedjaws had been attached to her friend's nipples. Wires led from these back toa box on table next to the bed where a grinning man sat. More wires led fromthis box to a socket on the wall. A pair of wires led back to Diana's bodyand Carmen saw with horror that they were placed inside her friend's vagina.A tiny trickle of blood was seeping from her friend's cunt. A pool of urineon the floor showed that she had also lost control of her bladder.

One of the four men in the room leaned over Diana. "Now I'm going to askyou again. Where are the weapons? If you don't tell us now we'll put the gagin and your next chance will be in 30 minutes when we take it out again."

Carmen was stunned. The leader nodded to one of his men who leaned over Diana.The terrified girl tried to move her head but she stood no chance. Her mouthwas forced open and something brown was pushed inside – a strap was tightenedbehind her head ensuring the strip of leather could not fall out.

Seeing Carmen's face the leader smiled. "The pain will get so bad she couldend up biting her tongue in two or smashing her teeth. We don't want that tohappen. You'll get your chance to find out what it's like next. Give it toher tits Osvaldo. Keep varying the power."

"Sir." Osvaldo turned a control on the box and pressed a button. Diana madeincoherent sounds and jerked wildly on the bed. For about ten minutes Osvaldokept applying the current to Diana's nipples, zapping them for about thirtyseconds, pausing to allow the poor woman get her breath back while he judgedwhether to increase or decrease the current, making an adjustment and thenzapping her again. One man kept his attention fixed on her face. "She's losingsensitivity mate" he called out.

Osvaldo instantly killed the current and stood up. He leaned across Dianaand removed the clips on her nipples making her shudder again. He looked atthe leader who nodded.

He reached across and took Diana's right nipple between his thumb and forefingerand began rubbing and squeezing the swollen and burned teat. From somewheredeep inside Diana began to howl inhumanly. Then he turned his attention toher left nipple and repeated the process.

"As you can see Osvaldo knows how to get the best out of his apparatus. Wouldyou say you were the best electrical torturer here, Osvaldo?"

"No sir Corporal Pereira is the best but he doesn't do so much now he's workingfor the Colonel."

Without pausing Osvaldo stopped squeezing Diana's nipples and began to pressand twist her breasts bringing forth unnatural gurgles from the strapped downvictim. He did this for a few minutes and then clipped the vicious jaws backon to her nipples.

"You've still got twenty minutes left before we take the gag out." said theleader. "Shall we start on your cunt again?"

Diana shook her head wildly from side to side. "So you'd prefer it if wekept burning your tits would you?"

Again Diana shook her head.

"Oh dear she doesn't know what she wants. Zap her wherever you like Osvaldo."

The leader of the group turned to Carmen. "One thing you may not know isthat electrical current damages the body in lots of ways. Even if we don'tgive her another shock in her tits for days they will still hurt incredibly."

Suddenly Diana lurched on the bed. Her groin lifted as far off the metalas it was able and her buttocks clenched and unclenched in spasms. Blood beginto ooze out.

Seeing how pale Carmen had gone the commander grinned. "Bad is it? We knowshe's not a major leader. For those we get really nasty. The Colonel himselfsupervises. He has his own torture room – far better equipped than thisone for loosening stubborn tongues. We use the most skilled torturers who knowthat women are a lot tougher than men and have to be hurt really badly to makethem talk. There's also a doctor in the room to make sure they don't die. Thoughof course once it starts, they beg to be killed. The Colonel will be readyfor you in a few minutes. Oh and by the way Corporal Pereira will be doingany electrical torture he wants doing. I think your friend here has been verylucky."

Diana's body left the bed for a few moments and twisted in the air and agargled shriek of agony left her lips.

"I see you're hitting all the right spots Osvaldo."

"Yes sir. Tits and cunt together – a winning combination. CorporalPereira taught me that but he's still got a few extra tricks up his sleeve."

The door opened and a woman put her head around it.

"The Colonel's ready for her now."

"OK." He grinned at Carmen. "Well we'll be hearing from you shortly."

When they took Carmen out of torture chamber they headed down the corridor.A man they met on the way stopped and grinned as they met, "Someone off tothe Colonel's playroom?"

The Colonel's 'playroom' was larger than the torture chamber they had justcome from but Carmen didn't really get a chance to look at it before a blindfoldwas put over her eyes. Her clothes were pulled off roughly and within a minuteof entering the room she was lying naked on a metal bed just like her friend.

It was all too much. Suddenly she found she had lost control of both hersphincters and there was the stench of urine and shit in the air.

"Ugh!" one of the men said. "Didn't she have an enema?"

"Wasn't time."

She heard a tap being turned over by the wall and suddenly a jet of freezingcold water hit her body between the legs.

Carmen began to babble "Please, please don't torture me. I'll do anythingyou want. I'll spy for you."

Somebody laughed.

"Give her the prod Luis and get her screaming."

"No please don't. I hate the Commies. I can help you catch them."

A cold metal tip touched her left nipple.

"NO! I'll help you catch the traitors. I'll let you have sex with me."

Once again someone laughed but this time a different voice said "That's enough."

Carmen felt her bonds being loosened and she was helped off the bed frame.The blindfold was taken off and she blinked in the bright lights. An olderman was looking at her intently. He nodded at Carmen's clothes which had beenthrown over a chair. "Get dressed and come with me."

She did as she was told, following him into a neighboring office.

"Sit down." He waited while she did so and continued, "So you want to workfor us?"

Carmen nodded and said eagerly "I am sure there are a lot of traitors atthe University. I can help you get them."

"You know what we do to women here. What happens if these traitors are women?"

"If they are Commies they deserve everything they get."

"What about your friend Diana?"

"Her too." Carmen didn't hesitate.

"What about people who aren't communist?"

"Anyone who isn't pro-Government is a traitor or a potential traitor."

The Colonel smiled coldly. "I'm not convinced yet. Come with me."

He stood up and led the way out of the room, down the corridor and aroundthe corner. When she heard a terrible scream Carmen suddenly realized theywere returning to another torture chamber. The Colonel opened the door andushered her in. A naked man was hanging from the ceiling. Carmen had neverseen a real naked man before and initially was not sure where to look. TheColonel said sardonically "You may as well look at his cock now. You'll beusing this on it in a moment." From the table next to the door he picked upa cattle prod. Thoughtfully he pushed the tip against the man's lips and presseda button. There was the smell of burning and the hanging man screamed loudly. "Itworks." He handed Carmen the prod. "This man is not a Commie but he thinksthe General is a crook. Is he a traitor?"

"Yes." said Carmen.

"Torture him then. Press the end where you want to shock him and then pressthe button."

Carmen's hands were shaking slightly as she took the prod.

"Start with his cock." he advised.

As Carmen pressed the prod against the victim's cock she felt strangely excited.When she pressed the button and he screamed loudly she suddenly felt more powerfulthan she had ever done before. Again and again she pressed the button. Thesmell of burning flesh filled the room. Eventually the man's screams stopped.

"I think you've killed him." the Colonel said. One of the torturers who wasin the room felt for a pulse. "He's still alive Sir"

"Take him back to his cell and bring the next one in."

The next one was a good looking boy of about sixteen. His face was whiteand he was trembling all over and he was made to strip. When he was completelynaked the Colonel said to Carmen. "Nice looking boy isn't he. Would you likehim to play with you?" He winked. "It's one of the perks of the job."

Aware of the damp feeling between her legs Carmen nodded.

"Lie on your back on that mattress boy." the Colonel ordered.

A blood stained mattress was dragged from the corner of the room.

"Why don't you let him lick your pussy?" the Colonel suggested.

Carmen pulled her tracksuit bottom off and walked over to the boy. She hadhad fantasies about this kind of thing but no-one had ever done it for real.She knelt on the mattress with her knees either side of the boy's head andpushed her snatch into his face.

The Colonel looked at the boy's appalled face. "You have a choice son. Youeither lick this woman's pussy really well or we give you the same medicineas the previous guy. Which is it to be?"

The boy started licking. Carmen opened her cunt with her fingers and pushedher clit against his mouth. "Just there sonny boy. Just there." she murmured.

Thirty minutes later Carmen and the Colonel were sitting together in hisoffice. Somewhere down the corridor someone was screaming his or her head off.It was funny, Carmen thought, how one's attitude changed. She didn't care whoit was just as long as it wasn't her.

"Why didn't you fuck him?" the Colonel asked.

Carmen shrugged. "I come from a fertile family. My mother always says wedon't need a man to give us babies. A sneeze would probably do as well."

"Oh well if that's all it is there's no problem. See the doctor on the wayout and he'll give you the Pill. You may as well get all the fringe benefits." Helit a cigar. "If you do well you'll be rewarded. There is a small salary andyou get a bonus for every traitor we pick up. I decide on the amount of thebonus. You might like to remember the payment is higher if they are young,female and good looking. Of course you may get another type of bonus in kindfor good looking men. Now about your work. I'll be honest with you. I don'tcare for students much – they have too much time to hang around gettingup to mischief. The only students I want to see at that university are thesons and possibly daughters of loyal government supporters. It will be yourjob to pose as a sympathizer and monitor developments. If you also manage tosteer some of the people who are waverers in their support for us into groupswhere we can pick them up and deal with them that's even better."

"An agent-provocateur?" Carmen suggested.

The Colonel grinned. "Precisely. And as you are going to responsible forsome pain and upset we'll give you a code name to fit. The scorpion – elalacrán."

To be continued.

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The irony of great sex is that it only inflames our need to have it again. So it was for me after my incredible first time with Faith. My desire for her grew daily until I was obsessed and only able to focus on her. To make matters even worse, despite snatching some illicit time on the phone, my chances of having her again appeared to diminish with each passing day.Okay, she was married and almost twice my age — but my mind was awash in the hormones of youth, cursing me with a willful...

Wife Lovers
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Romantic Love Making To Neighbor Girl

This is the story of the time when I had just finished 12th. I was a Science student with both Medical as well as Non-Medical options. I appeared in many entrance exams for admission in Engineering or Medical Courses. Being from a small town, I didn’t take the much needed coaching and as a result could not clear any. So we finally decided that I shall take a break and study hard for the entrance exams. Both my parents were working. While my father used to go to a different town everyday for his...

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Sons friend

As many of you know, I'm a married 45 year-old mother with two sons, one 25 off on his own now, one 23 in college, and a daughter. I am 5’6” tall, with nice long brown hair, brown eyes and weight just right I think for my build. I have 34C boobs with large firm nipples. My husband Nick is a police officer and is away from home from time to time for different reasons. We have a very good and open sex life and I have had many different men since I met my husband Nick and we started enjoying our...

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Who Got Picked Up

The night of the Average Joes special was exciting for most people, but for me it was heartbreaking in too many ways. The main problem was my forty-year-old mother appearing as one of the one hundred candidates that Joey had the opportunity to select. She survived the first cut and was still around when the show switched from broadcast to cable, but to this day I have to thank whatever god of luck she worshipped that she did not become part of the final twenty-five. I had not watched that...

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WildOnCam Vanessa Vega Can8217t Stop Cumming On Jay8217s Cock

Petite wild girl Vanessa Vega is ready to get wild and naughty with Jay Romero. She loves to tug on her thick trimmed pussy hair while she uses her toys to make herself cum but what she really wants is that big hard cock of Jays to fuck her deep! Jay knows how to hit that spot just right making Vanessa shake as her orgasms overtake her. She uses her toys too double penetrating her pussy to see if she can squirt too. Jay may have a big cock but Vanessa sizes up his hand and wonders if Jay can...

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Having black babies 1

First let me tell you a little about me and my wife. We married very young. I was 18 and my wife was just barely 16 years old. We had already been having sex for a couple of years. Luckely we managed to luck out and didn't get pregnant, as we never used any kind of protection. Fast forward to our early thirties. By then we had 6 c***dren. Two girls and four boys. By the way they were all mixed black c***dren. I had run across some early interracial videos and after the first one we watched we...

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blackmailed wife part 7

Paul own also a local retail of mobile phones and accessories ,i ask him if there is any part of the shop not covered by security cameras,he point at the small corner area with the courtesy cold water dispenser.Perfect,i hope.I tell Chelsea to invite Christine to a shopping stroll and meticulously follow my instructions.They walk in Paul shop, Chelsea pick up a few items and put them in her small bag,then ask Christine to pull down from a high shelf a 1300 dollar mobile phone and ask her...

4 years ago
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Wifes Wild AssChapter 3

In fact--and it was a fact that would have shocked Caroline-- Jonathon Stephens was always horny in the morning. It was a rare day when the man did not wake up with a hard-on and a load of spunk bloating his big, hairy balls. But he usually managed to hide his hard-on from his wife, mostly by getting up before she was fully awake. He did not want to empty his cock and balls into Caroline in the morning. Jonathon had a good reason for this. Jonathon was fucking his sexy young...

3 years ago
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Swept Away Part 2

He swallowed hard, and she took his large, warm hand in hers; his apparent nervousness brought out the nurturing mother in her."Oh, sweetie.  It's okay. I promise. Please don't be shy or feel bad or afraid. It's just two people who care very deeply for each other, wanting to express that intimately. The best sex really is love and physical pleasure. It will be our little secret, darling. I promise. No one else need ever know."She placed her hand gently under his chin and lifted his...

2 years ago
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A Very Happy Birthday Straight Practice part 2

It had been seven months since I fucked Angie, my (mostly) lesbian roommate. It happened when Angie, to everyone's surprise (including her own), became attracted to a guy at her gym. Not wanting to scare the guy off by being totally inept in bed, she asked to practice straight sex on me first. Being the nice guy I am, I agreed to teach her. As it turned out, she was a natural! Okay, when you summarize it like that, it sounds pretty unbelievable, I know. But it really did happen, I swear. I...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Patience Is A Virtue 8211 Part II

Before I proceed with the 2nd part and I wanted all my readers to know that if you read the first part and didn’t believe me then tough luck and I pen down only my actual experiences and nothing is fabricated. Now enjoy. For the people, who haven’t read my first part, please do so, otherwise this part would confuse you and won’t build up the mood for what is going to happen next. The month of August, my patience level was through the roof, I wanted my aunty bad, wanted both of us to get nasty...

2 years ago
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The ManThe MythThe Legend pt1

"Mom, I dont enjoy skating and I never will its stupid. Ill be there everyone will be having a good time but me. she looks quizzically at me and utters "Goddammit you will go skating and you will have fun." (fast forward past the cool party) "Bye Paul, See you tommorrow Tiffany...." I saunter into the kitchen to notice Jennifer the neighbor girl from down the street is still sitting here. "what time do you have to be home?" I ask as i slowly grab my powerade from the...

2 years ago
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The Story Of Kelly And Bill1

Kelly Awoke At 6 am And Got Up To Get The Day started, She Slipped Out Of Bed And Put On Her Robe And Went Into The Kitchen, She Put Some Biskets On The Cooking Pan, Started The Oven To Preheating And Went To Her Secret Hiding Place To Take Out Her Cigarettes and Lighter, Slipped Out The Back Door To Grab A Quick Smoke Before She Woke Bill Up To start There Day, She Had Taken Up Smoking In The Past Year To Lose Some Weight, She Had Planned On Quitting As Soon As The weight Was Off But Now She...

2 years ago
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Brians Massage

a foxy and curvaceous friend he knew in high school, and she gives him a massage complete with the use of a strap-on. I had been friends with a really hot blond in school, named Naomi. Picture Anna Kournikova's foxy eyes, only more pronounced. Naomi also had wavy blond hair and lots of great curves. I always just about drooled over Naomi's good looks. We got along well but it was just platonic, I never got a chance to even get to first base with her. Maybe it was just that there...

4 years ago
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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 01a

NOTE: This is a work of FICTION! Although the areas this story takes place in are real, all of the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading for you, are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember, this is a NOVEL. The author retains all rights to this story. Chapter 1 1. In the beginning Laura Garrett was a 20-year-old Manhattan College student, who just finished her junior year. She worked as a server, at an Italian...

3 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 22 In the Shadow of Gyru

The next morning Prince Sharn shook them all awake with a whispered, "There is something moving around out there." Everybody rolled out of their bedrolls and began packing up, Princess Alyssa somewhat gingerly, hand pressed protectively over the slight bulge in her lower abdomen. By the time everybody had packed, Prince Sharn had a pot of porridge and toasted bread for them to eat quickly before they left. They gathered around the small fire to warm themselves against the bitter chill of...

2 years ago
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Taylor and Hunter

This is a sequel to the story "the brotherhood of swain" by Elegy. If you haven't read it. I highly recommend it. You really should read it first. So just in case here it is: https://fictionmania.tv/stories/readststory.html?storyID=340208591745235906 ... Hunter stood there his gaze transfixed while his semiconscious best friend was loaded onto the scooter and then the man drove off. He watched as the tail light receded into the darkness and then disappeared. Hunter stood there...

1 year ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 38 Used

He walked straight over to Samantha and lifted her by the arm. Taking her over to one side of the room he slipped the gown off her shoulders and sat her on one end of a broad padded box, some three feet off the ground. Pushing her backwards he had her lie down on her back. Then the eunuchs appeared and her legs were lifted high and wide, and the Emir pressed his forefinger into her vagina. Rummaging about a little, he felt her virgin membrane and grunted in approval. Dropping his shalwar and...

1 year ago
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The story of Carol and Charlie

Introduction: A short story, with no sequel, of young love. Enjoy My name is Charlie. Im a 65 year old widower, living in an assisted care facility. I have lived here ever since I suffered a stroke, and now have only three months or so to live. They found I had lung cancer about a month ago. I had let it go for so long that, by the time they discovered it, it has spread throughout my body, causing my stroke, and leaving me an invalid in this house. So they said to make any arrangements I needed...

2 years ago
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Hatching a Heroine Chapter 13

Hatching A Heroine Chapter 13 Written by Emilie Ember Edited by Talia Elliott Belser Melissa lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The events of the last day kept shifting through her mind. Discovering her identity as a girl had felt more like a revelation than a true surprise - a puzzle piece she'd always known was missing had simply clicked into place. Realizing she was the heroine... She was still trying to process what that meant, exactly. In a way, it didn't change anything at...

2 years ago
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A Weekend With Saroj

Hi all ISS readers, this is Atul once again with the concluding part of weekend with Saroj. I will start my story right away within no time, both me and Saroj went in deep sleep. We were really tired of 6 rounds of fucking from 11:00 pm till 5:30 am on previous night and I first woke up at around 1:30 pm on Saturday. I woke up completely and saw that Saroj is still in deep sleep and there was a glare of joy on her face for the sexual satisfaction she got a previous night. My right hand middle...

2 years ago
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Drinking My BFF Caseys Pee

Kneeling in the large tub in front of Casey's naked body, I looked up into the leafy lips of her vagina, waxed and smooth, noting the gentle lines of her pelvic bone sloping back toward her hips as she thrust her crotch towards me. Casey pulled her lips apart wide, laying the inside flat and open and causing her pee hole to protrude out at me slightly. She was gently bearing down, causing the skin around her labia to puff out a bit. Her lips parted further as she pushed on her bladder, a small...

2 years ago
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SecretsChapter 1

“Charlie, are you sure you know where youʼre going?” The Ford Explorer wound around another curve, deep woods on either side, the road having become little more than two ruts, tree branches swiping the windshield and windows. “Itʼs just a little further,” replied the teenage driver. “Travis told me about this road. Itʼs an old fire road the forest service hasnʼt used in years.” “More like decades,” replied the pretty blonde as they were both jolted heavily when one of the wheels found a...

2 years ago
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Rich Women Royal Club 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this Vicky again hope you enjoyed my previous episode so let’s come to another episode. After rachel left me there on bed I felt some relax and was thinking about her cute little asshole she suddenly came in room again with a cup of chocolate. That was a nice idea though she dropped some chocolate on my lips and started kissing me. She put her tongue in my mouth and started sucking it. This one made me so hornier. I was spanking on her butts and putt my one finger in her asshole she...

2 years ago
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The Whore part two

Part twoThe dog farted. “bloody hell Lucy!” Amanda waved away the aroma with her paper. The fire needed making up, but she couldn’t muster the energy to get out of her chair and do it. She logged onto the railway web site, and booked her ticket for London the following morning, then checked several more emails Izzy had sent her, using her work I-phone, complete with tracker, in case she needed to summon help. Izzy was insistent, wherever she went, the I-phone went as well…..Amanda walked into...

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A First Time for everything

I woke up to the sun just rising over the mountains, the warm rays sifting through the window shades. I was lying on my back watching, when all of a sudden you moved. You were turning onto your back and as you did the covers slipped down off your breasts exposing them.  Your arms were above your head forcing your breasts to jut upwards. Your nipples seemed like they were seeking the warm rays of the sunshine coming through the window. I leaned over your still sleeping body. I brought my mouth...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 61

Ann Marie spent the first hour of our drive on the phone with her parents. They were nearly frantic with worry, but Ann Marie was calm and cool and went out of her way to make it seem like the storm never got near her and the babies. Even though Ann Marie called often while she was with me, it did not seem to help her parents feel any sense of peace about the danger they thought she was facing. Their concern was beautiful Her parents obviously cared very deeply about their only living child...

4 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Fourteen

SATURDAY JUNE-4 The rest of week thirteen passed quietly and so did a successful Friday night's bowling, but more of the weekend's thirteenth round of bowling at another time as more important events are taking place today and tomorrow. A quick visit to the hospital allowed me to watch with mum, dad and Maddy, and Vikki and Julie as Maria and John made it out of bed for the twelfth time in a row before it was time for my nine o'clock two hour driving lesson and my eleven o'clock licence...

2 years ago
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Would you like to do it again

Saturday morning in No-Wheres-Ville USA parked at a truck stop killing hours. Never good, if you're not moving you're not making money. Cleaning and fixing marker lights just basically enjoying the sun. I’ve had the few friends I knew by to yak so really hadn’t got much done so far. No matter I was on my 34 hour reset. The Pete had LED lights all over, but I had used one style to keep the cost and repairs down. Lights do burn out even LED’s. I’m on the ground in front of the truck just...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sissy Stepson 9 Forced to Suck

Part 9 - Forced to Suck "Get over her you bitch NOW!" screamed and angry Maryann. Caroline's aunt grabbed his limp red puny dick and put the knee high. "What's a matter limp dick sissy, can't get it up for a woman, maybe you need some perversion or more man cock" crowed Aunt Maryann. "Look sister, he's getting a little stiff, he must love to be degraded" said his stepmother wickedly. "Lay down in front of my feet and Phil put a knee high on your cock and start jacking off in front of...

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