Solitude free porn video

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I was sitting in a tree listening to the nearby stream. This was my secret spot no one else knew about it. It was the place I went when I needed to be alone; it was a small valley with steep walls and was only accessible by a small trail. The valley had hot springs at one end of it and you could hear the splash of the waterfall from all the way across the valley. I had started drifting off to sleep, surely to dream about the most beautiful women in the world.

Suddenly I heard a twig snap right below me. I looked down through the branches of the tree. I was surprised to see a lone hiker walking through the woods. I could see the look of wonder on her face even from here. I could remember feeling the same when I had first discovered the valley. 

I watched her wondering through the forest. I silently climbed through the trees following her. I was wondering how she had gotten here. She couldn’t have found the trail. I had hidden the trail by planting bushes and covering it with undergrowth. The only way I knew where to go was by leaving myself clues if I forgot the way. I had spent so much time here that I had memorized the route.
I saw her bend down and look at the ground. I suddenly realized that she was tracking me, she was following my footprints. When I realized this I nearly fell out of the tree from shock. I grabbed onto a branch and managed not to fall. But I made too much noise. I saw her whip around staring right at the tree I was in. I froze hoping she hadn’t seen me. She stood there staring right at me for what seemed like hours but finally went back to following my footprints.

Eventually she found the hot springs, I saw a smile spread over her face and she dropped her pack. I watched as she walked over and stuck her hand in the water to test the temperature. I saw her smile broaden. I watched stunned as she pulled her shirt over her head, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her back was to me so I couldn’t see much. Then she pulled her pants off. This time I did fall out of the tree. I landed unhurt on the leaf and moss covered ground.

She paused and looked back over her shoulder. Lucky for me it was late afternoon and I was still hidden by the shadows. I stayed perfectly still hoping she wouldn’t see me. I saw her turn around and start walking towards me. I scrambled backward as silently as I could. I managed to get behind some bushes. I was lucky that I was wearing what I was.

I was wearing only my underwear and bra, both were camouflage colored. But I was covered in mud and dirt from my fall and I had brown hair, I blended perfectly with the forest. I watched from in the bushes as she walked around looking for the cause of the noise. To my horror she began checking the bushes, I watched as she got closer and closer to my bush. I knew that if I moved she would hear me and if I stayed I would be found.

To my she stopped in front of the bush I was hiding in and looked around, she looked like she wasn’t going to check my bush. I was however distracted by the beautiful pussy only a few inches in front of me. I wanted so badly to just touch it, to taste that sweet beauty that was right in front of my eyes. I watched her look around as if checking to make sure she was alone. Then to my surprise she began lightly rubbing her breasts. I watched her other hand slip down between her legs and finger her pussy. I was going to get to watch her get off right in front of me!

Pretty soon she had sat down and was moaning, her hand moving rapidly between her legs. I felt myself getting wet just from watching this. In seemingly no time she began to moan loudly through clenched teeth. She began to shake and then she let out a long loud moan. I watched as her orgasm tore through her and then as she collapsed back into the bushes. The bushes I was hiding in! I scrambled backwards quickly, hoping that the sound of her falling into the bushes would muffle my retreat. 

But she sat up and looked around. She had heard me; I froze and waited for her to lose interest. But to my horror she didn’t. She called out tentatively, and began searching the bushes for the source of that noise which was me. I was about to run when she stopped and had appeared to lose interest. I let out a silent sigh, and then she pounced. I leapt up and was about to run. But she was to quick; she managed to catch me around the ankles. With a despairing yelp I tumbled to the ground. I struggled but she had managed to get a strong grip on me.

"You have no idea how much trouble I have gone through to find you little missy!" she grumbled as she pinned me to the ground with cruel efficiency.
"Will you quit struggling please! I’m just going to take you back home!" she said. If this had been meant to calm me down it didn’t work.

I didn’t want to go back to society. That was the reason I had ran away and begun the living in the woods. Kind of the whole modern primitive thing, I was happy for the first time in my life, when I had finally found this place. But my parents would give up trying to find me. I had run away for three reasons. The first was to escape the almost constant beatings they inflicted on me. Second was to escape their religious views, of which they were very dogmatic, and it wasn’t what I believed in. the third was because of my sexual preferences, my parents weren’t very tolerant of homosexuals. They had nearly beaten me to death when they had found out. They had then proceeded to have me home schooled and all my teachers were male. They made sure that everyone I came in contact with was male, except for my mom.

No one ever believed me when I told them what they had done to me. The police ignored me, but of course my dad owned the police as well as almost everything else in the city. My parents posed as being a very nice family. They often made out large checks to charity funds that were actually fronts for weapons producers and big companies.

I struggled in her grasp to no avail. It didn’t make much sense, how could she be this strong? I was nearly six inches taller than she was but this didn’t seem to make a difference. She had effectively pinned me to the ground.

"Let go of me!" I shouted brokenly, I hadn’t spoken to anyone for nearly a year so my speech was a bit rusty.
"No you’re coming with me! I’m taking you back to your parents so they can care for you!" she said back. I screamed in rage and struggled harder. I suddenly remembered something I had learned back when I had taken self-defense in seventh grade. I relaxed, and gave up struggling.

"Good you’ve finally come to your senses" she said and loosened her grip. That’s when I made my move. In an explosion of movement I grabbed her on the shoulder with one hand and the side with the other hand. Then I brought my legs up and I flipped her off of me over my head. She let out a startled yelp as I threw her into the bushes. I rolled up in the same movement and ran, in the process I grabbed the hunting knife she had left on the belt of her discarded pants. I wasn’t sure if I was willing to kill someone to keep my freedom, but it would at least give m leverage in a tight situation. 
I ran as fast as I could through the familiar woods that had been my home for the past year. I had created many hideouts and traps for just such an occasion and knew the quickest routes out of the valley. I could hear her running through the trees behind me and was surprised at how quiet she was for a city person. 

I changed my direction slightly if I was to escape I would have to trap her. I knew I could outrun a professional bounty hunter. I ran and soon saw the familiar two trees I was looking for. I darted around the edge of one and kept running. Just as I had expected she ran right between them. She had been to caught up in the hunt to think it was suspicious that I had avoided running between the trees.

I heard her startled yelp as she fell into the pit trap I had dug. I stopped running and walked over to the pit. I had purposely put the pit next to a stream so the soil would be wet. Over time mud had gathered at the bottom of the pit, I had also thrown vines into the pit which made it nearly impossible to get out. I had put another layer of soft mud on the walls, not enough to bury someone, but still enough to make it nearly impossible to climb out. It required another person and the makeshift ladder I had hidden nearby to get anyone out.

I looked down into the pit, watching amused as she realized that she couldn’t get out on her own.
"Get me out of here!" she yelled at me angrily.
"Promise you’ll stop trying to take me back?" I asked smiling.
"Fine!" she yelled. I smiled and told her to wait there. I knew she wasn’t the type to break her word. I walked over to were the ladder was hidden and brought it out. I lowered it into the pit and held it as she climbed up. I stepped back when she got to the top and crawled out of the pit.
"You’re not bad," she said looking at the pit. "How long did that take you?"

"About a month." I replied shyly, I wasn’t used to such flattery. Suddenly she reached down towards my waist. I thought for a brief moment she was going for my crotch but she was only taking back the knife I had strapped to my panties. She took it back, but pulled her hand away almost reluctantly, brushing my crotch in the process. It was an innocent gesture, which she meant to look like an accident but I knew it, wasn’t. The one flaw in my parents plans; they’d hired a lesbian bounty hunter to catch a lesbian runaway. They obviously hadn’t considered that the bounty hunter might fall for the runaway. They had obviously thought that I would feel safer in the company of someone like me and it would be easier to lure me back. But they were wrong.

I realized that we’d been standing there for a long time staring at each other. I looked away and told her that I would lead her back to her stuff and let her wash up before she left. I realized she was still staring at me, I smiled at her, and she was entranced by my beauty. It wouldn’t be the first time I had had this affect on another girl. I knew exactly how to solve it. I started moving forward, moving my hips suggestively as I walked forwards. I got right up to her and gently placed a hand right above her breasts and placed the other on her hips. I smiled seductively and pressed her slowly back against a tree. I leaned forwards and began kissing her neck. I pressed myself against her and let my hand stray down and begin to play with one of her smooth rock hard nipples. She shuddered and gasped, it had worked, she had snapped out of it.

"What are you doing?" she gasped and tried to push me away. But she made the mistake of placing her hands on my breasts when she tried to push me away. I took this as an invitation; I leaned forwards so my face was only inches from hers. I smiled and pulled her closer to me, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I’m doing what I’ve wanted to do to you ever since I first saw you" I said and kissed her on the lips. I felt her stiffens, and I heard her gasp with shock, in this motion she allowed my tongue access to her mouth. I ran my tongue around her mouth, exploring every part of her mouth. Her half hearted attempts to push me away had stopped and she was now gently kneading my breasts with her hands. I kissed her more passionately and this time she kissed me back. She pushed me away; I gave her a disappointed look. She just smiled and lowered her face to my breasts. I gasped in pleasure as she sucked my nipples into her mouth.

She pushed me up against the tree and continued to suck on my rock hard nipples. I felt her hand begin to rub at my pussy through my panties. This wasn’t how I had intended to lose my virginity but it would do. I smiled lazily as she pulled my panties down and began to gently rub my pussy. I moaned and leaned back against the tree for support. She suddenly stopped and looked up at me.
"You , all this running around has made me thirsty. I have just the punishment for you. I’m going to eat you out until you pass out, you little wild girl." she said huskily. I was a bit unversed in modern slang but I realized what she meant when she started. I gasped as she gently blew on my pussy. I jumped and gasped. She suddenly without warning placed her hands on my hips and pulled my pussy to her. I felt her lick around the outside and then gently up and down my slit. I groaned and nearly collapsed. She caught me and lowered me down onto the soft leaf covered ground. I felt her plunge her tongue deep inside me and I screamed out in pleasure. I felt her tongue squirming inside me and pressed myself against her face. In no time I had had my first orgasm and the second wasn’t to far away. That’s when I felt her suck on my clit, I jumped at the feeling as she sucked on my clit as she gently flickered her tongue over the top. This drove me mad, and I came at least six more times before I blacked out.

I woke up and I found myself lying in what I thought was a bed. I started to panic, but then I realized it was only a sleeping bag and I was in a tent. I was relieved and then I felt something warm cuddled up next to me. I looked down to see her lying wrapped up in my arms and I smiled. She was beauty incarnate with a strand of hair fallen down over her beautiful face. It moved every time she breathed. I sighed with joy and held her closer to me. I wanted to stay here forever. Suddenly she stirred and a troubled look crossed her face. She called out for me in her sleep and flailed about in my arms. I held her till the nightmare had past even though she gave me quite a few bruises with her flailing fists.

She suddenly sat up sweating and shaking; I sat up and held her in my arms. I comforted her telling her that it was only a dream. She clutched me silently and buried her face in my chest holding me tightly. I didn’t want to make her move but I needed to breathe. I gently loosened her grip, pulled her face out from between my breasts, and tipped it upwards so I could look her in the face. I bent down and kissed her. I had meant it to be a loving comforting kiss but it quickly turned into a passionate tongue-dancing kiss. I felt her arms come up and encircle me as she pulled me downwards. We lay down in each other’s arms and our hands wondered over our bodies. I pulled away from the kiss and began kissing my way down her body. I stopped at her breasts and sucked on them for a while letting my hands run along her thighs.

"I always love a good morning fuck!" she whispered between gasps and moans. I smiled and left her breasts I kissed my way slowly down her stomach. When I reached her beautiful pussy I didn’t tease her like she had teased me, but I dove right in. she jumped and pushed her pussy against my face. She was already screaming from my tongue fuck. I felt her pussy clamp around my tongue as her first orgasm hit her. She shook as the waves of pleasure crashed against her. I had no intentions of stopping, I wanted to repay her for the favor she done me earlier. She tasted so good I wasn’t sure I would be able to stop after she had passed out, the taste was almost addictive to me. 

Sometime later I pulled away from her pussy and slid up next to her. I gathered her limp form up in my arms and kissed her gently. Then panting I pulled her close to me and blacked out. I knew that I wasn’t going back and neither was she if I could help it. modern primitive wouldn’t be so bad.

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Neither Becky nor I had ever been to the Hampton’s home before, but Mom had been there with Dad a few years ago, and she knew the way. We had to drive about fifteen miles to get there. They live out in the country, just across the county line and that’s the reason Joey, Dana and Leigh don’t go to our school, though our school is closer to their house than their school. I drove, with Mom giving directions. When she told me to turn right at the next county road, I slowed and turned onto a wide...

3 years ago
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Candys break up lll

All her fantasies wear about to come true. Sticking her tongue out Beth ran her tongue up each side of Candys vagina. The burning between her legs turned to flames as she tasted an other woman for the first time. Candy pressed on the back of Beth's head as she pushed her tongue into her. Beth could feel her own juices building as she lapped up Candys sweet nectar. That's it, Candy moaned. As she instructed her, Candy pulled at her nipples. Closing her eyes she felt her orgasm building deep...

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Enjoying a good fuck after jogging

That Friday afternoon I was home alone, because my beloved hubby had gone to play golf with his office mates. I usually made some jogging on Fridays; so I came back really tired, hot and sweaty after a long while running around a close park.I went directly to the kitchen and got myself some water to relax before taking a warm shower. Our nice Dalmatian, Randy, came up to me and nuzzled his nose into my crotch. I smiled at his, saying he was a good dog…I had lycra yoga pants on, but it gave me a...

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Remittance ManChapter 5

--1827-- I know not what little devil pulled my ear that day. I offered them recognition of the hundred tribes as embassy without portfolio of their lands to ours. As time went on this single action caused more havoc than any other half-witted thing I have done as it came before congressional debate whether to honor my offer as governor. Having reminded them that the hundred nations beat them to it by over a year forced the issue and the Zulu became recognized by our government. This led to...

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Tuatha De Danann MMO Beta

You have just received your Beta Tuatha De Danann MMO fantasy game and system one exceptionally lucky morning you wake up. It is like winning the lottery to you because you can experience a fantasy world more vivid and realistic than anything to date. You waste no time in opening it and setting it up. First you create an account before you can play. What do you input?

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From Teacher to Teenagers Slave

From Teacher to Teenager’s SlaveChapter 1 ?I’m sorry I had to bring you into school like this, Mrs. Ward, but things have progressed so far with Jack now that I had no choice. Please take a seat there. Jack, I want you to stand in that corner over by my closet for right now. I’ll try to take up as little of your time as necessary, Mrs. Ward.? Jack, 18, with a chuckle ambled over to the designated corner, as his mother sat. The woman, who was speaking, looked as though she could have been a...

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HornyHostel Sheila Ortega Attack Of The Big Boobs

Sheila Ortega arrives in the hostel and as soon as she gets into the room she pulls her big tits out because she wants to send some naked selfies but in doing so she spots the receptionist in the background watching her. Even at the reception he could not keep his eyes away from her boobs. Once she spots him he runs and she chases him only to catch and smack him in the face multiple times with her gorgeous natural breasts which, in self defense of course, he has to grab them. She can’t...

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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 27

Cherrill crouched naked in the dense bushes, her attention rapt upon the two men nearly a quarter of a mile away. Her sharpened senses easily detected the changes in the air currents as they talked back and forth as well as the faint noises in her head from their unshielded human minds and the slight brightness of whatever area or section of the park on which they had their attention. Two days earlier, that darling prince, Michael, had vaporized her physical form and made love to her as only...

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Boarder Controls Family

This is a different kind of story for me. I hope you like it. There is some incest. If you like it, vote. Fives are nice. * * * * * I had come to town to check out the local university. I thought I might try to enroll to complete my PhD. It turned out to be a big deal that would take several weeks or longer. I looked in the collage paper for ‘room mates wanted.’ What I found was ‘roomer wanted in private home. Large bedroom with private bath. ‘ No price was given and no other details. I...

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The Thompson Flyer

There was no band playing on that cold December day. At that moment it was just me and an Air Force Chief Master Sergeant in the squadron office. The office was located inside a much larger windowless concrete block building near the flight line. That building held my squadron's complete operation. We were a small squadron almost completely independent of the larger base. "This is your last chore Robbie, sign the official secrets act waiver and you are finished here. You still have to go by...

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Sex After Run

It was a late Tuesday afternoon session, coach had us run every relay and than do three miles on the 1/4 mile track. Needless to say we were exhausted, we staggered back to the gym and shower area. Coach came in and gave his usual thirty minute pep talk about the coming meet, he ended it by telling the team captains to be sure to secure the gym when we finished. As coach left two members went as look outs and returned to say 'coach has left the building, and the building is empty and secured...

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Shirley and Daughters Become Escorts

Chapter 1 - I Got A Job My name is Shirley. I am 34 years old and have been married to John for 16 years. I have a 15-year-old daughter Betty, who has a best friend Susan who stays with us often. Susan is also 15. We are basically a happy family, but debit is beginning to wear us down. About a year ago we bought a rather large mobile home and put it in an expensive mobile home community. We also bought an extra car for me since my husband worked long hours. I was looking for work, but since I...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 9

My day goes down hill from there. The city, naturally, reminds Barbara of Vietnam and Korea. Which in turn brings up Iraq. Then human rights and US human rights, race relations and all things political. I'm not opinionated; I just have my own opinion. I don't understand the problem with that. Finally, on our way back to the ship, Barb refers to "white people" once too often. "Alright, look. Is this uh problem for you?" "Is what a problem for me?" "Me bein' uh white...

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This story was inspired by an article in Men's Health magazine 'Hormone kit that lets men breastfeed could be available soon'. You can google it. The article suggests that 'a hormone kit that lets fathers breastfeed when their partner is struggling could be available in as little as five years.' And that 'Side-effects for men will include growing breasts. In fact, the breasts could grow to the size of a B cup.' ***** When you're getting older, you learn to let go and accept the...

3 years ago
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Exhibitionism with my maids daughter

Hi everyone im Ravi,i got transfered to a small town in u.p by my company n have a house in the outskirts of town ,i have a very relaxing job get to office by 11 n its over by 3 or u can say ny time i want i close the office , i have a maid working for me she does nearly all the work from cleaning to cooking she comes home by 3:30 when im back , few days back she asked for leave for a week n said tat her daughter will come i was thrilled thinking of her daugther,nxt day i could’nt really...

1 year ago
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After The Funeral

Although she would never admit it to anyone else, Claudiawas actually relieved when Mark died. Theirs had notbeen what you would call a fulfilled marriage. She hadnever been too keen on sex, so she could hardly complainwhen he sought his pleasure elsewhere. But it was hisattempts to introduce her, convert her, to practices shethought were just plain wrong that really annoyed her. Imean, tying someone up before making love to them –what was that all about?‘At least he didn’t suffer,’ her sister,...

4 years ago
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Cuming of AgeChapter 7

Finally, I was able to stand and finish washing myself, found a towel and dried off. My clothes had been put in a locker room so I dressed but didn’t know what to do until another young girl about my age came in and told me I could leave now if I wanted to or could go back on stage and fuck some other man. I picked leaving. I found Raymond outside the room and asked where my sister was. I found her nude in a room, covered in cum, piss and some blood. She was crying hysterically. I got her up...

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Dont Judge a Book Ch 27

Saturday 5th May 2018What the hell were Charlotte and Jill doing sitting in Callan’s car at one a.m. in the morning? And what the hell were they talking about?As I stood staring through the misted windows of Callan’s car, it was Charlotte who spotted me first as our front door opens out onto the passenger’s side and so Jill hadn’t seen my approach. Before she’d spotted me, Charlotte had been in a heated discussion about something with my wife. But the moment she spotted me, Charlotte’s gaze...

Wife Lovers
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In the Car with Katie

I ran into her at a bar around 1am. Her name was Katie and she was a 5 ft 6 in brunette with a fantastic ass and B-cup breasts that made my mouth water. She had recently broken up with a friend one mine, who she had dated for about a year. The entire time they went out she was constantly hanging around our fraternity house and I had gotten to know her pretty well. The two of us had always had a certain chemistry, and we flirted often when she was hanging around. This was the first time I’d seen...

Drunk sex
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The Rash Part 3

The Rash Part 3 By Princess Pantyboy Author's Note: I added a couple of paragraphs from part 2.5 to make the reading go smoother. I hope you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess Me, Kelly Parker, Kellie 10-year-old boy (size of 4-5 yr old) Mom, Karen Parker (my mommy) Max Trump 10 year-old boy lives next door Miley Trump 5-yr old girl lives next door Stephanie Trump (Max & Miley's mommy) "Okay...

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A Boys Sex Life Part 1 Big Bottomed Auntie Chapter 1

And in any case, who says that an older woman’s body can’t be sexy? It all started with an encounter that I had when I was 15 — with my 35 year-old aunt, Rosanna. I’ll never forget it, that first sexual encounter. As the cliché goes, ‘she made a man out of me.’ Let me clarify something first. She wasn’t my auntie by blood, being married to my dad’s youngest brother. In fact, at that time, Rosanna and my uncle had been divorced for about 2 years. However, she was still considered part of...

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The Rent a Man BluesChapter 7

Bob and Megan did not make love again in the morning. They kissed, and the kiss was full of both warmth and the knowledge that neither regretted what had happened. They didn't know what would happen in the future, but there were no second thoughts about the past. Hiroto and Sinho were already eating when Bob and Megan came into the dining room. The girls, and Akio were absent. That's because the girls were indulging in their newfound fascination for what they had discovered together, and...

3 years ago
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This Is The Start

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston…Myself aastha,mai 21 saal ki hu.. Its my real story of how I learned about sex.This story is too lengthy.. Yeh kahani tab ki hai jab mai 10 mai padti thi ( but I was 18 years old )..So I will narrate it in parts. Coming to story.. At my home there are 3members ..My mom me n my little sis… My father died in an accident.And I was living at my uncles home mamaji. My mom got married to an uncle whim I don’t like..He used ti drink ,used to come home late,and used...

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Return To The Nursery chap 16

Dear sissybabytammy, Eugene, Rachel Belle, sissy jeannie, Victoria, sissy missy and Sissy Katie, thank you all so much for those lovely reviews! I really appreciate you taking the time to post your glowing responses. Please keep letting me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter in Baby Daphne's 'downfall.' Baby Jennie Chapter 16. A Visit to the Salon. Yesterday had been the first time he'd been dragged outside dressed like a big baby girl. This felt worse...

4 years ago
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‘They once called Rome the navel of the world.’ We are laying in bed, naked and drowsy with Saturday night’s binge drinking still heavy in our limbs and eyelids. He has placed his hand on my stomach, twirling his index finger in my belly button. I open my eyes and regard his sleepy face. ‘What brought this on?’ He shrugged. ‘Just thinking about the trip coming up.’ ‘Hmm, I thought it was Naples.’ He smiles. ‘Naples?’ I shift, turning on my side and tuck my head under his chin. ‘You know,...

3 years ago
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Deciding MomentEpilogue

Two and a half years seems like a goodly amount of time, except when you're in the middle of it. At that point, it just flies by. Jessica had graduated from high school. It was summer. I had found a new job and a nice little house in the town where Jessica would be attending college. You know, one of those 1940's era cottages with two small bedrooms and one small bath. It was cute, though, with its built-ins, and handwork from a time when labor was cheap. It was small, but very...

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Jess Ch 02

Chapter Two – The Fresh Market Marti and I spent most of the morning and early afternoon sifting through the local ‘young women’s’ clothing stores. ‘Young women’s’ is another word for ‘Girl’s hips, cheaply made, fashionable, and overpriced’, but that never stopped any woman from shopping in them. You see, even though we get older, we still want to wear younger. The higher prices means lower size numbers for larger sizes. I really wear a size 4, but in these stores and at these prices, I am a...

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Sandras journey Chapter 1

In an instant her journey flashed through her mind. It began in school. Year 11 to be exact. The girl’s school she attended was split. Years 7 – 10 in one campus and years 11 & 12 in another. She moved to year 11 classes and found three year 12 pupils were friendly towards her. They included her in their discussions. As they seemed to become friendlier she joined them in the Dorm. It was there, one night that things took a turn. What began as a game soon turned ugly and Sandra soon herself...

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