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Corporal Punishment

By: Michael Alexander

[email protected]

Chapter One: The Assembly

The early morning chatter was at its usual roar as thirty high school sophomorescrowded into the classroom. The hall was slowly emptying as hurried glancesat wrist watches and the large generic clocks mounted in the corridors counteddown the seconds. Tami Edwards pushed through a clump of boys gossiping aboutthe upcoming football game and made her way to her desk, pausing to smile ather best friend, Heather.

"I thought you weren't going to make it." Heather said as her bright pinknails pushed her long blonde bangs out of her eyes.

Tami's mouth curled in a smiling pout. "I almost didn't. Brad stopped mein the hall and asked me out Saturday."

Heather's eyes widened. "Really? Did you say yes?"

Tami grinned wickedly. "Of course I did!" She slung her book bag under thedesk, smoothing her skirt down as she slid into the seat. A loud crack camefrom Heather as she popped her gum, a mixture of jealousy and happiness spreadingacross her face.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen!" A voice called out from the front of theroom. Tami looked up to see the balding head of Mr. Mason looking out overthe class. His brown mustache seemed to make up for the lack of hair on hishead, and behind his back Tami and her friends frequently referred to him asegghead. The week before Easter Tami had brought a colored egg with a mustacheon it and left it on his desk. The class had laughed about it for a week, despiteMr. Mason's lack of amusement.

"The principal has called an assembly, to be held in the auditorium. Itshould only last thirty minutes. Leave your bags under your chairs, as youwill be returning to this room at the conclusion of the assembly. Everyonehead to the auditorium please."

Tami and Heather looked at each other curiously, and then smiled.

"Want to skip it?" asked Tami in a hushed whisper.

Heather shook her head. "Tami! You know what happened last time! You gotme in trouble!"

Tami just laughed. "Oh come on, Heather. You are such a baby! We can sneakaway in the rush and go out to the field house. Maybe Brad will be there!"

Heather just rolled her eyes. "You've got Brad on the brain!"

"And other places." Tami said wickedly.

"Whatever. All right. But we're only going to skip the assembly, okay?"

Tami smiled. "Fine."

Together they moved out the door into the crowded hallway. Evidentally theassembly was for the entire student body, not merely the sophomores. Tami andHeather edged away from the classmates and started down the hall away fromthe auditorium.

"Tami? Heather?" Mr. Mason's voice called out to them. They stopped andturned, Heather's face a mask of fright, Tami's smiling sweetly.

"Yes, Mr. Mason?" asked Tami.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, his voice cold.

"The ladies room, Mr. Mason. That isn't a problem is it?" Tami's voice wasdripping with sarcasm.

Mr. Mason smiled suddenly. "Well fortunately there is one right in frontof the auditorium. You can go there. Come on ladies. Everyone is going to thisassembly."

Tami's smiled faded and was replaced with a look of chagrin. Old Eggheadwas smarter than he looked. She sighed.

"Come on, Heather. Mr. Mason is right. We can use the ones by the auditorium." Tamitook Heather's arm and pulled her past the grinning teacher, who fell intostep behind them.

"He's following us!" Heather whispered after glancing back.

"Oh hush. We'll just stay in the bathroom until he has to go into the assembly.Then we'll sneak out." Tami said, her voice cross.

The two girls followed the last flow of students toward the auditorium,angling into the restroom. Once inside Tami checked her makeup while Heatherreally did use the facilities, her nerves still a little shaky.

"Ladies? Mr. Mason told me you both were still in here." Tami jumped asMrs. Rutger's head looked in.

Tami looked over at Mrs. Rutger, her face betraying her anger. "Yes ma'am.Heather is almost done."

Mrs. Rutger smiled. "I'll wait for you two outside."

"Oh that's okay Mrs. Rutger. We will be out in a moment. You can go intothe auditorium." Tami replied, a soft almost babyish whine coming from her.

Mrs Rutger's smile faded and she shook her head. "I don't think so, Tami.I know you to well. And Heather is too firmly under your thumb to make theright decision on her own. Let's go."

Tami's fists clenched but she schooled her face into something resemblingrespect. Heather stumbled out of the stall quickly, her eyes wide with fright.

"Come on, Tami. Let's just go." Heather said, her voice pleading.

Tami looked at her and then Mrs. Rutger. "Sure. We were going to go to theassembly anyway."

Mrs. Rutger held the door open for them as they exited the bathroom andturned into the auditorium. It was a huge room, with rows of theater styleseats. A large stage stretched across one end of the room and Tami saw thatthe lectern had been brought forward along with a large table.

The students were still talking in a loud roar, with the occasional paperball being flung as the teachers tried to maintain order. Tami and Heathermoved down the isle, Tami clearly looking for seats.

"Oh my god! There is a seat right there next to Brad!" Tami exclaimed. Shegrabbed Heather's hand and pulled her into the row.

"Hi Brad." Tami said, her face back into the sweet angelic countenance shewore when she was trying to charm someone.

"Hey, Tami. How's it going?" Brad asked, his face beaming up at the girl.

"Can Heather and I sit here?" Tami asked.

Brad looked at the single seat and shifted uncomfortably. "Uh, well thereis only one seat…"

Tami grinned. "Can I sit on your lap?" she asked. "That way Heather canhave the open seat."

Tami didn't see Heather roll her eyes as she plopped down in the sexy hunk'slap. Heather seated herself in the empty chair as Tami settled herself down.

"Comfortable?" Brad asked softly as the principal mounted the stage, movingtoward the lecturn.

"Almost." Replied Tami. She reached down and took Brad's hand, sliding itover her skirt to her knee. Slowly she pulled his hand back up her thigh, movingit under the skirt higher and higher as the cloth rose almost to her hip. Bradstroked her skin and she spread her legs slightly. She leaned into his face.

"You should check to see if I'm wearing panties." She whispered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for disrupting your classes this morning,but we have a situation that must be dealt with. As you all know, we have hadtrouble maintaining the correct level of discipline here at the school. Asa result we will be enforcing a new disciplinary code." The principal said,his voice booming through the stage microphone.

"Now instead of providing you with a handout that will end up crumpled intospitwads or paper airplanes, we have decided instead to actively demonstratethe new punishment system instead." There was a murmur through the crowd ofstudents and one boy in the act of throwing a paper airplane dropped it.

"As you all know, there is one particular student in our school that isour most difficult case. Multiple detentions, even suspension, has not rectifiedthe problem, so we will begin with this student."

Heather's eyes were wide and she poked Tami in the side. "Oh my god, Tami!Who do you think it is?"

Tami's eyes were closed and she was leaning back as Brad's hand moved deeplyunder her skirt.

"Huh? What Heather?" Tami said, pleasure clearly passing through her features.

"Tami! Wake up!" Heather exclaimed.

"Tami Edwards, you need to come up to the stage please." The principalsvoice announced loudly.

Tami's eyes snapped open and she bolted upright. "What?"

Heather's hands flew to her open mouth. "Oh god, Tami."

The principal looked slightly angry. "Ms. Edwards! Come to the stage. Now."

Tami stood, looking at Brad with a frightened glance and moved down the rowof students until she got to the aisle. Mrs. Rutger was waiting for her.

"Straighten your skirt girl! You look like a cheap two penny whore!" Rutgersaid with a snarl.

Tami hands fluttered around her skirt, pushing it back down to mid thigh.She tried to pull it lower, but the tight waistband kept it firmly above herhips.

Together, Mrs. Rutger and Tami approached the stage, moving to the leftside to mount the stairs. A hush had fallen over the entire student body asthey watched the pretty brunette in the short skirt step gingerly across theplatform.

"Stand in front of the table, Ms. Edwards, facing the students." The principalsaid.

Tami moved in front of the table, her hands folded together in front ofher. Her eyes betrayed her worry as she looked out over her peers. A coupleof the boys in the front row we're ducking low, doing their best to peer upTami's skirt. She squeezed her legs together.

"Ms. Edwards, since you joined us last year you have managed to disruptclasses forty three times. You have been suspended from school twice, servedfifty seven detentions for various offenses, led a number of other classmatesin breaking school rules, and shown irritating levels of disrespect for yourteachers. As you know, this state allows us to use corporal punishment methods,which the faculty and school board have decided to inflict upon you in themost embarrassing manner possible." The principal stated, as if reading froma prewritten speech.

"What?" cried Tami. "You can't do that to me!"

"Oh yes we can." The principal said angrily. "I've had it with you, Ms.Edwards. And furthermore, after you are caned here in front of the students,you will be punished in every one of your classes for the rest of the day!You will be escorted from class to class, to prevent you from taking anotherone of your unauthorized departures, and you will suffer extreme humiliationfor your actions. Perhaps this will rectify some of your more glaring personalityfaults." The principal snarled. "Now remove your clothing."

Tami's eyes widened, tears welling upward. Not a sound echoed through theentire auditorium as the entire student body stared. Tami stood there immobile,her brain shocked with the order.

"Ms. Edwards, I will not ask you again. Either disrobe, or Coach Hamptonand Mrs. Rutger will do it for you." The principal said quietly.

Tami watched as Mrs. Rutger stepped forward, a cruel grin on her face.

"If I have to do it, Tami, you'll not have much to wear home today." Mrs.Rutger said softly but with steel in her voice.

"Please…Mrs. Rutger. I'm not wearing panties or a bra." Tami saidsoftly, trying desperately to hide her embarrassment.

Mrs. Rutger looked at her in disgust. "Tami, you rarely wear panties orbras. Don't you think we're fully aware of that? Now take that halter top andthat skirt off. NOW!"

The shout was plainly audible to everyone despite no microphones and Tamijumped, her fingers flying to the bottom of her halter top. In frightened obedienceshe lifted the white cotton upward exposing her pierced belly button. Tearsfilled her eyes, hiding the rapt faces of the other students as the shirt baredher breasts. Two creamy mounds topped with tiny pink buttons that tightenedin the cool air graced the stage.

A tumultuous roar came from the crowd, jeers and catcalls interspaced withwolf whistles hit Tami almost physically. Her hands came up to cover her breasts,only to have Mrs. Rutger come up behind her, grasp the hem of her skirt andyank it downward.

Tami screamed in shock, one arm dropping to cover her exposed slit, a cleanshaven delight of pink and cream. Rutger yanked on her arm, forcing her tostep out of the fallen skirt and showing more than just the front row whatthey wanted to see. Tears flowed unabashed down Tami's cheeks as Mrs. Rutgerpulled the girl in front of the large table, turning her around and showingher marble buttocks to the student body.

Facing away from the students was much better for Tami and her sobs startedto abate. Tears still poured and she barely registered the principal beatingon his lectern with a ruler, calling for quiet. Slowly the roar died, replacedby an excited hush.

"Ms. Edwards," The principal began, "you have earned so many lashes overthe course of the last year and a half that your bottom couldn't begin to handleit. The faculty voted, with the approval of the school board, that since youseem to value your other assets so carefully, displaying them proudly, thatthose parts of you should share in the punishment." He paused, licking hislips. "So you will receive twenty lashes of the cane to your bottom, twentylashes with a crop to your breasts, and twenty lashes with a cloth whip toyour sex. Mrs. Rutger?"

Mrs. Rutger stepped up to Tami and suddenly pushed her over the table, theyoung girls breasts mashing against the faux wood top. "Spread your legs, Tami.I want everyone to see what you've only been showing to a select few." Rutgerkicked at Tami's heels until her legs were spread apart.

Rutger moved around to the other side of the table, grasping Tami's wristsin a tight clasp. Tami heard a swooshing sound and arched her neck to see theprincipal practice swinging a vicious looking stick. He quickly approachedthe table and without hesitation swung it sharply against Tami's bottom.

A thin crimson line immediately appeared across the white surface of herbottom, the flesh shaking delightedly as Tami's throat opened in a startledscream. She pulled desperately at Mrs. Rutger's grasp, only to find the womanholding on with inhuman strength.

"Damn, I've wanted to do that to you for a year now." The principal saidunder his breath. "I've had it with your antics." He swung the cane again.

The pain from the blow radiated outward, down her legs, and even up herbody until it seemed like her whole being was suffused with it. Welt afterwelt appeared, some low down almost on her legs, while some were placed high.At the tenth strike several purple marks appeared and Tami bucked and screamedas the principal continued.

Finally her bottom was a mass of red lines interspaced with a few bruisesbetween them. Her throat ached from the constant cried of agony, and Rutgerlet go of her wrists. Tami just lay on the table, her bottom a hot flamingpain that throbbed, her mind so totally overwhelmed she had failed to noticethe students chanting the numbers of strokes.

A strong hand grasped her shoulder, whirling her around to face the studentsand she looked out through her tear-blurred eyes and saw the looks of fright,lust, cruelty, and even a little envy scattered amongst the faces of her fellowstudents. Her eyes found Heather, who sobbed quietly into her handkerchief,while next to her, the hungry look in Brad's eyes told her what he felt.

Mrs. Rutger moved behind her, sitting down upon the table and Tami feltthe teacher's arms entrap her own limbs. Rutger pushed outward, forcing Tami'sbreasts forward, the young girl's arms locked in a restraint hold.

As the principal approached with the crop, a cruel leather tipped whip,Tami found the energy to once again struggle. Mrs. Rutger tightened her gripkeeping Tami from escaping. Tami watched in horror as the crop swung at herunprotected breasts, the leather tip slamming into her left mound as the canepart itself landed across the nipple of her right.

Her bosom exploded in shooting pain and her legs gave out. Rutger held herup as the principal swung again, this time landing the tip on her right breast.With each blow Tami screamed, her body bucking to collapse back down in Rutger'sarms. By the third stroke, both breasts were red, hot heavy mounds of beatenflesh. And yet the principal continued.

Tami's throat swelled shut around the fifteenth stroke, unable to any longervoice her agony. The last five were punctuated with moaning groans and highpitched squeals, her body covered in a glistening sheen as she endured.

Sobbing silently, Tami felt Rutger release her arms, pushing her down uponthe table. Laying on her back, Tami cradled her breasts and flinched as hertender bottom touched the wood. Her cheeks and eyes were red, but not as muchas her breasts, two harsh pink globes that now seemed swollen.

Once more Mrs. Rutger took hold of Tami's arms. The teen barely registeredit, only feeling the pain from her abused bosom. Tami's hands were drawn aboveher head and the young girl saw the faces of Coach Hampton and Mr. Mason. Eachman took hold of an ankle, the soft tender flesh yielding under their hands.Together, they spread her legs stretching her wider and wider, her bottom touchingthe table and eliciting agonizing squeals from their victim. The bare foldsof her slit spread as the men pulled, allowing the gaping hold of her loveto be easily seen.

The principal moved to her side with the cloth whip, intent on continuing.Standing at her breast so as not to obstruct the view of the students, he broughtthe whip downward, its multi-headed end knotted. It impacted with a loud crack,causing Tami to jerk wildly. Once more her throat opened in a scream and thecrowd shouted out. The principal swung again, slamming the whip into the girlscrotch. Streaks of red inflamed skin radiated outward, but the soft tissuebetween Tami's legs absorbed most of the abuse.

Again and again the whip fell, turning the teen's flower into a reddishmass. The sound of the whip striking changed as Tami's sex soaked the clothheads. No longer screaming, her body still shook as each blow fell. Finallyit was over and the teachers released Tami, who lay exhausted and hurting onthe table.

The principal returned to the lectern, rubbing his arm and holding on tothe cloth whip. He could smell the scent of Tami's sex on it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have all witnessed this punishment and many ofyou will have the chance to witness the remaining trials Ms. Edwards will haveinflicted upon her. Let this serve as a warning. Any further disobedience,disrespect, or policy violations will result in similar punishments for anyand all, disregarding gender. Please return to your class rooms at this time."

Tami heard the sound of the students leaving, their voices subdued but excitedabout what they had observed at the assembly. Her body ached in places andways she had never believed possible. She raised her head to look at the principal,who was in conversation with Mr. Mason.

"I'm sorry that took so long, William. I hope it won't ruin what you havein mind." The principal said.

Mr. Mason shook his head. "No, we still have thirty minutes of class left."

Mrs. Rutger filled Tami's sight. "All right, girl. Get up. You have to returnto class." The woman said, taking Tami's wrists and pulling her up off thetable.

Tami stood, her body still aching and she stared at Mrs. Rutger.

"Well, come on, Tami. Back to the class room." Said Mr. Mason.

Tami looked at him in shock. "I need my clothes first."

"No you don't. We want the whole school to see the effects of your punishment.It's a deterrent. Besides, you're punishment is far from over." Mr. Mason responded.

"Don't worry, Tami. I'll hold on to your clothes until after school. I knowyou ride the bus home, so maybe I will give them to your driver to give toyou after you get off the bus" Mrs. Rutger said.

Mr. Mason placed a hand on Tami's shoulder, pushing her toward the sideof the stage and down the stairs. The auditorium had cleared out, leaving onlya scattering of trash. They walked up the aisle and out into the empty hallways.

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moonbeams training disobedience and punishment

This is another story written for my Mentor, Jack. He wanted me to learn about the BDSM concept of punishment. This was a difficult story for me to write, and although it is proving difficult to share, i thought i might as well. Again, i figure in for a penny, in for a pound. Please remain aware that I wrote this (and most of the other stories) before I had had any r/t experience. The absolute truth is, sometimes i sneak some chocolate or an alcoholic drink or coffee without permission, when...

2 years ago
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Sandras 4 levels of punishment

5 levels of punishmentSandra knew she was in trouble. The minute she received her graded paper with the "B-" in dark red ink. She knew her father would be mad.Her father arrived home from work. She had been working hard on dinner, hoping to ease his mood. Sandra knew things were not going to go well, her father was already in a bad mood, it seems he had just lost another client.He was in his study, going over some paperwork when she approached him. Meekly, she set her graded report on his...

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My Day of Punishment

My Day of Punishment Getting out of bed, I stumble to the bathroom to shower wishing that I could climb back into bed to be with Master. I quickly get the temperature of the water right and climb in. Washing my hair, I start thinking of Master still a sleep in bed and of the great sex we had last night. Becoming turned on I lathers my body lingering over my breasts and pussy. As I slide my finger up my pussy, I start to moan softly. Working my finger in my pussy fast and hard I begin to...

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You fidget in your chair as you sit in a hotel room, waiting for me to arrive. You feel a mix of anticipation and fear. You know you’ve been bad - you broke one of our rules and I’ve promised to punish you. You’re waiting, dressed as I’ve instructed. Tight white blouse with your white, lacy bra visible beneath. Tight short skirt. Stocking but no g-string. You squirm as you wait for me, a little anxious about what’s about to unfold. Your heart jumps a little as you hear the door. It opens and I...

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Submissive Incest Mind Control Chapter 3 Daughters Bondage Punishment

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughter's Bondage Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I whimpered into the ring gag, keeping my mouth forced open, as my mother worked the butt plug into my asshole. My well-spanked rump burned as her left hand gripped it, her right pressed the conical toy deeper and deeper into me. Saliva ran down my chin, leaking out of my mouth. The ring kept my mouth open wide enough...

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Parole and Punishment

Part 1 Breaking-in Brad        Her name was Kristie and she was 27 years old.  Having inherited a multi-million dollar trust fund, she didn’t need to work, which allowed her the leisure to pursue her sadistic sexual games.  She had been raised with wealth and was used to commanding men to do her bidding.  House servants in her parents’ palatial mansion had learned to dread her games.  Now on her own, she had bought a large house in a wealthy neighborhood and installed a dungeon with different...

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Danielles Punishment

Danielle had been terrified for the last two weeks.  The posh boarding school she attended in rural England had recently endured an outbreak of bad behavior.  Students were caught smoking, drinking, making out, cheating on tests? and the administration had had enough.  Some new policies had been instituted involving punishment, and Danielle knew she would lose her mind if she ever got punished.        The trouble was? she had cheated on a paper the day before the new punishments were unveiled,...

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“Ah, Brother Michael, come in, come in. Let us dispense with formalities; you know why you are here? Yes” The abbot paused “Brother Michael, you are a good monk, a good man -” “Please my Lord Abbot, I am no better than others, do not build me up with false pride. I pray” “-of course, yes. I mean you try hard to serve our Lord as well as any monk. How can I say this? You have one flaw ... you tell the truth, unvarnished, to all” “And that is a flaw my Lord Abbot?” “It is when the person you...

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Nikki Under Punishment

Nikki had acted out of character and had been deliberately naughty in order to get the cane. She was one of the good girls and always worked hard and passed all of her tests and exams. She even got the place she wanted at University. The only thing she had never experienced was being disciplined at school. As she stood with her nose pressed against the wall she told herself she hadn’t even been that naughty. She had just answered back a teacher. Not even that rudely. It was really just replying...

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The Punishment

I looked at her in fury. For a moment I couldn’t speak I was so angry. “Get,” I started to say, then paused. I’d been about to tell her to go to her room and to get out of my sight, but then a better idea came to me. I took a deep breath. “Stand there. Don’t move,” I said coldly. I went into my office and carefully closed the door. I’d have slammed it otherwise, and I didn’t want that. “AI,” I said after a few moments to clear my head. “Are you able to make someone, er ... can you tweak, er...

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Day of Punishment

Day of Punishment ? by: Joanna Maguire To be locked up spread eagled on bed face down unable to move blindfolded and gagged. Wearing a tightly laced corset, dog collar and nipple clamps. Bottom and shoulders naked and exposed for whipping. To be kept in this position for 4 hours or more. Every 40 minutes or so to be given a hundred lashes on any exposed flesh, the number of lashes to be counted backwards from a hundred. At least 500 heavy lashes will be given without mercy over...

2 years ago
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College Humiliation 8211 Part 3 Complying To The Punishment

Thank you guys for your appreciation. Before continuing with the third part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper and is punished and humiliated by the college dean. She is stripped nude and punished. She had a very humiliating session in the anatomy class. Now the story continues. I would recommend reading the previous parts. The main character of this story is Juhi and is...

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A Suitable Punishment

A Suitable Punishment By Carmenica Diaz SYNOPSIS A small story I wrote between novels. Please don't expect too muchfrom this tale ? it has all the usual ingredients ? an errant husband,a woman scorned who morphs into vengeful wife and, of course, a suitablepunishment. A Suitable Punishment By Carmenica Diaz The bar was noisy and Brett had to lean closer to hear George's words. Notthat he wanted to hear George as Brett was tired of the continuousboasting but George was his boss so he...

1 year ago
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Maiden Maid Ch 5 The Punishment

This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old orphan during the depression and life is hard. In Chapter 1 and 2, Sara is given a job as a maid for Michael. In Chapter 3 she is spanked for breaking a glass and is forced to masturbate Michael’s cock. In Chapter 4, Michael takes further sexual liberties with her young body including teaching her how to suck his cock. Maiden Maid Chapter 5-The...

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My severe punishment

It's Mindy again. I shared with you last time how I'm spanked, but I have to admit that there have been exceptions to that pattern. For the most part, Daddy spanks me just because he wants to, but there are times when I am naughty and he give me a well deserved punishment (for the record, let me remind you that Daddy is not my actual father. He's my fiancé Mark, but to me he's my daddy and I'm his good little girl, most of the time). And most of the time, those punishments earn me a hairbrush...

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Bobbys Punishment

Bobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I…I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat the...

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Bobbys Punishment

Bobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I...I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat...

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Petticoat Punishment

Translations for those who haven't seen my stories so far : Boot (of car) = Trunk in US of A Knickers or pants = Panties Tuppence = UK slang for two (old) pennies = a small contribution. Tights = Pantyhose Nappy = Diapers Dummy = Pacifier Learn these, I might ask you questions later... sorry, just joking. PETTICOAT PUNISHMENT Christine Scott had a problem with her eldest child. Although she was a single parent she hadn't had many of them. Her husband Steve,...

2 years ago
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Hi this is Raj Patel from Ahmedabad. I am regular reader of all this story & I love to share my true Experience. I am working with call center in Ahmedabad as team leader & 23 yrs old with 5’9” height & 7” thick dick. This incident happen when I was 19 yrs old & studding in college. I am staying with my parents. My dad is having his own business & mother is house wife. We are staying in top floor of apartment & our apposite door only 1 lady is staying & she is 33 yrs & divorce. Name of that...

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'enough is enough we are fed up getting calls from school saying you lot have misbehaved you are all old enough to know better its time to start behaving from now on there will be punishments you dad and i have been discussing this if you cannot behave then you will have to put up with the consequences punishment will include humiliation , the punishment and humiliation will get more severe each time you do something wrong starting today with you scot for trying to cheat on your exam your...

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Behavioral Modification Punishment

Behavioral Modification Punishment Alessandra Durante "What are we going to do about that boy", Peter said as he looked at his wife, Brenda. Brenda shook her head and threw up her hands as she thought about her son, James. She had thought she had raised him right. He was a respectful and polite as a child, but his teenage years had seen him turn into a completely different person. Like her husband, Brenda blamed James's friends for his bad behavior. James started hanging out...

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Salvation Ch 28 Sarahs Cruel Punishment

enrolled her at Avondale Academy in the hope that the regime of harsh discipline would cure her of her wanton behaviour. The memory of Sarah's interview still makes her mother's heart miss a beat and acts like an aphrodisiac for her father. Caroline only has to say to her husband, "Do you remember her interview?" and that's enough to make him rampant. There was something quite exciting about watching Sarah being made to undress and stand naked, then to be told by Miss...

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My Brothers Punishment

MY BROTHERS PUNISHMENT by Unknown My brother and I were very young when I had the experience of seeing a neighbors daughters dress washed and hanging out on the line to dry. Having no sisters and getting to the age where I was curious about girls and the strange collection of clothing they wore how they did their hair and in general goofiness, I confided to my brother that it might be fun to play dress-up with it. We would both share playing house as I did with many of my...

5 years ago
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Soft Target The Heads punishment

Chrissie sat outside the head teacher’s office, shifting nervously. Even though she was now a parent, with a son at the school, the old memories still made her shiver. She could still remember standing outside the headmaster’s office, all those years ago, biting her lip in anticipation of the yet another harsh telling off about the latest indiscretion. But now she was here discuss her son’s behaviour. Mark was a typical teenager and, as such, visits to the head teacher were not uncommon. But...

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Soft Target The Heads punishment

Chrissie sat outside the head teacher’s office, shifting nervously. Even though she was now a parent, with a son at the school, the old memories still made her shiver. She could still remember standing outside the headmaster’s office, all those years ago, biting her lip in anticipation of the yet another harsh telling off about the latest indiscretion. But now she was here discuss her son’s behaviour. Mark was a typical teenager and, as such, visits to the head teacher were not uncommon. But...

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Mom in law8217s punishment

I and my wife Nidhi are in our early 30’s and are married for the last 2 years. This happened when we went to stay in my in-laws place for a week. My mom-in-law is a teacher by profession and had spent a long time in UK before returning to India. The very next day I noticed red stripes on my wife’s hands. On asking her she said, she had just received caning from her mother. On probing further, she disclosed, that she is used to getting punished by her mom since her childhood and she too...

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Wedding Dress Punishment

"Wedding Dress Punishment" Little Timmy was a good boy. He didn't get into trouble and usually stayed close to home. But he did get into things. His mother Ruth caught him in her pantyhose and high heels on one occasion and on another came home to find him playing in her makeup, his lips reddened like a clown! She wiped the lipstick and other makeup off and was prepared to send him on his way with a slap on the bottom but then felt something under his T-shirt. She pulled the shirt up...

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Lady Kathryns Punishment

Lady Kathryn?s Punishment  Synopsis  Found guilty of theft and lewd behaviour, Lady Kathryn is publicly whipped and demoted to servant status for a year whilst Margaret, her maid, is elevated to take her place.   Lady Kathryn?s Punishment  by obohobo   Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF Whipping  If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, c...

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Even years later Prescott could never explain how the game got onto his computer -- or why. One afternoon he was sitting at the computer streaming a game show from a local TV station when they broke in to show a live police pursuit. He watched a small white sedan weave in and out of traffic and, more than once, sideswipe other cars, and narrowly miss hitting pedestrians. "We have just received a video feed from the surveillance camera in a local convenience store." There was a meaningful...

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Suitable Punishment

Suit-able Punishment You should never wear your sister's bikini without her permission -- especially if you are her brother. Billy had a plan all figured out. He and his family were heading to their beach house for a last weekend before school started. Billy told them that he was going down a day early with his friend, Tim, and that he would be staying at Tim's house Friday night. Tim, in turn, told his parents that he would be staying with Billy and the family that...

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Cherrys Punishment

Cherry heard the click of the shower go on. It took all of her will power to stay on the sofa. Three weeks ago she had caught sight of her daughter's best friend Denise, who was living with them for the summer, lathering up her young eighteen year old athletic body through the slightly ajar bathroom door. She knew at the time she should have turned away but she could not stop herself from staring and comparing. There was the obvious age difference, Cherry was forty two to Denise's eighteen....

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Lucys Punishment

I quickly drank the rest of my coffee as it was now time for me to prepare for Lucy’s return. I opened the cupboard in my study and reached for the strap and the cane which would be used on her. I would though, start with an over the knee hand spanking, both buttocks spanked soundly until every square inch glowed as red as a perfect Mediterranean sunset. Just thirty minutes earlier Lucy had stood before me in this very room and allowed the contents of her inner mind to flood out, she had wanted...

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Punishment The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn’t been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter’s place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn’t quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my...

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Punishment The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn't been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter's place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn't quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 8 First Punishment

Introduction: Silk get her first punishment Dear Readers. See its starting to pick up Come in the dining room when you are finished, slave, he ordered and walked out of the room and turned to the right. She knew this was a room she had not been in yet. Some sort of secret room she thought and wondered what it contained. Knowing Michael, she figured it was his B&D room. She finished drying herself and wrapped the towel around her chest and went to the dining room as ordered. Once there, she...

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