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A Day In The Life

By Georg Kinaski

Editor of PA Magazine

The alarm clock sounds with its usual insistence. The blinking 6:00 AM announcesanother day. I immediately feel my roommate Cindy's arm on my bare thigh andwonder again if she's aware that she's taken to spooning with me when she sleeps.If she does, I wonder if it is because we have to keep the thermostat so lowin order to afford the utilities and she's just seeking some warmth. Or ifthere's another reason altogether.

I have to move quickly. There are four of us sharing a tiny two bedroom andthe bathroom schedule is almost military-like in precision. Me—ClaireStephens—my roomie Cindy Tilden in one room, and Tanya Petrovich andJanie McDougall in the other. I'm first—luck of the draw when we movedin together—but I only have fifteen minutes before it's Tanya's turn.

The bathroom, like everything else in the apartment—is tiny, but fora few brief moments I have more privacy than I'm going to enjoy all day. Ilock the door and slip into the warm water streaming from the shower. Knowingexactly how long I have before the door pounding begins, I slip my fingersbetween my legs and begin masturbating with one hand as I wash my hair withthe other. Not having the chastity belt on is still a surprise and I haven'tbeen able to resist myself since it came off last Friday—when I was toldI'd been promoted to Acting PA, up from Senior Secretary and Miss Wenders,the Office Manager, unlocked the damn thing. Not that I don't masturbate duringthe day—we're all required to at least once—but now it is of mychoosing and I enjoy it.

My thoughts are bouncing between Brad Pitt and the cute newscaster on Foxwhen it starts. "OK!" I promise, hurriedly twisting the water off and bundlingmyself out, as Tanya brushes past me to enjoy her own 15 minutes. I step overJanie who is glued to the aerobics instructor on the television, doing stretchesin her sports bra and panties. She's a pretty 26 year old brown haired girl,but she's close to her weight limit of 120 pounds. At 5' 9", she's pretty thinbut her boss wants her to maintain her employment measurement goals, so she'spractically pushing the extra weight out as she bends over and twists to thetv bimbo's orders.

Cindy is still drowsing as I take the seat at the vanity and begin makingmyself up for the day. My short auburn hair is soon dried and I twist it intoa playful ponytail, a style I'm told Mr. Keller my boss prefers. This weekI've been going a bit more subtle with the make-up. You don't have to go the "payattention to me" look so much when you're a PA like me. A bit of pink lipstick,a tiny bit of blush, some mascara and then I let my naturally pale complexiontake over.

Next I pull out my purchase from yesterday—a hot pink cotton thong.I'd have preferred something in lace, but on my salary, that's a tall order.When I start banking more of my PA-grade pay, I'll start investing in moreseductive lingerie. By rights, I should be wearing garter belts and silk stockings,like my roommates—all Pas. But my own ascent to PA-dom has been brief.I was only promoted last week, having languished in the secretarial pool forthe last six years.

I slip on the thong, certain that this will get Mr.Keller's attention atPI time. Without thinking, I slip on my strappy little training bra.

"Training bras suck." It is Cindy, finally rising from our bed. I can't tellif she's being snide or sympathetic. Probably both. I'm certain she's beenwatching me dress.

"Yeah," I acknowledge, looking down at the juvenile white cotton trainer.Easy for Cindy to say—her 34Cs were natural and reportedly much enjoyedby her own boss, Mr. Jensen. Before things started to change, I hadn't worna training bra since I was 14. As a 32 A cup girl though, it was mandatoryoffice wear. I resolved to ask Mr. Keller today if I could upgrade to a push-upor even a Wonder bra. I always hated the little girl feeling the dull stupidundergarment induced in me. What was I training for anyway? I was 36. UnlessI got impossibly expensive implants, my breasts weren't ever getting any bigger.

"Cute panties though," Cindy remarked. I smiled, wondering how long she'dbeen watching me. We roomed together out of sheer necessity like so many workinggirls, but my roommate seemed unusually interested in my comings and goings.At 24, she was a lot younger and very pretty—one of those blondes madefor today's world. At her age, I would never have dreamed of having a sexualinterest in my roommate. But these days, roomies regularly became lovers outof frustration or boredom. You could hear Janie and Tanya go at it most nights.

"Oh, Mr. Stimson told us the rent's going up last night. Forgot to tell you.Twenty bucks more for each of us," she informs me.

"Again? I'm barely making it now! And he just raised it, what, six monthsago?" It was hopeless. Housing was getting impossible these days. A landlordhad you over a barrel and knew it too.

She shrugged. "Unless you want to apply for his alternate payment plan," sheadded, scowling. "He said he'd be happy to work out the extra in trade."

"Yeah, right. I'll find it," I promised, gritting my teeth. Stimson was disgusting.It would take a hell of a lot bigger increase before I'd drop to my knees likesome of the other female tenants in the building. It was common knowledge thatin exchange for entertaining him an hour each week, you could drop your rentby up to half. None of us had done so—yet.

I buttoned up my tight white Oxford blouse, slipped on the tiny black spandexminiskirt and stepped into my five inch heels. "See you tonight!" I waved andheaded out to the bus stop, feeling Cindy's eyes on me as I departed.

I sighed inwardly as I stepped onto the bus. It was packed. Gingerly, I reachedfor the safety grip, absolutely sure that anyone who cared to know knew exactlywhat I was wearing under my skirt. I was used to having my bottom pinched onthe bus—what career gal isn't?—and endured at least three on theshort trip downtown. I used to try and stare the pincher down, but it was pointless.Unless I felt a finger dive between my legs, I ground my teeth and kept quiet.

It was a five block walk from the bus stop to the high rise. The short tripalways depressed me. Milling around the skyscrapers in the business districtwere the inevitable bevy of prostitutes trying to lure executives with a quickthrill before starting the day. I'm not sure when or why prostitution startedexploding. Probably when so many career women were thrown out of their jobs.Or because, with the economic downturn, so many women have to resort to itin order to feed their families. I shiver inwardly when I see them—thefortysomethings in tube tops, plying their trade desperately to uninterestedexecutives. I often wonder if the reason the management doesn't call the copsto clear them out is because they want us secretaries to see them—sothat we know exactly what alternative career paths are really open to us.

It was 8:30 exactly when I arrived at my cubicle. I was admittedly proudof it and had even decorated it a bit, with a small postcard of a sunflowerand a snapshot of me and some college friends. I hadn't had a cubicle sinceI had been demoted from my accountant's position years ago, but as a PA I wasentitled to one. I had never thought I'd have one again, and had resigned myselfto the anonymous little desks you are assigned in the Secretarial Pool. I slippedmy tupperware salad lunch container in the bottom drawer and went to prepareMr. Keller's office for his arrival.

I was immediately drawn to the framed photo on his desk. He was new and noone knew much about him. The photo was one clue to his personal life. It wasa brunette in her mid twenties, holding a smiling baby—his wife and child.Where had they met? She looked expensive. I guessed college. One of those girlssent to learn conversation and become an interesting marital ornament for anupper class frat boy. While the soon to be Mrs. Keller was competing to geton the cheerleading squad, Claire had been pouring in the hours to graduatesumma cum laude. Who had really been smarter? Now the pampered Mrs. Kellerwas making breakfast for her husband and was looking forward to being a privileged,spoiled soccer mom, while I was living a cramped little life as a secretarywith three bitchy roommates.

So much for feminism, I thought.

Quickly emptying the Out Tray and straightening the desktop, I hurried toprepare the coffee, which had to be hot and ready by 9:00 AM sharp. It was,just as he entered.

"Good morning Sir!" I exclaimed in my brightest Girl Friday, clutching mymemo pad and pencil.

He smiled blandly, sitting down and turning on his computer.

"P.I.Sir?" I asked coyly. Panty Inspection.

He sipped his coffee slowly. "Sure, Claire. Why not?"

I closed the office door and started to walk to his side of the desk, buthe shook his head. "There is fine," he said, pointing to the front of his desk. "Hurryup. I'm busy."

I nodded, biting my lip. I flipped up my skirt and presented my new thongto him.

"Fine," he waved his hand. "Get back to your desk," he brusquely instructed.I had hoped for more of a reaction than that. The thong had cost me $15 andall I had gotten was a glance. These days you prepare yourself for sexual harassmentas a condition of employment, but it is worse when you don't even merit a quickmorning feel from your boss. I had heard that he had specifically requestedme as his PA, so it couldn't be that he didn't like me. I put it down to abusy morning and turned to go.

"Oh, Sir?"

"What is it?"

"May I schedule a meeting to discuss something? Today, if possible?"

"About what?"

"Well, I was wondering if I might have permission to wear a regular bra Sir."

He looked up suddenly. "That reminds me—send in Miss Tolland."

The Office Manager. "Yes Sir. At once Sir. Uh—my bra?"


I scurried out to fetch the Office Manager. Miss Tolland had been a secretarywhen I was still an executive at the firm. She still resented the fact thatI had once been higher up that she and had never failed to remind me that thingshad irrevocably changed in her favour. She was busy dressing down an OfficeGirl for a dress code infraction when I passed on my boss'es message.

She blanched. "Is he angry?"

I nodded. "Yes Ma'am—seemed like it."

Less certain of herself, she trotted off to Mr. Jensen's office, with mein tow. Although the door was shut behind her, the loud swacks and her sobbingtraveled through the office walls to my side. Ten minutes later, she was composingherself and nodding submissively.

"Yes, Sir. No, not again. Very embarrassing Sir. "I'll get straight on it.By end of day, Sir" She glared at me and left in a highly chastened state.

"Dictation!" It was my boss. I hurried in, closing the door, with pad inhand.

He pointed under his desk and I smiled. He spoke on the phone as I unbuttonedmy blouse. I was trying my hardest to tease, but he simply snapped his fingersimpatiently. He wanted his 10:00 blow job, not a drama exercise. I slippedthe blouse off and crawled between his legs. Unzipping his trousers as quietlyas I could, I began stroking his executive member as he spoke to a colleagueabout the details of some project they were both working on. Every secretaryfancies herself an oral expert but I know my own BJs had a good reputationaround the office. When you're not as big up top as other girls, you learnto compensate. I even figured that was why Mr. Keller had requisitioned meas his new PA.

As I bobbed up and down on his cock, he yanked down my bra and twisted mynipples. Bosses normally never bothered with my breasts because they were sosmall and I felt my nipples harden immediately in response to the unexpectedattention. I began deep throating in gratitude and pushed my little boobs hardinto the palm of his hand. I idly wondered if he'd have me ringed. Lots ofbosses were having their PAs fitted with nipple rings and I made a mental noteto ask if it hurt. Probably. Years ago breast size was irrelevant to your careerin accounting, I rued the old "more than a handful is a waste" line. More like "lessthan a handful, less than a full paycheck" these days. But Mr. Keller obviouslywasn't such a stickler on breasts if he had chosen me. Though from the photographof his wife…she had big C cups.

He was ready to come and I prepared myself. It was a pretty big load andfor a minute I thought I was going to gag, but after a scary second when Ithought I'd spit it all up and over his expensive pants, I managed to get itall down with a gulp. I licked my lips and smiled up at him. He was still talkingand didn't bother to look down, merely patting me on the head. I zipped himup, buttoned up my blouse and left him to his morning work, resuming my placeoutside his office. Ready to attend him at a minute's notice.

As I applied a fresh coat of lipstick at my desk, I wondered if he'd be doingme today. Finally. I'd been his PA for a week and other than the 10AM BJ, hehadn't so much as bothered to bend me over his desk for a quickie. A lot ofgirls would be relieved to at last have a boss who didn't look at them likepersonal whores. I had been one of the mouthiest when the new policies beganto take effect about it, but that was then. I looked around the office andsaw the world the way it was now. Interns in pigtails, dressed in the corporateschoolgirl uniform, dashing back and forth carrying memos or copying documentsfor the secretaries, office girls in tiny pleated skirts strutting about, hopingto catch the eye of a male manager, the tarted up secretaries dutifully typingup ream after ream of endless invoices or filing mountains of manila folders—allunder the watchful eye of Miss Tolland, the imperious Office Manager. Untila week ago, I had been one of them—an anonymous secretary who rarelyrated more than a few words from a manager. Just one in a crowd of girls availablefor a free feel or quick BJ in the Copy Room. Assigned as an extra in a littleend of day heater act with some other girl. And if really lucky, treated likean adult every so often.

Now I was a PA. One of the office elite. Higher pay. With my own cubicle.Unbelted. Able to order any of the office girls to do copying or filing forme. Usage restricted to my manager and my manager only. Punishable only bymy manager. I know such things sound silly when you remember how at 25, I wasa Senior Accountant here and making six times what I do now. That I had myown office, that men actually worked for ME. That I was headed for bigger andbetter things when it all started to change. But what use was there in livingin thee past? I was a PA now and if I wanted to hold onto it, I needed to makesure my boss was happy with me. I thought about how as I worked on the dictaphonethrough the morning.

Popping my head in at noon, I asked for permission to take lunch. "Yes, butfirst pick up my dry cleaning and then take these to the post office," he responded,handing me a pile of correspondence. I bit my tongue and nodded, thinking ofthe little salad hat would go uneaten again. Monday it had been off to payhis parking ticket. Tuesday it was picking up his passport. Wednesday it waspicking up his wife's dry cleaning. Yesterday, it had been shopping for lingeriefor his wife's birthday present. Lunch was just another slot to do my boss'esbidding, work-related or personal, it made no difference.

I was able to get it all done and was back at my desk by one. Mr. Kellerwas out on one of his long lunches as usual. I briefly thought about eatingmy salad at my desk, but my own lunch break was over. If I was caught, it wouldmean a spanking by Mr. Keller or Miss Tolland. I suppressed the desire andgot back to work when the phone rang.

"Mr. Keller's Office, may I help you?"

"Are you his new girl?" It was a female voice.

"Yes, Ma'am. Claire, Ma'am," I answered obediently, not knowing if this wasjust another secretary or someone important—but not willing to take achance antagonising anyone.

"I'm Mrs. Keller."

"Yes Ma'am! So nice to speak with you!"

"Is he there?" Ignoring my attempt to be friendly.

"No Ma'am. He's at lunch. May I take a message?"

She sighed. "No, it's nothing. Oh wait!"

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"Ask him to pick up some tampons for me, would you dear? Or better yet, whydon't you do that. That's what you're for—to do little things like that—aren'tyou?"

"Yes Ma'am. That's what I'm for, " I answered, but she had already droppedthe line, late already for some tennis match or garden party, no doubt. AsMr. Keller passed by my desk, I passed on the message. Without a word, he tosseda ten on my desk. "Just make sure you pick them up before four—I'm leavingearly today."

I was walking with Mrs. Keller in my imagination, making clever conversationand bragging about my own successful executive husband when the screensaverreminder began flashing. YOU ARE SCHEDULED FOR A SRS IN 5 MINUTES. Then blank.Then…SRS IS MANDATORY FOR ALL SECRETARIAL-GRADE STAFF. There was nopoint in trying to do further work—the screen saver would lock me outfor the next thirty minutes. I rose, picked up my purse and knocked on Mr.Keller's door. I hated this part of the day.


"Yes?" He looked up, mildly distracted.

"It is time for my, uh, my SRS."

He smirked, tearing off a Secretarial Pass from the pad on his desk, fillingit in. "I can't believe the company actually lets you girls go play with yourselvesin the middle of the work day. Still I guess you won't get any work done untilyour little needs are attended to. Here you go," he handed me the pass thatauthorised my being away from my desk. "I want you to do my wife's errand afteryou finish up. I've allotted you an extra 20 minutes to go to the conveniencestore around the corner. Don't dwaddle. Where's your toy?"

I pulled the six inch bright red vibrator from my purse, blushing.

Again, he smirked. "I'm sure you'll give it a good workout." He returnedto the reports on his desk. "Put the phone on voicemail and get going."

There were already four girls in line in the Ladies Room, waiting for thetwo masturbation stalls, currently occupied guessing from the soft sighs floatingfrom them. I handed my pass to the SRS Monitor, a senior secretary who pointedto the line. You don't make conversation in the SRS line. You all know whyyou're there and you're not proud of the fact. Masturbation used to be a privateaffair. Now it is a public health issue, with female employees forced to stopmid-day and humbly request permission to play with themselves. As a PA, atleast I don't have to ask my superior to unlock my chastity belt in order todo it. For some reason, that was the most utterly humiliating part of the wholeprocess—standing there patiently while Miss Tolland looked for the keywith my name on it and unlocked the finger-proof mandatory mesh belt.

At last a stall was free. The Monitor adjusted her stopwatch and, pointingat the door, says "Begin!" I expertly unzip my skirt and yank down my thongs,sitting on the toilet seat. I dip into my purse and withdraw the red vibrator.I have less than ten minutes now so I spread my legs, twist the base of thevibrator and feel its thrum. Gingerly I slip it between my lips. I close myeyes. It is so much easier with a vibrator, much better than the standard secretarialissue dildo and far better than the fingers office girls must use. My smoothmound is moist already and I imagine him—Mr. Keller—on top of me,in our spacious suburban home. I'm in my tennis whites, my skirt flipped uphigh and my husband pounding into me. I'm his wife, his trophy wife, chosenfor my looks and my sparkling conversation. I have a credit card, and a Ladies'Maid and belong to the best circle of executive wives—


I pump the vibrator harder, trying to coax an orgasm before time is up butit is no use. I'm ready to give up when surprisingly it happens. A little squeakemerges from my throat and I sigh. I gently withdraw the vibrator and dress,careful to wipe myself with toilet paper so my panty crotch isn't soaked. Wetpanties are a spankable offense. As I do, I idly wonder if the rumours aretrue—that a camera has recorded my moment of bliss and will be viewedlater by a curious executive on the intranet.

I emerge from the stall and present my glistening vibrator to the monitoras proof that I've 'relieved' myself. She nods approvingly and I join a lineof chagrined women washing off their own dildos, vibrators and fingers beforereturning to their work stations. We all have soft, dreamy smiles and I realise,not for the first time, that the shaming workplace rules really do work. It'shard to interview for an executive position when you're dressed like a bimbo.It's even harder to be a feminist when you can be spanked for talking withoutpermission. And it is impossible to be independent and adult when you are ordereddaily to play with yourself. We'll all return to our desks, relieved of theimmediate sexual frustration, while the next wave builds up.

It was about 4:00 when I got back to the office. The cool air on the wayto the shops had felt good and it was nice to cool down from the SRS withouthaving to face the Boss directly afterwards. But seeing the two women standingin his doorframe made me wonder if it had been wise to take my time. One wasclearly Miss Tolland-- black hair tied tightly in a bun, hands clutching theruler that made her so feared in the Secretarial Pool. The other looked disconcertinglylike, well, me-- at a distance anyway. Short auburn hair, pale skin, aboutthe same height, even green eyes. But then the dissimilarities...younger byten years and a lot, lot bustier. At least a C cup and happy to show it offin the grip of a too-small white oxford blouse, which she was busy tuckingback in. Her black skin-tight miniskirt was only the beginning of a pair ofblack stockinged legs, with only the barest attempt to hide the black lacegarters that held them up.

She looked at up at Mr. Keller with her hands on her hips, a dirty smilemarred by the smeared lipstick, buttoning up her blouse and waiting.

Miss Tolland looked at me briefly, then turned her attention back to Mr.Keller, who remained transfixed by the redheaded slut standing before him. "Nowthat you're interviewed Miss Stevens, would you like to take some time to consider...?"

Mr. Keller reached over and unbuttoned the top three buttons on the redhead'sblouse. "No-- she'll do. I wanted something more like this to begin with."

Miss Tolland paled. "Yes, Sir. It was a misunderstanding, the namesare so similar-- I thought it strange but best not to question--"

"Fine, fine," he waved her off. "We've had our little discussionabout THAT mistake already, haven't we Miss Tolland?"

The office manager looked incongruously humbled and dropped her eyes to thefloor. "Yes, Sir...we have."

Mr. Keller ignored her, instead putting his palm on the young redhead's shoulder. "Youauditioned well. I'll give you the job. Be here sharp at 8:30."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you Sir!" she purred.

I looked away, suddenly feeling utterly superfluous.

Miss Tolland turned to me now. "Carla Stevens will replace you as Mr.Keller's PA. You'll return to the Secretarial Pool Monday morning."

The redhead was looking at the sunflower print on the wall of my...her...newcubicle. She looked at me archly. "I want this cube immaculate. It belongsto me now. Do you understand...girl?"

'Girl' I was her senior by ten years at least. 'Girl.' It was what the PAscalled the secretaries. "Yes, Ma'am. Immaculate." I looked up. Mr.Keller had already left for the day.

I cleaned up the cube with towels from the Ladies Room. Now it was as anonymousand empty as it had been for the last PA who had sat here. I reached into mypurse and pulled out the red vibrator, placing it in the top drawer and closingit.

Friday at 5:00. The staff all buzzing about their weekends. Excited. I reportedto Miss Tolland, box filled with the few personal items I'd brought in to decoratemy cubicle. Desolate.

"You realise you'll need to wear a belt again?"

I nodded, trying desperately to keep from crying. Unsuccessfully.

"Let's get going then. I want to start my weekend." She handedme the small micro-mesh chastity belt. I looked around miserably.

"Come on, everyone's gone home!" she ordered, exasperated.

I slipped off the pink thong and stepped back into my wearable sexual prison.The definitive click satisfied her that I was, once again, just a secretary.I stepped back into my thongs and pulled up my miniskirt.

"Claire, the hair colour this month in the Secretarial Pool is platinum blonde.Be sure you conform Monday. Monday is also Red Panties Day, so dress appropriately."

"Yes Ma'am," I answered, wiping my cheek. All the petty, little rules andregulations were back.

She smiled. "The Office Supplies Girl is already gone, so you'll have toreport Monday to sign out your new dildo. I think we have both purple and pinkin stock, so you'll have a choice. Good to have you back under my wing again,Claire. I'll make sure that you're slotted back into Heater roster rotation.I know a number of the newer girls you haven't been paired up with yet thatyou'd perform excellently with!"

The bus trip and three transfers it involved went by in a blur. I understoodwhy I had been demoted and I couldn't bring myself to stop thinking about it.Implants, damn it! Why hadn't I just gone for them when I still had the money?There had been a time when, as things had started to change, a lot of girlswised up and prepared. Implants. Collagen. Dramatic wardrobe changes. Whenthe inevitable demotion came, they were ready to survive under the new regime.Not me. I * knew * it couldn't last—that womenweren't going to be deprived of their equal status. So much for my acumen asa fortune teller.

I felt a hand cup my backside. "Nice!"

I turned, angrily. It was a teenage boy, a schoolkid wearing a private schoolblazer, showing off for his friends, who watched giggling.

"Please!" I pushed his hand off.

He pulled out a twenty. "How 'bout a quick bj at the next stop? For the threeof us?" He waved the twenty tauntingly. He was maybe 16.

I smirked. "Yeah, right!" It galled me that a 16 year old had more disposableincome that I'd have till next payday.

"What's the matter? Savin' it all up for the boss?" The boys giggled. "MaybeI'll be your boss someday. Then you'll have to do it for free!" I ignored themas they high fived and trundled off at the next stop. With my luck, I probablywould be working for the little bastard soon enough.

It was my night to cook, but when you're living on a shoestring budget, cookingisn't exactly a consuming activity. The cupboard was pretty empty, so it wouldbe another 2 minute noodle night again. Last night, Lean Cuisine Tofu. Nowthis. I sighed, put the kettle on and set the tiny kitchenette table. "Dinner!" Icall and my roommates wearily sit themselves down for a thoroughly uninspiringFriday night meal.

All I want to do is go to bed after my depressing day, but the girls seemoddly excited. Janie spills her news first by putting it on the table. It isa bottle of red table wine. "My boss gave it to me! As a reward! I'm undermy hiring weight!!!" We all squeal like tennyboppers. Alcohol! I hurriedlyfetch four plastic cups and Janie does the honours, pouring us each a cup.Of course, we aren't legally allowed to purchase alcohol so it is a real treatwhen we get the chance to imbibe. Another adult right that has become an occasionalprivilege. Janie regales us with her successful weigh-in story and we gratefullylisten to every boring detail.

Tanya s oddly quiet throughout and I'm sure, from her Cheshire cat smile,that she's about to one-up her roommate. When she does, it is a blockbuster. "Myboss is taking me to LA next week. On business!" she can't help but wink. Travel!Getting on a plane! Seeing something other than the same boring sights! I usedto travel—for business. Real business—not to be a corporate ornamentor post-meeting fucktoy. I'm old enough to remember lots of travel and howI enjoyed it. Of opening the door on a four star hotel room in a city I'd neverbeen in before.

"I can't wait to see LA!!!" Tanya enthused wildly.

Cindy snickered. "Do you think he'll allow you to leave the hotel room, hon?"

"Of course!" she replied, archly. "He told me to buy a new string bikini.He wants me to sunbathe till I get tanlines—says it would turn him on.And, uh, Cindy—can I uh borrow your 'jewelry' for the trip? He askedspecifically for them."

'Jewelry'—it meant Cindy's pair of handcuffs. Tanya's boss wanted tohandcuff her and rape her in a hotel room. How romantic. Still, then, why wasI so damn jealous?

"Sure, hon. But I may need them tonight," she returned playfully. The girlslooked at me and I was confused, blushing. Had Miss Old Fashioned Claire finallygiven in and started doing the lezbo twist after all?

Cindy enjoyed the momentary confusion at my expense when she dropped thebombshell. "Yeah, my boss may be visiting later. Tonight."

Tanya licks her lips. Janie unconsciously adjust her bra strap. I take ahard swallow of the cheap wine. Cindy looks triumphant. We've all been groped,forced to sexually service at work and live on the edge of poverty. But thepossibility of a man visiting our close quarters apartment gets us all spinning.Practically swooning. An obscene thought I can't shake takes hold—thatfour vaginas are simultaneously getting wet at the prospect.

"He said he might tell his wife he's going out with the boys. Said he mightpop over anytime between 8 and 10."

It was just after eleven when the knock on the door came. Tanya and Janiehad given up by ten and were engaged in their nightly bump and grind, thisevening a bit louder, spurred on no doubt by fantasies involving Cindy's Mr.Jensen. I had slipped on a blue cotton teddy and tapped my toes, waiting forthe insanely pacing Cindy to come to bed. After dinner, she had immediatelybegun preparing on the promised visit of her boss. In her black lace g string,grater belt, sheer black stockings and tiny push up black lace Wonder bra,she looked like a hooker on speed, as her high heels strutted the tiny circuitof our apartment living room. I was on the verge of suggesting we call it anight when the knock came.

She looked me over triumphantly. "Looks like you're sleeping on the couchafter all!" she boasted. "I KNEW he'd come!"

She opened the door to reveal a leering man of about 45 or so, obviouslytipsy and not a little out of shape in his wrinkled suit. Would Cindy haveto iron it for him in the morning? I would have, without being told either.He wasn't bad looking at all—thinning sandy hair, blue eye. Not the kindof guy I'd have ever given a second thought when I was Cindy's age. But nowI was casually jealous. Mr. Keller never had penetrated me…and now mybelt was back on.

I noticed Cindy's body language switch into slut mode without breaking astride. Eyes wide, lips pouting, chest thrust out, hands behind her back. "Goodevening Sir! How nice of you to drop by!" she chirped.

The sounds in Tanya and Janie's room ceased.

"I was in the neighborhood and thought I might check out where my secretarylived, that's all. Nice place, Blondie, he commented, lips curled in a sneer.

"Can I get you something?" she asked, even as she spread her legs imperceptibly,the black lace g string clearly suggesting the kind of hospitality she wasexpecting to provide.

I was trapped, eager to let them get to it but knowing they would need tomake it to the bedroom first before I could curl up on the couch. As long asthey were out here, there was no place for me to go or hide. That's when henoticed me.

"Who's the redhead, Blondie?" His attention brought on an embarrassing blush.Why should I be excited that he wanted to know?

Cindy wasn't nearly so thrilled. "My roommate Clare. Let's go to my bedroomand you can relax! It's late and you may as well stay over."

He nodded, evidently amused by her obvious burst of jealousy. "Sure, sure." Hefollowed her but threw a backwards glimpse at me that said 'we're not throughyet.'

I slumped into the couch. It was now 11:30 and the sounds from Tanya andJanie's room began again, little coos followed by giggles. Fierce whisperingfrom my room now—Cindy sounding plaintive, Mr, Jensen sounding firmer.I wasn't asleep yet when Cindy emerged, amazingly still wearing her siren costume.By now I had assumed her boss had ripped it off for the night.

She shook me with unnecessary force. Her usually pretty face was flushed,her usual sly smile twisted into a petulant frown. "He wants you too." BeforeI could respond, she pushed on. "Says he'll give you twenty bucks. I said you'dget in trouble with your new boss though. That's right, isn't it?"

"I was demoted today—back to secretary. So no problem." I said it tooquickly, before thinking it out. Was I that desperate that I was willing toparticipate in a menage a trois with my roommate and her boss? I had answeredthe question already. Not that I was proud of it.

Cindy flipped her fingers through her long blonde hair, smile going sly. "So,too bad huh? You're back in a belt then?"

I nodded dumbly. Trying to recover. "Yeah, so maybe it isn't such a greatidea—"

"Hold on!" She scampered away and I could hear with sickening clairovoyancewhat was being debated between the strident girlish voice and the deeper maleone. Finally a male chuckle.

"He said it is ok. I convinced him you're worth it," Cindy winked.

I looked away. "Oh. Um, yeah, but what…" I didn't want to ask.

Her eyes arched, a know-too-well smirk on her pretty, vain face. "You canfluff for me— then when we're through, do clean-up for us. Surely you'vefluffed before."

I followed her slowly into the bedroom.

The next morning, Cindy gave me a little slap on the backside. "Coffee—forMr. Jensen," she whispered fiercely. Of course. I rose weakly, naked exceptfor my chastity belt. Tanya and Janie suppressed giggles as they watched meplay waitress in the kitchen. Lolling about nude wasn't embarrassing in theleast in a close-quarters apartment, but somehow being caught out in my chastitybelt was absolutely mortifying.

Jensen was just rousing himself when I returned, Cindy raising her head frombetween his legs with a suspicious smeary smile. "Thanks, sweetie," he said,taking the mug from me. Without the least hesitation, he slipped a hand betweenmy legs and rubbed the crotch of my micro-mesh chastity with his palm.

"Have a good time last night?" he asked cruelly. He damn well knows how frustratingplaying the bottom girl role is in these things. I've done heaters before,but even they offer more satisfaction than acting the fluffer and cleaner-upper.I barely nod.

"Why don't you iron Mr. Jensen's suit, sweetie?" It is Cindy, still givingme orders, even in the aftermath of what happened last night. She hadn't beenshy about issuing highly explicit commands then, to her boss'es delight.

Before returning to the kitchen with his suit, I slip on a robe to give myselfsome semblance of dignity in front of my other roommates. I iron in silencewhile Janie and Tanya exchange knowing glances over their breakfast slimshakes.I return them quickly—the sooner he leaves, the sooner I can begin mySaturday. Cindy actually takes the suit and helps him into it, drawing up histrousers with a playful sulkiness.

"Will you come back later?" she asks plaintively.

He pats her on the head as she zips him up. "Sorry sweets, kid's got a softballgame today—family kind of thing." He draws out his wallet and tossesa crumpled twenty on the dresser. "For you, hon," he says to me. "Cindy wasquite complimentary of your…shall we say…oral attentions lastnight? We'll do it again sometime, maybe soon," he promises as he takes hisleave, careful to inspect our other two roomies who are suddenly shyly actingthe coquettes. "Congratulations, Cindy!" he yells, before slamming the door.

"Thank you, Sir!" she yells back, all smiles.

I nod respectfully as he leaves, my pussy still throbbing as it has beenall night long.

"He said there's an opening. At my work. Could mean extra money. You reallymade quite an impression!" Cindy idly comments as she returns to laze in ourbed.

I resist the urge to rub my privates in front of her. What a difference afew hours make in the way we act around other people…around other girls. "Ohreally? What's the job?"

"Senior Secretary."

"Like you?"

"Not exactly," she replies with barely concealed glee. "I was promoted…thismorning. On the basis of my performance…last night. To PA!!!!" she shrieks.

I smile weakly. "Congratulations," I mumble.

"That means I'll need a girl to replace me. To work UNDER me," she adds significantly. "Itmeans a twenty dollar a week raise."

I nod.

"And if you're a VERY GOOD GIRL, we might talk about loosening that beltof yours…"

"Yes—" I want to say Cindy, stop myself. "Yes Ma'am. I'll give noticefirst thing Monday morning."

My pussy throbs. Mr. Jensen. Cindy. Mr. Jensen. Cindy. The rent. The belt.

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Motherless Scat

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Watching Thea

Her head had been on the brink of falling onto my shoulder for the past 15 minutes. Every time, I thought I’d feel her soft locks brush against my skin, the train would rattle and she roused herself up again. It was torture. I could clearly see she could barely muster the energy to sit up straight again, and I could no longer bear the torture of anticipating the sensations to come and still not feel her on my shoulder. I couldn’t help but let out an exasperated sigh when the train suddenly...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
2 years ago
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Enjoying Gunthers attention

I had met Gunther while attending a boring conference out of town.Of course my beloved hubby had not been there for sure.He was a young athletic Austrian guy, handsome and muscled. A real gentleman, but I felt he had a dark past and I wanted to know it…Now Gunther was in town and my hubby was out; so I agreed to meet him at a local pub, I knew it was not the sort of place I would normally go with a man on my first date; but I did not care about it…I decided to wear my tightest black leather...

2 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

3 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

1 year ago
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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 4

Anna introduced Ethel to her father, Jonas Strong, when they met him in Wilsonville. Jonas was owner and manager of the bank and was a pillar of the community. He was surprised to see a woman dressed as Ethel was, but was completely taken by her when he found out that she had saved his daughter's life. He was impressed by any woman who had the gumption to be a gunfighter, and he was further impressed by the way she was armed. Jonas wanted to get to know Ethel better, so he and Anna stayed...

2 years ago
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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 5

Ethel developed a really great liking for Adam Strong in the week she spent visiting them. He did not exactly remind her of her dead husband, Archy, but he had a lot of the same characteristics that she had loved in Archy. His main attraction, though, was that he let her be her. Adam did not try to change her to fit some sort of "ideal woman" in his eyes. Ethel hated to leave at the end of her week's visit, but she knew that she had to if she was ever going to satisfy her vendetta against...

1 year ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Jake Peters and I watched the lady friends of Lynette Peters as they played cards at the kitchen table. Jake's comments about Betty, and how he wouldn't mind a roll in the hay with her, surprised me. Jake always dated girls around his own age. Betty was probably in her mid to late thirties. She was pretty, blond and sported a curvy figure. Not overweight, comfy would be the best description. I did notice that she was eyeing us up a bit more than the other women were.   But first a brief...

4 years ago
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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 6

The next afternoon, Ethel, Hester, and Anna rode into Wilsonville. Ethel had her horse, but the other two ladies were riding in a carriage driven by Anna. Ethel was planning to open her bank account and stay over to play poker, but the other two were going to do some shopping and return home in time for supper. They met Jonas for dinner (lunch to you damyankees) and had a very nice meal at the hotel restaurant. Of course, it was not up to what Hester could and would fix, but it was still...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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