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He sat silently on the porch, the old rocker creaking quietly under him as he waited in the darkness. All the lights in his cabin were off and he had turned off the automated lights in the yard as well. The night was clear and cool, the first hint of fall in the air and a soft breeze was flowing down the mountainside.

He was, by nature, a patient man, content to sit and wait as long as it took. He let his eyes roam the forest edge, never stopping, never resting on one spot for very long. He knew his peripheral vision would pick up any movement, anything that didn’t belong. The moon was high in the sky, the pale light casting sharp shadows around the bases of the trees at the tree line, and the few small bushes that had come up between the trees and the cabin since the last time he cleared the land there.

He knew his target was out there, he could feel it creeping, stalking, watching. The feeling was like a prickle on his skin, an itch between his shoulder blades. The rifle that lay across his knees was a solid, dependable presence as it rested under his hand. It was just a matter of time.

A hour passed, then a second hour before he sensed movement off to his left. He didn’t turn his head or look directly, instead allowing his eyes to scan near where he thought he had spotted the shape. The moon had moved on and was at an angle that cast longer, sharp-edged shadows and the shape he was watching was softer, rounder. It was this difference, as much as the slow movement, that caught his attention.

He could see it now, not clearly, but as a lighter shape against the darkness. It was creeping closer, angling towards its prey on the north side of the cabin. He moved slowly, a glacial pace, raising the rifle towards his shoulder until the butt was firmly wedged in place, the sling tight around his supporting arm. He put his eye to the scope and hit the button, the light gathering mechanism silently began to brighten the scene in a phosphorescent green glow.

He breathed out, then in and, on the exhale, let half the breath go and held, his finger caressing the trigger. He found his target and slowly squeezed the trigger, almost, but not quite, surprised when the shot broke. The recoil was negligible, just a strong push, but the noise, after hours of silence, was startling.

He rode the recoil, bringing the scope back on target quickly in case he needed a follow-up shot, but it was all over. His target thrashed for a moment then stopped moving. He watched for a minute longer and then sighed, heaving himself up out of the rocker and stepped down off the covered porch.

He walked the thirty or so yards to the body and nudged it with his toe, rolling it over. He shook his head, saddened, but not remorseful. Life was tough out here on the mountain, and beautiful female or not, he couldn’t afford to lose his hens this close to the beginning of winter.

Slinging his rifle across his back by the strap, he crouched down and worked his arms under the mountain lion, feeling his shoulders and his quads strain a bit as he took up the seventy or so pounds of weight. Carrying it back to the cabin, he laid it inside the steel cage, on top of an old blanket that provided some padding. He dug a small flashlight out of his back pocket and turned it on, holding it in his mouth as he worked the dart out from the mountain lion’s fur, taking care not to injure it further. The dart had small barbs, enough to hold it in place so the tranquilizer inside could work its magic without being dislodged.

Once the cage was closed and latched, he headed back inside, unloaded the rifle and ran a patch down the barrel before setting it in the rack alongside half a dozen of its more deadly brethren. He would have to be up about sunrise, so sleep was going to be lacking tomorrow, but it was not the first time by a long shot, and almost certainly not the last.

Not bothering to get undressed, he kicked off his boots, stripped his pistol holster off and set it on the bedside table before laying back and closing his eyes. He was asleep almost instantly.

The sun filtering through the cabin window woke him, just like on every other day, and he groaned as he levered himself up off the soft mattress. Mornings were tough on him, had been for years. Decades of abuse and injuries had made mornings a symphony of creaking joints, aching bones and sore muscles.

He stripped off his shirt, giving himself a quick wipe-down with a medicated cloth and then used the aloe lotion that he bought on his monthly trip to town. He spread it evenly across his chest, left arm, neck and as much of his back as he could reach. If he skipped his daily treatment, he would regret it later.

An outsider, looking at him as he worked, would see a tall, powerfully built man with skin like well-tanned leather. A full beard with streaks of gray and a salt and pepper head of hair that hung between his shoulder blades in the back would catch the eye. With his shirt off, the eye would be drawn to the horrendous burn scars that covered his torso and his arm. It looked as though he was made of wax and left in the sun for too long, as if his skin had run and then been frozen in waves and curls. The color was an angry red in places, with strange purple highlights accented by the white of hard scarring at the peaks. With his shirt off, no one would even notice that he was a handsome man under the beard, not that he ever let anyone see the scars.

Finished with his lotion ritual, he set the coffee pot working and then pulled on a clean, long-sleeved shirt and a light jacket to ward off the morning chill. He slid his feet into his boots and buckled on his pistol, settling it around his waist with a practiced flip. He clipped his badge to his jacket pocket, the gold of the metal bright against the green Park Ranger jacket.

With his thermos full of coffee, he set his battered straw hat on his head, locked the cabin behind him and started up his truck. Letting it warm for a moment as he sat and looked around his property.

His cabin was thirty miles from anywhere, and there was only one dirt track of a road that led this far into the mountains. There was a clear firebreak for fifty yards around the place, the forest was like a living wall, circling on all sides. It was quiet out here, the idling truck the loudest thing for miles, and he loved the peace and quiet.

The cabin was built from one of those kits companies, but for all of that it was a sturdy, warm structure that had lasted for ten years now, and looked to stand a hundred more. It had almost two thousand square feet of floor space, including a large basement that had been dug into the rocky ground. Power was supplied by solar cells on the sharply slanted, A-frame room and a pair of windmills, one on each end of the peak.

The windmills did double duty as backup pumps for the well that supplied running water, though there was also a hand pump if he ever needed it. A septic tank and leech field got rid of waste and a one thousand gallon heating oil tank supplied emergency heat if he ran out of wood for the franklin stoves. Even the chicken coop had heat for the winter months!

There was a second building, not quite as large, but big enough to park his truck, a 6-seat snow cat and a pair of snowmobiles. Along the back wall of his garage were the heating oil tank and a thousand gallon gas tank. As he sat there thinking, he made a mental note to get them filled again before the snows set in. Better safe than sorry.

Today though, he would have to head down to the main ranger station, drop off the cat he had captured last night for relocation. He hated to do it, but he hated to have to go and drag the body of some hiker or camper out of the mountains come spring even more. Folks came up here to enjoy nature, or so they pretended, but they really wanted to take pictures and pretend. His job was to protect the land, and to protect the visitors, the two sometimes mutually exclusive.

He sighed and put the truck into gear, backing it up near the porch where the big cat lay, still unconscious. The weight of the mountain lion, plus the cage, was just over a hundred pounds, but he didn’t have any problem sliding it off the porch and onto the tailgate of the truck. Securing the cage was the work of a moment.

Going down to the station, which meant going into town, was his least favorite thing to do. He didn’t much like people in general and actively disliked people in groups. He had chosen this line of work because it afforded him the peace he needed, away from civilization, away from the life he hated.

The ranger station sat on the edge of town, a picturesque building in a bucolic setting, designed by some famous architect whose name escaped him. Around the back of the building there were animal pens, and that was his first stop of the morning. He would drop off the mountain lion, fill out the paperwork and let the vet know she had another patient.

The pens were a series of eight foot by ten foot covered, chain link enclosures with small, cozy dog houses on one end. There was running water and, even though they were only intended for short term stays, they were kept clean and neat by the staff. On the end that had the entry door, there was a sliding hatch that mated with the cages the Rangers used. He could attach the cage to the hatch, raise the doors on both and leave it in place. The creature in the cage would wake, eventually, and find its way out of the box and into the larger cage. Then the portable unit could be detatched, all without coming into contact with the animal.

Inside, the station was modern and up to date. Clean and brightly lit, but he scowled at the fluorescent light fixtures as he entered. They would give him a headache if he stuck around too long, something about the frequency and the damage done to his eyes years ago, didn’t mesh.

The paperwork didn’t take long, and he headed into the Vet’s office, almost smiling when he saw that Wendy was here this week. The vets changed weekly, some being more personable than others, but he actually liked Wendy. She was always pleasant, but never insisted on filling the air, and the silence, with a lot of meaningless babble. That she was nice looking never hurt either.

Wendy was a handsome woman. She was striking, but too big to be pretty, standing at almost six feet tall and built like a tank. Not fat, but muscle filled out her lab coat. She had shoulders damn near as wide as his and rock hard thighs bigger than a skinny woman’s waist. She was a weight lifting fanatic and she knew, he could tell by the way her eyes tightened when others were in the room, that she was considered a bit of a freak. But she had always been kind to him.

“Morning Henry.” Wendy said with a smile as he walked through the door, sweeping his hat off and setting it on the counter. She was the only person in the world that called him Henry, most folks seemed to think Hank was okay, even if he despised the diminutive. Well, the only person since his mother had died more than twenty years ago.

Henry nodded, almost smiling, and leaned over the counter separating the waiting area from the actual vet hospital section, and grabbed the clipboard he needed. He pulled out his pen and began filling out the form required by the government for any catch and release of a protected species.

“Number 10?” Wendy asked, her bag in hand as she stood at the rear door that opened into the pen area. Number 10 was the pen closest to the office, and the logical place to put an animal if it was unoccupied.

Henry glanced up and nodded, then returned to his paperwork.

Wendy watched him for a moment, her mind filled, as it always was when Henry came down off the mountain, with questions. She was fascinated by the taciturn man, wanting to know his story, where he had been and what had made him so stand-offish. He was a handsome guy, under that beard and that long hair, and he had strong, rough hands that made her warm inside, just looking at them. His broad shoulders, thick arms and legs spoke of real strength, something she could admire, and she could tell that there wasn’t an ounce of fat on the man.

She ruminated for a moment on his arms, how it would feel to have them around her. He was the first man in a long, long time that she actually had feelings of that sort for. She wondered, not for the first time, about his habit of always wearing long sleeved shirts, even in the heat of the summer. She had daydreamed about rolling up his sleeves and finding dark, intricate tattoos covering him from wrist to shoulder, but had never been able to confirm if it were true or not. She knew that those arms, that chest and those shoulders would be strong enough to match her, and that alone was enough to make her nipples tingle.

Any man who could give her a run for her money was something different, but the ones that weren’t assholes were hard to find. She had known, when she had started bulking up, that she would face body image issues, but she loved the feeling of the weights, of the power they gave her. She felt safe and secure, knowing that she could stand up against just about anyone if she needed to. Her own demons demanded it, for sanity if for no other reason.

With a silent sigh, she cast one more longing glance at the Ranger and went out to check on his latest catch. The mountain lions were creeping back into the area again, and it was too damn popular with tourists to allow that. She had the feeling she would be seeing more of them before the first snows fell.

Henry finished his paperwork and, with a glance towards the door where Wendy had exited, he had the urge to follow her and watch her work. Old habits were hard to break though so, with a shake of his head, he went out the way he had come in.

Since he had been forced to come into town anyway, there were a few supplies he needed, and he wanted to take a look for a couple of odds and ends to while the time away once the snow started. As far as he was from town, it was not unusual for a hard snow to strand him there for a month or more at a time. He considered that a bonus, drawing pay and not having to actually work. Well, not unless there was an emergency.

He drove further into town, stopping by the bank to cash a check and then driving to the feed store. Two 50lb bags of chicken feed went into the back of the truck, along with two more of rock salt. Next stop was the general store where he picked up a hundred pounds of flour, a couple of cases of beans, a couple of mixed vegetables and four cases of that Ramen soup he liked.

His next stop was to pick up oil, spark plugs and a spare set of tracks for his two snowmobiles. Things that he might need in the dead of winter, if he was forced to go out. Last, but not least, he wandered into his favorite store in town, B&B Guns.

The owner of B&B, Bob, of the first B, was a garrulous old fellow who liked nothing more than to spend the day yakking with customers, seeming to prefer gossip to business. He kept up a running monologue while Henry browsed, not minding at all that Henry never said a word in return.

“Got lots of visitors in town to see the leaves change color. Not sure exactly what draws ‘em, ceptin maybe cause they cut all theirs down to build malls or somthin’. Theys all bundled up with scarves and mittens like it is dead of winter, half still have tags hangin on ‘em!” he chortled, shifting his ever-present, but never lit, cigar from one side of his mouth to the other.

Hank picked up a five pound tin of powder and three boxes of primers, two for his pistols and one for the big 44-40, then added in a new skinning knife to replace the one that was almost worn to a splinter, it had been sharpened so much. In the cabinet to the left of the register, his eye was drawn to a revolver, one that he hadn’t seen last time he was in here.

With a blunt finger pointing the way and an inquisitive look, Bob got the message and pulled the revolver out, laying it on a padded matt atop the glass case. Henry picked up the revolver an examined it closely, confirming what he had hoped. It was a 3-screw Blackhawk, and by the feel when he thumbed back the hammer, it was unmolested! Not often you can find one these days, he thought as he used his flashlight to check out the rifling in the barrel.

“Yes sir, you got you an eye for the right guns, I can see. That there Ruger is lightly, lovingly used, prolly no more than a box of ammo has been through it. It ain’t had the lawyer job done to it neither. I still can’t believe they converted all those old single actions just cause one idjit shot hisself. Some of the folks that had them stayed smart and ignored the recall, so the action is still smooth as a baby’s ass. Got that one at an estate sale this spring...”

Henry ignored the chatter but he couldn’t bring himself to set the revolver back on the counter. These were hard to find and the old geezer was right, it was in fantastic shape. The conversion the old man was babbling about was the result of a lawsuit. Someone had been carrying the pistol with 6 rounds in the cylinder and the hammer cocked back, dropped it and the revolver fired. The conversion would stop that from happening, but it made the action on the revolver feel gritty, clunky even. The pre-conversion guns were as smooth as silk and much sought after.

He laid the revolver down, finally, but not back on the mat, instead he laid it on top of the gear he was buying. If he could avoid shooting himself in the foot, he was thinking it would give him a hobby for this winter. On that topic, he added a case of .357 rounds to the growing stack of purchases, and sketched a mock salute to the old man as he left.

“You come back any time, Ranger! Anyone as talkative and all around charming as you are is always welcome in my store!” Bob cackled, slapping the counter and smiling at his own wit.

His shopping done, except to stop and order a fuel delivery for the cabin, he left his truck in front of the gun store and walked down the block, headed for Mom’s diner. It was a kitschy little place, designed to look like it was a 50’s diner for the tourists, but Janet, the owner, was a hell of a good cook no matter the decor.

Inside the diner, brushed stainless and red vinyl furniture lent a malt-shop feel to the place. There were a dozen customers, seated two or three to a table, but the counter was empty so Henry chose a stool and laid his hat on the next one.

Lucy, the waitress, ambled over and smiled at him, quirking an eyebrow. “Whatcha having, Ranger?”

“Coffee, waffles, bacon, wheat toast, orange juice please.” Henry ordered, saying more in that short sentence than he had said in days. His voice showed it too, being rough and raw, rasping like the rusty hinges on an old barn door.

The waitress did a double-take, eyeing him thoughtfully. In her mind, she was seeing an old trapper like in the western she and her husband had watched the night before. She enjoyed making up stories about her customers, this one was on the run from the law, that couple was stepping out on their respective spouses and the lone guy at the table in the corner was a reclusive millionaire. This Ranger was a trapper that came to town once a year to sell his pelts, get drunk and visit the whore house.

She grinned as she wrote up his order and turned to pass it back to the kitchen. As she continued her duties, cleaning up behind the counter, she kept half an eye on the Ranger and her mental fantasy dressed him in furs. The beard and long hair was perfect the way it was, and she could even imagine that he had propped his rifle against the counter and that he had a pair of pack mules tied to the rail outside. She brought him his coffee and juice, and had the almost overwhelming urge to ask about how many skins he brought this time. The thought made her chuckle.

Henry, sitting quietly and listening to the conversations going on around him, was aware of the waitress’s scrutiny, but it didn’t feel predatory in any way. She wasn’t scoping him out as a possible date or a mark, and he wasn’t sure why she was fascinated, but as long as she didn’t expect anything from him, he didn’t much care either.

As he sipped his coffee and waited for his food, memories crept up on him. It always seemed to happen when he came to town, another of the many reasons he avoided civilization unless forced. He would be around people and the memories would come, rarely would they be pleasant.

This diner evoked memories of a little place called Morro Bay, down the coast in central California. It was a place much like this where his last real relationship ended, damn near ten years ago. He had been back from Afghanistan for almost a week and was finally getting some much needed leave time. He had called Maggy, Margaret Alson, his fiancé, telling her he was back in town and she had said that she couldn’t get out of work for an hour, to meet her at the Bayside Cafe for lunch.

He had arrived early and grabbed a booth, sipping iced tea and snacking on some french fries while he waited. She had arrived in cloud of dust, sliding to a halt in the dirt parking lot, her little convertible being driven way too fast, like always. She strutted to the diner and Henry watched, smiling. She was a beautiful woman, slim and refined with raven hair that shone in the sunlight when she pulled off the scarf that had protected her from the wind.

She smiled and waved at him when she entered the diner, spotting him in the back corner where she expected to find him. Henry just raised a hand, then smiled hugely as she strutted through the place and slid into the bench across from him. That was the first sign, he knew now. He had been gone for ten months and not even a kiss hello?

“Hank, I am so glad to see you are back, safe and sound. I know I didn’t write anywhere near as much as I should have, but there is a reason for that. You see, I wanted to have this conversation face to face.” She paused and sipped from the glass of water, her eyes not meeting his.

“I met someone, Hank. He’s a stock broker, a wonderful man who doesn’t go traipsing off playing soldier and trying to get killed.” His profession had long been a bone of contention between them, but he had thought they were at an impasse, agreeing to disagree. Evidently he was wrong.

He sat and studied her for a moment, his face expressionless. He had known for a long time that he wasn’t in love with her, not in the story-book fashion anyway, but he did love her and would gladly have spent his life with her. Thoughts of her, memories of their times together, had been the one bright spot in a string of shitty deployments, fighting for a goal no one could see in a war that no one could win.

Meanwhile, she had been fucking someone else. Wasn’t that special. He could feel his temper simmering, just below the surface. The rage that always seemed to be just a heartbeat away from breaking free. Henry closed his eyes and counted to ten, then again. When he opened them again, she was staring at him like he had two heads.

“Aren’t you listening to me, Hank?” she asked, annoyed.

“I heard you, Margaret. You found someone else to fuck while I was away. I get it. Now, if you will excuse me?” he growled, standing up and walking out, leaving her sitting there with her mouth open.

“Hank? Hank! Don’t walk away from me!” she cried out behind him, but he wasn’t inclined to give a shit.

Henry shook his head, trying to clear that memory. He had left the diner, spent the next week so drunk that it was all a blur and, when he had sobered up, had signed in early from his leave and volunteered for the next deployment. Not his most shining moment, he thought.

When his meal was done, he left enough money by his plate to cover the cost and a generous tip as well, before settling his hat on his head and walking out. The sound of his boots on the linoleum seeming to echo strangely in his mind.

On the drive back out of town another memory surfaced. This Oregon town wasn’t much like his home town, but it had enough similarity that the street he was on could well have been the one that led to his childhood home. Another leave, another heartbreak, though of a different kind this time.

He had been all of nineteen when he took emergency leave to come back to the town where he had been raised. He had been contacted by the Chaplain who had a Red Cross telegram in hand. There had been a fire at his childhood home, his parents and little brother didn’t make it out. The Army, as bad as it was about a lot of things, did one thing right every single time. For compassionate leave, when a family member was killed, they would pull out all of the stops and have the soldier on the next available transport, leave orders and advance pay in hand.

He had taken a taxi from the airport, traveling down a tree-lined residential street much like the one he was on now. As the taxi turned onto his street, he could see the burned out shell of his parent’s house at the top of the cul-de-sac, a line of yellow tape surrounding the front of the property to warn off the spectators. The house was not recognizable, a pile of blackened remains with a few bones raised to the overcast sky. The only part still standing, seeming undamaged except for the soot, was the chimney.

He asked the cab driver to wait as he got out and stood there on the sidewalk, not sure why he had come but knowing he had to see. It wasn’t like he could do anything now, there was nothing to salvage and the bodies were already gone. Still, he stood there and stared, a million memories vying for time behind his eyes.

He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, but when he got back into the cab, he had to wake the driver who had been napping behind the wheel and asked him for the nearest motel.

Henry, back in the present, left the town behind him and soon was back in the forest, turning off on the long dirt road that would take him to his sanctuary, his only respite from the memories that threatened to overwhelm him. It was the only place he had found where he could sleep without nightmares.

When he turned on the last dogleg up the mountain before his cabin, he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He slowed the truck, creeping along as he examined the feeling, his eyes scanning, searching for what his subconscious already knew.

There were tire tracks on the road that were not his own. Someone not familiar with the road had gotten too close to the edge and he could see where the grasses were broken down along the soft shoulder. Henry had been here for years and knew every inch of that road, and he knew how easy it was to get stuck along the shoulder when the rains came. He was careful, even when it was dry, to stick to the higher areas closer to the hillside.

He stopped the truck shy of the clearing and reached for a set of binoculars that were in the glove box. He scanned through the trees, seeing his cabin past the myriad tree trunks, looking for movement or for anything out of place.

A truck. A Ranger vehicle, was parked alongside the house ... Henry took a deep breath, stowed the binoculars and let off the brake. Why someone from the station would be up here when he had just been down there this morning, he didn’t know. Come to think of it, he still had his radio ... Henry glanced down and grinned, he hadn’t turned it on. He had been cited three times this year already for not following protocol and having his radio turned off.

As he drove into the clearing, he was not sure whether to be pleased or alarmed. Wendy, the vet, was sitting in his rocking chair on the front porch. He turned his truck and backed it up to the porch, to make unloading easier, and shut it down.

“Hey Hank.” Wendy said, rising up from the chair self-consciously.

“Wendy.” Henry replied, nodding at her and waiting patiently. He figured that she would tell him why she was here in her own good time.

Wendy shuffled her feet nervously, staring down at him, then bent and picked up a satchel that sat by the chair.

“You, um ... You had some mail.” she said, holding out the satchel.

Henry just nodded, not speaking.

“I ... I thought I would bring it to you, seeing how you don’t get down to the station very often.” she explained, then paused, her cheeks flushed. “Damn. Okay, that is not true. It is mostly junk, and I wanted to see where you lived.” Her eyes didn’t meet his but if they had, they might have seen the corner of his mouth quirk, as if in amusement.

“Coffee?” Henry asked, motioning towards the door with his head.

“I’d love some!” Wendy said, smiling. She couldn’t have explained how she knew, but she was certain he wasn’t angry at her just showing up, in fact, if pressed, she would say that he was glad for the company.

Henry unlocked the door and motioned her inside, grabbing an arm full of gear and following her. He set his packages down by the door and headed to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee to brew.

He made four more trips out to the truck, leaving the feed and the rock salt on the porch, before he had his purchases stacked inside the house. Then, hanging his hat and jacket on a hook by the door, he glanced around to find Wendy slowly making a circuit of the living area, her eyes taking in everything.

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My horny neigbours

I bought a house and moved out of the apartment complex where I had been living when I first moved into the area. The house was in an established neighborhood which I bought from an older couple who were retiring to Istanbul city. This is my first house of my own though I have had apartments since a long time. I moved my furniture with the help of friends and set up housekeeping in my new digs. It was nice to have a yard and, since it was late spring, plants were growing..I concerned myself as...

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To Punish a Thief

To Punish a ThiefBy RockbohunkRon had a problem. He was co-owner in a small country bar in Northwestern Wisconsin. Lately his till was coming up a little short and suspected a new girl he had hired three weeks earlier. There is a joke that out of a twenty dollar bill, most bartenders will give away five, drink five and steal five. That just doesn't leave much for the gross profit, especially in a rural farming community. Ron only had two part time bartenders besides himself and his silent...

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A gay fantasy i didnt know i wanted

I’m john, I live a normal life, work my 9-5 job, go home to an empty house where I either work out or just watch some mindless TV. I would say that I’ve been pretty good with the ladies in my past but I’ve been single for a long time now and my mind has been starting to wonder into the bisexual world. I’ve been straight my whole life and havent had the desire to experiment other than what I watch on the internet. One day while on the web, I decided to look into craigslist. I’ve heard it has...

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Many of you have read and written to me with regards to my experiences that I described in "My Conversion to Black Cock" a few months ago, and have asked what has been happening since. As the previous recounting seemed to give so much pleasure to other women who are similarly inclined as well as to many men (black & white), I will try to tell you what has transpired the past few months.After I returned from Tulsa, I knew that my life would never be the same. I began seeking out interracial...

2 years ago
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Me And My Hot Mami 8211 A Hot Experience

Hello friends, myself Karan from Pune, and I’m a fresher on this site. Basically I was reading stories from this site long back. Due to this sex story I got courage to do this with my mami. So this is my first story, hope you all will enjoy it. And I’m expecting replies, my mail id is Let’s start the sex story. As I told my name Karan, the one man army character in this story and the second my hot mami varsha. This incident happened few months ago, but I’ll start from first day. I’m a student,...

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Strange Curse

This is a work of fiction by Mat. Any similarity to persons living or dead or real events is purely coincidental.Part 1One of the things that I really enjoyed about my work as a freelance journalist was that I could pretty much go where I want, and write about whatever I liked. I sometimes had a few assignments handed to me by newspaper and magazine editors, but even these "jobs" allowed me to get off the beaten path and explore some of my, usually darker, interests and passions.A recent trip...

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Sunny With A Chance of Showers

SUNNY WITH A CHANCE OF SHOWERS by ITinFL CHAPTER 1 — GETTING READY Michael and Megan had been looking forward to their little Earth Day outing ever since Megan happened to notice a few weeks earlier that it fell on a Saturday, when they were both off from work. They both worked in downtown San Diego, he a computer service technician, and she a medical transcriptionist. The more they planned for their special one-day getaway, the more excited they became. While San Diego attracts endless...

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My Daughter and Her Mischievous Friend

My 14 year old Lori was always a good, well behaved c***d. She got straight A's in school, and never got into serious trouble. Her best friend Brittany on the other hand, well let's just say she wasn't really the pristine angel her parents thought she was. Brittany was a few months younger than Lori, but she developed faster than Lori did. And it was about that time when Brit became more than just a prick tease. Lori and Brit knew each other since the second grade when her family moved here 7...

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Second That EmotionChapter 43

We stripped the blankets and sheets off the bed, put on new ones, undressed and climbed in. Peggy was the last to arrive, having stayed out turning off the lights. She crawled up on top of me, burrowed under the bedclothes and laid her head on my chest. As we lay there all huddled together a thought hit me. "We have to tell Dad." I said, giving Izzy a one armed hug. "Tell him what?" she mumbled. "That he's going to be a grandfather." She stiffened up briefly and stopped breathing....

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CFNM with complete stranger

Ok thank for the comments on my first CFNM experience. I know that it was for a gf and that some consider not a stranger, so here's one with a complete stranger. I had just moved into a new apartment community. It was a combination of town homes, condos, and apartments. I was lucky and got a place in one of the two eights story towers. The community also had a convenient store, a bar (that served food), 3 ski hills, 4 lakes with boating and sailing and a 60 team sand volleyball league. It had...

4 years ago
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Caroline Ch 0203

Caroline’s Story: Jo explains Steve (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Jo talks about her time with Steve and describes how he treated her (badly). * A nice dinner that evening was finished by us sitting talking and finishing the wine. We had that nice ‘togetherness’ feeling but Jo had been a bit quiet since we got home and I was a...

1 year ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 14

GOING HOME -or- MY REALITY IS JUST DIFFERENT THAN YOURS "And going home for the holidays makes you feel...?" Dr Shapiro prodded. John was feeling very stressed. He'd be headed back to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving in a couple of days. It was a short visit, but there was a longer one coming up in a few weeks. "I guess 'apprehensive' would be the best way to describe how I feel." "Because?" "Because, when they came out here for the premier, they acted a...

2 years ago
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This is a true story, as it has been told to me from an American friend. I just “released” his story… If wrongly translated, or wrong phrases, please bear with me… Mostly you can read about sexual relations between young girls and older men. Sometimes you can also read stories of young boys and women, but they’re mostly told by the women, so I’ll tell you a story from the ‘boy’s view’, as it happened to me when I was 13. I said 13 years old, but in fact it was just 1 month before...

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Friends With Benefits

This is my first attempt in penning down one of my experiences. Let me begin with introducing myself. I am 38, a resident of Thane (Mumbai) with a high-quality education, a great job, a lovely family and all that I ever asked for. My stars have been kind to me. I have been married for 11 years and my better half is beautiful and perfect beyond expectations. BUT…that something has been missing in my life !! What was it? Or was it just me? Did I like infidelity? Or was it about experiencing...

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I am my Brothers Slave Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Part 1 Okay, I admit it, I’m not the brightest girl in town and I am a long way from being the girl with the biggest tits in town but I’m me and there’s nothing that I can do about it. I was always the bottom of my class at school except for in PE where I enjoyed myself and did better than a lot of the other girls. My name is Ella and I’m 18. I’m pretty much average in the whole looks department except that I’m a bit on the skinny side and my tits never grew beyond an ‘A’...

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Carree Loves Billy Holiday WeekendChapter 3

"OK, full turn, next pit please", I commanded. He turned on his heel and raised his other arm to proffer his other pit. "Ughh, more bugs", I joked as I scrubbed away. I had finished his upper body and stood back. "Time to go downstairs", I said as I knelt in front of him. I started with his feet. I took each foot out of the spray and set them on my thigh and soaped and rubbed, even between each toe. As I let each foot go back into the spray to rinse, I brought it back for a moment...

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WebYoung Aften Opal Indica Monroe Mystery Crush

Aften Opal and her friend Indica Monroe are hanging out and studying. As they study, they idly chat about an upcoming school dance. They’re both looking forward to it, but Aften admits that she’s not really interested in going to the dance with any of the guys in their grade. ‘Maybe I’m not even interested in guys at ALL right now? Maybe it’s time to try something NEW…’ Aften says. Indica seems surprised as she hears this. Indica then grows thoughtful,...

2 years ago
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Banging My Best Friend

I am Sanjeev a Chennai boy, 6.4″ with a good athletic body. This is a sex story about how I fucked my best friend Priya, the girl with the perfect body of 34-24-28. I was staying in Hyderabad for some time and that is where I met her. She was a sight for sore eyes, with a push-up bra and a cute ass which looks sexy with tight shorts. Anyways, I was staying in a 2BHK with 2 roommates. I was in one bedroom while the 2 roommates shared another bedroom. Since all were working the other two were...

3 years ago
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Rucki Ki Chudai Jo Use Raas Na Aai

Hi doston mera naam Aman He,mera mail id he me 1 doctor hoon, meri umr 26 saal he or ye kahani us samay ki he jab me 23 saal ka tha yaani k aaj se 3 saal pehle ki he. yeh un dino ki baat he jab me apni chuttiyaan manane india aaya hua tha, me aksar jaipur jaata rehta hu apne friends k paas q k uski girl friend meri khass friend he ( khass bole to samjhe na ) is baat ka mere dost ko bilkul b ilm nahi tha, uski nazar me jese hum friends he wesa hi wo mujhe or uski gf ko friends samajhta...

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Give My Love to Rose

Author’s notes: I’m sorry that it has been so long between stories. I’m still finding things I have to fix around the house. Unfortunately, I also had to spend the past holiday season dealing with my mother’s death and estate. It was while driving on the very long trip across country to get back home when I listened to some of my old favorite songs from my childhood. This is the story that came to my mind after listening to Jonny Cash’s version of this title. I have tried to update it from the...

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A drunk mom is a happy mom

How would I know what mom was doing? I was an 18 year old jock who just graduated high school and too busy to be concerned about a little innocent flirting that supposedly occurred at the party last night. I was told that my mom was a bit handsy and touching, my best friend Joe said. He said that my mom (her name is lynda) was secretly rubbing the front crotch of Lamar the star basketball player. I'm sure other things happened (they did and yes, I will share). My mother is a divorced 41 year...

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A Second ChanceChapter 20

It was Billy that gave everything away ... and the Highway Patrol car out front. A body at the house? "Billy? Inside or outside?" The cop ... although he was in plain clothes and had no badge displayed ... glared at Bill, shook his head and tried to grab her by the arm. Remember the last time someone grabbed Grace by the arm? The coach? What happened to the coach? Yeah ... Déjà vu all over again... (and Yogi wouldn't say that for years.) This time she screamed, "Kidnapper!" first,...

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Yukis Horrible Days

Yuki had no idea when she woke up this morning that it would be one of, if not the, worst days of her life. But who exactly is Yuki? Yuki Shimizu is an American-born woman of Japanese descent, and an undeniable beauty. Her jet black hair reaches halfway down her back, contrasting sharply with her fair and flawless skin. She keeps herself in good shape, amplified by 32C breasts and a round, bouncy backside. As a result of her upbringing, she's shy about her body and isn't prone to showing off....

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Adventures of the exhibitionist girl part 3b

After being gangbanged by 28 boys, Kadri started her way back to hometown. She has now been exactly 24 hours naked, including overnight stay at boys apartment. Again she was standing at roadside and ready to hitchhike naked. Obviously naked, because she had no clothes with her. First time, when she hitchhiked opposite direction, it didn’t go well. She waited about 20 minutes, because nobody wanted to pick up naked girl. Maybe drivers were suspicious and thought, this was a some kind of...

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Project Gaia Chapter 4

I am ashamed that it didn’t take long for me to have sex with Ali. The way it happened, I suppose she had sex with me. I had very little choice, looking like she did, my body just took over, leaving my brain and judgment back in the world before this island. She drove me in her jeep along the smooth roads, pointing out landmarks and areas of interest along our way. Every subtle bounce on our way shook her chest, sending waves through her cleavage. I tried not to stare, but I’m only a man. When...

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Jessica Monday Story Four

This a continuation of the Jessica series. Stories are not stand alone so please read the series in sequence for cast of characters and events. *** We left the mall and walked to my car. I unlocked the car and tossed my purchases in the back. After we were in the car I turned and said, "Hi Curtis Williams, my name is, Jessica Summers." "Well I'm very pleased and honored to meet you, Jessica Summers! I was wondering when we were going to be able to use our given names." I started the car and...

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Fancy dress

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

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Mass Effect 4 Grandson of Shepherd

(The Citadel) About Fifty Years Ago, Commander Shepherd Merged Synthetic and Organic Life, and Became The First Synthesised Organic, After the War, He Married Miranda Lawson, Became Humanities Councilor Before Disbanding the Council and Reforming It As A Democratic United Group of Species. Shepherd Became it's First Chancellor and Director of Military Operations. Steven Hackett Served as Supreme Commander of Military Forces. Garrus Vakarian Became Chief of Special Operations and The...

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4 The Holiday fun contines

Sue and Gretchen had both just emptied another full load of cum from their guys, so handing them the poppers I told them to put a show on for the new guys, laying down I held my arms up, at first they were unsure, but then Sue sat over my left arm and lowered her ass onto my fist, Gretchen followed suit on my right fist, both riding themselves to huge orgasm, the guys jaws just dropped. Lyn pulled up Lou's arm, now all three girls were trying to outdo one another, their cries of orgasm...

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Fucking an English wife

On one of my regular visits to England last year, I had an interesting morning with a married woman...I'd met her on an adult website and had been messaging her for a while with slightly frustrating results - she could be quite difficult to talk to. I had spent the night with a gorgeous Nottingham lady who had to get up early (thats another story) and as I was lying in my hotel bed, I exchanged a few messages with the married woman. It quickly appeared that she was horny and wanted a man....I...

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Beautiful Divorced Maid And I

Hey guys. my name is Jake (Jacob) and I am 24 years old now. I am a 5’5″ guy with an athletic body and an average member. The incident I am about to share with you happened when I was 22 and during the final year of my college. Sandhya was her name. The maid, who had been with us for about 3 years. When I was 22, she was 34 and divorced. She has a lean body, with symmetrically well-balanced buttocks and breasts. She was quite fair and beautiful too. But due to her family issues, she had to...

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My Sons GirlfriendChapter 2

I lost some weight; we never got around to eating while I was there. We didn’t talk a lot, either. Christy would throw herself on me, her lips would be on my mouth, and it was just sex sex sex until I knew I’d better get back to the office. I was very careful that my wife wouldn’t have even a suspicion; I rarely saw Christy except in the daytime, when I could easily cover my tracks. The apartment wasn’t in one of my own buildings, but I covered the financial trail well. I did love Marsha,...

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A Homecoming Chapter 16

On his way down for dinner, Ben met Gerd in the entrance hall. Gerd, in an overcoat and car keys in his hand, was going out. Although he seemed in a grim mood, he stopped to exchange a few sentences with Ben, shook his hand, wished him Good Luck, and bade him Goodbye. Christine was watching them from behind the glass. Once Gerd had gone, she gave Ben a wave to come into the office.Christine had obviously been angry. She reached into her desk and took out a bottle of Schnapps and held it...

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My Best Friends Mom

Will Blake was my best friend. We’d known each other since middle school and now, the Summer after graduation, we were headed to be rommies together at college. I was at Will’s as usual. He was taking a shower and I was waiting for him to finish and we were going out – hopefully to nail some fresh pussy. When new conquests were on the agenda we went across town to hang in the other high school’s area. We knew all the k**s from our school, but the k**s that went to Jackson High were not as...

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Runaway TrainChapter 131

Skye and Jill scattered like cockroaches when the light comes on as soon as my face appeared in the doorway. Liz looked up from her desk while I stood sheepishly in front of her. “If you want Brea gone, she’s gone,” I said. “No,” Liz said almost at once. “I was being silly.” “It’s not worth arguing with you over,” I told her. “If she’s going to be a problem then you’re right. We should let her go. But I still think we do it in a way that it doesn’t come back on her at the hospital.” “She...

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The Awakening Part IV

Tom managed to get the car safely into the drive. What he didn’t know was that by the time he had achieved this, his wife had been made to cream in her black silk panties and Marcus had fingered the gasping white wife close to orgasm on three occasions. As he parked the car, Mandy and Marcus straightened themselves up in the back and exited the car. “Lovely house Tom,” said Marcus. “Thank you, we like it don’t we Mandy?” replied Tom. “Lots of happy memories here for us,” he continued. “Well, I...

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Cucking My Best Friend

I had my first experience as a bull when I was a teen (18 years old). That is a whole other story than the one I want to relate here. It's just to give some context. I have a large cock 9" long and very thick. Most women and some men cannot get their hands around it. I had developed something of a reputation with the girls at school. An acquaintance of my parents had heard some girls talking in the locker room at the country club we belonged to. I had been with both. One had only jerked me off,...

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My sister got gangbanged

Few months went by Randy was keen on having a piece of my sister. I told him that i was going away on a business meeting for a week and asked him to look after my sister incase she needed anything. Now i was pretty worried because this was the first time my sister was to be alone, and i trusted Randy. A bit about Randy, he was in his late 40s. He was a tall guy and was really intimidating. He was really hairy and had a beard. He worked out and was strong hunky guy. This was an opportunity...

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Black Widow

Black Widow This story starts about 3 years ago. I was one of those typical self made men in America. Very popular and athletic, I had lettered in every sport that I tried. This success followed me through college, and was a major help upon graduation from college. I had alumni going out of their way to help me out, and I decided to go into the commercial real estate business. Business was far better than I even thought it would be. Within a year, I was grossing a mid six figure...

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My sister inlaw and I

This is a ture story of the first time i fucked my brothers wife names have been changed.Cassie and I had only known each other for about 6 months before her and my brother got married she was 21 i was 20 he was 19. Thier first few months together were stressful on them both she had 1 k** going into the marrage and ws expecting when they got married. The story pcks up about 4 months after she had gave birth to their son. My brother was woeking 14 to 18 hour days and cassie was left alone with 2...

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Made for each other

Another great post from a retured user - cleanup and reformatted for easier readingMade for each other Prologue Sally sometimes thought that she had married too young. She was practically a c***d herself when she had given birth to her son, Walter. She was still a young teen when she had him so she and her son had more or less, grown up together. She felt much closer to Walter in her outlook on life and in so many other important things than with her much older, husband. Her mother had died in...

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Hey all. My name's Sam Vernel. I need to talk about something. Call it an entry #1, an introduction, whatever. I live in what I think is my mom's house, but I'm not quite sure. Any pictures you would expect to be there are missing, any notebooks you would think I had aren't there. It feels like any evidence someone grew up here vanished. This would be a nonissue, if it weren't for the fact I cannot remember anything about myself except my name. I'm feeling very frustrated. Over the last few...

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DownsizingChapter 3

That same evening... ... in fact, just at the moment when Shoran was starting to relax, a statuesque black woman was kneeling on a bed, introducing a youth to the pleasures of anal sex, in a large, brightly decorated detached house near the centre of the city, “Why must I put it in there Lettie?” Rob asked with a grimace and fiddling with his hard five inch cock. “Don’t you want to try something different baby?” she answered pleasantly, pulling her arse cheeks wide. Rob gazed at the...

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The African Holiday

My wife and I regularly go to the Gambia in west Africa for a bit of winter sun. We always stay in the same 4* hotel, and normally the same block over looking the pool area. Over the years we have got to know several of the other regular guests, most of whom are mature women, nicely curved and big breasted. All be it, often saggy, but hell, I still think they look delicious. Anyway on this particular day my wife asks me to go back to the room to get her some more magazines. Reluctantly I get...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 444 Grateful Naturists

Why didn’t I expect that being here now would cause this to happen? It never even crossed my mind that Molly and I had been here during this same week when we visited years ago. I rocked on the porch swing at the cabin, giving Ellen the chance to enjoy herself without being close enough to make her hold back around the other kids. Even if I was only eighteen, having any parent around always made me not want to do things that weren’t even bad, but I thought they might be, so I didn’t risk...

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Every Other Story Here Is About it So What

I got another whiny letter from my daughter yesterday. She's in college, and still doesn't seem to understand how young men on campus use their God-given right to fuck hot girls like her.And make no mistake: Heather is hot" Long, wavy auburn hair, cascading down over alabaster skin, perfect 34-C tits, a flat stomach, and a nicely-trimmed cunt that BEGS for male attention!Obviously, I didn't raise her right, because the following is the text of her selfish, complaining, bitchy letter to me:Dear...

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Story Eight Cum Slut White Holes for Black PolesChapter 5

Working at Howards bar was a blur in my memory. I spent the entire night being repeatedly fucked in my ass and throat. I was becoming numb to all the cock. I was no longer getting butterflies in my stomach in anticipation of being used by these aggressive powerful men and their hard dark cocks. I just wanted the night to end. When Bernard finally came to pick me up I was servicing the bartender and one of his friends. As their hard cocks continued to fuck my well used holes I overheard...

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Thru The Window

This is the first in a series of stories that I wrote from the perspective of a girl named Crista. It was an experiment to see if I could write believably from a woman's point of view. I think this experiment has made me a better writer and I think it has even made me a better lover. You can comment on the'll have to just trust me on the latter. ;-) I wanted to relay this incident which happened to me when I was 19, which totally changed my life and my attitudes toward sex. Until...

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HandsOnHardcore Erin Everheart Erin Everheart Keeps Her Guys Ever Hard

Statuesque brunette Erin Everheart knows that her fat fuck of a husband has been cheating on her, so while he’s away on a business trip, she has a big surprise for him while they’re doing a video chat: she’s gonna fuck two well-endowed black dudes right on camera while he can’t do anything but sit there and watch! The tall, pale-skinned tart invites Donny Sins and Isiah Maxwell over to pound her in all of her holes and fuck the hell out of her until she’s satisfied...

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Realms of Eden A Warrior Rises

Foreword Thanks to those of you who were kind enough to read and comment on my first submission of Realms of Eden Book 1 – Sydney comes of Age (it’s in the Sci-Fi section). This is a rewrite of that book but from the story teller’s perspective rather than first person. My characters told me that they didn’t think they got enough time in my first book having to rely on Sydney’s view to get them noticed – so this is for them. I have introduced a new character, expanded out some of them and...

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