Another Soul A New Nightmare
- 4 years ago
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Maliia's Nightmare
By Maliia Kanaulahu
From Maliia's Website at
All Rights Reserved
My name is Maliia. I am half-Polynesian and half-Caucasian. My story beginsat the start of my freshman year in college, and as an eighteen-year-old girlaway from home for the first time; I was both excited and nervous. Not beingfrom a wealthy family, I was like many college students in that I did not havea lot of extra money for frivolous expenditures. I was also really nervousabout who my roommate would be. For an entire month before school started,I contemplated the "what ifs". What if I didn't like her? What if she and Ihad nothing in common? It was not long after I met Miko, my new roommate, thatI discovered we had much in common, and that our shared interests would onlygrow.
Like me, Miko was half-Caucasian. Unlike me, her other half was Japanese.Still, we looked very similar. She had beautiful straight black hair that flowedlike a gentle waterfall to the middle of her back, and smooth features thatcomplimented her soft skin and exquisite almond-shaped eyes. My hair was justas long and straight, but not quite as dark as hers. We both had almost theexact same body shape, though; tiny feet and smooth slender bodies that werewell formed from plenty of exercise. I, of course, had a complexion of a deepcopper brown, while hers was a much fairer shade that complimented her appearance.We were even the exact same height, five feet two inches. While I was deeplyenvious of her toned shapely legs, she claimed to envy my flat well-formedstomach. The truth, however, was that our legs, bellies, and the rest of ourbodies were almost identical. It was as though the goddess of fate had steppedin and put us together in a tiny dormitory room on the far west side of campus.
For our first two months of school we did everything together, quickly becomingthe very best of friends. Since we had the same major we shared many of thesame classes. We formed the same circle of friends, and we almost always atetogether and exercised together. Often it was almost as though she could readmy thoughts and finish my sentences, and I could do the same to her. By thetime the Thanksgiving holiday rolled around I thought of her as a sister.
I had always admired her body, and I thought that I caught her gazing atmine from time to time, but I was never really sure, and certainly not comfortableenough to say anything. I wasn't into other girls, at least I didn't thinkI was, but I had to admit to myself, that I felt very close to Miko. Therewere times when she was upset and I would hold her, or when I would get scaredat night and she would share her bed with me, comforting me and gently strokingmy hair. It was at those times that I often wondered what it would be liketo feel her soft apple-blossom lips pressed against mine.
'I remember the conversation that started everything. It was a chilly dayright before the holiday, and I was staring at her pouty crimson lips as thewords softly flowed into my ears on the wind of her melodious voice.
"As long as we're both going to be stuck here over the holiday, we may aswell make some money. Don't you think so, Maliia?" Miko asked with an inquisitivelook on her sweet childlike face.
"Well, I just don't know, Miko," I hesitated. "I mean, we know nothing aboutthis 'experiment', they won't give us any information, and I thought that wewere going to hang out together."
"But we will be hanging out together, sweetie", she replied as we walkedrapidly towards the old brick building on the edge of campus. "Look, we'realmost to the lab, and I'll be with you every step of the way, I promise. Okay?"
"Well, as long as you're with me, I guess I'm open to listening," I replied,trying to hide the nervousness in my voice as we entered the building. I pressedmy hand against the thick wooden door of Professor Gordon's office and steppedinto the room. I quickly glanced around the small room with a dirt coveredwindow on one side, through which light barely filtered in. The fluorescentlights flickered ever so gently, and bookshelves lined every wall. The desk,the chairs and even the floor were covered in books, papers, documentation,notes and napkins with formulas and scribblings on them. I had to step overthree distinct piles of information just to reach the heavy oak desk. The professorquickly stood up and extended her hand in greeting, which Miko enthusiasticallyshook.
Professor Gordon was a beautiful woman; I could not believe that she wasa professor and not a model. She seemed to be in her mid-thirties with blondhair that was tightly tied in a bun on the top of her head. Her crystal-blueeyes peered out from behind a pair of reading glasses that were perched everso carefully on the end of her charming nose. We both took a seat in frontof her desk as she began to explain the 'experiment' to us. "You will forgiveme for having to use my inhaler from time to time," she began. "I'm afraidthat my asthma is acting up terribly today. I'm practically using it with everybreath. I don't know how much Miko has told you," Professor Gordon directedat me as she took a breath from her inhaler. "But I'm afraid that most of thedetails of the experiment are a secret. You see, if I were to tell you toomuch, it would ruin our results. That having been said, basically it's a psychologicalexperiment. We are trying to establish patterns for certain sociological cuesor guidelines, and whether it's those mores that produce the tendencies ofthe individual, or whether those tendencies are an inherent part of one's pre-existingpsychological profile."
The professor continued to talk for several minutes, taking deep breathsfrom her inhaler from time to time. Most of the words just sounded like babbleto me, like on the Peanuts cartoons anytime an adult would talk, it just soundedlike 'wah wah wah." I simply could not focus on the words; they had no meaning,and what seemed to be at least an entire hour of nodding my head as if I understooda single word that was said, and struggling desperately to keep my eyes open,I felt Miko nudge me sharply.
"So, girls, does this sound like something in which you would be interestedin participating?" The Professor inquired.
I blinked several times, trying to focus. I glanced at Miko, who quicklyrubbed at her delicate almond-shaped eyes and seemed to nod in my direction. "Um,that sounds great, Mrs. Gordon," I heard Miko utter. "Does that sound goodto you, Maliia?" I saw that Miko was giving me that 'just nod your head andsay yes' look, and since I had no idea what I was agreeing to, I could onlyassume that she did. "Oh, um. Yes, of course, Professor. I think that soundsgreat, just great," I heard myself say.
"Very good, girls. I can say that I am very excited to have a couple of fineyoung specimens as yourselves involved with this project. Well then, just followme down to the lab and we can get started right away".
Our footsteps echoed sharply through the stairwell as we marched our waydown several flights of stairs. I gazed at Miko's firm curvaceous rear, sodeliciously held by the tight pair of jeans that hugged her shapely hips. Inoticed her glancing back at me, the fabric of my red floral sundress bristlingsoftly. I still felt so lazy, so lethargic. I had no idea why. The stairs weremaking me tired, almost dizzy. Just down down, clomp clomp, and the hypnoticswaying of Miko's ass, back and forth as we descended deep into the bowelsof the ancient university science building.
We were led into a sterile white-tiled room with only a row of cabinets onone side and a cold steel table like you would find at a veterinarian placedin the middle of the room. "One of my assistants will be in to help get thingsstarted in just a moment. In the meantime, please disrobe completely, and placeyour belongings in the basket under the steel table." The professor turnedon her black patent leather high heels and walked out of the room, closingthe heavy steel door behind her. I looked around the cold sterile room as atwitch of nervousness fluttered about in my stomach. "Um, what did we agreeto Miko?" I asked fearfully. "I thought you knew? I was almost falling asleepin there. I figured that you were paying attention to it. When you nodded atme, I just thought that, well, if you agreed it must mean that it's okay," Mikoreplied. "Me?" I retorted. "I only agreed because you agreed first and thengave me that look that I should do it, too." "Well, it doesn't matter now.Besides, it's just some dumb experiment," Miko reasoned as she slid her jeansdown her soft slender legs. "I mean, if we don't like it we can always quit,right? It can't be that big a deal. Besides, it might be fun."
I figured Miko was probably right, so I kicked off my shoes and carefullyslid my dress off until it was a crumpled mess at my feet. I watched as Mikoremoved her white cotton blouse, revealing her small but firm breasts supportedby a lacy black bra. I removed my bra, exposing my breasts, and then as I slidmy white cotton Hanes Her Way panties down my smooth legs; my eyes gazed uponher lithe figure. Her jeans were now balled up on the floor, and she was juststepping out of her panties as well. We put our clothing in the basket andjust stared at each other in silence for the longest time. Her body was sobeautiful and willowy. Her ribcage was almost visible with each nervous breathshe took, and I attempted not to stare at the neatly trimmed black hair thatgrew between her legs. I tried not to blush as I thought that she was staringat my black pubic hair, and slender tanned legs. I felt my naked body shaking,in part due to my own anxiety, but also because of the chilly condition ofthe room. I noticed that Miko was shaking a too, and I was so tempted to holdher, to warm and comfort us both, but I stopped myself. It felt a little awkward,and she was too special to me as a friend. "What if she took it the wrong way?What if she doesn't feel the same attraction to me? I mean I think she does,but what if I'm wrong?" Again a bad case of the "what ifs" had taken hold ofme and frozen me into inaction.
My mind wandered to thoughts of Miko. I tried to suppress them because Ididn't want to think of her like that. I mean I did, but I also didn't. Yetfor some reason, when I did, I felt such pleasure. I could just picture uskissing, my hand gliding gently over her beautiful breast, flicking the perfectlittle red nipples that stood so hard on the ends of her round little tits.I had almost drifted into a waking sleep, my eyelids so heavy and my body sodrained of all energy that the loud jolt of the heavy metal door being openedshocked me back to reality.
At first I thought I was looking at Miko's twin. She was a small Asian girlwho wore a shiny tight white uniform, and she carried two clipboards. The biggestdifference was that her breasts were huge; much bigger than they should havebeen for the girl's small frame. There was no way her boobs were natural. Myeyes traced the young assistant's body; her pantyhose. Except they weren'tpantyhose, they were much shinier, almost like rubber. Her dress wasn't madeof cloth either, it was like the material from a raincoat, only much softerand more supple.
"What a strange way for an assistant to dress," I thought as she handed aclipboard to Miko and the other to me. My eyes were fixed on her breasts. Thosebreasts were huge for her, and her nipples…you could very clearly makeout her nipples; the material of her uniform left nothing to the imaginationin that area. I thought I had big nipples, but this girl's were incrediblyhuge and seemed to be fold on themselves.
I glanced at her face and it looked like there was some kind of a small metalplate in her septum. It was hard to notice unless you looked carefully andat the right angle. As curious as I was about it, I didn't want to embarrassthe girl by asking about it, after all, maybe she had a broken nose at somepoint from an accident or perhaps it was to correct a problem from birth.
"Please, fill out forms completely. You sign and date at bottom," she saidin a broken English accent that hinted at an origin in Japan.
I thought I saw something metallic flicker in her mouth as she spoke. "Maybeshe has a tongue ring", I thought. "I guess that's not so unusual, a lot ofmy friends have them now."
I found it difficult to concentrate on the form; the questions were all somonotonous. I struggled to pay attention to the form, but between my unexplainedlethargy and the strangeness of this assistant's attire, it was difficult.The fact that Miko and I were stark naked in the room didn't seem to help matterstoo much either.
"Lessee," I thought. "Name: Maliia Kanaulahu; Address: 104 Harrington HallWest; Sex: Female; Medical Conditions: None Known; Allergies: None Known. Hmm,now this is interesting." I pondered, "Sexual History, please list all sexualpartners: 1 – Kevin Jones. I wonder if that's okay, I've only been withone person, and that was my date to the senior prom in high school. How pathetic!" Thequestions just kept getting more and more personal and kinky; it was so strange.
"Excuse me Miss?" I inquired of the assistant. "Um, do you really need toknow all this stuff? I mean questions like 'Have you ever been tied up in bed?','How often do you orgasm?', 'Do you play with your vagina?', 'Have you everworn latex, rubber, leather, or other fetish clothing?' I mean do you guysreally need to know that stuff? It seems pretty personal to me."
"Yes, Maliia-chan," the assistant humbly replied in broken English, her longblack eyelashes fluttering over delicate oriental eyes. "All question verynecessary to experiment. You no answer question, we not know solution."
As the assistant's sentence trailed off, she bowed slightly in my directionand waved her hand in a manner to politely indicate that I should finish upmy release forms and questionnaire. Responding to most of the questions waseasy because the answer was usually in the negative, except the one askingif I had played with myself; I had to admit to that. I also confessed to thinkingabout other girls in a sexual manner, but luckily, I didn't have to indicatewho. I finished up the form with my signature and the date. I glanced overat Miko, who was leaning against one of the sterile white walls, still scribblingaway. Her firm breasts rose and fell with each gentle breath that she took,her long black hair occasionally falling in her face, causing her to stop writingand brush a waft of it away from her beautiful eyes. I handed the clipboardback to the assistant and said, "All done! Beat you, loser!" and I stuck mysoft pink tongue out Miko.
Miko shot a look at me, and then covered a giggle with her delicate handto indicate that she was just teasing me.
"You lay on table now Maliia-chan. It not comfortable, but you no worry.It no last long," the beautiful assistant instructed me.
I hopped up on the table. The steel was so cold against the bare skin ofmy exposed behind. I slid farther up on the table and laid down with my armsat my sides and my legs together. I lifted my head slightly and looked downat my body. My breasts stuck up slightly, with my very large hard nipples standingat attention on their tips. Further down my body, I could see the gentle waftsof black pubic hair that rose from between my tan legs. As the assistant leanedover me to pull a handle on the table, her large breasts pressed into my abdomen.For a moment I thought that I could actually feel her nipples rubbing againstmy smooth skin. I blushed and shivered with embarrassment, yet secretly, Ifelt turned on. As the assistant finally got the handle pulled, a pair of gynecologicalexamination stirrups swung out from under the table. She instructed me to putmy feet in the stirrups, but I hesitated for a moment. I never did like gynecologicalexaminations. "I wasn't told that I was going to have this kind of examination," Iprotested as I nervously put first my right foot, then my left, into the stirrups.
"Yes, you were Maliia-chan," the assistant quickly replied. "Miss Gordon,she go over all that with you and Miko-chan in meeting, one you just have.What matter, you no pay attention to that?"
"Um, no. No, of course I paid attention, don't be silly," I replied, tryingto hide the anxiety in my voice. "It just sort of took me by surprise is all."
"You no worry, you very pretty girl. You and Miko-chan very beautiful. Verynice bodies, very nice faces. You have nothing to feel ashamed of. "
I tried to relax. I took deep breaths, in, out, in, out. The air felt coolbetween my spread legs and against my exposed pussy. I felt the assistant pullinga strap over each of my ankles, then locking them to the apparatus. "Why areyou doing that?" I questioned.
"This just standard procedure. You no worry, we do for all people who inthis program. We do for Miko-chan too, when it her turn. She here, she watch.You okay, you see," she replied with a reassuring smile on her full pink lips.
I turned my head slightly and saw Miko nodding at me. She took my hand andgently rubbed it. "I'm right here, honey. Remember, we're in this together.Nothing bad is going to happen to you."
I started to relax. Knowing that Miko was there had such a calming effecton me. Even when the assistant locked my wrists down to the table effectivelytrapping me there, I just took deep breaths and concentrated on the symphonicsound of Miko's voice, reassuring me.
"Ow!" I screamed as I felt the sting of a needle entering my arm. "What thefuck was that?!"
"You no worry, Maliia-chan. That just shot to relax you," the assistantsaid while continuing her tasks. "You going start to feel sleepy. You no fightit. You fight it, you feel worse. You just sleep. Just sleep."
I tried to fight it anyway. What was going on here? I didn't want to be unconscious!I wanted to know what was going on around me. My eyelids were getting so heavy.So very heavy. Miko's voice seemed to be trailing off. I could still hear it,but the words…the words were making less and less sense. What was shesaying?
"My eyes. I have to keep my eyes open. Concentrate, I have to concentrate," Ithought as I worked up all my remaining energy to turn my head in Miko's direction.She was so lovely and beautiful even though she was out of focus. She keptgetting more and more blurry, and then I felt myself slipping away into sleep.
Part II
It was quiet and dark. I opened my eyes, straining for them to get adjustedto the light, but it didn't happen. I tried to look around me, but I saw nothingexcept darkness. The only sound was a rattling. "What was that? What is makingthat noise?" I tried to move, to squirm, anything. I couldn't. My arms werebehind me; I couldn't move them at all. It was like they were pulled behindmy back and strapped together somehow from my upper arms all the way down tomy wrists. They tingled like they were almost numb. I tried to move my legs,too, but I couldn't. They felt like they were spread, but I had no idea.
Again I heard the rattling noise. "Was that me?" I wondered. I stopped attemptingto squirm to see if perhaps the sound emanated from the bonds that were restrictingmy movement. I held myself absolutely still, but there it was again…rattle,rattle, rattle.
I tried to open my mouth to speak, only to realize that my mouth was alreadyopen as far as it could be. I tried to talk, to say anything, but nothing cameout. I felt around in my mouth with my tongue, and felt something. Somethingcircular, like a ring, and it was in my mouth. I could feel my saliva drippingon the skin of my face. It was leaking out of my mouth and down my chin. Therewas nothing I could do to stop from drooling. "What is this thing that's holdingmy mouth open?" I wondered, the panic growing inside me.
I could feel my heart beating faster as I tried to figure out what was goingon. One minute I'm on a table with Miko watching me, now I'm here, in darkness,and bound in some weird way. I felt that my situation was hopeless, but I continuedto try and struggle, to squirm in the hope that maybe I could free myself.I could not. Then the thought hit me: This is part of the experiment. They'vetied me up and put me in the dark like this because they want to see how I'llreact. That must be it. Professor Gordon did say that it was a psychologicalexperiment. I kept trying to reason out my situation; to rationalize the positionthat I was in. It was the only way that I could keep my rising terror at bay.I felt my heart beating harder in my chest as I tried to calm down.
"Just calm down Maliia, everything is going to be alright. This is just partof the experiment; they just want to see how you will react, then they'll letyou go. Everything is alright," I told myself over and over.
I felt fingers against my head. Something was over my eyes and the fingersseemed to be adjusting it. After only a couple of minutes, the adjustmentsseemed to stop and suddenly bright light streamed into my eyes. I blinked severaltimes, my eyes trying to adjust to the intense fluorescent lights of the room.I was lying on my back, still on the metal table in the sterile little room,and standing over me was Professor Gordon. I tried to speak, but I was unableto form words and only a strange moaning sound came out.
"Quiet slave!" the professor snapped as she slapped the inside of my tenderthigh.
I gasped through the openness of my mouth. "What was happening?"
My eyes had fully adjusted to the light, and I could now see that ProfessorGordon was dressed differently, like nothing I could have ever expected. Itried to turn my head to get a better view, but I couldn't; something was preventingme from moving it. The professor was dressed a shiny black material that fither sexy body like a glove. It was a catsuit of some sort. She stroked my smoothcopper thigh with one of her latex covered hands, lightly tickling my sensitiveskin. I gazed up at her quizzically.
"You know, slave, you really should pay more attention before you agreeto something. Of course, it wasn't entirely your fault. My office was filledwith Neocryn gas which made you drowsy and distracted. I don't really haveasthma you know," she grinned deviously.
I looked at her in fright. What was she talking about? What was going on? "Youhave agreed to become my little play toy. You will do everything I say, oryou will suffer tremendous consequences. You will address me as Mistress andnothing else. You will speak only when spoken to. You will only refer to yourselfin the third person, and I will modify your body, mind, and personality tobe what I choose. You are now my property, and I will do with you as I like.Just blink twice, dear, if you understand."
I stared at her. This couldn't be real. It had to be a trick of my mind,or part of the experiment. How long did she think she could keep me here likethis? Wouldn't the school notice that Miko and I were missing? What about ourfamilies? What did she mean by 'modify my mind and body'? The questions ranthrough my head so fast I could hardly concentrate.
"Ah. I see, dear. Well, you will learn to answer me when I ask a question.I have taken possession of enough lovely young bitches like yourself to knowthat you are probably wondering if this is for real. I assure you, my littlepet whore, it certainly is. Oh, and by the way, when I say that you are myproperty, I don't mean just for today, or this week, or this month. I meanI own you, now, and forever, until death parts us, or I choose to sell you.Although I can't imagine wanting to sell least, not until I've playedwith my new pet a little bit," she purred as her latex hand stroked my thighs.
"I'm sure there are many questions running through your head right now mylittle sex toy. Let me answer the most obvious ones first", she stated as herfingers danced up my flat belly to my thick dark red nipples. "It seems youand Miko were approved for a very exclusive exchange program overseas. At leastthat's what your families have been told. I have plenty of influence at thisinstitution, so it wasn't difficult to get the proper paperwork filed withthe University. The paper trail looks perfect, and your families will stillget an occasional email or postcard saying how you think everything is wonderfuland how much you miss them. My assistants have already gone to the dorm roomyou indicated in your paperwork and packed up all of your belongings. Of coursethey were sure to leave a note on the white board on your door informing themthat Miko and you were accepted into a very exciting and difficult program."
My new Mistress moved her hands to my face and softly touched my cheek. Ifelt her adjust some straps on my head, and after a few seconds, she liftedthe terrible rubber ring gag out of my mouth. A single strand of my salivastill connected to the shiny black rubber that glistened from being in my orifice.
"Mm, delicious," she said as she darted her moist pink tongue out of hermouth and licked the strand of saliva off of the gag.
While I tried to move my jaw around to work out some of the soreness, I felther fingertips brush against the soft folds of my vagina, and I strained tolook down at my body. My legs were spread, still in the stirrups. I could seemy black pubic hairs and feel the cool draft teasing my exposed pussy.
"While you have been asleep, I got to know your little Asian slut friendvery well…and I do mean very well. Apparently, she seems to have anattraction to you, but I guess you must have known that already. After all,look at how wet that little slut hole of yours became upon my mentioning her."
With that she shoved one of her fingers into my vagina. I felt it movingaround inside me. I knew she was right; just thinking about Miko was gettingme wet. As much as I hated my situation, hated my helplessness, hated thatI was so humiliated, controlled, deceived and taken advantage of, still therewas something about it that made me so horny I couldn't help myself.
"Would you like to see your friend, dear?" Mistress purred in my ear, hertongue gently lapping at the lobe. "Would you like to see what I did to her?"
"Did to her?" I asked in an angry tone. "Tell me what the fuck you did toMiko!" I could feel my heart pounding as the anger welled up inside me. SuddenlyI felt a shock pouring through my body, gripping my muscles.
"I see you did not remember our rules, my wet little bitch. If you do thatagain, I'm afraid I'll have to take away your powers of speech. Permanently.One of you just had to be the difficult one. My new little oriental toy wasa delight to modify. Now then, if you would like to see your friend, just ask."
I tried to suppress my anger and confusion. I wanted desperately to see Miko,to make sure that she was alright, to make sure that she could see that I wastrapped here on this table with this crazed bitch in control of me.
"May I…I mean…well Maliia means, may Maliia see her friendMiko?"
"May Maliia see her friend Miko, Mistress? You must learn to ask for thingscorrectly or you simply won't make an acceptable toy. Pity. Then I'd have tosell you to some sheik who will have far less patience than me. Just for thatlittle slip up, you will also refer to yourself as my dripping little pet."
I bit my lip and again summoned up the courage to play along with this twistedbitch's game, even if it did excite me a little bit. "May Maliia, your drippinglittle pet, see her friend Miko, Mistress?"
"Of course you may," she mocked as she pushed a button on the table. I feltthe end of the table raise my upper body further until I sitting upright, butwith my legs still locked into the stirrups. I saw myself in a small mirrorthat had been mounted on the wall in front of me. There I was, completely nakedand locked to this table. My vagina was exposed and open to anyone, and whileI still looked like I did when I got on the table, my arms were now in a strangesort of single leather arm binder. I could see the straps over my shoulders,and I could make out the shape of the glove behind me.
"Mm, time for you to see your little friend…I mean, my little orientaltoy," Mistress said as her fingers lightly pinched my large dark red nipple.
She snapped her fingers, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figureapproach. It walked slowly, and I could hear the rattle of chains as it moved.When the figure came closer, I could see it was Miko.
"What had they done to her?" I wondered in shock.
She walked up and stood right in front of me. She wore a single glove armbinder much like my own, that trapped her slender arms cruelly behind her,and tight shiny rubber stockings (I assumed with hobble chains connecting herdelicate ankles, but I couldn't see down that far). Around her neck was a thicksteel collar with leather padding and a large "O" ring that dangled in thefront. The collar and its placement on my friend made her look like a capturedanimal. Her breasts were now huge. I couldn't believe it. They stood out fromher tiny torso by at least a foot.
If that wasn't shocking enough, she had a very thick gold ring that dangledfrom the base of each of her nipples, both of which appeared to be at leastthree inches long and protruded from her huge breasts like two small but erectpink cocks. I looked between her legs, and was shocked to find that her shinyblack pubic hair was gone. Her lack of pussy hair made her look just like alittle schoolgirl. I thought I saw something glisten between her legs, butI could not tell since her legs were closed. She looked up at me, and I sawanother thick golden ring hanging from her septum, dangling to her upper lip.From this ring trailed a chain which hung freely. She moved around beside me,her face so close to mine. I could clearly see that her nose piercing was reallya small metal plate on each side of her septum with a hole in it, and the ringsimply was looped through the hole. The chain that hung from her nose ringgently tickled my ribcage as she leaned over me.
"Wha…what did they do to you Miko? What happened?" I asked nervously.
"Shh," she whispered to me, her ruby lips just inches from my own. "Theyhave transformed Miko. Miko is now a lowly pet; an animal for Mistress' use.The old Miko is still inside this head, but trapped in psychological bondage.Miko can see everything that goes on, but has no control over her body, orher emotions."
My eyes filled with tears as she spoke. I could feel the heat of her breathagainst my lips as the words flowed from her beautiful mouth.
"Miko likes being this way now. This is her destiny, to be nothing more thana bitch whore animal on a leash. Do you like the Miko slut, Maliia?"
I tried to shake my head no. No, this can't be happening. No, this isn'tpossible, but Miko pressed her lips to mine. I felt her tongue snake out ofher mouth and pry open my mouth. I was so shocked; I didn't know what to do.I felt her tongue in my orifice. The soft wet flesh and her saliva drippinginto my mouth. Her tongue exploring me; rubbing against my teeth, the roofof my mouth, my gums. I felt something metallic as her tongue searched my mouth,my own tongue dancing and flittering against hers as she carefully discoveredmy oral cavity with her moist organ. As she withdrew her tongue from my mouth,she kept it out for a brief second. I could see it was long, much longer thanany normal tongue, and it had a thick ring right at the tip, and a set of twogrommets on either side of her tongue about halfway down forming an open holefor each grommet, with a small metal plate on each side of her tongue. Tearscontinued to fill my eyes; I couldn't believe what they had done to Miko, tomy best friend.
"They will do this to you too, sweetie. Don't fight it; it's much betterif you just give in, let yourself go," she whispered, raising one of her largebreasts to my face. "See, they've even given Miko these beautiful breasts withthese wonderful nipples. Aren't Miko's tits pretty?"
I noticed something white dribbling from the ends of her nipples and lookedat her quizzically.
"That's right slave sister, they brought Miko to milking, just like the lowlyanimal that Miko is. Taste Miko. Taste Miko's love."
She pushed her breast into my mouth. I opened my mouth a little wider toaccommodate her massive nipple and felt it glide over my tongue to the backof my throat. The metal of her nipple ring pushed against my lips and touchedmy teeth. I could feel her milk slowly dripping in my mouth and I could tasteit on the very back of my tongue. It was delicious and sweet. I began to suckleat her breast like an infant. Slurping the succulent milk into me like it wasa drug and trying not to swallow her nipple completely. The more I sucked,the more I wanted; I could think of nothing else. The delicious taste filledmy mouth and Miko's sweet scent filled my nostrils.
"Looks like my little fuck toy is enjoying herself, judging by her reaction," Iheard Mistress say as she moved a latex-covered finger around on my soakingvagina. "You are living up to your name for today, slut. You are literallydripping from your cunt. Oh, by the way, Miko's milk is not just ordinary breastmilk, it has been enhanced to act much like a psycho addictive drug, whichmeans that as long as you are under the influence of her milk your mind willbe much more pliable, and if you go for more than a day or so without her milkyou will go into extreme withdrawal, and possibly die. So you see, I have boundyou two together for eternity through necessity. Isn't that just lovely? Butthen I suppose its what you really want, now isn't it, my little sex pet, tobe with Miko for the rest of your life. I guess you just didn't think thatit would be at the end of my leash."
As I heard the sound of her voice, her words filling my head, it didn't seemto matter. I knew that I should stop suckling at Miko's tit like a little girl,but I couldn't. Just as Mistress had said, it was addictive. My lips had takenover and were working Miko's nipple, trying desperately to extract her sweetdelicious milk.
"Now that your will has started to weaken, I suppose I could let you knowwhat will happen to you," Mistress said as her fingers continued to strokeand tug on the soft folds of my moist vagina. "As you may have guessed, I willmodify you so that you will be very similar in appearance to my toy on a leashMiko. Other than the fact that she's an oriental fuck slut, and you are a Hawaiianone, you both have so much in common that it would be crime not to allow youto live out your lives twin slave whores."
I gazed up at Miko's face as my lips continued to suckle at her huge tit,and I noticed an incredible look of ecstasy on her face, as though she wereabout to orgasm. She was biting her pouty lower lip, yet not a sound escapedher delicious mouth.
"Enough, Miko, come kneel at my feet like the submissive little cunt thatyou are," Mistress snapped.
I tried to hold Miko's delicious nipple in my mouth, but as she pulled awayI felt the steel ring at the base slide away from my teeth and her large nippleglide from the back of my throat, over my tongue and past my lips. A shinystrand of my saliva connected to it briefly and glistening in the light asMiko slowly walked to Mistress with her eyes cast at the floor, the subtlerattling of her hobble chains filled the room. She carefully knelt down, tryingto keep her balance without the use of her arms, and pressed her head to thefloor next to Mistress' shiny leather boot.
Mistress gently stroked Miko's long black hair with her latex gloved handand said, "You're a good little fuck pet, aren't you, my Asian bitch in heat?"
"Yes Mistress, Miko is your little Asian bitch in heat," Miko answered almostrobotically.
"Mm, you are such a delicious little toy," Mistress softly whispered intoMiko's ear as she grasped Miko's nose chain and wrapped it around her hand. "Wouldyou like for your owner to turn Maliia into a pet too? Hmm?"
"Yes Mistress", Miko responded as she closed her exquisite almond-shapedeyes from the dull aching pain of the chain tugging on her nose ring. "YourAsian bitch in heat Miko would like very much to see her friend Maliia becomea whore on your leash."
"Mm, very well then," Mistress purred as she snapped her fingers again. "Wewill turn her into a little plaything."
Within seconds I saw the little Japanese assistant enter the room. I almostdidn't recognize her since she looked so different from before. She was dressedalmost exactly like Miko, except her arms were free. She wore the same kindof collar around her slender neck, and had a similar thick gold ring protrudingfrom the septum of her nose. Her nipples, however, were even longer than Miko's,at least four inches long with a huge gold ring at the end of each one, andseveral smaller rings about an inch apart all the way up to her aureole. Asmall padlock looped through both of the gold rings at the ends of her nipples,so that her tender pink flesh was effectively locked together. A chain thatwas locked to the padlock connecting her nipples extended to another huge goldring that dangled between her legs. I could see the chain lightly dancing againstthe soft skin of her ribcage as it snaked to her pussy. Just like Miko, theassistant had no pubic hair, and wore tight black rubber stockings and operalength gloves. Upon entering the room, the assistant fell to her knees andleaned forward until her forehead was touching the floor at Mistress' feet.
"Mistress, how may Akira serve you?"
"Mm, they are so delightful, aren't they, bitch Maliia?" Mistress directedat me as her latex hand gently squeezed Akira's huge left breast, and tuggedat the captive long nipple that dangled from the end of it. "Do you like mywork? I just love when I make their breasts like this. It's so humiliatingfor these girls with such tiny little bodies to have such large breasts. NaturallyI have Akira in milking too, but don't worry dear; it's not her milk that youcrave but she will be helping me to train you and your twin slave animal Miko.I do seem to be acquiring quite a collection of these oriental bitches. I supposethat it's just as well then that I got a hot little Hawaiian like yourselfto make things more…diverse."
End of Part I. Part II hopefully to come soon with pee training,forced enemas, chastity belts and more modification and humiliation. Formore stories by or about Maliia and real photos of her in bondage, visither website at
She pulled her loose flannel pajama pants to her knees then sat on the stool. As she flowed into the toilet the bathroom door opened and her brother stumbled in, his eyes half closed with sleep. A shock of fright raced through her, but when she recognized him, she shuddered with relief. Even though she was sitting on the toilet his presence was reassuring, she wasn’t alone with the demon anymore. His eyes opened fully when he saw her, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be up...
The man in the Nightmare. The nightmare came again. Laura moaned in her sleep and mouthed the words NO. NO. NO. In her dream she was in New Orleans in the French Quarter. HE was there smiling. A dark creole man about fifty. He walked towards her with an grin under a thin mustache that was as sharp as a carving knife. She tried to move but she couldn't. The ground under her feet was like grasping hands from a grave. He drew closer and his smile widened so she could see his crooked...
William's Nightmare This is a true account of a past ordeal that has dominated my life for manyyears now. I wish that the clock could be turned back and that it would all go away.I have never, ever told a living soul about this painful and humiliating periodbut feel that I must set the record straight in my own mind by sharing thepain with at least one other person. Only then can I try to forget. It is easierfor me if I write this story in the third person. A couple of names and veryfew...
Nightclub Nightmare (NC, Rape, MF/f, SM, D/S, Gangbang, Torture,Humiliation) Sharon Tu could feel her heart racing with excitement,as she and her other friends waited patiently in line to enter Da-Boom .The little Asian girl was literally shaking from the cold frosty air, the blaringsongs emanating from the club, and her own eagerness to quickly get inside.Although there were many rowdy teens hollering and laughing nearby, Sharoncould still feel the pounds and thuds of hip-hop music...
Edited by: Todger65 Self Fulfilling Nightmare Chapter 1 Mi’elle arched her back, her blue eyes rolling into the back of her head. Her naked, sweaty body was shaking, coming down off another orgasm. The campfire outside the entrance of her tent was still going strong, illuminating her muscular body with a faint orange glow. Her long black hair dripped sweat onto her toned ass. The man Mi’elle was straddling, cupped her breasts, sat up and kissed along her neck. She...
Authors note: A short story I thought I'd write, heavily sex themed and transformative, not too dissimilar to any of the other works I write. Hopefully it's enjoyable. Please leave a review if you did enjoy it or have constructive criticism, or visit my Patreon at Peace! THE NIGHTMARE Jon had been having a lot of recurring nightmares lately. To the point whereby he'd not wanted to go to bed any more. It had gotten to the point...
It was only a few moments later that she realized it was worse than she thought as she realized there were three figures in her room with her. The second person moved to take hold of one of her arms and forced it over her head up to the headboard of the antique brass bed. She heard a strange quick clicking as she felt what was probably a plastic tie zip around her wrist and then another around one post of her headboard. The third figure then did the same to her other wrist and she felt her...
Introduction: This story was written for a challenge on the XNXX forum, the challenge was to write a story using a famous painting, The Nightmare by Henri Fuseli. This was my entry. Helenas Nightmare Helena slept heavily, her long blonde tresses dangling over the edge of the bed as she sprawled across the double mattress. A groan escaped from her lips as she woke uncomfortably, the feeling of a weight pressing down on her stomach and ribs disturbing her. As her eyes flickered open it seemed,...
A second kick knocked out the window. The supervillain’s fist reached out. Her segmented bracers ran the rim of the pane to clear away the burrs and shards that had been left behind. She swung out of the warehouse before the glass had shattered on the concrete walkway below. She was a blur of cloud white, soulless black, and wine red. The glass shards crunched under her armored boots as she dropped the story and a half to the ground. “Wrong exit, criminal,” came a loud, authoritative...
John Daniels awoke screaming his body bathed in sweat, his sheets entangled in his legs as he fought his way from the dark depths of his dream. Sitting upright in the dark he heard footsteps on the landing before his bedroom door opened and the light came on. His parents stood in the doorway looking tossled and scared after being awoken by a scream in the night. His Mom quickly crossed to the bed and sat down beside him, enveloping him in her arms. "Are you OK John, Honey it's alright, just...
“Shoot me,” he said, pressing the gun into her small hand. “Go ahead,” he said, “Shoot me!” She stared at him, not understanding. “If you don’t, you’ll be sorry.” She shook her head, holding the gun, heavy in her hands. He sighed. “Okay, then. Have it your way,” he said brightly, and took the gun back, pushed her hard against the couch, starting pressing himself into her and laughing. Laughing. It hurt. It hurt. Like knives cold gun at your head. Like suffocating being strangled...
Donald’s tears stop by the time they get back to the house. He is a little embarrassed that he had shown his emotions and cried in front of Emma, but she is acting so kind and understanding right now. He hurries her to her bedroom, throws off his tuxedo, and helps her out of her cloak and shoes.“Emma lets go take a hot bath, I want to clean you of all this, and as we do I will try to explain,” he tells her.Emma turns and holds him tight for a few minutes, stroking his head and back, kissing...
Love StoriesIntroduction: Please remember to read up on the series as I dont want anyone to be lost on the plot. Also I do not condone real rape or slavery but fantasy is always fun to play with. Not for the person looking for a soft sweet sex story. Kali awoke in a large bed chamber. She kept her eyes squinted so as to access her new surroundings. She knew she still had the heavy chain attached to her collar. She groaned when she realized she was naked laying on a marble floor. She slightly tilted her...
Let me introduce myself. I’m Upendra Dubey, I’m working as a senior sales manager in a MNC, since last 3 years. Recently my family persuaded for marriage. I’m the youngest in the family. Two elder brothers and two elder sisters. My father along with my brothers and my brother-in-laws all are of very dominating nature. This lead to make me a coward in the family. Slapping and kicking are common habits in my family culture, especially for me. Which made me a coward by nature and character. Though...
My Worst Nightmare by SONIA =========================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) This story is one I keep going back to as as theme because this is my dream if only it happened just like this ....... My worst nightmare had happened. My wife, Lorna, stood at the door to our bedroom with a look of horror on her face and her eyes welling up with tears. "Oh my God," she said, turned and hurriedly left the room and soon after I heard the...
Daniel's Nightmare This is a simple sissy story of forced sissifcation and humiliation. No real sex involved but alluded to. May be downloaded for personal pleasure any other use forbidden unless approved by author. Like a couple of my other stories, one of Daphne's drawings inspired this one. Comments appreciated but you have been warned of the nature of this story. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. By Cheryl Lynn "Mom I don't want to go to Aunt Margaret's for the...
Mrs. Mason's New Nightmare. This is an original story based on the characters in "Slumber Party Nightmare". When I first read and rewrote that story I didn't think that those characters deserved what happened to them. So when I wrote another story using the Mrs. Mason theme I made sure they did deserve it. Years later I don't think it matters anymore for these type of stories. This is my first original story written a long time ago. You will notice a lot of the same themes as the...
NIGHTMARE Chapter 1 My name is Jason Conners, or at least it used to be. I had the perfect life. I was 6'2" with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and from what I've been told, a movie star face. I was 18 with the whole world about to open up for me. I was the star quarterback of my high school football team with tons of full ride scholarships being offered to me. My parents pretty much made sure that I had everything I needed and most of whatever I wanted, but what really made my...
Fantasy Come Nightmare I walked in my flat where I lived alone, I took off my fleece and workboots and put them in the cupboard. I stepped into the bathroom where I stripped out of my filthy work clothes and got in the shower. I washed away all of the dust and muck I'd collected from a hard day on the construction site before I got out the razor and shaved away the hair from my legs, chest and armpits. This was a regular thing so it was more like stubble than regular hair. I got...
NEIGHBOR GIRL?S NIGHTMARE NEIGHBOR GIRL?S NIGHTMARE Devin was basically a born troublemaker. The 17-year-old was always having problems at school and was a pain on his parents at home. By contrast, his younger stepsister Katie was an angel. She was in high school English and math despite only being in 7th grade. Her success only fuelled the rebellious streak in Devin. When Devin arrived home from school on Friday, he saw his family packing for a trip. ?What?s going on? Where are you...
This story is absolutely a work of fiction, written only as per the author's imagination. Resemblance to any character or incident is purely coincidental and unintentional. This is only for adults and the author do not support any relation of incidents to reality.Story:Shreyashi always knew she was a beautiful bengali girl. All through her adolescence she was aware of all the male attention she received and her figure only augmented the fact that she was beautiful and desirable or perhaps...
This is from the original author of this story. This story is absolutely a work of fiction, written only as per the author's imagination. Resemblance to any character or incident is purely coincidental and unintentional. This is only for adults and the author do not support any relation to reality....
I HAD HAIR. Lots of hair. Long beautiful blond locks like Angel’s. And I had hair under my arms. I couldn’t even imagine shaving. And hair on my legs. And on my pubes. I couldn’t help but run my fingers through it. I wanted to spend all day brushing it and shaking it back and forth like a wild animal. Long beautiful hair and it was all mine. Dreaming But I couldn’t reach my hair. My hands were tied behind my back. I was sitting naked on a straight chair and Bradley was mocking me. He...
The plain manila envelope Jason Tendell carried in his hand felt like it weighed a ton. With his world teetering on the edge of complete and utter collapse, the contents of that package felt like a huge millstone around his neck... and life. Just twenty-seven, his life had been nearly perfect to this point. It was on a path that most would envy and some would kill for. He had already made more than enough to pay off his home and still afford several fancy toys. As Financial Analyst for a...
The three of us sat and talked for what felt like hours. I told them how I was a teacher back on Earth and they shared stories of the all the worlds they had visited. The food we ate was like nothing I'd ever tasted before. They ordered different items, almost like several sampler platters and I tried everything. Some of it I really liked, some, not so much. Other creatures joined us and they too would share stories about space travel and the different worlds they had seen. It seemed I was...
You are standing at the edge of a cliff, looking out over the world. From here you can see every fault, every sin, every transgression. It is like a voice in your ears, whispering, drawing your attention to every miniscule detail, ever imperfection. As you stand, listening, your attention is drawn to a run down apartment somewhere in the middle of phoenix. A young man is huddled in the corner of his closet, crying quietly to himself. His fingers are raw and bleeding where he has chewed at them...
Helena slept heavily, her long blonde tresses dangling over the edge of the bed as she sprawled across the double mattress. A groan escaped from her lips as she woke uncomfortably, the feeling of a weight pressing down on her stomach and ribs disturbing her. As her eyes flickered open it seemed, in the gloom of her bed-chamber, that a small creature was perched on her torso, its eyes glinting. Eyes suddenly wide open, she shot upright. The vision of the creature disappeared. She...
My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My Nightmare I nervously approached the door. Pause before knocking. I know as soon as I knocked I was committed to a weekend of humiliation and pain. Still I go ahead and knock timidly on the door, a few seconds go by, and I considered turning and running. The door swung open, too late to run now. In front of me is a man, slightly shorter than me, slim build with a head of receding short black hair. He looked in his fifties but is probably about forty. “Yes” he...
Introduction: Wife and husband decide to have sex while she wears her best friends wedding dress. Bet you cant guess how this ends! Wedding Dress Nightmare Daniella was getting married tomorrow. My wife Kim was the maid of honor and we were staying in the same hotel as the reception. The girls were all doting on Daniella and the boys were all out getting shitfaced with the groom. Kim had just about had it with all of Daniellas ridiculous indulgences and escaped back upstairs to our suite. I...
Welcome to Undead Nightmare, a zombie apocalypse survival story. This story will take place in a generic fictional city infested with hoards of undead. This story doesn't have an erotic focus, but it may contain a few sex scenes. Though they will likely be fairly short. To begin the story, select a character.
Non-EroticMy Perfect Weekend Turns Into My NightmareI nervously approached the door. Pause before knocking. I know as soon as I knocked I was committed to a weekend of humiliation and pain. Still I go ahead and knock timidly on the door, a few seconds go by, and I considered turning and running. The door swung open, too late to run now. In front of me is a man, slightly shorter than me, slim build with a head of receding short black hair. He looked in his fifties but is probably about forty.“Yes” he...
watching your wife have sex with another man is not all it's cracked up to be.My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 5 years now, I am 35 and she is 30. My wife was a virgin when we got married so she had never been with another person before. We had actually met at my brothers wedding, she was a bridesmaid, and I was my brother's best man. I guess my fantasizing about watching her have sex with another man started when we met and I read story after story in the Penthouse...
This is to let all of the husbands out there know that watching your wife have sex with another man is not all it's cracked up to be.My wife and I have been married to each other for almost 5 years now, I am 35 and she is 30. My wife was a virgin when we got married so she had never been with another person before. We had actually met at my brothers wedding, she was a bridesmaid, and I was my brother's best man. I guess my fantasizing about watching her have sex with another man started when...
The Vacation Nightmare By Margaret Jeanette Jason Barrett woke up at his usual early time. It took him a minute to realize that he was at his sister-in-law's house. His wife Sharon was sleeping next to him. He knew she wouldn't be up for at least two hours yet as she liked to sleep late when she didn't have to go to work. He wondered about the headphones on his head. He didn't remember putting headphones on. He got up and padded to the bathroom. He knew no one was up yet so he...
A Fantasy Can Become a Nightmare It had taken months of planning for Chris to get everything ready for the fantasy of his life. It would something he had only dreamed of doing for a long time. The timing had to be right and this time it was. He would have the house to himself for a full week, and be completely undisturbed. Chris had been into self bondage for years and cross dressing was part of the humiliation he enjoyed forcing himself to endure. He had always been a control...
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Samantha’s Dubai NightmareSynopsis: A petite, gorgeous 19-year-old blonde American gets lured into working for an escorting agency in Dubai. Once there, she is quickly sold into slavery and forced to pleasure her owner in the most terrible of ways.Chapter 1: An Offer Too Good to Refuse ?So,? Malia Jackson said, leaning forward and smiling at the young blonde across from her. ?Have you thought about what Kyle told you? About the Dubai gig?? ?I have, I don’t—I’m still not sure...
Fantasy Night Turns into Femdom nightmareBackground Chapter One Annie & Eddie had been married for about 18 months. Annie was a 31 year-old stunning brunet who was 5’10? tall, 135 pounds - in all the right places. She had a classically beautiful face, firm 36 D breasts, lovely nipples and the sweetest tasting pussy Eddied had ever known. Eddie was a successful 50 year-old, married once before without children. He was 6’2? tall and was in reasonable shape physically. He considered...
Kenyan Customs NightmareShabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Most of the people were black. The blonde woman and her husband were conspicuous as they waited in line in Customs at the Nairobi airport. She was attractive, dressed in a halter top and a short skirt. ?Your passports, please,? the man behind the desk said. ?What is the purpose of your visit,? he inquired??My wife and I are visiting colleagues.? The officer examined their passports as they waited for their luggage. The...
Linda?s Medical NightmareBy the Bitchfinder GeneralPart OneFor the next couple of days things went quiet. Michelle managed to control herself and behave properly both in class and in a counselling session she had with Linda. Hoping the troublesome student had learned her lesson, Linda relaxed.Then her world was turned upside down. Under the terms of her contract while she remained on her three months probationary period she had to go through a monthly medical assessment. With her somewhat...
African NightmareThis story takes place in Nigeria. The year is 1968 and the country was in the midst of civil war. The Ibo’s, a tribe that lived in the eastern region on Nigeria had broken away following the assassination of the Nigerian Premier. The Ibo’s called their territory Biafra and as this area contained Nigeria’s oil reserves tensions were running high. In the north of the country Fiat the giant Italian car and engineering company were building a dam on the river Niger. It is in this...
VACATION NIGHTMAREby novelist 3000 ??????????? Kristi Ambrose and her sister Annie stared out the hotel window in complete shock.? Overnight there had been a bloody military coup and the country was in a state of total upheaval.? Unexpected though it was, the turn of events underscored Kristi?s earlier fears about vacationing here, but she had promised her younger sister months earlier that they would get away for awhile.? Internet research revealed Palmas as the best value in a...
Reunion Nightmare by Cindy Johnson [email protected] Free Audio MP3 version available Positive reviews welcome ?? Oh God, no. Please tell me she didn't just bring this up in front of the entire family, and my wife. My stupid, drunk sister spilled our family secret, and now everyone is looking at me giggling. It was our semi-annual family reunion. The entire family comes to Chicago to meet every two years from all over the country. We usually have over 50 people attend the...
*Note: Don’t read this if you’re easily offended ... or if you have a weak stomach ... really, you probably just shouldn’t read this. The cabin is a good distance from the main road, perhaps six or seven miles. The tree line is dense enough to shield any would be prying eyes. Last night I narrowed my search down to a five mile radius within French Creek State Park. It’s quiet, isolated, and visibly guarded from any fire towers. Understandable why a hunter like him would choose such a location....
Many of you have probably read my first story "A Husband's Mistake, A Wife's Nightmare." Well I never would have thought it was true myself, but it has been said there is a little truth in every story. Well, that story was written about a little truth in my own life. I had found my wife having an online affair, when I wrote that story I thought that was all it was, and that it was over. I was wrong and last week she took it to the next level. Although I was able to stop it before it went...
This event shook me up so badly that I'm not to sure where to start. The story that you are about to read might have been true if it weren't for the nightmare. I came so close to doing what you are about to read. Anyway, here's the story. The computer was shining in her face like a giant light bulb. She had been trying for several weeks to find an interest in her new toy. So far nothing she found interested her very much. At first she looked at the site's that contained information on...
It was two more days before my brother finally returned. While we waited, Sigrun resumed caring for Faren, and Alim shut himself in the library. Alistair went out to meet with Conrad, who’d seen no sign of darkspawn on his patrols; he was worried, however, that Rolan and his patrol hadn’t made it to their last meeting. The patrol routes were planned such that each group met with one of the others once per day, and the former templar hadn’t been there in the morning when Oghren, Conrad, and...
Dave was having a very strange dream about walking through his school naked when suddenly he was pushed against a locker. His back was to the locker but he couldn't see who was holding him there. He felt something on his soft prick - a hand was holding it while a tongue licked it. Dave suddenly felt a warm mouth encase his quickly growing hard-on. He put his hands to the head he imagined was there and was surprised to feel hair slide between his fingers. The background of the school...
This comes directly from a nightmare of mine. I've suffered many of these over the years, causing me to get only maybe four hours of sleep each night at most. This is not a TG tale, though I suppose it could probably become one upon awakening. I have very sad and disturbed dreams like this unfortunately and have been prescribed drugs to counter these horrible nightmares but nothing seems to help so far. I present this to you now, to see what horrible dreams I am subjected to each day...
Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit light Enter night Take my hand We’re off to Never Never-land Enter Sandman, Lyrics by James Hetfield JENNIFER Can’t ... breathe! I hurled myself upwards in bed, yanking in deep lungs full of air through my mouth. My sinuses and head felt twenty pounds heavier and pain was thundering through my skull. Strings of numbers raced through my consciousness, pushing away all attempts at rational thought. I clung to them, desperate for...
We were lucky, usually Geghast Station was one of those stations that at any one moment, there could be ten or more ships docked looking for a cargo, leading to sometimes someone taking a run that would barely break even, just to get off the dock and stop paying docking fees, but this time there was a pretty decent run taking us to the Morely System, which was a single jumpgate away. Even with the days to get to the jump gate, and the couple days in system once we arrived, it was going to...
CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 8 FAMILY AND NIGHTMARES His eyes opened quickly. The first thing that came into view was his bedroom door. His heart slowed down as he exhaled into his pillow. It was just a dream. He thought. Well of course it was! His eye's swirled about in their sockets like a startled animals as he rolled over onto his back and licked the inside of his mouth. That usual morning taste was in his mouth and he couldn't wait to get his hands on his toothbrush. He...
As a single mother of a teenage child, life isn’t easy. Especially when that child starts having problems. My name is Layla and I am a forty-three-year-old woman. I have kept my looks and work out three times a week. My son, Luke, is just seventeen and is a strapping, handsome young man. I can’t say I was attracted to him, I wasn’t, but he did look a lot like his father, who I was besotted with. It all started a few years ago, well sort of. For years my son had nightmares, not every night, more...
IncestHolly's Pleasures' and NightmaresBy Kitten Hollysorry the pictures and Gifs do not match the story very well, you will just have to use your imagination. I also apologize for the large pictures, masturbate or resize pictures, you see which i chose.It's Monday, everyone has left for work or school, I have the day to myself.I decided that I need to go check out the new Shopping Mall that just open, have heard they have some nice clothing shops in it.After cleaning up, I'm sitting in from of my...
Sleep was a long time coming for Scott that night. When he did fall off to sleep it was restless and filled with dreams. For Angie the night was even worse; since the first night that they had slept together she had found that she slept like she had before her Dad had been murdered. It was as though she drew comfort, love and security from Scott. Gone were the nightmares of her father's wreck and his lonely death. All that was replaced by the warm gentle strength of Scott. Tonight, though,...
The music is loud, almost too loud, the beat pounding through your body. You’re not so much dancing as jerking in response to the vibrations. Someone keeps handing you drink after drink, and you keep drinking them. Some of them taste weird, like copper, you don’t notice much more than that. The place is dark, so dark you can hardly see anyone else. Here and there bright streaks of light as ravers do their glow stick dance. Here and there a flash of fire as someone lights a cigarette. Nicotine...
Let me introduce myself, my name is Moe. Yes, you read right, Moe. Well at least that’s what my friends call me. Frankly I’ve been called that for so long so often that I cannot really remember my real name unless I look at my driver’s license. I am not really a ladies man. In all truth, I’m the complete opposite. If I tried to pick up a lady at the bar I would crash and burn worse then the first fight of a military aircraft. My hands sweat, I turn beet red, and I sound like Porky Pig (no...