Hey Diddle Diddle free porn video

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Music washed over Karen, as soft and soothing as the caresses of her master,the Maestro. She had been bound, she had been beaten by him, and now she kneltby him as he reclined on the couch, his eyes closed in appreciation of thepeace which the music brought.

One hand rested on Karen's neck, fingers curled beneath her chin to holdher head up, keep her back erect. On her haunches she felt like an obedientpet, waiting for the Maestro to acknowledge her, to offer some small sign ofaffection or approval.

Out of the corner of her eye, not turning until Maestro says she can, Karenwas aware of his other hand moving to his lap, then drawing the loose kaftanhe wore up his legs. Then there was a gentle pressure on her neck, he tiltedher head and she saw his strong thighs bared, his fingers slipping betweenthem. She gazed down with love, with veneration, until the fingers curled beneathher chin slowly raised her head to gaze into the eyes of the Maestro. Therewas the hint of a smile in those eyes, a gentle curve to the lips and the slightestsuggestion of a nod, at which she lowered her head, kissed his thighs, buriedher face in his lap.

The loving way Maestro caressed her neck could as easily bring tears toher eyes as any pain he has caused her, after the way he had used her she couldonly love him all the more for the kindness he now showed.

He was rumoured to be a hard task-master, he was a perfectionist and demandingnothing less than perfection from those in his charge. As he walked acrossthe stage Karen was struck by his athletic grace, he was tall and heavily builtbut he moved with an ease which belied his bulk. It was when he stepped uponto the conductor's podium, though, when he tossed back his head and thatmane of long blonde hair, when he raised his arms as if to embrace them all,it was then that she felt in awe of the power which he exuded.

"Scheherezade, the Entrance of the Kalendar Prince," he announced, his voicedeep and sonorous, reverberating richly about the concert hall, and broughthis arms down, the baton held lightly in his right hand.

As Karen drew the bow across the violin strings she felt as if it was strokingher heart, drawing music from her soul, her whole body quivered to hear theorchestra swell, to feel herself under the control of the man before her.

Her eyes flicked incessantly from the score to the Maestro, from the inkblack of the notation to the jet of his eyes, and she played with more passionthan ever before, uplifted by the music, orchestrated by the Maestro, her bodyswaying in time with his baton.

There was a sweat on her brow, her cheeks were flushed, she wore a longthin cotton skirt to the rehearsal and beneath it, between her thighs, shecould feel herself becoming wet.

This was passion, pure and unadulterated…..surely!

"No! No! No!" said the Maestro, tapping his baton vigorously against thepodium. "I sense no feeling! You play like automata rather than musicians withsoul! Now again! From the beginning!"

And so they began again, and again, and each time Karen's soul seemed liftedever higher until she felt that it was soaring. Sweat was pouring from her,it ran in rivulets between her breasts, across her belly, along her thighs.There was a tingling numbness in her fingertips from the constant vibrationof the strings, every muscle quivered and ached, and at the very heart of thesensation, the epicentre of this, was her groin. Though she was wet she wasalso afire, it felt as if the bow had been stroking there, the fine strandsdrawn across her swollen labia rather than across the violin.

When the Maestro finally called a halt to the rehearsal, after a punishingthree hours, she felt overcome by weariness, as if her body had been used byhim, and she slumped in her seat, elbows resting on knees, bow and violin hangingloosely from her hands.

"We will resume tomorrow morning and hope for better," the Maestro said,stepping down from the podium and crossing the stage. "And you, First Violinist-" headded.

"Yes Maestro?" said Karen, looking up.

"I will see you in my dressing room when you have packed away your instrument," hesaid, and was gone.

Quickly Karen packed bow and violin into the case, snapped it shut and stood.Her bare arms were breaking out in goose bumps, now the sweat was cooling onher, and she shivered as she crossed the stage, then again more violently asshe entered the bare corridor behind and walked along to the dressing rooms.The goose bumps were spreading, she was no longer sure of the cause, and shefelt a shivering which was almost like a trembling in her legs as she reachedthe door to the Maestro's dressing room.

She knocked hesitantly, and then again a little harder.

"One moment!" came the answer, and then, maybe a minute later, "Enter!"

Entering, Karen immediately saw that the Maestro had changed, that gonewere the grey slacks and white shirt, the soft black moccasins; now he worewhat seemed to be a long kaftan of some fine muslin or cotton, open at theneck and coming down almost to his bared feet. Even more relaxed than his dress,though, was his attitude, sprawled full length on the couch, his baton stillin his hand and idly twirling it between his fingers.

"Put your instrument case down in the corner and then come over here," hetold her, using lazy gestures of the baton to direct her, first to her rightwhere she set down the violin case, and then to a spot beside the couch whichshe stepped forward to take up.

"So, First Violin? Yes?" he said, his eyes slowly moving up her body tomeet hers, but before Karen could answer he cut the air with his baton to silenceher. "No Fiddle, more like! That is what you are! Fiddle!"

Stunned by his harsh tone, by the unexpected words, Karen's mouth fell openand the single word escaped her lips. "Maestro?"

"You played with passion, I grant you that, you put in effort and labour," hecontinued slowly, in his low deep timbre. "But you played without discipline,too, wildly." The baton was raised, to caution against any protests or interruptions. "Whoresexhibit passion, servants and maids offer effort and labour. Would you consideryourself any of those?" he asked, smiling to offer a pause in which she mightnow answer.

"No, Maestro," she managed to respond.

"A lack of discipline gives a slipshod interpretation," he went on, "andif the interpretation is slipshod, Fiddle, it means that you are not payingattention to me. I do not merely conduct the orchestra, I orchestrate you ,make you dance to my tune. Is that sinking in, Fiddle?"

"Yes, Maestro," said Karen, lowering her eyes a little, feeling her cheeksburn with shame each time he called her by that derogatory name.

"Good," he said, and now permitted a slight smile to break, lines formingat the corners of his deep dark eyes, his lips curling and parting to showthe strong even teeth. "And we have passion, at least. I witnessed that. Andguess that we have the evidence of that still."

Dropping his hand lazily at the side of the sofa, the Maestro hooked hisbaton beneath the hem of her skirt and then slowly began to lift it, baringher legs, her knees, the swell of her thighs. He pushed the baton in furtherbeneath her skirt, brought it up higher until finally it touched her knickers,at which point he twirled it in his fingers so that the slender length of woodrolled to the left and the right, moulding the smooth silk against her swellinglabia.

"Hold up your skirt and let me see, Fiddle," he said, in such a calm andeven tone that he could not be denied.

With trembling hands Karen took hold of her skirt, bunched it high abouther waist so that the Maestro could see the full length of her thighs, herflat belly, the brief white knickers which his baton held pressed against hercunt.

"Yes, we have evidence of your passion, I see a damp patch there," saidthe Maestro, and began to stroke the baton slowly back and forth so that herlabia seemed to swell and pout around it, almost kissing it.

His eyes were fixed on hers as he aroused her, and it was indeed as if shewas dancing to his tune, her legs trembled and her hips swayed, she could feelher breasts swell beneath her blouse and she wanted to drive her body ontothat flimsy wand in some frenzied tarantella.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, the Maestro withdrew the baton from between Karen'sthighs, making it rasp against the moist silk as it came free. Swinging hisfeet to the floor, standing, he walked around her and her eyes followed himas he went to his dressing table. There was fruit there, juice, the usual varietyof food and drink which a maestro or virtuoso would require in his dressingroom. He filled a glass with wine, raised the rich tawny liquid to his mouthand wetted his lips with it.

Silhouetted against the mirror, the bright naked bulbs which were burningall around it made the thin material of his kaftan quite transparent. The contoursof his body were clearly defined beneath it, the comforting breadth of hisshoulders, the almost feminine slimness of his waist, the firm solidity ofhis thighs….and between them, between the splayed legs, the dark outlineof his tumescent prick hanging low and heavy.

"Turn around, Fiddle!" he ordered, for though his back was turned to herKaren realised that he had been watching her in the mirror.

Quickly Karen turned her head, gazed at the blank wall before her, the emptycouch beneath her.

"Now what I require of your playing is discipline, Fiddle," she heard theMaestro say. "How might we best instil that in you, do you think?"

"I don't know, Maestro," she answered.

There was a pause, and then she felt his hands rest lightly on her shoulders.He must have turned, he had moved close to her, and she could feel the heatof his body no more than an inch away from hers.

"Let your skirt fall, Fiddle," he told her, and, when she did so, said, "Unfastenit, let it drop, step out of it."

Karen moved her hands behind her to find the single button which fastenedit, felt her fingers graze the Maestro's belly momentarily as she fumbled withit. Then the skirt was free, slid smoothly down her legs to form a pool ather feet.

"Good girl," he said, and with a gentle pressure on her shoulders he turnedher to face the mirror. "Now lean forward, rest your hands on the dressingtable."

Karen did as she was told, bending forward from his touch, resting her handsflat on the polished wood of the dressing table to take her weight. She chanceda glance in the mirror, saw the Maestro squatting before the valise which wasbeside the couch. It would hold his toiletries, a change of clothes, perhapsmore batons, and as he finished rummaging in it and began to rise again shequickly averted her gaze, fixing her eyes on the grain of the wood betweenher hands.

There was a soft purr of the throat, as if the Maestro sensed her obedienceand approved of it, she was aware of the fragrance of the fruit and wine toone side of her, conscious of how her cunt was still wet and warm and swollen.

Then the Maestro broke the silence.

"I think the best way to begin instilling discipline is by introducing Fiddleto my Cat," he said, a threatening mischief now in his voice, and when sheheard the air hiss behind her she almost raised her head, turned, until hesnapped, "No! Head bowed! Eyes down!"

Then the first blow of the lash struck her, the slender leather strandsof the Maestro's cat o'nine tails wrapping themselves around her arse, herthighs, biting so hard and so deep that they surely tore the fabric of herknickers.

Karen gave out a yelp as her body bucked and her back arched, her head comingup but her eyes now closed, so great had the pain been.

"Be still! Learn discipline!" the Maestro ordered her, and he gave her amoment to compose herself, to bow her head once more, before he delivered thesecond blow.

A wayward strand of the lash seemed to wrap itself around her waist thistime, in a stinging embrace, and as the Maestro drew back his hand for thethird blow she felt her body tugged towards him, against the cock which hadnow grown erect.

"Nice, but not just yet," he said, pushing her back towards the dressingtable with a nudge of his hips, and the next blow made Karen scream out loud.

"Such wonderful acoustics we have in here!" remarked the Maestro, the blowscoming continuously now, first with a forehand stroke, then with a backhandslash, as much vigour in his beating of her as there had been in the conductingof the orchestra.

Karen's body slowly slumped lower, her arms trembled and her knees wereclose to buckling. At last she had to rest her head on the dressing table,her cheek wet with tears against her hands, the fingers of one hand knittedtightly around the other.

It was only then, as the sobs shook her body, that the blows stopped.

"You acquitted yourself admirably, you take to discipline well," she heardthe Maestro say, but was too weak to respond.

Then she felt his fingers hooking in the waist of her knickers, slowly stretchingthe elastic, then easing them down over her stinging buttocks. He must havegone to his knees as he tugged them to her ankles, for now she felt his lipstouch each buttock, kissing them softly, and then his coarse tongue lickingthem. And as his saliva cooled on her flesh it brought such a sweet relief.

"Nice, Fiddle? It makes the pain worthwhile?" the Maestro asked, his tonguenow licking beneath the cheeks, hardening like a cock to work its way betweenthem.

"Oh yes, Maestro!" Karen gasped, laughing away her tears and parting herlegs a little.

His tongue was a marvellous instrument, it probed and caressed as well asany fingers could have, found the crinkled hole of her arse and licked it,poked it, his face pressing hard against her as he licked to the very lipsof her cunt.

Such a virtuoso! she thought.

As his tongue finally withdrew she felt his hands on her ankles, then hisfingertips running up her calves, her flanks, resting on her hips as he stoodonce more. Circling her waist, he pulled her against his groin so that shecould feel his erection against her, then ran his hands up higher, over herribs to cup her breasts, raising her up from the dressing table. His fingersnimbly unfastened her blouse and parted it, then returned to her bared breasts,strumming her nipples in a quick pizzicato. Then he held her with one arm,his large hand covering her breast as if for her modesty, raised the otherto her neck to caress her there, then ran it down her back, along the softindentation of her spine.

Karen opened her eyes and saw the two of them reflected in the mirror, shecaught in his embrace, he nuzzling her neck and kissing her ear, his hiddenhand in the small of her back, then at her buttocks. She felt him foragingin the folds of her kaftan, then the material grazing her as it was lifted.Naked thighs now pressed against her, strong and firm, with a soft down ofhair on them, and his cock which he had taken in his hand being stroked upand down the crack between her buttocks.

The tip was wet, slick, the shaft was firm but all he did was stroke itagainst her, smearing her with its sticky juices.

"Patience, Fiddle," he said, when he felt Karen press back against him. "Patiencegoes hand in hand with discipline. Both make passion more enjoyable."

His hands moved to her shoulders, pulled her blouse from them, she raisedher arms slightly so that he could slip it from her. Then she heard the materialtearing, in the mirror saw his strong hands ripping the thin cotton into longstrips.


"Ssh," he said softly, drawing her hands behind her to bind them, then herelbows, and finally her uppers arms, a long strip pinning them and windingtwice around her chest like a makeshift bandage, squashing her breasts. Withan easy movement he spun her and lifted her, sat her on the edge of the dressingtable.

"Maestro has full control now, yes?" he said, reaching out to the nipplewhich protruded from her twice bound breast, and he twisted it and tugged itlike a dog worrying a rubber bone, or an early bird a worm.

"Yes Maestro!" Karen agreed, hissing at the pain.

"Good!" he smiled, releasing the nipple and reaching past her to take uphis baton once more.

Then he began to move it slowly through the air before her, tracing an intricatearabesque which her eyes followed hypnotically. From his deep chest there camea low bass rumble as he hummed softly, the tune they had rehearsed earlier,its cadences and cascades rising and falling so seductively that they senta thrill through her groin. Her upper body was bound, her arms were pinnedat her sides, her hands tied behind her, but her legs still hung free and sheparted them. An hour before, two hours, and she would not have believed herselfcapable of such a blatant act, but now she was baring her cunt to this man.

A downward cut of the baton brought a sudden silence from the Maestro, hishand fell and the baton rested loosely in his fingers, pointing down to thefloor. Then, like a water diviner closing on some hidden spring, his fingerstwitched, the slender rod flicked and moved haltingly between her thighs.

"The fount of all wisdom, the well of desire," said the Maestro, makingsubtle circular motions with the tip of the baton, stroking Karen's labia andthen parting them, letting the polished wood slip between them.

Karen clamped her thighs together so viciously that she might have snappedoff the tip, then relaxed and clenched her cunt a second time to draw it deeper,asked with heavy-lidded eyes that the Maestro help.

Nodding, understanding her need, the Maestro inserted the baton deeper,worked it around inside her, searching until he felt the swollen bud of herclitoris, and like a metal tongue clapping against the cup of a bell it raiseda song inside her, made her whole body resonate.

"Oh Maestro!" Karen sobbed.

"Sweet, but not enough?" he wondered.

"Oh so sweet!" she told him.

"But not enough!" he told her, and she knew this was true, the Maestro knewit to be true, he could see in her eyes the need for something more.

With a final tap against her clitoris he pulled out the baton and tossedit aside, then began to tantalisingly raise his kaftan, lifting it slowly,his eyes never leaving hers as he challenged her not to look down.

With the discipline she was learning Karen kept her eyes on his, smilinginto them and hoping he could recognise her love, held her gaze fixed evenwhen he raised his kaftan above his head to mask his face for a moment.

Even the kaftan fluttering like a blurred white moth when he tossed it asidedid not break the spell which held her, she caught it only in the peripheryof her vision.

Nudging Karen's parted thighs a little wider, then Maestro then took a paceforward to insert his body between them, rested his hands on her knees andsqueezed gently.

"More?" he asked, waited for just the slightest nod from Karen, at whichhe took a hand from her knee and moved his erect cock up onto the edge of thedressing table.

She knew that she could look now, knew that she had to,and when she cast her eyes down to see the tip weeping -weeping for her!- shefelt like crying with joy, with need.

Oh how she needed it, needed him, and her eyes entreated him, she triedto shuffle her bound body closer to the edge of the dressing table. But theMaestro took pity on her, perhaps now even felt the same need himself, forhis hands caught her at the waist and lifted her bodily from the dressing table,clutched her to him as he turned and lowered her onto his magnificent erection.

Instinctively her free legs wrapped around him, gripping him with a strengthwhich matched his own as he walked her slowly back to the couch, each stephe took stirring his cock inside her. There he bent forward, lowered her slowlydown and then lay on top of her, his cock never once leaving her.

"My fiddle is about to become a violin at last, a Stradivarius," he grinneddown at her, licking his tongue across her breasts, along her neck. "I willmake you sing. I will play a symphony on your soul, make a rhapsody of yourbody."

"Oh yes! Please do, Maestro!" Karen begged.

"But will it be allegro or andante?" he asked. "Would you like it quickor slow?"

"Allegro, Maestro! Allegro con brio!" she pleaded, and he laughed, a deepbelly laugh.

"Then slow it shall be!" he said, to deny her and tease her a little whilelonger, and he rested a hand to either side of her, supporting himself on hispowerful arms as he lifted his hips and slowly pulled out of her. "Slowly,but with feeling."

He pulled back until there was just the tip of his cock inside her, heldit there, his body as still as a statue, his biceps bulging but not betrayingso much as a tremor as they bore his weight.

"We play as a concert violinist rather than a gypsy fiddler," he told her,as he began to enter her again, moving with an agonising slowness. "We playwith feeling rather than frenzy, verve rather than vigour, love rather thanlust."

Love? Could he have meant that? Karen hoped so, for love was what she feltfor the Maestro, despite the pain he had caused her, and if she lifted herhips slightly to meet him it was to offer herself to him now, rather than todemand him.

Intuitively he seemed to understand this, for his slow thrust forced himselfdeep inside her and there he held his cock, touching the roof of her cunt,touching her heart and stirring her spirit. And when he lowered his face tohers to kiss her it seemed that he was sucking out her soul.

"A touch more? Now?" he asked, taking his lips from hers, slipping his tonguefrom her mouth.

"Slowly we will build to our crescendo, if it pleases Maestro," said Karen,and felt him begin to move rhythmically inside her.

"The Entrance of the Kalendar Prince!" laughed the Maestro.

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Hey Bobby! ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Fact from Fiction: When I was still slightly confused over this fetish I have I chanced a couple of sessions with a therapist. My attempt then was to rid myself of such things. Meanwhile I was still doing what I did and obviously liking it. Of course I'd heard of dominates and those few professionals that babied but never dared visit one. After all, I was trying to rid myself of such things. Until of course I did dare and did visit one....

2 years ago
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Hey Little Sister

"So you're telling me that all I have to do is switch bodies with you for a couple of hours and pass your road test, and you'll give me 500 bucks, right?" Jim asked as he stared at his straight faced teenage sister. "That's right big bro." "Julie, are you sure you can't pass it yourself?" "For the last time, I always fail, because I get too nervous." "All right Jules I'll do it." "You're the best big brother. I've got the spell right here, and the test is in an hour so this...

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Hey Joe

Copyright© A TIME OUT OF LIFE Our platoon was pinned down by a VC sniper hidden on a hill at the end of the valley. No one had been able to get a hard fix on his location. It was Thanksgiving Day in 1965 but no one was eating turkey. We were in a long valley near the Phu Bai airfield trying to locate a Viet Cong force that had been sending harassing fire at planes taking off and landing. Earlier the lieutenant had tried to send out a small patrol and the SOB picked off two of them before...

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Hey RichardChapter 3

I checked my phones messages, but it was a click and no message at all. “I would gladly do my part to keep your nuts empty, provided you stop calling me your Aunt. Just call me Lisa, your Fuck Buddy, or you won’t be putting your cock in any of my holes, got that, Richard?” “Yes, Ma’am,” I said. “Do you want to watch me, shave my pubes?” “Oh, yeah. After you are done, I can check you for smoothness, with my lips and tongue.” She made a very guttural sound, something like a laugh. She...

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Hey Joe

This is a combined story effort between DG Hear and Jake Rivers. Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: ‘Hey, Joe’ and ‘Back Up, Buddy’ ‘Hey, Joe!’ Is the story of a guy that wants his buddy’s girl. ‘Back Up, Buddy’ is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We each have no idea what the other is writing. Back Up, Buddy ...

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Heyeveryone does it

I first saw him as he entered the pool area. We were all sitting around drinking some beer when we heard the clang of the metal gate slam shut and we all looked over to see who just came in. He was about 5’ 10” tall with a body that was well chiseled but without being overly muscular. He skin was a golden tan and his hair was brown and neatly cropped. He had on surfer swimming trunks that seemed to accentuate a set of six pack abs. All the girls at the pool, whether they were 5 or 55, were all...

4 years ago
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Hey Sana I Like Your Pussy Stubble

If I were to rate her out of every girl I had seen naked, or on porn movies, or even in real life – imagining them naked that is – she would rank somewhere right at the top, for she was the proud owner of the best asses that I had ever seen. Yes, she was entirely aware of what she owned. There are a gazillion girls in this world who have something or the other, but either they are too ignorant or they just do not know how to make use of their best features. Some act pricey, some are pretty...

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Hey Those Are My Favorite Panties

This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. Simonnedanielle1204 @hotmail.com - All Rights Reserved. Synopsis: Paul is an absurdly small and definitely curious fifteen year old. He has this irresistible urge to discover, up close and...

1 year ago
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Hey There Cutie

Hey there Cutie Chapter 1 Liam Weber woke up screaming from his dream. He wiped the hair out of his face. He could not remember any details of it, but the dream gave him a sense of uncertainty about his life. In his mind, his dream made him feel like his life was a just a dream. He kept on screaming until the door to his room opened and a strange yet calming voice said, "Wendy, dear, are you alright?" He answered 'yes' to the question. His voice was high. That dream he had was so...

4 years ago
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Hey Its Just a Job

HEY, IT?S A JOB HEY, IT?S A JOB. Part One: As I start writing this account I do so knowing that I shall never finish it.? However because of a very interesting and nasty situation that developed a month ago, I know that it will be completed and published, as that is part of the arrangement I made with the other person involved. Sound confusing?? Well it probably is so let me explain.? As you read my part of the article please do not feel sorry for me.? Quite the reverse, I want you to...

4 years ago
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Hey HoneyChapter 2 Continuing her Antics

[Husband arriving home from work finds nude wife on couch sipping wine. Fresh hickeys on breasts and pussy seeping whitish cream.] “Hey Honey, you know the kid who you hired to do the yard work? He just left. Let me tell you why I look like this.” [Husband strips and gets himself some bourbon.] “Well, I was enjoying watching him working in shorts and no shirt. He’s a competitive swimmer, you know. When he finished I invited him in and gave him a soda. I couldn’t find any money to pay him...

2 years ago
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Hey RichardChapter 7

After my large load from my nuts, I pulled out, told her to stay put, and got her a towel to drain into. After all of our post sex antics, including a nice warm shower, we changed into fresh underwear and had a blissful night sleep, with her cuddled behind me. I want this to go on forever! At nine in the morning, we were up and dressed, to make the drive to Lisa’s house. Both cars were there, darn it! I came in carrying her suitcase, leaving my go bag in my car. First Lisa, then Lily gave...

2 years ago
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Hey Champ

I went to my friends house, he has a swimming pool in his back yard and a really hot sister that I have had a crush for some time now. I have been hoping to make her my first fuck. So on this day I went to his house and got naked and got into his pool. I have done this before. Swim naked and hope for his sister to show up. If she does not show up I just swim around naked and jerk one off. The last time she showed up she got naked in the pool with me, we did not touch each other but it is a...

4 years ago
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Hey little girl

Hey, little girl Hey, little girl. Right now, you're 9 years old, and you've had to survive some pretty awful stuff already, so I think you need a present. And here it is. You are amazing. You're so strong to have survived what you've gone through, you're smarter than you give yourself credit, and you're beautiful, even while disguised as a boy. Yes, I said beautiful. I know what you've been told, especially by HIM, but you really are beautiful, and worthy of being...

2 years ago
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Hey Gorgeous

"Hey gorgeous!" "Ah... hi." "Kiss me, quick!" "What? Listen..." "Hush. Lips. Here. Now." "Yeah, but..." "Shh... Just kiss me. Please." Hell, I didn't have a clue who she was. It was a shopping mall, for God's sake. But she had blonde spiky hair, a stunning smile, and she was just the right height. What was I supposed to do? Say no? Not a chance. I put my arms around her, pulled her close, and kissed her. Properly. She didn't resist a bit, pressing her breasts into me,...

4 years ago
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Hey Gramps

“Hey, Gramps. Can I come over? I need to talk to somebody. I’m going out of my mind. I tried talking to Mom but I couldn’t get through. Can I come over, please?” my granddaughter was speaking so fast and I couldn’t get a word in. After she ran down I told her, “I will be home all evening.” It took her about an hour to get there. She didn’t bother knocking but walked right in. “Oh, Gramps. What am I going to do? It’s been six months since Ted was killed. I try talking with Mom and all I get...

2 years ago
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Hey Thats My Shirt

Growing up, fashion was a terrible embarrassment to me. While there's the old saying about clothes making the man, I was a boy--I wasn't supposed to even think about clothes! Except insomuch as remembering to change my socks and underwear more than once a week, but that was just to keep my mother off my back. The embarrassing thing was that Mom would go off shopping, and sometimes in the mix of bags she'd bring home would be clothing for me. Hideous things I wouldn't be caught dead wearing...

2 years ago
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Hey Guy

Author's Note: This story is quite difficult to write, as it is more personal than any I've committed to paper before. First, some backstory: I first met Karl about a decade ago when he was just a friend of Daniel P. Small, quiet, soft-spoken ... he seemed cool and we got along alright - even though he talked alot. He was a D&D and EQ fan and that was the basis for our relationship. He was just a 'dude' to me, nothing special. After Daniel got his own place, I lost contact with Karl...

3 years ago
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Hey RichardChapter 5

They didn’t slow down, even after my telling them that Arial would be joining us for a month. “Does she know about all the brother sister stories you have written so far?” Lily said still licking her sister’s twat. “She doesn’t have a clue, does she?” Lisa said. “No,” I admitted. “But she possible lusts for me, from what happened tonight.” They broke up, and left the room, holding hands and probably taking a shower together. [email protected]: Hey Bro? I heard and saw...

2 years ago
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Balcony Diddling

Penny is definitely not all bad to look at. She’s hot, short blonde hair, beautiful face and gorgeous body. She goes to the gym twice a day, yeah, for a couple of obvious reasons, so she is nice and fit, her muscles well toned, but not freaky. She tans up nice in the sun. Has penetrating green eyes. A nice and natural rack, E’s. Oh, and she’s super hot in the sack. When she shows off, whether it’s just flashing or putting on a full blown show, she gets hot and horny. It kind...

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Balcony Diddling

My wife, Penny, can’t help herself. She loves to show off. It’s bad enough when we’re around the house or in town, but if we have to go anywhere far off, and especially when we go on vacation, she’s a lot worse. The truth is, though, she reigns herself in closer to home because she doesn’t want to totally mortify me in front of people we know. Out of town is definitely a different story. She loves to play in public, and if the circumstances are right I am right there with her too. Penny is...

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Hey Neighbor II

The following week sped by, and on Saturday I found myself answering knock on my door in the early evening of what had been a particularly relaxing fall day. Looking through the peephole, I saw no one, just a sign being held in front of the glass: “Hey, Neighbor! I have an idea – want to know??? Open the door!!!” My heart raced as I fumbled with the deadbolt and flung open the door to find Ali smiling on the other side, wearing a great looking trench coat with a bag slung over her...

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Hey Neighbor

Not bad for a small town Southern girl, I raise my glass to the sky and smile as the thought crosses my mind. My phone buzzes lightly, glancing at a number I don’t recognize, I turn it off and let myself float away from the cares of the day. The view from my apartment is what sold me on the building. It’s an older complex, but a sweeping view of the river and downtown are worth slightly smaller elevators and an underequipped gym, as far as I’m concerned. I love waving to the other residents...

4 years ago
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Hey Pappy

The phone rang. When I answered it the child’s voice on the other end said ‘Hey Pappy, you gots company. Can I send her over? ‘OK, Shrimp. Did she say what she wanted?’ ‘Nope, she just asked for you.’ ‘OK. Tell her I live in the little red house about a half mile down the road.’ Shrimp is my grandson. His Dad is my son Billy. They live in the house where Billy grew up. Well, from the time he was 4 anyway. We moved there because the neighborhoods in our former town were too dangerous to suit...

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Hey Sana I Like Your Pussy Stubble 8211 Pt 2

Boys and girls, I can understand that a lot of you liked the first part of the story with Sana with the sheer number of likes and I would be more happy and glad if you could please let me know your feedback/love/hate/tips. Without wasting any time, I will get on with what happened the following day. Remember, my colleague Sana and I were yet to rehearse and perfect our dance presentation, but before that, we had already explored each other orally. Here we go: — “Hey.. whatever you did with...

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Hey Darlin

I put on my favorite “Daisy Duke” shorts. They are so tight that the button will not close, so I left it open and kept the zipper down a little for good measure.  This created an arrow pointing down to my obviously panty less pussy. My top was a simple buttoned white shirt that I left completely unbuttoned but I tied the shirttails loosely at my ribcage.  This showed off my toned abs and a good deal of my chest and braless breasts.I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I looked very...

4 years ago
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Hey Jude

I had been thinking about it for some time. I was in upper management at my company. My salary was six figures and I was enjoying the fruits of many years of hard work and dedication to my job. My only problem was my wife, Judy. We would be celebrating 25 years of marriage soon. She was a beautiful girl when we met. Her figure was absolutely incredible! She was smart, energetic, supportive, loving and faithful. In short, Judy was the perfect wife. That was then and this is now. After two...

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Hey Rodneeey

I thought I heard my name so I turned around. Sure enough, there it was again, “Hey, Rodneeey”. I saw Conchita, who would rather be called Connie, waving to me. We’d had a relationship, if you can call banging four or so times a week a “relationship”. A boyfriend had moved in about six months ago and I think she would still have “gotten naked”, one of her indirect ways of referring to fucking, with me but he was the jealous type. When I got close she asked, “Can we talk?”, another euphemism...

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Hey You Want Some Pussy

There was that voicemail again. It came about every four weeks. I recognized the number and voice and called her back. No text trail to leave as evidence. “Hi Kathy. Sure I’d like some. Be right over.” Even though I was 19, I rode my bike. Didn’t want to borrow the family car and it was easier to stash out of sight. I went in the back door. Kathy was waiting at the kitchen table, naked as usual. Her 26-year-old body had nice curves including the full and slightly sagging breasts. “C’mon big...

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Hey Girl

It was shortly after seven and Perry had just started playing a few minutes before. He played his Guitar at the Oasis Bar every Friday night, he got no pay. He just wanted to play his Guitar. Bob played mostly instrumental selections, quiet rhythms and some Spanish Guitar. When he saw her come in he sang the old Eric Clapton song 'Hey Girl'. She was with two other girls and a guy. She looked at Perry and knew he was singing to her. When he was finished Jan threw Perry a kiss and got a bright...

1 year ago
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Hey Hot SisChapter 2

Tommy’s older sister was enjoying her second cup of coffee and a Danish when he stumbled into the kitchen and searched for the coffee pot. When he sat down across from her she asked, “How was your date with Peggy last night?” Tommy had a much happier look on his face than last time he heard that question as he replied, “She was lots better than Sally. Different than you but I don’t think quite as good. Maybe you just spoiled me to the way you fuck.” He munched on a Danish and sipped some...

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Hey DummyChapter 2

The crowd had dissipated, and Tejal and Frank stood outside in the empty parking lot of the nightclub, next to Frank's black sedan. Shivering in the cold night air, they vaguely talked for a while about what they'd just seen ... or, perhaps to be more accurate, they talked around it. Neither Frank or Tejal could remember any of the specifics – any at all – of Benedict and the Amazing Bartleby's ventriloquist act. Both were in perfect agreement that Benedict's act was absolutely hysterical...

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Hey RichardChapter 4

I hated leaving her, but I loved my mom’s cooking and how bad can their big announcement be? While driving to their place, I ran my hand through my hair trying to look as normal as possible. It had been close to six months since I had seen any of them. I stood at the front door for a solid minute before I knocked. Arial opened the door and gave me a huge hug, wrapping her legs around me. She’s a small 5ft5, and probably didn’t weigh even close to 100 pounds. “Let your brother go?” my...

4 years ago
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Hey Mom Im HomeChapter 3

“Hey Mom, I’m Home!” “In the kitchen,” she said since I came in the front door. “Oh! That smells so good. That’s corned beef, isn’t it?” “Yes, you have a nose for odors. What’s going on with you?” she asked me. “I’ve got a problem; I think?” “Well, do you, or don’t you?” She turned back to the sink area. I got behind her like I sometimes do and gave her a kiss on the back of her neck. “What is it, you want? I’m a little busy here, Jimmy.” “That’s one of the things I need to tell you....

2 years ago
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Hey Mom Im HomeChapter 4

“Hey Mom, I’m Home!” “Getting excited about going on your first big date?” she responded. “Sure am, Nancy is so excited it makes me excited as well.” “Back when you had your drama lesson, I thought you might have those kinds of feelings about me. I did put your hands on my breasts.” “Maybe you and I could go out on a date sometime?” I wondered aloud. “Wouldn’t that make your sister mad?” “We have never talked about exclusivity, besides, she’s only 18, you’re a woman.” “It’s nice to...

1 year ago
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Hey Honey

Hey Honey, Mark called out as he came through the doorway, “I’m in the kitchen” came the reply from his young partner, Sharon, I’ll be round in a sec. Mark moved through to the bedroom where he proceeded to throw his things on the bed and change into his evening attire. Sharon came through as he was just getting his shirt off and she gave him the usual affectionate kiss “how was the day?” she asked wrapping her arms around him. “Yeah alright, nothing flash” drake’s won the holiday again. And...

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Dorm Diddling

Whenever my old college days come up I flash back to Diane. It was part way into the spring semester of my sophomore year and I was living in a two-person dorm room when my roommate, whose name I have forgotten, began bringing a cute classic coed brunette to our room. Sometimes it was day and sometimes evening but there were curfews back then so no overnights. At first they were discreet and she’d undress in the bathroom and go to his bed in a robe then get under the covers. They’d get it on...

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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 9 Dildo Diddling

Neither Barbara nor Cheryl was satisfied with the sex they were getting since their pregnancies had advanced to the swollen belly stage. It was partly John's fault. After the bitching and irrational behaviour they had subjected him to during the first two months he had been gun-shy. At least, that was what the women told themselves. "John has left us too much alone," the younger girl said. "Let's go to bed together." It was Friday night and the two women had been drinking for three...

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Hey Buddy can you Spare a Dime

Every day we read headlines and hear news, scarier than anything M. Night Shyamalan could dream up for our entertainment. Whether it’s a new terrorist threat or a coastline ruined by the foolish oil industries who can’t control their wells. While many financial empires are teetering, others have already fallen off into the abyss. We curse our enslavement to fossil fuels yet no one has the heart to take that first brave step toward alternative forms of energy. We’ve already lost our...

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Hey Neighbor III

I began rocking back and forth, very aware of the size of the Rob, loving how his cock pushed and prodded against my walls, squeezing his cock as I rocked slowly. Ali flipped over and rolled up to let Bryce enter her face to face, and I felt and heard their syncopated slapping and sighing as he pushed and probed. Rob had begun grinding up into me, so I started bouncing on him as well; matching his thrusts and feeling him slide in and out. Rob’s pace was superb - he obviously was enjoying...

3 years ago
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Hey You

Written by Akarui and Bootilicus Booti walked up behind Akarui, wrapping her arms around him… softly nuzzling her face into his neck… kissing his neck softly. Akarui spins around quickly placing his hands firmly on Booti’s ass…pulling her tight and kissing her hard. Booti holds Akarui close… taking in his scent. She straddles his lap placing each of her legs on either side of him… She presses her breasts close to his chest. She feels her nipples get erect as she teases him with her french...

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