Anthea s baby 1
- 2 years ago
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The Wooden Chair
'Get your filthy hands off me...Jenny...JENNY! HELP ME!' Samantha Lewis screamedin terror and fury as two of the Internal Security officers manning the roadblock dragged her from the battered hire car. Jenny Ondougu didn't answer;two other officers had grabbed her too; thrown her to the ground and one ofthem had his fingers digging into her throat so all she could manage was afeeble, strangled gasping noise as she threshed around on the dusty track.
Minutes later the two women were gagged and hooded, hands tied behind theirbacks and in the back of a truck heading back into the city. The hire car wasa distant plume of reddish dust in the opposite direction. The normal soundsof urban life slowly returned and people emerged from houses and shacks asthe sound of the vehicles faded. No one looked, no-one commented; they hadlearned from bitter experience that it was healthier if such things were simplynot noticed.
The two of them had only met two days before on the flight from Nairobi.Nineteen year old Samantha, blonde, pretty and foolishly unaware of just howdangerous this part of the world could be for someone of her age, colour andappearance could be, was just one of the many thousands of young students takinga chance to travel and explore before starting her university course.
Jenny Ondougu had been in the next seat on the long, boring flight. Thirtyyears old, attractive and divorced and very self-assured, she worked for onof the human rights organisations that were trying to deal with the excessesof the military government's bloody and oppressive regime. They'd got talkingand, discovering Samantha's predicament, Jenny had offered her a spare bedfor a night or so whilst she tried to get a flight out.
She'd also tried to tell her new friend about the dangers she faced everyday. Samantha had listened politely, but as someone used to a generally law-abidingsociety, she simply couldn't believe what she was being told about the corruptionand sadistic brutality of the regime. Jenny had tried so hard; she had eventold her about how the security forces routinely tortured detainees, usingelectric shocks on the genitals, especially where a woman was being questioned.
She only understood on Tuesday morning when she went with Jenny to her office,or what remained of it. There'd been a panicky brief and anonymous call tosay they were being raided...then nothing. When they got there all that remainedof the building was a blackened shell; inside there was nothing but a massof ash and charred timbers a blizzard of scraps of burned paper swirled aroundin the wind. The jostling crowd was being kept back by a heavy police presence,each constable using his long cane enthusiastically and indiscriminately onanyone within range.
An old man appeared at Jenny's open window and the two of them had a rapidmuttered conversation, money changed hands and he disappeared into the seethingcrowd. 'Jumo's our caretaker. He was next door when the raid took place. He'staking a risk talking with the police there... it was those Internal Securitybastards. He said it was me they really wanted...'
She paused as she manoeuvred the car through the milling crowds. 'Look, Iknow this is nothing to do with you... but, I'm sorry I can't risk going backto the flat at present. Have you left anything vital there?'
Samantha swallowed nervously, now all those things she'd been told were alltoo real. 'N-no nothing apart from clothes and my camera; I've got my moneyand passport with me here.' She patted the black bag slung across her shoulder.'
'Thank God for that, right, I'll drop you at the airport then head on forthe border.' She thumped the wheel. 'This heap of junk is hired so it'll beno loss if I have to dump it. Oh damn,' she murmured to herself.
'What's the matter?'
'Wrong side of town, it's going to take us an hour or so to get through theoutskirts but I daren't take the main roads.'
Five minutes later they reached the road block and capture.
Samantha squirmed and yelled, her frantic pleas muffled by the horrible,stinking hood when half an hour later she was pulled at long last from thetruck. No words, just hands holding her, plus heavy breathing and smell oflots of men...then more hands; pinching and tweaking her breasts through thethin tee shirt, fondling her bottom and probing between her thighs as she wasforced along at a near trot. She could only whimper and plead as she was halfdragged, half carried down concrete steps then along another echoing corridor.
'Nice private room for you...don't worry...we'll be back for you soon.' Allshe knew it was a man's voice then she was sent stumbling forwards to crashinto the far wall of the tiny cell. The iron door slammed and Samantha Lewis,only eighteen and a half years old, slid down the wall to curl up one the floor,sobbing uncontrollably into the hot, stinking darkness of the black hood.
'Take it off.' In a whitewashed bare room at the other end of the undergroundcorridor, Jenny Ondougu blinked, shaking her head to clear it as the stiflinghood was roughly removed. The room was small, only about ten feet square, andempty, apart from the grinning cruel-faced men holding her and two other peoplewho were standing waiting for her. A solid looking wooden chair in the middleof the floor seemed to be the only item of furniture. It was marked and scratchedwith long use, and Jenny could see that metal strips had been bolted on toreinforce the joints of the seat and legs. Jenny tried not to look at the chairbecause she didn't want to think of what was to come.
Jenny knew instinctively that it was the man in front of her who really mattered,he and the slim, severe looking young woman next to him. He was in his midfifties; rake thin with a skull-like face that seemed to be all harsh linesand angles. His wiry hair was speckled with grey, the colour almost matchingthe soft expensive grey of his lightweight suit. His ebony skin showed offthe very pale blue of his Italian cotton shirt, worn without a tie and openat the neck.
The woman was only in her twenties, not tall but slim with a muscular, boyishfigure and small pointy breasts. She was dressed mannishly, like the guards,in a short-sleeved white shirt but with a short black skirt rather than trousers.Her hair was cut close, trimmed to no more than a black fuzz that emphasisedher high cheek bones and thick, full lips. In the moist heat her brown skingleamed, shiny as polished leather. Her only touch of colour was a vivid pinkgloss on her lips and nails
The man studied her through Ghandi-like glasses; small round lenses in plainwire frames. 'My name is Kipengi, Jonas rank is unimportant. Itis sufficient for you to understand that I can do what I wish in matters ofNational Security.' A brief flicker of amusement showed on his face. 'Thisis Sergeant N'daga. Please do not be misled by her youthful appearance. Shehas a talent for this work as you will quickly discover...her preference isto work on women,' he paused and let his eyes rake up and down Jenny's body.'Especially the more attractive ones.'
The young sergeant was breathing a little heavily as the man spoke, the sharppoints of her breasts showing hard under the taut cotton with each movementof her chest. Jenny Ondougu shuddered as she saw the obvious arousal, the sadisticexcitement in the sergeant's eyes at the thought that she was going to be allowedto dominate and hurt another woman... using her own knowledge of a woman'smost sensitive places to extract the maximum pleasure from her victim's screamingagony.
'Strip her,' Jonas Kipengi said calmly. The guards grabbed Jenny's wristsso her arms were pulled out sideways then twisted viciously forcing her toarch back, lifting onto tiptoe to try and reduce the tearing pressure on herelbows and shoulders. 'Sergeant N'daga always likes to start things off,' hemurmured conversationally, 'I suggest you remain still...the knife is verysharp.'
Jenny shuddered as she caught the familiar sharp scent of sexual excitementas the woman's body came closer. She shut her eyes, head turned away denyingthe touch as slim, elegant fingers grazed across her breasts. She felt a gentlestream of warm air on her ear then a soft, throaty whisper. 'Pretty...I likelong nipples...ah; you like having your tits want me to playwith them?'
There was a brief tug, the hiss of a knife slicing cloth and another tugfollowed by a sharp 'snick' . Jenny felt the air suddenlycool on her belly as her ruined blouse gaped open then the sudden loss of supportas her bra was cut through and the cups fell away from her breasts. The youngwoman's hands touched her again, cradling the firm brown cones while her breathblew across their black tips. As Jenny's body reacted, her thumbs grazed thepeaks of both nipples bringing them to full erection. 'See what I mean...oh...ohyes...nice, very nice...sensitive too.'
'Leave me alone you bitc ...Naaaah! ' Jenny's furiousresponse ended in a scream of pain as the young woman used her fingers andthumbs like two pairs of pincers; squeezing the out-thrust nipples viciously.
'No'll only make it worse,' she hissed. The fingers tightenedagain, this time twisting as well so Jenny gasped and bucked at the fresh,stabbing pains. 'Do you understand terrorist slut!'
The fingers released their grip and Jenny heard another soft 'snick' asthe knife sliced through the fastening of her skirt and it fell to the groundwith a slithering whisper of sound. There was a pause, a moment filled by alow growl of appreciation from the two guards as they saw the rest of theirprisoner's body for the first time, her genitals emphasised by a brief thongin glossy black. The young woman's clever, expert fingers cupped the plumpbulge through the thin fabric, gently squeezing her cunt lips in a deliberatemilking action that made the thirty year old executive squirm uncontrollably.Jenny Ondougu could feel the wash of hot embarrassment spreading up her chestand face as her body responded and she felt the wetness oozing from her tosoak the tight, clinging panties.
The gasp was involuntary; Jenny bucked her hips forwards as her young tormentorhooked her index finger and drew it back along the line of her slit just pressinginwards lightly to touch those sensitive inner folds, the nail setting up anexquisite, tormenting vibration as it scratched against the wet silk. Twicemore, each time pressing just a little harder and the woman chuckled again.
A movement in the air made Jenny open her eyes as she caught the sharp, copperytang of her own juices in her nostrils. The young woman was smiling at herand rubbing her fingers together, holding them close to Jenny's nose. The fingertips gleamed wet with sticky moisture. On either side the men moved and shifted,their breathing heavier with sexual excitement as they watched the outstretchedwoman being masturbated and teased for their entertainment.
Two more swift cuts and the ruined panties joined the rest of Jenny's clotheson the floor. Now the men could see everything; the neatly trimmed black patchof curls arrowing down to the plump, shaved cunt lips, the bulge of her moundand the way those thick cunt lips were now gleaming wet and slightly partedto reveal a tiny flash of her pink, inner flesh with every movement.
The young woman lifted her hands and gently gripped the points of Jenny'sbreasts. She pinched hard again but this time Jenny bucked but clamped herlips together and said nothing. The woman smiled again, as if some unspokenchallenge had been accepted. Still holding her nipples she moved to the side,forcing Jenny towards the wooden chair.
'Sit down.' Jenny obeyed. 'Arms over the back and legs apart,' the fingerstwisted...just a little and Jenny gasped, struggling to do as she was told.The two men holding her arms twisted them down over the wooden chair back,making her wince as a thin nylon cuff was looped over her wrists and zippedtight. More of the unbreakable nylon ties were used to secure her ankles, doubledback and tied high up just under the seat so she was forced to sit with herthighs splayed wide apart.
With no chance to struggle and her ankles secured the two men took theirtime with the rest of what was obviously a familiar routine. Straps aroundeach knee, buckled just above the joint and round the chair legs ensured herlegs remained splayed wide and there was no way she could clamp her legs togetherand shield the gaping slit of her genitals from their obscene attentions.
She was forced to arch up, thrusting her breasts out even more when as theytied her bound wrists to the bottom strut of the rear legs then pulled thecord tight dragging her arms down behind her. Finally a single, wider strapwas passed under her breasts and round the chair's back then buckled tight,preventing her lifting clear of the chair when the torture began. One of themen tweaked the out-thrust tip of her left breast and there was a roar of laughterfrom both of them.
Jonas Kipengi waved them out of the way. 'Time for a little talk, Mrs Ondougu'he said quietly, leaning forwards and adjusting the wire-rimmed glasses ashe spoke. 'About the organisation, names, addresses...just the routine thingsreally.'
'We had permission to operate from the authorities...! Your stupid, fuckinggorillas burned our records along with everything else this morning or you'dknow it too.' She tried to keep the tremors out of her voice. Like the manin front of her, she knew this conversation was futile...just part of the nasty,sadistic game they enjoyed so much.
'Ah no, no not that organisation...the other one...theone that isn't supposed to exist.'
'I work for Kangali've got my papers there.' She nodded towardsthe file in the man's right hand. 'There no other organisation andyou bastards know that.'
Jonas Kipengi smiled and leafed through the file again. 'Then it seems we'llhave to help your memory, Miss Ondougu.'.
'You can fuck off you pervert! I've...'
The man's open palm smashed into the side of the pinioned woman's face sohard the chair scraped sideways across the bare concrete. He smiled thinly.'Think about your situation for a moment...rudeness is not clever.' He snappedhis fingers and the two guards carried a small table that had been hidden behindthe door to one side of the torture chair. On the top was a mahogany box, aboutthe size of a shoebox with two brass terminals at the back and a small brassand bakelite handle sticking out of the right side. Next to it was a looselycoiled jumble of red and black wires and some unidentifiable shiny metal objects.
Sergeant N'daga bent over, her fingers busy untangling the wires. The manheld up his hand. 'Before the Sergeant here gets to work, let me tell you whatis going to happen now. You've had your chance but refused to give me the informationI require.' He patted the box, 'this is my little much morecivilised than all those beatings, needles under the nails...things like that.It's a field telephone set...a magneto in other words. It produces an electricalcurrent.'
Jonas smiled and paused, relishing Jenny's expression of sick understanding.'Sergeant N'daga will attach the wires to your body and I will use the magnetoto pass a current through the wires.' He looked round at the guard's eager,grinning black faces. 'The men like this little show...I know they're goingto enjoy your performance a lot more than you will.' He paused, his fingerscaressing the worn and polished handle of the magneto. 'Eventually, Mrs Ondougu,and after much pain, you will tell me what I want to know...everyone does,sooner or later.' The smile widened, 'I'll leave you to guess where the Sergeantwill put the electrodes... being a woman she's so muchbetter at finding exactly the right places...'
The young woman flicked her pink tongue lizard-like across her lips as shemoved towards Jenny holding red and black wires in her left hand. Each onehad a small metal fitting connected to the bared end. Jenny could see thateach wire was already attached to one of the brass terminals on the back ofthe ominous looking wooden box. The young sergeant grinned as Jenny wriggledand heaved uselessly against her bonds; her head shaking in furious denialas she saw the fittings were electrical connectors, the kind they called 'alligatorclips' because of their long, toothed jaws.
'Oh yes, you know what these are for then?' Sergeant N'daga held out oneof the clips and pressed the end so the jaws opened and Jenny could see thesharp, triangular teeth lining each edge. 'Just right for those nice long tittiesof yours so let's get them all stiff again,' she giggled, licking the forefingerand thumb of her right hand. She reached across daintily and gently rolledand rubbed Jenny's left nipple. The terrified businesswoman arched back, musclesclenched tight as she tried to avoid the inevitable reaction but to no avail.The sergeant licked her fingers again, working the now-slippery teat so itrose and stiffened to full, jutting hardness once more.
'Oh yes, plenty to grip on now,' she chuckled as she steadied the black tipof Jenny's nipple between the open jaws and slowly relaxed her grip. Jennyarched back as brass touched flesh, her breath hissing through clenched teethas she tried to ride the pain of those teeth biting into such a tender placethen...
'Nnnnnngggg! N-N-Naaah-aaaaah!'
The half-stifled cry was forced from her in another spasm of pain as theyoung sergeant smiled down at her victim and deliberately squeezed the brassjaws together, pinching the nerve-laden stub in an agonising vice as the teethbit deeper. When she finally let go little pinpoints of blood welled out alongthe edge of the jaws.
Satisfied with the placing of the first clip, Sergeant N'daga repeated thecareful stimulation of Jenny's other nipple before attaching the other electrode,again pressing the teeth down into the delicate tissues so Jenny bucked inan involuntary spasm. This time, seeing that Jenny was bracing herself forthe vicious stabbing pain, she pressed even harder trying to extract anotherstifled scream from her victim.
'Well, well think you're a tough lady... in five minutes you'll be squealinglike a baby...' She walked away leaving the shivering thirty year executivesquirming helplessly on the wooden chair. In the sudden silence, everyone couldhear the racing panting of Jenny's breathing. Her head twisted to and fro asshe stared round desperately, still unable to believe what they were aboutto do to her. Her body was filmed with sweat and the brass electrodes grippingher nipples shivered and jiggled with every breath.
All she could see round her were cruel pitiless faces, each one tense withobscene excitement. She bent her head forward and Jonas Kipengi smiled as hewatched. No different from all the others, he thought,before the first time they always look down like that. Next thingshe'll follow the wires back to the box and then...
Unaware of how predictable her response was, Jenny did just that, tracingthe swaying black and red wires from the tips of her breasts back to the terminalson the mahogany box. The man stood still awaiting the right moment, left handresting on the polished top of the box...his right hand resting on the littlebrass and bakelite handle.
'Watch my hand, Mrs Ondougu,' he said...and he turned the handle.
For long seconds there was nothing, just a rising whine from the box.
Jenny Ondougu snapped back in a quivering bow, every muscle shivering tautas the current blazed through her nipples. No words, just a single desperateand half-stifled gasp of agony through clenched teeth as she rode the firstfizzing shock. Twenty seconds...thirty...the man stopped turning the handleand she slumped down, chest heaving, her breath coming in huge gasps whilethin trickles of saliva tinged with blood from her bitten tongue dribbled fromthe corners of her mouth.
For a moment it seemed she wanted to say something. Her mouth opened andshe looked at the grinning faces round the chair...then the man turned thehandle again, faster this time and Jenny Ondougu's body arched back again.
Each time the magneto whined there was that slight pause before the womanstrapped to the chair bucked into another spasm of agony. Each time she kepther teeth clenched tight as she tried to control the animal noises forced fromher by the fizzing current searing through her nipples.
Jonas Kipengi nodded, acknowledging her courage...and his hand turned thehandle a little faster.
'Ahhhhh Naaarrrgghh...Gaaaaaaaahh!'
Sweat drops flicked off in showers as she vibrated and bucked under the hotkiss of the electric current. This time he played with her, letting the noteof the magneto rise and fall so she was twisted and arched again and againby the changing force of the shocks. Each time the current peaked she was bowedback so hard that her chest thrust out with each rib showing and it seemedas though she was deliberately offering her tortured breasts for her tormentors'special pleasure.
After twenty minutes, the whining song died away and Jenny Ondougu, onlysemi-conscious now, sagged down again, trembling violently. This time her headlolled forwards, her eyes closed to mere slits while her mouth hung open sothick ropes of saliva drooled onto the upper slopes of her breasts. In thesudden silence everyone heard liquid trickling from between her splayed thighsand dripping from the edge of the wooden seat to join a spreading pool on thebare concrete beneath the chair.
The young sergeant pushed her head back. 'Wetting yourself, that's naughty...letme have a look a moment.' Jenny jerked back, suddenly awake again as she feltthe woman's fingers cupping her left breast.
' Aaaah N-No D-Don't t-touch meeeeee!' Jenny's voicelifted into a shriek as the grinning woman twisted the brass clip...
'Ready to talk...?' the woman said, flicking the end of the clip with onefinger. 'Or shall we try somewhere else...? Her finger traced down the smoothcurve of Jenny's abdomen and through the carefully trimmed patch of hair totouch the very top of her cunt slit. 'Put one of those clips on this stifflittle clit ...' her finger stroked the naked split...just feathering acrossthe peak of pink flesh peeping from between the parted lips.
'Oh God! Oh G-God! Oh p-please...please d-d-don't... aaaah...p-p-please...nuh...pleeeeese!'
The two guards shuffled closer, stroking the thick obvious bulges in theirblack trousers, surreptitiously masturbating at the sight of that slim, pink-tippedfinger gently fretting the tortured woman's clitoris, each caress forcing herto jerk and move even though the tiniest movement jarred the electrodes. Electrodesclamped to nipples that were now so horribly swollen that the taut flesh lookedalmost polished, like ripe berries held between the toothed, brass jaws.
The sergeant looked up at her shivering victim as her finger pressed andcircled gently, watching the expressions of pain and growing, unwanted pleasureon the woman's tear-stained face. She heard the man's voice through the fogof her agony. 'The sergeant asked you a question, Mrs Ondougu...we haven'theard an answer.'
Jenny shook her head violently in an attempt to distract her mind from thatdelicate, skilful touch that was slowly driving her to the brink of comingdespite the pain. 'N-nothing to s-say...told you... aaaaah! 'She drew in her breath with a hiss as the edge of the sergeant's nail justscraped the moist, exposed bulb now peeping clear of its fleshy hood. ' T-toldyou...there's nothing e-else... nuh... naaaaah...aaaah!' The sergeant'sfinger flickered back and forth and the pinioned woman strained against theties holding her down.
'A moment, Sergeant,' the man said quietly. Jenny gasped with relief as thetormenting stimulation suddenly ceased but the gasp changed to a frantic pleadingas the man continued, 'I think it's time for a up inside and theother on the clitoris. We'll see how stubborn Mrs Ondougu really wants to be.'
'Noooooo, you can't noooooo Pleeeeesssssseee! ARRGGH!'
The pleas became a scream as her young tormentor jerked the clips free fromher nipples; Sergeant N'daga giggled at the two sharp 'clicks' aseach one was ripped off . Letting the wires dangle fromone hand she leaned over and kissed the bloody tip of Jenny's left breast.'Just you wait till these are swollen a bit more...then you'll feel it whenwe put the clips on again.' She smiled and kissed the other abused stub asJenny wriggled and panted at the thudding agony of returning circulation, afeeling that the drum-taut peaks of her breasts were going to split open atany moment.
As Sergeant N'daga spoke her fingers were was busy with the wires. Jennyrealised that each alligator clip was on a push connector so it could be easilyremoved. This time the grinning sergeant had attached the black wire to a polishedmetal probe about six inches long that looked like some deformed metal penis...A curved, finger thick shaft swelling to a bulbous crest the size of a smallegg, the whole thing was made of gleaming chrome apart from a small black plasticdisc near the base and an abbreviated black insulated rubber finger grip belowthat.
Jenny's smiling torturer knelt between her knees, carefully avoiding thedamp patch on the floor. Holding the probe by the base, she stroked the gleamingbulb up and down the wet lips of Jenny's cunt, coating it with a film of slipperyjuices. Craning forwards and staring down at her own genitals in terror, thethirty year old business woman finally realised that it didn't matter if shegave in or not...they were enjoying torturing her too much and they were goingto go on doing these obscene things to her until her body could take no more.
As the bulb pressed against the opening of her vagina, Jenny also understoodwhy the young sergeant had been allowed to masturbate her so obviously duringthe torture. Her own wetness would improve the electrical contact; not justthat but in her aroused state every part of her cunt, especially her clit,would be ultra sensitive. Jenny heaved against the straps as the wide bulbstretched the opening but she couldn't resist because her own arousal allowedthe sergeant to slide the probe easily up into her body.
'Aaaah! '
Just a single gasp of protest as the stretching sensation became painfulthen the sudden cold fullness deep inside as the metal cock popped throughthe ring and curved up into her body...deep enough that she could feel thepressure of that domed head against the mouth of her cervix. The plastic collarpressed tightly against the pink inner folds of her cunt leaving only the rubberfinger grip protruding, and the black wire snaking out between her parted thighs.
'And this one's for that special place,' Jenny stared at the red wire thewoman was holding out to her. This time the little clip was silver, like atiny pair of pincers. The sergeant held it open so Jenny could see the toothedfront edges and then reached down and parted the dark brown outer lips to revealthe pink inner folds of Jenny's cunt. She stretched the flesh even wider, pressingdown so the shiny pearl of Jenny's clitoris stuck right out. Very delicatelyshe moved the clip until the little bulb was between the jaws then paused,stared back up into her victim's panic-filled eyes as she slowly let the teethclose around the base of the shivering business woman's clit.
Jenny had already braced herself but she couldn't contain an anguished whimperas the metal points bit into her most sensitive place. The whimpers becamea rapid, frantic panting as the sergeant got up and moved out of the way andJenny saw the man touch the handle.
'Nothing to say I presume,' he said quietly, looking at the terrified faceof the woman in the chair. 'You will have my a little while, youwill have,' and his hand moved the handle, slowly and deliberately, and thewhine of the diabolical machine filled the room again.
This time there was no stifling her screams of agony. Jenny Ondougu's bodysnapped taut against the restraints; muscles and sinews showing in cruel, vibratingrelief as the current sent her into an uncontrollable spasm of agony. Despitethe strap beneath her breasts she arched up from the seat of the chair buckingher hips as though trying to fuck the air. Her head was thrown back, mouthstretched wide in a fixed grimace and eyes bulging out to stare blindly atthe cracked plaster of the grubby ceiling.
For ten long minutes he kept the torture going. With the diabolical skillof an expert he kept her on the squealing, unbearable edge of raw agony; stopping,and then starting again immediately his shuddering victim had taken a few breathsto recover. Jenny Ondougu's screams became more and more frantic until eachnew turn of the handle produced a piercing, mindless squeal that was hardlyhuman.
In the pauses the pitiless voice continued, adding to Jenny's torment witheach sadistically taunting comment. 'Ah...louder that time...don't forget towatch the handle... Are you getting tired, Mrs Ondougu? Oh dear I see you are...mylittle box never gets tired. Anything to tell Perhaps it's time Iasked Sergeant N'daga to slide that nasty probe up inside your anus instead?
'Oh Goh!...Oh Goh!...Oh Goh!....nuh...nuh....pleeeeg...pleeeeg!'
The once elegant executive writhed against the straps, her reply now justa mumbled babble, barely audible to her tormentor who leaned forwards to hearthe slurred and broken words.
'No? But you haven't told me anything yet...perhaps if I turn the handlejust a little more...?'
The whirring whine began again and the babble became a single demented screechof outrage as the electricity fizzed through Jenny Ondougu's clitoris and scorchedthe delicate inner tissues of her vagina. Once more she slammed back againstthe chair, rocking it back onto two legs for a moment as her muscles convulsed.At ankles and thighs and beneath her quivering breasts the ties dug deep intoher flesh. Round each wrist, where she still had a little power of movementthe skin was stripped away leaving a red-raw band; the white nylon cuffs nowstreaked with blood from her manic efforts to free herself.
'Sergeant, I don't think Mrs Ondougu is really listening. Let's see if shepays more attention the back way...'
'No-no-no-no-no-no...oh no...pleeessssee...!'
Jenny Ondougu gibbered out her useless pleas as the sergeant wriggled thehorrible probe free from her cunt. The young woman grinned at the desperationin her victim's face as she realised what she was about to do and traced therounded bulb across Jenny's mouth, smearing her own blood and mucus along herlips. 'You know where it's going now...don't you...all the way up inside...'
She squatted behind the chair, one hand resting on Jenny's shoulder as shepushed the probe along the wooden seat and into the cleft of her buttocks.Instinctively, Jenny lifted away as she felt the probe nuzzling against thepuckered whorl of her anus, but the strap held her down and there was nothingshe could do to stop the slow deliberate insertion as the sergeant skilfullyworked the probe deeper and deeper. Her breasts heaved and she arched out,her mouth wide in anguish as the probe stretched the tender ring of her anusalmost to splitting point. The sergeant pressed harder and Jenny screamed wildly.
'Too, too big! Aaah! Aaaaaaah! Aarrrghh! Noooootake it out, pleeeese take it out...please!'
Then, just as before, her traitorous body let her down. Once the widest partof the bulb was through her anal ring the probe was pulled fully inside bythe immediate contraction of her own muscles, gripped as though by a hungry,sucking mouth.
'Tell me about the organisation...,' the pitiless voice demanded throughthe fog of Jenny's agony, 'just tell me all about it.'
All she could manage was a single shake of the head. Tears trickled downher cheeks as she saw him reach for the handle again. This time there was nofinesse and the note of the magneto rose higher and louder than ever. JennyOndougu once more arched up from the chair, lifting herself from the seat sothe watchers could see the wires trailing from her anus and her clit. Her wholebody vibrated madly and for a few seconds there was nothing but the magneto'swhine and the rapid tattoo of the wooden legs against the concrete floor. Thenher inhuman scream echoed round the room. A scream that went on and on andon as the magneto continued its whining song of agony.
This time the overload of pain was too much to bear and, as the machine growledinto silence, Jenny Ondougu collapsed into unconsciousness, her breath comingin short, snorting gasps while her head rocked bonelessly, chin resting onthe saliva-wet slopes of her breasts.
'Unclip her and put her over there,' there was no obvious emotion in theman's voice, just a vague dissatisfaction that she had not yet succumbed tothe persuasion of the little metal crabs. 'I want her arms above her head andher legs apart so we can get at her again if necessary. Gag her and then.'He paused and looked at the two sexually excited guards and the flushed andaroused figure of Sergeant N'daga. 'Then you can fetch that young English student...perhapsseeing someone else in the chair may loosen that stubborn tongue...'
Samantha Lewis was huddled in the corner of the cell when the door crashedopen. She was shivering with terror having spent the last hour listening tothe inhuman screams coming from the room at the other end of the corridor asthey tortured her friend Jenny Ondougu. Worst of all had been when the screamsstopped...and she heard the footsteps getting closer.
'Get her up!' Samantha twisted her head round inside the sticky darkness,shocked to hear a woman's voice. She pressed herself into the corner but thehands were too strong, the pinching grip on her arms too painful to resist.Someone fumbled with her wrists then, as she felt her hands come loose forthe first time in hours, the filthy bag was yanked off her head and she couldsee the three black figures crowding the small cell.
'Right, your turn now white girl...' It was the woman who spoke, her voicehard and aggressive, the threat very obvious. Samantha stumbled backwards untilshe could feel the rough plaster against her shoulders. She rubbed the sweatfrom her face, trying to brush the wet, clinging strands of blonde hair awayfrom her cheeks.
'P-please, what do you want...I'm only a tourist...I came her on Monday...P-please, check with the airline. I haven't done anything!' She looked up,rubbing the swollen, red marks on her wrists. 'Please let me go, please!'
The woman and the two muscular guards just laughed. 'Always the same story,didn't know anything, didn't do anything,' the woman sneered. 'First you getsearched...strip!'
'Strip, what, what do you mean?'
'I mean get your fucking clothes off or my two friends here will do it foryou, understand?'
'P-please, no, no please don't make m... Aaaaarrrggh!
One of the men held her shoulder and with the other hand grabbed the neckof her tee shirt. One vicious wrench and the material ripped down the seamsleaving Samantha almost naked to the waist. His hands had caught the edge ofher bra so one pink-tipped breast was exposed, the brief lacy cup barely concealingthe other from the guards grinning gaze.
Her hands came up instinctively.
'Thwap!' 'Thwup!' 'Thwap!'
The woman's right hand flashed out smacking against Samantha's cheeks withthree vicious slaps, right...left... right.
'Leave your fucking tits alone and do as you're told!'
Blinking the tears from her eyes and trying to hold back the gulping sobsSamantha Lewis let the ruins of her tee shirt fall off her arms then scrabbledat the fastening of her jeans, hands fumbling to push the tight denim overher hips without dragging her brief cotton panties down as well. Hurrying toavoid being hit again she scraped her trainers off then braced one hand onthe wall as she tugged the jeans over each foot in turn. She was just straighteningup when the men grabbed her wrists.
'Time to show us what you've been hiding,' the woman chuckled and rolledthe other cup down so Samantha's breasts were completely exposed. Still confinedby the band of her bra they were pressed together and lifted so the small pinktips jutted upwards, each framed by a small lighter triangle against her suntannedskin.
'No, no please don't, don't touch me!'
The men held her easily, sniggering at her embarrassment as she blushed red,closed her eyes and turned her head away as Sergeant N'daga reached up to strokethe firm, full globes. All three of them laughed as she used her nails on thepale pink aureoles; scratching lightly so the tips stuck out like tiny bluntspikes and Samantha writhed and gasped at each tickling caress.
The young sergeant squatted in front of the terrified teenager and reachedup for the waist band of her white cotton thong.
'Oh yes...' her voice was husky with arousal. 'Look at this, boys, just likea baby's slit...all smooth and silky...' The three of them stared avidly atthe eighteen year old's shaven mound and the naked, pouting cunt lips. Thesergeant pulled Samantha's panties down, let her step out of them then liftedher cupped hand between the girl's legs.
'Aaaah...nah...p-p-p-please...aaah...d-d-d-don't....naaaaah! '
One finger wormed between the naked cunt lips and probed into the openingof Samantha's vagina so she bucked and lifted onto tiptoe at the unwanted invasion.
'Someone's been up here before, haven't they?' The question was accompaniedby a sudden jabbing movement that jerked Samantha even more upright.
' Aaah...y-yes...yes...don't, no...'
'Well, once we've had a little chat I'm sure you'll be ready to entertainus too...' the finger twisted and scraped, '...won't you?'
'No, please, please let me go...I'm not hiding anything, anything at all...'
'Didi, get rid of that...' her finger slipped free and touched the crumpledbra still fastened uselessly under Samantha's breasts. The guard on her lefthooked his fingers under the band and wrenched it free before dropping theremains to the floor. 'Right, take her along...and keep your hands off...fornow.' The young sergeant jerked her head and the guards twisted the sobbingteenager between them and dragged her out and down the bare echoing corridor.
Samantha almost passed out as they forced her ahead of them into the whitewashedroom. The two men held her up easily as she shuddered and mumbled in abjectfear as she saw what they had done to the woman who had befriended her onlytwo days before.
Jenny Ondougu was stretched up on tiptoe near the back wall of the room,arms above her head and tied by the wrists to a rope that ran through a thickiron hook in one of the wooden ceiling beams and down to a fastening on thewall behind her back. If that wasn't enough, her legs were straddled wide apart,held at full stretch by the ropes tying her ankles to metal rings fixed intothe floor itself.
Like Samantha she was naked, her body wet and slick with sweat and shinywith trails of saliva down her breasts and belly. Her strained muscles shiveredand twitched constantly while Samantha could see her chest heaving with theeffort of breathing. As she saw Samantha she jerked even more, eyes staringat her in shock and horror. But the only sounds she could make were a seriesof bubbling, snorting gasps because her mouth was stretched wide round whatlooked like a red rubber ball; a ball that was threaded onto a black, nylonstrap tied tightly round the back of her head.
'Oh no, no, Jenny, Oh God what have they done to you?' Samantha wailed. Nowshe was closer she could see the signs of torture; the streaks of blood fromher mouth, the way that her nipples looked so horribly sore and swollen...andthe way her friend's cunt lips looked puffy and sore too.
'Mrs Ondougu has been foolish enough to refuse to help us.' Samantha twistedround to stare at Jonas Kipengi who was sitting on an ordinary plastic chairwatching her reactions, completely at ease with legs crossed and smoking acigarette. 'You probably heard part of our conversation a little while ago.'He got to his feet and walked over to where the young student stood tremblingin the grip of the two guards. 'In a minute you will discover why she was singingso loudly.' He smiled and stroked the upper slope of the English girl's breast.'Very nice, such a pity though...'
'Please, whoever you are, this is all a mistake, a horrible mistake...I'vedone nothing, nothing at all...I told her,' a frantic nod in the directionof Sergeant N'daga, 'told her that I've only been here two can Iknow anything!
'Well now, that's the pity...for you. You see it is important that Mrs Ondougutells me what I want to know. She's being a little stubborn so perhaps thesight of her young, innocent friend enjoying the attentions of my little persuader mightmake her change her mind.
'' can't do just can't!'
'I can do anything...' and without warning he touched the tip of his cigaretteto the very edge of the pink aureole capping Samantha's left breast.
'You see...anything at all. Listen carefully, my men are going to let yougo. I want you to sit down in that chair. You will sit with your knees apart,hands behind you over the back of the chair so they can strap you down allready for our little chat.' He moved across to where the straining figure ofJenny Ondougu writhed helplessly. 'Just in case you are thinking of doing anythingsilly...each time you pause I will give your friend here a taste of what you'vejust experienced, ready?'
As the guards let her go, Samantha instinctively clasped her injured breast,her breath racing as she huddled forwards and stared wildly round the room.Jonas Kipengi smiled to himself, drew on his cigarette and touched it preciselyto the swollen tip of Jenny Ondougu's right nipple.
The wet mewing noises became frantic and the brown body bucked insanely ashe held the glowing tip against her flesh with a soft sizzling noise.
'Are you going to sit down...or shall I continue?'
'Oh God! Please don't please don't hurt us...pleeeeese!
'That's both nipples...shall I burn them again or do you think I should trysomewhere else?' Jonas Kipengi deliberately drew the cigarette to glowing brightness,tapped off the ash and held it at the fork of Jenny's body. Jenny's head threshedmadly and she strained backwards trying to avoid the heat from the burningtobacco.
'Please, no, no, I'm doing what you want please, please don't burn her again...'
Samantha scrambled to sit down on the wooden chair then slowly and reluctantlylifted her hands round until they were over the chair back. 'And the feet pleaseMiss Lewis...' Samantha kept her knees almost together as she tucked her feetto each side of the chair
This time the noises from behind the gag were even wilder as Jonas Kipengitouched the tip of his cigarette delicately against the protruding tip of Jenny'sclitoris. For a moment she appeared to go completely; mad threshing and writhingso violently that the rope creaked and vibrated with the strain of each spasm.
'No, no I said wide apart...tuck your feet back behind you.'
At a nod from their master the two guards had Samantha strapped into positionin less than a minute. Like Jenny her ankles were tied up against the baseof the seat, her wrists bound with a nylon cuff then dragged down by a cordlooped through them and round the bottom rail so she was forced to sit archedback offering her breasts and the naked oval of her cunt to her torturers.The two thigh straps were enthusiastically cinched tight until the flesh bulgedup on each side ensuring the teenager was unable to close her legs at all.Sergeant N'daga finished off, taking time to position the final strap rightunder the girl's breasts before cinching it painfully tight to clamp her upperbody to the chair frame.
'Now, Miss are going to provide a somewhat painful lesson forMrs Ondougu...'
Samantha stared in disbelief at the sight of the gleaming chrome probe onthe end of the black wire. This couldn't be happening, not to her,it couldn't be true it must be some disgusting nightmare...
She jerked, making the chair stutter on the concrete as the sergeant ranher fingertips teasingly along the split bulge of her cunt. Oh Godit was true, this woman was going to attach those clips to her body and then...
Sergeant N'daga gently parted the girl's outer labia then licked the fingersof her other hand, transferring the wetness to the folds of her soft, innerlips, watching the girl's reaction to each feather light touch. She lickedher fingers again, spreading her saliva over the swollen inner lips makingthem even more slippery as she continued with her slow expert masturbation.Finally, as Samantha's hips moved against her hands, one fingertip circledthe girl's engorged clitoris and Samantha bucked uncontrollably, unable todisguise her sudden intense reaction to being touched in her most sensitiveplace.
The finger wriggled so the sergeant's nail fretted under the hood and Samanthajerked and bounced helplessly again.
' D-d-don't p-p-please...nuh...nuh...naaaaah! '
'Oh yes you like that really don't you,' the voice was mocking. 'Now let'ssee how you like my metal cock...' Samantha craned forwards as the sergeantbrought the domed head of the probe sliding along the wet, open channel ofthe teenager's cunt. She worked the shiny head to and fro along the girl'sslit, each time pressing gently against the tight opening of her vagina. 'Comeon, let the little man inside...'
'Aaaaarrrggh! take it out! Please take it out! I don'twant t...Naaaagggghh! '
The sergeant pressed harder, twisting her wrist so the bulbous head suddenlyslipped through the ring of muscle, sinking deep and impaling the girl fullyon the polished metal shaft. 'Oh yes, slides in good and easy...seems you beingdoing a bit of hard fucking already.'
With the probe fully inserted the sergeant straightened up and walked backto the little table. She put on a black rubber glove and picked up the redwire. No clip this time, just the last quarter of an inch of insulation strippedoff to leave the bare copper core. She walked back and knelt down in frontof the chair holding the wire carefully in her gloved right hand.
The girl wasn't looking at Jenny or her guards; panting and gasping in terrorof what was to come, her eyes were fixed on the two thin black wires, followingthem across the floor then up to where they were attached to the brass terminalson the polished mahogany box.
'Now, Mrs Ondougu it's up to you, all you have to do to spare Miss Lewisany unpleasantness is to tell me what I want to know...otherwise' He lookedat the quivering, gagged figure held stretched up in that inverted Y. 'Otherwiseit will simply get worse and worse...for both of you. Perhaps we should letyou have a sample so you can hear your friend's singing voice.'
He turned the handle and the rising whine of the magneto filled the roomonce more. As the machine started, Sergeant N'daga touched the bared wire tothe very top of the girl's cunt slit, just sliding it in between the lips andholding it in place with a delicate precision.
Eighteen year old Samantha Lewis managed a couple of grunting noises beforeshe arched back in the chair. Just like Jenny Ondougu, to the watchers it seemedas though she was manically fucking some invisible lover as her hips buckedand vibrated. The black wire clattered on the wooden chair seat but the probewas too deeply impaled for her to eject it despite the mad frenzy of her spasms.The sergeant skilfully kept the end of the red wire inside the girl's cuntso the current seared through her genitals with every turn of the handle. Thetendons of her neck showing like cables, the teenager stared blindly at theceiling and screamed insanely in her agony.
At a nod from Jonas Kipengi, the sergeant pulled the wire away from the girl'scunt letting her flop down against the straps sobbing and gasping uncontrollablyas the whine of the magneto died away.
'Didi, whilst Miss Lewis gets her breath back, remove Mrs Ondougu's gag wouldyou, let's hear if she's changed her mind.' The sounds from the back of thesmall room became louder and harsher as the ball gag was pulled free from JennyOndougu's mouth.
'Bassar...youfukkin bassar....tol you...there wash n-nothing...she'sa v-v-vishitor...m-met her on the plane. Leave her lone you bassars!'
'Ah, still the same unpleasant noises, you really don't have much regardfor your friend's welfare do you? Sergeant, attract the young lady's attention.'
'Swack!' 'Swock!'
'Aaaaaaah, Oh God!, no, please don't pleeeese!'
Samantha Lewis's head snapped up, eyes wide with pain and shock as the sergeant'sgloved hand smacked across her exposed breasts, making the full globes bouncefirst to one side, then to the other. Red, angry blotches bloomed against thetanned skin where the sergeant's rubber-gloved palm had made contact.
Jonas Kipengi continued as though nothing had happened, 'I'm becoming tiredof these stupid games, Mrs Ondougu. Unless you tell me something, the sergeantwill insert the wire up the girl's urethra this time... she will find it particularlyagonising. And remember there's nothing she can do to stop it... that's upto you.
The girl's body suddenly arched taut as she strained forwards in a desperateattempt to avoid the sergeant's fingers parting the lips of her cunt once more.She squealed again as she felt the tip of the bare copper wire tickling theentrance to her pee-hole. The squeal became a shrill scream as the sergeantskilfully twisted and turned the wire, scoring the ultra sensitive walls ofthe narrow tube as she inserted the wire deeper and deeper.
'Watch carefully, Mrs'll be feeling the same thing in a fewminutes unless...' Jonas Kipengi smiled sadistically and wound the magneto'shandle. He kept the speed steady, listening for the girl's animal screams toreach their fullest pitch as Sergeant N'daga carefully moved the wire insideher urethra, skilfully extracting the maximum agony from the electric current.Each little movement of her hands brought new and higher shrieks from the dementedgirl as she jerked and bucked like a puppet in the torture chair, once againher hips thrusting madly as she fucked the air in her torment.
The torture only stopped when Sergeant N'daga suddenly moved out of the wayas Samantha Lewis lost control of her bladder and a thin stream of urine splashedonto the chair seat before dripping onto the stained concrete below.
The magneto whined into life again. 'Just a few touches on her clitoris Ithink sergeant, you can put the wire up inside again in a moment...' Grinningwith pleasure, Sergeant N'daga touched the tip of the copper wire to the littlepink bulb of the teenager's clit.
Instantly, Samantha convulsed in a single arching spasm that moved the chaira foot backwards, scraping noisily on the bare concrete. Sergeant N'daga waitedfor her to relax...just a fraction...and touched the wire to her clitoris oncemore.
The wire touched and caressed the tiny bundle of nerves again and again,each time sending the eighteen year old into another muscle-wrenching spasm.
'Hold it there...we'll see how she likes it if I turn the handle a littlefaster.' The whine rose in pitch and the sergeant leaned forwards once more,this time pressing the tip of the copper wire into the stem of Samantha's clitunder the hood. This time she held the wire in place as the mad convulsionsstarted, moving her hand in time with the frantic surges of the girl's hipsand jerking muscular spasms.
'Nooooooo! No, stop you fucking bastards, stop it NOW! 'The yell of protest from Jenny Ondougu cut across Samantha Lewis's piercingscreams. Jonas Kipengi let the handle go and the magneto whined down into silence.The only sound in the room was the whimpering, bubbling gasps from the teenagerstrapped down in the torture chair.
'Stop doing that...she's not part of this...leave her alone and I'll tellyou... tell you what you want.' Jenny's head hung down, tears of desperationand despair trickling down her cheeks as she gave in.
'Well, well...just as I thought. Right Mrs Ondougu, let's hear what you haveto tell me...
Jonas Kipengi lit another cigarette and walked across to where the womanhung from the rope. He stroked the swollen and blistered tip of her right breast,smiling at the jerk and sudden hissing intake of breath. 'Don't waste my time,Mrs Ondougu...your friend stays in the chair until I'm satisfied. And if shepasses out then I'll have the sergeant here use the wire up inside you...understand?
Jenny Ondougu nodded, her eyes fixed on the glowing tip of her torturer'scigarette.
On the other side of the room the two guards grinned at one another and furtivelyeased the curving bulge of their erections inside their pants. Soon it wouldbe their turn to fuck the delightfully pink breasted white girl.
A bonus for a job well done.
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Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestShe wasn’t our real mother, or stepmother, but as a foster mother, she made us call her that. Any deviation, for example calling her mom, mommy, miss, or ma’am, was met with a swift reprisal. She was a strict disciplinarian, but never crossed the line and for a majority of the time, she treated us with love and respect. We were clothed, fed, taken to school, and enjoyed occasional vacations.I never could recall what happened to my parents or how I became a foster daughter to Mother. While I...
SpankingWooden Ships By Dimelza Cassidy The t-shirt slogan reads, "If I have to explain, you won't understand." Our marriage had grown toxic and I had had enough of the incessant bickering and arguing. In her mind I had lost my manhood and reminded me of it many times because I no longer possessed a business card that stated, Vice-President in Charge of Plant Operations. Management mandated a reduction in force due to budgetary cutbacks and opportunities for employment had been bleak...
Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...
Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...
Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...
Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...
Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-Fifrom my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...
When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...
“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...
"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...
Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...
The next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...
Hope you like Esther's latest installment! ESTHER FOUR By TamarainRubber I obediently followed Esther down the long narrow hallway that led into an enormous room filled with the sounds of clinking glasses, soft whispers and a bevy of leather-clad women and men dolled up as maids, rubber babies, and crossdressing sluts like me. Strangely enough (and very much to my pleasure), there was little if any evidence of the S&M parties I had only read about, but never...
The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...
Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...
Fantasy & Sci-FiEsther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...
When Esther had woken up the next morning laying next to Romeo, she almost freaked out, but the all of the memories from the night before flooded into her brain."Oh god." She sat up and looked at Romeo's sleeping figure next to her, his teal hair was tossed about the pillow, and he chest heaved up and down, Damn he is so hot, she thought, I acted kind of crazy last night, her face burned, ugh, what the fuck was wrong with her these days? She felt Romeo's body shift a little and her heart sped...
Esther II By TamarainRubber I had found the woman I had been dreaming about, hoping she would be my lover for years to come. Esther was the first real lady I had encountered who actually seemed to be honest about wanting to share my passions. I prayed that I would not be disappointed. From how she reacted, I didn't think I would be, but I was the planet's biggest skeptic. For the past four hours, Esther made me try on an incredibly sexy collection of female fetish wear that...
Chapter 1 – The Birth of a Goddess Zeke cracked his knuckles and spread out his fingers. They touched the black glass in front of him and the desk lit up. A white keyboard appeared and he started to type on the touchscreen desktop. His fingers bounced around the screen, typing across the keyboard of light. You see, Zeke was a genius beyond his years. He was currently eighteen and in his second year of college. His masterful mind crossed with a youth of video games made him into one of the...
"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said. ..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in this country...
Lesbian“You ready sweetie?” He blinked, as if coming out of a stupor and looked back to her, to Athena, her expression playful, but her body language pressing. It hadn’t been so much of a question as it had been an order. Meekly he looked back at the window, looking through his own reflection to the street outside. They didn’t have far to go, but the short walk from her limo to the Hotel’s lobby was lined by an eager group of camera-toting men, the dreaded paparazzi. “But… The photographers,...